Continental Casualty Company v. Duyzend et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against defendant(s) Does 1-100, Kathryn Cox, Henri F. Duyzend, Sharon Duyzend, Cheryl Grant, Beverly Hawley, Richard Hawley, David Hubert, Jill Ortiz, Satoko Prigmore, Thomas Prigmore, William Mark Smith, Daryl Stuart, Laurel Stuart, Kristine Walla, Robert Wallace, Dale Hollingsworth, Ruth Hollingsworth, Sarah Hollingsworth, Thomas Huber, Daniel O'Neal, Patricia O'Neal, Chris Stuart, Cyndi Sundby, Douglas Sundby, Derry Tiedeman, Nicole Tiedeman, Megan Walla, Anne Welsh, Tom Welsh, Sandy Zickuhr, Tracy Zickuhr, Zoe Zickuhr (Receipt # 0981-3321765), filed by Continental Casualty Company . (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Summons, # 14 Summons, # 15 Summons, # 16 Summons, # 17 Summons, # 18 Summons, # 19 Summons, # 20 Summons, # 21 Summons, # 22 Summons, # 23 Summons, # 24 Summons, # 25 Summons, # 26 Summons, # 27 Summons, # 28 Summons, # 29 Summons, # 30 Summons, # 31 Summons, # 32 Summons, # 33 Summons, # 34 Summons, # 35 Summons, # 36 Summons, # 37 Summons, # 38 Summons, # 39 Summons, # 40 Summons, # 41 Summons, # 42 Summons, # 43 Summons, # 44 Summons, # 45 Summons)(Nelson, Justin) Modified on 8/23/2013 to edit capitalization and spelling of party names(PM).

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EXHIBIT E Honorable Julie Spector 2 3 4 5 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHrNGTON FOR KrNG COUNTY 7 8 KATHRYN COX; BEVERLY HA WLEY and RICHARD HAWLEY. husband and wife; 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WILLIAM MARK SM ITH and NADrNE SMITH, husband and wife; CHERYL GRANT; JILL ORTI Z; THOMAS PRlGMORE and SATOKO PRlGMORE, husband and wife; ROBERT WALLA and KRISTrNE WALLA , husband and wife; DARYL STUART and LAUREL STUART, husband and wife; DOUGLAS SUNDBY and CYNDI SUNDBY, husband and wife; CHRIS STUART; MEGAN WALLA; THOMAS HUBER; DAVID HUBER; DANIEL O'NEAL and PATRlCIA O'NEAL, husband and wife, DALE HOLLrNGSWORTH and RUTH HOLLrNGSWORTH, husband and wife; SARAH HOLLrNGSWORTH; N ICOLE TIEDEMAN and DERRY TIEDEMAN , husband and wife; TRACY ZICKUHR and SANDY ZICKUHR, husband and wife, and ZOE ZICKUHR, 19 JUDGMENT ON ARB ITRATION AWARD AND ORDER THEREON Plaintiffs, 20 21 NO. 11-2-3 11 64-3 SEA v. HENRl DUYZEND, D.D.S. and SHARON DUYZEND, husband and wife, 22 Defendants. 23 24 25 26 JUDGMENT ON ARB ITRA T10N AWARD AND ORDER THEREON - I 69 172 Peterson I Wampold ORIGINAL Rosato I Luna I Knopp 1501 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 2800 SEAnLE. W ASHINGTON 93101_1609 PHONE. {2(6)62~-6800 FAX (:2'06)682.'.1S CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED: Entry into the Execution Docket -- RCW 4.64.030 JUDGMENT 2 I. 3 JUDGMENT SUMMARY: I. Judgment Creditors: KATHRYN COX; BEVERLY HAWLEY And RICHARD HAWLEY, WILLIAM MARK SMITH And NADINE SMITH, CHERYL GRANT; JILL ORTIZ; THOMAS PRIGMORE And SATOKO PRIGMORE, ROBERT WALLA And KRISTINE WALLA, DARYL STUART And LAUREL STUART, DOUGLAS SUNDBY And CYNDI SUNDBY, CHRIS STUART; MEGAN WALLA; THOMAS HUBER; DAVID HUBER; DANIEL O'NEAL And PATRICLA O'NEAL, DALE HOLLINGSWORTH And RUTH HOLLINGSWORTH, SARAH HOLLINGSWORTH; NICOLE TIEDEMAN And DERRY TIEDEMAN, TRACY ZICKUHR And SANDY ZICKUHR, And ZOE ZICKUHR 2. Judgment Debtors: Henri Duyzend. DDS and Sharon Duyzend, and their marital community. 3. 4 Principal Judgment Amount: 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 a. Kathryn Cox 17 b. Beverly Hawley c. Richard Hawley d. Wi lliam Mark Smith c. Nadine Smith f. Cheryl Grant g. Jill Ortiz h. Thomas Prigmore Satoko Prigmore 1. J . Robert Walla k. Kristine Walla 18 19 20 21 22 I. Megan Walla m. Daryl Stuart n. Laurel Stuart o. Doug Sundby p. Cyndi Sundby q. Christ Stuart r. Thomas Huber 23 24 25 s. David Huber 26 t. Daniel O'Neal u. Patricia O'Neal JUDGMENT ON ARB ITRATION AWARD AND ORDER THEREON-2 69172 $1,460,000.00 $1,010,000.00 $990,000.00 $1, 180,000.00 $1,410,000.00 $1,420,000.00 $ 1, II 0,000.00 $440,000.00 $1,360,000.00 $ 1,240,000.00 $ 1,290,000.00 $440,000.00 $ 1,720,000.00 $980,000.00 $ 1,450,000.00 $ 1, 170,000.00 $1,150,000.00 $1,160,000.00 $460,000.00 $2,090,000.00 $1,160,000.00 Peterson I Wampold Rosato lluna I Knopp IS01 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 2800 SEATILE, WASHINGTON 9810,.,609 PHONE: (206) 624.6800 FIV::. (206)682" 415 $ 1, 142,000.00 $ 1, 150,000.00 $460,000.00 $ 1, 150,000.00 $ 1, 140,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 1,690,000.00 $2,040,000.00 v. Dale Hollingsworth w. Ruth Holl ingsworth x. Sarah Holl ingsworth 2 y. Nicole Tiedeman z. aa. bb. ce. 3 4 Derry Tiedeman Tracy Zick uhr Sandy Zickuhr Zoe Zickuhr 5 $35,212,000.00 TOTAL: 6 7 8 4. 5. Total of Taxable Costs and Attorney's fees: 9 10 At the interest rate all owed or to be all owed by law pursuant to RCW 4.56. 11 0(3). Interest rate a fter Judgment: $ A ttorneys fo r Judgm ent Creditors: 6. M ichael S. Warnpo ld and Mallory C. A llen Peterson Wampold Rosato Luna Knopp 1501 Fourth A venue, Suite 2800 Seattle, WA 98 101 II 12 13 Attorney for Judgment Debtors: 7. John Versnel Lawrence & Versnel. PLLC 4 120 Columbia Tower 70 I Fifth A venue Seattle, WA 98 104 14 15 16 II. BASIS 17 T I-II S MA TIER came befo re the Court on the presentation by Plaintiffs fo r a 18 19 20 21 judgment in the amount of $35,21 2,000. 00. Award in favor of Pl ai ntiffs and against Defendants in a bind ing arbitrat ion before Judicial Dispute Reso lution, the Hon. Paris Kallas (Ret. ), arbitrator. ORDER AND ENTRY O F FINAL JUI)G M ENT 22 Consistent with the court 's determination in this action, 23 24 Th is Judgment is based on the Arbi trat ion I. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that pla inliffs have FINAL JUDGMENT, which the court HEREBY ENTERS, against derendants Henri Duyzend, DDS and Sharon 25 Duyzend, and thei r marital community as set rorth in the judgment summary above. 26 JUDG MENT ON A RBITRATION A WARD AN D ORDER TH EREON · 3 69172 Peterson I W ampo!d Rosato I Luna 1 Knopp 1501 FOURTH AVENUE. SUITE 2800 SEATTtE . WASHINGTON 98101-1609 PtlONE: (206) 624-6000 FAX (206)682·1 41 5 2. It is FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to C R 54(b), the undersigned j udge shall 2 retain jurisdiction and control of this case for purposes of enforci ng the judgment. 3 DONE lN OPEN COURT thi s dS 4 day of \~ '\\ ,20 13 . 5 6 7 8 Presented by: I P ET ERSON WAMPOLD R OSATO I L UNA I KNOPP L~t t l 9 10 II By: · Michael S. Wampold, WSB No. 26053 Mallory C. Allen, WSBA No. 5468 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 JUDGMENT ON ARB ITRATION AWARD AND ORDER T HEREON - 4 69172 Peterson I Wampold Rosa to I Luna I Knopp 1 ~1 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 2800 SEATTlE, WASHI NGTON 96101 - 11509 PHONE: (206) 624-61!OO FAX (206)682-14 15

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