Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 393

NOTICE by Google Inc., YouTube, LLC re 367 Opposed MOTION Adobe Systems Incorporated's Opposed Motion Requesting Case Management Conference To Address Plaintiff Eolas's Infringement Contentions Or, In The Alternative, To Strike Those Contentions and Motion For Expedited Consideratio and Identification of Related Issues to be Addressed (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of M. Francis, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit 9, # 11 Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit 12, # 14 Exhibit 13, # 15 Exhibit 14, # 16 Exhibit 15, # 17 Exhibit 16, # 18 Exhibit 17, # 19 Exhibit 18, # 20 Exhibit 19, # 21 Exhibit 20, # 22 Exhibit 21, # 23 Exhibit 22, # 24 Exhibit 23)(Jones, Michael)

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Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al Doc. 393 Att. 17 Exhibit 16 Dockets.Justia.com McKoOL SMITH A PHOFESSJON,\I. C o n I 'OHA T I O N · ATI'OHN E YS Douglas A. Cawley Principal Direct Dial: (214) 978-4972 300 Crescent Court Suite 1500 Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: (214) 978-4000 Facsimile: (2 14) 978-4044 dcawlcy@mckoo[smith.com August 23, 2010 VIA E-MAIL: Joseph P. Reid Fish & Richardson 12390 EI Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130 858.678.4705 reid@fr.com Scott Wayne Breedlove Vinson & Elkins 2001 Ross Avenue 3700 Trammel Crow Center Dallas, TX 7520 1 2 14/ 220-7993 (D irect Dial) sbrced love@ve law.com Thomas L. Duston Marshall Gerstein & Borun 233 S. Wacker Drive 6300 Sears Tower Chicago, I L 60606 312/474-6300 (Direct Dial) tduston@marshallip.com David J. Healey Fish & Richardson PC 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 2888 Houston, TX 77010 713 /654 - 5310 (Direct Dial) healey@fr.com Douglas E. Lumish Weil GOlshal & Manges 201 Redwood Shores Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065 650/802-3 028 (Direct Dial) doug.lumish@wcil.com David T. Pritikin Sidley Austin - Chicago Bank One Plaza One South Dearborn Ave Chicago, IL 60603 312/853 -7359 (D irect Dial) dpritiki n@sidley.com Edwin R. De Young Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP 2200 Ross Ave. Suite 2200 Dallas, TX 75201 2141740-8500 (Direct Dial) edeyoungfaUockeJord.com Jeffrey K. Joyner Greenberg Taurig, LLP 2450 Colorado Ave. Suite 400E Santa Monica, CA 90404 310/586-7700 joyneri@gt ia w . c o m Thomas M. Melsheimer Fish & Richardson 1717 Main Street Suite 5000 Dallas, TX 7520 I 214/292-400 I (Direct Dial) melsheimerCa>.fr.com Scott T. Weingaertner King & Spalding, LLP 1185 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 212/556-2227 (Direct Dial) sweingaertner@kslaw.com Christopher M. Joe Buetber Joe & Carpenter 1700 Pacific, Suite 2390 Dallas, TX 75201 214/466-1272 (Direct Dial) Chris.Joe@BJCfPLaw.com Joel Mark Freed McDennott Will & Emery 60013" Street, NW, 12" Floor Washington, DC 20005-3096 202/756-8080 (Di re ct Dial) jfreed@mwe.com Michael Simons Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Fe ld 300 W. 6th Street, Suite 2100 Austin, TX 7870 I 512/499-6253 (Direct Dial) msimonsfalakingump.com Kenneth Jurek McDennott Law Finn 227 West Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60606 312/984-7767 (Direct Dial) kjurekrW.mwe.com Barton E. Showalter Baker & Botts 2001 Ross Ave. Suite 600 Dallas, TX 7520 I 214/953 -6 5 0 9 (Direct Dial) bart.showalter{a},bakerbotts.com A ve lyn Marie Ross Vinson & Elkins 2801 Via Fortuna Suite 100 Austin, TX 78746 5 12/ 542 - 84 11 (Direct Dial) aross(@,velaw.com Michael Ernest Richardson Beck Redden & Secrest 1221 McKinney Suite 4500 Houston, TX 77010 713/951 - 6284 (Direct Dial) mrichardsonuv,brsfirm.com Eric Hugh Findlay Findlay Craft 6760 Old Jacksonville Highway Suite 101 Tyler, TX 75703 903/534-1100 (Main Number) efindlay@findlaycraft.com Carl R. Roth The Roth Law Finn 115 N. Wellington Suite 200 P.O. Box 876 Marshall , TX 75671 903/935-1665 (Main Number) cr@rothfirm.com Re: Eo/as Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems, Inc. , et. at; Civil Action No. 6:09-CV-00446-LED; United District Court or Texas; Eastern District Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is in response to a July 27. 20 10 request by Adobe to confirm a discussion in a Jul y 14,2010 meet and confer. We informed Adobe at that time that Eolas ' claims do not breach its obligations under the license agreement between Eolas and Microsoft. provide the following representation to all defendants: To confirm, we Eolas is asserting claims 1, 4 , 5, 6, 9, and 10 of the '906 patent (and their dependent claims) and claims I, 16 and 36 of the '985 patent (and their dependent cl aims) against the defendants only for, and is seeking damages only for, acts of infTingement wherein the "browser application" limitation is satisfied by something other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. EoJas is asserting claims 4, 5, 9 and 10 of the '906 patent (and their dependent claims) against the defendants only for, and is seeking damages onl y for, acts of infringement wherein the "executi ng, on the network server" or "said network server to execute" limitations are satisfied by something other than Microsoft server software. Eolas is asserting claims 20, 32, 40 and 44 of the ' 985 patent (and their dependent claims) against the defendants only for, and is seeking damages only for, acts of infTi ng e m e nt wherein the "communicating via althe network server" limitat ion is satisfied by something other than Microsoft server so ft wa re . Despite our suggestion that defendants serve discovery if they wish to confirm o ur position on this issue, no defendant has done so. Sincerely, cc: All other counsel of record: Co u n s e l Joseph P. Reid Matthew Powers Jared B. Bobrow Joseph H. Lee Christian Hurt Richard A. Cederoth E·mail reid@fr.com Amazon- Eo las@we il. c o m Defendant Adobe Systems Incorporated Amazon.co m Inc. App le, Inc. aoole-eolas@sidlev.com Defendant Blockbuster Inc. C D W Corporation Citigroup Inc. e8ay Inc. Frito-Lay, Inc. and Rent-A-Center, Inc. Counsel Shubham Mukherjee Duy D. Nguyen Teague I. Donahey Theodore Whitley Chandler Eric Albritton Matthew Clay Harris David Kent Wooten Juliane Hartzell Scon A Sanderson Anthony S. Gabrielson Eric Hugh Findlay Brian Craft Roger Brian Cowie Galyn Dwight Gafford Michael Scott Fu ll er Roy William Hardin Jason E. Mueller Eric L. Sophir Alexas D. Skucas Matthew Douglas Powers Christian J. Hurt Jared B. Bobrow Joseph H. Lee Jeffrey F. Vee Chris Joe Brian Carpenter Eric W. Buether Neil J. McNabnay E-mail a QQ Ier@,emafirm.com Blockbuster-EolasrWvelaw.com eolasr@,marshalliQ.com efindlavrWfindlavcraft.com bcraftUil:findlavcraft.com Citibank. Eolas @ lockelord .com esoohirUil:kslaw.com askucas@kslaw.com eBay-Eolasr@,weil.com Frito-JCP-RAC-Eolas@ gt law.com Chris.JoeUil:BJCIPLaw.com Brian.CamenterWl BJCIP Law.com Eric.Buether@BJCfPLa w .com mcnabnay@ fr.com bunch@fr. co m mukheri i@ fr.com Google-EoJas@kslaw.com The Go Daddy G r o u p , Inc. Google Inc. and YouTube J.e. Penney Company, Inc. l. Nicholas Bunch Proshanto Mukherji Robert F. Perry Mark H. Francis Christopher C. Camaval Michael E. Jones Allen F. Gardner Brian Carpenter Eric W. Buether Jeffrey Joyner Jeffrey Vee Debra Elaine Gunter mi ke iones (a) potterminton.com all emmrdner!al.Dotterm i nton. com Brian.Camenter@ BJ C IPLa w.co m Eric.Buether@BJCIPLaw.com Frito-JCP-RAC-Eolasr@,gtlaw.com debby@ yw-Jawfirm.com J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. David Crump I Steve ; New Frontier Media, t A. Y Anthony T. Pierce I M. Stein , M. Wall m a n Brett E. J. Thad , Mark David O. Taylor Vernon E. Evans Roger J. Fulghwn Paula D. Heyman Kevin J. Meek R. Gentry C. McLean David B. Weaver John A. Fedock ,ue A 10 R. C Mark Daniel V . Williams Kate Mark D. Fowler v. B. Ril e y ,Aline . Brendan Clay Roth Christian J. Hurt Jared 8. Bobrow 1 H. Lee J . Race I Otis W. Jr. III 1 eolas li ti gat io n@ a kin gump.com ~ Perot Systems swa~ , I' ~ = 'com .com · c.om Playboy Enterprises International , Inc, I rlon ~I I S un , Inc. , Inc. Ihfinn.com y, Tanoo! Inc. . ~

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