Turner v. Augusta County Library

Filing 2

COMPLAINT filed by John Paul Turner against Augusta County Library. (Attachments: # 1 Attachments, # 2 Envelope)

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a rdpRo OFFI u- DI O URT cE 8 sT. W ATROA- , VA FIED L T. Ci tCA1 Lo i'.1PWLC w ' '' t; . l :a * kX oacJU-5* ( v k1 J ' '. z A %.%1 - % J- 1 ' lD jr 7 t '''. ' 1 M V ?' , $ l $z '.u '' - ,;'' .(o' ( XzQ' '' '' k'W- .Z. QoQ fl'4'7.v':luuy 11brl.t' .t 'iaE-YT a ' al w ,.> r'' ' è r3J %u '' C' ' : l j ! 1 rt . . f ' , X . t. e ' ' n . . . ,P .n )d - . d . (n 1e.: John Paul !'o's1 'u rner 1 .c 1 b ' z ''o ' l / 3 Jum a DUDC CL ERK BK . r 3: )a on for 1econs de * . ti d , ' 1 ' . i ration I am, indeed, of t btate. he J 25 221 UL 1 m '/ (//. -( //34/ / totali anc perranentla and officiql-y l0C% unc y l n z r t ) ble q ery a n h disclose' to my ktt hme d ac nt 'e ,s Ad / tera n minis at (lA) tr ion / psychiatrist that when on active dut- in 1972 z r confide/ : active dut, ?am r medio v ' . Lhe VA It n deny pain medication to me or any veteran in kirc f l / ' ,' a. r inia who adrt. r ts j to having used s uch an thus disaualified from askbnc in gooc raith far 3 ) omeone to Jive me a character reference of bein c a law : abiding citâzen includinc for an attach ' 4 ' ment oetition 6or executive cle- nz n 3 rencz. 'he Attach nt t:) V inia 3urre ' adenied r rotion tk Cile n ' z ' me $ irq me w m ourt fortifr the ienefit of s the Jo t zoctr ub ine for vete ns under 'itle 38 of the Co oc Federal ker ra ï de mlations. iy zttachment . ' t , ' Countn Hublic Librarl w r r prohibitinc me from nostinc on 5ls bulletln board lz J L #th & I . . Caoitol Flown gmerican Flar Certi., t nly t J: ' r ) n r s esesl lpnifesto, eve w î -Th g t '. , ' n . rt inA tation to the fy 'he American Lesx on has the power of attorney over my : .disability claims. k ' ' A lc was prese d the èo nte 'urth af J uly ' ra Awar at t :ta / ete ns d he unton (7 inia) irg July 4th, 2:11 Harade, bul the accolade and , as well, the worship rrograms in , the parade park were officially off-linits to ny 0articim tion because mv k l , H canft U otey Praise àllah' .'ly kr: was barreù fror entering the citg as ' '3 t . l i a parade entry . P ic ly in re ere to my A acq nt (5) le art ular f nce tt l me kmorial t J e ' a l o udc / i ood nd his love for steak, :cotch whiskez and cicaretces as r Llicly eulo,rlzed b5 u' p r Tlr z ner, 7: * 0555 10c z yo ' ocn nwealth' s étt e Rup Jhah and th of rar ,a .s builrânc up an om z en at l iJ ana a ? i appetite for the permanentl. ill whether or not recizients of covernment food z l star and z dicaid ; I am actively apptalinr ly le lcaid denial éae tantiallz nps ' te n rn ' l for the sa re me asons l al act ; ivek' appeal z ing fz xttacM ent n f d sta oa mps temr u ination--that is: ?. f l '- y vernment pensiols should be treated as a hausinc b l de ducti or as a da l e award becaus (' n J an nag e 7. ur obless ss, ho ' ne meless ness and 80% &. p î sc chiatric disa bilitz p artic arly whe per ul re talni to %l felo c nc :z i . ny onviction and aftem ath and w' ll v emorial to Judge kood and us b0th beinf vict/ns r ' k r . land 2 oun did not have a tk pension and l,dicaid counted val y 2 ' r e ue the >ttachment . p IVA l e J y dical Center counted it acainst me to denv me finan- cial and medical assâstance from 1997 c up until 1 received mT havy pension zd rT in 20/9 a my ; pe nd A nsion in 2 010. As an Att ment ( ' Me ach 8) / dical CenterJ Jalem outpatient, haye been takinc my l prescribed Lisinopril medication h for my unc ontr eé bl oll ood p ress ure only af r deep brea te thin: and k1 ' 985 Aavy l prescr bed) as in ca i pir nnot o ntrol t boa o he ncinc of certai par of my body n ts by a throbbing heart palse or relieve me of ny head and eye nain specifically. 7: and the àttachment lu ' r edicaid deteH nation is that l am dis- aole b the A d, ut ttach nt ( Soc 3e ur y zd rq 10) ial c it ministrati de mination is on ter am not disabled predominatels because l hmve not been c r iven a pszchotic drug pre ip ioc. te . scr t . dical raril x c uana is mz ch e of a preve oic ntative ne al dic Lian, its therapeutic activism can help me to better cope with ïy mental challenges that keep me feelinc afraid and lost at nirht bz brincinc them c vividly to the light durinc the day, this dru/ hps not been c m iven to me as a prescription, either. any crse, my -ttachment y 4 mental of 1967 ,cr, psvchiatric diaé oses of m5 '? r e . m , r was also a reality iurner, 71 7 ' 1Oc 00555 of my ktvacn nt k ) 1968 lavz boa camp unfitness fo* sea duty and adl me 12 ' t t vance ment disqualification because was kicked in the head and eyes, knocked us n x unc io and ne onsc us arkr dr own and th failed lz s'impâng and survival practi- c factor . a1 s 1 3 wh nr active d z , oo 99 en t , r rt) tomet t was c r ris onstructi rr na cz Att hne (13) e ch of my bilate ere c ' ac l nt . ye art ral r ondit ion, he as d ke re zber gettinc hit real har: in the head and en . men , ' i zles it was whe - was in lv ' bo't ca i l --that is : Serv ce Conrect ni ii r a r mp n ?rq i ion, incl ng my l udi 987-initiate l d ' travell tr l ue-cla c r ntatio with the lavy im onf o n i ' and my 'e ial t Jndg too coe t mor t o e k d rcM ' ill ' a fn nt ' mar lanal u c e ation of etiology of my severe mental problems. ( Jonclusion ly beinc giv'n a free-of-charce and real-vorld or an administrative, t f e ' / dicial, original or appellate review of m> military, veteren and crimlnal sub,J . tect in its entirety r cht X ve me some real hope of escapâng the psychiatric q f a . torlure that the government and my conu unity is actaally and piosuly givinc me folm of secular damnation by the imm sition of b ad law which is senv tencing me to terlinallz d1e legal ' ant medically like J'dre kood did n L v j a c ' f victims of the drags vs. drugs idiosvncracies of the J adicial iench. ; ' , Certificate of aerq cq f 1o one has been Gesignated b,y the Court to be service . $ tery iambly, ' i ,) I,jj. 7- - 1 z j j;j 2> 1 k,t Jahr im l 1Poos1 T t k 1 : urner k ', t . . Fpvy Jetired JPO ; : . t z 2231 i t ankey lT JtY . ff' l churchA lley k 2&/21-281/ ' A + + 52 + 0-33 793 7-6 3

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