Oasis Research, LLC v. Adrive, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against AT&T Inc., Adrive, LLC, CARBONITE, INC., DECHO Corp., Drive Headquarters, Inc., EMC CORP., Godaddy.Com, Inc., IRON MOUNTAIN, INC., Iomega Corp., Iron Mountain Information Management, Inc., Jungle Disk, LLC, NetMass, Inc., Nirvanix, Inc., Officeware Corp., PRO SOFTNET CORP., Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Rackspace US, Inc., Softlayer Technologies, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-2646072.), filed by Oasis Research, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Patent or Trademark, # 3 Exhibit A-Patent '354, # 4 Exhibit B-Patent '228, # 5 Exhibit C-Patent '943, # 6 Exhibit D-Patent '051)(Tidwell, James) (Main Document 1 replaced on 8/31/2010) (cm, ).

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111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US005771354A United States Patent [19] Crawford [11] [45] [54J INTERNET ONLINE BACKUP SYSTEM PROVIDES REMOTE STORAGE FOR CUSTOMERS USING IDS AND PASSWORDS WHICH WERE INTERACTIVELY ESTABLISHED WHEN SIGNING UP FOR BACKUP SERYICES [76] Invenlor: [21J Christopher M. Crawford, 301 n Wisconsin Ave., NW., Apt C-S, Washington, D.C. 20016 App!. No.: 145,825 [22] Filed: l51] [52] Int. CI.' ..................................................... GOW 13/00 U.S. CI. ................................ 395/200.59; 395/200.49; NOl'. 4, 1993 [58] Field of Search ............................. 364/200; 395/800, 395/186; 395/620 395/876, 182'{)4, 182,(19, 20D.59, 2()O.49, 186, 620; 380/4 References Cited [56] U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,649,479 4,901,223 4,954,945 4,982,324 4,994,963 5,005,122 5,007,082 5,023,774 5,OR9,95R 5,107,456 5,109,515 5,181,238. 5,210,866 5,212,784 5,276,867 5,317,728 5,321,430 5,353,411 5,367,698 5,379,418 5,404,527 5,426,594 5,448,718 3/19H7 2/1990 9/1990 1/1991 2/1991 4/1991 4/1991 6/1991 2/1902 4/1992 4/1992 1/1993 5/1993 5/1993 1/1994 5/1994 6/1994 10/1994 11/1994 1/1995 4/1995 6/1995 9/1995 Advnni et Ill. .......................... 395/oRl Rhyne ...................... ," ............ 364/20U Inoue cI aL ............................. 364/200 McConaughy et al. ........... 395/200.52 Rorden ct aL .......................... 364/200 Griffin et ul. ...................... 395/200.01 Cummins .................................... 380/4 Snkni cluJ. ............................. 395/849 Horlon ............................... 395/182.03 Schuur .................................... 395/310 Lnggis et al. .............. 707/10 Medamnna et al. ...................... 379/95 Milligan et al .................... 395/182.04 Sparks ................................ 395/182.04 Kenley ct aL .......................... 707/104 Tevis el at. ............................. 395/600 Smyth el ul. ............................... 380/4 Nakaosa c! aL ........................ 395/275 Webber et al. ......................... 395/800 Shimazaki ct al. ................ 395/182.09 Irwin et a\. ........................ 395/200.52 Wright ct nl. ........................... 364/514 Culm eL al. ............................. 395/404 Patent Number: Date of Patent: 5,497,479 3/1996 5,515,502 5/1996 5,535,407 7/1996 5,544,320 8/1996 2/1997 5,606,719 5,696,901 12/1997 5,771,354 Jun. 23, 1998 Hornbuckle. .................. .. 395/491 Wood ................................. 395/18213 Yanagawa et al. ..................... 395/800 Konrnd ............................... 395/200.33 Nichols cl ul. ......................... 395/876 Konrad ............................... 395/200.33 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Bersbad, "Watcbdogs: Extending the UNIX File System", Feb. 12, 1988, pp. 267-275. Needham, "Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers", Dec. 1978, pp. 993-999. Arneson, "Mass Storage Archiving In Network Envirom,ots", 1988, IEEE, pp. 45-50. (List continued on next page,) Primary Examiner-Frank 1. Asta Assisfa~Jt £mminer--L.e I-lien LUll Arrorney, Agellt, or Firm-Nixon & Vandcrhye [57] P.c. ABSTRACT This invention makes it possible [or a customer computer to connect to an online service provider computer by phone, Internet, or other method, pay a fec to said service provider, and obtain additional processing and storage resources for the customer's cllmputer. The resources can tal;:c the form of virtual storagc and prm:essing capabilities. 'Ibese capabilities give the customer computer what appears to be additional local processing power and/or additional local storage, this storage possibly including pre loaded software and/or data. The additional resourL't:s made available tu the customer computer can be u..<;eu either 10 enhance the cu:-;tomers' 100:al needs (such as access to virtual storage for additional disk space, or access to a more powerful processor of similar type for program execution), Of these additional resources can be used by the customer computer to support services on-line that otherwise would be unavailable, impractical, or unaffordable. Examples of services include software and information rental, sales, and release update scrvice:-;, anli-viral services, baclrup and recovery services, and diagnostic ami repair services, to name a few. 27 Claims, 63 Drawing Sheets Snftwnrn anti ServiC05 Online Service Sy~lem EXHIBIT 01HER PUBLICATIONS To Data Ccn, 1989, IEEE, pp. Ford et Review Abstract. PC Tech Journal, vol. 9, "Forward 1985, pp. 42-53. IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 34, With Network File Mar. 992, pp. 408-409. Across the Advertisement, "Rochester Software Connection, Inc., What's fast, fun and does the AS/400?" 1 page. Robert Jourdan, Problem Prentice 11all, 1986, pp. 369-394, 395-406. Thc Waitc MS-DOS Sams & G. ,-.aWf'uvH ... Comp.433. & J. Helm, PC World, "Thc Bcst of Onlinc pp. 225-240. r'n",,.,1J',·,.,a ZifI-Davis, "The World At 52-56. J. Section, Wash Tcch, " Nov. 1993, pp. 19,26. InternetIldfWIl'7"'P vol. 10, No. 15, "From Your Nctworks 10, vol. 10, No. 15, and Routers, Smart Links Between LAN pp. 121-169. vol. 10, No. 15, PC "Access Servers, 10, 1991, pp. 1 page. Advertisement, "PC/TCP® P1us,"1 page. Advcrtiscmcnt, 3X/400, "Mimix Hi-Nct, Lakcview __ "HC'"~'"J Inc., p. 140. Advertisement, Innovation, "Server Based " 1 page. Advertisement,News 3X/400, "PC File Mail, Nov. 1991, p. Advcrtiscmcnt, "HandsOn Softwarc, Monarch 36/400T>1 PC users get their hands on Advertisement, Andrew, "Netl the Numbers," page. Advcrtiscmcnt, "Innovation® Data FDR.Your 1 pagc. DASD Advcrtiscmcnt, Bundle," 1 page. Advertisement, "Central Point Software Inc.®, Never of Protection," 1 Underestimate the pagc. Gazcllc, Advcrtiscmcnt, Business Communications, While You Work," Jun. 1992, p. 436. Advertisement, "Works," Advcrtiscmcnt, Intcl®, fax softwarc that can send, receive and run with your faxes, 1 page. Advcrtiscmcnt, With call away, 1 page. M. Tischer, PC pp. 157-171,208-212, "f'f"vHU'A Advcrtiscmcnt, Warc TM: Windows for Clicnt/Scrvcr 427. Software Associates, Inc., BPCS Advertisement, Client/Server '''f'f'''''''UUH Software, 1 page. vol. 10, No. 15, "Bulletin Board J. Salemi, PC Software, Tools for Wide-Area Communications, 10, 1991, pp. 231-300. M. Stone, PC vol. 10, No. 15, .. E-Mail LAN Links, the World," 10, 991, pp. 303-345. F. Derfler & K. Maxwell, PC 1 15, 10, I The Media Move The 1991, pp. 351-374. F. Derfier & K. Maxwell, PC illlfJUfl'7n,p vol. 10, No. 15, "Public Data Nctwork'S, Rcliable 10, 1991,pp. 177-227. Viruses," Oct. P. No-Hassle Solutions " Jul. 1993, pp. 218-219. for "Carbon #1 Remote Advertisement, MicroCom Control," page. IBM DOS 1990. IBM PC DOS 1990. IBM PC SC21-8195-0, IBM DOS Guide, 1 / / \ / \ I \ I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ I tRI I I I 1..,.--_ \ \ / \ I 2 <J.) c 3 114 1 I I- --1 I 1 8 64 122 102 / - I"" I I I I 72 I I I I I 74 I I I I I I I I I I 78 ---, I I I I I I I I I I I 64 I 60a 70 I I I I I I I 66 I I I 56 000000000000000000 00000 00000 0000000 000000000 1 I 1 - I _I 4 00 118 I I I I I L_ _ __ .J 20a I... 150 5 r------"- - --, 104 I I I I I I I 160 164A 36J 1648 164C 50a .... r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ....... -- \ f --::... I I I I I I I I I I I )I I I 1 I 64BA I I I I I I I I I I I _I ...., I I 64BC 6 1 B 1 A 7 8 r- - 9 r------I I I I I I I I 116a 136--"""'-~_ -------------------.-~------------------ rI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- -300 302 - - - - - _ ........ 304 306 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 312 ----- 310 -- -- 308 I I I I I I I I _J r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I 470 474 476 480 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... 488 500 496 492 I I I I I I ! I I __ J 1 . 11 16 540 No 540 17 572 Yes Yes 575 576 577 18 19 1 518 Yes Get Cust Redirected Drive Control Table 584 Control Data Customer with Data Received from R . Stored YES No 589 Execute I/O for Customer Disk Drive Send Data and/or to Send I/O and/or Data to Receive and/or Data from Yes Set Processor In Use 1 501 600 602 608 6'6 624 626 ~~------------+------- 628 630 632 640 642 ~r-------------------+--------------------------------------------I 644 ~~----------------~~-------------------------------------------I 646~~~~~~~~~~~~~____________________ 648 1 800 834 Drive Parameter Block Location for Local Drive Redirected 900 Boot Online Service Host Start Virtual Device Software for 908 Customer and 910 Customer Task 912 No Yes Customer Session 917 Yes Offline Session 926 928 930 1 1110 .....---1_...... 1116 1 1 o 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 Ii Ii 1002A 10026 1002S 1002T 1002W 1002X 1 1308 r-______~~______~1314 1336 13398 No 1341 First Time Condition Block Entries and Redirected Drive Entries for Customer Local Drives Send Virtua to Cust No 1384 Set for 1386 Disconnect Customer .f1Il1'llIllt:1 Yes 1414 1416 No No No Yes 1432 1424 434 Set Online Service Control Data Processor 1 1 1 ~ Write Ic)Cal (jrive for Iremc)te drive Irequest 2012 2002 Customer Runs Standard Software 2014 2004 .------'-----~ 2016 Creates Customer Data and Online Service Control Data based on Information 2006 2018 2008 2020 2022 2024 1 2 INTERNET ONLINE BACKUP SYSTEM PROVIDES REMOTE STORAGE FOR CUSTOMERS USING IDS AND PASSWORDS WHICH WERE INTERACTIVELY ESTABLISHED WHEN SIGNING UP FOR BACKUP SERVICES between it and the line. The two computers can "talk" one another the line, and can ~A'."'m!"v all sorts of information as files, Email, and computer programs. An entire referred to as "on-line the need for computers to share information. These mation FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to on-line for computer users. More it service that automated information nrrWP"",n<T serinvention more vices to computer users for a fee. The relates to an on-line that allows remote computer users to connect on-line to computer devices "virtual" and access them to do such computer software from them. ]() ~AaHliJjL~" of information providers. computer user can use these on-line services do useful such as a computer want ad, read electronic mall messages, download a new video game program, scan the news wires, get stock quote, and conference with other users about his favorite the user pay The information BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF THE fee each month. This fee can be a Hat, unlimited use fee, or INVENTION it can be based on the amount of connection time. The user's It is common for computer users connect to a credit card number is often on record, and his credit mainframe computer get computer services. The user has every month. and but no pro"dumb" terminal (a maintains "host" computer cessor connect to the mainframe computer over a that automatisystem line. The user's "dumb terminal" calls up the user requests a and establishes an on-line connection. The mainthe information softframe does all the and sends the results the ware is run on the host computer system to on the user's down the request. Results can be stored on the host for later review transfer to the remote computer. The user's he is connected to the mainframe. and "work5tation 30 computer uses "file transfer now have computers in their homes like with buffer" to receive the elata. However, and businesses. These "stand-alone" "dumb" terminals, user interaction with puter is with the user's one computer user may an electronic mall message to wish to another '-"Ill,,,,!!"r to retrieve another computer. The way transfer information between computers is to have one of the computers write the information onto a storage device diskette or This storage device carried to the other computer, which information. While this IS and low in cost, is often inconvenient to carry or send storage device to the computer read the information. In addition, it may take suppose move the storage device are in different states or even III different Because computer users often demand instantaneous sharof computer information and cannot wait for someone to send them disk the information, various "on-line" computer connections have become The computer user can connect a "modem" (a kind of data transmitter and between his computer his line. The computer controls the modem to the number another computer, connected There are also certain that allow one computer computer to access another computer. and/or resources connected to the other "PC For involves computers: the "master" the "remote" the remote computer allows an on-line, real time link to be established via modems and a telecommunications link between the master and the remote. All user mouse are the and forth withv,",,,,,,,w).'; on it. Moreover, of the remote computer and does allow his remote comremote user to access other resources puter. This thus allows the remote ,-nem",!,," to connections to a master can access, but does not In other any words, the remote computer thus acts like a "dumb" terminal, with the master all of the substantive provUHHHUH""1 50 60 65 on-line So-called "Bulletin Board" systems services to PC users. These systems dedicated computer with a the software and messages collected from vanous users. These systems are suitable for and messages, bulletins, programs, and other uses like a forfor customer orders, remote site data 3 4 collection, software distribution, or on-line Limited hardware and software lila HHHL'-"'''~.1U'' environment. Bulletin Board systems are also for discussion j () programs Another way computer users share information is the "Internet," a worldwide network of computers connected and many other connected their servers can search hased on the request, and send hack a list of records to send that meet the search criteria. It is also programs from a less computer, the more computer execute the program generate an output file, and then return the output file to the less computer for review and A wealth of and articles are available that the "Internet" and the a local file system available to the network. A remote user with proper authorities, however, still has direct access to the remote exists to storage, however, and the unwanted data and programs to the remote system. III has cause serious consequences in the past 1988 a WORM virus the Internet and 30 40 for access. a month for unlimited access and of download Additional data downloaded would be Other commercial nr,n",r','r on the Internet. called users connect to the Internet "SLIP" which allows a computer to operate as a "dumh terminal" for access to information and services. The of access available to remote Internet several of mail between allows the remote system users. The news various news information related to computers such as a new release information on Telnet is used to 50 60 are system to be available as a file system on the network. Drives on a remote system defined NFS and RFS are available for other remote systems on the Internet. Transfer also available on the Internet to access files interconnection he tween ppe allows remote the Internet with a node and is thus within the Internet system to allow other remote systems to access the remote system ppe. defined with the Internet is that local computer can the resources of another computer, thus local computer introduce a hoot sector virus, for instance, on the system disk of remote computer such that the remote computer will become infected the next time the remote computer is booted. NFS and RFS do utilize controls to set the and a remote system 65 are another common way to interconnect computers. data on businesses now store most all of their shared computer called a "file server. User computers access the shared me server over a data network called "local area network" (I a "wide area network" "local area network" interconnects data a limited geouser computers communicate to share central resources such as and distance data communicaLANs are interconnected with unshielded twisted cable, fiber LAN to inter-connect computers more and faster means for data transfer than traditional me transfer methods. All users on a LAN can share resources such as storage devices, nication links to limit costs associated with and LAN can tronic mail and various shared such as customer serVlee of a LAN to share information, suppose a user wants to edit word document stored on the shared server. The user's computer sends an electronic for the document over the area network. The server receives the request, processes it, and sends the document over the network in an electronic message addressed to the user's computer. The user's computer then the document into internal Once edited, the user's computer can memory for store the document on the user's hard disk or or it can write the edited ferent computer. computer "virus" can and with limited detection ,"",-,,,,,"u,,,,-,,. kind of computer program that of can "catch" viruses from other eomputers. infected computer to Other viruses are less 5 6 harmful, but all viruses are in terms of computer resources and computer users. software can be loaded onto computers to them from virus infections. this antitypes viruses the software is and/or behavior common viruses. A new "strain" of computer escape detection. Therefore, it is necessary software with new versions This becomes and time like PC files. When PC lUes are stored in a shared folder, information can shared other computer the IBM AS/400 can be used with lines to attach "virtual disks" to Modems are used to interface the and standard lines. The modems connect to a "communications controller" interface board within the AS/400. This "communications controller" board translates the data streams between these the modem and the AS/400. to write write the information to the computer user, on the other ~"l"vum computer to write to the "E" computer "thinks" it is """"""'" "E" disk but is instead 'vi'"~'~V'" line for in the the AS/400. been "W.~"~0"U~"J medium size businesses IBM's AS/400 system is th~ send and retrieve mes other information. IBM also introduced a "Virtual Disk" function as part "PC " This function allows users and information system is different system. Moreover, one . known as "boot sector" of software on a the "PC the user establishes an on-line PC and the IBM mlll1C()mrm software attaches, to PC, a host virtu al the current version of the PC be from the local disk drive. can execute the PC support software from the virtual When IBM introduced the AS/400, the "Virtual Disk" function enhanced with the "Shared Folder" function. Shared folders contain various dilTerent ~~~~ a router to various requests. is a non-exhaustive but somewhat of additional patents, tions and advertisements related to on-line computer services and/or virtual devices: (I3/K7 (I1j9! 04j92 5,109515 60 a~ documents PC word pflJC()SS'Jrs,j, mail, and with Office computer files maintained in a folder are stored in PC format al. 06/91 65 Schuur 04/92 Laggis et a1. 7 8 Masters," March ]() of the Runaround?, 1 Lakeview devices are attached to the remote Virtual customer computer via an on-line, temporary telecommunications link a dial up in the context of an Customers can load executahle code stored on host virtual devices into customer or server memory for execution without 11110 transfer. Device drivers executed the customer computer autoserver and manage I/O requests to host virtual devices attached devices. An automated recovery feature archives the customer computer mass storage data onto a host "virtual disk drive. When due to failure of the 'v'~HH'VH'bJ Inc.," .... entp.mlw.r Advertisement, Network Advertisement, 3X/400, "PC File Mail," Novemher p 74 Advertisement, "HandsOn Software, Monarch 36/400T>1 PC users get their hands on 1 page Advertisement, Andrew, the Numbers, 1 page Advertisement, "Innovation® FDR.Your D AS D IVHllla~;" llJL v 111 Advertisement, Bundle," 1 page Advertisement, "Central Point Software Inc.®, Never Underestimate the of Protection, 1 page Advertisement, Business Communications, Gazelle, While You Work," June 1992, p. 436 Advertisement, "Works," 1 page Advertisement, "Intcl®, send, receive and run with your Advertisement,"1 ,ink, With a " 1 page call 1993, 30 Software distrihution can he on two levels. access to an executable program _nrnVIr1C,n virtual storage allows the lIser to run on from time to time and/or the user to the try out is needed. Execute cllstomer computer server memory without an intermediate disk copy. the user is device access includes automatic antiin real time. The most recent anti-virus ViruS software releases are will be detected while anti-virus ~nl1"!"rf' at a schedUnattended access/attachment to the host uled time 40 the customer pf()bleITIS with their computer. The host may route information hetween users and/or or virtual to users to have shared access to a common database, or customers to move information from one computer to PC file Commander "p 50 Advertisement, Inc., BPCS Client/Server Software, 1 page Advertisement, "Roehester Software Conneetion, Inc., What's fast, fun and does the AS/400?" 1 One of the greatest limitations to services is that no are availahle to execute host hased for a user's On-line virtual output facilities such as facsimile, and electronic mail can he economion you basis. facilities. system create a and other access file to the user's workbe collected n"·,,~,,.!nr·" 60 services a device attachment. features: of on-line 65 virtual process. pattern sent customer computer certain number of calls, certain number of 9 call, a certain wait between each the eustomer computer modem to switch into answer mode. access code is sent r-,,,m,,,,U'r that identifies a reason for veril1cation, task "U'"'I"""">VU on behalf of customer, mail or data for download to The host computer the customer compattern customer computer tOjl) access the host. A Customer file is used to queue the requests. This allows the host the customer to call the host when needed, and also allows the customer he certain that his computer can access the service. When the customer calls the service pattern when the customer computer answers after a certain pattern will the host computer allow the customer entry. The customer accesses the service, hut after the host a pattern match. If the host dials the customer and gets a match, then the customer can access the system without this dialhack sequence. the customer tasks that processor type to the customer, thus the other activities. the 30 computer achieve stored with the request data. A used for the data. A 900 area code number used for pay access to serVlces. customer processor executes commands from the All for services are initiated a host comin turn may execute a customer computer processor command. Host based anti -viral programs loaded and executed in the customer processor protect access to programs and data. Virtual devices to allow the execution host hased software within the customer processor. Host information maintained in a Host Filc causes commands to execute on the host which may in turn cause commands to execute within the customer processor. A host hased command for each service program which purposes whenever command executes within the customer processor. Media, documents and the like be converted of the customer"s computer tion or conversion software virtual the customer. The service allows customer access on-line service data the customer computer processor the as a virtual drive. Data and programs can he rented control program to restrict attachment to virtual disks 40 the data and programs. A host command lS used to direct the router to initiate execution of program in the customer's processor. Data and them created control program. Automated services maintain a table of the customer that is allowed to data and programs can he transferred from a restricted virtual disk to the customer computer disks or virtual disks a host control program. A program verifies types of access to restricted virtual devices attached control but a program the transferred hetween the host computer and the customer computer to manage on-line service requests. host program executes programs in hoth the host processor and customer processor or at the same time within a process achieve desired results. on the host system but executed within are executed as to the customer computer a host control program. of on-line service access via numbers, Telco's use On-line Service time and access assess which appear on the customer"s Telco statement. information is maintained on the host. This information is the customer on pattern and access the type of message or the customer computer call the on-line service. The customer computer automated access a condition and break out of continue with additional requests. The host computer identifies condition and cancels the program or session to the customer computer to continue with additional requests. BRIEF DESCRIMON OF 11IE DRAWINGS 50 60 65 an on-line service system computer in accordance with a user's emhodiment of the present invention; of services FIG. 2 illustrates various the on-line service system of FIG. 1; FI G. 3 illustrates the components within the nrfotprrp·rj on-line system and the customer computer; FIG. 4 is a detailed schematic vanous difIerent arrangements for servlce system to customer computers; of FIG. 5 is one pH.H"",,·U embodiment; illustrates overall functional conthe embodiment on-line nections computer system to make virtual devices available to the customcr computcr and othcr systcm componcnts; FIG. 6B illustratcs ovcrall functional connections the embodiment on-line computer system to process customer computer FIG. 6C illustrates, on level, the on-line computer system handles on-linc scrvicc rcqucsts; FIG. 6D handles olT-line service requests; illustrates different FIG. 6E functions the host computer, computer and customcr computcr in thc cmbodimcnt; FIG. 7 illustratcs, on a morc dctailed level, tasks thc customcr com- tasks program control stcps thc host computcr systcm in thc prcoff-line ferred embodiment to effect the ]() computer; FIGS. 22A-22G show data in the structures maintained nn'tf'rrc,,1 embodiment; FIG. 22H shows somc of thc rcqucst available to on-linc customcrs in thc prcprogram control steps computer in the cmbodimcnt; of illustrates, on a more detailed level, thc computcr chart of tures stored ment; FIG. 2513 illustrates some of the requests startup; thc customcr and scrvcr routcr programs FIG. 11 is schcmatic flowchart of thc "rc-dircct intcrnn'tf'rre,rl embodiment; block of FIG. 10; FIG. 26 a flowchart of 30 FIG. 12A is schematic flowchart of comto boot up and operate handler in the embodiment; puter in the embodiment; and FIG. 12B schematic flowchart of timer FIG. 27 control steps mt,prnn"t handler tasks in thc cmbodimcnt; servIce up computcr in ordcr to issuc ncw account numbcrs for thc a schcmatic flowchart of nications handler tasks in thc nn'tcrrcIt on-linc scrvicc. ment; DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A PRESENTLY FIG. 13 IS a schematic flowchart of v"''-'U'IH'''q PREFERRED EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENT the customer computer seSSlOn with the on-line service system 40 On-Line Service Needs I. Customer cmbodimcnt; FIG. 1 shows of customer computer FIGS. 14A-14H arc morc schcmatic flowcharts 50 an on-line service system 100 in accordance of the customer server router" block of I'IG. 13; cmbodimcnt of this FIG. 15 is a flowchart of",,,",m,nl:uv bc a Customcr computcr 50 may for of thc chcck" block computer a main processor unit FIGS. 16A-16C arc schcmatic illustrations of vA'vH~••a,,,, 54, a and a mouse 58. Main data structurcs maintaincd thc customcr computcr in thc unit 52 slot embodiment; 62. Customcr computcr FIG. 17 is a schematic flowchart of program pcrfc,rrrls tasks for uscr undcr softwarc control, and control the host computer in the prethe results of the tasks on 54 fcrrcd FIG. 18 is a flowchart of vA'.HlljhH thc in FIG. 17; FIGS. 19Aand 19B processor unit 52. The user program control steps mouse 58 to interact the systcm as part of thc tasks computer 50. shown in FIG. 17; Customer computer 50 FIGS. 20A-20B 60 containcd, stand-alonc unit that computer program control steps of tasks wide embodiment to dTect the host system of the connected to any other computer vLJ'HF""'U rcqucst task" thc uscr can run a word program to in ncw FIGS. 21A-21E documents for storage within the main processor unit 52. are a flowchart of vA'vH~""'H program control stcps thc host 65 Thc uscr can also financial calculations system in the embodiment to elTect the program and store the results of the I..dJ'I..U,jdIIUI customer session" block shown in FIG. 17; within main processor unit 52. in order to remain effective. For "A'~'" f"'", it is the user run virus detection software on customer computer 50 in to prevent the computer from viruses introduced when new software is loaded onto the software loaded into main processor unit 52, the user may be able to wide of additional software tasks different 10 computer. Even may take a very to out certain results and the user up time II. On-l,ine Services Give Customer What It Needs These and other ,,"RH'''''''' and difficulties are eliminated when customer computer 50 connects to an on-line service the embodiment of the system 100 computer boards, multi-media like on occasion to have some of associated with this added Another serious limitation of customer computer 50 relates the amount storage it has. a so-called "hard within main processor unit 52 is used to all of the data the customer computer 50 as well all of the software to be executed unit 52 may run out of programs, or it may fail and of the data it --.,,,;~,,- I •• stored. The user can "back data stored on the internal hard drive and tedious process and the user of course, may sometimes do The user his customer computer 50 additional internal or external storage devices, but this would be eXIJenlSlv'e and not be cost effective. Nevertheless, the limitations on the storage of customer computer 50 may be troublesome to the user at times if a hard disk failure docs occur, of if the user wants to program but does not have the space on his hard the new program onto Another limitation of customer computer 50 relates to the of diftcrent software it can mn. Customer computer 50 can run software that has been loaded onto it. In a new function or the user must obtain 62 ware store, and then use to load the new software to main processor unit 52 software onto the internal hard drive within the main cessor unit If the new software program, process can take a time. In addition, the process may be the user. Moreover, no convenient way out" or rent or usc software with customer computer 50. For this reason, be able run the user of customer computer 50 may and it is difficult small number of new programs to that Another that the user of customer computer 50 confronts is outdated software. Most software are their Each time a new version of software becomes available, the user must obtain the software on diskettes and go the and sometimes process of the software onto main unit 52 via diskeUes 62 and disk slot This a with certain software that must be so to be the newest strains. 'Ibis is very inconvenient for the user, since it the user to procure versions of vims prlJtcctlon and load them onto customer computer 50. internal 30 40 to the on-line customer computer 50 to be located service system 100. The on-line service system 100 data program storage, that enhance the customer computer 50 in order to solve the drawbacks and mentioned above. On-line service services to system 100 customer computer 50 in return for fees. Such software and services can be valuable to the user of customer computer 50 in that enhancements the of the customer computer that were available not at all or great expense and/or . . lllconvemence. FIG. 2 is schematic illustration of some the various system 100 can to customer computer 50, "W""U'UlH),'; the Anti -Viral Services Offsite Archival Services 50 60 65 for a are on-line service virtual disks for offsite size can exist for each customer. disks of Virtu al disks arc mounted and customer files arc to their customer disk for restoration. disks inactive for on-line service tape term virtual disk can considered an ofi'site archival storcustomer file could be stored on virtual riH'p,'1nr'v structures maintained. A diskette 62 can be boot a customer and connect to the on-line service and boot a disk copy of the customer disk. An advantage virtual disks archival is that attached. remote storage is accessible as if and Maintenance Services include various programs stored on virtual disks to checkout, troubleshoot, and enhance the customer comcan detect puter 50. with memory or system components. I'Plnnnp.r" management programs can be used for storage maintenance, etc., to Hardwarc crrors dctcctcd a customer automated session on a maintcnancc such as cxtcrnal unit 74, processor unit 52 a can conventional device which allows customer computer 50 to agreement. communicatc ovcr data link 150 with anothcr computcr Electronic Media Services a similar modcm. In thc cmbodimcnt, facilitatc mcdia transport on-line service system 100 includes a modem 102 that with virtual disks. Files storcd connected hetween data link 150 and a host computer 104. can to a I 104, which an IBM III customer computer ]() the embodiment, includes one or more main proa virtual disk can convert a from one 108, ccssors 106, intcrnal random acccss mcdia format Fax to WP, WP to controllers 110, and communication furthcr screral controllers 110 allow main prc)cess()r Customer Drive Services allow customer acccss to virtual disks undcr on-linc scrvicc controL A customcr can havc virtual disks thc coursc of an mountcd at thc samc timc. on-line session, customer can mount and dismount many different virtual disks. Virtual disks can he shared groups of uscrs. Virtual disks all, or sccurcd for uscr acccss. one more one more mass storagc disks 116, and othcr mass dcviccs such as a devices such tape storage device 118. Additional as CD ROM drives, Fax machines and the like may also bc and main proccssor via the controller 110. In addition, one or more local devices 122 may he connected to host computer 104 to local control over the host computer. The AS/400 is as host computer 104 in the nrp,I"T'r"d cmbodimcnt duc to its in tcrms of secured access to device access. However, other tion emulation, with rental programs and data. Access the types of softwarc protccts unauthorizcd could bc uscd timc, pcr usc, and/or timc arc asscsscd for FIG. 4 rcprcscnts somc common communication links 30 information and program access. 150 available to on-linc scrvicc customcrs. A host 104 is shown with various attached 1I4. Communications Condisk 116, tape 1I8, and trollers 112 attached to the host computer 104 include Public Data Nctwork LAN Attachmcnt temporary customer virtual Card, ASCII controllcr, and customcr 160 disk is deleted if payment is not host workstation emulation software. Dcmos common all customcrs can Ier 112 to a shared, execute virtual station 12411. Data may be trans""H~LHLl'" stations 12411, 124b 40 eral means 126, I1her 128, microwave link 130, Puhlic Data Network 132, or cahle TV link 134. For Customcr computcr acccsscs systcm 100 via LAN attachmcnt card 82 conncct or rcmotc scssion gateway connect connects the undel1ned users access to on-line services. computer uses a modem 80h to connect a onc timc customcr on-linc scrvicc acccss computcr workstation controllcr 112b or thc on thc customcr bllL Customcr acccss 50 scrvcr computcr 160. Customcr the on-line service a coax FIG. 4 shows that data link 150 may NHnm""p controller's modem is attached to Telco pay dilTerent of connection: numbcr in thc cmbodimcnt. Thc onc connects host computer 104 timc customcr can acccss most on-linc scrviccs cxccpt sccond olTsite archival. station connects tion 124h to a customer computer 50. A customer may Architccturc III. Prcfcrrcd many dilTerent connect the on-line service system 100 internal comFIG. 3 is a schematic illustration methods. These methods may as 60 communications bccomc available. For poncnts within customcr computcr 50 and on-linc descrihed ahove, customer computer main vanous may any of ISDN system 100. connect, "front end controller," another computer, a telediskette drive 6011 processor unit 52 includes thc 60 shown in FIG. 1. In thc main proccssor company conncction, a dircct conncction, fibcr unit 52 includes an internal hard disk 64, internal random link, a cable television link, cellular link, a satellite link, a 65 radio link and/or a PDN conncction. Thc thrcc 66, proccssor 68 and controllers 70 allow communication cahle mediums and softgateways, routers and/or emulations. between the main processor unit 52 and external 17 On-line service svstem 100 also includes at least one ~ 160. computer is to computer 104 via communication of to controllers 112, and is also computer customer computer 50 via a modem 162. 160 is the same of computer as customer computer 50 and to the of computer 50 is 160 adds """'P,C'C'",,, bilitics to host computer of computer not of customer computer 50 is In the emhodiment, computer 160 is in an on-line mode or in an off-line mode. In the on-line mode, the computer 160 comwith customer computer 50 to pertlflJCClSSJI1g tasks. In this on-line mode in the nncTerren customer computer 50. In the embodiment, the is attached to host computer emulation hardware/software for connection to an AS/400 computer 160 connects the customer computer 50 with computer communications software modems connected to communications ports COMI on each of the computers. The on-line computer 160 is used to facilitate customer access to host computer virtual disks seamof the customer computer into the communications The computer 160 loads device drivers and runs communications software to estahlish a host session and access host virtual disks. "Dual the computer 160 redirection" of drives with 50, and also computer 160 and customer computer the local hard drive 164 of computer can he "attached" to customer 50, and the customer computer local hard drive 64 "attached" to the computer 160. This allows from the computer 160 to write to and customer computer local hard drive 64 and also allows the customer com puter 50 to write to and read from the computer local hard drive 164. Comhined with controlled mouse, and execuredirection of tion a computer 160 on-line session can occur computer user in the customer computer 50 transparency. on The off-line computer 160 behalf of the customer without a customer connection. Batch file are stored host computer 104 a date/time to execute. computer 160 accesses the host comauthorities to certain customer virtual Off-line 160 reads conUllllon is met, the request the customer. In the IV. "Virtual" Disks emhodiment, host computer 104 may more "virtual" disk drives to customer In in the embodiment computer may one more drives to customer computer 50, and the one or more "virtual" disk In the context of this disk drive" can be some combination local and/or remote disk that "looks like" a 30 40 50 60 65 the "virtual disk that host computer 104 attaches to customer host computer 104 may have several disk drives 116, those drives are the system customer computer and in any event are remote to the customer computer and hence cannot accessed the customer computer as one of its "virtual disks" local drives. I files or some other data may host computer 104. These on host disk 116 and/or host random host computer on customer computer 50 computer 160, these virtual disks can customer computer 50 computer to those computers 50, 160 as additional, drives. In other words, the opersystems computers 50, 160 can access these virtual in the same a attached disk drive. Thus, customer computer 50 can write and read from a virtual disk in same manner that it can write and read from its own local computer 104 can hard disk 64. In addition, the commands and/or programs on the virtual disk for remote the customer computer 50 in order to control programs stored on control features. For virtual disks can be used set host computer 104 "processor on the customer computer 50 and the computer 160. Other control parameters on the customer computers are .. _. ___ ... __ ~ control programs stored on virtual grams are called a command issued 19 form the basis of the virtual disk disk drivc attachcd to onc of hard drivc 64 a "virtual drive" IJIO'M)Jl'llComputer commands computcr 160 or customcr computcr Ilost computer 104 can create resources, disk resources or rcsourccs. Information writtcn putcr 50 to a host computcr stored within host hoth memory ]() and hard disk 64 as its "C" drivc. Thc user of customer computer 50 has hecome accustomed to these and it would be verv thcm for whcn thc customcr comput~r connccts computer 160. Nevertheless, it would be useful to allow thc customcr 50 to acccss somc all of thc of computer 160 disk drives an on-line session as if those computer disk drivcs wcrc local thc customcr computcr. In thc of the customer embodiment, the normal disk drive computer 50 is not disturhed remains the local hard disk diskette drive 60, and Instead, the disk drives of the computer 160 are "attachcd" to thc customcr computcr 50 "virtual disk computcr that storcd thc tomcr computcr. Thc store information onto the information via Communications softwarc cxccullng on customcr computcr 50 rn,nn,'ro,t"·>O and other software on host computer for the customer computer to access thcsc host computcr mcmory and disk rcsourccs as if wcrc a disk dcvicc. thc host computcr 104 can also lW,lllllJUla": stored on such "virtual 11 execute an executahle PC me stored on the bccausc in thc 1J""""LlI cmbodimcnt thc host computcr has diffcrcnt systcm than docs customcr computcr 50A. 30 IBM. In the thc embodiment, host IBM AS/400 computcr 50 management and PC this can he used with other 40 virtual device and drivcrs arc loadcd from thc PC IPL proccss. Othcr host session initiation bascd on computcr to com puter to this allows the PC user to folder, or Drive" allows the PC user to a drivc lettcr to all thc foldcrs thc uscr is authorizcd Dircctor this mcthod, thc DOS from one virtual disk command can he used to to another, and normal system commands uscd to acccss and thc virtual disks. The embodiment of the present invention also makcs "virtual disk drivcs" to customcr computcr 50 in the context of an on-line session hetween a customer 50 and an on-line computer 160A. In the ~JI.'tlljlJ1\:,a customcr computcr 50 can access a attached to on-line computcr can to the customer embodiment, the resources that 50 60 the customer computer customer computer processor 68 if the maintaincd thc customcr computcr tomer the other hand, commands the customer computer 56 will be executed computer 160 processor the customer computer 50 lS set to ~~"~~~~"~~.l' commands to computer execution via a "PC Execution" command for he executed the computer processor 68 computer is set to , and such commands will bc cxccutcd at the customer computer 50 if the computer is set to "customer computer." In the emhodiment, the states of the customer computcr dctcrmincd a default valuc non-volatile tahle from the default thc host computcr to processor state to ensure executed in a desired one of Thc "Pf'OC';SSIJr 65 oers(m:lI computers, each "command line" a "command one of drives of "virtual machine" without to access the drives ,,,,,,VV.W'.vu with the user's machine." embodiment, the translation tables customer computer 50 and 160 for commands executed When a lS mand the eommand prompt is accessed I1rst to locate an executahle me that meets the dp,.. ,'rm'um of the IIllrror ]() prompt to one of cus- .""",,"'.u,,"u Thus, for customer computer 50 user can deselect local prc)cesslng and instead select the processor of 160 his command A~J B~K C~L X~A Y~B Z~C then the for remote computer 160 drive translation tahle entry may be set as: u~,~~,''''~ J~A K~B 30 L~C A~X B~Y C~Z. command can execute on either the customer computer 50 or the computer 160 in the embodiment, an exists since the same drive ''''''ih'.HHvH'''' may exist at each computer the computer may each drive as "A" and Drive translation nrrwllw." a local drive For "",au'I"''', with drive translation ofT, if the user of customer computer 50 the command "COPY C:" to "customer , this will information from the customer the cuscomputer diskette drive 60 local hard drive 64. On the other tomer computer customer computer 50 issues the comhand, if the user mand "COPY A*.* C:" with drive translation on, the command is translated into new command in which the drive "A" and with different maps virtual computer 160 ~~'''5.''U'''' maps into the computer uses to access the drive as a virtual Drive translation in emhodiment on the computer that nrlmn,';'F'" the commands, and not on the computer which the commands "PC Execution" commands are considered local to the This feature a hased on user's access desired 40 these drive translation tahles, when a command "COPY A:*. C:" issued the customer computer 50 with the processor set to "customer and with drive translation oft', the command is executed from the customer's local diskette drive customer's hard drive issued the customer computer 50 with drive translation on, it is translated into "COPY J:*.* L", If this translated command is executed the computer 160 diskette drive and customer's accesses the customer's hard drive virtual drives ",/" and it will from the customer's local diskette to the customer's hard drive 50 60 65 FIG. 5 an overview of an of the virtual disk drive attachment of the on-line service disk drives 116a, 116h are shown system 100. Two connected to the host computer 104. The host computer 104 is shown a customer disk with host disks 116a, 116h disks. IIost computer different virtual disks mation associated with and host computer disk drive 116b stores information associated with a further virtual disk The host computer 104 is shown with communication link to the server computer 160 and customer computer 50a, Two columns of drives shown within customer computer 50a the devices addresthe customer processor. The first column, "Local Disk Drives," identil1es the drives 64AA-64AC attached to the customer computer 50a. The V. On-line and CHT-line Task "Virtual Disk Drives," identilles the disk from divided host second drives 50 that have Drives, attached to the customer the drives ]() I'nm,,"lf'r communication computer and another communication customer computer. that both the customer 160 each their and 30 manner both systems are drives for both systems are undesirahle to the drive well B: " drive references on the command line are translated is to their in the C: of 13:" is same as a command at prompt E: of Each computer needs to where commands actuand also to track of where commands are maintained track of where commands are computer 160 used to execute. The processor can be set customer each time the default drive prompt the system. Thus, commands a user at the customer computer 50 when the customer's drive is set to a customer drive will execute in customer processor. Commands customer SO when the customer's is set to a processor. The processor UH""'''''"'! determines where a command will commands while set to customer drive, the commands will execute in the customer processor if the P"''-'''''''''Jl is set customer. when user commands while set to customer drive, the commands execute in the customer processor if the processor is set to customer. When a user at the PC commands while set to drive, the commands execute in the processor the processor is set to computer. 40 50 60 65 shows some of the various connections the emhodiment to attach virtual devices such as disks. In FIG. 6A, customer computer SOA is shown connected to host computer 104 with an on-line connection via data link 150a. connection and on hoth customer computer 50A and computer 104, "virtual the host computer is "attached" to disk" made available the customer computer. The customer computer 50A can read from and write to this "virtual disk" as if it were a disk attached to the customer computer. When the on-line connection hetween customer computer SOA and host computer 104 terminates, the information stored on the "virtual disk" continues to reside in the of host computer 104. This information can he made ahle the same dilTerent customer computer 50A to computer 160A, the "virtual to that computer. computer 160A FIG. 6A also shows an on-line connected to host computer 104 via local data link 161A coaxial "twinax" line or twisted As ahove, on-line computer 160A can have its own local hard devices. In addition, on-line an on-line customer computer 50 emhodiment runs "workstation emulation" software that allows it attach to, and communicate with, host computer 104. The workstation session control program is the in the customer user on the AS/400. The ured to ends. This program menu tain command Customer commands and menu requests received and validated. validation, commands and programs are executed calls to system programs such as QUSCMDLN or QCMDEXC. These commands include commands to cause execution in the processor. This PC execution may command processor the customer or computer user with computer command prompt. 'Ibis command processor is ended with control returned to the caller when "Exit" computer 160A can attach virtual made host computer 104 so that it can read from and write to the virtual disks. computer 160A can also access other virtual made available to it host computer 104. 50B can have with on-line on-line connection, on-line repsome or all of its resources lica computer 160A can those made available to the to customer computer on-line computer 160Acan some or all of its own local disk drives to customer computer 50B. On-line computer 160A can also attach customer computer 50B some all of its virtual disk drives RAM disks and/or virtual disks made available In addition, on-line computer can attach to and access the drives of customer computer 50B as virtual disk drives. A" vApHIHlvU above, the way drives are attached and hetween customer computer 50B and on-line seamless interface computer 160A the information to file in tcrms, thc difsystcm 100 associatcd with in FIG. 61), an olT-line can he off-line putcr host computcr 104 in thc may mcnt. Thc rcsults of such off-linc scrvicc the 160B 161 B host computer request; off-line request for Ha'''H'''b computcr 160; and/or pn,pcot,nn of Also, systcm 100 may havc messages or from other users electronic that needs to deliver to a customer computer 50. Instead of until the user of customer computer 50 dccidcs to initiatc an on-linc with 100, in thc emhodiment system 100 is ahle to a contact with a customer comp~ter it needs to contact. In the preferred emhodiment, system 100 initiates such a communication the customer computer 50. This for thc customcr 50 to system 100, or itself can system 100 can transfer o(information that is needed a customcr computcr 50 with a mcsUH.w... aUH" that a A'S shown in FIG. 6B, such can occur a connection hetween customer computer 50A and host computer 104, or it can occur via a conncction bctwccn a customcr computcr SOB and computer 160. In the embodiment, connections are not true "on-line" connections hecause there is no for the user customer interact with system 100. Rather, for or;-linc conncction to the '''I',HuuU''b 30 40 50 on-linc conncctions to customcr computcr 50 in thc increases and make the customer feel hetter ahout a great deal of very sensitive data may he stored on the customer shows, in terms, the difFIG. 6C fcrcnt functions systcm 100 associatcd with on-linc scrvicc rcqucsts. As shown in FIG. 6C, an on-linc service request can he customer computer 50, on-line computer 160, or host computer 104. The results of such on-line service may any onc of thc of a host computer request; an off-line request for n:;nnll"P computer 160; and/or 60 65 off-line off-line each of the main components customcr computcr 50, host computcr 100, and computcr Each of nprm,rrrIP.rJ under software control, and certain may communicate with other other computers. The customer nr."TPrrr'cl cmbodimcnt supports thc of communications, program execution, local disk access, and remote disk access. The on-line service host computer 104 ports communications, command control, program cxccution, host acccss virtual disk acccss. Thc on-linc and off-linc computcrs 160 in thc emhodiment each support communications, program execution, local access, and Each of thc computcrs 50, 104 and 160 with local mass storagc disk. Thus, 50 has its local hard disk 64, host customcr computer has its local hard disk 116, and computer 160 has local hard disk 164. FIG. 7, Customcr On-linc Scrvicc Control Proccss, providcs an ovcrvicw of on-linc scrvicc control softwarc cxccutcd within thc customcr computcr 50. Thc customcr computer 50 is shown in the center, surrounded hoxes various control processes. Clockwise from dcscribcs Control proThc customcr computcr 50 tracks a sent the on-line service system. If pattern match occurs, the cU:'itomer computer 50 connects to the on-line service user I () and to rcccivc acccss codc. This acccss codc is to dctcrminc thc rcason for acccss and dcfault rcsponsc on-line A on-line service 100 to send customers location. The customer computer receIves thcsc from thc modcm 80. Thc arc trackcd and whcn a corrcct is rcccivcd, customer computer 50 sends a command to switch to answer mode. The customer com puter 50 then connects to the on-line service and receives an access bcforc Session and Virtual Block 302 Disk software. software used to maintain an on-line session. of the type of link, communications software is needed to connect to the on-line to thc on-linc scrvicc host scrvicc. Whcn computer 104, device and virtual device scrvicc with thc scrvcr computcr are needed to server remote disk support. Block 304 rcfercnccs thc rcdircctcd timcr, and communication are redirected for a number or to initiate session support is in the buffer tion of to cause the customer computer 50 and server computer 160 to appear as one computer. The redirected to allow on-line service when serial port date/time condition is mel. redirected to support the control process. Server On-line Session ConBlock 306 describes These services are available to customers that connect to the on-line service with an intermediate computer interfaced. The are faster data transfer rates for some functions because customer computer 50 and computer 160 of the same type; the to access a more processor of the same access np;cmhp;", the customer; the the server that would otherwise he unavailahle. of the Server On-line Session Control process refers to the relation between the command prompt current drive and the processor for suhsequent execution. When the customer computer 50 command prompt is set to a local customer disk drive 64, the next command is executed When the customer computer 50 command prompt is set within the remote disk 164, the next command is 160 with and video redirected executed. This The second feature in hlock 306 refers to information sent between the customer computer 50 and server computer 160. Both the customer computer access to drives of the other computer 160 computer remote virtual disks. time drive is mounted on one system virtual disks mounted on the the drive needs to be ~UUH;"'Ul"U a remote disk on the other computer. The On-line Session Control process sends and receives requests to cause drive mounts and dismounts on hoth computers. The third feature of block 306 refers to the management of lIO requests for remote drive data. Since the remote drives can reside on either system, the router not read/write requests on local disks for the processor, but also issues requests for data for the customer processor. The last feature of block 306 refers board and mouse and video and Block 308 descrihes Session ence is to service control programs chained into redirected An on-line session can be an access code or date/interval time, or received from the on-line service. The on-line service delivto the ers this access code customer computer 50 If the pattern matches, the customer computer 50 connects the on-line service is issued switch modem 80 to answer received and the customer computer 50 disconnects. The block 310, On-line Session Control, describes the of an on-line service with control of the on-line service, the customer computer 50 needs to to such as user ID, and request on-line service allocates resources and maintains information based on customer interaction. Block 312 describes the Automated Session Control cess. Control programs are used to manage an session without user interaction. Data is stored in the board buffer when based a function based on function hased on ]() '-''''''''H''·'' the Customer lbis program is used to validate requests access and of data stored in the customer disable unauthorized computer RAM. The prevent customers from data and programs accessed on mounted virtual execute software and rental information. VI. I lost Processor Tasks FIG. 8A offers an overview of on-line servIce control executed within the on-line service host processor. Block 400 shows the On-line Service Customer Process. and the is issued 30 40 50 60 user lS software and control information is downloaded ,'orm,,",," 50, and customer control information is system 100 control 'Ibis Block 402 descrihes the Ilost program is used validate access requests for virtual disks. Host system access to control unauthorized virtual disk mounts. Host system also controls virtual disks access as or read/write program is used control devices. The I lost customer server computer execution and copy access to disk All requests for virtual disk and are validated 402A, It should be that a similar validation program resides and computer 104, the server computer 160 the customer computer 50. The customer computer and server computer 160 modified version of this function with code to prevent unauthorized access virtual disk data and programs in RAM. Block 404 is the main control process for customer access. The Interactive Customer Session Control Process used to manage the on-line session. Activities are initiated Session information is tracked under control of this Customer and host requests are and Data entry is this process. If a IIost found for the customer, and the date/time condition is met and the not for off-line the customer 65 Process Block 406 describes the Off-line Control This process is somewhat Session Control Process except that no user are read from the If the date/time condition is met, then Customer and are redireeted to availahle from the ]() 104 to virtu al disks. Block 408 describes the Host Task Control Process. The requests for customer Data is read met, the Customer Control Data is read the customer computer is connected to the on-line request is The Host Method field hefore the determines if the customer should he If Customer request is Data is written for the customer. If the request is for off-line is written for the customer Customer Task Control Block 410 descrihes the Process. This process can execute in the host computer 104 the off-line computer 160. Customer Data When the date/time condition is met, Customer Control Data for the customer is read on, a host request is I l' the customer is Customer Data Access Code is used to Otherwise, the on the Customer Control Data. of is then sent to the If the customer correct time, the access code is computer answers at transmitted to the customer computer. If the access code is an on-line session, then the allowed used to on Customer Control Data lS without dialback. FIG. 8B shows the routine shown view type of service. in FIG. 8A with an A'S shown in FIG. 8A, blocks 404D and 406D each obtain request to he and pass that request to the The request is procomputer 160, computer 104 160 each execute different software, in the emhodiment each can all of the functions shown in FIG. 813 of the functions uvfjVlIUJlH,., on whether III random access memory. computer 160 The customer computer 50 and/or executes the rental program accesses the data track Meanwhile, host computer 104 times of access to ensure that the customer can be on the amount of time he has used the contents of the virtual disk A customer can also be billed on per use hasis or a hasis. In the emhodiment, the user may request to program For the own copy of the program or data wish to it such that it is not feasible to If the 30 associated license fee to the customer's credit Software demonstrations of the not to all secured customer data can he made shared, access to secured customer data can he programs or information stored on a secured virtual disk to a temporary virtual disk with cusaccess. is not received within the virtual disk can be deleted. the 50 access to the to later revoke access if payment is not received. I l' the request is for release the request is as before 104 also determines whether the customer and also whether this 65 IS customer computer 50 When necessary, a program can executed to perto form services such as customer computer 50. Blocks 456-462 additional user request llaJ"U1HlIS' l!ieg,lllJJllllg embodiment in order to interact with on-line service system 100. The steps shown in FIG. 10 can be ~ 50 with the and/or handle FIG. 9, overview of service control on-line and ofT-line 160 is shown center, SUfblocks various control processes. describes the Customer Process. This process can also be executed the host patterns are sent to monitor control nrnOrOlTI to answer mode answers, an access 50. This access code is used to an on-line send a message to the customer computer 50. Block 474 refers to host session and virtual disk software needed to maintain an on-line session with devices. This software consists of device drivers and workstation emulation software. Block 476 describes the Customer Session Control process. This communications software is used to connect the customer computer 50 to the 160. The server modem 162 customer connection is awaited. connection, is redirected the customer ,'nm,,,,jpr redirected to the host computer ]() 30 Server Router Control Process is described in Since drives both each other, the Router Control process I/O data drive requests, requests, mouse, video and redirection requests. Block 490 describes ()IT-line Session Control nrrwp·"""n '+nll~+ni~. 40 Cusredirected to the are received workstation emulation software to the host computer 'Ioe host and computer issues requests to execute software within the server processor an on-line session. Block 498 describes Automated Session ControL This process is used to manage a me request without user intervention. Parameters and data are moved the bulIer program is used validate requests for access and disable unauthorized of data stored in the RAM. to prevent programs accessed on execute software its memory format for this on-line service control shown in FIG. 16A. This data table 501 m embodiment contains the information: On-line Service Control Data Table SOl: Hardware Data 600 Basic information on the type computer used customer. Customer Prome Data 602 Standard Customer Information used on and the customer. lIost Parameters 604 Table Occurs, 1I0st Access Code, I lost Phone No., Host Default For each host associated on-line number, reason for and default response for the customer. lIost reasons include: Dialback request, route request, defaults include: Immediate set interval time, message. Other host reasons and defaults can be created. Session Active Indicates an on-line session is active. ""'""-'OU11'-" Session 607 customer is connected to 608 on-line session with automated Service Control I 610 and On-line Service Session Initiation Hot Can be used to start an on-line Session be started command prompt 50 routines that have been redirected for on-line service functions. Automated Session Table Occurs 616 Four variable For 60 VIII. Detailed 65 FIG. 10 is a flowchart of program control steps customer computer 50 in the are 66 to support the virtu al computer 104 or to support computer 160. I1rst turned on or automatic pf()cesslng Pattern Stores Table Occurs 624 patterns the on-line service can send to the customer When a pattern match occurs, the customers modem switches to answer mode and receives an access code from the host to determine the on-line service sent a Wait time is used to calculate the time till the next Tolerance allows for + or -2 on between calls + or -15 '''"'.uuu" I identified and mav include software formed on the cu~tomer and/or on-line percom- used to or on target location information. Restore Parameters 628 Full Restore, except files arc restored frorn the on-line service. Data be on ]() Virtual Device or Archived tape or other Anti-viral Parameters 630 Build request for Antioccur if the customer Viral Services. The device list identifies tahle on the on-line service which the drives, subdirectories, should be identil1es the and customer cannot scanned for viruses information for the customer is allowed to anti-viral environment used to up and maintain a receIve current anti-viral environment on the customer's sesProcessor sion that will run at all times on-line session is Indicates which processor computer 50, computer 160 or is to execute the next 649B no,ce;;slIlg Control Table Default Provides default for the data structure shown in Indicates request to FIG.16B. where the data is Customer Processor Command Drive customer fax unit, 649C on-line service virtual device, and identifies the the current command prompt drive he routed. type of media Media Parameters 634 the customer computer. 30 processor Command Drive the current command prompt drive Device, Read means to use to for the computer. 649E device type, addressahle location, whether allocaDrive Control Table Default Disk tion is and whether the device should be default for each type of disk. accessed is The on-line service control data table 501 is stored Media Destination Parameters 636 on customer computer hard disk 64, and is loaded into customer computer memory 66 each time the customer Media Destination Tahle, Device, I,ocation, Allocate Device, Write to Device This tahle similar the is hooted. The on-line service control data tahle media tahle except is used to manage 40 used to control interaction with on-line service system receive media. For instance, data 100, and to maintain default and other parameters relative to that interaction. on a fax unit if desired. Parameters 638 Once the on-line service control data tahle 501 has heen Media Conversion processor 68 redirects its timer and communications interTahle Occurs, From Media, To Media This when media is to be converted before As is well known, such as embodiment customer computer received from a request. The on-line service can cate with various devices attached to its pf()CeSS(lr convert the media to the customer's media arrangement called " If a hefore the data is received. 50 to processor 68 and/or get access to shared resource such From and TiJ Media can include: Fax, WP, Voice, as the bus or hard disk 64, the device sends an Multi-media, Other. to processor 68. In response to of this ~"ab"VC"'~ Parameters 640 what pf()cess()r 68 stops 60 commethod is identified and may include on the customer and/or on-line service computer. Parameters 644 Disk Method Used to and executes a routine that determines the source of the takes action in response to the nrf,tprrp,rj embodiment, software executed puter 50 overrides the default them. This allows the nn'tf'rrc,rj all 65 program control steps block 506 shown in routine 506, the routine in the may first prompt the user to determine whether the user wishes to review and/or the If the user default block customer computer 50 information within the on-line blocks 610-624 and table 501 ,Jl'~'vll~U vJlHU'VUHHvlll ]() Once the user is indicate and routine 506 will tahle 501 with the service 'Ioen, hased upon the current within on-line service control data table 501, routine 506 redirects the proccssor handlers into the processor routines will receive and proto the and steps included within a 554 in the embodiment. This routine is executed in gen- those parameters with on-line service control data block 624. The IS an vA'HH~av pattern that could be used: host modem 80 with six 43 seconds after modem 80 with three up; then up; 536 combination of an on-line then a routine 540 is called to hot she desires to prevent interference with other 'Ioe use of a "hot sequence has used the past to allow users to invoke or functions while at the same time other software. In the ,>r,'lpru,d user to initiate session with on-line service system 100 without the software. FIG. program control handler routine 542 in response to timer within customer computer 50. Customer computer 50 in the emhodiment, like most computers, has a conventional hardware that processor 68 to allow 40 50 60 ,Jl'~'vll ~u embodiment, the timer 542 makes use of these handler routine 65 computer up pattern allows the customer comauthenticate that call Other callers pattern that customer comreceive, and thus could not induce the handler 554 to answer the incomhe used for voice communications without concern that customer computer modem 80 will answer. For added for on-line service 100 to alter the PY"PI'ipci call pattern parameters on-line service system estahlishes contact with customer computer 50. The of one While any For this reason, that each pattern difIerent calls from on-line service customer computer 50 to detect: in the first call; and call and the call. mentioned ahove, decision hlock 560 compares the pattern received on modem 80 with the parameters within data block 624. If there is device drivers for virtual disk access in to its to attach to on-line service communications handler routine 554 memory 66 that arc system 100 with virtual device access A comthe error and resets the pattern established If there is a match, on the other hand block 558 exit of decision block 554 sets the modem 80 "auto answer" mode access is controlled an and then returns Modem 80 will then automatiU".W'JHlh requests for the and this will answer the line the next time it The customer 554. On this invoke the to communications invocation of communications handler 554, the testj() decision block 556 will fail because the communications computer determines whether a received on the If block have answered the puter a routine 518 in order to decision block communications handler 554 then establish connection the customer service coman access "access code" may puter 160 data link 150 and modem 162 combination Otherwise, connection is established via data on-line service host computer 104 via modem has called customer computer customer enters user I)) and in block 520. The If no access code has been received, customer computer 50 communications handler 554 assumes that the to and request from the on-line service reason on-line service system 100 was ule a on-line connection to This continues until a request is issued customer computer 50 exit to the customer or on-line service system 100 this circumstance, communications decision block When sets data block 616 to within on-line table 501 to up the arrangement in the are customer computer 50 embodiment of back" the on-line service system 100 in response to a contact 30 program control steps pvllLVIUllv" at FIG. 13, block 518 to establish initiated the on-line service system an added of The on-line service system 100 can time when customer computer 160. This routine 518 is the interval passes between when it called customer computer 50 determines that is to establish a connection 160 via modem 162 and 150, with call in order to authencomputer 50 and when ticate that the callis customer and executes for duration of such a connection. ''''.LvlH.llh to FIG. 14A, customer computer 50 first loads an ate device driver, calls an "initialization" and then loads the router user exit the on-line session valid validate access then retrieves the on-line serVIce range of access may computer 50 to information message mall to alert the customer that he should initiate manucall to on-line service system 100 in order to retrieve nrc,,'p<'cin<T results, electronic mail, etc. This "access code" the present invention is thus very useful limited communications to occur between on-line system 100 and customer computer 50 with of very little overhead and yet with a FIG. 13 is a flowchart of program control steps customer computer 50 to initiate an on-line session with on-line service system 100. As can be seen from embodiment this FIGS. 12A and 12B, in the on-line session can a host session, customer computer 50 llrst loads the 50 GO shown in FIG. stored parameters associated with computer 160. Such 802, a include, for a processor 804, a processor use 806, a command 808, customer processor command prompt drive a processor command prompt 810, translation on command line 812, a ""U"l''''''VU table 814, cancel program on processor Held 816, a parameter 818, a parameter output sound output device parameters 830, an escape sequence Held 832, a wait for processor 833A, and a rerouted processor 833B. 820 indicates where execution takes The processor from the control table 800 is customer control data entry and based on default values. It will when command prompt drive drive control entry says field. The "command that command nrlmT'';',lnfT and destination nrr\{'p",,,,, for ,"U'~H"H""U "Proccssor in Usc" 806 sct whcn command is cleared when command ends. The customer processor command prompt drivc 808 indicatcs thc systcm to. The drive customer computer processor command sct to. Thc thc systcm drivc drive translation on command line field 812 whether drive letters found on the command hefore command In the preoutputs of ferred embodiment, many of the customcr computcr to/from other functions. The redirected drive control tahle 834 is shown in FIG. 16C. Thc rcdircctcd drivc control controls thc rcdircction of virtual and drivcs in thc emhodiment. An for the redirected drive control tahle 834 in FIG. 16C includes a disk type Held 836, local drive 838, a BIOS paramctcr block locator for thc local drivc 840, a drivc paramctcr block locator for local drivc 842, a rcdircctcd remote drive 844, a BIOS parameter hlock locator for redirected remote drive 846, a drive parameter hlock locator for rcdircctcd rcmotc drivc 848, a default 850, default 1<P"vh"orri translation 852, a dcfault mousc 856, default 860, a default dcfault proccssor on prompt drivc 864, and dcfault cscapc scqucncc for proccssor 866. Thc rcdircctcd drivc control table 834 includcs somc translation table Routinc 518 uscs thc drivc on-line service control defaults to build a new redirected control 834, an BIOS block and drivc parameter hlock entries for disk drives and accessed virtual disk drives jl) drive control The redirected drive control table in thc lS drivc control tablc 834 into customcr computcr mcmory 66,with entries for local drives These entries do no yet have information used to determine the 30 40 U'",,,,,,,,,,.... U within the environment 50. FIG. 14A, once the customer computer 11',",,,,,'r,,,,,'<'''' its basic data structurcs 50 BI OS paramctcr managcmcnt program uscd thc BIOS paramctcr block routine 518, routine 518 sends local drivc information co.rrcsp'Jnt:lllllg 50 computcr 160 to clear the first In response, customer computer 50 receives redirected customer drive information from the computer Routine 518 thcn thc customcr program to validatc thc If thc function is allowcd '_'~_'''''''U block customer computer 50 uses the received redirected customer drive information and on-line service control data redirected drive control entries for customcr local drivcs with thc drivc within thc rcdircctcd drivc control table 834 to FIG. 141), routine 518 determines whether computer 160 has made a request for data on customcr computcr 50 block If thc customer program 590 request, and if the function is validated ,_'~_.,"."u and then the data is transferred from the customer an lIO computer 160 60 formcd to rcceivc 65 593A, 593E, from the customer computer builds its redirected drive control table 834 and drive and/or data the computer 160 and the response and/or data from the to the eustomer computer Decision block 678 initiated or exits to decision block then the command the eomputer 160 and bloeks 679A-679C perto'flIled to handle from the computer. block 679A tests the computer 160 execution in the customer computer 50. If blocks 67913 and 679C are Hthe did request customer computer execution, 679B makes sure the computer 160 is allowed to invoke execution of this on the customer computer 50. If is allowed, block 679C sets the 806 FIG. to indicate that customer computer processor is in use, and the customer computer executes the task based on commands the computer 160 to the the customer computer. there has been local command, on the other hand, then control to FIG. 14E decision block 680 where there is a test to U"'"i"'.VH to determine if command line translation block Command line translation is customer drive references to the customer computer to drive. From the customer computer "D:" prompt with translation active processor on the other hand, the same command D:" causes the same action to occur. If of decision block translation active customer computer 50 uses its control table and its drive translation control table 834 to alter drive on the command line This associates on the redirected drive control table 834 is used on the on-line service to set the processor control data 501. j() and then a "round VV'~~,'.'H'" control table entry field is service control data 501 processor a on-line server session, host computer PC execution commands are directed to the computer 160 for execution. The computer treats these commands and directs the command execute in processor hased on the processor on-line service control data 25A, command prompt are directed on the processor customer computer. In the case commands computer command prompt the on-line service are directed reason, redirected drive control data, and service control data need to reside on both the customer and computers and the processor on customer computer on-line service data may not match the processor value on the 30 of customer computer on-line event, much of the processor nnm,.,mlT system. The host system, via a PC execution command, may also run a program in the customer computer to the in order to the ont)rnnn"TP nn"','ce,,, lS muse pf()cessc)[ in use 16C, block If the processor is in use, routine accesses processor control table entries 833A, 833B to determine whether should wait for the processor to reroute the processor block If the processor is rerouted, the p[()cessc)[ on-line service control table processor to which task has been routed Once processor is available to the 806, and task, routine 518 sets the processor in routes the mouse, video, and sound hased upon control table entries 818-830 FIG. 14F decision lS of processa value other than the one it to customer computer 50, is to route instead to computer 160, and vice block alters the values stored within field 822, hlock 728 alters the control table field 824, block 734 alters the V""~"".lllh control table field 826, 828, and block 740 alters value within the control tahle Held 812. FIG. 15 is Howchart of program control steps of the "customer in FIGS. 14A-14H. 60 defaults are to be set associated default values for the 864, are set within the control tahle 800, llelds 808, 812, 818-832 and the default processor check" customer computer 50 to execute the routine shown in FIGS. 14A-14II. The purpose of the check is ensure that "authorized" tasks are The rou tine first 65 the remote computer If the command is 'vL"'","'Y V"b""'''''b user of the 160 or the host 104 via "no" exit block then block 746 screens the command to determine whether it is 'vVtHl.""JaU, is computer computer 160 system virtual disk for is not allowed, a violation is server router 518 j() resources and computer 160 prevent the customer computer command from unauthorized accesses on those computers. There is however, in the case of software rental. In instances in which the 100 attaches a virtual to the customer computer ~VJmUHHHb software that the user customer computer allowed temporary access to, the user could the resource to the virtual disk Resource which is used emhodiment AS/400 host 104 to control control access to all of its stored access to information within different "virtual drives" provided the AS/400 host computer 104 to customer computer 50. For each customer computer user. The of this IS that there is never any need for the customer to attach a virtual disk the rental software. In effect, the host menu sclection causes the software to be downloaded into the customer computer memory 66, where the customer computer 50 can execute it. A CL command created with the virtu al disk with the rental used to access the rental software. However, since the emhodiment also envisions attachment of virtual disks rental software, routine 590, blocks 756-758 are used to secure information stored on virtual disk drives so that, for the not copy, a program. "execute access the customer can execute the software hut cannot copy the embodiment software loaded an additional "secuinto the customer computer 50 check" for this situation. In block 756 checks whether the customer computer 50 user has copy from a virtual disk. then decision 758 determines based on marker files or other information stored on the virtual whether the authorized. If the copy request is not authorized, routine 590 hlocks the command prevent an unauthorized copy from This copy arrangement could still be circumvented an inventive user of customer computer 50 who of the program out of his com66. the emhodiment 30 computer 50 to prevent this from Hal"."~mH"'. the software can executed within a memory that is erased if unauthorized access is can he used make the software an on-line connection with the useless unless nIn system 100, and/or various memory access and other activities of customer 50 can be monitored software and/or files: in this mode allows no other access the file. When you usc this mode you arc one who can access the l11e. Read/Write III Read/Write open the 40 file once. You arc the one who can access the IX. Detailed Flowcharts of '-'''.,"HHH,''' I lost file, but you can access it once. You cannot access Tasks and Data Structures it second time from another drive while it is open. Read-A Read mode allows anyone to access the l11e and to write hut or it does not allow anyone to read it. device support software Write-A l11e III Write mode program 906 shown in allows anyone to open the file and to it, but After program 906 has been Write mode docs not allow anyone to write to the file. 50 computer 104 establishes a link and starts the None-A file None mode "'l1''''J""o.m,,, for customer and on-line service sessions allows anyone to open and write to Ilost computer then screen for either on-line off-line that l11e. Note that the AS/400 measures do Host computer 104 then "execute access to stored on a virtu al disk. shown in FIGS. 19A-19B. This task to grant execution customers and access codes to to customer computer 50 messages or program stored on a virtual disk, the to an on-line session at customer computer 50. IIost emhodiment host 104 must allow the user authorcomputer 104 then request task 912 shown in FIGS. 20A-20B. This request task manages host based to read the file. Read in turn, grants full to copy the file. This "read" thus be used 60 requests on behalf of customers, which may be to requests an user of customer computer 50 to take a copy of a rental on virtual disk without the 160. Once all of these task." are in license enters a 914, One to handle the software rental issue is to have the and for connects from customer computers 50 computer 160 in order to on-line software execute on the customer 50 in response 65 and off-line to "PC Execution" commands the host comsessions and/or olT-line computer puter 104 based on host menu selected the When a call comes in, host computer 104 Name, Address, Phone Number Field 100213 customer session 916 shown in more detail in FIGS. Host computer 104 is so that many different on-line customer sessions when the Bank & Credit Card Information Standard information for payment P[()CC'SSllllg lS mallltained. Access Control Field 1002D Access Allowed, Simultaneous Used to disable access for non-payment disconnection, or other reason. Simultaneous is used to determine if the user ID can customer computers at the same program used The access access to virtual validated for and/or information is to for program rental and other secured access, in case the router requests are validated to restrict programs and requests while attached to drives and suhdirectories in the emhodiment. If access allowed, then host comCPU time, storage type and trails If the hlock 922 FIGS. 19A-19B are program control steps part of the customer" task Host computer 104 maintains a customer data block 1000 in the embodiment in order to to dilTerent customer computers. customer data hlock is shown in FIG. 22E. This user ID customer block 1000 includes, for field 1000A, a date/time submitted field 1000B, date/time field 1000C, an access code field 1000D, a 10001', and an field 1000G. Block 932 shown in accesses customer data block 1000, and decision block 934 tests whether it is time to send lar customer to be is read An exemformat for customer control data block 1002 is shown FIG. 22B. The FIG. 22B format for this customer control information: of On-line Service Control Data Field 1002A of the on-line control data structure on the customer's computer is stored as part the customer control data. This copy is obtained from a host data structure in FIG. on-line service control blocks for each customer of the on-line service 100. This data service control data 501 the course of an on-line session. Info, Current & YTD Balance, Standard historical data 30 40 50 60 65 Credit Info, Credit I jmit, Maximum Limits per Service tomer access to to pay, limits and on Service Limitation Field 10020 Services Allowed/Prohihited Tahle Occurs, Service, Date/ Allow/Prohibit Used to allow or restrict certain services Entries entered service customer service. Customer cannot maintained customer service. 1002H Pattern Table Occurs, Call Phone Number, Wait Time Before Answer on TiJlerance Used tomer task. Pattern is sent to computer modem to answer and receive an access code from the on-line service the reason for the Wait time is used next call. Answer on determines when tomer should answer. pattern match for the customer to answer more once before the pattern is Tolerance allows for when the customer should answer from Answer on answer on + or -2 Tahle Field 10021-10021, time, date/interval similar tahle on the customer computer. The customer can setup to have his computer or the on-line service initiate the on-line sessions. pattern is ~f""H"C> and an exists to cause the request to wait requests are Access Code Tahle 1002M Access Code Table, Reason, Access Code lbis table identifies each access code the on-line service can FIG. 22C ",,-UvW,'''vUHl accessed On-line Session Task inforThe host request file 1004 contains the mation in the embodiment: User II) User ID of the customer associated with the task. Occurs, Error Status,!O Start Time Field 1004B n~"F'UH"v This table stores the error and time after which this task can started. customer or on hehalf of the Field 1004C New tasks can he customer on-line sent to ,'('rmnrl('(1 "archive, etc. as shown in include FIG.22e. Parameters 1004D These are the parameters to pass in response prompts and names of and output used and the the 1004E indicates that the request is to an On-line Service Customer line response issued indicates result of any actions Field 1002Q Method Table Occurs, H""~,'U"-'", n.V01~u""v Method This table with error messages. For a the message is stored and allow customer contact in the SPC'cltled request. Dialbaek Field 1002R Dialhack indicate that the customer cannot customer's computer has received When a customer 30 recelVes a pattern is set to allow the user to access the on-line service. Field l002S Memher Since Date, Reinstatement Date Indicates how the customer has heen the service and when reinstated if sm;pC,ndeCI. Last Access Field 1002T Service Cancel Date, Reason 1002V Processor This field holds the processor based commands Telco on each session initiation whether the customer is the on-line service with a pay teleo number such as 900 code access. records include this to hillahle via Telco. 1002 X ,u,-,,,,,,pd of the numher of times an invalid issued with this customer's user ID. Once the customer control data block 1002 for the customer to he has heen ohtained from mass storage, host computer 104 determines whether the customer is on-line session hlock 50 computer and/or after request. I I' the customer session not active exit to decision block then host computer 104 determines whether the await 1000G within the customer data block is on. This that there are no other olT-line requests whether other If the customer If such other requests customer data block 1000 is a pattern computer the call, and wait intervals within the customer control I computer 104 next whether the customer computer answered If host computer error and up If the host computer 104 detects that the customer computer 50 did answer, the host computer tests whether the customer answered on the the final call block If the host computer 104 vA,)""""" the customer computer 50 to answer on the fifth for and it instead answered on the second host computer 104 will up Errors within ahout one 60 the request that this is associated with, active, is no need to If the customer session is customer added aUlllVUW",ll.IUll host computer writes the host entry within the computer 104 to have some assurance that it has contacted request file 10004 and clears the customer block 1000. The host request will be 65 the 50. Customer Session to the customer session via If 1000 an access 916 block 1144 shown on FIG. 21e. code in Held decision block 'p access code if no access up the modem allowed" dialhack nrfolprrprj emhodiment, when sent, the customer computer 50 can When the dialback IS the a request 1006 entry so as to schedule the request FIG. 996, In the host computer 104 at this writes a data block 1006 of the form shown in FIG. the information: User II) Field 1006A User II) of the customer associated with the task. Date/Time Submitted Field 1006B When the request was issued. ]() Date/Time to Start Field l006C Date or and time after which the task can start. Time Field 1006D Estimated purIlow much time the task should take to 1000 1006E New task., Identifies the task host computer 104 as purpose of the "host to see whether there are any host nrt'TPrrc,n embodiment, these host requests host computer 104, but either customer computer 50. In emhodiment, computer 104 track ofthe 1006F host requests, and allocates them to either the customer Identifies the type processor needed for the request. computer 50 the customer data Device/File List 1006C, the customer block 1000 in order to schedule a Identifies the this task. request hlock 1006 Device/File List computer 160 Identifies the output this task. 30 Method Ficld 10061 Used to the "start and/or after the host request file 1004 met then host computer 104 request and end time for and clears the host request block 1004 reads the customer control block 1002 associated with the customer computer to whom the lIost computer 104 then 104 in customer computer 50 is block In the 40 customer's on-line session task reads host request data. Thus, if the customer is in an on-line session, the request will "","l'.'''-'-UU customer comhe the on-line session rather than the host information purposes Host computer request task 912. that the host request task 912 is to basic information associated with the the request, host computer 104 determines whether 50 from the customer control data block an on-line session is necessary to the request hlock Some for pure ""',,,r',",'!".!! customer the customer on. Most other requests, however, 50 from or output to the customer computer requests on-line session. If an on-line session computer record 1002R to determine a host set block to allow the customer computer 50 to call not set, then the host computer 104 treats the call-in from the customer computer 50 as a request for the host and writes a customer data the customer block Host computer 104 and then will be 60 an on-line service of the session and control thus returns back to the host request task exit decision block On the in connection 19A-19B, the host computer will contact the customer other hand, if the request can be pertc1rrrlecl decision block 65 computer 50 in a lIlore secure way. At this the host computer 160 is availahle to computer 104 refuses the customer computer contact because user ID and is deemed insuHitasks, the host computer 104 moves the host request file nnrn"rl" on the other hand host cuscomputer 104 prompts for parameters and tomer based information to a virtual device for attachment to the 1184, the jl) 160 to execute anti-viral software Host computer 104 next controller 112 to determine whether the customer computer is numher 900 customer computer 50 and disconnects the customer does accept, then host computer 104 Telco 1002W within the customer IS the host host computer 104 attaches anti-viral customer computer 50, a virtual disk software and forces the customer computer to execute the anti-viral code 1140, Host computer 104 then reads the host request me 1004 to see if there are any host for the requests until the requests are 104 then determines whether 30 steps peltOlIIlc;d of FIG. 21D in order to process an on-line 1488 FIG. 21F in order to process an lIost computer 104 first determines the command to access restricted system In the embodiment, customers are restricted from most system areas. The command to tomer's request access to host computer 104. The host access customer determines the source and destination of the customer and Host virtual devices and software are needed for rprlllP<:tpri task in the customer computer ",,,m,,.,,tc'r 160 or host processor 106. Where the <O"<O'-'"llC;U is hased on the processor within the the type of software he or as well other factors. In this context, the host command is of a router command to execute the customer's computer 50 when necessary. In case of server sessions host commands routed to the workfirst directed to the computer and causes execution to occur in either the without line control data. until all commands have been 1200; a "command" may mands or of "VIHl."''''''''') heen comhas host request decision block Customer Session" level workstation written in RPG400 a request and end time for clears the host request now to FIG. are 104 session ends upon of this program. This program and menu and validates customer command calls CL programs to customer requests. Off-line Session" in FIG. 21F a CL computers In the embodiment, when each CL command is request time Host computer 104 then checks whether the request is for an created, it known what programs run on the off-line If it is not, then the 65 host computer and what should run on the attached What may not he known the request the on-line computer in seSSlOn If the request is for an ofT-line is whether to execute in the customer or processor if PC execution is rpcll,p",pd computer will computer execution will take ]() FIG. 21E, since this is itself an '-UJlHlJL1<HIU, execution in block to the another CL command if the request If the request is for ofT-line prowithin the olT-line computer processor, a CL command is used in block to cause execution in the computer processor. In this case, the CL command executed in 1198 includes the PC command name and parameters as part of the parameter of said CI. command. If a customer is attached to the host computer for an on-line session, customer computer execution is as described for the off-line u,"",",,,n,,i", menu or command programs descrihed in a CL command, FIG. 21E, with command cause from the owner of the execution within block lS server CL command for PC execution causes the command to he processor except the server directed to the router may route the command to the customer is set to computer processor commands issued in block 1198 the program FIG. 2IE may issue PC execution commands to run a program the processor on the customer computer execution in a sor lS The FIG. 21E commands customers on-line such a program needs to server seSSlOns hecause the used to determine customer or an on-line should also that one identified in FIG. 22H is for Customer or Command block 10120. If this request selected, hlock 1198 executes a host CI. command PC execution of COMMAND.COM in the validates the user and/or comto allocate the virtual disk. The command command the commands owner execution. The user of the owner of the may set up to have to host commands that the customer does not have of the The command the processor call from FIG. 2IE hlock to most would not In the case of virtual disks used for another customer, the allocation denied on of user virtual disks used to se,;Olld,lry command processor. In disk., or virtual disks with will he 30 40 virtual programs unauthorized disk or RAM data and programs. the host router program ~"'''''-''J' the customer and programs are their router server programs to control sor to may a command computer program which has computer command processor command Pf()Ct;SSIDf) to execute computer commands without the appearance interaction. From the computer command prompt the command processor, the customer can hetween virtual drives, run the computer program IBM to Attach/Detach AS400 Virtual computer Drives, and run various processor or processor associated with local command server The command processor execution is ended with control returned to caller when the command "EXIT" is received. Se(~Ollmlry command processor and the host, and customer router programs are used to and validate requests. When the customer runs the virtual disk for certain conditions and values such as data in the video buffer is identilled after hulTer in which data is moved into the 60 65 writes a and routes data if necessary route data asks if the request includes results to another cusa "route data" tomer. If so, host computer 104 request and data request for the different customer to receive these results to the request file and writes customer data "route data" destination user A difference between the on-line workstation FIGS. 21A and 21F that FIG. of similar jl) bulTer content, timeout, on a match test. Common between the workdescribed in FIGS. 21A and 21F is that on-line service requests described in FIG. 2211 to resources the customer may not under her own user The CL command customer or user ID authorities to access customer Virthe request. Execution is processor. Virtual devices are 30 On-Line X. Detailed Flowcharts of 'nrr"",tC'r Tasks and Data Structures FIG. 23 is a flowchart of computer in the embodiment. When first virtual computer 160 loads the device drivers for access host computer 104 and also loads communications software for access to the host 40 24G are computer with customer computer 50 the steps shown in FIG. 14E. In this routine, block 1398 tests the commands to the computer 160. A host "PC Execution" command is considered a command in this context, are the FIG. therefore routed the customer computer 50 24G routine in the same way that a local is routed the customer computer. shown in FIG. 24H are peltOl'mc:cl customer computer 50 np.l-t",rml 14G and FIG. 241 shows the steps P"'<V''''v'' computer when the customer computer is steps shown FIG. 14H. FIG. 24K is a flowchart the computer is similar the customer computer checks shown in FIG. 15. FIGS. 25A and 25B show data structure maintained COlmpu«:r 160 in order to manage its In '"IJ'''''''Jll''' an of the customer on-line service control block 501 of FIG. 16A. In the embodiment, most 649A, 649B, 6491), 501 are obtained from customer computer 50 computer 160 initial message between the two FIG. Block 1500B of FIG. 25A represents control table FIG. which computer 160 obtains from host virtual or local storage. FIG. 25A block 1500C represents the redirected drive control table for computer 160. This redirected drive control table has the same customer redirected drive control table it may have dilTerent contents computer 160. The computer 160 and the customer computer 50 each build their rpcnp,'tnr .. redirected drive control tables based on information receive from the other computer FIGS. 14B, XI. Detailed Flowchart of LA"H.'p',"' Off-Line Tasks and Data Structures local IS exit 60 one and same. to know what the commands to continue in session the host. The functions steps 1314-1474 of FIGS. 24A-241 are '~_.H_"H , 65 program steps performed computer 160 when is off-line computer. The steps shown are similar to those shown in FIG. 13 Session except that commands the received from a request me shown in FIG. 26, the oIT-line computer 160 loads virtual device drivers for host access in a manner that computer 50 Off-line establishes host access to processes on program executed host computer 104 for the off-line computer 160 different from the customer computers 50. action is not allowed for the computer. The on XII. On-I jne Service FIG. 27 is a flowchart of to data and I""''"U''"'''' on Process Telco to assess pay numher. In any event, the customer appears on the customers Telco access. Customers can be control steps stand-alone to a modem in dial up up new users of on-line Cvi'vIJUUHv Customers can also be a per use fee based on the amount of time and/or amount of virtual disk read or written on hehalf of the client. In this customer may be notified before said of uup"'.""U", fees to be assessed if the request number, or other similar numbers that company and set aside for and services. Via this on-line connection is the new customer and the on-line service ""'_H"H,",'"' """PHUU,", the def1ned in a separate may be assessed if the request customer link to the host, an On-line Server Session, or an Off-line on behalf of the new customer is and for various customer computer that the on-line service up of customer control in FIG. 22B. The new customer the customer control data 1002 and on-line service control data 501 service software, as above, the customer computer 50 to access the on-line service system 100. The up computer system then sends the user ID and to the customer The on-line serVIce ment is capture and of ways: In the number, access can associated with the access the system. This agreement hetween the Telco Service llxed rate embodi- storage used and computer interprocessor execution, for program information 50 Service Server computer issue commands that run in the customer data stored on the customer computer on customer as in cilagnostlcs for the customer. The Host .... {',rm'lTv the Off-line Session. Each CHT-line Amount per Minute Field 101011 This is the amount for time hased services. Field 10101 Data that falls within uscr ID arc to the customer that In necessary of access on the on-line service. In the embodiment, host computer 104 maindata 1008 tains rccords in thc form of a shown in FIG. 22F. This block contains the information useful for purposes: User II) Field 100SA User ID of the customer associated with the task. Datc/Timc Startcd Field 1008E Whcn thc Field Identil1es the request. Successful Field lOOSE to indicate if the request Customcr/Host to indicatc if thc rcqucst or as a customer Processor Field 104, Indicates request customer computer 50, or Tclco Field 1008H to indicatc that this rcqucst was issucd whilc thc customcr uscd Tclco numbcr such as a 900 area Printcr Uscd bill customcr for Amount Field lOOSK Amount the request. An on-line session itself is a request and a amount is assessed for thc scssion start cnd timc less thc timc requests cmbodimcnt, host ,>n,m",,,t,," also mainTahle 10lO shown in FIG. that stores the Idcntifics thc rcqucst. ]() for m sessIOn with a customer's computer; the customer to up for servlces over the first online Internet session, the step of a customcr idcntificr and associatcd n"~''',\lm'n for the customer; a second online Internet session with the 30 the customer identil1er and stcp conditioncd at least in part on stcp aH<J WlHt: thc customcr to acccss thc rcmotc storagc arca over the second Internet session if the customcr's 40 computer, 50 the request. amount for pcr usagc scrvIccs. lOlOK storage type and While the invention has heen descrihed in connection thc most with what is considcrcd to and cmbodimcnts, it is to undcrstood that thc invention is not to he limited to the disclosed emhodiments, cover various modil1cahut on the contrary, is intended tions and arrangements included within the and scopc claims. Wha t is claimcd is: 1. An online computer system commercial the 60 65 servlce nrr'VH1P.r customer computer stcp includcs thc stcp of rnlrnn,"t,'.rto acccss thc rcmotc storagc service storage the second Internet connection for access ,Y"nnutf'r'" file system. thc stcp of remote storarea. A method as in claim 1 wherein the customer computer includcs a file systcm, and stcp includcs thc stcp of the customer computer to access the remote storage the online serVlce thc sccond Intcrnct conncction for acccss file system. in claim 1 whcrein stcp an online system cusstep of serVIce. tomer to subscribe to the online 6. Amethod as in claim 5 wherein step further includes the customer's name and address from the step of the customer the first online Internet session. 7. A method as in claim 1 wherein the Internet connection a for the customer 8. A method as in 1 wherein at least one of step and step the step of Internet connection. ]() 9. A method in claim 1 wherein step "u,u'l,,,~omu'M the back up data before it servlce over the Internet connection. to. method as in claim 1 wherein step the Internet connection step of without customer ",lpro"'I,,,n 11. A method as in claim 1 wherein step includes the the Internet connection in response to step of customer interaction. 12. A method as in claim 1 further the steps of: steps and the customer to restore data from the online servlce storage the Internet connection. 13. A method as in claim 12 wherein the step of the customer to restore data includes the of customer computer request data file name. 14. A method as in claim 1 further the step of """"~l"M the 30 the step the customer amount of storage used the customer poses. 18. A method as in claim 1 further servIce nnn(;,(1p'r in part on 40 includes the includes the includes the includes the a message the online to the customer computer service that access is not allowed. 23. A method as in claim 1 further "".W'Jill).'; step step Internet connection. 50 24. A method as in claim 1 wherein step at least in part under control of on the customer computer, and the method further includes the step of the software from the online servlce to the customer computer over an online connection. 25. An online computer system for commercial services remote customer computers over the Internet, online computer system cusat least remote storage area for use in tomer information; at least one processor; a first communications handler the processor, the llrst communications handler establisha online Internet session with a customer's computer and, in with the processor, allowthe customer to up for services over the first online Internet session, the first communications handler the processor to establish a customer identil1er and associated for the customer; and a second communications handler to at least the remote storage area, the second communications handler a second online Internet session with the customer's computer, the second communications handler the customer said customer identiller and associated second communications handler at least in part valithe T(Y1ll('"I('.rl the second communications handler tomer conditioned validation, the remote storage area Internet session if the remote storage storage device and/or to the customer's computer, wherein the second communications handler receives the customer computer data in form the second online Internet session, and the remote storage stores the received 26. A system as in claim 25 wherein the second communications handler establishes an communication with the customer's computer the second Internet session for the customer computer from the customer computer to the second communications handler. 27. A system as in claim 25 wherein the customer computer executes software that encrypts the customer computer and transmits said customer comdata to the second communications handler via * *

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