Ceglia v. Zuckerberg et al

Filing 658

CONTINUATION OF EXHIBITS by Facebook, Inc., Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. to 657 Reply/Response Appendix of Selected Previously-Filed Exhibits filed by Facebook, Inc., Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J)(Snyder, Orin)

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EXHIBIT E Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA -LGF Document 1-4 B5/3e/2BIB 12:B2 6£173246188 Filed 07/09/10 Page 9 of 14 Pt:.t:;E PAUL Af:;>GENTIERI .., "WORK FOR HIRE" CONTRACT SECTION 1· GEN'ERAL PltOVISIONS ~. ~ Propeny!Sellet'. ~jlllY ~ . ... '.. '. PlY '!he Stn!dF1Il[ ~ Buyer iIg!oe 10 JlIIY ttt itod micltlrdh 1(, eQsI af ~ fOr !be !ltJ(VerI oeedai ilr IrA op<ndoti. l. l)d\I)l!lont JhHcwtn, 1mIII1lIm: IfIo 1nllla'lirrg IpUl'IfiaI 1iII4lra Uged ~ PUJtCHASmt· PAI1I CotI. . . C~<mSBLtD.-Mm~.Ms~. tmpIC)l'tCS.wppliers.«~ Il>mCh.nti ~ ~n".,t. lY CUS'IDMER.-S!tedP1Il[ u..c tl:io01til;y ~... ,.' . / .4'Jr C011~ ar odlerilcni_ toon b: ~ot.~. ~~ {Ind/« Par ""l:he PADe Book" Se&r. ~ to l!I!Ilntain imd.iia 1II.1he ~ ~ I!Ild to 'P«Y fbr III domIIdIlInd I1oo9tini CIpmlU. ftom tbr; LndJ ~ under this CXlIIb1I::t.IPt5 Seller agrea /be be will mAiaIaiIl c:ootrol of th= ~vmCCJ II! IlIlIillleL :.ervIca. ccM;;=I~I~""IQr~.~~Of~ rcqtll.tcd to Sellet. tiIaiIifIIle compleOcDo(~I'~~~ 0IitIty. I'fUMl3 c.omilACT:'" Thill 00II0'lICt ~ ~. md , . 2.!lndtc~ The CXlIlfS'..t ~ 1M J'urcbM.fr Mkf SdIcf M· •.PardltIM agtflIltnerU: IIJId ''Iororic.1TlIJ& Ibr I!tre~ ~t'OIJ two ~ ~ - - . 'die tint beinr Il:Ir tIlL 'WCl!k to be ~ di:ttI:liy"~!Iloc ~Itt ~ end !be I'rognmmlrlll~to he ~1Iy ! l d l l : ! ; . StlCOrld it ia Jbr tl1elXJl:ditmcd·~ oC u.s ~ pt'Ogt'8ID III!d i>c !be puIdInI ...... tIelf.rln o(a sultable. ~.,.. . . J!n!i0Cll Seiler he alctady irritID:>d IhIt b ~ 10 ~ lhostlldmll 01 H""",", UlljYo::Bfty _ t o • ...11e .lm.iIlTlO .. 1Ive ~ ~ with !he 'IOI)f1cdig ride af''"Thr: Fila) Boot'" !I u qre«t Iblll PIm'.... wm ,. ~ a{~"".. ".'\.' In dItl ntIIlt 1b!II1tII.I. puxdurJc orda"lf.~ab or equlpment.,hlci! hi ..r:clndcd AO!1I IhiI Prime COntnott;·.Iri1jfMbc·~ at ~ ~ th. ~ Dd lie CUstomer or ~>Ibe ~.1C'14 c!Io Sellor ~ ~ or ~ 11:0 he ~ by fbI> S41ler, tbt> S<:U,.. ~ID he bOUlUl1O lMlIIIM tI.'l1D'It1!J.!ll,tblrPllrcll_Itlx.lrm,fb)! tho _111m. I'rlmIl ConrJa, 1Iil!l'1Iy 1119'~1111 dncidonelHf ~ mode 1haeuodcr. ~ I!ull tbl ~ 1IMIl!hMI !& rig}>! to Jlottl~ In !be lIrIIl_ 0(., dja:pute ID the ~the9W1er ,.-\11 be .&c1rA on IlIIIlf IIIIcmrt (SO%) III die ~ Ihm:by. ~mml1antpJit&c,end. ~~ InUnIi\!.deriYflld fi'om llJs crxplalliofll1f No iIltm:tt mati aa:J'1IO 011.011)' ~.) ofbawlte ...... 1M Sdl«,. w1ricl! .. tl!lI! ttrrioe 11:0 • !argr.t ~ ~ or cIe~ !Ill • mmlt of fII1rJ II'Od! dJ~ !I!UltIpIlIl ttlII mon( lhld tho ~ ill ul~ pald ~ 00 I!lOOlciI dole U. Sc1lo.Tht Selin J. ~ Terll)j ,hll.llllOt be: /Wd &bIll iflbfl S<I11er illlcws Immlllld!:lnl ofllle I"un:htM I4nd It No ItoonII1Ce or ~lum I'hIrp Of pria:> ~ oriJl be tllO'Mld " 1_ dmmtilled 1bl!t !he PUlt<lllller"ll iIilnma/lD' -... fJ04 In ~~ llnlaJs 8!lIhorttaJ by 1'~ In writlna. No IDm:aM 1ft price 1ttIm wiIb W ttnltl and ~11Ie.tl1l!lS of1bc: I'rlnvt CortI11Ict l'tnfl11l ("'ill !JIll! slll!ed Oft 1bc: !'iJoe hcnnf 'Nill he ~ thnxt8bOll!: lila upa!ltioo 0( 11 ~ l!meundr.1:, the SdlI:t aWl Cl1IITY 00 !be ~ wd .... duallilft\ iYftho a n : I o I r . . ~ fIZrctld 1imtIwg '" Ibo J""'dlThe ~ tlp!,>llCo.st IImt dv; Sclltx and l!.... Buytlf MV1! ~ In Ill! ~!IIt: filial mthority Ih:IaId Cl2t with tile final Sp«iO:Jlriexu apcm. ""' '" {bOQWf! Boyar...".,. It! FI'ItM MIll. IflIiISumof.l000 a p'-' lbr !he ....n: 10 be~'b ~ 1114 $1.000 tbc 1hI: IIIOI1c 10 bc: prilt1Tl<ffibr ~ l'ItF 1100II:"'. r.- &:a IlrtI ~ Ii:! lie. ~ t!tdnc:t:ion h tin; &dIa 1. ~ lndtlnml!y tilhe ~ hllIOI; odtnpldl!lllt, !he dlIe dm III'td lID' ~ J% .Pm:fwef IIoJd se!ll!r 1umnlt2lJ fbi' I!l'I ~ Jetlom wort muy deduc!!an ft:lr fIIdl &Iy 11M ~ hi ddA)'l'Jll bcyootf.1hRf poMt ~. 00 IlI!<lllCl! IJO:iId by fII'!d mItd l*lY !Nl mmll &om !hoe dJl1'd I'<fl\lCft The lJl-l)l!.'Q! lIf1lIe}lue ~llbrAt»~ax ~ j lbr tllo-..-i.1bado by ~ In tIM ~ I!nidr: !br 00· ~ ~ 31, 2003./",.w1 ~~ "'.>j"V'-:.r FJ ~ " ",/;) y, ...a,] The Sdla ~$"<O 10 boo fIlII!l'DII'b!8 ~ !ill chl/n:tt l~ t1>!l The ~!rpM! oompldioow 1I!i! toqIWa..! pmja::t w!ii ~tidc ;.. ?nrdt_ alibi ~ fbt ~ i~ afp!ImQ by _ or "11Je """,.B«.l(" ilulll "" J~ ! 2{)()1$ ulllllll lIkIH!onotll'" ~ In !bo PtlId........ <rC~1 ~ _. or _or of IlfI::I ~ (If til. btIol'IeU _ill"" 00" lIIe buyer f"'nad! ~ 1M Wdill'ik is t!clll)lO!i lhlm .~.!llIlIltbo:dllocralndet by IhoStIlft'O!' by ~ of~ ptffllrnI!Itlt'l! !W d* at d¥ 1I'OII:.ImeundIlr by lI'lI! ScIlec 'l'lI<I S<!&f 10 ~ &Ill. 801. MdtdOllAlIilMr be ptMdm:l1br I"'ljed OIl .. '" ~ ~ lit ""J"'IIIlI' all 1tliII1pf.nIt !h<I t'U.dlll!..... l!I!>dIO( !be: Cn~ fJl1I:l !O __ lIM lil" .ole diiwttl'>ll of dIo .IMyer. held ho!!!mlta '!he ~IIW' lIIllllht Cull!omcf 11_ ftoIi .pitllll. ..u com, ~~,m ~ army tlMwI!lo!! thIl Purebm« or fil~ ~ mtfJ be obfijtl!d It] pq 0( iIlCut by ~ 11f.." !Udl 1Ilk:1/'Ild or adIHIJ ~ of IS p!<!lIUf Of ~ The l'=a-r ood the Qmum~ />ur'..h1lKr ~!hI!!lO ~n!Yirlan tfWI .".. to lUldJ:r wl!lIIDVtIf !I!l!Ii_ it ~[y ext I Un! be irr~t!fI<T;lI;d IlIldl at ",,1_ ~ by tt: ••cla. ThOrm ~ i!n4JICIXU to [1!t;(lflflllilf !I\Il ~ Th:iJ ~ !l4ail1Xll !!XImI! IIJ ,!I~ at n::w1l,"I! W!lbe~b~~tl)IOIll!lt. !tom Ibo SeIl.., c::ampli!lllOll w1Ih thIll'llre~t Of CUlMl'oenfn defi.g1t. try SElLmt - The 5eU", ~ Ibnf DO IWtIIllf ~ lMllllc 1~~,or:fl:nn.~Il~,1h.li!:U1!lStllla~ ;fnpl"",enltd tmtlJ or: ~ ~ni by ~ 11""", 10 be """"",...".,,,, ilrt It ~t..: In _ _ !he tho Sdlrr """"1<1 h""" boat ~ IIbtil bc~ !br~~It]'It\z> Sind II'W?J(1j """",'lllo al~ « lICfIll!J inltinpaol! fCGI'linJ Iit;',n !be l'... P="l<$inll~ l'urcl>iI:!It1'JtJ(~, dl!!ip.~ ~ at Illfm!.i:l1!ll lIIltl f"l~ ID oodl'y 11M:Plntt...,.,... of /IUdl1"""'''bUiry. m., *'""'" "ill. or. Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA -LGF Document 1-4 BS/3 ~/2010 12: 02 Filed 07/09/10 Page 10 of 14 PAGE PAUL ARGHH IERI ;;0732.:15188 15 ./, ----- -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- --_._-_.---------_._--_._--- ..-. a, "1lCiW'..!I'.I:I11 of Suba:>r.uutins Ncid>c:r u,;. ollfu nor urr ~ir, cblit;:>DOOI; ex: mcmiu CIJC hcu=dcr "'" ~b~ or!r<lntFenbie (.. ominty lOt iLM" .... 01 oth""';tc) ";tl-""" tht ~hue(. prier..nm:n con.<N, a.cd r::xcqn u to f>\-"Chucr of,.." mm:ria!.r at '!>odftd ~~.,ecleo 0( puIS, en. " SdlC( ,h.U no< ...,bco<Itnet any "'"i<>' pon;nn of th.. .elk cnoomp ... <:<l \:If u,;, 0Itkt ,..;tJ.cNt d>C l'utcl-oon:r'. ¢or nn<n lippt'Oftl. Th. Purchsur "'.tin no( b. l1'<\uired to ~.i orrr ur.ignmcnL Of JUhc(\t\1'l"\Ct I"JlS.dt ';~;QI pti« 'lJd~ ~(J')L :, The bvycc """'!'b th.r chen: "ill "" 1'010 oohc:r rul::>coctrAl:rol2 worldng on l'>io projrc\ t/'"", WQrlc..,n be ao:q>lai ~ed."~ wd -"'o<k """'" for hitt ~enc" "" ;" pt."" cl Uihalt'Yn" the Scfta hao Irtiowlo~ dial "'1 aaU4l 0'1 pt>tI!n(j,J l,bot diopulr iI delo.1ics or ~ 10 dd.y lilt emrl7 ~~ ~ t1i chilo ordot, 1M Sdle m.n irrm..ll&."<l, gr.t no"'" IhoiOol. including til tdolll'l< inIocm. rion with n:Ip<O d1.:me. 10 tht ~b) The Sclt-x.haII iD.oe<t ex lObi"""" of thio cll""C io:1clvding <hS J>tR8f'&I'h (b) itl Ulr ~ rupply ~ b.,u.~ .. 10 ../tiell a hbo< ~c may d.Jaylhe cirndy pc:ft><Tnlll1C. of tlut ordcc Cl<CCi'I Ii>... "ch crucllll\lbbct ""!'Ply 0f!TC= .lWl prcvidc dl4t'itI the C'Ytnt ill timdy p"'(Dl:'!'lanl:t" det.,td <It ~ Dr ddiry by ... lChAl' 0 ( pou:rnjnI "'bot di.tpu!1:, tht ...bticr SeUe: IhAll imrne<Iiatdr na'bij ;". """ hishn: 1krSc:Jler Of $dim, II the cu<: may b::. of.O ..dt'YOn' inro.:,.,;;.ti"", ..;m ~ 9.~~ It>r.w:h ct"",m. It iI ~!t:d~ thu !bit ;, • -0;1< mtJ. foo-hlne ~t.nd tNtt n;o Dal'.o ..tl1.ttlIccruaI P'Iqxxty 0( pA~1 ~ di.tt o(·Sqct:d"Ix.lnc. AJlcod. in pooion or ill ill ix>mp1tJr focin r..".;n the ~ $n.aPulnc.!(thci_ to b: 1Uf'P~c.d hrn:undet ""~ bem .il~ ;" IKtnr<l&ncc ";,h 'P"ci5c:ui~ or d.za timWohc<l '" orisi~'cd by Ih< !\Jrm...:. IA i .. Cu.t.o!'Ilcr, ouch it=1ll wn not be "'Pfoc:Nud utt-p< _. .. ith rhe. rpptoll1l of the 'l'urthA.oor end,,, .ppliable; ~C"'COlTl(:f'OOd &ll d....,.;"t]J. ph~, dSa, ..,n...u." ."d ~-..iir:ilta).,n,ttt;i.J or inlonrotioo rup?li ni;" ~ ti1=-<itt, 11»11"", iIl .tini:e.~ the property orll>< f'\""q",o- or in Cu<torna II'Id.lx:i'<rutae<I .• """",,'dy \If'O'1 mtU'"t .t the cOmpletion. tmmim.tion Of l"W:.c1!acion o( thi.t cmlcr. In tilt.,..,..... thef So-cctFu: de(tUIQ Qrl j~JmOlt~ tiAhCl "GfOIJld 0. pntxd Do .cJlu. 10. "r . 'rnmindan The ~ moy ICrminltll thi.t ardet Of ""' put ehrnx>( by ... riM/!-I10ti0: if the Sdler. .) r..al to I1JOk dcliTma or '" .,omplctr pcri'otrt1ln"" of ft:J; A. DEPAULT - am. "fJoro;.c! .... in .-;'" ~< ~ K!Icdo~1o unI... ovtb f.J= i l ob1igllCooo hcn:und.. ";t.'>In ~ "~.m:c ow,.,. c!u.: or God, 1ln1cr or oth .. ..,Nch !ITt bryond :he eontrol of the SclIa. b) . r.';1> 10 cornpl/ ooich the I>:n"N ""d coMition. or Ihe p"n:h .... ord.o: and d"", not Q.\I[ ""ch r.uJur. <tirt.i<l. pcciod (10)c.l~ doj\o-'~cr...ntkn ""ticx thereof. c) - I.fllkeJ a., ..i~t £or the bendte of aail:Oa widtoot pror to "'OJ "f"'" ...n= 0lIItefl1 0( n.., l'utcll4f<r, bceoun ir",,""", Ot Nbjc<:. 10 pc."<l«~ undO' orrr kw M~ ID t..nkrup<q. _ in&~. oc !he ftlief of dcboon. ShO'Jld ~ l'IItdwa c:Ic<t tr> r=nd!il.t toe dc6ul1, rho ~0&Cf moT ",b, I'r...o.t1on of oJ Ot an, or the It..mI It) ~ ~lied hc=.lndc:r .,hich .,;: in a... Sdt..... P"""'''''' .,;tl!<M" cig!ud to '''IIe of <arnplo:io.. U\d rna, complc:to fX a.UlIC the ~ !D • ~lcttd on JU<:.b itCl"N 0<.".,. rrnnuf,rn":~ a( 1IirniJ.,. ~ Arrr r=rure .dcfuionJ WJi!> 01' ~ ;,,~ "" lb. l'wdl~ OY'<t end e.l>moc origU.J ~f< ?<itt &on. me XJlc< ph. rrrif#tt COfD 'Mn be Car the of me SdlCf. _ fn .n .......,., "'e ~r INJl noe be 0< b.=rr.t !i.ob/c 10 die Sen., "" my L...... d pvty cl.oimin! rluuugh or u..ott th<: SdIrr for .." ~ the prj« of 0/11 il>!ml thu I'uodlucr dct:a not trI.ca:p~ lO~g !he: 15. lodcmnity ~~bl JO'i Cont:ladOri/S.11a . CotwsCZlOf/V ci'dcw a/Wf IM"tu:\. ind=nIty Illd ...... S!:I"t'tt Pes. f.r_ ""1.,...) all t~ NtI: looiO., d~ or '""1'"'''''', .. beth .. """"cd Dr C41"\tD\>ut••(1Q b-i!h: n~ of ""iI_:o(~t fia;t~tI!~ ii.'~ oil d~ h> pnlp<rty to ",h<>rm.,.,.... ~~s. iildti~p~.'~~by; -lC1ordtxl, Or in tnt a.n:, ru~. /)f.cantmfcif tht ·~bI.. !it1J<1ri .t)oi", or fl7'>"'mg 0':It o~ c>< in 'If'/ ~ ~11id ..,.;cn)bt~pa~ ~!11't1-d cOOusct. 0< awed '" flCa..lQra~.in ..hofecit in.~'I?r~ of' co WMa duz:int Ihcr~" of 1M ~... Of the jIroj5osiy 0( ...,.,ta Conr:nctct"/Vmtb; 1\I~ .tbi!it .tfJ1!>\a1t-. or upon or in •. IOthc ' orSOUihrNqc'oI~li~the .. ltl in~ l~t d.< ,ole ~jjb1& ofSltb.t Ftlt. ~:o!hin8~~~\-·~lX.e~ l G J'ubici'1 . eora. 17. Odlrt" ~re protns. at' manuFsl:tutoc! pn*Ioer. .,hj.-..b. tIi< Seller 0111 dilIi::lo.:: to the Buy'I!f It ~ .,..;c, the paFoononce of tfu; ~ rr..,y. be \/lied by tho Buyt!1' f« <In)' ~ rtUtius ",<he contrACt ;tId tl>;" pafarn1Ulce .whoulliahiliry thertfoc 0> l),., Sella. la GounJNOlU &Ilcr oiWIrttwmu Ihia l'",chue <><do:< fTCml>er on..n documaoG ""d/ or 0'lITtVI""'d<m.c. """~ to mi. orocr. :1 l1. r.;"". The Sdl.. ~ .... d-..!i-= .h. ~ IX> be tupf'lid nerOlnrlct frr:c and d oc of t!i tim.<, m<umhnJlcn, and cJ.;m, of ~_ 01" ll'lIItetiU ITU:lt nnd tfo.., I't!rt:.I\uc.r "..., ..at.hotd p"p",1 P<"tt:&"t ~ 01 md"""" '" ror.n 1M ...b."""", ..tUf.>ao<y ., ir Q( the .bI"""", ol_h ilrmf, md Cd<:tim!:Ar.eo. Go<-r.g r..,w ~ Qnl"" .rod "'r "'"toW relA ti" R . ""'~ be /.,'O'"<m<d "" die 1>..,. ot!he.t:uz 0: ",hid, the Pvtc~. ol&Plhr.r i",,.. u,< 12. m=u> Ot"dc! i. Icc. m:l. D_ l)..:=y of Drrnop Sent( !hould £ettrra ~ d,un"p U I l'l'J'!tW of etHi t;ruc t ! ' ,o bciur;, M ""y """'lie< dv( ro 1'na: r..x:ing on tM pout 0( m,,,,,Fnctt= DC 5cna. the Scl)cr ,h.JI 1"1 O Yd ib ti>, ~"""'" ,.,,,,kr 'en Purd...... h", Nrr~c! ... . r'::>II.J, of rhe ~'fJ'<: price ~ -..id-..i1l • "",.""..Nt !ifnc Ub- tl-.r ~ ... «coVCTcd \,rth< Sdkt:. 14. Nooctl or rAbin Di>rput-.. . ArrJ j,,(om..tian n:!ot:mg 10 ~ SeUCt'a cIc.i~, ITlIIIul4uu.tioa nD<icc of ~ for dot.Wt. ! r the -. ' We .l)aJl ftOll"lblit~, rholllgropll(· i:k' lJbcltr. -ii"'t prtJ. ttb.o '" I rue ~.!>out tlfOlhuwirc I?btliciu: the aioro!:fla Of IK"l!< of tbi! Pu:xx:hut QrdC'<. or Icy jplQ'lli,;",~~1 ••':.wt lhi. PuJo-j,.,. oru.. ....;tnoutf'nt ~ th. *"tl",t.·';on.ctit of o r :nu. IX oJlpC:fIi<ll...tiOr.sl~, iI>~ rhc c,onlnC1DffVcnd~ ~~ ~~ o(Con!~{itO"\do<, the ... IxOO(Dr.tor. =..,117 d ,..~ sa" ru. ito ~~"" lITiploy..:.. C')( othC1;'ri,:,,- ~ OCC",,"1 Of.inju!\o :0 0, dc.a. of .ny It'Id • . Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA -LGF Document 39-1 Filed 04/11/11 Page 1 of 2 "WORK FOR HIRE" CONTRACT SECTION ). GENERAL PROVISIONS S. Pwoboscr's PropcrtyISeIler" ResponsibUity For the _ _ Buyer _ to pay fer .... JJIIiDtain tho _ upkoop fOr the SOIVm noedcd fOrir. openIIion. The following tenns have the meaning specified when used herein: PURCHASER· Paul Ceglia CONTRACTORISELLER - Mad< ZuckorboIJ, b~ agenIS. employees,suppliors, or sub-contlac:lom, lilrnisbing ..-ials oquipmom. or services. CUSTOMER-S_.. LLC th.ontity _ I for construction or other savices fonn the Purcbaset or which the Soods aDd/or services provided hcmunder arc: fur incorponItion Into the work or an: rcquirod to r.oaitdo completion of PwdIaser's ........ with such ontity. PRIME CONTRACT - This con_ _ Pun:l!aser and Seller. 2. Entire Ayecmcnt Purcbascr"" _two __ Seller as a Purchase agreement and ventures, the lint being fer the work to be perfOrmed directly fur the S.....Fax o.tabase and the Prognonming ~ to be pmvided by SoUer. Second k is fur the continUed deveIopm.., of the so_e. program IUd fer the purchase and daslgn of a sukeble website fer the plQject Seller has. alRaAly initiated lIIOI is clcsigncd to o!fer the studeDts ofllarvard umve.llty acc:oss to. wesile similar to alive func:tioning yembook with the woriOng title of "The Face Book" The ........ - . the "work madc: fur hire" of For 1hc Face Book" Seller agrees to maintain and act as the sites webmaster .... to pay fOr 011 domain and boating expeoses ftom the fUnds """,ivcd under this contract, and Seller agrees that he will maintain control of these services at all times. Dala. drawings. tooling, _ malerials, _ificalions."" any other i1ems or inIbnDation supplic:d to SoUer under this order are the property of the Purchaser"" must be reIUnICd upon completioo of this ordet Such I..... or inIbnDation ... to be used solely in the performaoce ofthe work by the seller .... shill not be used or disclosed fer any other purpose wbatsoevcr without Purchascr's prior express written consent C_ 6. _ ' o r c _ In the even. that this order Is fOr ..-ials or equipment which is excludcd!iom this Primo aod in the case of disputos between the Pun:h_ and the Customer or between the Purchasor and the Seller rqmding materials or equipment to be furnished by the Seller; the SoUer agrc<$ to be bound to the same.-. thai tho Purchaser is bcund by the terms ofth. Prim< by any and all decisions a n d _.. made thcrcundc:r. provided thai: the Seller shill have the right to partiGipate in the sc:ttlcm.enz of any dispute to the extent tbal the Seller will be affected p_ c........... It is agROd that 1'wthascr will own ,half_ (50%) in the software, _yo programmi08languagc and business interests derived fiom the expansion of No interest shall accrue on any paymcnt(s) otherwise due the SeUer, which is that service to a larger audiCQCC. withheld or delayed as a result ofany such dispute, except to the extent that the Purchaser is ul_y paid interesl on monies due the SoU.,.The Seller 3. Paymont Terms shill not be beld HabI. if the Seller follows instructions of the PwdI", aod h No insurailce or premium charges or price- increases will be allowed is Iiia' dctcnnincd tlta1 the Purchasefs insD'UClions wae DOt in compiance uo1css aotborised by Purd1asor in writing. No ....... io price fiom with the terms and specifications of the Prime Contract Pending final that atatc:d on the lice hereof will be coosidered 1Im>ugboullh. disposition dispute her....der. the Seller shall carry on the work ..I... duration of the o r d e r . ' otherwise agreed I wriliog by the purdl_. The Agreed upon Coat lIIOI the Seller .... tho Buyer have agreed Tn all _ the final authority should .... with the final SpeciI\calions. upon are as follows: Buyer agJaS to pay the selItr the Sum of$l000 a piece fur !be work 10 be perfOrmed IbrSlreelfilx and $1.000 for !be worlr:lU be perfonned fOr "The Page Book". Late fees are agreed to be a S% ded"'lon fOr th. s'ller 7. P_Inderooky if the project i, not compIerc:d by the due date IlDd an additional 1% Pun:haser hold seller harmless for an inftingement sellers worlr: mey deduclion for each day the ~ecl is delayed heyood that point. ~. on patents held by and third party lIIOI result liorn the direct request The ~jJPOIl pro~tduc 4akjfor .tfJc}~ax _SP~' for the work made by purcbascr in this "work made for him" agreemenL Mey 31. 2003.f?2>.aIl.·'{ o.!&'-?1AV..s F>""", JIZIjll". The Sellerh...by agrc<$ to be responsible fer 011 cIalms againslthe The agreed upon eompldion fOr Ihio expanded ~ect ~ working tit1c Purchaser of the Customer fOr ollegc:d inliingemetlt of patents by reason of -rhc Face Book" sbaI1 be Janruary 1 2004 and an additional 1% interest in the Purdlascr'& Dr CU&COmCr's po$&C$Sion,. usc. or sake of any materials or th. business will be due the boyer fOr _ day lhe _Ue is delayed liorn equipment fumisbed hereunder by the Seller or by reason of the performance !hat date. of any work hemmder by the Seller. The Seller "8'"'S '" dcfimd at ii's sole Additiooal funds may be provided for either project on an as needed basis at expense all suits against the Purchaser and/or the Customer and to save lind the soIo diioctetion of the Buyer. hold hannless the _baser and the Customer!iom and agalmt ell costs. expcnaud, judgements. and damop ofany kind which the l'urohas« or the Customer may be obliged to pay or in"" by ....... of any such all.ged or 4. Changes _ iaJlmgemeru of a paten.or pmnts. The Purehascr and the Customer oc. '1 a) BY PURCHASER - Purchaser agrees that no further revision shall be implemc:mcd until or unless approved by the scrller. Those revisioos shall be trarWnitted for written approval to seDer. b) BY SELLER - The Seller agrc<$ _ no fluther revision 'ball be implemented until or unless approved by Buyer. Those mbioos shill be transmined fi>r written approval to lbe S.... Fax Purchasing Departmem. e 88MC to render whatever assistance it reasonably can I the way of information and 8CQCSS to records for the defense of any such suit This indemnity shall·not extend to alleged or actual infringements rosultin& fi'om: the Seller's compliance with the Purchasefs or Customers's design. inslruetions. processes. or fOrmulas provided, bowever. that the Seller _ to be raponsible if it is reasonable to assume the the Sdler should have been awIIO ofa possiblelllIqed or aclUal infnnaanent rosulting from th. Pun:haset. or c-...n design, -ons. - . or fonnul .. and fails to notify the Purchasers of such possibility. • Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA -LGF Document 39-1 8. Assignment ofSubcontmCDng Neither this order nor ~y tights. ObligatiOrlli. or moruQ:l due h\.>ftun&i:r arc assignable or tr:lnSfctable (lIS ,ccurity fot ach"UJccs or nthcrwille) without the Pun:hQsc(s prior \\o"fitten COT1I1Imt, and except o,s to pUrchuL"s of nLW man.";als or smndard commercial articles or part$, the &lli:r aball not subcontract any major portion of the work encompancd by this order without the Purc~$ prior written apptoVlll. The Purchascr!\h1ll not be required to recognize a.ny assignment or IlUbeontract made without lE$ prior written COIlIcnt. The buyer nca:pU that there will be two other lIubcontfldors working on this project their work will be accepted pRwidcd 1I. noncompete And "work m1lie for hire agrtt.'lllCnf' arc in pillct:. 9. l'ropri=y llight< It is acknowledged thla.t thu. ill a WOTk made (or hire agreement and that ilIl Intellectun.1 property riHhts iX'pa.tent rights Gte that o( Stt\.'Ct&x lnc. All code in porrion or in its complete fOrm remain the property of Sm:etF~ (nd (the ito'N to be RlPplicd hereunder MVC been dcsigru:d in accordance: with IIptlcifications or I.bm furnished or rnigino.ted by the IJurchascr 1)1' ilS C.ustomer, such items shrill not be reproduced except with r:bc apprm'al of the Purdw.cr am.l, lUI :tppliellble, i!;$ CI.IStomt:r aru.I all dtawings. photQgtaphll. data..lIoftw1lrc, and otm.'! written material or infonnation IlUpplicd in conn~on therewith lIhaD Ilt 1.11 time.'! remain the propc:tty of the lJutdulIlLT or its Customer and be tcturned prompdy upon tequci1t at th~ eompJetion, rerll'lirtlltion or c;lnceUation Q( tlW onk.T.ln tht c.'VCfIt that Strcetl f \\.,\: def1ults on it pa.ymcnt terms righw would be grantt.-d to :lena. 10. Termination A. D1WAUU· - The Purchll$crnu.y tc!ftTIimre this order or any pnrt chcteof by written notice if tht: Seller. a) aul$ to ll$1.:c dcfh'ctiCll or to complete Pl-Tfonnance of its obligation$ ru.'twndct within the time $pacified or in IlCcordulcl:' with tIu: apd schcdulCll unlt"SII, lIuch r.&ilure ilf due to act$ of God. strike or othc:r CUUtlt.'S which are beyond the control of the Seller. b) fails to comply with me: tcnN. and conditions o( the purchtt5e order an.,! does not cure :such fuilw:c v.-ithin "period of ten (10) calendar days altct written noUce meteOf. c} Makl.... an sssignmcnt for the benefit of ctt.diwnI without prior written eol1lltnt of the Purchaser. bccomcr; inllol'\"ent or subject to proceedings under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvl:Ilty. or the telicf of dcbtotli. Should the Purchaser elect to terminate for default. the Purchaser rna\" take posswiOn of a.1l or :my (If the items to be supplied hereunder . which are in the Sc!lct's possession "ithout rep to st:ageof CompiL-bon and may cmnr1etc: or caw;c the work to e completed on lIuch i.tcmII or may manufacture ofproc:utc Nm.lAr items. Any ru.klitiontl COlIN or c:xpcTUIC ineun:cd by the PurchasL'l' O\'C( and ahon: die original pun:huc pric~ &om the Sellct plus freight COIibl shall be for the account of the Sellct. In a.U c:-.·a1tl. the Purclwcr shall not be or bc.'Comc linble to the Selterm ru\y thin! party claiming through or unr.kt the Seller fCll' any portion of the price o( any itt:nw: th;J.t Purchaser eJects not to llCCept (onowing notice of termination (or def1Uk. t 1. JAm 111e Scl1er agrees to deli\'I..'r the items to be supplied hereunder free a.nd clear of an liens. L'I1CUmbmnc:cs. and claim6 of IRborea or material men and the Purchascr may withhold payme:ot f)l..'ncJing receipt of e,.jdencc in form and ,ub~tancc lIatistattoty to it of the ab6cncc of such itClTlti, claims and cncumimnC<!ll. 12. Go...c:mingl.aw This Purchase Order and noy material relating rhc.'tCto shnIl be gonmoo by the laws of the: .tate in which the Purchruler's ufti~t· ·'mt issues the order is located. 13. Recorei)' ofDarrulgt.'S If the Seller tihould reeoycr My U;un~ as II. re$u1t of antitrust vioJiltioru in any mIlnner due to price fi..ang on the pan: of another mmufacturcr or Seller, the Selk'J' shall pay O\'(.'t' to the Vurchllller any nw:5 Purchaser hils suffered :1.$ II tc:$I.Ilt of the ~mc price fixing witrun il tc:ISOOable time afrer the d~ arc reco\-crcd by the Scner. 14. Notice ofI.4oor Di~utcs Filed 04/11/11 Page 2 of 2 Ii) \';.'h,L11I..,\'er the Seller h:1l1 knowledge that any act\J1I Of f\orentiallabot di5pute is \!elaying or thtc.'l.tcn5 to delay the timely pcrfoanancc of this order. the Sc!let $hall immcdio.tcly w.w: notice thereof, including all rclc\·:ltu infotmation with respect thereto. to the Purci'Wlct. b) The Seller shall insert the substance o( thi~ elaU$e including: this patagrapn (b) in any sl.1bticr $Qpply t.gr~ent ru:n:under 411 to which a labor dispute ml.y utlay the timel)' performance of this "rder except that l'lch such subtiet supply agreement shall pro\ide that in the e...ent its timely performance is delayed or threatL'I11.'d by delay b}' an actual or pntc:nriallabor dispute, the subticr SCUC.T shall immediately notity illl next highcr tier Seller or Sellcr'l!, a.s the ca.w may be. of all n..iCV20t infurmation with tCSpect to such dispute. 15. Indcmruty Requirements for C()ntmct()f$/Sdlef Contractor/Vendor shall defend. indemnity lind So.\"C Stn.'Ct Fax from any and all claim».lIUits.losscs, da.magct!. O( t:XperulCll. whtthc( caUHcQ or contribute..! to by the m:gligt:nct of Street "ax, it$ agentJ. or cmployeCG, or otherwise. on IlCcounc of injuries to or death of any and all penollS whOtn$Ot:Vt:t., induding the Contmctur/VLTtdor, subconttactoni, cmployees of Contmcror/Vendor, me !Ubcontrttccor. and ofStrcct Fa." and iUly and all damage to property to whomsot:\'er belonging, including propcrty owned by. rented to, or in the care, eWltody. or control of thll pAtties hereto Ilrit!ing or growing out of. or in any manner connected with the wQrk pcrfonncd under this contract, or eau$I..'tI or ()Ccuionoo, in whole or in party by reason of or llrilling during the presence o( the penon or of tin: property of Contractor/Vendor, Kubcontmctors. their cmplc)}'Lu, or "SClltti upon or ... in promtrUty to the property of Street Pa. NotwithlltandinR thc foregoing. nothing herein contained is to be conscrued as 2n indemnifit:atlon against [he sole neg1igl;n« ofSm:t't Fax. 16. Publicity Seller shall not publish photographs or artieJcs, gi"c press rclL'UC$ or make sptc.ociu:s about or othetwile "ubli~ the exisran.ce or scope of this PutclWe Ottir:r, Of nny generalities or detaiJs about this Putdwe Order without fir:st obtaining the written (onsent of Buyer. 17. Seller's Disclosure .\nr l11formation relating to the Seller's de$igns, manufat:turing proctlliscs or manufactured prodUctS which the Seller may disclo6.c to tne Hurer in connection with the perforrrwtec of the oontnrt mBY be uliCd by the Buyee for any putpOlle wating to the contlllct and to its perf<>rmance without liability therefor ro the Seller. 18. GcncraI NOIe$ Seller shall tcfctcnce this put'Chase oniC( number on all documents and/or c~nd<:ncc re~cd to this order.

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