McClintic v. Lithia Motors, Inc.

Filing 14

PROPOSED MOTION to Intervene by Intervenor Plaintiff Dan McLaren. (Attachments: # 1 Ex A - complaint in intervention, # 2 Ex B - Edelson declaration, # 3 Proposed Order) Noting Date 8/12/2011, (Cantor, Clifford)

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Exhibit A The Honorable Richard A. Jones 1 2 3 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 5 WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 6 AT SEATTLE 7 8 KEVIN McCLINTIC, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, 9 10 11 12 No. C11-859 RAJ Plaintiff, — and — PLAINTIFF-INTERVENOR DAN McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION DAN McLAREN, individually and on behalf of a class and subclass of similarly situated individuals, — CLASS ACTION 13 Plaintiff-Intervenor, 14 v. 15 16 17 18 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL LITHIA MOTORS, INC., an Oregon corporation, and DMEAUTOMOTIVE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Defendants. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Plaintiff-intervenor Dan McLaren brings this complaint in intervention against Lithia Motors, Inc. (“Lithia”) and DMEautomotive LLC (“DME”) (collectively, “Defendants”) to stop Defendants’ practice of making unsolicited text-message calls to cellular telephones and to obtain redress for all persons injured by their conduct. McLaren, for his complaint in intervention, alleges as follows upon personal knowledge as to himself and his own acts and experiences and, as to all other matters, upon information and belief, including investigation conducted by his attorneys. 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -1- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 2 NATURE OF THE CASE 1. Wireless spam is a growing problem in the United States. According to a recent 3 study conducted by the Pew Research Center, “Spam isn’t just for email anymore; it comes in 4 the form of unwanted text messages of all kinds—from coupons to phishing schemes—sent 5 directly to user’s cell phones.” In fact, “57% of adults with cell phones have received unwanted 6 or spam text messages on their phone.” Amanda Lenhart, Cell Phones and American Adults: 7 They Make Just as Many Calls, but Text Less than Teens, Pew Research Center (2010) at 8 9 2. In an effort to promote the sale of its automotive products, Lithia, an automobile 10 dealership, engaged DME, a mobile marketing firm, to conduct an especially pernicious form of 11 marketing: the transmission of unauthorized advertisements in the form of “text message” calls 12 to the cellular telephones of consumers throughout the nation. 13 3. By effectuating these unauthorized text message calls (hereinafter, “wireless 14 spam”), Defendants have caused consumers actual harm, not only because consumers were 15 subjected to the aggravation that necessarily accompanies wireless spam, but also because 16 consumers frequently have to pay their cell phone service providers for the receipt of such 17 wireless spam. 18 4. In order to redress these injuries, plaintiff-intervenor, on behalf of himself and 19 classes of similarly situated individuals defined below, brings this suit under the Telephone 20 Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227, et seq. (“TCPA”), which prohibits unsolicited voice 21 and text calls to cell phones. 22 5. Plaintiff-intervenor seeks an injunction requiring Defendants to cease all wireless 23 spam activities towards him and the proposed classes, as well as an award of actual and statutory 24 damages to the class members, together with costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees. 25 26 PARTIES 6. Plaintiff-intervenor is a resident of Oregon. 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -2- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 7. Defendant Lithia is an automobile dealership that sells new and used cars 2 throughout the nation, including in Washington and this District. It is incorporated under the 3 laws of Oregon and maintains its principal place of business in Oregon. 4 8. Defendant DME is a marketing firm that conducts advertising campaigns on 5 behalf of automotive dealerships throughout the nation, including in Washington and this 6 District. It is incorporated under the laws of Delaware and maintains its principal place of 7 business in Florida. 8 9 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 9. The Court has original jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 10 § 1332(d) because: (a) at least one member of the putative class is a citizen of a state different 11 from Defendants, (b) the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000,000, exclusive of interest and 12 costs, and (c) none of the exceptions under that subsection apply to this action. 13 10. Venue is proper in the Western District of Washington under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(c) 14 because Defendant Lithia resides in this District and § 1391(a) because Defendant Lithia is 15 subject to personal jurisdiction in this District. 16 11. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because each of them 17 systematically and continuously does business in Washington and a substantial number of the 18 wrongful acts alleged herein were committed in Washington. 19 20 CONDUCT COMPLAINED OF 12. In recent years, marketers who often have felt stymied by federal laws limiting 21 solicitation by telephone, facsimile machine, and e-mail have increasingly looked to alternative 22 technologies through which to send bulk solicitations cheaply. 23 13. One of the newest types of such bulk marketing is to advertise through Short 24 Message Services, commonly know as text messages. The term “Short Message Service,” 25 “SMS,” or “text message” describes a messaging system that allows cellular telephone 26 subscribers to use their cellular telephones to send and/or receive short text messages, usually 27 limited to 160 characters. L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -3- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 14. A “SMS message” is a text message call directed to a wireless device through the 2 use of the telephone number assigned to the device. When a SMS message call is successfully 3 made, the recipient’s cell phone rings, alerting him or her that a call is being received. 4 15. Unlike more conventional advertisements, SMS message calls, and particularly 5 wireless spam, can actually cost their recipients money, because cell phone users must frequently 6 pay their respective wireless service providers either for each text message call they receive, or 7 incur a usage allocation deduction to their text plan, regardless of whether or not the message is 8 authorized. 9 16. DME is a self-described “multi-channel marketer” for clients in the automotive 10 industry including Carmax, AutoNation and Defendant Lithia. DME performs numerous 11 marketing activities such as inbound and outbound call generation and reception, email 12 transmission, and, pertinent to this Complaint, text message marketing. 13 17. In order to perform text message marketing for its automotive clients, DME 14 contracts with one or more third-parties known as text message aggregators to deliver text 15 messages on behalf of its clients, including those text messages promoting Defendant Lithia, 16 directly to consumers’ cellular telephones. 17 18. Beginning in at least April of 2011 and continuing for weeks if not months 18 thereafter, Defendants and/or their agents caused mass transmissions of wireless spam to the cell 19 phones of what they hoped were potential customers of Lithia automobile products and services. 20 19. For instance, on or about April 11, 2011, plaintiff-intervenor’s cell phone rang, 21 indicating that a text call was being received. 22 20. The “from” field of the transmission was identified as “35703,” which is an 23 abbreviated telephone number known as a SMS short code and was operated by DME on behalf 24 of its clients, including Defendant Lithia. The body of the text message read: 25 26 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -4- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 0% FINANCING ON USED VEHICLES DURING THE BIGGEST SALE EVER. OVER 3000 USED VEHICLES AT LITHIA MOTORS HTTP://BIT.LY/HOJPLX REPLY STOP TO OPT-OUT 1 2 3 4 21. Upon receiving this text message, plaintiff-intervenor attempted to “opt-out” of 5 receiving further text messages by replying “STOP” to the text message above. 6 22. Despite following the instructions to “opt-out” set forth in the message above, 7 indicating a clear desire to not receive additional text messages from Defendants, on April 19, 8 2011, plaintiff-intervenor’s cell phone rang again, indicating that a text call was being received. 9 23. The “from” field of the transmission was again identified as “35703” and the 10 body of the text message read: 11 WE ARE SERIOUS, 0% ON USED VEHICLES, SHOP LITHIA @ HTTP://BIT.LY/DS675E TO SEE FOR YOURSELF 12 13 14 24. Defendants’ and their agents’ use of a short code enabled the en masse 15 transmission of wireless spam to lists of cellular telephone numbers, including those belonging to 16 plaintiff-intervenor and the proposed Classes set forth below. 17 25. Although plaintiff-intervenor attempted to opt out of receiving additional 18 messages, Defendants knowingly constructed a system whereby the cellular telephone numbers 19 of consumers who affirmatively “opt-out” of receiving further messages are not removed from 20 the lists of text message recipients, but instead are subjected to further wireless spam. 21 26. At no time did plaintiff-intervenor consent to the receipt of the above-referenced 22 text messages or any other such wireless spam text messages from Defendants. 23 CLASS ALLEGATIONS 24 27. Plaintiff-intervenor brings this action, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil 25 Procedure 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3), on behalf of himself and two classes and a subclass 26 (collectively the “Classes”) defined below: 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -5- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 A) The “Lithia Class” consisting of plaintiff-intervenor and all others 2 nationwide who received one or more unauthorized text message advertisements 3 from DME by or on behalf of Lithia; 4 B) The “DME Class” consisting of plaintiff-intervenor and all others 5 nationwide who received from DME one or more unauthorized text message 6 advertisements on behalf of a third-party after affirmatively opting out; and 7 C) The “Lithia Subclass” consisting of plaintiff-intervenor and all 8 others nationwide who received from DME one or more unauthorized text 9 message advertisements by or on behalf of Lithia after affirmatively opting out. 10 28. In order to make the en masse transmission of text message advertisements 11 economical, Defendants use lists of thousands of cellular telephone numbers. As such, the 12 Classes consist of thousands of individuals, making joinder impractical. 13 29. Common questions of law and fact exist as to all members of the Lithia Class, and 14 such questions predominate over questions affecting plaintiff-intervenor or individual members. 15 Common questions for the Lithia Class include: 16 (a) Does the wireless spam Defendants distributed violate the TCPA? 17 (b) Are the members of the Lithia Class entitled to treble damages 18 based on the willfulness of Defendants’ conduct? 19 (c) 20 dialing system” as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 227? 21 (d) 22 23 Were the text messages transmitted with an “automatic telephone Does the wireless spam Defendants distributed violate the right to privacy of the members of the Lithia Class? 30. Common questions of law and fact exist as to all members of the DME Class, and 24 such questions predominate over questions affecting plaintiff-intervenor or individual members. 25 Common questions for the DME Class include: 26 27 (a) Did DME Class members opt-out of receiving further messages from the Defendants? L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -6- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 (b) 2 messages from Defendants after opting-out? 3 (c) 4 Were the text messages transmitted with an “automatic telephone dialing system” as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 227? 5 (d) 6 Are the members of the DME Class entitled to treble damages based on the willfulness of Defendant DME’s conduct? 7 (e) 8 9 Did DME Class members continue receiving unauthorized text Does the wireless spam DME distributed violate the right to privacy of the members of the DME Class? 31. Common questions of law and fact exist as to all members of the Lithia Subclass, 10 and such questions predominate over questions affecting plaintiff-intervenor or individual 11 members. Common questions for the Lithia Subclass include: 12 (a) 13 from the Defendants? 14 (b) 15 Did Lithia Subclass members continue receiving unauthorized text messages from Defendants after opting-out? 16 (c) 17 Were the text messages transmitted with an “automatic telephone dialing system” as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 227? 18 (d) 19 20 Did Lithia Subclass members opt-out of receiving further messages Are the Lithia Subclass members entitled to treble damages based on the willfulness of Defendants’ conduct? 32. Plaintiff-intervenor will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the Classes, 21 his claims are typical of the claims of the members of each of the Classes, and he has retained 22 counsel competent and experienced in similar class action litigation. 23 33. A class action is superior to other available methods for fairly and efficiently 24 adjudicating this controversy because, among other things, (a) joinder of all members of the 25 Classes is impracticable, and (b) many members of the Classes cannot vindicate their rights by 26 individual lawsuits because their damages are small relative to the burden and expense of 27 litigating individual actions. L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -7- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 COUNT I 2 Violation of the TCPA, 47 U.S.C. § 227, on behalf of the Classes 3 34. Plaintiff-intervenor incorporates by reference the foregoing allegations as if fully 4 set forth herein. 5 35. Defendants and their agents made unsolicited commercial text calls to the 6 wireless telephone numbers of plaintiff-intervenor and the other members of the Classes using 7 equipment that had the capacity to store or produce telephone numbers to be called using a 8 random or sequential number generator and to dial such numbers. 9 36. These text calls were made en masse through the use of a short code without the 10 prior express consent of plaintiff-intervenor and the Classes. 11 37. Defendants have, therefore, violated the TCPA, 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii). 12 38. As a result of Defendants’ illegal conduct, the members of the Classes suffered 13 actual damages and, under section 227(b)(3)(B), are each entitled to, inter alia, a minimum of 14 $500.00 in damages for each such violation of the TCPA. 15 39. Defendants’ misconduct was willful and knowing, particularly as it relates to the 16 text messages sent to the DME Class and Lithia Class. As such, the Court should, pursuant to 17 section 227(b)(3)(C), treble the amount of statutory damages recoverable by plaintiff-intervenor 18 and members of the Classes. 19 20 PRAYER FOR RELIEF Plaintiff-intervenor Dan McLaren, on behalf of himself and the Classes, prays for the 21 following relief: 22 A. An order certifying the Classes as defined above; 23 B. An injunction requiring Defendants to cease all wireless spam activities; 24 C. An award of actual and statutory damages; 25 D. An award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs; and 26 E. Such further and other relief the Court deems reasonable and just. 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -8- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870 1 2 JURY DEMAND Plaintiff-intervenor requests trial by jury of all claims that can be so tried. 3 Dated July 26, 2011. Respectfully submitted, 4 LAW OFFICES OF CLIFFORD A. CANTOR, P.C. By: s/ Cliff Cantor, WSBA # 17893 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 Fax: (425) 868-7870 5 6 7 8 Michael J. McMorrow John C. Ochoa EDELSON McGUIRE, LLC 350 North LaSalle, Ste. 1300 Chicago, Illinois 60654 Tel: (312) 589-6370 Fax: (312) 589-6378 9 10 11 12 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff-Intervenor Dan McLaren 14 15 16 Certificate of Service I certify that I filed this complaint in intervention (as an attachment to plaintiffintervenor’s motion to intervene) with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which 18 will email notification of filing to all counsel of record. 17 s/ Cliff Cantor, WSBA # 17893 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 L AW O FFICES OF McLAREN’S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION No. C11-859 RAJ -9- C LIFFORD A. C ANTOR , P.C. 627 208th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA 98074-7033 Tel: (425) 868-7813 ● Fax: (425) 868-7870

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