SmartPhone Technologies LLC v. Apple, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against AT&T Mobility LLC, AT&T, Inc., Apple, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3314474.), filed by SmartPhone Technologies LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Civil Cover Sheet)(Ward, Thomas)

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EXHIBIT D II1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US006243705Bl (54) United States Patent (10) Kucala (12) (45) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SYNCHRONIZING INFORMATION ON TWO DIFFERENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS (75) Inventor: Gregory R. Kucala, Santa Cruz, CA (US) (73) Assignee: Palm, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US) ( *) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.c. 154(b) by 0 days. This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer. (21) App!. No.: 09/132,815 (22) Filed: Aug. 12, 1998 Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation of appliclIlioll No. 08~)'1 7,216, filed on Oct. 8, 1997, now Pat. No. 5,832,489, which i~ a continuation of application No. 08/544,921, filed on Oct. 18, 1995, now Pat. No. 5,727,2CJ2.. (51) (52) (58) Int. CI.7 ................................. .... ................. G06F 17/30 U.S. CI. ............................. 707/10; 707/200; 707/204 Field of Search ......................... 707/1-10, 100-104, 707/200-206; 701/29; 702/186; 395/281, 200.01; 713/200; 705/27 (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,432,057 4,807,182 4,866,611 4,875,159 4,956,809 5,001,628 5,065,360 5,142,619 5,187,787 5,210,868 5,237,678 2/1984 2/1989 9/1989 10/1989 9/1990 3/1991 11/1991 8/1992 2/1993 5/1993 8/1993 Daniell et al. ....................... Queen .................................. Cree et al. ........................... Cary et al. ........................... George et al. ....................... Johnson ct al. ...................... Kelly .................................... Webster, III ......................... Skeen et oJ. ......................... Shimada et al. ..................... Kuechler et a1 .... .......... ...... 364/300 364/900 364/300 364/200 364/900 364/200 395/800 395/157 395/600 395/600 395/600 Patent No.: US 6,243,705 Bl Date of Patent: *Jun.S,2001 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Cobb et aI., "Paradox 3.5 Handbook 3rd Edition" Bantam (1991), pp. 803-816. Alfieri, "The best book of: Wordperfect 5.0", Hayden Books (1988), pp. 153-165 and 429-435. User Manual For PC-Link for the B.O.S.S. and the PC-link for the B.O.S.S, Traveling Software, Inc. (1989). User Manual For Connectivity Pack for the HP 95LX, Hewlett Packard Company (1991). Organizer Link II Operation Manual, Sharp Electronics Corporation, No Date. "Open Network Computing-Technical Overview", Sun Technical Report, Sun Microsystems, Inc. pp. 1-32 (1987) . Zahn, et al., "Network Computing Architecture", pp. 1-11, 19-31, 87-115, 117-133, 187-199, 201-209 (1990). IntelliLink Brochure (1990). "Logical Connectivity: Applications, Requirements, Architecture, and Research Agenda", Stuart Madnick & Y. Richard Wang, MIT System Sciences, 1991, Hawaii Inl'l, vol. 1 IEEE, Jun. 1991. "Automatically Synchronized Objects", Research Disclosure #29261, p. 614 (Aug. 1988). No Copy Available. "FRx Extends Reporting Power Of Platinum Series: (IBM Desktop Software's Line of Accounting Software)" Doug Dayton, PC Week, v. 8, No.5, p. 29(2), Feb. 1991. Primary Examiner---Ruay Lian Ho (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Van Mahamedi; Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati ABSTRACT (57) Many users of handheld computing devices or "palmtops" also own personal computers (PCs) running applications that manage data similar to tbe data carried in the palmtops. In such cases, users are likcly to want thc data on the palmtop to be synchronized with the data on the PC. The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for reconciling database files on a palmtop with corresponding database files on a Pc. 23 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets (List continued on next page.) COMPARE CUilAENT PoIlMTOP RECORDS WfI1i OlD RECORDS CQMPARf CURRENT PC RECORDS WITH OLD RECORDS I Bo\Cl<UP LJ1I!!,E.£T,QR.!m.. _ PALMTOP JQO BACKUP FILE PC:wl! US 6,243,705 III Page 2 U.S. PATEi'IT DOCUMENTS 5.251,291 5,261,045 5,26 1,094 5,272,628 IOfI993 Mlk:olm ••.........•.•.••.••.• 39SJI46 1111993 &:tiny t l . 1. ......................... 3<)5/161 11119')3 £v~'$C) n eI I I. ...................... )4)51600 N 12/1993 Koss ........•.•. •••••• .... 364/419.19 5,283,887 2/1994 ,"',chary ............................... 39SISOO 5,301 ,313 4/ 1994 l'trcdA d .1 ......................... 3951600 SI1 99~ /\blon, J t. el I I. .................. 3951600 5,315.709 5,327,555 5,333,252 S~39,392 5,339,434 5,355,476 5,379,057 5,392,390 7/1994 AadelSOfl •• 7{l994 8/19')4 8/1994 10/199<1 111995 2/1995 _N ••••• •••••••• •••••••••• 8rewt"III Cl ,I. ...... Risberg d al ....... N ••••••••• N ........... _ ItLisis ......................... N ••••••••• 39SJ600 395/ 148 395/16 . 395"00 FlikunttU>I ............ .. 3951600 Clough el I I....................... 3451173 Cm1.icr ••............... ... 39511 61 5,432,994 5,463,m 5,475)03 5,5 19,606 5,531,592 5,544,356 5,574,859 5,592,669 5,598,536 5,630,081 5,6<06,530 5,684,990 5,6%,702 $,701,42.1 5.729,452 7(1995 10/1995 12/1995 5f1996 7(19% 8/1996 11/1996 1(1997 Sh~n el ., . ......... _.H ...... :395fSOO llIompson et.1. ................ _ 395}600 l)aucrc. t l . 1. _ ................... 395161X1 Frid·Nielsen ell!. ............... J64j401 Ki ng d II. .............. ............ 395/600 R"bin.wn tl $1.................... J95J600 Y~h ................................. 395/200.01 ROOin.wn clil.................... 395/1122 Siauglller, III d bl ....... _ 39S12OO. 16 Rybicki d al. _.................... 395/348 Oark d .1. ........................ _ 39SJri17 IkKMhby ........................ _..... 395/6 19 Skinr>er d . 1. ................. J64j551.01 1/1997 5/1997 9/1997 11/1997 12/1997 1211997 C'Ol'.ier .................. .. 395/335 3/1 998 Smith CI al ..................... J64j~24.OJ 0 . 00 . CURRENT PALMTOP I CALENDAR 1Q1 CURRENT PALMTOP FILES ~ r--------_ I Y I PALMTOP 1QQ I CURRENT PC CALENDAR 201 I I I I I I I I I I I CURRENT PC FILES I I I I I I I I OLD CALENDAR 202 PAlMTOP & peRECORDS I I I I I I I I BACKUP DIRECTORY goo. I I I ---------- ~ I ""'" ""'" ~ = ~ c: ?:l ~Ut N 0 0 """ 'JJ. ::r ~ ~ ...... """ .... +:0Q PC2!JQ ~ 00 ... a., FIG. I N ...t; ""-l <= (J) ~ ~ Cj . 00 . ~ COMPARE CURRENT PALMTOP RECORDS WITH OLD RECORDS ~ """ ('t) COMPARE CURRENT PC RECORDS WITH OLD RECORDS r CURRENT PALMTOP CALENDAR W. y m H )- - - - -- - 1 == """ .----t- ---I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I PALMTOP 1QQ ~ - I I I I ________ JI 2Q4 L I OLD CALENDAR NEW CALENDAR I H'-,_ _-i-_~~ I RECONCILE FILE I BACKUP DIRECTORY 203 ~ = ? I I ~VI : N 0 0 .... 1 I I I I I I I I I _ RESULTSOF COMPARISONS 00 =... ~ ~ N 0 ..... .a:;. -------""-- BACKUP FILE PCfQQ c 00 Q'\ N FIG. 2 ~ ~ = 01 Cd ~ u.s. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,243,705 BI 1---------------1 I 1 ~ ,55z I z~ , ~ ~l §;f;:1 :x: 0/ oIL Sib, row U c( -- 0:1 I °1 l _______________ , ,--I 3";0 ~~ ,~ I~ (3 .... . : : I - - - - - t - i - : , 'w ~ ~ I~ I ! ---, 18 '--"---r-..r I~ I 1 __ - __ -' >a... ~8 ~ . r.F.J. . ~ ~ ,...---------I I NEW PALMTOP CALENDAR .1.Q1 NEW PC CALENDAR y 2.Q1 NEW CALENDAR J I RECONCILE FILE I I DELETED I I I I ~I L- _______ J I I I I ~ = I I I I I ? ~Ul I I I I I I I I I I 202 = I I I I 1-------, PALMTOP 100 J I I ...... ~ ...... BACKUP DIRECTORY 2m I I --------~ N 0 0 ..... rJ:J =- ~ ~ ..... ,&:.. ..... Q ~ BACKUP FILE PC2QQ -.I e 00 0'1 FIG. 4 N .a:.. w ':...J = (Jl Cd ~ US 6,243,705 Bl 1 2 different computer systems. It is a further object of the present invention to present a metbod tbat reconciles two changeable databases without any user interactions. Specifically, the present invention discloses a method and This application is a continuation of U.S. patent appli- 5 apparatus for automatically reconciling records in corresponding files on palmtop and a personal computer (PC) by cation Ser. No. 08/947,216, filed Oel. 8, 1997 now issued as comparing the records in the palmtop and PC files with the U.S. Pal. No. 5,832,489 which is a continuation of U.S. records in a backup file in a backup directory from the patent application Ser. No. 08/544,927, filed Oct. 18, 1995 previous synchronization. now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 5,727,202. 10 When a user is ready to syncbronize information on the FIELD OF THE INVENTION two computer systems, tbe palmtop is connected to the PC. This invention relates to the field of handheld computing The present invention tben compares each record of a file on devices. Specifically, the present invention discloses a the palmtop with the records in the backup file in the backup method and apparatus for synchronizing information directory to determine whether each record on the palmtop between a desktop computing system and a handheld com- 15 file is new, updated or if it has been deleted from the palmtop puting device. file. Next, a comparison is performed between the contents of the corresponding file on the PC and the backup file in the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION backup directory to determine whether each record on the Handheld computing devices or "palmtops" typically PC is new, updated or if it has been deleted from the PC file. weigh less than a pound and fit in a pocket. These palmtops 20 The results of both compares are stored, e.g., in a new file generally provide some combination of personal informacalled a reconcile file, or a temporary data structure. After all tion management, database functions, word processing and the records in both files have been checked, tbe results of the spreadsheets. Users of palmtops may also own personal compare, whether stored in a reconcile file or temporary data computers (PCS) running applications that manage data structure, are copied over the selected files on the palmtop, similar to the data carried in the palmtops. In such cases, the 25 the PC and the backup file in the backup directory, thus user normally would want the data on their palmtop to he guaranteeing that all three files are identical after the syneasily synchronized with the data on their PC. chronization. The reconcile HIe is then deleted. A number of programs today transfer data between palmOther objects, features and advantages of the present tops and PCs, hut they are currently limited in functionality. invention will be apparent from the accompanying Some programs transfer all the information from the palm- 3U drawings, and from the detailed description. top to the PC without regard for the prior content on the Pc. These programs assume that changes to that particular data BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS are only made on the palmtop, and that the changes made on The objects, features, and advantages of the present the palmtop take precedence over any changes made on the PC. As a result, any independent updates made directly on 35 invention will be apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiment of tbe invention the PC will be lost. with references to the following drawings. Other methods use 'flags' to facilitate synchronization. FIG. 1 illustrates a palmtop connected to a PC containing These methods create update' flags' in each record that has a backup file from the previous palmtop-PC synchronizachanged, both on the palmtop and the PC. Corresponding files on the palmtop and the PC are then compared, and if 40 tion. one or more flags are set in a file, the file is recognized as FIG. 2 illustrates the comparison of a current palmtop having changed. If both the palmtop and PC files have calendar file and a current PC calendar file with the backup changed, the nags are used to determine which records need calendar file in the backup directory on the PC, and the to be updated in the other file. The datahases of most existing writing of the results to a reconcile file. programs, however, do not contain such flags since the 45 FIG. 3 illustrates the copying of the updated information databases of most existing programs were not designed to be in the reconciled calendar file to the backup calendar file in synchronized. Thus, a different method must be used to the backup directory, the PC and the palmtop. synchronize data from programs that are already on the FIG. 4 illustrates the final result of the present invention, market. 50 with the deletion of the reconcile file, leaving the hackup Some programs attempt to synchronize the data on the PC calendar file in the backup directory, the PC calendar file and with the palmtop hy comparing the information in each tbc palmtop calendar filc synchronized. application and prompting the user for answers to determine which data to overwrite. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,392, DETAILED DESCRIPTION 390 describes a method for reconciling information between The present invention discloses a method and apparatus two calendar database files by interrogating the user about 55 for automatically reconciling records in a file on a palmtop which file to update when a difficult case arises. Although with records in a corresponding file on a personal computer. these types of programs provide an advantage over programs In the following description, for purposes of explanation, that assume only one database has changed since they do not specific nomenclature is set forth to provide a thorough indiscriminately overwrite data, they are cumbersome and time consuming. Using these methods, users may have to 60 understanding of the present invention. However, it will be apparent to one skilled in the art tbat these specific details spend an inordinate amount of time answering questions are not required to practice tbe present invention. whenever they attempt to synchronize information between Furthermore, the present invention is described using one their palmtops and their PCs. possible embodiment. For example, the present invention is SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 65 described with reference to calendar files. However, any type of data files can be synchronized using the teachings of II is therefore an object of the present invention to provide the present invention. Thus, the teachings of the present a solution to the problem of synchronizing records on two METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SYNCHRONIZING INFORMATION ON TWO DIFFERENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS US 6,243,705 Bl 3 4 invention can be used to synchronize to-do lists, address lists, phone lists, and any other record oriented database file. Referring to FIG. 1, when a user is ready to synchronize information on the two computer systems, palmtop computer 100 is connected to personal computer (PC) 200 with a communication link 10. The communication link may consist of a serial data line or any other type of data communication line between the palmtop computer 100 and PC 200. Palmtop computer 100 and PC 200 each contain versions of corresponding files, 101 and 201. It is possible and likely that corresponding files 101 and 201 have been altered with new, modified, and deleted records since tbe last synchronization. The syncbronization process is conceptually illustrated in FIG. 2. The synchronization process is controlled by compuler instructions that can be stored on magnetic media on the PC 200. Thc present invention uses a backup directory 203 stored on the PC. Backup directory 203 contains a backup file that stores the file state from a previous synchronization of the PC 200 and the palmtop 100. The backup file is used to reconcile the records in a file on the palmtop computer 100 with the corresponding file in tbe Pc. To create an initial backup directory 203, the palmtop and PC files are merged. For example, if the PC 200 starts with a calendar file and the palmtop 100 does not have a calendar lilt, then PC calendar IIIe 201 will be copied into a backup calendar file 202 in the backup directory 203. Backup calendar file 202 in backup directory 203 will be used to create the same records on palmtop 100, thus synchronizing palmtop calendar file 101 and PC calendar file 201 with backup calendar file 202 in backup directory 203. Ifboth PC 200 and palmtop 100 start out with calendar files, then the two calendar files will be merged, and exact duplicate records will be filtered out. The resulting merged file will then be used for the palmtop calendar file 101, PC calendar file 201, and the backup calendar file 202. FIG. 2 illustrates the record synchronization process where a PC calendar file 201 and a palmtop calendar file 101 each contain a plurality of records tbal have been modified. The PC also contains backup calendar file 202 stored in backup directory 203, comprising a calendar file from the previous synchronization between palmtop computer 100 and PC 200. The plurality of records in tbe PC calendar file 201 and tbe corresponding palmtop calendar file 101 are tben each compared to the records in tbe corresponding backup calendar file 202 in backup directory 203 to determine new, updated or deleted records. In one embodiment, the results of the compare operations are then used to create a single reconcile file 204 that contains all the new records, modified records, and unmodified records. The deleted records are removed. The contents of the reconcile file 204 arc then copied to PC file 201, palmtop file 101, and backup calendar file 202 in backup directory 203 (FIG. 3). All three calendar files are thus synchronized. finally reconcile file 204 is then deleted as illustrated in FIG. 4. In anotber embodinlent, the intermediate results of the compare operations may be stored in a temporary data structure that contains all tbe new records, modified records, and unmodified records. The deleted records are removed. The contents of the data structure are then copied to PC file 201, palmtop file 101, and backup calendar file 202 in backup directory 203 (FIG. 3). All three calendar files are thus synchronized. The temporary data structure is no longer used. To fully describe what occurs during the comparison process, Table 1 lists all the possible cases and what occurs during the record synchronization process, according to one embodiment. 10 15 20 25 30 TABLE 1 CONDITION RESULT METHOD Record was added to a file. Record was added inlo bolh files and with exactly the same contents, Record WDS deleled from one file bUI still exists in the other. Record was deleted frnm one file hUllhc s~me record in other file has been changed . Record is copied into reconcile file. Record is copied into reconcile file . Record was not found in backup file or olher file. Record was not found in backup file bul matched exactly a I ecord in the other file. Neither record is copied into the reconcile file. Copy changed record into the reconcile file. Record was fou.nd in one file and the backup file bul nol the other file. The record that was deleled is gone in both files so it cannot be copied. TIle changed record acts like a new record since it does nol exist in the bilckup file. The record that was deleted is gone [rom both file~ so it should not be cnpied. Changed record is not found in backup I1le making il appear as a new record. The original record in the otber file matches a record in the backup but not in lhe original file making it a deleted record. Both records are new but since they match exactt y only one record 1S created in the reconcile tile for them. Record was deleted from bolh files. Record was modified in one fiJe . Same record was changed in both files exactly the same way. Neither recOI'd is copied into n:condle file. Copy changed record into the reconcile file. Record is copied into the reconcile file~ US 6,243,705 Bl 6 5 TABLE I-continued CONDmON RESULT METHOD Same record was changed in both files, Both records are copied into the Both records appear as new but oat in the exact l'econciJe file , any records in the backup file. records since neilher match same way. 10 The first column of Table I lists the possible conditions of the records in the files to be reconciled. The second column of Table I describes how each type of record condition is handled during the reconciliation process. The third column explains how each condition is recognized by the present 15 invention. For example, in one embodiment, if a record is added into the calendar file on the palmtop 100 and a different record is added into the corresponding calendar file on the PC 200, then the synchronization system of the present invention will 20 copy botb records into the reconcile file. The reconcile tile will later be copied back into tbe backup calendar file in the backup directory, the palmtop calendar file and the PC calendar file, synchronizing the records in the three calendar files. Similarly, if the same record is changed in one way in the palmtnp calendar file and cbanged a different way in the 25 PC calendar file, then both changed records will be copied into the reconcile file. Given that neitber altered record will match any records in the backup file, both records will tben appear as new records in tbe backup calendar file in the backup directory, the palmtop ca lendar file and the PC 30 calendar file. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, key contents of a record are identified. Key contents consist of an index field or a group of fields tbat can be used for record compares. Matching key contents indicate that this is the 35 same record. Tbe preferred embodiment uses these key contents to reduce the time to find matching records and perform tbe compare. The embodiment of the present invention as described above assumes tbat the palmtop files and the PC files bave 4f) records with identical field order and field names. However, this is not necessary to practice the synchronization method of tbe present invention. In cases where file formats are non-identical, prior art methods exist to perform translations or conversions of file formats, thus allowing tbe present invention to function after the non-identical file formats are 45 in a format where records can be compared. This flexibility in tile formats is an important feature of the present invention because it allows information to be synchronized between palmtop and PC applications that use different file systems and file formats. 50 Altbough the present invention bas been described in terms of specific exemplary embodiments, it will be appreciated that various modifications and alterations might be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the following 55 claims. What is claimed is: 1. A method for reconciling a first file and a second file, said second file corresponding to said first file, said first file and said second file each containing records, said method 60 comprising: creating a backup file containing records from a previous reconciliation of said first file and said corresponding second file; comparing said first file and said corresponding second 65 file wilh said backup file 10 determine new, updated or deleted records; creating a reconcile file containing the results of said steps of comparing; and copying contents of said reconcile file to said first file, said corresponding second file and a new backup file . 2. The method as described in claim 1 wherein said first file, said corresponding second file and backup file are calendar files. 3. The method as described in claim 1 wherein said first file resides on a PC. 4. The method as described in claim 3 wherein said second file resides on a palmtop. S. A method for reconciling a first file, a second file corresponding to said first file, and a backup file, said backuJl file containing records from a previous reconciliation, said method comprising: copying a firsl record from said first file into a reconcile file when said first record is added to said first flle, and said first record is Dot in said backup file; copying a second record from said first file into said reconcile file when an identical said second record is added to said first file and said corresponding second file, and said second record is not in said backup file; copying a tbird record in said first file into said reconcile file when said third record is modified in said first file and a corresponding third record is deleted from said second file, and said third record in said first file is not in said backup file; copying a fourth record from said first file into said reconcile file when said fourth record is modified in said first file, and said fourth record is not in said bacl,'Up file; copying a fifth record from said first file into said reconcile file when said fifth record in said first file is modified and an identical modification is made to a corresponding fifth record in said second file, and said fifth record in said first file and said corresponding fifth record in said second file are not in said backup file; and copying a sixth record from said first file and a corresponding sixth record from said second file into said reconcile file when said sixth record in said first file is modified and a different modification is made to said corresponding sixth record in said second file, and said sixth record in said first file and said corresponding sixth record in said second file are not in said backuJl file. 6. The method as described in claim S wherein said first file, said corresponding second file and said backup file are calendar Illes. 7. An apparatus for reconciling records in corresponding files, said apparatus comprising the elemenL~ of: a first computer including a first file containiog records and a backup file containing records; a second computer including a second file cootaining records, said second file corresponding to said first file; a communications link for linking said first and second computers; US 6,243,705 Bl 7 8 a means for comparing said first file and said second file with said backup file to determine new, updated or deleted records, said backup file containing records from a previous reconciliation between said first and said second computer; a means for storing the rl:sults from said means for comparing; and a means for copying said results to said first file on said first computer, said second file on said second computer and a new backup file on said first computer. 8. The apparatus as described in claim 7 wberein said first file, said second file and said backup file are calendar meso 9. The apparatus as described in claim 7 wherein said first computer is a Pc. 10. The apparatus as described in claim 9 wberein said second computer is a palmtop. 11. An article of manufacture comprising a computer usable mass storage medium having computer readable program code means embodied therein for causing a processing means to reconcile a first file and a second file, said second file corresponding to said first file, said first and said second files each containing records, said computer readable program code means in said article of manufacture comprising: a means for creating a backup file containing records from a previous reconciliation of said first file and said corresponding second file; a means for comparing said first file and said corresponding second file with said records from said previous reconciliation in said backup file to determine new, updated or deleted records; a means for storing the results of said step of comparing; and a means for copying said results to said first file, said corresponding second file and a new backup file . 12. The article of manufacture as described in claim 11 wberein said first file, said second file and said backup file are calendar files. 13. The article of manufacture as described in claim 11 wherein said means for storing the results of said step of comparing comprises means for creating a reconcile file containing said results. 14. Tbe article of manufacture as described in claim 11 wherein said means for storing the results of said step of comparing comprises means for creating a temporary data structure containing said results. 15. A computer comprising: a storage medium comprising: a first plurality of records, the first file being alterable by a user of the first computer, a plurality of backup records, and a set of instructions; a communication link couple able to a second computer to receive a second plurality of records; wherein after receiving tbe second file, tbe set of instructions is executable to: identify if each of the second plurality of records is different than all of the records in the plurality of backup records, identify if each of the first plurality of records is different than all of the records in the plurality of backup records and in the first plurality of records, store eacb of tbe first plurality of records tbat is different than all of tbe records in tbe plurality of backup records and in the second plurality of records as a first portion of a plurality of reconcile records, store each of second plurality of records that is different than all of the records in the plurality of backup records as a second portion of the plurality of reconcile records, store eacb of tbe first plurality of records that is tbe same as one of the records in the plurality of backup records as a third portion of tbe plurality of reconcile records, replace the first plurality of records with tbe plurality of reconcile records, and signal the second computer to replace the second plurality of records with the plurality nf reconcile records. 16. The computer of claim 15, wberein tbe set of instructions are executable in response to the first computer receiving a signal from tbe second computer over the communication linle 17. The computer of claim 15, wherein tbe set of instructions are executable in response to the first computer electrically coupling to the second computer over the communication link. 18. The computer of claim 15, wherein the set of instructions are executable to replace the plurality of backup records with the plurality of reconcile records. 19. Tbe computer of claim 15, wherein tbe first plurality of records are organized as a first file, the second plurality of records are organized as a second file, and wberein tbe plurality of backup records are organized as a backup file. 20. The computer of claim 19, wherein the plurality of reconcile records are organized as a reconcile file. 21. Tbe computer of claim 19, wherein backup file cnrresponds to a previous reconcile file formed by tbe set of instructions, and tbe set of instructions are executable to identify if tbe second plurality of records bave a new record entered by a user of tbe second computer after the previous reconcile file was formed. 22. The computer of claim 21, wberein tbe set of instructions are executable to identify if the first plurality of records have a new record entered by the user of tbe first computer after the previous reco[]cile file was formed. 23. The computer of claim 15, wherein tbe plurality of reconcile records are temporary data structures that are erased from the computer after the plurality of reconcile records are signaled to the second computer. 10 15 20 25 3U 35 40 45 50 55 * * * * *

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