Ceglia v. Zuckerberg et al

Filing 6

DECLARATION signed by Lisa T. Simpson re 4 MOTION to Vacate /Dissolve Temporary Restraining Order filed by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, Facebook, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Summons and Complaint, # 2 Exhibit B - Order to Show Cause)(Simpson, Lisa)

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Ceglia v. Zuckerberg et al 06/30/2010 12:02 6073246188 PAUL ARGEN4TIERI PAGE Doc. 6 Att. 2 02 SUPREME COURT ALLEGANY COUNTY PAUL D. CEGLJA Plaintiff STATE.OF NEW YORK vsIndex MARK ELOJOT ZUCKERBERGC, Individually, and Facebook, Inc. ~ Defendants ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE # " P UPON the reading of the annexed affidavit of the Plaintiff, Paul D. Ceglia, sworn to on June 29, 20 10, and based upon the action, papers, and exhibits filed herein, LET, the Defendants, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, individually and Facebook, Inc., Show Cause at a Special Term of the Supreme Courr to be held in and for the County of Allegany at the Courthouse in Belmont, New York, on the U~ay of July, 2010 at I:eoo'clock in the fore noon/i44-erne or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard before the Hon. Thomas P. Brown why an Order should not be entered: 1. For a permanent injunction against the Defendants from transacting business without the transfer of 84% of the Defendants' preferred and or common 'stock to the Plaintiff pursuant to the parties agreement of April 28, 2003. 2. For an accounting of the Defendants' business from the inception of the website, The facebook.com through Facebook. comn into the present'Facebook, Inc. 3. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. Sufficient cause appearing therefore it is hereby: PAUL A. ARGENTF-RA, 108J MAiN SREET - HON-1Lt V - A77ORNEV AT LAW nl-rltHN,Cf.lffffS Dockets.Justia.com a6/ 30/ 2012 12:02 6073246188 PAUL ARGEHTIERI PAG;E 03 ORDERED, that pending the return date: A. The Defendant Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and/or the Defendant Facebook, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, are hereby enjoined *and restrained from transferring, selling, assigning any assets, stocks, bonds, owned, possessed and/or controlled by the Defendants,. fc'% ' g -_91 moief y :p any 06e ffcni-n t LET service of this Order to Show Cause, together with the papers upon which it is based, upon the Defendant, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg be by personal service, and upon the Defendant, Facebook, Inc., on or before the 6 .'day of July, 2010, be deemed good and sufficient service. DATED' June ff, 20)0 Hon. Thornas P. Brown Acting Supreme Court Justice GRANTED COURT CLERK PAUL A. ARGE NTZI - ATTORNEV A1T LAW OG/ 30J/ 201 12: 02 6@7324G18e PAUJL ARGENTIERIPAE0 SUPREME COURT PAUL D. CEGLIA ALLE(GANV COUNTY Plain tiff vs STATE OF NEW YORK( C P AFFIDA VIT Index MARK ELLIOT ZUCKERBERG, individually, and Face book, Inc. Defendants Paul 12 Ceglia, being duly sworn, deposes and states: 7. That I am the- Plaintiff in the above captioned matter and hereby incorporate by reference the allegations contained in the Verified Complaint including the exhibits into this Order to Show Cause. 2., As the Court will determine, time is of the essence as I have not received any remuneration from the Defendants according to the contract. 3. There is a possibility that assets could be transferred out the protection of the Court. WHEREFORE, I respectfully request the relief as demande in Order to Show Cause. Sworn To Before Me th-' e --- - NO1 .1 PUBICT462570 PAUL A. AR(3ENTIERI - ATTrORNE!Y AT LAW 16A MAiN STPE= - HORNELL u . 1n .l rpn.. rn, ,a,p

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