Hilltop Technology LLC v. Apple Inc.
COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT against Apple Inc. ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0540-4499255.), filed by Hilltop Technology LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - United States Patent No. 7,864,503, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(Huff, Winston)
(12) Ulllted States Patent
(10) Patent N0.:
(45) Date of Patent:
6,677,542 B2 *
Asslgnee' sense Pad Tech Co" Ltd’Ap1a(WS)
References Cited
4,394,643 A
Jan. 4, 2011
(75) Inventor: Yu-Huel Chang, S1Jh1h (TW)
US 7,864,503 B2
Williams .................. .. 340/365
Caldwell et a1.
.... ..
200/5 A
6,781,579 B2*
8/2004 Huang @1211. .... ..
6,897,390 B2 *
subleclto any dlsclalmeri the term Ofthls
6,963,040 B1 * 11/2005 Urman ........... ..
Patent 15 extended Or adlusted under 35
7,244,901 B1 *
U.S.C. 154(b) by 468 days-
2006/0097991 A1
2007/0240914 A1
Appl. NO.Z 12/148,998
(22) F1led:
2008/0122802 A1
7/2007 Liao etal. ................. .. 200/600
5/2006 Hotelling et a1. .......... .. 345/173
Lai et al. ............... .. 178/1806
5/2008 Furuhashi et a1. ......... .. 345/174
* cited by examiner
Apr. 23, 2008
Prior Publication Data
Foreign Application Priority Data
Primary ExamineriNguyen T Ha
(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiShirley L. Church, Esq
A capacitive type touch panel includes: a transparent sub
May 11,2007
(TW) ............................ .. 96116883 A
strate; an array of ?rst conductors formed on a surface of the
transparent substrate; an array of second conductors formed
on the surface of the transparent Substrate; a plurality of
conductive ?rst bridging lines, each of Which interconnects
1111 ? 1
d 1 1 1'
duct1ve second br1dg1ng l1nes, each of Which lnterconnects
(2006 01)
tWoa Jacen ones'o ' e ‘rs con uc ors, ap ura1ty 0 con
H03K 17/975
US. Cl. ..................... .. 361/288; 361/290; 361/292;
tWo adjacent ones of the second conductors and each of Which
intersects insulatively a respective one of the ?rst bridging
361/283-4; 200/600; 200/269; 200/310; 345/173;
lines; andaplurality ofspaced apart insulators, each ofWhich
345/ 174; 345/ 175; 345/177
is disposed at an intersection of a respective one of the ?rst
Field of Classi?cation Search ............... .. 361/288,
bridging lines and a respective one of the second bridging
361/29(L292, 283.1, 283.2, 283.4; 200/269,
200/310, 600; 345/l73il75, 177
lines to separate the respective ?rst and second bridging lines.
See application ?le for complete search history.
12 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
Controller \ 2
US. Patent
Jan. 4, 2011
Sheet 1 015
US 7,864,503 B2
US. Patent
Jan. 4, 2011
Sheet 2 of5
US 7,864,503 B2
Controller \ 2
US. Patent
Jan. 4, 2011
Sheet 3 of5
US 7,864,503 B2
US. Patent
Jan. 4, 2011
Sheet 5 of5
US 7,864,503 B2
US 7,864,503 B2
bridging lines and a respective one of the second bridging
lines so as to separate the respective one of the ?rst bridging
lines from the respective one of the second bridging lines.
This application claims priority of Taiwanese Application
Other features and advantages of the present invention Will
become apparent in the folloWing detailed description of the
preferred embodiment of this invention, With reference to the
No. 096116883, ?led on May 11,2007.
accompanying draWings, in Which:
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a capacitive type touch panel,
FIG. 1 is a fragmentary schematic vieW of a conventional
capacitive type touch panel;
more particularly to a capacitive type touch panel including
FIG. 2 is a fragmentary schematic top vieW of the preferred
embodiment of a capacitive type touch panel according to this
arrays of ?rst and second electrodes formed on the same
surface of a transparent substrate and disposed alternately
With each other.
2. Description of the Related Art
FIG. 1 illustrates a conventional capacitive type touch
panel that includes a transparent substrate 11, a ?rst electrode
unit 12 formed on a top surface of the transparent substrate 11,
FIG. 3 is a fragmentary perspective vieW of the preferred
FIG. 4 is a sectional vieW taken along line W-W ofFIG. 2;
FIG. 5 is a fragmentary perspective vieW illustrating hoW a
a second electrode unit 13 formed on a bottom surface of the
pair of ?rst and second bridging lines of the preferred embodi
transparent substrate 11, a conductive ?rst connecting line
ment are separated from each other through an insulator.
unit 14 connected to the ?rst electrode unit 12, a conductive
second connecting line unit 15 connected to the second elec
trode unit 13, and conductive ?rst and second Wiring units 16,
17 connected respectively to the ?rst and second connecting
line units 14, 15. Formation of the ?rst and second Wiring
units 16, 17 is conducted through Wire bonding techniques. A
controller (not shoWn) is connected to the ?rst and second
Wiring units 16, 17. When the capacitive type touch panel is
activated, an electric ?eld distribution is generated betWeen
the top and bottom surfaces of the transparent substrate 11. At
this time, When the user operably touches the capacitive type
capacitive type touch panel according to this invention. The
capacitive type touch panel includes: a transparent substrate 3
having opposite top and bottom surfaces 31, 32; an array of
FIGS. 2 to 5 illustrate the preferred embodiment of a
?rst conductors 41 formed on the top surface 31 of the trans
parent substrate 3; an array of second conductors 42 formed
on the top surface 31 of the transparent substrate 3 and dis
posed alternately With the ?rst conductors 41; a plurality of
touch panel at one location, the electric ?eld at the location is
changed, Which results in a change in the capacitance
spaced apart conductive ?rst bridging lines 412, each of
Which interconnects tWo adjacent ones of the ?rst conductors
betWeen the ?rst and second electrode units 12, 13 at the
location, thereby permitting identi?cation of the coordinates
41; a plurality of spaced apart conductive second bridging
of the location through the controller.
Since the ?rst and second Wiring units 16, 17 are formed
respectively on the top and bottom surfaces of the transparent
substrate 11, a gap is formed betWeen each adjacent pair of
bonding Wirings of the ?rst and second Wiring units 16, 17.
The gaps thus formed among the bonding Wirings of the ?rst
and second Wiring units 16, 17 are not ?xed, Which results in
generation of noise betWeen the ?rst and second Wiring units
16, 17, Which, in turn, results in a dif?culty in identifying the
lines 422, each of Which interconnects tWo adjacent ones of
the second conductors 42 and each of Which intersects insu
latively a respective one of the ?rst bridging lines 412; and a
posed at an intersection of a respective one of the ?rst bridg
ing lines 412 and a respective one of the second bridging lines
The object of the present invention is to provide a capaci
tive type touch panel that can overcome the aforesaid draW
back associated With the prior art.
of the ?rst bridging lines 412 from the respective one of the
second bridging lines 422. The ?rst and second conductors
41, 42 and the ?rst and second bridging lines 412, 422 coop
eratively form into a matrix of capacitive regions When a
current is applied to ?rst and second conductors 41, 42 and the
?rst and second bridging lines 412, 422.
In this embodiment, each of the ?rst and second conductors
41, 42 is made from a thin ?lm of a conductive transparent
material that is preferably selected from the group consisting
of indium-tin-oxide, indium-Zinc-oxide, Zinc oxide, alumi
num Zinc oxide, and combinations thereof.
Preferably, the thin ?lm of each of the ?rst and second
an array of second conductors formed on the top surface of the
transparent substrate and disposed alternately With the ?rst
conductors; a plurality of spaced apart conductive ?rst bridg
422 and each of Which is sandWiched betWeen the respective
one of the ?rst bridging lines 412 and the respective one of the
second bridging lines 422 so as to separate the respective one
location touched by the user.
According to this invention, there is provided a capacitive
type touch panel that comprises: a transparent substrate hav
ing opposite top and bottom surfaces; an array of ?rst con
ductors formed on the top surface of the transparent substrate;
plurality of spaced apart insulators 5, each of Which is dis
conductors 41, 42 is formed With a plurality of holes 413, 423,
and more preferably, each of the holes 413, 423 is a through
ing lines, each of Which interconnects tWo adjacent ones of
the ?rst conductors; a plurality of spaced apart conductive
second bridging lines, each of Which interconnects tWo adja
hole. Since the area of each of the ?rst and second conductors
cent ones of the second conductors and each of Which inter
be adjusted through changing of the number and/ or the diam
eter of the holes 413, 423.
The holes 413, 423 in the thin ?lm of each of the ?rst and
sects insulatively a respective one of the ?rst bridging lines;
and a plurality of spaced apart insulators, each of Which is
disposed at an intersection of a respective one of the ?rst
41, 42 is a key parameter to the capacitance, sensitivity in
detecting the coordinates of a touched location by the user can
second conductors 41, 42 occupy a total hole area Within an
US 7,864,503 B2
area enclosed by a periphery of the thin ?lm of the respective
one of the ?rst and second conductors 41, 42. In this preferred
embodiment, the thin ?lm of each of the ?rst and second
conductors 41, 42 has a solid area 411, 421 not equal to the
total hole area of the holes 413, 423 therein, and the solid area
of the thin ?lm of each of the ?rst conductors 41 differs from
that of the thin ?lm of each of the second conductors 42.
Alternatively, the shape and the solid area of the thin ?lm of
What is claimed is:
1. A capacitive type touch panel comprising:
a transparent substrate having opposite top and bottom
an array of ?rst conductors formed on said top surface of
said transparent substrate;
an array of second conductors formed on said top surface of
said transparent substrate and disposed alternately With
said ?rst conductors;
a plurality of spaced apart conductive ?rst bridging lines,
each of the ?rst conductors 41 are the same as those of the thin
?lm of each of the second conductors 42.
Preferably, the transparent substrate 3 is made from a mate
each of Which interconnects tWo adjacent ones of said
?rst conductors;
a plurality of spaced apart conductive second bridging
rial selected from the group consisting of glass, polymethyl
methacrylate, polyvinylchloride, polypropylene, polyethyl
lines, each of Which interconnects tWo adjacent ones of
said second conductors and each of Which intersects
insulatively a respective one of said ?rst bridging lines;
Preferably, each of the insulators 5 is made from a material
selected from the group consisting of photoresist, silicon
dioxide, titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide, silicon nitride, alumi
num nitride, and tantalum oxide.
a plurality of spaced apart insulators, each of Which is
disposed at an intersection of a respective one of said
The capacitive type touch panel further includes a plurality
of conductive ?rst connecting lines 61 formed on the top
surface 31 of the transparent substrate 3, and a plurality of
conductive second connecting lines 62 formed on the top
surface 31 of the transparent substrate 3. The ?rst conductors
41 are arranged into parallel columns. The ?rst conductors 41
of each of the columns are interconnected by respective ones
of the ?rst bridging lines 412. The second conductors 42 are
arranged into parallel roWs. The second conductors 42 of each
of the roWs are interconnected by respective ones of the
ond bridging lines.
2. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 1, Wherein each
The capacitive type touch panel further includes a plurality
of ?rst bonding Wires 63 and a plurality of second bonding
Wires 64. Each of the ?rst bonding Wires 63 is connected to a
respective one of the ?rst connecting lines 61, and extends
outWardly therefrom through a side edge 33 of the transparent
substrate 3. Each of the second bonding Wires 64 is connected
to a respective one of the second connecting lines 62, and
extends outWardly therefrom through the side edge 33 of the
transparent substrate 3. The ?rst and second bonding Wires
3. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 1, Wherein each
anti-re?ective layer 72.
consisting of indium-tin-oxide, indium-Zinc-oxide, Zinc
6. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 5, Wherein each
of said holes is a through-hole.
arrangements included Within the spirit and scope of the
broadest interpretation and equivalent arrangements.
7. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 5, Wherein said
holes in said thin ?lm of each of said ?rst and second con
ductors occupy a total hole area Within an area enclosed by a
periphery of said thin ?lm of the respective one of said ?rst
and second conductors, said thin ?lm of each of said ?rst and
second conductors having a solid area not equal to said total
hole area of said holes therein.
8. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 7, Wherein said
solid area of said thin ?lm of each of said ?rst conductors
differs from that of said thin ?lm of each of said second
9. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 1, Wherein said
transparent substrate is made from a material selected from
the group consisting of glass, polymethylmethacrylate, poly
vinylchloride, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate,
polyethylene naphthalate, and polycarbonate.
10. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 1, Wherein
each of said insulators is made from a material selected from
the group consisting of photoresist, silicon dioxide, titanium
dioxide, Zinc oxide, silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, and
tantalum oxide.
11. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 1, further
comprising a plurality of conductive ?rst connecting lines
formed on said top surface of said transparent substrate, and
tion With What is considered the most practical and preferred
embodiment, it is understood that this invention is not limited
to the disclosed embodiment but is intended to cover various
oxide, aluminum Zinc oxide, and combinations thereof.
5. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 3, Wherein said
thin ?lm of each of said ?rst and second conductors is formed
With a plurality of holes.
By forming the ?rst and second conductors 41, 42 on the
same surface of the transparent substrate 3, the aforesaid
problem of identifying the touched location attributed to the
gap betWeen the ?rst and second bonding Wires as encoun
tered in the prior art can be eliminated.
While the present invention has been described in connec
of said ?rst and second conductors is made from a thin ?lm of
a conductive transparent material.
4. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 3, Wherein said
conductive transparent material is selected from the group
63, 64 are normally formed on a ?exible board. A controller 2
is connected to the ?rst and second bonding Wires 63, 64 for
detecting the location Where a change in the electric ?eld
among the ?rst and second conductors 41, 42 occurs during
the use of the capacitive type touch panel.
A protective layer 7 is formed on the ?rst and second
conductors 41, 42 and the top surface 31 of the transparent
substrate 3, and includes a Wear-resistant layer 71 and an
of said insulators is sandWichedbetWeen the respective one of
said ?rst bridging lines and the respective one of said second
bridging lines.
second bridging lines 422. Each of the ?rst connecting lines
61 is connected to an endmost one of the ?rst conductors 41
of a respective one of the columns of the ?rst conductors 41.
Each of the second connecting lines 62 is connected to an
endmost one of the second conductors 42 of a respective one
of the roWs of the second conductors 42.
?rst bridging lines and a respective one of said second
bridging lines so as to separate the respective one of said
?rst bridging lines from the respective one of said sec
a plurality of conductive second connecting lines formed on
said top surface of said transparent substrate, said ?rst con
ductors being arranged into parallel columns, said ?rst con
ductors of each of said columns being interconnected by
US 7,864,503 B2
respective ones of said ?rst bridging lines, said second con
ductors being arranged into parallel roWs, said second con
ductors of each of said roWs being interconnected by respec
tive ones of said second bridging lines, each of said ?rst
connecting lines being connected to an endmost one of said
?rst conductors of a respective one of said columns of said
second bonding Wires, said transparent substrate further hav
ing a side edge, each of said ?rst bonding Wires being con
?rst conductors, each of said second connecting lines being
connected to an endmost one of said second conductors of a
respective one of said roWs of said second conductors.
12. The capacitive type touch panel of claim 11, further
comprising a plurality of ?rst bonding Wires and a plurality of
nected to a respective one of said ?rst connecting lines and
extending outWardly therefrom through said side edge of said
transparent substrate, each of said second bonding Wires
being connected to a respective one of said second connecting
lines and extending outWardly therefrom through said side
edge of said transparent substrate.
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