Capitol Records, LLC v. Redigi Inc.

Filing 329

DECLARATION of Richard S. Mandel in Support re: 319 MOTION for Attorney Fees .. Document filed by Capitol Christian Music Group, Inc., Capitol Records, LLC, Virgin Records IR Holdings, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B).(Mandel, Richard)

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EXHIBIT A Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions CITY NATIONAL BANK 400 Park Ave, 21st Fl., New York, NY 10022 Acct No.: 665088073 ABA No.: 026013958; Swift Code: CINAUS6L August 6, 2012 Invoice# 190241 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 07/31/2012 EMI Music 150 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011 Attn: Alasdair J. McMullan, Esq. ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated July 5, 2012 Payments received since last invoice $163,705.65 26,777.46 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 07/02/2012 RSM $136,928.19 Hours 2.00 1,000.00 07/03/2012 RSM 1.00 500.00 07/05/2012 RSM 4.00 2,000.00 29503 EMI Music 07/06/2012 RSM 07/07/2012 07/09/2012 RSM RSM 07/10/2012 RSM 07/11/2012 RSM 07/12/2012 RSM Invoice# 190241 Reviewed cite check to reargument opposition brief; revised, finalized and executed reargument opposition brief; arranging for filing of same; drafted letter to Court re enclosing courtesy copy of opposition brief on reargument; email to opposing counsel re same; conferences with J. King re settlement, summary judgment; begin drafting Rule 56.1 statement; outlining and begin drafting summary judgment brief; conference with J. King and S. Ceresia re research issues for brief Drafting summary judgment brief Conferences with J. King re summary judgment motion; conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on permanent injunctions, judicial admissions; legal research re follow up on Usenet volitional conduct analysis for direct infringement; drafting summary judgment brief; letter to opposing counsel enclosing original Ossenmacher deposition transcript Conferences with J. King re miscellaneous summary judgment issues; reviewed T. Kjellberg draft section on reproduction right; revising and incorporating same in draft brief; drafting and revising summary judgment brief; conferences with S. Ceresia re legal research for brief and reviewing same; reviewing legal research on reproduction right Conferences with J. King re issues concerning 56.1 statement and brief; conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on judicial admissions and reviewing same; continued drafting and revising summary judgment brief; conference call with J. King and D. Jacobson re possible use as expert; conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re same; reviewing ReDigi reply brief in support of motion for reconsideration Conferences with J. King re settlement, summary judgment issues; conference call with G. Adelman and J. King re confidentiality issues; conference call with and emails to and from B. Cohen and C. Hall re analyzing information on recordings purchased by users other than C. Hall; revising Hall declaration re same; conference with B. Crawford re legal research for letter to Court on filing motions under seal and reviewing same; reviewing Judge rules and protective order re same; drafted and revised joint letter to Court requesting permission to file summary judgment motions under seal subject to subsequent submissions supporting confidentiality; continued drafting and revising Page 2 3.50 1,750.00 1.00 4.40 500.00 2,200.00 5.80 2,900.00 6.00 3,000.00 5.50 2,750.00 29503 EMI Music 07/13/2012 RSM 07/15/2012 RSM 07/16/2012 Invoice# 190241 summary judgment brief Conference with J. King re reviewing excerpts from Ossenmacher deposition to be incorporated into 56.1 statement; continued drafting and revising summary judgment brief; reviewing legal research re permanent injunctions; conferences with S. Ceresia re legal research for brief; reviewed Judge Sullivan order approving confidentiality procedures; email to and telephone conference with client re same; telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re proof of other purchases of Capitol recordings on ReDigi aside from C. Hall; reviewing documentation re same Reviewing and revising 56.1 statement; reviewing and revising brief; revising McMullan and Hall declarations; conferences with J. King re summary judgment papers; drafting potential brief point on permanent injunction and research re same; email to client enclosing draft summary judgment papers Page 3 5.70 2,850.00 6.60 3,300.00 RSM 4.60 2,300.00 07/17/2012 RSM 3.50 1,750.00 07/18/2012 RSM 3.80 1,900.00 Reviewing excerpts from Rudolph and Ossemacher depositions re cross-referencing deposition exhibits to summary judgment exhibits; conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re revisions to 56.1 statement; reviewing A. McMullan comments re same; revising 56.1 statement and conferences with J. King re same; telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Hall re summary judgment papers; revising brief citations to 56.1 statement; reviewing cite check of brief and conference with S. Ceresia re same; revising summary judgment brief 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 190241 Page 4 per cite check; conferences with N. Chinda re issues concerning assembly of summary judgment papers; conference with J. King re potential amendment to name individual defendants and reviewed email re same 07/19/2012 RSM 4.00 2,000.00 07/20/2012 RSM 3.80 1,900.00 07/23/2012 RSM 3.00 1,500.00 07/24/2012 RSM 2.50 1,250.00 07/25/2012 RSM 3.80 1,900.00 07/26/2012 RSM 3.30 1,650.00 07/27/2012 RSM 4.60 2,300.00 Telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to brief; reviewing, revising and finalizing summary judgment brief; drafted letter to Court enclosing courtesy copies of summary judgment papers; reviewing and finalizing summary judgment papers and arranging for service and filing of same; conferences with M. Noble and N. Chinda re same; brief review of ReDigi summary judgment filing; conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same; conference with B. Crawford re research for motion in support of continued sealing of Capitol confidential information Telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to sealing brief; revised and finalized same and supporting papers; 29503 EMI Music 07/30/2012 RSM 07/31/2012 RSM Invoice# 190241 letter to Judge Sullivan enclosing courtesy copies of sealing papers; arranging for filing of sealing papers; reviewed ReDigi sealing papers; email to client re same; reviewed Public Knowledge request to file amicus brief; reviewed and revised draft response to same and conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same; finalized and sent response to Public Knowledge pre-motion letter; drafting response to ReDigi 56.1 statement; conferences with J. King re same, other summary judgment issues Conference call with D. Jacobson and J. King re reviewing technical issues and possible declaration in opposition to summary judgment motion; continued drafting response to Rule 56.1 statement; conferences with J. King re summary judgment opposition brief and related issues Completed first draft of response to 56.1 statement; telephone conference with and email to A. McMullan re issues concerning Apple agreement references in same; conference call with J. King and D. Jacobson re reviewing possible declaration; reviewed draft outline prepared by D. Jacobson; emails to and from client and conference with J. King re same; drafted Jacobson declaration; drafted Mandel declaration; reviewing and revising draft brief points and conferences with J. King re same; conferences with B. Crawford and J. King re legal research on advisory opinion point Mandel, Richard Page 5 5.80 2,900.00 6.50 3,250.00 94.70 47,350.00 07/03/2012 JZK 2.50 1,187.50 07/03/2012 JZK 1.80 855.00 07/05/2012 JZK 4.00 1,900.00 07/06/2012 JZK 4.40 2,090.00 07/09/2012 JZK 4.00 1,900.00 07/10/2012 JZK 8.50 4,037.50 07/11/2012 JZK 9.50 4,512.50 07/12/2012 JZK 5.00 2,375.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 190241 Page 6 6.00 2,850.00 2.00 4.00 4.50 950.00 1,900.00 2,137.50 JZK 1.00 475.00 07/18/2012 JZK 3.70 1,757.50 07/19/2012 JZK 4.00 1,900.00 07/20/2012 JZK 0.50 237.50 07/24/2012 JZK 2.50 1,187.50 07/25/2012 JZK 4.00 1,900.00 07/26/2012 JZK 3.00 1,425.00 07/26/2012 JZK 9.20 4,370.00 07/27/2012 JZK 6.30 2,992.50 07/13/2012 JZK 07/14/2012 07/15/2012 07/16/2012 JZK JZK JZK 07/17/2012 Revise and edit summary judgment brief. Continue revising and editing summary judgment brief. Revising and editing summary judgment brief; meet with R. Mandel re same. Revising 56.1 and summary judgment brief; phone conference with opposing counsel; meet with R. Mandel re finalizing papers. Review order denying Public Knowledge amicus participation; phone conference with D. Jacobson, software expert, and review draft declaration; meet with R. Mandel re response to ReDigi 56.1 statement and opposition brief; draft various sections of opposition brief; review Jacobson draft. Review of Apple agreement and EULA and emails re same; review Public Knowledge pre-motion letter and draft response and arrange for filing; begin outlining response to summary judgment motion. 29503 07/30/2012 EMI Music JZK 07/03/2012 07/05/2012 TK TK 07/06/2012 07/10/2012 07/13/2012 07/19/2012 TK TK TK TK 06/08/2012 07/09/2012 SPC SPC 07/10/2012 SPC 07/16/2012 SPC 07/18/2012 SPC Invoice# 190241 Page 7 Drafting summary judgment opposition brief; phone conference with D. Jacobson, software expert; conference with R. Mandel re expert issues and opposition brief. King, Jonathan Z. 7.30 3,467.50 97.70 46,407.50 2.80 3.20 1,134.00 1,296.00 3.20 3.30 1.00 0.70 14.20 1,296.00 1,336.50 405.00 283.50 5,751.00 0.50 1.10 130.00 286.00 0.90 234.00 0.30 78.00 2.40 624.00 5.20 1,352.00 Research data migration issue Research fixation/digital first sale issue– review DMCA Section 104 Report, deposition transcripts; confer with JZK Confer with JZK; research “data migration” Draft reproduction segment for SJ brief Research first sale doctrine case law in 2d Circuit Case law research for ReDigi Kjellberg, Thomas Conduct research regarding judicial admissions and regarding permanent injunctions and irreparable harm; compile relevant caselaw and review. Conduct research regarding ignorance of the law and contributory infringement; collect relevant caselaw and review. Conduct research regarding judicial admissions and mixed question of fact/law. Citecheck summary judgment brief; send revisions to R. Mandel. Ceresia, Scott P. 07/12/2012 BAC 1.00 260.00 07/20/2012 BAC 0.20 52.00 07/23/2012 BAC 1.50 390.00 07/24/2012 BAC 2.50 650.00 07/25/2012 BAC 3.50 910.00 07/26/2012 07/27/2012 BAC BAC 0.20 0.10 52.00 26.00 07/31/2012 BAC 4.00 1,040.00 13.00 3,380.00 0.30 63.00 Crawford, Bridget A. 07/06/2012 JMN 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 190241 Page 8 07/20/2012 JMN 2.50 525.00 07/27/2012 JMN 0.60 126.00 3.40 714.00 Noble, J. Martin (Managing Clerk) 07/17/2012 NAC 4.20 903.00 07/18/2012 NAC 4.50 967.50 07/19/2012 NAC 5.00 1,075.00 07/20/2012 NAC 5.40 1,161.00 07/23/2012 NAC 2.00 430.00 07/27/2012 NAC 2.90 623.50 24.00 5,160.00 252.20 $110,114.50 Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 190241 Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $110,114.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice --------------$115,800.20 Plus net balance forward $136,928.19 ---------------Total balance now due $252,728.39 Page 9 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions CITY NATIONAL BANK 400 Park Ave, 21st Fl., New York, NY 10022 Acct No.: 665088073 ABA No.: 026013958; Swift Code: CINAUS6L September 11, 2012 Invoice# 191924 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 08/31/2012 EMI Music 150 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011 Attn: Alasdair J. McMullan, Esq. ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated August 6, 2012 Payments received since last invoice $252,728.39 136,928.19 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $115,800.20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 08/01/2012 RSM Reviewed D. Jacobson draft revisions to declaration; conferences with J. King, telephone conferences with D. Jacobson re same; revising Jacobson declaration; email to and conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re same; emails to and from D. Jacobson; revising response to 56.1 statement to include references to Jacobson declaration; conferences with J. King re opposition brief; drafted letter to Court re adjusting summary judgment schedule and sealing of opposition and reply papers; emails to and from G. Adelman re same 08/02/2012 RSM Reviewed Jacobson revisions to declaration; telephone conference with and emails to and from D. Jacobson re same; emails to and from A. McMullan re same; revising Jacobson declaration; email to Court containing joint letter Hours 4.50 2,250.00 4.50 2,250.00 29503 EMI Music 08/03/2012 RSM 08/06/2012 RSM 08/07/2012 RSM 08/08/2012 RSM 08/09/2012 RSM 08/10/2012 RSM 08/16/2012 RSM 08/17/2012 RSM 08/19/2012 RSM Invoice# 191924 on sealing, extension of summary judgment schedule; reviewed Court order approving same; drafted brief section on distribution and first sale doctrine Drafted brief point on display and performance claims; revising Mandel declaration re adding specificity on discovery needed on new iTunes service; reviewing and revising draft brief points on reproduction Conferences with J. King re revisions to brief and preliminary statement; reviewing iTunes terms of use as additional exhibit; revising Mandel declaration re same; reviewing email from C. Hall re artwork on ReDigi site; conferences with J. King re same Conferences with J. King re revisions to brief and 56.1 response; revising summary judgment brief; email to client re same; conference call with J. King and A. McMullan re revisions to brief Reviewing client comments on draft brief; conference call with J. King and B. Cohen re same; revising summary judgment brief and conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same; conferences with J. King re revisions to Rule 56.1 response; reviewing and revising same; email to client re same Telephone conferences with B. Cohen, conference call with A. McMullan and J. King, conferences with J. King re revisions to 56.1 response; revising 56.1 response; reviewing cite check to brief; revising brief; conferences with N. Chinda re redactions and assembly of summary judgment opposition papers; revised and finalized Mandel and Jacobson declarations; emails to and from D. Jacobson re finalizing declaration; reviewing Jacobson and Mandel declarations for redactions and conferences with J. King re same Revising summary judgment opposition brief; conferences with J. King re reviewing required redactions for 56.1 statement and brief and miscellaneous issues; conferences with N. Chinda re issues concerning redaction and finalization of opposition papers for filing; revising 56.1 response; drafted cover letter to court for submission of opposition papers; conference call with J. King, M. Piibe, B. Cohen and C. Hall re notifying Apple about public statements on ReDigi 2.0; telephone conferences with B. Cohen re miscellaneous issues Telephone conference with J. King re reviewing strategic issues concerning reply papers Reviewing Limewire decision on precluding good faith evidence; telephone conference with J. King re use of same in reply and ReDigi attempt to strike Jacobson declaration Reviewed letter to Court from G. Adelman re Jacobson Page 2 3.80 1,900.00 1.60 800.00 3.80 1,900.00 4.00 2,000.00 4.70 2,350.00 4.80 2,400.00 0.60 300.00 0.50 250.00 1.90 950.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 191924 declaration; drafted letter responding re same; email to J. King re same Revising and finalizing letter to Court responding re Jacobson and conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same; reviewed Court order granting ReDigi additional pages for reply; emails to and from client re same; reviewing and analyzing ReDigi summary judgment opposition papers; reviewing and revising draft reply brief and conferences with J. King re same Page 3 5.00 2,500.00 RSM 2.00 1,000.00 08/22/2012 RSM 0.30 150.00 08/23/2012 RSM 1.40 700.00 08/24/2012 RSM 1.30 650.00 08/27/2012 RSM 4.00 2,000.00 08/28/2012 RSM 0.70 350.00 08/29/2012 RSM 0.60 300.00 08/20/2012 RSM 08/21/2012 Revised reply brief based on cite check; reviewing reply brief for redaction of confidential information and conference with N. Chinda re same; drafted letter to Judge Sullivan to enclose reply papers and unpublished opinion; telephone conference with D. Jacobson re ReDigi 2.0 Telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to reply brief; revising and finalizing reply brief; reviewing redacted versions; conference with N. Chinda re adding Westlaw citation for Limewire decision; supervising service and filing of reply papers Reviewing and analyzing ReDigi reply papers; email to D. Jacobson enclosing Rudolph reply declaration; reviewing relevant portions redacted from reply papers in connection with sealing motion; drafted memo of law, notice of motion and supporting declaration re sealing motion; email to client re same 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 191924 Mandel, Richard Page 4 50.00 25,000.00 7.30 3,467.50 3.30 1,567.50 4.30 2,042.50 4.50 2,137.50 3.30 1,567.50 3.20 1,520.00 1.00 475.00 1.50 712.50 5.00 2,375.00 7.50 3,562.50 5.50 2,612.50 0.80 380.00 4.20 1,995.00 08/01/2012 JZK 08/06/2012 JZK 08/07/2012 JZK 08/08/2012 JZK 08/09/2012 JZK 08/10/2012 JZK 08/13/2012 JZK 08/14/2012 JZK 08/15/2012 JZK 08/16/2012 JZK 08/17/2012 JZK 08/19/2012 JZK 08/20/2012 JZK 08/21/2012 JZK 1.00 475.00 08/22/2012 JZK 2.00 950.00 08/23/2012 JZK 0.80 380.00 Revise draft Jacobson declaration; continue drafting summary judgment opposition brief and research re same; meet with B. Crawford re 56(d) research; conference with A. McMullan re Jacobson declaration and revise same; meet with R. Mandel re opposition papers. Review and revise summary judgment opposition brief; review revised Jacobson declaration; meet with R. Mandel re additions to brief and draft preliminary statement and other sections. Complete revisions to opposition brief; meet with R. Mandel re same; begin revising response to ReDigi 56.1 statement. Phone conference with B. Cohen; meet with R. Mandel and revise summary judgment opposition brief; revise response to 56.1 statement; email re new artwork claim. Review and revise Mandel opposition declaration and opposition brief; phone conference with A. McMullan; revise responses to 56.1 with R. Mandel; preparing documents for redaction. Finalizing opposition papers; meet with R. Mandel re same; testing ReDigi 2.0 service; phone conferences with B. Cohen; phone conference with M. Piibe, B. Cohen, C. Hall and R. Mandel. Phone conference with B. Cohen; final edits to opposition brief; review redactions. Revising and finalizing response to 56.1 for filing; finalize remaining papers and arrange for filing; conference with B. Cohen. Reviewing ReDigi opposition papers and emails re same; begin drafting response to ReDigi counterstatement of facts. Researching and drafting reply brief in support of summary judgment; phone calls with A. McMullan; phone call with R. Mandel. Continue researching and drafting reply brief in support of summary judgment; review ReDigi letter to Court re same; conference with R. Mandel. Revise and edit letter to Judge Sullivan re Jacobson declaration. Further revision of letter to Judge Sullivan; complete first draft of reply brief and meet with R. Mandel re same. 29503 08/27/2012 EMI Music Invoice# 191924 JZK Page 5 0.40 190.00 55.60 26,410.00 0.40 104.00 0.40 104.00 3.10 806.00 3.10 806.00 1.50 292.50 Olsen, Kevin C. (Paralegal) 1.50 292.50 RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook ReDigi Opposition Brief (as per R. Mandel). RE: Cite check and bluebook ReDigi opposition brief; discuss corrections with R. Mandel. RE: Check Westlaw cites to Chase v. Public Utility case and to Rivera v. Salomon Smith Barney case; sent R. Mandel corrections. RE: Scan Jacobson Declaration and Mandel Declaration; redact Jacobson and Mandel Decl.; prepare certificate of service (as per R. Mandel). RE: Scan and redact Memo of Law in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for S.J.; prepare service copies; organization of service sets; review ECF and non-ECF electronic versions. RE: Scan and redact Response to 56.1 Statement; prepare service copies and organization of service sets; contact ECF help desk for instructions on filing response to 56.1 Statement; efile opposition papers; prepare CD of sealed documents; prepare hard copy originals of Response to 56.1 Statement, Jacobson Declaration, Mandel Declaration with Exhibits 1 and 3, and Memo of Law; refile via ECF the Response to 56.1 Statement as "Other Answers;" trip to SDNY to file originals under seal. 2.50 537.50 0.90 193.50 0.20 43.00 2.50 537.50 4.00 860.00 4.80 1,032.00 1.00 215.00 2.00 430.00 0.50 107.50 4.20 903.00 King, Jonathan Z. 08/16/2012 SPC Ceresia, Scott P. 08/01/2012 BAC Crawford, Bridget A. 08/24/2012 KCO 08/08/2012 NAC 08/09/2012 NAC 08/09/2012 NAC 08/10/2012 NAC 08/13/2012 NAC 08/14/2012 NAC 08/21/2012 NAC 08/22/2012 NAC 08/23/2012 NAC 08/24/2012 NAC RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Reply Memo of Law (as per R. Mandel). RE: Cite checked unpublished opinion Arista Records v. Lime Group, No. 06 Civ. 5936 (KMW); discuss correction with R. Mandel. RE: Scan and redact memo of law; make copies of the same; retrieve opinion dated April 20, 2012 for Arista 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 191924 Page 6 Records v. Lime Group from Pacerand arrange for Westlaw retrieval; prepare service sets; arrange for messenger delivery of service set to Gary Adelman, check ECF files on I-drive; efile Reply Memo of Law, Reply Declaration, Exhibits 1 and 2 and Certificate of Service; prepare Judge Sullivan's courtesy copy set. 08/29/2012 NAC 0.20 43.00 08/30/2012 NAC 1.00 215.00 23.80 5,117.00 134.40 $57,729.50 Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $57,729.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice --------------$58,161.30 Plus net balance forward $115,800.20 ---------------- Total balance now due $173,961.50 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions CITY NATIONAL BANK 400 Park Ave, 21st Fl., New York, NY 10022 Acct No.: 665088073 ABA No.: 026013958; Swift Code: CINAUS6L October 8, 2012 Invoice# 193388 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 09/30/2012 EMI Music 150 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011 Attn: Alasdair J. McMullan, Esq. ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated September 11, 2012 Payments received since last invoice $173,961.50 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $173,961.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 09/04/2012 RSM 09/05/2012 09/13/2012 RSM 09/14/2012 RSM 09/18/2012 09/19/2012 RSM RSM Organizing and collecting materials for use in preparation for oral argument Selecting relevant cases from summary judgment briefing for review in preparation for oral argument; emails to and from J. Pariser re oral argument and prior briefing Reviewing cases re preparation for oral argument Reviewing and analyzing cases re preparation for oral argument2.80 500.00 0.10 RSM Hours 1.00 50.00 0.70 350.00 0.60 300.00 1.50 2.80 750.00 1,400.00 29503 EMI Music 09/20/2012 RSM 09/25/2012 RSM 09/27/2012 RSM 09/28/2012 RSM 09/04/2012 JZK JZK 09/05/2012 Completed review and analysis of relevant cases in preparation for oral argument Detailed review and analysis of Copyright Office DMCA report re preparation for oral argument; conferences with J. King re issues concerning oral argument prep Preparing outline for summary judgment oral argument; conferences with J. King re issues concerning same and reviewing materials in connection with same Continued drafting outline for oral argument, and reviewing materials and preparation re same Mandel, Richard Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $10,349.50 Total expenses incurred --------------- 1,400.00 2.50 1,250.00 3.00 1,500.00 17.00 8,500.00 807.50 0.80 0.40 2.90 380.00 190.00 1,377.50 42.00 42.00 430.00 2.00 NAC 2.80 2.00 Noble, J. Martin (Managing Clerk) 1,000.00 0.20 Conference with R. Mandel re ReDigi oral argument. Conference with R. Mandel re summary judgment motion. King, Jonathan Z. 2.00 0.20 JMN 09/14/2012 Page 2 1.70 JZK 09/25/2012 09/28/2012 Invoice# 193388 430.00 22.10 $10,349.50 29503 EMI Music Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward Invoice# 193388 $12,853.68 $173,961.50 ---------------Total balance now due $186,815.18 Page 3 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions CITY NATIONAL BANK 400 Park Ave, 21st Fl., New York, NY 10022 Acct No.: 665088073 ABA No.: 026013958; Swift Code: CINAUS6L November 6, 2012 Invoice# 194956 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 10/31/2012 EMI Music 150 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011 Attn: Alasdair J. McMullan, Esq. ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated October 8, 2012 Payments received since last invoice $186,815.18 115,800.20 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $71,014.98 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10/01/2012 RSM Drafting outline for oral argument; reviewing materials and preparation re same 10/02/2012 RSM Preparing outline for oral argument on summary judgment motion; continued review of papers and materials in connection with same; conferences with J. King re issues concerning Apple agreement 10/03/2012 RSM Emails to and from Sullivan's chambers re copies of summary judgment filings; emails to and from BBC reporter, client re potential response for story; conferences with J. King re issues for oral argument; completed outline and reviewing same re preparation for oral argument 10/04/2012 RSM Completed preparation for oral argument; conferences with J. King re practicing argument and reviewing issues; emails to and from client, email to BBC re not commenting on Hours 3.40 1,700.00 2.80 1,400.00 3.50 1,750.00 3.20 1,600.00 29503 EMI Music 10/05/2012 10/10/2012 RSM RSM 10/11/2012 10/19/2012 10/22/2012 Invoice# 194956 pending litigation Conducting oral argument on summary judgment motion 2.50 0.30 1,250.00 150.00 RSM 0.10 50.00 RSM RSM 0.30 0.10 150.00 50.00 16.20 8,100.00 0.40 1.00 2.50 3.90 190.00 475.00 1,187.50 1,852.50 20.10 $9,952.50 Mandel, Richard 10/03/2012 10/04/2012 10/05/2012 Page 2 JZK JZK JZK Conference with R. Mandel re oral argument. Preparation discussion with R. Mandel re oral argument. Attend oral argument. King, Jonathan Z. Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $9,952.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$10,292.88 $71,014.98 ---------------- Total balance now due $81,307.86 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 May 8, 2013 EMI Music 150 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10011 Invoice# 204772 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 04/30/2013 Attn: Alasdair J. McMullan, Esq. ReDigi PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 04/01/2013 RSM Reviewed Court decision granting Capitol summary judgment motion; conferences with J. King, telephone conferences with and emails to and from A. McMullan re same and summarizing decision; fielded press inquiries 04/02/2013 RSM Conferences with J. King re follow-up issues concerning opinion and discussions with G. Adelman; email to client re same; conference call with A. McMullan, J. King and B. Cohen re reviewing follow-up issues 04/04/2013 RSM Conferences with J. King re discussions with client, opposing counsel re settlement and potential mediation 04/05/2013 RSM Conference calls with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement; conference call with G. Adelman and J. King re settlement, next steps; conferences with J. King re same 04/08/2013 RSM Conference call with J. King and G. Adelman re next steps in litigation; conferences with J. King re same and draft joint letter to Court 04/09/2013 RSM Reviewed and revised draft joint letter to Court; conferences with J. King, emails to and from client, opposing counsel re same Hours 2.00 1,020.00 1.00 510.00 0.20 102.00 1.00 510.00 0.60 306.00 0.50 255.00 29503 EMI Music 04/10/2013 RSM 04/11/2013 RSM 04/12/2013 RSM 04/16/2013 RSM 04/17/2013 RSM 04/24/2013 RSM 04/01/2013 JZK 04/02/2013 JZK 04/04/2013 JZK 04/05/2013 JZK 04/08/2013 JZK 04/09/2013 JZK 04/11/2013 JZK 04/12/2013 JZK 04/16/2013 04/17/2013 JZK JZK Invoice# 204772 Emails to and from opposing counsel re follow up on joint letter Emails to and from opposing counsel, client; reviewing opposing counsel mark up of draft joint letter; conferences with J. King re same and further revisions to letter, research re certification for appeal standards; revise joint letter Telephone conference with A. McMullan re draft joint letter; emails to and from opposing counsel re same; reviewing additional revisions by opposing counsel; conferences with J. King re same and further revising and finalizing joint letter; executing letter and emailing same to Court; email to client re same Reviewed draft email to client re verifying ownership on tracks identified on ReDigi charts Emails to and from client re updating of charts of infringements; conference with J. King re same, discussion with G. Adelman re pulling down of ReDigi 1.0 Conference with J. King re follow up discovery steps; reviewing email to G. Adelman re same Mandel, Richard Review Court's opinion on summary judgment; meet with R. Mandel re strategy for next steps and advising Court. Conference with R. Mandel re remaining trial issues; conference with R. Mandel, A. McMullan and B. Cohen re next case steps; phone conference with ReDigi counsel. Review Rudolph transcript and exhibits regarding number of Capitol tracks offered for sale; phone conference with G. Adelman; phone conference with A. McMullan; meet with R. Mandel. Phone conferences with A. McMullan and R. Mandel; conferences with R. Mandel re next steps; phone conference with G. Adelman and R. Mandel. Conference with R. Mandel re joint letter to Court and draft same; conference with G. Adelman and R. Mandel; conference with A. McMullan. Brief research re statutory damages; review revised draft letter to Court; conference with R. Mandel re letter to Court, statutory damages and personal liability. Conference with G. Adelman re joint letter to Court; review ReDigi changes to letter; conference with R. Mandel and revise letter. Review Redigi's second round of revisions to letter; meet with R. Mandel and revise same. Email re collecting damages information. Emails re compiling damages discovery; phone conference with G. Adelman re discovery and injunction; email with client re damages discovery; meet with R. Mandel. Page 2 0.10 51.00 2.20 1,122.00 1.20 612.00 0.10 51.00 0.20 102.00 0.30 153.00 9.40 4,794.00 1.30 637.00 1.70 833.00 1.40 686.00 1.00 490.00 2.60 1,274.00 1.30 637.00 1.60 784.00 0.60 294.00 0.30 1.00 147.00 490.00 29503 EMI Music 04/24/2013 JZK 04/30/2013 JZK 04/08/2013 SPC 04/09/2013 SPC Invoice# 204772 Conference with R. Mandel and email to ReDigi counsel re follow-up discovery. Conference with opposing counsel re damages/remedy discovery King, Jonathan Z. Conduct research regarding personal liability and copyright infringement; collect relevant caselaw; begin drafting research memo. Complete research memo on personal liability and send to R. Mandel and J. King. Ceresia, Scott P. Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $12,933.00 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice --------------$13,237.97 ---------------- Total balance now due $13,237.97 Page 3 0.50 245.00 0.50 245.00 13.80 6,762.00 3.60 972.00 1.50 405.00 5.10 1,377.00 28.30 $12,933.00 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 June 6, 2013 Invoice# 206148 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 05/31/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated May 8, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $13,237.97 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $13,237.97 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 05/02/2013 RSM Reviewed court order re mediation, case management; telephone conferences with J. King, A. McMullan re same, next steps; reviewing draft case management plan; emails to and from J. King re same; reviewing mediation referral and background info on mediator; emails re same, case management plan 05/03/2013 RSM Emails to and from J. King, client and telephone conferences with J. King re mediation; reviewing draft mediation statement; email to J. King re revisions to same 05/07/2013 RSM Reviewed court scheduling order; docketing deadlines re same 05/09/2013 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan, conferences with Hours 0.70 357.00 1.00 510.00 0.20 102.00 0.90 459.00 29503 EMI Music 05/10/2013 RSM 05/13/2013 RSM 05/14/2013 RSM 05/15/2013 RSM 05/16/2013 RSM 05/21/2013 RSM 05/29/2013 RSM 05/30/2013 RSM 05/02/2013 JZK 05/03/2013 JZK 05/09/2013 JZK 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 JZK JZK 05/14/2013 JZK 05/15/2013 JZK Invoice# 206148 J. King re mediation and settlement; reviewing final draft of mediation statement Travel to and from and attending mediation first session; conferences with J. King re same Conferences with J. King re issues concerning ReDigi 2.0 and memo analyzing same; began drafting portion of memo on strategy options Completed drafting section of memo re strategic options and recommendations; conferences with J. King re ReDigi 2.0 issues and portion of memo Reviewing legal research on contract vs. copyright claims; conferences with J. King re same and related issues on ReDigi 2.0; reviewing portions of draft memo no ReDigi 2.0 Reviewing and revising draft memo to client advising re ReDigi 2.0 and strategic options; conferences with J. King re same; email to client re same Telephone conference with B. Cohen re potential effect of divestiture of labels on claims vs. ReDigi Emails to and from opposing counsel re discovery; conferences with J. King re same, mediation; conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re preparation for mediation; telephone conference with B. Cohen re mediation and discovery Conference with J. King re issues concerning ReDigi 2.0 claims Mandel, Richard Review Judge's order re Case Management Plan and mediation; prepare amended Case Management Plan and send to opposing counsel; emails and phone conferences re same; emails with mediator and emails re mediation. Finalize proposed case management plan and submit to Court; conference call with opposing counsel and mediator; numerous emails and phone conferences re scheduling mediation; phone conference with A. McMullan re mediation; draft mediation statement. Finalize mediation statement and send to mediator; email with mediator; phone call with G. Adelman; meet with R. Mandel re memo to client; research re ReDigi 2.0 claim. Meet with R. Mandel and attend first mediation session. Review summary judgment papers for factual description of ReDigi 2.0; review Apple agreements; begin outlining ReDigi 2.0 analysis. Research and draft memo re ReDigi next steps; meet with R. Mandel re same. Continue researching and drafting memo re ReDigi 2.0; meet with R. Mandel; complete first draft. Page 2 3.00 1,530.00 1.90 969.00 2.30 1,173.00 1.00 510.00 1.40 714.00 0.20 102.00 0.90 459.00 0.40 204.00 13.90 7,089.00 2.50 1,225.00 5.00 2,450.00 2.50 1,225.00 3.00 3.50 1,470.00 1,715.00 4.50 2,205.00 4.00 1,960.00 29503 Invoice# 206148 EMI Music 05/16/2013 JZK 05/23/2013 05/29/2013 JZK JZK 05/30/2013 JZK 05/13/2013 TK 05/02/2013 05/07/2013 JMN JMN Complete revisions and edits to draft memo re ReDigi litigation and settlement options; meet with R. Mandel re same. Email to opposing counsel following up re discovery. Emails with mediator re upcoming mediation; email to opposing counsel re discovery; emails to B. Cohen re ownership documents; phone conference with B. Cohen; phone conference with A. McMullan and R. Mandel re mediation; phone conference with mediator. Conference with R. Mandel re ReDigi 2.0. King, Jonathan Z. Page 3 2.80 1,372.00 0.10 2.00 49.00 980.00 0.30 30.20 147.00 14,798.00 Confer with Mr. King re ReDigi 2 Kjellberg, Thomas 0.50 0.50 207.50 207.50 Docketed ECF notices and calendared deadlines. Docketed ECF notice and calendared case management plan dates. Noble, J. Martin (Managing Clerk) 0.40 0.20 86.00 43.00 0.60 129.00 45.20 $22,223.50 Current Services Billing Summary Total professional services $22,223.50 --------------- Total of new charges for this invoice $22,223.50 Plus net balance forward $13,237.97 ---------------Total balance now due $35,461.47 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 July 8, 2013 Invoice# 207794 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 06/30/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated June 6, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $35,461.47 13,237.97 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $22,223.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 06/04/2013 RSM Conducting mediation 06/06/2013 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan; reviewed draft notice of deposition; emails to and from client re same 06/07/2013 RSM Drafted individual deposition notices for Ossenmacher and Rogel; revised 30(b)(6) notice; email to opposing counsel serving same 06/11/2013 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re status of document production, scheduling of depositions; conferences with J. King re same 06/13/2013 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re discovery responses 06/14/2013 RSM Reviewing documents produced by ReDigi; reviewing Hours 4.00 0.40 2,040.00 204.00 0.60 306.00 0.40 204.00 0.20 102.00 0.60 306.00 29503 EMI Music 06/17/2013 RSM 06/18/2013 RSM 06/19/2013 RSM 06/20/2013 RSM 06/24/2013 RSM 06/25/2013 RSM 06/27/2013 RSM 06/28/2013 RSM 06/29/2013 RSM 06/03/2013 06/04/2013 JZK JZK Invoice# 207794 pre-motion letter from opposing counsel re certification; email to client, conferences with J. King re response to same Emails to and from opposing counsel re scheduling depositions; reviewed and revised draft response to pre-motion letter on certification for appeal; email to client re same; email to N. Chinda re converting Lexis citations to Westlaw per Judge's rules Conferences with N. Chinda re substituting Westlaw citations to letter to Judge Sullivan; reviewing cite check of letter; telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to letter; finalized, signed and sent letter to Court responding re pre-motion letter; conference with J. King re discussions with opposing counsel on charts and information Conference with J. King re reviewing documents produced by ReDigi and follow up issues re same; email to G. Adelman re production of financial documents Reviewed draft email to client re information produced by ReDigi; conference with J. King re same Conferences with J. King re issues concerning 7Digital, depositions, charts produced by ReDigi; reviewing deposition testimony re 7Digital; conference call with J. King, B. Cohen and A. McMullan re issues concerning ReDigi production and 7Digital; reviewed Court order denying motion for certification; email to client re same; emails to and from G. Adelman re financial documents and scheduling of depositions Reviewed Tenenbaum decision on statutory damages; reviewed emails to and from opposing counsel re discovery issues Reviewing declarations from summary judgment motion on ReDigi 2.0 re preparation for call with C. Horton; conference call with J. King, B. Cohen and C. Horton re ReDigi 2.0; supervising and coordinating review of ReDigi charts re identification of claimed tracks Conferences with N. Chinda re analysis of ReDigi charts to reflect tracks already reviewed by client; telephone conference with and letter to B. Cohen re same; preparation for call with client on 7Digital and reviewing information on 7Digital in connection with same; conference call with J. King, B. Cohen, J. Fisherman, A. Harrison, B. Stone, R. Pizano re reviewing facts on 7Digital relationship Reviewing draft email to opposing counsel seeking additional documents; email to J. King re same Mandel, Richard Emails with mediator and client re tomorrow's mediation. Attend mediation. Page 2 0.60 306.00 0.80 408.00 1.20 612.00 0.20 102.00 2.30 1,173.00 0.40 204.00 1.80 918.00 2.20 1,122.00 0.10 51.00 15.80 8,058.00 0.40 4.00 196.00 1,960.00 29503 EMI Music 06/11/2013 JZK 06/14/2013 JZK 06/17/2013 JZK 06/18/2013 JZK 06/19/2013 06/20/2013 JZK JZK 06/24/2013 JZK 06/25/2013 JZK 06/26/2013 06/27/2013 JZK JZK 06/28/2013 JZK 06/17/2013 NAC 06/28/2013 NAC Invoice# 207794 Conference with R. Mandel re damage discovery and scheduling depositions. Review documents produced by ReDigi re Capitol sales; emails with opposing counsel re same; review ReDigi pre-motion letter re certification and research same. Draft and research response to ReDigi's pre-motion letter re certification; phone conference with ReDigi counsel. Phone conference with opposing counsel re newly produced documents; conference with R. Mandel re same. Meet with R. Mandel to review ReDigi tracks information. Emails to opposing counsel; review Capitol track charts and draft memo explaining same; send to client. Review 7Digital agreement with ReDigi and meet with R. Mandel re same; review deposition testimony of Ossenmacher and Rudolph; phone conference with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and R. Mandel; review court order on certification; phone conference with opposing counsel. Review financial document production; email to ReDigi counsel. Begin preparing Rudolph deposition outline. Continue review of Rudolph deposition re personal liability; phone conference with C. Horton, B. Cohen, R. Mandel; phone conference with opposing counsel. Drafting Rudolph deposition outline and reviewing charts of Capitol tracks; phone conference with UMG and EMI representatives re 7Digital; draft discovery demand re 7Digital documents. King, Jonathan Z. RE: Convert lexis cites to westlaw cites re letter to Judge Sullivan dtd June 19, 2013 - response to June 14, 2013 pre-motion letter from ReDigi. RE: Compare and confirm songs listed on ReDigi list to chart on ownership (as per R. Mandel). Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $21,228.00 Page 3 0.40 196.00 2.50 1,225.00 3.80 1,862.00 1.00 490.00 1.00 2.20 490.00 1,078.00 4.00 1,960.00 0.20 98.00 1.50 2.50 735.00 1,225.00 2.30 1,127.00 25.80 12,642.00 0.50 110.00 1.90 418.00 2.40 528.00 44.00 $21,228.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 207794 Total expenses incurred --------------Total of new charges for this invoice $21,253.95 Plus net balance forward $22,223.50 ---------------- Total balance now due $43,477.45 Page 4 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 August 7, 2013 Invoice# 209499 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 07/31/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated July 8, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $43,477.45 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $43,477.45 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 07/01/2013 RSM Reviewing chart re undetermined ownership of copyright recordings; email to B. Cohen re same; conferences with J. King re issues concerning 7Digital and depositions of Ossenmacher and Rudolph; gathering materials for potential use at Ossenmacher deposition 07/02/2013 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re copyright information needed to finalize universe of claimed infringements; conferences with J. King re chart produced by ReDigi and issues concerning depositions, ReDigi 2.0 and 7Digital 07/03/2013 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re establishing copyright ownership for claimed recordings; reviewing and analyzing ReDigi summary chart of recordings and Hours 1.00 510.00 0.80 408.00 1.00 510.00 29503 EMI Music 07/08/2013 RSM 07/09/2013 RSM 07/10/2013 RSM 07/11/2013 RSM 07/12/2013 07/17/2013 RSM RSM 07/22/2013 RSM 07/24/2013 RSM 07/25/2013 RSM 07/26/2013 RSM 07/28/2013 RSM 07/29/2013 RSM 07/30/2013 RSM 07/31/2013 RSM Invoice# 209499 conferences with J. King re same Emails to and from opposing counsel re rescheduling depositions; drafted email to client re changes in Amazon terms of use and conferences with J. King re same; reviewing Ossemacher prior deposition testimony in preparation for deposition; reviewing documents and materials re same Reviewing and finalizing selection of exhibits for deposition of Ossenmacher; drafting outline for Ossenmacher deposition Reviewing outline re preparation for Ossenmacher deposition; reviewing law on statutory damages factors re preparation for depositions Reviewing case law on individual liability in preparation for depositions and revise outline re same; took deposition of J. Ossenmacher; conferences with J. King re preparation for Rudolph deposition and follow up issues Attended deposition of L. Rudolph Brief review of transcripts of depositions; email to client re same; telephone conference with B. Cohen re status of ownership project; telephone conference with A. McMullan re 7Digital issue and potential assertion of claims regarding same Conference with J. King re pre-motion letter and amending complaint Reviewed draft email to opposing counsel re discovery follow up and amendment; revised and sent same re discovery; email to client re amendment status Drafting amended complaint; conferences with J. King re pre-motion letter and complaint; telephone conference with B. Cohen re ownership issues Telephone conference with A. McMullan re amended complaint; reviewing and revising draft letter to Judge Sullivan; revising amended complaint; conferences with J. King re revisions to letter and complaint; emails to and from B. Cohen re ownership issues; email to client with draft letter and complaint Email to S. Bauman re sale/license issue and impact of paragraph in amended complaint on same Reviewed email from S. Bauman re proposed revision to language in amended complaint Conference call with J. King and B. Cohen and follow up with J. King re issues concerning ReDigi 2.0 and ownership information for amended complaint; conference call with Universal and Apple re ReDigi 2.0 Reviewing and analyzing issues concerning ownership and recordings to be asserted in amended complaint; conferences with J. King re same Page 2 4.20 2,142.00 3.80 1,938.00 2.00 1,020.00 4.40 2,244.00 3.00 0.60 1,530.00 306.00 0.20 102.00 0.30 153.00 2.80 1,428.00 1.50 765.00 0.10 51.00 0.10 51.00 1.80 918.00 1.00 510.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 209499 Mandel, Richard 07/01/2013 JZK 07/02/2013 JZK 07/03/2013 JZK 07/08/2013 JZK 07/10/2013 JZK 07/11/2013 JZK 07/12/2013 07/16/2013 JZK JZK 07/17/2013 JZK 07/22/2013 07/24/2013 JZK JZK 07/25/2013 JZK 07/26/2013 JZK 07/30/2013 JZK 07/31/2013 JZK 07/22/2013 NAC Emails to opposing counsel re discovery follow-up; continue drafting Rudolph deposition outline and reviewing charts of Capitol tracks; conference with R. Mandel; review of 7Digital API agreement and terms of use. Preparing exhibits for Rudolph deposition; phone conference with opposing counsel; review new documents provided by ReDigi; meet with R. Mandel re same. Review Capitol tracks summary sheet; meet with R. Mandel re same. Review Amazon's proposed revisions to Amazon download agreement; conference with R. Mandel re same; revise response to client re same; revise deposition outline. Review R. Mandel's Ossenmacher deposition outline; revise Rudolph deposition outline to account for new 7digital information; correspondence with mediator; research re statutory damages factor. Research re individual liability and edit deposition outlines to incorporate same; emails re Amazon proposed revisions to terms of service; attend Ossenmacher deposition; revise Rudolph outline to incorporate today's testimony. Take L. Rudolph deposition. Phone conference with B. Cohen re collection of ownership information. Review Rudolph transcript re 7digital issues; conference with R. Mandel re same. Conference with R. Mandel re motion to amend. Review Ossenmacher and Rudolph transcript re follow-up requests for information; begin drafting pre-motion letter and research re same. Complete pre-motion letter to Court re amendments; conference with R. Mandel re same and re amended complaint. Edit pre-motion letter; review and revise amended complaint; meet with R. Mandel re same. Phone conference with B. Cohen re revised list of tracks infringed and Apple call; phone conference with D. Ring, B. Cohen and Apple attorneys. Detailed analysis of spreadsheet of Capitol owned tracks; meet with R. Mandel re same; phone conference with B, Cohen; begin preparing revised exhibit of infringed tracks for complaint; conference and emails with opposing counsel re missing tracks; research re suing on pending application. King, Jonathan Z. RE: Uploaded Ossenmacher and Rudolph deposition Page 3 28.60 14,586.00 5.60 2,744.00 6.80 3,332.00 0.50 245.00 1.50 735.00 2.20 1,078.00 6.00 2,940.00 3.00 0.30 1,470.00 147.00 0.60 294.00 0.20 2.00 98.00 980.00 4.50 2,205.00 2.50 1,225.00 1.80 882.00 6.50 3,185.00 44.00 21,560.00 0.50 110.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 209499 transcripts and exhibits; organize hard copy files. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $36,256.00 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$36,409.70 $43,477.45 ---------------- Total balance now due $79,887.15 Page 4 0.50 110.00 73.10 $36,256.00 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 September 9, 2013 Invoice# 211124 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 08/31/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated August 7, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $79,887.15 22,223.50 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $57,663.65 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 08/01/2013 RSM Revising letter to Court; emails to and from client re same; reviewing and revising exhibits to amended complaint; email to client re same; reviewing SDNY cases re inability to sue based on pending application and conference with J. King re same 08/02/2013 RSM Telephone conferences with B. Cohen re revisions to amended complaint; revised and finalized same; finalizing letter to Court and email to Court enclosing letter and amended complaint; conferences with N. Chinda re review of registrations; emails to and from and telephone conferences with B. Cohen re same and follow up issues on ownership; drafted and sent letter to G. Adelman enclosing Hours 0.80 408.00 2.40 1,224.00 29503 EMI Music 08/05/2013 RSM 08/06/2013 RSM 08/07/2013 RSM 08/08/2013 RSM 08/09/2013 RSM 08/13/2013 RSM 08/16/2013 RSM 08/22/2013 RSM 08/26/2013 RSM 08/27/2013 RSM 08/28/2013 RSM 08/29/2013 RSM Invoice# 211124 copies of certificates of registration; reviewed ReDigi pre-motion letter to Court; emails to and from client re same, follow up issues for court conference Reviewing legal research re using investigator downloads to establish infringement; drafted response to ReDigi pre-motion letter; email to client, conference with J. King re same Emails to and from J. Pariser re ReDigi 2.0; reviewed email from B. Cohen re revisions to response to ReDigi pre-motion letter Reviewing cite check on draft response to ReDigi pre-motion letter; revised, finalized and sent response to Judge Sullivan; conference call with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and J. King re trial strategy and prep for court conference; reviewed ReDigi response to Capitol pre-motion letter; emails to and from client Telephone conference with B. Cohen re reviewing ownership issues; reviewed email from B. Cohen re same; preparation for court conference, including review of pre-motion letters, re-reading Court summary judgment opinion, reviewing deposition testimony re individual liability, reviewing chart of recordings re effect of eliminating 7digital on tracks purchased by Capitol, organizing materials for conference and preparing outline of issues Attended court conference and travel to and from same; conference call with J. Pariser, B. Ward, C. Horton and J. King re ReDigi 2.0 Conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on jury trial issue; telephone conference with B. Cohen re finalizing exhibit of infringed recordings Conference with J. King re follow-up issues concerning amended complaint Reviewed email from G. Adelman re song tracks; emails to and from and telephone conference with J. King re same; reviewed S. Ceresia research memo on jury issue; reviewed emails to and from opposing counsel re same Emails to and from and telephone conference with B. Cohen re finalizing chart of recordings claimed and issues re same; preparing summons for L. Rudolph and J. Ossenmacher Revising exhibits to amended complaint; emails to and from B. Cohen re same Telephone conferences with B. Cohen re finalizing amended complaint and ownership issues re same; reviewing email from B. Cohen re same Telephone conferences with and multiple emails to and from A. McMullan, B. Cohen re analyzing ownership Page 2 1.80 918.00 0.20 102.00 1.30 663.00 2.60 1,326.00 2.70 1,377.00 0.20 102.00 0.20 102.00 0.50 255.00 0.80 408.00 0.60 306.00 0.40 204.00 1.60 816.00 29503 08/30/2013 EMI Music RSM 08/01/2013 JZK 08/07/2013 JZK 08/08/2013 JZK 08/09/2013 JZK 08/16/2013 08/20/2013 JZK JZK 08/22/2013 JZK 08/13/2013 SPC 08/16/2013 SPC 08/19/2013 SPC 08/21/2013 SPC 08/22/2013 SPC 08/19/2013 08/30/2013 JMN JMN Invoice# 211124 issues; revising exhibits to amended complaint; reviewed email from G. Adelman re representation of J. Ossenmacher; email to client re same Multiple telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re finalizing list of works claimed; research on Copyright Office website and Internet re reviewing ownership of works claimed and appropriate registrations to be cited; revising and finalizing list of recordings exhibit to amended complaint; drafted acknowledgement of service forms for individual defendants; drafted letter to Court re courtesy copy of amended complaint; emails to G. Adelman and J. Pizzirusso re enclosing amended complaint and acknowledgement forms; conferences with M. Noble re filing of amended complaint Mandel, Richard Further research re suing on pending applications; conference with R. Mandel re same. Conference with A. McMullan, R. Mandel and B. Cohen re upcoming conference; review ReDigi's response to pre-motion letter. Research re statutory damages; confer with R. Mandel re same; phone call and emails to opposing counsel. Attend court hearing; report on results in email to client; phone conference with J. Pariser, C. Horton, and B. Ward. Conference with R. Mandel re amended complaint. Email to opposing counsel re amending complaint, jury issues, and next steps for trial. Emails with opposing counsel re amended complaint and jury trial; conference with R. Mandel re same. King, Jonathan Z. Receive assignment from R. Mandel regarding statutory damages and jury; begin conducting research. Conduct additional research regarding statutory damages and jury issue. Continue researching statutory damages and jury issue; begin compiling research and summarizing. Review and supplement research memo regarding jury and nonjury issues. Proofread and finalize research memo regarding statutory damages and jury versus nonjury; send to R. Mandel and J. King for review. Ceresia, Scott P. Docketed ECF notice and calendared deadlines. File Summons and Amended Complaint. Scanned amended complaint and emailed to case openings at SDNY. Docketed filing of Amended Complaint and Summonses. Page 3 7.00 3,570.00 23.10 11,781.00 1.30 637.00 0.90 441.00 1.30 637.00 3.00 1,470.00 0.20 0.30 98.00 147.00 0.60 294.00 7.60 3,724.00 0.80 216.00 0.90 243.00 2.50 675.00 1.20 324.00 1.20 324.00 6.60 1,782.00 0.20 1.80 43.00 387.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 211124 Page 4 Noble, J. Martin (Managing Clerk) 08/02/2013 NAC 08/07/2013 NAC 2.00 430.00 RE: Review certificates for various songs owned by EMI and compare to J. King's spreadsheet (as per R. Mandel); create excel spreadsheet of missing SR certificates and email to R. Mandel; Bates-number SR certificates listed on J. King's ReDigi Ownership spreadsheet (CAP 001652 CAP 002050). RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Letter to Judge Sullivan responding to ReDigi 8/12/2013 Pre-Motion Letter. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) 5.80 1,276.00 1.10 242.00 6.90 1,518.00 46.20 $19,235.00 Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $19,235.00 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$21,723.12 $57,663.65 ---------------- Total balance now due $79,386.77 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 October 7, 2013 Invoice# 212812 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 09/30/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated September 9, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $79,386.77 57,663.65 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $21,723.12 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 09/03/2013 RSM Email to opposing counsel re copy of letter to Court enclosing amended pleading 09/06/2013 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re call on trial issues 09/09/2013 RSM Reviewed draft revised protective order; executed same; emails to and from opposing counsel re same 09/10/2013 RSM Conference call with opposing counsel and J. King re next steps in case; conference with J. King and emails to and from client re same 09/11/2013 RSM Reviewing and revising draft joint letter to Court; conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same 09/13/2013 RSM Reviewed opposing counsel's proposed revisions to joint letter; emails to and from client, conferences with J. King re Hours 0.10 51.00 0.10 0.30 51.00 153.00 0.70 357.00 0.50 255.00 0.70 357.00 29503 EMI Music 09/16/2013 RSM 09/17/2013 RSM 09/19/2013 RSM 09/20/2013 RSM 09/23/2013 RSM 09/24/2013 RSM 09/25/2013 RSM 09/26/2013 RSM 09/27/2013 RSM Invoice# 212812 same; revised draft joint letter; emails to and from opposing counsel re same Emails to and from opposing counsel re joint letter to Court; revised and finalized same; email to Court enclosing joint letter; email to client re same; reviewed ReDigi answer to complaint; conference with J. King re same Conference with J. King re possible motions concerning ReDigi answer; reviewing S. Ceresia legal research re same and conference with J. King, S. Ceresia re same; email to client re same Reviewed court order re motion to dismiss and discovery; email to client re same; conferences with J. King re next steps; conference with S. Ceresia re research on jury consideration of willfulness; reviewed draft case management plan prepared by opposing counsel; email to and telephone conference with client re same and consideration of jury issue; emails to and from opposing counsel re revisions to case management plan; reviewing and analyzing list of recordings re missing registrations and other information to be supplemented re chain of title issues Continuing review and analysis of recording list and registrations re ownership issues to be supplemented; conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on innocent infringement and reviewing same; reviewed emails from opposing counsel re case management plan Reviewing and analyzing individual defendants' motion to dismiss; email to client re same; conferences with J. King re opposition papers; conference with J. King and S. Ceresia re legal research for opposition; completed analysis of ownership issues; email to B. Cohen re missing copyright certificates; email to B. Cohen re copyright owner entities to be confirmed as EMI entities or exclusive licensors to EMI Reviewing and analyzing cases cited in individual defendants' moving brief Conferences with J. King re motion to dismiss opposition and reviewing draft sections of same; conference with S. Ceresia re additional legal research for opposition; continued review of cases cited by individual defendants; prepared chart of registrations without individual track listings; emails to and from B. Cohen re same and next steps re ownership proof Prepared chart re open ownership issues; email to B. Cohen re same; reviewing S. Ceresia legal research; conferences with J. King re status of opposition papers and reviewing draft of same; reviewed court scheduling order; email to client re same Reviewing draft opposition to motion to dismiss and Page 2 0.80 408.00 0.50 255.00 3.60 1,836.00 2.50 1,275.00 2.50 1,275.00 1.80 918.00 1.60 816.00 1.00 510.00 0.50 255.00 29503 EMI Music 09/29/2013 RSM 09/30/2013 RSM 09/10/2013 JZK 09/11/2013 JZK 09/13/2013 JZK 09/16/2013 09/17/2013 JZK JZK 09/19/2013 JZK 09/20/2013 09/23/2013 JZK JZK 09/24/2013 09/25/2013 JZK JZK 09/26/2013 JZK 09/27/2013 09/30/2013 JZK JZK 09/17/2013 SPC 09/20/2013 SPC 09/23/2013 SPC 09/24/2013 SPC Invoice# 212812 conference with J. King re sections to be added Drafting and revising brief in opposition to motion to dismiss Drafting and revising brief in opposition to motion to dismiss; email to client re same Mandel, Richard Phone conference with all counsel; conference with R. Mandel re same. Draft letter to Judge Sullivan re next anticipated steps for trial; meet with R. Mandel re same and review his revisions. Review comments from individual defendants' markup of joint letter to Court; conference with R. Mandel re same. Conference with R. Mandel re letter to Court. Conference with R. Mandel and S. Ceresia re jury and amendment issues; review research memos re same; meet with R. Mandel re same. Conference with R. Mandel re Court's action re motion; research re jury issues; review draft case management plan; research re statutory damages and jury instructions. Research re individual liability cases in Second Circuit. Review individual defendants' motion to dismiss; further research re individual liability; begin drafting response to motion; meet with R. Mandel re same. Continue drafting response to motion to dismiss. Continue drafting and research opposition to motion to dismiss; meet with R. Mandel re same; meet with S. Ceresia re research re same. Continue drafting opposition to motion to dismiss; research re same. Continue drafting opposition brief. Continue drafting, revising and researching opposition brief and motion to dismiss; conference with R. Mandel. King, Jonathan Z. Conduct research regarding revival of right to jury trial and preserving defenses for appellate review; compile relevant caselaw; send research summary to R. Mandel and J. King. Conduct research regarding statutory damages and "innocent" infringement; collect relevant caselaw. Receive research assignment from R. Mandel and J. King; conduct research into issue regarding pro-plaintiff Rule 12(b)(6) standard under Twombly; conduct research regarding leave to replead under Rule 15; collect relevant caselaw. Continue researching for opposition brief on motion to dismiss; conduct research regarding consideration of Page 3 2.50 1,275.00 1.80 918.00 21.50 10,965.00 0.60 294.00 2.00 980.00 0.40 196.00 0.30 0.60 147.00 294.00 1.80 882.00 1.50 4.50 735.00 2,205.00 3.00 5.00 1,470.00 2,450.00 4.80 2,352.00 3.00 2.70 1,470.00 1,323.00 30.20 14,798.00 1.90 513.00 1.90 513.00 1.90 513.00 2.10 567.00 29503 EMI Music 09/25/2013 SPC 09/26/2013 SPC Invoice# 212812 evidence in record; begin summarizing caselaw. Conduct additional research regarding public records and motions to dismiss. Complete research regarding public records and motions to dismiss; complete research summary for opposition to motion to dismiss; review and finalize research summary and send to R. Mandel and J. King for review. Ceresia, Scott P. Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $29,003.00 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$30,384.27 $21,723.12 ---------------- Total balance now due $52,107.39 Page 4 0.60 162.00 3.60 972.00 12.00 3,240.00 63.70 $29,003.00 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 November 6, 2013 Invoice# 214594 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 10/31/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated October 7, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $52,107.39 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $52,107.39 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10/01/2013 RSM Drafting additional footnotes to brief re distinguishing cases and inducement claim; email to client re same; emails to and from opposing counsel re acknowledgement of service for Rudolph; arranging for service of acknowledgements of service; conferences with N. Chinda re cite checking brief 10/02/2013 RSM Reviewing cite check of brief and conferences with N. Chinda re same; revising brief re opposition to motion to dismiss; reviewing table of contents and Judge Sullivan rules re unpublished opinions; reviewing EMI v. Karen case on ownership 10/03/2013 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re ownership issues, revisions to brief in opposition to motion to dismiss; revised Hours 0.70 357.00 1.20 612.00 1.00 510.00 29503 EMI Music 10/04/2013 RSM 10/09/2013 RSM 10/10/2013 RSM 10/11/2013 RSM 10/14/2013 RSM 10/15/2013 RSM 10/16/2013 10/17/2013 RSM RSM 10/18/2013 RSM 10/21/2013 RSM 10/22/2013 RSM Invoice# 214594 brief in opposition to motion to dismiss; conferences with J. King re strategy issues Finalized, signed and arranged for filing of brief in opposition to motion to dismiss; prepared letter to Judge Sullivan enclosing courtesy copy and copy of unpublished decisions; email to opposing counsel re same Reviewing discovery requests and initial disclosures served by defendants; conferences with J. King re same and strategy for objecting; email to client re discovery requests Conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on collateral estoppel and discovery issues; reviewing same; drafting letter to opposing counsel re discovery issues; conferences with J. King re same Reviewing J. King revisions to draft discovery letter and conferences with J. King re same; email to client re draft letter; telephone conference with B. Cohen re status of ownership issues and reviewing email from B. Cohen re same and registration information Telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re changes to draft discovery letter and ownership issues; revised and sent discovery letter to opposing counsel; reviewing open issues re ownership and updating documents to be produced re same Emails to and from opposing counsel, conference with J. King re meet and confer on discovery disputes Email to client re discovery issues and strategy Conferences with J. King re preparation for meet and confer call with opposing counsel and joint letter to Court; conference call with J. King and opposing counsel re meet and confer on discovery issues; drafting joint letter to Court and reviewing revisions to same Reviewing and revising draft joint letter re discovery; conference with J. King re same; email to client re same; reviewed defendants' reply brief in support of motion to dismiss; email to client re same Telephone conference with A. McMullan re ReDigi site and issues concerning same; telephone conference with B. Cohen re same; emails to and from A. McMullan re record rental amendment issue; emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title and discovery issues; reviewed email from opposing counsel re joint letter and discovery disputes Emails to and from opposing counsel re discovery dispute; telephone conference with B. Cohen re reviewing ownership issues; reviewing Copyright Office website and registration certificates re same; email to client re same; reviewed 30(b)(6) deposition notice served by individual defendants; emails to and from client re same, objections, scheduling and location of deposition; updating chain of Page 2 0.60 306.00 0.90 459.00 1.40 714.00 0.60 306.00 0.90 459.00 0.30 153.00 0.10 4.80 51.00 2,448.00 0.80 408.00 0.80 408.00 2.30 1,173.00 29503 EMI Music 10/23/2013 RSM 10/24/2013 RSM 10/25/2013 RSM 10/26/2013 RSM 10/28/2013 RSM 10/29/2013 RSM 10/30/2013 RSM 10/31/2013 RSM Invoice# 214594 title chart and reviewing open issues re same; reviewing missing registrations provided by client and conference with N. Chinda re supplemental production of same Emails to and from opposing counsel, client re scheduling and location of deposition; drafting objections to 30(b)(6) deposition notice; email to client re same; emails to and from opposing counsel re providing prior document production and agreement to confidential counsel only designation for Apple agreement Conference call with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and J. King re objections to 30(b)(6) notice; revised, finalized and served objections; emails to and from opposing counsel, client re scheduling of deposition; reviewed defendants' revisions to joint letter; conferences with J. King re same and legal research on collateral estoppel issue; reviewing and revising draft joint letter; emails to and from opposing counsel and client re same; conferences with N. Chinda re cite checking letter and Westlaw citations for same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing copy of prior document production Reviewed opposing counsel's revisions to joint letter; conferences with J. King and telephone conference with B. Cohen re same; finalized and sent joint letter to Court; reviewing deposition notices and subpoenas; emails to and from opposing counsel, client and telephone conference with client, conferences with J. King re same; reviewing prior produced chain of title documentation and email to B. Cohen summarizing same Emails to and from C. Finkelstein, opposing counsel re accepting service of subpoena Telephone conferences with and emails to A. McMullan, conferences with J. King re discovery issues; emails to and from and telephone conference with opposing counsel re depositions; email to B. Cohen re spreadsheet of recordings at issue; conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on res judicata effect of ReDigi's waiver of affirmative defenses on individual defendants Telephone conferences with A. McMullan, B. Cohen re depositions, chain of title evidence; reviewed RIAA subpoena served by defendants; emails to client, J. Pariser re same Telephone conference with opposing counsel re depositions; conferences with J. King, emails to and from A. McMullan re same Telephone conferences with and emails to B. Cohen, A. McMullan, conferences with J. King re deposition scheduling and issues; telephone conference with opposing counsel re deposition issues and scheduling; reviewing Page 3 2.00 1,020.00 3.20 1,632.00 3.30 1,683.00 0.10 51.00 1.00 510.00 0.40 204.00 0.50 255.00 1.00 510.00 Invoice# 214594 Page 4 legal research on res judicata to preclude individual defendants from asserting affirmative defenses waived by ReDigi Mandel, Richard 29503 27.90 14,229.00 0.50 245.00 0.80 392.00 0.30 147.00 1.60 784.00 0.30 3.70 147.00 1,813.00 1.00 490.00 1.30 637.00 3.00 1,470.00 2.20 1,078.00 0.60 294.00 0.40 0.50 16.20 196.00 245.00 7,938.00 4.10 1,107.00 1.30 351.00 1.00 270.00 2.50 675.00 EMI Music 10/03/2013 JZK 10/09/2013 JZK 10/10/2013 JZK 10/11/2013 JZK 10/15/2013 10/17/2013 JZK JZK 10/18/2013 JZK 10/23/2013 JZK 10/24/2013 JZK 10/25/2013 JZK 10/28/2013 JZK 10/30/2013 10/31/2013 JZK JZK 10/10/2013 SPC 10/11/2013 SPC 10/14/2013 SPC 10/17/2013 SPC Conference with R. Mandel re opposition brief and statutory damages issues. Review ReDigi officers' discovery requests and conference with R. Mandel re same. Conference with R. Mandel re discovery dispute; review research re same. Revise deficiency letter re new discovery requests; review research re collateral estoppel; conference with S. Ceresia re additional research on law of the case doctrine. Review further correspondence re discovery dispute. Meet with R. Mandel re discovery dispute; extended meeting and conference with opposing counsel; revise and edit joint discovery letter. Conference with R. Mandel re first edits to discovery letter; review defendants' reply in support of motion to dismiss. Review 30(b)(6) topics and conference with R. Mandel re response; revise and edit written objections to deposition notice. Conference with R. Mandel, A. McMullan and B. Cohen re 30(b)(6) deposition; research re preclusion; review letter to Court re discovery. Review opposing counsel's changes to joint letter; research re same; meet with R. Mandel re same; conferences and emails re subpoenas issued today. Phone conference with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re deposition objections; conference with R. Mandel re discovery. Conference with R. Mandel re discovery proposal. Conference with R. Mandel re status of discovery. King, Jonathan Z. Conduct research regarding responses due after discovery deadline; conduct research regarding privity and collateral estoppel against principals of corporation; collect relevant caselaw. Conduct research regarding law of the case; collect relevant caselaw. Conduct further issue on law of the case and addition of new parties; collect additional caselaw and review. Conduct research regarding unclean hands and copyright claims; collect relevant caselaw; prepare research summary regarding law of the case and unclean hands and send to R. Mandel and J. King. 29503 EMI Music 10/30/2013 SPC 10/31/2013 SPC 10/01/2013 JMN 10/02/2013 10/04/2013 JMN JMN 10/18/2013 JMN 10/01/2013 NAC 10/02/2013 NAC 10/23/2013 NAC 10/24/2013 NAC Invoice# 214594 Page 5 Conduct research regarding res judicata and waived defenses. Conduct additional research regarding res judicata and waived defenses; prepare research summary and send to R. Mandel and J. King. Ceresia, Scott P. 0.80 216.00 1.10 297.00 10.80 2,916.00 0.20 43.00 0.10 0.30 21.50 64.50 0.30 0.90 64.50 193.50 2.00 440.00 1.00 220.00 2.80 616.00 1.50 330.00 7.30 1,606.00 63.10 $26,882.50 Filed acknowledgment of Service for Ossenmacher via ECF. Docketed ECF notice. FIled Memo in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss via ECF. Docketed ECF notice and calendared deadline. Docketed ECF notices. Noble, J. Martin (Managing Clerk) RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Memo of Law in Opposition to Individual Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint. RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Memo of Law in Opposition to Individual Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint. RE: Scan in additional CAP documents; Bates-number the same; contact IT dep't re burning disks; create disk labels for the same; print in-house file set (as per R. Mandel). RE: Arrange for creation of files for Capitol Records production; review and organize the same. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $26,882.50 Total expenses incurred --------------- 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 214594 Total of new charges for this invoice $28,332.15 Plus net balance forward $52,107.39 ---------------Total balance now due $80,439.54 Page 6 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 December 5, 2013 Invoice# 216219 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 11/30/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated November 6, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $80,439.54 21,723.12 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $58,716.42 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11/01/2013 RSM Telephone conferences with B. Cohen, A. McMullan, conferences with J. King re deposition issues; conference call with C. Finkelstein, B. Cohen and J. King re potential deposition; telephone conference with and email to J. Pariser re status of RIAA subpoena and potential deposition; telephone conference with J. Pizzirusso re deposition issues; reviewed email from J. Pizzirusso re proof of service on RIAA; emails to and from client re status of negotiations on depositions 11/04/2013 RSM Telephone conferences with and emails to and from J. Pizzirusso, A. McMullan re depositions and possible extension; email to J. Pizzirusso re exhibits to complaint; Hours 1.90 969.00 0.90 459.00 29503 EMI Music 11/05/2013 RSM 11/06/2013 RSM 11/07/2013 RSM 11/08/2013 RSM 11/11/2013 11/12/2013 RSM RSM 11/13/2013 RSM 11/14/2013 RSM Invoice# 216219 reviewed email from J. Pariser re RIAA subpoena; conferences with J. King re depositions and summary judgment motions Telephone conferences with and emails to A. McMullan, B. Cohen re discovery and chain of title issues; conferences with J. King re same and draft letter to Court on summary judgment motions; telephone conference with and email to J. Pizzirusso re deposition schedule and letter to Court; reviewing emails between RIAA and opposing counsel re subpoena and deposition Emails to and from opposing counsel, client re requested extension and depositions; reviewing opposing counsel letter re requested extension; drafting and revising response letter to Court objecting to certain aspects of extension and discovery sought; conferences with J. King, telephone conference with B. Cohen re same; conferences with B. Crawford re legal research for letter and reviewing same; finalized and sent letter to Judge Sullivan Reviewed letter from opposing counsel to Court; emails to and from client re same; reviewing draft supplemental initial disclosures and conferences with J. King re same Telephone conference with and reviewed email from B. Cohen re supplemental initial disclosures; revised, finalized, executed and served supplemental initial disclosures; email to opposing counsel re same; reviewed and revised draft pre-motion letter re summary judgment; emails to and from client re same Drafting responses to document requests and interrogatories Reviewing cite check of pre-motion letter and conference with N. Chinda re same; revising pre-motion letter; telephone conference with and email to B. Cohen re same, chain of title evidence, deposition schedule; email to Judge Sullivan's chambers enclosing pre-motion letter; reviewed ReDigi and Ossenmacher and Rudolph pre-motion letters Telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re ownership, depositions and pre-motion letters submitted by defendants; reviewing additional registrations to be produced; email and letter to opposing counsel producing additional registrations; drafting response to individual defendants' pre-motion letter and conferences with J. King re responses to letters; research re NY laws on private investigators Drafting and revising pre-motion response to Ossenmacher-Rudolph letter re summary judgment; reviewing cases re constitutionality issue; reviewed and revised draft response to ReDigi pre-motion letter; conferences with J. King re legal research on same and response letters; email to client re draft letters; email to B. Page 2 0.80 408.00 2.80 1,428.00 0.50 255.00 0.80 408.00 3.80 1.00 1,938.00 510.00 2.00 1,020.00 2.20 1,122.00 29503 EMI Music 11/15/2013 RSM 11/18/2013 RSM 11/19/2013 RSM 11/20/2013 RSM 11/21/2013 RSM 11/22/2013 RSM 11/24/2013 11/25/2013 RSM RSM Invoice# 216219 Cohen re chain of title and possible CA filing Reviewing Youtube decision on DMCA defense; telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen; revising and finalizing responses to ReDigi and individual defendants' pre-motion letters and conferences with J. King re same; email to Judge Sullivan's chambers with letter responses; reviewed individual defendants' response to Capitol pre-motion letter on summary judgment; emails to client re same Telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title production and issues concerning same, McMullan deposition; reviewing protective order re same; reviewing spreadsheet re chain of title Telephone conferences with B. Cohen, A. McMullan and conferences with J. King re chain of title issues; reviewing documents provided by client; conferences with N. Chinda re production of same; detailed analysis and review of open title issues; reviewing EMI Entertainment v. Karen case Telephone conferences with B. Cohen, A. McMullan re chain of title issues; conference call with B. Cohen and R. Green re reviewing Tooth & Nail chain of title and status; reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda re same; email to opposing counsel re McMullan deposition Reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda re same; telephone conference with A. McMullan re issues concerning conference and scheduling; telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues; gathering, organizing and reviewing materials for conference; reviewing pre-motion letters, discovery letters and relevant cases re preparation for conference Preparation for conference, including review of cases and telephone conference with B. Cohen; reviewing Court orders re scheduling of status conference and cancellation of post-discovery conference; telephone conference with N. Giddings, conference with J. King re same; conference call with N. Giddings and Judge Sullivan's clerk re status of conference; emails to and telephone conference with B. Cohen re cancellation of conference and next steps; reviewing documents to be produced and conferences with N. Chinda re same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing additional documents Reviewing documents to be produced Reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda re issues concerning same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing responsive documents; telephone conference with opposing counsel re discovery issues; Page 3 1.50 765.00 0.50 255.00 4.60 2,346.00 3.80 1,938.00 5.60 2,856.00 3.30 1,683.00 2.50 2.30 1,275.00 1,173.00 29503 EMI Music 11/26/2013 RSM 11/27/2013 RSM 11/01/2013 JZK 11/04/2013 JZK 11/05/2013 JZK 11/06/2013 JZK 11/07/2013 JZK 11/08/2013 JZK 11/13/2013 JZK 11/14/2013 JZK 11/15/2013 JZK 11/19/2013 JZK 11/22/2013 JZK 11/01/2013 SPC Invoice# 216219 emails to and from client re same Reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda, telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re same and chain of title issues; letter to opposing counsel enclosing additional responsive documents; email to opposing counsel re scheduling of 30(b)(6) deposition Emails to and from opposing counsel, client re scheduling of deposition; reviewing status of certificates of registration produced and supplementing same; updating chain of title chart; reviewing documents to be produced; letter to opposing counsel enclosing additional documents Mandel, Richard Conference with R. Mandel re third party deposition; review research re waived affirmative defenses; conference re summary judgment motion as to affirmative defenses. Conference with R. Mandel re deposition and summary judgment letter. Begin drafting pre-motion letter re summary judgment; review ReDigi deposition re same. Continue drafting pre-motion letter re individual liability; review opposing counsel's proposed letter to Court seeking extension; revise and edit responsive letter to Court. Prepare supplemental initial disclosures and send to client; conference with R. Mandel re same; review letter to Court objecting to our submission. Complete draft pre-motion letter re summary judgment; conference with S. Ceresia re res judicata issues. Review Redigi's and individual defendants' pre-motion letters; begin research and drafting response to ReDigi letter; conference with R. Mandel re response to individual defendants letter. Research re constitutional challenges to statutory damages and innocent infringement reduction; complete responses to ReDigi pre-motion letter; revise response to individual defendants' pre-motion letter. Review individual defendants' response to Capitol's pre motion letter. Conference with R. Mandel re ownership issues and discovery to be produced. Review Court's two orders; phone conference with ReDigi counsel; conference with R. Mandel re supplemental production, conference. King, Jonathan Z. Conduct research regarding revived waived defenses; collect relevant caselaw. Page 4 2.40 1,224.00 1.80 918.00 45.00 22,950.00 1.60 784.00 0.50 245.00 2.50 1,225.00 3.50 1,715.00 2.00 980.00 3.70 1,813.00 2.00 980.00 2.50 1,225.00 0.40 196.00 0.40 196.00 1.20 588.00 20.30 9,947.00 0.90 243.00 29503 11/08/2013 11/06/2013 EMI Music SPC BAC 11/24/2013 SSG 11/25/2013 SSG 11/26/2013 SSG 11/12/2013 NAC 11/14/2013 NAC 11/15/2013 NAC 11/19/2013 NAC 11/20/2013 11/21/2013 NAC NAC 11/23/2013 NAC 11/24/2013 NAC 11/26/2013 NAC 11/27/2013 NAC Invoice# 216219 Conduct research regarding res judicata and waived counterclaims; collect relevant caselaw. Ceresia, Scott P. Conduct research regarding estoppel and laches defenses for use in promotion letter; communicate in firm regarding same. Crawford, Bridget A. Redact various agreements and documents in preparation for document production. Redact various agreements and documents in preparation for document production. Redact various agreements and documents in preparation for document production. Guldan, Sarah S. (Paralegal) RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook letter to Judge Sullivan re pre-motion letter in connection with motion for summary judgment. RE: Retrieve parallel Westlaw cite for Complex Systems, Inc. v. ABN Ambro Bank, N.V., 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 155122 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 25, 2013) as per R. Mandel. RE: Cite check, shepardize, and Bluebook 1) Response letter to ID pre-motion letter; and 2) Response letter to ReDigi pre-motion letter on SJ. RE: Discuss production of various corporate documents with R. Mandel; print out documents for review by R. Mandel; save and combine pdfs; Bates-number the same (CAP 002088 - CAP 002271); print copyset for file. RE: Redact various license agreements (folder group 1). RE: Redact various license agreements (folder group 1); add CA name change amendment to Capitol Christian Music Group and various Tooth and Nail documents; save and organize pdfs for production. RE: Redact and review various license agreements (folder group no. 1); prepare documents for production. RE: Redact and review various agreements (folder group no. 2 - dtd 11/21/2013); prepare documents for production. RE: Redact various agreements (Reeves through Korn); update pdf 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B (Gorillaz through Pre-72) with changes including deletions and redactions; prepare for production. RE: Review and organize agreements (Caesars through Korn); print out for R. Mandel's review; Bates-number the same (CAP 004581 - CAP 005082); burn 2 CDs; give to S. Lynch to send out. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Page 5 1.00 270.00 1.90 513.00 0.60 162.00 0.60 162.00 1.60 360.00 7.40 1,665.00 2.30 517.50 11.30 2,542.50 1.20 264.00 0.10 22.00 1.10 242.00 2.30 506.00 4.30 4.80 946.00 1,056.00 4.00 880.00 6.50 1,430.00 6.00 1,320.00 3.50 770.00 33.80 7,436.00 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 216219 Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $43,550.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$44,845.55 $58,716.42 ---------------Total balance now due $103,561.97 Page 6 112.90 $43,550.50 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 January 13, 2014 Invoice# 217797 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 12/31/2013 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated December 5, 2013 Payments received since last invoice $73,177.70 28,332.15 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $44,845.55 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12/01/2013 RSM Reviewing materials re preparation for court hearing 12/02/2013 RSM Preparation for court hearing; travel to and from and conducted hearing; conferences with J. King re same; email to client re same; reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda re same 12/03/2013 RSM Reviewed court order staying discovery pending disposition of motion to dismiss; reviewing documents to be produced; letter to opposing counsel enclosing additional documents 12/04/2013 RSM Reviewing documents to be produced; letter to opposing counsel enclosing same; telephone conferences with B. Cohen re chain of title issues 12/05/2013 RSM Reviewing documents to be produced; letter to opposing Hours 1.00 5.60 510.00 2,856.00 0.70 357.00 0.90 459.00 0.80 408.00 29503 EMI Music 12/06/2013 RSM 12/09/2013 RSM 12/10/2013 RSM 12/11/2013 RSM 12/12/2013 RSM 12/16/2013 RSM 12/17/2013 RSM 12/18/2013 RSM 12/19/2013 RSM 12/20/2013 RSM 12/23/2013 RSM Invoice# 217797 counsel enclosing additional documents; telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues; reviewed email from J. Pizzirusso to RIAA re subpoena Reviewing documents to be produced; emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues Reviewing documents to be produced; conferences with N. Chinda re same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing documents; emails to and from B. Cohen re miscellaneous chain of title issues Reviewing documents to be produced; conference with N. Chinda re same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing documents; emails to and from opposing counsel; detailed review and analysis of chain of title chart and updating information and open issues re same Conference call with J. Pizzirusso, G. Adelman and J. King re discovery issues; telephone conference with and emails to and from A. McMullan re defendants' request to dismiss Rudolph as defendant; telephone conference with B. Cohen re ownership issues and status of document production; continued review and analysis of ownership issues and updating chain of title chart re same Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement concerning Rudolph; continued review and analysis of open ownership issues and updating chart re same Reviewing Sinatra agreements to be produced; conference with N. Chinda re same; telephone conference with B. Cohen re open ownership issues Reviewing documents to be produced and conferences with N. Chinda re same; letter to opposing counsel enclosing documents; continued updating and revision of ownership chart; telephone conferences with B. Cohen re ownership issues Reviewing transcript from court hearing; email to client re same; conference with N. Chinda re document production; email to opposing counsel enclosing omitted signature page from agreement in document production; continued updating ownership chart and reviewing open issues re same Updating ownership chart and information and reviewing open issues re same Emails to and from opposing counsel re redaction of documents produced; reviewing Smashing Pumpkin agreements; reviewing email from B. Cohen re Beatles documents to be produced; emails to and conferences with N. Chinda re document production; telephone conference with B. Cohen re open ownership issues Reviewing and analyzing Beatles ownership documents; Page 2 1.20 612.00 1.20 612.00 4.40 2,244.00 2.80 1,428.00 1.60 816.00 0.80 408.00 2.80 1,428.00 3.30 1,683.00 1.00 510.00 0.90 459.00 1.20 612.00 29503 12/26/2013 EMI Music RSM Invoice# 217797 telephone conferences with B. Cohen re same and ownership issues; conferences with N. Chinda re document production; reviewing documents to be produced Reviewing Pink Floyd license agreement; reviewing documents to be produced; letter to opposing counsel enclosing documents Mandel, Richard Page 3 0.50 255.00 30.70 15,657.00 12/02/2013 JZK Attend hearing on discovery dispute and res judicata. King, Jonathan Z. 2.50 2.50 1,225.00 1,225.00 12/23/2013 IVD 0.90 180.00 12/23/2013 IVD Redacting Percentages, dollar amounts and units from licensing agreements. Scanning documents in preperation for filing. Duran, Ignacio V. (Paralegal) 0.10 1.00 20.00 200.00 12/02/2013 NAC 0.90 198.00 12/03/2013 NAC 3.50 770.00 12/05/2013 NAC 2.30 506.00 12/09/2013 NAC 2.90 638.00 12/16/2013 NAC 1.00 220.00 12/17/2013 NAC 0.90 198.00 12/23/2013 NAC 3.30 726.00 14.80 3,256.00 49.00 $20,338.00 RE: Review and organize pdfs of scanned license agreements (David Bowie - OK Go); Bates-number the same (CAP 005083 - CAP 005727). RE: Redact various license agreements (Pre-72 through Yellowcard). RE: Discuss review of license agreements to be produced with R. Mandel (Pre-72, REM through Tanya Tucker); Bates-number the same (CAP 006206 - CAP 006970); burn 2 copysets of CDs; scan in letter to file; sent the same via fed ex. RE: Save scanned redacted pdfs from Sunday batch; print the same for R. Mandel's review; re-Bates-number CAP 006971 - CAP 007131; burn to disk to be sent out. RE: Redact Sinatra agreements; scan in and Bates-number (CAP 008144 - CAP 008182); review and print for R. Mandel's review. RE: Redact additional Korn agreement; scan in and Bates-number (CAP 008183 - CAP 008215); review and print for R. Mandel's review. RE: Redact Smashing Pumpkins agreement; scan in Beatles Harrison and Lennon agreements; scan in Smashing Pumpkins agreement. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 217797 Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $20,338.00 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$24,968.34 $44,845.55 ---------------Total balance now due $69,813.89 Page 4 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 February 10, 2014 Invoice# 219312 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 01/31/2014 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated January 13, 2014 Payments received since last invoice $69,813.89 44,845.55 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $24,968.34 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01/02/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re issues concerning production of Beatles agreements 01/13/2014 RSM Detailed review of chain of title chart re outlining potential open issues; email to B. Cohen re Tooth & Nail copyright assignment 01/14/2014 RSM Continuing outlining of open ownership issues and detailed review of chain of title chart re same; emails to and from B. Cohen 01/15/2014 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re Tooth & Nail assignment and reviewing same 01/17/2014 RSM Drafting memo summarizing open ownership/chain of title issues Hours 0.20 104.00 1.00 520.00 1.20 624.00 0.20 104.00 1.80 936.00 29503 EMI Music 01/19/2014 RSM 01/22/2014 RSM 01/23/2014 RSM 01/24/2014 RSM 01/27/2014 RSM 01/28/2014 RSM 01/23/2014 01/23/2014 TK NAC Invoice# 219312 Email to B. Cohen re issue concerning Decemberists recording Drafting and revising memo re open ownership issues; reviewing evidence re same Conferences with N. Chinda and T. Kjellberg re obtaining Word/Amy Grant assignment of copyright from Copyright Office; continued reviewing chain of title issues and documents re same; drafting memo re ownership issues Reviewing schedule to Tooth & Nail copyright assignment; emails to and from B. Cohen re dissolution of Tooth & Nail; completing memo re open ownership issues Telephone conference with B. Cohen re ownership issues; finalized memo re issues concerning same and email to B. Cohen enclosing same Telephone conference with B. Cohen re After the Bombs recording by Decemberists Mandel, Richard Confer with Ms. Chinda, correspond with Robert Roomian re obtaining copies of documents recorded in Copyright Office Kjellberg, Thomas RE: Discuss obtaining assignments re Amy Grant from Copyright Office with T. Kjellberg. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $5,352.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$5,482.16 $24,968.34 ---------------- Total balance now due $30,450.50 Page 2 0.10 52.00 2.60 1,352.00 1.30 676.00 0.80 416.00 0.50 260.00 0.10 52.00 9.80 5,096.00 0.50 212.50 0.50 212.50 0.20 44.00 0.20 44.00 10.50 $5,352.50 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 219312 Page 3 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 March 10, 2014 Invoice# 221198 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 02/28/2014 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated February 10, 2014 Payments received since last invoice $30,450.50 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $30,450.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 02/03/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re Beatles ownership documents 02/05/2014 RSM Reviewing additional Beatles agreements provided by client 02/12/2014 RSM Reviewing information forwarded by B. Cohen re Chrysalis; emails to and from B. Cohen re same and effect on chain of title analysis 02/13/2014 RSM Emails to and from and telephone conference with B. Cohen re evaluating chain of title issue concerning Chrysalis Records Inc. 02/21/2014 RSM Reviewing RIAA memo analyzing ReDigi 2.0 02/22/2014 RSM Reviewed M. Montague memo on ReDigi patent, J. King Hours 0.10 52.00 0.60 312.00 0.20 104.00 0.50 260.00 0.20 0.30 104.00 156.00 29503 02/26/2014 EMI Music RSM 02/22/2014 JZK 02/24/2014 JZK 02/26/2014 JZK 02/10/2014 MM 02/14/2014 MM 02/16/2014 MM 02/23/2014 MM 02/04/2014 NAC Invoice# 221198 email to client re ReDigi 2.0; emails to and from J. King re same Reviewing prior memo re ReDigi 2.0 in preparation for call with client; conference with J. King re same; conference call with J. King and B. Cohen re ReDigi 2.0 Mandel, Richard Review M. Montague memo re ReDigi patents; review RIAA memo re ReDigi 2.0; send email analysis of RIAA memo to A. McMullan. Meet with M. Montague re ReDigi patents; review and revise patent memo. Phone conference with B. Cohen and R. Mandel re Redigi 2.0; review memos analyzing same. King, Jonathan Z. study of ReDigi U.S. Patent No. 8,627,500 to assess disclosed technique for "Copy-Less" technology search for other patents/pending applications of ReDigi; review of pending applications that describe copyless transfer; preparation of memorandum regarding same finalizing memorandum regarding ReDigi patenting relevant to copyless transfer; forwarding to JZK preparation of revised memo to include discussion of copying/making available music file on user computer after transfer to ReDigi server, as discussed in ReDigi "redirection" patent application; forwarding to J. King Montague, Mark RE: Save various Beatles license agreements to I-drive for possible production; print the same for R. Mandel's review. Chinda, Nart-Anong (Paralegal) Current Services EXPENSES Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $5,172.50 Total expenses incurred --------------Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward $5,193.80 $30,450.50 Page 2 0.60 312.00 2.50 1,300.00 1.50 742.50 0.50 247.50 0.60 297.00 2.60 1,287.00 1.00 555.00 2.00 1,110.00 1.00 555.00 0.50 277.50 4.50 2,497.50 0.40 88.00 0.40 88.00 10.00 $5,172.50 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 221198 ---------------- Total balance now due $35,644.30 Page 3 Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 790-9200 Tel (212) 575-0671 Fax Wire Instructions IDB Bank 511 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Acct No.: 0371047 ABA No.: 026009768; Swift Code: IDBYUS33 April 11, 2014 Invoice# 223079 RSM Our file# 29503 0003 Billing through 03/31/2014 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attn: Alasdair McMullan SVP, Legal Affairs ReDigi Balance forward as of invoice dated March 10, 2014 $10,675.96 Payments received since last invoice 0.00 ---------------- Accounts receivable balance carried forward $10,675.96 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 03/11/2014 RSM Reviewing patent memo and RIAA memo re preparation for call with RIAA; conference call with G. Borkowski of RIAA, B. Cohen and J. King re ReDigi 2.0 Mandel, Richard 03/11/2014 JZK Conference call with R. Mandel, B. Cohen and G. Borkowski re ReDigi 2.0. King, Jonathan Z. Current Services EXPENSES Hours 0.80 416.00 0.80 416.00 0.70 346.50 0.70 346.50 1.50 $762.50 29503 EMI Music Invoice# 223079 Current Expenses Billing Summary Total professional services $762.50 Total expenses incurred Total of new charges for this invoice Plus net balance forward --------------$776.22 $10,675.96 ---------------- Total balance now due $11,452.18 Page 2 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs July 02, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 300871 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2014 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 05/28/2014 RSM Reviewed email from client re comments for use with Ossenmacher at IP subcommittee hearing; conference with J. King re same; email to client re potential questions for Ossenmacher. 0.3 $156.00 05/30/2014 RSM Reviewed J. Ossenmacher hearing testimony; email to A. McMullan re analyzing same. 0.8 $416.00 1.1 $572.00 Hours 1.1 Amount $572.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount July 02, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 300871 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $572.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $615.00 $776.22 ($776.22) $615.00 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs October 07, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 307103 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through September 30, 2014 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 09/02/2014 RSM Reviewed Court decision denying motion to dismiss; conference with J. King re same; email to client re same and next steps. 0.4 $208.00 09/03/2014 JZK Review Court's decision on motion to dismiss; meet with R. Mandel re next steps. 0.4 $198.00 09/04/2014 JMN Docketed ECF notice and calendared deadline. 0.2 $43.00 09/08/2014 JZK Meet with R. Mandel re discovery dispute and possible motion for summary judgment in ReDigi. 0.4 $198.00 09/08/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re next steps in litigation; emails to and from A. McMullan, conferences with J. King re same; emails to and from opposing counsel re scheduling call to address next steps and joint letter to court; email to G. Borkowski updating on decision on motion to dismiss and possible follow up on RIAA subpoena. 0.8 $416.00 09/10/2014 JZK Meet with R. Mandel re all pending discovery disputes and tomorrow's call with opposing counsel. 0.6 $297.00 09/10/2014 RSM Reviewing and analyzing prior discovery disputes and requests; outlining open issues re same in preparation for call with opposing counsel; conference with J. King re reviewing issues and strategy for call with opposing counsel. 1.8 $936.00 09/15/2014 JZK Conference call with all counsel re letter to Court; meet with R. Mandel re same. 0.5 $247.50 09/15/2014 RSM Conference call with J. King and opposing counsel re joint letter, next steps; follow up discussion with J. King re same; email to client re next steps. 0.5 $260.00 09/16/2014 JZK Conference with R. Mandel re letter to Court and include defendants' proposed motion to reconsider; review prior letter re discovery dispute and summary judgment motion; draft joint letter to Court. 2.3 $1,138.50 October 07, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 307103 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 09/16/2014 RSM Telephone conferences with opposing counsel, conferences with J. King and emails to and from client re motion for reconsideration, possible extension of time to answer. 0.3 $156.00 09/17/2014 JZK Review IDs' motion to reconsider and answer and circulate to client. 1.0 $495.00 09/17/2014 RSM Emails to and from client, email to opposing counsel re draft joint letter to Court. 0.2 $104.00 09/17/2014 JMN Docketed ECF notices and calendared deadline for opposiiton papers to motion for reconsideration. 0.2 $43.00 09/19/2014 JZK Review various revisions to letter to Court and meet with R. Mandel re same; conference call with R. Mandel and B. Cohen. 1.0 $495.00 09/19/2014 RSM Multiple emails to and from counsel for ReDigi and individual defendants re draft lettter to Court; telephone conference with individual defendants' counsel and conference call with J. King and individual defendants' counsel re same; reviewing revised drafts of joint letter to Court and revising same; conferences with J. King re same; emails to B. Cohen and conference call with B. Cohen and J. King re joint letter to court, issues on amending complaint; finalized and sent joint letter to Court re next steps in litigation; reviewed individual defendants' motion for reconsideration; conferences with J. King re same. 2.5 $1,300.00 09/22/2014 JZK Prepare pre-motion letter re amending complaint; begin researching and drafting opposition to motion to reconsider. 4.5 $2,227.50 09/22/2014 RSM Reviewing status of copyright ownership of all claimed recordings re determining changes needed for second amended complaint; prepared updated exhibit to complaint detailing owners and deleting tracks no longer claimed; email to B. Cohen summarizing chain of title issues to be resolved and other informatio needed for second amended complaint; conferences with J. King re response to motion for reconsideration. 2.8 $1,456.00 09/23/2014 JZK Continue drafting opposition to motion to reconsider; conference with R. Mandel re discovery disputes. 3.5 $1,732.50 09/23/2014 RSM Reviewed Court order setting deadline for update on discovery disputes; email to client re same; conferences with J. King re reconsideration response and responses to discovery requests. 0.3 $156.00 09/24/2014 JZK Meet with R. Mandel re possible motion to strike; complete first draft of opposition to motion to reconsider. 1.0 $495.00 09/24/2014 RSM Revising responses to interrogatories and document requests served by individual defendants; reviewing and revising response to motion for reconsideration; conferences with J. King re same, potential motion to strike affirmative defenses; email to client re reconsideration opposition; reviewed client comments re same. 1.8 $936.00 October 07, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 307103 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 09/25/2014 JZK Revise opposition to motion to reconsider and recirculate; revise response to individual defendants' interrogatories and meet with R. Mandel re same; review prior deposition testimony for purpose of interrogatory response; conference call with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and R. Mandel re ReDigi settlement options. 2.5 $1,237.50 09/25/2014 RSM Reviewed revised brief in opposition to reconsideration motion; conference call with J. King, B. Cohen and A. McMullan re settlement. 0.5 $260.00 09/26/2014 JZK Research re licensee standing to sue for patent infringement; meet with R. Mandel re same. 1.2 $594.00 09/26/2014 RSM Conferences with J. King re settlement and implications of potential patent license from or to ReDigi; reviewing revised interrogatory responses; email to client re draft discovery responses; telephone conference with A. McMullan re same. 0.6 $312.00 09/29/2014 JZK Research re applying injunction to successor and standing of exclusive patent licensee; draft and send memo summarizing legal principles and settlement options to A. McMullan. 3.0 $1,485.00 09/29/2014 RSM Conferences with N. Chinda re cite check of brief in opposition to reconsideraton; reviewed same and revised citations; telephone conference with B. Cohen re additional changes to brief; revised and finalized opposition brief; conferences with J. King re settlement issues; reviewed emails to and from client re same. 0.7 $364.00 09/29/2014 NAC RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Plaintiff's Memorandum in Opp. to Individual Defendants' Motion for Reconsideration. 1.4 $308.00 09/30/2014 RSM Executed and arranged for filing of opposition brief to reconsideration motion; email to client re same; drafted letter to Court enclosing courtesy copy of brief. 0.4 $208.00 09/30/2014 NAC Efile brief in opposition to reconsideration matter. 0.2 $44.00 37.5 $18,350.50 Hours 21.9 Amount $10,840.50 13.6 $7,072.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 1.6 $352.00 JMN J. Martin Noble 0.4 $86.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount October 07, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 307103 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $18,350.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $18,359.75 $18,359.75 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs November 06, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 308845 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through October 31, 2014 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 10/01/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re status of chain of title research, discovery responses. 0.1 $52.00 10/02/2014 RSM Telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues; reviewing files re same; reviewing revised exhibit to amended complaint listing copyright owners. 0.6 $312.00 10/03/2014 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re Chrysalis merger information; reviewing certificate of merger re same; email to opposing counsel re discovery disputes. 0.3 $156.00 10/06/2014 JZK Review IDS' reply brief on motion to reconsider. 0.3 $148.50 10/06/2014 RSM Reviewing corporate merger information re Virgin Records Nashville; updating chain of title chart and exhibit to complaint; telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title, discovery responses. 0.4 $208.00 10/06/2014 NAC RE: Docketed ECF notice and Docket No. 154. 0.2 $44.00 10/07/2014 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re corporate information on new plaintiffs, chain of title information; reviewed and revised draft letter to Court re seeking permission to amend; email to client re draft letter. 0.6 $312.00 10/07/2014 NAC RE: Search document production for all Tooth and Nail agreements (as per R. Mandel). 0.7 $154.00 10/08/2014 JZK Conference with A. McMullan and R. Mandel re settlement term sheet; conference with G. Adelman. 0.5 $247.50 10/08/2014 RSM Conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement; conference call with A. McMullan and B. Cohen re chain of title issues; drafting second amended complaint; reviewing and analyzing status of chain of title documentation produced for pre-1972 sound recordings. 2.8 $1,456.00 November 06, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 308845 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 10/09/2014 JZK Draft settlement term sheet and send to A. McMullan. 1.2 $594.00 10/09/2014 RSM Numerous emails to and from B. Cohen re open chain of title issues; reviewing additional documents provided by client in connection with same; conferences with N. Chinda re additional documents to be produced; email to client re draft second amended complaint; reviewing draft settlement term sheet and conference with J. King re revisions to same. 2.4 $1,248.00 10/09/2014 NAC RE: Review Capitol document production for various docs produced; add new docs to the documents-to-be-produced I-drive folder. 0.6 $132.00 10/10/2014 JZK Meet with R. Mandel re revising discovery responses and negotiations with opposing counsel re same; draft additional interrogatory responses. 1.3 $643.50 10/10/2014 RSM Telephone conference with and emails to and from counsel for individual defendants regarding discovery disputes, settlement; emails to and from and telephone conferences with client re same; conferences with J. King re discovery disputes and responses; revising interrogaotry responses; emails to and from B. Cohen re open chain of title issues. 2.6 $1,352.00 10/14/2014 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement, discovery responses; emails to and from B. Cohen, A. McMullan re discoveyr responses. 0.4 $208.00 10/15/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re reviewing open chain of title issues; reviewing revisions to discovery responses; revising and finalizing discovery responses; email to opposing counsel re discovery responses; telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement, amendment. 2.7 $1,404.00 10/16/2014 RSM Finalizing exhibit to second amended complaint re claimed recordings and copyright ownership of same; revised draft letter to Court re amendment; email to client re draft pleading, exhibit and letter. 0.9 $468.00 10/17/2014 JZK Review Court's order denying motion to reconsider; review ReDigi markup of term sheet and conference with B. Cohen re same. 1.0 $495.00 10/17/2014 RSM Reviewed Court decision denying motion for reconsideration; email to client re same; reviewed client comments on draft letter to Court on amendment; revised same; telephone conference with B. Cohen re amended complaint, chain of title status; drafted joint letter to Court re open discovery issues; email to client re same. 1.8 $936.00 10/17/2014 JMN Docketed ECF notice. 0.2 $43.00 10/20/2014 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re draft complaint and discovery letter; email to opposing counsel re draft joint discovery letter. 0.3 $156.00 10/21/2014 JZK Conference with B. Cohen re ReDigi term sheet. 0.4 $198.00 November 06, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 308845 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 10/21/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to second amended complaint; finalized same; email to Court with letter seeking pre-motion conference on motion to amend and attached proposed pleading. 0.4 $208.00 10/22/2014 RSM Reviewed opposing counsel's mark-up of joint letter; emails to and from client, opposing counsel re same; revising joint letter re addition of collateral estoppel/res judicata arguments and other responsive points; finalized and sent letter to Court; emails to and from opposing counsel, client re settlement; updated memo re open chain of title issues and documents to be produced; email to client re same. 3.0 $1,560.00 10/24/2014 RSM Reviewed Court order setting conference; email to client re same; reviewed defendants' responsive letter re motion to amend. 0.3 $156.00 10/27/2014 JZK Review ReDigi letter opposing amended complaint. 0.3 $148.50 10/27/2014 RSM Email to client re defendants' response to motion to amend. 0.1 $52.00 10/27/2014 JMN Docketed ECF notices and calendared conference date. 0.2 $43.00 10/28/2014 RSM Telephone conference with chambers re request for redline of amended pleading; reviewed redline and email to chambers transmitting same; telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re open document production/chain of title issues and status of same. 0.9 $468.00 10/29/2014 RSM Reviewed Court order granting motion to amend; email to client re same; finalized and executed second amended complaint; arranged for filing of same; prepared Rule 7.1 statement for new plaintiffs and arranged for filing of same; letter to Court enclosing courtesy copy of new pleading. 0.8 $416.00 10/29/2014 JMN Filed Second Amended Complaint and Rule 7.1 Statement via ECF. Docketeed ECF notices and calendared deadline for reply to Second Amended Complaint. 0.6 $129.00 10/30/2014 RSM Reviewing email and spreadsheet re availaibility of deposit copies; telephone conference with B. Cohen re same, production of additional agreements; reviewing and analyzing additional documents provided re chain of title; emails to and from B. Cohen re same; conferences with N. Chinda re preparation of same for production and reviewing document production. 1.8 $936.00 10/30/2014 NAC RE: Redact various license agreements (Ennio Morricone, Gomez, Kooks); Bates-number Bevis document, 3-28-07 Chrysalis Merger, 12-28-99 Virgin Records Merger, IRS agreement and redacted license agreements (CAP 008294 - CAP 008532); print and organize for R. Mandel's review. 4.3 $946.00 10/31/2014 RSM Reviewing additional documents to be produced re chain of title; emails to and from B. Cohen re same, open chain of title issues; conferences with and emails to N. Chinda re document production; reviewing document production. 0.7 $364.00 10/31/2014 NAC RE: Save various agreements (EMI America Records, 1/1/1992 Tom Cochrane Artist Agreement. 0.2 $44.00 November 06, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 308845 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services 10/31/2014 NAC Hours Amount 1.5 $330.00 37.4 $16,768.00 Hours 5.0 Amount $2,475.00 23.9 $12,428.00 RE: Redact various license agreements; Bates-number the same (CAP 008533 - CAP 008625). Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 7.5 $1,650.00 JMN J. Martin Noble 1.0 $215.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $16,768.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $16,923.79 $18,359.75 $35,283.54 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs December 04, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 310311 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through November 30, 2014 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 11/03/2014 RSM Reviewed additional documents provided by client; conference with N. Chinda re production of same; emails to and from B. Cohen re deposit copies. 0.5 $260.00 11/03/2014 NAC RE: Review and redact Caesar's Agreement; Bates-number (CAP 008626 through CAP 008631); print for review by R. Mandel. 0.4 $88.00 11/04/2014 RSM Reviewing additional documents to be produced; emails to and from B. Cohen re additional documents, timing of discovery to be addressed at conference; reviewing emails re settlement; gathering relevant materials for conference. 1.8 $936.00 11/05/2014 RSM Reviewing deposit copies supplied by client; conferences with N. Chinda re production of same; reviewing copies of documents to be produced re same. 0.6 $312.00 11/05/2014 NAC RE: Scan in various covers/backs of CDs from various artists; Bates-number the same (CAP 008726 - CAP 008771); meet with R. Mandel. 1.1 $242.00 11/06/2014 RSM Reviewing email exchange between A. McMullan and J. Ossenmacher re settlement; telephone conference with A. McMullan re same and next steps; emails to and from opposing counsel, B. Cohen re proposed discovery schedule; organizing materials for court conference. 0.8 $416.00 11/07/2014 JZK Attend ReDigi court conference. 2.0 $990.00 11/07/2014 RSM Preparation for court conference, including review of letters, res judicata case law and prior document production; email to and telephone conference with A. McMullan re discovery issues in preparation for conference; travel to and from Court; conduct conference; email to client reporting re same. 4.0 $2,080.00 December 04, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 310311 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 11/11/2014 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel, client re draft stipulation on preserving right to appeal denial of motion to dismiss without moving against new complaint; revised stipulation; emails to and from and telephone conference with A. McMullan re same; conference with S. Ceresia re legal research on res judicata/collateral estoppel for upcoming briefs on affirmative defenses. 0.4 $208.00 11/12/2014 RSM Reviewing email from client and documents re Enigma recordings; conference with N. Chinda re preparing same for production; telephone conference with B. Cohen re status of production; reviewed revised stipulation on answer; revised and executed same; emails to and from client, opposing counsel re same. 0.7 $364.00 11/12/2014 NAC RE: Redact various Enigma agreements; Bates-number the same (CAP 008872 - CAP 008812); combine pdfs and print in-house copyset for R. Mandel's review. 1.3 $286.00 11/13/2014 RSM Reviewing document production; letter to counsel for defendants enclosing additional responsive documents. 0.4 $208.00 11/13/2014 NAC RE: Burn 3 disks of supplemental Capitol production (Bates No. CAP 008294 - CAP 008812); review the same; create CD labels. 1.0 $220.00 11/14/2014 RSM Updating chain of title chart with information reflecting supplemental document production; reviewing remaining open issues to be resolved. 1.8 $936.00 11/18/2014 RSM Continuing update of chain of title chart with information from supplemental document production. 1.0 $520.00 11/28/2014 JZK Emails with A. McMullan re settlement issues. 0.4 $198.00 18.2 $8,264.00 Hours 2.4 Amount $1,188.00 12.0 $6,240.00 3.8 $836.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel NAC Nart-Anong Chinda DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount December 04, 2014 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 310311 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $8,264.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $8,384.62 $35,283.54 $43,668.16 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs January 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 311868 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through December 31, 2014 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 12/01/2014 JZK Phone conference with R. Mandel and G. Adelman; follow-up call with A. McMullan. 1.0 $495.00 12/01/2014 RSM Conference call with J. King and G. Adelman re settlement; conferences with J. King re same; reviewed emails from client re same. 0.7 $364.00 12/02/2014 JZK Conference with G. Adelman re ReDigi settlement proposal and conference with R. Mandel re same; review draft proposal and send to A. McMullan. 0.4 $198.00 12/02/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re status; reviewed settlement proposal from G. Adelman; conferences with J. King re same; reviewed A. McMullan response re settlement. 0.4 $208.00 12/03/2014 JMN Docketed ECF notices and calendared transcript deadlines. 0.2 $43.00 12/05/2014 JZK Review papers re res judicata. 0.6 $297.00 12/05/2014 RSM Reviwed defendants' brief re res judicata issue; email to client re same; conference with S. Ceresia re research for response. 0.6 $312.00 12/08/2014 RSM Reviewing and analyzing defendants' brief and cases cited by defendant on res judicata; reviewing additional case law on res judicata; conferences with J. King re opposition to brief and outlining same. 2.8 $1,456.00 12/09/2014 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement; conference with J. King re same; conferences with S. Ceresia re research on res judicata issues; reviewing and researching cases on unclean hands, laches and estoppel/waiver/consent defenses; drafting section of brief addressing merits of such affirmative defenses. 2.4 $1,248.00 12/09/2014 SPC Begin conducting research on res judicata argument regarding two actions. 0.7 $199.50 January 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 311868 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 12/10/2014 SPC Continue researching arguments regarding res judicata and collateral estoppel. 0.8 $228.00 12/11/2014 RSM Conferences with S. Ceresia re legal research for brief and reviewing same; drafting Mandel declaration re res judicata motion; reviewing and selecting exhibits to Mandel declaration. 2.0 $1,040.00 12/11/2014 SPC Further research res judicata and collateral estoppel argument; review collected research; begin drafting brief section regarding same. 3.0 $855.00 12/12/2014 SPC Continue drafting section of brief regarding res judicata, collateral estoppel and law of the case; conduct research regarding due process argument and review collected research. 5.7 $1,624.50 12/14/2014 SPC Continue working on brief sections regarding preclusion and due process; review and revise. 2.2 $627.00 12/15/2014 RSM Reviewed legal research and draft sections for brief prepared by S. Ceresia; drafting and revising brief re res judicata. 7.5 $3,900.00 12/15/2014 SPC Finalize draft of brief sections and send to R. Mandel for review. 0.7 $199.50 12/15/2014 NAC RE: Retrieve Aid for Women v. Foulston westlaw cite (2005 US Dist. LEXIS 8420, D. Kan. 2005) and EEOC v. First Nat'l Bank of Memphis westlaw cite (1978 US Dist. LEXIS 13740, W.D. Tenn. 1977) for R. Mandel. 0.4 $88.00 12/16/2014 JZK Settlement conversation with G. Adelman and emails re same; review and revise brief re res judicata; draft preliminary statement for brief; meet with R. Mandel re same. 2.5 $1,237.50 12/16/2014 RSM Conferences with J. King re settlement discussion with G. Adelman brief on res judicata; reviewed email re same; completed drafting and revising brief re res judicata/affirmative defenses; revising Mandel declaration; conferences with S. Ceresia re legal research; email to client re draft brief; conference with and emails to and from re status of ReDigi appointment of agent under DMCA. 4.5 $2,340.00 12/16/2014 TXK Confer with RSM; research Copyright Office Directory of Service Provider Agents for entry for ReDigi Inc. 0.4 $170.00 12/16/2014 NAC RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook Plaintiff's Memo of Law re Application of Res Judicata to Individual Defendant's Affirmative Defenses. 3.3 $726.00 12/17/2014 RSM Reviewing cite check of brief and affirmances of various cases cited; revising brief re same. 1.0 $520.00 12/17/2014 NAC RE: Check for various Westlaw cites for cases referenced in Plaintiff's Brief re Res Judicata; retrieve hard copies for Tap Holdings, Denton, Obabueki, and Price cases; check Peer Int'l Corp. v. Luna Records cite (as per R. Mandel). 1.5 $330.00 12/18/2014 JZK Conference with R. Mandel re further caselaw or res judicata. 0.4 $198.00 January 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 311868 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 12/18/2014 RSM Reviewing and revising brief; conferences with J. King re same; selecting relevant exhibits, including deposition excerpts; reviewing exhibits; reviewing deposition confidentiality designations in connection with filing; reviewing and revising table of authorities and contents to brief; telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to brief; email to client re Mandel declaration; revising and finalizing same; conference with J. King and A. McMullan re reviewing settlement issues. 4.6 $2,392.00 12/19/2014 JZK Phone conference with G. Adelman re ReDigi settlement. 0.3 $148.50 12/19/2014 RSM Emails to and from and telephone conference with G. Adelman re confidentiality of cited deposition transcripts; drafted letter to Court re same and courtesy copies; reviewed redactions of confidential deposition portions for public filing; finalized brief, declaration and exhibits, courtesy and redacted copies; arranged for filing of brief and declaration re res judicata issue and delivery of courtesy copies re same. 2.8 $1,456.00 12/19/2014 JMN FIled Memo of Law and Declaration of RSM via ECF. 0.4 $86.00 12/22/2014 RSM Letter to Court enclosing copies of Lexis decisions cited in brief; email to opposing counsel re same. 0.2 $104.00 12/23/2014 RSM Reviewing status of open document production issues; email to B. Cohen summarizing same; follow up email to G. Adelman re confidentiality of deposition excerpts; reviewed individual defendants' reply brief re res judicata; email to client re same. 0.9 $468.00 12/30/2014 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re removal of confidentiality designations on cited Ossenmacher testimony; conferences with M. Noble re filing of amended declaration including all deposition excerpts; letter to Court re same. 0.3 $156.00 12/30/2014 JMN Filed Amended Declaration of RSM in Support of Memo of Law and Letter to Judge Sullivan via ECF. 0.4 $86.00 55.6 $23,800.50 Hours 5.2 Amount $2,574.00 30.7 $15,964.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel TXK Thomas Kjellberg 0.4 $170.00 SPC Scott P. Ceresia 13.1 $3,733.50 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 5.2 $1,144.00 JMN J. Martin Noble 1.0 $215.00 January 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 311868 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $23,800.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions IDB Bank Bank Name: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $24,398.76 $43,668.16 ($35,283.54) $32,783.38 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs February 10, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 313753 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through January 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 01/16/2015 JZK Review prior settlement proposal; conference with A. McMullan and G. Adelman. 1.0 $495.00 01/30/2015 RSM Telephone conference with and reviewed email from B. Cohen re additional chain of title evidence. 0.2 $104.00 1.2 $599.00 Hours 1.0 Amount $495.00 0.2 $104.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount February 10, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 313753 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $599.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $652.00 $32,783.38 ($8,384.62) $25,050.76 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs March 05, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 315327 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through February 28, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/02/2015 RSM Conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement (.1); reviewing emails from and documents provided by B. Cohen re additional chain of title evidence -- Keren Ann, Royksopp, Sinead O'Connor, Proclaimers, Damon Albarn, Kylie Minogue, Eliza Doolittle, Danger Mouse, Chiddy Bang (.4). 0.5 $260.00 02/03/2015 JZK Conference with B. Cohen and R. Pichler re transfer of settlement agreement (.6); email to A. McMullan re same (.2). 0.8 $396.00 02/05/2015 JZK Draft and circulate revised settlement term sheet. 1.0 $495.00 02/12/2015 JZK Review A. McMullan edits to settlement proposal (.2); emails and phone calls re same (.2). 0.4 $198.00 2.7 $1,349.00 Hours 2.2 Amount $1,089.00 0.5 $260.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT $1,349.00 $1,349.00 $25,050.76 $26,399.76 March 05, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 315327 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs April 13, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 317259 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through March 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services 03/02/2015 JZK Hours Amount 0.3 $148.50 0.3 $148.50 Hours 0.3 Amount $148.50 Emails re ReDigi settlement proposal (.2); send out revised proposal to G. Adelman (.1). Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $148.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $148.50 $26,399.76 ($24,398.76) $2,149.50 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs May 12, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 318782 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through April 30, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 04/01/2015 RSM Emails to and from A. McMullan re status and next potential steps; reviewing Judge Sullivan rules on motions in connection with same. 0.1 $52.00 04/16/2015 JZK Conference with G. Adelman re settlement and follow-up email re same. 0.5 $247.50 0.6 $299.50 Hours 0.5 Amount $247.50 0.1 $52.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $299.50 $299.50 $2,149.50 ($652.00) $1,797.00 May 12, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 318782 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs June 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 320361 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 05/18/2015 RSM Follow up email to G. Adelman re status of settlement. 0.1 $52.00 05/27/2015 RSM Follow up email to G. Adelman re settlement. 0.1 $52.00 05/29/2015 RSM Reviewed settlement proposal from ReDigi and emails to and from client re same. 0.2 $104.00 0.4 $208.00 Hours 0.4 Amount $208.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $208.00 $208.00 $1,797.00 ($1,349.00) $656.00 June 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 320361 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs July 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 321918 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through June 30, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 06/03/2015 RSM Reviewing and analyzing ReDigi settlement proposal re revisions to last offer (.5); email to client re analyzing same (.4); follow up emails to and from client re settlement and status of case (.2); conference with J. King re settlement status and next potential steps (.2). 1.3 $676.00 06/09/2015 JZK Conference with A. McMullan and R. Mandel re settlement (.6); conference with R. Mandel re settlement (.3); conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.4). 1.3 $643.50 06/09/2015 RSM Conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement (.6); conferences with J. King re follow up issues on same (.3). 0.9 $468.00 06/10/2015 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement. 0.2 $104.00 06/12/2015 JZK Conferences with R. Mandel and S. Gerson re securing ReDigi settlement and injunction. 0.5 $247.50 06/12/2015 RSM Conference with J. King re settlement (.2); conference with S. Gerson and J. King re reviewing proposed UCC1 mechanism proposed by ReDigi (.3); telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement (.3). 0.8 $416.00 06/12/2015 SG Office Conference w/Richard Mandel and Jon King re: security itnterest/UCC filing. 0.3 $178.50 06/29/2015 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement (.1); telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.4). 0.5 $260.00 5.8 $2,993.50 Total Professional Services July 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 321918 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 TIMEKEEPER RECAP Hours 1.8 Amount $891.00 Richard Mandel 3.7 $1,924.00 Simon Gerson 0.3 $178.50 JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM SG Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $2,993.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $2,993.50 $656.00 $3,649.50 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs August 06, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 323597 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through July 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 07/10/2015 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re settlement. 0.1 $52.00 07/23/2015 RSM Telephone conferences with G. Adelman, A. McMullan re settlement. 0.5 $260.00 07/31/2015 RSM Telephone conference with and email to G. Adelman re settlement. 0.2 $104.00 0.8 $416.00 Hours 0.8 Amount $416.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $416.00 $416.00 $3,649.50 ($448.00) $3,617.50 August 06, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 323597 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs September 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 325204 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through August 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 08/11/2015 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re status of settlement. 0.1 $52.00 08/25/2015 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re status of settlement. 0.1 $52.00 08/27/2015 JZK Review Court opinion on individual defendants' waiver of affirmative defenses. 0.3 $148.50 08/27/2015 RSM Reviewed and analyzed court order rejecting individual defendants' affirmative defenses (.3); email to client re same (.1). 0.4 $208.00 Total Professional Services 0.9 $460.50 Hours 0.3 Amount $148.50 0.6 $312.00 TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $460.50 $460.50 $3,617.50 ($208.00) $3,870.00 September 08, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 325204 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs October 06, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 326700 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through September 30, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 09/02/2015 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, next steps in litigation (.2); emails to and from J. Pizzirusso re joint letter to Court (.1). 0.3 $156.00 09/03/2015 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, next litigation steps. 0.2 $104.00 09/04/2015 RSM Reviewed email from G. Adelman re settlement proposal (.2); emails to and from client re same (.1); prepared summary requested by client of prior settlement negotiations and reviewing prior settlement communications in connection with same (1.2); emails to and from G. Adelman, J. Pizzirusso re joint letter, settlement (.2). 1.7 $884.00 09/08/2015 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement, joint letter to Court (.3); reviewed B. Cohen summary of settlement points (.3); emails to and from and telephone conference with B. Cohen re rsettlement position and revisions to settlement points summary (.3); drafted joint letter to Court (.4); emails to and from counsel for ReDigi, individual defendants re joint letter (.2); emails to and from client re joint letter (.1). 1.6 $832.00 09/09/2015 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re finalizing joint letter (.2); email to Court re joint letter (.1); reviwewe Court order re extension and email to client re same (.1). 0.4 $208.00 09/11/2015 RSM Telephone conferences with G. Adelman (.1), A. McMullan (.2) re settlement. 0.3 $156.00 09/17/2015 RSM Telephone conference with opposing counsel re settlement. 0.2 $104.00 09/22/2015 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, next steps in litigation (.3); email to all counsel re next litigation steps (.1). 0.4 $208.00 October 06, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 326700 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 09/24/2015 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman and J. Pizzirusso re next steps in litigation (.1); telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.2); emails to and from client, G. Adelman re settlement (.1). 0.4 $208.00 09/25/2015 RSM Emails to and from client, opposing counsel re next steps in litigation, settlement. 0.2 $104.00 09/28/2015 JZK Conference call with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re stipulation and remaining discovery. 0.4 $198.00 09/28/2015 RSM Conference call with J. Pizzirusso, G. Adelman and J. King re next steps in litigation (.4); email to client reporting re same (.2). 0.6 $312.00 09/29/2015 JZK Draft letter to Court re parties' proposal for next stages of case (1.0); conference with R. Mandel re proposed stipulation for individual defendants' liability (.4). 1.4 $693.00 09/29/2015 RSM Conference with J. King re preparation of joint letter to Court and stipulation on individual liability (.4); reviewing draft joint letter (.1); conference call with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and G. Adelman re settlement (.5); telephone conference with A. McMullan re follow-up on settlement (.3); telephone conference with B. Cohen re chain of title status (.1); conference with J. King re settlement (.1). 1.5 $780.00 09/30/2015 RSM Revised draft joint letter to Court (.2); email to client re same (.1). 0.3 $156.00 9.9 $5,103.00 Hours 1.8 Amount $891.00 8.1 $4,212.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $5,103.00 $5,103.00 $3,870.00 ($2,993.50) $5,979.50 October 06, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 326700 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs November 04, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 328203 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through October 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 10/02/2015 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re draft joint letter (.1); conference with J. King re same (.1); revised letter and emails to and from J. Pizzirusso re same (.2); emails to and from G. Adelman, email to client re settlement (.1). 0.5 $260.00 10/04/2015 RSM Reviewing and analyzing status of chain of title evidence re potential supplementing of document production. 0.6 $312.00 10/05/2015 RSM Reviewing and analyzing chain of title on recordings re identifying open discovery issues (2.0); memo to client re updating open chain of title questions (.6); email to B. Cohen re same (.2). 2.8 $1,456.00 10/07/2015 RSM Email to opposing counsel re joint letter to Court. 0.1 $52.00 10/08/2015 JZK Review proposed changes to letter to Court and emails re same. 0.2 $99.00 10/08/2015 RSM Reviewed proposed revisions to joint letter from other counsel (.2); conferences with J. King, emails to and from other counsel re same (.2). 0.4 $208.00 10/09/2015 JZK Review and revise letter to Court (1.0); conference and emails with B. Cohen, R. Mandel and opposing counsel re letter to Court (.7). 1.7 $841.50 10/09/2015 RSM Reviewing additional proposed revisions to joint letter from other counsel (.3); conferences with J. King re same (.3); conference call with J. King and J. Pizzirusso re proposed revisions (.2); conference call with J. King and B. Cohen re proposed revisions (.2); revised and finalized letter and emails to and from other counsel re same (.5); email to Court re joint letter (.1). 1.6 $832.00 10/13/2015 RSM Reviewed court order re scheduling of trial and other deadlines (.2); email to client re same (.1); email to G. Adelman re settlement status (.1). 0.4 $208.00 November 04, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 328203 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 10/14/2015 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re status of stipulation, discovery (.1); telephone conference with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues (.3); reviewing agreements for Chiddy Bang, Danger Mouse, E. Doolittle, K. Ann; K. Minogue, Royksopp, The Good, The Bad & The Queen, S. O'Connor, The Proclaimers for relevant provisions on ownership to be produced (1.6). 2.0 $1,040.00 10/15/2015 RSM Reviewing Coldplay 2007 agreement for production re ownership issues (.4); email to B. Cohen re follow up issues re Coldplay chain of title (.2); reviewing B. Seger agreement re ownership of pre 1972 recordings (.4); conferences with N. Chinda re production of agreements on chain of title (.3). 1.3 $676.00 10/15/2015 NAC RE: Review and prepare various agreements for production (Chidera, Mouseworks, Eliza Caird, Zeidel) (1.6); conferences with R. Mandel re same (.3). 1.9 $418.00 10/16/2015 JZK Review proposed stipulation for individual defendants (.3); conference with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re same (.6). 0.9 $445.50 10/16/2015 RSM Reviewing draft stipulation re waiver of individual liability (.3); conferences with J. King re analyzing same and miscellaneous issues with draft (.3); conference call with J. King and N. Giddings re disagreements on draft stipulation (.3); emails to and from opposing counsel re draft stipulation (.2); conferences with N. Chinda re supplemental document production (.2). 1.3 $676.00 10/16/2015 IVD Finalize documents to produce. 0.4 $72.00 10/16/2015 NAC RE: Review/prepare various agreements for production (Bates Nos. CAP 008813 - CAP 008864). 1.6 $352.00 10/19/2015 JZK Review revised stipulation and meet with R. Mandel re same. 0.6 $297.00 10/20/2015 RSM Reviewing revised draft stipulation on individual liability preparred by N. Giddings (.2); revised draft stipulation (.2); conferences with J. King re issues concerning revisions to stipulation (.3); email to client re revised stipulation (.1). 0.8 $416.00 10/21/2015 JZK Emails re revisions to stipulation re individual defendants liability. 0.2 $99.00 10/21/2015 RSM Telephone conference with and reviewed email from B. Cohen re stipulation on individual liability (.1); emails to and from opposing counsel re same (.2). 0.3 $156.00 10/26/2015 RSM Emails to and from defendants' counsel re stipulation on individual liability (.1); email to G. Adelman re settlement (.1); reviewing status of open chain of title issues (.4); email to B. Cohen summarizing same (.4). 1.0 $520.00 10/28/2015 RSM Reviewed revised stipulation re individual liability (.1); email to client re same (.1); revised stipulation and email to opposing counsel re same (.1). 0.3 $156.00 10/30/2015 RSM Emails to and from N. Giddings re execution of stipulation on joint liability (.2); email to Judge Sullivan's chambers re stipulation on individual liability (.1). 0.3 $156.00 November 04, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 328203 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 21.2 $9,748.00 Hours 3.6 Amount $1,782.00 13.7 $7,124.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 3.5 $770.00 IVD Ignacio V. Duran 0.4 $72.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $9,748.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $9,765.50 $5,979.50 ($416.00) $15,329.00 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs December 07, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 329985 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through November 30, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 11/02/2015 RSM Reviewed court order approving stipulation on individual liability; email to client re same. 0.1 $52.00 11/04/2015 RSM Reviewed email from N. Giddings and enclosed draft motion papers re withdrawal as counsel (.2); emails to and from client, opposing counsel re same (.1). 0.3 $156.00 11/05/2015 RSM Reviewed court order re withdrawal of individual defendants' counsel. 0.1 $52.00 11/06/2015 RSM Reviewed court order re changed trial date (.1); emails to and from and telephone conference with A. McMullan, telepohone conference with G. Adelman re same and seeking to change date (.3). 0.4 $208.00 11/10/2015 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re trial adjournment. 0.1 $52.00 11/11/2015 RSM Reviewed draft letter from opposing counsel re trial adjournment (.1); drafted additional section for letter (.2); telephone conference with opposing counsel, email to J. King re draft letter (.1). 0.4 $208.00 11/12/2015 JZK Revise letter to Court re trial schedule. 0.3 $148.50 11/12/2015 RSM Reviewed J. King revisions to draft letter to Court and email to opposing counsel re same (.1); reviewed revised version of letter from opposing counsel (.1). 0.2 $104.00 11/13/2015 RSM Emails to and from and telephone conference with opposing counsel re finalizing letter to Court (.1); reviewed final version of letter and Court order granting adjournment of re-set trial date (.1). 0.2 $104.00 11/16/2015 RSM Email to client re order on trial date (.1); emails to and from opposing counsel re same (.1). 0.2 $104.00 11/18/2015 RSM Telephone conference with S. Matz re confirmatio of trial schedule. 0.1 $52.00 December 07, 2015 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 329985 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 11/24/2015 RSM Reviewed excerpts from earlier Coldplay agreement forwarded by B. Cohen (.2); conferences with N. Chinda re supplementing document production and reviewed documents to be produced (.3). 0.5 $260.00 11/24/2015 NAC RE: Review Coldplay agreements for production and redaction. 1.6 $349.94 11/30/2015 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, damage discovery. 0.2 $104.00 4.7 $1,954.44 Hours 0.3 Amount $148.50 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel 2.8 $1,456.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 1.6 $349.94 Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $1,954.44 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $1,954.44 $16,026.93 ($5,563.50) $12,417.87 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs January 19, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 331829 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through December 31, 2015 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 12/01/2015 RSM Reviewing additional chain of title documents to be produced (.4); email and letter to G. Adelman re production of same (.2). 0.6 $312.00 12/04/2015 RSM Email to G. Adelman re settlement. 0.1 $52.00 12/15/2015 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re settlement, discovery. 0.1 $52.00 12/17/2015 RSM Email to B. Cohen re status of open chain of title issues. 0.1 $52.00 12/18/2015 RSM Reviewing and analyzing discovery, chain of title issues re preparation for call with G. Adelman (1.0); email to B. Cohen re chain of title issues on S. O'Connor and Proclaimers (.2); telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, discovery and trial issues (.5); conference with J. King re trial strategy and discovery (.3). 2.0 $1,040.00 2.9 $1,508.00 Hours 2.9 Amount $1,508.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $1,508.00 $1,508.00 $11,719.94 ($9,765.50) $3,462.44 January 19, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 331829 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs February 08, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 333095 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through January 31, 2016 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 01/08/2016 RSM Telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement, trial. 0.2 $108.00 01/11/2016 RSM Telepohone conference with G. Adelman, telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, discovery (.8); telephone conferences with B. Cohen re settlement, discovery (.5); email to G. Adelman re discovery on chain of title (.2). 1.5 $810.00 01/13/2016 RSM Reviewing open chain of title issues to be finalized in discovery (.4); telephone conference with and email to A. McMullan re settlement (.3); telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.3). 1.0 $540.00 01/19/2016 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.3); conference with A. McMullan re settlement, trial (.5). 0.8 $432.00 01/20/2016 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement (.2); telephone conference with B. Cohen re same (.1); emails to and from A. McMullan, G. Adelman re settlement discussions (.2); reviewing label copy document forwarded by B. Cohen re possible production on chain of title (.2); email to B. Cohen re same (.1). 0.8 $432.00 01/21/2016 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re settlement discussions and drafting of agreement. 0.2 $108.00 01/27/2016 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re settlement, issues on completion of discovery (.3); telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement discussions and status (.2); reviewing settlement issues, ReDigi argument re offering for sale vs. sale (.3); reviewing prior conference transcript re discussion of offer for sale issue (.2); emails to and from G. Adelman re same (.1). 1.1 $594.00 01/31/2016 RSM Reviewing prior settlement negotiations and summary for preparation of draft settlement agreement (.5); begin drafting settlement agreement (2.8); reviewing status of documents to be produced re chain of title (.3); reviewing label copy documents to be produced re chain of title (.2). 3.8 $2,052.00 February 08, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 333095 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 9.4 $5,076.00 Hours 9.4 Amount $5,076.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $5,076.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $5,342.08 $3,462.44 $8,804.52 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through February 29, 2016 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/01/2016 JZK Meet with R. Mandel re settlement agreement and injunction (.5); Revise injunction and agreement (.8). 1.3 $689.00 02/01/2016 RSM Conference with S. Gerson re preparation of UCC provision in settlement agreement (.3); conferences with J. King re issues concerning settlement agreement and consent judgment and revisions to same (.5); drafted consent judgment (1.4); revising settlement agreement (.6). 2.8 $1,512.00 02/01/2016 SG Draft security interest proviisions for settlement agreement (.9); Conference with R. Mandel re: same (.3). 1.2 $714.00 02/02/2016 RSM Conferences with S. Gerson re issues concerning guarantee and security interest in settlement agreement (.4); reviewing and revising draft provisions re guarantee and security interest (.9); updating and supplementing settlement agreement re cross-referenced provisions (.4); revising consent judgment (.2). 1.9 $1,026.00 02/02/2016 SG Further revisions to Settlement Agreement re: guaranty provision (.5); Review additional revisions by Richard Mandel (.1); Telephone conference w/Richard Mandel re: issues relating to "springing" guaranties (.4). 1.0 $595.00 02/03/2016 JZK Conference with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re pretrial submissions. 1.0 $530.00 02/03/2016 RSM Reviewing documents to be produced re label copy and emails to and from opposing counsel re same (.4); reviewing status of open chain of title issues and outlining same (.9); preparation for conference call with opposing counsel on open trial issues (.5); conference call with G. Adelman, S. Matz and J. King re various trial issues (.6); conference with J. King re follow-up on trial issues and next steps (.4); reviewing and revising draft escrow agreement and guarantee exhibits to settlement agreement (.4); email to client re draft settlement agreement, status of issues re same and next steps in litigation (.4). 3.6 $1,944.00 March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/03/2016 SG Draft Escrow Agreement and Springing Guaranty. 3.0 $1,785.00 02/04/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing chain of title re Tooth & Nail recordings (.8); drafting summary of Tooth & Nail recording status for use in McMullan trial testimony or declaration (.7); reviewing and analyzing EMI Christian Music Group copyright ownership issues and chain of title (.7); drafting summary of same for use at trial or in declaration (.6); reviewing and analyzing status of copyright registrations in name of Capitol Records LLC, Capitol Records Inc or Virgin Recrods America Inc. (.9); drafting summary of same for trial or declaration on ownership (.6). 4.3 $2,322.00 02/05/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing chain of title status on copyrights in entities merged into Capitol (.8); prepared summary re same (.5); reviewing and analyzing chain of title on exclusive licenses to Capitol (.4); drafted summary re same (.2); reviewing and analyzing chain of title on MEA inter-company exclusive licenses (1.0); drafted summary re same (.6); emails to B. Cohen re reviewing open chain of title issues to be resolved (.6). 4.1 $2,214.00 02/08/2016 JZK Meet with R. Mandel (.5) and phone conference with A. McMullan and B. Cohen (.5) re letter to Court and settlement. 1.0 $530.00 02/08/2016 RSM Reviewing Judge Sullivan rules re requirements for pretrial order (.2); begin drafting joint pretrial order and outlining information needed for same (.8); reviewing first Ossenmacher deposition transcript re designating portions for inclusion in joint pretrial order (1.6); conferences with J. King re issues concerning preparation for trial, preparation of joint pretrial order and next steps in litigation (.5); conference call with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and J. King re reviewing settlement status and trial prep strategy (.5). 3.6 $1,944.00 02/08/2016 SPC Begin drafting jury instructions regarding statutory damages and met with J. King re: same. 0.9 $279.00 02/09/2016 JZK Draft letter to Court re settlement and discovery (1.0); review jury charges and meet with S. Ceresia re same (.4); meet with R. Mandel and revise settlement agreement draft (.7). 2.1 $1,113.00 02/09/2016 RJG Confer with Richard Mandel re plan of dissolution and language needed re: ownership of assets held by shareholder. 0.3 $147.30 March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/09/2016 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re status of chain of title open issues and documents to be collected (.3); reviewing additional documents to be produced re label copy proof of contents of recordings (.6); conferences with S. Lubin re production of same (.2); emails to opposing counsel re production of additional documents (.2); conference call with B. Cohen and J. Brazil re status of Tooth & Nail LLC and potential dissolution (.3); conference with R. Giordanella re effect of dissolution on ownership of recordings (.3); email to client re same (.2); email to client re prior assignment from Tooth & Nail to CCMG (.2); review rules re assignment of right to sue for past infringements (.4); telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to settlement papers (.2); review client comments on draft settlement papers (.3); revising consent judgment and settlement agreement and conferences with J. King re same (1.0); emails to and from client re revisions to settlement papers (.3); drafting master declaration re chain of title evidence for use at trial or pre-trial motions (1.3). 5.8 $3,132.00 02/09/2016 SPC Continue drafting jury instructions (1.5); review samples provided by client (.3). 1.8 $558.00 02/09/2016 SZL Reviewed documents to be produced (1.8); confer with R. Mandel re: same (.2). 2.0 $440.00 02/10/2016 JZK Designating Rudolph first transcript for trial (1.3); met with R. Mandel re: same (.2). 1.5 $795.00 02/10/2016 RSM Completed designations for first Ossenmacher deposition (.6); emails to and from B. Cohen re settlement status (.1); continued drafting chain of title master declaration (2.3); continued drafting portions of joint pretrial order (.8); conferences with J. King re Rudolph deposition designations (.2). 4.0 $2,160.00 02/11/2016 JZK Review A. McMullan changes to settlement agreement and meet with R. Mandel re same (1.0); Continue designating deposition testimony for trial (.8). 1.8 $954.00 02/11/2016 RSM Reviewed A. McMullan comments on revised settlement papers (.2); conferences with J. King re same and potential issues concerning securing of enhanced payment and revisions to settlement agreement (.8); revised settlement agreement re enhanced payment provision definitions and mechanisms, confidentiality provision, payment terms (1.0); multiple emails to and from client re revisions to settlement agreement and settlement authority (.5); email to opposing counsel re draft settlement agreement (.2); revising draft joint letter to Court (.2); email to opposing counsel re draft joint letter to Court (.1); conference with S. Ceresia re jury instructions (.2); email to opposing counsel re production of additional documents on chain of title (.2); telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement status and trial prep (.2); drafting and revising master declaration re chain of title (1.8); begin outlining areas of A. McMullan direct examination for trial (1.0). 6.4 $3,456.00 March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/11/2016 SPC Review and supplement jury instructions, including on issue of ownership (1.2); conduct caselaw research on issue of ownership (0.4); conference with R. Mandel re: jury instructions (0.2). 1.8 $558.00 02/12/2016 JZK Prepare first draft of voir dire questions and met with R. Mandel re: same (1.6); review first draft of jury instructions (.4). 2.0 $1,060.00 02/12/2016 RSM Reviewing draft voir dire questions and conference with J. King re same (.2); email and telephone call to opposing counsel re joint letter to Court (.1); reviewing Ossenmacher second deposition transcript re designating portions to be used at trial (1.0); drafting and revising master declaration for trial or motion practice re summary of all chain of title evidence and documents (3.8). 5.1 $2,754.00 02/12/2016 SPC Further revise and edit jury instructions. 2.4 $744.00 02/15/2016 RSM Reviewed email from opposing counsel and revised draft of joint letter to Court (.2); revised joint letter to Court (.2); emails to and from opposing counsel re status of letter and revisions to same (.2). 0.6 $324.00 02/16/2016 JZK Revising jury instructions (.7); revise changes to letter to Court (.3). 1.0 $530.00 02/16/2016 RSM Reviewed defendants' proposed revisions to joint letter to Court (.3); multiple emails to and from and telephone conferences with opposing counsel re issues concerning same and finalizing joint letter (.7); revised letter (.2); email to Judge Sullivan's chambers re joint letter (.1); email to client re same and issues concerning access of individual defendants to counsel only documents (.2); email to client re summary of chain of title evidence (.2). 1.7 $918.00 02/16/2016 SPC Update jury instructions to include instructions on nominal and punitive damages. 1.3 $403.00 02/17/2016 RSM Reviewing document productions made subsequent to withdrawal of individual defendants' counsel (.3); email to J. Ossenmacher and L. Rudolph re non-confidential documents previously produced and status of confidentiality issue (.2). 0.5 $270.00 02/17/2016 RG Research applicability of attorneys' eyes only designation to pro se party. 1.1 $286.00 02/18/2016 JZK Review Court's order re pretrial matters (.3); revise and draft additional section of jury instructions and voir dire (2.7). 3.0 $1,590.00 02/18/2016 RSM Reviewed court order re recordings at issue (.1); emails to and from client re same (.1); emails to and from G. Adelman re settlement status and issues on trial prep (.2); reviewed legal research on production of attorney eyes only information to pro se parties and conference with R. Ghiselli re same (.4); reviewed and revised voir dire questions (.4); emails to and from client re same (.2); conferences with J. King re revisions to voir dire and jury instructions (.3). 1.7 $918.00 02/18/2016 RG Research pro se party access to documents protected as "attorneys' eyes only" (.7); conference with R. Mandel re: same (.3). 1.0 $260.00 March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 5 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/18/2016 SPC Research question of mandatory nature of statutory damages (1.0); prepare summary re: same (.4). 1.4 $434.00 02/19/2016 SPC Revse & update jury instructions re: description of prior findings. 2.5 $775.00 02/20/2016 RSM Email to individual defendants and ReDigi counsel re plaintiffs' position on confidential attorneys eyes only documents. 0.3 $162.00 02/22/2016 JZK Drafting and revising jury instructions. 2.5 $1,325.00 02/23/2016 JZK Complete revising and drafting jury instructions. 2.2 $1,166.00 02/23/2016 RSM Email to client re form dissolution for potential use with Tooth & Nail dissolution (.2); reviewed and revised draft jury instructions (.4); emails to and from client re draft jury instructions (.2); telephone conference with and emails to and from A. McMullan re settlement (.2). 1.0 $540.00 02/24/2016 JZK Continue designating deposition testimony for trial. 1.0 $530.00 02/24/2016 RSM Emails to and from B. Cohen re issues concerning Tooth & Nail dissolution (.2); reviewing draft documentation re same (.2); telephone conference with B. Cohen re Tooth & Nail dissolution, Beatles chain of title and jury instructions (.2). 0.6 $324.00 02/25/2016 JZK Complete designating second Rudolph deposition testimony for pretrial order. 4.0 $2,120.00 02/25/2016 RJG Telephone conference with client re documentation for dissolution of entity (.2); draft proposed plan of dissolution language (.2). 0.4 $196.40 02/25/2016 RSM Reviewing status of Beatles chain of title issues and reviewing agreements re same (.4); conferences with N. Chinda re review of Beatles agreements and redaction of confidential information (.2); emails to B. Cohen re Beatles agreements to be produced and missing information re same (.2); telephone conference with B. Cohen re jury instruction revisions (.1); email to G. Adelman re joint jury instructions and settlement (.2); conference call with S. Gold, B. Cohen and R. Giordanella re issues concerning dissolution of Tooth & Nail (.2); reviewed and revised draft language re dissolution and emails to and from client re same (.3). 1.6 $864.00 02/25/2016 NAC Review various license agreements for production and confidentiality (Bates Nos. CAP 009028 - CAP 009177). 3.2 $720.00 02/26/2016 JZK Phone conference with R. Mandel and G. Adelman re settlement. 0.4 $212.00 02/26/2016 RSM Conference call with G. Adelman and J. King re settlement (.4); telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement status (.1); telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement, status of chain of title evidence (.2); emails to and from client re advising on same (.1); email to opposing counsel re production of Beatles agreements (.2); email to Ossenmacher and Rudolph re supplementing earlier non-confidential production (.1); conference with J. King re in limine motions (.2). 1.3 $702.00 02/26/2016 SPC Conduct research regarding motion in limine and innocent infringement defense. 0.6 $186.00 March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 6 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/27/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing exhibits to be used at trial (2.0); drafting and revising portions of pretrial order (.7); reviewing deposition testimony of Ossenmacher and Rudolph re designated portions and potential use on cross (.8). 3.5 $1,890.00 02/29/2016 JZK Prepare draft stipulation (.3); phone conference with opposing counsel re pretrial submission (.3); meet with R. Mandel re pretrial order (.3). 0.9 $477.00 02/29/2016 RSM Telephone conference with G. Adelman re status of settlement (.1); email to client re same (.1); telephone conferences with and emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title issues (.2); conferences with J. King re reviewing pretrial order draft and revising same (.4); email to opposing counsel re draft pre-trial order and voir dire (.2); conferences with N. Chinda re preparation of exhibit list and exhibits for pre-trial order (.4); reviewed draft stipulations for pretrial order (.3); review and selection of relevant exhibits for use at trial and outlining same for pretrial order (2.5); review of Rudolph deposition designations (.3). 4.5 $2,430.00 02/29/2016 SPC Begin drafting motion in limine. 1.8 $558.00 02/29/2016 NAC RE: Conference with R. Mandel re: preparation of exhibit list (.4); begin drafting same (3.1). 3.5 $787.50 115.8 $55,853.20 Hours 0.7 Amount $343.70 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RJG Robert J. Giordanella JZK Jonathan Z. King 25.7 $13,621.00 RSM Richard Mandel 58.9 $31,806.00 SG Simon Gerson 5.2 $3,094.00 SPC Scott P. Ceresia 14.5 $4,495.00 RG Ryan A. Ghiselli 2.1 $546.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 6.7 $1,507.50 SZL Sandy Lubin 2.0 $440.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount March 21, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 335573 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 7 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $55,853.20 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $56,119.90 $8,804.52 ($1,954.44) $62,969.98 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through March 31, 2016 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/01/2016 JZK Review defendants' markup of settlement agreement and meet with R. Mandel re same (1.2); conference call with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re settlement (1.0); conference with R. Mandel, B. Cohen and Bankruptcy counsel (.5); conference with A. McMullan re settlement (.5). 3.2 $1,696.00 03/01/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing opposing counsel's proposed revisions to settlement agreement (.8); conferences with J. King re analyzing same and potential response (.4); emails to and from client re proposed revisions to agreement and potential response (.4); conference call with G. Adelman, S. Andress and J. King re negotiating and reviewing draft settlement agreement and proposed revisions (1.0); conference call with J. King and A. McMullan re reviewing settlement negotiations and next steps (.5); conference call with bankruptcy counsel, J. King and B. Cohen re reviewing bankruptcy issues in settlement (.5); emails to and from client, bankruptcy counsel re issues concerning same (.5); telephone conference with B. Cohen re chain of title issues on Beatles and Tooth & Nail (.2); reviewing Beatles appendix 23 document and emails to and from B. Cohen re same (.2); conferences with N. Chinda re issues concerning preparation of exhibit list (.4); reviewing and revising exhibit list (.7); reviewing and analyzing status of ownership in pre-1972 sound recordings (2.7); emails to and from B. Cohen re issues concerning same (.2). 8.5 $4,590.00 03/01/2016 SPC Conduct research regarding innocent infringement (1.0) review relevant caselaw (.6). 1.6 $496.00 03/01/2016 NAC Review plaintiffs' trial exhibits and prepare exhibit list (4.6); conference with R. Mandel re: same (.4). 5.0 $1,125.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/02/2016 JZK Review proposed changes to settlement agreement and emails re same (1.5); revising settlement agreement and meet with R. Mandel re same (2.5); phone conference with A. McMullan re same (.5); phone conference with B. Cohen re same (.5); phone conference with opposing counsel re same (1.0). 6.0 $3,180.00 03/02/2016 RSM Reviewing email from bankruptcy counsel re additional advice on settlement (.1); conferences with J. King and emails to and from client re same, settlement strategy (.4); reviewing and revising draft settlement agreement and conferences with J. King re same (.6); email to client re draft agreement (.1); conference call with B. Cohen and A. McMullan re terms of download deal (.4); emails to and from J. King re same (.1); conferences with N. Chinda re issues concerning selection and supplementation of trial exhibits (.3); emails to and from B. Cohen re issues concerning chain of title for Cochrane recordings and status of summary to be provided to opposing counsel (.2); continued reviewing and revising exhibit list (.6); continued review and selection of exhibits for trial (.7). 3.5 $1,890.00 03/02/2016 NAC Review and prepare documents for use as plaintiffs' trial exhibits(5.5); continue preparation of exhibit list (2.2). 7.7 $1,732.50 03/03/2016 JZK Conference email with B. Cohen, R. Mandel re settlement agreement and download deal (.5); revise and circulate revised download deal (.5); revise settlement agreement to include additional provision (1.0); phone conference with B. Cohen and A. McMullan re settlement (1.0); emails and phone calls to opposing counsel (1.0); prepare verdict form (1.5). 5.5 $2,915.00 03/03/2016 RSM Conference calls with J. King and B. Cohen re download deal terms and effect on settlement (.5); reviewing draft most favored nation provisions from client (.3); telephone conference call with A. McMullan re most favored nation provision and status of other settlement issues (.4); revising stipulations re addition of ownership stipulations, client comments (.6); emails to and from A. McMullan re additional revisions to stipulations (.2); email to opposing counsel re draft stipulations for pretrial order (.2); reviewing additional documentation from client re change of name to EMI Canada Group (.2); emails to and from client (.1), email to opposing counsel re production of same (.1); reviewing and analyzing additional documents re Edith Piaf chain of title (.3); emails to and from B. Cohen re same (.2); finalized exhibit re pre-1972 sound recordings claimed and support re back-up documentation (.3); email to opposing counsel re same (.2); telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to federal chain of title exhibit (.3); revised same (.2); email to opposing counsel re chain of title evidence (.2); reviewing, revising and finalizing plaintiffs' exhibit list and supporting exhibits (1.6); reviewing sample verdict forms (.2), telephone conference with A. McMullan with R. Mandel re same (.2); reviewing draft verdict form (.2). 6.5 $3,510.00 03/04/2016 JZK Conference with R. Mandel re verdict form and motion in limine (1.1); conference with R. Mandel re and reviewing settlement agreement (1.9). 3.0 $1,590.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/04/2016 RSM Telephone conference with B. Cohen re verdict form, strategy for stipulations on ownership and follow-up on E. Piaf chain of title (.3); emails to and from B. Cohen re Ten Years After recordings claimed and status of Chrysalis Productions (.2); reviewing and revising exhibit list re addition of recently produced documents (.3); emails to opposing counsel re exhibit list, stipulations on ownership and additional documents on exhibit list (.2); reviewing and analyzing prior summary judgment filings and opinion re strategy for in limine motion on reliance on advice of counsel (.5); conference with J. King re review of motion in limine strategy and potential additional motion on ownership (.5); email to S. Ceresia re preparation of draft in limine motions (.2); reviewing and revising proposed verdict form and conferences with J. King re same (.6); emails to and from client re proposed verdict form (.3); conference call with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement issues and status of agreement (.3); reviewed client comments on draft settlement agreement (.3); reviewing and revising draft settlement agreement and conferences with J. King re same (1.7); emails to and from A. McMullan re revised settlement agreement (.3). 5.4 $2,916.00 03/04/2016 SPC Work on motion in limine regarding willful infringement (1.7); begin drafting motion in limine regarding advice of counsel defense (.7). 2.4 $744.00 03/05/2016 RSM Revising settlement agreement per A. McMullan comments (1.0); email to opposing counsel re revised agreement (.3); email to client re status of ownership evidence and issues concerning same and in limine motions (.4). 1.7 $918.00 03/06/2016 JZK Review and revise motion in limine re willfulness. 1.0 $530.00 03/07/2016 JZK Review and revise motions in limine re willfulness and privilege (2.0); conference with opposing counsel re pretrial submission (.6). 2.6 $1,378.00 03/07/2016 RSM Telephone conferences with and emails to opposing counsel re status of settlement, pretrial papers (.3); reviewing Court's rules re documentary evidence submission requirements in jury cases (.2); email to opposing counsel re same (.2); emails to and from B. Cohen re supplementing production with 2012 MEA side letter between Virgin Records Ltd and EMI Records Ltd (.2); email to opposing counsel producing additional MEA document (.2); emails to opposing counsel re revisions to exhibit list, chain of title exhibit (.2); drafting McMullan declaration in support of motion in limine re ownership of recordings (3.5). 4.8 $2,592.00 03/07/2016 SPC Review relevant caselaw re: notice and update motion in limine accordingly. 2.2 $682.00 03/07/2016 NAC Updating revising and reviewing plaintiffs' trial exhibits (3.0); update exhibit list re: same (.5). 3.5 $787.50 03/08/2016 JZK Conference call with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re pretrial submission and settlement agreement (1.3); revising motion in limine (1.0); preparing deposition excerpt summaries required by Court (3.0). 5.3 $2,809.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/08/2016 RSM Conference call with opposing counsel and J. King re settlement, pretrial papers (1.3); emails to and from B. Cohen re chain of title claim via Chrysalis Productions Limited and MEA side letters re same (.3); reviewed additional documents re same and email to oppoisng counsel re production of same (.3); reviewing in limine motions on attorney advice, willlfulness and emails to and from client re same (.3); conference call with opposing counsel and Judge Sullivan's chambers re requirements on submission of trial exhibits and deposition excerpts (.3); revised proposed verdict form (.2); email to and from client re summarizing status of stipulations on ownership and verdict form (.3); email to opposing counsel re proposed verdict form (.1); conferences with N. Chinda re reviewing findings on recordings offered for sale on ReDigi site and reviewing evidence re same(.8); drafting and revising McMullan declaration for in limine motion (2.6); email to client re same (.1); reviewing cases for in limine ownership motion (.4); drafting in limine motion re ownership (1.6). 8.6 $4,644.00 03/08/2016 NAC Review updated pretrial order exhibits list (.1); confirm song titles from Chain of Title Summary chart with P22 and P33 (.4); prepare Matrix Exchange Agreement docs for production (Bates No. CAP 9184 -CAP 9188) (.1); conference with R. Mandel re: findings on recordings charts (.4). 0.9 $202.50 03/09/2016 JZK Review opposing counsel markup of jury instructions and phone conference with opposing counsel re same (1.5); revise jury charge (6.0); phone conference with M. Haddad and B. Cohen re consent judgment and review draft of same with R. Mandel (.8); settlement call with G. Adelman and S. Matz (.8). 9.1 $4,823.00 03/09/2016 RSM Conference call with G. Adelman and J. King re settlement and new proposal including right of appeal of summary judgment (.8); emails to and from and telephone conferences with A. McMullan re same and settlement strategy (.9); conference with N. Chinda re production of Chrysalis name change document (.1); email to opposing counsel re same, corrections to plaintiffs' trial exhibits (.3); emails to and from A. McMullan re revisions to in limine declaration on ownership (.4); follow up telephone conferences with and emails to and from G. Adelman re negotiating potential alternative settlement terms with continuing right of appeal (.8); drafting terms of potential conditional final judgment for settlement purposes (2.8); conferences with J. King and email to client re same (.3); reviewing cite check for in limine motions (.2); revising in liminte motion re ownership (.4); email to client re same (.1); review defendants' proposed revisions to jury instructions (.4); drafted additional jury instruction revisions on ownership (.2). 7.7 $4,158.00 03/09/2016 NAC Cite check Plaintiffs' Motion in Limine (2.3); conference with R. Mandel re: document production (.1); prepare certificate of incorporation for Chrysalis Productions for production (Bates Nos. CAP 9189 - CAP 9190) (.1); update and revise trial exhibits and list (3.3). 5.8 $1,305.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 5 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/10/2016 JZK Settlement call with G. Adelman and R. Mandel (.6); phone calls and emails with opposing counsel re motion in limine (.5); settlement negotiations with opposing counsel and conference with A. McMullan re same (1.8); draft settlement term sheet (1.0); reviewing depositions to prepare trial exhibits (.3); revise voir dire per opposing counsel comments (1.0); revising jury instructions and conference with opposing counsel and R. Mandel re same (3.0). 8.2 $4,346.00 03/10/2016 RSM Emails to and from client re additional revisions to pretrial paper, settlement terms (.6); conference with A. McMullan re reviewing McMullan declaration, settlement strategy (.7); conference calls with J. King and opposing counsel re negotiating settlement terms (.6); multiple telephone conferences with opposing counsel re revisions to pretrial order and other filings (.8); reviewing defendants' deposition designations and preparing objections and cross-designations to same (2.4); reviewing defendants' exhibits and preparing objections to same (1.4); drafting and revising additional in limine motion re fair use and license (1.8); multiple emails to and from opposing counsel re revisions to pretrial order (.8); conference call with B. Cohen and M. Haddad re issues concerning conditional judgment settlement (.4); reviewing and revising propopsed settlement term sheet (.4); emails to and from and telephone conference with A. McMullan re settlement term sheet (.3); email to opposing counsel re settlement term sheet (.1); reviewing opposing counsel revisions to jury instructions and conferences with J. King re same (.8); reviewing revised jury instructions (.6); revising pretrial order (.8). 12.5 $6,750.00 03/10/2016 NAC Prepare summary of plaintiffs' trial exhibits and cross-references to testimony (2.8); review and prepare plaintiffs' deposition excerpts and defendants' deposition designations for use at trial (5.3). 8.1 $1,822.50 03/11/2016 JZK Conference calls with R. Mandel and opposing counsel re pretrial submission (1.0); revising jury instructions; reviewing research for same; emails with opposing counsel re same (2.5); revising and finalizing voir dire questions (.8); reviewing and revising proposed verdict form (.5). 4.8 $2,544.00 03/11/2016 RSM Multiple telephone conferences with and emails to and from opposing counsel re revisions to jury instructions, verdict form, pretrial order (1.4); conferences with N. Chinda re finalizing pre-trial submissions and reviewing same (.8); emails to and from and telephone conference with B. Cohen re final revisions to papers (.5); letter to Jude Sullivan re pre-trial filings (.3); email to Judge Sullivan's chambers re jury instructions, voir dire and verdict form (.2); reviewing additional exhibits for objections (.4); revising and finalizing pre-trial submissions (2.4). 6.0 $3,240.00 03/11/2016 SPC Update citations to jury instructions. 1.4 $434.00 03/11/2016 NAC Cite check jury instructions (2.8); review and prepare joint proposed pretrial order, proposed jury instructions and voir dire questions, proposed verdict forms and motion in limines for service and filing (4.8). 7.6 $1,710.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 6 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/14/2016 JZK Review Defendants' Pretrial Memorandum and begin drafting responses to same. 1.5 $795.00 03/14/2016 RSM Reviewed defendants' pretrial brief (.5); emails to and from client re same (.2); reviewing Court order and rules re opposition to pretrial brief arguments (.1); telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement status and issues (.2). 1.0 $540.00 03/15/2016 JZK Draft portions of opposition to pretrial memorandum and conference with R. Mandel re same. 4.0 $2,120.00 03/15/2016 RSM Reviewing case law on assignment of right to sue for past infringements (.6); drafted ownership section of response to pre-trial memorandum (.9); reviewed and revised other sections of response to pre-trial memorandum and conferences with J. King re same (.5); emails to and from client re response to pre-trial memo, settlement (.2); emails to and from opposing counsel re settlement (.1). 2.3 $1,242.00 03/17/2016 JZK Begin reviewing materials for Rudolph cross-examination, including Jacobson expert declaration (.7); phone conference with G. Adelman and R. Mandel (.5) and research re settlement and appeal of court injunction (.5). 1.7 $901.00 03/17/2016 RSM Reviewed and analyzed settlement counter-offer from opposing counsel (.5); email to client re settlement counter-offer (.2); conference call with J. King and G. Adelman re reviewing settement counter-offer and issues re same (.5); telephone conference with A. McMullan re response to settlement counter-offer (.4); telephone conference with B. Cohen re settlement status (.1); reviewing draft email to opposing counsel and cases re appealability issue (.3); analyzing recordings offered for sale and sold re preparation of proposed trial stipulation re same (1.0). 3.0 $1,620.00 03/18/2016 JZK Reviewing and annotating Rudolph declaration to prepare for cross (2.1); conference with R. Mandel and A. McMullan re settlement (.5); review response to motion in limine (.4). 3.0 $1,590.00 03/18/2016 RSM Telephone conference with and emails to and from G. Adelman re status of settlement discussions (.3); telephone conferences with A. McMullan, B. Cohen and J. King re same (.5); telephone conference with B. Cohen re revisions to pretrial memo opposition, potential production of divestiture documents (.3); emails to and from A. McMullan, B. Cohen re production of Warner assignment documents (.2); revised and finalized pretrial memo opposition (.7); letter to Judge Sullivan re courtesy copy of opposition (.2); email to opposing counsel re same (.1); reviewing and revising summary of recordings sold and offered for use as proposed stipulation (.6); email to opposing counsel re proposed stipulation (.2). 3.1 $1,674.00 03/19/2016 JZK Continue annotating Rudolph prior testimony for cross (.8); draft response to Defendants' submission of willfulness (1.5). 2.3 $1,219.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 7 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/19/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing defendants' opposition to motion in limine (.6); emails to and from client re issues raised regarding MEA (.2); telephone conferences with B. Cohen re MEA issues (.3); reviewing MEA agreements produced and additional documents provided by client (.3); conference with J. King re willfulness/innocence issue and reviewing draft of same for use in reply on in limine motions (.3). 1.7 $918.00 03/20/2016 RSM Reviewing McMullan deposition transcript re preparation of reply papers on in limine motion (.7); reviewing status of prior document production re in limine reply papers (.5); drafting McMullan reply declaration re in limine motion (1.2); begin drafting Mandel reply declaration re in limine motions (.4). 2.8 $1,512.00 03/21/2016 JZK Settlement call with all parties (.6); Call with A. McMullan, R. Mandel re settlement (.8); drafting sections of motion in limine reply (.8). 2.2 $1,166.00 03/21/2016 RSM Completed drafting Mandel reply declaration on in limine motion (.7); emails to and from client re draft reply declarations (.3); telephone conference with A. McMullan re draft declaration (.1); revised McMullan reply declaration (.3); reviewing and analyzing Warner divestiture agreement (.8); telephone conferences with B. Cohen, A. McMullan and conference call with B. Cohen and S. Carmel re Warner divestitutre agreement (.6); telephone conferences with A. McMullan, J. King re settlement (.8); telephone conference with and emails to and from G. Adelman re settlement (.2); conference call with A. McMullan, J. King, J. Ossenmacher, B. Carter and Mischon attorney re negotiating settlement terms (.6); reviewing cases cited by defendants in opposition to in limine motion and cases distinguishing same (1.0); drafting portions of reply brief on use of in limine to dismiss claims/defenses (2.0); reviewing and analyzing status of divested vs. retained recordings (.6) and telephone conference with B. Cohen re same (.2); reviewed Court order rescheduling pre-trial conference and emails to and from opposing counsel, client re same (.2). 8.4 $4,536.00 03/22/2016 JZK Drafting section of reply in support of motion in limine and meet with R. Mandel re same (1.3); conference with R. Mandel and G. Adelman re settlement (.5). 1.8 $954.00 03/22/2016 RSM Drafted ownership section of reply brief on motion in limine (.4); reviewed and revised other sections of in limine reply brief and conferences with J. King re same (.8); email to client re draft reply brief on motion in limine (.1); reviewed cite check of in limine reply brief (.2); reviewing and analyzing share purchase agreement and separation agreement re confidentiality requirements and potential redaction of information in agreements (.8); telephoone conferences with B. Cohen, A. McMullan re same (.4); emails to client re relevant confidentiality provisions and production of documents re divestitutre (.4); conference call with J. King and G. Adelman re settlement (.5). 3.6 $1,944.00 03/22/2016 NAC Cite check Plaintiffs' Reply Memo in Further Support of Motion in Limine. 1.9 $427.50 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 8 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/23/2016 JZK Continue reviewing prior testimony and materials for Rudolph cross and preparing Rudolph cross outline (8.0); settlement calls with opposing counsel, R. Mandel and A. McMullan (1.3). 9.3 $4,929.00 03/23/2016 RSM Reviewed settlement proposal re damage stipulation from oppoisng counsel (.2); emails to and from and telephone conference with opposing counsel and J. King re same (.5); conference call with J. King and G. Adelman re same (.3); email to A. McMullan and conference calls with A. McMullan and J. King re settlement proposal and strategy for response to same (.4); email to opposing counsel re injunction and settlement (.2); conference call with B. Cohen and A. Shindler re status of MEA (.3); reviewing and analyzing MEA termination letters and emails re same (.4); emails to and from client re production of separation agreement (.1); revising McMullan reply declaration on in limine motion re termination of MEA (.5); emails to and from and telephone conference with A. McMullan re same (.3); conferences with J. King re Rudolph cross and settlement (.4). 3.6 $1,944.00 03/23/2016 NAC Updating summary of plaintiffs' trial exhibits and supporting citations. 4.0 $900.00 03/24/2016 JZK Continue preparing Rudolph outline (.5); multiple emails to and from A. McMullan, G. Adelman re settlement (1.0). 1.5 $795.00 03/24/2016 RSM Conferences with N. Chinda re reviewing production of additional documents on MEA, separation agreement and reviewing same (.6); telephone conferences with B. Cohen re same, settlement, reply papers on in limine motion (.3); emails to and from A. Shindler re 2012 MEA with Virgin Records Ltd. (.2); email to A. Lewis re ownership issues (.2); revising and finalizing Mandel reply declaration and reply brief on in limine motion (.5); multiple telephone conferences with and emails to and from A. McMullan, opposing counsel and conferences with J. King re negotiating terms of potential stipulated judgment (1.7); reviewing A. McMullan testimony in MP3Tunes case re preparation of McMullan direct (1.0); drafted email to opposing counsel re stipulations on chain of title, recordings sold and offered for sale (.5). 5.0 $2,700.00 03/24/2016 NAC Review Matrix Exchange Agreement letter for production (CAP 9313 - CAP 9314) (1.0); conference with R. Mandel re: same (.6). 1.6 $360.00 03/25/2016 JZK Revising conditional court judgment to reflect settlement discussions and conference with R. Mandel re same (1.8); preparing Rudolph cross outline (.5). 2.3 $1,219.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 9 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/25/2016 RSM Letter to Judge Sullivan re courtesy copies of reply in limine papers (.2); conferences with N. Chinda re finalizing reply papers and reviewed same (.3); finalized and sent email to opposing counsel re stipulations on ownership and recordings at issue (.2); multiple telephone conferences with and emails to and from A. McMullan, opposing counsel re negotiating terms of stipulated judgment (1.2); reviewing and revising stipulated judgment and conferences with J. King, emails to and from client re same (1.3); emails to and from B. Cohen and reviewed email from A. Lewis re ownership information re divested/retained works (.4); drafting A. McMullan direct outline (.8). 4.4 $2,376.00 03/25/2016 NAC Conference with R. Mandel re: finalizing reply papers in further support of motion in limine (.3); revise and supplent trial exhibits (2.0); finalize reply papers (.7). 3.0 $675.00 03/26/2016 RSM Drafting outline for A. McMullan direct testimony (4.6); reviewing, analyzing and selecting exhibits for use on McMullan direct re proving Capitol ownership of recordings (2.8); reviewing, analyzing and selecting materials for use at pre-trial conference (1.0). 8.4 $4,536.00 03/27/2016 RSM Continued drafting McMullan direct outline (2.7); reviewing and analyzing multiple agreements and other support for potential use on redirect if challenge rasied to prima facie proof of ownership and outlining same (4.5); outlining revisions to exhibits (.8). 8.0 $4,320.00 03/28/2016 RSM Completed review of potential redirect documents on ownership (1.0); reviewing agreements and chain of title documents re pre-1972 recordings for use at trial (1.8); outlining same (.9); reviewed revised version of stipulated judgment (.3); emails to and from and telephone conferences with opposing counsel (.6), A. McMullan (.3) re same; drafting Ossenmacher testimony outline (1.6); revieiwng deposition testimony re same (.5); reviewing Copyright Office DMCA report re use at trial (.5); conferences with N. Chinda re revisions to exhibit list (.3). 7.8 $4,212.00 03/29/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing deposition testimony and exhibits re preparation of outline for Ossenmacher testimony (2.8); drafting and revising outline for Ossenmacher testimony (4.7); reviewing A. McMullan and J. Cho testimony from J. Thomas case (.8). 8.3 $4,482.00 03/30/2016 RSM Reviewing and analyzing evidentiary issues re admission of trial exhibits objected to by defendants (1.8); telephone conferences with and emails to and from G. Adelman, A. McMullan re settlement (.6); preparation for call with opposing counsel re stipulations (.7); conference call with M. DeVincenzo and S. Matz re reviewing potential stipulations on ownership and recordings sold and offered for sale (1.0); reviewing and analyzing various alleged deficiencies concerning chain of title alleged by defendants (2.3); multiple emails to opposing counsel responding re alleged deficiencies (.8); conferences with and emails to and from T. Kjellberg re issues concerning copyright certificates (.4); drafted stipulation re ownership (.6); email to opposing counsel re same (.2). 8.4 $4,536.00 April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 10 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/30/2016 TXK Confer with RSM re challenged copyright registration certificates (.4); research registration status from Copyright Office (.2). 0.6 $255.00 03/30/2016 NAC Search Plaintiffs' Trial Exhibits for proof of sale of recordings and timing of same (4.5); prepare list re: same (.4); conference with R. Mandel re: same (.4). 5.3 $1,192.50 03/31/2016 RSM Multiple emails to and from and telephone conferences with opposing counsel re evidentiary issues on exhibits and disputes on chain of title (1.9); reviewing and analyzing open chain of title issues and emails to and from and telephone conferences with A. McMullan re same (1.6); telephone conferences with and emails to and from A. McMullan, opposing counsel re continuing settlement discussions (1.4); conferences with N. Chinda re evidence on timing of infringements and reviewing same (.5); reviewed draft revised stipulation from opposing counsel re ownership (.4); reviewing and revising summary stipulation re recordings sold and offfered and email to opposing counsel re same (.6); reviewing transcripts from prior hearings, prior correspondence and other documentation re disputed issues in preparation for pre-trial conference (1.7). 8.1 $4,374.00 294.0 $139,024.00 Amount $41,499.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King Hours 78.3 RSM Richard Mandel 153.1 $82,674.00 TXK Thomas Kjellberg 0.6 $255.00 SPC Scott P. Ceresia 7.6 $2,356.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 54.4 $12,240.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount April 11, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 336680 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 11 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $139,024.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $142,191.71 $62,969.98 ($1,508.00) $203,653.69 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs May 13, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 338752 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through April 30, 2016 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 04/01/2016 RSM Conference call with G. Adelman and A. McMullan re settlement (.3); numerous telephone conferences with and emails to and from A. McMullan, opposing counsel re negotiating terms of settlement agreement (5.0); reviewing trial testimony from hubcap RIAA cases re preparation for trial (1.0); reviewing filing and cases re preparation for pre-trial conference (3.2). 9.5 $5,130.00 04/01/2016 TXK Emails to/from Copyright Office re challenged copyright registration certificates. 0.3 $127.50 04/02/2016 RSM Telephone conferences with and emails to G. Adelman re settlement (.5); drafting settlement agreement (2.3), bonded and unbonded judgment exhibits (1.7) and ownership stipulation exhibit (.4); multiple emails to and from A. McMullan re settlement and revisions to settlement papers (1.8); revising settlement papers (1.2). 7.9 $4,266.00 04/03/2016 RSM Numerous telephone conferences with and emails to and from opposing counsel, A. McMullan re final settlement negotiations (2.2); revising settlement agreement, bonded and un-bonded judgments (2.8); prepared outline for pre-trial conference (1.0). 6.0 $3,240.00 04/04/2016 JZK Attend pretrial conference with R. Mandel. 2.0 $1,060.00 04/04/2016 RSM Telephone conference with and emails to and from opposing counsel re finalizing and execution of settlement papers (.8); emails to and from and telephone conference with A. McMullan re same, reviewing conference (.5); conference call with opposing counsel and Judge Sullivan's chambers re advising of settlement (.2); appeared in Court for conference (2.0). 3.5 $1,890.00 04/05/2016 RSM Reviewed court order (.1); telephone conference with and emails to and from opposing counsel re same, sealing of transcript (.3). 0.4 $216.00 04/06/2016 RSM Email to opposing counsel re execution of judgments. 0.1 $54.00 May 13, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 338752 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 04/08/2016 RSM Reviewed proposed redactions to transcript from pre-trial conference (.2); email to G. Adelman re same (.1). 0.3 $162.00 04/09/2016 RSM Reviewed ReDigi draft motion to seal transcript from pretrial conference (.3); emails to and from A. McMullan re same (.1). 0.4 $216.00 04/11/2016 RSM Email to opposing counsel re comments on draft sealing motion; reviewing final motion re same. 0.2 $108.00 04/15/2016 RSM Telephone conferences with opposing counsel re sealing of transcript, contacting chambers re same. 0.2 $108.00 04/19/2016 RSM Reviewed Court order granting sealing of pre-trial conference transcript. 0.1 $54.00 04/20/2016 RSM Emails to and from A. McMullan, opposing counsel re execution of corrected judgments. 0.2 $108.00 04/21/2016 RSM Telephone conference with opposing counsel re proposed letter to Court clarifying status of appeal period and final judgment. 0.3 $162.00 04/26/2016 RSM Reviewed ReDigi draft letter to Court re re-opening case for purposes of entry of judgment (.1); email to opposing counsel re same (.1). 0.2 $108.00 04/27/2016 RSM Conference call with S. Matz and M. DeVincenzo re letter to Court on judgments to be filed. 0.3 $162.00 04/28/2016 RSM Revising draft letter to Court re submission of judgments, dismissal (.2); emails to and from opposing counsel re same (.1); reviewed Court order modifying prior order on dismissal (.1). 0.4 $216.00 32.3 $17,387.50 Hours 2.0 Amount $1,060.00 30.0 $16,200.00 0.3 $127.50 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel TXK Thomas Kjellberg DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount May 13, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 338752 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $17,387.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $17,535.02 $203,653.69 ($5,342.08) $215,846.63 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs June 06, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 340089 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2016 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 05/03/2016 RSM Email to opposing counsel re status of signed judgments. 0.1 $54.00 05/19/2016 RSM Email to opposing counsel re execution of judgments. 0.1 $54.00 05/23/2016 RSM Emails to and from G. Adelman re execution of judgments. 0.1 $54.00 0.3 $162.00 Hours 0.3 Amount $162.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Total Disbursements Amount June 06, 2016 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 340089 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $162.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $218.00 $215,846.63 ($56,119.90) $159,944.73 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs February 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 352782 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through January 31, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 01/03/2017 RSM 0.3 $165.00 01/04/2017 RSM 0.4 $220.00 01/05/2017 RSM 0.5 $275.00 01/06/2017 RSM 0.8 $440.00 01/09/2017 RSM 0.5 $275.00 01/09/2017 GXD 0.5 $115.00 01/10/2017 RSM 0.3 $165.00 01/10/2017 GXD 0.5 $115.00 01/11/2017 RSM 0.4 $220.00 . February 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 352782 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 1.0 $550.00 01/12/2017 RSM 01/13/2017 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re joint appendix, sealing in Second Circuit (.2); telephone conference with opposing counsel, emails to and from client re sealing motion in Second Circuit (.2). 0.4 $220.00 01/14/2017 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re consent to sealing in Second Circuit. 0.1 $55.00 01/17/2017 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re absence of opposing papers in response to sealing motion (.1); reviewed motion filed by opposing counsel in Second Circuit re same (.1). 0.2 $110.00 01/19/2017 RSM 0.5 $275.00 01/23/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing record on appeal and index of joint appendix prepared by opposing counsel (1.0); telephone conferences with opposing counsel re same (.2); emails to and from opposing counsel re revisions to same (.3); telephone conference with counsel for MPAA re potential amicus participation in appeal (.3). 1.8 $990.00 01/24/2017 RSM Telephone conference with and emails to and from A. McMullan re status of amicus participation (.2); emails to and from M. Oppenheim re possible participation of book publishers as amicus (.2); emails to and from B. Sheffner of MPAA re possible participation as amicus (.1); reviewed revised record on appeal and index for joint appendix (.2); email to opposing counsel re same (.1); telephone conference with and reviewed email from opposing counsel re amicus, joint appendix (.2). 1.0 $550.00 01/25/2017 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re revisions to record, joint appendix, filing of documents under seal in Second Circuit. 0.2 $110.00 01/26/2017 RSM Emails to and from opposing counsel re sealing issues, additional revisions to joint appendix (.3); reviewed revised record on appeal index (.2); (.1); (.1), (.1) . 0.8 $440.00 01/27/2017 RSM 0.7 $385.00 10.9 $5,675.00 Hours 9.9 Amount $5,445.00 (.1); (.1); reviewed draft table of materials for joint appendix sent by ReDigi counsel (.5); emails to and from opposing counsel re same and issues concerning materials to be included (.3). Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel February 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 352782 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 TIMEKEEPER RECAP GXD Hours 1.0 George Diaz, Jr. Amount $230.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount 01/10/2017 01/10/2017 01/10/2017 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 01/31/2017 Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $5,675.00 $ Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $5,791.60 $10,341.80 ($4,627.80) $11,505.60 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs March 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 354327 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through February 28, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 02/02/2017 RSM Conference call with counsel for Copyright Alliance re amicus brief (.2); email to counsel for Copyright Alliance re Google, Public Knowledge amicus requests (.1). 0.3 $165.00 02/07/2017 RSM Reviewing ReDigi appellate brief. 1.0 $550.00 02/08/2017 RSM Telephone conference with and email to A. McMullan re ReDigi Second Circuit brief (.3); reviewing case law on material objects (.5); reviewed opposing counsel motion re not filing redacted versions of appendix (.1); emails to and from opposing counsel re same (.1). 1.0 $550.00 02/09/2017 JZK Review ReDigi appeal brief (1.3) and confer with R. Mandel re: same (.2). 1.5 $817.50 02/10/2017 RSM Conference with N. Chinda re identifying confidential portions of ReDigi appellate brief (.1); reviewing N. Chinda report re same (.1); email to client re same and effect on amicus briefs (.1); conferences with J. King re appelle brief and research (.2). 0.5 $275.00 02/10/2017 NAC RE: Review ReDigi's appeal brief re: identifying confidential redactions. 0.5 $115.00 02/14/2017 RSM Email to A. McMullan re amicus briefs filed in support of ReDigi (.1); telephone conference with A. McMullan re same, timing of answering brief and (.2) 0.4 $220.00 0.4 $220.00 1.0 $230.00 (.1). 02/16/2017 RSM Emails to and from client re timing of responsive brief (.1); drafted scheduling request to Second Circuit re appelle brief (.2); (.1). 02/16/2017 GXD Prepared letter to Clerk requesting deadline for filing of Brief. March 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 354327 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services 02/17/2017 RSM 02/22/2017 02/23/2017 RSM (.1); telephone conference with S. Bauman re reviewing issues for appeal (.5). Total Professional Services 0.3 $165.00 $220.00 0.6 $330.00 7.9 $3,857.50 Hours 1.5 RSM Amount 0.4 Reviewed 2d Circuit order re briefing schedule and email to A. McMullan re same (.1); emails to multiple potential amici re briefing schedule and amicus briefs (.2). Hours Amount $817.50 TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel 4.9 $2,695.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 0.5 $115.00 GXD George Diaz, Jr. 1.0 $230.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount 02/10/2017 Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT $3,857.50 $11.00 $3,868.50 $11,505.60 $15,374.10 March 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 354327 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs April 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 355785 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through March 31, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours 0.2 $110.00 0.1 Telephone conerence with G. Borkowski re RIAA amicus brief. Amount $55.00 03/01/2017 RSM 03/07/2017 RSM 03/14/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing appellant brief and amicus briefs from law professors and American Library Association re preparation for drafting appellate brief. 1.9 $1,045.00 03/15/2017 JZK Reviewing and annotating Redigi appellate brief (1.2); conference with R. Mandel re possible response to "music file" argument (.5). 1.7 $926.50 03/15/2017 RSM 2.9 $1,595.00 (.2); (.2); (.1); (.1); reviewing and analyzing cases cited in ReDigi brief in preparation for drafting appellate brief (1.8); conferences with J. King re reviewing issues for appeal (.5). 03/16/2017 JZK Research re appellate issues re reproduction (1.5); reviewing and ReDigi appellate papers and citations (2.5). 4.0 $2,180.00 03/16/2017 RSM Continued review of legal authorities cited in appellant brief (.4); begin drafting sections of appelle brief -- corporate disclosure, jurisdictional statement, statement of the case (2.8). 3.2 $1,760.00 03/17/2017 JZK Review Amicus briefs re 109(a) limitations (1.0); begin outlining and drafting summary of argument (2.5). 3.5 $1,907.50 03/17/2017 RSM Completed drafting statement of case (1.9); reviewing appendix re citations to record for brief (1.3); emails to and from opposing counsel re failure to include Hall declaration in jionit appendix (.2). 3.4 $1,870.00 03/20/2017 JZK Continue drafting section of appellate brief on reproduction (3.9); meet with R. Mandel re reproduction issues in brief (.5). 4.4 $2,398.00 April 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 355785 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 03/20/2017 RSM Completed addition of record citations to brief (.6); conferences with J. King re structure of legal argument (.5); begin drafting distribution section of legal argument re distribution (2.1). 3.2 $1,760.00 03/21/2017 JZK Drafting reproduction point of appellate brief. 4.0 $2,180.00 03/21/2017 RSM 3.2 $1,760.00 (.2); drafting first sale sections of legal argument for 2d Circuit brief (2.8). (.2); 03/22/2017 RSM Reviewing, revising and supplementing sections of reproduction point in legal argument (2.2); drafting additional sub-sections re same (1.8). 4.0 $2,200.00 03/23/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing Audio Home Recording Act, Digital Performance Right in Sound Recording Act and commentaries re same for response to ReDigi argument (1.5); drafting subsection of reproduction legal argument point responding to ReDigi statutory and contractual arguments on reproduction (3.5). 5.0 $2,750.00 03/24/2017 RSM Revising statement of case in 2d Circuit brief (.2); revising brief point re effect of distribution on reproduction right (.6); drafted brief point on judicial admissions on reproduction (3.7). 4.5 $2,475.00 49.2 $26,972.00 Hours 17.6 Amount $9,592.00 31.6 $17,380.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $26,972.00 $26,972.00 $15,374.10 ($5,714.00) $36,632.10 April 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 355785 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs May 08, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 357578 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through April 30, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Amount 3.0 $1,635.00 0.4 Conference with R. Mandel re fair use issues and settlement (.6); researching (1.0) and editing (1.4) appellee brief. Hours $216.00 04/03/2017 JZK 04/03/2017 MM 04/03/2017 RSM (.3); (.1); conferences with J. King re revisions to appellate brief and issues concerning same (.6). 1.0 $550.00 04/04/2017 JZK Research re application of fair use to Section 109. 0.7 $381.50 04/04/2017 RSM Reviewing and revising reproduction brief point (.9); continue drafting and revising first sale legal argument point in brief (2.7); review RIAA brief in General Motors case for consistency with ReDigi position (.2); email to A. McMullan re same (.1). 3.9 $2,145.00 04/05/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing Supreme Court first sale cases and DMCA Report re first sale (1.2); drafting bief sub-point on policy issues concerning first sale defense (2.8); reviewed outline for RIAA/MPAA amicus brief and email from G. Borkowski re same (.2); emails to and from A. McMullan re same (.1). 4.3 $2,365.00 04/06/2017 RSM Conference call with Copyright Alliance lawyers re reviewing amicus brief strategy (.5); reviewing Dept. of Commerce Internet Task Force White Paper on digital first sale proposal (.5); completing draft of brief section on first sale policy arguments (1.6); revising brief re additional citations to Star Athletica Supreme Court case, ReDigi patent (.5); drafting statement of issues presented for brief (.4); (.1). 3.6 $1,980.00 04/07/2017 JZK Reviewing amicus brief re fair use (1.0) and conference with T. Kjelberg re same (.6). 1.6 $872.00 May 08, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 357578 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 04/07/2017 TXK Confer with JZK re ReDigi appeal. 0.6 $261.00 04/10/2017 JZK Research re Library Association amicus fair use argument (1.7); confer with R. Mandel re: same (.3). 2.0 $1,090.00 04/10/2017 RSM Conferences with J. King re fair use argument in brief. 0.3 $165.00 04/11/2017 JZK Drafting fair use section of appellate brief. 2.5 $1,362.50 04/11/2017 RSM Reviewing fair use introduction to argument. 0.2 $110.00 04/12/2017 MM 0.5 $270.00 04/12/2017 RSM Emails to and from potential amicus American Association of Publishers (.1); reviewed email from bankruptcy counsel and enclosed papers filed re lien in patents (.4). 0.5 $275.00 04/13/2017 JZK Continue drafting fair use section of appellate brief. 1.3 $708.50 04/13/2017 MM 0.5 $270.00 04/13/2017 RSM 0.8 $440.00 04/17/2017 JZK Drafting fair use section of appellate brief. 1.5 $817.50 04/17/2017 RSM Drafting and revising summary of argument for 2d Circuit appellee brief. 1.0 $550.00 04/18/2017 JZK Continue drafting fair use section of appellate brief. 5.5 $2,997.50 04/19/2017 RSM Revised fair use legal argument point of Second Circuit brief (1.0); completed drafting and revising summary of argument (.5); drafted preliminary statement (.5); reviewed letter from opposing counsel re motion to expedite appeal (.1); emails to and from and telephone conference with client re same (.2). 2.3 $1,265.00 04/20/2017 JZK Reviewing and editing appellate brief (1.2); review re ReDigi proposed motion to expedite appeal (.1). 1.3 $708.50 04/21/2017 JZK Complete editing and reviewing appellate brief (2.8) and conference with R. Mandel re same (.2). 3.0 $1,635.00 04/21/2017 RSM Reviewing and revising draft Second Circuit brief (.6); conferences with J. King re same (.2); email to client re draft brief (.1); email to opposing counsel re rejecting request to expedite appeal (.1); reviewing 2d Circuit rules re motion requirements and timing (.2). 1.2 $660.00 04/24/2017 RSM Review cite check of 2d Circuit brief and analyze flagged authoriteis re negative treatment (.6); begin revising brief re cite check (.4). 1.0 $550.00 04/24/2017 NAC RE: Cite check, shepardize and Bluebook ReDigi appellate brief. 5.0 $1,150.00 04/25/2017 JZK Confer with R. Mandel re: revisions to appellate brief. 0.4 $218.00 (.3); (.2); telephone conference with and email to counsel for AAP re amicus brief (.3). May 08, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 357578 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 04/25/2017 RSM Reviewed A. McMullan comments on draft Second Circuit brief (.3); conferences with J. King re issues and follow-up concerning same and revisions to brief (.4); revising brief re McMullan comments and completed cite check (1.2); email to client re revised brief (.2). 2.1 $1,155.00 04/27/2017 RSM Reviewed email from client re corporate structure (.1); revised corporate disclosure statement in brief (.1); reviewing and supplementing cross-reference citations in brief (.5); 0.9 $495.00 0.5 $275.00 53.4 $27,573.00 Hours 22.8 Amount $12,426.00 (.2). 04/28/2017 RSM Reviewed S. Bauman comments on draft Second Circuit brief (.2); revised same (.3). Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel 23.6 $12,980.00 MM Mark Montague 1.4 $756.00 TXK Thomas Kjellberg 0.6 $261.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 5.0 $1,150.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements Amount 04/21/2017 Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $27,573.00 $27,579.20 $36,632.10 ($5,791.60) $58,419.70 May 08, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 357578 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs June 09, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 359395 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 05/01/2017 JZK Review S. Bauman comments on brief (.3); conference with R. Mandel re same(.2). 0.5 $272.50 05/01/2017 RSM Completed review and final revisions to 2d Circuit brief (1.8); conference with J. King re same (.2); emails to and from printer re cover, table of contents/authorities and reviewing draft cover (.3); reviewed ReDigi motion to expedite oral argument on appeal (3); (.2). 2.8 $1,540.00 05/02/2017 RSM 2.9 $1,595.00 05/03/2017 RSM 6.5 $3,575.00 05/03/2017 NAC RE: Cite check Appellee's brief (1.5); update table of authorities (.4). 1.9 $437.00 05/04/2017 JZK Read amicus brief by Copyright Alliance. 0.5 $272.50 05/04/2017 RSM 3.0 $1,650.00 (.1); conference with N. Chinda re reviewing proofing changes to Second Circuit brief (.2); revising 2d Circuit brief (.2); emails to and from printer re final changes to brief and filing (.2); (5.8). Alliance amicus brief (.5). (.5); (1.8); (.2); reviewed draft of Copyright 05/05/2017 JZK Review RIAA and MPAA amicus brief. 0.7 $381.50 05/05/2017 RSM Emails to client, emails to and from amici re filing of final appelle 2d Circuit brief (.2); reviewed draft MPAA/RIAA amicus brief (.3). 0.5 $275.00 June 09, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 359395 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 05/09/2017 MM 0.3 $162.00 05/09/2017 RSM 1.0 $550.00 05/10/2017 RSM 1.3 $715.00 05/11/2017 MM 0.8 $432.00 05/11/2017 RSM 0.9 $495.00 05/11/2017 GXD 0.5 $115.00 05/12/2017 RSM 0.4 $220.00 05/16/2017 RSM 0.4 $220.00 05/17/2017 RSM 0.3 $165.00 05/18/2017 JZK Review amicus brief of American Publisher's Association (.8); conference with R. Mandel re ReDigi appeal, motion to expedite and bankruptcy proceeding (.2). 1.0 $545.00 05/18/2017 RSM Reviewed 2d Circuit order re expediting appeal (.1); emails to and from client re same and likely timing of argument (.1); 0.7 $385.00 (.2); (.1); email to client re motion papers and amicus briefs from Copyright Alliance and AAP (.1). (.2) (.3). June 09, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 359395 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Review ReDigi reply brief (1.5); emails to R. Mandel (.5) re same; review request for oral argument (.2); (.3). Hours Amount 2.5 $1,362.50 0.7 $385.00 05/19/2017 JZK 05/19/2017 RSM 05/30/2017 RSM Reviewed ReDigi 2d Circuit reply brief. 1.0 $550.00 05/31/2017 RSM Reviewed email from law professor amici seeking consent to participate in oral argument; emails to and from client re same. 0.1 $55.00 31.2 $16,355.00 Hours 5.2 Amount $2,834.00 (.5); conferences with J. King re oral argument request form and reply brief served by ReDigi (.2). Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel 22.5 $12,375.00 MM Mark Montague 1.1 $594.00 NAC Nart-Anong Chinda 1.9 $437.00 GXD George Diaz, Jr. 0.5 $115.00 DISBURSEMENTS Date Description of Disbursements 05/17/2017 Amount Counsel Press Inc.- - re reproduction APPELLEE'S brief Total Disbursements Total Services Total Disbursements Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT $16,355.00 $18,114.42 $58,419.70 ($3,868.50) $72,665.62 June 09, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 359395 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 4 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs July 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 360714 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through June 30, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 06/01/2017 RSM Reviewed rule re amicus participation in oral argument and case law re same (.2); email to counsel for copyright scholars amici re not consenting to motion to participate in oral argument (.1); reviewed letter from opposing counsel to 2d Circuit re Supreme Court patent exhaustion decision and enclosed decision (.4); emails to and from client re same (.1). 0.8 $440.00 06/02/2017 JZK Review Lexmark opinion provided to Second Circuit by ReDigi (.4); draft responsive letter (1.6); review Copyright Law Scholar motion for oral argument (.3). 2.3 $1,253.50 06/02/2017 RSM Review and revise letter to Second Circuit responding re Supreme Court patent exhaustion decision (.7); conferences with J. King (.2), emails to and from client (.1) re same; telephone conference with A. McMullan re mediation, letter to Court (.1); reviewed motion for oral argument filed by law professor amici and emails to and from client re same (.1). 1.2 $660.00 06/06/2017 JZK 3.5 $1,907.50 06/06/2017 RSM 0.2 $110.00 06/07/2017 JZK 0.3 $163.50 06/07/2017 RSM 0.9 $495.00 06/08/2017 RSM 0.1 $55.00 July 10, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 360714 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 06/09/2017 RSM 0.4 $220.00 06/13/2017 RSM 0.1 $55.00 06/30/2017 RSM 0.2 $110.00 10.0 $5,469.50 Hours 6.1 Amount $3,324.50 3.9 $2,145.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $5,469.50 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $5,469.50 $72,665.62 ($54,551.20) $23,583.92 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs August 04, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 362336 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through July 31, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 07/06/2017 RSM (.1); reviewed Second Circuit notification of argument scheduling and email to A. McMullan re same (.1). 0.2 $110.00 07/10/2017 RSM Reviewed and signed completed acknowledgement form and confer with N. Chinda re same (.1); (.1). 0.2 $110.00 07/10/2017 NAC Prepare acknowledgement form (.2) and confer with R. Mandel re same (.1). 0.3 $69.00 07/12/2017 RSM Reviewed 2d Circuit order re amicus participation in oral argument; emails to and from A. McMullan re same. 0.1 $55.00 07/31/2017 RSM Reviewing, analyzing and annotating record (2.0), amicus briefs (1.8) re preparation for oral argument. 3.8 $2,090.00 4.6 $2,434.00 Hours 4.3 Amount $2,365.00 0.3 $69.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP RSM Richard Mandel NAC Nart-Anong Chinda Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance PAY THIS AMOUNT $2,434.00 $2,434.00 $23,583.92 $26,017.92 August 04, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 362336 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 Credit Card Link: Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. 114 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 790-9200 Fax: (212) 575-0671 Federal Tax I.D. No.: 13-2741990 EMI Music c/o Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Attention: Alasdair McMullan, SVP, Legal Affairs September 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 363728 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 1 RE: ReDigi For Professional Services Rendered Through August 31, 2017 HOURLY SERVICES Date 08/01/2017 Description of Services RSM (.2) Hours (.2) Amount 2.7 $1,485.00 completed reviewing amicus briefs (.3) and reviewed, analyzed and annotated Commerce Dept. white paper on digital first sale (1.5) re preparation for oral argument; begin reviewing cases cited in brief re preparation for oral argument (.5). 08/02/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing relevant cases re preparation for Second Circuit oral argument. 3.0 $1,650.00 08/03/2017 RSM Continued review and analysis of relevant cases and record re preparation for Second Circuit oral argument. 2.9 $1,595.00 08/07/2017 RSM Begin preparing outline for Second Circuit oral argument (2.5); reviewing case materials re same (1.1). 3.6 $1,980.00 08/08/2017 JZK Conference with R. Mandel re ReDigi argument re Apple agreement. 0.4 $218.00 08/08/2017 RSM Continued drafting outline for Second Circuit oral argument (2.8) and reviewing relevant case materials re same (.9); telephone conference with S. Bauman re reviewing issues concerning positions in license vs. sale litigations (.2); conference with J. King re reviewing issues for oral argument (.4); 4.4 $2,420.00 5.5 $3,025.00 (.1). 08/09/2017 RSM Completed draft of outline for 2d Circuit oral argument (4.2); telephone conference with A. McMullan re reviewing issues concerning Apple agreement and terms of use (.3); reviewing transcripts from oral arguments on preliminary injunction motion, summary judgment motion (.4); emails to client re same and potential hypotheticals for oral argument (.2); conference with J. King re: preparation for hypotheticals. (.4). September 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 363728 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 2 HOURLY SERVICES Date Description of Services Hours Amount 08/10/2017 JZK Conference with R. Mandel re preparation for oral argument. 0.4 $218.00 08/10/2017 RSM Reviewing and analyzing Apple terms of use (.4); telephone conference with S. Bauman re same and impact on first sale arguments (.4); conferences with J. King re oral argument preparation (.4). 1.2 $660.00 08/11/2017 JZK Review ReDigi FRAP 28(J) letter and attached opinion (.4); meet with R. Mandel re same (.3); revisions to letter (.3). 1.0 $545.00 08/11/2017 RSM Reviewed supplemental letter from ReDigi and cited case (.2); conferences with J. King re same and response (.3); drafted response to letter (.3). 0.8 $440.00 08/17/2017 RSM 0.2 $110.00 08/20/2017 RSM Reviewing and revising outline for 2d Circuit oral argument (2.6); reviewing copyright articles and opinions by panel members (1.9). 4.5 $2,475.00 08/21/2017 RSM Completed reviewing outline and case materials re preparation for 2d Circuit oral argument (4.6); practicing argument (1.0). 5.6 $3,080.00 08/22/2017 JZK Attend Second Circuit argument. 5.0 $2,725.00 08/22/2017 RSM Attend and conduct oral argument in Second Circuit. 5.0 $2,750.00 08/24/2017 JZK Emails to/from client re VidAngel case (.1); review and revise letter to Second Circuit re same (.4); meeting with R. Mandel re: same (.3). 0.8 $436.00 08/24/2017 RSM Reviewed 9th Circuit VidAngel decision (.3); emails to and from client, counsel for Copyright Alliance re same and possible letter to Court (.2); drafted letter to Second Circuit advising of VidAngel decision (.6); conferences with J. King and emails to and from client re revisions to same (.3). 1.4 $770.00 08/25/2017 RSM Reviewed ReDigi response letter re VidAngel decision; emails to and from client re same. 0.1 $55.00 48.5 $26,637.00 Hours 7.6 Amount $4,142.00 40.9 $22,495.00 Total Professional Services TIMEKEEPER RECAP JZK Jonathan Z. King RSM Richard Mandel September 06, 2017 Client: 029503 Matter: 000003 363728 Invoice #: Resp. Atty: RSM Page: 3 Total Services Total Current Charges Previous Balance Less Payments PAY THIS AMOUNT Credit Card Link: $26,637.00 Credit Card Instructions Wire Instructions Bank Name: IDB Bank 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Address: 0371047 Acct No.: 026009768 ABA No.: Swift Code: IDBYUS33 Due Upon Receipt. Please include the invoice number on all remittance. Thank you. $26,637.00 $26,017.92 ($18,114.42) $34,540.50

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