Morris, Michael v. Dickman, Tammy et al
Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Docketing Statement, Docket Sheet and Judgment to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals re 95 Notice of Appeal. (Attachments: # 1 Docketing Statement, # 2 Objection to Submission of Appeal, # 3 Order, # 4 Judgment, # 5 Docket sheet) (jef),(ps)
U.S. District Court
Western District of Wisconsin (Madison)
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:15−cv−00712−wmc
Morris, Michael v. Dickman, Tammy et al
Assigned to: District Judge William M. Conley
Referred to: Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker
Case in other court: Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals,
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals,
Cause: 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Michael Morris
Date Filed: 11/04/2015
Date Terminated: 09/27/2017
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Nature of Suit: 550 Prisoner: Civil Rights
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
represented by Michael Morris
Wisconsin Secure Program Facility
1101 Morrison Dr.
P.O. Box 9900
Boscobel, WI 53805
(608) 375−5656
Tammy Dickman
represented by Corey Francis Finkelmeyer
Wisconsin Department of Justice
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707
(608) 266−7342
Fax: (608) 267−8906
David C. Rice
Wisconsin Department of Justice
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707
Fax: 608−267−8906
David C. Rice
TERMINATED: 01/09/2017
represented by Corey Francis Finkelmeyer
(See above for address)
Diane Fremgen
represented by Corey Francis Finkelmeyer
(See above for address)
David C. Rice
(See above for address)
E−filing Institution
WSPF Prison Facility
Date Filed
Docket Text
1 COMPLAINT against All Defendants, filed by Michael Morris. (Case non−randomly
assigned to District Judge William M. Conley.) (Attachments:
# 1 Envelopes) (jef) (Additional attachment(s) added on 11/4/2015:
# 2 Certification as to 3 or more dismissals) (jef). (Entered: 11/04/2015)
2 Motion for Temporary Relief by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) Modified on
11/4/2015 (jef). (Entered: 11/04/2015)
3 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
# 1 Authorization to withhold money) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 11/04/2015)
4 Prisoner Trust Fund Account Statement by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 11/04/2015)
5 ORDER on ifp request: Plaintiff to submit Trust fund account statement. Trust Fund
Account Statement due 12/2/2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on
11/9/2015. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 11/09/2015)
6 Letter from plaintiff Michael Morris requesting confirmation of receipt of complaint.
Note: Sent plaintiff copy of docket sheet for confirmation. (nln),(ps) (Entered:
7 Prisoner Trust Fund Account Statement by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Additional attachment(s) added on 11/18/2015:
# 2 IPP Calculation) (nln). (Entered: 11/18/2015)
8 ORDER on ifp request: Initial partial filing fee of $ 0.56 assessed. Initial partial filing
fee due 12/9/2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 11/20/2015.
(jef),(ps) (Entered: 11/20/2015)
9 Motion for an Extension of time to Pay the initial partial filing fee or to Waive the
Initial Partial Filing Fee by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Weekly Canteen Statement 11/17/2015 − 11/19/2015,
# 2 Interview/Information Request,
# 3 Disbursement Request,
# 4 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 11/30/2015)
10 AMENDED COMPLAINT, filed by Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Cover Letters and Envelopes) (elc),(ps) Note: Received with a copy addressed to
Diane Fremgen. Modified on 11/30/2015 (elc). (Entered: 11/30/2015)
11 ORDER denying 9 motion to waive the initial partial payment and granting 9 motion
for an extension of time to submit the initial partial filing fee. Initial partial filing fee
due 1/8/2016. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 12/2/2015. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 12/02/2015)
12 Motion to Accept Late Payment by Plaintiff Michael Morris. Note: Motion crossed in
the mail with 11 Order. (Attachments:
# 1 Cover Letter,
# 2 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 12/04/2015)
13 Motion to enter two motions into record by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits 1−7) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 12/04/2015)
14 Motion for Extension of Time by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 12/31/2015)
15 Motion for Order by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Disbursement request, statement excerpt,
# 2 Correspondence,
# 3 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/13/2016)
Partial Filing fee received: $0.48, receipt number 34690025011. (nln),(ps) (Entered:
16 Warden PLRA Letter. (nln),(ps) (Entered: 01/15/2016)
17 ORDER denying as moot 12 Motion to Accept Late Payment; denying as moot 14
Motion for Extension of Time; denying as moot 15 Motion for Order. Plaintiff
Michael Morris's $0.48 payment is accepted as the initial partial payment of the $350
filing fee for filing this case. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on
1/19/2016. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/19/2016)
18 Letter from plaintiff Michael Morris requesting clarification on serving documents on
the DOJ, and requesting docket sheets for case nos. 15−cv−564 and 15−cv−712.
# 1 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 02/25/2016)
19 Letter from Clerk's Office in response to 18 letter from plaintiff Michael Morris.
(nln),(ps) (Entered: 03/02/2016)
20 Motion for Extension of Legal Loan/Notice of Objection by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
# 1 Weekly Canteen Statement (2/20/16 − 2/26/16),
# 2 1/5/2016 Memorandum from Business Office re: 2016 Legal Loan,
# 3 Interview/Information Requests,
# 4 Disbursement Request,
# 5 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/10/2016)
Plaintiff has filed a "Motion for Extension of Legal Loan," in which he acknowledges
being at the maximum amount of legal loans permitted by statute, but nonetheless
seeks an additional loan so that he may litigate his cases. (Dkt. # 20 .) This motion is
essentially identical to a motion filed in his other case pending before this court,
Morris v. WDOC, Case No. 15−564−wmc (dkt. #14), which the court denied, as it had
as a previous motion requesting a legal loan, because plaintiff cited no authority for his
position, nor had plaintiff shown that he is actually being denied sufficient access to
the court. Morris, Case. No. 15−564, dkt. #12. His motion in this case is DENIED for
the same reasons. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/14/2016. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 03/14/2016)
22 Motion for Reconsideration re (15 in 3:15−cv−00564−wmc) Text Only Order, (21 in
3:15−cv−00712−wmc) Text Only Order, by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/21/2016)
23 Supplement to (16 in 3:15−cv−00564−wmc, 22 in 3:15−cv−00712−wmc) Motion for
Reconsideration filed by Michael Morris (Attachments:
# 1 Interview/information request,
# 2 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/23/2016)
24 Notice of Suspension of Legal Loan and Renewed Motion for an order for notary
services by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 04/27/2016)
25 Letter Requesting verification of receipt of filings by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
(elc),(ps) (Entered: 04/27/2016)
26 Letter from the clerk's office in response to 25 plaintiff's Letter Requesting verification
of receipt of filings. (elc),(ps) (Entered: 04/27/2016)
27 Letter from plaintiff Michael Morris providing clarification that submission docketed
as Amended Complaint (at dkt. # 10 ) was not intended to be an amended complaint
and that plaintiff will be filing an amended complaint shortly. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 05/04/2016)
Morris seeks reconsideration of this court's order denying his request that the court
order the Wisconsin Secure Program Facility ("WSPF") to grant him a $100 legal loan.
(Dkt. # 22 .) In his motion, Morris cites several cases for the proposition that prison
officials may not prevent a prisoner from litigating his claims, including a decision
from this district holding that a prisoner's right to access to the court was violated
when the prison denied him the proper materials or postage to submit evidence in
response to a motion for summary judgment. Ripp v. Nickel, No. 10−cv−492−bbc, dkt.
#48 (W.D. Wis. Mar. 14, 2012). Here, however, Morris has yet to show that he is
being denied access to the courts. Although Morris claims that he has a multitude of
exhibits that are relevant to his claim, he has already filed a complaint and amended
complaint, which are currently under advisement for screening. Thus, he is not
currently facing any impediment to litigating this matter. Furthermore, Morris recently
filed a 52−page amended complaint in his other lawsuit pending before this court,
which indicates that WSPF staff are not impeding his ability to file necessary
documents in his cases. See Morris v. WDOC, No. 15−cv−564−wmc, dkt. #17 (W.D.
Wis. Mar. 21, 2016). Since Morris has not been denied access to the court during the
course of this lawsuit due to a lack of funds, his motion for reconsideration is
DENIED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 5/10/2016. (elc),(ps)
(Entered: 05/10/2016)
29 Motion to dismiss 10 Amended Complaint and for Leave to File a Second Amended
Complaint by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 06/08/2016)
30 Request for Status Update, by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Cover Letter,
# 2 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 08/01/2016)
31 Letter from Clerk's Office in response to 30 request for status update from plaintiff.
(nln),(ps) (Entered: 08/03/2016)
32 SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (unsigned) filed by Michael Morris. Note:
Pagination of document skips from page 6 to page 8; however there appear to be no
missing pages. (See dkt. 34 for signed copy.) (Attachments:
# 1 Cover Letter,
# 2 Envelope 1 of 4,
# 3 Envelope 2 of 4) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 10/06/2016)
33 Letter from Clerk's Office returning 32 second amended complaint to plaintiff for his
signature. (nln),(ps) (Entered: 10/07/2016)
34 Signed copy of 32 SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT / Corrected SECOND
AMENDED COMPLAINT, filed by Michael Morris. Note: Signed copy contains a
page 7. (Attachments:
# 1 Cover Letter / Partial Appendix,
# 2 Ex. 1 − Notice that writ of Mandamus was received 11/18/13,
# 3 Ex. 2 − disbursement request,
# 4 Ex. 10 − disbursement request,
# 5 Ex. 15− disbursement request,
# 6 Ex. 18 B1 − disbursement request,
# 7 Cover Letter and Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 10/21/2016)
35 ORDER on Leave to Proceed: Plaintiff granted leave to proceed against Defendants
Diane Fremgen, Tammy Dickman. Leave to proceed denied and case dismissed
against David C. Rice. Materials delivered to DOJ for acceptance of service. Plaintiff's
Motion for Temporary Relief (dkt. # 2 ) is DENIED. Signed by District Judge William
M. Conley on 1/9/2017. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/09/2017)
36 Letter to Judge Conley and Mr. Oppeneer from plaintiff regarding submissions.
# 1 Disbursement request, 1/23/17,
# 2 List of documents,
# 3 Prepaid envelope,
# 4 Pages 2−93 of submission,
# 5 Certificate of service (pg. 94),
# 6 Envelope) (jef). (Entered: 01/27/2017)
37 Motion for Sanctions by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 List of documents (same as dkt. 36 #2)) (jef),(ps) (pg. 2 of pgs. 1−94 submission)
(Entered: 01/30/2017)
38 Notice of Objection by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 pgs. 4−42 of submission − letters, pleadings, other documents. (jef) (ps). (Entered:
39 Notice of Objection (of court ruling elimating David Rice from this lawsuit) by
Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) Note, there is no page 2 and nothing written on the
backside of this document) (jef) (Entered: 01/30/2017)
40 Motion to Correct the Record re: 35 Order by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 01/30/2017)
41 Motion for Order (regarding legal loan) by Plaintiffs Michael Morris, Michael Morris.
# 1 pgs 47−66 of submission − interview/information requests, disbursement requests,
memos, other documents) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/30/2017)
42 Notice of filing on 15−cv−564−wmc; Partial Appendix for 15−cv−712−wmc by
Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/30/2017)
43 Partial Appendix for 15−cv−712 by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 pgs. 69−93 of exhibits) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 01/30/2017)
44 Motion for Dismissal and ! (and to file an Amended Complaint) by Plaintiff Michael
Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Interview/information request,
# 2 4 Pages numbered 2, 3, 2, 3,
# 3 Envelope) (jef),(ps) Note, there was no prepaid envelope enclosed. (jef). (Entered:
45 Letter from Clerk's Office in response to plaintiff's requests for confirmation of filings
and providing plaintiff with docket sheets. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 02/01/2017)
46 MOTION TO DISMISS by Defendants Tammy Dickman, Diane Fremgen,
# 1 Certificate of Service) (Rice, David),(ps) (Entered: 02/02/2017)
47 Brief in Support of 46 Motion to Dismiss by Defendants Tammy Dickman, Diane
Fremgen, (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibit 1 − Court's Decision,
# 2 Exhibit 2 − Clerk Diane Fremgen's Letter) (Rice, David),(ps) (Entered:
Set Briefing Deadlines as to 46 MOTION TO DISMISS . Plaintiff's Brief in
Opposition due 2/23/2017. Defendants' Brief in Reply due 3/6/2017. (nln),(ps)
(Entered: 02/02/2017)
48 Notice of Objection, Motion to Stay by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Certificate of Service,
# 2 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 02/09/2017)
49 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Michael Morris re: 46 Motion to Dismiss filed by
Tammy Dickman, Diane Fremgen. (Attachments:
# 1 Ex. 1 − Letter from Judge William Foust dated 7/22/14,
# 2 Ex. 2 − Letter from Gail Richardson dated 7/24/14, WI Court of Appeals orders
dated 1/15/04 and 7/27/00,
# 3 Envelope) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 02/23/2017)
50 Motion for Stay to Seek Interlocutory Appeal, by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (nln),(ps)
(Entered: 02/23/2017)
54 NOTICE OF APPEAL − INTERLOCUTORY by Plaintiff Michael Morris as to 35
Order on ifp request − Order on Leave to Proceed. In forma pauperis pending. No
Docketing Statement filed. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope,
# 2 Email cover letter from Court of Appeals) (jef),(ps) Note, this was received from
the Seventh Circuit on 3/3/2017. (jef) (Entered: 03/03/2017)
51 Combined Brief in Reply by Defendants Tammy Dickman, Diane Fremgen in Support
of 46 Motion to Dismiss and Brief in Opposition re: 50 Motion for Stay to Seek
Interlocutory Appeal, (Attachments:
# 1 Certificate of Service) (Rice, David),(ps) Modified on 2/28/2017: Multi−part
document. (lak) (Entered: 02/27/2017)
52 Letter Requesting verification of receipt of filings by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
# 1 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/01/2017)
53 Letter from clerk's office in response to 52 Letter Requesting verification of receipt of
filings by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/01/2017)
55 Appeal Information Packet. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/03/2017)
56 Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Docket Sheet and Judgment to Seventh Circuit
Court of Appeals re 54 Notice of Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Order,
# 2 Docket sheet) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/03/2017)
USCA Case Number 17−1463 for 54 Notice of Appeal, filed by Michael Morris.
(jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/03/2017)
57 Docketing Statement re 54 Notice of Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/13/2017)
58 Motion for Extension of Legal Loan by Plaintiff Michael Morris captioned to both the
Court of Appeals and the District Court. (Attachments:
# 1 Copy of motion captioned only to the Seventh Circuit) (jef),(ps) (Entered:
59 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis on Appeal by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
(jef),(ps) (Attachment:
# 1 Notice of motion) (jef). (Entered: 03/13/2017)
60 Affidavit of Michael Morris re: 59 Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis on
Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Notice of motion,
# 2 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/13/2017)
61 Affidavit of Michael Morris re: 59 Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis on
Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Notice of motion,
# 2 Envelope) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/13/2017)
62 Prisoner Trust Fund Account Statement by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 03/13/2017)
63 Transcript Request Form by Plaintiff Michael Morris re 54 Notice of Appeal. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 03/13/2017)
64 Motion for Emergency Order to Extend Legal Loan and Notice of Objection to
Referral to Magistrate Judge by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/15/2017)
65 Letter Requesting verification of receipt of filings by Plaintiff Michael Morris. Docket
sheet sent to plaintiff in response to this request, along with plaintiff's second copy of
dkt. 58 also received today. (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/15/2017)
66 Notice of Objection by Plaintiff Michael Morris to 51 Brief in Reply and Request to
order the clerk of court to send plaintiff a copy of the first page of each document with
the page count written on it. (Attachments:
# 1 Envelope) (elc),(ps) (Entered: 03/17/2017)
67 ORDER denying 50 Motion to Stay to Seek Interlocutory Appeal; denying 59 Motion
for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley
on 3/20/2017. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 03/20/2017)
68 Certified and Transmitted Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 54 Notice of
Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Certification) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 04/20/2017)
69 Motion for clarification by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/12/2017)
70 Motion for a telephone conference by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered:
71 Motion for an Emergency Order by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Appendix,
# 2 Exhibits 1−13 − Copies of pleadings, correspondence, orders, other papers)
(jef),(ps) Modified docket text to match document title, 6/12/2017 (jef). (Entered:
72 ORDER from USCA dismissing appeal as to 54 Notice of Appeal, USCA no.
17−1463, filed by Michael Morris. No record to be returned. (Attachments:
# 1 Mandate) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/14/2017)
73 Appeal Warden PLRA Letter. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/14/2017)
74 Motion for Judge Conley to verify non−appeal debt by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
# 1 Appeal warden letter) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/21/2017)
75 Motion for clarification on page count, motion to mail documents hereafter by Plaintiff
Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/27/2017)
77 Motion for Assistance in Recruiting Counsel by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps)
(Entered: 06/27/2017)
78 Appendix for case 15−cv−712 by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Pgs. 1−78 of exhibits,
# 2 Pgs. 136−180 of exhibits,
# 3 Pgs. 213−277 of exhibits,
# 4 Exhibits continued; statement of probable cause, phone call messages, transcripts,
correspondence, other papers) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 06/27/2017)
76 Motion for clarification (captioned to case 15−cv−712) by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
(jef),(ps) Modified docket text on 7/6/2017 (jef). (Entered: 06/27/2017)
79 Disregard, clerical error. (jef). (Entered: 07/06/2017)
80 Motion to correct the record / motion to clarify (motion for free copy of e−filing
record), by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits 1, 3, 4 − Electronic filing notifications) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 07/06/2017)
81 Motion to correct the record and to clarify receiving exhibits by Plaintiff Michael
Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits 1−6 − Electronic filing notices, letters, motions, information request,
statement of issues,,
# 2 Appendix,
# 3 Exhibits pages 181−212,
# 4 Exhibits pages 79−136,
# 5 Exhibits pages 278−635,
# 6 Exhibits pages 406−635) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 07/06/2017)
82 Motion to Correct the Record, Motion for Recusal by Plaintiff Michael Morris.
(jef),(ps) (Entered: 07/17/2017)
83 Motion for Extension of Legal Loan filed by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits − printout re: American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Loan Application &
Repayment Agreement, correspondence re: legal loan requests, Interview / Information
Requests,) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 07/26/2017)
84 Addendum to 77 Motion for Appointment of Counsel and Motion to Supplement, by
Plaintiff Michael Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits − Inmate complaint documents, interview/information requests,
envelopes) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 09/18/2017)
85 ORDER granting defendant Diane Fremgen and Tammy Dickman's Motion to Dismiss
(dkt. # 46 ). The court has considered all of plaintiff Michael Morris's motions, and
each of them are DENIED. The clerk of court is DIRECTED to enter judgment in
defendants' favor and close this matter. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley
on 9/27/2017. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 09/27/2017)
86 JUDGMENT entered in favor of defendants Tammy Dickman, Diane Fremgen
dismissing the case. Signed by Peter A. Oppeneer, Clerk of Court on 9/27/2017.
(jef),(ps) (Entered: 09/27/2017)
87 Motion to Alter Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(e) filed by Plaintiff Michael
Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibits pages 27−79,
# 2 Exhibits pages 141−204,
# 3 Exhibits pages 131−140) (nln),(ps) (Entered: 10/02/2017)
88 Motion to Clarify Meaning of Warning Case Closed re 85 Order, by Plaintiff Michael
Morris. (Attachments:
# 1 Electronic notification of dkt. 85 Order) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
89 Motion to Clarify; Motion to Correct Record re 87 Motion to Alter or Amend
Judgment by Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
90 NOTICE OF APPEAL by Plaintiff Michael Morris as to 85 Order, 86 Judgment. In
forma pauperis pending. No Docketing Statement filed. (jef),(ps) (Entered:
91 Appeal Information Packet. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
92 Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Docket Sheet and Judgment to Seventh Circuit
Court of Appeals re 90 Notice of Appeal. (Attachments:
# 1 Order,
# 2 Judgment,
# 3 Docket sheet) (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
USCA Case Number 17−3053 for 90 Notice of Appeal filed by Michael Morris.
(jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
93 Objection to Submission of 90 Notice of Appeal, USCA Case Number 17−3053, by
Plaintiff Michael Morris. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/06/2017)
94 Docketing Statement re 90 Notice of Appeal. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/06/2017)
95 NOTICE OF APPEAL by Plaintiff Michael Morris as to 85 Order, 86 Judgment. In
forma pauperis pending. No Docketing Statement filed. (jef),(ps) (Entered:
96 Appeal Information Packet. (jef),(ps) (Entered: 10/06/2017)
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