J.T. Colby & Company, Inc. et al v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 172

DECLARATION of Mary Mazzello in Opposition re: 77 MOTION to Preclude the Testimony of Defendant's Rebuttal Expert Witness Stephen M. Nowlis., 73 MOTION to Preclude the Testimony of Defendant's Expert Witness E. Deborah Jay.. Document filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Tab - Colby Dep, # 6 Tab - Jacoby Dep, # 7 Tab - Jay Dep, # 8 Tab - McDonald Dep, # 9 Tab - Nowlis Dep)(Cendali, Dale)

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1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -----------------------------X J.T. COLBY & COMPANY, INC., d/b/a BRICK TOWER PRESS, J. BOYLSTON & COMPANY PUBLISHERS LLC and IPICTUREBOOKS LLC, Plaintiffs, vs. No. 11-cv-4060 (DLC) APPLE, INC., Defendant. -----------------------------X VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF E. DEBORAH JAY, Ph.D, taken by Plaintiffs, pursuant to Agreement, at the offices of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, on Friday, November 30, 2012, commencing at 9:45 a.m., before Chandra D. Brown, a Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public within and for the State of New York. Job No: 27813 66 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 received permission or approval to put out that 3 product. 4 Q And how about affiliation confusion? 5 A I believe, as measured in an Eveready 6 format, that they would believe that two 7 products are -- come from the same source, that 8 the makers, or the source of two products is 9 related or they come from -- so if you go to 10 the classic -- I ask the classic question, 11 sometimes described as the gold Standard, the 12 question in the Eveready where you ask 13 respondents were shown, I think they were lamps 14 and mini light bulbs, or actually two surveys 15 in the Union Carbide case, and they were asked 16 to name any other products put out by the 17 concern that put out the product that they were 18 shown. 19 So that's effectively the same question 20 that I asked to find out whether there was an 21 affiliation. 22 Union Carbide, and supplemented them with an 23 additional question which Professor McCarthy 24 sometimes refers to as the standard format 25 where you augment the Union Carbide formulation So I asked the questions asked in DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 67 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 with one additional question about approval or 3 sponsorship. 4 permission or approval is an easier term, are 5 easier terms for respondents to understand. And I believe certainly But, effectively, the approach I did 6 7 blends the well-established, repeatedly 8 reaffirmed formulation from the Union Carbide 9 case and augments it with an additional 10 question which Professor McCarthy describes as 11 the standard format for likelihood of confusion 12 surveys. 13 Q 14 affiliation is really almost product 15 affiliation, affiliation of the one product 16 with some other brand or product? So is it your understanding, then, that MS. CENDALI: 17 Objection to form. 18 Objection. 19 A 20 come from the same source and, therefore, they 21 are affiliated. 22 credited in the Union Carbide: 23 from the same source as "Murder Through the 24 Ages"; do iPods come from the same source as 25 "The Stars My Destination." No. The issue is whether two products And that was the formulation Do iPads come DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 130 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 her survey on an iPhone, for example, which 3 would lead to an impermissible side-by-side 4 comparison. 5 know the answers to those questions. 6 Q 7 used? 8 A 9 Complaint specifically said that the books But I don't know, I just don't How did you select the stimuli that you In part based on the Complaint. So the 10 listed a number of books and indicated that 11 they were sold, or a number of -- I think the 12 Complaint talked about over a thousand 13 paperback and hardback books, and that they are 14 sold on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble website. 15 I actually tried to find some of the 16 titles listed in the Complaint in various 17 bookstores and could not find them. 18 great book store in Menio Park, if you're ever 19 there, Kepler's, a fabulous book store. 20 There's also Books, Inc. 21 different bookstores, to the extent there were 22 brick-and-mortar bookstores, and was not able 23 to find -- I looked for the titles and -- but 24 what I was aware of is that the books were sold 25 on Amazon and -- on the Amazon website and the There is a I went to a number of DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 131 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 3 Barnes & Noble website. So then I did various searches actually 4 with the iBooks and various permutations of the 5 imprint. 6 most hits, as it were, on the capital "I", 7 lowercase "books," Inc., and then all lowercase 8 "ibooks incorporated," and so -- and I also 9 sorted -- if you do searches on the various And then I -- so I saw that I got the 10 websites, you can sort -- after you search on 11 iBooks, for example, or iBooks Inc., you can 12 sort by relevant popularity, best seller. 13 So among the iBooks imprint, books that 14 have the iBooks imprint, I was looking for 15 popular books and books that were, as I said, 16 not necessarily bestsellers in the publishing 17 industry, but bestsellers among the books that 18 plaintiffs published. 19 So I did those searches, plus I also -- so 20 these books, at the time that I did the survey, 21 were among the most popular or the bestsellers 22 among those books published by plaintiffs. 23 They used the imprint the same way it was used 24 in the Complaint or the way it was used most 25 often on those websites. And, in fact, one of DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 132 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 the books was a book that was mentioned in the 3 Complaint. 4 Yakubowski or Jakubowski, "Murder Through the 5 Ages, and his anthology was specifically 6 mentioned in the Complaint. I don't know whether it's So I considered a lot of factors, but the 7 8 most important was to show the book, how it 9 is -- appears when it's -- when you're deciding 10 whether to purchase it on either the Barnes & 11 Noble or on the Amazon websites. 12 Q 13 be? Is it an advertisement, an offer of sale; 14 15 What would you describe your stimulus to is there a noun that you would use? MS. CENDALI: 16 Objection. 17 A 18 point of purchase when you're purchasing a book 19 on the Internet from the Amazon or the Barnes & 20 Noble website. 21 the point of purchase. 22 Q 23 24 25 It's exactly what you would see at the That's what you would see at Okay. In your -- in the instructions in your study, I think you describe it as a web page. Is that right? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 142 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 people who purchased digital books tend to be 3 purchasers of a lot of books, and the majority 4 of them also purchase hardback and paperback 5 books. 6 be virtually the same had they been showed a 7 web page for a digital book. 8 9 And the stimulus they would see would I do find it completely unsupported that Professor Jacoby claims that somehow purchasers 10 of digital books would be more likely to be 11 confused, because it doesn't appear that he's 12 read a lot about readers of digital books. 13 Research Center has done extensive research, 14 and people who read digital books read more 15 books, on average, and they tend to purchase 16 and read books in multiple forms and not just 17 single forms. 18 PEW So if I were to hypothesize, I would say 19 that readers of digital books are more 20 sophisticated. 21 certainly includes people who read digital 22 books because the majority of people who read 23 digital books also purchased hardcover and 24 softcover books. 25 they would be thinking about books, it's clear And, regardless, my universe And so to the extent that DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 144 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 hardcover or softcover books. How about the converse; have you seen data 3 4 showing what the percentage of people who buy 5 hardcover and softcover books, what percentage 6 of those also buy digital books? 7 A 8 buying books. 9 have shown that about 72 percent of adults You can just look at the universe for And I believe the recent surveys 10 purchased a hardcover or softcover book in the 11 last 12 months. 12 hardcover and softcover books. 13 17 percent of adults purchased digital books. 14 And based on data I've seen, is about 15 two-thirds of the people who purchase digital 16 books have also, or read softcover and 17 hardcover books. 18 So there's a large market for About But if you're going to the universe of 19 book buyers, no question, the largest universe 20 for books are people who buy hardcover and 21 softcover books. 22 hardcover and softcover books do not buy 23 digital books, but most people who buy digital 24 books also buy hardcover and softcover books. 25 So many people who buy So to the extent the universe includes DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 145 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 people who buy hardcover and softcover books, 3 it would include people who buy digital books. 4 A lot of people would not buy digital books, 5 but that's merely because that's what the 6 universe is. 7 to the majority of people who buy books in the 8 United States, it is hardcover and softcover 9 books. If you want to project your data Interestingly, if -- purchasers of 10 11 digital, or people who have Apple products were 12 more apt to be confused. 13 some differences by age, but yet young people 14 were no more apt to mention Apple or an Apple 15 product than were middle-aged adults and, 16 rather than saying "older," let's just say 17 mature adults, and that difference simply did 18 not exist. I would have expected So I think I am ready for a break now. 19 20 Q Just one final question. 21 A Sure. 22 Q The PEW data, is that referenced anyplace 23 in your report? 24 A 25 No. It's not referenced in my report. I am a reader of PEW data. As I testified DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 153 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 books were the bestsellers, you used sales data 3 from Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com respectively 4 for each stimulus? 5 A 6 a sort based on bestseller, yes. 7 Q 10 Okay. On your stimuli, you never called 8 9 Well, however they determined when you do respondents' attention to the iBooks name, did you? 11 MS. CENDALI: Objection. 12 You can answer. 13 A 14 didn't focus respondents' attention on any 15 particular part of the page. 16 recall from the Louie Vuitton-Gucci case, that 17 a survey was specifically excluded in the 18 Second Circuit where -- no, it was not Gucci -- 19 Louie Vuitton-Dooney & Burke, where the survey 20 done by, I believe, Mr. Reitter, R-E-I-T-T-E-R, 21 where the ad showed respondents a Coach purse, 22 pointed at the name, and then asked who made or 23 put out the purse. 24 considered by Judge Schiendlin. 25 As is proper in a trademark survey, we As you might That was excluded -- was If my memory is correct, it's been a long DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 154 1 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 2 day, but I believe that that would be entirely 3 inappropriate. 4 survey in a trademark like confusion, 5 respondents' attention on any particular 6 portion of the product, of a label, of a page. 7 You do not focus, when you do a Rather, as we instructed, and I want to 8 get the instructions clear, we said we wanted 9 to show respondents a page in Instruction C. 10 I'm looking at deposition Exhibit 1, and it's 11 Appendix B. 12 So we showed respondents the page. We 13 asked people -- we told people: 14 going to show you concerns a book sold on the 15 Amazon.com website. 16 the keyboard or mouse to look at or browse this 17 page the way you normally do when you are 18 deciding whether to buy a book. 19 The page I'm We told respondents to use We told them to take as long as they would 20 like to look at or browse this page, and then 21 we told them we were asking them questions 22 about the book described on the page. 23 So we did not direct respondents' 24 attention to the top of the paper, the bottom 25 of page, any particular portion of the page. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 155 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 We allowed respondents to look at or browse the 3 page the way they normally do when they are 4 deciding whether to buy a book. To do otherwise would be leading, would be 5 6 inappropriate, would be a reading test, and it 7 has been -- such methodologies would be 8 inappropriate. 9 marketplace. You want to replicate the 10 Q 11 "I would like to ask you a few questions about 12 the book described on the page," and then it 13 goes on. 14 In Instruction J, the instruction reads: Did you consider that instruction -- did 15 you consider a version of that instruction 16 perhaps that would have simply read: 17 would like to ask you a few questions about the 18 page from the Amazon.com website? 19 Now I It seems as though your other instructions 20 reference the page. And here, plainly the word 21 "page" is there as well. 22 with that. 23 asking a few questions about the book. 24 the first time in the instructions that you 25 kind of bring respondents in to the book I'm not quibbling But you describe the questions as This is DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 164 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 companies named their camels Niles. 3 different than the current case. 4 That's same case. It's not the Apple does not publish digital books, and 5 6 Apple does not publish hardcover or softcover 7 books, and I am not aware that plaintiffs make 8 computers or software for e-readers that allows 9 you to create or modify books. 10 Q Your testimony, however, was that it's 11 never proper or appropriate, no matter what the 12 products or what the context, to focus 13 respondents' attention on a particular element 14 of the stimulus. 15 Wasn't that right? 16 MS. CENDALI: Objection. 17 A I don't remember my exact testimony. I 18 know the last question in this survey, I asked 19 people -- I've only done that once, I've never 20 done it again that I can recall -- what the 21 name Niles means to you. 22 it was the name of the product. 23 focus people on anything when I asked the 24 source, sponsorship, or affiliation questions 25 in that survey, and I didn't do it in the And people said that But I did not DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 165 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 3 survey in this case. So I was talking about the source, 4 sponsor, and affiliation questions that are the 5 standard questions that I normally ask. 6 ask and I didn't find the information 7 particularly useful in that case. 8 certainly after that case there was the Louie 9 Vuitton-Dooney & Burke case. 10 I did And And so, again, pointing at the name on the 11 product was considered inappropriate. 12 not -- I don't recall doing that since. 13 regardless, when I asked the source, sponsor, 14 and affiliation, I don't remember all the exact 15 questions I asked, I did not ask, when I asked 16 people who made or put out the product, ask 17 them to look at any particular part of the 18 product. 19 I have But And when I showed respondent the name 20 Niles, it was on the animal itself. Unlike 21 showing the name e-books, that's not on any -- 22 or iBooks -- on any product whatsoever. 23 the last question was not the source, sponsor, 24 or affiliation question that -- it's different 25 because it's a different product, and there the But DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 166 E.D. Jay - 11/30/12 1 2 issue really related to whether Niles was the 3 name of the camel or the source of the camel. 4 And clearly the source, sponsor, and 5 affiliation questions did not focus respondents 6 on the name Niles in that survey. 7 entirely consistent with the way I have asked 8 the source, sponsor, and affiliation questions 9 in this case, and in other cases that have been And it was 10 credited in Lanham Act cases. 11 Q 12 of your testimony in Peaceable Planet, which is 13 Exhibit 6. 14 If I could call your attention to Page 15 And also, just so the record is clear, it 15 seems to me that this is actually your direct 16 examination in court. 17 deposition but appears to be part of the court 18 transcript. 19 that. 20 So this is not a Just so the record is clear on MS. CENDALI: Do we think this was from 21 2001, or you don't have a date for the court 22 testimony? 23 24 25 MS. BOGDANOS: I do not have a date for the court testimony. MS. CENDALI: But it says -- do you think DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585

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