Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al

Filing 625

RESPONSE to #579 Proposed Pretrial Order, Defendants' Objections to Plaintiff Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC's Exhibit List by AOL Inc, Inc., MySpace Inc., Softlayer Technologies, Inc., Yahoo! Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Capoccia, Rachel)

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Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al Doc. 625 Att. 1 Exhibit A REFERENCE KEY FOR DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFF'S TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST Reference 26(a) 105 106 402 403 404 408 701 702 703 802 901 1002 1006 F NP P MP NT NAT NI US2008 2363589.4 Basis for Objection Exhibit inadmissible during expert testimony where expert did not disclose document in expert opinion served pursuant to Fed. R Civ. P 26(a)(2)(B). The exhibit may be admissible as to one party for one purpose, but is not admissible as to another party or for another purpose. Fairness requires admission of other exhibits and documents or the remainder of the document. The evidence in the exhibit is not relevant and is not admissible. Any relevance of the exhibit is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, misleading the jury, or considerations of unfair delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. The evidence in the exhibit includes improper character evidence not admissible pursuant to Fed. R Evid. 404, 607, 608 and/or 609. The exhibit is not admissible pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 408. The evidence includes improper lay opinion. The evidence in the exhibit includes improper expert opinion. Exhibit contains facts or data relied upon by expert witness that are otherwise inadmissible shall not be disclosed to the jury. The exhibit contains or is hearsay and no exception applies and/or the exhibit contains or is hearsay within hearsay and no exception applies pursuant (Fed. R Evid. 805). The exhibit lacks authentication. The exhibit is inadmissible because the original writing is required. The evidence in the exhibit includes improper summary of evidence. The exhibit lacks foundation pursuant to Fed. R Evid. 602, 901, 1002, 1003, 1005 and 1006. The exhibit was not produced during discovery although requested. Fed. R Civ. P. 37(c). The evidence in the exhibit is protected from disclosure pursuant to the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine. Exhibit is inadmissible because it contains more than one document or is an improper collection of documents. Exhibit contains text in foreign language that is not translated to English. Exhibit not relevant because solely related to Defendant who is not a party to the second trial. Exhibit is not sufficiently identified as to allow Defendants to object to the exhibit. Exhibit is subject to pending motion. SM IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFF BEDROCK COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES, LLC'S TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST Presiding Judge: LEONARD DAVIS Trial / Hearing Date(s): April 11, 2011 PLTF EXH. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Plaintiff's Attorney(s): Robert Parker, Douglas Cawley; Ted Stevenson; Scott Hejny; Jason Cassady; Austin Curry, Christopher Bunt Court Reporter: Defendants' Attorney(s): Alston Bird; Ramey & Flock; Kilpatrick Townsend; The Heartfield Firm; Storm Law Firm; McDermott Will & Emory; and Haltom & Doan Courtroom Deputy: Rosa Ferguson DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS No Objection. No Objection. No Objection. No Objection. No Objection. 802, 901, NI, NP, MP, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, SM BTEX 0750859BTEX 0750868 BTEX 0750869BTEX 0750870 BTEX 0118867BTEX 0118870 Will Use Will Use Will Use 01/30/08 402, 403, 702, 802, SM 01/31/08 402, 403, 702, 802, SM 08/14/08 DESCRIPTION U.S. Patent 5,893,120 to Nemes - Certified Copy U.S. Patent 5,893,120 - Certified File History U.S. Patent 4,996,663 to Nemes U.S. Patent 5,121,495 to Nemes U.S. Patent 5,287,499 to Nemes U.S. Patent 5,893,120 Re-Exam NPLs Article (Internet), "[IPV4] Route Cache: Introduce rt_genid for Smooth Cache Invalidation," E. Dumazet, Article (Internet), "[IPV4] Route Cache: Introduce rt-genid for Smooth Cache Invalidation," D. Miller, Article (Internet), "Algorithmic Complexity Attacks and the Linux Networking Code," BATES NO. BTEX 0000159BTEX 0000173 BTEX 0000174BTEX 0000485 BTEX 0761963BTEX 0761978 DEF 00004032DEF 00004044 DEF 00004050DEF 00004063 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE 04/06/99 04/06/99 02/26/91 01/09/92 02/15/94 WITNESS 8. 9. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 10. DESCRIPTION Article (Internet), "Amazon May Have Lost $9.2 Million in Sales Due to Outage," E. Oswald Article (Internet), "Assessing Trends Over Time in Performance, Costs, and Energy Use for Servers," S. Koomey, et al., Intel Website, p. 19 ( endsrelease.pdf) Article (Internet), "Denial of Service Attacks," website ( Article (Internet), "Prison Urged for Mafia Boy," Wired News Report Article (Internet), "Statement of Eric Holder, Deputy Attorney General of the US Before the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Subcommittee on the Criminal Oversight of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on Internet Denial of Service Attacks and the Federal Response" Article (Internet), "The History of Linux," Linux Website ( Article (Internet), "The Price of Performance, An Economic Case for Chip Multiprocessing," L. Barroso, Google, Article (Internet), "Understanding Denial of Service Attacks," U.S. Website (www.uscer.govlcas/tips/ST04-015.html) Article (Internet), "What is Linux?" Linux Website ( Article (Internet), "Why Attackers Can't Take Down," J. Pepitone, Article, "A Survey of Licensed Royalties," R. Degnan, les Nouvelles, p. 93 Article, "An Analytical Solution to Reasonable Royalty Rate Calculations," W. Choi and R. Weinstein, The Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 1 BATES NO. BTEX 0748697BTEX 0748699 BTEX 0749403BTEX 0749405 BTEX 0752383BTEX 0752439 CAT Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 802, SM, 105 06/30/10 402, 403, 802, NP 11. Will Use Will Use 08/17/09 402, 403, 802, F, SM, NP 402, 403, 802, F, SM 12. 13. 12/22/10 06/20/01 BTEX 0748751BTEX 0748752 BTEX 0749399BTEX 0749400 Will Use 402, 403, 802, SM BTEX 0749240BTEX 0749245 Will Use 02/29/00 [fix date] 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Will Use BTEX 0752440BTEX 0752443 Will Use Will Use Will Use BTEX 0749090BTEX 0749093 Will Use Will Use Will Use 12/09/10 06/00/97 2001 10/18/05 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, SM, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 22. DESCRIPTION Article, "Bargaining Under Incomplete Information," K. Chatterjee and W. Samuelson, Operations Research, Vol. 31, No. 5, SeptOct1983, p. 835-836 Article, "Cost-Effective Flow Table Designs for High Speed Routers: Architecture and Performance Evaluation," J. Xu and M. Singhal, IEEE Article, "Cyber Monday Spending Tops $1B, Com Score Says," C. Albanesius, PC Mag Article, "Distributed Denial of Service Attacks," Patrikakis, M. Charalampos, M. Masikos, and O. Zouraki, The Internet Protocol Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4 Article, "Endogenous Bargaining Power in Bilateral Monopoly and Bilateral Exchange," A. Z. Spindler, Canadian Journal of Economics, VII, No. 3, pp. 463-464 Article, "Internet Denial of Service, Attack and Defense Mechanisms," J. Mirkovic, S. Dietrich, D. Dietrich, and P. Reihere, Prentice Hall, 2005, pp. 11-28 Article, "Joint Profit Maximization, Negotiation, and the Determinancy of Price in Bilateral Monopoly," D. Truett and L. Truett, Journal of Economic Education, Summer 1993 Article, "Noncooperative Models of Bargaining," K. Binmore, Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 1, 179-225 Article, "Online Ad Market perks Up After Dismal Year," Wall Street Journal Article, "Online Ad Spending Surpasses Newspapers," eMarketer, Inc. Article, "The Bargaining Problem, " J. Nash, Econometrica, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 155-162 Article, "The Case for Energy-Proportional Computing," L. Barroso and U. Holzle, L_L Computer Society Article, "Two-Person Cooperative Games," J.Nash, Econometrica, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 128-140 Article, "Who Wins Patent Infringement Cases?," BATES NO. CAT Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 802, NP 1983 402, 403, 802 23. 24. 25. BTEX 0005599BTEX 0005609 Will Use Will Use Will Use 09/00/02 12/01/10 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 402, 403, 802, NP Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use BTEX 0752258BTEX 0752262 Will Use Will Use Will 12/21/10 12/21/10 04/00/50 12/00/07 01/00/53 2006 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 08/00/74 402, 403, 802, NP, SM 2005 402, 403, 802, NP 1993 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 402, 403, 802, NP 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION P. Janicke and L. Ren, AIPLA Quarterly Journal, Winter 2006, p. 8 BATES NO. CAT Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 36. Articles - Collection of Articles 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Assignment of USP 5,893,120 from R. Nemes to Bedrock Computer Technologies LLC Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC Certificate of Formation from Texas Secretary of State Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC Texas Secretary of State Certificate of Fact Bedrock Profit Distribution Agreement Bell Communications Research Memorandum from R. Nemes re: Proposed Patent Application: A Fast Method for Storing and Retrieving Automatically Expiring Data Book, "Data Structures & Program Design," R. Kruse, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2nd Ed. Book, "Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and Pascal," D. Stubbs and N. Webre, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Book, "Patent It Yourself, NOLO's Inventors' Essentials," D. Pressman, 13th Ed. Book, "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 / Sorting and Searching," D. Knuth, Stanford University Book, "Understanding Linux Network Internals," C. Benvenuti, Brochure, "Linux Kernel Development - How Fast It is Going, Who is Doing It, What They are Doing, and Who is Sponsoring It," The Linux BTEX 0749012BTEX 0749057; BTEX 0749087BTEX 0749122; BTEX 0749161BTEX 0749339; BTEX 0749349BTEX 0749425 BTEX 0119682BTEX 0122363 BTEX 0234468BTEX 0234472 BTEX 0761980 BTEX 0761979 BTEX 0122336BTEX 0122338 QETEL 0000255QETEL 0000266 BTEX 0759496BTEX 0760099 BTEX 0760100BTEX 0760578 BTEX 0760579BTEX 0761142 BTEX 0761143BTEX 0761878 DEF 00008677 BTEX 0752238 402, 403, 802, 901, 702, F, MP Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 09/26/09 11/06/08 05/20/10 03/10/11 01/26/08 09/09/87 No Objection. No Objection. NP NP No Objection 802, 901 No Objection 1984 No Objection 1985 04/00/08 1973 2006 12/00/10 No Objection No Objection 402, 403, 802, NP No Objection 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. DESCRIPTION Foundation Company Agreement of Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC, a Texas Liability Company Email from A. Absher to A. Kuznetsov re: Linux Routes Question Email from A. Kuznetsov to A. Absher re: Linux Routes Question Email from A. Kuznetsov to A. Absher re: Linux Routes Question Email from CIT/Paul to List: Linux netdev re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from CIT/Paul to List: Linux netdev re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from CIT/Paul to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. McDonald to H. Lien re: Bedrock v. Google Email from D. Miller to List: Linux netdev re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux netdev re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from D. Miller to List: Linux-net re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from E. Zelenock to C. Bunt re: PolkNumber of Servers Email from F. Weimer to List: Linux-Kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from G. James to A. Curry re: Settlement Discussions Email from H. Lien to A. Kuznetsov re: Patent Suit Inquiry Email from I. Lee to H. Memes re: Bedrock: Rescheduling for your Dec. 22 Deposition o BATES NO. BTEX 0122339BTEX 0122356 KTS 0000244 KTS 0000242 KTS 0000247 BTEX 0750879BTEX 0750880 BTEX 0751042 BTEX 0748686BTEX 0748688 GGL-BED 0048228 BTEX 0750878 BTEX 0750940BTEX 0750941 BTEX 0748690 BTEX 0748689 BTEX 0748691BTEX 0748692 BTEX 0748693BTEX 0748694 BTEX 0751040 BTEX 0761952BTEX 0761953 BTEX 0748695BTEX 0758696 BTEX 0752141 GGL-BED 0048243 MWEHNEME 00001 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS No Objection 402, 403, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 802, SM 402, 403, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 802, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 408, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 408, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 802, SM 402, 403, 802, 901 11/5/08 12/08/10 12/03/10 12/13/10 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/09/03 11/02/10 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/14/43 [fix date] 01/10/11 04/05/03 08/04/10 10/21/10 12/20/10 US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION January 7 or 10, 2011 Email from L. Chavey to buganizer-system@, et al. re: [issue 2554333] Setlproc/sys/net/ipv4lroutelrefcnt_release to 0 in prod Email from L. Chavey to, et al. re: [issue 2554333]Set/proclsys/net/ipv4/route/refcnt_releas e to 0 in prod Email from Linux Kernel Mailing List to List: git-commits-24 re: Fix Hashing Exploits in the IPV4 Routing, IP Conntrack, and TCP Synq Email from Maze. to, et al. re: [issue 2554333]Set/proc/s/net/ipv4lroute/cnt_release to 0 in prod Email from P. Roeder to J. LaBarre and E. Pennypacker re: Bedrock v. Softlayer Email from P. Roeder to T. Briggs, et al. re: Bedrock v. Softlayer: Service ofGoogle/ Motion to Compel and Related Motions/Papers in NDCai on HP and Paul Roeder Email from R. Olsen to List: Linux-net re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from R. Olsen to List: linux-net re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from S. Ostermann to M. Morlock re: Red Hat and Gcache Email from T. Briggs to P. Feig, et al. re: Bedrock Case Email from T. Briggs to P. Feig, et al. re: Bedrock v. Softlayer, et al. Email from V. Agarwal to A. Pal, et al. re: Handling Y! Specific Kernel Changes Email from Y. Chaikovsky to D. Kilough and C. Bright re: Bedrock Email from Y. Chaikovsky to M. Sarboraria and C. Bright re: Happy Thanksgiving Gcache c: Generalized Caching Routes, by Ostermann BATES NO. CAT DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 802, 901, NAT 69. GGL-BED 0048182GGL-BED 0048183 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 03/29/10 402, 403, 802, 901, NAT 70. GGL-BED 0047965 BTEX 0751523BTEX 0751532 GGL-BED 0048178 QEDEF 00005 BTEX 0751544BTEX 0751550 BTEX 0751041 BTEX 0751091 KTS 0000280KTS 0000281 QETEL 0000385QETEL 0000386 QETEL 0000505 YAHOO 0292794 MWEMSFT 0000021 MWEORCL 0000012 DEF 00008004-REVDEF 00008015.001- 07/28/10 No Objection 05/03/03 402, 403, 802, 901, NAT 03/29/10 05/21/10 402, 403, 802, 901, NAT 402, 403, 802, 901, NAT 12/28/10 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 702, 802, 901, SM 402, 403, 701, 802, SM 402, 403, 802, 901 402, 403, 802, 901 402, 403, 901, 105 402, 403, 901 402, 403, 901 No Objection 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 6/10/03 06/13/03 08/02/10 04/27/10 09/22/10 05/01/08 11/23/10 11/23/10 10/21/91 US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. REV MATCH 0005776MATCH 0005798; MATCH 0005799MATCH 0005830; MATCH 0005495MATCH 0005535 MATCH 0005536MATCH 0005568 MATCH 0005642MATCH 0005718; MATCH 0005831MATCH 0005907 AMZ 0013200AMZ 0013235 KTS 0000307KTS 0000308 KTS 0000491KTS 0000492 GGL-BED 0048238GGL-BED 0048239 BTEX 0752555BTEX 0759489 CAT DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, MP, NAT 84. IAC - ACE USA Miscellaneous Errors and Omissions Policies IAC - ACE USA Miscellaneous Professional Liability Policy IAC - FM Global Insurance Policies Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 10/01/0410/01/05; 10/01/0510/01/06; 11/20/07 10/01/0610/01/07 20092010; 06/30/1006/30/11 06/21/10 09/02/10 01/03/11 12/18/10 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 402, 403, NAT 402, 403, MP, NAT Letter from D .Tulanon (FINPRO) to N. Wollebek ( re: Primary Cyber Letter from D. Williams to C. Van Wyk re: Consulting Agreement Letter from D. Williams to S. Ostermann re: Consulting Agreement with KST Letter from QE and MWE to McDonald re: Consulting Agreement Linux Source Code M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix H M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix N M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix 0 M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix P M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix Q M. Jones Expert Report, Appendix R Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of Obsolete, Microsoft Dictionary NRL Source Code 402, 403 402, 403. 802, 901 402, 403, 802, 901 402, 403, 802, 901 NI, MP, NP 402, 403, SM 402, 403, SM 402, 403, SM 402, 403, SM 402, 403, SM 402, 403, SM BTEX 0761981BTEX 0761982 BTEX 0752555BTEX 0759489 02/11/11 402, 403, NP 402, 403, NP NI, NP, MP US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 101. 102. 103. DESCRIPTION Paper, "Gcache: A Generalized Caching Mechanism," D. Corner & S. Ostermann Paper, "Abstract," for New Hash Function Paper, "Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks," S. Crosby and D. Wallach, Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University Paper, "Leveraging Cloud Security to Weather Threatening Storms: How to Defend Your Perimeter from Today's Outsized Threats," Akamai Technologies, Inc. Paper, "The Datacenter as a Computer, An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines," L. Barroso and U. Hölzle, Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture Paper, "The Impact of Network Downtime on Business Today," M. Haider, Networks First Market Insight Paper, Warwick Business School Paper, "Traffic Impact of the 100 ms Delay Experiment," J. Brutlag Paper, "Understanding the Threat of Denial-of Service Attacks in Society Today," R. Chen, T. Giedgowd, and L. Greaves Patent License and Settlement Agreement between Bedrock and Conagra (fully executed) Patent License and Settlement Agreement between Bedrock CME (fully executed) PowerPoint Presentation, Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks," S. Crosby and D. Wallach, Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University Press Release, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences R. Nemes CV Settlement and License Agreement between Bedrock and Nationwide (fully executed) Settlement and License Agreement between Bedrock and PayPal (fully executed) Settlement and License Agreement between Bedrock and R. L. Polk (fully executed) BATES NO. DEF 00007719DEF 00007734 BTEX 0750960BTEX 0750975 BTEX 0118871BTEX 0118886 MYSPACE-BED 000386MYSPACE-BED 000397 BTEX 0752263BTEX 0752282 BTEX 0748731BTEX 0748750 GGL-BED 0049253GGL-BED 0049272 BTEX 0748700BTEX 0748730 BTEX 0752522BTEX 0752536 BTEX 0761879BTEX 0761904 BTEX 0119500BTEX 0119538 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE 03/00/92 WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS No Objection. No Objection. 402, 403, 802, SM 802, 901, SM 104. 2009 402, 403, 802, NP 2009 402, 403, 802 05/00/07 04/27/07 12/01/42 02/19/11 01/15/10 402, 403, 408, SM, NP 402, 403, 408, SM, NP 402, 403, 802 402, 403, 802 402, 403, 802, SM 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 10/11/94 402, 403, 802, NP No Objection BTEX 0745769BTEX 0745772 BTEX 0749125BTEX 0749152 BTEX 0761905BTEX 0761936 BTEX 0761937BTEX 0761947 12/22/10 04/30/10 02/15/11 402, 403, 408, SM 402, 403, 408, SM, NP 402, 403, 408, SM. NP US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. DESCRIPTION Settlement and License Agreement between Bedrock and Sungard Symposium Brochure, "12th Usenix Security Symposium," Washington, D.C. Symposium Brochure, "14th Annual CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey, Comprehensive Edition," Computer Security Institute Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Web Blog, "[PATCH] Net: Implement Emergency Route Cache Rebuilds When gc_Elasticity is Exceeded," Linux Networking Webpage, "Welcome to Google," Webpage, "Yahoo!," Webpage, Microsoft Server Pricing Webpage, Accessed on 01/25/11 ( en/us/pricing.aspx) Yahoo! - ACE USA Excess Liability Insurance Policy Amended and Restated Interactive Marketing Agreement between AOL Inc. and Google Inc., with Amendments Article (Internet), "Google Doodle Celebrates Thomas Edison's Birthday," E. Banks, USA Amazon Host Count on 1/1 Every Year by Kernel Vision Amazon Revenue and Cost Information for U.S. Retail Website Chart Amazon Server Count Document Form 10-K and Annual Report 2003-2009 Article (Internet), "EC2/Networking Blackfoot/ NAT/ Documentation/Introduction," Amazon BATES NO. BTEX 0749060BTEX 0749086 BTEX 0119616BTEX 0119623 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE 12/21/10 08/04/0308/08/03 12/00/09 WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 408, SM 402, 403, 802 402, 403, 802, NP BTEX 0749012BTEX 0749020 BTEX 0749049 BTEX 0749107 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 402, 403, 802, 901 12/09/10 12/14/10 12/14/10 01/25/10 11/12/09 10/01/03 402, 403, 802, NAT, 105 02/11/11 402, 403, 105 2003-2010 10/07/08 2003-2009 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, NAT 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, NP YAHOO 0510808YAHOO 0510819 AOL-BED-GOOGLE 001AOL-BED-GOOGLE 398 BTEX 0759490BTEX 0759491 AMZ 0013267 AMZ 0013265AMZ 0013266 AMZ 0000417 AMZ 0000418AMZ 0001091 AMZ 0001792AMZ 0001794 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. DESCRIPTION HQ Wiki AWS Finance - Current Estimate: Current Operating Procedure: 2008-2010 Discovery -'s Objections and Responses to Bedrock's Fifth Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 10-20) Discovery -'s Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to Bedrock's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-3) Discovery -'s Supplement to Objections and Responses to Bedrock's Second Set of Interrogatories (No. 6) Email from A. Dickinson to H. Xu, et al. re: Amazon NAT: secret_interval Email from I. Searle to H. Xu, et al. re: Amazon NAT: secret_interval Email from I. Searle to V. Pradeep, et al. re: Amazon Nat: secret_interval Email from J. Saalwaechter to re: Blackfoot 2.0 in Production FYI Email from V. Pradeep to A. Dickinson re: Kernel Patching Policy Webpage, "Company Facts," Amazon Website Webpage, "Overview," Amazon Website Webpage, "What is AWS?" Amazon Web Services Website - Webpage, "Zeus Botnet Controller," Amazon Web Servers Security Bulletin Webpage: Andrewd/Proposals/Blackfoot Aggregation - Blackfoot Server Costs Webpage: EC2/Networking/Linux/Routing Route Cache Wiki Yahoo! Finance, Historical Prices for Inc. Amazon - Various Source Code for Genid BATES NO. CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 AMZ 0013199 11/22/10 01/12/11 402, 403, 105 01/21/11 402, 403, 105 01/12/11 08/21/08 08/13/08 08/14/08 402, 403, 802, 105 004/01/09 08/29/08 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, NP, 105 402, 403, 802, NP, 105 402, 403, 802, NP, 105 12/12/09 03/17/10 06/08/10 01/29/10 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, NP, 105 NI, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 AMZ 0010259 AMZ 0010297 AMZ 0010288 AMZ 0000137AMZ 0000138 AMZ 0000379AMZ 0000380 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. AMZ 0009551 AMZ 0001976 AMZ 0001980 AMZ 0000413AMZ 0000416 US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 153. DESCRIPTION Amazon - Various Source Code for Cand BATES NO. CAT Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS NI, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, MP, 105 154. AOL - FM Global Insurance Policies 155. AOL Audience Technical Services Issue for 06/29/09 ­ 07/05/09 AOL Excel Spreadsheets - U.S. and Outside U.S. Server Data AOL Inc. Revenue Breakdown AOL Information Technology Security: System Vulnerability Assessment - RT #96916: PCI Q309 Scan - ITSEC Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank 156. AOL-BED 074477 AOL-BED 074545; AOL-BED 074409AOL-BED 074476; AOL-BED 074236AOL-BED 074318; AOL-BED 074320AOL-BED 074408 AOL-BED 010879AOL-BED 011292 AOL-BED-NATIVE 20; AOL-BED-NATIVE 21; AOL-BED-NATIVE 22 AOL-BED 007342 AOL-BED 026325AOL-BED 026336 AOL-BED 021122AOL-BED 021172; AOL-BED 021173AOL-BED 021223; AOL-BED 021224AOL-BED 021308; AOL-BED 021505AOL-BED 021568; AOL-BED 021569AOL-BED 021693; AOL-BED 021374AOL-BED 021504 AOL-BED 021309AOL-BED 021343 AOL-BED 002520 AOL-BED 002887; AOL-BED 002160AOL-BED 002519; Will Use 04/01/05 04/01/06; 04/01/0604/01107; 04119/07; 03/31/10 11/10/10 09/00/09; 01/00/11; 11/00/10 12/31/03 09/17/09 09/28/0209128/03; 09/28/0309/28/04; 09/28/0409/28/05; 09/28/0509/28/06; 09/28/0609/28/07; 09/28/0709/28/08 12/09/09 12/09/10 12/31/06; 12/31/07; 12/31/08 402, 403, 802, 901, MP, 105 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 802, 901, MP, 105 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 157. 158. 159. 160. AOL/Time Warner Inc. - AIG Insurance Policies Will Use 161. 162. AOL/Time Warner Inc. - ACE USA Insurance Policy AOL/Time Warner, Inc. Form 10-K - 2004-2008 Will Use Will Use 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, MP, 105 US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. AOL-BED 001806 AOL-BED 002159 AOL-BED 001299AOL-BED 001496 AOL-BED 020532AOL-BED 020616 AOL-BED 005635 AOL-BED 005639 AOL-BED 007191 AOL-BED 007192AOL-BED 007196 CAT DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 163. 164. AOL Inc. Form 10-K ­ 2009 AOL Inc. Form 10-Q, 09/30/10 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 12/31/09 09/30/10 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 802, 901, MP, 105 165. Asset_Fk_ Element_id Chart Discovery - AOL Inc.'s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Bedrock's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-3) EdgeSuite for the Object Delivery and Free Flow Streaming Services Order Form between Akamai and AOL, (3) Third Addendum Email from B. Tripp to G. Sayadian re: Preview App Document Email from C. Nims to B. Mayrides, et al. re: CERT Status for the Week Ending 04/23/2010 Email from G. Sayadian to J. Moran, et al. re: Business Justification for USENIX Security Symposium Email from N. Rajput to NetworkNOC, et al. re: AOL Case 1682556 - Possible Denial of Service Attack Through AOL Proxy Servers on Our Platform Email from to EOS_Executive_Report re: EOS Executive Summary, 0700 - 1500 Shift Email from R. Rubenstein to G. Sayadian re: Query Regarding Blocked IP Addresses Email from W. Stevens to G. Sayadian re: OnTRACK: Catalog Item Request #239677 Has Been Approved Email from W. Wakefield to M. Ludlow, et al. re: Email from Webpage, "AOL Incident # 458:: DDoS Reported - Identified as Large Scale Open Port Mapping 105 01/10/11 802, 901, 105 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. AOL-BED AKAMAI 38AOL BED-AKAMAI 61 AOL-BED 039769AOL-BED 039770 AOL-BED 023329AOL-BED 023330 AOL-BED 068625 AOL-BED 023298AOL-BED 023299 AOL-BED 067804AOL-BED 067805 AOL-BED 027748AOL-BED 027750 AOL-BED 058154AOL-BED 058156 AOL-BED 033924AOL-BED 033930 AOL-BED 071380AOL-BED 071838 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 10/01/08 06/09/10 04/26/10 06/09/10 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 02/23/10 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 11/09/10 03/11/10 06/07/10 07/09/10 01/05/1 l 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. DESCRIPTION Activity," Webpage, "AOL Incident #369: ICQ Switching Alert - Possible DDoS," Webpage, "SLM/SIMS Critical Incident Management /Disaster Recovery Notes," cal Incident Management Yahoo! Finance, Historical Prices for AOL, Inc. AOL - Various Source Code for Genid AOL - Various Source Code for Cand Article, "Fox Interactive Turns Annual Profit; MySpace Revenue to Top $800 Million in Fiscal 2008," L. Dignan Article, "New Corp in $580m Internet Buy," BBC News Article, "New Corporation Reports Third Quarter Net Income of $2.7 Billion; Operating Income of $755 Million on Revenue of $7.4 Billion," News Corporation Article, "Once-Fading MySpace Focuses on Youthful Reincarnation," J. Schwartz Article, "Facebook to Double Advertising in 2011 to $4 Billion, eMarketer Estimates," K. Schweizer, Bloomberg Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Declaration of Ilya Kravchenko in Support of MySpace, Inc.'s Oppositions to Plaintiffs Motions to Compel Document Production and Further Response to Interrogatory 4 Discovery - MySpace Inc.'s Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to Bedrock's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-2) List of MySpace Competitors Chart Model /Server Chart MySpace Form 10-K - 2004-2009 BATES NO. AOL-BED 028337AOL-BED 028390 AOL-BED 017544AOL-BED 017545 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 11/09/10 11/10/10 02/19/10 402, 403, 802, 901, NP, 105 NI, 105, 402 NI, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 08/08/07 07/19/05 05/06/09 03/10/10 01/18/11 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, NP, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 Will Use Will Use Will Use MYSPACE-BED 001627- MYSPACEBED 001630 Will Use Will 09/05/10 402, 403, 105 01/12/11 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 12/31/04; 402, 403,802, MP, 105 189. 190. 191. 192. US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. CAT Use DATE 12/31/05; 12/31/06; 12/31/07; 12/31/08; 12/31/09 WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. MySpace Units Chart MySpace Year End Results Chart NewsCorp. Form 10-K ­ 2010 Printout - Parameter Values Printout - Peak Load Data Webpage, "Fact Sheet," MySpace Website, MySpace ­ Various Source Code for Genid MySpace ­ Various Source Code for Cand Discovery - Softlayer's Objections and Responses to Bedrock's Fifth Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1020) Discovery - Softlayer's Supplement to Objections and Responses to Bedrock's Second Set of Interrogatories (No. 6) Discovery - Softlayer's Supplemental Objections and Responses to Bedrock's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-3) Email from A. Kuznetsov to N. Day re: Contact Request Email from N. Day to A. Kuznetsov re: Contact Request Email string from A. Kuznetsov to A. Absher re: Declaration Press Release, "Softlayer Revenue and Operations Grow in First Half of 2010," Softlayer Press Release, "Softlayer Significantly Expands Network Footprint," Softlayer MYSPACE-BED 001609- MYSPACE BED 001626 MYSPACE-BED 002134 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 12/00/0401/00/01 12/31/10 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, NI, 105 402, 403, NI, 105 105 01/12/11 105 01/12/11 402, 403, 701, 802, 105 01/02/11 10/20/09 10/20/09 02/15/10 07/26/10 05/03/10 402, 403, 701, 802, SM 402, 403, 701, 802, SM 402, 403, 802, 901 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 SOF 0062019 SOF 0062017SOF 0062018 KTS 0000237 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 209. DESCRIPTION SL Income Statement Chart BATES NO. SOF 0060482SOF 0060518 CAT Will Use Will Use DATE WITNESS 105 DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 210. Softlayer Form 10-K - 2004-2009 12/31/04; 12/31/05; 12/31/06; 12/31/07; 12/31/08; 12/31/09 12/00/08 09/30/10 105 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. Softlayer Media Kit - 09/30/08 Softlayer Media Kit ­ 09/30/14 Softlayer Sales Request Chart Softlayer Sales Request Chart Softlayer Website - Webpage, "Like Santa, DOS Does Not Take Christmas Off," Softlayer Blog Webpage, "Wizard Needs Food Badly... Wizard is About to Die," The Innerlayer - Softlayer Blog Softlayer - Various Source Code for Genid Softlayer - Various Source Code for Cand Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Discovery - Yahoo! Inc.'s Objections and Responses to Bedrock's Fifth Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 10-20) Exhibit Number Intentionally Left Blank Discovery - Yahoo! Inc.'s Third Supplemental Objections and Responses to Bedrock's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-3) Email from F. Weimer to List: Linux-kernel re: Route Cache Performance Under Stress Email from R. Levine to Recipient List re: HTCIA: Newsbits ­ 04/21/00 PowerPoint Presentation, "Unix Operating System Roadmap," by R. Reed & R. Troll PowerPoint Presentation, "An Industry SOF 0015943SOF 0016002 Softlayer Website SOF 0064487 SOF 0062016 SOF 0062076SOF 0063605 SOF 0060839SOF 0060840 SOF 0060837SOF 0060838 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 802, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 12/27/10 01/16/09 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 105 01/12/11 402, 403, 105 01/07/11 04/05/03 04/24/00 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 105 09/26/00 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 YAHOO 0352712YAHOO 0353233 YAHOO 0505954YAHOO 0505961 YAHOO 0256929YAHOO 0256948 YAHOO 0507390- Will Use Will Use Will Use Will US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. DESCRIPTION Consortium Against DoS Attacks the RFC2267 Plus Working Group," Draft, H. Teng, eBay Inc. PowerPoint Presentation, "How to be a Yahoo! Engineer" Press Release, "Microsoft Proposes Acquisition of Yahoo! for $31 per Share," Microsoft Seminar, "Industry Panel to Unveil Its Strategy Against DDoS/DoS Attack" Webpage, "The History of Yahoo! - How it All Started," Yahoo Website, Yahoo Yacronyms BATES NO. YAHOO 0507407 YAHOO 0304151YAHOO 0304205 YAHOO 0507388YAHOO 0507389 CAT Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 402, 403, 105 02/01/08 09/26/00 402, 403, 802, 901, NP, 105 402, 403, 802, 901, 105 402, NP, 105 402, 105 402, 403, MP, 105 233. Yahoo! - AIG Internet Liability Insurance Policies 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. Yahoo! - Chartis Specialty Insurance Co. Internet Liability Insurance Policy Yahoo! - FM Global Insurance Policy and General Change Endorsements Yahoo! Finance, Historical Prices for Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. 2005 Business Plan Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet AMERICAS FY2003 Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Hiring Budget Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Node_Id Chart Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet Operations Tools Database Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database YAHOO 0501566YAHOO 0501577 YAHOO 0510494YAHOO 0510550; YAHOO 0510924 YAHOO 0510998; YAHOO 0510396YAHOO 0510460 YAHOO 0510741YAHOO 0510807 YAHOO 0510828YAHOO 0510923; YAHOO 0510597YAHOO 0510722 YAHOO 0018820 YAHOO 0018842 YAHOO 0504633 YAHOO 0150373 YAHOO 0346256YAHOO 0352456 YAHOO 0353336 YAHOO 0353587 (YAHOO 0504635) YAHOO 0353588 YAHOO 0354079 (YAHOO 0504636) Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 02/06/08 06/21/0706/21/07; 06/21/0706/21/07; 06/21/0806/21/09 06/21/0906/21/10 05/31/0905/31/10; 11/18/10 02/19/10 2005 06/25/05 2004 2001 2010 2005 402, 403, 105 402, 403, MP, 105 402, 403, 901, NP, 105 402, 403, 901, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 106 (YAHOO00150372), 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 2006 US2008 2363589.4 PLTF EXH. NO. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. DESCRIPTION Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database Yahoo! Inc. Excel Spreadsheet - Operations Tools Database Chart BATES NO. YAHOO 0354080 YAHOO 0355190 (YAHOO 0504637) YAHOO 0355191 YAHOO 0357134 (YAHOO 0504638) YAHOO 0357135 YAHOO 0359000 (YAHOO 0504639) YAHOO 0359001 YAHOO 0360229 (YAHOO 0504640) YAHOO 0353249 YAHOO 0353335 (YAHOO 0504634) YAHOO 0009964 YAHOO 0010085; YAHOO 0010086YAHOO 0010193; YAHOO 0010194 YAHOO 0010303; YAHOO 0010304YAHOO 0010482; YAHOO 0010569 YAHOO 0010807 CAT Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use DATE 2007 WITNESS DEFENDANTS' OBJECTIONS 402, 403, 105 402, 403, 105 2008 402, 403, 105 2009 402, 403, 105 2010 402, 403, 105 2004 MP, 105 12/31104; 12/31105; 12/31106; 12/31107; 12/31108; 12/31109; 12/31/10 105, NI 105, NI 248. Yahoo! Inc. Form 10-K - 2004-20010 Will Use 249. 250. Yahoo! - Various Source Code for Genid Yahoo! - Various Source Code for Cand Will Use Will Use US2008 2363589.4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that all counsel of record who are deemed to have consented to electronic service are being served with a copy of this document via the Court's CM/ECF system per Local Rule CV-5(a)(3) on this 18th day of March, 2011. Any other counsel of record will be served by first class mail. ______Rachel Capoccia_______________ US2008 2363589.4

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