Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 273

Additional Attachments to Main Document: 272 MOTION Defendants' Joint Response Brief on Claim Construction.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, part 1, # 6 Exhibit 5, part 2, # 7 Exhibit 5, part 3, # 8 Exhibit 5, part 4, # 9 Exhibit 6, # 10 Exhibit 7, # 11 Exhibit 8, part 1, # 12 Errata 8, part 2, # 13 Exhibit 9, # 14 Exhibit 10)(Perlson, David)

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Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al Doc. 273 Att. 3 EX HIBIT 3 Dockets.Justia.com Page 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS MARSHALL DIVISION 2:07-CV-371--CE BRIGHT RESPONSE, L.L.C., VS. VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF RICHARD GREGSON GOGGLE, INC., et al. Defendants. : T R A N S C R I P T of the stenographic notes of LISA FORLANO, CCR, CRR, RMR, Certified LiveNote,Reporter and Notary Public, taken at the offices of Veritext Pennsylvania, 1801 Market Street, 18th Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, on Friday, July 10, 2009, commencing at 9:15 a.m. Job No.. 206497 VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES ( 800) 567-8658 847 a385d-f64f-4044-a02e-e36c22e76708 Page 89 1 case -based search to obtain the best case match. 2 Certainly it's an interactive message based with the two together. Q Okay, any other differences? 3 4 5 A Consequently, the system would not 6 7 provide satisfactory results if the input to, the system was an electronic message and no user interaction was provided. Q And so this seems like it's getting to 10 11 12 13 14 the interactive, not the interactive message we talked about before? A Right. It would be the way to distinguish this piece of prior art from it. Q When you receive a message in the 15 16 17 system claimed in the '947 patent, how do you know up front whether it's interactive or not interactive? MR. RAFILSON: THE WITNESS: Objection to form. The way S ---- the way I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 understood this would be that there's no interaction going back and forth. It receives the message and it processes it without further input. BY MR. WHITE: 25 Q So when you get a message, though, if VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800" 567-8658 $41 a385d-f64f-4044-a02e-e36c22e1 6708 Page 92 1 BY MR. WHITE Q Honestly, that's what I'm struggling with, too, is how do you define a non-interactive 4 message from an interactive message? What about the message makes it not interactive? I understand the system may not ask for follow up, but I'm trying to understand in a message, when you're looking at a collection of data, how do you say this collection of data is an interactive message or it's a non-interactive message? me on that? A I'm not sure what would be within -- if Does that -- do you follow 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 it's been addressed in this spec or.trying to keep it broad or more broadly than the general concept of you're going to get it all at once in one direction from the sender to the system as opposed to having it come in pieces and probably require even something from the system going back to get additional information in some fashion. 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q Okay, so that's the best you can do with the non-interactive message? A Q Sitting here today, yes. Okay. Are you familiar with the Yahoo web page, home page search engine? 23 24 25 VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567-8658 841a385d -f64f- 4044-a02e-e36c22e76708 Page 93 I A I've been to the Yahoo web page, yes. 2 3 Q How about the Google web page, do you ever use Google? A I've used Google. When you type in a search string which 5 Q. 6 7 could be even just a couple of characters, is that a non-interactive message? MR. RAFILSON: Objection, form. 8 9 10 11 THE WITNESS: I'd have -- I don't have an opinion as to -- I could see arguments either way, yeah. BY MR. WHITE: Q What are the arguments against it not 12 13 14 15 being an interactive message? MR. RAFILSON: THE WITNESS: Objection, form.,_ It depends on hoer -- 16 17 again, tell me -- give me the full definition' of what are all those elements that I talked about that are defined what that message is as per the spec and the claims. Does it have specific sender and receiver and that kind of stuff and is that packaged up within the html packet which is sent from the web page to, you know, with the IP addresses and the like. I don't know if that would fit. You've got to 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567--86.58 841a385d -f64f-4044 -a02e-e36c22e16708 Page 94 1 give me what is the legal definition as interpreted in the claims and all the file history and all the stuff. BY MR. WHITE: 2 3 4 5 Q And that's where we're hoping you can help us out because you prosecuted it. 7 A I -- I don't have -- you know, I -- the s embodiment that's described -- the exemplary embodiment is an e-mail. Whether or not the fact 10 11 that it was -- the claim says message thinking something broader than that I would certainly as a prosecuting attorney would try to say yes, it's something broader. We were never c^lallenged, as I 12 13. 14 recall, on this as to what the parameters of that would be, as to whethe.r,or not a.search query packaged inside in each e-mail packet sent qualifies as a message. 15 16 17 is 19 20 Q A Okay. And that's what we were hoping. That's a legal definition that is for this case to decide, not for me. Q other? A Q I will not, no. You understand in the Yahoo system and 21 22 23 24 25 Okay. So you can't say one way or the in the Google system, after you type a search query, a..,........ VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800;,:.567-8658 841 a385d -f64f-4044-aQ2e-e36c22e16708 Page 95 1 you get a whole possible selection of results that the user has to go on and select to actually get to an end.page, correct? 2 3 4 A Yeah, you get a web page back with a 5 6 bunch of links to other things. Q That the user then can click on and 7 8 9 10 select to sort of get to the end page, right? A Q Right. Is that interaction, does that take it out of the context of a non-interactive message? MR. RAFILSON: THE WITNESS: Objection, form. It depends on whether the II 12 13 14 15 16 claim is trying -- saying the response is the ultimate end page or whether it is the search results is-.what is meant by t,-ie re,sponse,, you know, that the system as this tends to-receive something and then sends something back. The response, the response is the search results, you know. You can clearly argue that that set 17 18 19 20 21 of search results is the response. BY MR. WHITE: Q Do you know whether or not that's 22 23 24 25 predetermined as the claim requires, Claim 26? MR. RAFILSON: THE WITNESS: Objection, form. No, I don't. VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567-8658 841a386d-f64f-4044- a02e-e36c22e16708 .Page 9 6 1 BY MR. WHITE: 2 3 4 5 Q And just one last question on this line, can you give us the sort of parameters as to what a non-interactive message is based upon everything that we've talked about? Sort of give us those parameters, a non-interactive message has these attributes, these qualities,.this is what it means? MR. RAFILSON: Objection, form. No. I need to stop, so I'm 6 7 s 10 11 THE WITNESS: MR. WHITE: 12 .. 13 14 15 going to have no further questions for you at this point. I don't know if David has -I just have a couple. Do you want to just go off MR. PERLSON: MR. WHITE: 16 17 the record real quick and we'll switch.. VIDEO OPERATOR: We're going off the 18 19 20 21 record. The time is 11:31 a.m. (Brief recess.) VIDEO OPERATOR: The time is 11:36 a.m. 22 23 24 We're going back on the record. BY MR. PERLSON: Q Mr. Gregson, my name is David Perlson. 25 I'm attorney for Google and AOL in this case. ^^P^^N wn6l.:iddrx^H:.hcf,K.r.^ nonon4d^.^A.wpm.A'"Ci^^tata",,.=.su,.'a...u.auatw_..3 nmra a eG S:a^.wnmmxo . ^.mav.« ^Mofi VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567-8658 841 a385d-f64f-4044-a02e-e36c22e1 6708 Page 101 1 prosecution history for the '947 patent and go to BR625, please. 2 3 4 A Okay. And if you look to the middle of the 4 page, it refers to the term case base has a meaning that is well-defined in the art and Outlook does not 7 have any features that fall within such meaning and then it goes on to say a case-based reasoning system is described in the present specification as one which compares an incoming set of facts (a problem with a stored set.of exemplar cases) and -- now,. you would agree that that's the same language we just read in the -A Q Yes. Let me finish. In the 1947 patent in 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 column 2, right? A Yes, there's more -- I mean I don't . 17 18 want ro be picky, but there's more in here on the tri-gram character matching and whatever, but yes, there's a problem and an exemplar is making.the comparison. 19 20 21 22 Q Right, so during the prosecution in 23 24 25 trying to explain what case-based reasoning was, the applicants pointed back to this provision in the specification to provide a definition of what it VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567-8658 84la385d -f64f- 4044-a02e-e36c22el6708 Page 102 1 was, right? A Page -MR. RAFILSON: THE WITNESS: Objection to form. I mean there's a cite 2 3 4 5 6 7 here, which is to the one that's in here. I'm assuming it's the same -- page 3, line 19 to 20. BY MR. PERLSON: 8 9 Q Actually, why don't you look -- if you 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 look at BR551, which is in the same thing. A Q A to that. Okay. It's actually the application. It is the same . Okay, they're pointing Q A Right. And so you're -- In this amendment, they are pointing to 17 18 19 20 that definition, yeah. Q reasoning. A Right. Yes? Yes. As a definition for case-based 21 22 23 24 25 Q All right. MR. PERLSON: And then -I have no further questions. VIDEO OPERATOR: any? Are you going to ask VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES (800) 567---8658 8416385d -f64f-4044-a02e - e36c22e7.6708 Page 106 1 CERTIFICATION 2 I. 4 5 LISA FORLANO, a Certified Realtime Reporter, Certified Court Reporter and Notary Public, do hereby certify that I reported the deposition in the above-captioned matter, that the said witness was duly sworn by me; that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of the stenographic notes of testimony taken by me in the above-captioned matters. I further certify that I am not an 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 attorney or counsel for any of the parties, not a relative or employee of any attorney or counsel connected with the action, nor financially interested in the action., 15 16 17 1s LISA FORLANO, CCR, CRR, RMR 19 20 21 DATED: July 22, 2009 22 23 24 25 VERITEXT CORPORATE SERVICES'(800) 567-8658 841a385d -f64f-4044"a02e-e36c22e16708

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