Authors Guild, Inc. v. Hathitrust

Filing 221

DEFERRED APPENDIX, volume 2 of 5, on behalf of Appellant Australian Society Of Authors Limited, Australian Society Of Authors Limited, Authors Guild, Inc., Authors League Fund, Inc., Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society, Pat Cummings, Pat Cummins, Erik Grundstrom, Angelo Loukakis, Norsk Faglitteraer Forfatter0OG Oversetterforening, Roxana Robinson, Helge Ronning, Andre Roy, Jack R. Salamanca, James Shapiro, James Shapiro, Daniele Simpson, Danielle Simpson, T.J. Stiles, Sveriges Forfattarforbund, Union Des Ecrivaines Et Des Ecrivains Quebecois, Fay Weldon and Writers' Union of Canada, FILED. Service date 06/28/2013 by CM/ECF.[978651] [12-4547]

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12-4547-cv United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit AUTHORS GUILD, INC., AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF AUTHORS LIMITED, UNION DES ECRIVAINES ET DES ECRIVAINS QUEBECOIS, ANGELO LOUKAKIS, ROXANA ROBINSON, ANDRE ROY, JAMES SHAPIRO, DANIELE SIMPSON, T.J. STILES, FAY WELDON, AUTHORS LEAGUE FUND, INC., AUTHORS’ LICENSING AND COLLECTING SOCIETY, SVERIGES FORFATTARFORBUND, NORSK FAGLITTERAER FORFATTERO OG OVERSETTERFORENING, WRITERS’ UNION OF CANADA, PAT CUMMINGS, ERIK GRUNDSTROM, HELGE RONNING, JACK R. SALAMANCA, Plaintiffs-Appellants, (For Continuation of Caption See Inside Cover) _______________________________ ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK JOINT DEFERRED APPENDIX Volume 2 of 5 (Pages A-278 to A-560) EDWARD H. ROSENTHAL JEREMY S. GOLDMAN ANNA KADYSHEVICH FRANKFURT KURNIT KLEIN & SELZ, P.C. 488 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor New York, New York 10022 (212) 980-0120 Attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants (For Continuation of Appearances See Inside Cover) v. HATHITRUST, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, MARY SUE COLEMAN, President, University of Michigan, MARK G. YUDOF, President, University of California, KEVIN REILLY, President, University of Wisconsin System, MICHAEL MCROBBIE, President, Indiana University, Defendants-Appellees, NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND, GEORGINA KLEEGE, BLAIR SEIDLITZ, COURTNEY WHEELER, Intervenor Defendants-Appellees. W. ANDREW PEQUIGNOT ALLISON M. SCOTT ROACH JOSEPH M. BECK KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP 1100 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2800 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 (404) 815-6500 – and – JOSEPH E. PETERSEN ROBERT N. POTTER KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP The Grace Building 1114 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Floor New York, New York 10036 (212) 775-8700 Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees ROBERT J. BERNSTEIN LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT J. BERNSTEIN 380 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor New York, New York 10168 (212) 551-1068 – and – DANIEL FRANK GOLDSTEIN JESSICA P. WEBER BROWN GOLDSTEIN LEVY LLP 120 East Baltimore Street, Suite 1700 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (410) 962-1030 Attorneys for Intervenor DefendantsAppellees i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Public Version) Page District Court Docket Entries .................................... A-1 First Amended Complaint, dated October 5, 2011 .... A-66 Defendants’ Joint Answer and Defenses, dated December 2, 2011 .................................................. A-98 Memorandum in Support of the Motion of the National Federation of the Blind and Others to Intervene as Defendants, dated December 6, 2011 A-123 Notice of Motion to Intervene, dated December 9, 2011 .................................................. A-127 Exhibit A to Motion – Declaration of Dr. Marc Maurer, dated December 6, 2011 .................................................. A-130 Defendants-Intervenors’ Joint Answer and Defenses, filed April 12, 2012 ............................... A-136 Declaration of Laura Ginsberg Abelson, for Defendants-Intervenors, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 ............. A-158 Exhibit A to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Excerpts from Transcript of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of Fredric L. Haber, taken on June 4, 2012 (Reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-1-CA-32) ii Page Exhibit B to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Excerpts from Transcript of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of Daniel Clancy, taken on June 1, 2012 (Reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-33-CA-40) Exhibit C to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of the Individually Named Plaintiffs to DefendantsIntervenors’ First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for the Production of Documents, dated May 8, 2012 ........................................................... A-160 Exhibit D to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Declaration of Georgina Kleege, dated December 5, 2011 .................................................. A-165 Exhibit E to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Declaration of Blair Seidlitz, dated December 6, 2011 .................................................. A-167 Exhibit F to Ginsberg Abelson Declaration – Declaration of Courtney Wheeler, dated December 6, 2011 .................................................. A-169 Declaration of Dr. Marc Maurer, for DefendantsIntervenors, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 .............................. A-171 Declaration of George Kerscher, for DefendantsIntervenors, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 .............................. A-180 Declaration of James Fruchterman, for DefendantsIntervenors, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 (Redacted. Complete version reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-50-CA-56) ....... A-194 iii Page Declaration of Paul Aiken, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-201 Declaration of T.J. Stiles, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-213 Exhibit A to Stiles Declaration – Copyright Registration No. TX0005703845 ......... A-220 Exhibit B to Stiles Declaration – Agreement, dated February 23, 2010 .................... A-223 Exhibit C to Stiles Declaration – Printout from ................................... A-225 Exhibit D to Stiles Declaration – Royalty Statement, dated January 28, 2012 ........... A-227 Declaration of Trond Andreassen, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 22, 2012 ......................................................... A-232 Declaration of Owen Atkinson, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 ......................................................... A-237 Declaration of Pat Cummings, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-242 Exhibit A to Cummings Declaration – Work List by Pat Cummings .................................. A-247 Exhibit B to Cummings Declaration – Copyright Registrations ......................................... A-251 Exhibit C to Cummings Declaration – Letter from Rubin Pfeffer to Pat Cummings, dated June 30, 2008 ............................................... A-266 iv Page Declaration of Kelly Duffin, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ............................................... A-269 Exhibit A to Duffin Declaration – Schedule of Works ................................................. A-274 Exhibit B to Duffin Declaration – Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee and Will ........................................................................ A-277 Exhibit C to Duffin Declaration – License issued by the Copyright Board to University of Athabasca ......................................... A-286 Declaration of Francis Farley-Chevrier, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 .............................. A-289 Exhibit A to Farley-Chevrier Declaration – License issued by the Copyright Board to University of Athabasca ......................................... A-294 Declaration of Erik Grundström, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-297 Declaration of Louise Hedberg, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-302 Exhibit A to Hedberg Declaration – Presentation titled, “Sweden’s Digital Library – ECL a flexible model of Rights Clearance and Marketing Available” ............................................. A-307 Declaration of Jan Terje Helmli, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 ......................................................... A-324 v Page Exhibit A to Helmli Declaration – Agreement between The National Library of Norway and Kopinor, dated June 27, 2012............ A-328 Declaration of Isabel Howe, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 ......................................................... A-334 Exhibit A to Howe Declaration – Schedule of Works ................................................. A-340 Exhibit B to Howe Declaration – Documents Evidencing Transfer of Copyrights .... A-343 Exhibit C to Howe Declaration – Copyright Registration Certificates ....................... A-365 Exhibit D to Howe Declaration – Chain of E-mails .................................................... A-385 Exhibit E to Howe Declaration – Printout from Hathi Trust Digital Library ............. A-388 Declaration of Roxana Robinson, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-390 Exhibit A to Robinson Declaration – Schedule of Works ................................................. A-395 Exhibit B to Robinson Declaration – Copyright Registrations ......................................... A-398 Declaration of Helge Rønning, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 ......................................................... A-413 Declaration of André Roy, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 ......................................................... A-418 vi Page Declaration of James Shapiro, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 25, 2012 ......................................................... A-423 Exhibit A to Shapiro Declaration – Copyright Registration........................................... A-427 Declaration of Daniéle Simpson, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 25, 2012 ......................................................... A-430 Declaration of Fay Weldon, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 25, 2012 ............................................... A-434 Exhibit A to Weldon Declaration – Schedule of Works and Copyright Registrations ... A-439 Declaration of John White, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 21, 2012 ......................................................... A-485 Exhibit A to White Declaration – Schedule of Works ................................................. A-492 Exhibit B to White Declaration – Copyright Registration........................................... A-495 Exhibit C to White Declaration – Agreement, dated November 29, 2011 .................. A-516 Exhibit D to White Declaration – Agreement, dated September 1, 2011 .................... A-525 Declaration of Stanley Katz, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-534 Exhibit A to Katz Declaration – Curriculum Vitae of Stanley Katz .......................... A-540 vii Page Declaration of Margaret Leary, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ......................................................... A-555 Declaration of Neil R. Smalheiser, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 26, 2012 ............................................... A-561 Exhibit A to Smalheiser Declaration – Curriculum Vitae of Neil R. Smalheiser, M.D., Ph.D. ...................................................................... A-570 Declaration of Faith C. Hensrud, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-598 Exhibit A to Hensrud Declaration – June 2012 Flood in Duluth and the Northland Rain Reports .......................................................... A-607 Exhibit B to Hensrud Declaration – Northland’s NewsCenter Article titled, ”Gov. Walker Declares State Emergency in Northwest Wisconsin,” dated June 26, 2012 ........................... A-610 Exhibit C to Hensrud Declaration – Superior News Article titled, “UWS Flood Damage Estimated at $15 Million” ....................... A-613 Exhibit D to Hensrud Declaration – Northland’s NewsCenter Article titled, “$15 Million in Flood Damages at UWS,” dated June 25, 2012 ......................................................... A-618 Exhibit E to Hensrud Declaration – Superior Telegram Article titled, “UWS Recovers Slowly from Flooding,” dated June 27, 2012 ........ A-620 Expert Report of Professor Daniel Gervais, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-622 viii Page Exhibit A to Gervais Report – Curriculum Vitae of Daniel Gervais ...................... A-641 Exhibit B to Gervais Report – List of Considered Material ................................... A-659 Exhibit C to Gervais Report – List of Prior Testimony at Trial or Deposition ....... A-660 Declaration of John Wilkin, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-661 Exhibit A to Wilkin Declaration – Cooperative Agreement between Google, Inc. and Regents of the University of Michigan/ University Library ................................................. A-690 Exhibit B to Wilkin Declaration – Printout from HathiTrust Digital Library – “Partnership Community” ..................................... A-739 Exhibit C to Wilkin Declaration – Center for Research Libraries Global Resources Network Certification Report of HathiTrust Digital Repository .................................................. A-743 Declaration of Joseph Petersen, for Defendants, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 ......................................................... A-750 Exhibit A to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff The Authors Guild, Inc. to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ........................................................ A-755 ix Page Exhibit B to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff The Authors League Fund, Inc. to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ........................................................ A-765 Exhibit C to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff The Australian Society of Authors to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ........................................................ A-775 Exhibit D to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ...................... A-784 Exhibit E to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff The Writers’ Union of Canada to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ........................................................ A-793 Exhibit F to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Trond Andreassen to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ........................................................ A-802 x Page Exhibit G to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Pat Cummings to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-811 Exhibit H to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Erik Grundström to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-820 Exhibit I to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Angelo Loukakis to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-829 Exhibit J to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Helge Rønning to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-838 Exhibit K to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Roxana Robinson to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated March 28, 2012 . A-847 Exhibit L to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff André Roy to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ...................... A-856 xi Page Exhibit M to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff J. R. Salamanca to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-865 Exhibit N to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff James Shapiro to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-874 Exhibit O to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Daniele Simpson to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-883 Exhibit P to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff T.J. Stiles to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ...................... A-892 Exhibit Q to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff Fay Weldon to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 10, 2012 ... A-901 Exhibit R to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff UNEQ to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ...................... A-910 xii Page Exhibit S to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff SFF to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ...................... A-918 Exhibit T to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Objections and Responses of Plaintiff NFFO to Defendants’ Second Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated April 20, 2012 ...................... A-926 Exhibit U to Petersen Declaration – Excerpts from Transcript of May 22, 2012 Deposition of Pat Cummings ................................. A-934 Exhibit V to Petersen Declaration – Transcript of May 29 2012 Deposition of Helge Rønning.................................................................. A-949 Exhibit W to Petersen Declaration – Article by Peter Leonard and Timothy R. Tangherlini titled, “Trawling in the Sea of the Great Unread: Sub-Corpus Topic Modeling and Humanities Research” ........................................... A-962 Defendants’ Statement of Material Facts in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 ......................................................... A-1000 Declaration of Edward H. Rosenthal, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 (Reproduced herein at pp. A-1235–A-1250) xiii Page Exhibit 1 to Rosenthal Declaration 1 – Transcript from the Deposition of T.J. Stiles, dated May 31, 2012 ............................................... A-1014 Exhibit 2 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of Helge Rønning, dated May 29, 2012................................ A-1017 Exhibit 3 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of Pat Cummings, dated May 22, 2012 ............................................... A-1020 Exhibit 4 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of John White, dated June 8, 2012 ................................................. A-1023 Exhibit 71 to Rosenthal Declaration – Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant HathiTrust, dated February 8, 2012 .................................................... A-1026 Exhibit 72 to Rosenthal Declaration – Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant HathiTrust, dated April 9, 2012 .......................................................... A-1069 Exhibit 73 to Rosenthal Declaration – Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant Mark G. Yudof (University of California), dated February 8, 2012 .................................................... A-1077 1 The Transcript from the Deposition of T.J. Stiles, dated May 31, 2012 is attached as Exhibit 3 to the Rosenthal Declaration and the Transcript from the Deposition of Pat Cummings, dated May 22, 2012 is attached as Exhibit 1 to the Rosenthal Declaration. xiv Page Exhibit 75 to Rosenthal Declaration – Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant Mary Sue Coleman (University of Michigan), dated February 8, 2012 A-1096 Exhibit 78 to Rosenthal Declaration – Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant Kevin Reilly (University of Wisconsin), dated February 8, 2012 .................................................... A-1148 Exhibit 86 to Rosenthal Declaration – Google search for “secure cheap advertising” at ........................................ A-1165 Exhibit 94 to Rosenthal Declaration – News Article from the UM Website entitled, “UM Library Statement on the Orphan Works Project,” dated September 16, 2011....................... A-1168 Exhibit 96 to Rosenthal Declaration – Press Release entitled, “Google Checks Out Library Books,” dated December 14, 2004 ........... A-1170 Exhibit 105 to Rosenthal Declaration – Printout of a Screenshot from the HathiTrust Website, dated June 28, 2012................................. A-1173 Memorandum of Law by Plaintiffs in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 [Excerpts] ...................................................... A-1175 Plaintiffs’ Statement of Undisputed Material Facts, dated June 29, 2012 (Redacted. Complete version reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-57-CA-82) ....... A-1176.1 Declaration of George Kerscher, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 28, 2012 ......................................................... A-1177 xv Page Exhibit A to Kerscher Declaration – Curriculum Vitae of George Kerscher ................... A-1191 Declaration of Benjamin Edelman, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 27, 2012 (Redacted. Complete version reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-127-CA-145) ... A-1205 Exhibit A to Edelman Declaration – Curriculum Vitae of Benjamin Edelman ............... A-1224 Declaration of Edward H. Rosenthal, for Plaintiffs, in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, dated June 29, 2012 ............................................... A-1235 Exhibit 5 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of Heather Christenson, dated April 11, 2012 [Excerpts] ........ A-1251 Exhibit 6 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of Paul Courant, dated April 24, 2012 [Excerpts] ............................. A-1256 Exhibit 8 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of Peter Hirtle, dated April 18, 2012 [Excerpts] ............................. A-1268 Exhibit 9 to Rosenthal Declaration – Transcript from the Deposition of John Wilkin, dated April 25, 2012 [Excerpts] ............................. A-1272 Plaintiffs’ Counter-Statement, in Response to Defendants’ Statement of Material Facts in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 20, 2012 .............................. A-1288 Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants’ and Defendants-Intervenors’ Motions for Summary Judgment, dated July 20, 2012 [Excerpts] ............. A-1307 xvi Page Declaration of P. Bernt Hugenholtz, in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 19, 2012 ................................................ A-1310 Exhibit A to Hugenholtz Declaration – Curriculum Vitae of P. Bernt Hugenholtz .............. A-1320 Declaration of Cory Snavely, in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 20, 2012 (Redacted. Complete version reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-366-CA-375) ... A-1326 Exhibit A to Snavely Declaration – Excerpts from the Deposition Transcript of Benjamin G. Edelman ............................................ A-1336 Declaration of Joseph Petersen, in Support of Defendants’ Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 20, 2012 (Redacted. Complete version reproduced in the Confidential Appendix at pp. CA-376-CA-378) ... A-1345 Supplemental Declaration of John Wilkin, in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 26, 2012 .............................. A-1348 Reply Declaration of Joseph Petersen, in Further Support of Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, dated July 26, 2012 .............................. A-1352 Exhibit B to Petersen Declaration – Printout from HathiTrust Digital Library – “Functional Objectives”......................................... A-1354 Declaration of Frederic K. Schroeder, dated July 23, 2012 .......................................................... A-1357 Transcript of August 6, 2012 Proceedings [Excerpts] ............................................................... A-1361 xvii Page Notice of Appeal, dated November 8, 2012............... A-1366 A-278 Channel-O P 2/9 416 971 9184 » marian hebb 2012-06-15 11 :15 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 10 of 20 Court File No. 01-2529/96 ONTARIO COURT (GENERAL DIVISION) at Toronto IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH MARGARET FOWKE, deceased. late of the Borough of East York occupation writer/folklorist who died on March 28. 1996 CERTIFICATE OF APPOlNTlVIENT OF ESTATE TRUSTEE WITH A WiLL Applicant Address Occupation Franklin George Fowke 5 Notley PhlC2 East York, Ontario M4B2M7 Retired E:lgineer This CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF ESTATE TRUSTEE WITH A WILL is hereby issued under the seal of the court to the applicant named above, A copy of the deceased's last will ~ is attached. DATE OCTOBER 1ST, 1996 Address of COUrt Office: 439 University Avenue Suite 301 Toronto. Ontario M5G lYS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK A-279 I I 416 971 9184 » marian hebb 2012-06-15 11 :15 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Channel-O P 3/9 Filed 06/29/12 Page 11 of 20 THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me, EDITH MARGARET FOWKE, of the Borough of East York, in the Municipality of Me~ropolitan I. Toronto, in the Province of OntariO, Writer. I HEREBY REVOKE all former Wills or other testa.mentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this cnly to ~nd II. b~ contain my last Will and Testament. I NOMINATE, CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT my husband, FRANKLIN GEORGE FOWKE, to be "he sole E"ecut~ .. and Trustee of t:his my Will, provided that if my said husband dies either before or after me and either before or after obtaining Letters Probate of this my Will or is or becomes at any time unable or unwilling to ac;:t or to continue to aet as the El(eeutor and T.-ustee of t:his my Will, then I NOMINATE, CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT my lawyer, MARIAN DINGMAN HEBB, of Toronto, Qntar10, to act as E"ecutr1~ and Trustee of this my Will in ttHl pla-:e .,Z my said husband, and! ref~r t~ III. him or her as ~y Trust~~. I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all the assets of my estate, I I II I i both real and personal, of whatsoever kind ann wheresoever situate, incluo:!bg any property o'J~r wh~ch I may have a general powe. of appointment, to my Trustee upon the following t.usts: (a) I DIRECT my Trustee to payout of and eharge to the capital of my 8en~ral estate my just debt:s (including any ta~es payable), funeral and testamentary expenses and, except as hereinafter provided, all estate, legacy succession and inheritance ta~es or duties, whethe. 1-.!j1posed ;a:.;-.tJ . (\'~ ,_ I 0 A-280 Channel-O P 4/9 416 971 9184 » marian hebb 2012-06-15 11 :16 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 12 of 20 I by or pursuant to the lall of this or any other jurisdiction whatsoever, that may be payable in connection lIith any property passing on my death or any gift or benefit given or provided by me, either in my lifetime or by survivorship or by this my Will or (~) a~y Codicil hereto. I DIRECT my Trus:ee to cionate to the Universiej of Calgary, my folklore books, folk music records, tapes, manuscripts and my other literary papers (axcluding all of my copyrights therein). (e) I DIRECT my Trustee to give my jewelry to my niece, DARLENE SMITH, of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Cd) I D:IECT my Trustee to give to my friend, ~RS_ DORIS SANGSTER, currently residing at 43 Brule Crescent, Toronto, I , , uny of my clothing which she wish~s to have_ ' II I 1 I (e) I DIRECT r.J.1 Truste.e ~o the sum of TWENT,? 'THOUSAND ($20,000.00) DOLLARS to each of my ~ie(;es, MRS_ JEA~ I KNOUREK, of Esterhazy, Saskat~hewan, DARLENE SM!TH of Moose I: Jaw, Saskat~hewan, and my n~phew, JAMES MILLHAM, of II , Esterhazy, Saskat'cnewan. (£) If any dog or dogs belonging to me survive both myself and my husband, I DIRECT my Trustee to find a home for t111a dog or dogs and, for this purpose, sUBgest to my Trustee that he may wish to consult with MADELINE KRONEY_ discretion my Trustee may pa7 up to TEN THOUSAND At his ., (S10,OOO_00) DOLLARS to a person who will provide a SUitabl~ I c1?J:: _ Iryj A-281 2012-06-15 11 :16 I 416 971 9184 » marian hebb Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Channel-O P 5/9 Filed 06/29/12 Page 13 of 20 home for the dog or dogs. (8) I DIRECT my Trustee to assign to THE WRITERS' UNION OF CANADA, my copyrights and the right to receive all royalties a~d all ot~er reven~e including but not arising from my published works, limit~d publishers, McClelland to works published by my current & Stewart, W. J. Gage, the Waterloo Music Company, Penguin, NC Press and Doubleday, and from any works posthumously published. It is my wish in making this bequest, without impOSing any legal restrictions, to benefit a special project or projects being carried on by THE WRITERS' UNION OF CANADA rather than to contribute to its general operating fund. If THE WRITERS' UNION OF CANADA is unwilling to accept this bequest, or if THE WRITERS' UNION T~E 1 OF CANADA requests that the bequest be offered to I, ·1 WRITERS' DEVELOPMENT T1UST before .' WR!rERS~ UNION, the~ my Trustee shall offer this beq~est to I 'I I, THE WRITERS' DEVELOPMENT TRUST in place of the WRITERS' I II bei~8 offered to THE I, I. II II II UNION, and if accepted, make such assignment to THE WRITERS' i " il , DEVELOPMENT TRUST. I !I I , , , (h) I DIRECT my Trustee to give to my husband, if he survives me for more than thirty (30) days, all articles of personal, domestic and household use or ornament belonging to me at my death, including consumable stores and any automobiles and accessories articles to be kept by him, o~ as he wishes. A-282 marian hebb 2012-06-15 11 :16 I (i) Channel-O P 6/9 416 971 9184 » Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 14 of 20 I DIRECT my Trustee to hold all of my property not otherwise disposed of by this Will for the use and benefit of my husband until his death. and from time to time pay to Illy My Trustee may at any time husband or on his behalf such part or parts of the capital of th~ residue of my estate as my Trustee in his uncontrolled discretion , may consider necessary or acvisable for his benefit. (j) Subject to st.:b-chuse (i) herein, I DIRECT my Trustee to gi're the residue of 07 estate, with the exception of my copyrights and the bequest contained in sub-clause (S), to DR. ALAN NEWCOMBE and DR. HANNA NEWCOMBE, of Dundas, Ontario, in trust to be used for such charitable purpose or purposes as they desirab1~. i~ their uncon •• olled d~scretion dee~ I DESIRE, without imposing any lesal or restrictions an tbe discretion of the NEWCOMBES as ot~er ~y trustees, to further the work of organizations sueh as Amnesty In.crnational, !he Unitarian Service Committee and the Canadian Peace Alliance. IV. III ADCITION '::0 all othet powers by this my Will or by any Codicil hereto or by a"y statute or law conferred On him my Trustee shall have the following powers: (a) My Trustee may use his discretion in the realization of my estate with power to my Trustee to sell, call in and convert into monel any part of my estate not consist'ng of monel and excluding my copyrights at such time or ti:es, such Illanner anc!. upon such terms, and either for c~ or ~~\< Q ~ ·F:£". "T' ( i A-283 Channel-O P 7/9 416 971 9184 » marian hebb 2012-06-15 11 :16 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 15 of 20 I credl~ or for part cash and part credit as my Trustee in his uncontrolled discretion decides upon, or to postpone such conversion of my e~tate o. any part or parts thereof for such length of time as he may think best, and I. HEREBY DEC:ARE that my TrUSt0e may in the form in which ~: r~tain any portion cf my estate may be at my deeth. (not·.iths'ta:ding that H may not be in the ferm of an investment in which Trustees are authorized t~ invest trust funds) for such length of time as my Trustee may in hiG discretion de~m advisable and my Trustee shall not be held responsible for any loss that may happen to my estate by so doing. (b) My Trustee when making investments for my estate shall not be b~t limi~ed to investments authorized by law for Trustees may make any investment whi~h discretion he considers advisable in biB uncontrolled a~d be liable for any los. tha.c mar happen coacection (c) ~ith my t~ Trustc~ m)' shall noe ~st.a.te in an; ir..estment hereby authorized ana made by Hy Tru5te~ in making any division of "'y estate or any part thereof or in setting aside o~ paying any share or interest therein may either wholly or in part divide, set aside or pay over in specie the assets forming my estate at the time of such division, setting aside or payment of such of the said assets as he may deeills advisable, and I expressly will and declare tha: my Trustee may in his .~ I absolute discretion fix the value of Illy estate a.nd ~3.-the'N., ;-;l1 I JP) I A-284 marian hebb 2012-06-15 11:16 416 971 9184 » Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Channel-O P 8/9 Filed 06/29/12 Page 16 of 20 I assets thereof and any part or parts thereof for the purposes of making any such division, setting aside or payment or for any other purpose in the administration of my estate and the decision of my Trustee shall be final and binding (d) On all persons concerned. So long as any real or leasehold property forming part of my estate remains unsold my Trustee may let or y~ar 1:0 year lease the same from month to month, from or for any term of years, and subject to such covenants and conditions as he shall think fit; may surrenders of leases and tenancies; may ac~ept e~pend money on repairs and improvements and generally manage the property; and with a view to the sale thereof may gi·;e any option he may consider advisable. IN TESTIMONY ~IlE:tEOF ! have to thi.s ::ly last lHll end TestaClent, written upon ::his and tho £i·;emll1flli'J;\.m:lEf:;D'l:lO,;r,IlIi~<es of paper, subscribed my name thi~ ']i= CCPI~ C~R;'FI£E CONFt1RNI~ A""U day of SIG:1ED, PUBLISHED AND DECLARED by the) said Testatrix, EDITH MARGARET FOWKE, ) as and for he= last Will and Testam~nt) in the presence of us both present at ) the same time, who at her request, in ) her presence and in the presence of ) each other heve-llereunto subscribed ) our names~.s wit~s~es .. ) ? -, ) ..;.,.r", NAME: ' . .-;-:....-,7 ADDRESS: :~/JI!/1 ~ I) ... ,V(~ /vCT"I.-.t.'1 '{ c.A<-<! ~ lo, ... o,u ,." OCCUPATION: t"'7) f( 'r-rf V1.,. V(;:-)I.,-,"~'Z. ) ) ) ) ) ) " '.11" a,/i.l /, ~ -: /~ ) c.;!) '':ff~Wi~.A'I!r.''''O;A'J/ NAME: ADDRESS: (Shon title of Proceedillg) ESTATE OF EDITH MAnGARET FOWKE ONT~RIO CERTIFICATE OF AI'POINTtlJENT OF EST,\TE TRUSTEE WITH A WILL COURT (GENEHAL IJlVISION) Proceeding c()[l1Illenced al: TORONTO r ! J I ! Out. Sulicilor fur the Estate uf ElUTII l\!AaGAlLET FOWRE Tet: .4(6) 971 6617 !\'15T lX4 l'OK.1 \~U. 0110 Eobert SieheumalUl 179 Joh" 51., Suile 404 Filed 06/29/12 Page 17 of 20 -0 ..... -0 "U C> ~ , CD ::J ::J OJ n :r v v ~ ~ -0 ~ ....,. -0 0- .... 00- CD :r ::J OJ ill ..., 0- Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 I 1------ I I r I " (Collrf file 110.) 01-2529{96 \.11 ~ 0, C> N N C> A-285 A-286 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 18 of 20 EXHIBIT C A-287 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 19 of 20 Copyright Board Canada Commission du droit d’auteur Canada CANADA Ottawa, April 30, 2010 FILE: 2009-UO/TI-22 UNLOCATABLE COPYRIGHT OWNERS Non-exclusive licence issued to the University of Athabasca for the digital reproduction and communication to the public of community newspapers Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 77(1) of the Copyright Act, the Copyright Board grants a licence to the University of Athabasca as follows: (1) The licence authorizes the digital reproduction and the communication to the public of the complete contents of the following community newspapers, in their original format, published between the dates shown, for non-commercial purposes only and subject to the limitations set out in this licence: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Novosti (1944-1948) - Croatian Vaba Estlane (1952-1987) - Estonian Liekki ((1944-1973) - Finnish Canadian Uutiset (1919-1927 / 1982-1987) - Finnish Isien Usko (1936-1978) - Finnish Vapaus Sana (1921-1930 / 1932-1977 / 1979) - Finnish Viikkosanomat (1975-1986) - Finnish Kanadai Magyarsae (1951-1977) - Hungarian Magyar Elet (1957-1997) - Hungarian Zwilazkowiec Alliancer (1933-1987) - Polish Serbian Herald (1946-1948) - Serb Edmonton Ukrainian News (1928-1971) - Ukrainian Vilne Slovo (1934-1977) - Ukrainian Jedinstvo (1948-1970) - Yugoslavian Nasa Novine (1971-1986) - Yugoslavian Bavarijas Latviesu Vestnesis (1945-1946) - Latvian Brivais Latveitis (1948-1949) - Latvian Liaudies Balsas (1937-1976) - Lithuanian (2) The licence applies only to issues that are not part of the public domain when this licence is issued. AG 0004432 I A-288 I Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 87 Filed 06/29/12 Page 20 of 20 -2(3) The licence does not authorize (a) the reproduction of individual works; (b) the translation of the publications. (4) The issuance of this licence does not release the licensee from the obligation to obtain permission for any other use not covered by this licence. (5) The licence expires in respect of each issue at the time the issue joins the public domain. (6) The licence is non-exclusive and valid only in Canada. For other countries, it is the law of that country that applies. (7) The licensee shall pay $5,000 to Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, who may dispose of this amount as it sees fit for the general benefit of its members. Access Copyright undertakes, however, to reimburse 6 ¢ per page to any person who establishes, within five years of an issue joining the public domain, ownership in that issue. Should the total amount of claims exceed the licence fee, each claim shall be reduced on a pro rata basis. (8) The licensee shall ensure that the following notices are prominently displayed on the web site: “Some of the content shown is used under a non-exclusive licence issued by the Copyright Board of Canada in cooperation with Access Copyright, pursuant to subsection 77(1) of the Copyright Act.” “A user may not reproduce or otherwise use any of the content found on this website unless the contemplated use is authorized by the Copyright Act or the content is in the public domain.” (9) The owner of copyright in an issue is entitled to end the licence with respect to future uses of that issue. (10) The coming into force of this licence is conditional on Access Copyright filing with the Board a notice of receipt which confirms that the royalties, as specified in paragraph (7) above, have been received and that Access Copyright undertakes to comply with the conditions set out in same. Gilles McDougall A/Secretary General AG 0004433 A-289 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------X THE AUTHORS GUILD, INC., et al., : : Plaintiffs, : : - against : : HATHITRUST, et al., : : Defendants. : : ----------------------------------------------------------------X Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 8 Index No. 11 Civ. 6351 (HB) DECLARATION OF FRANCIS FARLEY-CHEVRIER I, Francis Farley-Chevrier, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the Directeur General of Union des Écrivaines et des Écrivains Québécois (Quebec Union of Writers) (“UNEQ”), one of the plaintiffs in the above-captioned action. 2. I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Declaration and could testify competently at a hearing or trial if called upon to do so. 3. UNEQ is a professional union of writers with its principal place of business located in Montreal, Québec. UNEQ’s mission is to defend writers’ socio-economic interests and promote Québec’s literature. With a membership of 1,400 writers of fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, children’s and other books, UNEQ is the primary representative for writers in Québec, a status recognized by a 1990 Québec Act (RSQ, chapter S-32.01), and for authors throughout Canada of original French language literary or dramatic works, as certified by the Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal in 1996. A-290 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 8 The Works at Issue 4. Upon information and belief, Defendants have digitized without authority many books by UNEQ members (the “UNEQ Works”), including at least two books by Daniele Simpson and Andre Roy, plaintiffs in the instant action and the President and Vice President of UNEQ. Harm Resulting From Defendants’ Use Of The Works 5. UNEQ agreed to join this lawsuit as an associational plaintiff after learning that print copies of UNEQ Works and millions of other copyrighted books were digitized and being used as part of the Google Library Project, and that Defendants planned to begin making digital copies of purported “orphan works” available for free. 6. I have reviewed the declarations of T.J. Stiles, Daniele Simpson and Andre Roy, who are authors and plaintiffs in this litigation. I agree with and incorporate by reference the description in those declarations of the various harms and potential harms that result from Defendants’ unauthorized digitization and use of copyrighted works. Those descriptions need not be repeated here in full, but can be summarized as follows. 7. First, each digital copy of a UNEQ Work that is created by Defendants without purchase or license represents a lost sale to the associated rightsholder. Defendants could have purchased a copy but instead had it scanned without compensating the copyright owner. For example, Defendants could have sought a digitization license from Copibec, a collective rights society that manages reproduction rights for many authors in Quebec and has bilateral agreements with foreign collective rights societies such as the Copyright Clearance Center in the United States. UNEQ is a co-founder of Copibec and occupies three seats on its Board of Directors. 2 A-291 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 8. Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 8 Second, Defendants’ storage of the UNEQ Works in an online digital repository exposes that property to security risks for which the rightsholders receive no commensurate remuneration. Unauthorized access to copyrighted books leading to widespread piracy would gravely impact the market for those works. 9. Third, Defendants’ various uses of the UNEQ Works undermine various licensing opportunities for rightsholders. For example, authors routinely grant online distributors like Amazon a license to index their books and make them searchable as part of a commercial arrangement targeted at promoting book sales. Defendants do the same thing, but without a license and without the search function being part of an effort to sell the books and provide revenue to the author. Defendants also permit the books to be used for non-consumptive research, an emerging field that represents another potential licensing stream for authors. 10. Fourth, Defendants’ mass digitization and orphan works programs undercut opportunities for authors to generate royalty streams by entering into collective licensing agreements. For example, if permitted to proceed, the Orphan Works Project is likely to negatively impact author revenues generated through a system established in Canada to address orphan works. Section 77 of the Canadian Copyright Act permits the Copyright Board of Canada (the “Board”) to issue licenses to users whose reasonable efforts to locate a copyright holder have been unsuccessful. The Board sets a price for each permitted use, which compensation is generally directed to a designated collective management organization. Attached as Exhibit A is an example of a license issued by the Board to the University of Athabasca to digitally reproduce and distribute certain newspapers in exchange for a $5,000 licensing fee. Defendants’ Orphan Works Project allows people to make uses of orphan works but without any system to compensate rightsholders. 3 A-292 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 11. Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 8 Fifth, making books available through the Orphan Works Project will directly undermine efforts to revive out of print books and will impact future sales of such books. 12. In short, Defendants activities have harmed or have the potential to cause enormous harm to the rights of authors. [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 4 A-293 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 Filed 06/29/12 Page 5 of 8 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of A erica that the ore going is true and correct. ated: Montreal, Quebec 2012 June~, : I I I 5 A-294 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 Filed 06/29/12 Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT A A-295 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 Filed 06/29/12 Page 7 of 8 Copyright Board Canada Commission du droit d’auteur Canada CANADA Ottawa, April 30, 2010 FILE: 2009-UO/TI-22 UNLOCATABLE COPYRIGHT OWNERS Non-exclusive licence issued to the University of Athabasca for the digital reproduction and communication to the public of community newspapers Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 77(1) of the Copyright Act, the Copyright Board grants a licence to the University of Athabasca as follows: (1) The licence authorizes the digital reproduction and the communication to the public of the complete contents of the following community newspapers, in their original format, published between the dates shown, for non-commercial purposes only and subject to the limitations set out in this licence: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Novosti (1944-1948) - Croatian Vaba Estlane (1952-1987) - Estonian Liekki ((1944-1973) - Finnish Canadian Uutiset (1919-1927 / 1982-1987) - Finnish Isien Usko (1936-1978) - Finnish Vapaus Sana (1921-1930 / 1932-1977 / 1979) - Finnish Viikkosanomat (1975-1986) - Finnish Kanadai Magyarsae (1951-1977) - Hungarian Magyar Elet (1957-1997) - Hungarian Zwilazkowiec Alliancer (1933-1987) - Polish Serbian Herald (1946-1948) - Serb Edmonton Ukrainian News (1928-1971) - Ukrainian Vilne Slovo (1934-1977) - Ukrainian Jedinstvo (1948-1970) - Yugoslavian Nasa Novine (1971-1986) - Yugoslavian Bavarijas Latviesu Vestnesis (1945-1946) - Latvian Brivais Latveitis (1948-1949) - Latvian Liaudies Balsas (1937-1976) - Lithuanian (2) The licence applies only to issues that are not part of the public domain when this licence is issued. AG 0004432 I A-296 I Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 88 Filed 06/29/12 Page 8 of 8 -2(3) The licence does not authorize (a) the reproduction of individual works; (b) the translation of the publications. (4) The issuance of this licence does not release the licensee from the obligation to obtain permission for any other use not covered by this licence. (5) The licence expires in respect of each issue at the time the issue joins the public domain. (6) The licence is non-exclusive and valid only in Canada. For other countries, it is the law of that country that applies. (7) The licensee shall pay $5,000 to Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, who may dispose of this amount as it sees fit for the general benefit of its members. Access Copyright undertakes, however, to reimburse 6 ¢ per page to any person who establishes, within five years of an issue joining the public domain, ownership in that issue. Should the total amount of claims exceed the licence fee, each claim shall be reduced on a pro rata basis. (8) The licensee shall ensure that the following notices are prominently displayed on the web site: “Some of the content shown is used under a non-exclusive licence issued by the Copyright Board of Canada in cooperation with Access Copyright, pursuant to subsection 77(1) of the Copyright Act.” “A user may not reproduce or otherwise use any of the content found on this website unless the contemplated use is authorized by the Copyright Act or the content is in the public domain.” (9) The owner of copyright in an issue is entitled to end the licence with respect to future uses of that issue. (10) The coming into force of this licence is conditional on Access Copyright filing with the Board a notice of receipt which confirms that the royalties, as specified in paragraph (7) above, have been received and that Access Copyright undertakes to comply with the conditions set out in same. Gilles McDougall A/Secretary General AG 0004433 A-297 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 89 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 5 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------X THE AUTHORS GUILD, INC., et al., : : Plaintiffs, : : - against : : HATHITRUST, et al., : : Defendants. : : ----------------------------------------------------------------X Index No. 11 Civ. 6351 (HB) DECLARATION OF ERIK GRUNDSTRÖM I, Erik Grundström, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am one of the plaintiffs in the above-captioned action and submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment. 2. I am a novelist, short-story writer, playwright and former vice-president of plaintiff Sveriges Författarförbund (“SFF”), a non-profit organization in Sweden dedicated to securing reasonable remuneration and working conditions for professional writers and translators. I am the former principal of Skrivarakademin, Sweden’s leading school for creative writing, and winner of the Arnold Rörling literary prize in 1993. The Work At Issue 3. I am the sole author and copyright holder of the fictional work Oss Målvakter Emellan (Goalkeeper Between Us), and holder of a valid copyright to it under Swedish law. 4. Although I have licensed to my publishers certain exclusive rights in connection with the commercial exploitation of Oss Målvakter Emellan, I did so in exchange for the payment of royalties and I remain the legal and/or beneficial owner of all rights in and to Oss Målvakter Emellan. I never assigned to any third party the copyright to Oss Målvakter Emellan. 19894.300 A-298 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 89 Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 5 Unauthorized Uses Of My Work 5. It has come to my attention that a print copy of Oss Målvakter Emellan was copied without my permission when it was digitized by one the defendant universities (collectively referred to herein along with HathiTrust as “Defendants”) in partnership with Google, as part of the HathiTrust and/or Google Books projects. This digitization took place without my knowledge, consent, or approval. I did not authorize Google, HathiTrust, or any of the university defendants to digitize or make any other use of Oss Målvakter Emellan. To date, I have received no compensation of any kind for Defendants’ digitization and various uses of Oss Målvakter Emellan. Harm Resulting From Defendants’ Use Of My Work 6. As an author who depends in large part on the value of my work to earn a living, I brought this action because the Defendants’ unauthorized digitization and use of Oss Målvakter Emellan has harmed or threatens to harm me in a number of ways. 7. I have reviewed the Declaration of T.J. Stiles and I agree with and incorporate by reference Mr. Stiles’ descriptions of the various harm and potential harm caused by the Defendants’ actions. Two differences between Mr. Stiles and me are that (as described below) my book is no longer in print and I have not yet chosen to make it available in digital form. However, these differences do not change the fact that Defendants’ actions are causing and threatening to cause damage to me and to the value of Oss Målvakter Emellan. 8. While Oss Målvakter Emellan is no longer in print, the harms articulated in the Declaration of T.J. Stiles nevertheless apply to me because Oss Målvakter Emellan is still protected by copyright law and I still hold the copyright. Whether Oss Målvakter Emellan is in print or not, I have the right choose whether or not to engage in licensing agreements for 2 19894.300 A-299 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 89 Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 5 emerging uses of Oss Målvakter Emellan, be they digital archiving, non-consumptive research, full-text searching, or other derivative uses. By preempting my right to make a decision as to how I wish to exploit Oss Målvakter Emellan, Defendants have narrowed the scope of my rights and lessened the strength of my control over my own work. 9. New technology is opening new possibilities in publishing and it is now possible, for the first time in history, to self-publish a book in print or digital forms without the aid of a publishing company. While I have not yet made a decision on how to proceed with Oss Målvakter Emellan, I am aware of this option and consider it a possibility for the future. This is why even my currently out-of-print book is affected by the Defendants’ unauthorized copying. 10. I believe that I also am entitled to determine whether, when and under what circumstances Oss Målvakter Emellan is scanned, digitized, copied and used. Defendants’ insistence that the new, complex, technologically-enabled uses they intend to make of Oss Målvakter Emellan should be permitted without my consent dangerously presupposes that copyright law does not give authors any right to control how their works are used and exploited in these contexts. To the best of my knowledge, this is not the law in the United States, and it certainly is not the law in Sweden. 11. Defendants argue that uses of Oss Målvakter Emellan that do not allow individuals to read the text, such as non-consumptive research and full text searching, do not inhibit sales of Oss Målvakter Emellan or deprive me of licensing opportunities and therefore do not require my permission. This is not so. As the Declaration of T.J. Stiles points out, these kinds of uses represent a new market whose value is evidenced by Defendants’ use of Oss Målvakter Emellan, as well as the works owned by the other Plaintiffs and the millions of other works Defendants scanned and copied. I believe that I have the legal right to decide whether or 3 19894.300 A-300 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 89 Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 5 not to permit these uses, and to seek remuneration for these uses if I do decide to allow them. Defendants could have asked my permission to digitize Oss Målvakter Emellan. 12. In addition, by failing to seek a license, Defendants eliminated the usual mechanism that authors use to exercise control over our work: licensing or other agreements that define terms of use and hold licensees accountable. Without such a contract, I am rendered powerless to dictate terms as to how Oss Målvakter Emellan may or may not be used. I also have no ability to insist that HathiTrust take security measures to protect my work. I have no power to ensure that the infringing copies of my work are truly in a “dark archive” that is not accessible for viewing or further copying. I have no assurance that Defendants’ actual use of my work is limited to the uses they claim to intend to make, and no power of enforcement if their uses exceed this scope. [The rest of this page intentionally left blank] 4 19894.300 A-301 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 89 I declare lmd~r Filed 06/29/12 Page 5 of 5 penalty ofperju ry tmder the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and conect. Dated: 7?n-" 01,{ ~t!?>.:z. /J~->2012 ,Swede n 5 19894.3 0() A-302 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 22 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------X THE AUTHORS GUILD, INC., et al., : : Plaintiffs, : : - against : : HATHITRUST, et al., : : Defendants. : : ----------------------------------------------------------------X Index No. 11 Civ. 6351 (HB) DECLARATION OF LOUISE HEDBERG I, Louise Hedberg, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the Director of Sveriges Författarförbund (The Swedish Writers’ Union) (“SFF”), one of the plaintiffs in the above-captioned action. 2. I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Declaration and could testify competently at a hearing or trial if called upon to do so. 3. SFF is a non-profit organization with its principal place of business in Stockholm, Sweden. The SFF, first organized in 1893 as the Swedish Association of Authors, has more than 2,750 professional writers and translators as its members and is the leading organization for book authors in Sweden. In pursuit of its mission of securing its members’ rights to reasonable remuneration and working conditions, the SFF negotiates standard, minimum-terms agreements with book publishers, radio and television broadcasters, film producers and others on behalf of authors and translators. The SFF also defends freedom of expression and of the press by safeguarding the principles of the Swedish Freedom of the Press Act. FKKS: 460930.v1 19894.300 A-303 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 22 The Works At Issue 4. Upon information and belief, Defendants have digitized without authority many books by SFF members (the “SFF Works”), including at least one work by author Erik Grunstrom, who is the former Vice President of SFF and a plaintiff in the instant action. Harm Resulting From Defendants’ Use Of The Works 5. The SFF agreed to join this lawsuit as an associational plaintiff after learning that print copies of SFF Works and millions of other copyrighted books were digitized and being used as part of the Google Library Project, and that Defendants planned to begin making digital copies of purported “orphan works” available for free. 6. I have reviewed the declarations of T.J. Stiles and Erik Grundstrom, who are authors and plaintiffs in this litigation. I agree with and incorporate by reference the description in those declarations of the various harms and potential harms that result from Defendants’ unauthorized digitization and use of copyrighted works. Those descriptions need not be repeated here in full, but can be summarized as follows. 7. First, each digital copy of an SFF Work that is created by Defendants without purchase or license represents a lost sale to the associated rightsholder. Defendants could have purchased a copy but instead had it scanned without compensating the copyright owner. SFF itself administers digital reproduction rights on behalf of many of its members, and SFF works closely with collecting societies in Sweden that manage the rights to thousands of additional works. 8. Second, Defendants’ storage of the SFF Works in an online digital repository exposes that property to security risks for which the rightsholders receive no commensurate remuneration. Unauthorized access to copyrighted books leading to widespread piracy would 2 A-304 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 22 gravely impact the market for those works. Although the Swedish market for electronic books is relatively undeveloped, there has recently been an immense amount of activity in this field, with authors, publishers, booksellers and libraries each making significant investments to optimize their relative position in the market when it finally emerges in full force. Hence, the risk of a project like HathiTrust causing a disturbance to the emerging markets for electronic books in Sweden is particularly troublesome. 9. Third, Defendants’ various uses of the SFF Works undermine various licensing opportunities for rightsholders. For example, authors in Sweden routinely grant publishers the right to display one or two chapters of a book in order to promote sales of the book. Defendants’ full-text search feature is comparable, but in that case there is no license and the service is not part of an effort to sell the books and provide revenue to the author. Defendants also permit the books to be used for non-consumptive research, an emerging field that represents another potential licensing stream for authors. 10. Fourth, Defendants’ mass digitization and orphan works programs undercut opportunities for authors to generate royalty streams by entering into collective licensing agreements. For example, the National Library of Sweden entered into a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) with the SFF and the Swedish Publishers Association with the goal of creating a digital library that would make all works published in Sweden available to the public. The primary focus was on digitizing out of print works and works that had not yet been digitized. Rights would be cleared through an extended collective licensing agreement. The MOU contemplates that in exchange for granting rights to the National Library, authors would receive a set amount per work digitized, along with a copy of the digital file. A copy of a presentation summarizing the terms of the MOU in English is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Defendants have 3 A-305 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 22 undertaken similar activities as those discussed in the MOU, but they have not agreed to compensate authors for the use of their works or to provide any of the protections contained in the MOU. 11. Fifth, making books available through the Orphan Works Project will directly undermine efforts to revive out of print books and will impact future sales of such books. 12. In short, Defendants activities have harmed or have the potential to cause enormous harm to the rights of authors. [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 4 A-306 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 5 of 22 I declare wldeT penall), of perjw"y under the laws of the United States of Arne rica that tbe foregoing is true and correct. Dated: Stockholm, Sweden June2i?,2012 LOUISE HEDBERG 5 A-307 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 6 of 22 EXHIBIT A Jerker Rydén Chief Legal Adviser National Library of Sweden Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 2011-03-31 ”Sweden’s Digital Library” Sweden s Library – ECL a flexible model of rights clearance f i h l and making available Filed 06/29/12 Page 7 of 22 AG 0004404 A-308 ~I_I • – – – – The Swedish Writers’ Union, The Swedish Publishers’ Association, The National Library of Sweden and The Visual Arts Copyright Society in Sweden. The following Parties have signed a MOU concerning the digitization of the Swedish literary heritage: The Parties Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 8 of 22 AG 0004405 A-309 ~I_I The National Library of Sweden must receive increased financial resources resources, through both private and state initiatives. • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Cooperation with representatives for other right holders and producers. • all books published in Sweden should be made accessible on-line to the public, free of charge for the readers The Extended Collective License [ECL] is the best means to solve the copyright related issues. – – – The ambition is to create a digital library • • Principles Filed 06/29/12 Page 9 of 22 AG 0004406 A-310 ~I_I The best way to adapt the making availability of the Digital Library is for the Parties to negotiate an agreement [ECL] and modulate such an agreement when needed. • Filed 06/29/12 Page 10 of 22 AG 0004407 Access to the digital library will have to be adjusted. Conditions will vary from time to time. • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 The major focus will be to provide access to digitized books that are not available in print or have not been issued as an E-book. • Out of Commerce A-311 ~I_I To make the books available for research and educationally purposes But also in the interest of the general public to make the culture heritage of Sweden available to as many as possible The Parties agree that the Digital Library can provide a legitimate service where the market oriented publishing ends • • • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 The National Library will digitize the books and provide access to them on the Internet • Different roles Filed 06/29/12 Page 11 of 22 AG 0004408 A-312 ~I_I Additional financial means will be necessary Both private as well as government initiatives initiatives. Public Private Partnership will be essential to realize the digital library • • • Financing Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 12 of 22 AG 0004409 A-313 ~I_I Gives the National Library a right to digitize and make the works in question available to the public via a web page. Remuneration – a symbolic sum of one SEK/work and the digital file. One purpose with the project – two identify obstacles and to define the roles of the stakeholders i a f t t k h ld in future ECL as well as f t ll features conducive f mass di iti ti d i for digitisation and making available • • • Filed 06/29/12 Page 13 of 22 AG 0004410 A non-exclusive license for a period until a new ECL provision is introduced in the Copyright Act, and an agreement is concluded. However, the period will be at most three years years. • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 A pilot project with a selection of Swedish poetry prose and magazines poetry, • ”The F ti ” ”Th Forties” A-314 ~I_I prohibition against the use of their works. individual remuneration on the basis of the law – – Give th t k h ld Gi the stakeholders an opportunity to assess the commercial value of the work i t it t th i l l f th k in question, and the time to take necessary actions to put the work on the market, i.e. make the work commercially available Opt-Out – – Transparency / Heads Up Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 • • Features conducive for mass digitisation and making available Filed 06/29/12 Page 14 of 22 AG 0004411 A-315 ~I_I • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 15 of 22 AG 0004412 when an agreement has been concluded concerning the exploitation of works pursuant to specific articles in the Sw. Copyright Act with the organization that is most representative for, and best represents, the authors of the works in the field concerned that are being exploited in Sweden Sweden. The extended collective license confers to the user the right to exploit works of the kind referred to in the agreement despite the fact that the authors of those works are not represented by the organization (extendedcollective li t t d b th i ti ( t d d ll ti license effect). ff t) – – • An extended collective license applies ECL A-316 ~I_I Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Therefore it would also apply to manuscripts etc that has been donated by the rightsholder to the library with the intent that the material should me made available to the public • digitise works in their collections and make them accessible on the Internet The new provision does not rely on the material being previously published or otherwise previously made available to the public. – – A new provision to the Sw. Copyright Act enabling libraries and archives to • • Filed 06/29/12 Page 16 of 22 AG 0004413 To digitise works in library collections and make them accessible on the Internet A-317 ~I_I • – – – – Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 when an agreement has been concluded in accordance with the conditions set out in the previous slide and relating to other exploitation of works and the agreement relates to exploitation within a limited and well defined area, the ECL effect is a precondition for the exploitation, and the agreement is in writing and contains information that the agreement is intended to have an extended collective license effect. An extended collective license applies also: A special extended collective license Filed 06/29/12 Page 17 of 22 AG 0004414 A-318 ~I_I facilitate rights clearance in connection with various forms of mass use of works and g performances protected by copyright so as to make the great repertoire available in organised form and on terms that are acceptable to the users, authors and other right holders. See The EU and many national governments have been encouraging national libraries to enter into Public Private Partnerships (PPP) to facilitate the large scale digitization of the each library’s Corpus. library s – – – The Special ECL aim to Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 • • The Special ECL & PPP Filed 06/29/12 Page 18 of 22 AG 0004415 A-319 Both the library as well as the private partner in these endeavors will need a license to disseminate the content. The Special ECL will be instrumental to enable PPP PPP. • • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 These efforts are extremely costly, so the participation of a private partner is, in most cases, a prerequisite. • The Special ECL & PPP Filed 06/29/12 Page 19 of 22 AG 0004416 A-320 ~I_I individual remuneration on the basis of the law – Filed 06/29/12 Page 20 of 22 AG 0004417 The agreement is by law made binding on non-represented rights holders. But non represented right holders have a right to: • prohibition against the use of their works. CMO and users conclude an agreement on the basis of free negotiations. g g • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 – Collective Management Organization (CMO) is representative • Important! A-321 ~I_I • – – without the possibility of receiving individual claims from ”outsiders” or p y g having to face criminal sanctions An agreement allows to legally use all materials, Important! Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Filed 06/29/12 Page 21 of 22 AG 0004418 A-322 ~I_I • • • • • Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 90 Issue: The model is flexible and future-proof Rights-holder Rights holder organizations negotiate with users the conditions for a particular use of works Agreement applicable to all right holders, even if they are not a member Possibility for "opt out” +: Both exclusivity and contractual freedom are respected Out of Commerce - ECL Filed 06/29/12 Page 22 of 22 AG 0004419 A-323 ~I_I A-324 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------X THE AUTHORS GUILD, INC., et al., : : Plaintiffs, : : - against : : HATHITRUST, et al., : : Defendants. : : ----------------------------------------------------------------X Index No. 11 Civ. 6351 (HB) DECLARATION OF JAN TERJE HELMLI I, Jan Terje Helmli, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the General Counsel for Norsk Faglitterær Forfatter- og Oversetterforening (The Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association) (the “NFF”), one of the plaintiffs in the above-captioned action. 2. I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Declaration and could testify competently at a hearing or trial if called upon to do so. 3. The NFF is Norway’s union for nonfiction writers, representing 5,400 authors and translators. It represents its members’ professional interests by, among other activities, negotiating minimum-term agreements with book publishers and others, negotiating conditions for copying books in schools, libraries and elsewhere, and providing legal assistance to its members in negotiations and conflicts regarding literary rights. The Works At Issue 4. Upon information and belief, Defendants have digitized without authority many books by NFF members (the “NFF Works”), including at least two books by Trond Andreassen A-325 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 10 and Helge Ronning, plaintiffs in the instant action and the General Secretary and former President, respectively, of the NFF. Harm Resulting From Defendants’ Use Of The Works 5. The NFF agreed to join this lawsuit as an associational plaintiff after learning that print copies of NFF Works and millions of other copyrighted books were digitized and being used as part of the Google Library Project, and that Defendants planned to begin making digital copies of purported “orphan works” available for free. 6. I have reviewed the declarations of T.J. Stiles, Trond Andreassen and Helge Ronning who are authors and plaintiffs in this litigation. I agree with and incorporate by reference the description in those declarations of the various harms and potential harms that result from Defendants’ unauthorized digitization and use of copyrighted works. Those descriptions need not be repeated here in full, but can be summarized as follows. 7. First, each digital copy of an NFF Work that is created by Defendants without purchase or license represents a lost sale to the associated rightsholder. Defendants could have purchased a copy but instead had it scanned without compensating the copyright owner. For example, the libraries could have worked with the NFF and/or Kopinor (the Reprographic Rights Organization for Norway) to negotiate a collective license agreement to digitize and make various uses of works of Norwegian authors, but instead they simply digitized and use them without authorization or compensating authors. 8. Second, Defendants’ storage of the NFF Works in an online digital repository exposes that property to security risks for which the rightsholders receive no commensurate remuneration. Unauthorized access to copyrighted books leading to widespread piracy would gravely impact the market for those works. 2 A-326 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 9. Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 10 Third, Defendants’ various uses of the NFF Works undermine various licensing opportunities for rightsholders. For example, authors routinely grant online distributors like Amazon a license to index their books and make them searchable as part of a commercial arrangement targeted at promoting book sales. Defendants do the same thing, but without a license and without the search function being part of an effort to sell the books and provide revenue to the author. Defendants also permit the books to be used for non-consumptive research, an emerging field that represents another potential licensing stream for authors. 10. Fourth, Defendants’ mass digitization and orphan works programs undercut opportunities for authors to generate royalty streams by entering into collective licensing agreements. In Norway, the National Library is in the process of digitizing the complete national literary heritage, not limited to works that are in the public domain. Rights were cleared through an agreement (the “Kopinor Agreement”) between the National Library of Norway and Kopinor, on behalf of tens of thousands of Norwegian authors, including members of NFF. In exchange for granting rights to the National Library, authors receive NOK 0.56 per page (approximately $0.09) per year. A copy of the Kopinor Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Defendants have undertaken similar activities as those licensed by the Kopinor Agreement, but they have not agreed to compensate authors for the use of their works or to provide any of the protections contained in the Kopinor Agreement. 11. Fifth, making books available through the Orphan Works Project will directly undermine efforts to revive out of print books and will impact future sales of such books. 12. In short, Defendants activities have harmed or have the potential to cause enormous harm to the rights of authors. 3 A-327 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 10 I ded~ ... under penally ofpetj,ry undn llie law'$of !hc Uniled Slalcsof Amtrlca Ihallhc Daled: 0s1o.l".2"';lIY Jurw::M,20 12 • A-328 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 5 of 10 EXHIBIT A A-329 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 6 of 10 Contract regarding the digital dissemination of books (Bokhylla / The Bookshelf) between The National Library of Norway on the one hand, and Kopinor on behalf of the members of The Norwegian Specialized Press Association, The Norwegian Association of Fine Arts Photographers, GRAFILL The The Norwegian Organisation for Visual Communication, The iety of composers and lyricists, The Norwegian Association of Professional Photographers, The Norwegian NonAssociation, The Norwegian Union of Journalists, The n, The The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators, The Association of Norwegian Norwegian Writers for Children, The s on the other hand. THE SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT §1 This is a pilot contract regarding the Bokhylla (Bookshelf) project. The project relates to printed books published in Norway during the years 1790-1799, 1890-1899 and 1990-1999, including translated literature. This contract regulates that part of the copyright-protected material covered by the project, up to 50 000 books with an estimated average of 185 pages. §2 Subject to the conditions stated in this contract 1, the National Library of Norway is given the right to make available published copyright-protected material. This right includes the necessary reproduction of viewing copies based on the digital storage copies that the National Library of Norway makes pursuant to the regulations issued pursuant to the Norwegian Copyright Act (FOR 21.12.2001 no. 1563 (§ 1-3)). The contract applies to Norwegian and foreign publications whose rightsholders are represented by Kopinor, cf Act no. 2 of 12 May 1961 (the Norwegian Copyright Act) and competition law rules. The provision stated in the first paragraph means, pursuant to section 16a, cf section 36 (extended collective licence) of the Norwegian Copyright Act, that published materials created by rightsholders that Kopinor does not represent are also covered by the contract. AG 0004039 A-330 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 7 of 10 HOW THE MATERIAL CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE §3 Norwegian IP addresses. §4 The material is to be made available as individual pages in a digital format to be viewed on a computer screen. The users will be able to search in the text and search for covers, title pages and tables of contents, as well as to browse sequentially through individual pages. No arrangements are to be made for downloading or printing the material until the copyright-protected period has expired. The material will be made searchable via search engines, and solutions to provide information on where the material can be borrowed or bought will be implemented. CREDITING OF AUTHORS BY NAME, ETC. §5 The name of the creator of the work and the title and source are to be stated in the manner required by proper usage, cf section 3, section 43a, third subsection and section 11 of the Norwegian Copyright Act. RIGHT TO WITHDRAW WORK §6 Kopinor may withdraw individual work from the scope of the contract during the contract period. REMUNERATION §7 An annual amount of NOK 0.56 (in 2009) per page made available is to be paid. §8 The payment per page is to be adjusted by Kopinor annually on 31 December in accordance with this. The adjustment is to be made on the basis of the change in the consumer price index from 15 October of last year until 15 October of this year, and correspondingly for future years. §9 The National Library of Norway is to be invoiced for the prevailing number of pages that have been made available. The parties are to agree further on the date for reporting and invoicing the pages that must be paid for. For 2009, a payment is to be made for 8/12 of the year. AG 0004040 A-331 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 8 of 10 BREACH OF THE CONTRACT AND DAMAGES § 10 Should the contract be breached, a period of 30 days from the date when written notification of this is received is allowed for rectification. § 11 Should a party fundamentally breach the contract and the matter not be rectified pursuant to § 10, the other party may terminate the contract with immediate effect. Termination is to be declared in writing, stating the grounds for the termination. Damages for breach of contract may be claimed irrespective of whether or not the contract is terminated. § 12 By entering into this contract, the rightsholders have not renounced their right to claim damages and bring a civil action against the National Library of Norway for copying that is not permitted by this contract. If the National Library of Norway has paid a claim from Kopinor relating to such copying, Kopinor undertakes to pay claims regarding this utilisation. § 13 Should this contract be terminated or expire, the National Library of Norway is obliged to remove from all copyright-protected materials that cannot, pursuant to the law or a separate contract with rightsholders, be made available. OTHER PROVISIONS § 14 Kopinor is obliged to pay any claims for payment or damages that the National Library of Norway receives from Norwegian or foreign rightsholders in so far as the claims relate to a copying or making available of materials that has been paid for and carried out in accordance with this contract provisions, cf otherwise section 37 of the Norwegian Copyright Act. The National Library of Norway is not obliged to pay such claims and Kopinor shall indemnify the National Library of Norway for any claims regarding costs incurred by the National Library of Norway in connection with such a claim. Should a claim be received, the National Library of Norway is to reject the claim and refer the claimant to Kopinor. Claims are not to be paid without consultation with Kopinor. In the case of any dispute regarding the claim, Kopinor is entitled to intervene. § 15 The National Library of Norway and Kopinor are entitled to publish this contract. § 16 The parties will continue to cooperate on information about the service. Any external costs resulting from this are to be agreed on between the parties. AG 0004041 A-332 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Filed 06/29/12 Page 9 of 10 § 17 Pursuant to further agreement, the National Library of Norway will, if requested by Kopinor (on behalf of a specific rightsholder or a representative of this rightsholder), make available high-resolution digital copies of the material covered by the contract. § 18 The National Library of Norway will, in so far as possible, give Kopinor access to the necessary statistics for use in distributing the remuneration. EVALUATION § 19 The parties agree to appoint a common committee that is to evaluate the Bokhylla project during the contract period and upon the expiry of the contract. The costs of any external evaluation will be divided 50/50 between the parties. DISPUTE RESOLUTION § 20 During the contract period, attempts are first to be made to resolve through negotiations between the parties any dispute between the parties to the contract regarding its interpretation or existence, a breach of the contract or a claim that in some other way is based on a contract between the parties relating to copying. Should such negotiations fail to succeed, either party may demand that the dispute be resolved through arbitration. The Arbitration Tribunal is to be composed of three members. The parties are each to appoint one member and are to jointly appoint a chair. Should the parties fail to agree on a chairman, this person is to be appointed by the president of the Norwegian Bar Association. Otherwise, the provisions stipulated in the Norwegian Arbitration Act shall apply. The parties may each petition for mediation pursuant to section 38 of the Norwegian Copyright Act. THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT § 21 The contract is valid until 31 December 2011 inclusive, unless the parties agree that the contract is to be prolonged. AG 0004042 A-333 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 91 Two 2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 10 of 10 copies of this contract have been prepared and each of the parties is to retain one copy. Oslo, 23 April 2009 For the National Library of Norway For Kopinor ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Vigdis Moe Skarstein Yngve Slettholm National Librarian Executive Director AG 0004043 A-334 Case 1 :11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------X THE AUTHORS GUILD, INC., et ai., Plainti ffs, Index No. II Civ. 6351 (HB) - againstHA THITRUST, et aI., Defendants. ----------------------------------------------------------------X DECLARATION OF ISABEL HOWE I, Isabel Howe, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the Director of the Authors League Fund, Inc. (the "ALF"), one of the plaintiffs in the above-captioned action. 2. I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment. have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Declaration and could testifY competently at a hearing or trial if called upon to do so. The Authors League Fund 3. Since its founding in 1917, the ALP, which provides assistance to professional writers and dramatists in severe financial need because of health problems, temporary loss of income or other misfortune, has drawn most of its support from authors, some of whom leave their literary estates to the ALl". The Works At Issue 4. Unlike the other associations that are plaintitTs in this action, the ALF is not seeking to assert claims on behalf of any of "members." Rather, the ALF itself owns the copyrights in and to several works that were scanned and incorporated into HathiTrust without A-335 Case 1: 11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 6 the ALF's knowledge or consent. Attached as Exhibit A is a schedule of works whose copyrights are owned by the ALF and have been infringed by Defendants (the "ALF Works"). Attached as Exhibit B is documentation evidencing the transfer of the relevant copyrights from each respective author to the ALF. A copy of the copyright registration certificate for each ALF Work is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Harm Resulting From Defendants' Use Of The Work 5. I have reviewed the declarations of several individual authors who are plaintiffs in this litigation, including the declarations ofTJ. Stiles, Pat Cummings and Roxana Robinson. I agree with and incorporate by reference the description in those declarations of the various harms and potential harms that result from Defendants' unauthorized digitization and use of copyrighted works. Those descriptions need not be repeated here in full, but can be summarized as follows. 6. First, each digital copy of an ALF Work that is created by Defendants without purchase or license represents a lost sale to the ALF. Defendants could have purchased a copy but instcad had it scanned without compensating the ALF. 7. Second, Defendants' storage of the ALF Works in an online digital repository exposes that property to security risks for which the rightsholders receive no commensurate remuneration. Unauthorized access to copyrighted books leading to widespread piracy would gravely impact the market for those works. 8. Third, Defendants' various uses of the ALF Works undermine various licensing opportunities for the ALF. For example, authors routinely grant online distributors like Amazon a license to index their books and make them searchable as part of a commercial arrangement targeted at promoting book sales. Defendants do the same thing, but without a license and 2 A-336 Case 1 :11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 6 without the search function being part of an effort to sell the books and provide revenue to the author. Defendants also permit the books to be used for non-consumptive research, an emerging field that represents another potential licensing stream for authors. 9. Fourth, Defendants' mass digitization and orphan works programs undercut opportunities for authors to generate royalty streams by entering into collective licensing agreements. 10. Fifth, as explained in more detail below, making books available through the Orphan Works Program will directly undermine eHarts to revive out of print books and will impact future book sales. II. In short, Defendants activities have harmed or have the potential to cause enormous harm to the rights of authors. The Orphan Works Project 12. In addition to the harms outlined above and discussed in the individual author declarations I reviewed, the ALF was directly impacted by Defendants' Orphan Works Project, as well as by mistakes in the HathiTrust database. 13. Thc ALF became the owner of the copyrights in and to the works of Gladys Malvern when she passed away in 1962, having left a Last Will and Testament designating ALF as the beneficiary of "all rights and royalties and revenues from any sale of rights of any of [her] books." See Exhibit B. 14. In the summer or fall of2011, I became aware that one of Ms. Malvern's books, entitled Good Troupers All, had been listed as an "orphan candidate" in connection with IIathiTrust's "Orphan Works Program." It was my understanding that HathiTrust intcnded to make a digital copy ofthe book available October 13, 2011, ninety days after the book was listed 3 A-337 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 6 as an orphan candidate. The book was to be made available on the Internet for students, faculty and users of the University of Michigan library to view, download, print and copy without providing any compensation to the ALF. Fortunately, after HathiTrust was informed that the copyright owners of Good Troupers All and other words could be found and objected to the HathiTrust's plans, the Orphan Works Project was "suspended. 15. I was particularly troubled by HathiTrust's plans to distribute electronic copies of Good Troupers All for free because I had recently been contacted by a publisher, Digital Pulse, which expressed an interest in republishing certain of Ms. Malvern's works, including Good Troupers All, in print and digital formats. Attached as Exhibit D is an email in which a reprcsentative of Digital Pulse recounts some of those discussions and reiterates his interest in bringing Ms. Malvern's works back into print. Defendants' missteps arc indicative of a concerning lack of thoroughness on their part and an ineffective system of notice for authors whose works are listed as orphans. 16. Had Plaintiffs not intervened to stop the Orphan Works Program and, as Defendants had planned, digital copies of Good Troupers All were made available for others to view, print and/or download in full, the ALF may have lost the opportunity to license the work for print and digital distribution. In addition, it is likely that Defendants' unauthorized digital release of Good Troupers All would have adversely impacted the ALF's anticipated revenues from future sales of both the paper and electronic versions of the re-released novel. 17. While this lawsuit apparently caused HathiTrust to halt its Orphan Works Program and prevented Ms. Malvern's works from being distributed online, I am deeply concerned about the potential harm to the ALF and others ifthe program resumes, as Defendants have indicated that they plan to do so. 4 A-338 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 18. Filed 06/29/12 Page 5 of 6 It is my understanding that Defendants' carelessness also led HathiTrust to misidentify two of Ms. Malvern's books - Curtain Going Up' and Valiant Minstrel- as works in the public domain. Before the ALF's attorneys advised HathiTrust of this error, these works were available in "full view" on HathiTrust's website, which I understand to mean that an electronic copy of the book could be viewed, downloaded and printed in full. See Exhibit E. do not know what led HathiTrust to believe that these books were in the public domain, but they are still under copyright, as evidenced by the copyright registration renewal certificates for the works that are annexed as Exhibit C. [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 5 A-339 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93 Filed 06/29/12 Page 6 of 6 I declare under penalty of peJjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: New York, New York June tb ,2012 ISABEL HOWE 6 A-340 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-1 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT A 1%6/London : W ,H. Allen The Man Who Loved His Wife Vera Caspary I 967INew York: Putnam 1957INew York : Harper The Husband Vera Caspary -V~;;lc-;;:S;;~ry--'- - --IThe Rosecrest Cell B 1942 and 20 I 0, there have been ~ozens.of publications ~n multiple languages In hardcover. paperback and audio formats, including: I 968/London: W, H. Allen 1972l1'ew York and London: White Lion Publishers Putnam Hardcopy Hardcopy A951486 1967-10-30 A817997 1966-02-15 RE0000314482 1986-12-19 20 12/Paris: Omnibus (under title "Etranges Veriles" ) I 1966lNew York : RE0000273 653 1985-12-30; AI000000586I 1957-10-21 ; RENEWALS A 170748 1943-01-26 R488945 1970-07-15 1959!London: Hamilton --~- A00000 332668 1958-04-16; Hardcopy . I958/Frankfurt: a.M, Nest-Veri 1957lLondon: H, Allen 20 12/Paris: Omnibus (under title "Etranges Verites") 2006-02-02INew York: The Feminist Press ~~ OR ELECTRONIC? Hardcopy I SU~~E~i)~~~-"r":u:,s~:c~:v R~~~~~:;I~~~i~R- : Filed 06/29/12 Page 2 of 3 --+Between Laura 1942INew York: Houghton FIRST PUBLICATION Vera Caspary I--:~~~~~--'--'-I- ---;:~::-----l EXHIBIT A Case 1:11-cv-06351 -HB Document 93-1 A-341 1943INew York: J. Messner 1943INew York: J. Messner Valiant Minstrel Gladys Malvern 14 1945/Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Cornpany Curtain Going Up 1979INew York: McGraw-Hili Gladys Malvern •.•• _ _ _ Good Troupers All H' _ ' _ Gladys Malvern ._ ' _ ~'_' . ' _ ' _ " F IRST P UBLICATION The Secrets of GrownUps H" _ ' H" __ T I TLE Vera Caspary " ___ AUTIIOR ,---- ----- -- - 1944INew York: J. Messner 1966/New York: J. Messner 1947INew York: J. Messner 1946INew York: J. Messner U.S. COP \ 'RIGIIT Hardcopy Hardcopy Hardcopy - - --- R494639 1970-11-09 A 177096 1943-10-26 R494639 1970-11-09 A 177096 1943-10-26 R5 35400 1972-09-15 A 1&9587 1945-08-27 i '-' P UB. HARDCOPV REG ISTRA T IONS OR OR ELECTRONIC? .......H. _ ·___·R ·H._···__ __ ENEWA LS ..... .............. Hardcopy TXOOO0309480 1979-08-20 MOST RECENT Filed 06/29/12 Page 3 of 3 SU'BSEQUENT PU'B(S). Case 1: 11-cv-063S1-HB Document 93-1 A-342 A-343 Case 1: 11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 1 of 22 EXHIBITB A-344 Gooe 1 :11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 LAST WILL I~ND Filed 06129112 ( ~of 2~ TESTJI,HENT I, VERA CASPARY GOLDSHITH, also known as VERA CASPARY I residing in the City, County and State of Ne.·.v York, do hereby make t publish and declare this to be my Last l'1ill and Testament, hereby revoking all Wills and Codicils by me at any time heretofore made. FIRST: I direct that all my just debts, the expenses of my last illness and funeral and the expenses of administering my estate be paid as soon after my death as may be convenient. SECOND: I give and bequeath the follo'l-ling: A. My oil painting entitled "A h'alkby the Canal" by Camille Bombois to BERNARD SOLOMON. It is my '<fish, but I "do not direct, that if he does not wish to keep this painting for hill1sclf I '.:.hat it be sold by hi::", ar.d the proceeds given to any Jewish cause he chooses. B. One (1) copy of each of my novels to the UNIVERSITY OF 1HSCONSIN CENTER FOR THEATRE RESEARCH, presently located at 6173 Vilas Communication Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. A-345 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 C. Filed 06/29/12 Page 30f22 My unpublished typescripts, notes, discarded pages, etc., books carrying comment. about my \vork and anthologies in which my work is included to the UNIVERSITY OF lVISCONSIN CENTER FOR THEATRE RESEARCH, presently located at 6173 Vilas Communication Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. All the rest of my tangible D. personal property not hereinabove effectually disposed of, to my Executors hereinafter named, to be distributed in such manner as they believe I would wish. Any property not so distributed shall be sold by my Executors and the proceeds added to my residuary estate. THIRD: I give and bequeath the following legacies: A. To my step-son, HICHAEL Goldsmith, the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, if he shall survive me. B. the sum of One Thousand To YJ..l',RY GOLDSNiTH STEPHENS, (~l.OOO.OO) Dollars, if she shall survive me. C. To my housekeeper, ROSA DELLA PORTA , tlle sum of One Thousand ($1,000. 00) Dollars. FOUHTH: I direct my Executor to return -2- A-346 ',Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 4 of 22 to DR. lHLLIAM E. DEUTSCH, presently of 232 Sh~ridan Hoad, Evanston, Illinois 60202, the Pembroke table in my living room. 'FIFTH: ~ A. I give and bequeath all future royalties which may accrue to me on the novel "LAURA" and the stage play "LAURA" to GEOHGE Sl.\LAR, presently of 530 North Fuller Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90036, during his lifetime. Upon his death, or, if he shO':ll not survive me, such royalties are to be given to the AUTHORS LEAGUE FUND, presently located at 234 West 44th Street, New York, New York 10036. B. I give and bequeath all other future royalties which may accrue to me to the AUTHORS LEAGUE - FUND, presently located at 234 \'lest 44th Street, Ne ...' York, New York 10036. SIXTH: I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of the property, real and personal and wheresoever situate, of "'hich I may die seized or ~~possessed' /' or to which I may bo oati Clod et the time of my death, including lapsed legacies hereinafter referred to as my "residuary estate", as follo'''s: A. my gOd-sOn, DANIEL SKLAI~, One-fourth (1/4) thereof to or, if he shOUld not survive me, to -3- A-347 -Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document93-2 my god-son, ZACHARY Filed 06/29f.12 Page 5 of 22 SKL1~. B. One-fourth (1/4) thereof to my god-son, ZACHARY SKLAR, or, of he should not survive me to my god-son, DANIEL SKLAR. C. One-fourth (1/4) thereof to OSCAR BRANN, of, if he should not survive me, to BL~~CHE (O'SHEA) BRANN. D. One-fourth (1/4) thereof to BLAl\CHE (O'SHEA) BRANN, or, if she should not survive me, to OSC.;P. BRANN. SEVENTH: I appoint my friend, KAY KOMINSKY, and my gOd-sollS ,DANIEL SI{LAR and ZACHARY SKLAR, to be the CO-Executors of this my Hill. In the event that any shOUld for any reason fail to qualify or cease to act, the remaining nominated fiduciary or fiduciaries shall serve alone. I direct that no bond or other security shall be required of any Executor hereunder in any jurisdiction, and that no one of them shall be required to render periodic accounts in any court. pO\,ers I All the duties and discretionary and othen;ise, imposed or conferred upon my Executor shall devolve upon his respective successor and successors. EIGHTH: r direct that all inheritance, -4- A-348 Case 1: 11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 6 of 22 estate and other death taxes (including any interest and penalties thereon) imposed by any jurisdic~ion whatsoever by reason of my death upon or with respect to any property includible in my estate for the pruposes of any such taxes, whether such property passes under or outside, or has passed outside, the provisions of this Will shall be paid from my residuary estate and shall not be apportioned among any of the non-residuary beneficiaries cf this Will. NINTH: In addition to any other powers granted by this \'':ill or authorized by law, I11Y Executor shall have the fOllO,-1irig pOl"ers and discretion which shall extend . . to all principal and income held hereunder in any capacity or for any purpose until the final and outright distribution thereof, and which my Executor may exercise in his sole and absolute discretion, without application to or approval by any court: A. To retain and to purchase or othen,ise acquire stoCKS, ,.;hether common or preferred, bonds, obligations, shares or interests in investT:'lent companies or investment trusts, or any other property, real or personal, of whatsoever nature, wheresoever situated, ,vi thout duty to diversify and ,,,hether or not the same may be authorized by la\V for the investment of estates and trust funds. -5.-. A-349 Case 1:11-cv-063S1-HB Documenf93-2 . Filed 06/29/12 Page 7 of 22 B. To deposit funds in the savings department of any bank 1vi thout limit as to duration or amount. C. To sell at public or private sale, exchange, mortgage, lease without statutory or other limitation as to duration, partition, grant options on l alter, improve, demolish buildings or. otherwise deal with any property, real or personal, upon any terms and whether for cash or upon credit. D. To exercise in person or by proxy all voting, conversion, subscription or other right incident to the ownership of any property, including the right to participate in any corporate reorganization, merger or other transaction and to retain any property received thereunder and the right to delegate discretionary power. E. To sell any property at such price as my Executor shall determine. F. claim~; To compromise or arbitrate to prepay or accept prepayment of any debt and to enforce or abstain fro~ enforcing, extend, modify or release any right or claim or to hold any claim after maturity without extension, with or without consideration. G. To execute and deliver deeds or other instruments; with or without covenants, warranties and representations and with or without consideration, in- -6- A-350 Case 1:11-cv-06351-"HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 8 of 22 eluding releases which shall discharge the recipient from the responsibility for property receipted for thereby. H. To abstain from rendering or filing any inventory or periodic account in any court. I. To make division or distribu- tion in cash or in kind or partly in each. J. To employ investment counsel, accountants and other agents and to determine and pay reasonable compensation for their services. K. Generally, to exercise in good f'ai th and 'vi th reasonable care all investment and administrati V8 pOiVers and discretion of an absolute O\mer which may la,,,fully be conferred upon a 'fiduciary. TENTH: Will shall be construed as All references herein to this ~eferring to this Will and any Codicil or Codicils hereto which I may hereafter execute. l,\'henever necessary or appropriate, the use herein of any gender shall be deemed to include the other gC'!1ders and the use therein of ei t,her the singular or the plural shall be deemed to include the other. IN HITNESS hTHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my -7- A-351 ·Case1 :11-cv-06351-HB Document93-2 Filed"06/29f12 Page90f22 name and affixed my seal to this my Last Hill and Testament, this 1\\ C;_~ .. day of I in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Four. ¥ ~€J)o. CaAfO-ty ~I ~ r~~Via ~~".,,) t;"(~h\t" )'To~~ ~rb -8- (L. S. ) A-352 'Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 10 of 22 SIGNED, SEALED, PUBLISHED and DECLARED by the above-named Testatrix, VERA CASPARY GOLDSMITH, as and for her Last Will and Testament in our presence, and we,_ at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, do hereunto sign our names as attesting witnesses and add opposite thereto our respectiy~ place of residence, . all this Q.\~ day Of:rUMA. . 1984. iding atn . ~~ '1':!\~ residing at S-~-!" ti~"" N\11~ ______________________________residing at_______________________________ A-353 C-ase 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/1-2 Page 11 of 22 STATE OF NEvi YOR,K ) ) ss. : COUNTY OF NE1'1 YORK) Each of the undersigned, individually and sevGrally, being duly sworn, deposes and says: The within Will was subscribed in our presence and sight at the end thereof by VERA CASPARY GOLDSl'UTH, the 1-.'i thin . ~\. named testatrlx on the ~ \ at ~~ &t- ~~ ~ day , 1984, ~,y, ~'yl Said testatrix at the time of making such sUbscription declared the instrument. so subscribed to be her Last Will. Each of the undersigned thereupon signed his name as a witness at the end of sai~ Will, at the request of said testatrix and in her presence and sight and in the presence and sight of each other. Said testatrix was, at the tLne of so executing said Will, over the age of eigh~een years, and, in the respective opinions of the undersigned, of sound mind, memory and understanding and not under any restraint or in any respect incompetent to make a Will. A-354 Case 1 :11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 Filed 06/29/12 Page 12 of 22 Said testatrix, in the respective opinions of the undersigned, could read, write and converse in the English language and was suffering from no defect of sight, hearing or speech, or from any other physical or mental impairment which would affect her capacity to make a valid Will. Will was executed as a single, original instrument The and was not executed in counterparts. Each of the undersigned was acquainted with said testatrix at such time, and makes this affidavit at her request. The within Will was shown to the wldersigned at the time th~s affidavit was made, and was examined by each of them as to the signatures of said testatrix and of the undersigned. The fo"regoing instr.ument .tas executec1 by said testatrix and witness by each of the undersigned affiants under the supervision of Robert H. Siegel, an attorney-at-law. ¥~~Gt!~k\n Severally sworn to before me this ~\ ~ day of 1984. 'jV.'wCii Notary Public A-355 Filed 06/29/12 Page 13 of 22 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made the 6 day of Decerrber 1991, by and among the Authors League Fund, a New York Non Profit , with a principal place of business at 234 west 44th Street, New York, New York 10036 (the "Fund"), Daniel Judah Sklar, Zachary Sklar and Judy Sklar Rasminsky (collectively the "Sklars"), Blanche Brann and Oscar Brann, residing at c/o Daniel Judah Sklar, 49 Grove street, New York, New York. R E CIT ALB This Agreement is made premised on the following facts: l. ("C~spary") Vera Caspary Goldsmith, a/k/a Vera Caspary was the author of the novel "Laura" and co-author with George Sklar of the stage play "Laura". 2. All dramatic rights in the novel have merged in the stage play. 3. By testamentary gift from Caspary: a) The Fund owns 100% of the royalties from the novel "Laura", and 50% of the royalties from the stage play "Laura", and 100% of b) ~ royalties accruing to Caspary. Daniel Judah Sklar, Zachary Sklar, Blanche Brann and Oscar Brann, as residuary beneficiaries of the estate of Vera Caspary, own 100% of all copyrights in literary properties created by Caspary other than the stage play "Laura", but not including any royalties deriving therefrom. A-356 Case 1: 11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 a) Filed 06/29/12 Page 15 of 22 The Sklars may engage agents and attorneys to represent the stage play on customary terms and conditions, but the Sklars shall make no charge for their own services in supervising the lease, licensing, exploitation and turning to account of the stage play. b) No grant of rights in the stage play may be conditioned upon the engagement of any particular person in any capacity without the consent of the Fund and none of the Sklars may be engaged in any capacity in connection with any use of the stage play without the consent of the Fund. c) The net proceeds from the lease, licensing, exploitation and turning to account of the stage play, after reasonable attorneys fees and customary agents commissions, shall be divided equally between the Sklars on the one hand and the Fund on the other. d) The Sklars shall maintain accurate books and records of all transactions pertaining to any exercise of the authority herein granted and the Fund shall have the right to examine all such books and records upon reasonable notice. e) Wherever possible, the Sklars shall use their reasonable efforts to obtain for the Fund direct accounting and payment of any monies due it by reason of any disposition of rights in the stage play made hereunder, but. the Sklars make no representation or warranty that the same can or will be accomplished. -)- A-357 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 c) Filed 06/29/12 Page 14 of 22 Daniel Judah Sklar, Zachary Sklar, Blanche Brann and Oscar Brann, as residuary beneficiaries of the estate of Vera Caspary, own 50% of the copyright in the stage play HLaura H, but not including any royalties deriving therefrom. 4. By testamentary gift from Ge~rge Skl5E' Daniel Sklar, zachary Sklar and Judy Sklar Rasminsky own 50% of the copyright in the stage play wLaura w and 50% of the royalties deriving therefrom. ,... AGREEMENT In consideration of the premises and for good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1) Daniel Judah Sklar, Zachary Sklar, Blanche Brann and Oscar Brann, without warranty or recourse, assign to the Fund the copyrights referred to in Recital No. 3(b) above. 2) The Fund hereby agrees that the Sklars are the exclusive agent for, and shall exercise sole control over decisions regarding, the lease, license, exploitation and turning to account of all of its rights jn the stage play HLaura H throughout the world for the full term of copyright therein and any renewal thereof. The said agency is coupled with an interest and is irrevocable, but is subject to the following: -2- A-358 Case 1:11-cv-06351-HB Document 93-2 3. Filed 06/29/12 Page 16 of 22 Each party hereto forever releases and discharges every other party hereto from all actions, suits and claims whatsoever arising out of any party's action or omission to act in respect of any of the copyrights referred to herein. 4. All notices which either party may desire to give to the other shall be in writing, addressed to that address for the intended recipient set forth above or such other address as either party may, from time to time, fix for himself by notice in writing. 5. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, licensees, successors and assigns, and shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the state of New York applicable to contracts made and wholly to be performed therein. Jurisdiction over any controversy or claim arising under this instrument, its construction, enforcement or breach shall be exclusively vested in the courts of the state of New York. Service in any action or proceeding may be made by registered mail addressed as set forth for notices pursuant to paragraph 4 above. Service by registered mail shall be deemed to be personal service, with the same force and effect as if personally delivered to the recipient in the State of New York. -4-

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