The Football Association Premi v. Youtube, Inc.

Filing 108

APPENDIX, Vol. 4, on behalf of Appellant Alley Music Corporation, Bourne Co., Cal IV Entertainment, LLC, Cherry Lane Music Publishing Company, Inc., Edward B. Marks Music Company, Federation Francaise De Tennis, Freddy Bienstock Music Company, Murbo Music Publishing, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association, Sin-Drome Records, Ltd., Stage Three Music (US), Inc., The Football Association Premier League Limited, The Music Force LLC, The Music Force Media Group LLC, The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization and X-Ray Dog Music, Inc., FILED. Service date 12/10/2010 by CM/ECF. [165103] [10-3342]--[Edited 12/22/2010 by KG]

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A-801 419 1 form. A. I -- I am familiar and -- w i t h 2 3 the use of that term in some quarters around the company for purposes, 14:47:19 4 5 6 including online posting of clips. Q. And it won't lead to any 7 8 9 ambiguity if I use that term in connection with the YouTube website in question? 14:47:31 10 MS. KOHLMANN: A. won't. Q. Objection. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14:47:56 14:47:38 The use of the term itself The context may -Of course. Of course. A. Q. may be different. I want to make sure we have the use of the term itself grounded. A. Q. Yes. I got you. Now that we got that out of the You indicated a moment ago that way. Michael Housley, at your direction, maintains a set of information related to the uploading activity of Viacom and its agents on the internet including on the YouTube website. Is that right? 22 23 24 25 14:48:13 A. That's correct. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-802 420 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. Do you know if that information is provided to BayTSP? A. Q. 14:48:25 Yes. Is that information provided to BayTSP? A. Q. Yes. How is that information provided to BayTSP? A. 14:48:39 I'm not sure. Have you ever received that Q. information via e-mail? A. Can you rephrase the question? 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14:49:07 14:49:02 14:48:53 I'm not sure what information you're referring to. Q. How does Michael Housley store that information? MS. KOHLMANN: form. A. I believe he stores it Objection as to electronically. Q. In what form does Michael Housley store that information electronically? A. Q. I'm not sure. Is it maintained in a database? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-803 421 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A. Q. I'm not sure. Is it maintained in an Excel spread sheet? A. 14:49:19 It could be but I'm not sure. Have you ever requested that Q. Mr. Housley provide you with that information? A. for it. 14:49:31 I have no recollection of asking Q. And you have no idea, as you sit here today, whether he ever sent it to you? A. I have no recollection of He sits so 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14:50:18 14:50:01 14:49:47 Michael sending it to me. close to me that if I wanted to see something, I have a habit of going and invading his personal space and looking over his shoulder and things. Q. other than BayTSP do you know if there is any other third parties or Viacom agents to whom that information has been provided? A. I don't have specific knowledge of that but I wouldn't be surprised. Q. Can you identify any third DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York., NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-804 493 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17:01:11 17:00:30 16:59:54 16:59:31 16:59:14 video in the three years that passed between or two years that -- t w o and a half years that passed between your creating this screen shot and the upload of the video. I just don't know -- I ' m not a frequent flier in that regard. Q. The takedown notice then that was originally sent for the video identified in Exhibit 18 was erroneous, wasn't it? MS. KOHLMANN: form. A. It was mistaken. MR. RUBIN: Exhibit 21. (SolowP-21, is received and marked for identification.) Q. Mr. Solow, Exhibit 21 is an I'd like to mark Objection as to exhibit by Google in this litigation, GOO 00108200963 through 69. It's an e-mail sent by the e-mail address Michael Housley no dash reply at copyright-compliance. com to copyright at on February 3rd, 2007. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-805 494 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Do you recognize this document, Mr. Solow? A. Q. 17:01:35 No. Do you know that on the date prior to February 3rd, 2007 Viacom caused a large number of takedown notices to be served on the YouTube website? MS. KOHLMANN: Objection as to 17:01:51 form. A. Q. Yes. Roughly how many videos were 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17:02:36 17:02:24 17:02:01 included in takedown notices provided on February 2nd, 2007 by BayTSP on behalf of Viacom to YouTube? A. I believe it was approximately 102,000, 103,000. Q. Do you know how many takedown notices were provided by BayTSP on behalf of Viacom to YouTube in the month of January, 2007? MS. KOHLMANN: form. A. Q. No. Was it zero? Objection as to DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-806 495 1 A. It might be. MS. KOHLMANN: Objection as to 2 3 form. 4 5 A. 17:02:41 Sorry. It could be. If I can bring your attention, Do you Q. 6 7 please, to page ending in 966. see there's a number of different clips on the You Tube service identified in this particular notice of alleged 17:03:19 8 9 10 11 infringement? MS. KOHLMANN: speaks for itself. Object. Document 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 17:03:47 17:03:38 A. Is this really called notice of alleged infringement. Q. I believe the title on this version of the document is notice ID 158-8264 notice upon authorized use of A. no. Q. The answer to your question is Do you see there are a number of 22 23 24 25 17:03:58 different clips identified in this document? MS. KOHLMANN: Same objection. Document speaks for itself. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-807 Schapiro Exhibit 123 A-808 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mark M. Ishikawa Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:20 PM Cooper, Donna Courtney Nieman; Deana Arizala; Arielle Kim; Evelyn Espinosa;; Cahan, Adam RE: [html] BET Asset List Donna, we are queueing up the takedown notices as instructed by Adam at MTVN. He wants to hold the notices as part of his strategy. This instruction was for all Viacom assets. Please let me know if you want your assets differently. Thx Mark -----Original Message----F r o m : Cooper, Donna [mailto:DONNA.COOPER@BET.NET] Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:09 AM To: Mark M. Ishikawa Subject: RE: [htmlJ BET Asset List Mark, I just want to confirm the Youtube direction for BET. Are you searching and sending take down notices with respect to all occurrences of BET assets, irrespective of duration or any other parameter? If not, this is how we would like to proceed. Thanks, Donna Donna Cooper Senior Associate General Counsel Black Entertainment Television LLC 1235 W Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20018 (202) 635-6422 (fax) PRIVIILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION ************************************************ * CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE * ************************************************ This e-mail message is intended for the confidential use of the intended recipient(s). This message may contain information that is legally protected by the attorney-client and/or work product protections; as such, this message is privileged and may not be disclosed except to the intended recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately bye-mail, and delete all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank you. HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 004282398 A-809 Schapiro Exhibit 126 A-810 Subject: From: To: Cc: Next rev "Cahan, Adam" < EX:/O=VIACOM/OU = MTVUSNCN = RECIPIENTS/CN =CAHANA> 'Blair Harrison' Date: Man, 10 Jul 200601:44:02 +0000 List of attachments: Project Beagle Review 0 3 ac.ppt CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159159 A-811 YouTube Review o HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159160 A-812 Executive Summary · Vision · Strategic fit · Key risks · Valuation · Business Drivers · Monetization model · Upside from Viacom/YouTube combination · Competition · Company background 1 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159161 A-813 Vision For YouTube and Viacom · We believe YouTube would make a transformative acquisition for MTV Networks / Viacom that would immediately make us the leading deliverer of video online, globally. · YouTube has an extensive global reach: it is a top 10 site in 8 countries, a top 20 site in 18 countries, and a top 50 site in 49 countries. Overall, Alexa ranks it 19th in the world. In the US it has reached 20M+ uniques (May NetRatings) · MySpace provided the platform for young audiences as they migrated from passive consumers into creator-consumers of digital content, and dominates globally as a platform for personal web pages and rich media communication. · YouTube is the dominant platform of choice for these audiences as they migrate to using video to express themselves. · We have the opportunity to own this space, and become the clear leader in community / user generated video globally. 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159162 A-814 Strategic Fit: Audience, Advertiser Relationships And Video Content Make Youtube A Strategic Fit For Viacom o Our audience has embraced User Generated Content and this category remains unexploited by Viacom/MTVN o Time spent suggests that YouTube has garnered a significant amount of our core demographic time online with 36 minutes on average across all users o A combined YouTube/Viacom would have scale in advertiser relationships in film, entertainment (17% of MTVN today), video games and other demo targeted categories including CPG. o With the addition of YouTube scale (20M+) we hope to attain a must have status with advertisers Viacom can significantly enhance CPM based on multiplatform sales approach. o o As one of the largest owners and producers, video is a core competence of MTVN/ Viacom and increasingly a category online critical to our multiplatform sales. o Many highly sought! viral video including music videos, humor and others are being sourced from UGC - e.g., "Andrew Video", "WebJunk 20" etc. 3 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159163 A-815 Key Risks And Observations YouTube is a utility that people use to contribute, share and consume video. The content that is being consumed on YouTube does not follow any video consumption model and business currently in existence. Consumption of "branded" content on YT is relatively low, in most cases lower than on IFILM, which has a fraction of its audience. For example, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 trailers consumption on YT = 250k; consumption on IFILM = 1m. Even the much-discussed SNL "Lazy Sunday" sketch and its myriad spoofs have been seen more times on IFILM than on YouTube. Only four of the top 30 most watched videos of all time on YouTube are music videos, one of which is in German. There are no movie trailers in the top 3D, nor are there any clips from popular TV shows. Assumptions about the ability to monetize YouTube must appreciate that the site today does not drive any appreciable amount of traffic to branded programming. While this may change, it is important to realize that this is not the way the site functions today, and may be inconsistent with the way people wantto use it. YouTube's future success is heavily dependent on its ability to continue evolving along the lines that it is today. Any justification for this deal that depends on it becoming something that it currently is not should be discounted. YouTube's traffic is currently about 80% non-US. The distribution of this traffic around various geographic regions needs to be analyzed to determine the ability to monetize it. A justification for this US/international mix estimate is provided in the enclosed analysis. The company has strong guidelines surrounding offensive content, which are enforced by its employees and audience alike, and the property is therefore very advertiser-friendly. Technology company at heart - we lack expertise in that area ... 4 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159164 A-816 Considerable Risks From Unclear Business Model And Noncore Viacom Competency Requirements Operational requirements and technology competency Ability to hire and retain technical talent: requires significant technical talent to develop targeted advertising and search related competencies. E.g., cost per play matching video to advertisers. As a corporately owned company it will be more challenging to incent new hires Ongoing investment in infrastructure: YouTube is at an early stage of infrastructure development and will require ongoing investments in infrastructure Investment in innovation: As a platform, YouTube requires ongoing investment in innovation to maintain the relevance of its searches and sharing technology Business model Unclear monetization: YouTube is an early revenue business with undefined a business model to fund ongoing operations. The company is likely to remain unprofitable in the near term Third party content providers: ownership by a content company is likely to push other content holders to be wary of participating in the platform for fear of bias Audience Limited audience lock-in: Unlike MySpace, there is less investment in personal profiles and personalities - w ith limited switching costs audiences are likely to migrate to other sources should the site's appeal be diminished (i.e. non-relevant advertising) Fad-driven nature: Is this simply America's Funniest Home Videos? Advertiser · Branded advertisers have demonstrated concern over association with user generated content and may not value the impressions Competition (see detailed discussion) 5 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159165 A-817 Valuation · Abcdefghijkl 6 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159166 A-818 Business model drivers · YouTube's traffic is fragile with respect to attempts to monetize it through traditional "inserted" video advertising. · Audience tolerance for pre and post-roll video advertising will be low compared to websites that are used predominantly for the consumption of professional programming that is not available elsewhere. · The model we have built assumes three revenue generation models, two of which are already in place and are well understood, one of which is new and therefore untested. · The proposed monetization mechanisms are: · Branded Premium Advertising &. Sponsorships · Cost per View · Run Of Site I "Video Ad Sense" Model I Advertising Network 7 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159167 A-819 Monetization Branded Premium Advertising & Sponsorships · Revenue will be generated from key real estate, and will be in the form of auctioned premium advertising and sponsorships. · Concerns surrounding generation of significant revenue from entertainment advertisers (e.g. studios) include: · Likely lack of ability to drive traffic to home page and other destinations within the site, · Most popular and therefore valuable content - such as huge movie releases (trailers, etc.) - will likely be available freely anyway. · Paid Placement - home page auction based sponsored video (i.e. one block where film studios bid for placement of their trailers) · Premium Content - over time the use of ad supported premium clips/content in a separate section (i.e., Movie of the week, first looks, releases, film trailers, etc). 8 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159168 A-820 Monetization - Cost per View / "Video Ad Sense" Model o Users have so much freedom of choice for the consumption of media that marketers can no longer assume they can "buy time" within it. Advertisers are becoming obliged to offer compelling, relevant advertising content and services. Google's advertising model made this clear, whereby advertisers not only bid for the privilege of real estate but advertising that does not make good use of available real estate is penalized. We propose a revenue model for YouTube that treats advertising and content as near-equals, as in Google's "natural v. sponsored" search results. Cost per view paid video advertising would appear throughout the YouTube site, alongside the programming. o o o Advertisers would bid for keyword-space, and could ultimately upload their own creative. Audiences would be receptive to the advertisers' content because it would never be forced upon them but offered more as a service or as additional content to them. Advertising content that doesn't perform (is not watched) would be automatically discounted and would ultimately disappear. o o 9 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159169 A-821 Monetization - Run Of Site / Advertising Network · We assume the use of advertising network for yield management. · Conservatively we estimate an RPM of Y based on network experience for US, and Z for international · Upside from potential for cookieing users across our network · Upside from registration of users in a larger network 10 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159170 A-822 A ViacomjYoutube Combination Can Represent Significant Upside For Both Companies Sources for potential differentiation for YouTube/Viacom · Provide users with fame on television i.e., The crowd decides, we put it on air - best of appears weekly on Comedy Central and MTVN, provides additional incentive for users to upload, vote and promote themselves on YouTube · Brands/ editorial fit enables us to both source talent, innovative content for consumption across platforms. We are one of the few providers willing to put edgier content on TV. Ie. User generated music video, user generated ads on television · Video content - breadth and depth can power YouTube to the next level of relevance. By providing all of our clip based video in raw form - i.e. non branded editorial experience- simple search and obtain. We can push YouTube to become a more comprehensive destination and source for broader syndication · Promotion - f i t with our target audience and demo. We can reinforce and drive traffic/ promotion to YouTube. 11 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159171 A-823 YouTube is a current leader with significant audience reach I Alexa Rankings - July 2006 I Dai:ly Reilcl1 (per million) · In the video category YouTube is a clear leader with 20M uniques (NetRatings) (12.7M according to MMX) growing 100% month-on-month. By NetRatings it has reach #20 online (US only). · YouTube has a massive global reach: it is a top 10 site in 8 countries, a top 20 site in 18 countries, and a top 50 site in 49 countries. Overall, Alexa ranks it 19t h in the world. Relative to the competition it is experiencing 3-5X time spent with an average of 36 minutes per unique per month (MMX). Fob J1.ltl NIELSEN NETRATINGS MONTHLY UNIQUES MonthlyUniques Thousands 25,000 .,....~ 20,000 \ ..~~::~:~:..~'''' ~ 15,000 10,000 5,000 ;z::c:£~~:~ 20,07~ 12 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159172 A-824 Audience Metrics - Cent May - Average Time Spent per Unique Minutes With the nature of many-tomany video sharing, YouTube is tapping a network effect that wm be challenging to displace Users continue to upload ~70K videos per day and invest in taggingJ cataloging and sharing their vloeos. The site is expandin~ the breadth and depth oT the content offering - with greater audience, the value of "broadcasting yourself" increases. "YouTube is currently serving 70 million videos per day to six million unique users dai/~ up from 3 million in Decembe", with more than 60,000 videos being uploaded per day. YouTube is serving more than 200 million page views a day and is ranked the 18th most trafficked site on the Interne0c according to Alexa. " - YouTube Site NetRatings Monthly Unique Visitors Millions 95 9 4 4442403938 Net Ratings May 13 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159173 A-825 Advertisers Have Started To Migrate Film studio based advertising is the #1 advertising category across MTVN representing $517M and 17% of total dollars spent (Film $403M, HV $114M). As demonstrated by recent deals (Disney, NBC, Weinstein), this community is particularly prone to migrate dollars quickly where the target audience aggregates. Additional categories of advertisers remain unclear i.e. CPG association with UGC has been limited ~,.",,, ;v .. _ . _ _ .~............. ~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ ..................................:~~~~~:~,~~,?f,Y,Y,' 14 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159174 A-826 Competition From Traditional And Non-traditional Sources Is Significant Social Networks: MySpace has recently developed a video sharing service similar to YouTube. The leverage in the scale of promoting their service may detract from YouTube usage. MySpace may chose to shut-down YouTube usage which may represent up to 10% of current usage (70% of embedded, 15% of all plays are embedded) Video Search: Google Video, MSN video, Yahoo Video, AOL Video Marketplace are all targeting searchable video content online. In particular Google Video is targeting the YouTube model of instant upload, viewing and tagging as a method for searching video content Pure Plays! Start-ups: Grouper, Revver and "hundreds" of other video sharing sites have emerged to tap this audience phenomena Competitive risk from NOT owning Significant competitive threat from a MySpace!YouTube consolidation. Should MySpace acquire YouTube the consolidated value chain could represent a content development and distribution company that commands significant audience time in our core demographics YouTube remains one of the few pure-play companies with growing scale to acquire 15 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159175 A-827 Company Background Founded February 2005 Site motto: "Broadcast Yourself" Features and usage Users can instantly upload, watch, tag and share videos. Getting to comprehensive - search millions of videos uploaded by community members Personalize the experience by subscribing to member videos, saving favorites, and creating playlists. Developing a persona on YouTube Embed YouTube videos on websites using video implants or APIs Users can make their posted videos public or private Ability to watch and share videos from mobile phones or PDAs Management: Chad Hurley - CEO & co-founder - p r i o r Paypal · Steve Chen - CTO & co-founder - Prior Paypal · Sales and bus dev. mostly x-Yahoo! (Chris Maxcy) Investors: YouTube announced its first round of funding in November 2005 for $3.5 million from venturecapital firm Sequoia Capital. In April 2006, YouTube received an additional $8 million in a second round of funding from Sequoia - i n v e s t m e n t led by Roelof Botha, former CFO of PayPal 16 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159176 A-828 Sponsored video opportunity huon." ~fl1e~ dm5 ~'Q ;;;0~:' I,,:':.:;.,~t Sa>:-emte -f't" P':';:'::';; "--'~~I"h ~-:"'>i: ~ ·· vo,];!' P'~'::" ~" '(~,-,t r\j!1",.. 9 ...,': S "I.:hv:, ~'~d~u:;; r':"'~~'H'o,:::, "--I. (0'~t(O.;.',~(,-;,,::I "'''~'_I:'':: ,-,'Q l"0~ :'~.::.;;.i:, ~'';;'~ Q~I ,'(1'..1. '~<,::i ,;;;,1.-.::i,:,.:: ""!-'o' ,-,';.utCo· Ads bu Goooooogle Advertise on this site Space Camp ..~,~Meej~ ')C, March 12, 2006, 03:35 PM 1fo''':::r-,:'<'':,l(8vldeos) :--:~~ ~(.:~'! _ ;:~1:~~!~L [:I!!=:.r.( ~-jtr~,.::_~ 'W~(.;:--' :1o.~r;<~ :-::(o~~;r;l C';;~'l(O From the creators of the Blttorrent Song, comes Space Camp The new songNideo from BrentSlmon Add Brent on myspace f;f.~~m ~~~ http:/ man ~h~ ~hc·:;. ~.(i~~i')~ «,~;,.:<:... '" '" ~~l-«(o,)H!~(-' .... c.j(~~} to'),~w",,: 607,943 (~0r_~) ~.:.~~.:s:: {'~ f;('mmC:~)"lt{r:1330 1&'1.5: T~J}J ~H~J:: &"'~~L:_&':o*~'_~ ~01e01 eo!; luf 2584 ratings Please !0~:t;_: 10 rate this video ~~) ~I]~~·~ _~i~~_f_r: .... Ell');;) \f~<'::'?\.J ~~ r;:'\l'3rr.:~d; 1854 times ~&36M l!lJol1v~"S": U!~I.~1lt 1 ~~~I,?~\: 02;40 .-"g, nextselec110n b~~ \l~:~'-}~!~ 17 17 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA02159177 A-829 Schapiro Exhibit 127 A-830 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -----------------------------------x VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC., COMEDY PARTNERS, COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, and BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, LLC, Plaintiffs, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, and GOOGLE, INC., Defendants. -----------------------------------x No. 07-CV-2103 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF BLAIR HARRISON NEW YORK, NEW YORK WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2009 BY: REBECCA SCHAUMLOFFEL JOB NO. 18268 A-831 2 1 2 3 A P PEA RAN C E S: FOR THE PLAINTIFFS VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC. : JENNER & BLOCK, LLP By: SCOTT B. WILKENS, ESQ. 1099 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 900 Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 639-6000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FOR THE DEFENDANTS YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC and GOOGLE, INC.: MAYER BROWN, LLP By: ANDREW SCHAPIRO, ESQ. ARIC JACOVER, ESQ. 1675 Broadway New York, New York 10019 (212) 506-2146 ALSO PRESENT: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Carlos King, Videographer DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-832 128 1 HARRISON the form. Q. 2 3 In your own opinion. Forget 4 about what she meant. 14:16:09 5 6 A. For a purchase to be Viacom's MySpace, MySpace was, I think, the largest acquisition of a user-generated digital media platform. YouTube was a user-generated video 14:16:28 7 8 9 10 media platform, dot, dot, dot. It 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14:17:12 14:16:58 could be Viacom's version of same. Q. Did you ever hear discussion of whether Mr. Redstone and Mr. Dauman were frustrated about the fact that Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace rather than Viacom? A. I never heard anything about Sumner Redstone's feelings or Philippe Dauman's feelings, I think, until Freston got fired, and then there was an article everywhere. But I think it 22 23 24 25 14:17:22 was something I read about it then. But prior to that, no. Q. After Freston was fired, you heard there was frustration about the DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York:, NY 10 123 (212)705-8585 A-833 129 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 HARRISON failure to get MySpace? A. I have a vague recollection of Sumner actually saying something to 14:17:30 the press. Q. In any event, in this E-mail '06, you write to Miss on July 5th, McGrath that you believe that "if we can make a business out of it, we 14:17:56 should go and buy it," meaning YouTube, correct? A. Q. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14:18:44 14:18:29 14:18:16 Yes. And the goal was not to have Viacom become a massive copyright infringer, obviously? A. Q. Correct. And you detailed in your E-mail, you listed some differences between Napster and YouTube, right? A. Q. I did. Do you know what you meant when, at the end of this paragraph, you wrote, "Napster had effectively no non-infringing uses, YT had many"? A. Yes. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-834 130 1 2 3 4 HARRISON Q. What did you mean? My recollection of Napster, A. from the time -- b e c a u s e had already 14:18:53 5 6 been dead for awhile in July of '06 was that it was exclusively, almost exclusively populated by music that had been aggregated from the hard drives of its audience, and that YouTube -- o n e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14:19:21 of the functions that YouTube served was to enable individuals to share videos, that they had created themselves, with their friends and family, and even the public at large. And eventually, you and 14:19:38 Q. others came together and put together an analysis of a possible YouTube acquisition, correct? A. 14:20:03 Correct. And the PowerPoint was Q. prepared, right? A. Q. Yes. By the way, do you remember the code name for the possible 14:20:14 acquisition? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-835 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 HARRISON A. I don't . . I would be amused to hear it again. Q. 14:20:22 Does "Project Beagle" ring a bell, as in the dog that hunts a fox? A. name. Really? I don't recall the I normally would. MR. SCHAPIRO: to mark Exhibit 12. We are going Meanwhile, 14:21:03 the videotape is about to run out. While we mark, and you look at Exhibit 12, we can changed tape. I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14:22:04 14:20:58 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is 2:21, and we are off the record. (Whereupon, a recess was held. ) (Whereupon, the aforementioned documents, VIA 02004550 through '4568, were marked as Defendant's Exhibit Harrison-12 for identification as of this date by the Reporter.) THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is 2:22 p.m., and we are back on DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-836 Schapiro Exhibit 128 A-837 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., COMEDY PARTNERS, COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, and BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION LLC, Plaintiffs, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, and GOOGLE, INC., Defendants. THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED, BOURNE CO., et al.,) on behalf of themselves and all ) ) others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, vs. YOUTUBE, INC., YOUTUBE, LLC, and GOOGLE, INC., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 1:07CV02103 Case No. 07CV3582 ----------------------------------) VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF JUDY McGRATH New York, New York Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 REPORTED BY: ERICA RUGGIERI, CSR, RPR JOB NO: 17161 A-838 2 1 2 3 4 July 29, 2009 8:09 a.m. 5 6 7 8 9 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF JUDY McGRATH, held at the offices of Wilson Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, pursuant to notice, before before Erica L. Ruggieri, Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public of the State of New York. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-839 3 1 2 3 4 5 A P PEA RAN C E S FOR THE PLAINTIFFS: JENNER & BLOCK, LLP BY: SUSAN KOHLMANN, ESQ. 6 7 8 1099 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 639-6000 9 10 11 12 FOR THE DEFENDANTS: MAYER BROWN, LLP BY: JOHN P. MANCINI, ESQ. 1675 Broadway New York, New York (212) 506-2146 10019 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FOR THE DEFENDANTS WILSON SONSINI GOODRICH & ROSATI PC BY: DAVID H. KRAMER, ESQ. MICHAEL H. RUBIN, ESQ. 650 Page Mill ROad Palo Alto, California 94304 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-840 4 1 2 3 A P PEA RAN C E S: (Cont'd) 4 5 ALSO PRESENT: MICHELINA HALLEY, MTV Networks ANDRA SHAPIRO, MTV Networks CARLOS KING, Videographer 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-841 78 1 2 3 McGRATH A. people? Q. 11:21:54 You mean as in socializing with 4 As in making the world a better 5 6 7 8 9 place. A. Q. A. free time. No, I didn't say that. So do you believe -I said this is what I did in my 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11:22:00 Q. Ms. McGrath, I'm not asking you I'm asking you a about the article. question about what you know today. Sitting here, you are aware, are you not, that YouTube has all sorts of 11:22:10 socially beneficial uses? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Objection. I'm aware that YouTube is a popular video experience for millions of people. 11:22:26 Q. But you are aware that the video experience that YouTube affords to millions of people is one that in many ways helps make the world a better place, right? 11:22:37 MS. KOHLMANN: Objection. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-842 79 1 2 3 McGRATH A. I would say it's a pleasurable experience, because people -- b a s e d on its popularity rankings. 11:22:51 4 5 6 7 I wouldn't make a comment about whether it's making the world a better place. Q. You know, for example, that 8 9 servicemen in Iraq use YouTube to send videos of themselves to their families, 11:23:01 10 11 12 13 right? A. Q. Yes. That's a good thing, right? That's a good thing. That's a socially beneficial use A. Q. 11:23:07 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 of YouTube, isn't it? MS. KOHLMANN: Objection. A. Q. Yes. You know that candidates running for office use YouTube to get their 11:23:15 message to the electorate, right? A. I do. MS. KOHLMANN: Q. Objection. 23 24 That's also a socially beneficial use of the YouTube service, 11:23:22 25 right? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-843 80 1 2 3 McGRATH A. Now I see where you are going. That's a beneficial aspect, yes. Q. 11:23:35 4 5 That helps make our democracy function better, right? MS. KOHLMANN: A. I 6 Objection. 7 8 9 wouldn't go so far as to make that statement. Q. 11:23:50 Do you think it helps improve 10 11 12 13 our democracy that candidates can use YouTube to speak directly to the electorate? MS. KOHLMANN: A. I Objection. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 can't say. 11:23:58 Q. You know that elected officials use YouTube to speak to their constituents via YouTube? A. Q. 11:24:08 I do. You think that's a socially beneficial use of the service, right? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Q. A. Objection. Well, they believe it is. Do you believe it is? I believe there are many ways 23 24 25 11:24:20 candidates speak to people, and that's one DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-844 81 1 2 3 4 McGRATH of them. Q. And that's a good thing, right? MS. KOHLMANN: Objection. 5 6 7 11:24:44 A. I believe it's a popular experience. Q. Ms. McGrath, that's not the 8 9 question. You know that elected officials 11:24:53 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 use YouTube to speak to their constituents via YouTube, and I'm asking you whether that's a socially beneficial use of the YouTube service. A. In my opinion, you mean? Do you believe it to be? I believe it is. You are aware of the CNN YouTube 11:25:03 Q. A. Q. presidential debates, right? A. 11:25:30 I am. That, too, was a socially 20 21 Q. beneficial use of YouTube, right? A. Q. 22 And CNN. And YouTube, right? And YouTube. Did you ever visit President 23 24 25 11:25:36 A. Q. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-845 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11:26:52 11:26:38 11:26:24 11:25:52 11:25:47 McGRATH Obama's campaign's official channel on YouTube? A. Q. I don't think so. You are aware he had one, though, right? A. Yes. I went to his website. Q. Don't you think that President Obama's campaign channel on YouTube was a socially beneficial use of YouTube? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Objection. I believe any time the president communicates on television or on-line to the population, that's a good thing. Q. Including when he does so through YouTube, correct? A. Q. Correct. Where he can reach an audience of millions, correct? A. He can reach an audience of millions in many places. Q. But on YouTube in particular, right? A. I believe it is one of the ways DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-846 83 1 2 3 4 McGRATH he communicates with millions of people, yes. Q. 11:26:58 And you think that's a good 5 6 thing? A. Q. I do. You would say the same thing 7 8 9 about Senator McCain's channel on YouTube, right, even if you didn't vote for him? 11:27:05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. KOHLMANN: A. Q. Objection. Yes. You believe that YouTube has significant legitimate uses, don't you? MS. KOHLMANN: 11:27:24 Objection. A. I believe that YouTube has legitimate uses, yes. Q. You believe those legitimate uses -A. 11:27:31 I would not --- a r e significant, in terms of Q. the overall use of the site, don't you? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Objection. I believe most of the use of the YouTube site is -- l e t me retract that. 11:27:47 What was the question again? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-847 84 1 2 3 4 McGRATH Q. You believe that the legitimate uses of YouTube that you referenced are significant, in terms of the overall use 11:27:57 5 6 7 8 9 of the site, right? A. I really don't know if they are a significant part of what drives the site traffic. Q. 11:28:05 You believe them to be, though, 10 11 12 right? MS. KOHLMANN: A. idea. Q. Objection. I have no I did not say that. 13 14 15 11:29:19 Do you consider your use of the YouTube service to have been legitimate? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Objection. 16 17 18 19 20 21 11:29:45 To the best of my recollection, I would say yes. Q. Ms. McGrath, Viacom considered acquiring YouTube, correct? A. Q. Correct. An acquisition of YouTube was 22 23 24 25 11:29:57 contemplated by the most senior executives at Viacom and MTV Networks, right? MS. KOHLMANN: Objection. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 A-848 85 1 2 3 McGRATH A. Q. Right. Mr. Freston, the CEO of Viacom 4 5 at the time, was involved in evaluating a 11:30:08 potential acquisition of YouTube by Viacom, correct? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Evaluating. Objection. Mr. Tom Freston had 6 7 8 9 the ultimate decision-making on all 11:30:23 10 11 acquisitions, so I would -- I ' m not sure what you mean by involved in the -Q. 12 He played a role in considering 13 14 the acquisition of A. 11:30:32 Yes -YouTube? he did. Mr. Wolf, the president and 15 16 Q. A. Q. 17 18 19 20 11:30:40 chief operating officer of MTV Networks was also involved or played a role in evaluating a potential acquisition of YouTube, right? MS. KOHLMANN: A. Q. 11:30:50 21 22 23 24 25 Objection. I believe he did. What was your role in Viacom's efforts to acquire YouTube? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 7th Avenue - Ste 2803, New York, NY 10 123 (212)705-8585 A-849 Schapiro Exhibit 138 A-850 From: Sent: To: Cc: Tuesday, October 31,20065:15 PM Deana Arizala Morales, Cindy; Mark M. Ishikawa; Evelyn Espinosa; Courtney Nieman Subject: Re: Fwd: Viral Internet Marketing Clips Got it. We should be able to authorize you to search a list soon -----Original Message----From: Deana Arizala <deanaa@,> To Hallie, Michelena CC: Morales, Cindy; Mark M. Ishikawa <marki@baytspwm>; Evelyn Espinosa <>; Courtney Nieman <> Sent: Tue Oct 31 12: 11:05 2006 Subject: Fwd: Viral Internet Marketing Clips Michelena, I'm not sure if you received the email below, so just in case I am going to forward it. Best Regards, Dcana Arizala Deana Arizala Client Services Manager. BayTSP, Inc 408.341.2365 (direct) 408.341.2300 (voice) 408.341.2399 (fax) From: Deana Arizala Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:09 AM To Cc: Morales, Cindy; Mark M. Ishikawa; Evelyn Espinosa; Courtney Nieman Subject: RE: Viral Internet Marketing Clips 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125469 A-851 Michelena, Below is a list of VH I shows I'm gathered from the links below. I do not have these shows in my list. Please let me know if these titles should be added in Cims. VHI The Wendy Williams Experience Totally Awesome Flavor of Love Hogan Knows Best Freesty Ie 59 Thanks Michelena. Dest Regards, Deana Arizala Deana Arizala Client Services Manager. BayTSP, Inc 408.341.2365 (direct) 408.341.2300 (voice) 408.341.2399 (fax) 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125470 A-852 -----Original Message----From: Sent: friday, October 27,20063:23 PM To: Deana Arizala Cc Morales, Cindy Subject: FW: Viral Internet Marketing Clips Is this sufficient information? If so, you can now take down VHl clips 2 1/2 minutes or over, other than those noted below. -----Original Message----From: Kadetsky, Deborah Sent: Friday, October 27,20066:07 PM To: Cheeks, George; Maxwell, Tony Cc Wilson, Adam; Hallie, Michelena; Tmm, Tina Subject: RE: Viral Internet Marketing Clips George, are you able to do your sweep of clips according to who's posted them? If that is the case, the clips that we've authorized to be posted are under the usernames "vhlstaff" and "reaction2006" If you need specific links, here is a list of what we've posted as approved clips to date: hUp:llwww.youtuhe.cOTn/watch?v= 5vjT ,2stAzO hUp:// NOZbllI ?v=3 sa VMo96328 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125471 A-853 W -Tg SEUh_IPc pl6rVg k Hr5rN4 Do you have a sense of how frequently we'll be doing this takedown sweep? I want to make sure than any future po stings through our ClllTent process don't get removed accidentally. Thanks, deb -----Original Message----From: Cheeks, George Sent: Friday, October 27,2006 1:33 PM To Kadetsk:y, Deborah; Maxwell, Tony Cc: Wilson, Adam Subject: Re: Viral Tntemet Marketing Clips If you could send a copy directly to Michelina Hallie and copy me that would be great! -----Original Message----From: Kadetsky, Deborah 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125472 A-854 To: Cheeks, George; Maxwell, Tony CC: Wilson, Adam Sent: Fri Oct 27 09:48:26 2006 Subject RE Viral Internet Marketing Clips Hi George, Did you get my list via Tina Imm') I can send to you directly if not.. Deb -----Original Message----From: Cheeks, George Sent: Friday, October 27,20068:47 AM To Maxwell, Tony Cc Wilson, Adam; Kadetsky, Deborah Subject: Re: Viral Intemet Marketing Clips We need everything that you have seeded thusfar as we are engaging an outside service to send take down notices for full episodes and clips in excess of 2 minutes and 30 seconds and we don't want to have notices sent for content we seeded. That said, if that is too big a task I would at least hit the stuff that we seeded over the past several months. Thanks. -----Original Message----From: Maxwell, Tony To: Cheeks, George CC: Wilson, Adam; Kadetsky, Deborah Sent: Wed Oct 25 11: 10:262006 Subject: Viral Intemet Marketing Clips Hello George, 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125473 A-855 Nigel asked me to follow up with you ahout your request for a list of viral clips we are currently supplying to web sites like Are you looking [or a monthly figure or total amount since a certain date. Pleasc infonn. Many thanks, Tony Tony Maxwell VP Vh1 011 AirPromotiol1s 212-846-7867 tony 6/11/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 001125474 A-856 Schapiro Exhibit 140 A-857 Housley . Michael From : Andrea Cordone [] Sent: To: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:23 PM HoUSley, Michael Cc: Sean Ray; Evelyn Espinosa; Elliott Kohtz Subject: RE: Whitelis! Mike , All of the following usemames are on the while-list in BVM and in the e lM S filters: BAAFamily BadBoyRecords barelypolilical BdubE!v bestweekevertv blacklreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms SroadwayJoe BroadwayJoe415 bullrunvideo CBS ChannelFrederator cimatics Oamonjohnson fanscapevideos fanscapeVideos4U FiveChemicaJ freefor1ife112 FreshTakes FulureWorld77 HGiantVid irenemariemodels Isilfridayyei JackassWorldMTV jerseymouth1 ladyfragment Lakeshore Records laurenceegibbs UberalViewer Menudo OfficiaiReno911 ParaccQunt Paramount Paramount Pictures ParamountPictures ParentsConnect ParkMyVibe PinkStrawberry PinkStrawberry1 powermadeak47dotcom powmadeak47 reactionZ006 ren0911 miami rollingoutTELEVISION RunsHouseVideos shishka Snackboard HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP000001 A-858 SpikeTV TDSwriters thalisalsofunny thatsfunny Thatsnotfunny themoviemonkey Ihesparksfly TNAWrestrng tomato808 TVgasmdo~com TXCANY vh1staff Victorweb virtualmtv VLogging Wiredset These usemames appear only in e l MS: ArtisanNewsService Digilalfilmmaker MyDamnChannel universalmusicgroup Please let me know if you have any questions or if there any changes that should be made . Best Regards, Andrea Cordone Client Services Manager BayTSP, Inc. 408.341.2365 andreaC@baytsp .com Save t h e date! Join us for " O n e World 2008: Managing Piracy in th e Global Village" B a y T S P ' s 5 th Ann ua l Anti-Piracy Conference September 1S_ 7th, Join us! 1 The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not Ihe intended recipient or an agent of same. please notify us of the mistake by telephone (408-341-2300) or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. This message was prepared at the request of counsel. From: Housley, Michael (mailto: Mi chael,Hous ley@vi aco m .com] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:13 PM To : Andrea Cordone Cc: Sean Ray; Evelyn Espinosa; Elliott Kohtz Subject: RE: Whitelist Thanks , Andrea. Can you send me a list of all white-listed usemames? From: Andrea Cordone (] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:06 PM To : Housley, Michael Cc: Sean Ray; Evelyn Espinosa; Elliott Kohtz Subject: RE: Whitelist Mike, The usemame · BAAFamily~ has been added to the BVM white-list and the filters in e l MS. Best Regards, HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP000002 A-859 Andrea Cordone Client Services Manager BayTSP, Inc. 408.341.2365 Save the date! Join us for "One World 2008: Managing Piracy in the Global Village" B a y T S P ' s 5th Annual Anti·Piracy Conference September 15_17th! Join us! The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone (408-341-2300) or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. This message was prepared at the request of counsel. -------- F r o m : Housley, Michael [] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:55 PM To: Andrea Cordone Cc: Sean Ray Subject: Whitelist Hello Andrea, Please white-list the username, BAAFamily. Thanks, Mike HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP000003 A-860 ر«-´»§ô Ó·½¸¿»´ Ú®±³æ Í»²¬æ ̱æ ر«-´»§ô Ó·½¸¿»´ É»¼²»-¼¿§ô ß°®·´ ïêô îððè éæíð ÐÓ Ð·»®®»óÔ±«·-ô ͬ¿²´»§å ͱ´±©ô É¿®®»² Í«¾¶»½¬æ ÎÛæ ÞÇ ±² ÇÑË ÌËÞÛ Ð»® §±«® ®»¯«»-¬òòò ß®¬·-¿²Ò»©-Í»®ª·½» ÞßßÚ¿³·´§ Þ¿¼Þ±§Î»½±®¼¾¿®»´§°±´·¬·½¿´ Þ¼«¾Û¬ª ¾»-¬©»»µ»ª»®¬ª ¾´¿½µ¬®»»³»¼·¿ ¾°º®»½±®¼¾®¿ª»²»©º·´³Þ®±¿¼©¿§Ö±» Þ®±¿¼©¿§Ö±»ìïë ¾«´´®«²ª·¼»± ÝÞÍ Ý¸¿²²»´Ú®»¼»®¿¬±® ½·³¿¬·½Ü¿³±²¶±¸²-±² Ü·¹·¬¿´º·´³³¿µ»® º¿²-½¿°»ª·¼»±Ú¿²-½¿°»Ê·¼»±-ìË Ú·ª»Ý¸»³·½¿´ º®»»º±®´·º»ïïî Ú®»-¸Ì¿µ»Ú«¬«®»É±®´¼éé ØÙ·¿²¬Ê·¼ ·®»²»³¿®·»³±¼»´×-·¬º®·¼¿§§»¬ Ö¿½µ¿--ɱ®´¼ÓÌÊ ¶»®-»§³±«¬¸ï ´¿¼§º®¿¹³»²¬ Ô¿µ»-¸±®» λ½±®¼´¿«®»²½»»¹·¾¾Ô·¾»®¿´Ê·»©»® Ó»²«¼± ӧܿ³²Ý¸¿²²»´ Ѻº·½·¿´Î»²±çïï п®¿½½±«²¬ п®¿³±«²¬ п®¿³±«²¬ з½¬«®»Ð¿®¿³±«²¬Ð·½¬«®»Ð¿®»²¬-ݱ²²»½¬ п®µÓ§Ê·¾» з²µÍ¬®¿©¾»®®§ з²µÍ¬®¿©¾»®®§ï °±©»®³¿¼»¿µìé¼±¬½±³ °±©³¿¼»¿µìé ®»¿½¬·±²îððê ®»²±çïï³·¿³· ®±´´·²¹±«¬ÌÛÔÛÊ×Í×ÑÒ Î«²-ر«-»Ê·¼»±-¸·-¸µ¿ Ø×ÙØÔÇ ÝÑÒÚ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ ïñîîñîðïð Ê×ßóÍËÐÐðððððì Ͳ¿½µ¾±¿®¼ Í°·µ»ÌÊ ÌÜÍ©®·¬»®¬¸¿¬·-¿´-±º«²²§ ¬¸¿¬-º«²²§ ̸¿¬-²±¬º«²²§ ¬¸»³±ª·»³±²µ»§ 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Michael From: Sean Ray [] Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:06 PM Housley , Michael A-869 ì Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Elliott Kohtz RE: VVhite-list Attachments: Paramount Video VVhite-list.xls Mike, Here is the Paramount White- list spreadsheet. Regards, Sean Ray Client Service Manager BayTSP, Inc. 408-341-2384 (Direct) 408-656-6067 (Mobile) 408-341-2399 (Fax) AIM Handle: seanray13 seanr@.bID' \\'ww. UAttorney Client Privileged Work Product" The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. From: Housley, Michael {ma i l] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:28 AM To: Sean Ray Cc: Elliott Kohtz Subject: RE: White~list Thanks, Sean. When you have a chance, please send me the current Paramount white-list. From: Sean Ray {] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:44 PM To: Housley, Michael Cc: Elliott Kohtz Subject: RE: White-list Mike, YouTube user jimgaffigancomic has been added to the filters in BVM and elMS. User eutube had already been added. For your records I have attached the current Cleared User spreadsheet. I know I have not sent you and updated spreadsheet for quite some time. 1119/2010 Ø×ÙØÔÇ ÝÑÒÚ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ Ê×ßóÍËÐÐðððððïí Ý Regards . Sean Ray Client Service Manager BayTSP , Inc. 408-341-2384 (Direct) 408-656-6067 (Mobile) 408-341-2399 (Fax) AIM Handle: seanray13 A-870 ì · com UAttorney Client Privileged Work Product** The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone or email and delete the message from your system . Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. From: Housley, Michael [mailto : MichaeI.Hous] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:52 AM To: Sean Ray Cc: Ell iott Kohtz Subject: White-list Sean , If we have not already done so , please white-list the following username. jimgaffigancomic Thanks, Mike 1119/2010 Ø×ÙØÔÇ ÝÑÒÚ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ Ê×ßóÍËÐÐðððððïì BAY Tl Ý A-871 ì Iser List Updated: 5/12/09 ~NetworkS Non Viral & Not Classified ArtisanNewsService - IViral White -list BAAFamilv BadBoyRecords barelypolitical BdubEtv Lakeshore Records lakeshoreent lakeshore records laurenceeaibbs UberalViewer ~ I I I ~ livinoieaend MediocreFilms menudo mirandacos rove MultiVuOnline bestweekevertv blacktreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms BroadwayJoe BroadwayJoe415 builrunvideo CBS ChannelFrederator charlestrippy cimatics collegehumor Damon"ohnson dasDing digitalfilmmaker DionneTv duke12085 Edwardtubbs eQamimedia Equallty4AII eutube fanscapevideos FanscapeVideos4U FiveChemical freeforlife112 FreshTakes FutureWorld77 Gadzoo01 GossioGirl40 HGiantVid IrenaZilberman irenemariemodels ISATKM Isitfridavvet JackassWorldMTV °erseymouth1 °imaaffiaancomic JohnMcCainocom ladyfragment f!R IUDlnl Ivh1 staff 2006classicawards alienate people Blunty3000 fanscapemtv funnyvids222 luvinthen mahalodotcom mtvfanscape MTVPressClips newrealitvtv NickKCA ParamountGermanv Iparamountp ictureshow PPUKPictureShow upinl vcr345 Wiredsetvideo MyDamnChannel nalts NRDCflix OfficiaiReno911 Paraccount Paramount Paramount Pictures ParamountFrance ParamountPictures ParentsConnect ParkMyVlbe I I I arrvariDD parrygrippradio PinkStrawberry PinkStrawberrv1 owermadeak47dotcom owmadeak47 reaction2006 reno911 miami rollin outTELEVISION RunsHouseVideos selfmag shavcarl shishka Snackboard s iketv SpikeTV StarTrekLeFilm sugarscaper TOSwriters teodorafilm thatisalsofunny thatsfunnv Thatsnotfunny TheOocklands Ø×ÙØÔÇ ÝÑÒÚ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ Ê×ßóÍËÐÐðððððïë Ý A-872 as of 4130{09 ì P a r a m o u n t Video White-list ,, " Ø×ÙØÔÇ ÝÑÒÚ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ Ê×ßóÍËÐÐðððððïê

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