Purple Leaf, LLC v. Amazon.Com, Inc., et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT For Patent Infringement against Amazon Payments, Inc., Amazon.Com, Inc., ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3140026.), filed by Purple Leaf, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A ('311 Patent), # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(Huff, Winston)

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      EXHIBIT  A   1111 1R0 11111111111111111,1 111111111111111111 11 ! 1 1 US 7,603,311 B1 10111 I 1111 1 ( 2 United States Patent 1) (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent: Yadav-Ranjan (54) P RO CE S S AND DE V I CE FO R CO NDUCTI NG E L E CTRO NI C TRA NS A CTI O NS 4,979,207 4,992,940 5,027,388 5,121,945 5,197,094 5,206,488 (76) I nv ent or: R a n i K. Yadav-Ranj an, 6620 Creekview Ct., San Jose, CA (US) 95120 ( ) No t ic e : 5,220,501 A 5,223,699 A 5,229,584 A Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1173 days. 5,265,033 A 5,283,829 5,287,270 5,325,290 5,326,959 5,383,113 (21) A p p l . No.: 09/721,728 (22) Fi l e d : N o v . 25, 2000 Related U.S. Applic ation Data (60) P rov is ional application No. 60/170,829, filed on Dec. 14, 1999, prov is ional applic ation No. 60/167,938, filed on Nov. 29, 1999, provisional application No. 60/174,123, filed on Dec. 31, 1999, provisional application No. 60/174,124, filed on Dec. 31, 1999, provisional application No. 60/199,910, fi led on Apr. 26, 2000. (51) (52) (58) Int. Cl. G06Q 40/00 ( 2 0 0 6 . 0 1 ) U.S. Cl. 7 0 5 / 3 9 ; 705/35; 705/40 Field of Classification Search 7 0 5 / 2 7 , 705/40, 35, 39 See application file for complete search history. A A A A A A A A A A A 3,842,248 A 10/1974 Yarnell etal. 235/156 3,852,571 4,485,300 4,701,601 4,734,564 12/1974 11/1984 10/1987 3/1988 1/1989 4/1989 4,799,156 A 4,823,264 A 4,839,504 A 4,893,248 A 4,905,826 A 4,948,174 A 4,949,272 A 6/1993 Lawlor et al. 6/1993 Flynn e t a l. 7/1993 Erickson 11/1993 Vajk et al. 2/1994 2/1994 6/1994 7/1994 1/1995 Anderson Hardy e t a l. Cauffman et a l. Perazza Kight et al. 3/1995 Spiegelhoff et al. 5/1995 Chasek 5,424,938 A 6/1995 Wagner et al. 379/112 364/401 379/112 283/58 379/91 235/380 364/408 235/380 235/375 364/514 380/24 364/408 364/401 235/379 364/401 364/401 235/379 364/408 (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 0 7 4 5 9 4 7 5 / 1 9 9 6 (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Web Site for Paying Traffic Fines Lauded; Mile y Edition] Troy Anderson St a f f Writ e r. D a ily Ne ws. L o s Angeles, C a lif : N o v 3, 1999. p . N .3 .* (Continued) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS A A A A Baum etal. Dworkin Bradshaw etal. Thomson et al. Tillery et al. Teicher 5,402,336 A 5,420,405 A References Cited (56) 12/1990 2/1991 6/1991 6/1992 3/1993 4/1993 Oct. 13, 2009 Hall e t a l. Pierce Francini et al Boston e t a l. Shabit e t a l. Deming 235/61 235/380 235/449 235/380 364/401 364/408 6/1989 Nakano 235/379 1/1990 3/1990 8/1990 8/1990 364/464 206/286 283/58 364/464 Pitts et al . Martin Thomson et al. Vanourek e ta l. Primary Examiner L a l i t a M Hamilton (74) Attorney, Agent, or F i r m (57) A A P Bi p e T r R A C T S DL L L P A process and a device for conducting electronic transactions ( U S ) provides a more effective and efficient way to make a payment over the Internet. This process and device could be used to pay, for example, a Police Administration Ticket or Police Administration Citation via the Internet. 39 Claims , 6 Drawing Sheets L C I VOCED O ALN I EPAR MEN T T D EPAR MEN O T TF MOO VEHC E TR I L D TB S AA A E D L EPAR MEN I O ALJUST E C T IT C IC R R EI T O PO AT N RANETI CO RAT RPO E S A E D ABASESI H R D AT B C - N PR C A KE D O ESS T I PR T C L CP/P O O O S T I PRO LS CP/P MCO S CRH E U E YPER EXT -T T AN ER T CO R SF PRO O L MEE W R EW L R AL IEXT RANET I CUST MER O WT W I H EB II T N ERNETI US 7,603,311 B1 Page 2 U .S. PAT EN T D O C U M E N T S 5,465,206 A 5,473,143 A 5,477,038 A 5,483,445 A 5,496,991 5,508,817 5,532,920 5,557,518 5,570,465 5,590,197 5,644,727 5,649,117 5,652,786 5,655,089 5,677,955 5,684,965 5,699,528 A A A A A A A A A A A A A * 11/1995 12/1995 12/1995 1/1996 3/1996 4/1996 7/1996 9/1996 10/1996 12/1996 7/1997 7/1997 7/1997 8/1997 10/1997 11/1997 12/1997 H ilt et a l. Vak et al. Levine e t a l. Pickering Delfer et a l. 5 , 7 2 7 , 2 4 9 A 3 / 1 9 9 8 P o I lin 7 0 5 / 4 0 . 8 5,832,460 A 1 1 / 1 9 9 8 Be d n a r et a l. 7 0 5 / 2 7 364/406 6 , 0 7 0 , 1 5 0 A 5 / 2 0 0 0 Re m in g t o n et al. 7 0 5 / 3 4 235/380 235/380 F O R E I G N Kunigami 364/408 235/379 358/402 W O W O Hatrick et al. 364/419 W O Rosen Tsakanikas Chen et al. At kin s 364/408 W O 395/114 O Landry Rogers Bu cci Doggett e t a l. Pickering Hogan PATENT DOCUMENTS 91/16691 93/08545 96/08783 97/24680 T H E R 4/1991 4/1993 3/1996 7/1997 PUBLICATIONS 380/24 395/240 Y o u r Wheels; Court System Congestion Snarls Traffic-Ticket Pro 395/240 c e s s ; [Hom e Ed itio n ] Ralph Vartabedian. L o s Angeles Tim e s. L o s 379/91 A n g e l e s , C a lif : Au g 5, 1999. p . 9 .* 'www.Speedingticket.Net' Just In Time for Labor Day Holiday Traf395/240 380/24 fi c ; [ 1] PR Newswire. New York: Sep. 1, 1998. p. 1.* 395/234 U . S . Ap p l. No . 09/721,728, file d No v. 25, 2000. Yadav-Ranjan. 395/240 * cited by examiner U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 1 of 6 U S LLJ < :( CC LLJ LLJ C_J — CO CC CC _-,- < CD a i f=1 CC TPP C/R PO IO T C S L —J SEA HD AA RT D B S E CO CC 0_ 0_ ©,, 7,603,311 B1 U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 2 of 6 •••••• - - , . • • • • • , -_ -• , , D LLI CC <:C = OD cn _i 0_ D C3 0_ D C3 I I— D — EC 0_ U S 7,603,311 B1 U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 3 of 6 I U S 7,603,311 B1 D_ o n CA ON RE O' PT R N IT E T A R FW RL IEA _ CO DE EN PT A R M T FA R IEL W I N k iI , 4---------------------------- -- / ,_._----' ----1 I BP AR CP K E -D N O C T I S E L R / I / E I T S U J A C O L _ , C O R O P R H S IA E T A D E S B T TPP C/R PC IO T O S L ) S E C U R E H Y P E N A R T X E I 0 TSTTE RRON APLRT NR E ' FO EC O N I l e U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 4 of 6 U S 7,603,311 B1 CAN OTE RTT PR OA R E N I TE RT A N .r SES HD AA RA D T B E - FVL .,. RA IW E V 1r I I BC-NP AK D ER O C E S L O R / P T I / I C O R P O R T /R CIO PC T O S L N 4 WPP L T A --I W R E E„ R Yʻ, 1 EP_ SCRNEO EFTHTT UAFPL ER XO _O X E0 RSRC i 9 R E T N I U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 5 of 6 COTE OAA RTN PE T RI N IR SEA HD AA RT D B S E CR OT R P O A E TPP C/R PC IO T O S L U S 7,603,311 B1 U.S. P a t e n t O c t . 13, 2009 S h e e t 6 of 6 U S 7,603,311 B1 \ LI _ ClD NNT ITET ETY RUN L IC O G I S D L A U T P E L• w (D a 111 1— _ I < _ I EC c c — L,_ c3 LI] < L i] Cc CC :' - ' C/D u ! C3 LLI 1 = CCC--; _ r n z, Er „ ..... a. , PE RS OG C N I US 7,603,311 B1 1 PROCESS AND DE V I CE FO R CO NDUCTI NG E LE CTRO NI C TRANS ACTI O NS RELATED APPLICATIONS This application claims priority from Provisional Application Ser. Nos. 60/170,829 filed Dec. 14, 1999, entitled "System and process of conducting transactions associated with parking tickets or parking citations using the Internet and e-commerce," 60/167,938 filed Nov. 29, 1999, entitled "System and process of conducting transactions associated with traffic tickets or citations using the Internet and e-commerce," 60/174,123 filed Dec. 31, 1999, entitled "System and process of conducting transactions associated w i t h Emergency vehicles or Police Administrative Citation using the Internet and e-commerce," 60/174,124 filed Dec. 31, 1999, entitled "System and process of conducting transactions associated with Court Tickets, Court Warrants or Court Citations using the Internet and E-commerce," 60/199,910 fi led Apr. 26, 2000, entitled "A system and process of conducting transactions associated with Utilities (Water and/or Garbage) using the Internet and E-Commerce," the entire disclosures o f which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF I NVENTI O N This invention relates to a process and a device for conducting electronic transactions. BACKG RO UND Currently, a Polic e Adminis tration Cit at ion o r Polic e Administration Ticket is issued to the individual committing the offense who is found to be guilty by the Judicial Department. This would involve the collection of all expenses for the dispatch of Emergency Vehicles, incurred during the course of the incident. A copy of the Police Administration Citation or Police Administration Ticket is entered into the Judicial Department Database manually or from an Electronic Hand held Police Administration Citation issuing device. The individual has the opportunity to pay the Police Administration Citation/ticket by mail wit h a check, cashiers check or in person with cash within 21 days from the date of the issuance. I f no payment has been made, there may be penalties incurred after this time. Once the grace period has run out the, incurred amount is then added to the local Department of Motor Vehicle's registration procedure, also there may be a hold placed on the vehicle registration until the new amount (original+ penalties) is paid. This process is very cumbersome. Currently, the Citation is issued to the individual committing the offense and a copy is entered into the Police Department Database manually. After approximately 45 days the citation is transferred to the Court of County Clerks office, where a warrant is issued and another 15 day grace period begins. The individual has the opportunity pay the citation by mail with a check, cash or cashiers check within the original 45 days or in person during the 15 day grace period. There may be penalties incurred during this time. Once the warrant is issued the individual will then have to appear in front of the Presiding Judge and make arrangements for payment. This may include time-triggered payments or automatic pay roll deductions. This process is very cumbersome. Currently, a Citation is issued to the individual committing the offense who can be found to be guilty or not guilty by the Judicial Department. This would involve the collection of all expenses incurred during the course of the incident/accident. Currently a copy of the citation, warrant or ticket is entered 2 into the Judicial Department Database manually. The individual has the opportunity to pay the citation, warrant or ticket by mail with a check, cashiers check or in person with cash within 21 days from the date of the issuance. They also have 5 t h e option to plead Guilty (and pay the fine issued, set up a court date) or Non-Guilty (and pay the fine and set up a court date) or they can simply pay the fine. I f no payment has been made, there may be penalties incurred after this time. Once the grace period has run out the, loc al Police Department are to ordered to find the individual and arrest them. There also may be a hold placed on their bank accounts to secure the amount necessary to satisfy the fine. This process is very cumbersome. Currently, a Citation is issued to the individual committing 15 t he offense and a copy is entered into the Judicial Department Database manually or from an Electronic Hand held citationissuing device. The indiv idual has the opportunity pay the citation/ticket by mail wit h a check, a cashiers check or in person with cash within 21 days from the date of the issuance 20 o r sign-up for a educational course through the Police Department. I f no payment has been made, there may be penalties incurred after this time. Once the grace period has run out the, incurred amount is then added to the local Department o f Motor Vehicle's registration procedure, also there may be a 25 h o ld placed on the vehicle registration until the new amount (original+penalties) is paid. This process is v ery cumbersome. Currently, a Utility: water and garbage entity issues a bill to a individual or business. This would involve the collection of 30 funds for the dispatch of Utilities (Water and/or Garbage), incurred during the course of a specified time period. Currently a copy o f the Utilities (Water and/or Garbage) is entered into the City/county Database manually. The individual has the opportunity to pay the bill by mail with a check; 35 a cashier's check or in person with cash within 30 days from the date of the invoice. I f no payment has been made, there may be penalties incurred after this time. Once the grace period has run out the, incurred amount is then added to the previous months. After 3 months the City may issue a lien on 40 t he property in question unt il the new amount (original+ penalties) is paid. This process is very cumbersome. S UMMA RY OF THE I NVENTI O N 45 I n one embodiment, this inv ention deals wit h Polic e Administration Cit at ions / Bill o r P olic e Adminis t rat ion Ticket violations f or illegal non-mov ing v iolation per the rules set by the City, County, State, Township or local government. This invention provides a simpler and more efficient 50 wa y to pay the Emergency Vehicle, Police Administration Ticket or Police Administration Citation using the Internet. Thus, in one embodiment, this invention provides a costeffective means of collecting revenue from Police Administration Polic e Adminis tration Cit at ion and/or Violations 55 us ing the Internet. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system to enable one to pay a traffic Violation Ticket or Citation via the Internet. The system involves a Web Browser who access the Corporate in-house Server in real-time whic h collects the 60 necessary information and then interacts with the Corporate database f or retrieval o f vital information and amount balances to satisfy the payment of a Citation or Traffic ticket. This information is then confirmed and used to contact Banks and other Financial Institutions for payment of the Citation or 65 Traffi c Violation. The Corporate database is updated in Realtime with all necessary information to satisfy the Citation or Traffic Violation. The Funds are transferred into the Corpo- US 7,603,311 B1 3 rate Bank and a validation voucher is issued via E-mail to the customer and Corporate notify ing o f this transaction. This invention deals with Traffic Citations or Traffic ticket violations for speeding or any other moving violation per the rules set by the City, County or local government. Thus this invention provides a cost-effective means o f collecting revenue from Traffic Citations and/or Violations using the Internet. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system to enable one to pay a Court Ticket, Court Warrant or Court Citation via the Internet. The system involves a Web Browser who access the Corporate in-house Server in real-time which collects the necessary information and then interacts with the Corporate database for retrieval of vital information and amount balances to satisfy the payment of the Citation. Warrant or Ticket. This information is then confirmed and used to contact Banks and other Financial Institutions for payment of the Citation, Warrant or Ticket. The Corporate database is updated in Real-time with all necessary information to satisfy the Citation, Warrant or Ticket. The Funds are transferred into the Corporate Bank and a validation voucher is issued v ia E-mail to the customer and Corporate notifying of this transaction. In one embodiment, this invention deals wit h Court Citations; Court Warrant or Court Ticket violations for illegal non-moving violation per the rules set by the County, Township, State or local government. This invention provides a simpler and more efficient way to pay the Court Citation, Court Ticket or Court Warrant using the Internet. Thus this invention provides a cost-effective means of collecting revenue from Court Ticket, Court Citations, Court Warrant using the Internet. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system to enable one to pay a Parking Violation Ticket or Citation via the Internet. The system involves a Web Browser who access the Corporate in-house Server in real-time which collects the necessary information and then interacts with the Corporate database f or retrieval o f vital information and amount balances to satisfy the payment of the Citation or Parking Tickets. This information is then confirmed and used to contact Banks and other Financial Institutions f or payment o f the Citation o r Parking Violation. The Corporate database is updated in Real-time with all necessary information to satisfy the Citation or Parking Violation. The Funds are transferred into the Corporate Bank and a validation voucher is issued via E-mail to the customer and Corporate notifying of this transaction. This invention deals with Parking Citations or Parking Ticket violations f or Illegal non-moving v iolation per the rules set by the City, Township or local government. In one embodiment, this invention provides a simpler and more efficient way to pay the Parking Tickets or Citation using the Internet. Thus this invention provides a cost-effective means of collecting revenue from Parking Citations and/or Violations using the Internet. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system to enable one to pay a Ut ilit y (Water/Garbage) Invoice via the Internet. The system involves a Web Browser whic h access the Corporate in-house Server in real-time which collects the necessary information and then interacts with the Corporate database f or retrieval o f vital information and amount balances to satisfy the payment of the Invoice for Utilities (Water and/or Garbage). This information is then confirmed and used to contact Banks and other Financial Institutions for payment of the Invoice. The Corporate database is update with all necessary information to satisfy the Invoice. The Funds are transferred into the Corporate Bank and a validation voucher is issued via E-mail to the customer and Corporate notifying of this transaction. This invention deals with Utilities (Water and 'or Garbage) for City, County, State, Township or local 4 government. I n one embodiment, this invention provides a simpler and more efficient way to pay the Utilities (Water and/or Garbage) using the Internet. Thus this invention provides a cost-effective means of collecting revenue from the 5 c us tomers using the Internet. One embodiment of this invention relates to a process for conducting a transaction using a medium, comprising generating a rec eipt and a pay ment remittance information; enabling an entity to authorize a payment due on the receipt; to and associating the payment wit h the payment remittance information; wherein the payment remittance information is arranged wit hin a data structure according to a prescribed format, the data structure comprising one or more open data fields to hold data that the entity can enter, and the payment 15 remittance information further comprises a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from the entity. Another embodiment relates to process of executing computer-executable instructions using a medium, comprising storing a receipt and a payment remittance information, the 20 pay ment remittance information c ompris ing a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from an entity; presenting the receipt to the entity without revealing the structured remittance data; enabling the entity to specify payment instructions comprising at least an amount to be paid on the receipt and an 25 account at a payor from whic h to draw the amount while prohibiting the entity f rom altering data contained in the structured remittance data; associating the payment instructions wit h the structured remittance data; transmitting the payment instructions to the payor to initiate payment of the 30 amount: and routing the amount to a payee. Another embodiment relates t o a device, c ompris ing means f o r generating a receipt and a payment remittance information; means for enabling an entity to authorize a payment due on the receipt; and means for associating the pay35 ment with the payment remittance information; wherein the device conducts a transaction using a medium, and wherein the payment remittance information is arranged within a data structure according to a prescribed fonnat, the data structure comprising one or more open data fields to hold data that the 40 entity can enter, and the payment remittance information further comprises a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from the entity. Still another embodiment relates to a device, comprising means for storing a receipt and a payment remittance infor45 mation, the payment remittance information comprising a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from an entity; means for presenting the receipt to the entity without revealing the structured remittance data; means f or enabling the entity to specify payment instructions comprising at least an 50 amount to be paid on the receipt and an account at a payor from which to draw the amount while prohibiting the entity from altering data contained in the structured remittance data; means for associating the payment instructions with the struc tured remittance data; means f or transmitting the payment 55 instructions to the payor to initiate payment of the amount; and means for routing the amount to a payee. The receipt is selected from the group consisting of a traffic ticket, a citation, a utility bill, a court ticket, a court warrant, hospital receipt, a rental receipt, a property tax receipt. a so property transfer tax receipt, a business permits receipt. a business license receipt, a business license renewal receipt, an administrative citation receipt, a facility rental receipt, a class sign-up receipt, a building permit receipt, a planning permit receipt, an airport use receipt, a roads and highway receipt. a 65 fi re department receipt, a waste disposal receipt, a recycling waste bill, a marriage license receipt, a birt h certificate receipt, a death certificate receipt, a lien receipt, a passport US 7,603,311 B1 5 application receipt, a passport renewal receipt, a visa application receipt, a visa renewal receipt, a land development maps receipt, an United States Geological Service Maps Div is ion receipt, an Internal Revenue Service receipt, a State Tax Board receipt, a Driv er's license renewal receipt, a Vehicle License tags renewal receipt, a car insurance receipt, an electric bill, a phone bill, a gas bill, a water receipt, a business tax receipt and a parking ticket. The medium or device is selected from the group consisting of a computer, a cellular telephone, a portal, a network, Internet, smart cards, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fiber optics, digital optical readers, digital print readers, a broadband network, a DVD-ROM, a CD-RW, a telecommunication line cord, a bio-crystal network, bar codes, data crystals, artificial intelligence, laser scanners and computer-executable instructions. The entity is selected from the group consisting of a citizen, a business, an institution, an agency and a university. The payor is selected from the group consisting o f a bank, an entity and a credit card facility. The payee is selected from the group consisting of an intermediary, a government agency, a government department, a business, citizens and a collection agency. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 schematically shows a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions associated with Court Tickets, Court Warrants or Court Citations using the Internet and E-commerce. FIG. 2 schematically show a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions associated wit h Traffic Tickets o r Citations using the Internet and E-commerce. FIG. 3 schematically show a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions associated with Emergency Vehicles or Police Adminis trative Citation us ing the Internet and E-commerce FIG. 4 schematically show a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions associated with Parking Tickets or Parking Citations using the Internet and E-commerce. FIG. 5 schematically shows a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions associated wit h Ut ilit ies (Water, sewer, property tax and/or Garbage) using the Internet and E-Commerce. FIG. 6 schematically shows a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions using the Internet and E-Commerce. DETAI LED DESCRIPTION FIG. 6 schematically shows an overview o f a three-tier system architecture layout for an entity hardware and software design process of conducting transactions, for example associated with Utilities, using the Internet and E-Commerce. Different preferred embodiments o f t his inv ention are described below. 6 information and amount balances to satisfy the payment of the Police Administration Citation or Emergency Vehicles. This information is then confirmed and used to contact Banks and other Financial Institutions f or payment o f the Police 5 Adminis t rat ion Citation or Police Administrative Violation. The Corporate database is update with all necessary information to satisfy the Police Administration Citation or Police Administrative Violation. The Funds are transferred into the Corporate Bank and a validation voucher is issued via E-mail to t o the customer and Corporate notifying of this transaction. This invention relates to a system, whic h allows one to pay Police Administration ticket or Police Administration Citation v ia the Internet in a very convenient manner. This is expected to help the local Police Administration office o r 15 Cit y , County, State, Judicial Department in collecting the funds in a more timely manner, allowing the payee to continue to be a good citizen, and possibly be able to track the payments with less number of staffs. In one embodiment, this invention involves the payment of 20 a Police Administration Ticket or Police Administration Citation issued by a City, County, State, Judicial Department or Office of the Court Clerks to be paid over the Internet using E-commerce and TPA's (Trading Partner agreements), banks and Financial Institutions. This standard method for making 25 payments will be replaced with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT); this will be done in real-time. Their License Plate Number and necessary information would be updated to the Corporate database and the appropriate funds (retrieved from Corporate database) would 30 hav e to be paid. Once the payment has been made The Office of the Court of Clerks, Justice department or City, County, State, County Judicial Department would then be notified of the payment and funds would be transferred into their bank account. The customer would receive a verification number 35 t hat the process was completed successfully. If the payment is made during the original time period then no further action is warranted; however if the warrant is issued, then the Department of Motor Vehicle would also have to be notified of the satisfaction of debt. The system also connects multiple users 40 across a variety of systems. This system enables the delivery of secure Internet payment capabilities to the Corporate of this service provider. Payment Manager enables ISP' s (Internet Serv ic e providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protoc ol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Banks and 45 Financ ial Institutions to quickly and easily link the Customer to Corporation payment processors to handle the complex e-commerce transactions. The software integrates with virtually all business processes and applications, and works with multiple operating systems and databases using customized 50 s oftware for uploading and downloading of necessary information files. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system, whic h allows one to pay Traffic Violations ticket or Citation via the Internet in a very convenient manner. This is expected 55 t o help the local city police department in collecting the funds in a more timely manner, and possibly be able to track the payments with less number of staffs. In one embodiment, this invention involves the payment of a Traffic Tic k et or Traffic Citation issued by a City Police 60 Department to be paid over the Internet using E-commerce, banks and Financial Institutions. This standard method for In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system to making payments will be replaced with Electronic Data Interenable one to pay a Police Administration Ticket or Police change (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This will Administration Citation via the Internet. The system involves be done in real-time. Once the payment has been made the a Web Browser who access the Corporate in-house Server in 65 Cit y Police Department (Corporate) would then be notified of real-time which collects the necessary information and then the payment and funds would be transferred into their bank account. The customer would receive a verification number interacts wit h the Corporate database f or retrieval o f vital US 7,603,311 B1 7 8 that the process was completed successfully. The system also connects mult iple users across a variety o f systems. This system enables the delivery of secure Internet payment capabilities to the Corporate of this service provided. Payment Manager enables ISP' s, CSPs, Asp's, Banks and Financial Institutions to quickly and easily link the Customer to Cor- to sign-up f or the driver's training school, their name and necessary information would also be updated to the Corporate database and the appropriate funds (retrieved from Corporate database) would have to be paid. Once the payment has been made The Office o f Parking Violations/City Judicial Department (Corporate) would then be notified of the payment and funds would be transferred into their bank account. The customer would receive a verification number that the 5 poration payment processors to handle today's complex e-commerce transactions. The software integrates with virtually all business processes and applications, and works with multiple operating systems and databases using customized software for uploading of necessary information files. In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system, which allows one to pay Court Citation, Court Tickets, and 10 process was completed successfully. The system also connects multiple users across a variety of systems. This system enables the delivery of secure Internet payment capabilities to Court Warrant via the Internet in a very convenient manner. the Corporate o f this service provided. Payment Manager This is expected to help the loc al Court o f Clerks or City 15 enables ISP' s (Internet Service providers), PPP's (Point-toJudicial Department in collecting the funds in a more timely Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protomanner, allow the payee to continue to be a good citizen and col), Banks and Financial Institutions to quickly and easily be able to track the payments with less number of staffs. link the Customer to Corporation payment processors to In one embodiment, this invention involves the payment of 20 handle today's complex e-commerce transactions. The softa Court Ticket, Court Warrant or Court Citation issued by a ware integrates wit h v irtually a ll business processes and City Judicial Department or Office of the Court of Clerks to be applications, and works with multiple operating systems and paid over the Internet using E-commerce and TPA's (Trading databases us ing customized software f o r uploading and Partner agreements), banks and Financial Institutions. This 25 downloading of necessary information files. standard method for making payments will be replaced with Electronic Data Interchange (E DI ) and Electronic Funds In one embodiment, this invention relates to a system, Transfer (EFT), this will be done in real-time. Their name and whic h allows one to pay a Utility bill (Water/Garbage) via the necessary information would be updated to the Corporate Internet in a very convenient manner. This is expected to help database and the appropriate funds (retrieved from Corporate 30 t he loc al City , County, State, Accounting Departments in database) would have to be paid. Once the payment has been collecting the funds in a more timely manner, allowing the made The Office of Court of Clerks, City, County Department payee to continue to be a good citizen, and possibly be able to would then be notified o f the payment and funds would be track the payments with less number of staffs. transferred into t heir bank account. The customer would In one embodiment, this invention involves the payment of receive a verification number that the process was completed 35 a Utilities (Water/Garbage) bill to be paid over the Internet successfully via e-mail. using E-commerce and TPA's (Trading Partner agreements), banks and Financial Institutions. This standard method for The system also connects multiple users across a variety of systems. This system enables the delivery of secure Internet making payments will be replaced with Electronic Data Interpayment capabilities to the Corporate o f this service pro- 4 0 change (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), this will vided. Payment Manager enables ISP' s (Internet Service probe done in real-time. The information would be updated to the Corporate database and the appropriate funds (retrieved from viders), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Corporate database) would have to be paid. Once the payment Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Banks and Financial Institu- tions to quickly and easily link the Customer to Corporation has been made The Office of the Finance Director or other payment processors t o handle the c omplex e-commerce 45 appropriate official Department would then be notified of the payment and funds would be transferred into t heir bank transactions. The software integrates with v irtually all busiaccount. The customer would receive a verification number ness processes and applications, and works wit h multiple that the process was completed successfully. If the payment is operating systems and databases using customized software made during the original time period then no further action is for uploading and downloading o f necessary information 50 warranted; however if the lien were issued, then the Office of files. Court of Clerks would also have to be notified of the satisfacIn one embodiment, this invention relates t o a system tion of debt. The system also connects multiple users across a which allows one to pay Parking Violations ticket or Citation variety of systems. This system enables the delivery of secure and sign-up for the drivers training school, via the Internet in Internet payment capabilities to the Corporate of this service a very convenient manner. This is expected to help the local 55 prov ider. Payment Manager enables ISP's (Internet Service Parking Violations office or City Judicial Department in colproviders), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure lecting the funds in a more timely manner, and possibly be Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Banks and Financial Instituable to track the payments with less number of staffs. tions to quickly and easily link the Customer to Corporation In one embodiment, this invention involves the payment of 0 payment processors t o handle the c omplex e-commerce 6 a Parking Ticket or Parking Citation issued by a City Judicial transactions. The software integrates with v irtually all busiDepartment or Office of Parking Violations to be paid over the ness processes and applications, and works wit h multiple Internet us ing E-commerce and TPA's (Trading Partner operating systems and databases using customized software agreements), banks and Financial Institutions. This standard for uploading and downloading o f necessary information method for making payments will be replaced with Electronic 65 fi les . Data Interchange (E DI ) a n d Elec tronic Funds Trans fer Table 1 shows the preferred means for various means for (EFT), this will be done in real-time. If the individual chooses doing different functions of this invention. US 7,603,311 B1 9 TABLE 1 means fo r generating a receipt and a payment remittance infor m ation Internet, Smart cards, Wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fi ber optics, V A N (Value Added Network) database, digital optic al readers, digital print readers, broadband network, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Telecommunication line cord, bio-crystal network, Secure Socket Layers (S SL)-order o f magnitude better, keyboard, bar codes, laser scanners, User Interface without Server ( UIwS ) and computerexecutable instructions meansfor enabling an entity to Computer instructions, computer authorize a payment due on the receipt means fo r storing a receipt and a payment remittance infor m ation, the generated instructions, V A N (Value Added Network) database, keyboard, Secure Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f magnitude better, instructions initiated by a entity, User Interface without Server (U1wS), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and Computer instructions, computer generated instructions, V A N (Value Added Network) database, instructions initiated by a entity and keyboard Computer storage disk drive, data crystals, V A N (Value Added Network) payment remittance information database, artificial intelligence, wireless comprising a structured remittance data that is kept hidden fr om an entity means fo r presenting the receipt to the entity without revealing the structured remittance data;. storage networks, smart cards and keyboard Computer storage disk drive, data crystals, V A N (Value Added Network) database, artificial intelligenc e, Secure Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f magnitude better, wireless storage means fo r associating the payment with the payment remittance infor m ation networks, smart cards, ISP's (Internet means fo r enabling the entity to specify payment instructions comprising at least an amount to be paid on the receipt and an account at a payor fr om whic h to draw the amount while pr ohibiting the entity fr om altering data contained in the structured remittance data; Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), keyboard and User Interface without Server (UiwS) Computer storage disk drive, data crystals, V A N (Value Added Network) database, artificial intelligenc e, smart Secure Sockets Lay er (SSL), wireless storage networks, smart cards, ISP's (Internet Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hy per tex t Transfer Protocol), keyboard and User Interface without Server ( UIwS ) meansfor associating the VAN (Value Added Network) database, payment instructions with the structured remittance data; means fo r transmitting the payment instructions to the payor to initiate payment o f the amount; SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and keyboard A computer, a cellular telephone, a portal, a network, Inter net, smart cards, V A N (Value Added Network) database, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fiber optics, digital optical readers, digital print readers, a broadband network, a DV DROM , a CD- RW, a telecommunication line cord, a bio-crystal network, bar codes, data crystals, keyboard, artificial intelligence, laser scanners, Secure Socket Layers(SSL)-order o f magnitude better, ISP's ( Inter net Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), User Interface without Server ( UIwS ) and computerexecutable instructions. means fo r routing the amount to a payee V A N (Value Added Network) database, Secure Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f magnitude better, keyboard and User means fo r transmitting the receipt and the payment remittance infor m ation to at least an intermediary Interface without Server (UiwS) A computer, a cellular telephone, a portal, Secure Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f magnitude better, a network, Internet, smart cards, a wireless access US 7,603,311 B1 1 2 11 TABLE 1-continued device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fi ber optics, digital optic al readers, digital pr int readers, a broadband network, ISP's ( Inter net Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), a DV D- ROM , a CDRW, a telecommunication line cord, a bio-ciystal networ k , V A N (Value Added Network) database, keyboard, bar codes, data crystals, artificial intelligenc e, laser scanners, User Interface without Server (UIwS), keyboard and computerexecutable instructions. means fo r specifying a payment C o m p u t e r storage disk drive, data date c r y s t a l s , artificial intelligenc e, Keyboard, Secure Socket Layers (SSL)--order o f magnitude better, wireless storage networks, smart cards, V A N (Value Added Network) database, PPP's (Pointto-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), keyboard and User Interface without Server (U1wS) means fo r designating the payee S e c u r e Socket Layers (SSL)--order o f magnitude better, V A N (Value Added Network) database, SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), keyboard and User Interface without Server (U1wS) comprising means for submitting A computer, a cellular telephone, Secure the payment instructions an account S o c k e t Layers (SSL)-order o f clearing house payment system or a m a g n i t u d e better, a portal, a networ k , credit card processing system I n t e r n e t , smart cards, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fiber optics, digital optical readers, digital pr int readers, a broadband network, a DV D- ROM , a CD- RW, a telecommunication line cord, a biocrystal networ k , V A N (Value Added Network) database, bar codes, data crystals, artificial intelligenc e, laser scanners, ISP's ( Inter net Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), User Interface without Server ( UIwS ) , keyboard and computer-executable instructions. means fo r transmitting non- billing A computer, a cellular telephone, a infor m ation with the receipt p o r t a l , Secure Socket Layers (SSL)-- order of magnitude better, a network, Internet, smart cards, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fi ber optics, digital optic al readers, digital pr int readers, a broadband network, a DV D- ROM , a CD- RW, V A N (Value Added Network) database, a telecommunication line cord, a bio- crystal network, bar codes, data crystals, artificial intelligenc e, laser scanners, ISP's(Intemet Service providers), PPP's (Point-to-Point Protocol), SHTP's (Secure Hy per tex t Transfer Protocol), User Interface without Server ( UIwS ) , keyboard and computer-executable instructions. means fo r encrypting the receipt S e c u r e Socket Layers (SSL)--order o f and the payment instructions m a g n i t u d e better, V A N (Value Added Network) database, keyboard and SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) means fo r digitally signing the S e c u r e Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f receipt m a g n i t u d e better, V A N (Value Added Network)database, keyboard and means fo r authenticating the receipt m a g n S i e c t u u SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and User Interface without Server ( UiwS ) r e Socket Layers (SSL)-order o f d e better, V A N (Value Added US 7,603,311 B1 13 14 TABLE 1-continued Network) database, keyboard and SHTP's (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Example 1 10 The following, in conjunction wit h FIG. 1, describes a typical example of how this system and the process work. A Police Administration Police Administration Citation/Police Administration Ticket is issued. The customer during the next 21 days, using a Web Browser, logs into the Corporation system. He/She then enters either the Police Administration Citation Number or License Plate Number or Driver's license Number and email address or City, County, State, of issuance. The Corporation database locates this Police Administration Citation and displays the amount charged by the City, County, State, Village or Township to satisfy this Emergency Police Administration Citation/Administration Ticket. I f the customer agrees to pay the amount charged, the Payment options are displayed for them. I f not other data has been already loaded into memory f o r a fast retrieval t o be displayed. He/She then enters a valid Credit Card number, Bank routing number and Account number, ATM card number, smart card, or Cyber Cash option. The system then validates this transaction. Upon payment the Corporation database time-stamp's and date-stamp's this voucher and transmits it to the City, County, State, Village o r Towns hip where t he issuance 15 20 25 30 occurred; it also notifies the state Department of Motor Vehicle of the payment against the Driver's license number. The finds are also transferred at the same time. The customer receives an e-mail that the Police Administration Citation or Emergency Vehicle Ticket has been satisfied. Step 1: A Police Administration Citation number or the 35 and a decryption key to the electronic payment order. The individual License Plate Number or the City, County, State, of issuance or driver license number and e-mail address and a Unique identification number or Birth date are entered, in a encrypted form through a HTTP server into a VAN (Value Added Network ) database where a digital signature is created. The Corporate then searches the appropriate databases to locate the necessary information using a Gateway link, for protocol conversion, with firewalls in place for security. If the Police Administration Citation/Ticket has been transferred to the Department of Motor Vehicles, then a Back-end process is invoked and the necessary information is retrieved using an encrypted form through an HTTP server in to the Corporate database. signature to be paid. A payment price for the Police Administration Citation is stated using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and said payment identifier, querying a database of Government Ent it y (E-Government)-defined rules prov ided b y E-government to determine if said ticket is to be paid to said citizen f o r s aid pric e, s aid E-government-defined rules including prices which are concealed from said citizen. After the stated step, the customer is then asked to enter an amount of payment, i f it is different f rom the stated amount. A n authenticated payment request is sent to the Corporate using SSL wit h encryption. The Corporate decrypts the desired Police Administration Citation number, driver's license number, o r License Plate Number and calculates a first cryptographic dollar amount for the encrypted Police Administration Citation. The encrypted digital Police Administration Citation and the first cryptographic dollar amount together wit h a timestamp and date-stamp are then transmitted to the customer. This information is then decrypted and the customer confirms a second cryptographic dollar amount and Police Adminis tration Cit at ion number wh ic h i s als o encrypted. The customer creates an electronic payment order containing information identifying the transaction, the second cryptographic dollar amount, Polic e Adminis tration Citation number, City, County, State of issuance, date-stamp and the timestamp. The electronic payment order is transmitted to the Banks and Financial Institutions using CGI script for an authorization request. The Corporate compares the first and second cryptographic checksums t o ensure that they match, and if so, the Corporate adds an electronic signature Corporate submits the Corporate signed electronic payment order and the key to an account server for review. The account server reviews the information in the electronic payment order and sends a message, including the key if the review is positive, to the Corporate. Email Notification aut omat ic ally sends email to the customer informing them of the payment of the Police Administration Citation and a confirmation num45 ber. The Office of Police Administration/City, County, State, Judicial Department's or Department of Motor Vehicles database is then updated with the necessary information to satisfy the Police Administration Citation issued using the decryption key. 50 Example 2 40 Step 2. A Police Administration Citation retrieval system is disclosed that improves a database system's response time so that a user's request to view information is serviced quickly. The following, in conjunction wit h FIG. 2, describes a During the time the user spends viewing the displayed infortypical example of how this system and the process work. A mation, other information that the user is lik ely to read or 55 Citation/Traffi c Tic k et is issued. The customer during the study later is preloaded into memory. I f the user does later next 45 days, using a Web Browser, logs into the Corporation request this information, this information can be written to the system. He/She then enters either the Citation Number or display very quic k ly because the information need not be Name, Driver's license Number, Unique identification numretrieved from the database. This system takes advantage of ber or Birth date and City of Citation issued. The Corporation the fact that it is possible to accurately locate the information 60 database locates t his Cit at ion and displays t he amount that the user will request. Adaptive prediction schemes can be charged by the City, Village or Township to satisfy this Citaemployed as an aid in determining what information the user tion/Traffic Ticket. I f the customer agrees, the Payment will request from the Department of Motor Vehicle, Office of options are displayed for them. I f not other data has been Police Adminis tration or Judicial Department (Corporate) already loaded into memory f or a fast retrieval to be diswhere the Police Administration Citation was issued. 65 play ed. He/She then enters a valid Credit Card number, Bank Step 3: A method for paying your Police Administration routing number and Account number, A TM card number, Citation over the Internet is comprised by identifying a digital smart card or Cyber Cash option. The system then validates US 7,603,311 B1 15 16 Example 3 this transaction. Upon payment the Corporation databases time stamps and date-stamps this voucher and transmits it to the City, Village or Township where the issuance occurred. The following, in conjunction wit h FIG. 3, describes a The funds are also transferred at the same time. The customer typical example of how this system and the process work. A receives e-mail that the citation/traffic ticket has been satis- 5 C o u r t Tickets/Court Warrant or Court Citation is issued. The fied. The City, Village, Township or County receives a noticustomer during the next 21 days, using a Web Browser, logs fication via email or printer for reconciliation purposes. into the Corporation system. He/She then enters either the Step 1: A citation number or a name or a city of issuance or Citation Number or Name, Unique identification number or driver license number or an e-mail address or a Unique idenBirth date and City of Citation issued. The Corporation datatification number or Birth date are entered in a encrypted form to base locates this Citation and displays the amount charged by through a HTTP server into a VAN database where a digital the State, County, Village or Township to satisfy this Citation, signature is created. The Corporate then searches the approWarrant or Ticket. I f the customer agrees to pay the fine priate database to locate the necessary information using a charged, the Payment options are displayed for them. If not Gateway link, for protocol conversion, with firewalls in place other data has been already loaded into memory for a fast for security. 15 retriev al to be displayed. He/She then enters a v alid Credit Step 2 . A c itation retriev al system is disclosed that Card number or Bank routing number andAccount number or improves a database system's response time so that a user's A TM card number, smart card or Cyber Cash option. The request to v iew information is serviced quickly. During the system then validates this transaction. Upon payment the time the user spends viewing the displayed information, other Corporation database time stamps and date-stamps this information that the user is lik ely to read or study later is preloaded into memory. I f the user does later request this information, this information can be written to the display very quickly because the information need not be retrieved from the database. The invention takes advantage of the fact that it is possible to accurately locate the information that the user w i l l request. Adaptiv e predic tion schemes c an b e employed as an aid in determining what information the user will request from the Police Department (Corporate) where the citation was issued. Step 3: A method for paying your citation over the Internet is comprised by identifying a digital signature to be paid. A payment price for the citation is stated using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and said payment identifier, querying a database of Government Entity (E-Government)-defined rules provided by E-govemment to determine if said ticket is to be paid to said citizen for said price, said E-government-defined rules including prices which are concealed from said citizen. After the stated step, the customer is then asked to enter an amount of payment, i f it is different f rom the stated amount. A n authenticated payment request is sent to the Corporate using SSL wit h encryption. The Corporate decrypts the desired citation number, driver's license number, or name and calculates a first cryptographic dollar amount for the in encrypted citation. The encrypted digital citation and the first cryptographic dollar amount together with a timestamp and datestamp are then transmitted to the customer. This information is then decrypted and the customer confirms a second cryptographic dollar amount and citation number, whic h is also encrypted. The customer creates an electronic payment order 20 v ouc her and transmits it to the State, County, State, Village or Township where the issuance occurred it also notifies of the Local Police Department if necessary of the payment against the Driv er's license number of the indiv idual who received the ticket, warrant or citation. The funds are also transferred at 25 t he same time. The customer receives an e-mail that the Citation, Warrant or Ticket has been satisfied. Step 1: A citation number or the individual name and the City of issuance and driver license number are entered, in a encrypted form through a HTTP server into a VAN (Value 30 Added Network ) database where a digital signature is created. The Corporate then searches the appropriate databases to locate the necessary information using a Gateway link, for protocol conversion, with firewalls in place for security. If the Citation, Warrant or Ticket has been transferred to the Police 35 Department, then a Back-end process is invoked and the necessary information is retrieved using a encrypted form through a HTTP server in to the Corporate database. Step 2 . A c itation retriev al system is disclosed that improves a database system's response time so that a user's 40 request to v iew information is serviced quickly. During the time the user spends viewing the displayed information, other information that the user is lik ely to read or study later is preloaded into memory. I f the user does later request this information, this information can be written to the display 45 v ery quickly because the information need not be retrieved from the database. The system takes advantage of the fact that it is possible to accurately locate the information that the user will request. Adaptive prediction schemes can be employed as an aid in determining what information the user will containing information identifying the transaction, the sec- 50 request from the Police Department, Office of Court of Clerks ond cryptographic dollar amount, c itation number, c ity o f or Financial Institutions (Corporate) where the citation was issued. issuance, date-stamp and the timestamp. The electronic payment order is transmitted to the Banks and Financial InstituStep 3: A method for paying your citation over the Internet tions using CGI script for an authorization request. The Coris comprised by identifying a digital signature to be paid. A porate c ompares t h e fi rs t a n d s ec ond c ry ptographic 55 pay ment price for the citation is stated using Secure Sockets checksums to ensure that they match, and if so the Corporate , Layer (SSL) and said payment identifier, querying a database adds an electronic signature and a decryption key to the of Government Entity (E-Government)-defined rules proelectronic payment order. The Corporate submits the Corpovided by E-government to determine if said ticket is to be paid rate signed electronic payment order and the k ey t o a n to said citizen for said price, said E-government-defined rules account server for review. The account server reviews the 60 inc luding prices which are concealed from said citizen. After information in the electronic payment order and sends a mesthe stated step, the customer is then asked to enter an amount sage, including the key if the review is positive, to the Corof payment, i f it is different f rom the stated amount. A n porate. Email Notification aut omat ic ally sends email to the authenticated payment request is sent to the Corporate using customer informing them of the payment of the citation and a SSL wit h encryption. The Corporate decrypts the desired confirmation number. The City Police department's database 65 c itation number, driver's license number, or name and calcuis then updated with the necessary information to satisfy the lates a first cryptographic dollar amount f or the encrypted Citation issued using the decryption key. citation. The encrypted digital citation and the first crypto- US 7,603,311 B1 17 18 graphic dollar amount together with a timestamp and datestamp are then transmitted to the customer. This information is then decrypted and the customer confirms a second cryptographic dollar amount and citation number, whic h is also encrypted. The customer creates an electronic payment order 5 containing information identifying the transaction, the sec- price, s aid E-government-defined rules inc luding pric es whic h are concealed from said citizen. Step 2 . A c itation retriev al system is disclosed that improves a database system's response time so that a user's request to v iew information is serviced quickly. During the time the user spends viewing the displayed information, other ond cryptographic dollar amount, citation number, City of information that the user is lik ely to read or study later is issuance, date-stamp and the timestamp. The electronic paypreloaded into memory. I f the user does later request this ment order is transmitted to the Banks and Financial Instituinformation, this information can be written to the display tions using CGI script for an authorization request. The Cor- 10 very quickly because the information need not be retrieved porate c ompares t h e fi rs t a n d s ec ond c ry ptographic from the database. The invention takes advantage of the fact checksums to ensure that they match, and if so, the Corporate that it is possible to accurately locate the information that the adds an electronic signature and a decryption key to the user will request. Adaptive prediction schemes can be electronic payment order. The Corporate submits the Corporate signed electronic payment order and the k ey t o a n 15 account server for review. The account server reviews the information in the electronic payment order and sends a message, including the key if the review is positive, to the Cor- employed as an aid in determining what information the user will request from the Department of Motor Vehicle, Office of Parking Violations or Judicial Department (Corporate) where the citation was issued. Step 3: A method for paying your citation over the Internet porate. Email Notification—automatically sends email to the is comprised by identifying a digital signature to be paid. A customer informing them of the payment of the citation and a 20 confirmation number. The Office o f Court O f Clerks/City Judicial Department's or Police Department database is then updated with the necessary information to satisfy the Citation. Warrant or Ticket issued using the decryption key. payment price for the citation is stated using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). After the stated step, the customer is then asked to enter an amount of payment, if it is different from the stated amount. An authenticated payment request is sent to the Corporate using SSL wit h encryption. The Corporate decrypts the desired citation number, driver's license number, or name and calculates a first cryptographic dollar amount f or the encrypted citation. The encrypted digital citation and the first cryptographic dollar amount together with a timestamp and date-stamp are then transmitted to the customer. This information is then decrypted and the customer confirms a second cryptographic dollar amount and citation number, whic h is also encrypted. The customer creates an electronic payment order containing information identifying the transaction, the second cryptographic dollar amount, citation number, City of issuance, date-stamp and the timestamp. The electronic payment order is transmitted to the Banks and Financial Institutions using CGI script for an authorization request. The Corporate c ompares t h e fi rs t a n d s ec ond c ry ptographic checksums to ensure that they match, and if so, the Corporate adds an electronic signature and a decryption key to the electronic payment order. The Corporate submits the Corporate signed electronic payment order and the k ey t o an account server for review. The account server reviews the information in the electronic payment order and sends a message, inc luding the key if the review is positive, to the Corporate. Email Notification aut omat ic ally sends email to the customer informing them of the payment of the citation and a confirmation number. The Office of Parking Violations/City Judicial Department's or Department of Motor Vehicles data- 25 Example 4 The f ollowing describes a typical example o f how this system and the process work . A Parking Citation/Parking Ticket is issued. The customer during the next 21 days, using 30 a Web Browser, logs into the Corporation system. He/She then enters either the Citation Number or Name, Driv er's license Number, Unique identification number or Birth date and City of Citation issued. The Corporation database locates this Citation and displays the amount charged by the City, 35 Village or Township to satisfy this Citation/Parking Tickets. I f the customer agrees to pay the fine charged, the Payment options are displayed for them. I f not other data has been already loaded into memory f or a fast retrieval to be displayed, and the option of Drivers Training School is shown 40 with the amount necessary to sign-up f or it. He/She then enters a valid Credit Card number, Bank routing number and Account number, A TM card number, smart card or Cyber Cash option. The system then validates this transaction. Upon payment the Corporation database time stamps and date- 45 stamps this voucher and transmits it to the City, Village or Township where the issuance occurred it also notifies the state Department o f Motor Vehicle o f the payment against the Driver's license number of the individual who received the ticket/citation. The funds are also transferred at the same 50 base is then updated with the necessary information to satisfy time. The customer receives an e-mail that the Citation/Parkthe Citation issued using the decryption key. ing Tickets has been satisfied. Step 1: A citation number or the individual name or the City Example 5 of issuance or driver license number or an e-mail address or a Unique identification number or Birth date are entered, in a 55 The following, in conjunction wit h FIG. 5, describes a encrypted form through a HTTP server into a VAN (Value typical example of how this system and the process work. A Added Network ) database where a digital signature is created. The Corporate then searches the appropriate databases to locate the necessary information using a Gateway link, for protocol conversion, with firewalls in place for security. If the 60 Citation/Ticket has been transferred to the Department o f Motor Vehicles, then a Back-end process is invoked and the necessary information is retrieved using an encrypted form through an HTTP server in to the Corporate database and said payment identifier, querying a database of Government Entity 65 (E-Government)-defined rules provided by E-government to determine if said ticket is to be paid to said citizen for said invoice is generated, the customer during the next 30 days, using a Web Browser, logs into the City/County/Corporation system. He/She then enters either the invoice number or property address or City or County of issuance and e-mail address. The City/County/Corporation database locates this invoice number and displays the amount charged by the City, County, Village or Township to satisfy this invoice. I f the customer agrees to pay the amount charged, the Payment options are displayed for them. I f not other data has been already loaded into memory for a fast retrieval to be displayed. He/She then enters a valid Credit Card number, Bank routing number and US 7,603,311 B1 19 20 Account number, A TM card number, smart card or Cyber cation—automatically sends email to the customer informing Cash option. The system then validates this transaction. Upon them of the payment of the and a confirmation number. The payment the Corporation database time stamps and dateAccounting office or other relevant office for the City, County, stamps this voucher and transmits it to the City, County, State, State database is then updated with the necessary information Village o r Township where the issuance occurred; it also 5 t o satisfy the Invoice issued using the decryption key. notifies the state Department of Motor Vehicle of the payment The above description is presented to enable a person against the Driver's license number. The funds are also transskilled in the art to make and use the invention, and is proferred at the same time. The customer receives an e-mail that vided in the context of a particular application and its requirethe invoice has been satisfied. ments. Various modifications to the preferred embodiments Step 1: A Invoic e number o r the indiv idual property to w i l l be readily apparent to those skilled in the art, and the address and the City, State, are entered. in an encrypted form generic principles defined herein may be applied to other through a HTTP server into a VAN (Value Added Network) embodiments and applications without departing f rom the database where a digital signature is created. The Corporate spirit and scope of the invention. Thus, this invention is not then searches the appropriate databases to locate the necesintended to be limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be sary information using a Gateway link, for protocol conver- 15 accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein. sion, wit h firewalls in place for security. I f the Invoice has been transferred to the Office for the Court of Clerks, then a What is claimed is: Back-end process is invoked and the necessary information is retrieved using an encrypted form through an HTTP server in 1. A method for conducting a transaction using a medium 20 based on a receipt having payment remittance information, to the City/County/Corporate database. comprising: Step 2 . A Inv oic e retriev al system is disclosed t hat improves a database system's response time so that a user's enabling a payor to authorize a payment due on the receipt request to v iew information is serviced quickly. During the to a payee; time the user spends viewing the displayed information, other associating, using a processor, the payment with the payinformation that the user is lik ely to read or study later is 25 m e n t remittance information; preloaded into memory. I f the user does later request this conmmnicating, using the processor, the payment instrucinformation, this information can be written to the display tions direc tly to the payee to initiate payment o f the very quickly because the information need not be retrieved amount; and from the database. This system takes advantage of the fact wherein the payment remittance information is arranged that it is possible to accurately locate the information that the 30 w i t h i n a data structure, the data structure comprising one user w i l l request. Adaptiv e predic tion schemes c an b e or more data fields to hold data that the payor can enter, employed as an aid in determining what information the user and the payment remittance information further comwill request f rom the City/County/Corporation where the prises a structured remittance data that is kept hidden Invoice was issued. from the payee. Step 3: A method for paying your Invoice over the Internet 3 2 . The method of claim 1, further comprising: 5 is comprised by identifying a digital signature to be paid. A presenting the receipt to the payee without revealing the payment price for the Invoice is stated using Secure Sockets structured remittance data; c ommunic ating payment Layer (SSL) and said payment identifier, querying a database instructions to a payor to initiate payment of an amount of Government Entity (E-Government)-defined rules proto be paid on the receipt; and routing the amount to a vided by E-govemment to determine if said ticket is to be paid 40 p a y e e ; to said citizen for said price, said E-government-defined rules wherein the enabling the entity comprises specifying the including prices which are concealed from said citizen. After payment instructions comprising at least the amount and the stated step, the customer is then asked to enter an amount an account at the payor from which to draw the amount. of payment, i f it is different f rom the stated amount. A n 3. A method of executing computer-executable instrucauthenticated payment request is sent to the Corporate using tions residing on a medium and executed by a processor, SSL wit h encryption. The Corporate decrypts the desired comprising: Invoice number, property address and calculates a first crypstoring a receipt and a payment remittance information in a tographic dollar amount f o r the encrypted Invoice. Th e memory, the payment remittance information comprisencrypted digital Invoice and the first cryptographic dollar ing a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from amount together with a timestamp and date-stamp are then 50 a payee; presenting the receipt to the payee without revealing the structured remittance data; enabling the payor to specify payment instructions comprising at least an amount to be paid on the receipt and an 55 account at a payor from which to draw the amount while graphic dollar amount, Invoice number, City, State of issuprohibiting the payor from altering data contained in the ance, date-stamp and the timestamp. The electronic payment structured remittance data; order is transmitted to the Banks and Financial Institutions associating the payment instructions wit h the structured using CGI script for an authorization request. The Corporate compares the first and second cryptographic checksums to 60 r e m i t t a n c e data; communicating the payment instructions from the memory ensure that they match, and i f so, the Corporate adds an directly to the payor to initiate payment of the amount; electronic signature and a decryption key to the electronic and payment order. The Corporate submits the Corporate signed routing the amount to a payee. electronic payment order and the key to an account server for review. The account server reviews the information in the 6 4 . The method of claim 1, 3 or 2, further comprising com5 municating the receipt and the payment remittance informaelectronic payment order and sends a message, including the tion to at least an intermediary. key if the review is positive, to the Corporate. Email Notifitransmitted t o t h e customer. Th is inf ormat ion i s t hen decrypted and the customer confirms a second cryptographic dollar amount and Invoice number, whic h is also encrypted. The customer creates an electronic payment order containing information identifying the transaction, the second crypto- US 7,603,311 B1 21 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the cornmunicating the receipt and the payment remittance information is performed electronically. 6. The method o f claim 3, o r 2, wherein the receipt is selected from the group consisting of a traffic ticket, a citation, a utility bill, a court ticket, a court warrant, hospital receipt, a rental receipt, a property tax receipt, a property transfer tax receipt, a business permits receipt, a business license receipt, a business license renewal receipt, an administrative citation receipt, a facility rental receipt, a class signup receipt, a building permit receipt, a planning permit receipt, an airport use receipt, a roads and highway receipt, a fire department receipt, a waste disposal receipt, a recycling waste b ill, a marriage license receipt, a birt h certificate receipt, a death certificate receipt, a lien receipt, a passport application receipt, a passport renewal receipt, a visa application receipt, a visa renewal receipt, a land development maps receipt, an United States Geological Service Maps Div is ion receipt, an Internal Revenue Service receipt, a State Tax Board receipt, a Driv er's license renewal receipt, a Vehicle License tags renewal receipt, a car insurance receipt, an electric bill, a phone bill, a gas bill, a water receipt, a business tax receipt and a parking ticket; and wherein the medium optionally comprises a memory device storing a program and is selected from the group consisting of a computer, a cellular telephone, a portal, a network, Internet, smart cards, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fiber optics, digital optical readers, digital print readers, a broadband network, a DVD-ROM, a CD-RW, a telecommunication line cord, a bio-crystal network, bar codes, Secure Sockets Layer, Hyper text Socket Layer, data crystals, artificial intelligence, laser scanners and computer-executable instructions. 7. The method of claim 3 or 2, wherein the communicating payment instructions to a payor is performed electronically. 8. The method of claim 3 or 2, wherein the routing the amount is performed electronically. 9. The method of claim 3 or 2, wherein the presenting the receipt is performed electronically. 10. The method o f c laim 3 o r 2, wherein the payor is selected from the group consisting of a bank, an entity and a credit card facility. 11. The method o f c laim 3 o r 2, wherein the payee is selected from the group consisting of an intermediary, a government agency, a government department, a business, c itizens and a collection agency. 12. The method of claim 3 or 2, wherein the enabling the payor further comprises specifying a payment date. 13. The method of claim 3 or 2, wherein the routing the amount to a payee is without intervention of the payee. 14. The method of claim 3 or 2, further comprising designating the payee. 15. The method of claim 3 o r 2, further comprising submitting the payment instructions an account clearing house payment system or a credit card processing system. 16. The method of claim 3 or 2, further comprising communicating non-billing information with the receipt. 17. The method o f c laim 3, o r 2, further c ompris ing encrypting the receipt and the payment instructions. 18. The method of claim 3, or 2, further comprising digitally signing the receipt. 19. The method of claim 3, or 2, further comprising authenticating the receipt. 20. A device, comprising: means for generating a receipt and a payment remittance information; 22 means for enabling a payor to authorize a payment due on the receipt; and means for associating the payment with the payment remittance information; 5 m e a n s f o r c ommunic ating t h e pay ment ins truc tions directly to the payor to initiate payment of the amount; and wherein the device conducts a transaction using a medium, wherein the payment remittance information is arranged to w i t h i n a data structure, the data structure comprising one or more open data fields to hold data that the payor can enter, and the payment remittance information further comprises a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from the payee. 15 2 1 . The device of claim 20, further comprising: means f o r presenting the receipt t o the entity without revealing the structured remittance data; means for communicating payment instructions to a payor to initiate payment o f an amount to be paid on the receipt; and 20 m e a n s for routing the amount to a payee; wherein the mean for enabling the entity comprises means for specifying the payment instructions comprising at least the amount and an account at the payor from which to draw the amount. 25 22. A device, comprising: means for storing a receipt and a payment remittance information, the payment remittance information comprising a structured remittance data that is kept hidden from a payee; 3 means f o r presenting the receipt t o the payee without revealing the structured remittance data; means for enabling the payor to specify payment instructions comprising at least an amount to be paid on the receipt and an account at a payor from which to draw the 35 amount while prohibiting the payor from altering data contained in the structured remittance data; means for associating the payment instructions with the structured remittance data; 40 m e a n s f o r c ommunic ating t h e pay ment ins truc tions directly to the payor to initiate payment of the amount; and means for routing the amount to a payee. 23. The device of claim 20, 22 or 21, further comprising 45 means for communicating the receipt and the payment remittance information to at least an intermediary. 24. The device of claim 22, wherein the means for communicating the receipt and the payment remittance information is electronic. 50 2 5 . The device of claim 20, 22 or 21, wherein the receipt is selected from the group consisting of a traffic ticket, a citation, a utility bill, a court ticket, a court warrant, hospital receipt, a rental receipt, a property tax receipt, a property transfer tax receipt, a business permits receipt, a business 55 lic ens e receipt, a business license renewal receipt, an administrative citation receipt, a facility rental receipt, a class signup receipt, a building permit receipt, a planning permit receipt. an airport use receipt, a roads and highway receipt, a fire department receipt, a waste disposal receipt, a recycling 60 was te bill, a marriage license receipt, a birt h certificate receipt, a death certificate receipt, a lien receipt, a passport application receipt, a passport renewal receipt, a visa application receipt, a visa renewal receipt, a land development maps receipt, an United States Geological Service Maps 65 Div is ion receipt, an Internal Revenue Service receipt, a State Tax Board receipt, a Driv er's license renewal receipt, a Vehicle License tags renewal receipt, a car insurance receipt, US 7,603,311 B1 23 an electric bill, a phone bill, a gas bill, a water receipt, a business tax receipt and a parking ticket. 26. The device of claim 22 or 21, wherein the means for communicating payment instructions to a payor is electronic. 27. The device of claim 22 or 21, wherein the means for routing the amount is electronic. 28. The device of claim 22 or 21, wherein the means for presenting the receipt is electronic. 29. The device o f claim 22 or 21, wherein the payor is selected from the group consisting of a bank, an entity and a credit card facility. 30. The device o f claim 22 or 21, wherein the payee is selected from the group consisting of an intermediary, a government agency, a government department, a business, c itizens and a collection agency. 31. The device of claim 22 or 21, wherein the means for enabling the payor further comprises means for specifying a payment date. 32. The device of claim 22 or 21, wherein the means for routing the amount to a payee is without intervention of the payee. 33. The device of claim 22 or 21, further comprising means for designating the payee. 24 34. The device of claim 22 or 21, further comprising means for submitting the payment instructions an account clearing house payment system or a credit card processing system. 35. The device of claim 22 or 21, further comprising means 5 f o r communicating non-billing information with the receipt. 36. The device of claim 20, 22 or 21, further comprising means for encrypting the receipt and the payment instructions. 37. The device of claim 20, 22 or 21, further comprising to means for digitally signing the receipt. 38. The device of claim 20, 22 or 21. further comprising means for authenticating the receipt. 39. The device of claim 20, 22 or 21, wherein the device is selected from the group consisting of a computer, a cellular 15 telephone, a portal, a network, Internet, smart cards, a wireless access device, smart crystals, hand-held display screens, fiber optics, digital optical readers, digital print readers, a broadband network, a DVD-ROM, a CD-RW, a telecommunication line cord, a hio-crystal network, bar codes, Secure 20 Sockets Layer, Hyper text Socket Layer, data crystals, artificial intelligence, las er scanners and computer-executable instructions.

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