Apple, Inc. v. Motorola, Inc. et al

Filing 12

Joint Motion to Stay Apple Inc.'s Claims and Motorola, Inc. and Motorola Mobility, Inc.'s Counterclaims Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1659(a). Response due 12/7/2010. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Apple's ITC Complaint, # 2 Exhibit 2 - 337-TA-750 Federal Register Notice of Institution, # 3 Exhibit 3 - Mobility's ITC Complaint, # 4 Exhibit 4 - 337-TA-745 Federal Register Notice of Institution) (Peterson, James) Modified text on 12/1/2010 (llj/p).

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Apple, Inc. v. Motorola, Inc. et al Doc. 12 Att. 3 EXHIBIT 3 STEPT0E JOHNSONLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW Charles F. Schill 1330 Connecticut Avenue NW 202.429.8162 Washington DC 20036-1795 Tel 202.429.3000 Fax 202.429.3902 NUMBER October 2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Secretary Marilyn R. Office Abbott Intl Trade of the Secretary U. Commission S. International Street Trade Commission 500 S.W. Washington DC 20436 Re mv. No. 337-TA- In the Matter of Certain Wireless Communication Devices Devices Portable Music and Data Processing Thereof Computers and Components Dear Secretary Abbott Pursuant to U.S. International Trade Commission 210.08 and in accordance Mobility that with Commission Rule 210.12 Inc. Commission Rule 210.8 19 19 C.F.R. 210.12 enclosed find the following C.F.R. for filing on behalf of Motorola Complainants Act of 1930 as Complainant 1337 please documents in support of request the Commission commence an investigation under Section 337 of the Tariff amended 19 U.S.C. 1. An original and twelve 12 copies of Complainants Confidential without Verified Complaint original and one and copy unbound tabs Rules Twelve 201.6c copies 210.4f3i 10.08a Verified 2. 12 of Complainants and one Non-Confidential without Complaint original copy unbound and tabs Rules 201.6c 3. 210.4f3i copies 210.08a to An original and six Exhibits of the exhibits public the Complaint with Confidential segregated A-PP and without versions thereof original from Non-Confidential Exhibits tabs Rules 1-53 and one copy unbound and 201.6c 210.4f3i 10.08a WASHINGTON NEW YORK CHICAGO PHOENIX LOS ANGELES CENTURY CITY LONDON BRUSSELS BEIJING STEPTOE JOHNSONii The Honorable Marilyn Abbott October Page 2010 One additional copy of the Confidential Complaint Verified Complaint Non-Confidential Confidential Verified and accompanying for and Non-Confidential Exhibits service upon the and Proposed Respondent Rules 210.4t3i 210.8a1iii 210.11a One Certified Copy of U.S Patent No.6272333 thereof the 333 corresponding patent to and twelve 12 additional copies each required at copy of the Complaint Exhibit 210.1 with copy also being copy and one provided additional Non-Confidential certified copy unbound Rule 2a9i Patent copies One Original Certified Copy of U.S additional No 6246862 862 patent corresponding and twelve to 12 the copy copy thereof with each required at copy of the Complaint Exhibit 210.1 also being provided Non-Confidential certified and one additional copy unbound Certified Rule 2a9i thereof Onel Original Copy of U.S additional Patent copies 697 patent corresponding and twelve to 12 No 6246697 the with copy copy each required copy at of the Complaint also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.1 2a9i thereof with One Original Certified Copy of U.S additional Patent copies 317 patent corresponding and twelve to 12 No 5359317 the copy copy each required copy at of the Complaint also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.1 2a9i No 5636223 with thereof One Original Certified Copy of U.S additional Patent copies 223 patent corresponding and twelve to 12 the copy copy each required at copy of the Complaint Exhibit also being provided Non-Confidential certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 2lO.12a9i Ci.mplainant has requested but has not yet received an original certified patent file history and assignment record copy of the of these for the 333 patent However Office certified documents copies have been submitted copies as Complainant will submit original certified copies soon as such are received from the United States Patent and Trademark STEPT0E The Honorable Marilyn Abbott October 2010 JOHNSONw Page3 10. One Original Certified Copy of U.S. Patent copies No. 7751826 the with copy copy 826 patent corresponding and twelve to 12 additional thereof each required copy of the Complaint at also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210. 12a9i for the 11. One patent Certified Copy of Assignment Documents 333 to and twelve 12 additional copies thereof corresponding each required copy provided additional at of the Complaint Exhibit 210.1 with copy also being copy and one Non-Confidential certified copy unbound Rule 2a9ii for 12. One Original patent Certified Copy of Assignment Documents additional copies thereof the 862 and twelve to 12 corresponding each required copy of the Complaint at with copy copy also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210. 12a9ii Documents for the 13. One1 697 Original Certified Copy of Assignment additional copies patent and twelve to 12 thereof corresponding each required copy of the Complaint at with copy copy also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.12a9ii Documents for the 14. One Original patent Certified Copy of Assignment additional copies 317 and twelve to 12 thereof corresponding each required copy at of the Complaint 10 with copy copy also being provided Non-Confidential Exhibit certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.12a9ii Documents for the 15. One Original patent Certified Copy of Assignment additional copies 223 and twelve to 12 thereof corresponding each required at copy of the Complaint Exhibit 11 with copy copy also being provided Non-Confidential certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.12a9ii for the 16. One Original patent Certified Copy of Assignment Documents additional copies thereof 826 and twelve to 12 corresponding each required at copy of the Complaint Exhibit 12 with copy copy also being provided Non-Confidential certified and one additional copy unbound Rule 210.12a9ii STEPTOE The Honorable Marilyn Abbott October 2010 JOHNSONL Page4 17 Identification included at of each licensee under each involved and copies patent at U.S Patent Confidential Exhibit of each license Exhibits agreement for each involved U.S Confidential G-NN 18 One patent and PP Rules 2l0.l2a9iii the Prosecution copies iv History for the Certified Copy of 333 at and three additional thereof are included Appendix Rule 210.12c1 Copy of the Prosecution copies History for the at 19 One Original patent Certified 862 and three additional thereof are included Appendix Rule 210.1 2c Copy of the Prosecution copies History for 20 One Original patent Certified the at 697 and three additional thereof are included Appendix Rule 210.12c1 Copy 21 One History Original for the at Certified on CD-ROM and of the Prosecution copies thereof 317 patent and three additional are included contain Appendices Histories the latter two of which Request Prosecution for related Reexamination Nos 90/010332 and 90/010455 respectively Rule 210.12cl 22 One History Original for the at Certified Copy on CD-ROM the latter of the Prosecution copies thereof 223 patent and three and additional are included Appendices History of which contains the Prosecution for related Reexamination Request No 90/010802 Rule 210.12c1 Copy 23 One History Original for the at Certified patent on CD-ROM of the Prosecution copies thereof 826 and three additional are included Appendix Rule 210 12c1 pages of each history are 24 Four technical included copies of the 333 patent and the applicable prosecution reference at mentioned in the Appendix Rule 210 12c2 pages of each prosecution history are 25 Four technical included copies of the 862 patent and the applicable reference at mentioned in the Appendix Rule 210.12c2 STEPTOEJOHNSONLLP The Honorable Marilyn Abbott October 2010 Page5 26. Four technical included copies of the 697 patent in and the applicable pages of each the prosecution history are reference at mentioned Appendix Rule 210.12c2 and the applicable pages of each 27. Four technical included copies of the 317 patent reference at mentioned in the Appendix Rule 210.1 2c2 prosecution history are 28. Four technical included copies of the 223 patent and the applicable pages of each prosecution history are reference at mentioned in the Appendix Rule 210. 12c2 prosecution history are 29. Four technical included copies of the 826 patent and the applicable pages of each reference at mentioned in the Appendix Rule 210.12c2 to 30. letter and certification pursuant Commission Rules 201.6b treatment and 210.5d requesting in the confidential of the bracketed and information Confidential Confidential Verified Complaint Exhibits A-PP. Please contact to the undersigned this matter. if you have any questions relating to this filing. your kind Thank you for attention Respectfully submitted Charles F. Schill Jamie B. Beaber Counsel for Motorola Mobility Inc. Enclosures STE PTOE JOH AT SON LAW LLP ATTORNEYS Jamie Beaber 1330 Connecticut Avenue NW 202.429.6286 Washington DC 20036-1795 Tel 202.4293000 Fax 202.429.3902 October 20j0 VIA HAND DELIVERY Abbott The Honorable Marilyn Secretary International Trade Commission 500 Street S.W Washington DC 20436 Re mv No Devices 337-TA-_ In the Matter of Certain Wireless Communication Devices Portable Music and Data Processing Thereof Computers and Components Dear Secretary Abbott In accordance with U.S Inc International Trade Commission requests within that Commission Commission in the Rules 201.6 and 210.5 Motorola to Mobility Complainant information business the grant confidential Verified Exhibits requests treatment the confidential as well business brackets Confidential Complaint filed as the confidential information contained in Confidential A-PP that concurrently herewith in the above-referenced contained in matter Verified to Accordingly Complaint persons Complainant as well the as the bracketed contained information the Confidential the information other in Confidential Exhibits A-PP except not be disclosed pursuant to outside Commission or necessary government personnel protective order The information Confidential relates to information not otherwise Verified for which publicly confidential available as well treatment Specifically is requested is proprietary within commercial brackets in the the information contained in Complaint as the information Confidential sales and/or Exhibits A-PP detailed confidential business records employee data revenue other financial to Complainant information that and data licenses to expenditures and other information of commercial value has been submitted support among other things Complainants domestic industry allegations WASHINGTON NEW YORK CHICAGO PHOENIX LOS ANGELES CENTURY CITY LONDON BRUSSELS BEIJING STEPTOE JOHNSONLLP The Honorable October6 Page 2010 Marilyn Abbott The 201.6 in information described above qualifies as confidential information that the information pursuant to 19 C.F.R concerns or relates to or would otherwise result in commercial position types information the disclosure of which would and would also impair performance of its disclose confidential to substantial ability that of Complainant in harm the competitive obtain identical the Commissions function of information is in the future to these statutory the public information certify not reasonably substantially available to Beaber Counsel for Motorola Mobility Inc District of Columbia SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 6th day of October 2010 Notary Public My Commission Expires My Commission Expires August 14 2011 PTJBLIC VERSION UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION D.C. WASHINGTON In the Matter of CERTAIN WIRELESS Investigation No. 337-TA- COMMUNICATION DEVICES PORTABLE MUSIC and DATA PROCESSING DEVICES COMPUTERS AND COMPONENTS THEREOF _____ VERIFIED TARIFF Complainant COMPLAINT UNDER SECTION 337 OF THE ACT OF 1930 AS AMENDED Respondent Motorola 600 North Mobility Inc. Apple 45 Inc. US Highway Illinois Infinite Loop Libertyville 60048 Cupertino California 95014 Phone No. Phone No. 847 523-5000 408 996-1010 Counsel for Complainant Charles K. Verhoeven Sullivan Charles F. Schill Quirm Emanuel Urquhart 50 California Street San Francisco Phone No. LLP 22 Floor Steptoe Johnson LLP Avenue 1330 Connecticut Washington Phone No. NW CA 94111 415 875-6600 DC 20036 202 429-8162 Edward J. DeFranco Sullivan Floor David A. Nelson Sullivan Ste. Quinn Emanuel Urquhart 51 LLP Madison Avenue 10010 22 Quinn Emanuel Urquhart 500 West Madison Chicago IL 60661 705-7400 Street LLP 2450 New York NY Phone No. 212 849-7000 Phone No. 312 PUBLIC VERSION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION PARTIES A. Complainant II. B. The Respondent III. ACCUSED PRODUCTS AT ISSUE THE ASSERTED PATENTS AND NON-TECHNICAL THE ASSERTED PATENTS A. The IV. DESCRIPTION OF 333 Patent 1. Identification of the 333 Patent and Ownership 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 333 Patent 3. Non-Technical Description of the 333 Patent 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 333 Patent B. The 862 Patent 1. Identification of the 862 to Patent and Ownership 2. Foreign Counterparts the 862 of the Patent 3. Non-Technical Description 862 Patent 10 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 862 Patent 10 C. The697Patent Identification 10 1. of the 697 to Patent and Ownership 10 2. Foreign Counterparts the 697 of the Patent 11 3. Non-Technical Description 697 Patent 11 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 697 Patent 12 P. The 317 Patent 12 PUELIC VERSION 1. Identification of the 317 to Patent and Ownership 12 2. Foreign Counterparts the 317 of the Patent 13 3. Non-Technical Description 317 Patent 14 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 317 Patent 14 B. The223 1. Patent 15 Identification of the 223 Patent and Ownership 15 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 223 Patent 16 3. Non-Technical Description of the 223 Patent 16 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 223 Patent 16. F. The 826 Patent 17 1. Identification of the 826 to Patent and Ownership 17 2. Foreign Counterparts the 826 of the Patent 18 3. Non-Technical Description 826 Patent 18 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 826 Patent 18 V. UNLAWFUL AND UNFAIR ACTS OF RESPONDENT INFRINGEMENT PATENT 19 VI. SPECIFIC INSTANCES OF UNFAIR IMPORTATION AND SALE UNDER THE 21 VII. CLASSIFICATION HARMONIZED VIII. OF THE INFRINGiNG PRODUCTS TARIFF SCHEDULE 22 THE DOMESTIC INDUSTRY RELATING TO THE ASSERTED PATENTS 23 Overview 23 B. Significant Investment in Plant and Equipment Significant Employment of the 23 of Labor and Capital Including Asserted and Substantial Investment Research in Exploitation Engineering Patents and Development and Licensing Patents and Articles Protected by the Asserted 1. Economic Prong 23 2. Technical Prong 28 11 PIJBLIC VERSION Domestic hidustry Exists .29 IX RELIEF REQUESTED 29 111 PUIBLIC VERSION EXHIBIT AND APPENDIX LIST Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit 10 11 12 13 14 15 Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified Copy of United Copy of United Copy of United Copy of United Copy of United Copy of United States States States States States States Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. 6272333 6246862 6246697 5359317 5636223 7751826 States States States States States States Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. Patent No. Patnt Copy of the Assignment of United Copy of the Assignment of United Copy of the Assignment Copy of the Assignment Copy of the Assignment of United of United of United 6272333 6246862 6246697 5359317 No. 5636223 Copy of the Assignment of United Form 10-Q Patent No. 7751826 2010 Relevant Pages of Motorolas Relevant Pages of Motorolas for the Period Ended July 2009 Annual Report the Portable Cellular Making http History Developing System available at //www.motorola.comlstaticflles/Business/Corporate/IJS EN/history/featurece11-phone-development.html Exhibit 16 Motorola Timeline http available at //www.motorola.comlstaticfiles/Business/Corporate/US EN/history/timeline.html Exhibit 17 Apple Facility Information http available at // to Exhibit Exhibit 18 19 Foreign Counterparts Claim Chart No. 6272333 the Asserted Patents for Representative Independent Claim of United States Patent Exhibit 20 Claim Chart No. for Representative Independent Claim of United States Patent 6246862 for Representative Exhibit 21 Claim Chart No. Independent Claim of United States Patent 6246697 for Representative Exhibit 22 Claim Chart No. Independent Claim of United States Patent 5359317 for Representative Exhibit 23 Claim Chart No. 5636223 Independent Claim of United States Patent Exhibit 24 Claim Chart No. for Representative Independent Claim of United States Patent 7751826 for Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit 25 26 27 28 29 30 iPhone User Guide iPhone OS 3.1 Software UlKit Framework Reference Excerpt from Apple website Excerpt from FCC website iPhone Application iPhone Programming Guide 3G Main Circuit Board iv PUBLIC VERSION Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit 31 iPhone iPhone Infineon Technical Specifications 32 33 Teardown from 616 Technical Specification X-GOLD 34 3GPP Technical Specification Release 25.213 V3.8.0 1999 selected 2002-06 Spreading and modulation Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit FDD portions 35 36 37 Motorola iPhone Droid User Guide IM Wi-Fi Certified Interoperability Certificate 802.11 IEEE Standard 11 Wireless 2007 Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-1999 Part LAN Medium Access selected Control MAC and Physical Layer PHY Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Specifications portions Droid technical specifications 38 39 40 41 Excerpt from Motorola Excerpt from Motorola Excerpt from Motorola Domestic Patent Industry web site regarding customer help website website regarding android development Claim of United States Claim Chart for Representative No 5359317 Industry Exhibit 42 Domestic Patent Claim Chart for Representative Claim of United States No 5636223 Technical Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit 43 44 45 46 47 CLIQ XT Motorola Excerpt Specs Certificate Droid Wi-Fi Certified Interoperability website regarding from Motorola of Andrew Droid GPS 2010 Declaration Curran for Form 10 General Form Registration of Securities filed on July by Motorola Exhibit Exhibit Spinco Holdings Corporation 48 49 Excerpts from Apples 10-K for the United States Motorola Limited Warranty at http and Canada available // Static%2OFiles/Motorola%2OLimited%2OWarranty%2Ofor%2Othe %20United%20States%20and%2OCanadaO4l Exhibit 508 .pdf Claim of United States 50 Domestic Patent Industry Claim Chart for Representative No 7751826 Industry Exhibit 51 Domestic Patent Claim Chart for Representative Claim of United States No 6272333 Industry Exhibit 52 Domestic Patent Claim Chart for Representative Claim of United States No 6246862 Industry Exhibit 53 Domestic Patent Claim Chart for Representative Claim of United States No 6246697 PUBLIC VERSION Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Identification of Licenses Relating to the Asserted Patents Motorola Licensing Group Data Amended between United and Restated Motorola Inc. Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Inc. and Motorola Mobility States Personnel Data for Motorolas Mobile Devices Segment United States Facilities Data for Motorolas Mobile Devices Segment ExhibitE Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential United States Sales Data for Representative Domestic Industry Products and Mobile License Devices Segment Motorola Inc. Between and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential ExhibitJ Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit First License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Amendment to License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensees Confidential Confidential Exhibit Second Amendment to License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensees Confidential Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential ExhibitU vi PUIBLIC VERSION Confidential Exhibit Confidential License Between J. Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential ExhibitW Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit Confidential Exhibit License License License License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential AA License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential BB License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential CC License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential DD License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential EE License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential FE License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential IG License and Amendment Confidential License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee HH II Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Confidential Exhibit JJ License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential Confidential Exhibit License Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential KK License Between Motorola Inc. Confidential Exhibit and Licensee Confidential LL License Between Motorola Inc. Confidential Exhibit and Licensee Confidential MM License Between Motorola Inc. Confidential Exhibit and Licensee Confidential NN Contribution Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated July 31. 2010 Confidential Exhibit 00 License Confidential Exhibit Between Motorola Inc. and Licensee Confidential PP vii PIJBLIC VERSION Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Certified File History Certified File History Certified File History Certified File History Certified File History Certified File History Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical References References References References References References of United of United of United of United of United of United States Patent States Patent No. 6272333 No. 6246862 States Patent No. States Patent No. States Patent No. States Patent No. Patent Patent Patent Patent Patent Patent 6246697 5537317 5636223 7751826 Cited in U.S. Cited in U.S. Cited in U.S. Cited in U.S. Cited in U.S. Cited in U.S. No. 6272333 No. 6246862 No. 6246697 No. 5359317 No. 5636223 No. 7751826 for File History of Reexamination No. 90/0 10332 U.S. Patent No. 5359317 Appendix File History of Reexamination No. 90/0 10445 for U.S. Patent No. 5359317 Appendix File History of Reexamination No. 90/0 10802 for U.S. Patent No. 5636223 viii PUBLIC VERSION INTRODUCTION Motorola Mobility Inc Mobility respectfully requests that the United States International Trade Commission Commission institute an investigation into violations of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 as amended 19 U.S.C 1337 Section 3371 in violation Apple Inc Apple or Respondent has engaged in unfair acts of Section 337 through unlawful and unauthorized importation and/or sale for importation into the United States and/or the sale within the United States after importation of certain wireless communications devices portable music and data processing devices computers and components thereof hereinafter collectively Accused Products The Accused Products infringe one or more claims of United States Patent Nos 6272333 the 333 Patent the 317 Patent the Asserted 6246862 the 862 Patent 6246697 the 223 Patent their the 697 Patent 5359317 the 826 Patent importation use after 5636223 and 7751826 collectively Patents through importation sale for importation and sale after importation See Exhs 19-24 As of the filing of this Complaint Mobility owns by assignment the entire right title and interest in and to the Asserted Patents See Exhs 7-12 assignments of each Asserted Patent from the named inventors to Motorola Conf Exh July 31 10 2010 assignment of the Asserted Patents from Motorola to Mobility.2 Pursuant to Form filed with the Securities As July discussed below Motorola Motorola also Inc Motorola the Asserted this assigned the Asserted Patents business to to Mobility on 31 2010 As has transferred the relevant mobile devices Patents Mobility Prior to July 31 2010 result Motorola where owned and the relevant mobile device to business business appropriate Complaint will refer the past and present activities of Complainant and Motorola At the Asserted earliest practicable time following to recordation by the USPTO of certified of the assignments copies thereof of the Patents from Motorola the Mobility and the issuance certified Complainant will provide Commission with copies of the relevant assignments PUBLIC VERSION and Exchange Commission on July 2010 Motorola transferred its mobile devices and home business units to Mobility and assigned the Asserted Patents to Mobility. In the first quarter of 2011 Mobility will be acquired by Motorola SpinCo Holdings Corp. SpinCo. Complainant will provide the Commission with appropriate documentation as soon as practicable following the transfer of Mobility to SpinCo. 4. Motorolas and Mobilitys historic and current operations in the United States qualif as domestic industry relating to the Asserted Patents and articles protected by the Asserted Patents within the meaning of 19 U.S.C. 1337a2 previously 3. owned by Motorola and development include 5. Mobilitys current business operations the Mobile Devices segment MDS sells which conducts research to develop new technology and designs related to wireless handsets with integrated software and accessory products manufact res and services wireless handsets with integrated software and accessory products. Motorola and Mobility also have licensed and continue to actively license the intellectual property relating to the MDS segment including the Asserted Patents.3 6. MDS designs develops markets sells and services in the United States products that practice one or more claims of the Asserted Patents. Research and development of intellectual property relating to MDS is was and is an integral part of Motorolas extensive domestic licensing program and an integral part of Mobilitys extensive domestic licensing program which includes licenses to the Asserted Patents. Indeed research and development of intellectual property relating to MDS resulted in each of the Asserted Patents. Pursuant to Contribution Assignment Mobility Patents and Assumption acquired Agreement and dated interest July 31. 2010 in certain the Contribution Agreement the right title identified in licenses related to the Asserted Contribution identified in which are Schedule to 1.1a of the the Asserted Patents Agreement. Schedule 1.1 See Conf. Exh. 00. Other licenses related Agreement eii of the Contribution were retained by Motorola. PUBLIC VERSION 7. Complainant seeks relief from the Commission in the form of permanent exclusion order prohibiting entry into the United States of the Accused Products that infringe one or more claims of the Asserted Patents. Complainant further seeks cease and desist order prohibiting Respondent its subsidiaries related companies and agents from engaging in the importation sale for importation marketing and/or advertising distribution offering for sale sale sale after importation or other transfers within the United States after importation of the Accused Products that infringe one or more claims of the Asserted Patents. II. PARTIES A. Complainant Mobility is 8. corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and having principal place of business at 600 North US Highway 45 Relevant Libertyville Illinois 60048. Mobilify is wholly-owned subsidiary of Motorola. excerpts of Motorolas Form l0-Qs for the period ended July 2010 and its 2009 Annual Report which describe MDS now 9. operated by Mobility are attached as Exhibits 13 and 14 respectively. On July 2010 SpinCo filed Form 10 General Form for the Registration of Securities which is attached as Exhibit 47. As noted in the Form 10 Motorola intends to transfer its mobile devices and home businesses to SpinCo in the first quarter of 2011. In furtherance of the planned transfer Motorola assigned all its right title and interest in the Asserted Patents to Mobility on July 31 2010 related to and also transferred MDS to Mobility. Mobility also acquired all licensing operations the Asserted Patents. Moreover Mobility acquired several licenses related to the Asserted Patents while other licenses related to the Asserted Patents were retained by Motorola. See Confi Exh. 00 Schedule 1.1a licenses transferred to Mobility Schedule 1.1 eii licenses retained by Motorola. In the first quarter PUBLIC VERSION of 2011 Mobility will be acquired by SpinCo and Mobility will continue to operate MDS and own the Asserted Patents 10 As result of long-term domestic activities including those undertaken by the MDS Motorola and Mobility are leading innovators in the communications and electronics industry From the introduction of its first commercially successful car radio in 1930 to the inception of the worlds first commercial portable cellular phone in 1983 Motorola and Mobility have developed substantial proprietary and leading technology relating to wireless communications and electronics See Exh over 15 excerpt from Motorolas website Motorola was also the first to bring push-to-talk cellular to market More recently Motorola demonstrated the worlds first WiMAX MHz 802.16e mobile handoff and the industrys first over- the-air data sessions in the 700 spectrum using the Long Term Evolution standard which is the next evolution ofmobile broadband See Exh 16 excerpt from Motorolas website 11 Among other things MDS designs manufactures sells and services wireless handsets with integrated sofiware and accessory products In 2009 MDSs net sales were $7.1 billion representing approximately 32% in of the companys consolidated net sales for 2009 The net sales for MDS were $12.1 billion 2008 See Exh 14 at 36 12 Motorola and Mobility have commercialized and continue to actively commercialize the patented technologies and license these patents including the Asserted Patents to other major manufacturers and retailers of wireless handheld devices and other communications products See Conf Exh listing licenses involving the Asserted Patents 13 Motorolas research and development expenditures in the United States relating to technology advancement new product development and product improvement which include domestic research and development expenditures by MDS were $3.2 billion in 2009 PUBLIC VERSION $4.1 billion in 2008 and $4.4 billion in 2007. See Exh. 14 at 15. Motorola and Mobility continue to believe that strong domestic commitment to research and development is required to drive long-term growth of the companies. Approximately 22000 professional employees were engaged in research and development activities during 2009. See id. As of December 31 10000 in the 2009 Motorola and its wholly-owned subsidiaries owned approximately patents United States and over 13000 patents in foreign countries. See id. Many for of the patents owned by Motorola and Mobility are used in their operations or licensed use by others. See id. 14. Motorola has granted licenses of varying scope under many of its patents including the Asserted Patents to various companies See Conf. Exh. A. Motorolas licensing activities have yielded substantial revenue to the company and its shareholders. Confidential Exhibit sets forth the royalty income from certain of MDS patent licenses in the past three fiscal years. Mobility actively continues Motorolas extensive domestic licensing activities. B. The Respondent Respondent Apple Inc. is 15. corporation organized under the laws of California and has its principal place of business at Infinite Loop Cupertino California 95014. 16. Respondent imports and/or sells for importation into the United States and/or sells within the United States after importation certain wireless communications devices portable music and data processing devices computers and components thereof without the authorization of Motorola or Mobility. Respondent has facilities around the world including ietail stores in the United States to directly sell the Accused Products to end users. See Exh. 17. III. ACCUSED PRODUCTS AT ISSUE 17. Respondent designs imports sells for importation into the United States and/or sells within the United States after importation certain wireless communication devices portable music and data processing devices computers and components thereof. PUBLIC VERSION 18 The accused wireless communication devices include but are not limited to the Apple iPhone 3G the Apple iPhone 3GS and the Apple iPhone These devices utilize various wireless technologies that for example establish data connections with wireless networks transmit voice and data signals to wireless networks receive voice and data signals from wireless network download and execute user applications and process and encrypt data during wireless communication session 19 The accused portable music and data processing devices include but are not limited to the iPod touch which utilizes wireless communication technologies to communicate with wireless network access points and other wireless devices 20 The accused computers include Pro MacBook but are not limited to the AppleTV Mac Pro iMac Mac mini MacBook MacBook Air iPad and iPad 3G which utilize wireless communication technologies to communicate with wireless network access points and other wireless devices The iPad 3G also uses authentication protocols encryption techniques and other wireless transmission technologies to communicate with third generation wireless communication networks 21 claim Each of the Accused Products meets each and every limitation of at least one of one or more of the Asserted Patents The Accused Products include but are not limited to all versions of the above-referenced products as well as certain software and services that are distributed as components of these devices These products however are merely illustrative of the types and classes of infringing products that Respondent manufactures and imports into the United States sells for in-iportation into the United States andlor sells within the United States after importation in violation of Section 337 PIJBLIC VERSION IV. THE ASSERTED PATENTS AND NON-TECHNICAL ASSERTED PATENTS A. DESCRIPTION OF THE The 333 Patent Identification of the 1. 333 Patent and Ownership title 22. Mobility owns by assignment the entire right and interest in United States Patent No. 6272333 Delivery titled Method and Apparatus in Wireless Communication System for Controlling of Data which issued on August 2001 naming Dwight Randall Smith as inventor. certified copy of the 333 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of the recorded assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit 7. copy of the July 31 2010 assignment of the 333 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. 23. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 333 Patent certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the as well as four copies of the 333 Patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 333 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively. 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 333 Patent 24. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to and as indicated in Exhibit 18 no foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 333 Patent have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending. PUBLIC VERSION 3. Non-Technical Description of the 333 Patent4 25. The 333 Patent generally relates to controlling applications and the transmission of data in wireless communication systems. Particularly in wireless device such as smartphone the invention allows the device to maintain list of applications accessible to the device. When the accessibility of particular application is changed such as when user deletes an application from the smartphone the list of applications accessible to the device is updated and the change is communicated from the mobile device to the fixed portion of the wireless communication system. By maintaining list of applications presently available to user on the users mobile device data and software updates relevant to the user can be more means efficiently provided to the user. The invention of the 333 Patent provides an efficient to update the applications available to user of wireless communication device while minimizing unnecessafy data transfers in wireless communication network. 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 333 Patent 26. On January 22 2010 Motorola filed Complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission to commence an investigation based on inter alia the alleged infringement of the 333 Patent by Respondents Research In Motion Limited and Research In Motion Corporation. Pursuant to the Complaint an investigation was instituted styled as Certain Wireless Communications System Server Software Wireless Handheld Devices and Batteiy Packs mv. No. 337-TA-706. motion On June 29 2010 the presiding Administrative Law Judge granted joint to terminate the investigation pursuant to settlement agreement between the parties. The 333 Patent has not been the subject of any other previous litigation in any The this non-technical descriptions intended of the inventions to claimed in the Asserted Patents as set forth in Complaint are not construe either the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents. PUBLIC VERSION domestic court or agency In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 333 Patent 27 herewith The 333 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently by Mobility against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that alleges infringement of among others the 333 Patent The 862 Patent Identification of the 862 Patent and Ownership title 28 Patent Mobility owns by assignment Sensor the entire right and interest in United States No 6246862 titled Controlled User Interface for Portable Communication Device He which issued on June 12 2001 naming Chris Grivas Rachid Alameh and Fan as inventors certified copy of the 862 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of the recorded assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit copy of the July 31 2010 assignment of the 862 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office 29 Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the 862 Patent as well as four copies of the 862 Patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 862 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively Foreign Counterparts to the 862 Patent 30 Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to Exhibit 18 identifies the foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 862 Patent that have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending PUBLIC VERSION 3. Non-Technical Description of the 862 Patent5 31. The 862 Patent generally relates to system for controlling the operation of user interface such as touch screen in wireless device such as smartphone. The invention provides sensor in the wireless device that senses the proximity of the device to large solid object like users head. When the sensor determines the wireless device is in close proximity to such an object the system inhibits the operation of the touch screen so that the user does not inadvertently make undesired inputs to the device like hanging up the call or dialing unwanted numbers. So for example if the user is on call and the touch screen is near the users head the phone will not accept unwanted inputs made as result of the users unintended contact with certain inputs on the touch screen during the call. 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 862 of Patent 32. The 862 Patent has not been the subject litigation in any domestic court or agency. In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 862 Patent or any of its counterparts. 33. The 862 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently herewith by Mobility against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that alleges infringement of among others the 862 Patent. C. The 697 Patent Identification of the 1. 697 Patent and Ownership title 34. Mobility owns by assignment the entire right and interest in United States Patent No. 6246697 titled Method Code and System for Generating Complex Pseudonoise on June 12 Sequence for Processing Division Multiple Access Signal which issued The this non-technical descriptions intended of the inventions to claimed in the Asserted Patents as set forth in Complaint are not construe either the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents. PUIBLIC VERSION 2001 naming Nicholas William Whinnett and Kevin Michael Laird as inventors certified copy of the 697 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of the recorded assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit copy of the July 31 2010 assignment of the 697 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office 35 Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the 697 Patent as well as four copies of the 697 Patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 697 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively Foreign Counterparts to the 697 Patent 36 Pursuarft to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to Exhibit 18 identifies the foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 697 Patent that have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending Non-Technical Description of the 697 Patent6 37 wireless The 697 Patent generally relates to transmitting voice and data signals in communication systems Particularly in wireless device such as smartphone the invention allows the device to transmit voice and data signals to the fixed portion of wireless communication system in way that reduces noise in the signal thus enhancing the ability of the signal to be received while minimizing interference with signals from other users mobile devices The this non-technical descriptions intended of the inventions to claimed in the Asserted Patents as set forth in Complaint are not construe either the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents PUI3LIC VERSION Prior Litigation Involving the 697 Patent 38 court or agency The 697 Patent has not been the subject of previous litigation in any domestic In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 697 Patent or any of its counterparts 39 herewith The 697 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently by Mobility against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that alleges infringement of among others the 697 Patent The 317 Patent Identification of the 317 Patent and Ownership title 40 Patent Mobility owns by assignment the entire right and interest in United States No 5359317 Message in titled Method Call and Apparatus for Selectively Storing Portion of Received Selective Receiver which issued on October 25 1994 naming Fernando Gomez and Mark Stair as inventors 41 the On November 2008 third party filed request for ex parte reexamination of 317 Patent which was assigned Control No 90/010332 because On February 2009 the Patent Office denied the request for ex parte reexamination it found the references cited in the request did not raise substantial new question of patentability regarding the 317 Patent The third party then filed petition seeking review of the denial of the reexamination request On March 22 2010 the Patent Office denied the petition because it found the references cited in the request did not raise substantial new question of patentability regarding the 317 Patent 42 On March 17 2009 317 Patent third party filed second request for ex parte reexamination of the which was assigned Control No 90/010455 which On June 2010 the Patent Office issued an ex parte reexamination certificate confirmed the PTJELIC VERSION patentability of claims 1-6 9-11 13-19 21 and 22. Claims 12 and 20 were not reexamined. 43. certified copy of the 317 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of the recorded assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit 10. copy of the July 3.1 2010 assignment of the 317 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. 44. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the 317 Patent as well as four copies of the 317 Patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 317 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively. copy and three additional copies of the prosecution histories for Reexamination Request Nos. 90/010332 and 90/010455 and each technical reference mentioned therein are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively.7 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 317 Patent 45. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to Exhibit 18 identifies the foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 317 Patent that have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending. Comp-lainant has ordered certified copy of the prosecution histories as of Reexamination as possible. Request Nos. 90/010332 and 90/010455 and will submit them soon PUBLIC VERSION 3. Non-Technical Description of the 317 to Patent8 46. The 317 Patent invention generally relates selective call receivers. The patent discloses inter alia method and apparatus for selectively storing portion of received message by user in one of the many memory partitions that corresponds to particular file type. 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 317 Patent 47. On January 22 2010 Motorola filed aomplaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission to commence an investigation based on inter alia the alleged infringement of the 317 Patent by Respondents Research In Motion Limited and Research In Motion Corporation. Pursuant to the Complaint an investigation was instituted styled as Certain Wireless Communications System Server Software Wireless Handheld Devices and Battery Packs mv. No. 337-TA-706. On June 29 2010 the presiding Administrative Law Judge granted joint motion to terminate the investigation pursuant to settlement agreement between the parties. 48. On February 20 2008 Northern Motorola filed an Amended Complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Texas which was assigned Civil Action No. 09-cv-0072-K. In the Complaint Motorola alleged inter alia infringement of the 317 Patent by Research In Motion Limited and Research In Motion Corporation. On June 25 2010 the District Court granted joint motion to dismiss the action pursuant to settlement agreement between the parties. The this non-technical -descriptions intended of the inventions to claimed in the Asserted Patents as set forth in Complaint are not construe either the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents. PUBLIC VERSION 49 The 317 Patent has not been the subject of any other previous litigation in any domestic court or agency In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 317 Patent or any of its counterparts 50 herewith The 317 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently by Mobility that against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of illinois alleges infringement of among others the 317 Patent The 223 Patent Identification of the 223 Patent and Ownership title 51 Patent Mobility owns by assignment the entire right and interest in United States No 5636223 1997 naming titled Methods of Adaptive Channel Access Attempts which issued on June Karl Reardon and Bud Fraser as inventors 52 On Mafth 15 2010 the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted request for ex parte reexamination of claims 112 of the 223 patent The art cited by the ex parte requester is cumulative of that already considered by the Patent and Trademark Office during initial examination of the 223 patent Thus no new issues regarding the viability of the patent claims have been raised fmal determination has not yet been reached in these proceedings 53 the recorded certified copy of the 223 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit 11 copy of the July 31 2010-assignment of the 223 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and fradernark Office 54 Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 223 Patent certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the as well as four copies of the 223 Patent PTJIBLIC VERSION and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 223 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively. copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history for Reexamination Request No. 90/010802 and each technical reference mentioned therein is submitted concurrently herewith as Appendix O. 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 223 Patent 55. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to Exhibit 18 identifies the foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 223 Patent that have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending. 3. Non-Technical Description of the 223 Patent1 56. The 223 Patent generally relates to communication systems and methods of adaptable channel access in data communications systems. For example the 223 Patent discloses method of adaptable channel access that is practiced at terminal where if channel is busy the terminal will wait priority-based random amount of time before trying again. In this manner the 223 Patent enabled the efficient utilization of communication resources. 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 223 Patent 57. On October 14 2009 Motorola filed First Amended Counterclaims in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas in Civil Action No. 308-cv-0284-G. In the Amended Counterclaims Motorola alleged inter alia infringement of the 223 Patent by Research In Motion Limited and Research In Motion Corporation. On June 25 2010 the Complainant No. 90/010802 10 has ordered certified it copy of the prosecution soon as history of Reexamination Request and will submit as possible. The non-technical descriptions are not of the inventions to claimed either in the- Asserted Patents as set forth in this Complaint intended construe the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents. PUBLIC VERSION District Court granted joint motion to dismiss the action pursuant to settlement agreement between the parties 58 The 223 Patent has not been the subject of any other previous litigation in any domestic court or agency In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 223 Patent or any of its counterparts 59 herewith The 223 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently by Mobility against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that alleges infringement of among others the 223 Patent The 826 Patent Identification of the 826 the Patent and Ownership right title 60 Patent Motorola owns by assignment entire and interest in United States No 7751826 on July Titled System and Method for E91 Location Privacy Protection which issued 2010 naming Michael Gardner of the Wayne Ballantyne and Zaffer Merchant as inventors certified copy 826 Patent is attached as Exhibit certified copy of the recorded assignment from the named inventors to Motorola is attached as Exhibit 12 copy of the July 31 2010 assignment of the 826 Patent from Motorola to Mobility is attached as Confidential Exhibit and Complainant will submit certified copy of this assignment once it is recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office 61 Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12 certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the 826 Patent as well as four copies of the 826 Patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history of the 8-26 Patent are submitted concurrently herewith as Appendices and respectively PUBLIC VERSION 2. Foreign Counterparts to the 826 Patent 62. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12a9v to Exhibit 18 identifies the foreign patents or patent applications corresponding the 826 Patent that have been issued abandoned rejected or remain pending. 3. Non-Technical Description of the 826 that Patent11 63. The 826 Patent generally relates to system enables the user of wireless device such as smartphone to control when the Global Positioning System GPS of the may smartphone is able to send location data over the wireless network. For example the user turn off the GPS system during normal use in order to conserve battery power and protect users privacy. But even when the GPS system is disabled by the user the invention of the 826 e.g. patent provides way to automatically enable the GPS system when an emergency call 911 is placedthereby enabling the GPS system to provide emergency personnel with the specific location of the caller. 4. Prior Litigation Involving the 826 Patent 64. The 826 Patent has not been the subject of previous litigation in any domestic court or agency. In addition there has been no foreign court or agency litigation involving the 826 Patent or any of its counterparts. 65. The 826 Patent however is the subject of complaint filed concurrently herewith by Mobility that against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois alleges infringement of among others the 826 Patent. The forth non-technical descriptions are not of the inventions to claimed either in the Asserted Patents as set in this Complaint intended construe the specification or the claims of the Asserted Patents. PUBLIC VERSION UNLAWFUL AND UNFAIR ACTS OF RESPONDENT INFRINGEMENT 66 United States PATENT Respondent unlawfully sells for importation imports and/or sells within the after importation the Accused Products thereby infringing claim 12 of the 333 Patent claim of the 862 Patent claims 1-4 of the 697 826 Patent claims and 17 of the 317 Patent claim of the 223 Patent and claim of the Patent collectively the Asserted Claims 67 Asserted Respondent has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe at least the Claims of the Asserted Patents by inter alia its importation sale for importation and/or its sale in the United States after importation of the Accused Products Respondent also directly infringes the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents by having its employees or agents operate test and/or demonstrate the Accused Products in the United States and through those activities infringes the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents 68 Patents Respondent indirectly infringes at least the Asserted Claims of the Asserted by inducing and/or contributing to infringement of the Asserted Patents For example Respondent induces infringement and/or contributorily infringes when consumers and/or Respondents employees operate the Accused Products in the United States 69 Respondent has Upon information and belief Respondent induces infringement because knowledge of the Asserted Patents through at minimum discussions with Motorola ii Respondent actively intends to induce direct infringement of the Asserted Patents iii Respondent induces direct infringement by knowingly aiding and abetting that infringement and/or iv Respondent has actual or constructive knowledge that its actions would induce infringement For example Respondent induces infringement by among other things providing and selling the Accused Products creating and distributing user manuals and PUBLIC VERSION marketing materials and by other acts and communications that instruct users how to operate the Accused Products and otherwise cause others to use the Accused Products and thereby practice the claimed inventions of the Asserted Patents. 70. Upon information and belief Respondent further contributes to infringement because there is lack of substantial non-infringing uses for the Accused Products. Upon information and belief Respondent knows the Accused Products are especially made or especially adapted for use in the infringement of the Asserted Patents and that the infringing portions of these products are not staple articles or commodities of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. 71. The Accused Products that infringe the 333 Patent include at least the iPhone 3G the iPhone 3GS the iPhone iPad 3G Apple App Store. Exhibit 19 is claim chart that compares representatie asserted independent claim 12 of the 333 Patent to these Accused Products. Documents referenced in this claim chart are attached as Exhibits 25 29 and 30. 72. The Accused Products that infringe the 862 Patent include at least the iPhone 3G the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 4. Exhibit 20 is claim chart that compares representative asserted independent claim of the 862 Patent to these Accused Products. Documents referenced in this claim chart are attached as Exhibits 25 26 697 and 27. 73. The Accused Products that infringe the Patent include at least the iPhone 3G the iPhone 3GS the iPhone and the iPad3G. Exhibit 21 is claim chart that compares representative asserted independent claim of the 697 Patent to these Accused Products. This chart relies primarily on portions of the WCDMA standard with which the devices listed above are compliant. Documents referenced in this claim chart are attached as Exhibits 31 32 33 and 34. PUBLIC VERSION 74 Touch iPad The Accused Products that infringe the 317 Patent include at least the iPod iPad 3G iPhone 3G iPhone 3G and iPhone Exhibit 22 is claim chart that compares representative asserted independent claims and 17 of the 317 Patent to these Accused Products Documents referenced in this claim chart are attached as Exhibit 30 iPhone 75 iPad iPad with The Accused Products that infringe the 223 Patent include at least the 3G iPod Touch AppleTV 23 MacBook MacBook Pro MacBook Air iMac Mac mini and Mac Pro independent claim Exhibit is claim chart that compares representative asserted of the 223 Patent to these Accused Products Documents referenced in this claim chart are attached as Exhibits 31 36 and 37 826 Patent include at least the 76 The Accused Products that infringe the iPhone 3G the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone Exhibit 24 is claim chart that compar

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