White et al v. West Publishing Corporation et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Reed Elsevier Inc., West Publishing Corporation. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 1030502)Document filed by Edward L. White, Edward L. White, P.C., Kenneth Elan.(mro) (Additional attachment(s) added on 2/23/2012: # 1 Ex. A Part 1, # 2 Ex. A Part 2, # 3 Ex. A Part 3, # 4 Ex. A Part 4) (ama).

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United States Certificate of Registration 'This Cert ificate issued nndcr thc seal of thc Copyright OfEce in with lille 17, United States Code, attests that regislration has becn made for thc work identified below, The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright OOice records Registration N limber TX 7-417-300 date of registl'atioll: Register of Copyrights, United States of America May 21, 2010 Title Title of Work: PlaintifTs' Motion In Limine Completion I Publication Yelll' of Completion: Date of 1st Publication: 20 I 0 March 15,201 0 Nation of 1st Publication: United States Author • Author: Author Created: .Workmade for hiJ'e: Citizen of: Edward L. White, P,C. text, compilation, editing Yes lJnitedStates Domiciled in: UnitecLStates 'C:()pyrighlclaimant Copyright Claimant: Edward L White,P,C. 9301Ceclar Lake Ave., Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK, 73114, Udited Stites ·l..irnitati()nofcopyright claim Th;Il<tcrhi: cxdudcd fnjrntlJis Claim: Text frOI11 other sources Rights and Permissions OrganizatiiH1Narne: Edward L White, p,e Name: Edward L White, A((orney Email: ed@edwhitelaw.com Address: Telephone: 405 c810- 8188 9301 Cedar Lake Ave, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 United Stales Page loI2 EdwardL \\Thite, r.e. Edward L. White, AtLorl1CY 9301 Cedar LakeAye. . :Suite2qO .. Ok1ii!1orna Ci}y; 0]<' 73U4 United States Cettificateof Registration This Cel t ificatc issued under the seal of the Copyright Ofhce in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registratioJJ has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certiflcate has heen made a part oithe Copyright Offtce records. Registration Nllnlber TX 7-417-298 Effective dale of registration: gcgister of Copyrights, United States of America May 2010. Title '['i i1cof Work: Yem ofCornpletion: Date of 1st Publicatiou: • Author: Author Creatcd: Plaintiffs' Response To Defendant XTO Energy Inc's Motion F or Daubert HearingAnd' to Exclude Expert Testimony 2010 Februaty 23, 2010 Nation orlst ])ublkatiou: United States Edward L; White, PC text, compilation, editing Yes Citizcn of: United States Domiciled in: United States CopYright.daimant . ·Copydghtqaimallt: . EdwardL White,P,C. 930] Cedar Lake Ave;, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK, 731] 4,IJnitedStates Textfrom other sources Org:lnizatioll Nlulle: Edward L. White, P.C EdwardL White, Att(jrney ed@eclwhitclaw.eom Telephone: 405-8\ 0-8188 9jOl Cedar Lake Ave. Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 731 14 United States Peige lot' 2 · - - - . Edwald LWhite,P.C: Ed\yard L: While, Attorney 9301Ccdarl,akeAve, Okl<ihomaCity,OK73114 United Slates Certificate of Registration FormTX This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate bas been made a part of the Copyright Office records. Fora NondIll1natlc UttnryWork UNITED STAlES r9£ftw .:k;S;QrCOpy<'ip1'> (hi'te,1 St;'''OrA'll''''" ,..,....._- 16 __ 07 r ...... NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS UNE.IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE ASEPARATECONTINlJAlION SHEET. 1 TInE OF TIllS WORK T fiainnrrs' Motion for Class CcrliiitauoD.· Cbaswiu PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES T N/A PUBUCATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If IhJ> work was published as a contnlJUlion to a periodical, SL'Tial, or collection, give lnfommlion about the Title of Collective Work T collective work in which !he contnoulion nppenn.-d. N/A Ii published in a periodical or serial give; VolumeT wutO,kT NumberT DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Bom T . YearDied T NAME OF AurnOR T a OnF.geoY EdwardL White, P.C. N/A to Was this contribution the work a ·w<>rlc mnde for hire"? ONo Nll/TIOol Cou:l1lY OR{Otl>enOfl': United States ofAmeriea Domiciled N/A WAS TIllS AUTHOR'S CONTRIDunON TO THE WORK ·UIh.a-.r1o althor AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMIOLE DYes _ Anonymnus? U No 0 Yes in'" No NOTE • Underlh. law. thl'8U t h. or' 0. "work mad", . NAME OFAUTHOR T imtructlon.. NATURE OFAUUIORSillP Briefly descn"be IllIture of moterW =ated by this .ulhor in whichcopyrlght Is claimed. '" elb. Portions of the Jriotion. DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH YearBomT YearDiedT lor hi,," I. g.n.rally thl ---.,.--.--.._..;...---------------------- tho omploy.. "work made for hire"? Was this contribution 10 the worka omployer. not la•• ln6Iructlon6). For any part of thla (or .othor . OR . {C'· .lliZt;no '. Domiciled es Vl No. work. th01 WIlli "mid. lor hlr." chock ·Vo.· In 1h,-space AU1HOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMIOLE Namo 01 Counuy DY ntho Anr:wtllto althor oIthoMq_ala 0 Yes III No ·V.... GOOoSWloo D Yo> III No InW\lCllom.· NATURE OF AUrnoll.SillP Briefly de=ibe nature of malerial =led by this mithor in which copyrighl iscL-.irn£d. T Portions of the motion. . C --..-..;--..;...-,.---....-----..-..;----..-..;----..-..;..;...----- . II'Oi proparod) tis 01 WAS TIllS AUTHOR'S cONTRmunoN TO THE WORK '. .. -.-.-------,-.---,..- Anonymous? '. Pseudonymous? Wns this contribution 10 the work a "work'made for hire""? AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMIOLE Numo 01 Co\JntJy ==:1 WAS 'fHlS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK Ih. _ 1 0 obhor NATURE OF AUTHORSlllP Briefly deroil:>e nature of malerinl tw.nted by this authorln which copyright is claimed. T YEAR.IN. . rnCR.EATION oFnns . .a.WORKWASCOMPLETED .·T b l s l _ WHJ.... 2006 .' . 4 . . . . <4(vw muatbeltt-n b . DATE. AND NATI.O.N.OFFIRS.T.PUB.LICATlONOF. TIll.SPAR.TI.CULA.·RW.OR.K .... . . . . __ ·ONLYlIlbI._· In IlI1 c a o e L h u b e t n puhlllhcrl . NJA ... .... , . . •......... COPYRIGIITCLAIMANTIS) Name and address must bC g;ven even ;fthe clalmant I. the "".rne 116l1/illlCf.... \heaulhorgivenln.pnre2.Y I OC.UUI s . . ' . - ' 4 NlIIIon 0 Jillrl 1i1OO1 Ok18homaCity, OK 73134 D .••....••.••••.•••.••..•.•. . =t(-=.)...:·named..:....: here-·-in-Spa-ce-4-is-(...:are-)-d-;I...:feren-...:-tfro-m"':th:"':"'e... ....... nu.:...th...:o::.;r(-B).. . " --- " .... . .• spnre 2, give a brief Btatcrnenl of how the claimant(s) obtained ownership of \he copyrighl.... c MORE ON BACK .. Com pial. 811 nppllCDblo apace. (numbors S-Q) on tho r'""rao Dido 01 Ihl. pog•. • Son r!olJlIlod 1n&1nJc!lons. • Sign tholonn", Iln. a DO NOT WRITE HERE Psg. 1 oL2.-. pages ........-----_......,....._---_-.TJe. _ FORMTX o FOR COPYFlIGHT OFFICE ...... USE ONLY _' ,DOWyt WRrrEABOVETHWlJNElfYW NEED MORE SPACE, USE A _ .:. :' .. 'n' 'n '.' ,." _.' __ ,_,_: _, w",1:" or for anear1lcr ver5ionof th\o"iork,; ISTRA o y;..:ij Naif yrn'tr imsw"" is ..yeo;' why:s llIlOthcr reg;str.tlonbcing sought? (Chpo::'fProprl";'; l;.,x,) 'Y' 0 This is thc.flr5Il?uloJi<;hcf edili"]' o! a ",orkl'reviously re&s1=d in :ftJG , .% been "-,,,dc in ' _ _11111_ _ .,.- Office? . , :L b.O This is thefir!;! appllc:ation suimU1lcdby Ihis author as OOpyrighldai.InMt c If: 0 This 'is 4 dianged verslon Of the :woit. as shown by space 60n thi3 IffiSwer • DBUVATiyE WORJ(ORCOMrJ.L.ATION >, fuexl'Hng M'lleriaJ IdentlJ)i any ,,' , Work orworkllthat ',' onorinoorpor.tlefl- T , +terl;UAdded tOThio Worl:Give abrlcl.&enexaisfalement cif ihc materiaJ ihatlmS i-n added loihis work.lnd inwhich copyright is clninied.T Certificate of . This Certificate issued imder the seal obhe Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registrationhas been made for the worJ< identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. .l'Of" Nondramalic Liierary Work . \1\111111111111 c...• I.X: ••• of Ame<;a DO NOT WRitE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. PREVIOUS ORALTERNATIVE TITLES" N/A . ... . PlJ8L1CATION AS A. CONTRIBUTIONlfthi" work ",lIeclWl' ,""fk in whim !hewnlribullon app"ar"d N/A pUblished "" " contribution b' ur collt'C1inn, J:ive inhumation about the Tille ofC,,11eclive Work. _ ,--_.-------_. ..__ . II pul>li"h,',j in a pic'riodir'll ofrerial give: Volume. • - • . I IssueDate. NAME OF AUTHOR T Edward L White. P.e. thi,;coniributlunhl the work a -w'>rkmade WdS AUTIIOR'S NATIONAUTYOR DOMICILE Name 01 CountlY .-1lI1ited States, OR{'. o Nil NOTE Vnoe' the law, the ''outhor-,01 a, , Anonymous? 0 r;;lNo Pseudonymous?' DYes NATURE ·OFAumORSHIP BrieOy d=rihe nalurv of ",alerial created by this author in whiehropyril\hl i" claimed. T . DomICiled - - - - '- - - . - - - .-,_..•- Legalple8dings ina civil lawsuit ' NAME OFAUTHOR ... for ture- IS, AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Name 01 CoOOIIY the emplo,yet., not It\eemployee (see-tnstruc- mmic fur hlnf? OR {Citil.enof" for a.ny part'd..thls. h()"flS}. WDdc. thai' oN as ")na,de 'to' w OOllliciled intt . WAS THIS AUTiiOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK 1Itt>eans-.iertoeither :._. ._.:-. _:_..- A n 6 n y n l O u . ? • . :'! YL'S ........, PWudol'ymous; NATUREQF AUTHORSHIP Briefly describe nature "I mattiria,lcrealed by this authoriJ, whid1 copyright 0 YLOS inSt-uetiOns T (or 01 her person for whom the work 'o.\'CiIS Was Ihismntribulilln to Ihework a as 'Author' {I I tn at parI. leave ,space "Ior dates 01 birth Oealh blank [] YL'" ONo NATUREOFAUTHOnSHIP Biiellydeocriben.1tur" (,I malerialcreale<i by this author in which CllpyrightisClaim"u, .., YEAR INWl,nCH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS cOMPI.ETEDThI. iniD"';';'uDn 2007 _. __. " . , ... ... ., must utvllll ..._,'_ _ Year.lnallene-. Sefr InstruchoTlS- nvODEPOSITS RECEIVED belOIt" completing Ihls space FUNDS FlECEIVED MORE ON BACK.. • Complele all applicable space. lnumbe,s 5-9)onlne reverse sloe ollhis pega. detaikld instruc:tions. • 'Stgnthe fOlm at linea. DO NOT WRIl'E HERE Page 1.01._._._ pages . ... , OERIVAT[\'EWORK OR COMPILATION freexiSlingMalerial· (dentifyany precxislingwoik or works thallhis work is.bascd on or irlcoiporates. ". Certificate of This Certificate issued under the seal ofthe Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. FormTX For.NondNmatk liIavy"brlt UNITED STATES COPYP.IGHT OFFICE R Tlu1-349-763 llllllllllllill ..... 1III1Q8I134'3'163Il I ... EFFECTIVE DATE OF J . DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS UNE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE 1 . ... i' 07 .. ear _ SHEET. nnE OF THIS WORK" Pi8intifiS' M.otion l'or Class Certification - Matiles PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TInES .. N/A PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBlITlON If this work was published as a amtn1>u1lon to a periodicaJ. serial. or mlledlon, give information about the mJledive wad:; in which the contribution appeared. Title of Co1I£ctive Work N/A II published in a periodical or serial give: Volume 2 I DATES OFBIRTIIAND DEAm NAME OF AU11IOR T a Edward L. White, P.C. I YearBomT YearDied .. N/A N/A NATURE OF AumORSHW Briefly describe nature of malerla1 created by Ibis author in which copyright Is claimed. .. Portions of the motiOn. I;;; . b Foshee & Yaffe, P.C. Under the law. the 01 NAME OF AU11IOR .. generally the employer, nat theemplayee Wee this contribution to the work a "work made for hire"'? \'es 0 No . DATES OF BIRTII AND DEATH Year Bom T Year Died T N/A N/A WAS THIS AUlHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO mE WORK " the anawer III either OR of Umteti States ofAmenca Anonymous? 0 Yes No Ia Domiciled . PseudOll}'mous? 0 Yes III No Instruellonll. NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Briefly desaibenatureof maleria1 created by Ibis author in which copyright is daimed. y part of .lhls work that was ·made for hlra' check 'Yes'ln the space AUTIfOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE N_ 01 cauntry {Citizen • . . • .• Portions of the motiOIl. Ine employer (or other person for. .. whom the work was.preparlld) u'Author'of that part, and leave ths apace for daleS C .. VearBorn T<,·c . . ,;...,;... . Was this conln1>ution to the work a "workmadeforhlre'J 0 Yes Year"Dieli" ----,;...------,;...--AumOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO N_oICountJy mE WORK U1II8answerIDIIth9l OR of Anonymous? 0 Yes No Ia ,.......Domiciled u+ Pseudonymous? 0 Yes III No lnllructlona. {Cilizell gJ No NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Briefly desaibe nature of IIUlterial aeated by this author in which lXlpyright is claimed... · 4 •. '. a .. .•hu::.:_:pubII::aIIed.:•.__ COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(S) Name and the author given in space 2. Y EdwardL. White,P.C. . must be given even if theclaiuuuit is the lllUIIe as . Foshee & Yaffe, P.C. 1392<t-BQuaiI Pointe Drive P.O. Box 890420 QId8homa City, OK 73134 ... Oklahoma City, OK 73189 TRANSFER If the claimant(s) named here in space 4 is (are) different from the author(s) named in space 2. give a brief statement of how the daimant{s) obtained ownership of the copyright ... MORE ON BACK" • Complete all appllellble spaceB (numbers 5-91 on the reverBe side 01 thla palJe. • See dBllllIad InlltrucIIons. • SIlJn IhD lonn BlIine B. 0 =0 . S R . . . i!lWO DEPOSITS RECEIVED ... w 8:5 FUNDS RECEIVED DO NOT iTE HERE Pege101 _ _ Pllllllll II :TIe. FORMTX ...,..EXA_MI..... ..... NEO",....,..,.B_Y_ _ · CHECKED BY .CORRESPONDENCE D Yes -"------.-,. DO NOT W"",1: .!';..JlI:' IttISUNE.IF YOU NEED MORES!l'i\Cf, ..,. PREVIOUS:P..EGWIT<J\ o Va No!! your .', .. US!: ONLY A SEPARATE ... ' FOR COPYRIGHT OFFICE SHEET. • ' Has rngistmlioolor this worIc. or for an e?'::-be:r v"-:.si<Jr j)f this \\IOJ'k, alrPAOyileen made in the Copyril!'I-; ls"Yes,w why is unother souJ7.u (CJ,eck ;:-ppropm:'! I.ox.) T [j Th\:; ll; the first published edition of • woxk previDwtl: in b. 0 This is the firIIlllppliCalion submitted by this author as copyright claimanL Co 0 This is. changed vmion of the work,. as shown by space 6 on this application. Uyouranswer is "'Yes.»give: PJevlO1U Number L _ ";.1 form. 6 a DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION PMxbting MalerW Identify any preexisting wmI< or works that this work is based on or inaIIporates. '" N/A Adcled IoThia Work Give a brief, &enera1 slatemenl of the material that has been added to this work and in whlch copyright is claimed. '" N/A DEi"OSIT ACCOUNT U the regilllralion fee is to be dun-ged to a DeposIt Account established mthe01pyright Office. give name and number of Account. Name'" Accounl Number '" .a N/A CORRESPONDENCE Give name and acldress to which tDrrespondeJlCe about thisappIicatlon should be lIl!I1L NamelAddressl IStare/Zip '" b. . Edward L. White 13924-B Quail Pointe Drive OklahoIIla City,Oklahoma 73I34 Area Clldll arid 405-810-8188 1Illephane Faxnumber 40S-608..()971 Emlil"ed@edwhitelaw.com (D author CERTIFICATION· I, the undl!lSignecl. hereby certify that I am the . . .' --;:" ' ._ . . : ' -:", ,'Uled.Onlyone ., .' ' of the work. this applicatlon and that theslalements made by me in this aPl'licatlon correct to the best ohnyknowledge. <"\ CI owner of exc1uslve right(s) •••• \a1authorlzed .geniof ,Edward L. White. P.C. ." .Namecf anhar DWIHIrDl elu:luIive rigllt(8) A Typed orpriAted name and ibte:'" U this appliCation gives a date of publieatioft in spIKe 3, do nDt sign and subDuUtbefore that date. EdwliJ"d L. White c8tulicllte will be maIled In window . envtiIOPe toth!s address: r-----"-'-------'-----'----"-'----------Name" . Edward L. White March 14.2007 . --__ Wi.IIIK"1#I lI8CII8&B!Y 8jl8ClllI • CornP8bt IIIJ 'S1gnyourllllPllCBtiOll mepaco8 SErw ALL 3 ELer.lENTS , IN THE SAME PACKAGE Nurnber/SlrllllllAp! " B924-BQuailPointe Drive CI1y1Stahl/Zlp" Oklahoma City. Oklahoma 73134 , .: .' '.: .0 ' " 9 '17 U5C§506(e): Any pet80Il who knoMngly makOO1i1alll8 roplllS8ll1llllonol. rnaterjalladln!he applica1ion lorc:apyrighl f811is1ralion provifed for by 1I8ClIon.409.or in anywrilt8n sI8lemem fllec!.lnconnllCllcn ' with 1heappbllafl. ehaI not Iflllre!han $2.500. . Certificate of Registraf 1 FormTX This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. Fora NoIIl1ramaIk:litavyWori: UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE REI 1I11IIIIIII1111 _134'17fi'll" /6 - Q7 = DO NOT wane ABOVE THIS UNE.IF YOU NEED MORE 1 USE A SEPARATE CONTINUAnONSHi:EI::., - TITLE OF l1DS WORK T P.iaimifiS' Mution For Certification" Lewis PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES T N/A PUBUCATION AS ACONTRIBUTION If this work was published as a contribution to a periodical. serial, lit c:oIIection. give Information about the col1edive won. in which the contribution appeared. lide of Co1leclive Work • N/A Number. If publi.!hed in a periodical or serial give: Volume •. lJIueDalE. NAME OF AU1lIOR .. 2 a·· ··Edward DATES OF BIRTII AND DEATII YearBom.. White. }l,C. Was this contribution to the work a "work made for hire"? AumOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE N8mealCCuntry Iil1'Yes· · I NO:T'E I 1tie AnonyJ1u!us? in.UnitedStatesofAnierica DNa DYe$ J;lNo No 1rIsIruCIlona. Domidled Pseudonymous? 0 Yes NATURE OF AU1lIORSHIP Briefly describe nature of material aeated by this author in which c:opyright is claimed. .. Portions of the motion. DYes No • Domiciled DATES OF BIRTII AND DEATII YearBomT .. YearDied .. --- WAS TInS AUTIiOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK If the an_to aiIhar in. AnonymOus? Pseudonymous? - DYes il No 0 Yes I!I No InllrUClbna. NATURE OFAUTIIORSHIP Briefly describe nature of maleria1 created by this author in which copyright is cIalmed. T Portions ofthe motion C (or other pereanlor Whom the work was Pfepared) as •AUlhar' 01 space la' dele. a 4 ··N/A - WASnnS AtTm:OR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK Iflitean_m8llher Under the lew, NAME OF AU1lIOR .. the olb e "Work made tor hi,.' Is generallylhe ..,..-----------__- employer. not Was this contribution to the work a AUTIlOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMlOLE theemploYlle Nam&a1CCurmy partolthll work Ihat was 'mede tor hire' check ·Ye.' In the spece provldad.glve YearDied .. N/A NAME OF AUTHOR. ". . • .... ...;Was this conJribution tolhe worka "work made for hire"? ..Cell, . _...""'" """":'l_.... '. - - - : - - - - - . _ . - - - - - - ' - _-:- AUffiOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMlOLE .....- - - - WAS llDSAURiOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK" ' "the answer to either Nama of Coun1ry Dyes No , . Domiciled PseudO!l}'DlOUS? d Yes IlJ No InatIuc:lIona. NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP BrieRy describe nature of material created by this author in which copyright is claimed. T DYes gJ No in" :l:tl:;:::on b YEAR. IN WHICH. CREA.TIONOFnus. W0 RK WAS COMPLETED 2 00 7 . .. '1'_ In d _ . _ DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBLICA.no.N. OFllfISPARTICULARWORK .. . Monlh.,N/A .... publbhed. ... Nlr\. .•. . COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(S) NlID\eand address must be given even if the claiIIIantis thesame as the authOr given in space 2. Y Edward L.White, P.C. .. ... ..... . ,. .... - .. <11 NIIIIon . . ON. 13924-BQuail Pointe Drive OklahoIIla City, OK 73134 ... . .. . TRANSFER If the dSimantcs)iWned here In space 4 is (are) different from the author(s)named in space 2. give it brief statement of how the claimant(s) obtained ownership of the copyright. • MORE ON BACK • Complete aU applicable sPOC!lS (numbers 5-9) on the,eVlrse side Of this pogo. • See dolallad IlllIlrUclions. • SIgn the lotm at line 8. .. .. 00 NOT WRITE HERE Page I a1-l- pegBl - EXAMINED BY FORMTX TJE CHECKED BY o 'M . • DO - t1iOVE THIS - , __ _ YOU NEeD _ _ =AESPONDENCE .,.,_ _-=o A _ FOR COPYRIGHT _ OFFICE USE O'l'tiLY .. PREVIOUS Has fnrthill work" or fnr an -:,{:',;-.. ver£.,,", of tbi!c.".iH., already been made in o 2i No 8nSI'!a' ls''Ye:;,;' whyis another regism.tionbf";"f; i>OIIght', i:Chedt box.) l' a. 0 This tI-.e fuSt published edition of a work pi'eVlcllSly in UII!'*1lShed form. b. 0 nus Is the fiJstapplieation submitted by this author lIS copyright claimant Co 0 This is a changed version of the work, as &hown by spa! 6 on this application. ... Offim? c: = _ i •• DERlVATIVE WORK OR. COMPILATION ", ",'- a Material Identify any pJ:eeXisIing work or worlcs that this work Is based on or inmrporates, l ' :. . ; .. . 6 a 1 N/A Material Added to This Worl' Give a brief, general sill1t!inent of the material that h&s been added 10 this Work and in whidl copyright Is claimed. l' N/A 'l DEPOSIT ACCOUNT If the registration feels to be chPged to a Deposit Aa:ount established In the Copyright Office. give name and number of Aa:ount Name l ' Acanmt Number Y ", , N/A CORRESPONDENCE Give name and address to which mrrespondence about this application should be sent Namel AddresslApt/OtyIState/ZJp l ' b" Edward L. White 13924-B Quail Pointe Drive Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134 Area code .nd dayIIme!Blllphone IIllIlIbef Email" 405-810-8188 Fax numbllr .. 405-608.:0971 ed@edwbitelaW.com g U Typed orpiinled IUlJllli md dale ... 1£ this application giVes a dale of pubUcalionln space 3, do not signand submit it before that dale. Edward L. White certificate Nlm1t'l' mailed In Edw!'dd will be window envelOpe tothla addresS!: 13924-B QwilPointe Drh'(: CftyJSIate/.ZIt '"' OklallomaCity. Oklahoma 73134 .- - DlIleJ> March - 14,2007 9

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