Obergefell et al v. Kasich et al
NOTICE by Plaintiffs John Arthur, Robert Grunn, David Brian Michener, James Obergefell of Filing Expert Report of Joanna L. Grossman (Attachments: # 1 Expert Declaration, # 2 Exhibit A-Grossman CV, # 3 Exhibit B, Family Law Columns, # 4 Grossman Bibliography) (Martin, Jacklyn)
Exhibit B
Family Law Commentary published on Justia’s Verdict from June 2011 - present
Falling Dominoes: Same-Sex Spouses Gain More Recognition Rights (September 3, 2013).
And They Shall Call Him…? Post-Divorce Disputes Over Children’s Surnames (August 22,
DOMA is Dead: The Supreme Court Rules in United States v. Windsor that the Defense of
Marriage Act is Unconstitutional (June 26, 2013).
Birthright: The Iowa Supreme Court Allows a Lesbian Co-Parent to Be Listed on an Infant’s
Birth Certificate (May 28, 2013).
A Difference of Opinion: Are Universal Life Church Weddings Valid in New York? (May 14,
Victor/Victoria: Michigan Court Says Marriage Still Valid Despite Husband’s Sexual
Reassignment Surgery (April 30, 2013).
Parenthood by Contract: The Kansas Supreme Court Enforces a Lesbian Co-Parenting
Agreement (April 16, 2013).
Going to the Show: The Supreme Court Will Consider Validity of Same-Sex Marriage Bans
(December 11, 2012).
An Historic First: Voters Support Same-Sex Marriage at the Polls (November 13, 2012).
Beware the Undissolved Civil Union: Massachusetts’ Highest Court Says That a Subsequent
Marriage is Polygamy (August 21, 2010).
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Takes Another Bullet: How Can It Survive? (August 7,
Two More Nails in DOMA’s Coffin: Courts Invalidate Federal Law’s Rejection of Same-Sex
Marriage (June 12, 2012).
Is the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Indefensible? A Federal Court Says Yes, in Golinski v.
OPM (March 6, 2012).
The Beginning of the End of the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage Movement (February 7, 2012).
Can Laypersons Ordained Online as Universal Life Church Ministers, or the Like, Officiate at
Weddings? In Some States, the Answer is No (November 21, 2011).
Can Universal Life Church Ministers Officiate at Weddings? In Some States, the Answer is No,
Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns (November 1, 2011).
The Potential Consequences of Adult Adoption for Inheritance: A Recent Virginia Supreme
Court Ruling (October 20, 2011).
Do Lesbian Co-Parents Have Rights? A Recent Ohio Ruling Offers an Unusual Answer (August
23, 2011).
“Respect” or “Defend” Marriage? The Senate Considers a Bill to Repeal the Defense of
Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA): Part Two in a Two-Part Series of Columns (August 9, 2011).
“Respect” or “Defend” Marriage? The Senate Considers a Bill to Repeal the Defense of
Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA): Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns (July 26, 2011).
The Reality Show Sister Wives: Will Its Stars Prevail in Their Civil Rights Lawsuit? (July 18,
Same-Sex Marriage is Legal in New York: The In-State and National Ramifications (June 27,
Family Law Commentary Published on FindLaw’s Writ (October 2000 – December 2010)
Will Gays and Lesbians in Florida Finally Gain the Right to Adopt Children? (October 26,
“Sister Wives”: Will Reality Show Stars Face Prosecution for Polygamy in Utah? (October 4,
“The Kids Are Alright”: Family Life and Family Law on the Big Screen (September 14, 2010).
No Gay Divorces in Texas: An Appellate Court Refuses to Dissolve a Same-Sex marriage
(September 13, 2010).
The Enforceability of Postnuptial Agreements: Massachusetts Weighs In, Part Two in a TwoPart Series of Columns on Postnuptial Agreements (August 3, 2010).
The Enforceability of Postnuptial Agreements: Massachusetts Weighs In, Part One in a TwoPart Series of Columns on Postnuptial Agreements (August 2, 2010).
Is the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Valid? A Federal Court Judge Says No: Part Two in a
Two-Part Series of Columns on the Two Companion DOMA Cases in Massachusetts (July 20,
Is DOMA – The Defense of Marriage Act – Valid? A Federal District Court Judge Says No (July
19, 2010).
New York’s Legislature is on the Brink of Adopting True No-Fault Divorce: What the Change
Would Mean for Unhappy Couples (June 22, 2010).
New York’s Highest Court Recognizes a Lesbian Co-Parent’s Rights, but Affirms an Unpopular
Precedent: Part Two in a Two-Part Series of Columns (May 25, 2010).
New York’s Highest Court Recognizes a Lesbian Co-Parent’s Rights, but Affirms an Unpopular
Precedent: Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns (May 11, 2010).
If Sandra Bullock Divorces Jesse James, What Rights or Privileges Will She Have with Respect
to His Young Daughter Sunny, Whom She Has Helped Raise? (April 13, 2010).
Annulments Based on Fraud: What is the “Essence” of Marriage? Part Two in a Two-Part
Series of Columns on Traditional and Modern Annulment (March 5, 2010).
Annulments Based on Fraud: What is the “Essence” of Marriage? Part One in a Two-Part
Series of Columns on Traditional and Modern Annulment (March 2, 2010).
Elizabeth Edwards v. Andrew Young: Can He Be Held Liable for Contributing to the Failure of
the Edwardses’ Marriage? (February 19, 2010).
Common-Law Marriage: A Nineteenth-Century Relic with Continuing Relevance (February 1,
Time to Revisit Baby M.? A New Jersey Court Refuses to Enforce a Surrogacy Agreement, Part
Two (January 20, 2010).
Time to Revisit Baby M.? A New Jersey Court Refuses to Enforce a Surrogacy Agreement, Part
One (January 19, 2010).
New York’s Highest Court Upholds Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses in Narrow Ruling (November
24, 2009).
The State of the Same-Sex Union: Part Three in a Three-Part Series (August 4, 2009)
The State of the Same-Sex Union: Part Two in a Three-Part Series (July 21, 2009).
The State of the Same-Sex Union: Part One in a Three-Part Series (July 7, 2009).
When Same-Sex Couples Adopt: Problems of Interstate Recognition (June 9, 2009).
The Vermont Legislature, Inventor of the “Civil Union,” Grants Full Marriage Rights to SameSex Couples: Why It Decided Civil Unions Were Not Sufficient to Ensure Equality (April 13,
The Iowa Supreme Court Appeals to Iowa’s Constitution and Iowan Values to Strike Down State
Ban on Same-Sex Marriage – and Renders the Practice Once Again Legal in Three (Make that
Four) States (April 4, 2009).
Who’s Your Daddy? A New York Court Says the Answer Doesn’t Matter When the Court is
Dividing Marital Property (March 31, 2009).
Separate is Not Equal, According to the New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission: The
Implications of Its Findings That the Civil Union Alternative “Invites and Encourages Unequal
Treatment” (January 20, 2009).
Prenuptial Agreements: The Iowa Supreme Court Takes a Strong Pro-Enforcement Stance
(January 6, 2009).
Adoption Rights for Gays and Lesbians in Florida: A Trial Court Rules That the State’s
Longstanding Ban Must End (December 9, 2008).
And Connecticut Makes Three: The State’s Highest Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Ban
Unconstitutional (October 14, 2008).
The California Supreme Court Rules That Fertility Doctors Must Make Their Services Available
to Lesbians, Despite Religious Objections (September 2, 2008).
The Virginia Supreme Court Enforces Vermont’s Custody and Visitation Order Regarding a
Same-Sex Couple’s Child: Why an Anti-Same-Sex Marriage State Recognized a Same-Sex Union
for This Purpose (June 25, 2008).
The California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Marriage for Same-Sex Couples: Why
Domestic Partnerships Are Not Enough: Part Two in a Two-Part Series of Columns (May 28,
The California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Marriage for Same-Sex Couples: Why
Domestic Partnerships Are Not Enough: Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns (May 27,
A New York Appellate Court Gives Effect to a Canadian Same-Sex Marriage: Using Traditional
Rules to Validate a Non-Traditional Marriage (February 6, 2008).
The Rhode Island Supreme Court Denies a Divorce to a Same-Sex Couple That Was Married in
Massachusetts: Why This Case Was Wrongly Decided (December 11, 2007).
Maryland’s Highest Court Rules Against a Claim to a Right to Same-Sex Marriage: Why, in This
Area, Litigation Still Matters (October 2, 2007).
An Ohio Supreme Court Case Interprets the State’s Anti-Same-Sex-Marriage Amendment: How
the Court Protected Unmarried, Cohabitating Couples from Domestic Violence Despite the
Amendment (August 7, 2007).
The Fortieth Anniversary of Loving v. Virginia: The Legal Legacy of the Case that Ended Legal
Prohibitions on Interracial Marriage (June 12, 2007).
The Fortieth Anniversary of Loving v. Virginia: The Personal and Cultural Legacy of the Case
that Ended Legal Prohibitions on Interracial Marriage, Part One in a Two-Part Series (May 30,
All But the Name of Marriage: New Jersey Adopts “Civil Unions” for Same-Sex Couples
(December 26, 2006).
Miller-Jenkins v. Miller-Jenkins, and Vermont versus Virginia: How One Contested Custody
Case Illustrates the Perils of Non-Uniform State Marriage and Parentage Laws (December 12,
The New Jersey Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Decision: Couples Get the Benefits of
Marriage, but Will They Also Get the Name? (October 31, 2006).
Rhode Island Same-Sex Couples Now Can Marry in Massachusetts – But Will Rhode Island
Recognize Their Unions? (October 3, 2006).
The Financial Penalty for Spousal Abuse: A New York Judge Ups the Ante, By Awarding All
Marital Property to the Abuse Victim (September 5, 2006).
The State of the Nation on Same-Sex Marriage: Key Court Losses Mean It May Be Restricted to
Massachusetts for Now (August 8, 2006).
Will the State of Massachusetts Ever Permit Same-Sex Out-of-Staters to Marry? A New Decision
from the State’s Highest Court Leaves Open the Possibility (April 10, 2006).
“Desperate Feminist Wives”: Does the Quest for Marital Equality Doom Marital Happiness?
(April 4, 2006).
New Developments in the Same-Sex Marriage Wars: The Fight Over the Issue in New York, and
the Growing International Acceptance and American Rejection of “Genderless” Marriage
(December 13, 2005).
The Difference Between Recognizing a Same-Sex Marriage and Authorizing One: Why a New
York Appellate Court Got it Wrong (October 20, 2005).
The California Supreme Court Considers Three Broken-Up Lesbian Partnerships, and Finds, in
Each, That a Child Can Have Two Mothers (September 6, 2005).
Is a “Domestic Partnership” the Same as a “Marriage”? No, but the California Supreme Court
Says a “Domestic Partner” is the Same as a “Spouse” (August 9, 2005).
A Loss, in New Jersey, for Proponents of Same-Sex Marriage: A Window into New Claims by
Opponents about the Government’s Interest in Marriage (June 28, 2005).
The One-Year Anniversary of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States: Some Thoughts on
Recent Developments, and on the Future (May 17, 2005).
When Parentage Turns on Anatomical Sex: An Illinois Court Denies a Female-to-Male
Transsexual’s Claim of Fatherhood (March 8, 2005).
Will Non-Resident Same-Sex Couples be Able to Marry in Massachusetts? The State’s Highest
Court Considers the Marriage Evasion Law (March 1, 2005).
A Manhattan Judge Validates Gay Marriage, Creating a Split among New York Courts, and
Setting the Stage for a Court of Appeals Ruling (February 8, 2005).
The Virginia Supreme Court Strikes Down the State’s Fornication Law, Indicating that Other
States’ Antiquated Laws Will Fall if Challenged (January 25, 2005).
Why the U.S. Supreme Court Should have Chosen to Review a Florida Gay Adoption Case: The
Law at Issue was Invidious, and the Case Offered a Chance to Clarify a Key Precedent (January
12, 2005).
The Canadian Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Decision: An Interesting Contrast to the
United States’s Law (December 14, 2004).
Will New York Finally Adopt True No-Fault Divorce? Recent Proposals to Amend the State’s
Archaic Divorce Law (October 20, 2004).
Is Britney Spears Legally Married? And if So, is Her Prenup Enforceable? (September 27,
The Proposed Marriage Protection Act: Why it May be Unconstitutional (July 27, 2004).
As the Federal Marriage Amendment Fails in the Senate, Recent and Older Examples in Legal
History Provide Insight (July 15, 2004).
Same-Sex Couples Prepare to Marry in Massachusetts, but the Governor Invokes an Archaic
Marriage Evasion Act to Stop Out-of-Staters from Taking Vows (May 18, 2004).
A New York Court Authorizes a Lesbian Couple’s Joint Adoption of a Child: Part of a Growing
Same-Sex Adoption Trend (April 19, 2004).
San Francisco Takes Center Stage by Permitting Gay Couples to Marry: The Legal Questions
the City’s Actions Raise (February 24, 2004).
How Same-Sex Marriage Became Legal in Massachusetts: The State’s Supreme Court Rebukes
its Legislature’s Attempt to “Circumvent” the Court’s Decision (February 6, 2004).
The New Jersey Domestic Partnership Law: Its Formal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples, and
How It Differs from Other States’ Approaches (January 13, 2004).
Punishing Adultery in Virginia: A Cheating Husband’s Guilty Plea is a Reminder of the
Continued Relevance of Adultery Statutes (December 16, 2003).
Are Bans on Same-Sex Marriage Constitutional? New Jersey Says Yes, but Massachusetts, in a
Landmark Decision, Says No (November 20, 2003).
The Consequences of Lawrence v. Texas: Justice Scalia is Right that Same Sex Marriage Bans
are at Risk, but Wrong that a Host of Other Laws are Vulnerable (July 8, 2003).
Vermont Civil Unions: Will Sister States Recognize Them? An Early Status Report (May 20,
Does Discrimination Against Gay Men and Lesbians Count as Sex Discrimination? The Supreme
Court May Soon Give an Answer (March 25, 2003).
Should a Surviving “Spouse” in a Same-Sex Couple be Permitted to Sue for Wrongful Death? A
New York Court will Have a Chance to Decide (February 25, 2003).
The Dark Side of Annulment: How a Divorce Alternative Became the Center of a Landmark
Trial Early in Our History (August 5, 2002).
Should the Law be Kinder to “Kissin’ Cousins”?: A Genetic Report Should Cause a Rethinking
of Incest Laws (April 8, 2002).
In a Decision Rejecting a Transsexual’s Marital Union, Kansas Embraces Traditional Marriage
– Or Does It? (March 26, 2002).
Two New, But Opposing, Developments for Gay and Lesbian Parents: A Pediatricians’ Group
Supports Gay Relationships, but a George Court Does Not (February 12, 2002).
Fault-Based Divorce is Alive and Well in New York, as Two Recent Decisions Show (January 15,
Who Gets the Engagement Ring When the Wedding is Off? (October 23, 2001).
The Cost of Hitting your Wife with a Barbell: Fault and the Division of Marital Property
(August 14, 2001).
Whom Can Transsexuals Marry? And From Whom Can They Inherit? (June 5, 2001).
Dissolving Unhappy Vermont Civil Unions: It’s Harder than It Looks (April 24, 2001).
Adopting Adults: An Estate Planning Device for Gay Partners (January 16, 2001).
Beauty and the Billionaire: Anna Nicole Smith and the Rights of the Surviving Spouse – Part I
(November 21, 2000).
Beauty and the Billionaire, Part Two: Anna Nicole Smith Goes to Trial (November 5, 2000).
What’s in a Name? Why Gay Couples Should be Allowed to Adopt Each Other’s Surnames –
Part II (October 17, 2000).
What’s in a Name? Why Gay Couples Should be Allowed to Adopt Each Other’s Surnames –
Part I (October 16, 2000).
Who Wants an Annulment? (July 11, 2000).
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