American Airlines Inc v. Travelport Limited et al

Filing 439

Appendix in Support filed by AirTrans Airways, Inc., Southwest Airlines Co. re #438 Brief/Memorandum in Support of Motion, (Attachments: #1 Exhibits A-B, #2 Exhibits C-F, #3 Exhibits G-H, #4 Exhibit I) (Brandon, Elizabeth)

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t I Iir:. fl67-249?14-ll) ÂIIERICAN /tlRI.INES, Ï}lC' $ v- i E IN t'.ir.ttrr-åNrc-'ffff;'Ft$-. ;i- ç S.,LBRË INC,, etul. ]'tlbrurllcrÀL rysi"cËÐn,,,, 6?I'r I ruDlclÃ1ÏillnfR'rcËF. fiii E i:Ï$ tr\.¡.-+.'.j. lo rst r I I I Rt)- gåT 9LREQ tr çþs r¡' TO,TITERICAN AIULII{ES' lNC. PROllucÏloN PtÄrNT I t"l'' s RESPÜNSI{S T(}: nE H riND¡tN Ëin n ;.:ì and Sab¡e'l'rttv¡:l lt¡tcnrntion¿l l'trl' Dr:fcndsnts SubrÈ Inc,, Sahre ltutdirrgs Corporatiort. ¿rnd .-íl*t*liJàrur';i ty their counsel-of rccord, Ch¡is l"ind "n¿ittroufi Fat$$çhirr & $co1t L[,P. 54 wr:st llubbnrri, suite Irok¡vin, Bartlil Bcck tternl*n (collectively *\u¿lrcr¡, 3û0, Chicugr, 6û0 w*. ii iOOi.1, *¡ nolptt Duggìns an4 !99¡ Frerlelitks, Catttcy Hanger LLP' fithltrcçt' suit$ 30fl' For Worth' Itursuilnt TuxÊs''16102" to lc.x- R. Civ. F. 196, PIdntitï,\nrsricatt srrbmits thc following ohìuutions nnd rËs¡rousrs to Airlines, tnc. ('"r\tltcricttn") t)çfenrlu¡tts' 'l'hird Sst of l{cqucsts for Ptoiluulion. Pncllnrinary Slulcmcnt und G*nersI Objcclions I - tu I}clbndanls' Thilcl Sct ot' This documur¡t sontilins Alrrerican"s ubjcctions uncl responses I(equcsts tbr lrçtluction. colnplcÌcd its invcstignrion of the tàcls rclatcd to this action' has not eomltetetl ils ptc-parntiun for trial' Üoltseqttentlv' J*t u.',ripì*i*Jii; ¡ii-;-*y, nn¿'hts ncrt.yct iiEtrrs to later prorlttce suhscqunntl¡' thesc n;s¡rcnses ¡rr(- g,i'*n-iliil'lout prujudìce_to ,\n,çrica¡r's pt'irof qf plesently kt¡ow¡ fucts urrrl to ¡rtodttCc sll evir'lc¡ice' 4iscol'er+rl $vldence r*l*tiüü,lt* *ft**iiì ¿isuuvûtcd, .oiuriñg, tn thc pmof olsuhsoqnentl¡r tliscot'erud fircts' 2, Ameriuun llas not -,*ut and intetprcts lhcm' If ¡\mericun has tesptrntled to thcse rcqucsls aS -it untlc¡sÞnds lmm that of Amerisurr, Arncrican Dcfbndurts subscquently ê*setls nn interpret,rìiti it,ot ilill'c¡s 3. i*r*r*o* its ríg¡t rd .;uf,ptu**rt1 its res¡txries and objc'ctions ¡rcçnrrlingly' uf thu documcnl$ no[ght h¡ th':se ¡l,nrçrican tlacs no,t concÈrle tlæ n¡lÊr,a¡ce ur nrglctinlity 'l'hc responses set forthbclQrt nrc suhject to nnd do not wuiv{: t}te foltoruing: requÊst$, 4. all qucetlons or ubjcctiorrs ltl (i} campctcncy, rrelcvnnc5', rnittulnlity' given hcrcin in itny ot *i*irliU¡litn of c"ìdenc'c or (ii) the usü.of ths r€sPonsc puçt)stl fl, privilege, subscçcnt nruuccdil:g oi rrial ilr thìs or uny olhcr aclion for Íltly other EXHIBIT C SWA App. 59 tÜ h. t¡e right to object tû othcr discovctl' ptoceedings involving or relatcd ttt tnattcÍ ofihc rcquCst to rvhich this msponse is directed; nnd tlrc subjcct g, the tighr at any timu lt¡ ruvisc, corri:uln urìrl tu, or clnrily tltu rcsponsù, which is giv*r subjcot to cortcction of utry- such cmissiors oI elrors. qluultmcn$ trr Inuufar üs thcsr: fcquùsts fot production m$y be cunsitlerçd as uulling Iur *xcrnptcd frnm disctosuie by thÈ âtÞmc]'-clicnt privilogc. thc fiîtorTrË)' conclusion*, i"t¡rn,"rin,i 5. or thcorics of its attomeys, Arnericnn.åas ¡llso int*rprr,*.t thcsc rlqucsfs ft.rr production ns not requlring prorìuctiotr sf documcnls r:t intìJnnution preparea itr anticipaiion or ¡rro*"c,,tion of litìgnlion amonß Amçritan and the responilent. opinions, investiiatinns or legal rÈ$cûfqh 6. Agrericnl ubjects tu thr: rcques'ts lbr pr"oduction 1o thc cxtcnt that rhc¡' ntlompr to_impû9s 'lexns Rules ol' on Amat¡cff any dúty or requiremsnr bc¡,oid thosc ruquircd b¡'the uppticn}te Civil I'rocetlure. Muruuvcr, Âmeric¿n otrjects lo lhc- i¡rstruitions rr:gartling rtithholcling of the mfllÊrinls dpc to app¡icable privileges anrl {uitl pri:paÌÈ e priv¡lcge log in accordancç with ( jivi I l"rocsd u¡0. nppli c nbìc'['exa.s R ules nf protluce É.spon$ivc tlocumçttts srrb,icet to the Colrtiderfiality litipulaliun und tr¡oreclir.c Orcli;r Cnlcrcd byi the Court orr Jant:aty ?4, 201]. .4mcricun rna¡i redact docunrents lo re¡lrovc nrirlrrial that ¡s privileged, irrelevant, ot nüfl-resporuiv$ ro Snbrr¡'s rwucgts: i. r{rnericnn B. årncrican ircorpotRtcs these (iencrfll Objccticns i¡rtu uaclr ûnd cvcrt' rcspolr$e Third rrill 1o Sabre's Sç't crf Requesls for I'¡ottuclitrn, .1 EXHIBIT C SWA App. 60 I I ßpecific Ohjcctions nnd ltesponses 1. Âll dot:u¡ncnts s¡rd çonìrnunicalions wÍlh third ptrtir:s âbtr¡t üle cnurt tìlings in this lllsuit, inclurlìtrg, but not linliterl to, conrÌflunicntions rvith thc media and ducumcnl$ r*lutinÊ to tl:osr co¡r:lnunicatìo¡rs, üìi5n: Arncrican objccts to thls l{equest au ovirly brord und vuguü r¡s t0 thc tirnË periocl. .,\mcrican has intetpreted the time p+riod åft tllc sûnre tirne period Sabre specifisrl ìn its Flrst RIïP und Êecr¡nd RF?. $uþjccl to these olrjcclions and ¡ts Ptcìiminnry Slat¿ment und Üunur¡lt Objoctiotn, American will prutluco documenls rËspot:sive to this reque$,t, RnSf Z. -4ll duuumcttts s$d cornmunicctions rr:lirting lu Åmçriçanori prcrrtttttinnal efforts, çuntr$c¿u.El retations. or otlrcr n!trccmcnts u'ith kuyak,com and, ittcft,lding documr:nts rclating l0 âtt:/ ilisçoults, pronruliuns trr i¡¡r:er¡tivtsi ctÏ'ererl lt1' Atnerican to uvcrg r)[ sitlustep,com or kn3ak.cour. RESFON$E: Anrerican ubjuutu lu this Request as avcrl¡' broad aud irrclcvnnt r¡s t0 the oontr8rtual relatiorrs rurd sirìoslcp,qç¡n and \.il-quu Hs ts ürc lir¡ti" pcr¡od. ¡\l¡tcricnn h$s interPrËtËd the timc prxiod äs thc same time period Srùrc spccificd in its Filst RFF nnd Secortd RFP. $ul'jcct to these ohjections rurd its Prelintirrat'y titatcmcnt ¡nd Gculral Objcctlons, Am+rican nill produce doct¡m*ts ren¡rnn*it'e to this njqucsl. Fur zury individual irlcntitir:rl in response ro Sahre Interrogatory No, Í), all crcatcd, nritlen, drnilcd, moditìed or ruvies'cd frum Januar¡' *c, 201 ¡ through Jautnry ducuilrcnts I (1. 2fll I. including all calcnd¿r entries, all ernnils vunl ttr rÞr:{:ivnI, all nntr¡s taken, and äny ûlhcf ùruumi¡ntu ur c,onurtut¡c¡lìons iudicnting htrw $lrÊh executives npent during thc liruc pcriod f'rorn.Tanuory 5.2011 tluough Jnnuary ¡0,3(ll l. 3. RESPON$|E: A¡r¡ericarr objccts to rhiç R.equest ns irtelevant fls to thu cmaillr qnÈi cumrnuniculìunc tcccivcd, .{merican furlhçr uhjr;r:t* ttr this Request as ìreittg nlerllt broud a¡td urduly hurdelrsome, iu particttlnr hccnuse Amrric¡ut's Faurth Amundud Pctitio¡r dig¡'usscs horl +sccutìv{:s on rtlflgficâtt's snles tefim spilnl ull <,rl thcir ¡ro¡lr*vir¡r¿r/ tin:c- Subject to this objr:ction a$d its Preliminary- Shlumçnt and (icneral OhiectÍnnso Amelicun will producc docnlnents rcsponsivc lo this rcqtlest. 4, Âll çrxrrrnunications hctwccn Amcrican and Frtclogix regnruling efl\rls 1¡r ¡\merícrm's Diruct üonruc.t progrìrm! lncluding ull uonrmunicaliot¡ç regnrding nny FromotÈ çfftids to nnfliet ¡\rnericzur's Dircct Ççtnect program, RES.F-{}N$E: ¡{rne¡icnn ubjuutu tu this ltequest as vaguÊ as to thc rclcvant timetrnrne. ¡\mrnican f.ilnhcr obJects to thìs ltequrst irs yÊgur¡ ts t0 lhç tcrms "prstnote" nnd "mr¡ket." Subjeot lo this ubjuctiçn ({fld lt* Frelinriuary Slatc¡ncnt and Ûcnsrnl Objcctionr, ¡{merican tçill ¡rrorïuce docurnents rcsponuivc 1o rhis rçquesr. J EXHIBIT G SWA App. 61 t I 5. llccurnÊnls sutTi(rient to shorv ¿\rncriuûn's urtlc-shnring rclationship n:ith othcr ¡irlinss, illcluding dotrrmellts suflicisnt trr nltotu ony airlins rvhh lvlrich ¿\t:rcrican hss n csde' shari¡g rclnrio¡sliip, detu sufïïcient to shorv ttru dail;- booklngs af nll code-shnre flights tluring thc rclcvant time period, ¡rnrt rlcrrtgmctrts snfficient tû shülu the ûnrotìil of tevenue earnutl hy ¡Lmeric¡¡r ün Ítny cuti,;-sbare tìíght. R&q.tONSEl ¡\urericcn uhjcr:ts tn thit ltcqucst âs vâÊluc üs 10 Î.he "rëìerant time pcriud" und lffit,-tt .t, tç lhu &nr*ur¡t äf revcnuc cåfncd b¡- Arnericnn on ¿rny corJe'shrrru flìgtrt- Anrcricnn has inrerpreled the rimc puriud *s the sflme linre puritrrl .Sahr+ *¡recilìed in ils Si¡st T{lF and Sccorrcl Rff. S*tti"ct tolthis abjoction ond trs l¡relirninury Stalcmtnt r*nrl ücncral Objectious, American *'ill pruducc docuttteuts responsivu tr'r úix reque*t' 6. ,{ll csnrmunications wilh un,v thírd party regardirrg thc bookìng fcc'ç American pir,r.s Sabrc. I(E$FON$II,: ¡\nretican objucts to thi$ Requcst ¿is vtlguÊ fts t0 lhc relevant timcfram¡;. hâs ñ*-ti"ân intcrprered tll" ti*r, pcriocl ar the Enrne tirne period tiubrc spr:citìccl irr it*-First R]'Ê ond lieconrJ l{Flr, SuhJcct to this objcctinn ancì its lrrcliminar-'l'Stclsrn(¡}¿ and Çeneml Obicctiurts, Arnericatt witl prod*cc dgcrtments respuruivc Lo l}is requcst. 7. ¡4ll docurne¡rts rulating io the negoli*liono tlnrflinÈ and mcanitrg of Sectious I ând of the li*ptembcr l" !006, Disu'iburiou Crrnl,urrl sncl llcrdified llavnrents,¿trncnclmcnt, includin*e prrrprr sul :r. tlrùfl*, n cgotiatiotr d rl c\tffi tnts' anal ¡- ses and summÐi Ès' 6 EEËfgNËE; $ubjucr to ils llr'rli¡ninary Statcment nnd üener¡l lnotl u cc docunrcnts responsivc lc rltis tcqtrest. Objscliun"'r, ¡\ntcricon uill fi. ¡\ll <iocumcnts rulating to ¡\¡r¡eriüan's contettlion that the $eptcmbcr 1,20{}6, ljistrihutiun Cotne¡rt and ltlodifìcd Palnrent* Àrnundmunt cxpir+* un .ilugust i I , 30 I I , including llut not limltcd tû intCrnAl Bnal¡rses, diuçusritrns, and eon¡mut:icntior:s, ftequest fls yirguri tts tu thç rËlcvnnt timufiur¡tc. Ãmeric-un tr-rs inturprr:led lhe tirne pcriott fts thc snmç time perintl tiubre r¡rtcificd i¡r in Fjrst ßl¡l' Suhject to ihis objecticn ¿utd ils t'rulirniru*y $liilurt¡ertl u¡rd Êenerul nnrl $çconrl (lh.iectilns, ,\mtriuun rvitl ptodrrCe documcnls rusp<.rntiive lrt thìs requ.est. EESBqSE: American ubjur:ts to this Rlrl'. 9, ¡ill {ççum'ntr relaiing to lhc tcrfiìin+tian ç¡ qxpiration date of itny +xistirrg corìtrûct hetruEen $iubrt¡ unil .\utçricsn. ITESPÇ¡*IiE: Arucricur crbjects tu lhis Rcque-st ns overly lrrnad, utrduly bnrrlcuÈûtflq, flfid inrlctrf,xt ss to ün]. c,outntcl uxcupl the lìepterntrcr 2?, 1998 J'urticipn(ìng Carricr Agreement and thc Sr:ptcnrbcr 1,2006 llistriburion üuntc¡tt n¡rd Modificd Payrnents Amendruent, Srrbjuct ttr 4 EXHIBIT C SWA App. 62 I I ttrese objecti$us ånd its Prelirnìnnry $tntumrlrrt and (Ìcnernl Objectioru, ¡lmeticon rlosulncnts rcsponsive tn this r€(¡t¡çtlt. 10. will produce Âll docun:ents relaliog to lhe ågreÈmenl bulrycc¡r ¡\¡uurir:m ancl f:xpedia liy tvhir,h yuu contcnd ")ìxpedin will ucocss ¿\utericnn fnres tnd serviuüs by n rlìrrct cÕt)rìeet link, using luuhnulugy ptoviclcd a GDS," tts âllesed in lraragraph 5? of yaur Sr¡oond .4r¡lclded Pçtltiun, þ RESFON$E: Americnn cbjecls tu tl¡is Request ¿r$ vägue as tu thç rçlÈr,a¡rt tinre pcriod, Ámeric¡n hus interprelpd th+ rime perÌod ûs thc samÕ tlme perinú liahre specifit¡d in its firsi RFP and Sc.cond ll.IF. Subjeur tu tl¡is objection and its Prulinrinary SÉtÊnrÈnt and tcncrnl Obji;ciioos, ÀnEricqn will proclucr tlucunrents rcsponsive to this rcqucst, Rcspcctfirli¡r sub OF COLTSEL: \t'Elt.. toTHsHÀL & tf,{NGI;s Itic.hrr¡d ¿L, Rothman þrn hac I .1,t, \Þashingltrn, D,C, ?0005 (:02) .r4ó.87ã8 t2û2) J4ti-81û1(Fur) COLËtd/t\ LtP Stu{ri n.'rr Ner- ?4U46761 9{}9 l,hnnin, Suit e 36ù0 lluuulun, Tuxas 7?010 3) 632-¡10{rü (713) {i32-Sû03 (Fax) (71 DN\VNY E. I.F,BOHUT' LLP ItlJ Moltcnbrcy (rrrarior ro ãppeû'¡:l,Ìt N.lf,. itted, R. Paul Yetter $tate B¿rNo. 22154?f)0 Anna ltatnran appl i ca t Ì o u Jbr t trcor¡ i¡¡g) ?67 Finh Âvr)¡¡ue Nerv Ynrk, Nerv I'ork ì0153 {.2r?) 310-84?6 t'2t Z¡ 5 I fl-li2ll5 (l ax) Í¡ac tieefile¿ll I l0l New Ynrk Auenue. YË.TTER. m BillF, Boglu State llar No. l)15(: l0U() ll,olnnrt K. Juhnsun State ll¿r Ntr. {Xl0U0t}[14 It/\,t{,tus, }'¡NLEY &, BOGLE. p.C 7?7 lr{ain Srr€et, $uitË 3600 Fon \\'orth, Tcx*s 76102 s t 7,8?0.8?00 817,$32.ôl2l (h'axl .ûTTORNIìYfi tr()t{ trl.AtN't'lt A 1,.t itt I c À."* ÁIRLINËS, INC. H t ç EXHIBIT G SWA App. 63 t I cERTIF ICATE OF lil'lltVlC]: I ccnify thnt a true nnrt cfirfcül cnpy ofthis docurilenl wng scncd on all cnnnsrl of Íjuonl lisæd bclow vin hand delivery, ernoil, arrdr'or ccrtilicd mRil, ruturn receipt requust*d an August J .1tn. Cluis Lind, Esq. Rdph Dugginu,lì$q. $cott I rredericks, !.-*q, I'hïlip Vick+rr, F.sq. AnrlrÈr'r' Palotf n, iisqKaÍherins SwiII, Esq, Burt.lit Beck Hcrrnan Palel:chnr C(rr¡tev llanger t,LI¡ 60{} \Àest fith $lrccl Suitc 30ü Iorl \l|orth, Tr:xac 76ltl2 & Scon LLP 54 West lluhba¡d. fiuitc 300 Chitagu, Illinuis 60654 Kurma üiulizurr;lli. Iìsq. Se¡n trimslcy- Escl Rub Add¡-, Esq. Ilartlit Beuk Hermun Palenchar t¿ Scott LI.P lB99 \4ynkonp Íitrcet, fith Fluor Denver, üCI S0i02 Eill F. Boglc 6 EXHIBIT C SWA App. 64 I t :-ì rì¡ ?ì EJ Ë!: + ,n{'' No, 067-2d9Zl4-10 AN'tliRlCr\s'\IRLTNT'S' INC' lN rHE $ $ ð lt SABRE I-h--C.. et al, )2 lUÞlcl¡\l.#1kruffi oF-. HÅf ,å *;' 'I.\RRA¡¡T coffif,fY, TEXA$.;I 'd $ v :._r t:"' 67Tll $ FI,ÅTIùTIFF'S RNÍiII(INSEË Tü I}EFENN'tNI'$' I''OURTH ñtÍi 'iIl ¡-" JU SE'T OT *::' I Þl(: ià FÏ t S'FlUCl [-r ì <"n II¡QIINST$ I'OR PItODUCTION TO ÄÞII¿ItIC^&N JIIRLINÊS' INC' ïO: Holdi[gs Corporatinn' unrl Ilefentlanls and tounterulaïtn ltlainl'ifl's, Snbre lnc'.? fiuþ¡.r:. (coileJively "Dei'errdants') by and thmugh lhcir cnunsel Sahrc Tlavel f*rÃot¡-it"f Ltrl' Palenghar Jl¿ iìcott LLP, cf rusord, ct¡ris'tiJl,;J,{"dr*" Polovin,'llartlir Br¡:k Hcrnlan Dusg¡ns ånd -Ítcott 54 Þ'cst H,,bb;rd-;"1ù;tì- liOa' Crticagu' IT' 60654; a1!^ nntph 7610?' rrtedericks, ct.iüiüü;; iflp, AO0. fv]Oit lìlreet, Suirc 300, Fort trvorth, Texas' lnc' (*lrrttcricarf') Pursunnt fo Tex. ld. Civ. P, 196, Pluirrtiff Arnericntr ^r\itlines' submits thc fotlowing rrþlecticus and respuruus to Defendntrts' Founh tiet uf Rcquests fur P¡oduction, ()hiecliorts Prelitninary Stntctncnt n¡rfl Gcnçrnt objectinns anrt rlsf¡rr-sys to Deftntlorrts' ,Founh 9çt a Rirle I I Agrecment dnl';d r\ugusL ts' of Roque.rts fu, fru,lucñåi:-^;;;i;* and $nUr" exect¡lr:tl âmgng other thingr' thc ctlstodi.ns' 2ut I tlrur sem out tt *'o'g';å;;l ;i ,h- p-,ttius concetning' in-rcspnrrding-to.Sabrt's l"ourth relevaut ti¡nc frnme ilncl rcarch temls that.qmçtica¡t hasìisecl t,"nitnf *"tre4uþA- tirr. Au'qust 29' 3'011' /tmcrican's RFp pricr ro rhu temint*yìtt¡*"titn to i¡oifiuf,: I I AgËement' Amerlc¿n r¡:rcs not obJcctìon.i, ,rrpunrrr,'än¿îoiu*r¡nn ur. ,ubirñ sahre s-ccks additiorurl pr.rluction in wairç any ¡rdrritiorrat objcctions it muy *urrri-in rhu cvçnt i*l'Ñiliüls l,nurttr dFP nttt. tho tcnrporary lnjunction heuring' I. Thiu ùncument conlqins Z, facts tclatcd to this Hçtion' has uut ..\r¡reric¿n hns ñftt y€t cornplotcd its ¡nïc$t!$¡¡tinrt nf the ¡1,m,:rir,:s:ros Íirr lial' Üonsequently' yet curnplclcd its rtiscrr-r.u;;*|¿ h** tìçllj\tet currfrlctcd its Fre'urutiun pruduce s*bsetltrcntly prejud!+u, t' .A'merican's tighrs tc luter l¡r,sc responses ilT.) giu"n irJit¡*t protlucc Rll evidçnut.' discotcrcd evídcnr.¡,¡;;l-ti,üä,h"'pinnf otpr.tcnttyknorrnlrclsattdto "':*"".ã dìscovçrcd fåcts' ¿isucrve¡ed. ,oî.rltfr'g to rhe pruof of suhseqrruntìy If to ¡hçsc rçqtrl€sls tts i|.undcrslal¡ds nnd interprets llrtnu that díffers frotn that of jLmcricen' Arr:ericfirt lJ+fqntlants ,ut ro¡,,.,ttìl;ra;;-* -i; i¡rterr:rerniip¡r nccorelin*l¡-' irs right to sup¡rrrrerrt its rcsponies 'nrl ubjCctions l. ¡1,muril:an has respondttl of the dçcumcnts sought b¡' tltcs.ç ¡\murÍus¡t does ntll çt¡ncede thc rr:lCvnnce ç¡ ¡¡n¡çritrlitV and do not waive the follouirtg: uul.r.i+ct ta r(,!(,luÈsts.'l'he rcsPon $eR.\Ël furth bùlorv are 4- EXHIBIT ! 0 ô EXHIBIT D SWA App. 65 t t r¡ucstions or uhjncrions to (i) compctency, relevanuy, Inûtefi4liry) prívilege, or u(ìn¡issihilitv of evirlence or (ii) rhc usc.of the respans$ gir'trr hereiu in an¡' purpusc¡ subsurluu.rt pmceeding oi triat in lhis or any çrther nctïon fot Ony other å. ull thc right to atrject to olhct discovery proucKlíngs luvolving 0r tcl$tÈd to thu subjcct rnotter ofìhc rcqrrest to rvhich thls tesponse iu rlirscLçd¡ And b. the righi st nrny time to rr:vìsÈ, crrrr€rt- add to, ot clarif¡- the rrsprrrsc. is given uubioçl ta corrcctign Ofuny l¡ur:h ornissig$s or ctrçrs. whieh c. or Iusofnr âs these Tequcsts for produulion tnay be considcrcd as calling ftrr tlucumcnts the 'dll(]rnÊy conclusion$' infoHn¿tion exempü;tl fnlm disclosuis b:i the allomcy'clicn-t Privilege, thcorìcs cf its annrneys, Ârnuricnlr .Irss nlso õ,úläi, inventigntion* or fiÀ*i resuurçh orrcquiring produuliun pl'drrcnlltents or inlhrmation for präducrion as. ¡rot interpreråd rt*.rc rcqgests ;;rF"*J¡r anticipaiion nr pmsucutiorr of litigntion arnong American anrl thc tcsponcìent, 5- ú$ rì:quqsts tbr producl.iott to ìlte extent that thcy'Àttcmpt lïir:lDose Rïles of ûn Arnerican any dúty ort*.¡,iircnì.ttt l¡eyond those requirud by tlrc applicatle Tc.r$s lt¡ thu instructiorrs lÈgôrding r,vithhtlding cf civil Frocc<lure- bf,rr*uu*r, American ob¡e.r* with the rnaærials due 6 opplfcãile prìviicgcs rurtt ivilt Fref¡ârË a privilcgc log in accoril'rurcc applicablc TEtas l{ules of Civil Procedutc, 6. -Americ¿m objccts r0 Conhtlcnriality' ¡\merican will produce respurrsîr,e docurnçnts sultlect Lr¡ lhr: .i¡tntc¡rded ff, 201 l- Arncricon rnry rutìuut tiriputntiun an¿ protcctñã brder uni*l*d by' thc üor.lrt un rlugust ¡s privileged, irrçler'ãnl, $r nott'fcsF0nsive lo Sghre's dr:r;umcr¡ls to ne¡ro1ê tn6t"tio¡ lhâ! ?. rcquests. ttr the Aurerica¡t objccrs rç thc cxrcut those rcqueslñ seek matcrials th¡t are not reltrtr:d ¿nd tvlodified Payments Arncnd¡ttcnt tt"giurrs- os that tenri ¡r ,luiin*¿ iu the Dlstributiòn CQnturrl bct'¡'ccn American and Sabre- S: g, At¡erican objccts lo Sftbrc'g rlcfinitiun of ".{merican Cuslumtr$" as inclucliug urrtities other thsn Sabrc Subscribers, ta Sabrc's .Amgricnu incorpurntes tl:esc Gcneral Ohjcotiu¡rr irtto each Ðud rt'ury tçËFntlf,Ê Fourth set o[Ruquestr for Itroductìon, lû, 2 EXHIBIT D SWA App. 66 I I Spsrific Objcctions nntl ltcspon*us l. All dqcg¡neuls ancl uurnmurìicatinus regarding AA's efforls üo distributc its eorìtent through nnÌ- non-Snbre andior nun-ÜDS ùistribution cl¡arutr¡I. RE$FPií$E: ..¡rnrerican objucts lti this rÈquÊst as vüguc as to thcmcåning of "non.snbre ¡rntl,'or ,tr*GD$-d¡rrribr¡¡ion channet." Subject tu this obJcction ond its Preliminnry Statenrunl urrd Gcrreral Objeciions, American will ptnduce doauments responsive lô this rcqllÊst. Z. .4tl tlocurnsrits rcgording l[rnerisan'u ¡uìiuirs or pìans tìrr dislributior¡ of ancillary farcu, nt full ccntertt. ínoluding tho stl[tÊg:/ tbr such diutributiun. RESFCINSE: Subjec.t to its P$iirÉinary titatemcut and Gcncrn! Objcctlonç, Americrtn '¡'ill pmrlrtue docun¡ents rcsporuivc to this request' 3. dosuments âüd communica[ions r.clating tú àtu:rnÞts by Alnericnlì or f nrr.lltrgix to cornpcic rvith anrv GDS thr distribution uf fotc itrlbrlnntion' All $-ESPqT$F.: ,\merican ohj*crs (ú lltig request asi vilguu ttntl urnbìgurrus âs_Îo thc_ mcauing nl' Gffituhjecr to rhcic objectious ând its Prellminary statemcnt unrl Gr:¡u:ral objectìo[s, Anrericuu will prutluce dacutnelrts rcspoilsTvË to this requË.sl. 4. Ål[ {jumnrünications u'ith Farclogix regardÍng any üD$. Statenre¡rt nud Gcncrnl Ohjccllnns, Àmericm v.ill docu¡netrls rosponsive to this ruquust. prrrducc lî,li$CeN$g: Subjccl to its Prelimìnury and co¡¡nrunic$tion$ relating to the rrbility of Ântcricnn, Tarelogix, or others to csmpcte $,,ith any GDS through otì'ering incuntivus or Êrìy forrn of rcnru¡rcration to tiavcl agents or torporute ßrtrvêl custo¡trers, S, Àll 4ocumunfs ItnlT¡r()NSt:: ¿l¡¡¡crisan objects ãÑrw"t""-¡ubject to thcsõ 1o this rÈquEst as vâgue nntl +ntbiguous m to the T:Rning oi çhiecti<rn* *ql lts Prçlitninary- Stntsrnent and Csn{:r&l Oh.iecliorrs. Amc,rican rvill ptoduce docttmsnt$ n:Rpnnlive to rhis reqllest, d0cumunfs ûnd s0nrnrnnic¿nliuns rrlutcrl !o ûrly husiness plar. strûtcgi' cT (krnntrct, inclrrdittg doflltnents âtlcmll to in{uur lnrvcl agcnts to switch liom a Ül}ti to l)i¡r*t relatci 1o thu lìnnrcial coú 1o Arncricqn ot nny such plun or :llftrtr;g,]- attd documents relntod to llnanci¡l or other inscnlivCg l+ travel elg€nlË ûÌ gorpûffrt€ tratel customers, 6, All RXSFCINFE: "tmericon objr:r:t* rn this ïËquEst us v(\guo and etntrlguntl$-ãlto the mcaning of çffi;bjçct rû thËsÉ objcctiorrs nnd its trelimirurry '$lalcmcnt qrrd ticttcrnt Objectiorts' Americun will pruducc cloculnçnts respursivr; 1<r tltis request' r EXHIBIT D SWA App. 67 I I ?, AlI tlocumcnts and corn¡nuniçations letated to Atnerican's unhrn<ìllng of seniËes, includìng arrcillury scn'iocs srrcll as priority boading, scnt selection, Iug,gage" iucluding ilrc rcasons thr such unbundlirtg, or fures ftlr chçck*d RFSFONSE: Å¡rurìcan ohiects to thc phrase "Ameríçln's unbundlirrg of fares for serviccs"' as nríslcurling hecause íl ucsum(,'s that those sffvicçs qualiti' are farcs and that lhosc servicee werst previously' bunrllutl" Su1:iect to ùis oblection and its Pn:lirninary Slaten¡ent t¡ntl ü*neral Objuctiols, ¡lmçrican will prroducc documarls rcsponsivc to this reqnest- 8. All communicfftion$ u.ith uny thírrl pany. including lravel agenls, rcg,atding Llircct Oonnecl, l.urclogix, or üy other ftruüitator of Dircct Con¡tcct 0r ony nther diiccl Ëuruir'ct¡otì tö an aifli¡tcs' çorrtËnl! hrclutling alrlir:e rvcbsl¡cs. RESPON$E: A¡rrricnn ohjects to lhis rcqr¡ç.\t Írs vågue and urrtbiguous tts tt the mcirning of "facilitat<rr," Sr.rbjcct to thts ubicction snd ils PrelimlnRry Stateu:ent aud Gcncr¿l Ohjections, -4rncricân will pruduce documul¡Îs t+rpottsive lo thls Tequest. 9, documsnts flnd ço$muniçation* lçlated to thc compctitìon hëhvÊdn GDSs snd single-ciurìur rliutrihution charutels, such as ''supplicrs-con" ard direcl-connuc( pruducts, ¡\11 RI|ÍiEONËE; Ameriçan r:bjucts lo this rcqt¡cst Ês vilguÉ and irmbiguous lts to tlte mr:unlng of "singtc-carricr distributlon çhunnels" attd "'51rppliers, curn" Suhject to thcsc obJcctions and its Prclirrr irrar,v fitaicmcnt and öeneml Clbjcctions. Âmeri can r+'ill ¡rroduue douurilcnls rcsponsivr: l,o tlrin requesl. 10. documÊnty ¡rnú cornnruuic¡ttions related ru thu impact of rnet¿¡sçnrch pm.iects such ru linyak ond {looglc,rITA on airlinrl tickcl dístribution, Âll RSTSPONSH: Suitiecr ra its P¡clìrnínrry, Staætncnt nnd Oenur¿l Objestions, A¡rcncan will pruducc dncunrents ruspun$ive to thir rcquest. Ilacumcnts sullicient tu sl¡uw the share of Amcrlcan bnokings mudc tluough nonI t. channcls f'or the lart l0 years ¿uttl thc pencÈntags <rf ycarl¡ Anterictn bouking,s mndc llabrc tluough cur.h sucl: cltatucl, REIÈËONËE: Arnerican ohjccts to this rËqücsl tts ovet*y hroucl r¡.s Ur the tirneframc. Subject lo tts F'r-änrñt)' Stotcmcnt und tJcncrsl t)hjectiorts, A.mctican will pruducc do+urnents responsit'e t(} this ruquùs Dûflrments sr¡fl¡cle¡rt to slrow tll cosls of distribution of ¡\A's tickets lhnrugh non-Snbru chunttels, h¡r channcl, inclurling ¡\¿\'s dirç.ct slulutels. 12, 4ESPç}SiSE,; ¡lrnerican objccte t(r this rcqu*st HS utgìts attd ornbiguouu t.* ûc¡ tl:e mcaning of "n<tn.Sailt* chnnnels." $uþiect to ils PrÊliminary Stntcmcnt an<J {.ienerat ()bjoctious, Americun rt'ill producc doÇtunelrts resprrnñive to this rcq$csl. 4 EXHIBIT D SWA App. 68 I I 13. (lopies of ull corrtracts Amerícrin h¿s had in thç lusl lcn yeilr$ with travel âgcnl$ or c t)rpofetc ¡¡å,vcl c¡storners, incluri ing â men d rne¡tts au d n'uppt enteuts tlrcrclo. Rn$HlNSlI: Subjer:r t<¡ irs Prclinriuary $tatyrnunl unrl rhrcuntents responsivc to thl$ rÊquest. ¡noduce llcncral Oh.iectinns, American will t4, .åll docunrents nnd cornrnunications rclatcd tt thc ncgotiatiqn und interprelalÍrrn of Amerlcnn's conûcclç r¡.ith tr¿vcl agents or cetïorðtË tral'el cus(umerso incltrding the duralion of the contructs unrl uny inc,:¡dves, inclutìïng fi¡rntrcial and non-financial rc'rnuncråtioli, mode by Âl¡rcrican. tfUÐ*pO:{SE,: ¡\¡ncrlcnn otrjecu ro this request as nnduly bunlcnsomc, Sutrject 1o this.objr.rctìtrn Stntcment and Gç:ri.'ml Oìrjectians, Alnericun rtill protluce dncu¡ncnls rç$pûnsit'c tct this request. ;ri¡' ¡rt' f."limin"ary 5, Copìcs of alt r:cntracts.ûl¡tcrican has h¿rd in lhe tnsl ttìn )ç"arß with any GDS othcr thnn Ëobre, inchrlÍng irrrrcndments and sttpplemenls therelo. t RESPONSE: .{rnçrtcon ohjects t* lhis fçqu€st as unduly burùens.rnre and irrclcvant becanse ¿¡¡cricsn's contr¿tcts *,itl¡ ¡[tler $l]Ss iravc no hearing on lhis rlispulc. ¡ltncrican objecls lu thi,* iÀq.,est to thË eìrtent ir ser;ks conlìdential trudË srcret infornration. Amc¡ican o$ects tn this requr*t as overly brund as to the ¡imci'runre. llubjeot to thc¡s objcctions ürd its I'rclìrnlttary S¡ufemcnr arul Gl¡ernl Obj,cctions, American will procl*uc doçurnenis rerponsivu lo this request. 16. ,\ìl d¡cunrcrrls ¿urd comrnunicatiuns rultrlilrg lo tltc negotialion uf ¡\rnericsn's eontråcts ç'ith Sabrc nnd sn.l- olhcr õDS over the lasl ten yuius. lfETiPqNStr: Àmcricùrt nhJecrs to lhis ruqur'st as undnly btrclcnstrmu ¡rnd irrclevant bsüaus'c Ánrq¡cå$tiontracts with oihcr fiESs hnvc no hearing on thi$ dispul,s. ¡l¡tlçricsn objects ttr lhir¡ *qrr*rt to the qstcnt lt s¿eks conflrdcnlisì hade secrct inlorrn¿tion. 5r,rlrþct to thcsc ah.iections onå irs prcìiminary $rutcrncnl und C¡enffal Ohjer:tìons. Americnu will produce documclnls rcsponsive to this fi;(luclll. I ?. /rll dosu¡¡rctìt$ and conrmunículicns related to any busincss plnns. Pnlposals, trl strategies tþnt inyulvu +hargil:g titl$S a¡d Ftvel ngents for ¡lr¡cess lt¡ ¡rrcricott airfnres. REç'Po*\sEl $ubjeur ur its llrelimintly slaternent and Üenerill (.}hjr:cli+nr, Al:tericnn rvill producc documtntc responsivu to t'lris reqrËst. 18. documenrs äff] commu¡ications ¡r:lutcd lo tlu: çtrst to A¡nericnn of selling and bpahing tiukcts fhrough tirect Connuut, Farelogix. or aul' facilitâtöf ûf flilcct ConnËct. ¡\ll 5 EXHIBIT D SWA App. 69 t I RESPQNSE: Americun uhjr-.ct-s tc this requcst Àc ïague ancl nrnbiguous ûF_to llre meitnin¡¡ of Suliect tr¡ thcic objcctions nntl ils Prcllntinary .$Ìurçment nnd Gcnctal ()bjections. ffil.*" American rvill prorJucc docurneuts resportsive tt this rcqutst. 19, and communìc¿rlir)rts rclotcd tn the c.ost and huoking tÍckr:ts tlrrctlgh lhe Sithrt GtlS. or ðny ûthcr GflS' Àll dncumclrs tt lJâvcl aßçnls of sclling REqPf}r*Sn: At$ericsn objccts to this ruqucst å$ !Àgue and urnbiguotls fls to ttíe rnuuning of "".*rr¡ SuU¡cct to th€sß rrbjËÊtìors ard its Prclirninnry Stntemenl ançl Gcttural Objeclions, Americau rvill prothrcc dncumen(s ruspollsive to this ,{Jl rlo¡:une¡ìtfi â¡td communiçations rutnt+rl lo lhc and booking lickcts thmugh f)irect Conncçl. zCJ. co-st to trûvel ûgcnt$ nf sclling Rfi.SpON$E: Anrericnn olliects tu tl¡ig tcquest as v¡rgu{J uncl antl:igucrrìs ãs lô 1þÈ rnelning {rf 'cr"t.ffibjcct to rhese objcctíons and its Pretlminary Slalerncnt aud Oeneral Objuotìons' .t¡neric*n rvill proçluuc rloanmcnts rcsponsil'e lu this rcqucst, Zl. presentations and rlrafl ptcsurttratlons regnrding Àmçrìcan's Dircct Connuct Program, a¡rd ¿rll cornrnunicaLiorts lgl¡ted theretu. Copi*s çf all RESFON_SE,: $çbjucl tÕ ¡ts PreUfltinary fltatc¡l¡cnt lnd (leuernl Objuctions. Ànlcrican wlll produue duËume¡tts respôltsivc io this rü(lucst- ?2, All docuûrsnts sn{ c¡lrn¡¡¡ulricêrtions rclntcd trr tlte plnns and pollcìes regunling r;uston:ers, ittcluding vitthout limit¡ition ticketing tics" that Americurr chnrges lu its tècs, baggugu fues. change fecs, on-board f'ood anrl serviçus' seat selcctiort f'ces, call .;r;ntur fc.'s for rËserï-ûliont, ond enrly boarding fbvs. ,,ancillary l¡lî$pON$E: Arncrican ab,jccrr to this rçquÈst fls vÍrlltìe nntl nmhilruous cs to thc mcanlng af ffiçubjecttothistrhjcctior:tndítsPreIiminary$tatclnutt(n¡dÜenert]()bjer:tions. (u Anrerican r+ill ¡rucluc* docr¡nrçñts fesponsivc tltis rcquest' 2j. Dtrçumcnls sufficienl lo !ìhu$J ¡lncrican's snles by distrihution mcthod {i'+', ihrprrgh a üD$, dircct c+nnect¡ ur ulirür chanueli exprusscd in terl:ls of numbcr of buoking*, pçrcentÐge of tcvcrtue f'or tlt+ lnst l0 year*' ¡)crcc111âûc of hookings. rlullar çnluo, {rftl RESFONSET ¿\mcrlcan objrcls lo thir requ{lst llq r'¡tgue as to tfic tncaning, of "perænl+gr: of boùk*CtJ Subjcut to this objoction and ìts t¡n:liutÍttar¡' Statemeut ¡lntl $çrreral ()bjcctiûns, Àmcrlcãn r'ritl pruJuuc tlocutnents res¡tut.sive to this IEqric$I, ?+. rliscussing ,.\merican's obligotions to provitlu Full Conlc-nt to Srbre unttur thc Sabre FC¿\ or Åmcntled l¡CA ur DC.r\ O¡ttion' All docruncntÍ and comnrft¡isnlions 6 EXHIBIT D SWA App. 70 It REtìPgNölt: /lrn{irìùÊrt objec,ts to lhls rçquest as inelevunt as to tltc Sabre FCA nntl Í}C õFtl""-,tuìr_iect to this objoction nnd ily Pr--linrirrsry Statstnenl ancl 6cnçrel Ohjections. r\rnericur will produce doctlurents rc*ponsivo to this rcqucst, All dosrnenls äff| crlmmunicntions relatcd to the allegltion in I'ar+gtap} Ú4 of .å.urericnn"s'Ihinl ¡\lnel¡ded Faition, lhä1 "a Sabrc $ubsuribr:r has tlot bcen ablu tu prlce 25, Ânterican's itineraricg," REsFGxs,E: suhiect to ìts Prcl{mlnnry litotement und Gcncral obj'"'ctions' ¡¡¡ç¡içi¡¡ r+'ill ptcrduce dclcumenls rcspottsivu 1o this nx¡uosl' All docunrcnts antl com¡nunieÊ1ìons related to the ullcguliort it¡ llarngr'+ph 64 of 'l'hird ¡lmr¡nrlr:d Pctition. lhßl o'Anothsr s¿hre $ubscribff founú çcrtaiü ¡\mcrigsrl Âmcricfln.$ t'a¡es wcre unsvailable inthc Sabrç {ìll!i, tven thouglt thcrc nns availnbility." 2ú. RESPqN$E: Srrbject tu ìrs Preliruinnry Statement and (ienErnl Objuctions. Americ¡rn wiil prorlucu d(rçu¡nents re.spolrsivc lo this tëque.Jt. All docgmcnlç and curnrnurúuatiorrs relnted to tho tllcg,alitrt ítt I'aragraph 64 af 'l'hi¡rl ¡\mcndr:d Petition, thnt "Ê cuf,'totlrer spocificd irincrary diil not rt'turn any .Étmerjcan's -/r¡nçrica¡'s [*ic] flight. €veû thou¡ih Amerisu¡t lrad tlights ñsilnblc on lhnl rüute-" I{ESP-QNSE: Subject to its Prr¡linrinar.v Statcmeflt and (ìeneral Objuctions, A¡ueric¡m t¿'ììl 27- produce docttments rus¡rrnsive to this tcquÊst- Âtl rlocuments nnd com¡nunioaliuns rcl¡rtcd to the April 4, 201t mu¡nnr¡ndntn of (i? of ¡tncncon's 'lhird rurderst¿r¡dÍng hcnrren American crrtd Fxperlin, refermcr*l ìrt Paragraph Amended I'elition. ?8, RESPON#E: Âmcrìcan objtols fo rhis request as inulevur¡t. Srrllject to this objuction snd its to Ptçt¡¡n¡pa,T, Ståtcnìçrrt unrl ñenerat Objælions, .4metic¿n rrill produe.: douuurents resptrrr$ivÈ this requust, lg. .All docr¡mcnts anrl r:orff$utt¡cstions mgnnling thc nbilit-v of the Snbrc GI)S to oflcr thc sume srrviççu urrd cotrtent üs J\fiiËt¡cÐl's lJireut ücnncut prtJdilÇ|. nESITONSE: Subjcct to its Prclirninßry Statenrenl *nd Gcnr;r¿t Oh.iections, tuirurican will pulucc documents responsivc to this requcul. Atl communìcations, prosenmdon* or other muteriuls lhat ¡\¡¡rr¡ricsn has hud u'ith nr prolÌd*d to trayol nÈËnß, corprJralc ttûçel cr¡stomsrs ttr othqrï rçßurdinÊ llltethor or üot A¡neric¡rn wÍll rcrn¡in în tlre Subrc systetì\ including any documents ûr communiuÈlìons discussiug nhernntiue boo*ing meuhani$ns, sltch os DÍrect Cunneul, 30, I EXHIBIT D SWA App. 71 I t (iener¿l Objuctiotts, lllitìt'CIN5E: $übjçct to its Fru.titrinary $tntemcnl and Americ¿rn ruitl ¡noduuc doguntcnts responsive ln this rcqucgt. lle*¡*ctful ly subrn Ìtted, OF COT.J}ÈSEL: YETTERCOLEI,IAN ].I.P llrEIL, (ì(Tl'll.r^ll,\L & IvfAlitES tLF Richnrd r\, Rtlhnr¡n R. Paul Yetter Robert Ilerezitt Erlc tlnchsturil Annu Rolrnan 76? Finh Àvenue Ner+ York, Ncw York l0l5l (21?) 3 1û*8426 (2 l2) 310-8285 (Fa:c) IIËWEY & LEIIr)t:titr LLP h{J bÍoltcnïre¡r I l0l Nert York ¿tvrt¡tte, N.W. \\iashington, f),C. !,{}0Os (20?):ì46-8738 i2ü2) 14d-8102 (sa.v) St¿1c t]ûNu.221542û0 Stntc [ìar lrc. ?41]'167{i1 909 lunnin, Süilt 360CI I loustou, 't'cx{às ?701 0 (713) 632-80û0 17l3ì 6r'?-8002 ( ftå Bilt F. Êogìc Srstc ßur No, 02561000 Itoland K..lohnson Srate l3ür Nu. 0û00008a H.^RRI$, FINLEY&, BOCII,F., I'.Ü, ??7 lvtai¡t Streel, Suie 3ú00 Fort Worth. Texas ?6102 817_8?0.87û0 817.532.613ì (tux) ¡\TT0RNüYS f Olt t¡I'^[$;TIFt' Alvtb,Rl C¡\N .\IRt. IIIES' INC, ti EXHIBIT D SWA App. 72 I I CERT 1$l C.#J'Ì,i rJF fiERVICR I certify tlurt u lrue and c.onrcct copy otthir dneument ,¡us ui:rrcd on ell coursel of re{iurd listed belou, dn ha¡d deliucr¡-, cr¡tail rurd/or üeflilicd muil, rehrtt receipt r{\qücstcd! on Áugwt , zot t. Ralph lluggìns, Ësq. Chris Lind, Hsq. $¡;ottFrcdcricks, Esq, Ithilip Vickcrs, Esq, ¡\rr*lturç Polovin, Cantuy Hanger LL'P 60f! \Vest 6th $treeq Sulæ 3{X} lor¡ \\bnh, Tesas 7ólti2 Bartlit ]lcck I ferman I'ulenchur & Scott l.LIr E sq, Kntheline $wilì, Fsq. 54 Vvest Hubbnrd" Suìtc 300 Chieago, lllìnois 6tlf:54 Knnna Giulianelll, tisq. Senn ürimsley, Est Ðon¡rttl fìcott. Bnnlit tseck Hcnrto¡t Patçnchur & Scntt l.l,l¡ 1899 \!yrrtoo¡r $trce,t, Bth Floor f)Êrrver, L.O 80202 * tsill F. floglu I EXHIBIT D SWA App. 73 -\o, ü(r?-1.1t)Z l4-10 (ì AN.IIiRIüAN AIRLNNS^ INC. $ I'l¡irrtiff and Counterûlaim D+fcnd¿nt, 'ë. IN TIUì.rtil)tcl^L Ê&- 9v 8\J' N $ $ SÂBRNTNC.. I..¡ $ HOl.DIN(iS C()lìP., nnd SAnRn TR IVEL D{TF,RNA'I'IONAL LTf,- âT' TÀRRA}'IT CÜUN $ S-A-ÊRE $ $ Ilufc'nçl ants ûnd Counterc Ißi fit P¡ûi ntiffs. .EMjE'R tå'A.c. I' JOt NT IIOTI ON OTI I lilt III {.ìl I Ll¡ S EN$t $ 6?TH TIDICIAI NIS]"RTCT Ff]R (] l{ DIi,ltS'l'O PRçITECT I'I{irf}n sECR-Er S ÀN I} ETÀRy BU$INESL$ INT"ORM ATION TM. I'IIOPRI pursuant lo Rulc ?6a(5) anil tho Court's inhe¡(ïl, p(rþ'et to plÞìcct lrâde secrct's and oTlcr prrcprir.lnry informaticn, lhe pnrtics respÈctlully fçquest that thc Ctrutt consitlcr äntl tnler such urdsr$ âs fi.nË üecessary lo ¡mlecr iradc sccrct ând other confìdential and proprietury infr;nrtâtiott rhat may be iliscuss,rd nr conlriucd in evidencu offcrcd at the Âugust l?,2011 ltcaring trn gs ft)llotvs: Sabre:s spêcitl cxc.eptions, Às grcrunds thereforc, the panies wrrtlltl shou'the Court prior tu thc commençemënl of Ciscovery in this r.rese, rhe pmtìi:s recognizcd thnt ttûde socnct and other si¡üitsr inl'onnation u'Ss likely to bc ïn ìssue in this litigr-tinn. '['o ussurÙ Ittto s Coüfid+nLiality Stipt¡[6¡¡on guvr"rnirr*û ' ¡:rateclipn çf srlch rnatcrinl, thc Fûrlïe,q enteretl Sunrllir:g of all docrulr".nl.s, testimnnynnrl otltcrint'ormalion, . . given or hlod durlng discuvqr.v and ur^hcr ¡rroceedings in thìs aÊtìr¡n." Un Jttnucry' 2+, 301I the Coun entered thc Stlprrletion us an üirle¡ cf lhç Cault,I Subsequ*il1y., the pnnies excha¡rg,ed nluuerorrs trade secret alrd proptictûry çonlraÊts' finuncisl datq sïrd gther sunsìtive businsss duçu¡ncrtts. i'*or e:tan:¡le. Sahre hos produrlcd to I nn Arntnded Tlrc parties rublcr¡ucntiy tccoÊ,lized:ho nccd ,lìrr çver grcirlet'lcvcls of conlidcnritlify'and crccu:cd Cãnñ,ieniiuiifr' Sttpirtåìi(ì; fltvi,!irtg ftrr r lovcl oflconlidcntinliry that would-prc¡hibit dlsclnsuru t'¡ ¡nv bul ot¡LcldÊ *unrrì. tnç i,*rq ¡nC court pr¡5trnirxl, Tftìs ttl¡rulmion $¡s cîlctcìl ffi an OrdÈr of lhc Cuurl ttn Àugurt S' 20 t I ' EXHIBIT å3 EXHIBIT E SWA App. 74 ¡\rnericnn copier of its ngreenrenls rvith trnvcl ngcncics ancl othcr ¡irlincs, 'lltc ugß,:qrr¡t:nl$ arc se¡rnù,rIlial ullrl proprìutnry hr Sührr ås r+ell as ht Salrre's l:rrsitlu*s Ptt1llel's. tcrms of thcsc: I.ikcwisc. Alrcrtcan lras Þroduced to $ehre copies of confidÊntia[ business plnns unrl l"tnilncial data. ln addition, the pntíes hnve excha*ged confitlenlinl infc'rmution nbout ond suught discovery fiom tl¡ìr,C partics. Þisalosurs of cornpetitive position as thi¡ rnolcriûl rvnuld he hsrmful to ench pnrty"s rvell ¡s tl:at of thcír bt¡sintss [ìarlnr"r$- Thc parties bçli$vu thut lhçir ccrufîücrrtiul inñ:r¡ttstÌrrn. aç rtell as the conficlenlinl Inlhrmælnn of t}l¡d parties, t'ill he presented and tiiscussed in detail u'i thru Âugusl 13, ?l)tl hearing on Sabre's specfur! excupliuns, Both partlcs' brlctb clth¡r rct'crcncc or discuss documsnts idcnrificd by onc or both partics a¡ contidentia! nnd pruprietäry includfng c¡nfide¡rtial sg,rcêments and confìdentiat intern¡l colnpuny ftcôfds. \l'ilhout I thu* partles' tcmpolnry scoling oriler, lhcse lrude secrel mat¡:riuls caulcl bc intrr:Juued and discttssecl in op;tr cot¡rt thrcalcnin$ lmmçdiarc and irteparnbte harm. Accordingty, tho pnrt les respcctnllly n¡qucst lhst th€ Cout't, ptnsuirnl tr¡ Ruls ?6u and thq Cuurl's Írùrcrçnt powcf to protcct ttedc sccr+ts and o:hcr propriettrr;- informar{on" cntcÍ such crders as arc ncccssar], to tcmp$rnrily scul lhosc porlions of thc Court's ¡ecnrds lhnt mtty, us n resnlr of the hearing on Sab¡c's spccinl cxcclpticns, conlain cnrrlìdcnli*l ttnd* sccrct pn:pri*:tury busi¡lqss ¡rrsleriÈl belortgir:g to Ternpnrar¡r ssaling tlu and ¡artres to this cas€ íls rtell ns to thi¡d pctrtics. of these records is necussury bccuusu u spcuifiu, sc¡iuuv unr] sul¡.çtsrrriÈl inrcrcsr clcarll'nul*,clghs the presumptic'n of openness unil itny adtetue eff¿ct thut waling uuuld huve r¡pun thu gunurol puhllc hcalth cr solcty. and hecause no less reslrictit'e meuns will ¡dqqustËly and effectirely protect the speuilic inl¿rçsl* ûssertcd. lÄÌithout $¡ch ordÊr$, 2 EXHIBIT E SWA App. 75 irnrncdintc nnd irrcpnrablc injury rvill rçsult lo Sabrr; åÌtd .4mÈricen bcforc nolicc cûr bc ¡tostcd ¿nd r hearing held as cnntemplated by ltule 76a. In urlrlilirrn, lhu Frrrlis'* di.eçusstng, offcring Rnrl thei¡ ållrìmÈyr agtee or artcmpling to ofttr an."- to lìrst a¡prouch the hench prior to exhibits or argumenl unnllining confidenti¿l informntìun. this will allorv thc Court ta enler such onlcrs ag arc ncccssâry Io clo$e oûurttoom lo ûc public and lo personneln the partíes, and Thc cxcludc frnm the courrrüom all persons uthçr thun Cr:url thc parliss' coungcl rvho arÈ Fcfttlittcd to victv thc ¡rarticular colrfrdentinl itern or nrate¡i¿l to bc ofl'rrctl rrr discr¡ssgd. lfrrlers lho*e steps äte taken, imn:edialc i¡ntl inepurablc injury rïill rucult. I,VIIEREFOÍ{Ë, thc pirrties urge rh+ Cüun to cnt* such orders as are teasonable an¿l ilcctssorl t0 pÍolçct thçir Ïrade secrets und olhe¡ highly gensitiv+ buslncss nnd proprictnry inforrnatinn. EXHIBIT E SWA App. 76 Ilated. August ll , Ztlt t v It R ns 06t83?0û Taxas Ðar Scotl A. Fr+drìchs Texns BurNo, 2aü11657 PlrÌlip A. Vlckers Tcus BnrNo, 2a05160f CANTEY H¡T\GERLLP 60tl West 6th Strcel, $uitc ForrWonh.TX A(10 76103 Tuliphtrru:: (8 I ?) 877-21100 Ì acsimilc: (8lzl 8?7-28Ct7 Cl¡rir l,i¡rd Illinuìs Rar Nu- ó2254ú14, Colorarlo Bar Na. 2?719 .Andrerv Foluvir lllinuis Bnr No. 62T5?07 Kuthe¡ineh{. Swill Ilinois I]a¡ Nr¡, 6?90S78 üÁ.I{I'LI I' tsEÜR ]{L.ITIVTÀN Ï'I\LENCHAR & scflTï t,I.P 54 R''est Huhb¿ncl Strcct, .9uie 30û CÞ.icagu, lL 6û610 'l'elsphone; {3 l¡) 491{4C,0 T?ncsimile: (3 l2) 4944440 Iür¡¡ru ['{. Giuliiuçlli l¡ru larc sicc/ Colorada flar Nn.309lt, Cal, BuNir. 184175 Scan C. Çrimsley {pro hrc úce penrling} Colorndo Bar No, 3$423. (ìal. Ear Nc,. tl674l Sundecp {Rob) K. ¡\tldy Texas Bar Ìio. 24ú47421 I lA t('t T,t' t' óü. I I ti{.: I st()'f]'LLt' S9t) \\ yrrkorrp K II tJ(fvlitN t,/tl.Eí\'c HAR ätreet, Eth l lo+r, CCI 802t¡2 Telephone: (3ü3) 592-3100 Facsimtler (303) S9?-3110 ûonrueJ.þr Ðefvtd+lrr¡¡ -lloÍdr mgs Co r p, .SsÞre Írc,, anrJ Sn Jrre inraur:l l¡ SøD¡o ¡ f r"rnr¡l lc¡ral r.d. 4 EXHIBIT E SWA App. 77 tsogle Stalu tsnl No, 0ú2-rúI00 Rolsnd K. Johnson Statc Bu¡Nu, 000Crû084 ¡1Atl.R$i. ljtNI.tiY ¿Ê fxxil.H, 777 lr'lsln Strcct. $uitc 3600 Fort \[:cr{Jr, Tcxus ?6 l$2 1,.(: 817.870,8700 817,332,ó12t ituri) R, Paul Ycncr srale BnrNo, 2215420{t Anna Rotrnan $tute B$rNu, 24046761 Yl iï'l'Iilì C()LHit{¡\N LLP 909 F,3nntn, Sui¡e 3ó00 llor¡ston, Tcxns 77ll l(l 7 r 3.631,8000 ?13.t32.11ü02 (faxl It4ichclle Harmtan¡ titate Bnr No. 340i24(ll 1VEII.. GOTS]IAL & MANÜES LLTI 20rJ CrÊsr'Èr¡t Ëor¡¡t, Suire lÜll Dullns, Tcxas 75201-6950 ? 14.?.td.?700 2 r 4.?46.7?7? (f:rr) lr,1.I. Ivlohenhrcy DE$ËY & LEHOEUF LLF ll0l Ncw YtnkÂve, NIV 1Ã''oshington, D.C. 10n0-q 2û2.346.8738 2t)2.346.81tIJ (faxi Rir;hard ¡1. Rullr¡uu¡l wEll,n tj()'t sH.rll- & Ir,l¡\}{ÜBs LLt, 7ó7 !'ìlth gvenue Nsw York, Nerv York !13.310,8.1:.6 212.31ü.8285 itnx) Åt turne¡'t fur Pkrint l{Jl5f ilJ' Å mt:¡¡ir¡¿ .4irl¡rre.r, Inr', 5 EXHIBIT E SWA App. 78 Y-qF..lF'.rC/\rfON TÍIII FT.+TE I}F TEXÂS ß COTIÂTY OT'TARR.ÀNT $ $ On tltis doy prsortally app+arnJ Dnvid ßrsss, v''hu lirs¡ bcing rluly swurn. 5tafsfl upp¡ oalh st follfi¡'¡s: My turne is David ûmsr. I cüffently s{rrc å!¡ Ssbru'c Scnior Vìcc Ffcaìdrnt fù. Supptiur Travcl llishibution, I hsvo ¡rcd the forËgcfng fãçlu$l staærnÊrits. I arn ¡rsrsonally fnrntll¡r with thÊ lnformation dcscribcd lrt tho rnotion the: consÈlturcs Srbrs'¡ tcåde secrct c¡r equivatcnt proprietary íafonnatiorr- Inuyrcdi¿tc and inrporubte injury ur¡uld resu[Ì to Sabre Liat i trformation were public ly d isclosed, if DA ., ,2 .SIJBSCRIDED ANÐ SMRN T0 EËFÛR.C of ,{usust 20 t l. J I Ïrt"y ME, urtdcrsi$tËd Notary Puhlíc, o¡r this - $rãte o DATII Publ ú. Òl Ig¡st o1 ó EXHIBIT E SWA App. 79 VIRIFIC,C,TTON TIIE STÅTIÈ (}T' TE.ÍÜT$ COUI{¡:Y OFT"AITRÀTT $ $ $ (ln tl¡i-q day ¡crronallf ÈIrpë¿rÊd upon oath ag Ìblls$rs: Ivfy Is RÞÊ¿rrt urnr¿Ë who firEt bcing duly srarom, stalËtl Rrresss \lf,Aq¡rl I uurrerrtl;, $ÈrÍe fts A¡r:ericau's v¡ ruarl thc forlgoing fcctuil stf,lemÉnls, I um persunnlly f:rmiliur with lhc tcribt¡l i¡r J¡r ¡¡rotisn thnt co:rstitr-'tçs Arncricgn's trâdù sdcrÈ: or cquir.alcnt propri*tnry lnfonnnticur, I¡rrne¡lielÊ antl irrcpsrablc injury wsu]d result ro Amedcan lf lhat inforsra(iun {?^ffi rvcrc guh!ìuly dis,uluccù lNlrbrEr¡J:REI t SITnSCRIÛED AND SWOI()'I I'U tsËttJRE h.fE, the nndersigned Nutruy Ïublic, on ihlc $--aay of A.ugust ?01l. $ ûË[0RfrH Dw|B - litnte of Te.'rus ily Colfmlst¡Dñ ErFln¡ tûhbrr l. ¿û1 â 1 EXHIBIT E SWA App. 80 (:r R:l'l t' lr:ÀTs, ( l F !i n R\¡rcE 'l'his is tn certif,v lh¿rl ou this tl-,- clay of ArrgLrst2011, a truu und corect çopy 0f tlìc foregoing documcnt u,rts served on all couñscl of ruconl ns follos.s: Vialtund Dølfuvrv, nnd Vin liqnaìl BiU Bugle Itolancl Johnsorr Ilerrls. Finlcy r&. tsogle.l¡.C. ??7I.faìn $trcur, Suitc ¡000 Fort Warth,'l'X 76102 I!ìr E+nnll on¿f f¡lfJf¡lt Ivlr, l¡nul Yelter hfs. ¡\r¡nu G. Rulman YclkrLlolcmnn l.I.l' 909 f annin. Suite 3600 llnuston, TX 7?010 Via Emrìl aad CMRß. Richmd ¡{. Rothman Ncw Y¡¡rh BÍrrNo. 1310994 \4reil. üotsL.rl & Ir'langes l.i,P 767 Ff frh ¿\Yçnuo Nen Yr¡r}.. NY tOlJJ Via EnnìÍ ønd f3ilIRR h,l.l. Ir{nltenhrey District ofColumbia tsar No. 481 l27 Denæy I I0l & LetsoeuflLP New York l\vcnuc. N-\ì¡. Wushingtor:. DC 20005 sc /1. I I EXHIBIT E SWA App. 81 VinsonS¿Elkins Alden L. Atkhs aâtkins@v€ fo¡ 202.639,ô0t3 Fax 202.878.8813 January 2,2013 Bv Email and F'irst Class Mail George Fibbe Yetter Coleman LLP Two Flouston Center 909 Fannin Suite 3600 Houston,'IX 77010 Re American Airlines v. Sgþre. Travelport Agd Orbìtz---Deoosition Subpoeng tg Southwest Airlines Dear George: I am writing concerning the subpoena of American Airlines, lnc. ("American") dated December 21,2012 (the "Subpoena'') for testimony from Southwest Airlines ("southwesf'). As we discussed on Monday, December 31, Southwest is prepared to provide a witness to testifu about the data that Southwest offered to produce in my letter dated December 21, but it objects to the topics of the Subpoena that seek highly confidential information about Southwcst's business strategies. Specifically, Southwest objects to the Subpoena on the grounds set forth below. Southwest objects to the definition of "southwest Airlines Co." to the extent it would encompass AirTran Airways, Inc. ("AirTran"). AirTran followed a different distribution model than Southwest, and its model is not relevant to American's dispute with Travelport. Further, as I explained to you, the AirTran employees most knowledgeable about its distribution strategies and practices over time have departed the company after its acquisition by Southwest. As a result, the cunent employees have limited historical knowledge about AirTran, and we are uncertain whether a knowledgeable former AirTran employee would agree to testifu. It would be unreasonably burdensome for Southwest to try to prepare a witness without personal knowledge to testify about AirTran's distribution practices covering a period of more than l0 years. Southwest objects to the definition of "Direct Connect" as ambiguous and overbroad. As you know, there are a variety of systems available for airlines to distribute their tiokets Vlnson & Elklns LLP Attornoys at L¡w Abu Dhabi Austin Beljing Dallas Dubai Hong Kong Houslon London MoEcow 2200 Pennsylvanla Avênue NW, Suite 500 West NêwYork PaloAlto Rlyadh San Franclsco Shanghai Tokyo Waehtngton Tel +1.202,039.6900 Fâx +1.202.639.8604 www.velâ EXHIBIT F We6hlngton, DC 20037-1701 SWA App. 82 V&E Jenuary 2, 2013,Pa$o2 and fare information, many of which bear little resemblance to the American Direct Connect system at issue in the litigation. For example, some systems refer users to Southwest's own web sites, and others use third party internet sites which access information from Southwest's roservations systems. It is not clear whether those systems falt within the definition of "Direct Connect," ând if they do, they are not relevant to the operability or acceptance of American's very different systems. Southwest objects to the Relevant Time Period of January 1, 2001 to present as overbroad and unreasonably burdensome. Your document Subpoena only sought documents from April 12,2007, which we understand corresponds to the relevant time period for your lawsuit. It would be unreasonably burdensome to try to prepare a Southwest witness to testifr in detail about the deposition topics for a time span exceeding ten years. Southwest objects to all of the topics of the Subpoena to the extent that they seek highly confidential and trade secret information. The information is not necessary for American's litigation against Travelport. Further, as we have explained, the Protective Order does not provide adequate protections for Southwest's confidential information. I as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information. Because the Southwest distribution and reservation systems use different technologies than the Direct Connect that American has nied to implement, the technological capability of Southwest's systems would shed no light on the technological capability of American's Southwest objects to Topic system. Southwest objects to Topic 2 as ambiguous, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information. It is ambiguous because Southwest often does not know whether a particulæ traveler is traveling on business, pleasure or a combination thereof, It is also ambiguous because Southwest distributes to business travelers through a variety of means, including through systems that may or may not fall within the ambiguous definition of "Direct Connect." It is not relevant because Southwest follows very different strategies than American to distribute to business travelers, and Southwest's strategies are highly confidential. They would shed no light on American's strategies and practices and whether Travelport has frustrated them. EXHIBIT F SWA App. 83 v8ü January 2, 201 3, Page 3 Southwest objects to Topic 3 as ambiguous, not reasonably calculated to lead to the of admissible evidenceo and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information' The phrase "unbundled products" is ambiguous. Southwest fi.lrther objects because its communications with GDSs about a "Direct Connect initiative" is not relevant to Ameriçan's efforts to implement its own very different Direct Connect system. discovery Southwest objects to Topic 4 as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information. Southwest's internal analyses for purposes of its business model is not relevant to analyze what American could do with different GDS contract terms for its very different dishibution model. Further, Southwest's internal analyses about its distribution strategy, including its use of GDSs, is extremely confidential, proprietary and contains trade secrets. Southwest objects to Topic 6 as unreasonably burdensome. Southwest is prepared to provide data about ticket sales. However, Southwest often does not know whether a particular ticket is for business travel, personal travel or a combination of the two. Further, Southwest does not routinely keep information about its revenues from business travelers relative to other airlines and has no way of knowing the amount of revenue from business travelers of its competitors. Southwest objects to Topic 7 on the same grounds raised American's Subpoena for documents dated July 6, 2011. in its objections to For Topic 8, Southwest is willing to produce its agreements with Travelport and Sabre, and to provide a witness to testiff about those agreements. Southwest objects, however, to the pluase "the parties' performance thereunder" as ambiguous and overbroad. To the extent that this topic may be seeking information about Southwest's strategies, Southwest objects to the topic as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as seeking highly confïdential and trade secret information. Southwest objects to Topic 9 as ambiguous, not reasonably calculated to lead to the of admissible evidence, and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information' The phrase "commercial aspects'o is ambiguous. Further, the Southwest discovery distribution channels that may fall within the ambiguous definition of "Direct Connect" are very different from American's Direct Connect and are therefore not relevant. EXHIBIT F SWA App. 84 V&E Jånuary 2, 201 3, Page 4 Southwest objects to Topic l0 as ambiguous, not reasonably calculated to lead to the evidence, and as seeking highly confidential and trade secret information. The phrase "technological aspects" is ambiguous. Further, Southwest's reservation system uses different technology than Americanos system. Therefore, the "technological aspects" of programming Southwest's reservation system to communicate with Travelport's API is not relevant to this dispute. discovery of admissible Southwest reserves the right to raise additional objections to the extent (l) American may interpret the topics more broadly than Southwest understands them or (2) American may seek discovery of information beyond the topics of the subpoena. Sincerely yours, m^ cc: Stacy Cozad Alden L. Atkins EXHIBIT F SWA App. 85

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