CNG Financial Corporation v. Google Inc

Filing 33

MOTION for Leave to File Additional Authority in Support of its Response by Plaintiff CNG Financial Corporation, Counter Defendant CNG Financial Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Buying for the Home, LLC v. Humble Abode, LLC)(Hunter, Barry)

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CNG Financial Corporation v. Google Inc Doc. 33 Att. 1 Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 1 of 18 Weslaw; --- F.Supp.2d ----- F.Supp.2d ---, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Page 1 rn alleged infringement of trademark did not support Briefs and Other Related Documents Buying For The Home, LLC v. Humble Abode, award of attorney fees under Lanham Act. LLCD.NJ.,2006.0nly the Westlaw citation is curently available. FOR PUBLICATION United States District Cour,D. New Jersey. BUYING FOR THE HOME, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Motion granted in part and denied in part. HUBLE ABODE, LLC, et a1., Defendants. Civil Action No. 03-cv-2783 (JAP). Oct. 20, 2006. il Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks The elements of a claim of unfair competition under the Lanham Act are the same as for claims of unfair competition and trademark infringement under New Jersey statutory and common law. Lanham Trademark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. S 1125(a); NJ.S.A. Background: Online retailer of bedroom furtue brought action against competitor alleging infringement under Lanham Act, violation of New Jersey's Fair Trade Act, common law trademark ingement and unfair competition, and defamation and trade disparagement under Lanham Act and state 56:4-1. il Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks law. Competitor counterclaimed alleging infringement, unfair competition, and false advertising. Competitor brought motion for summary Under the Lanham Act, a trademark becomes judgment on trademark holder's claims and its counterclaims . incontestable after the owner files affdavits stating that the mark has been registered, it has been in continuous use for five consecutive years, and there is no pending proceeding and there has been no Holdings: The District Cour, Joel A. Pisano, 1., held that: adverse decision concerning the registrant's ownership or right to registration. Lanham TradeMark Act, § 1 et seq., 15 U.S.C.A & 1051 et seq. il fact issue existed as to whether phrase TOTAL trademark law; il fact issue existed as to whether competitor BEDROOM was valid and protectable under il Federal Civil Procedure 170A ~O 170A Federal Civil Procedure Genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether purchased sponsored advertisement to be triggered by search phrase "total bedroom"; il email from thid part was hearsay; phrase TOTAL BEDROOM was valid and protectab1e under trademark law, precluding summary judgment on trademark holder's infringement claim under Lanham Act. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S. CA. & 1125(a); il Lanham Act's "use" requirement was satisfied; il competitor did not make defamatory statements of Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.C.A il Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks fact; (Q fact issue existed as to whether comparative Under the Lanham Act, where a mark has not been federally registered, or, if registered, has not achieved advertising was "fair use" of trademark; il fact issue existed as to whether competitor made incontestability, validity depends on proof of secondary meanig, unless the umegistered mark is false and misleading statements that were likely to confse and deceive potential customers; and inerently distinctive. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. S 1125(a). il Trademarks 382T ~O (Ç 2006 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. u.s. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ---- Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 2 of 18 Page 2 --- F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.N.I.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) bedroom furniture was owner of TOTAL 382T Trademarks BEDROOM mark, in lawsuit alleging infringement Marks that are suggestive, arbitrary, or fanciful are considered inherently distinctive and are entitled to protection under the Lanham Act. Lanham Trademark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. & 1125(a). under Lanham Act, where defendant competitor indicated in its statement of undisputed facts that website was "owned or operated" by retailer and exhibits submitted by competitor il Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks showed screen shots of website using TOTAL BEDROOM mark. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 D.S.CA. S 1125(a); Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.C.A A mark that is not inherently distinctive is not entitled to protection under the Lanham Act unless it has attained a secondary meaning; a secondary 1i Federal Civil Procedure 170A ~O 170A Federal Civil Procedure Genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether competitor purchased sponsored advertsement to be triggered by search phrase "total bedroom," meaning is said to exist when the mark is interpreted by the consuming public to be not only an identification of the product or services, but also a representation of the origin of those products or services. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 12 precluding summary judgment on trademark holder's U.S.CA. & 1125( a). infringement claim under Lanham Act. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. & 1125(a); Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.C.A il Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks Under the Lanham Act, a mark is considered to be descriptive if it describes the purose, function or use ll Federal Civil Procedure 170A ~O 170A Federal Civil Procedure of the product or service, a desirable characteristic of the product or service, or the natue of the product or service; this is a mark that conveys an immediate idea of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics of the Email from "Franke and the (particular Internet search engine) AdWords Team," which stated that competitor had not purchased term "total bedroom" goods or services. Lanham Trade-Mark Act, § 1 et seq., 15 U.S.CA. & 1051 et seq. from search engine as keyword, and that it was possible that competitor's advertsement appeared during search of phrase "total bedroom" because 00 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks For the purose of an infringement claim under the "bedroom" was keyword that had been purchased by competitor, was hearsay, and could not be considered on motion for summary judgment, in lawsuit brought by online retailer of bedroom futue alleging infringement under Lanham Act. Lanham Trademark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. S 1125(a); Lanham Act, a suggestive mark suggests rather than describes the characteristics of the goods; it requires Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.C.A consumer imagination, thought, or perception to determe what the product is. Lanham Trade-Mark Act, § 1 et seq., 15 U.S.CA. & 1051 et seq. I! Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks I2 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks Lanham Act's "use" requirement was satisfied on allegations that competitor purchased protected A court may take judicial notice of trademark registrations under the Lanham Act. Lanham TradeAct, § 1 etseq., 15U.S.CA. & 1051 etseq. Mark trademark of online retailer of bedroom furntue as keyword on Internet search engine and competitor used that keyword to trigger commercial advertising which included hypertext lin to competitor's .l Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks furniture retailing website; purchase of keyword was commercial transaction that occured "in commerce," and traded on value of mark of online retailer, and competitor's use was both "in commerce" and "in connection with any goods or services." Lanham Evidence was sufficient on summary judgment that would have enabled jury to find that online retailer of Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.CA. & 1125(a). (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ----- F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 3 of 18 Page 3 ru Libel and Slander 237 ~O .l Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander To succeed on a claim of defamation under New 237 Libel and Slander Context is examined on a defamation claim under New Jersey law because it bears upon the fair and natual meaning of a statement. Jersey law, a plaintiff must show: (1) that defendant made a defamatory statement of fact; (2) concernng the plaintiff; (3) which was false; (4) which was communicated to persons other than the plaintiff; and (5) fault. .l Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander Competitor did not make defamatory statements of .l Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander Whether the meaning of a statement is susceptible of fact, for purose of retailer's defamation claim under New Jersey law, where actual statement or its context could not be discerned, and to extent that statement was discemable, it was not defamatory or did not refer to retailer. a defamatory meaning under New Jersey law is a question oflaw for the court. ß1 Libel and Slander 237 ~O I! Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander 237 Libel and Slander Actual naming of the plaintiff is not a necessary element in a defamation action under New Jersey law so long as there is such reference to him that those Generally, a statement that is communicated to thid parties is defamatory under New Jersey law if it is false and tends to lower the subject's reputation in the who read or hear the libel reasonably understand the plaintiff estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating with him. to be the person intended. ~ Libel and Slander 237 ~O ll Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander The elements of 237 Libel and Slander trade libel under New Jersey law are: Whether a partcular statement is defamatory under New Jersey law depends on its content, verifiability, and context. (1) publication; (2) with malice; (3) of false allegations concerning its propert, product or business; and (4) special damages, i.e. pecuniary harm. I! Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander IM Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks Under the Lanham Act, a mark provides protection An evaluation of "content," for the purose of a defamation claim under New Jersey law, includes consideration of the statement's literal meanig as well as the fair and natual meaning that reasonable people of ordinary intelligence would give to it. not only for the product or service to which it is originally applied but also to related items or services. Lanham Trade-Mark Act, § 1 et seq., 12 U.S.C.A. & 1051 et seq. Il Libel and Slander 237 ~O 237 Libel and Slander For the purose of a defamation claim under New f251 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks Jersey law, verifiability refers to whether a statement Common law trademark rights can be acquired when can be proven tre or false, and statements that are not verifiable, such as insults and name-calling, even if offensive, are not defamatory; similarly, opinons are not actionable uness they imply false underlying facts. a mark is actually used; such use occurs when the mark is displayed or otherwise made known to prospective purchasers in the ordinary course of business in a manner that associates the designation with the goods, services, or business of the user. Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition. S 18. (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 4 of 18 Page 4 ßß Federal Civil Procedure 170A ~O 170A Federal Civil Procedure Genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether comparative advertising was "fair use" of trademark, precluding surary judgment on infringement and ru Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks To prevail on a claim of false advertising under the Lanham Act, a party must prove: (1) the defendant has made false or misleading statements as to his own product or another person's; (2) there is actual deception or at least a tendency to deceive a unfair competition claims under Lanham Act. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 33(a), 15 U.S.C.A & 1115(a); Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.C.A substantial portion of the intended audience; (3) the deception is material in that it is likely to influence purchasing decisions; (4) the advertised goods f271 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks traveled in interstate commerce; and (5) there is a likelihood of injury to the plaintiff in term of decling sales, loss of good wil, et cetera. Lanham Trade-Mark Act, § 1 et seq., 15 U.S.CA. & 1051 et seq. Nominative fair use under the Lanham Act occurs when: (1) the alleged infringer uses the trademark holder's mark to describe the trademark holder's product, even if the goal of the accused infringer is to describe his own product; or (2) if the only practical way to refer to something is to use the trademarked term. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 33(a), 15 U.S.C.A & 1115(a). in Federal Civil Procedure 170A ~O 170A Federal Civil Procedure Genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether competitor made false and misleading statements that were likely to confuse and deceive potential f281 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks customers, precluding summary judgment on trademark holder's false advertising claim under Lanham Act. Lanham Trade-Mark Act, § 1 et seq., 15 U.S.C.A. & 1051 et seq.; Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 56. 28 U.S.CA. In a nomiative fair use case under the Lanham Act, the plaintiff first must prove that confusion is likely due to the defendant's use of the mark; once the plaintiff has met its burden of showing a likelihood of f321 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks confsion, the burden then shifts to defendant to show that its nominative use of plaintiffs mark is nonetheless fair. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 33(a), 15 U.S.CA. & 1115(a). The Lanham Act does not contemplate a claim that the filing of a lawsuit constitutes unfair competition. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 43(a), 15 U.S.C.A & f291 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks All of the factors used to consider likelihood of 1125(a). f331 Trademarks 382T ~O 382T Trademarks Alleged infringement of trademark did not support confsion in a traditional trademark infringement case, except for degree of simlarity and strength of the mark, may be used in the likelihood of confsion test in a nomiative fair use case under the Lanham Act, but it will be up to the district cour in each case to determne which factors are appropriate to use under the individual factual circumstances presented; award of attorney fees under Lanham Act, on basis that case was exceptional, where various issues precluded summary judgment in favor of trademark holder, case presented novel issues of Internet advertising rather than flagrant violations of well- in determng which factors to use, the cour should be guided by its ultimate goal of assessing whether consumers are likely to be confsed by the use not because of its nominative natue, but rather because settled trademark law, and competitor had consulted counsel with regard to its use of trademarks at issue and included trademark disclaimers on its website. Trademark Act of 1946, § 35(a), 15 U.S.CA. S of the manner in which the mark is being 1117(a). riominatively employed. Lanham Trade-mark Act, § 33(a), 15 U.S.CA. S 1115(a). f341 Trademarks 382T =O (Ç 2006 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. u.s. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ---, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) 382T Trademarks Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 5 of 18 Page 5 On a claim for an award reasonable attorney fees under the Lanham Act, a district cour must make a finding of culpable conduct on the part of the losing part, such as bad faith, fraud, malice, or knowing A. Plaintifs Claims The parties in this case are competitors in the infringement, before a case qualifies as "exceptiona1." Trademark Act of 1946, § 35(a), 12 U.S.C.A & 1117(a). business of online furitue retailing. Plaintiff/Counterclaim defendant Buying for the Home, Inc.FN1 ("Buying" or "Plaintiff') is a New Jersey corporation that operates through its website "" Defendant Humble is also an online fuiture retailer and does business through its Trademarks 382T ~1800 382T Trademarks 382TXI Trademarks and Trade Names Adjudicated 382Tk1800 k. Alphabetical Listing. Most Cited Cases website "" Defendants James principals of Wickersham and Kris Kitterman are the founders and Humble. Plaintiff brings this action alleging violations of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 D.S.C. S 1125(a), and New Jersey's Fair Trade Act, NJ.S.A. 56:4-1, as well as common law trademark Trademarks 382T ~1800 382T Trademarks 382TXI Trademarks and Trade Names Adjudicated 382Tk1800 k. Alphabetical Listing. Most Cited Cases infringement, common law unfair competition, defamation and trade disparagement. Specifically, Plaintiff asserts that (1) by causing a sponsored ad to appear next to the results on the Google search HULE ABODE. TOTAL BEDROOM. engine when a computer user enters the search phrase "total bedroom," defendant Humble misappropriated Plaintiffs mark "TOTAL BEDROOM" in connection with the sale of goods and violated Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act in that such use was likely to communicate a false designation of origin of those Richard F. Collier. Jr., Coller & Basil, P.C., Princeton, NJ, for Plaintiff. goods; and (2) Defendants have "made false statements to (Buying's) vendors, suppliers and other Ronald D. Coleman, Bragar, Wexler & Eagel, PC, New York, NY, for Defendants. thid parties with whom (Buying) does business regarding (Buying's) allegedly improper business practices, including ... (Buying's) failure to comply OPINION JOEL A. PISANO, District Judge. *1 Before the Cour is Defendants' motion for with copyright laws and the Internet policies of thid parties." Comp1. at ir 12. Defendants have moved for summary judgment and seek dismissal of all of these summary judgment as to all counts in Plaintiffs complaint and as to Counts Two (Trademark Infingement), Three (Unfair Competition) and Four claims. Plaintiff has not cross-moved for summary judgment. (False Advertising) of defendant Humble Abode, Inc.'s ("Humble") counterclaims and thid party claims. Also before the Cour is Plaintiffs request that the Cour strike Humble's request for attorney B. Humble's Counterclaims and Third Party Claims Humble has also moved for summary judgment on its counterclaims. and thid part claims, which allege fees with respect to Humble's Lanham Act claims. The Cour decides these matters without oral argument pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 78. For the trademark infringement, unfair competition and false advertising in violation of the Lanham Act and state law against Buying and thid part defendant Steve reasons discussed below, Defendants' motion for summary judgment is granted in part and denied in part, and Plaintiffs motion to strike Humble's request for attorney fees is granted. Ross. Humble alleges that Buying undertook aggressive "attacks" against Humble through its various futue-related websites, including, and that in doing so, the third part defendants improperly used the mark I. Background HUBLE ABODE as well as the Humble's unique product names, in which Humble claims it has (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ----- F.Supp.2d ----,2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 6 of 18 Page 6 trademark rights. Although not entirely clear from Humble's papers, it appears that Humble's trademark or "materia1." Anderson v. Libertv Lobbv. Inc.. 477 U.S. 242. 248. 106 S.C!. 2505. 91 L.Ed.2d 202 infringement, unfair competition and false advertising claims under both federal and state law (1986). A material fact raises a "genuine" issue "if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could are based upon the following allegations: (1) offered a "Price Comparison" return a verdict" for the non-moving party. !d. On a summary judgment motion, the moving part page that used the mark HUMBLE ABODE as well as Humble's product names and allowed online customers to compare Total Bedroom's prices with Humble Abode's prices; (2) users could search the website using Humble Abode product names; (3) uses Humble Abode product names to reference products on their website; (4) buyingfurniture. com, a website on which consumers purortedly can share informtion about "hot deals" on futue, uses must show, first, that no genuine issue of material fact exists. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett. 477 U.S. 317. 323. 106 S.C!. 2548. 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986). If the moving party makes this showing, the burden shifts to the non-moving part to present evidence that a genuine fact issue compels a tria1. Id. at 324. In so presenting, the non-moving part may not simply rest on its pleadings, but must offer admssible evidence that establishes a genuine issue of material fact, id., not just "some metaphysical doubt as to the material facts." Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio HUBLE ABODE as well has Humble's product names on its site; (5) has caused its sponsored advertisement to appear when users of the search engine Google conducted a search for the Corv.. 475 U.S. 574. 586. 106 S.C!. 1348.89 L.Ed.2d 538 (1986). term HUBLE ABODE FURITUR as well as Humble's product names; (6) when a user of the The Cour must consider all facts and their logical Yahoo! search engine conducts a search for HUBLE ABODE SAVINGS or HUMBLE ABODE DISCOUNT, lins to, and buying-furniture. inferences in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. Bailev v. United Airlines. 279 F.3d 194. 198 (3d Cir.2002). The Court shall not "weigh biz (a website that, according to Humble, is identical to appear in the top six results retued as a result of the websites' use of the term "humble abode" in their text. the evidence and determe the trth of the matter," but need determe only whether a genuine issue necessitates a tria1. Anderson. 477 U.S. at 249. If the non-moving part fails to demonstrate proof beyond a "mere scintila" of evidence that a genuine issue of material fact exists, then the Court must grant *2 In its request for relief on its claims, Humble seeks, among other things, an award of attorney fees. On an earlier motion by Plaintiff, the Cour strck all of Humble's attorney fees requests with the exception of those that relate to its Lanham Act claims. As to those claims, the Cour denied Plaintiffs motion summary judgment. Country Floors. Inc. v. Gevner. 930 F.2d 1056. 1061-62 (3d Cir.1991). B. Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintifs Claims without prejudice. Plaintiff now renews his motion and asks the Cour to strike the remaining attorney fee request. 1. Trademark Claims il Plaintiff has alleged that Defendants' use of the II. Legal Discussion A. Summary Judgment Standard mark TOTAL BEDROOM violated (1) Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, which prohibits unfair competition through "(fJalse designations of origin," see 15 D.S.C 1125(a); FN2 and (2) New Jersey statutory and common law prohibiting trademark A cour shall grant summary judgment under Rule infringement and unfair competition. Because the elements of a claim of unfair competition under the 56(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure "if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if Lanham Act are the same as for claims of unfair competition and trademark infringement under New any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving part is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law." Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c). Jersey statutory and common law, the Cour's analysis below extends to Plaintiffs state law claims as well. See J & J Snack Foods. Corvo v. Earthgrains Co.. 220 F.Supp.2d 358. 374 (D.N.1.2002) ("(T)he The substantive law identifies which facts are critical (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 7 of 18 Page 7 elements for a claim for trademark infringement identification of the product or services, but also a representation of the origin of those products or under the Lanham Act are the same as the elements for a claim of unfair competition under the Lanham Act and for claims of trademark infringement and services." Commerce Hat'l Ins. Serv., Inc. v. Commerce Ins. A£ency. Inc.. 214 F.3d 432. 438 (2000) (quoting Scott Paver Co. v. Scott's Liauid Gold, unfair competition under New Jersey statutory and common law...."); Harlem Wizards Entertainment Basketball. Inc. v. HBA Proverties. Inc., 952 F.Supp. Inc., 589 F.2d 1225.1228 (3d Cir.1978)). 1084. 1091 (D.NJ.1997) ("N.J.S.A. 56:4-1 is the statutory equivalent of Section 43(a)(1) of the Lanham Act"). il Defendants argue that TOTAL BEDROOM is not a valid and protectable mark because it is merely descriptive and has not acquired a secondary *3 To prove unfair competition under the Lanham Act, a plaintiff must show that: (1) the mark at issue is valid and legally protectable; (2) the mark is owned by the plaintiff; (3) the defendant used the mark in meaning. A mark is considered to be descriptive if it "describe(s) the purose, function or use of the product (or service), a desirable characteristic of the product (or service), or the natue of the product (or commerce on or in connection with any goods or services or container for goods; and (4) this "use" service)." J & J Snack, 220 F.Supp.2d at 370. This is a mark that "conveys an immediate idea of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics of the goods (or services)." Jews for Jesus, 993 F.Sup? at 297 was in a manner likely to create confsion concerning the origin of the goods or services. 12 U.S.C. & 1125(a); 800-JR Cigar, Inc. v. Go To. com, Inc., 437 F.Supp.2d 273.281-82 (D.NJ.2006) (citing Fisons Horticulture, Inc. v. Vigoro Industries, Inc., 30 F.3d 466. 472 (3d Cir.1994)). Defendants argue (alteration in original). In support of their argument that TOTAL BEDROOM is descriptive, Defendants point to the case of Lee;ay v. Bed. Bath & Bevond, Inc., 942 F.Su?p. 699 (D.Mass.1996), in which the cour found on an application for injunctive relief that that Plaintiffs trademark claims must be dismissed the phrase BED & BATH was descriptive for a store that sells items for the bedroom and bathoom. because (1) TOTAL BEDROOM is not an protectable trademark; and (2) there is no factual support for Plaintiffs claim of "infringement by *4 rn Plaintiff counters that (1) TOTAL search engine." BEDROOM is not descriptive as applied to futue products and Defendants have not cited to one example where the term is used to describe fuitue; a. Validity and Protectabilty of Trademark (2) TOTAL BEDROOM was once registered by a thid part FN4 so it cannot be a descriptive mark; (3) f21 r31 f 41 The theshold issue is whether the phrase TOTAL BEDROOM is an inerently distinctive suggestive FN5 mark and, consequently, proof of a TOTAL BEDROOM is valid and protectable under trademark law. Where, as here, a mark has not been federally registered (or, if registered, has not secon ary meamng is not necessary; - an in d .. ~ d(4)' any event, Defendants are not entitled to summary achieved incontestability FN3) "validity depends on proof of secondary meanig, uness the unegistered mark is inherently distinctive." Fisons Horticulture, 30 F.3d at 472. il In evaluating the distinctiveness of a mark, the distinctiveness) are used: (1) generic; (2) descriptive; judgment because the characterization of a mark is a factual issue for the jury. In support of its argument that TOTAL BEDROOM is inerently distinctive, Plaintiff has pointed to the fact that the Trademark & Patent Offce has registered other marks that include following categories (in ascending order of (3) suggestive; (4) arbitrary; or (5) fancifu1. Two the word "total"-TOTAL WELLNESS, TOTAL HOME SERVICES, TOTAL FITNESS YVES SAINT LAURNT, TOTAL EFFECTS BEAUTIFUL SKI & WELLNESS, as well as to the prior registration of TOTAL BEDROOM.FN7 Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.. 505 U.S. 763. 768. 112 S.Ct. 2753. 120 L.Ed.2d 615 (1992). Marks that are suggestive, arbitrary, or fanciful are considered Although not cited to expressly by Plaintiff, it appears that Plaintiff is arguing that because a mark that is merely descriptive will be refused registration under § 2( e)(1) of the Lanham Act, TOTAL inerently distinctive and are entitled to protection. Jews for Jesus v. Brodsky, 993 F.Supp. 282. 296 (D.NJ.1998). A mark that is not inherently distictive is not entitled to protection uness it has BEDROOM cannot be descriptive. attained a secondary meaning. Id. A secondary The Third Circuit has expressly stated that "the characterization of a mark is a factual issue for the jur." Ford Motor Co. v. Summit Motor Prods., 930 meaning is said to exist when the mark "is interpreted by the consumig public to be not only an (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.N.J.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 8 of 18 Page 8 F.2d 277. 292 n. 18 (3d Cir.1991 ). Because the characterization TOTAL BEDROOM is a fact that is material to this case, the Cour's role on this motion is to determne whether a genuine issue exists as to this fact. Said another way, the Court must determne "if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could there is no more than a mere "scintila of evidence" supporting a non-moving party's claim, see Countrv retu a verdict" for the non-moving party on this particular issue. Anderson, 477 U.S. at 248. The court may not "engage in any weighing of the Floors. Inc. v. Gevner, 930 F.2d 1056. 1061-62 (3d Cir.1991), the Cour finds that the dearth of evidence supporting Defendant's argument on this motion combined with the limited evidence presented by Plaintiff makes it inappropriate resolve the issue of the characterization of Plaintiffs mark on summary judgment. The Cour finds that there exists a genuine issue of material fact as to the validity and protectability of evidence; instead, the non-moving part's evidence 'is to be believed and all justifiable inferences are to be drawn in his favor.' " Marino v. Indus. Cratin£ Co., 358 F.3d 241. 247 (3d Cir.2004) (quoting Anderson, 477 U.S. at 255). As stated above, on a motion for summary judgment the moving part bears the initial burden of showing that no genuine issues of material fact exist. Celotex Plaintiffs mark. b. Ownership of the Mark I1 There appears to be little dispute regarding Plaintiffs ownership of the mark, although a single sentence in Defendants' brief baldly states that "(t)here is little support for plaintiffs asserton that it owns a trademark." Pi. Brf. at 15. In its statement of undisputed material facts, however, Defendants state that the website is "owned or Corp., 477 U.S. at 323. "(W)ith respect to an issue on which the nonmoving party bears the burden of proof ... the burden on the moving party may be discharged by 'showing' -that is, pointing out to the district courthat there is an absence of evidence to support the nonmoving part's case." Celotex Corv., 477 U.S. at operated" by Plaintiff. Exhbits submitted by Defendants show screen shots of this website using 325. In Defendants' brief, after discussion of the applicable trademark law, the entiety of Defendants the mark TOTAL BEDROOM. Consequently, there is suffcient evidence pursuant to which a jury may argument with respect to the distinctiveness issue is set forth in the following two sentences: find that plaintiff is the owner of the mark. See McCarty on Trademarks & 16:35 (4th ed.) ("Trademark ownership inures to the legal entity who For example, BED & BATH was found to be descriptive for a store that sells items for the bedroom and bathroom in Lee;ay v. Bed, Bath & Beyond, Inc., is in fact using the mark as a symbol of origin."). 942 F.Supp. 699 (D.Mass.1996). TOTAL BEDROOM describes what plaintiff sells, just as BED & BATH describes (what) the store using that mark sells. *5 Pi. Brief at 13 c. Use of the Mark il Plaintiff claims that Defendants misappropriated the mark TOTAL BEDROOM by causing an advertisement and a lin for Humble's website to appear on the Google search engine when the search In those two sentences Defendants have not met their burden of showing an absence of a genuine issue as to the validity or protectability of Plaintiffs mark. phrase "total bedroom" was entered by a user. Defendant argues that this claim should be dismissed because "there is simply no proof that defendants Unlike in the present case, the Defendant in Leejay, ever actually purchased plaintiffs ... business name as a search term." PI. Brf. at 15. However, the case relied upon by Defendants, submitted "a number of examples of retail stores' advertisements where the phrase 'bed and bath' or 'bed & bath' (had been) used to refer to bedroom and bathoom items." 942 F.Supp. at 701. Defendants here have pointed to no evidence whatsoever in support of their statement that "total bedroom" describes what Plaintiff sells, and, as Plaintiff points out, certainy nothing showing that "total bedroom" has been used considering the applicable standard on summary judgment, the Cour finds that a genuine issue of fact exists in this regard. According to the deposition testimony of thid-part defendant Steve Ross and as shown in certain web page screens shots submitted by Defendant, the or is generally understood to refer to fuitue. sponsored advertisement for Humble Abode did not appear when Ross performed Google searches using the term "total" or the term "bedroom," but the Although it is tre that a factual issue may be resolved by a cour on summary judgment where advertisement did appear when he used the phrase "total bedroom" as a search term. Thus, taking into cg 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ---- Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 9 of 18 Page 9 --- F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) account the fact that the Cour must consider all facts To be actionable under § 43(a) of the Lanham Act, a and logical inferences in favor of the non-moving defendant's "use" of a plaintiffs mark must be "in commerce" and "on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container for goods." FN9 12' part, a fair inference may be drawn that Humble purchased the sponsored advertisement to be triggered by the search phrase "total bedroom." *6 .u Defendants point to an email from "Frankie U.S.C. 1125(a). In this regard, cours presented with claims similar to those in the present case involving the purchase or sale of trademarks as search engine and the Google AdWords Team" that states that Defendants have never purchased from Google the keywords generally have examined whether the defendant's alleged "use" of the mark constituted a "trademark use" generally, i.e., commercial use of term "total bedroom" as a keyword and it was possible that Humble's ad appeared during a search of the phrase "total bedroom" because "bedroom" was a keyword that had been purchased by Humble. the mark as a trademark, e.g., 800-JR Cigar, Inc., v., Inc., Civil Action No. 00-3179, 2006 WL 1971659. *6-8 (D.N.1. Julv 13. 2006), or have However, Plaintiff correctly points out this email is hearsay, and generally may not be considered on a motion for summary judgement. See Philbin v. Trans. Union Corp., 101 F.3d 957. 961 n. 1 (3d Cir.1996) (noting that a hearsay statement that is not capable of examied "use" by looking more specifically at the definition of "use in commerce" under the Lanham Act/N10 e.g., Merck & Co. v. MSD Technology, L.P., 425 F.Supp.2d 402. 415-16 (S.D.N.Y.2006). The being admissible at trial should not be considered on a summary judgment motion); Blackburn v. United Parcel Serv., 179 F.3d 81. 95 (3d Cir.1999) (same). Thid Circuit has not spoken on the issue of whether the purchase and/or sale of keywords that trigger advertising constitutes the tye of "use" other cours that have addressed the issue are contemplated by the Lanham Act, and decisions from conficting. In a recent decision in the Southern Neverteless, even if the Court were to consider the contents of the email, the Cour finds that the letter only creates a genuine issue of material fact and does not itself entitle Defendant to summary judgment. District of New York, Merck & Co. v. MSD Technology, plaintiff drg company brought an action against various Canadian entities that operated LU This does not entirely resolve the issue of Plaintiffs "search engine" claims, however, because as both the Plaintiff and Defendant candidly point out, the law is unsettled regarding whether the online pharmcies alleging, inter alia, unfair competition and trademark infringement under federal and state law. The Canadian entities had purchased from the Internet search engine companies purchase of another's protected mark as a search engine keyword can constitute unfair competition or infringement. The Cour, therefore, must examie the validity of Plaintiffs legal theory of "infringement by Google and Yahoo! the right to have links to their website displayed as "Sponsored Links" when a computed user conducted a search using plaintiffs mark ZOCOR. The cour, in granting defendant's motion to dismiss, found that *7 in the search engine context, defendants to do not search engine" and whether the facts alleged, if proven, state a1 aim . D fì en ants.c . against e d FN8 'place' the ZOCOR marks on any goods or Plaintiff alleges Defendants purchased advertising lined to the search term TOTAL BEDROOM from the search engine company Google. Google, as well as other search engines, "sell ( s) advertising linked to search term, so that when a consumer enters a partcular search term, the results page displays not containers or displays or associated documents, nor do they use them in any way to indicate source or sponsorship. Rather, the ZOCOR mark is "used" only in the sense that the computer user's search of the keyword "Zocor" will trigger the display of the sponsored lins to defendants' websites. This internal only a list of Websites generated by the search engine program using neutral and objective criteria, but also use of the mark "Zocor" as a key word to trigger the display of sponsored lins is not use of the mark in a trademark sense. lins to Websites of paid advertisers (listed as 'Sponsored Links')." Gov't Employees Ins. Co. v. Goo£le, Inc., 330 F.Supp.2d 700. 702 (E.D.Va.2004). The advertisement and lin to Humble Abode's Merck & Co.. 425 F.Supp.2d at 415. website appeared on the far right of the screen, separate and apart from the search results list, under the heading "Sponsored Lins." Humble's Another district court addressing similar claims on similar facts found differently. In Edina Realty, Inc. v. The, Civ. 04-437IJRTFLN. 2006 advertisement does not display the mark TOTAL BEDROOM. WL 737064 CD.Minn. March 20. 2006), the defendant, a direct competitor of plaintiff, had purchased from Google and Yahoo! search term that (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB -- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 10 of 18 Page 10 were identical or similar to plaintiffs EDINA REALTY trademark. In denying the defendant's motion for summary judgment, the Cour found *8 The Court is mindful of the challenges that sometime arise in applying existing legal principles in the context of newer technologies. As expressed by the Edina Realty cour, supra, Defendants' alleged defendants use of the mark constituted a "use in commerce" under the Lanham Act, holding: While not a conventional "use in commerce," use of Plaintiffs mark is certainy not a traditional "use in commerce." 2006 WL 737064 at *3. Nonetheless, the Cour finds Plaintiff defendant nevertheless uses the Edina Realty mark commercially. Defendant purchases search terms that has satisfied the "use" requirement of the Lanham Act in that Defendants' alleged use was "in commerce" and was include the Edina Realty mark to generate its sponsored lin advertisement. See Brookfield "in connection with any goods or services." 12 the keyword was a commercial transaction that occured U.S.C 1125(a)(1). First, the alleged purchase of Communs., Inc. v. W Coast Entm't Corv.. 174 F.3d 1036. 1064 (9th Cir.1999) (finding Internet metatags to be a use in commerce). Based on the plain meaning of the Lanham Act, the purchase of search terms is a use in commerce. Edina Realty, 2006 WL 737064 at *3. Similar actions brought against defendants who "in commerce," trading on the value of Plaintiffs mark. Second, Defendants' alleged use was both "in commerce" and "in connection with any goods or services" in that Plaintiffs mark was allegedly used to trigger commercial advertising which included a lin to Defendants' fuitue retailing website. Therefore, not only was the alleged use of Plaintiffs mark tied to the promotion of Defendants' goods and retail services, but the mark was used to provide a engage in the sale of the search term, as opposed to the purchasers of those term, have likewise reached differing conclusions concerning "use." Compare Rescuecom Corvo v. Google, Inc.. No. 5:04-cv-1055. computer user with direct access (i.e., a link) to Defendants' website through which the user could 2006 WL 2811711 (Sept. 28. 2006) (granting Google's motion to dismiss finding that "in the absence of allegations that defendant placed make fuitue purchases. The Cour finds that these allegations clearly satisfy the Lanham Act's "use" requirement. The Cour stresses that ths finding does not in any way bear upon whether Defendants' alleged use of plaintiffs trademark on any goods, displays, containers, or advertisements, or used plaintiffs trademark in any way that indicates source or origin, plaintiff can prove no facts in support of its claim which would demonstrate trademark use") with 800JR Cigar, Inc., v., Inc., Civil Action No. Plaintiffs mark was unlawfuL. That can only be determed upon an examination of all of the elements of Plaintiffs claims, including whether the 00-3179, 2006 WL 1971659. *8 (D.N.1. July 13. 2006) (denying surary judgment and finding suffcient evidence to support claim that defendant use of the mark was likely to confse or deceive consumers about the affiliation of Defendants' goods and service with Plaintiff. See Gov't Emples. Ins. Co. v. Google, Inc., 330 F.Su?p.2d 700. 704 made "trademark use" of plaintiffs mark where defendant (1) accepted bids on the plaintiffs trademark from the plaintiffs competitors, thereby trading on the value of the marks; (2) ranked paid (E.D.Va.2004) ("Where keyword placement of ... advertsing is being sold, the portals and search engines are taking advantage of the drawing power advertisers before "natual" listings among the search and goodwill of these famous marks. The question is whether ths activity is fair competition or whether it is a form of unfair free riding on the fame of well- results, thereby acting as a conduit to steer competitors away from plaintiff; and (3) suggested search terms including the plaintiffs trademarks to known marks.") (alteration in original) (quoting L Thomas McCarthv. McCarthy on Trademarks & the plaintiffs competitors); Google v. American Blind & Wallvaver Factorv, Inc., No. 03-05340. 2005 WL 832398 (N.D.Cal. Mar.30. 2005) (denying motion to dismiss in light of the unsettled state of the law with respect to actionable "use" of a trademark in the search engine context); GEICO v. Google, Inc., 330 F.Supp.2d 700 (E.D.Va.2004) (denying motion to Unfair Competition & 25:70.1 (2004)). As Defendants have not challenged the "likelihood of confsion" element of Plaintiffs claims on this motion, neither part has presented arguments or evidence on the issue. For this reason as well as others discussed above, the Cour must deny Defendants' motion as it relates to Plaintiffs unfair competition and infringement claims. dismiss finding allegations that defendant allowed advertsers to bid on trademarks as search term and to pay for advertising lined to trademarks were suffcient to establish trademark use). 2. Defamation and Trade Disparagement Claims (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB -- F.Supp.2d---- F.Supp.2d ---, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 11 of 18 Page 11 at Legett & Platt about Total Bedroom, Directly Defendant also seeks summary judgment as to Plaintiffs defamation and trade disparagement Home, essentially, the plaintiff in this case," Wickersham answered in the affrmtive. Id. at 30a. v) Wickersham spoke to Humble's new account claims, arguing that Plaintiff cannot establish all of the necessary elements of its claims. Plaintiff alleges with respect to its defamation claim that "Defendants, including Wickersham and Kitterman, have made multiple misrepresentations and false statements to various third parties about Buying's business representative at Leggett & Platt about "who Bella Ross is. If she is an employee of Leggett & Platt or if she's a contractor or, you know, how... this triangle could happen ... without me knowing that my own supplier's son is competing against me." !d. at 34a. practices." CompI. at 45. With respect to its trade disparagement claim, Plaintiff alleges that these same Defendants "have made multiple, disparaging misrepresentations regarding Buying's business iv) In a conversation with an uramed person from a company called Elegant Abode, Wickersham "mention( ed) that we have a confict of interest with operations to Buy(ingJ's suppliers and vendors with whom it deals in the furtue business." Id. at ir 51. Specifically, Plaintiff points to the following communications as testified to by Wickersham as his deposition: *9 i) Wickersham sent an email to Google that stated as follows: (Total Bedroom's) website. Hi. I'm with Humble Abode, LLC. We spend a significant amount on advertising with Google. Recently, a competitor of ours started bidding on our company name through AdW ords in order to steal vii) When asked whether he ever spoke to anyone at "San Francisco Market" about Buying for the Home, Wickersham testified that "the name may have come up where we felt we had a conflict of interest here, and the we had asked Leggett & Platt multiple times to get us a new account rep. And we were not at all happy with Bella Ross and Dan Ross seeing our proprietary informtion with their son and brother being Steve Ross." !d. at 66a. He fuher stated that he ''just expressed (his) frstration that (Humble's) customers. What is Google's advertising policy regarding competition and allowing bidding on trademarked company names as phrases? Thank you. (Certfication of Richard Collier at 19a) account rep's son is competing and appears to be targeting our business." The above deposition testimony is the only evidence presented by Plaintiff in response to Defendants' ii) Wickersham communicated with Yahoo by email, fax or phone (he did not remember which) asking motion. As an initial matter, this evidence shows that Wickersham is the only defendant to whom any alleged defamatory statements have been attibuted. "what their policy is with regard to trademark infringement." Collier Cert. at 25a. Specifically, he asked about "where competitors might be able to use trademarks to be able to be found or for search Therefore, Plaintiffs defamation and disparagement claims shall be dismissed as to all other defendants. *10 With respect to Wickersham, the Cour will first address Plaintiffs defamation claim. In response to Defendants' motion, Plaintiff asserts that "merely by introducing Humble's deposition testimony admitting puroses or rankng puroses." !d. at 26a. Wickersham mentioned the Total Bedroom website in the communication in that he "encouraged (Yahoo) to take a look at it." Id at 27a. He also "let them know that (he) believe(d) we have a situation here, where one of (Yahoo's) advertisers, Steve Ross, is infringing on (Humble's) trademarks." Id. at 28a. publication of the statements in question, Buying has established a prima facie case of defamation ... (and) this claim must be denied ." PI. Brf. at 8. In so arguing, it appears that Humble's motion seeking dismissal of iii) Wickersham made a phone call to an uramed person at a company called Couristan, for whom Plaintiff misapprehends his burden on a summary judgment motion. f141f151 To succeed on a claim of defamation, a Bella Ross and Dan Ross (alleged to be thid party defendant Steve Ross' mother and brother, respectively) were Humble's account representatives. Wickersham spoke to "Bella's boss" and advised him plaintiff must show "( 1) that Defendant made a defamatory statement of fact; (2) concernng the that "we have a confict of interest here, and would like new account reps." !d. at 29a. Plaintiff; (3) which was false; (4) which was communicated to persons other than the Plaintiff; and iv) When asked whether he "complain(ed) to anyone (5) fault." Mayflower Transit, LLC. v. Prince, 314 F.Supp.2d 362. 372 (D.N.J.2004) (citing Ta; Mahal (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 12 of 18 Page 12 Travel. Inc. v. Delta Airlines. Inc.. 164 F.3d 186 (3d Cir.1 998)). As to the first element, "( w )hether the reasonably understand the plaintiff to be the person intended." D¡;kstra v. Westerink, 168 N.J.Super. 128. 401 A.2d 1118 (App.Div.1979). However, Plaintiff meaning of a statement is susceptible of a defamatory meaning is a question of law for the cour." Hi££ins v. Pascack Valley Hosv., 158 N.J. 404. 426. 730 A.2d 327 (1999) (quoting Ward v. Zelikovsky. 136 N.J. 516.529.643 A.2d 972 (1994)). Therefore, the Cour must first determne whether the statements described by the deposition testimony above can be considered defamatory statements of fact. has produced no evidence from which the Cour can conclude that the person who received this message reasonably understood it to refer to Plaintiff. First, Plaintiff does not establish who the actual recipient is.FN11 The most that can be inferred from the deposition testimony is that the email was sent to "Google." Second, although Plaintiff argues that "Go ogle" can identify Plaintiff by checking its Adwords records of recent bidding, Plaintiff has not established that it was the only part bidding on the phrase "humble abode" through Adwords. *11 Additionally, Plaintiff has not even attempted to f161ri 71f81f191r201 Generally, a statement that is communicated to third parties is defamatory if it is false and "tends to lower the subject's reputation in the estimation of the communty or to deter thid persons from associating with him." Lynch v. New Jersey Educ. Ass'n, 161 NJ. 152. 164-65.735 A.2d provide any evidence to establish that any of the statements by Wickersham were false. Having failed to make a suffcient showing as to all of the elements of its claim, Plaintiff cannot defeat Defendant's 1129 (1999). Whether a particular statement is defamatory depends on its "content, verifiability, and context." !d. at 167. 735 A.2d 1129. An evaluation of "content" includes consideration of the statement's motion for summary judgment. As the Supreme literal meanig as well as "the fair and natual meaning that reasonable people of ordinary intelligence would give to it." Id Verifiability refers Cour has stated (T)he plain language of Rule 56(c) mandates the entry of surary judgment, after adequate time for to whether a statement can be proven tre or false, and statements that are not verifiable, such as insults discovery and upon motion, against a part who fails to make a showing suffcient to establish the existence of an element essential to that part's case, and on which that part wil bear the burden of proof and name-calling, even if offensive, are not defamatory. !d. Similarly, opinons are not actionable uness they imply false underlying facts. Id The last at triaL. In such a situation, there can be "no genuine component, context, is examined because it bears upon the "fair and natual meaning" of a statement. !d. at 168. 735 A.2d 1129. ii Examining Wickersham's deposition testimony issue as to any material fact," since a complete failure of proof concernng an essential element of the nonmoving part's case necessarily renders all other facts immateriaL. The moving part is "entitled to a judgment as a matter of law" because the nonmoving part has failed to make a suffcient showing on an excerpts listed above, the Cour finds that all but the first one require very little discussion. Plaintiff has simply not established that the communications essential element of her case with respect to which she has the burden of proof. Celotex Corvo v. Catrett. 477 U.S. 317. 322-23. 106 described in excerpts numbered ii through vii above are "defamatory statements of fact." In many cases the deposition testimony pointed to by Plaintiff is not specific enough to discern the actual statement or its context. To the extent that a statement may S.Ct. 2548. 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986). rn Plaintiffs trade disparagement claim fails as discernable, it is not defamatory and/or does not refer to Plaintiff. well. The elements of trade libel are: (1) publication; (2) with malice; (3) of false allegations concerng its propert, product or business, and (4) special (22) The first excerpt listed requires just slightly more discussion. It describes an email sent to Google in which Wickersham refers to "a competitor" who is damages, i.e. pecunary harm. Mayf!Olver Transit. 314 F.Supp.2d at 378. See also Patel v. Soriano, 369 N.J.Super. 192. 247. 848 A.2d 803 (App.Div.2004) attempting to "steal customers" by bidding on Humble's company name through Adwords. On its face, this email does not refer by name to Plaintiff or its website. It is tre, as Plaintiff argues, that the (proof of damages is essential in an action for trade libel). Plaintiff has made no attempt to provide any evidence of malice, falsity or damages. Accordingly, Defendants' motion shall be granted with respect to Plaintiffs defamation and trade disparagement actual naming of Plaintiff is not a necessary element in a defamation action, so long as "there is such claims. reference to him that those who read or hear the libel (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 13 of 18 Page 13 C. Humble's Motion for Summary Judgment on Its With the limited evidence presented by Humble, the Cour is unable to conclude that Humble has Counterclaims and Third Party Claims a. Infringement and Unfair Competition established that its umegistered product names are valid and protectable marks. Particularly as to the test articulated above, the evidence in this case is unclear In its pleading, Humble asserts that Buying and third part defendant Ross FN12 engaged in unfair as to how Humble actually used its product names. The only evidence in the record regarding these competition under the Lanham Act, and unfair competition, including trademark infringement under state law. As discussed earlier, the threshold issue on a claim for trademark infringement or unfair competition is whether there exists a valid and product names is from the Certification of James Wickersham, which states that "as a result of its investment in the development and promotion of its website, Humble Abode also has trademark rights in protectable mark. HUMBLE ABODE is registered as a service mark and is entitled to a presumption of validity. 15 U.S.c. 1115(a). Buying has not pointed to evidence overcomig this presumption, but argues that Humble's registration is irrelevant to the present case because this case "involves the sale of goods, numerous product names for its bedroom futue including but not limited to the following trademarks for futue items: ACCOLADE, ALABASTER, ... (listing product names)." FNl3 Wickersham Cert. at ii 5 (incorporating by reference ir 16 of Humble's Counterclaims and Cross-Claims). Also, Humble's not services." PI. Brf. at 22. f241 While a service mark and a trademark are Rule 56.1 statement, in a point undisputed by Buying, states that "(a)t the time this suit was fied, Humble Abode utilized various product names for the bedroom fuitue it sells, including but not limited to separate designations, they are similar in many ways. The purose of a trademark is to distinguish one the following name for fuiture items: ACCOLADE, part's goods from those made by another, and a service mark is used to distinguish services in the ALABASTER, (listing product names)." Statement of Material Facts at ii 3. Of course, Wickersham stating that Humble "has trademark same manner. In either case the marks are used to indicate the distinctive source of the goods or services. The services involved in this case involve the online retailing of bedroom futue. Moreover, a mark provides protection not only for the product or service to which it is originally applied but also to related items or services. See Boston Athletic Ass'n v. Sullvan, 867 F.2d 22. 27 (1 st Cir.1989). Consequently, the Cour is unpersuaded by Buying's argument with respect to the validity of Humble's rights" in its product names does not make it so, but the certification does, at a minimum, establish that Humble used certain product names. However, nowhere does Humble provide evidence of how the product names are used, where they appeared, if and how they were communicated to prospective purchases, or even to what kinds of items they refer. Without this information, the Cour is unable to mark. perform any analysis as to the protectability of Humble's futue names and, even more generally, cannot conduct an analysis of Humble's claims as to these product names. This precludes summary judgment in favor of Humble on any of Humble's claims with respect to these product names. The *12 R2 Humble also claims to have trademark rights in over 90 "unique, proprietary and arbitrary product names." Buying argues that the marks are not valid trademarks because they have not been physically affxed to any goods. However, in remainder of the Cour's discussion, therefore, wil focus on the HUMBLE ABODE mark. establishig common law trademark rights, the old rule requiring physical affxation has given way to a more open-ended approach. See 2 McCarty on Trademarks and Unfair Competition & 16:24 (4th ed.). Under the modern rule as set fort in i. Buying's Use of Humble's Mark HUMBLE ABODE Humble provides several screenshots of Buying's Restatement (Thid) of Unfair Competition, common law trademark rights can be acquired when a mark is "actually used." Restatement ~. Such use occurs web pages that use the mark HUBLE ABODE. For example, a page from states: *13 In addition to offering the lowest prices when the mark "is displayed or otherwise made known to prospective purchasers in the ordinary anywhere, we have begun to educate our visitors as to how retailers like Humble Abode sell the same product for much more under a different name. After course of business in a manner that associates the designation with the goods, services, or business of the user." !d. doing a thorough evaluation of every coupon code and sale ever offered at it is clear (Ç 2006 Thomson/est. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ------ F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d ----) Document 33-2 Filed 11/02/2006 Page 14 of 18 Page 14 that the Total Bedroom price is always significantly doing so, to identify by trademark, the competitor's cheaper. For comparison we have listed the Humble Abode product names, to learn more or order, click the product pictue below. goods." 4 McCarthv on Trademarks and Unfair Competition & 25:52 (4th ed.). As noted by the Third Circuit, "(t)he use of a competitor's trademark for Answer at Ex. A and B. Directly below this paragraph is a disclaimer: "Humble Abode and product names are trademarks of LLC. All other trademarks are the propert of the puroses of comparative advertising is not trademark infringement 'so long as it does not contain misrepresentations or create a reasonable likelihood that purchasers wil be confused as to the source, identity, or sponsorship of the advertiser's product.' " G.D. Searle & Co. v. Hudson Pharmaceutical Corv., 715 F.2d 837. 841 (3d Cir.1983) (quoting SSP respective trademark owners." Id. Also from, as found on a page A£ricultural. Etc. v. Orchard-Rite Ltd.. 592 F.2d 1096. 1103 (9th Cir.1979)). *14 In fact, comparative advertising has been providing product detail for one of their beds, is the following: "Total Bedroom has found the same bed renamed. In an effort to clarify the market for futue shoppers, we decided to include a comparison to who sells this as the Montana Wood and Iron Bed." Id. at Ex. C. recognized as a useful tool for consumers in making purchasing decisions. See, e.g., August Storck K.G. v. Nabisco. Inc.. 59 F.3d 616 (1995) ("A use ofa rival's The following appeared on "If you are considering a purchase at Humble Abode ( please read the below bed deal to see how to save $100's on: (listig product names) To see what these beds are called by Fashion Bed Group mark that does not engender confsion about origin or quality is therefore permssible. The use is not just permssible in the sense that one firm is entitled to do everything within legal bounds to undermne a rival; it is beneficial to consumers. They learn at a glance what kind of product is for sale and how it differs (the manufactuer) simply Price Compare Humble Abode by clicking on this link." !d. at Ex. H. from a known benchmark."). Indeed, the Federal Trade Commssion encourages the use of comparative advertsing and has expressly recognized its benefits: Comparative advertising, when trthful and A screen shot shows that a search ru on the Google search engine for the term "humble abode futue" resulted in the appearance of a sponsored advertisement for The advertisement states: "Save on Humble Abode. Find many of the Humble beds at a significant discount." It also provides a link to Id. at Ex. 1. nondeceptive, is a source of important informtion to consumers and assists them in making rational purchase decisions. Comparative advertising encourages product improvement and innovation, and can lead to lower prices in the marketplace. 16 C.F.R. & 14.15(c). Humble also provides several screen shots of searches apparently performed on the Yahoo! search engine using various search phrases that included the words "Humble Abode." Appearing at or near the top of the natual results list (i.e., apparently Im In the context of a trademark infringement claim, the comparative advertising defense raised by Buying falls under the umbrella of "nomiative fair use." Nominative fair use occurs when (1) the alleged infringer uses the trademark holder's mark to describe the trademark holder's product, even if the goal of the accused infringer is to describe his own product; or (2) "if the only practical way to refer to somethig is to use the trademarked term." Century 21 Real unsponsored) are websites purportedly affliated with Buying. The summaries shown on the search engine show that the term "Humble Abode" appears on these websites. Estate Corvo v. Lendingtree, Inc.. 425 F.3d 21 L 214 ii. Fair Use (3d Cir.2005). Consequently, "(i)t must be f261 Buying argues that Humble's Lanham Act and state law claim are barred by the affirtive defense recogned at the outset that 'fair use' presents a fact pattern different from that of a norml infringement suit." Id. at 217. in In Century 21 Real Estate Corp. v. Lending of "fair use" in the form of comparative advertsing. "In general, the law is that it is neither trademark infringement nor unfair competition to trthfully compare competing products in advertising, and in Tree, Third Circuit adopted a two-part approach for nominative fair use cases. First, the plaintiff must (Ç 2006 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. u.s. Govt. Works. Case 1:06-cv-00040-SSB-TSB --- F.Supp.2d ----- F.Supp.2d ----, 2006 WL 3000459 (D.NJ.) (Cite as: --- F.Supp.2d -

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