J.T. Colby & Company, Inc. et al v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 126

DECLARATION of Partha P. Chattoraj in Opposition re: 104 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Ipicturebooks LLC, J.Boyston & Company, J.T. Colby & Company, Inc., Publishers LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54, # 55 Exhibit 55, # 56 Exhibit 56, # 57 Exhibit 57, # 58 Exhibit 58, # 59 Exhibit 59, # 60 Exhibit 60, # 61 Exhibit 61, # 62 Exhibit 62, # 63 Exhibit 63, # 64 Exhibit 64, # 65 Exhibit 65, # 66 Exhibit 66, # 67 Exhibit 67, # 68 Exhibit 68, # 69 Exhibit 69, # 70 Exhibit 70, # 71 Exhibit 71, # 72 Exhibit 72, # 73 Exhibit 73, # 74 Exhibit 74, # 75 Exhibit 75, # 76 Exhibit 76, # 77 Exhibit 77, # 78 Exhibit 78, # 79 Exhibit 79, # 80 Exhibit 80, # 81 Exhibit 81, # 82 Exhibit 82, # 83 Exhibit 83, # 84 Exhibit 84, # 85 Exhibit 85, # 86 Exhibit 86, # 87 Exhibit 87, # 88 Exhibit 88, # 89 Exhibit 89, # 90 Exhibit 90, # 91 Exhibit 91, # 92 Exhibit 92, # 93 Exhibit 93, # 94 Exhibit 94, # 95 Exhibit 95, # 96 Exhibit 96, # 97 Exhibit 97, # 98 Exhibit 98, # 99 Exhibit 99, # 100 Exhibit 100, # 101 Exhibit 101, # 102 Exhibit 102, # 103 Exhibit 103, # 104 Exhibit 104 Part 1, # 105 Exhibit 104 Part 2, # 106 Exhibit 104 Part 3, # 107 Exhibit 104 Part 4, # 108 Exhibit 104 Part 5, # 109 Exhibit 104 Part 6, # 110 Exhibit 104 Part 7, # 111 Exhibit 105, # 112 Exhibit 106, # 113 Exhibit 107, # 114 Exhibit 108, # 115 Exhibit 109, # 116 Exhibit 110, # 117 Exhibit 111, # 118 Exhibit 112, # 119 Exhibit 113, # 120 Exhibit 114, # 121 Exhibit 115, # 122 Exhibit 116, # 123 Exhibit 117, # 124 Exhibit 118, # 125 Exhibit 119)(Chattoraj, Partha)

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EXIDBIT 12 I I i CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -----------------------------X J.T. COLBY & COMPANY, INC. d/b/a BRICK TOWER PRESS, J. BOYLSTON & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS LLC and IPICTUREBOOKS, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. APPLE I INC . No. 11-cv-4060 I Defendant. -----------------------------x CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 30(b) (6) JOHN T. COLBY, JR. New York, New York Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:20 a.m. Reported by: Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, CRR, CLR Ref: 7845 TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 124 1 Confidential-Colby 2 asked in these interrogatories for 3 information regard to the advertising 4 expenditures relating to such books, correct? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And in response in addition to 7 asserting objections, your -- plaintiffs 8 responded by saying that it produced Excel 9 spreadsheets; isn't that true? 10 MR. CHATTORAJ: 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Okay. Objection. And in the verification to 13 the interrogatories it states that -- that 14 you have read the foregoing plaintiffs 15 responses to the second set of 16 interrogatories of defendant Apple, that he 17 knows the contents thereof of the Microsoft 18 Excel spreadsheets provided there with as 19 exhibits A, B and C; and that you furnished 20 the factual information set forth therein. 21 Do you see that? 22 A. I do, that's what it says. 23 Q. What factual information did you 24 furnish in order to create the Excel 25 spreadsheets? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 125 1 Confidential-Colby 2 MR. CHATTORAJ: 3 A. Objection. I provided the sales in dollars and 4 units of each title under iBooks and 5 ipicturebooks imprints that's requested by 6 defendant. 7 Q. How did you obtain that 8 information? MR. CHATTORAJ: 9 Objection. 10 A. What do you mean "How"? 11 Q. Did you refer to a document that 12 contained the sales information? 13 A. No. 14 Q. Well, where did you get the 15 information from? 16 A. From computer files. 17 Q. Okay. 18 What computer files did you look at that contain this information? 19 A. Information on the spreadsheet? 20 Q. Yes. 21 A. There ARE three basic computer 22 files that contain the information. 23 Q. What are their names? 24 A. Tr.trans, roitrans, ipicturebooks, 25 T-R-R-0-I, iBooks, and T-R, dot, I-M-F, 3 TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 126 1 2 Confidential-Colby T-R-I-F. 3 Q. Are these files on the hard drive? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. If I wanted to find these files on 6 7 the hard drive, where would I look? A. You would look in a folder called 8 Trade 3 within an application called Brick 9 Tower Press, MP. 10 Q. 11 that folder? 12 A. Oh, yes. 13 Q. Is there anything else in that 14 folder? 15 A. Oh, yes. 16 Q. How will I know -- and are these 17 Excel files? 18 A. Are all three of those documents in Yes, they are. MS. CENDALI: 19 And by the way, Lisa 20 21 . Widup, trademark counsel for Apple has also joined the deposition remotely. 22 Q. The information in these files 23 contains numbers and -- numbers of units and 24 sales information, right? 25 A. Of what? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo@TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 127 Confidential-Colby 1 2 3 Q. Of books sold under the iBooks and ipicturebooks marks, correct? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. Where was that information derived? MR. CHATTORAJ: 6 Objection. 7 A. All of our distributors. 8 Q. What are the -- you're talking 9 about you looked at three spreadsheets, Excel 10 spreadsheets that were in your hard drive; is 11 that right? 12 A. No. 13 Q. I just asked you where you obtained 14 the factual information used to create 15 exhibits A, B and C? MR. CHATTORAJ: 16 Objection. 17 A. Right. 18 Q. And you referred to three 19 spreadsheets; isn't that right? 20 A. I did. 21 Q. Okay. So where did the 22 spreadsheets get the information about the 23 sales? Where are the underlying documents? 24 25 MR. CHATTORAJ: A. Objection. There are additional computer TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 128 1 2 3 Confidential-Colby files. Q. Please tell me all computer files 4 that you used and relied on in order to 5 provide the information reflected on exhibits 6 A, B and C to your Interrogatory Responses? MR. CHATTORAJ: 7 8 9 10 A. Objection. Well, we start out with the we•re going backwards. I'm not sure whether to go backwards or to go forwards. 11 When we acquired the assets, we 12 contacted, as you indicated earlier, 13 different distributors, and we asked them to 14 transfer the -- our -- substitute our 15 information for the older entities. 16 sent us sales information, each distributor 17 and there were maybe 15 different 18 distributors that sent sales information in a 19 computer filed format, usually either a comma 20 separated value format, an Excel spreadsheet 21 format or a tab separated file. 22 are probably hundreds of them. 23 Q. They And there So dealing with the era where Byron 24 Preiss and -- well, dealing with the sales of 25 products bearing the mark iBooks, those have TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 129 Confidential-Colby 1 2 been made prior to your purchase of the asset 3 of the company iBooks, Inc., correct? MR. CHATTORAJ: 4 Objection. 5 A. No. 6 Q. What company made the sales? 7 A. Initially Simon & Schuster, then 9 Q. Those were the distributors though. 10 A. They're the ones who made the 8 11 12 PGW. sales. Q. Did your -- did Byron Preiss sell 13 the books to Simon & Schuster and the 14 distributors? 15 A. No. 16 Q. What documents exist that show what 17 the sales were that were made by Simon & 18 Schuster? 19 A. A spreadsheet called i-wks05.xls. 20 Q. And what period of time does that 21 cover? 22 A. 1999 through 2005. 23 Q. And was this spreadsheet provided 24 25 directly by Simon & Schuster? A. Directly to whom? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com II CONFIDENTIAL Page 130 1 Confidential-Colby 2 MR. CHATTORAJ: Objection. 3 Q. To your companies? 4 A. No. 5 Q. What information did Simon & 6 Schuster provide? MR. CHATTORAJ: 7 Objection. 8 A. Zero. 9 Q. So it didn't provide you with any 10 documents? 11 A. Not Simon & Schuster. 12 Q. Okay. You have a spreadsheet that 13 you're using to respond to plaintiffs' 14 interrogatories. 15 witness. 16 know the contents of the spreadsheets and you 17 furnished the factual information set forth 18 therein. You're the 30(b) (6) You testified under oath that you Right? 19 A. That's true. 20 Q. Okay. Where did you get the 21 information with regard to sales of books 22 during the time before your acquisition of 23 the assets? 24 25 MR. CHATTORAJ: A. Objection. From which distributor? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 131 Confidential-Colby 1 2 Q. From anyone. 3 A. It varies, the bankruptcy trustee 4 5 provided me with the information. Q. Okay. Could you tell me the Bates 6 numbers of all the information that you 7 relied on to create the spreadsheets in 8 exhibits A, B and C? MR. CHATTORAJ: 9 Objection. 10 A. I can't do that, no. 11 Q. Can you tell me the names of the 12 documents of -- that you relied on to create 13 the spreadsheets A, B and C? 14 A. Most of them, yes. 15 Q. Please do. 16 A. There was the ones I previously 17 mentioned. The underlying documents for 18 those were from a file called raw eBook 19 trans, and the other file was I think raw PGW 20 trans, but it's got the name PGW in it. 21 You've got all the stuff on the hard drive. 22 And the third document I previously mentioned 23 through Simon & Schuster, the i-wks05.xls 24 document and that too was provided on the 25 hard drive, as well as the flash drive. TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com .• CONFIDENTIAL Page 132 Confidential-Colby 1 Where -- if I wanted to find these Q. 2 3 three files on the hard drive, where would I 4 look? MR. CHATTORAJ: 5 6 Where is -- Q. MS. CENDALI: 7 8 9 Objection. Objection. The easiest way to do a search is A. "wks" and it pops up. 10 Q. Are they in a folder? 11 A. If they're provided on a flash 12 drive, no. I didn't provide the flash drive 13 to you. 14 believe I put it in a folder on the flash 15 drive. 16 be in a folder, probably Simon & Schuster 17 sales data. 18 Q. My attorneys provided it. I don't The wks file on the hard drive should Okay. What I'm trying to find out 19 is you mentioned these computer files. 20 these computer files documents that were 21 obtained from the distributors of the books? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. Are And does that include files 24 obtained from Simon & Schuster reflecting 25 sales made by them? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 133 Confidential-Colby 1 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. And what document reflects the 4 Simon & Schuster sales? 5 A. I-wks05.xls. 6 Q. So -- and you claim that these 7 documents were obtained after you acquired 8 the assets, you wrote to the distributors and 9 you asked them to give you summaries of the 10 sales figures; is that right? MR. CHATTORAJ: 11 Objection. 12 A. Not completely, no. 13 Q. What's wrong about it? 14 A. Some of the information came from 15 the trustee and some of the information came 16 from the distributors. Q. 17 Okay. Did any of the information 18 used to create exhibits A, B and C come from 19 the preexisting business records of iBooks, 20 Inc.? 21 A. No. 22 Q. What information did you obtain 23 from the trustee? MR. CHATTORAJ: 24 25 A. Objection. 350 boxes of information. TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 134 1 2 Confidential-Colby Q. Let me be more specific. What 3 information did you obtain from the trustee 4 that you used to create exhibits A, B and C? MR. CHATTORAJ: 5 Objection. 6 A. The wks file. 7 Q. Anything else? 8 A. No. 9 Q. Are there in existence 10 contemporaneous sales records, such as 11 invoices and the like, showing what the 12 actual sales in units and dollars were from 13 1999 through 2006 prior to your acquisition 14 of the assets in December? 15 16 17 18 MR. CHATTORAJ: A. Objection. What do you mean by "contemporaneous"? Q. Ordinary course of business 19 documents that iBooks, Inc. or Byron Preiss 20 Visual Publications would have had that 21 reflected sales information? 22 A. None that I've seen. 23 Q. All right. So turning then to the 24 period post acquisition of the iBooks, of the 25 assets that included iBooks mark, so in other TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 135 1 Confidential-Colby 2 words, post mid-2006 when you acquired the 3 assets of iBooks, Inc. and Byron Preiss 4 Visual Publications, okay, what was the 5 source for the information contained in 6 exhibits A, B and C of that information? MR. CHATTORAJ: 7 Objection. The sales records from its 8 A. 9 distributor. 10 Q. You didn't need to post 11 acquisition, write to each distributor and 12 say please give me copies of the sales 13 records, correct? MR. CHATTORAJ: 14 Objection. 15 A. No. 16 Q. So do you obtain monthly or 17 quarterly sales records from distributors? 18 A. I'm sorry. 19 Q. Do obtain them? 20 A. Obtain them, yes. 21 Q. How often do you receive reports Do I retain them? 22 from distributors? Again, relating to sales 23 of iBooks imprint products? 24 A. After the acquisition? 25 Q. Correct. TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 136 Confidential-Colby 1 2 A. Each distributor is different. Not 3 most of them are pretty good, I get them once 4 a month. 5 so I get them once every 3 months. 6 distributors don't send them to me at all, I 7 have to go after them to get them. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. Some distributors are not so good, Some What distributors have you used to distribute iBooks' products since you acquired the assets in mid-2006, December? A. Which-- I'm sorry, which distributors? Q. With regard specifically to 14 describing iBooks' products in the United 15 States? 16 A. PGW, NBN and Lightning Source. 17 Q. So there are only three 18 distributors of iBooks' products since you 19 acquired the assets in mid-2006; is that 20 correct? 21 A. That's a lot of distributors. 22 Q. And -- but not 15? 23 A. You're talking about the print 24 books only? 25 Q. What distributors -- so did you -- TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 137 1 Confidential-Colby 2 do underlying records exist showing in a 3 contemporaneous fashion what the sales 4 figures actually were in the post 5 mid-December 2006 period to the present for 6 iBooks' products? MR. CHATTORAJ: 7 8 9 10 A. I'm sorry. Objection. Let me just understand the question. Q. As opposed to a spreadsheet that 11 may have a summary of information, does there 12 exist monthly or quarterly documents from 13 distributors that report on sales of books 14 using the iBooks imprint? 15 A. There are computer files. 16 Q. And are these computer files 17 generated by your company or are these 18 computer files sent to you by the 19 distributors? 20 A. They're all sent to me by the 21 distributors. 22 Q. Okay. How would I find, if I 23 wanted to, the documents that were sent to 24 you by the distributors since you've acquired 25 the assets? TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com CONFIDENTIAL Page 138 Confidential-Colby 1 2 A. How do you find them where? 3 Q. On the hard drive. 4 A. You would go to the trade 3 folder, 5 look under a folder called "distributors" and 6 they're listed as each distributor, and then 7 within each distributor folder there are any 8 sales information from that distributor. 9 Also there is a folder called I think sales 10 reporting or sales history, that appears 11 under the "distribution" folder, and that too 12 would contain the sales information from the 13 distributor. 14 Q. Did you personally create the 15 spreadsheets, A, B and C that were provided 16 with the Interrogatory Responses? 17 A. I gave them to my attorney. 18 Q. Did you give your attorneys the 19 underlying data or did you give your 20 attorneys the completed spreadsheets? 21 A. I gave them the completed 22 spreadsheets. 23 Q. 24 25 Okay. (Defendant's Exhibit 76, CD labeled, "Plaintiffs' Responses and TransPerfect Legal Solutions 212-400-8845 Depo®TransPerfect.com

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