I/P Engine, Inc. v. AOL, Inc. et al

Filing 522

Declaration re 520 Opposition, of Jennifer Ghaussy in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Second Motion for Discovery Sanctions by AOL Inc., Gannett Company, Inc., Google Inc., IAC Search & Media, Inc., Target Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K)(Noona, Stephen)

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EXHIBIT H 1 1 STATES UNITED DISTRICT COURT 2 EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA 3 NORFOLK DIVISION 4 ------------------------x 5 I/P ENGINE, INC., Plaintiff, 6 7 v. : : Civ. Action No. : 2:11-cv-512 8 AOL, INC., et al., : 9 Defendants. : 10 ------------------------x 11 12 13 CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY 14 Videotaped Deposition of NICHOLAS FOX 15 San Francisco, California 16 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 9:10 a.m. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Job No.: 25943 24 Pages: 1 - 237 25 Reported by: GINA V. CARBONE, CSR#8249, RPR, CCRR CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF NICHOLAS FOX CONDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 230 1 2 Q. Have you ever seen any documents discussing an alternative to Smart Ads at the time it was launched? 06:42:18 06:42:20 3 A. No. 06:42:26 4 Q. Have you ever read the book, I'm Feeling Lucky, 06:42:28 5 Confessions of a Google Employee? 06:42:30 6 A. No. 06:42:32 7 Q. Do you know who Douglas Edwards is? 06:42:33 8 A. Yes. 06:42:39 9 Q. Did you work with him? 06:42:39 10 A. I think I briefly worked with him. 06:42:40 11 Q. Do you believe he was knowledgeable about the 06:42:42 12 history of advertising at Google? 06:42:44 13 MR. PERLSON: Objection. 14 THE WITNESS: I don't know how knowledgeable he 15 Form. was about our advertising business. MR. CIMINO: 16 Q. Do you believe he's 06:42:49 06:42:52 06:42:53 06:42:55 17 honest? 18 A. I don't know how honest he is. 06:42:59 19 Q. Do you have any reason to call into question 06:43:00 20 06:42:55 his honesty from your interactions with him in the past? 06:43:05 21 A. No. 06:43:08 22 Q. In what respect did you guys work together? 06:43:13 23 A. Back when I worked in marketing, he was also in 06:43:17 24 marketing. And I think we interacted from time to time 25 as part of the same team. CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 06:43:21 06:43:27 CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF NICHOLAS FOX CONDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 231 1 2 Q. Do you know -- I assume you are aware that Google has hired an expert in this case named Ugone? 06:43:32 06:43:34 3 A. I don't know Ugone. 06:43:41 4 Q. Did you ever speak to Ugone about issues in 06:43:42 5 this case? 06:43:45 6 A. I don't know. 06:43:49 7 Q. Did you ever give Ugone information about 06:43:50 8 noninfringing alternatives to Smart Ass? 06:43:55 9 A. Just don't remember the name Ugone. 06:44:06 10 Q. Did you speak with a Dr. Unger? 06:44:11 11 A. I don't remember. 06:44:16 12 13 14 remember the name of the person I spoke to. Q. THE WITNESS: MR. PERLSON: THE WITNESS: 22 23 You can talk about the I did speak with an expert about noninfringing alternatives. MR. CIMINO: 21 Q. What information did you give him? A. 06:44:17 06:44:21 06:44:26 06:44:31 06:44:32 communications with the experts. 19 20 Is that attorney-client privileged or.... 17 18 And in talking to someone in relation to this case, did you give them noninfringing alternatives? 15 16 Don't remember -- I don't I don't remember all the details of what I said 06:44:34 06:44:35 06:44:40 06:44:42 06:44:44 06:44:45 06:44:49 24 but we discussed some ideas about noninfringing 06:44:51 25 alternatives. 06:44:54 CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF NICHOLAS FOX CONDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 232 1 2 3 Q. Were these ideas that Google had ever considered in the past prior to this case? A. 06:44:55 06:44:57 I think some elements of what I discussed with 06:45:32 4 the expert were things we've discussed internally 06:45:34 5 before. 06:45:37 6 Q. Not all of them? 06:45:38 7 A. I can't say for sure. 06:45:40 8 Q. Did the information come from you? 9 10 The 06:45:43 information about noninfringing alternatives come from 06:45:48 you or from someone with a technical background? 06:45:51 11 MR. PERLSON: Objection. Form. 06:45:55 12 THE WITNESS: Prior discussions about these 06:46:17 13 types of things would have been with people with 06:46:18 14 technical backgrounds. 06:46:20 MR. CIMINO: 15 16 Q. The discussion with the expert was just with you though? 06:46:23 06:46:24 17 A. I believe so. 06:46:27 18 Q. Who is Jeff Dean? 06:46:30 19 A. Jeff Dean is a senior Google engineer. 06:46:33 20 Q. Who is Howard Gobioff (phonetic)? 06:46:36 21 A. I think he's a former senior Google engineer 06:46:40 22 Q. Who is Marissa Mayer? 06:46:45 23 A. She's a former Google product management VP. 06:46:46 24 Q. Your currently title is vice president? 06:46:50 25 A. Yes. 06:46:51 CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF NICHOLAS FOX CONDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 233 1 Q. How many vice presidents are there at Google? 06:46:53 2 A. I don't know the number. 06:47:02 3 Q. Do you have a ballpark? 06:47:03 4 A. Probably say more than 20 less than 200. 06:47:06 5 Q. Okay. 06:47:09 6 7 8 9 You can't get any more granular than that? 06:47:13 A. Maybe somewhere between 50 and 100. know for sure. Q. I don't I've never counted. Did you give to the expert in this case any 06:47:22 06:47:24 06:47:39 10 written information about noninfringing alternatives or 06:47:44 11 was it purely a conversation? 06:47:47 12 A. I believe it was just a conversation. 06:47:50 13 Q. Did you talk about revenue in the conversation 06:47:53 14 15 as well? A. I believe so. MR. CIMINO: 16 17 06:47:58 06:48:00 Okay. I have no more further questions. 06:48:05 06:48:07 18 MR. PERLSON: I have no questions. 19 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of video 06:48:08 06:48:12 20 No. 5 in the deposition of Nicholas Fox. 06:48:14 21 The time is 6:48 p.m. 06:48:17 22 23 We're going off the record. 06:48:20 (Signature having not been waived, the 24 videotaped deposition of NICHOLAS FOX was concluded 25 at 6:48 p.m.) CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM CONFIDENTIAL VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF NICHOLAS FOX CONDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 234 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DEPONENT 1 I, NICHOLAS FOX, do hereby acknowledge 2 3 that I have read and examined the foregoing testimony, 4 and the same is a true, correct and complete transcription 5 of the testimony given by me and any corrections appear on 6 the attached Errata sheet signed by me. 7 8 9 10 11 ________________ (DATE) _________________________________ (SIGNATURE) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE COUNSELS' EYES ONLY PLANET DEPOS | 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

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