Aloft Media, LLC v. Oracle Corporation et al

Filing 131

***DISREGARD ENTRY - FILED IN ERROR - SEE #133 for CORRECT ENTRY*** Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct 109 Order by Aloft Media, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Text of Proposed Order)(Aurentz, Phillip) Modified on 9/20/2010 (kls, ).

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Aloft Media, LLC v. Oracle Corporation et al Doc. 131 Att. 2 EXHIBITB IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS T Y L E R DIVISION A L O F T MEDIA, LLC, Plaintiff, v. � � � � � � � � � Civil Action No. 6:09-CV-304-LED ORACLE CORPORATION, et at., Defendants. JURY TRIAL DEMANDED AMENDED DOCKET CONTROL ORDER It. is hereby ORDERED that the foll o wing sc hedul e of deadlines is in effect until furt her order of thi s Court: December 12, 2011 CO urt d.:signuu.-:d Jate - not flcx l ble: v. jlhoU i good cause MOlion Required 9:00 a.m. JURY TRIAL as reached at the United States District Court, 211 W. Ferguson, 3'�� Floor, Courtroom of Judge Leonard Davis, Tyler, Texas. ORDER REGARDING EXHIBITS, EXHIBIT LISTS AND WITNESS LISTS: A. O n (he fi rs t day o f (ria l. ~ac h pa n )' is required to have on ha nd th e follow ing: ( I) O ne copy of their res(X:cli vc ori g inal ex hi b il S. Eac h ex hibit shall be properly labeled wi th th e following info rma tio n: Identifi ed as ciL c r Plainlifr s or Defendant's Exhibit th e Ex hibi t h Nu mbe r and the Case Number. Tn add i tio n, ex hibit s shall be placed in properly marked manill a fo ld e rs and con tai ned in a bo x wilh hand les. Th ree (3) ha rd copie::. of th e ir ex hibit li s t and witne ...., li St. The Court's prefe rred form at fo r (2) Ex hibit Lists is available on th e Conrt' s we bs it e a t www. lxed.uscourts.go v unde r "Order:: & Form s." D urin g tri a l on a daily baSIS. each part) shall tender to the Co un a li s l o r ex hibit s admitted fo r eac h day. A desc ripti o n o f the exhibits is not necessary, just a lisl conl a ini ng the cx hibil numbe rs, For exa mp le. Plaintiff will submit a doc ument entitled. "PlainlitT s List o f Exhibils Admillcd o n (the date)," Said daily li s ts are to be te ndered the rollo\ving day. (If tri a l co mm e nc es on Mo nd ay, Mo nd a y ' s lisl will be d ue Tuesday morni ng and so on unlll the conc lu s io n o f tri a l). A t the co nc lu s io n o f the e vid e nl ia ry phase o f tri a l. each part y sha ll be responsi ble fo r pull in g th o se ex h i bit s admilled at tri a l a nd te nd e r those to (he Co urtroom Deputy. wh o will verify th e exhibits a nd te nd e r (he m [Q the jury for their de lib e ra ti o ns. At the conclus io n of tri a l. all boxes of ex hi b it s shall be r~ lurn e d to th e respective parties and the pa rt ie s are instructed to re mo ve (hese ex h ibit s from the CO urLr O() l1l . B. C. D. E. Wi lhin fi ve business da ys of the conclusion of Iri a l, eac h party shall submillo Ihe COUll (1 0 Chambers) the foll o w i n g : A Final Exhibit Li st o f Exhi b it s Admitted During Trial. and in additi o n pro v ide the Coun a di s k <.:omaining thi s d oc ume nt in WordPerfec t o r Wo rd fo rma l. A d is k o r di s ks cO nt a ini ng the ir res pe c ti ve ad m i n ed tr ia l ex hi b it s jn PD F forlllat. wilh th e (2) exce pti o n o f sea led ex hihit s , Ir the Cou n o rd e re d an y ex hihit s sea le d during trial. the Scaled Exhibits shall he co pi e d o n :l separale di s k , If wngihle or o\'er- s i7.e d exhi hit s we re admillcd, such c: x hibi ls s ha ll be suhstitu ted with a photograph to be co n ve n e d 10 a PDF file and s hall be includ e d in (he COLIrt ' s d is k or adrni tLed ex h i b i t s. A d is k or disks I:o nt a i ni ng the tran sc ript s o f Video Depositions pla)'t:d during trial. a lo n g with a (3) co py o f the actual v ideo de pos ition, ( 1) F. A n ~ r verifica ti o n o f final ex hihit Ii S b . the Co urtro o m Deput )' sha ll fi le and doc ke t tile lists, and !he di, k o r di s ks contain ing the exhibits In PDF fo rm CJt sha ll he s to re d in the C le r k ' :.. ornce. December 5, 2011 COU11 des igna ted date - not Oc;obk wl\hOul good C .1U S~ , \ ' l o t i on Required 9:00 a.m. JURY SELECTION at the United States District Conrt, 211 Ferguson, 3'd F l o o r , Courtroom of Judge Leonard Davis, Tyler, Texas. w. �ovembe r 17,2011 Coun <.laic - nO I n~xi bt~ wit ho ut good cause� Motion Required de~ign<t l e d I 9:00 a.m. PRETRIAL CONFERENCE at the United States Dis t r i c t Court, 211 w. Ferguson, 2nd Floor, Courtroom of Judge John Love, Tyler, Texas. All pendin g motion s will be hea rd . Lead tri a l coun se l mu st attend the pretri a l conference. Parti es 10 fil e estimates of the a mo unt of time they request at jury se lec tion and trial for ( I ) vO i r dire , (2) o p e n i n g s w t e m e n t s , (3) direct and c ro s s cxa min a ti on s, and (4) closing arguments. loint Pre"ial O rder , l oint Proposed Jur y Instructio ns with cilation to authorit y and Form of the Ve rdi c t for jury trial s due . Proposed Findings o f Fac! and Concl u, i o ns of La w with citation to autho ri!y for iSSueS tried to the benc h. No ti ce of Request for Dail y Transcript or Rea l Time Reponing o f Co urt Proceedings due. If a dail y transc ript or rea l time re p o rting o f co u r t proceedin gs is requested for trial o r hearings. the part y o r parties making said reques! shall fi le a notice with the COUll and email the Court Repo rte r. S hea Sloan, at shea_s lo a n @txed .u sco urt s. gov. November 14,2011 1 ovember 11 , 2 011 November 10, 2011 November 7, 2011 Respon ses to Motion s in Li mi ne due. Motio ns In Limine due . The panies are directed to meet and confer and ane m p t t o resolve a ll limine issues be fo re filing any mOl io ns in limine. Pre tri a l Objections due. Ohjecti on s 10 Rebuttal De pos iti o n Testimon y due. Rebunal Designation s and Object io ns to Depositi o n Testimony due . Cross exa mination line and page num bers to be included . In video deposi ti o ns. each pan y is responsible fo r pre para tio n of the final ed i! ed video in accordance w i t h the ir parti e s ' des i g n a ti o n~ a n d the Court ' s rulin g s o n objections. November 7, 2011 October 28, 201 1 October 23, 2011 October 13, 2011 Pretrial Di sc los ure s duc. 2 Each party who Video a nd Stenographic De po s it io n Designation du e. proposes to offe r depositio n testimo n y s hall fil e a d is cl o s ure ide n t i f y i n g the line and page numbers to be offe re d . September 16,2011 Response to Dispositive Motions (including Daubert motions) due. Responses to dispositive mo ti ons filed pnor to the di s p o s iti ve mOlion deadline. including Dau.berl motion s, sha ll be due in accordance with Local Rule CV -56 and Local Rule CV -7. Motions to extend ~age limits will on ly be granted in exceQtionai circumstances. August 24, 2011 Court designated d<lte - n o t tlexible without good cause - !\'l o t i o n Required Dis p o s i t i v e Motions due from all parties and any other motions that may require a hearing (including Daubert motions) du e . Motion s s hall comply w ith Loca l Rule CV-S6 a nd Local Rule CV - 7. Motions to extend (2age limits will onl y be granted in excel2:li o nal c irc u m s ta nc e s . Parties to Identify Rebuttal Trial Witnesses. Parties 10 Identify Tri a l Witnesses; Amend Plead ings (a ft e r Markman Hearing). It is not necessary to fi Ie a Motion for Lea ve 10 Amend before the dead lin e to amend pleadings. It is necessary 10 fil e a Malian for Leave to Ame nd afte r the dead l ine. However. exce pt as provid ed in Patent Rule 3-6. if the amendment would e f fe c t infringement contention s or invalidity conte nt io n s, a Illolio n must be made pursuam to Pate ne Rule 3-6 irrespective of whet he r the amendme nt is made pri o r to Ihis deadline. Discovery Deadline. August 12, 2011 July 29, 2011 90 days after Claim Construction Order 60 days after Claim Co n s t r u c t i o n Order 30 days after Claim Con s t r u c t i o n Orde r Parties des i g n a t e rebutt a l expert witnesses (non-constructi o n issues). RebuHal expeJ1 wItness report s due. Refer to Local Rules fo r required information. Parties with burden of proof designate expert witnesses (non-co n s t r u c t i o n iss ue s ) . Expert witness repo rt s du e . Refer to Loca l Rules for required information. Comply with P. R. J - 7 - F u r n i s hin g docume nt s a nd pri vilege logs perta i n i n g to wi ll ful infringement. 15 days after Claim Construction Order January 13,2011 Cour l designated da1 e n01 Oexi ble without good cause - MO li o n Reqnired M a r k m a n hearing and hearin g on any Motion for Summary Judgment of Indefiniteness at 9:30 a.m. a t th e United States District Court, 211 West Ferguson, 2nd Floor, Courtroom of Magistrate Judge John Love, Tyler, Texas. IillUlan' S 2QIJ IIiSgtiill� du.~1 Ikildlilli: WI: llat1i~1 i[ Jb~l' d~sic: to gDl~dg C~;mt1 lIitb hllutial:a S:1!U5;.:t[uiUI: Iti:bDUlflg)' hil~ bi!~D ijln~gilJti:d &!tJ~h D~tb ~1I11~ III Lb!l. ildl:i~iI[, iUYJJI"i:d ill 1l3JtDI. [[ iii I~!:blli!:al adl:islIt ill;}' Ql:gIifj~:i iii tJllQtial ~han llll!~d� a gee.",hef ~ 13""3[) 4, 201 91 P.R. 4-:i(d) Chart due. Parties s hall jo i n t l y submi t a claim construction cha rt o n computer disk in WordPe r fe c t format or in such o t h e r forma t as the Court may direc t in accordance with P.R. 4-5(d). Repl v to Motion for Summary Judgment of Indefiniteness due. If a 3 tec hni c a l ad viso r has been appointed the moving pany is to provide thei r brie f o n di sk o r CD al o n g with a hard copy, tabbed and bo u n d in noteboo k fo r m at w ith ex hi bits to the ad v is o r. Briefing shall comply with Loc al Rul e s CY-7 a nd S6 and Patent Ru le 4-5(e). MO l i o n s to extend (2age limi ts will (JIll t be granted in exceQt ional c i rc u mstances. D e c e m ber 21l1 . 2010 Mediatio n to be completed. M e d i a t i o n shall be cond u c t e d in ac c o r d a n c e w i t h the Court-Annexed Mediation Plan. See Appendix H to L o c a l Ru le s . available on the Court's webs it e at www.txed.u s c o u r t s. g o v . Parties to file a notice with the COUri stating the estimated a m o u n t o f time requested for the Markman Hearing. The Court w ill no ti fy the part ie s if it is unable to accommoda te thi s request. Comply with P.R. 4-5(c) - R e p l y brie f a nd suppo n i n g ev id e nce d ue re res p o n s e to claim constmction. If a tec hni c a l ad viso r has bee n ap po int e d the moving part y is to pro v id e the i r brief o n di s k o r CD a l.o ng w ith a ha rd co p y, tabbed and bound in note bo o k fo rm a t w i t h ex hi bit s to the adv is o r. Res p o n s e to Motion for Summary Jud g m e n t of Indefiniten e s s due. If a tec hn i c a l ad v i s o r ha s been a p po int e d th e mov ing pan y is to prov id e thei r brief o n di s k or CD a lo n g with a hard cop y, tabbed a nd bo un d in notebook format with e x hibit ~ to the adviso r. B ri e fin g sh a ll comp l y w ith Loca l Rul e s CY-7 and 56 and Patent Rul e 4-5(e). Moti o ns to ex te nd (2a ge limits w ill o n l v be granted In exce ~tiona l c i rc u m st ance s. D e c e m b e r Zl : . 2010 December + . 2010 1 Compl y with P.R. 4-5(b ) - R e s p o n s i v e brief and supponing ev id e n c e due to part y c la imin g pa te nt infringeme nt. If a tec hni c a l advi sor has been appo i n t e d the mov i n g pan y is to provide their M a r k m a n b ri ef on di sk o r CD a lo n g with a ha rd cop y . tabbed and bound 1n notebook fo rm a t wit h ex h i b i t s to the advisor. Motion for Summary Judgment of Indefiniten e s s due. If a techn i c a l adviso r has been appointed the moving party is to provide lheir brief o n di s k o r CD along ",ith a hard copy, tabbed and bound in no te book forma t wi th ex h i b i t s to the advisor. Briefing shall comply with Local Rules CY-7 a nd S6 a nd Pate nt Rul e 4 -5 ( e ) . Motions to extend 12 a ge limits w ill a ni v be gra nte d in exce[2: (i onal c i reu mstances. Novem b e r H l,;'i, Comply with P.R. 4-5(a ) - T h e part y claimi ng pate n I infringeme nt s ha ll serve and file an opening brief and an y evide nc e suppo r t i n g its c la i m cons t n l c ti o n . If a tec hni c a l ad v i s o r has bee n appoi nt e d the movi ng part y is to prov id e the ir Markman brief on d is k o r CD a lo ng w ith a ha rd co p y, tabbed a nd bou nd III notebook format w i t h ex hi bits to the ad v is o r. Briefing s hall com ply w i t h L o c a l Rul e s CY -7 a nd 56 a nd Pate nt Ru le 4-5(e). 2010 4 M o ti o n , 10 ex te nd ~ a ge limit s will o nl v be granted 111 exce ~ri o n a l c i rc 1l111 s t ance~ . ~.e,� eml>eF 11, lOUI il' lhe~ desiFe, Ie "Fe"ide G o ...1 .. ilh ftll6Fiels e6Reeming leehnoleg,. in'�ol"." iA !,OlloAIo nil leellllieal e.1>, iSOI' RUS beell R,,~eiRle" . ee e b I'0FI.I' thai "Fa"illes 0 ttlloFi,,1 ,hAH !,Fa"ille '" eOl'l' 10 IRe od.�iso � . Discove r y Dea d l i n e � Claim Construction Issues. Res po nd 10 Ame nd e d Pleadin gs , Cgm~b' nUb C.H. :I-~ 1![i:b~atiDg Slillemen~ :J:HloFi~l. dtle. Peaoiline ~F parlies, Novembe r 15, 2010 Novembe r 9, 2010 rJ:aH!W lKl: :i! ,010 - Eiliug u[ laiD'" !:I~iw !:aD~'[u~li"lJ ijod IS a;nalllli:t z. ,Ol!} ExcbaD o~ g! �a:liUliuiJ[): Claim CgD::il[u~Jjll.a.s Ilad EXI d ask EYid~II�!:. ~[h:jJ~g~ I.g~s HI Ill: g~Cbi1Dg~d b~ Uiill:1i~ (al: iii lli:lltl: la 'b~ :i'~ihu~ ,bill tb~[r;: iI[I.~ USl disDlllfS as III daiws III g&:il'i1!i!2~d d~Umi:D~ll i�~ C,uu;gb l\'ilb I! B! . Csnn:l Octobe r 29, 2010 Proposed Technical Ad vi so rs due. Pa rti e s to pro vide name, add r e s s . pho ne number. and curricu l u m vitae for tip [ 0 three agreed tec hni c al ad vi so rs and informat ion rega rdi n g th e nominees' availability for Ma rkman hearin g or a sta te me nt th ut they could no t reac h an agreeme nt a s to uny pote ntial technica l adv iso r. If the pa rti e s canno t agree on a technical ad viso r , they s hall no r subm it an y pro po s e d tec hnica l ad vi s o rs to th e Court . be'nl'I~' Ppehe8Fi,og QelabeF ;!~. ;!fHIl "�it,, P.R. 13 "iliR~ 61' Jaml bloim baRsIFHetiaR 8AIl 8~81elleflf, October 26, 2010 Ame n d e d Plead in gs (pre-claim constru c ti o n ) due fro m all pa n i e s . It is not necessary to file a M o ti o n for Lea ve to A m e n d be fo re th e deadlin e to urne nd pl eadin gs, Ir is necessary to fil e a M otion fo r Leave to A me nd uft e r th e de a d l i n e, Howe ver, if th e amendment would affec t inf rin ge ment content i o ns or in validiLY conte nti o n s, a motion must be made pursuant to Pate nt Rul e 3� 7 irrespect iv e o f whe th e r th e ame n d m e n t is made pri o r to th is deadline.'I~.. "!ill, I>.R. I E1<eh8nge of PFeli"'iRIIF~' (;1,"1'1' GaR5IFHeHolIs 8nd El,IFiRSie E" ideReo. PFi"~legtl bags 1:8 he e~t1elttlRgtld it,,� IUIFlies h iP n lello. 10 the GOIITI slalil'lg Ihot theFe ore He IIis"ules OS 10 el8i.llS of IIFi. ileged lleeumelllSt. Oelalle. 20. ;!OIO a Octobe r l i . 2010 Comp ly wit h P ,R , 4-1 - E xc h a n g e Proposed Terms and Claim E le m e nt s fo r Co n s tnJ c ti o n ~dd .aD~� iUfQuilahlf unuhn:' all f 28liglJ :i La pl tadilllU II i ~ motion (O t lea }f.! [g add inequitable foudllCl allegations IO-Dleading5 Ilti!lt: t!.t Ibi ~ d3'~1; Ih~ [~allf[ il i ~ ll�tfS5 j,)[~ III un1 DS:!;ft: ~S a o 10 filt ~ ub'il illlS:il'~ g[ rau[lln add ilJ~Qllilabk S:Qudus:1 all�~DQU~ i!l Qlc~diD a~ . 8epl e n,lJeF J-I.Qcloher 8, 2010 Compl y witb P.R. 3�3 and 3-4 - In validity Co n t e n t i o n s du e. Th e r e a fte r. ir is necessa r y to o b t a in leave of Court to add and/or ame nd in va l i d i t y conte nti o n s , pnrs ua nt to Pate nt Rul e 3-6, Defe ndant shall j o in addi t io na l parties. It is not necessary to file a motio n to 5 j o in additional pa ni e s prior to this dat e. T h e r e a f t e r, it is necessary to obtain le a v e of Court to join additio na l pa rlies. D e fe nd a nt s hall assert an y co un terc l a i m s. After thi s deadline, leave o f Co urt m u s t be obtained to assert a ny countercla im s. .',<1<1 eAnEluel Aik!galie ns Ie I'leaaing5. II it net "eeeSS8F), ffl--file a HlAtieR fep 1~Il�e IA BaEi iBe~uilalJle eAnEiuef; a~911S 16 ~,g; p r io r tA this aate. T h e r e n j : t e r . il is nerOssBF! to ablai" lea' " uf G ' l a r l III tlaEi illeq"itallie e':!BEluel all"galien'1 10 ~JeBEliag5' C o m p l y with P.R. 3-1 and P.R. 3-2 - Di s c l o s ur e of Assert e d Claims and Infringe me m Contention s due. T he r e a ft e r. it is nec e s s a r y to obtain lea ve o f C o urt to add and/or amend infringement contentions. pursua nt to Patent Rul e an~ ' il~tlahle J u l y 9, 2010 3-6. P la i n t i f f shall join additional parties. It is not necessary to fil e a mo ti o n to join additi o na l parties prior to th is date. Th e re a fte r , it is necessa ry to obta in leave of Cou rt to joi n addi ti o na l pa rti e s . P lai ntiff s hall add new pate nts and/or cl a im s fo r patents-in-su it. Tt IS no t necessa r y to file a mo ti o n to ad d add iti o na l pate nt s o r c la i m s prior to thi s date. The re a f t e r, it is necessary to obta in leave of Coun to add patents or c la im s . 5 days EXPECTED LENGTH OF TRlAL Tn th e eve nt that any of the se d at e s fall on a weekend or Co urt holiday. the deadlin e is modified to be the nex t Co urt business day. The parties are directed 10 Local Ru le CV-7(d), whic h provides in part tha t "[i]n the e ve lll a pany fai ls to o p p o s e a morio n in th e manner presc ri b e d herein the Co u n will ass u me that the party has 11 0 oppositi o n ." Local Rul e CV-7(e) provides that a party o pp o s in g a motion ha s 15 days in w hi c h to serve and fi le supp o rtin g d o cu me nt s and bri e f s afte r whic h th e Co urt will cons id e r the submitted mot io n fo r dec is ion. OTHER LIMITATIO N S (a) All depos iti o ns to be read into ev i d e n c e as pa rt of th e parti e s ' case-in-chie f s hal l be ED ITED so as to exc lud e a ll unn e c e s s a r y , repe t i t i o u s. and irre le v a nt testimo n y; ONLY th o s e po rti o n s which are re le v a nt to the iss ue s in controve rs y s ha ll be read into ev id e nc e . T h e fo ll o w i n g excuses w ill not warrant a co nt.inuance nor justify a failure to comply w ith the d is c o v e r y deadline: (i) (ii) T h e fact that there are mot io ns for summary judgment or motio n s to dis m i s s pendin g: T h e fac t that one o r more of the atto rn e y s is set fo r tri a l in another court o n the sa me day, un l e s s th e o t h e r setting was made prior to th e da te o f thi s order or was made as a spec ia l prov is io n for the pani e s in the other case; T h e failu re to co mpl e te di s c o v e r y prio r to trial. unl e s s th e pa r t i e s can dem o n s t ra te that it was imposs i b l e to compl et e discove ry despite the ir good faith effon to do \ 0 (b) (iii) 6 7 Summary Report: Litera Change.Pro ML WXL Document Comparison done on 9/20/20105:41:08 PM Style Name: Default Style Original Filename: June 2 1 DCO. do c OrioinalDMS: Modified Filename: 20 J0-09-20 Ame nd e d DCO (A lo ft redlin e) doc Modified OMS: C hanoes : 5 IAdd I)ele!e 6 Move Fro m 0 Move To 0 Table In,eI1 7 Tahl~ Dd~ ! e 6 0 0 Embedded Graphi cs (Yi s io, ChemDraw, Imaaes etc.) Embedded Excel Total Changes: 24

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