Texas League of United Latin American Citizens et al v. Whitley et al

Filing 61

ORDER DENYING #20 Motion to Dismiss. Signed by Judge Fred Biery. (Attachments: #1 Attachment A, #2 Attachment B, #3 Attachment C) (rg)

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Case 5:19-cv-00074-FB Document 61-1 Filed 02/27/19 Page 1 of 1 Prescribed by Secrelary of Slate Sections 16.033; 16.0332, Texas Election Code: Sections 521.044, 730.005, Texas Transportation Code; Section 62.114, Texas Govcrnnienl Code !3\i1..l2 1212018 NOTICE TO REGISTERED VOTER FOR PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP A t'iso solicilando coinprohante de ciududanla My office has received information concerning your registration to vote. Your registration status is being investigated because there is reason to believe you may not be a United States citizen. This information may have been provided by clerks of the court regarding individuals who were excused pr disqualified from jury duty because they are not U.S. citizens and/or the Department of Public Safety ("DPS") for individuals possessing a Driver License or Personal Identification Card who DPS has identified are not citizens of the United States and/or other information derived through lawful means. You are now required to confirm your eligibility for registration by providing proof of citizenship to maintain your registration status. Proof of citizenship must be in a certified form of birth certificate, passport, or citizenship papers. If you fail to provide this proof of citizenship within 30 days from the date of this letter, your voter registration will be cancelled. Mi oficina ha recibido información en cuanto Sn inscripción electoral. Estamos investigando su elegibilidad para inscripción en base a que hay causa de dudar su ciudadania estadounidense. Esta informacióri podria venir bien sea de los oficinistas de la corte a travds de Ia ]ista de personas disculpadas o descalificadas de prestar servicio como miembro de unjuraclo debido a que tales personas no son ciudadanos estadounidenses yb del Departaniento de Seguridad Püblica ("DPS") en cuanto a personas en posesiOn de una licencia de conducir o tarjeta de identidad personal quienes DPS ha identificado como no-ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y/u otra inforrnacidn derivada por medios legales. Ahora se requiere que usted confirme su elegibilidad para inscripción al proveer tin comprobante de su ciudadania para mantener su estado de inscripción. Comprobantes de ciudadania deben ser o un acta de nacimiento certificada, pasaporte certificado, o documentos de ciudadartia certificados. Si no presenta dicho cornprobante de ciudadania estadounidense dentro de un plazo de 30 dias a partir de Ia fecha de este aviso, su inscripción electoral será cancelada. Signature of Voter Registrar Firma del Registrador cle Totantes Date Fecha The Court heard many assertions by the Secretary of State that recipients of the above could respond to cure the inquiry by various means of fax, email, regular mail, etc. Interestingly, the Secretary of State did not bother to include that information in the notice of examination. Attachment A (TX-LU [AC Exhibit 4)

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