The Football Association Premi v. Youtube, Inc.

Filing 108

APPENDIX, Vol. 4, on behalf of Appellant Alley Music Corporation, Bourne Co., Cal IV Entertainment, LLC, Cherry Lane Music Publishing Company, Inc., Edward B. Marks Music Company, Federation Francaise De Tennis, Freddy Bienstock Music Company, Murbo Music Publishing, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association, Sin-Drome Records, Ltd., Stage Three Music (US), Inc., The Football Association Premier League Limited, The Music Force LLC, The Music Force Media Group LLC, The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization and X-Ray Dog Music, Inc., FILED. Service date 12/10/2010 by CM/ECF. [165103] [10-3342]--[Edited 12/22/2010 by KG]

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A-701 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15:53:04 15:52:52 15:52:46 15:52:33 15:52:19 M A RY A N N SL I M t e ch n i ca ll y , i t i s n ot u si ng o ur s o ng , b u t i t h as p ro du c e d a s o ng t o s o un d l i ke o ur s o n g. a l ik e ca se . Q. In t h e E -m a i l fr o m y ou t o S o t hi s is a s o u nd S t ev e Le wi s an d A l an K a d in g, a t th e t op y o u s a y, " T h is i s wi th h ig h i m po r t an ce . " Yo u ar e r e qu es t i ng t h at t h ey l oo k a t t he Y ou Tu b e c li p or t h e Y o uT u b e li n k . A n d y ou s ay , " I a m no t c o nv i n ce d w e w ou l d w in t hi s o n e, b u t p l ea s e l et m e kn o w i f y o u wo u l d li k e CP M a st e r s to p ur su e th is a nd g e t a m u si c o lo gi s t i nv o l ve d w h ic h w e w ou l d h a ve t o pa y fo r. " D o y o u s ee t ha t? A. Q. I do . Wh y w e re y o u n ot c on vi n c e d t h at y ou w o u ld w i n ? A. Be ca u s e I h a d he a r d th e s o ng t h at t he y - - t he p ie ce o f mu s i c th e y u s ed i n th e co mm e r ci al . A nd t o me , i t d i dn ' t s ou n d l ik e it w a s r em i n is ce n t of o u r s o ng . I t di d n 't s o u nd c l o se e n o u gh DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-702 218 1 2 3 4 MARYANN SLIM to our song that it would be identified as a sound alike. personal opinion. 15:53:13 That was just my 5 6 Q. Why did you consider getting a musicologist involved? A. Because that's the procedure If you 7. 8 9 in the music publishing world. have a song that sounds -- t h a t is what 15:53:30 10 11 12 13 14 15 you call a sound alike. Or where you think someone has taken a piece of your song and put it in their song, a musicologist is an expert that will come in and listen to both your song 15:53:41 and the song that you think is infringing your copyright and will write a report to determine whether he thinks it is a take of your song or not. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15:53:50 Q. So the reason that Stage Three was considering getting a musicologist involved, was that because it is difficult for a person without musical training to determine if this 15:54:05 23 24 25 was infringing or not? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-703 219 1 MARYANN SLIM A. Yes. And also you would Otherwise, 2 3 need an independent report. 4 5 6 we could all be going after each other 15:54:15 saying, I think your song sounds like my song. So you need to establish an 7 8 9 independent report to backup your argument. Q. 15:54:23 Did you end up hiring a 10 11 musicologist to analyze this situation? A. they did. I can't remember. I think 12 13 14 15 15:54:41 I think that CP Masters did in the end, but I can't remember. There is more correspondence on this. But once I handed it over to Steve, he took it over because it is not my area. Q. Do you remember if stage 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15:55:07 15:54:55 Three took any action against C1000? A. If my memory is correct, we did not because we decided it wasn't close enough. Q. Did stage Three send a Takedown Notice to YouTube for this clip? A. No. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-704 220 1 MARYANN SLIM Q. 2 3 Was that also because you didn't believe that it was close enough? 15:55:16 4 5 6 A. Well, we hadn't established that it was our song, it was our copyright, in order to send a Takedown Notice. until we could establish by 7 8 9 the musicologist that this song was a 15:55:29 sound alike, we have no right to send a Takedown Notice. Q. 11 12 13 14 Are you aware of any other works in suit in this case that you have had issue with sound alikes? 15:55:48 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. Q. with sound alikes? Yes. No, I can't recall. Any issues with Le Grange A. Q. with regard to sound alikes? 15:56:00 A. no. Q. Not out of the UK office, I am'showing you an exhibit 23 24 25 15:56:53 that we will have marked as Stage Three UK Exhibit 19, Bates number ST00083895 to '908. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC, 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-705 221 1 MARYANN SLIM (Whereupon, the aforementioned documents, ST00083895 to '908, were marked as Stage Three UK Exhibit 19 for identification as of this date by the Reporter.) Q. Have you had a chance to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 look this over? 15:57:35 10 A. Sorry, I am reading it. Do 11 12 13 14 15 15:57:43 you want me to read the whole thing? Q. it. No, you don't have to read We will walk over it. A. Yes, I have glanced at the first page. Q. This is a series of E-mails 16 17 18 19 20 21 15:57:52 relating to a request by an MIT professor named Michael Snively to use a 20-second clip of the song, "I Am Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon To Your Star" in a video of one of his lectures; is that correct? A. Q. That's correct. Do you recognize this series 22 23 24 25 15:58:05 of E-mails? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-706 247 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MARYANN SLIM A. Q. I do. And you respond, "Wow, this is the best ad ever. " 16:32:54 Do you see that? A. Q. I do. Did you view the YouTube link that he had provided to you? A. 16:33:02 Yes, I did. And did you want to propose Q. to McDonald's they recreate this ad using the song, Rock On? A. Yes, I would have liked to 12 13 14 have done that. 16:33:16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Did you present the idea to McDonald's? A. Q. No, I did not. What was -- d i d your idea ever come to fruition? 16:33:27 A. Q. No, it did not. Why not? This was -- t h e reason for A. this correspondence was when we -- w a s David Essex's manager informed us in a 16:33:42 meeting, he said, you won't know this DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-707 248 1 2 3 4 MARYANN SLIM because it was before you had the rights to the song, but Rock On was used in a McDonald's ad and it had a 16:33:56 5 6 James Dean look alike. And he was saying to us, you know, wouldn't it be great if McDonald's wanted to re-license that ad. And clearly, as we weren't 16:34:07 7 8 9 10 11 12 the owners of that song at the time, we had no knowledge of it, and I didn't really know what he was talking about. So as I was informed that the commercial was in Australia, I 13 14 15 16 17 18 16:34:19 contacted our Australian sub-publisher and asked him if he had any recollection of Rock On being used in a McDonald's ad. And this was then 19 20 21 22 23 24 followed by this correspondence. 16:34:33 And would I go to an advertising agency or a brand and advise them how to advertise their product, no, I wouldn't. Q. So then the last sentence of 25 16:34:46 your E-mail says, "Thank you so much DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-708 249 1 MARYANN SLIM for finding this so quickly - d o n ' t you just love YouTube?" Do you see that? 16:34:55 2 3 4 5 A. Q. I do. What did you love about 6 7 YouTube? A. service. 16:35:05 8 9 YouTube is a -- i t ' s a good It is a great, you know It is a great site. 10 11 what you call it? Q. And why do you feel like it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 is a great site? A. Because it's -- i t shows You know. He could interesting clips. 16:35:22 clearly find something that I had no knowledge of, wouldn't know how to get ahold of or anything, and he was able to find it. Q. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16:35:47 16:35:32 And were there any other reasons you thought it was a great site? A. YouTube. I don't have a problem with I think YouTube -- e v e r y o n e It's not loves YouTube, don't they? that you don't love YouTube, it is just DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-709 250 1 2 3 MARYANN SLIM you have to protect your copyrights and make sure they are being used illegally 16:35:54 4 5 legally and not being infringed. Q. 6 7 Do you know whether the YouTube video that Mr. Gough sent was authorized to be on the site? A. 16:36:13 8 9 I don't know because the 10 license for that commercial wouldn't have been issued by our company. Q. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16:37:35 16:36:50 I am showing you a document that we will have marked as Stage Three UK Exhibit 24, Bates number ST00086367 to '368. (Whereupon, the aforementioned documents, ST00086367 to '678, were marked as Stage Three UK Exhibit 24 for identification as of this date by the Reporter.) Q. This is an E-mail chain between yourself and Dave Wibberley with the subject, "Ford Stuff." Do you see that? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-710 Schapiro Exhibit 100 A-711 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attach: Joanne Price <> Monday, October 5, 2009 6:10 PM oIi ver Weingarten <OW> Deed of Licence - Aston Villa Premier Goals 2007-2010.pdf Dear Oliver, As requested, I set out below responses to Richard Scudamore's letter to the Club dated 7 September 2009 and your additional queries dated 22 September 2009. Letter dated 7 September 2009 1. 2. 3. The Club has its own dedicated YouTube channel: No such documents exist. The Club had a prior contractual relationship with PremierGoals, but this was terminated in April 2008 due to PremierGoals having breached certain requirements of the Deed of Licence. A copy of the expired contract is attached. Your email dated 22 September 2009 (a) I have already provided you with copies of our International Club TV Block contracts. (b) No such documents exist. The Club has not entered into any agreements in relation to International Club Mobile Contracts. (c) No such documents exist. The Club does not make home video devices available to the United States. YouTube Channel Following your correspondence, the Club has carried out an internal review of each of the videos on its YouTube channel. We appreciate that while the Deed of Licence does not prevent the Club from operating a YouTube channel, it does restrict the extent to which certain content (namely Footage, Archive Footage, Sound Materials and Stills, as defined in the Deed of Licence) may be included in such a website. The Club has over 70 videos on the website, the vast majority of which we believe to be fully in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Licence (being "behind-the-scenes" or non-PL footage). We have discovered, however, that there were 7 videos which did not fully comply with the Deed of Licence. These are as follows:h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = i o f r x - H N g E - Still photos and commentary from the Birmingham match 13/09/09. (viewers estimate: 1,100) roSNOhB4 - Still photos and commentary from the Liverpool match 24/08/09. (viewers estimate: 1,500) - Still photos and commentary from the Blackburn match 07/02/09. (viewers estimate: 600) - Still photos and commentary from the Bolton match 13/12/08. (viewers estimate: 600) - Still photos and Commentary from the Arsenal match 15/11/08. (viewers estimate: 3,100) Highly Confidential PLC00000597 A-712 h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m ! w a t c h ? v = B x g B r z A K 6 g U - M a t c h footage (2 x 5 seconds) (viewers estimate: 500)!watch?v=IM8N81yXLAU - M a t c h footage (1 x 5 seconds) (viewers estimate: 77) All of these videos have now been taken down from the website and are no longer accessible. I have arranged to meet with our media and marketing team to discuss the issues raised by our internal review. I have also explained the terms of the Deed of Licence to the relevant Club personnel in detail to ensure that all content placed onto Club websites in future will comply with the terms of the Deed of Licence. In particular, other than on the Club's official website ( which is the UK Club Website and International Club Website for the purposes of the Deed of Licence, going forward the Club will ensure that no Footage, Archive Footage or Sound Materials (as defined in the Deed of Licence) will be featured on any Club websites and no Stills or Sequences of Stills (as defined in the Deed of Licence) will be featured on any Club websites within seven days starting from midnight on the day of the relevant Club Match. Please give me a call to discuss when you have a moment. Joanne Price In-House Lawyer Aston Villa Football Club Villa Park I Birmingham I B66HE Tel: 0121327 2299 x293 Mob: 07796 270643 Fax: 0121 327 7451 email: W: Aston Villa FC Limited, Aston Villa Football Club Limited and Aston Villa Limited (together "Aston Villa") - Registered Office address Villa Park, Birmingham B6 6HE. Company registration numbers 2502822, 3375789 and 46572 respectively. The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments is intended for the addressee only and may contain legally privileged or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute, alter, or take any action in reliance on the information and Aston Villa will not accept liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising, directly or indirectly in reliance on it and gives no warranty or representation as to its accuracy or reliability. If you are not the addressee, please notify us immediately on 0121327 2299 and delete the material from your computer and destroy any copies. Aston Villa reserves the right to monitor and record incoming and outgoing email messages for the purposes of investigating or detecting unauthorised use of its system and ensuring its effective operation. Aston Villa will not accept liability for any loss or damage as a result of any virus being passed on. Any opinions expressed in this email or any attachment are those of the individual sender not Aston Villa, except where the message states otherwise and the sender is authorised to state them to be the views of Aston Villa. Highly Confidential PLC00000598 A-713 Schapiro Exhibit 101 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Oliver Weingarten <> Friday, October 2, 20095:51 AM Casimir Knight <> Alan Shaw <>; Amanda Dungate <>; Virginia Leather <> RE: You Tube documentation response A-714 Cas Thanks for this. Will get back in touch if need be. Amanda, is there any chance you could send scanned copies of the relevant Agreements please? Best, Oliver From: Casimir Knight [] Sent: 01 October 2009 16:41 To: Oliver Weingarten Cc: Alan Shaw; Amanda Dungate Subject: You Tube documentation response Dear Oliver, I am writing with reference to your recent correspondence requesting information and documentation in respect of the Premier League's litigation against YouTube and its parent company Google. 1. Club's use of You tube Chelsea Digital Media set up a club branded YouTube channel in February 2007. The primary purpose of this channel is to promote the club and Chelsea TV within this environment. As per the Premier Leaguer regulations, none of the video/media submitted to our Youtube channel contains any match footage whatsoever. While we accepted YouTube's standard terms and conditions via their website when setting up this channel, there is no other relevant documentation relating this that we have to send on to you. 2. Club's belief about the effect on their businesses of the availability of football related videos on Youtube We believe the availability of football related content via Youtube does not have a material impact on the club's activity nor the ability for the club to exploit its media rights. 3. Documents reflecting the club's making available Premier League footage by way of licensing Chelsea Digital Media has not licensed the use of any match footage to any website, aside from our official international club websites which are a Chinese language website operated in partnership with Premier Goals and a Russian language website - o p e r a t e d in partnership with the Chelsea Fan Club (Russia). CDM have licensed the club's international (ex UK and Eire) TV rights as follows1. North America - Setanta US (until June 2010) 2. All other international territories - IMG Media (until June 2013) We also have an agreement with the Gifted Group, to whom we have licensed our DVD rights. Relevant documentation relating to the international TV and DVD rights has been posted to you separately by Amanda using special delivery. I hope this adequately covers this off and do not hesitate to contact Alan or myself if you need to. All the best and see you soon, Cas Knight Managing Director Chelsea Digital Media Highly Confidential PLC00000237 Phone: 0207915 1980 Ext: 1280 Casimir. A-715 CHELSEA FC PLC is registered in England and Wales. Company No. 02536231. Registered office: Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road, London SW6 IHS, United Kingdom. The information contained in this e-mail or in any attachments is confidential and is intended solely for the named addressee only. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Chelsea FC pIc immediately by returning this e-mail to sender. Do not read, use or disseminate the information. Opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and not necessarily the company. Although an active anti-virus policy is operated, the company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail, including any attachments. Highly Confidential PLC00000238 A-716 Schapiro Exhibit 102 A-717 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC., COMEDY PARTNERS, COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, AND BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, LLC, PLAINTIFFS, VS. CASE NO. 07-CV-2103 YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, AND GOOGLE, INC., DEFENDANTS. THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED, BOURNE CO., ET AL., ON BEHALF OF THEMSELVES AND ALL OTHERS SIMILARLY SITUATED, PLAINTIFFS, VS. CASE NO. 07-CV-3582 YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, AND GOOGLE, INC., DEFENDANTS. VIDEOTAPED 30(B) (6) DEPOSITION OF JEFFREY DUNCAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Job No. 18088 A-718 2 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK 2 3 4 5 6 VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC., COMEDY PARTNERS, COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, AND BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, LLC, PLAINTIFFS, CASE NO. 07-CV-2103 7 vs. 8 9 YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, AND GOOGLE, INC., DEFENDANTS. 10 11 12 13 14 THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED, BOURNE CO., ET AL., ON BEHALF OF THEMSELVES AND ALL OTHERS SIMILARLY SITUATED, PLAINTIFFS, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, AND GOOGLE, INC., DEFENDANTS. CASE NO. 07-CV-3582 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VIDEOTAPED 30(B) (6) DEPOSITION OF STAGE THREE (US), INC. through JEFFREY DUNCAN, taken on behalf of the Defendants, at 10:06 a.m., Thursday, November 12, 2009, at 350 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California, before Elizabeth Borrelli, CSR No. 7884, pursuant to notice. 22 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-719 3 1 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL 2 3 FOR PLAINTIFF STAGE THREE MUSIC (US), INC.: LIEFF, CABRASER, HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP BY: DAVID STELLINGS, ESQ. 4 5 6 7 250 Hudson Street 8th Floor New York, New York 10013 (212) 355-9500 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 FOR DEFENDANT YOU TUBE: MAYER BROWN LLP BY: ARIC S. JACOVER, ESQ. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 71 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606-4637 (312) 782-0600 (312) 706-8674 (fax) - AND - 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-720 4 1 APPEARANCES (Continued): 2 3 MAYER BROWN LLP BY: FIDELIS I. AGBAPURUONWU, ESQ. 4 5 1999 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-1101 (202) 263-3868 (202) 762-4292 (fax) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ALSO PRESENT: MARK HOWARD, Videographer 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-721 60 1 2 3 11:23 Q. But you're not -- b u t neither co-owner is required to get approval from the other before licensing, correct? 4 5 A. 11:24 Typ- - MR. STELLINGS: Object to the form of the 6 7 question. THE WITNESS: Like I said, typically, no, 8 9 but there are -- t h e r e are some instances where it is required. 11:24 10 11 12 BY MR. JACOVER: Q. A. In what instances is approval required? That would depend on the composition, the 13 14 15 11:24 specific composition. Q. And what about the specific composition would require that the co-owner get approval? A. When there's either a legal document or 16 17 18 19 some type of an arrangement where the co-owner has requested that they be contacted prior to licensing the composition. 11:24 Q. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Does Stage Three have any agreements with co-owners of compositions that it administers? A. We do with Joe Egan, who's the co-writer of the song "Stuck in the Middle With You," which is included in one of the works in suit here. 11:25 And he has given us permission to enter DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-722 61 1 2 3 11:25 into this suit and function on his behalf. Q. And does -- i s approval required from Joe Egan to license his songs? 4 5 6 A. 11:25 He is one of the that is one of the instances where we will go to his camp for approval on a license. Q. Are there any others, any other songs? I can't recall off the top of my head 7 8 9 A. without having the song files to reference. 11:25 10 Q. Do you know if there are any other songs 11 that are works in suit in this case where Stage Three would need to get approval from a co-owner before licensing? 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A. 11:26 Yes, I know that. And what's the answer? The answer is no. Okay. Does Joe Egan own the other 50 percent of Q. A. Q. "Stuck in the Middle With You"? 11:26 A. Q. He does, he and his publishing entity. If you could turn to page 94389. You'll see there's the column labeled 21 22 23 "Subpublisher (if applicable)"? 24 25 11:27 A. Q. I see that. How many subpublishers does Stage Three DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York., NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-723 62 1 2 11:27 have? A. Off the top of my head I'd have to say 3 4 5 roughly eight. Q. And what territories are they responsible 11 :27 for? MR. STELLINGS: repetitive. issue. You can tell him what you know. Objection. It's 6 7 8 9 Ms. Slim already testified about this 10 11:27 THE WITNESS: Sure. That she did; yeah, I 11 12 13 14 15 did read that in Mary Ann's deposition, that she pretty thoroughly went over all of that. Shall I repeat? BY MR. JACOVER: 11:27 Q. Well, it wasn't clear how many 16 17 subpublishers there were, so I'm just trying to get a little more information on that. 18 19 A. Would you like me to name them indi vidually? 20 21 22 23 24 11:27 Q. Sure. Okay. Okay. I'll do the best I can with it. For the territory of Canada, we have Peer This is from memory here, so ... A. Q. A. 25 11:28 Music Canada. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-724 63 1 2 3 11:28 For Germany we have Wintrup Music. For France we have Premiere Music. For all Latin-speaking territories we have Clippers Music, out of Spain. 4 5 6 11 :28 For the territory of South Africa we have Gresham. For the territory of Japan we have Watanabe. Spell it? Okay. 7 8 9 10 11:28 For the territory of Australia we have Native Tongue. For minor eastern European territories we have EMI. For Sweden and one or two of the other 11 12 13 14 15 16 11:29 Nordic countries we have Bonnier. And for several other minor European territories we have -- we have Shubert. And I believe that that's pretty inclusive. 17 18 19 20 21 22 11 :30 I might be missing one or two. Q. A. Q. Okay. But that's most of the world there. And do the Stage Three subpublishers, do 23 24 25 11:30 they administer any of the works in suit? A. Only in their territory. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-725 64 1 2 3 4 11:30 Q. Are the subpublishers required to get approval from Stage Three before issuing licenses? A. Q. 11:30 Yes. Does that approval have to be written? It is written, yes. And does Stage Three track all of the 5 6 A. Q. 7 8 9 subpublisher licenses? A. Q. 11:31 Can you explain what you mean by "track"? Does Stage Three keep track of the 10 11 12 licenses issued by its subpublishers, either in a database or something like that? A. Well, the sync licenses are kept track of 13 in this document that we're looking at here (indicating) . 11:31 14 15 Q. And these include sync licenses issued by 16 17 subpublishers, as well? A. know of. Q. 11:31 Yes, that we know of -- y e s , the ones we 18 19 Are there some that you don't know of? Typically, no. Yeah, it's accurate to say 20 21 22 23 24 A. no. Q. Well, I'm a little confused. You said "the ones we know of," which seems to imply that there are ones that you don't know of. 11:31 25 A. And then I said "typically, no," and then DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-726 146 1 15:03 (Whereupon Exhibit 12 was marked for identification. ) (Whereupon Exhibit 13 was marked for identification.) 2 3 4 5 15:03 BY MR. Q. Three JACOVER: So these exhibits have been marked Stage Exhibits 11, 12 and 13. And have you had a chance to look these 6 7 (US) 8 9 over? 15:05 Have you -- h a v e you seen each of these documents before? A. I have not seen these documents 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 specifically. Q. 15:05 Have you seen other take-down notices sent by BayTSP on behalf of Stage Three? A. Q. I have. So do you know whether those other 18 19 take-down notices have been produced by Stage Three in discovery in this case? 15:05 that. A. I do not specifically -- n o , I don't know 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Do you recall approximately what the dates the other take-down notices were for those other that you've seen? 15:06 25 A. I do not. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-727 147 1 15:06 Q. Do you recall what year they were sent? Late 2008, early 2009. Okay. So, again, to the extent that these other 2 3 A. Q. 4 5 6 15:06 take-down notices have not been produced, we will request production. MR. STELLINGS: I mean, for the record, 7 8 9 it's my understanding that we've produced to defendants all of the take-down notices. 15:06 But I 10 11 12 understand that you are saying that you haven't identified them, and, therefore, I will try to figure out what's been produced and what has not been produced, if anything. MR. 15:06 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 JACOVER: Okay. BY MR. Q. JACOVER: For the take-down notices that you have seen, do you know if YouTube responded promptly to those take-down notices? A. 15:07 They did. Has Stage Three ever had a problem with 20 21 22 Q. YouTube not responding promptly to a DMCA-compliant take-down notice? A. Q. 15:07 23 We have not. Do you know how the URLs that are listed 24 25 in the take-down notices that you've seen were DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-728 148 1 2 3 4 15:07 identified? MR. STELLINGS: question. You can answer. Object to the form of the 5 6 15:07 THE WITNESS: URLs. BY MR. JACOVER: Q. URLs? BayTSP identified those 7 8 9 And did anyone at Stage Three review those 10 15:07 A. The process that I explained before is They are then sent 11 12 13 14 15 15:08 that BayTSP collects all URLs. to our lawyers for review. Q. So since you haven't seen these particular take-down notices before, I'll just represent to you that they have URLs for several works that are not works in suit in this case. So my question is, why did Stage Three decide to send take-down notices for those works instead of adding them to the works in suit? 15:08 16 17 18 19 20 21 MR. STELLINGS: You can answer to the extent that it doesn't implicate any communications from your lawyers. THE WITNESS: Any answer that I give would 22 23 24 25 implicate conversations I had with my lawyers. 11:02 BY MR. JACOVER: . DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York:, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-729 149 1 2 3 4 15:09 Q. Why did Stage Three decide to bring this lawsuit with respect to the works in suit instead of just sending take-down notices, as they did for some of the works in suit in the exhibits I just showed 15:09 5 6 7 you? MR. STELLINGS: I'll object. You can answer to the extent that you can do so without implicating attorney-client communications. 15:09 8 9 10 11 THE WITNESS: Again, I mean, any answer that I would give would implicate attorney-client conversations. And we have been discussing this in detail for a long, long time, and every bit of it we've 15:09 12 13 14 15 discussed. BY MR. JACOVER: Q. what? I'm sorry. Every bit of it we discussed 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15:10 A. We've discussed. MR. STELLINGS: You mean with your lawyers? THE WITNESS: BY MR. Q. 15:10 In regards to -- y e a h . JACOVER: Okay. The take-down notices and specifically 25 A. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-730 150 1 2 3 15:10 regarding your question. Q. Stage Three has never brought -- h a s n ' t brought any lawsuits or other actions against the individuals that posted the clips in these take-down 15:10 4 5 6 notices or in any of the other take-down notices you've seen; is that right? A. There was -- t h e r e was an action brought 7 8 9 upon as a result of one -- o n e clip that we -- t h a t we saw relating to the Baltimore Ravens. 15:11 10 11 12 13 Q. A. a lawyer. Q. Okay. I don't -- I ' m sorry. I don't -- I ' m not When you're looking at your lawyer, it 14 15 16 makes it seem as if you're looking to him for 15:11 A. I'm looking for him to stop me if I get you know, exposes close to saying something that, attorney-client conversations. 17 18 19 20 Q. A. 15:11 Okay. That's all I'm doing there. The whole object as needed. I speak very quickly sometimes, though. So can you just describe to me the Q. A. Q. 21 22 23 24 25 situation relating to the Baltimore Ravens. A. 15:11 The Baltimore Ravens had a contest at one of their games where they played the song "Walk This DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-731 151 1 2 3 15:11 Way" and had fans from the audience dance to it. And one of the contestants posted himself dancing to "Walk This Way" on the field and posted it to YouTube. 4 5 15:12 We became aware of this clip and contacted the Baltimore Ravens, asking them why they didn't come to us for a license or come to the -- a n d they used the original master for a license. or coming to the label 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15:12 Q. A. Q. A. Did you take -And Oh, go ahead. And we ended up settling with the organization. 15:12 Q. Did you take any action with regard to the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 clip that was posted on YouTube? A. Q. A take-down notice was sent. And did you take any action against the individual that had posted the clip? 15:12 A. Q. No. Has Stage Three ever retracted a take-down notice that it had sent? A. Q. 15:13 Yes. In what instances do you remember? We sent -- I ' m sorry? 25 A. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York:, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-732 152 1 2 3 15:13 Q. Yeah, please describe the instances in which Stage Three has retracted a take-down notice? A. There was one instance where take-down 4 5 notices were sent to Eagle Rock Communications. 15:13 Q. And what was the situation with Eagle Rock 6 7 Communications? A. Eagle Rock is a record label who produced 8 a DVD of ZZ Top live, and Stage Three entered into a mechanical license with them for that DVD that also 15:13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 included a synchronization license, because it's a -- i t ' s got a video sync, as well, and it did, indeed, include -- t h e license did include granting of the rights to post clips of the DVD on the internet for -- i n whole or in part. 15:14 Q. A. The unlimited internet rights? It was all media, yes. And so had Eagle Rock Communications 17 18 19 Q. posted a video on a website? A. 15:14 Eagle Rock had posted on YouTube, on their 20 21 YouTube channel, several of the ZZ Top -- c l i p s of the ZZ Top DVD. Q. And so Stage Three sent a take-down notice 22 23 24 25 15:14 regarding those clips? A. Q. BayTSP did. And how did you come to be aware that DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York:, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-733 153 1 2 3 4 15:14 those clips were, YouTube? in fact, authorized to be on A. We received an e-mail from an administrative personnel at Eagle Rock. 15:15 5 6 7 Q. A. And what did that e-mail inform you? That we've been sent take-down notices by BayTSP for the Stage Three Music content, and we feel we have the right to post this content. Please, can we discuss this. 15:15 8 9 Along those lines. 10 Q. A. Rock. And how did Stage Three respond? We did have a conversation with Eagle We did review the license. And we did 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ultimately allow them to keep their content posted on YouTube. 15:15 Q. knowledge? A. Q. Is that video still up on YouTube, to your It is. So how did BayTSP come to identify this as 18 19 an infringing clip for which it sent a take-down 15:16 20 21 22 notice? A. Using the software that they use to identify these clips in the first place. Q. So would you classify this as a mistake 23 24 25 15:16 when they sent a take-down notice to YouTube? A. I think "an oversight" is better. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-734 154 1 15:16 Q. A. Q. A. An oversight on BayTSP's part? No, oversight on behalf of our lawyers. How so? In that it was -- o r it could -- y o u know, Let me back up. That could also be an Because, 2 3 4 5 6 15:17 excuse me. oversight on Stage Three's part, as well. 7 8 9 as I've mentioned a couple times now, BayTSP sends all occurrences of our content on YouTube to our lawyers. 15:17 Our lawyers review it. And there were 10 instances where some of those URLs were discussed. And this was -- t h i s should have been one of those instances that was discussed. And it's possible We reviewed a I don't recall 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15:17 that we -- I don't recall exactly. lot of these. And I don't -- a g a i n , exactly how it happened, but this could have been one that was caught. Mistake. Q. Same thing? In that ~- So I say "oversight." A. 15:18 i n that neighborhood. 20 21 Q. Has Stage Three provided any guidelines to its lawyers about when it should discuss a particular URL on YouTube? 22 23 24 25 15:18 A. No. Again Stage Three doesn't give legal We take legal advice from advice to our lawyers. our lawyers. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10 123 (212)705-8585 A-735 155 1 15:18 Q. Well, you said that this was one -- a n I'm 2 3 instance that should have been discussed. trying to understand how you determined which URLs are -- w h i c h URLs prompt this discussion -- f u r t h e r 15:18 4 5 6 7 discussion on whether -- A. Q. Those decisions -- t h e y are authorized? I'm sorry. I ' l l let you finish. 8 9 A. Q. 15:18 I'm finished. Those decisions were made by our lawyers. 10 A. 11 12 13 They then sent us the URLs that they wanted to discuss with us, not the other way around, Q. yeah. So this particular URL was not sent to 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15:19 15:19 Stage Three, then? A. I don't know specifically. Like I say, there were a couple. it to us. So I don't know if this made But somewhere Stage Three should have been able to identify that as a -- a n d ultimately we did identify i t as a licensed use. Q. But not until after the take-down notice correct? had been sent, 22 23 24 A. Q. Correct. Were there any written communications regarding this retraction of the take-down notice? 15:19 25 A. I believe there were e-mails. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-736 170 1 15:40 Q. In Torrance's e-mail she includes a 2 3 4 YouTube link of the "Ax Men" trailer concerning this song "Back Road Boogie", right? A. 15:40 Yes. So if you could turn, then, to the first 5 6 7 8 Q. page of this document, Professor Ferrara responds to Ms. Torrance's e-mail, and he says, "I listened to the trailer and to 'La Grange'. There are many 9 10 15:40 instrumental parts and elements in the one-minute long trailer requiring a great deal of musical transcription. That transcription must then be I 11 12 13 14 15 15:40 compared to a transcription of 'La Grange'. estimate that this will require approximately four hours of transcription and analysis." Do you see that? A. Q. Yes. Is that the typical process that a 16 17 18 19 musicologist would go through in analyzing one of these soundalikes to determine if they are 15:41 20 21 infringing? MR. STELLINGS: Objection. 22 23 24 You can answer if you know. THE WITNESS: There is no typical. I can tell you that in this instance "La 15:41 25 Grange" is a song that is rooted in the American DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-737 171 1 15:41 blues tradition, and there are many subtleties that need to be taken into account. And that's why, I . 2 3 think, it required that amount of work. BY MR. JACOVER: 15:41 4 5 6 Q. And that's why hiring a musicologist was necessary in this case, correct? MR. STELLINGS: You can answer. THE WITNESS: 15:41 7 8 9 Objection. We hired the musicologist -- 10 11 well, this is -- I don't want to divulge what we've discussed with our other -- o u r other sets of lawyers that we do consult with. MR. STELLINGS: THE WITNESS: Okay. And you shouldn't. 12 13 14 15 16 Because we did have 15:42 discussions with our lawyer regarding this infringement. BY MR. JACOVER: 17 18 19 20 Q. And did you take any action with respect to this soundalike "Back Road Boogie"? 15:42 A. We sent -- y e s . We sent a cease and 21 22 desist after having tried to do a -- t o license the composition. 23 Q. And did Professor Ferrara provide the 24 25 15:42 requested analysis? A. He did. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-738 172 1 2 3 15:42 Q. And what were the -- w h a t was the results of his analysis? A. He concluded ultimately that it was not an 4 5 6 infringement. 15:43 Q. So if he concluded this was not an infringement, why did you send a cease and desist regarding this compo- - - r e g a r d i n g "Back Road Boogie"? 7 8 9 A. 15:43 It was a timing issue. While he was still 10 in the process of reviewing it, we jumped the gun a bit and sent a cease and desist. By the time we 11 12 13 14 15 15:43 received the full report from the musicologist, we then stood down. Q. Did you send a take-down notice to YouTube regarding the clip that had been posted on the site? 16 A. Q. A. the show. 15:44 No. Why not? It was an -- i t was an advertisement for And it's not our composition. So if it's 17 18 19 20 not our composition, we can't be sending take-down notices. 21 22 23 24 25 15:44 Q. When you say "it's not our composition," you're referring to "Back Road Boogie"? A. "Back Road Boogie" is not a Stage Three composition. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-739 173 1 2 3 15:44 Q. Well, if you had determined that it was an infringement, "Back Road Boogie" was an infringement of "La Grange", would you then have sent a take-down notice to YouTube? 15:44 4 5 6 MR. STELLINGS: You can answer. THE WITNESS: Objection. Hypothetical. 7 Had we determined it was an If we 8 9 infringement, it would -- i t would depend. issued a license after the fact, we might have 15:45 10 11 granted all media rights and, therefore, not sent out a take-down notice. BY MR. JACOVER: Q. 12 13 In which case it would be authorized to be 14 15 16 17 18 19 on the site? 15:45 A. In which case it would be authorized to be on the site, unless YouTube was excluded from that language. Q. Should YouTube have taken any action in response to this clip appearing on the site? 15:45 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. STELLINGS: question. You can answer. THE WITNESS: to me? Object to the form of the Should they have, according 15:45 BY MR. JACOVER: DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-740 191 1 16:13 A. Q. I do. Is he your -- S t a g e Three's Australian 2 3 4 subpublisher? A. 16:13 No. He's an employee he's a former 5 6 7 employee of Native Toungue, who is Stage Three's Australian's sUbpublisher. Q. So he's affiliated -- o r used to be 8 9 affiliated with Australia's Stage Three subpublisher? 16:13 10 11 A. Q. time, He was, yes. And he was affiliated with them at this correct? 12 13 14 15 16 16:13 I presume, A. Q. He was. And this is February 15, 2007, was when he correct? sent his e-mail, A. Q. That's what it says, yes. If you could turn to page 4 of this -- o f 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the attachment. There's a heading "Previous Releases" and 16:14 then a subheading "Previous Videos." Do you see that? A. Q. I do. And under that subheading there are three "Sixteen Military 24 25 16:14 YouTube links for the videos: Wives," "Los Angeles I'm Yours," and "The Solidering DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-741 192 1 16:14 Life." A. Q. A. 2 3 4 "Soldiering." I guess that's spelled wrong. It is. "The Soldiering Life." You said it right; they spelled it wrong. Okay. Do you have any idea why these YouTube 5 6 7 16:14 Q. A. Q. 8 9 links were included in this marketing plan? 16:14 10 11 12 A. This was created by EMI Capital, And I do not know why they would include Australia. YouTube links. Q. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16:14 And what is EMI Capital Australia? It's a record label. And are they affiliated at all with Stage A. Q. Three's subpublisher in Australia? A. Q. What do you mean by "affiliated"? Did they I shouldn't say "affiliated." Did they work with Australia's Stage 16:15 20 21 Three -- s o r r y -- S t a g e Three's Australia subpublisher? A. them, yes. Q. 22 23 24 It appears that they have worked with And do you know who may have posted these 25 16:15 clips on YouTube? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-742 193 1 2 3 4 5 6 16:15 MR. STELLINGS: question. THE WITNESS: BY MR. JACOVER: Object to the form of the I do not know. 16:15 Q. Do you know if Stage Three made any effort to determine if these videos were authorized to be on YouTube? 7 8 9 A. I believe that take-down notices were sent for all of our content that was on YouTube that was 16:15 10 11 12 not authorized. Q. And is that based on your presumption that BayTSP finds and removes all of Stage Three's content? 13 14 15 16 17 18 16:16 A. Q. Yes. Do you know if anyone at Stage Three ever instructed its subpublisher not to post or link to videos on YouTube? A. do that. 16:16 No one instructed our subpublishers not to 19 20 21 Q. Are you aware of any Stage Three artists I should that have an official channel on YouTube? say Stage Three writers. A. writers. Yeah. 22 23 24 The only one I'm aware of is the one that 16:16 25 I mentioned before, which was the Aerosmith writers. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-743 194 1 2 3 4 5 16:16 Q. A. Q. A. Did they have an official YouTube channel? Yes. Okay. So it's the one that contains the 16:16 interviews and Brad Whitford driving a -- 6 Q. A. Q. Are you aware of any other -- r a c e c a r . Sorry. Are you aware of any other Stage Three 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16:17 writers that have an official channel on YouTube? A. I am not. MR. JACOVER: I'm going to show you two exhibits at once, which we will have marked as Stage Three 16:17 (US) Exhibits 17 and 18, both of which consist 14 15 of printouts from two different websites. (Discussion off the record.) MR. JACOVER: one second? MR. STELLINGS: Do you want to take a Can we go off the record for 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16:18 quick bathroom break now? MR. JACOVER: Sure. Take a quick break. We are going off the THE VIDEOGRAPHER: record at 4:19 p.m. (Recess.) 16:19 25 II DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-744 205 1 2 3 16: 40 A. Okay. Now, making -- y o u asked me, should YouTube know whether or not the content posted here is authorized or unauthorized by looking at it, 16:41 4 5 6 right? Q. A. Well, not quite what I asked, but let's -Let's say you did. Let's say that's the question, okay. Okay. And then my response to that is, I was 7 8 9 Q. A. 16:41 10 11 12 13 rather than -- my other question I answered, answering in the frame of this is all the damages that have already been done, it was saying -- t h i s is from the inception of YouTube to now. My answer 14 15 relating to this was business model for YouTube 16: 41 going forward, that it should not allow any content -- i t ' s already allowed all this content unauthorized content on its website as it stands, but I'm saying going forward, YouTube should know what content is authorized simply by insisting that 16 17 18 19 20 16: 41 anyone who uploads videos to their website have a legitimate license in place. That was really long. understood what I was getting at. Q. I think so. I mean, it's And I hope you 21 22 23 24 25 16:42 A. -- h e r e ' s another way of DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-745 206 1 16:42 answering that question, and this is easier and clearer. Q. Okay. Go ahead. 2 3 4 A. 16:42 We know that -- I might have bitten off We know 5 6 7 more than I can chew, but I'll continue. that Stage Three and YouTube don't have any agreement between the two companies, mind, so with that in 8 9 99 percent of whatever is posted on YouTube is just by virtue of knowing that any of unauthorized, 16:43 10 11 Stage Three content that ends up on YouTube is unauthorized, with the exception of the occasional video trailer and advertisement where we grant all media rights. It would actually be easier for Stage 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16:43 Three to say, okay, here are the, you know, 15 or 20 instances where it's actually okay for a production company or a studio to upload YouTube videos where we've granted these rights; here are the 15 or 20 instances of that. 16:43 Q. A. And has Stage Three ever done that? No. Has Stage Three ever informed YouTube of 20 21 22 Q. 23 24 25 the instances when the content was authorized to be on the site? 16:43 A. We're in the process of doing that right DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-746 207 1 2 3 4 5 6 16:43 now Q. What -via this suit. My question is, has Stage Three ever A. Q. 16:44 informed YouTube of content that is authorized to be on the site? 7 A. We've, via BayTSP, informed them of what's 8 9 not authorized to be on their site. Q. 16:44 That's not my question. You just said it would be easier if 10 11 Stage -- h o l d on. 12 13 14 15 A. Q. Yes. -- i f Stage Three would inform YouTube of the content that is authorized to be on the site. 16:44 And my question is -- i t ' s very simple -- h a s Stage Three ever informed YouTube -A. Q. 16 17 18 19 20 No. -- o f that content? A. 16:44 No. Okay. But I'm saying that -- a n d I would like to Q. 21 22 23 A. finish my thought here -Q. Sure. -- w h i c h is, so if we were to inform you 24 25 16:44 A. of the roughly 15 or 20 authorized uses, you could DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-747 Schapiro Exhibit 104 A-748 Page 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC., COMEDY PARTNERS, COUNTRY MUSIC. TELEVISION, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, and BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, LLC, Plaintiffs, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, and GOOGLE, INC., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NO. 07-CV-2203 ) ) ) ) ) --------------------------------)) THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER ) LEAGUE LIMITED, BOURNE CO., et al.,) on behalf of themselves and all ) others similarly situated, ) Plaintiffs, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, and GOOGLE, INC., Defendants. ) ) ) NO. 07-CV-3582 ) ) ) ) ) --------~~~~=-~~~~~~~~) VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF BRIAN K. BRADFORD SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2009 BY: ANDREA M. IGNACIO HOWARD, CSR, RPR, CLR JOB NO. 16590 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-749 Page 2 I · 1 2 3 4 MARCH 12, 2009 9:53 A.M. I ~ I ; ~ VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF BRIAN K. BRADFORD WILSON SONSINI GOODRICH & ROSATI, LLP, I 5 6 One Market Street, Spear Tower, San Francisco California, pursuant to notice, and before, ANDREA M. IGNACIO HOWARD, CLR, RPR, CSR 7 8 9 License No. 9830. I ~ ~ ~ I I I * I I 10 11 12 13 14 I I ~ I ~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-750 Page 3 1 A P PEA RAN C E S: 2 3 4 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS CAL IV ENTERTAINMENT: GIRARD GIBBS LLP By: CHRISTINA C. SHARP, Esq. 5 6 7 601 California Street, 14th Floor San Francisco, California 94108-2819 (415) 981-4800 8 9 10 11 12 FOR THE DEFENDANTS YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC and GOOGLE, INC.: MAYER BROWN LLP By: GREGORY FRANTZ, Esq. ILANA D. GOLANT, Esq. 1675 Broadway New York, New York 10019-5820 (212) 506-2423; 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ALSO PRESENT: Lou Meadows, Videographer. ---000--- 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-751 Page 47 1 11:05:06 11:05:09 11:05:10 11:05:10 11:05:13 11:05:28 11: 05: 34 11:05:39 11:05:43 11:05:46 11:05:49 11:05:49 11: 05: 53 11:05:56 11:06:01 11:06:06 11:06:14 11:06:23 11:06:27 11:06:30 11:06:32 11:06:35 11:06:38 11:06:42 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I BRADFORD different names listed as copyright claimants? see that? Do you I I ~ ~ ~ A Q A Yes. Can you explain who each claimant is? Gravitron Music and Whaddayadef Music are the · ~ ~ I " copyright claimants on behalf of Sam Tate and Kathleen Wright, person known as Annie Tate, and Cal IV is the rep- - - t h e claimant on behalf of Dave Berg. Q Are Gravitron Music and Whaddayadef Music, are those the same company or are they different companies? A 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I'm not completely sure because that's you know, that -- t h a t ' s a third party. From what my understanding is, Gravitron Music is the SESAC publisher for a company called Carnival Music Company based in Nashville. And Sam Tate and Annie Tate were under contract with that company when they wrote the song and -- a n d it appears that part of their deal included co-publishing interest, which, I believe, is -- t h a t ' s where the Whaddayadef Music is probably the name of their co-publishing interest. Q And at the time this registration was filed, which, as you'll note, was June 19th, 2006, did your company, in fact, have an ownership interest in this DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-752 Page 48 1 BRADFORD copyright? MS. SHARP: conclusion. Answer to the extent you know the answer. THE WITNESS: MR. FRANTZ: Yes. The question may call for a legal 11:06:44 11:06:44 11:06:46 11:06:48 11:06:52 11:06:55 11:06:56 11:06:59 11:07:01 11:07:05 11:07:09 11:07:16 11: 07: 17 11:07:19 11:07:20 11:07:23 11:07:25 11:07:26 11:07:30 11:07:33 11:07:35 11:07:38 11:07:44 11:07:52 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. And why do you say your company had an ownership interest? MS. SHARP: THE WITNESS: Again, legal conclusion. As I discussed earlier, Dave 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 j m I Berg was under contract with us at the time of writing this composition. MR. FRANTZ: I I ~ ~ Q. And when did your company acquire the ownership interest? A Q Upon creation of the work. What percent ownership in the in the q I I I I ~ ~ ~ overall work did your company acquire? MS. SHARP: THE WITNESS: Same objection. Our -- o u r controlled i administrative interest is one-third. MR. FRANTZ: Q. And was it one-third the 22 23 24 25 whole time or did that change at some point? A Initially, Dave Berg had a co-publishing The name of his arrangement with -- w i t h Cal IV. co-publisher was Berg -- B e r g B r a i n Music, and at the DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-753 P a g e 49 1 11:08:02 11:08:05 11: 08: 12 11:08:17 11:08:23 11:08:26 11: 08: 35 11:08:37 11:08:40 11:08:41 11:08:49 11:08:58 11:08:58 11:08:59 11:09:01 11:09:04 11:09:12 11:09:14 11:09:14 11:09:17 11:09:23 11:09:23 11:09:24 11:09:28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BRADFORD time the -- t h e contractual split between Cal IV and his co-pub was of -- o f the controlled administered share, Cal IV had two-thirds, and BergBrain Music had one-third, but that -- t h e BergBrain Music purcatalog was purchased by Cal IV, and, thus, the full share became Cal IV's share. Q And with respect to the overall copyright today, what percentage of the copyright does Cal IV own? MS. SHARP: THE WITNESS: MR. FRANTZ: Q Same objection. Today it's one-third. Okay. Now, look at the second page. Do you see at the bottom of the second page in in Section No. 9 is a reference to "Bluewater Do you see Music Services Corp/Attn: Dan Ekback"? where I'm looking? A Q Yes. Okay. Do you know who Dan Ekback of Bluewater Music Services Corp is? A Q Yes. Who is he? At the time, he was -- I ' m not sure exactly A what his title was, but he was an upper-level DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6~fdf-4802-a95b·b668dacc616d A-754 P a g e 50 1 11:09:36 11:09:40 11:09:43 11:09:48 11:09:48 11:09:52 11:09:57 11:10:06 11:10:10 11:10:12 11:10:16 11:10:20 11:10:29 11:10:33 11:10:38 11:10:42 11:10:45 11:10:50 11:10:57 11:10:59 11:11:02 11:11:04 11:11:06 11:11:10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BRADFORD administrative specialist with Bluewater Music services Corp. Q And who's Bluewater Music Services Corp, if you know? A Bluewater is -- I -- w e l l , I -- I ' m not Obviously, that's a completely sure what all they do. third party, but from my understanding is they are -and a -- a copyright administration service for other publishers. Q And if you look at Section 8, just above where we're looking, very small box that's checked that says "Authorized agent of Gravitron Music, Whaddayadef Music," does that mean that this copyright was filed by Bluewater on behalf of Gravitron Music and Whaddayadef Music? A Dan Ekback, from -- f r o m my understanding of this, Dan Ekback of Bluewater Music Services was -was/is the administrator for Gravitron, Whaddayadef, and they filed the copyright registration. Q Did Cal IV have any involvement in the filing of the copyright registration? A Q No. Did Cal IV know about the filing of the copyright registration? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-755 1 11:47:58 11:48:03 11:48:06 11:48:16 11:48:19 11:48:21 11:48:26 11:48:29 11:48:33 11:48:33 11:48:36 11:48:42 11:48:45 11:48:47 11:48:49 11:48:49 11:48:51 11:48:54 11:48:56 11:49:05 11:49:14 11:49:18 11:49:24 11:49:27 BRADFORD songwriter's agreement immediately upon its creation, which was in 2005, I believe -- i s that correct? A 2 3 4 5 6 Let me look at this schedule here. Date of creation April 19th, 2005. Q Okay. So your testimony is that the 7 copyright was assigned from Berg to Cal IV, at least a certain interest of that was assigned immediately upon creation; is that correct? A Q 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Yes. So why is there any need for the assignment documents in 2007? A It's a -- a r e you -- w h i c h one are you -- a r e Exhibit 9? you referring to? Q I'm referring to both Exhibit 8 and Exhibit 9. A Okay. Exhibit 8 was necessary because of the asset sale and purchase agreement, or asset purchase and sale agreement. Exhibit 9 was necessary as a prescribed step with -- t h a t was -- t h a t -- t h a t was an obligation under the songwriter agreement. It's more of a 22 23 24 25 formality to list the compositions within the agreement. Q But there was nothing improper about -- a b o u t DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf4802-a95b.tJ668dacc616d. A-756 Page 1 11:49:30 11:49:32 11:49:36 11:49:38 11:49:38 11:49:39 11:49:44 11:49:48 11:49:51 11:49:55 11:49:57 11:50:01 11:50:03 11:50:04 11:50:10 11:50:13 11:50:15 11:50:17 11:50:22 11:50:26 11:50:33 11:50:37 11:50:41 11:50:46 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 691 ~ BRADFORD the copyright being registered in Cal IV's name back in 2006, because Cal IV had already acquired the copyright immediately upon its creation; is that correct? A Q I ~i ~i ~ I I Correct. Okay. NOw, are there co- - - o t h e r co-owners § of the work "If You're Going Through Hell"? A We discussed that earlier. The publishers for Sam Tate and Annie Tate, Gravitron Music and Whaddayadef Music. Q I ~I And how do you know about those co- - - o t h e r co-owners? MS. SHARP: THE WITNESS: Form. Well, how -- h o w do I know that I ~ I I they are the co-owners, or how do I know about the co-owners? MR. FRANTZ: Q. I I ~ Well, how do you know that ~I they are the co-owners of that work? A Because when Dave Berg turned the song in to I ; us, on our -- i n our process of deliveries and, you know, we -- we need to know who he wrote songs with, he told us that Sam Tate and Annie Tate co-wrote the song with him, and we knew that they were contracted writers with Carnival Music Company, which is, you DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-757 P a g e 70 1 11:50:53 11:50:57 11:51:01 11:51:05 11:51:08 11:51:11 11:51:15 11:51:23 11:51:26 11:51:30 11:51:34 11:51:41 11:51:43 11:51:46 11:51:49 11:51:52 11:51:55 11:51:57 11:52:02 11: 52: 04 11:52:10 11:52:12 11:52:15 11:52:18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BRADFORD know, the -- y o u know, the -- t h e i r SESAC company is Gravitron Music. That's a subsidiary of Carnival, so they were under agreement with them. Q And if there were some change in the ownership status with respect to the other co-owners of this work, would you be notified of that? A Not necessarily. Do you agree that the other co-owners of the Q work are entitled to grant licenses with respect to the work? A As -- a s the -- c o n t r o l l i n g and administering their exclusive rights, I would say yes. Q Do you know whether any of the co-owners, the other co-owners have, in fact, granted any such licenses with respect to "If You're Going Through Hell"? A I honestly -- I I wouldn't know what kind I don't have access to their of licenses they grant. documents. Q Could you acquire such information? Probably not. When you say "Probably not," why do you say A Q that? A Because they would have no reason to give me DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-<1fdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-758 P a g e 71 1 11:52:23 11:52:24 11:52:27 11:52:28 11:52:38 11:52:38 11:52:40 11:52:42 11:52:43 11:52:46 11:52:52 11:52:54 11:52:55 11:53:04 11:53:05 11: 53: 07 11:53:14 11:53:15 11:53:18 11:53:24 11:53:28 11:53:28 11:53:28 11:53:30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BRADFORD copies of their licenses. MR. FRANTZ: Exhibit 10, please. (Document marked Bradford Exhibit 10 for identification.) THE WITNESS: exhibits? Are we done with these Let's mark a new exhibit, Can I get them out of my way? We are for the most part, but MR. FRANTZ: there is a chance I may come back to them. THE WITNESS: MS. SHARP: I'm sorry. MR. FRANTZ: THE WITNESS: MR. FRANTZ: Okay. There you go, sir. Exhibit? 10. Okay. Can you identify 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- l e t me just note for the record that its -- t h e Bates No. is CAL I ~ m I · I I ~ · ~ ~ '1593 through ' 97 . Q Can you identify the document? This is a "Lyric Reprint License Agreement" ~ ~ ~ A I ii between Cal IV and Country Music Media Group for "If ~ ~ ~ · ~ You're Going Through Hell. " Q ; All right. And when you look at the first page of the document, do you see that it says Cal IV controls DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-dfdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-759 Page 72 .~ 1 BRADFORD 33.34 percent of the work? MS. SHARP: MR. FRANTZ: Where are you looking, Counsel? I'm looking in Section 1, the I ! i:i ~ 11:53:33 11:53:39 11:53:41 11:53:44 11: 53: 47 11:53:48 11:53:49 11:53:54 11:53:58 11:54:04 11:54:08 11:54:09 11:54:10 11:54:14 11:54:19 11:54:25 11:54:28 11:54:37 11:54:42 11: 54: 42 11:54:47 11:54:49 11: 54: 56 11:55:03 2 3 4 I ~ · 5 6 7 8 9 last sentence of Section 1. THE WITNESS: MR. FRANTZ: Q Yes. Okay. And am I correct that at that time, which is August 14th, 2006, what that meant is that Cal IV itself owned 22 percent and BergBrain owned 11 percent? Is that correct? Misleading question. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MS. SHARP: You can answer, if you understand it. THE WITNESS: Well, to be more specific, Cal That's correct. IV 22.23, and BergBrain 11.11. MR. FRANTZ: Q Okay. And if you flip to the last page, which is 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '1597, do you see towards the top in the column on the right it says "Controlled Percentage: O"? A Q Yes. What does that mean? This -- w e l l , this is for one thing, this A is a printout from RightTrack in our system, and the -- R i g h t T r a c k is not a -- a very modernized program. It's a very old program. Basically, I use DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 805 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (212)705-8585 65d375b6-<1fdf-4802-a95b-b668dacc616d A-760 P a g e 240 1 17:29:48 17:29:52 17:29:57 17:29:59 17:30:03 17:30:08 17:30:14 17:30:20 17:30:24 17:30:25 17:30:32 17:30:36 17:30:39 17:30:45 17:30:49 17:30:52 17:30:55 17:30:57 17:30:59 17:31:02 17:31:06 17:31:07 17:31:10 17:31:13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BRADFORD sentence we just read, this is, again, your e-mail, you say, "However, our license agreements must be specific to each use." What did you mean by that? A Probably specific to each use. The -- e a c h use, being whatever video he intended to post. Q A "Each use," does that mean each URL? I -- I would say a -- t h e URL was indicative of the use. Q URL? A Well, I would say that the -- t h e posting of Does "each use" mean something besides each 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a video, which generates a unique URL, is a specific use. Q Because if we keep reading, you say, "In this case, the URL of each video posting needs to be listed in the license agreement." So what I'm trying to understand here was, were you contemplating that the license would apply only to particular URLs? A Q Yes, I believe that was the intention. So does this mean that for two

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