Tafas v. Dudas et al

Filing 174

AMICUS Brief Exhibits in Support of Plaintiffs Summary Judgment by Polestar Capital Associates, LLC, Norseman Group, LLC re 173 Amicus Brief , Exhibits 9-12 to Amici Brief in Support of Summary Judgment (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 9.1# 2 Exhibit 9.2# 3 Exhibit 9.3# 4 Exhibit 9.4# 5 Exhibit 9.5# 6 Exhibit 9.6# 7 Exhibit 10# 8 Exhibit 11# 9 Exhibit 12)(Franco, Craig) Modified text on 12/31/2007 (klau, ). Modified on 1/9/2008 to reflect Exhibits to Amicus Brief (klau, ).

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Tafas v. Dudas et al Doc. 174 Att. 7 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 1 of 52 Exhibit 10 Excerpts from production of "Administrative Record" by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to Tafas Defendants Dockets.Justia.com Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 2 of 52 REDACTEI) From! Senh To: Cc: Subtece ---Odglnal Messåge--Cla¡ke Robe¡.t Thursday, Maró 10,2005 4:05 PM Rolla, Joseph; Spar, Eob Bahr, Robert dahs and percentåges I asked Toby to run stals to enswer J¡m Toupin's questions re the cla¡m numbers to exceed a comb¡ned threshotd. Using claim data for newly serialized 2004 appl¡cations, the ficllow¡ng numbers represent certa¡n thresholds: 81.6010 of apPlicat¡ons heve 5 or fewer independent claims, 93% of appl¡cations have 6 or fewer independent claims. 87.23o/o o'l applications have 40 or fewer total claims, 93% of applications have 5l or fewer total claims. So a 6/51 limit would impact 7% of new applicat¡ons (without taking into account restrictions or related applications.). ln the attached file, in worksheet 2004 corps dala, column "F" ¡s the percentage of applications having f¡rst X (from column C) . independent and second Y total (column B) cla¡ms and Column 'iM" is ttrdperceiriage of appticatóns havi'ng Z totat claims (colum-n l). The attached file ¡s "huge" s¡nce it has a row for each combination oiindepààdent and depeñdent lf info from_a particular TC is desired, I have provided the data (without an analys¡s) aô worksheet -cLqim. "ClaimcountsbyTC Clalm Counts by TC for FYs 02-... 4003554 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 3 of 52 By lndepndent ola¡m FY 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2001 200É 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 uj;".u* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 t5 't6 17 '18 19 m 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 '"0;;"."*"t "",", I 5.915 1 2,032 1 2.849 '1 3.766 I 3,6s4 1 4,094 1 3,992 1 4,242 I 3,730 I 4,264 1 3,202 1 3,127 I 2,497 1 2,363 1 2,182 1 1,951 I 1,706 I 1,674 1 1,377 1 2,886 'I 1,028 1 832 1 673 I 674 1 560 1 488 1 427 'I 4t5 1 342 I 334 1 244 1 272 1 232 1 190 1 228 1 173 1 157 1 124 .1 102 1 114 t99 r 118 r64 188 161 r58 166 179 157 r45 145 'I 43 135 f36 136 Total counl r¿ercnlaqe Efective lndepsndent Cla¡ms 1 Cleims 1 ,| count 5,915 7,947 10,796 14,562 't8,216 22,310 26302 30.544 34,274 38,542 41,744 44,87 t 47,360 49,731 51,913 53,864 55,570 57,244 58,621 61,507 62,535 63.367 64,040 64,714 65,274 65.762 66.189 66.6M 66,946 67,280 67,524 67,798 68,028 68,218 68,446 68,619 68,776 68,904 69.006 69.120 69.219 69,337 69,40't 69,489 69,550 69,608 69.674 69,753 69,e10 69,855 69.900 69,943 69,97E 70,014 70,050 1,94% 2.600À 3.53% 4.77% 5.96% 7.300/" 8.61% 10.00% 11.2210 12.62% 13.6670 14.69Vo 15.50% 16.28% 16.99% 17.63% 18.19% 18.74% 19.19% 20j3yo 20.47yo 20.74% 20.96% 21.14Þ/0 21.370/r 21.530h 21.670/o 21.A0Vo 21.91% 22.02% 22.1QYo 22.19% 22.27% 22.33yo 22.400/c 22,46% 22.51./. 22.559/o 22.59% 22.62% 22.66% 22.70.h 22.72% 22.75o/o 22.770/o 22.780/. 22.A10/. 22.83% 22.As./o 22.87% 22.A8% 22,E90/o 22.91yo 22.92% 22.930/0 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200Á 2004 2ñ4 2004 2004 2oo4 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200¿ 200/ 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 200a 2004 2004 2004 2004 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2,O32 1,226 1 5,915 1.940/o 7,947 2.600/" 3.00% 9, t73 12,022 3.94% 12,645 4-14V. 't3,451 4_400/o 17,217 5.64% 18,594 6.09% 18,888 6.18% 19,373 6.34yc 23,027 7.54% 24,3¿4 7.97Vo 24,814 8.12% 24,964 8.17% 25,151 8.23% 2,849 806 3,766 1,377 2 3 I 2 294 4E5 1 5 5 5 3,654 1,317 470 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 150 'i87 '1 4,094 2,068 2 25245 9.57% 3 t,313 10.25yo 32,032 10.480/0 719 230 65 6 ô 7 7 7 7 202 f 3,992 1,164 ?95 255 92 46 7 1 7 7 7 I I E 86 4,242 2,659 893 486 114 E5 I I I I I I I I 9 9 7 1 3.730 2,331 't,283 152 96 I I I I 10 10 7 8 38 14 I 1 56 4,268 3,474 t0 r0 10 1472 631 219 154 7 r0 10 10 32,262 1o.s6vo 32,327 't0.5gvo 32,529 10.657o 36,521 11.95% 38,285 12.53% 39,080 12.79% 39,335 12.88% 39,427 12.9t% 39,473 12.92% 39,559 12.S5% 43.801 14.34õ/¡ 46,460 15.210/. 47,353 15.50% 47,839 15.660/0 47,953 15-70Vo 48.03E 15.72Vo 4S,063 15.730/o 4A,148 15.760/0 51,678 16.98% 54,209 17.74% 55,492 18.16% s5.855 18.247ù 56,007 18.33% 56,103 18.3670 56,141 i8.38% 56,155 18.38% 56,211 18,40% 60.479 19.80% 63,9s3 20.93% 65,425 21.i2% 66,056 21,620/0 66,275 21.69% 6Ê,429 21.74% 66.47'1 21.760/. 21.77o/o r0 10 I I 10 32 14 3E 66,503 66,517 66,555 21.77% 21.74'/. 4003555 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 4 of 52 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 20M 2004 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2oo4 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 56 57 58 53 1 70.085 70,118 28 22.94Vo 22.95Vo 2004 2004 11 11 11 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 2 70,146 70,166 70,198 70,213 70.235 70.256 70,24O 22.96"/" 22.970/o 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 20 32 15 22 21 l1 1'l 11 60 6'l 62 63 64 22.98% 22.98% 22.99% 6 7 8.00ro 23.OOyo 1't I 9 10 11 1 24 17 14 16 21 1'l 11 65 66 70,297 70,311 23.OlVo 23.0 tvo 23.02yo 23.O!yo 23.030/. 2004 2004 67 68 69 70 71 1 1 1 1 1 70,327 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 70,u8 70,370 70,376 70,388 70,405 70,414 70,422 70,429 70,439 70,449 70,461 22 6 12 17 23.04% 23.O4yo 23.05ô/ø 72 73 74 1 '1 23.05% 23.05% 23.O5V. 23.0ôvo 23.060/o 7 1 1 1 1 I 10 11 75 76 77 7A 7S 7 10 l0 12 I 1 23.06% 23.06% 23.O7% 23.O7Vo 12 70,465 13 20u 2004 2004 2004 2004 13 1 80 81 '| .1 I I 1 a2 83 84 5 15 11 70,478 70,484 70,489 70,504 70,515 70,518 70,523 70,526 2 l3 5 2X.O7% 23.O8ab 23.08yo '2004 20M 2004 6 7 8s 86 87 I I 1 23.08% 23.oge/r I 13 13 23.08% 23.09% 2004 88 89 90 91 I f 1 1 t1 3 70,537 70,540 70,546 70,550 70.556 70,558 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 't0 11 12 23.09% 23.05% 23.O9% 23.A9Yo 23.100/6 f3 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 t3 1 92 93 94 95 I I I 1 1 6 5 70,564 70,569 70.570 70,571 23.10% 23.1010 s6 97 98 99 100 101 I 1 23.10% 23.100k 23.1o?o 23.10% '| I 1 1 70,574 1 7 70,575 70,579 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 14 14 I 9 10 11 23.10% 23.100/o I 1 1 70,582 70,583 70,586 70,591 3 5 5 14 14 '14 14 102 103 104 105 23.'tovo 23.10% 23-11Vo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 't06 107 108 109 2 1 70,596 70,538 70,599 23.'t1% 23-11% 23.11yo 14 '15 't4 1 15 70,602 70,605 70.610 23.11% 23.11Vo 15 15 1't0 23,11% 2@4 2004 2004 15 5 11'l 112 113 2 70,612 70,614 70,616 23.1f/. 23.11% 23-11% I 1 f5 2æ4 l5 3,202 2.591 1,419 502 230 9A 51 21 19 5 24 3,127 3,392 1.840 754 254 224 54 42 22 23 5 22 2A97 2,411 1.710 651 239 142 6A 31 33 11 I 5 t1 2,363 3,211 f.8f9 830 248 196 70 61 22 15 7 7 2 15 2,182 2,705 2,390 802 336 204 70 s1 69.757 22.830/o 7234A 23.6Aq. 73,827 24.170/o 74,329 24.330/0 74,559 24,40!o 74,657 24.44% 74,108 24.45yo 74,729 24,46Vo 74,748 24.47yo 74,753 24.47yo 74,777 24.48yo 77,904 25.509/o A1,296 26.61% A3,136 27,21V. 83,890 27.46% 84,144 27.540/o U,368 84,422 27-62r/0 21.639o 27.65yo UA64 A4,486 27.65yo 27.66Vo A4509 84,514 84,536 27.66yo 27-67% 87,033 28.49% 89,444 29,28% 91,154 29,84% 9r,805 30.0590 92,044 30,13Vo 92,186 30-17vo 92,254 30.20Vo 92,285 30,211o 92,318 30.2210 92,325 30.220/0 92,337 30.220/o 92,342 30.230/o 92,353 30.23% 94.716 31.00% 97,927 32.ASlo 99,746 32.65Vó 100,576 32.920/o t00.824 33,00% 101,020 33.07% 101,090 33.09% 101.151 33.11% 101,173 33.12% 101,188 33.127o 101,195 33.12V. 101,202 33.13./o 101,204 33.13c/. 101,219 33.13% r03,40r r06,f06 108,496 109,298 109.634 109.838 109,s08 109,959 33.85% 34.73% 35.5fyo 35.78% 35.89% 35.95% 35.987o 3s.99% 4003556 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 5 of 52 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 3t7 328 341 u4 372 . 2004 2004 2004 389 429 523 . 1 1 't 1 1 1 1 1 1 1A7 65 92 114 152 z:ls 230 254 239 248 336 300 380 418 485 1,037 611 575 600 518 566 601 564 538 538 698 489 492 449 407 382 422 34'1 342 341 361 246 2U 230 198 224 187 f66 172 160 154 't32 96 249,143 249,144 249.f45 249,146 249,147 249,148 . 8',1.55% 2004 2004 2004 2004 44 44 44 44 81.55% E1.55% 81.55yo 6 7 0 .9 8r.55% 81.55% 20M 2004 10 11 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 2004 2004 2004 2004 540 6 7 m04 2004 2oo4 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 9 10 11 12 14 't5 t6 't7 18 19 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 20 21 24 25 2A 2004 2004 2004 27 28 200/ 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 30 3l 34 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 .2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 52 2004 249,149 I t.5570 2004 249.150 E1.5570 249.151 8r.55% 2004 2004 249,152 8t.55% 249,339 81.610/0 2004 249.404 81 .Myo 2004 2004 249,496 81.67Vc 249,610 81.70Vo 2004 2004 249,762 A1.75% 249,9si u.a2vc 2004 250,211 8r.90% 2004 250,465 81.S8% 2004 250,704 82.06Vo 2004 250,952 82.14yo 2004 251,28A 82.254ß 2004 251,588 A235Yo 2004 20M 251,968 82.47Yo 252,386 82.610/0 20M 2004 252,871 82.77% 253,908 83.'t10/o 2004 254,519 83.31V. 2004 255,094 83.50yo 2004 255,694 83.69% 2004 256,212 83.86% 2004 256,f7A 84.05% 2004 257,379 84.25% 2004 257,943 84.430/o 2004 258,481 E/.-61% 2004 259,019 84.7Avo 2004 259,717 85.01% 2004 260,206 g5.17Vo 2004 260,698 Ass3yo 2004 2004 261,147 45.44% 26t,554 85.61vo 2004 2004 261,936 85.74% 262,358 85.88v. 2004 262,699 85.99% 200É 263,041 86.100/0 2004 263,302 86.21v. 2004 263,743 86.33% 2004 263,98S 96.41y. 2004 264,223 86,4970 2004 264,453 86.560¿ 2004 2M,651 86.63Yo mo4 264,875 86.707. 2004 265,062 86.?6% 2004 26s,228 86.Er% 2004 265,400 86.87% 2004 265,560 46.92% 2004 265,714 86.97% 2004 265,846 47.020/. 2004 265,942 87,05% 2004 12 13 14 't5 16 17 18 20 21 24 28 44 I 2 3 5 45 45 45 45 10 11 7 I 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 16 46 46 46 12 't3 't4 't5 16 17 1E 196 275,847 90.29Yo 101 275,948 90.32% a3 276,úí 90.35% 34 276,065 90.36% 33 276.098 90.37% 20. 276,118 S0.38% 17 276,135 90.3so/o 276,143 90.39% I 276,'148 S0.39% 5 276,155 S0.3970 7 276.160 90.39% 5 3 276.163 90.39yo 276,167 90.4OYo 4 't 276,164 90.400/o 276,170 90.40% 2 216,171 90.4070 1 1 276,172 90.40% 1 276,1'13 90.40% 61 276,234 90.42% 150 276,384 90-470/o 330 276,714 90.67% 288 277.002 90.67vc 224 277,226 9A.74ù/o 180 277,406 90.40% 112 277,518 90.84% 63 277,541 90.860/0 59 277,ú0 90,88% 30 277,670 90.89% 22 277,692 90.49% 16 277,708 90.90% s 217,717 90.90% 12 277,729 90.910/0 7 1 19 I 4 1 20 25 27 l 1 277,736 277,741 277,747 2??,748 277,749 27?,753 277,755 277,?56 277,757 277,75A 90.510/" 90.S1% 90.91v. 90.910/o 90.91% 90.910/o 90.92% 90.92% 90.52% 90.92% 50.92y. 1 1 7 f0 11 12 13 14 15 90.940/0 58 90.9Ayo 150 227 91.0670 91.150/. 267 r87 278,U8 51.21./. 173 27A,821 S1-260,/0 81 278,902 91.29% 95 278p97 91.32% 4A 279,045 91.34% 30 279,075 91.350/0 23 279.098 91.35% 14 279,112 91.36% 10 279,122 91.36% 27S,128 9r.36% 6 279,'131 51.37% 3 277,759 277,817 277,9ø7 278,194 278,461 tAO355'?- 6J o^t\t..àl 4003568 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 6 of 52 2004 20M 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2001 2004 2004 m04 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2@4 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200Á 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200Á 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2404 2004 58 60 144 162 s0 69 156 168 73 85 366 62 76 80 112 83 54 77 134 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 5lI 51 s2 52 53 54 54 1 1 1 1 1 1 305,461 s9.98% 99.98% 99.98% 99.98% 99.e9% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% s9.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.990¿ 2004 2004 2004 2004 458 460 460 463 484 466 471 1 305,462 305.463 305,464 305,465 305,466 305,467 1 11 1 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 18 'l 1 305,468 305,469 305,470 305,471 305,472 305,473 305,474 305,475 305,476 305,477 305,478 305,479 472 479 480 483 489 491 11 I 1 1 305,461 305,462 305,463 305,464 305.465 305,466 305,467 305,468 305,469 99.98% 99.98% 99.98% 99.98% 99.99yo 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.S9yo 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1 305¡70 305,471 99.99% 99.99% 99.99.ß 9S.99% z 6 11 305A72 305.473 305,474 1 1 1 499 503 511 7 99.99% 99.SS% 305,475 305,476 99.99% 99.99% 99.9S% u1 I 1 1 99.99% 99.S9% 2004 2004 200,1 521 523 523 538 540 66 4 24 99.99% 99.9970 30s 123 96 'r45 196 'r 305.480 2004 13 118 136 126 84 391 406 8l 241 251 521 206 189 79 129 135 1't1 159 '142 168 163 207 158 193 646 2,141 56 60 60 60 61 62 62 63 64 64 64 66 66 66r 66 67 71 73 74 75 74 83 84 85 92 1r0 137 156 219 53í 'l 305.481 305,482 305.483 305.484 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99yo 2004 2001 I 'l 542 548 559 562 571 l5 29 1 1 200/ 2004 2004 2004 2004 305,477 305,478 305.479 30s,4s0 305,481 305,482 305,483 305.484 305.485 305,186 305,487 99.99% 99.997o SS.99% 99.99% 99.990/" 99,99% 99.9970 I 1 1 1 1 1 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99yo 99.S9% 305.485 305.486 305,487 s9.99% 99.9970 3 I 1 305,488 305.489 305,490 99.99v. 99.99% 99.99v. 99.99% 99.99% 9S.99% 2004 2004 ?004 2004 2004 2004 2004 'l 1 613 620 634 ô46 f9 305,488 305,489 305,490 I 1 . 305,491 305,492 305t93 305,494 21 219 12 305,49f 305,492 305.493 305,494 99.99% 99.9970 99.99% S9.SS% 1 1 305¡95 30s.496 305.497 305.4S8 i00.00% 100.00% 100.0oyo 100.0070 100.0070 m04 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 682 694 699 724 26 7 7 1 1 I 1 1 305.499 305,500 305.501 5 100.00% 100.007c 100.000/0 7U 802 802 11 1 1 1 1 305,502 305,503 305.504 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.000ó 100.00yo 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 902 1,019 1,090 1,250 1,279 1,792 2,141 1 ,1 305.505 305,506 305,507 1 1 1 1 1 305.508 305.509 305,510 100.00% 100.00% 100.00yo 25 531 305,495 100.00% 305,496 r00.0070 305.497 i00.0070 305,498 t00.00yo 305.499 100.00yo 305.500 '100.00% 305,501 100.0070 305,502 100.00vo 305.503 100.00% 305,504 100.00% 305,505 100-00yo 305,506 100.00v. 305,507 100.00% 305,508 100.00"/0 305.509 r00.00yo 305,510 100.00yo U ho39b? - lotg "^lIIeà\ 4003ô20 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Rolla, Joseph From: Sent: To: Sub¡ect: Enioy- I am. Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 7 of 52 Rolla, Joseph Wednesday, June 01, 2005 10:35 AM Kisliuk, Bruce FW claim fee analysis From: ' Sntr ïo: Cc¡ Subjoct: --.Orlginal Message--Young, Karen Wednesday, June 01,2005 9:314M Rater, Mardn; Brown, Peter loby Huntet Daniel; Rolla, Joseph; Goldberg, Howard; Bahr, Roberq young, Karen; M¡etcaretç lohn FW: claim fee analysls Marty/Toby, We have multiple things going on which are all using the data in various ways. l've included below the additional information Bob needs - the specific info for the number of independent claims and the large and small entity data. I believe you have already addressed Rolla's request in the work you sent yesterday (attached) and Joe thinks so too. He is going to double check and get back to us if he needs additional info. Thanks all. Karen Cla¡ms Ranges ;ummary FY02-05 .. Frpm: Sent¡ To: Subjectr ---Orj9lnal Message--Rolla, Josph Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:15 AM Bahr, Roberq Young, Karen RÊ: dalm fee analys¡s Also- it is needed at the Corps, TC, and workgroup level- along with the total number of claims. From¡ SenÈ To! Cc! Subjectr Importance: ---O.lglnal Message--Bâhr, Robert Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:11 AM Young, Karen Rolla, Joseph RE: claim fee analys¡s H¡gh The independent claim ranges are not useful for our purposes. What we need is number of applications that I Aoluut Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ 3 or fewer independent claims 4 ¡ndeoendent cla¡ms .5 indeoendent claims 6 indeDendent claims 7 independent claims I indeDendent claims I independent claims 10 or more indeDendent cla¡ms Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 8 of 52 Could we get that data for FY 2002, 2003,2004, and 2005 (to date). Also, could we get the data broken out by small entity - large entity. Aô3 662 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 9 of 52 Cla¡¡ns Ranges Surrrmry FYO245 - 0527051 .xls Totãl Claims Ranges - Corps Level FY 2002 Range Count FY 2003 Count FY 2004 Counl FY 2005 Counl of Cases d 24.1% 35.3% 19.6% ol ?2.7% ol 21.7% 35.4% 21.O% Ceses C,ases Cass ol-10 11- 20 21- 30 3l -40 4t -50 50+ 70.o07 f02,513 57,O71 æ.414 1üt,999 67.062 109.087 35.583 22.O% 355% 20.5% 9.4% u,447 33,6,14 39.8% 20.4% 8.5% 3.9% 5.1% 100.0% 61.652 26.839 13.766 9.2% 4.7% 7.Oro 100.0% 30.44 15.186 21.544 308.375 'to.o% 4.9% 13.755 6.341 14.380 4.9V. 6.9% 100.0% m.ß7 290.663 20293 292_602 7,0q. 100.0% 8,214 't61.984 Total lndependeni Claims Range lndependent Cla¡ms Ranges - Corps Level FY 2005 FY 2004 FY 2002 FY 2003 Coulll of Câ6ês CÆunt of 87.2% 10.4% 1.6% Cases 86-6% Count ol Cases 270.595 31.206 47.7% 10.1% 1A% 0.1% o.3v. Counl of Ceses 145.979 01-05 06-10 251.U2 31,377 255.212 30,321 90.r% 10.8% 1.7V6 f3.469 1,709 466 361 a3% 1.1% 1t-15 16-20 21+ TOTAT 4,773 1.368 4.4* 1,2æ 978 308.37s 1¡90 1.095 290.66:] 0.5% 0,4% 100.0% 0.5% 0.3% 100.0% o.3% o.2% r00-0% 292,602 r00.0% 16r.984 o) t^ C. (1. (¡l Summary - Corps ând TC Level Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 10 of 52 .¡ds Chims Rânges Summary FY02+5 - 0527051 IFY 2002 TC Counl of Ca6es 7.712 10,534 3,441 7.601 10 Total Cleims - by TC FY 2003 Count of Ceses >10 Total Cleims - by TC FY 2005 count of Cases FY 2004 Count of Cases F'( 2002 TC 1600 1700 Count of Câses FY 2003 Count of Câses FY 2004 Counl ot Cass FY 2005 Counl of Cases r600 1700 21.5% 24.7% 13.2% 6.797 r0.025 20,1% 22.9% 6.582 Lgz 3,370 7,934 15.901 m.o% 2..2% 1't-6% 18-9% 23.1 2.UO 4.236 1.790 20.1 24.24n 7A-5% 2100 2600 2800 3600 3700 3,2U 6.982 15,432 10.768 13,176 m.6% 25.4% 28-4% 25.1 123% l9-1% 24.3% 26.4% 27.3% 21.6% 11.5% 18.9% 32,1ß 22.443 29.226 46.64:l 28.540 75.3% 86.8% 79.1% 74.6% 71.6% 70.9% 4.742 9.55l) 15,849 11.294 13,532 24.'l% 26.6% 25.3% 10.662 13.067 25.7 2100 2600 2800 3600 3700 26.959 3:ì,826 23.0s5 29.s33 48.176 79.9% 77-1% a7-7% 80.9% 75.7% 13.2% 72.7T0 60.0% 33.423 25,7ÊO 77.8fi æ.4% a1.1% 76.9% 74.3% 74,4% 11.28Ê 15.366 13.721 79-9% 7AA% 80.s% 81.1% 75.9% 73.4% 74.7% 34.117 52.990 30.790 20.3í]a 30.151 'f5.437 29.4:n 35.167 25.6q, il:l.006 19.702 5 lndependent Claims - by TC FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 1 Count ol r - FY 2005 Count of >5 lndependent Claims - by TC FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 TC Count of Cass 7.075 3.935 19.7% Counl ot Cases 19.9% Counl of Cases 6.337 3.700 5.5S2 19.3% FY 2005 Count of Cess 2,40Ê 17.O% Count of Cãss 80,3% s0,8% 77.3% 81.8% 84.5% 90.2% 90-8% Co¡¡nt of ao.7% 91.2% 80.8% Casês 80.1% 91.20/o 600 2ø,477 38.76'1 27,ofi 39.9r¿ 20.577 30.149 56.804 36.693 43.962 26.51'l 39,185 23,534 35,247 61.696 11,720 '18.200 '13.301 83.0% 92.8% 45.8% 86.s% 91.4% 93.2% 93.0% 1600 1700 17U) 92% 2..7% 3.474 8.4% 21.7% 17,4% 'to-7% 8.8% 9.1Vo a.8% 19,2L 16.1% 10.4qo 2r00 2600 2800 3600 20.350 30.'r 19 743%' 42.6% 2100 2600 2800 3600 5.974 6.708 7,167 3.84 83.9v. 89-6% 91.5% 91.0% 55.325 35,950 42,260 493% 91.2E 90.9% 21.695 36.435 20.111 ß-2% 11.59. 9.8% 6.804 6.768 7.195 3.5'19 1,402 2.210 .3.385 3.266 1,478 1.854 7.2% 14.2% 13.5% a2% 6.8% 7-O% 3.*7 4,381 3700 46¡45 24.517 3700 4.274 92% 4.589 8,5% 9.0% o (N 6\. 0r + Summary - Corps ånd TC Level Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 11 of 52 Total Claims Ranges by TC Group FY 2002 TC 1600 1600 FY 2003 CaSeS in Rãngo FY 2004 of cercenr or case: ln Rång6 FY 2005 Count uroup ^ TotalclaimsR ange Count of poÉÉñt or COUnt Of ps¡cnt of cãses Count of percEnt of case¡ in Rângo CASeS cssãs ln RångÊ CâseS cases 856 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 01-10 11-20 21-30 3t -40 1397 2064 20.7Vo 30.6yo 1335 714 388 19.8% 10.70/0 't.395 2,292 1 ,37'l 818 1,004 1,697 2,459 1,349 738 î9.0yo 31 .20/o 1,429 2,594 1,035 616 16.2Vo 15.30/o 31 .80/. 29.4% 20.4% 11.70to 7.00/0 18.6Vo 11.10/" 1,799 1,339 ,402 2,115 1,193 1 1.183 630 353 ,772 21.2% 11-30/0 4t-50 50+ 5.8% 12.40/o 837 1888 475 6.5% 13.70/0 6.3% 15.2% 21 .60/0 787 âoô 14.'t% 21.8% 32.6% 19.9% 10.5% 4.30/. 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1ô00 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 25.2% 31.80/0 22.5Vo 32.7To 2381 1331 695 J'J 267 243 129 53 304 632 492 203 32.60/o 18.40/o 17.80/. 9.370 5.O% 17.9% 9.8% 5.60/0 599 340 838 9.2% 5.20/o 422 814 10.9% 12.70/0 0l-10 11-20 21-30 953 2099 28.oyo 22.2Vo 12.10/0 7.60/0 862 1,021 1,757 1,577 1't.50/o 14.9o/o 12.9% 1s.10/o 25.7% 23.70/o 12.40/0 8.OYo 15.4o/o 14.OVo 27.70/0 3l-40 41-50 50+ 01-10 11-20 669 907 572 1302 1384 't 849 546 853 1,445 1,174 766 463 132 10.8% 15.070 25.5% 20.7% 13.5% 8.20/o 17.Oo/o 13.80/o 31.21o 24.30/0 10.o% 7.1vo 12.40/, 16.2Vo 17.4yo 17 1.081 965 .2% 2869 35.60/o ',t6.20/o 2'l-30 3't-40 41-50 cu.l 1309 838 509 1,344 804 495 1,100 846 931 900 1,781 20.9% 12.5% 7.7% 892 1,675 1,343 811 1 251 488 615 143 853 26.00/0 20.80/0 12.60/0 28.4% 20.5% 12.1yo 7.30/0 'tO.4% ô.30/o 14.30/o 0t-10 11-20 2t -30 31-40 4't-50 50+ 155 94ô 1499 1035 549 't 17.1% 18.20/0 19.1V6 30.2lo 20.90/0 1,420 506 30.6% 20.oo/o 10.90/o 822 '1,198 835 512 290 583 1,184 3 4 3 522 ,204 81% 't8.70/o 363 2't9 469 15.6% 19.4% 2A3./. 19.70/0 12.10/0 265 518 311 190 89 16.3% 31.8% 19.1% 11.7% 5.íVo 15.8% 100.0% 0.00/o 11.1./. 6.2% 12.5./o 94.90/0 309 621 315 627 938 6.8% 13.5% 96.3% 'l -SYo 6.8% 13.8./0 257 0 01-10 11-20 .21;30 31-40 41-50 50+ 1144 99.0% 0.3olo 0.30/0 3.zvo 5 I 6 0.4% 13 11 4 660 0 1.1Vo 0.4o/o 0.0v. 0.00/0 o.7% 0.57o 1600 1600 1700 't700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 '1700 0.3% 0.svo 0 3 1545 0.3% 0.2% 0.0% 21.Oo/o 0.4% 24.Oo/o ol -10 11-20 2't-30 31-40 2341 1't 68 coo 36.4yo 18.2Vo I,268 2,164 567 21.20/0 36.10/û 1,177 2,000 1,227 322 446 3s.6% 19.4Vo 10-10/0 5.40to 806 448 0 0 429 0.0% 0.0% 19.9% 20.5"/. 9.50Á 5.4o/o 7.40/0 1,092 569 37.3% 20-a% 9.3% 4.7Vo 8.1o/o 24.90/o 8.8% 5.40/0 7.3o/o 4l-50 50+ 345 468 01-t0 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 1477 1999 439 227 27.7% 37.50/0 17.2Vo 4.20/o 1700 1700 1700 919 1,359 2,065 457 1,038 240 24.9% 37.8% 19.0% 8.40/0 4.40/0 304 475 1,288 1,838 1,025 481 201 101 174 974 472 104 8.5% 24.80/0 35.40/0 19.8Vo 38.9% 18.8Yo 9.3% 8.2% 4.20/0 4,3Yo 240 4.6% ù36ê5 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 12 of 52 TotalClaims Ranges by TG Group croup 1700 Total0laimsR ange 50+ FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 percnr ot Count of Count of prconl ol cass Count of porcont ol câs: Count of percenr ot cases CaSeS Cass ¡n Rânge câses ¡n Rânge CASeS in Rango CASeS iñ Ra¡se ¿oõ 5.00/o 302 5.SYo r700 1700 1700 1700 1700 '1700 01-10 11-20 1256 1537 2B.4yo 34.80/o 21-30 31-40 41-50 798 412 18.1% 9.30/0 185 231 1,273 I,649 786 330 142 283 28.30/0 317 1,085 787 351 156 249 6.1yo 126 5.O% 25.00/o 25.9Yo 37.4Vo 36.670 r,569 444 732 17.5./. 7.30/0 4.Oo/o 18.4% 322 143 40.8% r8.0% 8.OYo 8.4% 3.7o/o 4.2% 5.2% 26.2V0 34.'to/o 50t 01-10 '11-20 6-3% 24.0To 34.70/o 19.00/6 5.gvo 23.90/0 35.2%o 19.20/0 58 89 752 3.zVo 5.0% 22.60/0 40.40/0 19.7Vo 8.40/0 1700 1700 1700 21-30 31-40 1938 2522 1389 682 1,843 2,67'1 1,459 731 1,833 2,696 18.8% 9.2Vo 4.80/o 1700 1700 1700 9.5vo 4.90/0 41-50 50+ 379 r700 1700 '1700 0t-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 01- 10 516 1617 7.06/o 21.50/0 2782 1556 695 37.O% 20-70/o 9.30/0 2,920 1,646 769 403 498 't 607 I,640 1,470 717 394 553 1,348 658 281 125 9.4% 5.1% 7.20/0 s.8% 5.10/0 7.9% 20.Ayo '169 914 1,621 2,524 20.10/0 36.20/o 20.2Va 20.ÙYo 37.1% 20.90/0 1,634 433 ô't 4 1,474 2,425 1 1700 1700 346 517 LA% 5.10/. 856 10.6% s.40/o 7 4.6y. 6.9% 23.2% 37.2Vo 19.Oo/o 1,743 1,01 1 431 210 38.1% 22.'lo/o 9.4o/o 4.60/0 1700 1700 't516 2430 1237 587 6.3% 21 -40/o .6% 260 599 5.7% 19.80/0 37.70/o 1700 1700 1700 't 700 1't-20 2'l-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 2.569 1,385 325 504 ,473 21.4% 35.3ø/0 21 .Oo/o 37.3% 20.1Vo ,444 669 1,'139 668 286 150 181 22.'tqo 9.0% 4.50/o 7.10/0 s.3% 4.7% 7.30/0 9.7% 4.9% 7.60/0 9.s% 5.01o 1700 1700 1700 291 465 I JJ' 519 6.0% 01-10 11-20 1815 1003 464 189 23.40/o 35.8Yo 19.Ao/o 9-10/0 I,169 1,949 1,076 2'1.5% 1.064 1,157 541 266 19.9% 35,2yo 21.60/o 10.10/0 35.9% 19.80/0 r.883 470 ð55 21.2./, 38.50¿ 21.8yo 1700 1700 1700 '1700 21-30 3't-40 4l -50 50+ 225 380 549 300 483 'lo2 5tt5 366 10-'t% 5.5% 7.2Vo 13.0Vo 35.10/0 29.90/o '11.16/o 5.50/o 196 '114 8.9% 4.60/0 5.10/0 14.30/0 4.4% 7.50/o 5.0% A.10/o 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 01-10 't1-20 21-30 31-40 289 271 125 124 389 704 13.O% 782 305 827 261 130 434 321 755 14,3% 33.6% 29.7To 13.30/0 5.4o/o 3.7o/o 12.40/û 195 133 42 38 35.1% 28.7% 12.2% 5.6Yo 5.6o/o 43.ovo 26.qVo 667 300 121 9.870 3.1yo 2.ÙVo 4l-50 50+ 2100 2100 2't 00 126 566 5.4Vo 14.20/o 29-80/0 01-10 443 895 619 346 16.30/0 2100 11-20 21-30 33.0% 22.80/D 1,189 1 2100 2100 2100 3t-40 4t-50 50+ 12.8% 6.7Vo 2100 2',100 0t-10 1't-20 21-30 31-40 1363 1110 587 142 227 600 523 371 260 5 ,O82 27 .10/o 13.1V" 84 57 4 1,361 1,361 681 301 242 930 12.2% 40.¡Vo 25.3Yo 29.50/o 29.5Vo 14.80/0 6.50/o 585 298 12.9% .4.4Vo 4.90to 6.5% 8.4îlo 13.80/0 93% 12.3./0 30.070 27.1ã/0 13.4Vo 2100 2100 31.3% 25.5% 13.50/0 14 't,251 1,131 558 334 't,407 1,259 675 553 7.2% 12.1o/o 30.8% 27 .50/o 1,082 661 101 '112 317 12.2% 41.7% 25.5% 11.3% 't4.80h 292 Aos6øa Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 13 of 52 TotalClaims Ranges by TC Group TC þfoup ^ Totâlclâ¡msR ange FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Countof p$cenr ot Count of petÉent ol case! Count of p6rcånt of câs6s Count of pe'cenr ot cases CaSeS Cåsos ln Rang CaSeS in Rãngs cases iñ Ráñge CASeS tn Rsnge 2'loo 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 41-50 50+ 294 406 6.7Vo 9.30/o 252 426 257 635 7.0% 10.20/o 296 6.íyo 8.4Vo 't25 115 60 4.8% 4.40/0 01-'t0 11-20 21-30 3l -40 41-50 50r 01-10 311 758 385 2'13 11.30/0 28.Oo/o 11.7% 28.80/o 26,70/0 14.50/0 9.gvo 29.60/0 28.10/0 8.7 0/o 634 702 404 25.9"/o 14.90/o A.40/o 224 1't-20 21-30 31-40 307 408 11'12 923 543 11.3% 11.21o 30.5% 25.40/o 't4.90/o 587 320 191 212 324 785 602 347 165 t8t 16.2t/o 7.70/0 275 185 79 41 40.70/o 27.OVo 11.5% 6.070 6-10/0 11.90/o 39.20/0 26.40/0 8.7"/a 9.ô% 11.50/o 27.80/0 28.40/0 14.40/o 8.íVo 11.2% 29.81o 27.00/0 268 711 42 81 800 406 230 644 376 190 198 41-50 50+ 273 382 15.8% 8.0oi6 268 180 87 31 12-7lo 4.50/0 5.3o/o 7.5% ø.zyo t0.5% 11.16/" 27.40/0 27.70/0 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 0l -'t 0 1l-20 21-30 3t-40 41-50 50+ 302 742 750 395 214 274 344 926 9.7% 10-4"/" 28.OVo 24.50/o 430/o 272 833 946 513 219 234 442 36 286 9.0% 27.6% 31.4% 17 -00/o 10.20/" 1,2s9 762 278 44.70/. 27.10/0 941 .14.60/o 7.90à 't 501 249 15.2% 7.5o/o s.9% 4.OVo 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 306 39r 806 377 226 7.3% 7 .80/o 114 117 1.3% 343 788 10.40/. 13.9% 322 't1.5% 28.10/0 9.80/o 28.7% 25.6Vo 13.40/0 719 291 532 1034 838 2100 2100 2100 41-50 50+ 8.0vô 10.40/0 17.00/0 743 419 213 315 5't 26.5Vo 'ts.Oo/o 7.6ô/o r,330 1,271 722 307 238 935 570 293 '140 4.2% 10.2% 40.'lo/o 29.6% 28.3% 16.1Vo 24.50h 12.60h 6.8% 9.40/0 6.0% 6.60/0. 1't.30/o 01-10 2100 2100 2100 2100 11-20 21-30 31-40 33.10/0 26.8D/o 11.7o/û 5.50/o 366 171 '1,314 ,152 459 1 9 13.3Vo 33.6% 29-50/0 11.7% 5.gVo 1.663 1,488 667 301 27 663 421 13.1% 32.9% 29.4o/o 328 1,168 757 155 12.1y6 43.1jlo '13.2% 6.070 5-40/, 276 94 27.9% 10.2% 3.50/o 4l-50 50ù 0't 232 234 2100 2',100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 -10 1't-20 186 205 618 6'17 5.9Vo 6.0% 1't.20/o 10.1t0 30.5% 30.50/o 83 178 240 4 64 96 31 90 3.3olo 10.7% 28.50/o 33.20/o 3 13 13.0% 56.50/o 13.00/0 13.oVo 24.1Yo 32.50/o 17',1 199 31-40 41-50 50+ 0l-10 11-20 21-30 3l-40 4l -50 50+ 0l -'t 0 11-20 21-30 287 131 167 I 't 03 1544 998 495 325 416 777 1465 961 14.2yo 118 57 62 961 3 1 0 16.0% 7.7Vo 8.40/0 16.070 6.5% 8.2% 22.6Vo 3',l.6Yo 20.40/0 5.2% 6.1vo 22.90/õ 4.3V0 âo o.o% 2s.50/o 20.90/o 34.A"/o 10.'l% 6.7Vo 1,601 964 442 346 810 1,156 1,827 l,033 498 251 36.3% 20.so/o 20.9% 10.50/0 696 1,016 564 235 103 37.31o 252 9.9% 5.O% 20.7% 8.6% 3.gvo 4.1Vo 8.5% 18.30/o 5.5% 7.5% 't7.20/o 34.40/, 22.60/0 1,628 1,048 2f4 889 1,679 5.4% 't8.20/o 34.40/0 23.00/o 34.6V. 'l'12 580 1,296 654 19.0% 42.5Vo 21.40/6 22.3% 1,120 AÐYú1 E* Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 14 of 52 TotalClaims Ranges by TC Group TC þrouo ^' TotâlolâimsR ange FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 percsnt ol Count of Countof p6rc6nt ot cas6! Count of Perca¡t ot cáso: Count of percenr ot caso: CASeS Cãsos in Rång( CâSeS ¡n RångÞ CaSeS in Rånge cases iñ Rañ 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2ô00 2600 2ô00 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 31-40 41-50 50+ 470 ¿5ó 11.O% 6.00/0 7.70/0 569 285 12.'lyo 6.10/0 7.70/0 575 257 1't.80/o 5.30/o 7.30/0 9.zyo 01-10 11-20 21-30 3l -40 41-50 50+ 327 1265 2002 123 117 4.0Vo 21.40/0 33.9% 21.40/0 1't.20/o 5.00/o 363 I,115 2,OO2 355 3.8% 18.70/o 20.4o/o 1,140 2,221 18.60/0 36.70/, 22.OVo 36-2Vo 23.2Va 11.OVo 5.1Vo 5.90/0 19.60/0 1264 662 298 I,200 263 349 703 1,425 525 9.6yo 676 695 840 r,503 901 356 155 168 708 39.6% 23.8% 9.40/o 4-10/0 4.40/o 18.80/0 41.80/o 21.00/0 4.ø% 6.4% 19.8% 34.40/o 22.90/o 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 1206 808 381 204 215 1 163 1573 936 391 185 2ô5 417 735 7.1To 313 359 20.7% 34.0% 22.8% 10.70/0 1,219 811 JÈIO 1.2s2 374 3s.2yo 23.60/0 291 647 325 137 10.9% 4.80/0 7.1o/o 10.510 8.9% 4.70/o 4.80/0 4l-50 50+ 5.7% 6.1Yo 25.4o/o 34.90/û 20.70/0 8.70/6 't71 183 2't0 5.1% 5.9% 25.30/0 01-10 '11-20 '|,10ô 1.552 435 t 98 213 770 1,845 1,549 252 72 74 24.a% 34.4o/o 21-30 31-40 959 21.5% 9.7% 4-40/. 4.80/0 13.70/" 32.9o/o 27.60/o 1,249 1,938 1.043 438 197 38.0% 20.50'/0 798 1,448 663 235 111 23.7Yo 43.0./0 19.7% 7.Oo/o 8.6% 3.9% 3.70/, 13.3Vo 32.6Vo 27 .60/0 4l-50 50r 0l -10 11-20 21-30 4.10/. 3.30/o 3.40/0 13.7Vo 5.9% 15,10/0 880 190 921 2.253 1867 1464 32.1Vo 25.20/o 3t-40 41-50 50+ 772 13.3% 6.2% ø.ovo 22.7Vo 34.80/o 720 351 12.8% ô.3% 6.6% 1,913 887 445 114 726 2,058 't ,407 61 38.7Vo 26.5Vo '11.5% 4.80/o 12.8Vo 1 6.4% 7.2% 257 466 37'l 01-10 11-20 21-30 3't -40 41-50 50+ 816 1253 756 357 737 1,334 739 381 173 259 203% 36.80/0 500 a24 442 197 263 ¿ia 4.8% 19.8% 43.Oo/o 19.0% 38.07o 22.20/o 417 s05 1,648 965 21.O% 9.S% 4.So/o 20.4lo '1o.50/o 444 21.10/0 10.20/. 170 76 8.1% 3.6% 178 239 862 4.4% 7.10/0 't7 -30/o 0l-10 1't-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ ô.6% 20.0% 34.2% 23.20/0 10.60/0 '1474 1001 220 295 3220 780 1,619 1,137 503 230 't,o24 2,'t33 1,504 743 326 4.5% 6.1% 16.8% 35.00/0 94 4.5% 16.50/o 35.8% 25.20/0 11.10/0 5.10/0 526 1,249 a32 292 140 140 39.3% 26.2% 9.2o/o 24.7% 12.2% 5.10/o 53% 6.1% 4.4'/o 4.40/o 6.8% 22.50/o 38.7Yo 20.80/o 0l-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 5523 2975 555 1227 783 2247 8.670 3.970 4l-50 50+ 5.5% 23.0% 36.7% 0t-10 11-20 3593 249 3,149 5,273 2.980 I,158 563 699 2,297 3,797 5.5% 22.AVo 38.10/6 21.60/0 8.4o/o 370 2,543 5,573 20.5% 38.9% 22.10/0 9.20/o 2,364 4,619 879 21.71o 42.4Yo 21.O% 3,176 1,317 2,251 373 364 8.1Io 3.4% 3.3% 23.3Yo 4.1% 5.10/0 22.4r)/0 583 751 4.1% 5.2% 21.1yo 37 .30/o 2,311 4,081 37.'to/o I,089 1,931 4't.3% Aog6bØ Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 15 of 52 TotalClaims Ranges by TC Group TC þfoup ^ Totalcla¡msR ange FY 2002 psrcent ot Count of CaSeS Casos in Rang( FY 2003 Count FY 2004 Count FY 2005 Count of percsñt ol cãses in Rango of percen or cases of pe¡canr or case: ¡n Rangs Cases 2,252 899 CâSeS ln Range CâSêS 2800 2800 2800 21-30 2011 890 421 623 20.6% 9.10/0 22.O% 2,394 1,057 465 630 2'l.9vo 9.7Vo 4.3Vo 5.ao/o 3l-40 41-50 50+ 8.8% 4.10/0 5.70/0 940 371 156 2Ù.1o/o 7.9% 4.30/o 6.40/o 4',t8 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2AOO 0l-10 't1-20 21-30 31-40 3ø27 457'1 1926 32-7% 39.170 16.50/0 695 354 351 4,797 2,096 741 3,418 585 184 3.3% 3.9% 29.OVo 44.60/0 29.1% 40.9yo 17.90/0 s.455 4,A22 28.60/0 39.9% 18.3% 7.Oo/o 2,210 847 358 2,017 3, 05 I,186 1 17.Ooh 4l-50 50+ 322 5.9% 2.8% 3.Oo/o 6.370 2.8Vo 3-10/0 27.36/o 325 358 334 153 169 130 4.8% 2.2Vo 3.0% 3,zVo 26.8o/o 386 300 2.4% 28.6V0 01-10 11-20 29.3V, 3O2 424 38.6% 18.70/0 38.3% 2't,Oo/o 438 231 39.1% 20.6Vo 8.10/0 2'l-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 170 233 85 190 80 38 41.910 17.6Vo 8.40/0 7.70/. 91 25 4't 2292 2.70/o 4.50/0 27 36 2,263 3,608 2.4% 3.30/0 23 38 2.1!o 3.40/o 6 10 1.370 2.20/o 01-10 11-20 21-30 25.20/o 38.60/0 24.OVo 3518 742 337 1734 441 461 482 34.20/o 19.0% 8.20/o 3.70/o 5.30/0 2'l.Oo/o 1,891 816 405 450 20.O% 8-70/ù 3t-40 4t-50 50+ 2,590 4.139 2,281 981 511 23.4% 37.3Vo 20.60/0 8.4% 4.60/, 5.30/0 1,416 2,412 1,199 474 209 281 23.90/0 40.7% 20.20/0 8.0% 3.5% 3.7% 29.80/o 4-3yo 4.80/o 585 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 792 237 83 472 770 220 346 189 21.60/" 35.20/o 391 585 384 22.7% 33.91o 22.30/o 10.8o/o 4.80/0 36.1% 22.0V0 10.80/0 36.7% 20.oo/o 502 210 113 23.,Vo 9.6% 5.zyo 5.50/o tJo 3.8% 6.2% 25.30/0 186 83 96 67 27 34 7.1% 2.9% 3.670 120 5.61o 01-10 3137 4346 11-20 21-30 35.0% 19.970 3l-40 4t-50 50+ 2470 1103 607 8.9% 4.90/0 3,061 4,777 2,430 'I,046 551 693 421 24.4% 38.0% 19.4% 8.3% 4.40/0 3,283 5,275 2,713 1,192 660 23-4% 37.6% 19.4% 2,010 3,519 1,683 662 326 398 23.4% 40.9% 't9.6% 7.7Vo 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 0l-10 11-20 31-40 41-50 50+ 754 389 693 424 226 97 6.1Vo '19.5% 5.5% 18.86/0 33.20/o 22.80/o 11.70/0 888 468 903 594 8.5% 4.7% 6.3% 18.30/o 35.2o/o 3.8% 4.6% 19.670 39.60/0 34.8% 21.31o 11.40/0 743 510 224 452 105 37 61 23.2% 11.40/0 4.8o/o 23.010 9.zyo 3.20/o 4.9% 8.10/0 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 3600 161 '0't-'t0 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ . s 261 119 182 49 93 251 123 53% 8.1Vo 17.40/0 7.9% 183 160 396 7.10/, f 5.60/0 53% 17.4vo 41 33 36.0% 28.9% 5.!Vo 33.070 23.40/0 11.3o/o 66 6 4 32 11 3.5% 14.4% 32.5% 3.9Yo 11.Oo/ø 01-10 1935 21 1,961 31 217 1't7 44 38.6% 21.2% 11.40/0 44 l0 10 19 40-4% 15.3% 9.2yo 9.2o/o 21 5 1,078 s2 4.3% 9.0% 29.5V6 4.6Vo 30.370 31.2% 1,9't7 Ao"6ë2 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 16 of 52 Total Claims Ranges by TC Group FY 2002 TC FY 2003 Count FY 2004 Count FY 2005 Of Pe¡cent of Ceses ¡n Range Grouo Tolalcla¡msR ange Count of prcnr ot of pârcont of cås6s ¡ñ Rng6 of pe.cenr ol cases CoUnt ¡ñ Rång CâSeS cssâs ¡ñ Rang CASes cåses cases 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3ô00 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3ô00 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3ô00 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3ô00 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 2491 917 328 133 159 41.80h 15.40/0 5-SYo 2,607 '1,014 380 157 41.5% 16.1Vo 2,756 1,070 406 190 42.40/0 't6.5yo 6.zyo 2.gvo 2.40/0 6.1% 2.sVo 2.50/o 1.598 574 172 78 44.9% 16.10/0 4.6Vo 2.2Yo 2.zyo 2.7Vo 0r-10 11-20 21-30 3l -40 't019 1943 1557 160 15.3% 29.30/0 23.40/0 854 12.9% 7.50/0 1,737 1.433 788 463 838 158 13.8% 28.70/0 23.60/0 782 1,808 854 443 12.8% 59 414 963 1.7% 14.8yo 34.5o/o 24.2Vo 29.6% 25.8vo 14.Oo/o 1.573 642 2,014 2,739 1,220 511 67s 211 13.O% 7.60/0 4l-50 50+ 01- 10 496 7.30/0 1't-20 2'l-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 771 1947 2512 11.6% 31.1% 40,20/o 803 1,978 2,709 1,072 431 358 1?O 1,022 1.460 620 191 12.8% 6j% 7.60/0 29.40/o 42.00/o 17.80/0 13.2% 30.0% 41.10/o 16.20/0 6.5o/o 10.50h 29.Oo/o 39.40/o '17 .60/0 l00l 422 173 198 16.0vo 6.7Vo 2.Ao/o 3.z%o 7,40/0 5.57o 2.40/o 2.9Vo . 0t-10 11-20 '1024 606 102 125 1 29.30/0 14'12 221 40.5% 17.4Vo 2l-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 0't 6.3% 2.9o/o 3.60/o 205 202 989 1,458 633 254 110 125 3.'to/o 3.1Vo 2't8 244 3.'la/o 85 3,5Vo 26-90/o 27.7% 40.9% 17.7% 7 j% I,046 639 330 r,535 39.5% 16.5Vo 4.50/o 102 589 906 367 53 62 27.8to 42.80/0 17.30/0 139 6.6Vo 3.'lVo - 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 't146 554 581 30.710 4't .60/0 15.50/0 1,084 1,514 700 267 3.5% 28.2% 39.4Vo 159 4j% 173 4.5Vo 925 25.1% 1,526 41.4o/o 714 19.50/0 2.5% 2.So/o 14.2% 7.O% 234 116 106 ô.3% 3.10/0 2-8o/o 130 145 3.4% 273 114 130 7.4% 3.'l1o 50t 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 01- 10 3.8% 3.s% 21.40/. 38.1Vo 20.70/0 10.oo/o 709 22.6Yo 1195 633 260 34.2% 20.2% 8.3% 4.3% 6.41o 1,088 644 244 638 21.4% 36.5% 21.60/0 723 1,2A7 701 338 524 758 349 137 57 64 408 758 406 171 89 27.7% 40.10/o 18.5% 7.3Vo 3.0% 3.4Vo 21.3Yo 39.6% 21.20/0 9.5% 5.4% 5.40/t 28.O% 38.70/o 8.9% 4.6Vo 11-20 21-30 3't-40 41-50 50+ 135 199 2'147 2584 1231 468 246 293 162 161 2,046 151 182 1,964 4.5% 5.40/0 27.10/0 30.8% 37.10/0 17.70/o 6.7Vo 3.50/o 4.2o/o 2,826 1,258 525 290 350 17.2Vo 7.26/. 4.0Vo 2,766 1,233 579 38.1% 17 .O0/o 82 1,048 1,615 683 270 101 4.3% 27.0% 41.7% 17.60/0 7.Oo/o 8.ovo 4.3% 5.60/0 309 407 2.6Yo 4.8'/o 0t -10 11-20 21-30 31-40 1526 491 72 1367 138 57 158 669 4.1% 34.OVo 45.4Vo 37.4% 41.80/o 13.40/0 1,234 1,528 34.10h 42.2% 15.2Yo 550 170 65 74 1,291 1.526 34.90to 41.30/0 3.8% 2.O% 1.60/0 4.7% 1.8% 2.00/o 578 186 63 15.6Yo 268 80 32 852 13.6Yo 5.0% 1.7o/D 4.1Io 1.60/0 4l-50 50+ 55 1.5Yo 24 1.2Vo Ao362o Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 17 of 52 TotalClaims Ranges by TC Group TC ^' Itfouo Totâlcla¡msR ange 01- 10 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 p¡r6nt of Count of Count of Psrc6nt or caso! Count Of prcñt of cás6! Count of pe',cenr or cases CaSeS Casss in Rangr CASeS in Rångs CASeS ¡n Rânge cases in Rangê 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 1101 1435 27.30/o 1'l-20 21-30 3l -40 41-50 cU+ 35.6% 17.3Vo 696 âât 1,'t73 't,627 802 378 223 298 26.10/0 1,187 873 411 25.7% 35.3% 18.90/0 662 25.50/o 36.1% 17.80/0 8.40/0 1,629 312 3,742 4,755 2,044 7E6 1,003 524 172 38.6% 20.2Yo 6.60/o 8.2% 8.9% 4.40/0 189 282 4.7% 7.Oo/o 5.0% 6.6% 32.70/0 20s 102 1 3.9% 5.3% 31 .10/o 40.20/o 17.70/0 6.8% 31.ovo 01-10 11-20 4014 4555 34.2% 38.8% 15.3% 6.3yo 2.50/. 3,813 4,581 137 ,7 42 991 316 145 39.3% 16.10/o 39.4% 17.00/0 6.50/6 2,250 21-30 31-40 1796 739 29ô 335 1,880 708 334 6.1% 2.Solo 2.90/0 18.50/o 5.6% 2.6% 2.Ao/o 16.70/o 4l-50 50r 01- t0 337 2.8Vo 2.gvo 18.9% 't1-20 21-30 31-40 2587 1775 941 567 1580 31.0% 21.30/o 338 1,616 2,712 632 392 2.758 2,007 ,146 668 1 3.3% 16.80/o 154 1,545 3'1.1% 30.0% 21.80/0 't1.3% 6.8% 10.7Vo 1,831 s98 826 1.705 532 305 34.40/0 21.0% 11.4% 7.20/0 1,137 446 1,711 2,721 1,061 381 23.0% 10.70/0 12.40/. 4r-50 50t 01-10 '11-20 21-30 31-40 7.3% 11.8% 6.2% 9.0% 27.60/0 889 3245 4332 30.4% 40.60/0 1733 680 372 1685 16-20/, 6.40/0 . 4l-50 50+ 316 1953 814 318 128 176 1907 4,575 2,038 749 942 3,107 380 'to-g./" 1,082 27.5% 4O.6./o 14.10/0 3,269 4,754 2,137 824 376 27.7% 40.3% '18.1% 7.Oo/o 43.9% 17.10/0 7.O% 3.4Yo 6.2Va 3.O% 3.5o/o 3.20h 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50ù 33.2% 38.570 16.00/0 ô.3% 2.5o/o 389 1,69ô 2,1't0 887 342 162 3.4% 31.5% 39.20/0 2,226 948 415 220 1 ,7 439 1,575 3.7% 28.2Vo 16.570 39.8% 't6.9lo 7.4% 3.9% 3.8V, 22.60/ø 146 174 805 1.238 514 f93 a4 2.4tÁ 2.8% 27.8Vo 42.80/0 17.80/o 6.70/0 6.4% 3.Oo/o 2.9'/o 2.'to/o 3.5% 01- l0 28.6% 32.Oya 17 .3Vo 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 2136 1 602 344 536 ¿YUÞOJ 153 181 1,771 2,243 1,274 664 351 3.4% 26.0Vo 33.070 49 2,625 9.0% 5.20/o a.oo/o 18.7% 9.0yo 5.20/o 7.30/o 1,470 33.9% 19.0% 10.1% 5.4Vo 1,5s0 859 60 927 22.4o/o 37.5VD 2O.A'/o 7A2 498 292602 420 707 308375 390 164 244 161984 9.4% 4.00/0 9.1% 6.0% Aoz6?t Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 18 of 52 lndependent Claims TC Count of Cagos Pè¡conr or Countof Casos pèE6ntor Cæ6ln Rángê Cd66ln Rãns6 1600 1600 1610 tô10 1610 01-03 06-10 r600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1610 ll-15 t6-20 r600 1600 1600 160 1620 11-15 13.1% 1600 1600 1600 r600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1630 1.283 11-15 17.1% 154 2.10ß r600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1640 11-15 't 35 2.10/o 117 1.50/o 18 59.40/o 1600 1600 1600 1600 600 600 1600 1600 1600 't600 't 't 1700 1700 1700 't700 1700 1700 861 13.40/0 1710 1710 '1720 't720 11-15 21+ 1700 1700 't 700 r700 1700 06-10 11-15 153 6,10/0 1700 1700 1700 1700 1730 06-10 A0367z Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 19 of 52 lndependent Claims Ranges by TC Group TC l-roup ' lndpndenlcl atmsKang6 I FY 2002 Count of P6rÈsñr or CASS 34 Cæ6s ¡nRãrso FY 2003 Count FY 2004 Count of Cass porcs¡t of Cd3o3lñRâns6 of Cases 27 P6rcôñr or ca!ê. ln Rånsê FY 2005 Count ot P6'c6nt or câ!ô. CaSeS ln Rng6 t3 0.7% 0.20/o 0.10/o 1700 1700 '1700 1730 1730 l-15 0.8% 0.20/o 27 I 0.6% 0.20/o 0.6% 0.1oÁ 0.10¿ 74.OVo 16-20 21+ 01-03 04-05 1700 1700 r700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1730 1740 1740 1'140 1740 1740 1740 1750 't750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1760 1760 5,464 1,161 634 6 0.10Á 3 0.1% 73.0o/o 16.70/o 4.70/o 73.8% 't5.70/o 8.60/o 5,616 5.670 1.291 6 6 1 2.618 7E.'Vo 15.2% 1.286 84 16.4% 7.8% 0.9% o.20/o 06-10 1't-15 16-20 21+ 109 12 598 68 1E 505 180 16 5A% 0,50/o t.sVo 't.lyo 0.3% 0,170 74.50/0 o.3vo o.20/o 0t-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 5.554 73.90/o 1.187 650 a2 23 17 11 5,868 76 14 2't 15.S% 8.7% 1.1% 1,275 635 I 5,227 18 6,008 1.321 642 73 21 17 I 3.483 0.3% 0.2% 76.20/o 15.5Yo 7.'lYo 0.2% 74.3vo 16.30/6 16.2Vo 70s 326 38 8.r% 1.Oo/o 7.9% 0.90/o 16-20 21+ 0.3% o.2% 75.20/o O.27o 0.3% o.20/o 75.90/0 0.1% 75.Ao/o f700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 2100 2100 1760 1760 1760 1760 01-03 04-05 06-10 't 4.908 529 6ô 'r,004 11 15.4% 8.10/o 1.Oo/o O.2a/o l-ts 1,040 530 60 23 15 15.1% 7.7% 0.9% o.30h o.20/o 5,214 1,036 518 69 19 16 5 I 2.348 445 200 0.8% 0.1% 0.20/o 77.7% 't4.70/o 6.60/o 'l5.1To 7.5% 1.0% 0.3% 0.20/o 0.8% 16-20 1770 17fO 1770 1770 1770 0r-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21+ I 3,783 796 403 0,1% 14.5% 15.7% 7.94/o 4,Í25 909 74.10/o 16.7Vo 3.965 890 46 27 74.2.h 16.70Á 1770 2110 2110 2110 2110 2110 2110 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 2130 2130 2130 2130 2130 2130 2140 2140 61 l6 17 1.2% 408 6? l5 7.5% 1.2% 410 7 7.7% 0.9% O.5o/o 1,754 325 t't 6 '18 2 0.2% o.',t% 79.0% '14.6% o.3% 0.3% 54.30/o 0t-03 04-05 0ô-10 11-15 16-20 21+ 1.210 1,289 677 I o.3% 0.1% 54.AoA 28.8ø/o 6 1 5.2% o.a% 0.3% 0.00Á 63.4Yo 0.10/0 1,262 642 56.1% 28.6Vo 13.4Vo ',l.4Yo 617 350 27.70/o 15.70/o 't.80/o 2100 2100 2100 336 40 't4.3Vo 40 Þ 1 1.7% 0.370 301 32 5 861 328 I 2 1 1.425 293 159 24.1% 11.70/0 0.6% 0.3% 0.3% 56.70,6 2r00 2r00 2100 2r00 2r00 2r00 01-03 04-05 06-10 .537 644 443 3 2.168 1.040 662 I o.3vo 0.'t% 0.1% 0.1% i.2% 54.7% 27 .Oo/ø 54.3% 26.1Uo 2.52s 1.245 72A 79 61.7% 23.9ø/o 12.70/0 't.OVo 23.7% 16.3þ/o 16.6% 'ls.Ach 1.7% t1-15 56 IE 14 t6-20 2'l+ 0't-03 04-05 2f00 2t00 2100 2.1% o.7% o.5% 4A.10/o 84 't9 18 2.1% o.5% 0.50¿ 47.2Yo 25 l0 0.5% o.2% 50.80/o 27 23 7 I 0.3yo 0.3% 5A.A% 2,098 877 152 '1,156 47 1,969 852 144 2,324 1,525 26.5% 20.to/o 1,137 45 ¿c 27.3% 20.40/o 3.50/o 1.10/0 1,259 834 't .5% 646 8 24.9% 13.6o/o 2r00 2100 06-10 11-'t5 14.20/o 2.20/o 3.5% 't_1% 01 2.Oyo 2100 2100 2100 2100 t6-20 21+ 38 0.8% D.4o/o 0.3% 0.3% 5Ê.4% 30 0.7% 44 .60/o 0.6% 45.7% 27.50/o 2100 2140 2140 2140 2t00 2100 2100 2140 ' 0't-03 04-05 06-10 1 a12 568 90 .210 1.095 605 423 5E 't1 30.070 21.O% 19.2% 2.60/0 o.50/o 1.074 628 376 47 '¡0 19 50.1% 25.3% 17.6% 2.20/o 387 174 102 16 I 25.4% 14.S% 2.so/o D.30/o -r5 21+ 3.3% 0.70/0 t6-20 20 0.3% 0.5yo 2 10 0.4% l0 0.5% 5 0.70/0 Ao=t?3 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 20 of 52 lndependent Cla ims Ranges TC 2100 2100 C Group FY 2004 Countof porconl of cás6s CaSeS lrRango ^-,,^ 2150 2150 2150 lndependentcl âtmsllange 2100 2100 2100 2 2150 2150 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 FY 2002 porcnl or Count of cãss c6s.s ln tun6 1,676 46.0% FY 2003 Countof CaS9S pE6nt ot Câsos ir R6ngo FY 2005 Count of porcorìt or cãsð, CASoS ln Rênes 1,023 769 127 1.314 46.60/o 28.1% 840 543 90 16 29.8% 19.30/0 r.r98 730 386 12 50.2Vo 389 181 57.OVo 30,6% '16.2% 26.5% 14.60/0 21.'t% 3.5% 0.90/o 0.40/0 100 3.2% 0.670 2.2% 0.5% 0.30/o a 3 2 12% 0,40/0 0.30/o 32 t00 2100 2150 2160 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2r60 2160 2160 2160 2160 01-03 04-05 06-10 r 1.246 79'l 540 98 14 0.6% 46.0% 292% 19.9% t-15 21+ 16-20 01-03 04-05 06-10 1'l-15 16-20 21+ 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2170 2't70 2't70 2170 2170 2170 2f80 21AO 1,411 769 516 l8 16 3.6% 0.7% 0.6% 50.2% 27.4% 14.4% 2.7% l.'to/o 0.30/o 54.70,/o 1,654 915 6t3 86 21 l5 50.1% 27.70h t8_6% 2.6Vo I r,500 900 49.7% 29.4% 14.1% 1.79o o.30/o 1,818 313 64.6% 22.6% 11.1% 1.2./" 547 52 I I 33 0.60à 0.50/o 50.90/0 0.370 0.3% 0.2% 1,426 2.319 1.286 754 97 12 51.6% 2A.6% 16.8% 2.2yo 1,397 59.90/0 26.9% 25.6Vo 76 30 8 524 58 18 18.7Vô 2.'to/o 279 42 I 12.00/" 1.80/0 0.8% 0.6% 52.OVo 27.9Vo 0.6% 0.30,/o o.4% o.30k 0l-03 04-05 06-10 r t-,15 '16-20 1.709 2100 2100 2100 2180 2180 2r80 2180 2190 2190 861 478 57 16 2,033 27.5% r5.3% 1.8% 1,092 680 83 13 I 211 2,583 794 75 24 11 51.10/o I,569 r.676 691 8 6r.8% 25.5Vø 31.O% 15.70Á 17.4% 2.10/0 301 30 3 12 14 11.1yo 1.1yo 0.10/0 0.40/o 1.5% 2f00 2100 2100 2100 2100 2'loo 2100 2100 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2190 2190 2190 2190 21+ 01-03 04-05 06- t0 0.5% 0.2% 49.3% 28.70/o 0.30¿ 0.20/o 0.5% 0.210 52.O% 48.ïVo 28.6Vo 1f .3Vo 4,30/o O,1o/o 312 182 60.90/" 582 55 7 379 30.3% 15.70/o 5 4 21.7% 17.40,/o 1A.7% 2.70/o o.30/o 128 32 94 11-15 16-20 )1+ I 1.5% 0.oolo o.oo/o 1 0.0% 0.50h 2610 2610 2610 2610 0.2% 0.8% 0,0% 01-03 04-05 06-10 2610 2610 2620 2620 ll-15 16-20 21+ 2,690 't,147 814 148 55.10/0 23.50/0 16.70/o 2,702 998 705 132 42 5A.70/o 3.0ô2 t.'145 680 't0l 26 25 21.7fo 't5.3% 2.5% 0.9% 0.6vo 52.90/0 23.50/o 1A,2To 60.8% 22.7% 't3.5ø/o 1.797 580 37 65.970 21.3Uo 299 4 1.894 681 r1.0% 't.10/ú o.30/o 3.0% 1-O% 0.70to 50 32 2,293 2.0% 0.5% 0.5% 57.4Vo 22.70/o 0.1Vo 62.1Vo 22.30/o 12.9o/ø 0l-03 04-05 53.9% 23.'lo/o 2620 2620 2620 2620 2630 2630 982 778 140 2189 1,104 '165 2,796 1.107 779 127 41 06-10 18.3% 3,30/6 0,80/0 16.0% 394 1t-15 16-20 21+ 3,íVo 1.2% 0.7% 2.6% 0.8% 0.5% 64.10/0 2630 2630 2630 2630 2640 2640 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 2A 3,686 'r,293 788 35 B.7ro 56 33 3,521 I .'t 94 58 13 2.524 1.9% 0.4% 0.30/o 62.4% 21.9% 13.3% 1.70/o 64.6% 21 .90/o 3.930 r.34 414 91 12 11.3% 'l.7yo 744 88 20 r 66.6% 21.0o/o 21.9% 12.1yo 1.40/0 797 412 10.9% l.OVo o.zyo 101 t6-20 21+ 01-03 04-0s 26 14 0.4% 22 38 q 0.4% o.20Á 63.20/o 0.3% 2,204 838 o2% 62.1% 23.6% 12.0% t1 2.339 739 02% 6s.8% 20.gvo 11.5% 2,238 801 ll 'r,069 0.3% 69.1010 2640 06-'i0 425 22.6% 11.60/. 4't2 326 133 21.1% 8.60/o 409 Ao?ê71 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 21 of 52 lndependent Claims Ranges by TC Group FY 2002 TC .*,,^ 2640 lndependntcl aìmsRange Countof CAsOs p6E6nror FY 2003 p6n6¡t Count of CaSS FY 2004 or FY 2005 c6!! Counl csæ ln Rrnso 1.Eo/o C6êæ ln Rångê of cases prc6nt ol Counl ¡n Rán96 ol Câses p6E6nl otcæe ln Ransó 1.00/0 2600 2600 2600 2640 2640 2650 2650 1't-15 16-20 21+ 63 10 75 't4 2 2,4O1 2.1!o 0.40/o 0.10/o 45 12 10 0.3% 0.3vo 62.30/0 1,3% 0.3% 0.3% 15 o.oo/o o.2% 2600 2600 2600 2600 0t-03 04-05 06-10 I 2600 2600 2600 2650 2650 2650 2650 2660 2,813 975 586 102 25 12 62.8o/â 21.30/o 3,375 21.60/û 13.Oo/o 952 57s 12.9!o 2.20/o t-15 21+ 16-20 01-03 04-05 06-10 r 1-15 16-20 2.3% 0.6% 0.370 51.60/o 28.60/o 't.o27 582 80 23 I 3.632 2,31'1 20.20/o 68.6% 19.40/o 653 'l1.4yo 1.6% 0.50/r 0.20/o 52.50/o 2A.Ao/o 352 35 11 14.4% ',l.O% 14 0.5% 0.3% 53.2% 27.A% 16.'to/o 0.3% 0.20/o 57.40/o 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 26ô0 2660 2660 2660 2,997 1,660 2.982 '1.560 900 't5 969 131 34 1.991 16.7% 0.6% 0.40/0 120 z.'tyo 0.50/o 1,107 142 30 17 16.0% 3.050 1,389 767 26.10/0 14.40/o 2.'t% 0.4% 0.2% 72 23 13 1.4% 0.4to 0.20/o 21 01-03 04-05 06-10 0.3% 60.40h 21.4o/o 14.70/0 2670 2670 2600 2600 2670 2670 2670 2670 2680 2680 2,144 78E 545 EO 59.70/6 21.90/n 15.1% 2.187 790 532 2.690 973 ll-15 16-20 27+ 2.2% o.6vo 69 29 566 78 1.9% 0.80¿ 62.0% 22.4% 13.0% 1.8% 0.40/0 1,448 406 30 I 68.8% 19.30Á 206 I 9.8% 1.4Vo 20 18 0.470 t8 o.5% 59.9% 23.70/0 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2S00 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2600 2800 2800 2800 2800 2600 2800 2E00 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2680 2680 2680 2680 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-'t5 16-20 21+ 2.583 1.022 587 16 2,715 1 115 0.4% 60.1% 24.7% 12.9% 1.5% 0.60/o 0.20/o '14 3.616 0.3% 59.370 25.Oo/o 0.4% 65.20/ô 2.072 698 'l.524 22.0% 10.4% 1.7% 13.670 1 A% o.69/o 0.30/0 79 24 583 69 11 828 93 27 12 13.6% 1.5% 0.4% 0.20/o 342 2810 2810 2810 2810 2810 2810 2820 2820 14 9,839 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 68.9% 18.50/0 10.30/0 9,639 2,570 69.7% 18.6% 10.031 2,688 54 I 4 8,072 't,909 0.3% 0.'t% 74.10/0 1? .50/o . 69.9% 1A.7ølo 2,638 1,472 232 58 47 1.6% O.4!ø 1.330 197 't.126 1.916 998 150 9,116 1,771 744 46 40 9.6% 1.4% 1342 171 37 34 9.6% 1.20h o.30/o 810 63 13 3,46't 800 7.4% 0.6% o.zvo 16-20 21+ 0.3% 6E.4% 18.5% 10.3% 2.Oolo 0.3% 0.3% 69.50/0 18.10/" o.2% 68.5% 19.50/0 o.tyo 74.1Io 't7.10/o 7,60/, 01-03 04-05 06-'10 11-15 2A20 2820 2420 2820 6,695 1,807 1,012 194 25 7,493 147 33 25 9.7% 1.so/o O.4Yo 2,rs3 1,107 'tO.1% 1.30/o 353 42 13 0.9% 0.30/o 2830 2830 16-20 2'l+ 0.50/o 0.3% o.2% o.3yo o.2% 77.70/o '15.10/o 2 o.0% 81.30Á 13.2Vo 2830 2830 2830 01-03 04-05 06-10 9.005 762 80 77.O% 1,819 16 9.344 77.4% 15.4Vo t-15 t6-20 I 15.6% 6.s% 0.7% 0.10/0 0.10/0 2830 2840 2440 27+ 2840 2840 2840 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 683 143 73 13 68 'r9 17 97 6.3% 0.6% 0.2% 0-1% 74.40/o 1,861 767 69 24 5.659 920 340 6.4% 0.6% 0.20/o 4.5% 0.3Vo 24 11 75.1% 15.7yo 8.OVo 't.'t%o 0.00/o 824 172 t3 7'l o.zyo 0.1./. 75.3% 10 354 0.1% 78.0% 't4.8% 7.00k o.2% 0.0% 0.0% 444 15.51o 8.8% 1.OVo 191 13 'tl.O% 6.370 67 32 1 10 0 11 1.2% 16-20 21+ 2840 o.3% 0.070 1 0.1% o.2% o.o% 36?5 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 22 of 52 lndependent Claims Ranges by TC Group TC 2800 2400 2800 uroup 2850 2850 - lndopendentcl atmsKange FY 2002 psrcént or Counl ol CaSeS Cæs6lñRân9ê FY 2003 Count ol Cases 6,662 p.Eènr or c*¿s h tun86 FY 2004 Counl of p6rc6nt of câêôr CasêS ìn Rêngâ FY 2005 Count of PEn{orcasós CaSeS ìnRongo 0t-03 04-05 06-10 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2850 2850 2850 6,459 1,603 8E6 97 40 70.90/" 70.6% 17.5% 1.4% 17.6% 1.649 938 7,A29 2,010 1.039 142 46 21 70.6% 14.1% 4.321 1,038 479 62 16 73.0./. 17.50/0 E.10Á 1.Oo/o 9.7% 't.10/o o.40to 9.4% 1.3Vo 0.40/o o-2011 1r-15 16-20 21+ 125 32 0.3% 0.2Vo 67.10/Þ o.30/o 2850 2860 2860 19 1.392 0.2'/o 63.50/o 21.8Vo 0'l-03 04-05 06-10 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2600 2860 2860 2860 2860 477 277 12.6% 1.5% 0,2% 0.4% t1-15 16-20 2'l+ 33 I a,762 2,231 23 '1,467 42s 261 23 7 1.159 379 161 I 141 71 9 1 6.486 1,370 620 0.1% 76,50/o 67.20/r 19.4% 22.0% 9.3% ',t.3Vo 14.9Vo 7 11.9% 1.1% 0.30/o o.20/o 22 10,196 2.411 156 .50 '1,070 2A70 2470 2470 2570 2970 2A7O 2880 2880 01-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21+ 70.6% 16.0% 9,147 2,145 146 19 2 2 0.1Yo 0.1ô/o 0.oo/o 0.'t10 72.8% 17.10/. 72.A% 17.20h A.4% 1 75.404 15.9% 7.20/õ 1.160 169 67 2A 9.3% '1.4% 1,069 't,489 443 8.5% 1.2olo 1,'t74 50 24 1.h 91 16 15 1.1% o.20/o o.20/o o.5% o.20/o 2880 2880 2880 2880 0't-03 04-05 06-10 't 1-15 16-20 21+ 1,271 417 250 0.3% 0.2% 66.6% 19.80/o 0.40/0 O.2o/o 63.9% 21.0o/o 1.697 535 66.2% 20.90/o 795 2't7 'I l 69.7% 19.0% L7olo 12.6% 1.A% 35 't1 0.6% 0.3% 42.10 256 32 I 7 't't.A% 1.4% 0.40/o 0.30/o 273 46 7 10.7% 1.870 I 15 2 1.3% o.2ø/o 0.1o/o 0.3% 0,20/o 4 1 79 2800 2800 2800 2890 2890 ot-03 04-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21+ 2690 2890 48 36 22 I 3 173 70 2g 6 61.3% 24.4o/o 31.6% 19.3% 714 r81 112 69.6% 17.6% 10.97o '1.3% 0.40/a o.20/o 9.S% 2.10/o 2800 2800 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 2890 2890 3610 3610 3.5% 0.9% 2.6% A2.20/o 3 13 4 r8 12 72.5% 16.5% 11.0yo o.ovo 0.00¿ 1.1% 0.70to 0t-03 04-05 06-10 1't-15 16-20 4,902 746 276 31 2 5,218 o.o% 83. I o/o 't2.50h 4.6Vo 3610 3610 3610 3610 766 260 29 5.332 856 280 42.1% 13.2o/o 4.3o/o 2,991 416 '140 84.O% 12.2% 4.1% 0.5% 0.00/o 1't.7% 3.9% 0.30/0 0.5% 0.0% 24 0.4% 0.0% o.o% 11 't o.o% 0.0% 63.40/o 22.30/o 12.zVo 6 0'l-03 04-05 06-10 0.t% 53.4!o 24.20/o 0.0% 3620 3620 3620 3620 3620 3.543 L605 74 50 3620 3630 3630 1t-15 t6-20 21+ 01-03 04-05 06-10 f,183 185 4.967 871 I 4 17.A% 3,291 1,465 1.038 111 54.3% 24.20à 17.10/. 3,423 1,501 s57 148 56.1% 24.6% 15.7% 2.40/o 1.770 623 340 2.4./. 1.'lyo 0.8% 79.4% 13.9ô/0 2.8% 1.Oyø 60 5,318 898 333 40 41 32 37 t3 ö 13% 0.5% 0.3% 81.5% 13.5% 4.7Vo A.1Vo 0.6% 80.670 0.7% 0.5% 80.10lo 5,563 3630 3630 3630 13.6% 5,g1o 5.9% 0.60/o 0_ 981 351 36 2.836 410 14.1ro 5.1% 0.5% 0.1% o.1% 78.20/o 163 5 5 I l-15 16-20 21+ o.6vo 10lo 3630 3640 3640 6 2,666 447 223 0.1% o.o% 0.1% 79.1Vo 3600 3600 3600 3640 01-03 04-05 06-10 2,760 474 221 a 3.034 564 7 0,1% 0.0vo 80.30/6 13.30/o 5.20/o t3-6% 6.3% 80.4% 't2.5!o 6,20/r 1,712 242 14.51o 243 6.3% 1r0 Aö367ê Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 23 of 52 lndependent Claims TC by TC Group pêrcnt or CáEos¡nRa¡go Countol PêEonror Cas6s cæ6s¡nRárso Count of CaSeS 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3640 11-15 3650 1í- 15 100 3660 1't-'t 5 67.1% 155 4.10/6 13 0.4Vo 414 3680 11-15 11.4% 14 0.40/. s600 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 37 t0 11-15 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 12 0.1% 11 14 0.1vo 0.1% 3730 1,006 11-15 12,1% 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3740 3740 06-10 I t-ls 15 0.1% AO3êÞ77 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 24 of 52 lndependent Claims Ranges by TC Group FY 2002 uroup _ lndependntcl atmsxange Counl of CaSS p6E6ñt or Csôs¡¡ Rorl8 3700 3750 3750 0t-03 04-05 06-10 1't- t5 '16-20 . 3700 3700 3700 3700 3750 3750 3750 3750 4,140 639 251 3'1 81.6% 12.60/0 FY 2003 prcênt ot çount of Câses C63ês lñRâñ96 4,433 82.40/0 12.O% 643 FY 2004 Count of psrcenr or caso¡ CaSeS ln Rø¡go 4,503 80.5% 13.1% 5.7% 0.670 FY 2005 Counl of psrce¡r or casos cass lñ Rángá 4.90/" 275 t9 4 4 733 317 34 5.1% 0.40/0 0.10/0 0.6v. O.2fo 0:oo/o t't 7 5.639 0.''t% 0.0% 72.70/. 16-8% E.6olo 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 3700 21+ 3760 3760 3760 3760 3760 3760 01-03 04-05 06-10 4.898 1.108 569 2 0:l% 72.00/û 17.50/" 73-3Vo 4.900 1.193 595 2.392 368 119 11 3 't 3,075 731 242 A2.7Vo 't2.7% 4.1% 0.4Vô 0.1% o.Dyo 16.6% 1,302 ooc 74.3% 1f .?o/o 6.80¿ 0.Ao,/o 8.5% 1.10/r o.30/o o.20/o A.7% fl-15 l6-20 21+ 72 17 14 86 t5 12 1.3% o.2olo 101 29 17 1.3% O.4lo 0.20/o 32 t3 o.2ro 5 161,984 0.3% 0.1% 290,663 292,602 308,375 No3ÉYe Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 25 of 52 Bahr. Robert F¡om: Sent: To: Subiect: Brown, Peter Toby Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:12 AM Bahr, Robertì Young, Kereni Hunter, Daniel Not requested - 3rd Actions Plus by TC - 2005-10-1s.xls llut likcl¡- \\'ill [r!' l reqLrestcd al sonle poilrl. hc lst uorkshcct esplaitrs rihat lhe report shous. but in a nutshell, \\''c look at all Oflice actiuls. but do NOT cou¡rt restrictions as O1'1ìce actions counls a¡.c. tletennitrcd. but wc festart actiou counts after an,v cPA. RCII or R129. ^ction lìcsulls arc conrpiled by'l'(1. corps and fìtllrcr an edited corps workshecl is includcd. Onl). FY05 rvas upclatc-cl. l'he other lìYs, if upclatr,-d. r',ould havc VIìRY slight changcs ducs ttr l)Al,M lloLrblcshooting. etc.. but basicalll", o¡rce ¿ FY ends. the FY data is conrplete. 'l hanlisl ! lìrtt¡' 3rd Actions P¡us bY TC - 2005-... FO+3F?2 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 26 of 52 Logical Flow of Program (rast updared october 15, 2oos) All applications with office actions during FYs 02 - 05 were identified and all offìce actions from those applications were extracted. Then the actions were indexed and counted. Actions were selected from the mailing of a non-final rejection, a final rejection, an advisory action, a miscellaneous action, an independent rule 105 communication, an examiner's answer, a supplemental examiner's answer, a notlce of allowance, a letter of suspension (ML.SP only), an interference action, an ex parte Quayle action and an interference disposal. Also identified and included in the list of actions were the express abandonments for CPA, RCE or R129. When counting the Office actions, counts were restarted with any express abandonment. ln this way, same application could have multiple first actions, etc. Restrictions are not included in this analysis (i.e., they are not counted as Office actions) >= 2). # 6+ represents all office actions numþered 6 or greater (and 2+ represents Ao+373 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 27 of 52 OffiCe Action Analysis by TeCh Centef Act¡on Number 1 (restrictions excluded) - updated october 15, 2o0s Finals 77'l 9,545 1,697 589 Quayles 101 All Actions Non-F¡nals Allows 29,4U 24,178 3,976 1,201 5'16 4,148 7,495 3,780 1 Other 236 467 1 2'11 2 0 0 2 21,632 I 6 0 0 1 4 6+ 10,420 3,987 1,582 1,323 227 Total 30,365 227 lao 13,018 149 83 46 23 26 428 116 148 91 ,625 ô70 573 1 308 6 2',t5 6 0 0 1 2 n i u 3 i-- 22,703 27 ,g37 1 3,739 20.243 2 1,292 10,335 3 576 3,691 t 262 1.502 s 259 e* ---------- ,4o4 66liìÏ--:-----2-8,ããi----:-r;t"f 't 525 9.366 1.807 471 4,378 o,oo.) 3,560 1 357 1,107 401 52 ?-1_. ,485 236 - 578 453 75 '130 - aï:6o4 369 199 555 't 7.189 3,451 2,856 1,202 370 6 0 0 1 2 ^ u u 4 4 r 2 s ¿ s a6* Total 1 26,534 18,868 9.175 3.350 1,400 1t?,1 ,231 1 22,453 3,793 1,263 642 276 2F,4 264 28 8'837 1,473 69 25 14 ?5_ 482 239 198 11 186 319 3,514 999 407 464 378 14.140 366 5.791 338 76 2 0 2 J 6 0 0 0 4 9r__ 29,055 20,067 9,393 3,314 1,306 '1 24,914 3,931 1,301 428 10,292 1,717 3,404 5,403 2,787 441 233 317 3,529 989 318 338 724 124 59 32 'f6 18 ,131 628 267 206 540 264 216 Total .266 31247 325 13.513 Ao+37+ Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 28 of 52 1 7 0 0 1 Office Action Analysis by Tech Center (restrictions exctuded) - updated october 15, 2oo5 Allows Ouâylês FY Action Number AllAct¡ons Non-Finals Finals 175 6,989 468 34.796 1 42.492 125 13,582 11,766 29,427 3]07 2 2 't,437 5J74 27 12,205 942 3 rì 1,741 "^ 20 377 4o2 3,640 + u 674 194 1'l 1sz 1.364 5 7 465 2 '117 1s4 e, 1oo4 6+1 Total 1 Other 64 247 4'625 1,100 333 132 40.116 14.39ô 2 0 ? 7 0 0 1 91.041 42,255 41,944 30,572 12,570 3,670 1,937 q¿Â 948 33,550 4,003 1 ,094 437 175 r33 133 39,392 34, f 16 330 12,1D5 1,576 428 176 '121 121 14,736 283 '1,355 287 141 47 18 5 13 511 7]20 14,106 5,257 1,675 662 429 57 217 4'596 1'112 3'ts 252 265 4,606 11 8'1 2 U 7 0 0 1 2 I 29,'tO2 3,646 936 4 11,504 3,164 ?o5 4,565 1,007 'l,078 I 387 140 363 1 '¡O 173 117 1 439 4 iril-1 79'l 87 42,259 30,333 12,407 112 39,337 37,185 5,336 1,648 too 39!_ 258 6.438 93 301 27.813 4,405 9,705 1 374 202 109 22 15 6 7 0 0 2 0 2 J ß,a82 1 ,813 501 5,394 ,151 0 4 5 6+ 3,499 1 650 1J82 370 249 7.589 ,163 732 202 143 216 127 369 208 Total 17.913 Aotzvs Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 29 of 52 Office Action Analysis by Tech Centef FY 2 1 (restrictions exctuded) - updated october 15, 2oo5 0 rì Number 1 2 2 3 0 4 ; 563694782309 v 2 a. Act¡on All Act¡ons 16.791 9,991 3,992 1,437 414 Non-Finals 13.987 1,431 366 185 55 16,118 Finals 128 4,048 488 177 56 111 6,836 980 245 92 77 8,341 97 Quayles 156 50 19 7 Allows Other 26 82 2,494 4,380 1,355 1,764 590 183 9,3',11 478 153 116 Totâl î 4 5 33,261 22,478 14.699 6,430 1,909 697 438 651 238 192 65 25 5 1 1 289 4 2.619 27 83 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 I 19,317 2,475 679 307 126 58 27,690 2,831 5,240 1,796 &8 295 167 10.977 3,217 5,608 1,984 2,950 704 183 135 Total I 2 2 3 4 31,22'l 17,965 175 69 7 1 1 42 77 2,779 772 9,432 1,107 '¡,¡1 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 8,012 2,414 959 587 61.158 438 166 168 76 4,142 843 246 183 6+ 97 _--____??_o_-___-___ Total 31,942 29.914 4,385 11.21'l 198 16,143 172 12,213 3,192 6,569 57 130 2 U 2 ,¡ 27,290 12,173 3,210 1,.145 1,779 2,524 3 2 1 0 0 ß 729 245 180 473 226 1,O22 400 288 983 272 _?_0_9_ 6+ Total 828 78.179 I 8.162 Ao*s1a Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 30 of 52 Office Action Analysis by Tech Center Action Number (restrictions exctuded) - updated october 1s,2005 Finals All Act¡ons 30,101 19, r 91 Non-F¡nals 2 6 0 0 2 6 \J I 2 24,956 3,729 1,217 601 )1) 7,530 454 193 113 Quayles 458 129 33 11 0 0 2 8,840 4 6+ 3,223 1,328 906 63 222 5 5 152 30.877 28,309 4,863 1,719 Total 1 9.759 189 641 Allows 4,400 7,658 3,044 1,292 ô04 406 17 .404 Olher 145 3,309 865 304 230 4.908 44 160 34,124 23,383 10,992 ¿ 0 z J 9,572 't,690 217 610 114 39 7 4,972 8,674 3,576 1 3,968 0 4 5 3,629 I ,415 754 212 188 33,111 Ð,¿,to ,398 576 0 2 6 0 0 6+ 973 139 402 788 689 9,070 3,680 10 1.498 19 Total 'I 74.516 39,347 12,U0 187 284 216 602 33 101 ¿ 2 25,6U 11 11,093 1,831 Þcu 304 .3 4 6+ ,784 I ,718 4,051 1 0 ,655 1,190 857 348 4.500 1,036 358 o 258 41.530 200 14,265 221 14,030 1,948 I Total 478 20,689 253 ô,281 2 6 0 0 ¿ ñ 0 'l 2 3 4 5 6+ Total 41 ,3O7 34,68'1 658 133 29 11 5,718 10,839 31,134 12,823 3,929 1.528 1,080 91 6,003 1,792 813 314 227 129 644 311 3.91? r,395 570 40'1 5,142 '1,066 5 200 17 328 248 6 Aoq377 Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 31 of 52 Office ActiOn Analysis by Tech Center Action Number 4 (restrictions excluded) - updated october 15, 2oo5 F¡nals AllAct¡ons 68,075 44,441 2 Non-Finals 51,871 Ouayles 1,090 269 13,883 '1,81 't I 0 0 2 ¿ 0 0 ¿ __91__ 6,292 1.458 15.509 4,138 1 277 49 2',1 Allows 14,753 23,799 6.629 2,O79 691 Other 92 190 ,368 493 179 81 469 198 109 1,076 14 .10 286 19't 7 92 158 786 134.317 I-9J-.! 60,374 49,950 6.867 1,883 16,739 1.461 '1,186 395 48 16,7 48 I ¿ 2 8 0 0 2 n 4 c 68,194 47,O53 18,038 5,005 1,436 807 218 14,695 324 68 18 A A 1 2,314 598 187 25,009 7,667 6,106 1,224 666 2,495 733 381 182 115 326 201 't0z 18,114 47,194 6.291 .1,848 1 I 2 4 67,109 46,060 17,195 4,848 205 14,219 1,473 18,154 25,099 138 1,231 2,113 641 19 723 7,256 2,234 0 0 2 I ,660 262 144 258 118 17 343 I 2 0 Total 1 864 137.736 205 1.874 53,925 17,273 22,406 6,470 2,006 722 433 4S 7 '.t11 155 I 2 4 5 0 0 70,607 44,656 16,528 4,741 1,724 1 51,301 6,269 1,923 822 313 ---19-8-- 208 15,506 2,107 686 295 181 18 T otal tt_- - _-___- ----1,-01-5----------- 1,714 322 53 22 7 4 ) 122 1)) 5,975 1,205 387 269 8,1 816 't0 310 Ao+zze Case 1:07-cv-00846-JCC-TRJ Document 174-8 Filed 12/27/2007 Page 32 of 52 Office ACtion AnalySiS by Tech Center Action Number (restrict¡ons exctuded) - updated october 15, 20os F¡nals All Actions 40,407 25,447 3 6 0 0 ó 6 0 0 ?

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