The Cornucopia Institute et al v. United States Department of Agriculture et al

Filing 41

Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Docketing Statement, Opinion and Order, Judgment, Transcript Information Sheet and Docket Sheet to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals re: 38 Notice of Appeal, (Attachments: # 1 Docketing Statement, # 2 Opinion and Order, # 3 Judgment, # 4 Transcript Information Sheet, # 5 Docket Sheet) (lak)

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Clear Form Save Form SEVENTH CIRCUIT TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION SHEET PART I – M ust be com pleted by party or party’s attorney pursuant to Rule 10(b) of the Federal R ules of Appellate Procedure and R ule 11(a) of the C ircuit R ules. T he appellant m ust file this form with the court reporter within 14 days of filing the notice of appeal, whether transcript is being ordered or not. (FR AP 10(b)(1)) Satisfactory arrangem ents with the court reporter for paym ent of the costs of the transcripts m ust also be m ade at that tim e. (F R AP 10(b)(4)) (N ote: Appellees as well as appellants are expected to use this form when ordering transcripts.) Short Title District The Cornucopia Institute, et al. v. U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, et. al. I am ordering transcript. I am not ordering transcript because: T he transcript has been prepared. D.C. Docket No. W.D. Wis. 16-cv-246 District Judge There were no hearings in this case. Court Reporter William M. Conley None Sign below and return original and one copy to court reporter. D istribute rem aining copies to the C lerk of the District C ourt and opposing party, retaining one copy for yourself. Indicate proceedings for which transcript is required. Dates m ust be provided: D ate(s) Pretrial proceedings. Specify: Voir D ire T rial or H earing. Specify: O pening statem ent Instruction conference C losing statem ents C ourt instructions Post-trial proceedings. Specify: Sentencing O ther proceedings. Specify: M ethod of P aym ent: C ash C heck or M oney O rder C .J.A. Voucher Status of P aym ent: Full Paym ent Partial Paym ent N o Paym ent Yet Signature: Address: s/ Sarah Fox 600 New Jersey Ave, N.W., Suite 312 Washington, DC 20001 _________________________________________________________ T elephone N o. 202-662-9535 7/12/2017 Date: __________________________ PAR T II – M ust be com pleted by C ourt R eporter pursuant to Rule 11(b) of the F ederal R ules of A ppellate P rocedure. By signing this Part II, the C ourt R eporter certifies that satisfactory arrangem ents for paym ent have been m ade. U.S.C.A. Docket No. Signature of C ourt R eporter: Date Order Received Estimated Completion Date s/ Estimated Length D ate: N O T IC E: T he Judicial C onference of the United States, by its resolution of M arch 11, 1 98 2, has provided that a penalty of 10 percent m ust apply, unless a waiver is granted by the C ou rt of Appeals’ C lerk , when a “transcript of a case on appeal is not delivered within 30 days of the date ordered and paym ent received therefor.” T he penalty is 20 percent for transcript not delivered within 60 days. O riginal to C ourt R eporter. C opies to: U .S.C .A. C lerk O rdering T ranscript. Clear Form Service Copy District Court Clerk and to Save Form Party / Counsel

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