Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc. v. Rolex Deli Corp. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Ali Mohamad, Rolex Deli Corp. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 465401024882)Document filed by Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2)(ft)

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EXHIBIT 1 1iA'ni'llWWRJ!1liES,E ~BJ~jE~1l 9ØNIíMr¿QMtI!~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Offce November 08 2010 . .. ...: THE ATTACHED U.S. TRADEMARK REGISTRATION 101,819 is CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COPY WHICH is IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WITH NOTATIONS OF ALL STATUTORY ACTIONS TAKEN THEREON AS'DISCLOSED BY PATENT AND TRADEMARK THE RECORDS OF THE l1NITED STATES OFFICE. REGISTERED Ft:R A TERM OF 20 YEARS FROM January 12,1915 .;" .;. :,' 5th RENEWAL FOR A TERM OF 10 YEARS FROM January 12,2005 SECTION 8 & 15 REPUBLISHED SECTION 12C SAID RECORDS SHOW TITLE TO BE IN: ROLEX WATCH U.S.A. INC. A NEW YORK CORPORATION By Authority of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Offce ~/~~ P.R. GRANT Certifying Offcer "t . .'~' Into CI,; 14 Pror U.s. CI 27 Re No. 101,819 Unite State Patet and Trademak Offce Regte JaD 12 1915 10 Yea Re, Reewa TeriBeg Jai,12 19 TREM PRICIAL REISTER ~ ROLEX ROLE WATC U.s.A. INC. (NW YORK CORPORATION) 665 P1 AVE NEW YORK NY 100 BY CHGB OF NM AN ASSIGNM FROM ABOLB S. A. (SWI COM. PANY BJENN Swr OWNR OP SWER..ND IU. NO. 34~1, DATED 10-7"1913. FORi WATCH. CLS, PARTS OP WATC AN CLCKS. AN 'J CA,IN C~SS i7 (I. CL. 14). FIST USE C)1912; IN COMMCE 0-1912SEl NO. 71-078,90, PIBO 6-8-1914. f ., in tesimony whereof I have hel'unto set my hand and caused the sea7 01 The Patent and Trademark Offic to be qjed on Nov. 8. 1994. I::.~ COMMSSIONER OF PATENT AN TREMAS .r ' ,'; .:p, ii 'oc l . Renewed . tó '. . ,0 . Aegler, S.A. ~ Fab'rique (fes Mantres Rolex & Gruen .Guild A,' a corporation of Swi tz~.rland. .' . . " UNTED STATES PATENT, OFFIOE.'. " " AEGLER S. A., OF' lJIENN, SWITZERLAN:P. TiiDE.:MARX FOR WATOHES, CLOOKS, PARTS OF'WATOHES AND CLOOKS, AN THEm OAES. Reg1stei'ed~an.12, 1915. 101,819. .&pplioat1on f1.1ed June 8, 1914. Serliil'o. 78,904. 'S'J,A'J:E:M:ENIJTo aU whom it may aoncern: . in the busines of the said compaiy' since Be it lmown thnt AEGLER S. A., ii com. the' year 1912.' . , . . lJanyand locatedi!L Biannei.w1tzerlnnd,Swiss The ti'ade ~l1ark packages contiiinng sae aw, registered in S~ritzerliina under do- the goods or to the is appli~tl or. a!l~ed to ing busines at Rebbêrg works, Höheweg by placing thereon a pl'nted label on which 821md 82~, Bienne,i SWttzerland, h~siidopteçJ tl~etrad~'mo.l'k is shown; it is also stamp'ed 'ii.d .ud the traa.e-mark shown m the .no- directly on the goods. companying Mnwing, for watches, olocks, llarta of watches Ilnd clocks, lind their CRlles,' AEGLER S. A. irL Class 21, Horol()gioal instruments:' HERMAN AEGLERf The trade mark bii bon continuously used .': Direorior. ROLJtX . :o:mOL,A:aATJ:ONCo~~deration o~ Switzerland. Canton and . might be calculate to deceiye j (that said city of Berne ss. ' . ti'aâe ma.rk has been regi~red in S,vitzer- . HimHAN AEGL'En, beÌIR 'duly sworn de- land on the 7th' October 1913 No. 342151)' lJOses and says that he is the director of that the description and drawing preseiited. the cOllpony, the applicant named in the trulY'1'epresent the trade mark sotight to be foi'egoingatatement; that he believes the registered; n.nd that the facsmiles show the' foregoing stntement is true; that he believes tric1e mark us IlCtually used .l!pon the goods. .the said compony is the owner of the trade ' . HERMA AEGLER. . murk sought to be registered; that no other ,. . . pel'80n,. firm, corporation or asociation, to SubBCri~ed and awoi'l to before me this the best .of his knowledge and belief, baa 20th day .of May, 1914:. . . . . . ,.the use said trade mark. in the (L.S.)' . GEO..HEIMOD, . Urtited State, .either in the identical form Oo'1l of the' United States of'.A1Taa at.. . (ii' in (\ny such near resembla:ace tbereto as Bern, Switz,erllJnò,. '. . . 'fl1bffloJl, D. fh" .' . . Oopte. of iiii. ttaii~.~.rk maT be obtafied tor ATe cents eaoh,.b7 addrc&~iilf th~ "09mm1S11olier 9r Pl\t~ll". "i

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