Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC

Filing 53

Report (TRAFFIC INFORMATION, LLC'S OPENING CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF). Filed by Traffic Information LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix, # 2 Attachment, # 3 Attachment, # 4 Attachment, # 5 Attachment, # 6 Attachment, # 7 Attachment, # 8 Attachment, # 9 Attachment, # 10 Attachment) (Quisenberry, C.)

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Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC Doc. 53 Att. 7 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 DETAILED ACTION Page 2 1. This office action is responsive to applicant's amendment filed on 7/24/01. Claim Rejections 35 USC 5 103 - 2. The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action: (a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed,or described as set forth in section 102 of this tile, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made. 3. Claims 1, 6, 7, 8, 11-13, 16, 19, and 24 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 1O3(a) as being unpatentable over Albrecht et al. (U.S. Patent No. 5,812,069) in view of Fan et al. (U.S. Patent No. 5,959,577). In regard to claim I , Albrecht discloses: - A plurality of traffic monitors 20, each said traffic monitor comprises at least a detector and a transmitter (see col. 4 lines 87-40), said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals (see col. 4 lines 37-40 and Fig.); - A receiver 31, remotely located from said transmitter, that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors (see Fig and col. 4 lines 40-44); - a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network (see col. 4 lines 43-45). Although, Albrecht discloses a computer system, a mobile user station, a GPS receiver, he fails to disclose the connection among them with a display A000215 ApplicationlControl Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 3 using a communicating device. Furthermore, he fails to disclose that the computer system provide response to the mobile user station in response to request made by said mobile user stations. Fan discloses: - a mobile unit 3 connected to a global positioning system receiver 8 (see Fig. I ) , a mobile unit having a display (see Fig. 12))communicating device (see ); Fig. I which corresponds to step (d) of claim 1; - a computer system provides response to the mobile user stations in response to request made by said mobile user stations (see abstract and col. 1 line 64col. 2 line 24). At the time of the invention, it would have been obvious to one of the ordinary skill in the art to include Fan's travel relating information network with Albrecht's traffic flows forecasting method so that vehicle movement can be monitored and travel-related information can be transmitted to the vehicles (see Fan col. 1 lines 10-12). In regard to claim 16, Albrecht discloses: - a plurality of vehicles 11, each vehicle comprising at least a mobile user station a global positioning system receiver and a transmitter (see col. 4 lines 36-37 and col. 4 lines 59-63) said mobile user station providing a signal including data representative of a location of said mobile user station and at . . -- J " ' I -I;,- I' ' :I' A000216 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 4 least one of a speed of said vehicle (see col. 4 lines 36-37 and col. 4 lines 59-63). - a receiver 31, remotely located from said transmitter, that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors (see Fig and col. 4 lines 40-44); - a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network (see col. 4 lines 43-45). Although, Albrecht discloses a computer system, a mobile user station, a GPS receiver, he fails to disclose that the computer system provide response to the mobile user station in response to request made by said mobile user stations. Fan discloses: - a computer system provides response to the mobile user stations in response to request made by said mobile user stations (see abstract and col. 1 line 64col. 2 line 24). At the time of the invention, it would have been obvious to one of the ordinary skill in the art to include Fan's travel relating information network with Albrecht's traffic flows forecasting method so that vehicle movement can be monitored and travel-related information can be transmitted to the vehicles (see Fan col. 1 lines 10-12). In regard to claim 6, Albrecht discloses that said traffic detector detects vehicular speed (see col. 3 lines 6647). A000217 ApplicationlControl Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 5 In regard to claims 7 and 8, Fan discloses that at least one of said transmitters transmits directly to said receiver; at least one of said transmitters transmits to another traffic monitor (see Fig. 1 and col. 1 line 64-col. 2 line 24). In regard to claim 11, Fan discloses that the mobile unit provides latitude and longitude information to said computer system (see col. 3 lines 11-16 and col. 4 lines 55-65). In regard to claim 12, Fan discloses that said computer system selects said traffic information to provide to said mobile user station based on a signal received from said global positioning system receiver (see col. cot. 1 line 64col. 2 line 24). In regard to claims 13, 19 and 24, Fan discloses that said computer system maintains a traffic information database containing data representative of traffic at a plurality of locations and updates said traffic information database in response to signals received from said mobile user station; they also disclose that the computer screens data providing by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traffic conditions (see col. 4 lines 41-65). A000218 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 6 Claim Rejections 35 USC 5 703 4. - The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action: (a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth in section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made. 5. Claims 2-4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17 and 20-23 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Albrecht et al. (U.S. Patent No. 5,812,069) in view of Fan et al. (U.S. Patent No. 5,959,577) as applied to claims 1 and 16 above and further in view of Lappenbusch et al. (U.S. Patent No. 5,982,298). In regard to claims 2-4, 14, 17, 20, 22, and 23, although Fan disclose a display (see Figs. 12 and 13), Albrecht and Fan fail to disclose that said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display. They also fail to disclose that said traffic information is displayed together with a video image and a text message. Lappenbusch discloses that said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; In addition, Lappenbusch discloses that said traffic information is displayed together with a video image and a text message (see Figs. 4-8; col. 1 lines 28-33; and col. 9 lines 37-50). A000219 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 7 At the time of the invention it would have been obvious to one skilled in the art to utilize Lappenbusch's graphical display with the combined traffic information system of Abrecht and Fan because it would provide a vehicle monitoring system that can deployed on a world-wide basis at minimum cost since the cost of communication in the internet is inexpensive (see I Lappenbusch col. I lines 13-33). In regard to claims 9 and 10, Lappenbusch discloses that at least one of said traffic monitors includes a video camera; at least said detector is a video camera (see Fig. 1). At the time of the invention it would have been obvious to one skilled in the art to utilize Lappenbusch 's camera with the combined travel information system of Albrecht and Fan so that continuous images and live feeds conditions can be provided (see Lappenbusch col.Ilines 15-18). In regard to claims 15 and 21, Fan discloses that said mobile user station has an input mechanism to select a mode in which traffic information graphically on said display (see Figs. 12 and 13). A000220 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Allowable Subject Matter 6. Page 8 Claims 5 and 18 are objected to as being dependent upon a rejected base claim, but would be allowable if rewritten in independent form including all of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening claims. In regard to claims 5 and 18, none of the above cited references, either singularly or in combination, teach or fairly suggest: "said computer system has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits map information representative of a portion of said map database, and said map information representative of said map database is displayed graphically together with said traffic information." 7. Claims 25-38 allowable because none of the above cited references, either singularly or in combination, teach or fairly suggest: "at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for information together with a respective location of said mobile user stations, and in , response thereto, said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said map database and selected portions of said traffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations". A000221 Application/Control Numbsr: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 9 Response to Arguments 8. Applicant's arguments filed on 7/24/01 have been considered but are moot in view of the new ground(s) of rejection based on Albrecht et a). (U.S. Patent Conclusion 9. Applicant's amendment necessitated the new ground(s) of rejection presented in this Office action. Accordingly, THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. See MPEP § 706.07(a). Applicant is reminded of the extension of time policy as set forth in 37 CFR 1. I 36(a). A shortened statutory period for reply to this final action is set to expire THREE MONTHS from the mailing date of this action. In the event a first reply is filed within TWO MONTHS of the mailing date of this final action and the advisory action is not mailed until after the end of the THREE-MONTH shortened statutory period, then the shortened statutory period will expire on the date the advisory action is mailed, and any extension fee pursuant to 37 CFR 1.136(a) will be calculated from the mailing date of the advisory action. In no event, however, will the statutory period for reply expire later than SIX MONTHS from the date of this final action. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Marthe Y. Marc-Coleman whose telephone number is A000222 Application/Control Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 (703) 305-4970. -The examiner can normally be reached on Monday - Thursday (9:30AM - 8:OOPM). Page 10 If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, William Cuchlinski can be reached on (703) 308-3873. The fax phone numbers for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned are (703) 305-7687 for regular communications and (703) 308-8623 for After Final communications. Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding should be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number is (703) 3081111. Patent Examiner Marthe Marc-Coleman August 22,2001 mvfl A000223 c Notice of References Cited I ApplicationLontrol No. 091550,476 . 'eexamination Art Unit 366 1 lpplicant(s)/Patent Under DEKOCK ET AL. Page 1 of 1 Examiner Marthe Y. Marc-Coleman U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS * A B Document Number Country Code-Number-KindCode Date MM-WW Name Classiflcat~on US-5812069 USUSUS- 09-1998 Albrecht et al. 340 905 c D E F USUSUSUSUSUSUSUSUSFOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Document Number Country Code-Number-Kmd Code Date MM-YYYY G H I J K L M * N 0 country Name Classiflcatlon P Q R S T * NON-PATENT DOCUMENTS Include as applicable. Author, Title Date, Publisher, Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages) I'A copy of this reference is not being furnishedwith this O f f i action. (See MPEP § 707.05(a).) I1 Dates in MM-WW format are publicationdates. Classificationsmay be US or foreign. US. Patent and Trademark Ollice PTO-8Q2(Rev. 01-2001) Notice o f References Cited Part of Paper No. 6 A000224 Application No. 091550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION EXAMINING OPERATIONS Applicant: Serial No.: Filed : Title : DeKock 09/550,476 Group Art Unit: 3661 Examiner: Coleman, Marc M. SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION ~ p r i 14,2000 l FEB 0 6 2002 AMENDMENT GROUP 3633 1600 ODs Tower 601 SW Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204-3 157 November 16,2001 Box Non-Fee Amendment Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Dear Sir: In response to the Office Action dated August 24,200 1, please amend the r l i c a t i o n asfo~lows: In The Claims: -c\ P ' d ' Please amend the claim 1 as follows: 1.(Amended twice) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least A000225 Application No. 09/550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; a receiver, remotely located from said transmitter, that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system receiver, a display, and a communicating device; and said computer system, in response to a request for traffic information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors. wherein said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein said computer system has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits map information representative of a portion of said map database, and said map information representative of said map database is displayed graphically together with said traffic information. Please amend claim 16 as follows: 16. (Amended twice) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of vehicles, each said vehicle comprising at least a mobile user station, a global positioning system receiver and a transmitter, said mobile user station providing a signal including data representative of a location of said mobile user station and at least one of a speed of said vehicle and A000226 Application No. 091550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 an identification code of said mobile user station and said transmitter transmitting said signal; a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said user stations; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network, said computer system, in response to a request for information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of said signals transmitted by said mobile user stations. wherein said vehicle further comprises a display and said information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein said computer system has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits information representative of a portion of said map database, and said information representative of said map database is displayed graphically. Please cancel claims 2,5, 17 and 18 without prejudice. In the Office Action mailed August 24,2001, the Examiner objected to claims 5 and 18, but indicated that such claims would be allowable if rewritten in independent form to include all of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening claims. Claim 1 has been amended to include the limitations of claims 2 and 5, and claims 2 and 5 have been cancelled. Accordingly, claim 1 is submitted to be allowable. Claims 3-4, and 6-15 depend from claim 1, and hence are also in condition for allowance. Likewise, claim 16 has been amended to include the limitation of claims 17 and A000227 Application No. 091550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 18, and claims 17'and 18 have been cancelled. Claim 16 should therefore be allowable. Claims 19-24 depend from claim 16, and are also in condition for allowance. The Examiner also indicated that claims 25-38 were allowed. Attached hereto is a marked-up version of the changes made to the specification and claims by the current amendment. The attached page is captioned "Version with markings to show changes made." In view of the foregoing amendments and remarks, applicant submits that all of the claims are now in condition for allowance, and respectfully requests the Examiner to pass the claims to issue. Respectfully submitted, \ Reg. No. 38,292 Of Attorneys for Applicant Tel: (503) 227-563 1 I CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Box Non-Fee Amendment, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 2023 1, on November 16,2001. Dated: November 16,2001 L. Russell A000228 Application No. 091550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7 146.019 VERSION WITH MARKINGS TO SHOW CHANGES MADE 1.(Amended twice) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; a receiver, remotely located fi-om said transmitter, that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system receiver, a display, and a communicating device; [and] said computer system, in response to a request for traffic information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors[.] wherein said traffic information transmitted bv said com~uter svstem is graphic all^ on said disulav: and disda~ed wherein said comtmter svstem has a map database. and said com~uter svstem. in response to said request for information, transmits mau information rmresentative of a ort ti on of said map database. and said map information representative of said map database is displaved ma~hically together with said traffic information. (Amended twice) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: A000229 Application No. 091550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 (a) a plurality of vehicles, each said vehicle comprising at least a mobile user station, a global positioning system receiver and a transmitter, said mobile user station providing a signal including data representative of a location of said mobile user station and at least one of a speed of said vehicle and an identification code of said mobile user station and said transmitter transmitting said signal; (b) (c) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said user stations; [and] a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network, said computer system, in response to a request for information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of said signals transmitted by said mobile user stations[.] (d) wherein said vehicle further comurises a disulav and said information transmitted bv said com~uter svstem is displaved maphically on said dis~lav: and wherein said com~uter svstem has a map database. and said comuuter svstem. in response to said reauest for information, transmits information reuresentative of a uortion of said mat, dalabase. and said information reuresentative of said mau database is dis~laved ma~hicallv. A000230 LAW OFFICES ' Ch NOFF, VI LHAUER, MCCLUNG STEL L 6 ,, LLP TIM A. L O N G KURT ROHLFS B R E N N A K. L E G A A R D ' ' J A C O B E. VILHAULR. J R . DENNIS E. STENZEL C H A R L E S 0.M C C L U N G ' DONALD 6.H A S L E T T ' J. P E T E R STAPLES 'WILLIAM 0 . G E N Y ' N A N C Y J. M O R I A R T Y JULIANNEDAVIS R. B R U C E W. DEKOCK KEVIN L. RUSSELL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW INCLUDING PATENT. T R A D E M A R K , COPYRIGHT AND UNFAIR COMPETITION MATTERS R E G I S T E R E D P A T E N T ATTORNEY , 1600 0 0 5 TOWER 6 1 S.W. SECOND A V E N U E 0 ORTLAND, ORECON DAVID S. F I N E SENIOR LAW CLERK 97204-3157 TELEPHONE: (503) 227-5631 FAX: ( 5 0 3 ) 228-4373 November 16, ~OORFCFI\ fr3 ", I&- J if ?*- Box NO FEE AMENDMENT Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Re: United States Application Serial No.09/550,476 Filed: April 4,2000 For: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Dear Sir: Enclosed are the following documents regarding the above-referenced patent application: 1. 2. 3. Transmittal letter in duplicate; Amendment; and Acknowledgment postcard The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of any additional fees or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 03-1550. A duplicate copy of this letter is enclosed. Please address all communications regarding the above-identified patent to Chemoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP at the then current address for payor number 000152. g. No. 38,292 ttorney for Applicant KLR:fpv Enclosures A000231 Application Number TRANSMITTAL FORM (to be used for all correspondence after initial filing) Filing Date First Named Inventor Group Art Unit Examiner Name I DeKock 3661 1 ( Coleman. Marc M. '''ti:?; r F. . i A 'L " N \,-q , .rp , Total Number of Pages in this Submission 7 I ** , ,$>.,? I Attorney Docket Number I --- - ,,,-. .I, /. ; : % ? , .3' KLR:7116.004 ENCLOSURES (check all that ~ D D ~ V ) [7 Fee transmittal [7 Fee attached form Amendment Assignment Papers (for an application) [7 After Allowance Communication to Group n~ppeal Communication to Board of Appeals and Interferences q After Final1Response ~~ffidavitsl~eclaration(s) C] Licensing Related Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTOISBl69) and Accompanying Petition n~ppeal Communication to Groul: (Appeal Notice, Brief, Reply Brief) Extension of Time Request [7 Proprietary Information q Express Abandonment Request q Petition to Convert to a Provisional q Status Letter Additional Enclosures (identify below) Application [7 lnformation Disclosure Statement [7 Power of Attorney, Revocation, Change of CorrespondenceAddress q Certified copy of Priority Documents Terminal Disclaimer 1. Transmittal Letter 2. Acknowledgment Postcard q Response to Missing Parts1 Incomplete Application [7 Small Entity Statement Request for Refund Remarks: q Response to Missing Parts Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53 FEB 0 6 & ? -SIGN41JRE OF APPLICANT, AlTORNEY OR AGENT Firm or Individual Name Signature Date Kevin L. Russell I I 1 Gvember 16.2001 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that, on the date shown below, this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service in an envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C.. 20231 with sufficient postage as first class mail as "Express Mail Post Oftice to Addressee" - mailing label no. Type or print name Signature Kevin L. Russell Date November 16,2001 A000232 Feb-14-02 01:53pm From4, Application No.091550,476 Atromey Docket No.KLR 7146.019 TNTFE UNITED STATlES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE FEB 14 7002 Applicant: Serial No.: Grou~ Unit: 3661 Art L Examiner: Coleman, M r M. ac GROUP 3600 jC pS Filed : Title : SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION April 14,2000 0 J , $ AMENDMENT 1600 ODs Tower 601 SW Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204-3 157 F e b r u i 14,2002 Box Non-Fee Amendment Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C.2023 1 Dear Sir: In response to the Office Action dared August 24,2001, please amend the application a s follows: In The Claims: ---- Please mend the claim 1 as follows: A A A -- ".&- - + -LA- .- -me.- - 1.(Amended twice) A system for providing traffic infbrmation to a pluralify of c/\ mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plwality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a A000233 Feb-14-02 02 :64pm From- Application No. 09/550,476 Attorney Docket No.KLR 7146.019 detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data rspresentadve of vchicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; a receiver, remotely locared from said transmitter, hat receives said signals transmitted by said uaffic monitors; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system receivm, a display, and a communicating device; and said computer system, in response to a request for traffic information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors. wherein said traffic infoqation transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein said computer system has a map database, and said computer system,in response to said requao for information, transmirs map information representative of a portion of said map dambase, and said map informadon representative of said map database is displayed graphically - together with said rdffic information. z /f.(amen&d once) The system of claim 1 wherein said traffic information i s displayed together with a video image. 3 /.(amended 2 1 _l .- - once) The system of claim 1 wherein said trafficinformation is displayed with a text message. L .> - -I Please amend claim 1 as follows: 6 I J - b. (Amended twice) A system for providing traffic information to a plurdity of A000234 Fsb-14-02 02: 64pm From- T-886 P . OO4/OO8 F-301 Applicados NO. O9/550,476 Attorney Docket No.KLR 7146.019 mobile users connected to a network, c m r s n : opiig a plurality of vehicles, each said vehicle comprising at least a mobile user station, a global positioning system receiver and a transmitter, said mobile user station providing a signal including data representative of a location of said mobile user station and at least one of a speed of said vehicle and an identification code of said mobile user station and said transmitter transmitting said signal; a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said user stations; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver md said network,said computer system, in response to a request for information from one of said mobile user stations, providing in response thereto to said one of said mobile user stations informarion representative of said signals transmirtcd by said m b l user srations. oie wherein said vehicle further comprises a display and said information transmitted by mid computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein raid computer sysrem has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits information representative of a portion of said map database, and said information representative of said map database is displayed graphically. '?B.(amsnded once) The system ofclaim wherein the location of ndd one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphically on raid display together with said traffic infomation provided by said computer system. 2d .(amended once) jn J The syskm of wherein said mobile user station has an input mechanism ro select different modes of displaying rrafllc information on said display. Please cancel claims 2 , 5 , 17 and 18 without prejudice. A000235 App8cauon No.091550.476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 In rhe Officc Action mailed August 24,2001, rhe Examiner objected to claims 5 and 18, bur indicated that such claims would be allowable if rewritten in independent form to include all of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening claims- Claim 1has been arnendcd to include the limitations of claims 2 and 5 , and claims 2 and 5 have been cancelled. Accordingly, claim X is submitred to be allowable. Claims 3-4, and 6-15 depend h m claim 1, and hence are also in condition for allowance. Likewise, claim 1 has been amended to include the limitation of claims 17 and 18, 6 and claims 17 and 18 have been cancelled. Claim 16 should therefore be allowable. and claims by the current amendment. The attached page is captioned "Version with marshow - Claims 19-24 depend from claim 16, and are also in condition for allowance. The Examiner also indicated that claims 25-38 were allowed. Attached herao is a marked-up version of the changes made to the specification 39 made- In view o the foregoing amndmenrs and remarks, applicanr submits that all of the f claims are now in condition for allowance, and respectl'ully requests the Examiner to pass the claims ro issue, Respectfully submitted, A Reg. No. 40,585 Of Attorneys for Applicant Tel: (503)227-5631 A000236 Fob-14-02 02 : 5 4 ~ From- Application No.09/550,476 Attorney Docket No. KLR 7146.019 1hereby certify that this correspondence is being faxcd to Examiner Martbe MarcColeman at (703)305-7687 on February 14,2002. Dated: February 14,2002 / Bruce W. DeKock A000237 Feb-14-02 02:64pm From- Application No.091550,476 Attorney Docket No.KLR 7146.019 l.(Amended twice) A system for providing maffic information ro a plurality of mobilc users connected to a network, comprising: a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and EI transmitter, said detcctor pmviding a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitdng said signals; a receiver, remotely located &om said transmitter, that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; and a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system recciver, a display, and a communicating device; [and] said computer system, in response to a request for traffic information from one of sdd mobilc user stations, providing in response thereto to sdd one of said mobile user stations trafAc information represcnmtive of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors[.J w -vcd i transmitted bv w - u t e r svstem is sraahically on said dis~lav: and map wherein said c w u t e r svsem has a man database. and said comnutq jnforrnation rea~enrative a uortion of said of &abase. and said m a ma^ info o n W renresentative of said mar,database is &laved said traffk informati- nraphically The system of claim [2] $ wherein said traffic information is displayed together with a video image. The sysem of claim [2] 1 wherein said traffic information is displayed with 4. A000238 Appkarion No.09/550,476 Arta~ney Docket No. KLR 7 146.019 a text measage. 16. (~mcnded twice) A system for providing traffic infoimation to a plurali~y of mobile users connected co a network, comprising: a plurality of vehicles, each said vehicle comprising at least a mobiIe user (a) station, a global positioning system receiver and a transmitter, said mobile user station providing a signal including dau represemtative of a location of said mobile user station and at l e e t one of a speed of said vehicle and an identification code of said mobile user station and said transmitter transmitting said signal; (b) (c) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said user stations; [and] a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network, said computer system, i response to a request for information from one of said n mobile user stations, providing in response thereto lo said one of said mobile user stations information representative of said signals transmined by said mobile user stations[.l (d) wherein said vehicle further corn~rises dis~lau said information, a and t t d disdav; and w a r n u t e g a reuresentative of said man database is dissllaved a a p h i c a l l ~ The system of claim [17] 1 wherein the location of said one of said mobile 6 a * 20. user stations is displayed graphically on said display together with said traffic information provided by said computer system. 21. The system of claim [17] wherein said mobile user station has an input 16 mechanism to select diffe~ent modes of displaying traffic information on said display. A000239 1600 ODs Tower 60 1 S W 2* Avenue Porrland, Oregon 97204-3 157 Telephone (503) 227-563 1 Facsimile (503) 228-4373 FAX RECEIVED FEB 1 4 2002 E COVER SHEET GROUP 3600 TO: Marthe Marc-Coleman (703) 305-7687 FAX NO.: FROM: Bruce W. DeKock DATE: February 14,2002 No. of pages following this sheet: This responds to the E a i e ' telephone call to Kevin Russell requesting a revised amendment xmnrs that corrects the numbering of the dependent claims. Please call Bruce DeKack if them ate any questions or if additional. material is needed. 1 transmiasion is being sent by a XEROX 7020 Facsimile machine. If you have trouble receiving the uansmission or if fewer than the number of pages shown above are received, please call Melodv at (503) 227-5631. t7% P Return messages can be sent i eithcr a CCITT Group 2 or Group 3 mode to (503) 228-4373. n A000240 c Notice of Allowability Application No. 091550,476 Examiner DEKOCK ET AL. Art Unit . The MAILING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence addressAll claims being allowable, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application. If not included herewith (or previously mailed), a Notice of Allowance (PTOL-85) or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. THlS NOTICE OF ALLOWABILITY IS NOT A GRANT OF PATENT RIGHTS. This application is subject to withdrawal from issue at the initiative of the Oftice or upon petition by the applicant. See 37 CFR 1.313 and MPEP 1308. This communication is responsive to 2/14/02. The allowed claim(@islare and 19-38. The drawings filed on are accepted by the Examiner. 4. C] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. a) All b) 0 Some' c) None of the: 1. 2. 3. - 1. 2. 3. 5 119(a)-(d) or (9. Certified copies of the priority documents have been received. Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. . Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this national stage application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)). * Certified copies not received: . 5. [X1 Acknowledgment is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) (to a provisional application). 6. (a) The translation of the foreign language provisional application has been received. Acknowledgment is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. 95 120 andlor 121. Applicant has THREE MONTHS FROM THE "MAILING DATE" of this bmmunication to file a reply complying with the requirements noted below. Failure to timely comply will result in ABANDONMENT of this application. THlS THREE-MONTH PERIOD IS NOT EXTENDABLE. 7. C] A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION must be submitted. Note the attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF INFORMAL PATENT APPLICATION (PTO-152) which gives reason@)why the oath or dedaration is deficient. 8. [XI CORRECTED DRAWINGS must be submitted. (a) including changes required by the Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review ( PTO-948) attached I) hereto or 2) to Paper No. 3. including changes required by the proposed drawing correction filed , which has been approved by the Examiner. (b) q (c) including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment / Comment or in the Offke action of Paper No. . Identifying indicia such as the application number (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) should be written on the drawings In the top margin (not the back) of each sheet. The drawings should be filed as a separate paper with a transmittal letter addressed to the Official Draftspenon. 9. DEPOSIT O F andlor INFORMATION about the deposit of BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL must be submitted. Note the attached Examiner's comment regarding REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL. 1 0 Notice of References Cited (PTO-892) 3 0 Notice of Draftperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948) 5 0 Information Disclosure Statements (PTO-1449), Paper No. -. 7 0 Examiner's Comment Regarding Requirement for Deposit of Biological Material 2 4 6 8 0 Notice of Informal Patent Application (PTO-152) 0 Interview Summary (PTO-413), Paper No.. 0 Examiner's AmendmentIComment N Examiner's Statement of Reasons for Allowance /&/ /&e t r hO WILLIAM A. CUCHLINSKI, JR. SUPERVISORV PATENT EXAMINER TECHNOLOGY CENTER 3600 U S. Patmt and TRdemak Olllce PTO-37 (Rev. 04-01) Notice of Allowability Part of Paper No. 9 A000241 ApplicationlControl Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 REASONS FOR ALLOWANCE 1. The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for allowance: Page 2 U.S. Patent No. 5,821,069 discloses a method and a system which make reliable forecasting of the traffic flows at selected locations or in selected sections of a road network possible and thereby permit, in particular, effective traffic direction and guiding of vehicles to their destinations. to communicate with all of the vehicle control units and with passenger telephones. U.S. Patent No. discloses a method is provided for processing position and travel related information through a data processing station on a data network. In one embodiment, a GPS receiver is used to obtain a measured position fix of a mobile unit. The measured position fix is reported to the data processing station whiCh associates the reported position to a map of the area. Typically, the measured position of the mobile unit is marked and identified by a marker on the map. The area map is then stored in the data processing station and made available for access by authorized monitor units or mobile units. An authorized monitor unit may request for a specific area map by sending a request through the data network. Upon receiving a request, the data processing unit sends the area map to the monitor unit. Data processing station may also perform a database search for travel-related information, such as directions to a gasoline station. None of the above-cited references either singularly or in combination teach or fairly disclose: A000242 ApplicationlControl Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 Page 3 "wherein said computer system has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits map information representative of a portion of said map database, and said map information representative of said map database is displayed graphically together with said traffic information". "at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for information together with a respective location of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said map database and selected portions of said traffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations." 2. Any comments considered necessary by applicant must be submitted no later than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably accompany the issue fee. Such submissions should be clearly labeled "Comments on Statement of Reasons for Allowance." Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Marthe Y Marc-Coleman whose telephone number is (703) 305-4970. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday from 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM. If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, William A Cuchlinski can be reached on (703) 308-3873. The fax phone numbers for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned are (703) A000243 ApplicationIControl Number: 091550,476 Art Unit: 3661 305-7687 for regular communications and (703) 305-7687 for After Final communications. Page 4 Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding should be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number is (703) 308- 1113. Patent Examiner Marthe Marc-Coleman February 19,2002 ~Akq WL I M A. C C LN K, JR. I LA U HI S I SUPERWSORY PATENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER 360 M~M A000244 UNITED STATES PATENT TRADEMARK OFFIGE AND Addreae U N I T D STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMEECE United Stmtem Pateut and Trademark Offtoe COMMIBSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARIW Washmgtorr D C 20291 WWW "apt0 gov NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE AND FEE(S) DUE 7590 02/20/2002 Bruce W DeKock 1600 ODs Tower 801 S W Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 1 I ART UNIT EXAMINER I CLASS-SUBCLASS MARC COLEMAN, MARTHE Y I I DATE MAILED: 0212012002 APPLICATION NO. FILING DATE I FIRST NAMED INVENTOR ATTORNEY DOCKET N . O CONFIRMATIONNO. 091550,476 0411412000 Bruce W. DeKock BWD-7118.004 8794 TITLE OF INVENTION: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION TOTAL CLAIMS APPLN TYPE SMALL ENTITY ISSUE FEE PUBLICATION FEE TOTAL FEE@) DUE DATE DUE 34 nonprovisional YES $640 $0 $640 05/20/2002 I PRosECUTIoN THE APPLICATION IDENTIFIED ABOVE HAS BEEN EXAMINED AND IS ALLOWED FOR ISSUANCE AS A PATENT. MERITS IS CLOSED.THIS NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE IS NOT A GRANT OF PATENT RIGHTS. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO WITHDRAWAL FROM ISSUE AT THE INITIATIVE OF THE OFFICE OR UPON PETITION BY THE APPLICANT. SEE 37 CFR 1.313 AND MPEP 1308. THE ISSUE FEE AND PUBLICATION FEE (IF REQUIRED) MUST BE PAID WITHIN THREE MONTW FROM THE $TATUTC)RY MAILING DATE OF THIS NOTICE OR THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE REGARDED AS ABANDONED. . SEE PERIODCANNOT m 35 U.S.C. 151. THE ISSUE FEE DUE INDICATED ABOVE REFLECTS A CREDIT FOR ANY PREVIOUSLY PAID ISSUE FEE APPLIED IN THIS APPLICATION. THE PTOL-85B (OR AN EQUIVALENT) MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN THIS PERIOD EVEN IF NO FEE IS DUE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REGARDED AS ABANDONED. HOW TO REPLY TO THIS NOTICE: I. Review the SMALL ENTITY status shown above. If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as YES, verify your current SMALL ENTITY status: A. If the status is changed, pay the PUBLICATION FEE (if required) and twice the amount of the ISSUE FEE shown above and notify the United States Patent and Trademark Office of the change in status, or B. If the status is the same, pay the TOTAL FEE(S) DUE shown above. If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as NO: A. Pay TOTAL FEE(S) DUE shown above, or B. If applicant claimed SMALL ENTITY status before, or is now claiming SMALL ENTITY status, check the box below and enclose the PUBLICATION FEE and 112 the ISSUE FEE shown above. Applicant claims SMALL ENTITY status. See 37 CFR 1.27. 11. PART B FEE@) TRANSMITTAL should be completed and returned to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) with your ISSUE FEE and PUBLICATION FEE (if required). Even if the fee(s) have already been paid, Part B - Fee(s) Transmittal should be completed and returned. If you are charging the fee(s) to your deposit account, section "4b" of Part B - Fee(s) Transmittal should be completed and an extra copy of the form should be submitted. 111. All communications regarding this application must give the application number. Please direct all communications prior to issuance to Box ISSUE FEE unless advised to the contrary. - IMPORTANT REMINDER: Utility patents issuing on applications filed on or after Dee. 12,1980 may require payment of maintenance fees. It is patentee's responsibility to ensure timely payment of maintenance fees when due. Page 1 of 3 PTOL-85 (REV. 07-01) Approved for use through 0113 112004. A000245 PART B FEE(S) TRANSMITTAL - Bruce W DeKock 1600 ODs Tower 801 S W Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Certifkaie of M d h g I h ~ certify that this Fee@) T~nqmittalis being de ositcd with the b Un~tod hates Postal Service with sufficient posta e for firsf claw mail in an envelope addrcased to the Box Issue Fee a b e s s above on the date indicated bdow. I 1 APPLICATION NO. I FILING DATE I FIRST NAMED INVENTOR I 09/550,476 W114/2OOO BNCC W. TITLE OF INVENTION: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION IATTORNEY WCKET NO. I BW-7118.004 CONFIRMATION NO. 8794 I .a TOTAL CLAIMS 34 APPLN. TYPE nonpmvisioad EXAMINER SMALL ENTITY YES ISSUE FEE I PUBLICATION FEE S O TOTAL FEE@)DUE $640 I DATE DUE 05/20/2002 $640 I MARC COLEMAN, MARTHE Y I ART UNIT 366 1 I CUSS-SUBCLASS 701-117000 1. Chan c of c o r r e ~ d e n c addms or indication of 'Fee Address" (37 c 2. For printing on tha patent front page, list (1) Cherno f f CFR 1! 3. use o PTO form(s) and Customer Number src r ~ ~ ~ m m e n d d , llMlesOf UP to 3 reBiStend .6 ), but not requlred. or agents OR, pltermtively, (2) the name of a Bingle n iu t (having a a Wisiered O Change of cotre ondcncc adQCss (or Change of Correspondence attorney or agent) and the names of up to 2 Address form P T ~ % B / I Zattached. ~) registered patent attorneys or agents. If no name 0 "Fee Address" i n d i d o n (or "Fcc Addms" Indication form 3 i s listed, no name will be printed. PTOISB147) attached. 3. ASSIGNEE NAME AND RESIDENCE DATA TO BE PRINTED ON THE PATENT @rint or type) PLEASE NOTE: Unless an a s s i r is identified below, no aa8igne.e data will appear on the patent. Inclusion of asgignee data is on1 appropriate when an assignment has I k4ternel, Vi lhauer McC lung LLP- ' been previously submitted to the SPTO or is being submitkd under scpamte cover. Completion of this form is NOT a substitute for ding an assignment. (0)RESIDENCE: (CITY and STATE OR COUNTRY) (A) NAME OF ASSIGNEE Bruce DeKock Bend, Oregon ~kase'check appropriate a s s i p category or categories (will not be printed on t e patent) the h 4a. The following fee@)are enclosed: s iadwidud 0 corporation or other private group entity P,govgnmcnt B Issue Fee The C~MMISSIONER PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS is requested to apply the Issue Fee and Publication Fee (if any) or to re-apply any previously paid issue fee to the OF PI Advance Order - d of Copiw Q Rlblication Fce 4b. Paymcnt of Fee(8): Jp A check in the amount of the fcc(s) is enclosed. 9 Payment by oredit card.Form PTO-2038 is attached. PI The Commissioner is here authorized by char e the required fee(8 or credit any ovapayment, to Deposit Account Number h - 1 (cncfose an extra copy o h i s h . ) B onn 18 m to to comp ete. yne WI vary en our tatemcnt: sndi.", on to complete this form should be sent to the ~ h t ekifamatlon Officer Umtcd States B a n t t and Trademark O h Washin D.C.2023 1. DO NOT SEND F E ~ OR COMPLETED S FORMS TO Ty! A D D R E S ~ E N DFEES AND THIS FORM TO: Box Issue Fee, Assrstant Commlssioncr k r Patents, Washmgton. D.C. 20231 Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, n o n m are nquircd t .respond to a o collection of infonrntion unless it displays a valid 0 control number. ~~~IZUEeOOOOOl85~x 01 F i @ FClJdl cl~ 610.00 w 9-00 @ TRANSMIT THIS FORM WITH FEE(S) PTOL-85 (REV.07-01) Approved for use through 0113 112004. OMB 0651-0033 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMeRCE A000246 LAW O F F I C E S - -4 CHER~OFF, VILHAUER, MCCLUNG& STENZEL, LLP EQ I TIM A. LONG INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY L A W INCLUDlNa PATENT. TR4DEMARK. COPVRIGHT AND UNFAIR COMPETITIONMATTERS . W I L L I A M 0. E N Y G N A N C Y A . MQRIARTY KURT R O H L F S ' BRENNA K. LEOAARO REGISTERLD PATENTATTORNEY JULIANNE D A V I S R. ' K E V I N L. RUSSELL 1 0 ODs TOWER 60 - DAVID 5 . FINE SENIOR LAW CLERK DANIEL P. CHERNOFF (lB35-IsQs) 6 1 S.W. SECOND AVENUE 0 PORTLAND. OREGON 9 7 2 0 4 - 3 1 5 7 TELEPHONE: (503) 2 7 - 5 6 3 1 2 FAX:(503) 228-4373 July 30,2002 Our File: 7 116.004 Box ISSUE FEE Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Re: .Dear Sir: United States Patent Application Serial No. 09/550,476 For: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Filed: April 14,2000 Enclosed are the following documents regarding the above-referenced patent application: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transmittal letter; 2002 Fee Transmittal Fonn in duplicate; F o q PTOL-85B, in duplicate with a certificate of mailing; Check in the amount of $649 for payment of the Issue Fee ($640), and three advance copies of the patent ($9); and Acknowledgment postcard. Additionally, on this date, we are submitting a Petition to Revive and corrected formal drawings to comply with the Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review with copies only enclosed herewith The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of any additional fees or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 03-1550. Duplicate copies of Fee Transmittal 2002 are enclosed. Please address all notices regarding the payment of maintenance fees on the above-identified patent to Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP at the then current address for payor number 000152. , &l KLR:djs Enclosures Res ect lly submitted, Reg. No. 38,292 Attorney for Applicant A000247 UNITED ~ T E S S R~TENT AND WEMARK OFFICE United Stat- Patsot m d Trademark O B o e Address: COMMIQSIONER OF PATENTS AND TFLADEMARW UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF CO?&%ERCE w..hin-, D.C.aoasi wwly.usptO.gDY APPLICATION NO. . 7590 FILING DATE I FIRST NAMED INVENTOR -- ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. CONFIRMATIONNO. 091550,476 04/14/2000 07/01/2002 Bruce W. DeKock BWD-7118.004 8794 Bruce W DeKock 1600 ODs Tower 80 1 S W Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 I I ART UNIT EXAMWR MARC COLEMAN, MARTHE Y I I I PAPER NUMBER DATE MAILED: 07/01/2002 Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. PTOIOC (Rev. 07-01) A000248 I Address: MMMISSYMR OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 20231 UNITED STATE8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Otticc, APPUCATWI N M E 4 U BF b9b*J I F I L M DATE I FlRST NAMED APPLICANT I ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. ''7& DATE MAILED: NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT This application is abandoned in view of: Applicant's failure to timely file a proper response to the Office letter mailed on A response (wlth a Certificate of Mailing or Transmissionfo )was received on , which is after the expiration of the period for response (including a total extension of time of-month(s)) whkh explred on A proposed response was received on rejection. , but it does not constitute a proper response to the final (A proper response to a final rejection consists only of: a tlmely filed amendment which places the application In condition for allowance; a Notice of Appeal; or the filing of a continuing application under 37 CFR 1.62 (FWC). 0 No responee has been received. Applicant's failure to timely pay the required issue fee within the statutory period of three months from the mailing date of the Notice of Allowance. The issue fee (with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission of ) was received on 0 The submitted issue fee o $ f is insufficient. The issue fee required by 37 CFR 1.18 is $ A The issue fee has not been received. Applicant's failure to timely file new formal drawings as required in the Notice of Allowability. Proposed new formal drawings (with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission of received on The proposed new formal drawings fUed No proposed new formal drawings have been received. The express abandonment under 37 CFR 1.82(g) in favor of the FWC application filed on The letter of express abandonment which Is signed by the attorney or agent of record, the assignee of the entire Interest, or all of the applicants. The letter of express abandonment which is signed by an attorney or agent (acting in a representative capaclty under 37 CFR 1.34a) upon the filing of a continuing application. The decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences renderedon for seeking court review of the decision has expired and there are no allowed claims. and because the period are not acceptable. ) were The reason(@below: FORM PTO-1(REV. 10-w) W INMB':N I ~ ~ j +; 1 $ERS6N 1% ; l' \ ~(Ird I:~LWKINS i .j05 433tXi j ~j \ i l i~ A000249 m Y O F r ERS ORIQIPIALL. . II-ED L A W OFFICES CHERNOFF,VILHAUER, M J A C O B E. VILHAUER. JR ' D E N N I S E. STENZEL CHARLES D . M C C L U N C ~ D O N A L D 8. HASLETT J PETER STAPLES WILLIAM 0. GENY ' NANCY J M O R I A R T Y JULIANNE R. D A V I S K E V I N L. RUSSELL CCLUN~~~U~~ . . I N C L U O I N G PATENT. TRADEMARK. COPYRIGHTAND U N F A I R COMPETITION MATTERS :RED PATENT ATTORNEY - 1 0 O D S TOWER 60 60, W S TELEPHONE: SECOND AVENUE D A V I D 5 . FINE SENIOR LAW CLERK D A N I E L P. CHLRNOFP (1935-19951 FAX: 97204-3157 ( 5 0 3 ) 227-5631 ( 5 0 3 ) 228-4373 OREGON July 30,2002 Our File 71 16.004 Box DAC Attention: Office of Petitions Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Re: United States Patent Application Serial No. 09/550,476 For: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Filed: April 14,2000 Dear Sir: Enclosed for filing is a Petition for Revival of an Application for Patent Abandoned Unintentionally under 37 U.S.C. 1.137 (b). Additionally, we enclose copies of the Issue Fee Due Notice and fourbeen sheets of the new formal drawings both dated July 30,2002, and which have been filed with the appropriate authority. Also enclosed is our check payable to the Commissioner for Patents for the Petition to Revive in the current amount of $640 for a small entity and an acknowledgment postcard. Please charge Deposit Account No. 03-1550 for any additional fees which may be required or credit any over payments to that account. A duplicate copy of this transmittal letter is enclosed. Resp ctfully submitted, &/$A I kevin L. Russell KLR:djs Enclosures AUG O 7 2002 OFFICE OF PETlTlONS A000250 PART B - FEE(S) TRANSMITTAL Box ISSUE FEE -.., - Complete and mail this form, together with applicable fee(~), to: Assistant Commi~sioner Patents for Washington, D.C. 20231 . Blocks 1 through 4 should be complete and PUBLICATION FEE if requi S: is o m s ou. or bmsmitting t e 2offi Patent, advance~r$~~d?tification of maintenance fecs'will be ma? @ current c o y ondence address co-te+t below or directcd othenvwe m Block I, by (a) spectfy~ng new comspondence address; andor ( T bndcatlng a ~ q m t e a %E ADDRESS* for indicated muntenance fec notlficatlons. CURRENTCORRESWHDENCEADDRBS~N : Lqibly mul;-up with my oomdiolv or luc Block I) (* Note: The ceaificatc of mailing below can only be used for domestic Transmittal. T i %difiC.ate cannot be used for any hs mailings of the FCC(S) 7590 0~/~0/2002 other accompanying papers. Each additional sper, such as an assignment ot formal drawing, must have its own certificak of mailing. & l'hk&$Pz Bruce W DeKock 1600 ODs Tower 801 S W Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Certlflcste of M d l n g I hereb certify that this Fcc(s) Tratymittal is being deposited with the United $taka Postal Servicc with sufiic~mt pos e for Amt class mail in an envelope below. indicated addressed to the Box Issue Fee &ss above on thc date K ~ i L. R U S S ~ ~ g @qwitoh nunc) (Slplu~urc) @a) FILM3 DATE FIRST NAMED INVENTOR 091550,474 04114L?/200 B ~ c W. DeKock e TlTL.E OF INVENTION: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION APPLICATIONNO. ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. CONFIRMATION NO. BWD-7118.04 8794 . TOTALCLAIMS r I 34 APPLN.TYPE nonprovisional SMALL amn ISSUE FEE PUBLICATIONFEE TOTAL FEE(S) DUE DATE DUE YES $640 , S O $640 05/20/2002 I ExAMwm I ARTUNIT I CLASS-SUBCLASS MARC COLEMAN, MARTHE Y 1 Chur 3661 701-1 17000 2. For printing on the patent front page, list (1) namC8 of up to repiate& patent attomys or agentd OR, alternatively, (2) the name of a sin& tirm (having as a member a registered attorney or agent) and the names of up to 2 registered patent attorneys or agents. If no name is listed, no name will be printed. but not r e q u d of corn nilah% addrus or indication of "Fee Admcsa" (37 I .&, uw O%OTO form@)and customer Number are rewmmended, Fhern0 f f Vilhauer McC lung br4terra=:, LLF 0 Change of c o w n d c n c e address (or Change of Correspondence Address form PT Bl122) attached. 0 "Fee Addreas" indication (or 'Fee Address" Indication form PTO/SB/4n attached. - I 3 3. ASSIGNEE NAME AND ReSlDENCE DATA TO BE PRINTED ON THE PATENT (print or type) PLEASE NOTE: U n l v an assiafce is identified below no assignee data will appear on Ihqpatent. lnclus~onof assignee @a is on1 appropriate when an assignment has form 1s NOT a subst~tute ding an asslgmnenc. for been ~rewously subnutted to the SPTO or is being subrhitled under separate cover. Compietlon of th~s (B) RESIDENCE: (CITY and STATE OR COUNTRY) (A) NAME ASSIGNEE OF Bruce DeKock Bend, Oregon , Please check the appropriate assignee category or categories (will not be printed on the patent) 4 a The following fee($) are enclosed: 4b. Payment of Fee@): S individual Cl corporation or other private group entity 0 government BI Issue Fee 0 Publication Fee A check in the amount of the fee(s) is enclosed. 1D Advance Order - #of Copiesi 0 Payment by credit card. Form PTO-2038 is attached. P1 The,Commissioneris hereb authorized by char e the required fee(s ,or credit any overpayment, to Deposit Account Number d'3-1 5 50 (enckse an extra copy oEthis form). Thc COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS is requested to apply the lssue Fee and Publication Fee (if any) or to re-apply any previously paid issue fee to the application identified Pbpve. @""I 07/30/02 requi wi not accep om anyone or 8 2 ; ; orl'the Zignee F o E e r party in nited Jtates %latent ~radem@00ffce. and Statemtot This form is mtimstedto take 0.2 hours to wmplete. Time will vary BurdennHrmr depcndmg on C needs of the mndwdd case. An wmmenp ob the amounf of time I! ~ to complcte tluu form should be sent to the clue# Informat~on Oficer United Stat&?% d Trademark Otnce, W a s h u p , D C 20231. DO NOT SEND F E OR COMPLETED ~ FORMS TO THlS ADDRES SEND FEES AND THlS FORM TO: Box Issue Fee, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Undcr.the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, n o r m are required to respond to a control number. collcct~on infommtion unkss it displays a valid 0 of 1 -- RECEIVED AUG 0 '7 2002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS TRANSMIT THIS FORM WITH FEE(S) PTOL-85 (REV. 07-01) Approved for use through 0113 112004. OMB 0651-0033 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE A000251 COPY OF PAPERS OfllGlNALLY FILED ---,-.. '--..* ^ ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7 116.004 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT EXAMINING OPERATIONS PATENT APPLICATION Group Art Unit: 3661 Serial No.: Filed: Title: 091550,476 Examiner: Coleman April 14,2000 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC MFOFWATION LETTER TO THE OFFICIAL DRAFTSMAN 1600 ODs Tower 601 S W Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 July 30,2002 Official Drahman Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 2023 1 Dear Sir: Enclosed are FOURTEEN (14) sheets of formal drawings to replace the original drawings filed with above identified patent application. We have received the Notice of Draftsperson's Review requesting changes. Please charge any fees due to Deposit Account 03-1550. RespectfUlly submitted, .'d , kevin L. Russell Attorney for Applicant Tel: (503) 227-563 1 RECEIVED AUC 0 7 2002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS A000252 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED { CERTIFI--=, I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Letter to the Official Dra Patents, Washington, D.C. 2023 1. I 1 Service for Dated: July 30,2002 L. / ~%vin Russell L. RECEIVED AUG 0 7 2002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS A000253 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED TRAFFIC TRAFFIC -PLl STATION r , -- 20 COMPUTER TRAFFIC MONITOR m STATION 30 F MONITOR =t = e 3 RECEIVER TRAFFIC MONITOR --PEA STATION FIG. 1 FIG. 2 A000254 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED 116 y ~ 45-50 rnph 40-45 rnph 35-40 rnph 30-35 rnph 25-30 rnph 20-25 rnph I FIG. 3 A000255 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED FIG. 4 A000256 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED -* 7 DETECTOR POWER HPROCESSOR I 1-1 TRANSMITTER , MEMORY I ( FIG. 5 A000257 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED * - I TEXT MESSAGE FIG. 6 A000258 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED FIG. 7 A000259 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY RLED WRECK 55-60 rnph 50-55 rnph 45-50 rnph 40-45 rnph 35-40 rnph 30-35 rnph FIG. 8 A000260 P 1 CALIBRATION MULTIPLE F:,s t + E l MULTIPLE ESTIMATE CAMERA MOTION DETECT MOTION BLOBS COMPUTE OPTICAL FLOW ESTIMATE CAMERA MOTION ESTIMATE VEHICLE MOTION TRAFFIC SPEED AND ESTIMATED SPEED AND CONGESTION FIG. 9 , TRACK MOTION BLOBS ESTIMATE TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION OUTPUT TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION FIG. 10 A000261 COPY OF PAPERS ORIGINALLY FILED FIG. 11 A000262 I LOCATION I LATILONG I ROAD DIRECTION VELOCITY . 202 LOCAL 1 203 1 I BYPASS EAST I 1 STOPPED RESIDENTIAL FIG. 12 A000263 COPY C PAPERS F ORIGINALLY FILED - USER (SUBSTANTIALLY CENTERED) 55-60 mph 50-55 mph 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph FIG. 13 A000264 COP) dF PAPERS QRIQINALLY FILED 55-60 rnph 50-55 rnph 45-50 rnph 40-45 rnph 35-40 rnph 30-35 rnph FIG. 14 A000265 FIG. 15 A000266 1 SPEAKER FIG. 16 A000267 UNITEDSTATES PATENT TRADEMARK AND OFFICE COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARKOFFICE WASHINGTON,D.C. 2 0 2 3 1 www u s p t o . ~ v -0 . Paper No. 15 Bruce W. DeKock 1600 ODs Tower 601 S W Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 In re Application of Dekock, et al. Application No. 09/550,476 Filed: April 14, 2000 Attorney Docket No.: BWD-7118.004 For: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION COPY MAILED SEP 0 9 2002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS ON PETITION This is a decision on the petition under 37 CFR 1.137(b), filed August 5, 2002, to revive the above-identified application. The petition is -TED. The application became abandoned May 21, 2002. The application was abandoned for failure to timely submit the issue fee, as required by the Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due, and for failure to timely submit new formal drawings, as required by the Notice of Allowability. The Notices were mailed February 20, 2002 and set a three (3) month statutory period of time for reply. Notice of Abandonment was mailed July 1, 2002. This application will be forwarded to the Publications Division for processing into a patent. Telephone inquiries concerning this matter may be directed to the undersigned at (703) 305-0310. &% M. Brown Alesia L Petitions Attorney Office of Petitions Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy A000268 Paper # 1(l and# & are the same in this File History. Please pardon any inconvenience. A000269

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