Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 465

REPLY to Response to Motion re 391 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment on Google's Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims, 389 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment on Defendant AOL's Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims, 390 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment on Defendant Yahoo filed by Bright Response LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Wiley Declaration, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H)(Wiley, Elizabeth)

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PolarisIP,LLCv.GoogleInc.etal F10 103P Doc.465Att.9 18". 8-95) PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FILING RECEIPT a W a., c's cce UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE `et Patent and Trademark Office ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 20231 4'4 I APPLICAI ION NUMBER] F !LING DATE 1 F IL FEE AEC 0 IAI 1 ORNEY DOCKET NOI DFONGS 60/042,494 04/03/97 $150.00 PP/2167-27 OSTROLENK FABER GERB AND SOFFEN 1180 AVENUE OF THE AMER/CAS NEW YORK NY 10036 Receipt is acknowledged of this Provisional Application. This nOViSJOnai AppliCatiOn will not be examined For patentability. Be sure lo provide the PROVISIONAL APP/ !CATION NUMBER, HUNG DATE, NAME O .APPI CANT. and TITLE OF INVENTION when inquiring about this applkation. Fees liansmitted by check or draft are subject to conoCtIOn. Ple390 Vorily the accuracy of the data presented on this teceipt. U en error is noted on chi, Filing Reteipt. plane voila to Box Plovislonat AppRcetion within 10 day, el receipt. Plena provide a copy oh eh. Provisional Application Filing Receipt with th chengea noted thereon. 1 his PuMsional Application will auto...hearty be abandonad twelve (12) ulOoths Mtn its filing date and %NM not be subject to revival to Fazio., it Ici pending stales beyond a date which Is altel /we've (121 rrionlha horn its Di no date AppricantIsI ANTHONY ANGOTTI, MARCELLUS, NY; ROSANNA PICCOLO, NEW YORK, NY. FOREIGN FILING LICENSE GRANTED 06/27/97 TITLE ELECTRONIC ROUTER FOR EMAIL E I E1 EXHIBIT cco o-io 71949 k BR 000065 Dockets.Justia.com EZ Reader: Embedded Al for Automatic Electronic Mail Interpretation and Routing Amy Rice and Julie Hsu Brightware, Inc. Anthony Angorti and Rosanna Piccolo Chase Manhanan Bank, N. N.A., Regional Baal:, neaan co provide electronic banking services using phone and personal computer technology in 1995. Marketing campaigns advcnised that email could be used :o request information and services, opening a new electronic channel of communication with customers and prospects. Abstract EZ Reader is an intelligent &aortic mail (ernail) reader That employs a unique combination of rulebased parsing and case-based masonine to automatically and with a high level of ace-Macy classify and respond to large volumes of incoming email. EZ Reader reduces the time and Iranian resources required to handle incoming email by selectinc responses and addine attachments and advice ta each incoming rnessaee based on how previous similar USin.g The success of its marketing campaigns created a challenge for ChaseDirect front the beginning to quickly and cost-efftaively process email from multiple sources, Internet, Microsoft Money email, and another internal DOS-based money manacer proeram with email caoabilit,. In addition cc C.haseDirecrs commitment ro provide excellent, timely senicr to its customers, deco-colic commerce laws required the bank to respond TO CerMin types of electronic correspondence within specific time frames. Althouah more than 80% of incoming messages were simple requests for product information, the staff often got backlogged and worked after hours and including the messaaes were hand/ed. The application, developed for Chase Manhanan Bank Brighr.vare, Inc.'s ART'EnrzrpriszY. tool, automatically and decrea_ses answers emails processing, time for those requiring manual review. Phase] of EZ Reader was deployed in the first quarter of 1996, and handles up to 80% of incoming mail automatically, depending on raessage. content. Late: phases will enable automatic processing of a wider variety of messages. By dramatically reducing the effort associated with manual processing, EZ Reader will pay its own development costs within six months arad will result in substantial. recaritg dollar savinzs each year. This paper describes EZ Reader on detail, including its Al-based design, testing, implementation atad development history. on weekends to keep up with the required analysis arad responses. Faced with the huge projected increase in Internet email volume due co the planned introduction of a Problem Description Like other businesses that sought to i..zipand access to their products and services through Me Internet and other online new World Wide Web server, as illustrated in Figure f below, ChaseDirecz agressive/y sour,ht cost-effecdve, high-quality ways zo process cmails. Tais uncut business problem attracted anention from Clre's Regional Bank K_nowlettge Base (KB) technology learn. The tearrt's general chame was to apply artificial intelligence (A1) technology in kev areas of the Regional Bank wireilt appropriate to optimize operational decisions. To address ChaseDirect's business problem, the channels', ChaseDirect, a unit of Chase Manhattan Bank COIMCT information follows. Amy Rice: 301 Tresser Blvd_ 13th floor, Stamford, Cl 06501, rice@ brightware.com. Julie Hsu: 2010 Corporate Etidge, Suite 700, 1k4cLean, VA 22102, hsuabcghtware.com. Anthony Angottit 011C C.hase Mani/man Plaza 19th floor. New York, NY 1008/, anthonyangottitatchase.com. Rosanna 15 E 26th St. New York NY 10010, Piccolo: rosannapiccolO@Chase.com, Knowledge Base team created EZ Reader, an embedded AI application operating as an invisible layer between the Lotus NotesO? email system and ChaseDirect. The application continuously retrieves incoming Internet email from Chase arospects and customers through an interface to Lotus Notes, and also acts as a filtering and routing Banks lace significant threats ta the retail banking franchise from advances in online 'oanking (Taylor, Melva Lt Wurster 1996) BR 000083

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