Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 391

SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 367 Opposed MOTION Adobe Systems Incorporated's Opposed Motion Requesting Case Management Conference To Address Plaintiff Eolas's Infringement Contentions Or, In The Alternative, To Strike Those Contentions and Motion For Expedited Consideratio filed by Eolas Technologies Incorporated. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(McKool, Mike)

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Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al Doc. 391 Att. 2 Exhibit 2 Dockets.Justia.com 8/20/2010 Active Content Developer Center Active Content Developer Center Nove m be r 8, 2007 ­ Important update: As a result of recent t ec hnology licenses acquired by Microsoft, the "click to activate" res t ric t ions are no longer mandatory. Microsoft plans to remove the ac t ivat ion behavior from Internet Explorer in April 2008. Mic ros oft has indicated that developers will not need to make any modific at ions to existing websites; controls will function as they did before the activation change was made in April 2006. For the latest informat ion about the update and information about preview releases, pleas e read the Microsoft Developer Network article, Information for developers about Internet Explorer (www. adob e.c omht tp: // ms dn.mic ros of t .c om/ ieupdat e/) . Read more in the FAQ > (www. adob e.c om/ devnet/ ac tivec ont ent / faq.ht ml) Until this change is implemented by Microsoft, the Active Content Developer Center remains your source for information and resources relat ed to the modifications to Internet Explorer that Microsoft announc ed in 2005. These changes may affect the use of active content in some web pages. The update to Internet Explorer was released as an updat e to users in April 2006. For most web pages hosting active content, users will notice little or no c hange. However, using the JavaScript modifications detailed below, developers can modify their existing websites so that their user ex perienc e is not impacted by the changes that Microsoft made to Internet Explorer. (www. adob e. c omhtt p:/ / max. adob e.c om/ ? promoid= GYJ EE) Re lat e d inform at ion Mic ros of t Developer Network (MSDN) (www. adob e. c omhtt p:/ / ms dn. mic ros of t. c om/ieupdat e) Adobe Labs (w w w .a dobe . com http:// l a bs.a dobe . com / ) Se e all product and technology ce nte rs (w w w .a dobe . com / de vne t/? pa ne l =products-te chnol ogie sa ccordion) Adobe Press (w w w .a dobe . com / support/ m m pre ss/ ) Get books with the latest information on Adobe products. Us e r experience in the updated Internet Explorer Mic ros oft has released updates to Internet Explorer that changes how it handles active content such as that viewed in Adobe Flash Player, Authorware Player, Shockwave Player, and Adobe Reader, as well as Sun Java, Apple QuickTime, RealNetworks RealPlayer, and other Ac tiveX controls. Ac tive content that is embedded in HTML pages in certain ways will not rec eive user input (for example, keyboard or mouse events) until the us er clicks either to activate or continue loading the control. To learn more about what types of interaction are blocked, read the MSDN art ic le, Activating ActiveX Controls (www. adob e.c omht tp: // ms dn.mic ros of t .c om/ lib rary/ def ault . as p? url= / work s hop/ author/ dht ml/overview/ac tivat ing_ac t ivex.as p) . To see what users experience when they view Flash content with the new brows er, watch the following demo: View demo: Viewing Flash Files in Internet Explorer (www. adob e.c om/ devnet/ ac tivec ont ent / art ic les / javas c ript_s olut ion2. html) There is a way to deal with this behavior. Developers can modify their HTML pages so that interactive controls can immediately respond to us er input. We expect that many developers will want to make content "ac tive" without requiring the user first to click. M odif ying your site for Internet Explorer changes Mic ros oft has published several solutions for updating your web pages www.adobe.com/devnet/activecontent/ 1/3 8/20/2010 Active Content Developer Center s o that your interactive content will activate without requiring the user to c lic k . These solutions, including a JavaScript-based solution, let users interac t with the content immediately. For more information on these s olut ions , see the Microsoft article, Activating ActiveX Controls (www. adob e.c omht tp: // ms dn.mic ros of t .c om/ lib rary/ def ault . as p? url= / work s hop/ author/ dht ml/overview/ac tivat ing_ac t ivex.as p) . Adobe is sharing JavaScript-based solutions in the form of product updat es (www.adobe.com/devnet/activecontent/#updates) --as well as a manual solution (www. adob e.c om/ devnet/ ac tivec ont ent / art ic les / devlett er. ht ml) --to help mak e it easier for developers who use active content to address the c hanges to Internet Explorer. While following the same basic approach as the Microsoft solution, these solutions are particularly useful for developers who use multiple instances of Flash or Shockwave content on their sites. Adobe product updates Converting active content with the Dreamweaver 8.0.2 updater (w w w . a dobe . com / go/2f98fbe 7) Download the new Dreamweaver updat er to repair web pages that c ont ain active content. I nsta l l ing the Flash Active Conte nt Update extension (w w w . a dobe . com / go/7c29e 252) Download the new extension that deals with the Microsoft update as y ou publish Flash files. Fl e x 1.5 hot fix: IE update a ffe cts embedded ActiveX controls (w w w .a dobe . com / go/a ce 0407) Download a patch to Flex 1.5 to generat e an HTML wrapper page t hat addresses this Microsoft update. Adobe resources Be gi nne r's guide to publishing Pre pa ring your website to a ctive content ha ndl e the Microsoft changes (w w w . a dobe . com / de vne t/ a cti ve conteInternetl e s/ be gi nne rs_gui de . htm l ) to nt/a rti c Explorer Follow these clearly defined steps (w w w .a dobe . com / de vne t/a cti ve conte nt/a rticl e s/ de vl e tte r.htm l ) t o build a working sample and Get a straightforward, manual fix unders t and the process. y ou can implement today to addres s the Internet Explorer Be st Practices for Flash Player c hanges . De te cti on (w w w . a dobe . com / de vne t/ fl a sh/a rtiWe s/ fuse de teAdobe solution? cl hy p8_ the ction. htm l ) Us e the latest detection scripts (w w w .a dobe . com / de vne t/a cti ve conte nt/a rticl e s/ w hy_a dobe . htm l) and Flash Player Express Install Find out why we recommend t o deliver a great Flash viewing us ing our solution. ex perienc e. (Updated for IE Be fore and after examples of Ac tiveX changes) the JavaScript solution Acti ve content FAQ (w w w .a dobe . com / de vne t/a cti ve conte nt/a rticl e s/ be fore _a fte r.htm l ) U e nt/fa q. pages (w w w . a dobe . com / de vne t/ a cti ve conts e thesehtm l) to see how Get answers to your questions c urrent and modified pages about the browser changes and dis play in the updated version of t he solutions for developers. Internet Explorer. M or e resources www.adobe.com/devnet/activecontent/ 2/3 8/20/2010 Active Content Developer Center I nte rne t Explorer ActiveX JavaScript Flash Player upda te (Microsoft Support) De te cti on and Embedding with (w w w .a dobe . com http:/ /support. m icrosoft.com / kb/ 912945/ e nSW FObj e ct (w w w . a dobe . com / de vne t/ fl a sh/a rtius) s/ sw fobj e ct. htm l ) cl e Get information about the update Ge off Stearns (May 8, 2006) t o Internet Explorer, including Learn about a popular alternative k nown issues for different content met hod of incorporating Flash t y pes . Play er detection into your webs it e. Acti va ting ActiveX controls (MSDN) Mi crosoft Developer Network (w w w .a dobe . com http:/ /m sdn. m i crosoft. com /l i bra ry/ de fa ul t. a sp? (MSDN) url f c ork iho / a utho (w w w . a dobe . com http:/ / m sdn. m i croso=t/.wom /se upda te / ) r/dhtm l /ove rvie w / a ctiva ti ng_a cti ve x . a sp) Read the recommended solution Find out more about the proposed from Microsoft for displaying active c hanges to Microsoft Internet c ont ent . Ex plorer. Acti ve content JavaScript fix fa i ls in some installations of I nte rne t Explorer (w w w .a dobe . com / go/4f91f9b8) Updat e the version of the jscript.dll file used by Internet Explorer so t hat your page fix works as ex pec t ed. Copyr i g ht © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved (www.adobe.com go/gftr ay_all_r ights_r eser ved) . / (www. adob e. c om/go/g www.adobe.com/devnet/activecontent/ 3/3

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