DietGoal Innovations LLC v. Arby's Restaurant Group, Inc. et al

Filing 408

RESPONSE in Opposition re 373 MOTION to Sever and in Addition or in the Alternative to Dismiss for Improper Venue or Transfer to the Central District of California Plaintiff DietGoal Innovations LLC's Response in Opposition to Defendant El Pollo Loco, Inc.'s Motion to Sever and in Addition or in the Alternative to Dismiss for Improper Venue or Transfer to the Central District of California filed by DietGoal Innovations LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit Exhibit U, # 22 Text of Proposed Order)(Bukovcan, Niknaz)

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EXHIBIT A 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US006585516Bl (54) United States Patent (10) Alabaster (12) (45) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR COMPUTERIZED VISUAL BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS, TRAINING, AND PLANNING Patent No.: US 6,585,516 Bl Date of Patent: Jui. 1,2003 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS JP 407021267 A * 1/1995 ........... G06F/17/60 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (76) ( *) Inventor: Notice: Oliver Alabaster, 4318 Adrienne Dr., Alexandria, VA (US) 22309 Molbak, Jens, " is Key Ingredient for Web Sites; New Strategy Makes Available to Millions More Worldwide", Jul. 26, 2000, Business Wire. * Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.c. 154(b) by 0 days. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner-John Edmund Rovnak (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Piper Rudnick LLP; Steven B. Kelber (21) Appl. No.: 10/040,465 (22) Filed: (51) (52) (58) Int. CI? .......................... G09B 19/00; G06F 17/00 U.S. CI. ........................................ 434/127; 128/921 Field of Search ......................... 434/127; 128/921; 700/104.1 Jan. 9, 2002 (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,317,134 5,412,560 5,454,721 5,832,446 5,845,263 6,236,974 6,381,614 2001/0000810 2001/0005830 2002/0046060 2002/0059311 A A A A A B1 B1 A1 A1 A1 A1 * * * * * * * 5/1994 5/1995 10/1995 11/1998 12/1998 5/2001 4/2002 5/2001 * 6/2001 * 4/2002 * 5/2002 Edamura .................... 219/720 Dennison .................... 600/300 Kuch ......................... 434/127 Neuhaus ........................ 705/1 Camaisa et al. .............. 705/27 Kolawa et al. . ... ... ... ... ... 705/7 Barnett et al. ........... 707/104.1 Alabaster ................. 707/104.1 Kuroyanagi .. ... ... ... ..... ... 705/2 Hoskyns et al. ... ... ... ... ... 705/2 Nishina ...................... 707/200 100 (57) ABSTRACT A system and method for computerized visual behavior analysis, training, and planning. The system includes a User Interface (UI), a Meal Database, a Food Database, a Picture Menus, and a Meal Builder. The method can include the following steps. First, the Meal Database and the Food Database can be prepared. Second, the user can use the Picture Menus to choose meals for a particular time period to correspond to a customized eating plan. Third, the user can decide whether or not to change one or more of the meals he has chosen for the particular time period. If the user decides to change his chosen meals, the user can edit or create new meals using the Meal Builder. If the user decides not to change his choices, or after the user changes his choices, the user can save the meals for the particular time period. 18 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets 115 '\ Picture Menus 105 110 Meal Database Meal Builder Food Database 111 ? 120 u.s. Patent Q) (I) - Q) (I) 0 O..c ::::E ..... Q)o 0 ..... ..... US 6,585,516 Bl Sheet 1 of 10 Jui. 1,2003 0 c "'0 0 o..c ~.s 0 ...... ...... ...... c • ..... ...... LC") LC") o ..... => d 200\ 201 " - ( • rJl • ) Start ~ ~ ..... ..... ~ = Meal Database and Food Database Prepared (or edited) I---- 205 ~ ~ '""'" ~ User chooses meal ~210 N C C 220 \ ~ 'JJ. =- ~ ~ User accesses Meal Builder to change meal Yes t N ...., 0 '" c"'" ~ '-. 1)1)" "oJ ..... User saves meal e rJ'l r- 0'1 1J. 00 299~ End ') FIG.2 (I) 1J. I--" 0'1 ~ I--" d • rJl • \ ~ Step 215 220 305~ t ~ ..... ..... ~ User chooses meal to change 315 = ~ New User accesses Meal Builder to create new meal = :'""'" ~ N c c ~ 'JJ. =- User accesses Meal Builder to edit existing meal ~ ~ ..... ~ ...., 0 '" c"'" Dietary Impact Bar Charts change to correspond to changed meal e rJ'l 0'1 User saves changed meal 1J. 00 (I) + Step 225 FIG.3 1J. I--" 0'1 ~ I--" d • rJl • 430 435 , Di@ ) 115 "- 41 440 465 , , ~OOAY:::= October 16, 2001 MEALS FOR: Tuesday, October PREVIOUS DAY I TODAY I NEXT DAY I I 16, 2001 CALORIES I 480 465 r I' = ') PICTUREMENUS I.{ 1650/1600 Breakfast r-a"" Lunch 0, c::--.... Dinner 42 4 r- Lb ~ - ~~ ..... ,,- - r .... 00 Welcome to PidureMenus. Diet fit L We are now looding your meals for the day. Choose a meal from each meal list, and customize them if necessary. When you have selected all meals for the day, click 'Save Days Meals' to finish. Snacks ~ / MEAL CHOICES ~ '""'" ~ 41 N C 8 - 4~ 1 =- ~ fc~. ~ 10\ 1 ~ - 4~ 6 ~ o ...., '""' C" 475 0, SELECnONS 'JJ. ~ § ~ &J, Lb ~ ~ - ~ § 42 41 1 c::--..... -lit !~i I~i I@i I~i I~i jf I~!{ ~ -~I~ ~i~l~i ~!~i~ ~i~!@\iR K~{ ~ ~ ~ it ~@)~~ ~@~~ ~@~~ ~~!~ ~@)!~=»~ ~~/O\ oa oa ~~ [fl -i ~ !~Ii !@!i 1~li ! Ii 1~li !~Ii WI ~ 41 ~ ~ ..... ..... ~ , ) \ 400 -' Resize Meals Day's Menus can be printed for "'1 ...., easy reference ""'- e rJ'l 470 0'1 1J. 00 (I) FIG.4 460 1J. 0'1 """" ~ """" d • rJl • 500 View dietary impact of meal 115 Di;,;t)) ~ TODAY: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 C MEALS FOR: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 PREVIOUS DAY I TODAY!NEXT DAY r CALORIES I = PICTUREMENUS 1+ 1650/1600 411 ~: !~i !(~li !~!i !~i !~!iC~ !~i ~ III~ I ~ ~ I 416 Lunch ilW~i II~ !~i ~I~ I~~i !@li !@!i !®h -=- !®i ~i !~liC MEAL CHOICES ~ ~ Welcome to PidureMenus. Di~t fit y We are now loading your meals for the day. Choose C =- ~ ~ !~~~f~~ _. I a meal from each meal list, and customize them if necessary. When you have selected all meals for the day, click 'Save Days Meals' to finish. GOt> N C 'JJ. Snacks !®1i '""'" ~ 8 !~i !~i !~d~' I~i ~ !~!i ~ ~ ..... ..... SEL£CnONS ~ I 421 Ul o ...., '""' C" t(eslze Meals Day's Menus can be printed for easy reference e rJ'l 0'1 1J. 00 FIG.S (I) 1J. I-" 0'1 ~ I-" d • rJl • 600 ~ ~ ..... ..... ~ 115 Di~ TOOAY: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 MEALS FOR: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 C PREVIOUS DAY E I TODAY I NEXT DAY I CALORIES I = PICTUREMENUS I T' 1+ 1750/1600 Breakfast ilt !~i !~i !~i !~i !@~kf !~h' ~ !l5 Lunch I 411 "'" ~ -,- ~ ~ e. 141 6 II@i~!~!i ~!~i~ ~~!@iR !~~ ~ ~ 421 Ji ~ ~ !~!i !~ii !~ii !~Ai I~!C~ !~!i tf (i~~;:J '""'" ~ N C C ~ Dinner IQI 'ED ~I~ !~!i ~ I@li ~ !~!i ~ LD ~ ~I 0 Snacks I®li !~!i Jr !~!i ~ MEAL CHOICES SEL£cnONS ~ .... ...- fity L. We are now loading your meals for the day. Choase a meal from each meal list, and customize them if necessary. When you have selected all meals for the day, cfick 'Save Days Meals' to finish. =- ~ ~ 0'1 0 ...., '""' C" Resize Meals 426 p ~ Welcome to PictureMenus. Di~t 'JJ. [ GO I> J Day's Menus can be printed far easy reference e rJ'l 0'1 1J. 00 (I) FIG.6 1J. 0'1 """" ~ """" d • rJl • 700 ~ ~ ..... ..... ~ Di~ TODAY: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 MEALS FOR: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 C PREVIOUS DAY I TODAY I NEXT DAY I CALORIES 1 /411 PICTUREMENUS 1 1 1+ 1750/1600 Breakfast / ~ "!~j :><: L5 0::: III ~i I/) w ::c u z => ...J !~I !@11 !®I KL6~~ ~ !~I !~~k r!~i~ ------- !~I I~I !(~li !~li !~: ~ f!f il~ is !~!j 1@l1 I/) ~I~ I/) !C0!1 !®I !~!C MEAL CHOICES r ~ Diet fit C V- 416 ! § ~~ ~~ - ~ r~ci!~~~ SELECnONS ~ [ GO~ ) ~ '""'" N C 8 705 -1 changel Meals 'JJ. =- ~ ~ ..... -..J ~710 o ...., '""' C" r--- 421 f\t;:::::iILt: Meals Welcome to PictureMenus. We are now loading your meals for the day. Choose a meal from each meal list, and customize them if necessary. When you have selected all meals for the day. click •save Days Meals' to finish. 120 0 l2::J ~ 101 ~ ~ ~I !~I: » !~!I ~/V f!f ~·O Dinner I/) = Day's Menus can be printed for easy reference ~ 426 e rJ'l 0'1 1J. 00 (I) FIG.7 1J. J-ooO 0'1 ~ J-ooO d Instant PictureMenus ~ 111~ A Meal being edited in MealBuilder _ Di~ C 820 805 810 • rJl • ~ ~ ..... ..... 800 DINNER ~ = SEARCH ~ I [@J ,@ ~ ~ 421 ~ '""'" ~ 120 N C 8 III 815 'JJ. =- ~ ~ ..... 00 o ...., §~ ~ '""' C" 850 .o;;jj See . fiber intake , ~=:::!==:::!:=~:::::;=~===l~ fat doily calorie, Resize Meals e rJ'l & FIBER I 0'1 1J. II l:l 00 FIG.8 (I) 1J. io-oo" 0'1 ~ io-oo" d • rJl • ~ Instant PictureMenus c::::> A Meal being edited in MealBuilder Di@ Food IFish SEARCH . NEW MEAL ~~II ~ I SAVE MEAL LOAD MEAL l'ill IBroiled Flounder INVENTORY 900 DINNER COMPUTE ~ ..... ..... ~ = ~ ~ '""" . 910 ~8 ~ ~ ~120 ;I~ N C 8 'JJ. =- ~ ~ \C is z o ....., 0 u '" C"" , 905 r ~ 850 r C <I<lBACi< TO I FAT I FIBER I CALORIES PICTUREDIET I I ~ I 1 I I I II - See this meal's -, increased contribution in red. Calories and fiber now exceed diet goals ~ Resize e rJ'l Meals 0'1 1J. FIG.9 00 (I) 1J. I--" 0'1 ~ I--" d • rJl • Instant PictureMenus for Daily Meal Planning (with Dinner Now Edited) 465 115 D~ C ~ ~ ..... ..... 1000 ~ = PICTUREMENUS 1650/1600 ~ !~i~l~i ~ '""'" ~ N C 8 ~i~!~i 'JJ. =- ~ 120 'Eb ~~~~ ~ ~@~~ ~~~~~ II\( ow "lit I lilt ~ 18'~[§j 1~~~~II~r~ c ~ ~ '" c"'" o ...., 905 '" c"'" 1c...J SELECTIONS ~ ~ Welcome to PictureMenus. Di~t fit y We are now loading your meals for the day. Choose L a meal from each meal list, and customize them if necessary. When you have selected all meals for the day, click 'Sove Days Meals' to finish. GO[>] ) Resize Meals Day's Menus can be printed far easy reference e rJ'l 0'1 1J. 00 (I) 1J. I-" FIG.10 0'1 ~ I-" US 6,585,516 B1 1 2 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR COMPUTERIZED VISUAL BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS, TRAINING, AND PLANNING relies on input by the individual or user of food actually consumed by the user during a given period of time and employs a computer program which attempts to estimate the actual intake of nutrients by the individual and to compare that intake to a recommended range of nutrients, such as those contained in dietary guidelines issued nationally in the United States. The approach of the Dennision patent is undesirable in that it relies on the individual to provide accurate input data as to his actual food intake, a task as to which there are many known obstacles and impediments, i.e., the approach is not "user friendly." Additionally, no graphic visual displays are provided, which further detracts from ease of use, comprehension and effectiveness. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 1. Field of the Invention The subject invention relates to the field of computerbased methods of employing visual techniques for training individuals to modify behavior, and planning by individuals 10 for modified behavior. Specific applications include training individuals to modify diet behavior, and planning by individuals for improved diet practices. 2. Background of the Technology SUMMARY OF IRE INVENTION 15 Present methods of evaluating dietary habits, motivating The present invention can solve the above problems by people to change eating habits, and teaching people how to providing a system and method for computerized behavior make healthier food choices are woefully inadequate. analysis, training, and planning. The system of programs can Twenty years ago, twenty percent (20%) of Americans were include a User Interface (UI), a Meal Database, a Food obese. Now thirty-five percent (35%) of Americans are 20 Database, Picture Menus, and a Meal Builder. obese, despite the sales of countless diet books and the increasing availability of low calorie and low fat foods. In The UI can receive commands from the user and display fact, American dietary habits were responsible for approxiresults to the user from the Picture Menus and Meal Builder. mately forty percent (40%) of deaths in 1990, and they The Meal Database can be a database of pre-set meals continue to produce an epidemic of obesity that is out of comprising combinations of foods that conform to predecontrol. 25 termined characteristics that have been compiled. The Food Database is a database of foods that have been compiled. No effective tools exist for either health processionals or (Commercially made or pre-made meals can be included.) the public that can adequately train people to understand and immediately recognize. the significance of (1) the impact of In an alternate embodiment, the Meal Database and the customized meals on dietary goals; (2) the value and amount 30 Food Database can incorporate a behavior analysis. As of specific macro and micro nutrients in different foods; (3) explained in detail in pending U.S. patent applications Ser. the potentially harmful effects of other naturally occurring Nos. 09/211,392, 09/461,664, and 091734,711 (incorporated substances found in many foods; and (4) the relative quanby reference), a behavior analysis comprises compiling and tities of different food choices. Nor are there any planning analyzing specific information on a user's instinctive preftools that can show people how to create meals using food 35 erences and tendencies. A behavior analysis can also comchoices that are much more healthful for them and their pare the specific information to a set of goals. In an families. In addition, no planning tools exist that use natural exemplary embodiment, the behavior analysis can be a diet visual techniques to assist people to follow diet programs behavior analysis which compiles and analyzes specific designed by health professionals. information on a user's instinctive eating preferences and Finally, no tools exist that allow user's to incorporate a 40 tendencies, and then compares the specific information to a behavior analysis into their eating goals, and their training or set of customized eating goals. Thus, the Meal Database and planning for meeting those eating goals. The behavior Food Database can be modified to include meals that the analysis collects and analyzes specific information on a user has indicated he likes. In an alternative embodiment, meals that the user dislikes can be ignored by the user or user's instinctive eating tendencies and preferences. The behavior analysis can also compare the specific information 45 deleted from the Meal Database and the Food Database. to a set of goals. Allowing a user to incorporate the user's The Picture Menus can display on the User Interface instinctive eating tendencies and preferences into his eating meals from the Database that the user can mix and match plan can have a profound effect on how effective the eating and still meet customized eating goals. The Picture Menus plan is. Food preferences can strongly influence the risk of provide a quick and easy system of dietary impact (including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 50 nutritional and caloric impact) controlled meals that the user 3. Related Art can mix and match at various nutritional, caloric, and other levels. In an exemplary embodiment, the invention can U.S. Pat. No. 5,454,721 to Kuch discloses a system define the user's nutritional, caloric and other needs and let intended to teach individuals the relationship between the the user choose the diet he wants to follow. In response to visual size and a few nutritional characteristics of portions of food by using either a life size image of, or the corporeal 55 data input regarding personal characteristics and activity level, calorie goals are defined, and daily meals are comfinger of the individual, as a scale against images of different bined (and modified) to produce a daily total of various sized portions of different kinds of food, while showing a nutrients which can vary only +/-5% from the diet goals few nutritional characteristics of such portions. The system before a warning appears. While following the Picture proposed by Kuch is limited, in that, for example, it does not evaluate the user's ability to visually estimate macro and 60 Menus, the user can track his progress. If after a certain amount of time, the user hasn't yet reached his target weight, micro nutrient content of meals. Nor does it permit or he can repeat the Picture Menus as often as necessary. Once incorporate analysis of an individual's natural tendencies the user's weight has stabilized, he can use the Picture and preferences. In addition, Kuch does not allow the user Menus to maintain his weight. to prepare and plan and adapt meals that will help the user meet his customized eating goals. 65 The Meal Builder can display on the User Interface meals from the Database, corresponding to the Picture Menus, U.S. Pat. No. 5,412,560 to Dennision relates to a method where the user can change and view the meals' impact on for evaluating and analyzing food choices. The method US 6,585,516 B1 3 4 and match at various nutritional, caloric, and other levels. customized eating goals. The Meal Builder can be a very Picture Menus 115 can be used as a stand-alone feature, or useful tool, not only for modifying and personalizing Picture can include the Meal Builder 120. In an exemplary Menus, but also for designing meals and picturing favorite embodiment, the invention has already defined the user's recipes. The Meal Builder can be a scoring system that allows the user to view, in real time, the impact of food 5 nutritional, caloric, and other needs and has let the user choose the diet he wants to follow. In an exemplary choices on customized eating goals, and the accumulated embodiment, the user has also indicated his preferences and impact on daily nutrition allowance made by saved meals tendencies in a behavioral analysis. Daily meals are comand snacks throughout the day. The approximate distribution bined to produce a daily total of various nutrients which can of calories and nutrients for each meal and snack can be 10 vary only +/-5% from the diet goals before a warning shown using a selected diet plan. appears. While following the Picture Menus 115, the user The method for computerized behavior analysis, training, can track his progress. If after a certain amount of time, the and planning can include the following steps. First, the Meal user hasn't yet reached his target weight, he can repeat the Database and Food Database can be prepared. Second, the Picture Menus 115 as often as necessary. Once the user's user can choose meals for a particular day. Third, the user 15 weight has stabilized, he can use the Picture Menus 115 to can decide whether or not to change one or more of the maintain his weight. meals he has chosen for the particular day. If the user decides The Meal Builder 120 is a very useful tool, not only for to change his chosen meals, the user can edit or create new modifying and personalizing Picture Menus 115, but also for meals using the Meal Builder. If the user decides not to designing meals and picturing favorite recipes. Meal Builder change his choices, or after the user changes his choices, the 20 120 can be used as a stand-alone feature, or can be used with user can save the meals for the particular day. the Picture Menus 115. Meal Builder 120 incorporates a scoring system that allows the user to view, in real time, the DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES impact of food choices on daily intake, and the accumulated FIG. 1 displays the underlying architecture of an exemimpact on daily nutrition allowance made by saved meals plary embodiment of the present invention. 25 and snacks throughout the day. The approximate distribution FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary overview of calories and nutrients for each meal and snack can be process. shown using a selected diet plan. FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary process for FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary overview editing the user choices, as set forth in FIG. 2. process 200. The overview process 200 starts with step 210. FIGS. 4--6 are exemplary screen shots illustrating the 30 In step 205, a Meal Database 110 and Food Database 111 areprepared (or edited). In step 210, the user chooses meals Picture Menus. (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) for a day. The terms FIGS. 7-10 are exemplary screen shots illustrating the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks do not require a balMeal Builder, and how it can be incorporated into the Picture anced or traditional meal, but simply denote food choices the Menus. 35 user can make. For example, though unwise, a user can DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE choose a plate of potato chips for breakfast and see how this INVENTION affects his dietary goals. In an exemplary embodiment, the Picture Menus 115 are based upon the following distribution The present invention will be discussed with reference to of calories: breakfast 25%, lunch 30%, snackslbeverages preferred embodiments. Specific details will be set forth to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention. 40 15%, dinner 30%. These levels can be changed when the meals are edited using Meal Builder 120. However, daily The preferred embodiments discussed herein should not be meals are combined to produce a daily total which can vary understood to limit the invention. only +/-5% before a warning appears. In step 215, the user FIG. 1 displays the underlying architecture of an exemdecides whether or not to change the meals he has chosen for plary embodiment of the present invention. The system 100 45 the day. If the user decides to change his chosen meals, the includes a User Interface (UI) 105, a Meal Database 110, a process moves to step 220, where the user can change (edit Food Database 111, a Picture Menus 115, and a Meal Builder or create) meals using Meal Builder 120. If the user decides 120. not to change his choices in 215, or after the user changes The UI 105 can receive commands from the user and his choices in 220, the process moves to step 225, where the display results to the user from the Picture Menus 115 and 50 user saves the meals for that day. The process can be Meal Builder 120. repeated by going back to step 205. The overview process The Meal Database 110 is a database of pre-set meals that 200 ends with step 299. has been compiled. The Food Database 111 is a database of FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary process for foods that has been compiled. editing the user choices, as set forth in step 220 of FIG. 2. In an alternative embodiment, the Meal Database 110 55 In step 305, the user chooses the meal he wants to change. and/or the Food Database 111 can incorporate a diet behavIn step 310, the user chooses the Edit or New option. If the ior analysis. These Databases 110 and 111 can be based on user chooses the Edit option, the process moves to step 320, a diet behavior analysis of the user. These Databases 110 and where the user accesses the Meal Builder 120 to edit the 115 are customized through the expansion of the addition of chosen meal. The user can edit a particular meal by foods and meals that conform to the users taste preferences 60 removing, adding, decreasing, substituting, etc. food items, and dietary goals. If the program learns the user likes certain starting with the meal the user has chosen to edit. If the user foods, it will offer those foods first. If the program learns the chooses the New option, the process moves to step 315, user likes certain meals, it will offer those meals first. In an where the user accesses the Meal Builder 120 to change the alternative embodiment, a user can populate a particular chosen meal. The user can choose a new meal by removing, database with meals he has created. 65 adding, decreasing, substituting, etc. food items, starting The Picture Menus 115 are a quick and easy system of with an empty plate. The user can change a particular meal dietary impact controlled instant meals that the user can mix by removing, adding, or substituting a food item. US 6,585,516 B1 5 6 Alternatively, the user can load a previously saved meal (and example, the user can choose to change the Dinner Choice 421. Once the user chooses the Edit 710 or the New 705, the edit this if he chooses). Steps 315 and 320 move to step 325, current Dinner Choice 421 will be shown in the Meal where the Dietary Impact Bar Charts are changed to correBuilder 120. spond to the changed meal. In step 330, the user saves the FIG. 8 is an exemplary screen shot 800 illustrating a use 5 changed meal. of the Meal Builder 120 for Dinner Choice 421. The current FIG. 4 illustrates an exemplary screen shot 400 illustratDinner Choice 421, comprising barbequed chicken, baked ing the Picture Menus 115. In this exemplary embodiment, potatoes, and beans, is shown. The user can access the the program has indicated, or the user has chosen, that he Search 820, the New Meal 825, the Load Meal 830, the Save should follow a 1600 calorie diet. With this 1600 calorie Meal 835, the Inventory 840, and the Compute 845. The goal, a breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner can be combined 10 Search 820 allows a user to search for a food in the Food to create the right number of calories. Database 111. The New Meal 825 will display an empty The user chooses the breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner plate and allow the user to create a meal. The Load Meal 830 he wants for the day. These meals do not need to be will allow the user to choose from saved meals that he well-balanced meals, but as a combination need to meet the already has. The Save Meal 835 allows the user to save a 1600 calorie goal. The Breakfast Choices 410 indicate the 15 new meal he has created and give it a name. The Inventory 840 provides a written list of the foods on the plate. The meals the user can choose for breakfast. The Breakfast Compute 845 allows the user to see the impact of the foods Choice 411 is boxed and indicates the user's breakfast on the plate on his dietary goals. On some of these features, choice for the particular day he is planning. The Lunch the user can access or provide recipes or details about certain Choices 415 indicate the meals the user can choose for lunch. The Lunch Choice 416 is boxed and indicates the 20 foods. The Dinner Choices 420 in the Meal Builder 120 is user's lunch choice for the particular day he is planning. The immediately associated with an increase in the user of the Dinner Choices 420 indicate the meals the user can choose allotted amounts of calories and nutrients. This serves to for dinner. The Dinner Choice 421 is boxed and indicates the user's dinner choice for the particular day he is planning. show how adding each meal increases the calorie and The Snack Choices 425 indicate the meals the user can 25 nutrient intake during the day and how the impact of food choose for snacks. The Snack Choice 426 is boxed and choices can be seen in the bar charts. Excesses and deficiencies can be easily spotted and remedied. Other nutrients indicates the user's snack choice for the particular day he is can be seen on demand, as can a more detailed numerical planning. The Save Day's Meals 445 saves the choices analysis. 411,416,421, and 426 the user has made for a particular day. If the user is using the New 705, the user is presented with The user can Scroll Back 455 or Scroll Forward 460 on 30 a clean plate. The user then activates the window containing the Breakfast Choices 410, Lunch Choices 415, Dinner the desired food, and drags that food onto the plate. In the Choices 420, and Snack Choices 425. The user can choose Dinner Choices 420, the user can choose from different or review the current day's meals by the Today Indicator Foods 805, Beverages 810, and Condiments 815. The user 435. The user can also look at meals for the Previous Day 430 or the Next Day 440. The user can view the current 35 can adjust portions by clicking on each food on the plate and then selecting a plus or minus button. An "X" button calorie level in a bar graph and number form on the Nutrient removes the food from the plate. Indicator 465. While this is set for calories, any nutrient or As foods are added or removed, the user will see the quantifier, such as protein, can be measured on the Dietary Impact 465. (This can be another type of indicator, such as 40 Dietary Impact Bar Charts 850 change immediately. In this example, the calorie, fat, and fiber intake is shown. This any type of nutritional indicator.) Usually the user will try to indicates the contribution each food makes to the user's make his choices closely match his dietary goals. If the user nutrition and calorie intake. Condiments and beverages are exceeds those goals, he will receive a + Warning Signal 480. added in a similar way. Using Meal Builder 120, the user can The user can print the Day's Menus using the Print 470. The user can also record the menus in a health diary, print the 45 build his own personal library of favorite meals. menu, generate a customized shopping list that incorporates FIG. 9 is an exemplary screen shot 900 of a use of the the meals chosen, record his weight, and track his progress. Meal Builder 120. In this example, the user clicks on the Graphs for these options can also be provided. Carrot Choice 905. The Carrot Choice 905 then appears on the Plate 910. The user is able to adjust the portion size of FIG. 5 is an exemplary screen shot 500 illustrating a use of the Picture Menus 115. The user has already indicated a 50 the Carrot Choice 905 and see the Dietary Impact Bar Charts 850 change to correspond to the different portion sizes of the Breakfast Choice 411 and Lunch Choice 416. The user Carrot Choice 905. chooses a Dinner Choice 421 comprising barbequed chicken, baked potatoes, and beans. The user views the FIG. 10 is an exemplary screen shot 1000 of a use of the Dietary Impact 465 (here it is calories, although this could Meal Builder 120, as accessed in the Picture Menus 115. be a nutritional or other impact) of the Dinner Choice 421 on 55 Once the user saves the Carrot Choice 905 on his Dinner his daily allowance, and sees that with his dinner choice, he Choice 421, the user is taken back to the Picture Menus 115. has used 1650 (more than his allocated 1600) calories. The user can see the Carrot Choice 905 included in his Dinner Choice 421. The user can also see the Dietary Impact FIG. 6 is an exemplary screen shot 600 illustrating 465 of the meal change, with the inclusion of the Carrot another use of the Picture Menus 115. The user has already indicated a Breakfast Choice 411, Lunch Choice 416, and 60 Choice 905. What is claimed is: Dinner Choice 421. The user adds a Snack Choice 426 of 1. A system of computerized meal planning, comprising: grapes. The user views the Dietary Impact 465 of the grapes a User Interface; on his daily allowance, and sees that the addition of the grapes makes it so he has used 1750 instead of 1650 calories. a Database of food objects organizable into meals; and FIG. 7 is an exemplary screen shot 700 illustrating the 65 at least one Picture Menus, which displays on the User Meal Builder 120. The user can change an existing Choice Interface meals from the Database that a user can select 411, 416, 421, or 426 using Edit 710 or New 705. For from to meet customized eating goal. US 6,585,516 B1 7 8 2. A system of computerized meal planning, comprising: a User Interface; a Database of food objects; and a Meal Builder, which displays on the User Interface meals from the Database, and wherein a user can change content of said meals and view the resulting meals' impact on customized eating goals. 3. The system of claim 1, further comprising: a Meal Builder, which displays on the User Interface meals from the Database, corresponding to the Picture Menus, where the user can change the content of said meal's and view the resulting meal's impact on customized eating goals. 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the meal planning is designed to impact eating behavior. 5. The system of claim 1, wherein food objects are food images. 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the Database further comprises: a Food Database comprising the food objects incorporated into the Meal Builder; and a Meal Database comprising various combinations of the food objects designated as meals and incorporated into the Meal Builder and the Picture Menus. 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the Database is based on a behavior analysis comprising collecting and analyzing specific information on a user's instinctive tendencies and preferences. 8. The system of claim 6, wherein the Food Database and the Meal Database are based on a behavior analysis comprising collecting and. analyzing specific information on a user's instinctive tendencies and preferences. 9. The system of claim 7, wherein the behavior analysis further comprises comparing the specific information to a set of goals. 10. The system of claim 7, wherein the behavior analysis is a diet behavior analysis comprising collecting and ana1yzing specific information on a user's instinctive eating tendencies and preferences. 11. The system of claim 10, wherein the diet behavior analysis further comprises comparing the specific information to a set of customized eating goals. 12. A method of computerized planning that can influence behavior, comprising: preparing a Database of food objects; allowing a user to choose meals from one or more Picture Menus, which display on a User Interface meals comprised from the food objects from the Database that the user can mix and match to meet customized eating goals, for a particular amount of time; and allowing a user to save the meals. 13. A method of computerized planning that can influence behavior, comprising: preparing a Database of food objects; allowing the user to decide whether or not to change one or more meals comprising food objects; and if the user decides to change one or more of the meals, allowing the user to change the meals using a Meal Builder, which displays on the User Interface the food objects from the meals from the Database, corresponding to the Picture Menus, where the user can change and view the meals' impact on customized eating goals. 14. The system of claim 12, further comprising: allowing the user to decide whether or not to change one or more of the meals; and if the user decides to change one or more of the meals, allowing the user to change the meals using a Meal Builder, which displays on the User Interface the food objects from the meals from the Database, corresponding to the Picture Menus, where the user can change and view the meals' impact on customized eating goals. 15. The system of claim 12, further comprising the step of incorporating a behavioral analysis comprising collecting and analyzing specific information on a user's instinctive tendencies and preferences into the Database. 16. The system of claim 15, wherein the behavior analysis further comprises comparing the specific information to a set of goals. 17. The system of claim 15, wherein the behavior analysis is a diet behavior analysis comprising collecting and ana1yzing specific information on a user's instinctive eating tendencies and preferences. 18. The system of claim 17, wherein the diet behavior analysis further comprises comparing the specific information to a set of customized eating goals. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 * * * * *

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