Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al

Filing 700

Exhibit List 3rd Amended Trial Exhibit List by Google Inc... (Attachments: #1 Exhibit L - Google's 3rd Amended Trial Exhibit List)(Jones, Michael)

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Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al Doc. 700 Att. 1 Exhibit L IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION BEDROCK COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES LLC, Plaintiff, CASE NO.: 6:09-CV-269-LED v. § § § § § SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., ET AL. Defendants GOOGLE'S THIRD AMENDED EXHIBIT LIST Plaintiff's Attorney(s): Robert Parker; Douglas Cawley; Ted Stevenson; Scott Hejny; Jason Cassidy; Austin Curry; Christopher Bunt Courtroom Deputy: Court Reporter: Rosa Ferguson Defendant's Attorneys: Quinn Emanuel and Potter Minton law firms Presiding Judge: Leonard Davis Trial / Hearing Date(s): April 11, 2011 ** Categories: (A) - Will Use; (B) - May Use; (C) Probably Won't Use Category Marked Offered Objection BATES NO. Weinstein Exh. 4 Will Use Admitted DATE 12/31/2010 WITNESS 00/00/0000 1/28/2009 3/14/2005 5/8/2000 ACACIA000002 BTEX0749153-160 Nemes Exh. 38 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Garrod Exh. 112 12/16/2010 Weinstein Exh. 7 00/00/2004 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 eBay Subsidiaries (as of Dec. 31, 2010), eBay and Paypal use Linux servers; Stubhub did until Sept. 2009. 2 Acacia Technologies: Leader in Patent Licensing and Enforcement 3 Email from J. Anderson to D. Lee and B. DePirro re Nemes 4 Pre-Nuptual Agreement between Richard Nemes and Judy Frenkel. 5 Stipulation of Settlement/Property Adjustment Agreement between R. Nemes and H. Nemes. 6 Fax from R. Steams to D. Garrod containing Financial Affidavit in D. Garrod vs. L. Garrod. 7 Presentation by Michael Schulz entitled, OpenSource at HP, Community Involvement and Internal Use. 8 Email chain between C. Elston and L. Hill re Request for Final Valuation for deal Nemes, Richard M. Authorized to $120k. IV-Bedrock 000006 3/17/2008 Page 1 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 9 Intellectual Ventures web screen shots BATES NO. IV-Bedrock 000318-327 Nemes Exh. 37 IV-Bedrock 000007-9 BTEX00751523-532 Weinstein Exh. 2 BTEX0749125-152 BTEX0752142-2143 12/22/2010 3/5/2003 Will Use Will Use 4/9/2008 DATE 1/5/2011 WITNESS 10 11 12 Will Use Will Use 8/4/2010 1/11/2010 4/30/2010 13 14 15 Weinstein Exh. 5 BTEX0122319-331 Weinstein Exh. 6 BTEX0748753-768 BTEX0749060-086 Will Use Will Use Will Use 16 Admitted 12/21/2010 00/00/00 2/19/2011 17 BTEX0752522-536 18 E-mail from C. Elston to D. Garrod RE: Opportunity re: U.S. Patent No. 5,893,120 and $105K offer for the patent. [NET]: Fix hashing exploits in ipv4 routing, IP conntrack, and TCP synq. Settlement and License Agreement entered by Bedrock and Nationwide Mutual Insurance. Email chain between A. Curry and J. Glenn re Settlement discussions Patent License and Settlement Agreement between Bedrock and CME Group. Confidential Settlement and License Agreement between Bedrock and PayPal, Inc. Settlement and License Agreement entered by Bedrock and SunGard. Affiliated Companies,, About Us section of Website. Patent License and Settlement Agreement by and between Bedrock and ConAgra Foods. Will Use Will Use Will Use 00/00/00 11/17/1995 00/00/1984 00/00/1984 19 IPv6+IPSEC+ISAKMP Distribution Page. 20 21 22 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 23 00/00/1985 24 Schiller Exh. 2 YAHOO00507238 A. Kuznetsov to A. Cox re [Patch 003/103] Kuznetsov Exh. 2 Merge to 1.3.42. DEF00009286-9320 Robert L. Kruse, Chapter 4: Linked Lists, in DEF00005078-5129 Data Structures and Program Design. Robert L. Kruse, Chapter 6.8: Application: DEF00005130-5140 The Life Game Revisited, in Data Structures and Program Design. Daniel F. Stubbs and Neil W. Webre, Data DEF00005141-5155 Structures with Abstract Data Types and Pascal, 68-79 (1985). Curriculum Vitae of Mark T. Jones Jones Exh. 1 Lotvin Exh. 19 BTEX0745490 Will Use Will Use 00/00/0000 1/28/2009 25 Email from M. Lotvin to R. Nemes re The Bellcore Letter. Page 2 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. 26 Employment acceptance form of M. Lotvin; HP-000009 - 10 Agreement regarding Confidential Information and Proprietary Developments, executed by M. Lotvin on May 8, 2000. Will Use DATE 00/00/2000 WITNESS GGL-BED00048775 - 779 GGL-BED00049141 - 167 GGL-BED00049253 - 272 GGL-BED00037476-499 Will Use 3/28/2008 4/27/2007 5/18/2010 3/28/2007 10/12/2008 27 28 29 30 DoS Tracking ­ Tis the season to be SYN flooded. Post-Period Analysis of Web Search Delay Experiments ­ Draft 2. Traffic Impact of the 100 ms Delay Experiment ­ Draft 2. Google webpage entitled: Life of a Packet. Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 31 32 11/4/2008 3/5/1999 1/1/2009 33 BTEX0273098-3119 Frontend traffic overview ­ Life of a request: GGL-BED00037836-845 how our traffic management system works (Astrid Atkinson). Email chain between D. Garrod, M. Lotvin, BTEX0748981-983 R. Parker re Office Lease. Pace University Faculty Evaluation Report Nemes Exh. 27 submitted in 1999 for 1998 re: R. Nemes. BTEX0000578-588 Will Use Will Use 34 35 Lease Agreement by and between Crest Properties and Bedrock, January 1, 2009. Handwritten Notes, Intellectual Property IP 36 00/00/0000 6/30/1994 6/14/1994 37 38 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 39 Nemes Exh. 20 BTEX0124123-133 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Richard M. Nemes. Nemes Exh. 12 BTEX0745769-772 Letter from S. Merrit to R. Nemes re: Nemes Exh. 24 Peformance Evaluations. PACE 00036 Letter from P. Ewers to R. Nemes re: Terms Nemes Exh. 23 of Appointment for Sept. 1, 1994 to Aug. 31, PACE 00039 1995. Resume for Faculty Appointment re Richard Nemes Exh. 21 Nemes. PACE 00042-45 5/4/1989 40 6/1/1989 2/18/1998 41 Letter from S. Merrit to R. Nemes re: Pace University's Tenure Policy. Pace University Faculty Evaluation re: R. Nemes. Nemes Exh. 22 PACE 00047 Nemes Exh. 25 PACE 00213-215 Will Use Will Use Page 3 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 42 Self-Evaluation of Teaching and Scholarship re: R. Nemes. 43 Email chain between D. Garrod, M. Lotvin, R. Nemes and D. Green re Prof. Richard M. Nemes. 44 U.S. Patent No. 5,893,120 BATES NO. Nemes Exh. 26 PACE 00234 BTEX0745364-365 Will Use Will Use 5/6/2009 4/6/1999 8/27/2009 2/4/2008 DATE 3/17/1997 WITNESS 45 File History for U.S. Patent No. 5,893,120. 46 Nemes Exh. 15 BTEX0000159-173 Nemes Exh. 35 BTEX0000174-485 ACACIA000003-54 Will Use Will Use Will Use 2/26/1991 6/9/1992 2/15/1994 00/00/0000 12/30/2010 12/30/2010 12/30/2010 12/30/2010 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 47 DEF00004032-4049 DEF00004050-4063 Nemes Exh. 13 GGL-BED00049315 - 320 GGL-BED00049337 - 359 GGL-BED00049375 - 378 GGL-BED00049384 - 387 GGL-BED00033440-464 GGL-BED00040209-212 Email from D. Garrod to D. Lee re Linux claim chart (for U.S. Patent 5,893,120); (Chart attached) U.S. Patent No. 4,996,663 DEF00003992-4009 48 U.S. Patent No. 5,121,495 49 U.S. Patent No. 5,287,499 50 51 52 53 54 55 Claim 5 of the '120 Patent vs. Claim 1 of the '495 Patent. Google Corporate Information ­ Technology overview. Google Corporate Information ­ Google history. Google Corporate Information ­ Our philosophy. Google Corporate Information ­ User experience Open Source at Google ­ Presentation. 56 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 57 1/19/1996 9/28/1995 8/17/1995 9/28/1995 58 Video Containers.mp4; Video Equipment Yard.mp4; Video Hangar.mp4;Video Plant.mp4. Website article entitled: NRL IPv6 Software Distribution (Release "Alpha-2). Source Code - key.h 59 Source Code - key.h 60 Source Code - key.c Schiller Exh. 3 YAHOO00507241-242 McDonald Exh. 1 DEF00007971-7974 McDonald Exh. 2 YAHOO00507259 McDonald Exh. 3 DEF00007942-7970 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Page 4 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 61 Minutes for IP Security Working Group. DATE 12/15/1995 00/00/2010 2008-2010 WITNESS 62 63 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 10/15/2010 64 65 BTEX0752238-2257 BATES NO. McDonald Exh. 5 YAHOO00507281-7290 Syllabus: COSC 2336 ­ Data Structures and QEDEF00000152-158 Algorithms (UT, Tyler). Department of Computer Science, Bachelor QEDEF00000159 of Science in Computer Science 2008-2010 Curriculum. (UT, Tyler). Message from E. Dumazet to List re KTS0000933 [PATCH net-next] net: avoid RCU for NOCACHE dst. net: avoid RCU for NOCACHE dst. KTS0001018-1020 10/20/2010 12/00/2010 Will Use Will Use 66 67 Will Use J. Corbet, G. Hartman, A. McPherson, A White Paper (The Linux Foundation) ­ Linux Kernel Development: How fast is it going, who is doing it, what they are doing, and who is sponsoring it. Source Code - gcache.c Ostermann Exh. 3 DEF00008004-REVISED DEF00008015.001REVISED Will Use Will Use Will Use Admitted 10/21/1991 00/00/1996 68 Source Code - gcache.c 69 Source Code - gcache.h Ostermann Exh. 5 KTS0000426-REVISED - KTS0000438REVISED Ostermann Exh. 4 KTS0000439-REVISED - KTS0000440REVISED Ostermann Exh. 2 DEF00007719-734 8/16/1996 70 3/17/1992 71 12/15/2010 00/00/1985 72 Kuznetsov Exh. 1 DEF00009284-9454 DEF00007975-8003 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 73 Telcordia Exh. 2 BTEX0285475 Telcordia Exh. 13 BTEX0285476-478 1/13/1986 74 Technical Report entitled: GCache: A Generalized Caching Mechanism, by D. Comer and S. Ostermann. Declaration of Alexey Kuznetsov with exhibits. Daniel F. Stubbs and Neil W. Webre, Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and Pascal, 310-366 (1985). Employment Agreement Regarding Intellectual Property between R. Nemes and Bell Communications. Assignment and Agreement between R. Nemes and Bell Communications. 1/28/1988 Page 5 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted BATES NO. Telcordia Exh. 17 BTEX0285479-480 BTEX0745240-242 Will Use Will Use 1/23/2009 5/6/2009 6/9/1992 12/31/1987 1/7/1987 00/00/2010 2/24/2009 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 75 Confirmatory Assignment of Patent Rights by R. Nemes. 76 Letter from D. Green to R. Nemes re Signature for Confirmatory Patent Assignment, with enclosures. 77 E-mail from D. Green to D. Garrod re: Prof. Richard M. Nemes. 78 File History for U.S. Patent No. 5,121,495. DATE 00/00/0000 WITNESS 79 80 Collection of documents from Telcordia re: Patent Application. Application Approval for Filing. 81 GGL-BED00032100-101 Telcordia Exh. 16 BTEX0285473-474 Telcordia Exh. 11 GGL-BED00031154-385 Nemes Exh. 14 TELECORDIA00000152-281 Telcordia Exh.4 TELECORDIA00000245-276 GGL-BED00049395-406 82 David S. Miller, Linux Networking Futures 2010. [Issue 1659539] `Detected Tx Unit Hang" and serving hiccups on clovertown. GGL-BED00032664-666 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 4/24/2009 83 84 Email from L. Chavey to M. Bligh, M. Waychison, R. Manomohan re fixing route dst cache entry slab allocation. Blog post, KS2009: How Google Uses Linux, by Jonathan Corbet. GGL-BED00034737-00034748 10/21/2009 85 GGL-BED00035585 GGL-BED00040274-307 GGL-BED00034936-937 2/24/2009 6/15/2009 11/4/2009 86 87 [Issue 1659539] `Detected Tx Unit Hang" and serving hiccups on clovertown. [Issue 1659161] ip_dst_cache filling up otherwise `free' nodes? Nandita Dukkipati, kiwi: Reducing TCP's Slow Start latency. GGL-BED00041628-633 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 88 Tiziana Refice, /24s distribution. 00/00/0000 89 Chris DiBona, A 3 Hour History of Free and GGL-BED00033802-861 Open Source Software in 46(ish) Minutes. GGL-BED00032799-2800 Will Use Will Use 00/00/0000 90 [Issue 1659161] ip_dst_cache filling up otherwise `free' nodes? 5/8/2009 Page 6 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection BATES NO. GGL-BED00032865-2866 GGL-BED00035987-5988 GGL-BED00040167-169 GGL-BED00033465-507 00/00/0000 2/23/2009 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 5/19/2009 Will Use 5/4/2006 7/2/2007 00/00/0000 Admitted DATE 5/19/2009 WITNESS DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 91 [Issue 1659161] ip_dst_cache filling up otherwise `free' nodes? 92 [Issue 1659161] ip_dst_cache filling up otherwise `free' nodes? 93 [Issue 1659539] "Detected Tx Unit Hang" and serving hiccups on clovertown. 94 Google and Open Source, with highlights from the last year.... (Chris DiBona, Google Speaker Series) 95 Zaheda Bhorat, BCS EqualiTEC Career Workshops. GGL-BED00034101-135 Weinstein Exh. 8 96 97 Will Use Will Use Will Use 98 11/00/1988 99 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 100 101 102 103 Blog Post, What is Linux, by Linus Torvalds. Atanu Saha, Janice Stroud and Roy Weinstein, Risk Analysis: A General Approach to Evaluating Settlement Offers. John D. Culbertson and Roy Weinstein, Product Substitutes and the Calculation of Patent Damages, Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, Vol. 70, No. 11, 749-761 (1988). Bedrock's Consolidated Responses to Google's 1st Set of Rogs (Nos. 1-6) Bedrock's Consolidated Responses to Google's 2nd Set of Rogs (Nos. 7-8) Bedrock's Objections & Responses to Google's 1st Set of RFA's Bedrock's Objections & Responses to Google's 2nd Set of RFA's Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.11 104 Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.18 105 106 107 108 Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.26 (produced 8/17/10) Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.26 (produced 2/4/11) Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.34 (produced 1/10/11) Source Code from Linux v. 2.6.34 (produced 2/4/11) Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Page 7 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted DATE 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 2/14/2008 9/00/1987 WITNESS Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 00/00/1990 12/31/2009 00/00/0000 11/2/2010 1/4/2011 00/00/2005 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. Goodwin Procter attorney Bio for David 109 Garrod Exh. 105 Garrod. BTEX0285472 Side-by-side comparison the '120 and '495 Nemes Exh. 30 110 patents. Email from C. Elston to D. Garrod re 111 Nemes Exh. 36 Opportunity re U.S. Pat. 5,893,120. 112 Richard Nemes, A hybrid hashing technique Nemes Exh. 39 for fast access to long term data in a large on- BTEX0748911-920 line data base (1987 Bellcore Database Symposium/ Special Report SR-STS000783). Richard Nemes, New hashing methods based Nemes Exh. 40 113 on Knuth's Algorithm 'R' (Proceedings of the BTEX0748884-910 1990 Conference on Information Science and Systems). 114 Subsidiaries of the Registrant: Nationwide 115 White Paper: Leveraging Cloud Security to Weather Threatening Storms (Akamai). 116 U.S. Patent No. 7,827,254 117 U.S. Patent No. 7,865,536 118 Mirkovic et al., Chapter 2: Understanding Denial of Service, in Internet Denial of Service 11-28, Pearson Education Inc., 2005. Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 119 00/00/2003 00/00/2001 120 Will Use Will Use 121 Will Use 11/8/2010 122 Garbee Bdale, From Zero to SPECfp2000...Porting Debian to IA-64 William Choi and Roy Weinstein, An Analytical Solution to Reasonable Royalty Rate Calculations, IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology, 2001. Roy Weinstein, Janet Thornton, and Paul White, New Tools for the Calculation of Infringement Damages, 48th Annual Conference on Intellectual Property Law. Paul M. Janicke and LiLan Ren, Who wins patent infringement cases?, AIPLA Quarterly Journal Vol. 34, No. 1, Winter 2006. Will Use 00/00/2006 Page 8 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted BATES NO. DATE 00/00/1987 2/00/2011 WITNESS BTEX00761937-947 Will Use Will Use 1/10/2011 9/12/2000 00/00/1987 00/00/2006 BTEX0761952-953 DEF00000797-810 DEF00006702-7007 DEF00008677-9211 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION George J. Stigler, The Throey of Price, 215123 216 (4th ed., 1987). Confidential Settlement and License 124 Agreement by and between Bedrock and R.L. Polk & Co. Email from E. Zelenock to C. Bunt re 125 bedrock/polk. 126 US. Patent No 6,119,214 Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures & Program 127 Design (2nd ed. 1987). 128 Benvenuti, C., Understanding Linux Network Internals, (Andy Oram ed., 2006). Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 00/00/1973 DEF00006328-6701 129 130 Van Wyk Exh. 3 DEF00000001-10 Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3/Sorting and Searching. Article entitled: A Queueing Analysis Of Hashing With Lazy Deletion*, by J. Morrison, L. Shepp and C. Van Wyk. 12/00/1987 131 00/00/1986 132 00/00/1988 1/31/2011 4/14/2010 00/00/0000 133 134 135 DEF00000149-161 Christopher J. Van Wyk and Jeffrey Scott Vitter, The Complexity of Hashing with Lazy Deletion. Algorithmica (1986) I:17-29. Christopher J. Van Wyk, Data Structures and DEF00009458-9660 C Programs.'s Revenue of Sales Orders ­ MATCH00009477 Excel spreadsheets's Purchase Order re:; VendorMATCH00010057 MoreDirect, Inc. ­ Excel spreadsheet Simplified Representation of Storie Exh. 14 Network As It Relates To The Linux Servers. MATCH00005495-5535 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 136 FM Global Policy No. JD184 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 11/15/2007 137 Storie Exh. 13 MATCH00005831-5907 MATCH00009308 138's Operations Network-Logical Circuits Chart re: Public Internet. Jason Cowishaw & Joey Mitchell's, DDoS MATCH00006964-972 Network Defense Project-DDoS Detection (and Mitigation) Booklet (Guide) Version 1. Will Use Will Use Will Use Page 9 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection Admitted Will Use Will Use 9/4/2009 00/00/0000 1/20/2004 7/6/2007 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. 139 Jason Cowishaw & Joey Mitchell's, DDoS MATCH00007512-523 Network Defense Project- DDoS Defense in Depth Booklet (Guide) Version 2. 140 James La Vacca, Alfredo Rodriguez & Dave MATCH00007561-583 Revor's Network Attack Mitigation Planning Booklet (Guide) Version 1.1. 141 Arbor Peakflow Sales Order Form MATCH00008400-401 DATE 8/2/2007 WITNESS 142 Fact Sheet 143 Red Hat Announces Open Source Assurance to Safegaurd Customer Investment. (RedHat) Will Use Will Use Will Use 144 11/30/2010 00/00/0000 145 Graph Statistic Chart re: Usage of Disk MATCH00006193-6200 Network nfs Processes Sensors System Arbor Peakflow X Protection and Visibility MATCH00007025-028 for the Enterprise Network Booklet (Guide) MATCH00009992 Will Use Will Use 146 00/00/0000 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 1/12/2011 6/30/2009 3/7/2010 147 148 149 150 MATCH00005642-718 Lotvin Exh. 2 151 152 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 153 BTEX0746152-155 7/31/2003 154 3/16/2011 155's Market Chart-; Excel spreadsheets Bedrock's Consolidated Responses to's 1st Set of Rogs (Nos. 1-6) Bedrock's Consolidated Responses to's 2nd Set of Rogs (No. 7) Bedrock's Objections & Responses to's 1st Set of RFA's Bedrock's Objections & Responses to's 2nd Set of RFA's TOC for Terms of Policy re: InsuredInterActive Corp. Plaintiff's supplemental and amended responses to LLC's Interrogatories (Nos. 1-4). Algorithmic Complexity Attacks and the Linux Networking Code", Florian Weimer, 31 July 2003. Bedrock & Settlement Agreement (fully executed) CME Group Form 10-K 2006-2010 Will Use Will Use Page 10 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 156 ConAgra Form 10-K 2006-2010 BATES NO. DATE WITNESS 157 eBay Form 10-K 2006-2010 158 Nationwide Form 10-K 2005-2009 159 SunGard Form 10-K 2006-2010 160 Admitted Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 9/15/2009 11/28/2007 12/6/2006 161 162 InformationWeek Article entitled InformationWeek 500 No. 1 Company: CME Group InformationWeek Article entitled PayPal Says Linux Grid Can Replace Mainframes Searchcio Article entitled Nationwide Insurance swaps servers for virtualized mainframes Will Use Will Use Will Use 163 164 Will Use 5/12/2009 165 Open Advantage Article entitled Investing for Growth: CME Group Builds State of-theArt Datacenter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Wall Street & Technology Article entitled CME Group Dives Into Coreboot and Other Linux Open Source Projects Match Organizational Charts MATCH00006490-6492 166 ConAgra Brand Book 10/00/2010 00/00/2011 167 ConAgra Fact Sheet 168 169 CME Global Partnerships - Exchange Partners CME Global Partnerships - Index Partners 170 CME Global Partnerships - Subsidiaries 171 CarFax re R. L. Polk & Co. 172 173 SunGard - Our Businesses, Software, IT Services Sungard Availability Services Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Page 11 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION 174 SunGard Financial Systems BATES NO. DATE WITNESS 175 176 SunGard Higher Education & K-12 Education SunGard Public Sector 177 CarFax re R. L. Polk & Co. Screenshot 178 R. L. Polk & Co. Worldwide Screenshot 179 R. L. Polk & Co. History Screenshot 180 R. L. Polk & Co. Ads Screenshot 181 Admitted 10/28/2010 10/12/2008 E-mail from L. Chavey to kernelGGL-BED00048079 et al. re [Issue 2554333] Set/proc/sys/net/ipv/route/refcnt_release to 0 in prod. Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 182 GGL-BED00049311 GGL-BED00049473-493 GGL-BED00032340 SOF0062019 KTS0000173 KTS0000247 GGL-BED00049494-501 E-mail from D. Mensher re websearch DDoS GGL-BED00049108 183 Global Ingress and Engress Traffic 184 402.8/402.9 Canary Little Brother Results 185 6/17/2009 10/20/2010 12/13/2010 12/13/2010 186 187 188 189 Email from chavey re ip_dst_cache filling up otherwise 'free' nodes? Email from A. Kuznetsov to N. Day re fwd: contact request Email from A. Absher to A. Kuznetsov re Linux route.c question Email from A. Kuznetsov to A. Absher re Linux route.c question Issue 3349197_ WARNING_ at net_ipv4_route.c_1197 rt_intern_hash+0x27f_0x3c5() 2.6.34 Buganizer GGL-BED00049502 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 190 191 Google wide profiling data Source Code - tunenetworklib.txt (produced 3/29/11) GGL-BEDSC00014721-728 Will Use Will Use Page 12 of 13 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION Category Marked Offered Objection BATES NO. GGL-BED00049585 Will Use Admitted DATE 1/19/2011 WITNESS BTEX061985-762011 GGL-BED00049503-507 GGL-BED00049508-49512 GGL-BED00049513-49583; GGL-BED00049594-49600 GGL-BEDSC00014729-14732 GGL-BED00049587 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use GGL-BED00049601-49684 GGL-BED00049685-49709 ACACIA000503-516 Will Use Will Use Will Use Will Use 1/6/2011 DEF. EX. NO. DESCRIPTION Email from Chavey to T. Herbert, M. 192 Zenczykowski, A, Durbin re [6870]kernal...2.6.34/net/dev: netip_dst_cache: fix bug with list corruption 193 Nemes v. Nemes Statement of Net Worth 194 402.8 GFE Status Update 2/25/2011 195 Bug 2961560 196 GFE 401/402 Testing 197 Source Code 198 Email From on behalf of To Chavey, Durbin, Herbert, kernel-reviewers & gnetdev re. [6870] kernel....2.6.34/net/dev:netip_dest_cache:fix bug with list corruption 2996002 Health Check Failure on Ikaria 199 Running GFE 30300240 GFE Canary Crash with Kernel 200 401.x on Argo Declaration of Cheryl Willeford, Custodian 201 of Records of Third Party Acacia Research Corporation 202 Declaration of Christopher L. Henkens IV-Bedrock 0003281/20/2011 Page 13 of 13

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