The Authors Guild v. Google, Inc.

Filing 44

JOINT APPENDIX, volume 4 of 6, (pp. 901-1200), on behalf of Appellant Jim Bouton, Joseph Goulden, Betty Miles and The Authors Guild, FILED. Service date 04/07/2014 by CM/ECF.[1196263] [13-4829]

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A-1051 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 10 of 32 From inside the book 'P i ' 88 "geo =lc';'9 ~.yo ;r th ", book """" "'.... , oho,p and hr ..... ", .. Ide! . "" o! g"l" - H<', 8'" ...... , ..... . . A ,~ . . . '~in ; _ _ " ." ~ .n h;_ , .... . . . . '" ,bo., ~ ..... ,. Pog,106 tho ~ k.o!"<'. ~ .... li!tIo !Col Iho\IId. II .... w.ry . .. oJ !hoy PYt o""O'l<d !C.poui~ili.,.. 10 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il). lei ..... vV""~ ",, - ~ ~ IItlp d .b mIQn!~ "J .. ok" ;Aa and .m>.>!lI ...... L&1k: pNbkOlll bcfol': Ih<:J Pag,HO ~ U"J ....... , ..... w'!;:w .. .. , ~"''' uo ...... 1 d",,·, tIWo~ it·, f<l' '" """'F"'" "'" riY" away ~ I"l" iiI:< t<:H",. Woool, F ..... ' and W;u,..... Th.~· .. 'Of pila......d I Ib iD ~ [ """:11 be oJ:owt<I 10 lie onI)I lliJ Of eWR In:1liocrt for I "._1,;0 HIOC '~ 0' .... "<cu. Arkr 1Ilf. tLc o..Ua- Jll'J'I ba• • ~aII "I'" I~. _ ......... A-1052 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 11 of 32 From inside the book 81 P"9" m. tching osk. d i, iei , boo. m.: IOilb llill one) .... >I~I irl I'boenl. alMl I ...,.,1 join tIIcm "'_til :hey .".,. l1UCD<.. Tb<} ~'1'1" T..... a", ~ '" I <Oilc<lllolo 100', Ill< n .... a&d ookod i!" .... ad.d to _ .... .. . ...... , riJht '''''Y ""d "" soHi 1M>, "" p!anlCd 10 u!c "'" ... ute! """ 11m I rnlfbt 1.1 .... - I.iI N f.,,- ~"".... 1\"1 I... "" . Le,-. ... e-'. Pay, 234 ( ..kod him .......1 .. ""'"'" b1 tha~ " ...... ~ ., _ _ _ ';' ~M ,• • _ , ••• ~ • • " n~ _ .. ... ,_. .. [ doII't Dew ... hJ <'- ryooe I. uy.:d." Il "bendcr IoICT. "[ e tlIru l ~1 it .... . ··v..... to "~g.. ~ q............ bOI JI....lcd I~ ' Manlllll <aid. ··So 1Oe"r< o.U lIJ ppoood y"" .~""Id h. ....... <~ ~. Gen<. n.:. ""'...,..... S"' ... A-1053 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 12 of 32 From inside the book b ~ lclut [ S .ad gaiJty ..all -, • P""CA !rmo<%n n ..... .. 110.1 h,ppo...J .."""d .... Y..,kM, _ . WMn l ollnoy ""_ ..,.. ... nlfCO' ud 100;', allUd of ex 1>aU'lob. the!c "II • aior)' ID th: 1'"1'<' ~OOIio', ... plo,... ... N,,"IIliI>o Kun<: ifni I bod "' ..... " •• th .. be _ hudiioS :h< club f<i"rly. tb! _ of Ihc """"",00.1 1>lI>C,"= '1IJIlUI J<"<" . , """, ......... ,., ooy, n..~_.1ot 01 5"'''''"'8 . b""" Ihc Jqlltlllp DIll ","",. .i&t.t hom •. ",'. """. ,<_ ...., will afle, "'" P"'" ..... and ""'_ .. 1>o .... _ lIIf,i..·...f ...111' II ClIk., 1/ .... hod 0 .h..... ~i£h' .... oouId hove in to Saonk ......... ~ve.. ~ln) in..."" M fc,,""'hirly no. b.!ld.h . . ..... ~ <w<. """, ''''' ......:to m<YWV ......... nM' ""teo .............," ......... , .. _ ,ho, .,,. ,'n •• boO,lub I con'! _1 T i".t WI'! $tt ... tIalItl. They lui do.1"! oecm to Ita"" the ""pili. y"" ... OW ""th« dub I ..... '\ """ 0. .... body I;".... ..!>en 1>0 ,010: · 'roo kn<J'O" A-1054 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 13 of 32 From in5ide the book I bej lp a rk Searoh P'g,82 -- -- - -- -- -- r -,--- --.- . . ... onJ II.. ;. on. ~f ,n. ....!;.E p''''',;,;,.... MW~.n I &<' ~<>ftI I'm piftg to bnd' ,"y .-.It! 1.<1)1"< ")~"'''''' ~ A: .... "'y, CIt boll If>." b R>y O)ler.>C1 .. y. "Roy, ..h.n)Oll com. 10 lhe \>Illp.. k lomorrow w,II}'w brin ~ ROY _"'1 1 Ion ,k .. unokr }.,.., 10<4," Some,,*- I'a u'l P" \hi< 1<iI1<1 of "o."<1'tO~~n: ---~ P'g' 100 -, ~' .... . , ',.,.,..,." And I 've kllO\"l1 IWlplllyon ..:.0 II'IOu~1 ~ w .. gut f ... 10 nn 00 • I' PC'J'«Or<lc, cl>o kJ ... .... _rc .,.lil>~ ~ "";,h 10.. " ~~ .nd pl. y • "" ,bo boo '" the b. ll p,d ,he ..,,,' d. y. ok, ",do, ' ..... R . . . ... _ " . .. _ . _ .~ " ,~~ _ _ : . . .... , _ ""'ir '-, » ,_v •• 01 M 100 don', )'tI1I hue 10 suy i:I ClIc !>arracu and lhI:y )'IdI",,' il ,"" """'. at ,. ;'1.01£1'''" I.. ..;..c, "f Y"" ~"".( ."k ;, in. )"" hlY!: I" povnd ....... d""" • • d "",,'. ell< .... y ....r catch ),>"." A-1055 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 14 of 32 From inside the book [ J'~roh II PlcO notchrg ball play<r i" th;o book Poge ,ii to "" • • 'g-\e>t;"O """P")"" ..,,, .... "llin. 1 tni<>),.lIe fa ... DI ~i: ~ J <hi, .. .." ,. S" • .,.,~ ~. "'p a bil"ic.p: b.JlplOju. I !lO1 a trcmeo_ cIw. U:1 OIl' cI ~Ik "'"nlL" my ntognpll. I. I, ,,, • • 1<Cl h"n If I 50 OD"'pl_ ....... 1 ,~ .. ~ 1 .h>old be: «<og.u:d •• d 00 one: • •b rae: fn1";, 1 ""inY <iv'ng t . . . . .otl jIM:IIg fn. ~"''' ..... oo.j ".~""~"8 r-e- ---_. - . - -~-. --~ ,- . ~- ----,- &ad I.... beud..,... 0/ !ho people CIU)' lnd UIl~ -- ~ - Oft -- -- .,- ---- .._- !ho y..,t •• uy,.,."" H.d 01 .r.d I ..... 1<Ik!. 'Y"" r;ot .uc( with one Ihtre: 11"1 I ,dl thorm,·AI fll! .. I·", =",mru. If hi: " .......... b"n([mI pcr=! o. n .. field, I·m """S t~ .... him. •.., p.I£io! .lm , trictly ... a ba:1_ pIIycr: y". beat 0'1 kind< 01 "''''e> Ibrnug). tho UIfi" ..... 1lO"J1Do .. . _ . Poge 2tQ p'.,...-. . ...... 'oo,JS" oJ><" .......... w . .. rowa '>lev< ,.."" .""'., INri tan 1 _'11M•• it wo.l<I be • JOOCIIOu to """" ."J~ .. c . ~ Nu .;:1> ...... S<> be .. <><>I 00J' tbct< ri,llo! "'<> ,_.... 01 ..!iLotlDo. r... """ .... ms baiJpme, .. b>::~ w. eventual), 100. . . y_ way_ -M1 WI! ~.! A-1056 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 15 of 32 From inside th e book :05 pageo mct eh nJ ..... ' b, tlill~ .~ • •- n this beO( & ~~ - ~ Quo • bi~ "~y <c"" .. "",. Ten .,in·,1C> 01 b."in6 practkoo. I think 111 ,.. oho Jo~"ny h",.. (10.,.," ..... \:eo pitel.,.) II>eorJ 01 b, uir., p""'tIc:o., th:s 111." 'Y)tlll i"'I&-," )I<Iij·re ill . " me ... :I )'Ou """'" Jocr pide>. .. ~""~ ~" H", d ... hiru od". ,hro ... >li<lcJ: .. ,he "",k.. Tho ~ t.•", it. Ou, i , hokood lobaov ' . .... ",ole tho 10,",. hi''''', ,........J ..... ~ .. , 01n~ ... 111 ~1' ~,- ""'I>"" ~ ~ .~ ~ 6'"' _ ... _ U_. K '0 ..,,,,,,body .1... 1\ lOt of pl&ycn d<)n·l b,,- 1M probklU we cLo bOClUS< lIIt~ l:a .... c tho .. famlli<o at ~c= mol Uvc;" hotel>. noO'" 10, ..,~ 01" , .... r<aJO:u. Th<y.~ j"'" .. ,l1i'8 «II. .od "",,,', ",.to ._3h """"V Or Ici<k "'" CIId ...... ' 11 t:> bO ill scboc:l Old tboy ~' g c doll·, ,"'it 'lilli' ~ lake !bem wL 153 f,."'".... ~:......... """ 01" Ik C""" i> ko '"!; .. iH. lIoo: '1';-''''''. Wi([, "'" ...... k... ill ,_'" ,~b l\ao .r...odJ ""'" _ 12. On tho ot~« haf!d, I 1> . ... h:ld ....,. .. ur&<li<llU. ODe of lhe: ,_." ,,1 II I plittbli L'" pitdtill, I\alI b-.,~ "•., "'ams durill~ ':II'li.&r; pr'''iooc, Mol> Ilic: 1(J[Ol.!:r; I«UII b'Wll ,~ d:vp 5OJ;"'" 1ho '~'y. 1"", ...... iblo kin« ill b.nlr_ ~ poo<ibly t: A-1057 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 16 of 32 From inside thE book [ S""'L!i ". ",~ J 10 p,g oo m,tding owing in th .. book 10 Cd abc,.! hI ='"~_ wi:h Koue. H. oai<1 chey'd CO like this: .. /I .... 40 )0"' kp fa:1 'oo:!oy, Mi,l7" "No< "'" gocd" "'{< .. tut ~owd J thor 10:<11" "It bo"" .. boo I run, ~~'7'"'~ ~,~ m. ";.h' Me .. pocioUy, ! _ , I"c!","", ~ ,.~~_ ~ ClID~ ~ v~ " ........... il ~ ." '~.'" D . . . . . . . ."",dillg 10 the zalddl, 01 d>< dllbbc"", ralb! • hlltlng 01 ..... ";'b r... b. t .., hill hudI, "'iciralir.11I>e pitc~ , .!rid"'1 into ~, .bed,,,,, Ilis 1Wi lI"d !k3 back """ doIDC it U 0,,"' " D':II, II ... mi<>,Ud "'. of a ~y po, """ hlo _ i'" btfon • fiaol ....... , tno;vD. all lilt Ii... ~ ....... \ 1<Ilo" ,""v r.IOd. If """ don't b.\C P. • "" "P" "; ~h! , 00CIl ID UJ< _ I. doan', h..... ... lDlIlp.. , """'" " ' . . , ........... " .. . . ' ~.pdop , ..... e ...... «1 • run ;. the ";"11, "tt;o:h D>e.on< "" t.d i_t <nou/1> "'.. 10 hoe " '1, I lhi.. 1"" " .' in . r _ _ And .,.'", in 'flh rll.,., Nnlvw"l. ,.1 ....... " h . ....... , .... "'h"h A-1058 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 17 of 32 From in5ide the book [ S.~rch t l. fa r; 12 P'[O'> rrotrn n J bl~f", y in thi. bock ..... TheR:"'. play ~ it L~ yearnlly"S gan: IIlaI """,1<I1Ia........ n r"nny "'1'0.0", .., bM. 10'< _n: 1<0<1"', 2-1 ., "'" ""'" ."d J;"'..y 10')".\ on oocond. Wi,b """ ""t IIld.')' hill . cleoft dOAI. t~ ri~. cr.uln M ..... WplQ-Geep! 11Ilt wynft roondl IIIn. 1"'" h.llIny I>ome. ,." ,oal ..... ~ .... be ho>n't tooo:bc<! :tOr;l. So bKk ho: ~ '-> it.,d Cun Bldor)' •• bi&. ""'R-~. physical II1II'. H. lita to sli P people en tile Net.oo hl f\1. JIb )'OIl In die rb. }oo. IMl blac k u.d oqo;e,,,,, ~I"" . He abe lika It> <bats: R~bc .. , 00< ,..:.oy-fiv<..y<.....:d chI>- A-1059 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 18 of 32 From inside the book [ 3 .arcr -- ----'-r-·---r- -- _. ---, ----- -0-- nf tho .... nto= .. ~. . . ""'. H ~ ..... j .. t U<llh<r i,dn, h-.d .... ,"u :on ..., boca"", ,"Q . . .....yo 01.1 wkll Mic:kC)' MlJIlI( ...., !he: ~ys. n.: driaki<& ponyiD!. FI. yiac CMIb. En" OK!' io ....!>iIe. j .... to co""oa< his im'F, be'd tm .. k"""", 1-'1")..0 • ~""",I ,.,d tht .... @" .. , JoI1nJ1T IUudw!l. ..... one 0/ !be O<l\':l, 1'., lIy",,'" Iwd l<l "" one 0/ !he: b(lys 1'.. . ~~ lill<lt_ inS '" WII""J ,n.>O. NJd enjoy"', iL Tb< bo<k of Ibc bw ;. tbe ",.1 him ~ '"8 _ Of 000Il ... . nd he I"" the., OUt 00 the "ble b<lot. <X>Otl:'.- L'IC prnc. -Let', ret 10 11tt:se lac Sclull2 'aid, ca,'" ll! L,O ....Y /""" ",,"lhem llliI>oio," Silt;', . 1 "' •. lob:e . , , .. tHo ...... _ ~f .... Y"<"8 dtb~ou", t:oys. lDd "" ..... nad.rlt • hirtHolKd ~ boolL Joe pot .... O'o'e. L '. ~ .. " _0 .• __ ~• . __ • ~._ . _" . .... n . .... _ _. .. , . •. _ . . L ~. A-1060 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 19 of 32 From inside thE book [ S e ctrd 70 FOl" notchrg ",,11,d in th, boo. roge 12J -- - --, --- .- -~ -- --- - --, _._.._-_ .- PI wha 0""","" aod <Ioooc<! 0 _1dIl! *""""" . .. "".. d>.yo. M 7"... We ru.e ... "" the ""'""1 no. d n-" s.,.~10 ....... ,J .,d will deposit ;1 in VaJlWUTC" CIpllnIIod<:. W~· .. "a¥ln~ • fl;w doI.Ian .., .t.~ S.oule OO>OU:It in~ ... I set called .p Ia><r thil , ......... ,. I ""'old ..y MN" I ~ a!J<d up "<I "",'.. Pa~e 204 ~Q'''' . ~ u •• ~ .d'.... 1uu U, "' ... , ..... . ,..,....... ~ u"' "' ..... ' ''' r l ,~", ~ . ~ H. ",,,,,1 roi"g 10 let ~ 01\ ""tl\Qul 1O..c k l .~ 01 1c:C1 .... , howev«. Aboo;, a wte, or ....ra j'd be"" up fOf .. kat .«""d n o *" ""', ond ~ .. lIl 1"" "'1 ioob,' .,.., on<! • • , .w..... "'eri.ute.. ""_.'"'& "m', .~ "'-" .. " ,...... . -<ot .... ~ I ;. ..... , ""' ..... -It .................. ,, ~ "C.ffcw:· lit< saki. "TWc lvo:-o·okl<lu;url,w.- W"",, t '1I 1 ,d." sot "P 10 . . JOOOI No .... Millo-. PkI. "n..y a.ll.d. ,Ime'"' - WIU.' "W.U, they ","10<1 .t clewn." they A-1061 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 20 of 32 From inside the book o~.,u.. ~ "'" ."",k IIbJe. and ~.'J'" "" ...... n 1931. "'.", "" ""s.n 'G play [or 11M: Ylllkce •• .wI 19b11. wtlcn lie loll .. I cc""h. he h>Cl pulkd ok..," 10m< 21 WorlJ Soria .hor<.;" KId;,,,,,, 00 hI> <au;dcnblc ..... ".. Ad no .... to... oolic<.l him 'p<ndills "<y .. uch d i~ b a~di~ SWli:I . 111 ... lflV. I\< .Itc""---"",' ib:v t30ub looJisIw:ss. o>ore lik<lv Poge .7 "'~" • ".m 1.. 1 "" ... , ,hen you ""' ...... <1"0·..."'1\ apJn.- R:al 1ng I bd1<,c D,_ Goo.~_"' ..... '.looll} oI!•• ded "he. ~ ..... mo 10 lIim . .i,' "n inj.<y. Yn" ...'" ;"'''''''"8 .,.. hi< oi..... I'... ...'" "','" ""'" • 101 <If g.l}"$ wbo <I""" ""'" ' ~ •• 'A ,.k , h .. '0 till ~ •• , ~ ,. b'n wiL\ Ill]"... b<c ..... Iht}' '''''w , ~'" ...... ey M o" ' " AM ""0.;,,,. PagE JJ ~ mad. \he """" Ie 5y:1IClISO • CIIlIpJ. 01 times ud <bon to SoOUlc ..., _ 10 V aD<W>C< ......... "'" & "",..>b<, ~f. "'" • •• , uclUJi .. d.b. tJo bd... d ba....da of b_belI ..., tIi.e bigos. C'I!O!'otaen of tblll.$. 1'011 OItia:. ItIn'rlIllir.lI"""""* di:pwlmel\, J'", aft Iollen ohuin& "oJ" for .. oo ..... year> CV<D. 500ctiln<> you ..1ll iIuo • <lit.. ~ - -_. .. .. -_..._.- ---- -_. _- A-1062 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 21 of 32 From ilside the book [ Searct1 :O ~C 1 rog e 18 0.:1 L '>rn It. lho ""kId. ""i", it in tho",. haby_~ "Cb.d II in 1hI:n:." ADd the WtJrd for d.... 10 r.... 01-..01"" Yo~ don', ""' it .. m""" durir.!j "'" ...... bee> .... ooI:>cHly's Del'o'OCll ""d DObody .'" to imJ'I"M • OOlaOb ",II<> thioIr, you'", Lau of ~dl., "1:""" ''C""", ,,,,,y." oh«kl~!i ,1\0 "tid: .. ~ ...."d i>te>u,", .......... l'B~. \I'h<ft ho bog,n ,,, Yant"", • • oo l~t\II, "'~tn hi: kf' IS a coKh. he bid ~u : kd pll) lor tk "" ..'n i\, d IDGO .1>0"" in ..wit"", '" hi> a>Dido:..b1c 001,,),. OOliml ,Un 'I"'"din!j ..,ry """,h 01 it, !~ ~di!''' ' tillV, he eIt:< .. d DMtibJ. UtnMIPtl !ooIi1h:11:sL ~ lilzlv ~ ~ World Sera flO .... ~ •• .WIiII. "'..., P'g o 106 Plu.a U1 • coac!t ~r SchU, iol Alllau .. bctt it _ lIill • yvu &'" Lu be. ""ltd io mj;"''''k''!l'''' oJ'l, wJ 1haI... """ uI the .....1' A-1063 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 From in s id~ Filed 08/26/13 Page 22 of 32 thE beok [ 3earcr GO p' g" In.tohing leol in th;, boo, Pog.4C oWoo' hi> oot, .. "..,.;,,;,c,. "ill. K.....,. tio ..i<l u..,y'!J S" 1•• .. H .... do )",u,!ell' ~I ,odoy. Mi:lr '" ",A ~,i>: " NOlI"" £00II." .,'{<o. but I", .. ~ o tb<yl<d?n .. It 10"", "'..., I rua, u.. right <10< ...,!, I CIllI~ wido .., it ~ . 1.. 1b.~ _ _ kKi.;t- r., IDre lbty bclie'o.. !blt i~ you lool: W<: )'<HJ Iod bad , t:<> .. lo•.b& ,I" , I'''''''' L'K t)1J< 10'1...... ,,1> (U ,",", Su )O~ FP 1Oloo! willt .... limlo !lme . ""d ,hey pl.)'ed ,•.is , .... nol ~u<I ... i'~ tho Y~d< .. ... h<n I td 'ho~ 1001 "0'1 Gnot . . . ",h:!. Ph ~ Unr.. Joe PerilOOC " ICII WOUI~ ~ , .tout so:n:thln~ •mer. I""ID~ ~IDC.,,:I we __ __ _ _ _ _ _u ___ Pogo Its ~ w..:_ ........, . " """. """ .....It' ....... , ............ - - - - .. ODd OurJl I . .., <:05<, ,bi> nt"'iG"b. WlI> ",mal by do: d£hl ,,' M,D.n..1 or Iloe y"",-,. Altbw&b j',., • . - - "'_, ' im, I ~I I tt ..... biOI fUlly """I l-6::. u"" or thir ..,..01"11,, lor: ","<1& out In",r S.)l<r<rn, TJ:>K •• allcd " r ~ chlng lor the 1.1 .",,," Our: or thr: r.,. I ..... Lind, m- h;..-->nd 011 rloo nI .... "'...,,;.. ""-"'_ """ • """'d .... Io.r_ A-1064 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 23 of 32 From inside the book Se ~tch P'9' 1~ you .... 01\ lIIe ~..,. ""'P>'. II """'" 111"" been my bud.. lb:~ ! , ..,., do my job." ! >pM "';1> Ioi.>. 10 I wen' 0..., ... Eddlo O'B ..... HId ,.id. "Edt:!ie. 014 p.lI. IIol> abou' yeu putlin, "" • cwk aDd <Whine roe"/" "It', "'" "'1 pi> .......... "F pitchc ... • E&(;. uOd.. Peg' J:e ".,.. n8'" ,n "" .. ,n, . ...."" ")~ ",... : J ...... I tlH:ugh' he .... p~ &, .... n,."!,,. '''' F' "'" ~ .."". ... lor my uwvoph:· "II"" During Iht !, m~ • 1J"f do." _ tho .Wldt ,~ tile ~u&OUl .. d ..1d ' 0 Mike M<nhall, "Hey, 10 Mile ".,.bollio :be ..."",[1 1".- ................ "',... p'Y' 232 ''''.Y '.... <>InC. 1 ",,"""ft, ... t>o><n..u 0""'. ,,-,...pte. Joe got .,'" • 'ellltlC plot< .bouI • c.... tecI • ...;" 000 "t.eD i ' ,"u ~V('>«l ~.." '0 lilt: CuCO"-, SliJI . ",1 bela.: 14cppinS inl~ "'" d.!",,~ , ...... g. . Joe ' pie;l a blonde .i"i., in '"" ~n' milo' ,"",~i.rl ••• ~ ""H iy •. bl_ie. Hoot', Y"'".iol en ~ . n um?;"" ., heme u.., ",",to,;", ,.....,.tnr· A-1065 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 24 of 32 From inside the book [ 3 .arch 29 pages ma,ch "i j,,"ny in Ih s bJek Pa~e 34 _ " ' « ,,I Y"'" .... .,Jon" ........ '0 " ... ~ in I>io ""'y. wou'd)VOT Fri, ~ .. ", he """,1d.1· ~ '" lhey plL I"im in w~h Dooley Wo .. a,k. yovn~ pitel., •. It, w .. 'hm: mo"')' ' ..... " II';r U.. " I, """1 thou~L I ...... b . d .. ft" • ..,. "" fri". "Tho Y....... ~ad 50me funn y i<!cas . bo.1I ~ ;.tll>c:nct. WIIaL I did !>ad ..... {.fk: to Page 117 ef._ . . . So I ~ pormWlorl ., ill .... ....,u "'" owkII tho PUou. I f£k .. nibLJ I . .... th.>, ~"" 1")'1 .1", fd, fIInny .!>out I1C bcillJ !be",. They hool " - f.n.y 1001:1 00 {he,.IlCU, 1tI(I I folt 1 •• ~ ..... ao.J """,,""rue.tlc dioo .... «I Dri';"!! OV<'I" (o u.. T"' t~ r . . o. _ _ O. _ . L _ ._.o~ . ''''''¥' ......, ",10, J """,)d D)' k> them , L __ , __ L _ ' __ • _ _ _ _ • • _~M f t .• • P'go 2:/ . - . _. -~. -, - '- . _' .. "'" 10 <10 ,b.>I, I ... ink ~ ..... . pta>lk, llhiol; ;I ..... '.....,. ........ J tried 10 pick ap Ibc oboe, Wi ...... nllcd dawu. I think it uppowi to t.: r"".,. [dtW. . BeO:I«. I <1Il otjJ _at tb: ,1001-*0 b>g .. ~ donn~ nis. A-1066 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 25 of 32 From inside thE book [ 3ectrcl Pog e 5~ - --"..- - -- --- ..., .- .-. ---........ -.._-- ---- - -_ .- to." "" )'Ou b..·• .., .0 ... ......, • . WdJ. ~1inc~ ........ IaIkuIt . tIolll ~ia! ID <u: . JO.'WlY CMll ' how. 1 1m_pc "I.." be l..Ilu .boul I<>!maJ e ..h II'" lit.; Lbe tkgro p.' my'" tall;'! . bo." 1..-. ENWIl. Locs of lim .. in .... C:ub ~ou", Y<lull h'''' • mdin 0" ud ''''TV ~nc:t in . ... ' ile it fI:U ,";IObed bock an~ Poge ICG "",., pUl 10 oooce lnI tllinllh.. r., .... IJIl'I tile ttallld , hl:1rn:1 "';th tho "" ..... "" ;,. AM .".,; .... 01-. ......... . '" "" .... tho 1<1<.....,..... P,"<,2,,4 Goln!I to D""cyland.. I rem,mbeml JDin!! '0 lbe Wurkl·. f . i, ill No ... Yorl. fe w )'Con b«k. P,;,;ng 0." of 010 .... li'llo to"' _ , Ih;... ..... D.... , Rh"""'. 'h ~ "', .. h ~ I. 19~ hVp<d win. pt..... 1 and a Work! Soltes p1l ch·hI"I_, loY. ,/Ie Oluu. Our;'Y IlIKxk>. u", 0.>1 "'>' 1><,.,.... _ in~ tI1nl 01 ...... i/o,,,, .. d.hirog. !nos_ 1 _.-.I ...". ,d A-1067 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 26 of 32 From inside the book L3e~rGh 57 pageo mctc r; "3 9'" 0'" in th", book P'go 20 ia :C~11io1d Who" 1h< gtJX ... os cw" I "a1lc:rl bK k "ID ,...,"""" an4 Ille", ...os a p,uh of whl ... ,.wet. from the door 10 "'f 1OC:~.r, m ~ "I ,1M: I"Y' """< .... ~;"S 'fIer::. ond j ..... 1 op:n<d"" <IGor MI : k<y ..." r..",lot ,I>., 1",( It>w<I _ And I I" fiI"'" 1'1 "f'." for"" ~im 10, ,haL woo', !<XJC,tIle llme-1962, I 1\0<" ;1 'II'H-irI llamas MARCH P ' g. 20 7 "QU" 1'1 1<It.. ._, ""'"' I uOd.· £ ~". 1...oJ.. "0"1)0 I .. "", "1'1 uillk .b,,,t it.. ""tli&IUlj ..... J"" 1i"1' tu !hilll "My "bole life "''''"... A-1068 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 27 of 32 From incide the book To paqos mmh n1 h .lPpe ll. d i1 ttl s boo, Pag' C7 .-. ~~. r-: .. ""'t'. be. II O'Jl ~ ~ ~ .. ..... . ... ..... "",..." .~ •• .., ...... "'Y ..... ~" I bUnilIKI'. <U<lly ...... ltappoocd. Ph~ SO' 11K: ~il r~ r \ .. .300 .. <ra~ O !P' ,he "'''''Ff '" ,~ ~. "im ",,! d M ,,",onS boo... f"",vcr tha, f hil LIn>. M, .300. !IIe ....... N_ it'. i" ! .. TIw... ~ "'... h . .......... ..;.h T~v n...... ... _. ~"" " . ,'1'1 CD IX S»<1iIIa «:1<>« "'" pm:>. un ><> "''''__ ~~ I>< • •will] juu¥ "l~ hoppy tII;.!!" ...... n """ of our &")11 8I'b • h~. In I..". ....,,,,,d ltd tile ~m II"" lie )Jm;m up ud u ...... <"",,rID, I Iootal atOIIad 10 II:K1 "," .. ~ .. I»d ~,.pl"'0.d, " II Il-.a, ""PP'''"'' .... .... EO' .-.." 01\0 ol tiIboIJl IWmty bib. I.,.,n lie ""","1 be tJIImb1 il, abru, hi """ !o ». __ .....__ u_, _____ ... u_. __ n•... . _ ,_ .,-. "'-.0 _ h • • < '0 ",9 'he Ao"", ,,.,, l"m . 1ill k .... io! II>< piL<; ~ .m! tlKy1l hioYC to bo p,tico, ... d MI upeet ... y mi.-cl••. lAnI. """,Id.·, il be • .,1uI ~ I f;OtiIdn', J<1 n.: r.d of It1If i! happcr><d io S<211l!. nokldy MMJId ""lb:. But 110,,< ..... whok oounll'J' io "'a",nio, . penn .." nc< • ....J 1m ;, it. ",d 'U!ICI<lSO I can', ,,;!do? I I0OI< a Ti_ ""d ..."t . ,,,,,ed '" A-1069 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 28 of 32 From inside the book . . be 414r: ' UlSot 00, til .. oil w r pilchen hue ount>m ill thO xr. IWld 40' •. Ik .. 0;1 I'd h,,,,, ' G tIlk '" a;.:,-,,- <J< .,....p Il. "" W,lker il l ..... 1<11 '" <lu •.t' It.. ",1<. l 1 wu""", u..y wwld:I'l """I 10 be t>ool>ertd wit), """"1lb>A so , .. oll, ItId lie Slid, ' "011. j"Oti'd be .~d.n P,9C 3X ··Ob . of c:ounc. Harry Walk •. 1'0 doubl ti>ool il. HIrTY Wal'.r illhc rca>OA f ..... K ""001> 0/ ,I... .. ." .- H."" .......... mo • • h,;'. " Uk "" • •" I ..i<I. "J"" b,,,ao"" .-..-booll· ;>Oil ......nIIe, "" • ft I k.,~ '" 1"'V i •."' :III. wo.nd up caQ;'" 'he: man.go' lft<I be "1.1, 10l. J _14 ~O\.• IG 1"'J ""'1 "'.• <loll., po. obi",.., I .. '""~, ~...:k 10<1 . ""H. Now if r""'" " f l"'I""""" <1_.', .... ""'I)'u.I ~ did ,h . t. •.., ...i,V """-lId add " p 10 .. i ll .,"" M ~I ""'. I tell A-1070 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 29 of 32 From inside the book [ Search 2J poee, rnatc~inc heq" " n t~is boo, P'geH A "", .. lion obouI Joe: SC.'I~ I I>:. Mil< I k"", hiu 1>«. hilln~ IKU 0"' or ,110 boJI •• d " "' .. poi"' " 10 1110: 50. "1< P.OlI .. h: Ml<k'l Ma"\Jo ..... 10 tb( YlAl<c!.. To;Iay bo ... u ~ iI "" Ill< ltm 11)" !lIlblll . 00 ",bo n Sa: II"" '" hi.... ond KKl. "Whc ",'d )"l" ~, it, <:fl the d~ . .. - HO!IIIII, .. Mike H.op.o !III bcea hittinllik< P' go . .. . ... rwy. H< ...",. Iblllmm 1~ 1..-,_. Man,k poin:oJ i, ~ul 10 oil do< Link hi"""""'" UJd eoike' ph)'tfl "m ""'" "a1ch.. £. tan ,o:n,,",,,,, I doubl II. So I'll do lit..,,,, I, .. arwd " , .. nfl' Iftnlnl "bon J<lO ~P>"" " .. Ike<l To ....! tl ••1"", k","~ oft" • .,., fG"f-tIn''''' " ,....... H<r" _ the ..... t>a..., •• Doll ..<. 0, ball 1'<1<>. .... y ~"'r He,...,', he.d. Harper trie, 10 Ileal teCOII~ BIld A-1071 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 30 of 32 From inside the book hell [ So a d MARCH 91 Poge 87 -_.._.. '-"-' _ ..- --- ......... .....-.. - ..... _. --- 10m ,..b. w .. «>:ni"S by 011...." Mm ~.a:f the _ ). RoiJiM: "I d~\ ..... ' .., d~ it It lim. I .ai:I I didn', lIU"~ ~ ,.... r~t , b.1t t/Iq' IIk1Ix:D. j( wu corm.oo px:ice, otd lhe~ I "" J I .. 0"\ d ",bo<>I..,d dJd.,' ~ ~ donon ohiaS' So I I<>ll K_ ..,. I no<<k4 .MII"" .....". n)n .M Ix:'~ "" $1 ~O if Ix: tnloi "'" w~ ., wu """ i... ,Iu, PagE 337 -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - - - -- --- - -- - --- ,----- - "'ltD v---- - N"" 1", dOla', .... . , ,~hu<k ,he bILl anI""'" Ix: t.-l '~. I"" for 1M"1I d it, I , ... hlm Iho Up or'" • fow riICh.. I...., I ",. nted ,~ ICC if ... ·d sin ko "'" <rIf .pion. H. dirt A-1072 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 31 of 32 From inside the book [ 3e~rch h ouk Pag,7 ",.do nJn per SO"'., _ ill on. I -..t .be inDinp ... i,oo.t biL AI llie mil or .pmt lrainin~ _ """"I'"!"" t"Y .okj to Hw', -Wow. dill,,', 1kNI"" h, y, • r;rtU Ipfi'g!- ud Hwl " Y"" ~', I;<> by 1~" _ H ........!" h •• pd spri." ," (The .pring before I .... 1_3 IOd hilt! • !.I 0 ElI.A.l III .... <mO gi~ up a • "'''' I... iog lila< A • _ . , _ V"', t. .. "" , ~ 011 """ "'" uobbc<l <ach ~11><, aM _ ~ mof'l. 0110: ..... H~ , , , .... 111:_ tri.:<! I<> 1hfOW me oil b.aloo1.o....t I lrial 10 wn:sdc ~ Im _0 ""II 111 L'Ic tim< we ...... to:ldln~ ncb """' •. " 11ow·. y<KJ ' ,,1107" I M id. "Gi ... "'" • rlOk. I"'",h to .... ribo." "~'~ tn..~ I>< said. "You",,", """"" me in tbo wmuch. Not A-1073 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-3 Filed 08/26/13 Page 32 of 32 From inside the book [ Se a ch GJ "SI'" ".toiling khl ~ i,- th;, boof< rog.23 - - .. oc= of fll 00 lim, l.tkir" calis:b:l ia n"'i"~ 11 be.. ; iumyi'!'j..:l;. ""01",,<,, " xl o'o')l.,iII& Ano'hc:r ,hill, "" doe. " g<I " ~ 0"C') ",om." . o "", "rtr' fiyo;<nd lOOk• • 10.1:. ;m:-bmoU.. moll. WlIr>I h. w;)s with ~'lr: Ylnk .... btady li1ll< e)M !hiDillt. _ with • • ... 111.1> . rd r."cr 0Jt0;C iJl ...bk l",'d 'W\;"", 00.'" of .. """W>s l>a<~ [I"'" • ,,"", ~o From inside the book [ 8 =.rch 4(' pages "'tchi1g hiller in t~is took Paoe 62 . _-----_._.- ._., - . . _. tloe .. me oIo"'g_ Thy'rt .. l*<S you to <JOey good f""'.-;"S p,inciple., keep lhr: \NIl ,,"wn (""'" Iri'ten Ole hiy..b..U hi"'"), _~ IlIe .,01:;. pitch 1m r;ooc! (don'l pilCh ~ over lho heart of It.: pbl<) , "..,.... me toll """'ntI ""ide ,he ' Ir'.' :>OR ~nd <h,nre . "..... {hop' lb< h,mo, ~fI balmccj, a:u' 1:'" a~>d d lbe hl".r (" -hm Y<'II to.., IWO ><rlles 00 • A-1074 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 1 of 31 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------- x The Authors Guild, Inc., Associational Plaintiff, Betty Miles, Joseph Goulden, and Jim Bouton, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, : : : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : Google Inc., : : Defendant. : : : ------------------------------------- x Case No. 05 CV 8136-DC EXHIBIT 2 [PART 1 OF 3] TO THE DECLARATION OF MICHAEL J. BONI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GOOGLE’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A-1075 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 2 of 31 The Super-lawyers: The Small and Poweriul World of the Great Washington Law Firms ~ 0 JJseph C CoukJen Ti l E SU I'I~ H ­ o Re,;E¥V5 LAW Y ~:I{S V;pyhrioht ~m TfJIFY, 1~!) - I FW firrrs - 4m lFOPS Comm on terms and phrases Abe Fortas ,\ere30r Adninistr~tior ,irlinE !..rnErOc ,r attomey Aus1ern ""lu "er K 6,H,"I,,1 iJil Commiltee Concress Covington and Burling Commissicm r antitrust c" led el,"irr,,,., Cor cressiona erg"" Arnold and Porter Clark Clifford client Corcoran corporate 8;kac Cu ","i"iu" ccmsel DaanAcheson oocision Defense CenJcratic Dct),Mr crug Feoo',. g]ve.-nme rt fees fled foreign former Fortas,.,:f Porter hearr.:ls hi'Ed indLEtrv ilgt]n Jemson Justic; Depertmenl r:",-,,,k hennea,- law firm Layir legi,l,bJ l Lloyd Cutler 10'" luLU.;,[, rn,tt,r Tle nt Mudge Rose Nader Nixon Paraba partner Fitman Penn Central p"rc"nt pJltl:al prach: e President ralrmd Ralph Nader f;,.,dolpr GuthriE reoulatorya;wces Repr"Sen:itrvE RelJjblc:m nilion says Soc'Etar; Senator Srnatler3 30mEme "t3ff Sluart Syminglon subcc.-rrritoo ou," Tern{o th r.:l Thurman Arnold tion lold -cmrnv Tommy Corcoran sl.I',o-n, Court talk Ttumn Unim;d 'Alaltoo W~5hillgtQIl LdW Washington Lawyer While House ..- ule Yu,,- A-1076 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 3 of 31 v . ___•__ _ P'go 6 . From inside th e book _ .. _ " - r ' •• , • • _ • _ _ ' - r .... · Wa..hill/(tvu l.4wJ~r "' Lb. Ina.. Am...-icau b~ dep<,d; •.. and .b~pc" tb~,.) g~n::m..eDI. The Wub iogton L.a."JtT in ret<llt "cades hu . Icppcl beyor.d u,e 3tt~ rn.y" traditio",,) ro~e as legal rep~ntative , The ~p<l n U> ". abdu~ - - traiDed -r-"'- ._. -_ ... _ .. - ..... ... - - ' ---. - - I S I sliIJ !~1 gatherer and -"J"' - i~lerprell'T 01 facu. Ar.d facts. properly presmt«l uKI ur~ flllly an&lyud, p rovide the rationale fo, most logl, I,lIoo. 1he cynics II\Itwlttutandl",." The ~ut. lawy ...·!ubUyi>t ;0'"111\'0 hill"",U iu .. bill Irurn t.h~ P,ge 31 ~ -r ' - Mo" 01 Ih. W3$hingwn Lawye r'. In wo.k ;s don. i~ bee-IO· fae. ronf ...·ncu .. it~ I RS offici. I" '~ing f..,... agOD\ ~I up to {~1l>t'\ rmely) t he l:mlmi'l,ion ... ,,' lnt • • ~ , l Revenue. Esc" oflicia l ~"" "~ 'yi ~g ~"tllnfity 1n .....t tl •• di'l'"": t l>t l .... yo-. mu" A-1077 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 4 of 31 From inside the book I S ,ard 8, "ges mtchin, law,.,. n this JOe>< hundred lIIark by 1.h~ rime Ihls book rncks prlm. C<»· lnglo~ and hrling. t il. <:il,., la~ flflll, grew rrum .1,hty·flW law)"..-) i~ 19110 lu 1.1", I"=ul uu~ h~.t.lrd lhirly. ArnQlt.1 and f'urlo:r weill from Ib ;rty·tt...., 10 .....·.nl:r; W;!m«, Culle, and I'i<k.oi n.l: hom . . n . . '-. " ._ . _ ._ , , , _ • . __ , __ . . • . . _ . rog.I ClJ "" Q\ me mmlS 01 I.M ilUlCk on "'~ller, lilt Stur:IeD.15 lu dr;ullillzlng a quuoo. thu Was.ltJngulII Lawy~B - and lhose ~revlcuo;ly discllSMd only In !.he rmll tbeorctlcal ImTOl5 : "''bat Is the lawyer"5 re:!porulblllt)· tD .......i.n·, &li ODIID~ 10 bi, =lIDIISibilit", to Ill! iodivillwl d im!? Kq:arO-ltsS J ~ccmled A-1078 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 5 of 31 From inside the book [ 3 earch .1 r'"<os mtcrirq 1.'<1 in this book p" ~ , 193 ~er~ , 000 ou r p,e. ..spi'<ully h .... t...-n k...png an ¥ en ynu,' and 'H3Vf yau N ot" s iv<n a ny tt.nughr .~ In h.nw Inng y<I1J i "l~ 11 10 ", ... ,in wil:~ 1h~ Co.vl1i<Sion 1· Th~", migh, hliv. be<n " e'1 innoc.r.t- rny t,i' D r ~nlJg hr r""y d ''''plici! Dff~ .. 01 3 w.,. klb_ AklID ...h he "'0...... ·1 ""Hi II, ••11<. DC a>.IC<U IOf • c<>py In <In _~d in fan 1M I ,m in 01 II, \- - . no: m£. p:c:n", o. tn .. , <Ie: told a werftary.) The. he talked ~bo>~t it. The Fed"...1 R t!)enie Ilc",d , h ..gutd, "wu nev~. "'tendo<! to cove< kwu made by Eu.opean k ...ks--.--.-thu·s a I"t " I . '''P. As a matte. 04 bet, ...~ consulted with th. Fedoral Re .. rve Boan:! IIdo.-. ..... mad. Ite Po ! , 373 """" 10' tb~ 011 ".d~$l'>' ".<1 tht po.... '<,m!",IlIOS 10 caU U"e.t, all".....,.. 'public·interf5/. I:!.wyers.' b..c::>.u ... thoy un malo" a <lrong . ~ment lha l Ihey in f~cl .n: public ·inlo,,..l iQ )'et". , th e " definiti"n b~ing '" vllgUe ns it"" "Soon aile. I ",. m i~to nn.cuce for "I\'self . ! was """roached A-1079 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 6 of 31 From inside the book l,.-;s It pages natc'lrO to<1S 11 th , boo, the ."Pres&io.-3~d mo~ , did I 1..1 good. It "'... 61<. being 1hr0Wl1 inlo th.t ",..." by your dad to learn 10 ".im; ,..,.. conJume an alli fullDt of ... aur, b~t yc .. l.u~ ho .. to .... im. "An int'rM h .. to work on p«>plo: t" beeo",. '" d<>et,,<, and "" ......-I, <'If'''' rn rh • .,."",= •.-1 W ... I I _. , m;r... til ,II. .... , Poge Xli' - , -- - -,- - --- - - - - r - --- ' - . - - use 01 ~ h.u...rdous d"'l: ... hen the available luts ""d the r.,"tie",,1 d,"l: I.... dictate slKh .~tion. We bd ieve ,ht the f.cts $ho.. d ....1y lhal p_"" p.... enl~ ha",rd$ to p"tienu "10,, tak.. it "Iok. are !lOt b;,Jancod by ..y ber.ent t" be "f*ted - . . _ __ • ..,.._.. __ . . ._ . .. __ n .... .. . _.•• __ y_, _, _'.p. _ trained as a .killful &ul>o,e, and i~I"""'I'" 01 facu. And bcu, p,,,!,,,, l), prKet1I"! 3~d .,.,dHlly alLlly'..!, p,,,,,idl' tho: ntit:>naJe rM I'II<)!.I IT""'io.. , 11>0 cynic. noI..-iIlr.,t .ndio.g." Tho artu l ~ h"Y .... k>bbyi<t invcly", hi m.. !! i ~ a hm from th~ A-1080 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 From in~ide Filed 08/26/13 Page 7 of 31 the book [ SCOfch ~ oncy P"3 c11 ....... , " .um" 3nu ""':<:in""" . .,.."'. ,YOY Ule arm la_ eluded two oth ... 1lO."'~$-tho$e ~f P""itkcl Ni m~ and his Atlornoy Gfnoo-_I, Jolm Mitch.U. T Iw l'hGoni1 fir", <>1 Mi lcMl1'. Otputl' Atlo. M)· ~n~r"l , R.,hm l KJ . ;n_ ~"'I , . ucdenly deci~d it ~ 3n offi< .. in W~'hing _ Pog .1 % - -- .- --_. _. ---r--- _ . ~~llIO)' allOrney - ~ ---- r .-.___. --- . $O>y. Ib~ v~ne,.. O>CIltiAJ (0 thi. ""II ~f bar· glining-ia·the-da,k C.~ Mck~,.: " I had • friend ...110 WIU .... ' igncd to " cu. involving _ . Tht :, anomer pq>potr<:d b.lm with TCI1".ark... lik~ 'We " '''~ think yo~ .re do;~g a fin. job OV.T unIque,"' ""),5 lAIl"OOn I\U CU0t:ga ,]. lilt pnVl\e .Il"t~.}· . "a n.sponatJO~ " A~y Ir,l d~ ~tLon D ttorney worth his .. eight ... Il:~ rs tilt u~tionl l ! it.ual ion u d h~s people e~n l act him im· m..ri. ,,,ly .. hI'~ a c.l.'.r is b r eak i~ .-' Hut pri_atr prlClluo~erll ...r. ~ a< MlcUoUJ7 11 art at I di""d,-antastt: "Lawyers as a j!roup ... A-1081 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 8 of 31 From inside the book }J P'S/'" n» toOin, .no, ..),> in t1i, boof< Pogo J W WUlUr.Jo:l"" aOOut "nl< ~ othe, Auofney' (U,e ~'lIy dfeam. I't ,"" me tll1t< i. tb. r"tu r~ Oifford migllt ..., ~rnu\aL«I, ""O .urD pu.....,d, ho: c.wI oPL r... r ""pli<8tX:m . .,,<><1, fiD.IIy, th~ my. Lique .,.om pU~cd 1>)" a ~ n. CUller<! h both .. d c~, .. for at- bl~i~g rorl><'y ........ J>rllClic. in 1 ~ ' ..... town "';(h ~;m. Poge 7 " ..... '" '-'~". 'Y , ,n ~~u.nuuu > •• ""u .. ," .... 'uU< , ~ .. ....." "'., tillY fig"ros ~,e 1 ..-g.I), ",_ wnck , ~ n d lot ."", ·,~", 1 reA!OIM . .. Untll April I, ]972 , IltOrJle)" pracrking in Wruhillllon [Ourts ...~ ,",I rert~;.HI 10 join .. bar n<;O(i..llkln. "fl""liv~ lru.t dat., I.b . D.C. Court of '"'weal:< T"'IlliTe<! attorneys to join • 1.a1l')ers' P",], 1~1 n ..· lamoVff ~I " __ 'al :o.gen<11!0 ,~ ~n ' ~ . y"" , "'""nil JI ' m~ ol><@f§timaIM IMI I"" FTC hirr/d 750 alto r~.}". during hi< 1i"1 live ..~ ~TC t~811"fM1\, just to nul~lIIl. 8 4()O.IMft •• ~el. TbI!> SEC lost!! about 75 r>1 iU 380 &ttllnl¥ arh year 10 private pradi",,; the H'C. 10 01 10; 11l.. FCC. 35 of 200; th .. C... B, 2[J ~ A-1082 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 9 of 31 From inside the book [ Swcl1 C","fee 4 pa~,s de~lee m'tc htl1 I in Ih s boo, i~flK<nce of eny kind in W.. hingto~ . If yo~ ... ""t 10 ,"",ploy oo:neo.... "" hIu ; " fl~e!ICe, yo~ "ill haw 10 go rom_h.,e .1.... Fi<tt. becau ... I am ~OII. !lUre ",h.~ 1 til_ 'in~aer.ce' me:\1I.I, b~1 tha.t u ino::> ....,quHJt.ial; """"d, b«a ... e .. hal<"'tr it i" .,. I."" ~~ n', h ... :. 11'" "'Y uq;""< '" I7U •• • "~ n. }'I''''''' ~ l"'uJI<-m. <Te:I. "". "n~. a very "'''po::t:ilil. place on LaSo lle St,~t-IkVQC:, Shad"", M ikva ,· mnd Plot kin, il'. "lied. U ~l tht "un'l tt.e mns..-er , eilher. SiD/:I. 1'1:"1 ",t;on. dO~'1 '~II1!r (han~~ Ih',.,;! ; )'o~ 10 get 10 t.'>< Matt of tM corpora tion-Ih" .. ar t}.ing' are ru.u ""Y<' '- .... r'9,401 .. ,., ..."'.,......,.""" .., _ .., 'w ........... VIo;t .......... ,." "'" "",I".. ~....... !J " ... /\:.,. .01 .. " If, ( lot91. 10) " ioU" .... 1110 ).1Ib It",,,,,,,, it. 'Of<>, .. .".01_ ..... '" L~"" JoIo_ ,G!. '64·'" ... ""'. ~.-. .~ '''' .... ,1«, ro"nIlt<d I>l' f.U f"/" ,,, 10: .... Da/, lSI R·j~I"" ... IoIIi1~ m .l )) n.»",,"" J.~. '" ..t""""" 11,.,\ ....,".-," ........ ~ ",. so" '" ........... c"",· A-1083 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 10 of 31 From inside the book [ 3earct C~SE P"\l , 31 p:1tlners , quietly btc<ID'le Ille rountry'l experl on the National Recovery Mmln!5lnl1o~. and be draft~ mnrroU5 Rlue Ellgle lmdWllry o;od= (J~Sl ... quickly, u~rlll'tunal~\y, hit !lj>t<ll lty ,""",ourJI.t:d. ~ W1,." lhe SUprt"lllO Cvurl d«lar..J S'RA unoo,.,ll· t~linlJ.lll io tho .x:k chick<ll c..»c." !lor. kv ,",v •. "half of wh~t Ur.der Secre<.ary cf Stat(, th~ departmo~I'S nwnber-t ....o position . Laylin, iD ~I'\$ IluI Ac:htron " b~d al",c\ntely "'".e.-." ",,,Hm, la <1<>" ... itb and R~ .\iDS ..p....... ling I ..... and Greuo, two nat;",.. wilh ...n...e .1I.i ... Ac:h .... ~ dealt in. l im.I.1v i~ hi. ~lIiri., r"",rih: ''Tru. J .. ~ r .... no ..... ~hn llr rhi ~ Pog o J ~ QI guilt in the de<_ btooalll" "th~ <J.r""dlnts ill thi< 0.... beli ..... tnt)' did not vielate tbe antit.uA b .....'· If , uc.~ an admi u ion ~d bo:eu <e<Juired lIS th~ price of u agrt'l'., enl, h~ l~"". would bav. ~ M dec",,,, .nd "11. ca ... wo~1d h..·" to go III t.;.I." A-1084 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 11 of 31 From inside the book : ollt [ Seuch ,9 ,ales m'tc htlj COUIf " this ~(O{ .ighl 10 113m .. ... hat Ihr: ollense 01 ..hich t.e had been ron· was." Arno:d, Ff)rus and I'omr thasfrl thl!! eloud vict~ Iblo~~ l~e courts fOI !iCl'fIl I;lu!hcd and gave lhe m.~ . h~ ~.~_:.- ~ rt.;~ ~T' years before tile gcvemmml .'\~d O,,'en Lilli.lI"",c, lhrlr back pay . h.;I..-I ;n ' ~ " .... cO " " ...... m~.' Page :53 Co~e ... ;" the p('lic. court of WashinJ1l.on Law. Despile tl-.e 1M lLoe U5~.I I .I.•.j, ,,,,"." To) Web" .... <tctiit , hoe mldt no ~ ret 01 n;" d~1lI .UlIu .. kp:! and b.nk bwye., I)w,,, .. he I"'blidy ( .~d .~tttM · fully) 'epre;onttd !.he bank in fDrt )'-one ca, ... argued befor-e the '·n:..... <:... _ <:, _ __ .... ~" .. '" ... _~n r.. n ..;_..... ' w • .. ,~ ..... A-1085 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 12 of 31 From insidE the book 25 pgcs mo:chj'9 tor <"''' j, tri o bo ok Q pa.n}·, YUu """"'''''''y .."'v." our 1lIl. • ll<: I'."'.... IIOLe," i:. it ? WI., ""n d.Ii~. it?" ... h John &lpi ...... II~ doli" •• ~pub\k policy· ... an •• t 01 C«og ..... (hat b... i>eeft uf>b.ld by the <ou,h. " I do~', ef(:"I!ni~ the VDn1;I""'nc<'- of ~ FM..,.~1 tifocial , ond I Iu.,.~ DC qulms ..llllSOever about chal. U~. QI _wL~t Pa~ e 12 eight tn Inm . .. wbat tJu: cffen~ 01 ... llich he had been oonVicted was." Arnold, FCrtall Ir.d Porter c:hued this doud tbrough tbr coun. 10' ~"" yrafll bc.fu,e tho 1i:~~traJJlwt bl",h.d and gave the ",cn IMir back pay. And Owen Lon.lmor< , .~ • .,.~.~:.- . ~., n~ r~;". ~ ~ ;I.,j ; n ' n "'"rl " '" ,~ . ",no! r oge 100 o .va;bbl ~ in adv~ nc •. " " Aad .ppeal< I" Ih, ( " un.. al tv...,. 1'.8e , you .'l:! a hm ,in8 d>lt. they . sIr a p"" p""""",nt, you d(ny it. tlley go to c~urt " T hey 5eldom .. im. bUI eYef)'lhin.g stqlS wllDf It I! argued. l11 ey try 10 put In suptrftuouo; le!!I!mo~y, the A-1086 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 13 of 31 From inside thE book "ag e '"'' ~"" > u""'. I""'-"~ '" ...., .. "'u • . .,,,, u"l\ . ,""' J ~"';o J . Ha, ry Co,-;ngton, ..,". m. n of tol~l1y di ' p_ ate pol'SOIllIlily. H Th., laciturn lIur!i ng .."" a mAn O~I of an ok! S~I~ ..hJ F.u''''nc P~j l ' U(n'l< ., ~rr. H. gr_ "[' in ,"e.1 f.I,1<1ra , In"-A, wh~", hr wort td in a ,roctry SlOtt It age. clevffi. and "'~t au th e 1930" Cbarlcs HOfSk)· frcqu<nlly ,od. II>< PenBsyiv3nia Railroad'. CO"8 r.",<>~1 train to g . .. York ,,-hI. JU~K' Coviag- IGn. "Th~ trAi n 1IfO ~ 1d I ~v. Union Stu"," nl I~Mr.lhir ly in II.. aftemoon, and on any given chair car JU dJ!t CG¥ington wOijld P'go 2~1 UO U''''01 ""'" U""C"U'" " un"" ..,,"",. Ull"'~ 'U ... ,." ~ ~~ ~ ~ ... UUSt n it ~Itd In 1940. Tburman Arnvld, the~ tile As<\.\IJ Dt AUQlnty G<.LClal r<l l u .ti,,,.., .""u<r$, kll"'" Br oJlll~'s >kill at ",.edlinr: • c.1>e ond so"llh, 10 opecialth .......j~~e <o~ rt.. .~I"'dite II.. ~u it by co.,-.."inr: II He told Bromley. " 111 m you, kite, my A-1087 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 From in~ide Filed 08/26/13 Page 14 of 31 the book [ 3 0arcr lelUl SIX ptqlIe. n wi!.I a true ffiw:.1.Ufln ICI ",a,.; !he train \Olth him. Th~ .<;IlIIt thing t oming bact -con· Slam Iw>d!hlting: ' KnJwl1\K rowrnm~rI. b~r~au dilers. and j~~ .., and m.,n"",", "r rrgulat,,'Y !i""'ci.., b ""r level uf ad· '&lJlII~e, ",,,,e i""""I~III (m ll,~ (''''' , LUWt:·,~[ , W"d, C.,.,.j[li:lO" '~ . o .. at n t~r o~gh ,~ - -~,,~. ~~, .- -~ ,~,... ... ~" .~ ~. -, -.~ ~~ irIoolM from t he " llOn-Celkr'· ~rm. and thai he considers his practice 10 be "ICtlW 1l1li rtgUJar"· .. hhln Ibt IIlHnlng: of !he ABA «Ilk. '' In an~ evolll," he says. '" my wrutJtuonl.$ mll$t ill: Ih., judI;"" I" lh~ ~q~\ily and d,,,, ..clt:r "r Illy I'",r"nllFa),374 volv.....nt ¢f Congr_ in "",tI , .. :Ul""tin~ Ihe military , Goo5eII "',.,U, K tbe I"'tMltial con Aiot bet.. ~n ~n offk, i. tho miliury I.IId 1ft off",. in Co"fl,ea i. r.<Il il>COn""'l".. tial." G..sel1 Itopped !torI 01 orderiol pr.~nl "$I'~ to ret.'S" . '''T judg~J h~I""; . "n.. k ., _ "~ . , ~'" r~ _. ,_ 'A _"" " . h"d ~ _~ft l " ~ .. _ A-1088 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 15 of 31 From inside the book [ So",rn bond 6 P"Il" m.t:hino .,,~ ben c ~ " this boo, "',,,, u."'< l""UK'3, """ftOOU , . ""'''"~ •..,u J""/:< J - lI aH)' C~vingtQn . ... <re men Qr totally Gi'p."~le pc.-"""~~ty. 'the ...... ce« , ladcura lIurl;.); .... , • man o~t DR "ld &, £""nmg P~.j , .cCo.!S ",ory, H~ S"'''' up in ,urnl Elw<&, Iowa, ... h~," h. "",bd in • groc",y W .." ~( "l!" dO\"e11, and W.D( on "r auorney duting Joh<ucn·. reign .." Scoale maj~rjty 1""o.Io:r, Yk~ Freid.lII. , anoJ 1'",.id.lII.. John"",,, mrt Fortas .. hro b~ "'&!I a fi~!-!e'm C()p);,usm~D hot afle' p.r.bli( po"'" for hOo 1'.:<.15 diwict, ,,~d forlaJ, &!I di· ....... 'm "I ,)". n..............n ' "f ,~. Tn'"",,,', ~. ;vhb~ ~f .1od,k fronl row as &:dw~td lJennott Willi .... argued ~ c.ue. "1'"", .....ola. ""If :lnd be<koned 10 a pag< 10 come get it and I~ke it ,,~ 10 JUltice _ , who .... 5 ~j"j~1I o~ !h~ btnch ." th la"1''' .... 'd. " Ju'!k~ __ ii , ,.~<I 100.." do .... ~t Tnm . 1Id ,mil.d ~"., n""~"" I ""n" ".~~ ,"~ .I;cM .... ;~"" ... h~. ;, ...~< .n ~M '" "0" A-1089 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 16 of 31 From incide the book Page :3 .>Ouru:.; ou .. ua '" UK 'Wl> - filIn"'CQ_mn<~ nnc . 1 0< u. ",c" S'--leo 5<1Ve.nment s~btnilted • <In!t treaty_ l.wyer Loyl;n'$ n. ndi"",rk , ~a1 ly_t~ • Vni td NJ!i~1I$ committee in A1I_ guSl 1070. On aool~tr lrool , OS chairma n o f ~ sl-i . l A_ritan 8a, Awrio.lion ."bcommin~, Layin i. mobilizin" bar SlpJXlrt '" _ _, . ..... """/i .. v w ""on with . 1,,"S. r5---oo , etle";,,l1y with 'I .. ~_rt lactic. l m .n~rlsm' "'11$ of tnt So.lh h3V~ USO<l lor cIecade:! 10 lHgulle iIlld dts3..m un..-ilHng ."-ortlltmeTS: II bini !If tI'.e coun.ry }"ot ~1. 00 single word o. inn""lKm )' can ~ ~., Mill ~ , ~.~ ,~~~~" ' ~ll ~ .-~,,~ ~nd ..,.,; I;ly .." .".. . w practice I......, and intem:uioully. Pep<i-Coia wu it! tile 1''''''"' of ch AII..,,~;n, Coca"...,I. lor .. h~1 .... ",,,,I d cIIl , ... Stw\1I Pop ~ ' '''~ ~ ' r'""V" V M .,,~ ___ ~~ " ~'~K'K ,~ ~ u-\d.,.! hi" 0/ h. World, nrul I I""" .. Vir.., Pr~d~r" or Ih' l -!litrd States is I good d.tat l man fer loOftening Up pcltentales A-1090 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 17 of 31 From inside the book [ SeCicli r~jJ r~" " 6w'mc cJo ,. ID (D., T.,",,) d~rj~, ,lot: ,.." Rqr<"~I~liv. ]1'nIAI Pal_~ baQ~I~ OPA l~r;.lflI"''' h. d I~ dUlr P81.,... ..'s ,• . P~'I<' rJ;,bo'l /01"1" lit. Jn~J,Iri,. l.ongr .... afiU ,al Ille Cll""l '"lUll ... n 0' '"l:"llllon .. net'Oea, ould go .boul <.LlaimiJl ~ i~ . 11,." Ihoy 4,.,j ~A.Clly h..... la: ,l> ohake hi. hand at tbo d""r [lDd >< nd Mm • bill. Cliffo,d ~ (...ftl~l Il<"e, to appl'04Cb II CDng=lI~ lac< to lote oa behalf 01 D SJIf'Oilio dienL And ""~n <UC~ 3~ 'K~ri.nced l'l!:~l warborse "" P'g . 17~ ... _._ .. -.-..... -_., .......,.-. _. .-- --. ._..._.. - HowArd R Kornegay, a North Caroli ... Dcrnoc,~t who ..... a ""'",~r 01 lhe H ....... I .t~'slat. and Fo,.W' Com"",= Com· milt" du";~ hi' fO\l. tl ,m, in eo_gr_. KQr~"Ss)' .e~l Q_ lhf toh1cco lobby I"'y",n u. he:p ell"\aocub.1.e legid.tion '''''lui,;''!! A-1091 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 18 of 31 From in5ide the book [ S"",cI1 38 "[10' ""Ie,;,! 13,,"' ;' Ih, boo, Pog,70 office. Cliffor<l did not I"'n,e,f"'!" ;a !.~ 1?68 aunpaign - al · though his b", pa'tn ••. form.t C IA off'ci.l Thornu O. Fin~"Y' helpod di'~1 S.MtO' £~~ MeCart.~r"' P,,,,,idtn'ial b id. And a£ of rrJd·I07! C6ff~<d w~, the u,jrf {or.igB policy advo... t~ ~ .... '" Edmund ll""k;". ,,·hn b.... ,Iv docidod .. "" tll~ ""'" Page 161 l"'in"Jl!u~gly th~ .rg~m tJw.i. CI.S/! ago.iDSi adrmnbtratiw: Iii". 'The admiDi5lrallve law procfSJ Wall damnm as un·American." tiec:aUIoe Qf tbe "Ill", tbt AdmlftISlrl(l.t Proctdurt Act , thtir pal. did ROt gt! Ibrou~~ Colll:rtSll ij~lil 1046. BU I \~ end 'e.!ijl! ....... I'VIntl whu Ih •. mmn.,. r!nn~ ...:mOO ri. N~ YD,k Pog,368 ~ ..... W'"M ..... ''' ""., .".""U """."', during situations lhal lfSUl! in mass arrtlU. And Cijllu hIS ~II a ,.id;ng I~rcf in th~ Lawyer!' CommluH for Ci~iI RIgbl5 lJadt f ~w. virtually I~e ~nly nr· VlY[Dg wh[IMomlnatt'd group prrssiDl for d~reg:31I~n. ~"" a t"''''''' c"."',, coun. and jail ~ ~rooedule.! A-1092 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 19 of 31 From inside the book [ 3 .arcr 17 P"'J'o m,t,hing I""" ., tri, hm l didn 't think it would be terrible to tij:htu thr lfltitl1l5t laws. This rlpptd Ibro"lh CQrdine<'s l!el~nsr$ sa hrutally h~ II",.. 00"'" .. 00 "'I(reo:<l th. 11f""""t lawi "crr """'ply ¥ ••• _ ' . ¥ •• ",!:"n(y. And he . rg. ~' lha, a C<lmblrution la"~r'Iotj,y;"1 i • ..... tI)' nmf~ ,.,du"loI. on II,e Hill tlun a ,•• m,lawye,·lubbyi"'. " II. i> l,ai,,~..J Iu j.,te,prd IdW> ...,d pID, ide lOJ:a1 ",,.ly'" fur ~b C\i.~t," Abl~r<l ha:! ... ,itten. "0"" w~<> <an interpret Md an .lyze 1I~lf t" .' 1M DI"! , . KaUler ' flan plO,esU<If ag~nl>1 all r.guIation. the t~du'lry !houkl d".... up 3 mudd bm I~at wuuld ","bll"~ • 'r~lp"th~lic <Umu~ 000 ",1 ~ P'~­ /WI ljminary .... pfwcli. ~ _.w ..... . . ~ . _ . _. ,.' .... __ .,. _. __ . ~ . __ , "",.,c," A-1093 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 20 of 31 From inside the book [ Sc orch gavcmmont 93 P'[ O'> rr"ch " g ~." ~I"III.'" in h. bock P' go 6 _ _ .... . . _ OR _ _ • • ___ .'_~ _ .. ___ _ .. , _ , _• • • • Wwu~on h'")'Cl is the man A",erlc.a~ b ... ~ dope ..... U;>on U> '<.~bd~.., .. , ~nd ''-pc'' the Fedual '".....,m.. t nt. Th. W... hir.gton La"'Y.r i~ ret"" .....ade. hc.o be· yolK! U~ attorney'. tr.oditional ",Ie"" l"EaI T"I'reoentative. The "_wed _ • . --_ .. _ " . - 'h~ - --' - , - r ' " - r ' - - .. _ . - -_., . .. --- ... pn<'."'" ~ 1"'_ ~vi.t' .....~ ""'gained nul of anything." Dran .... thtM. had l~t CovingtlJll nd Hurling in 19·41 lO reenl~r gonrnlr1MII; from A1lgU5\ L9<l S to J~De L9~7. whu the IIrm ...~ r ~b ~lldlng Its [ntemallol\llL practice. ke served &II P' go 1>6 --I'''' t < um, ~"' •.",.., DIU "". }or ""~t- I .,."" UJ ,"",U ou f/I;UiD>l d~/!arl. in ~m; ~ilr. ttl/'J , /1. T.ul /,,,, c(mli~l b~d !q lire '~W!T1"".' I~' lAc , £)1 01 "'Ylile." h l'lfl.ku IlIan d yeor alur u llvinZ l h Wlt.ilt Horm, Car· tOT.~ t:tU;()IInltrtd rh~ !riffItJ claln. '"Sa y, Sa .. :· /I.e ,~Id, ,oru A-1094 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 21 of 31 From inside the book ",de ral [ SE "'Th ~ . ~~y~~~,. v_ ~.~. ~_ " ~t'I''''6' ~~, v. """"'" of on •_ _ 'O~"'1 cogulatioD , on~ whio:h stines ~tion in tiI~ "o •.v.r1y· macht. LH l.M\oi~~c, IDrmtrly ~ m.m~ of Ill .. Fm.:.aI Comm~ni_ cations Convr.i5sim, oow an attorney in WasIlingtOl, D~ Uurlir.g to """ttI~ u., progrllm. .Edward Hurlir,g ... nt inta !'ed_ era! murt in Ok lahollU and obtained an 'njullCtio~ hall'as .. I'WA proj«1 tI'hitll conceivlbly could tJlve oon Ih~ ookll ng oompany .. hudful of (\:Stomer!, AtbtsOD clluetled In 111.5 t'edual agtndn, He IDUI(! C(lr«)fUl'$ jauntiness uhilaratillg, aftd lie shred Corooran 's lest for causes, Th.t W .1'11051 fOfly I5 year> ago , 1\0" Ru ll 5.lI quleliy In !he Federlll CUy Club Ind ) wlshed around a gli.M of oouroon and kto >r.d reml~iiJU'!l ab,ul h;, ... " ,..ha. em",,!., l ri.",1 A-1095 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 22 of 31 From inside the book i~t., the b" sirleS' today a~d P~! th.i, "'0"""1 in,,, it, thlreby making ~D iD'''''''''~nt, "-"leu i~ some p~ p,otoed". a,a; n. t Oy. by. nlght c"mpu,;es ... bereby 10m. i""05(»"';bl. corn· I"BI... can ...l ""m. alml: ... ith 9 lot 01 _o ...dhud (lTanH • ...r & ••• .. . " .. ,h.,. M;_ _ ... ~ . . . ~ . . . . ._ _ h ....... , -.;,,_ • • ~_ ~ _ ,~ , & ~ Cg ,ml"l.'" . leppnlI1'l,l" Iht Whh" House: iow 5D thriving a aa ... ...... iu= Ib.t lUI" ''' ~lIy "",atll> h" <Jidn', .v"" to qo:n ... , _"' __ __ ,,_ _L. ______ • ___ . , ~ _. ___ '-_ . _U __ _ _ ' - ""lit,. __ _ u '-- upon .. hat is h:of'P"ni.s M\II , bec:l u... 0' Mudge R.... is MI thal IIOrt of 6<1n. " W, RT tt<;hniei ..... ," Rondolph CUllI ... , laid . "W. arl not in Ih. b~,inu. of . /'feeling 8'O" "ffllm.r,l. We ... otk dirKlly with Ih. Imll !~lr, nol at ,M. ~.i~h 1 "",,1-,...',. A-1096 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 23 of 31 From inside th e book ""arch 52 P'lI'" ",tchin, t,n in h. book lio~ ""'lk' . rou ~d " i llt. him. and the "''''''' f"'&pl~ BIC "'"'y of him M d noaybo ~v.n 'e5fT'It him a lillie ~il. l'w W. told he'$ " d ,mnod ""..I lawy ..... a~d ",.ybe ho is, in hi. opo<:;"l field • • Rat I nov. ..... I~y ..'idu",~ !h! t,~ bew .11 that much In .bou, 1,,. O~ ~~ ...... ,In "" "" , .... hi. h_I...... l ,<v.I....~ ....... , w,.y~1' COIU "",,,"" 1r~'" a ",.,1 •• Ilcty the inf~rm.1 oIflCt conf.~co o• • ~~ 10 C<>ns.(>.O. Civ.~ 01 ' ,,'U<lU. ~n<I '~rt\ I rt\ .... 110 . 110m t~ • fulI-bkM~ .o~rt proa:edin~. Ih. pro?", •• ""u rces-i.• ., " rich enough diml-~ ~n!il he has uha~st"" all avenues. ..,..,d 13K la-.yer _n't .top ~'"~ .... JIl Ua!HI In lI. asJungton i. ~nd.niably lb. sir_ moot gle impo,tant inf1,,"~ "PO" th e nat"<t 01 th~ Wuh ington t;I.~ Jaw_ Y"''!t I'","'ief!, Phywi l I';ty (0 tht •• ,ion.1 ol\t:e ~ itJ ' ''I'ict ! ... ~'mj,,-,io~ nf i"lnrn'IA"n~ • .,..",o~.l d ;""ll.. ion" ~u!ily sdItd"lNl conf~ ... anti an nf I h~ nth.r,,~ . n""nr"...,. A-1097 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 24 of 31 From inside the book 87 p',e, "",le';'9 fill" ;, th, boo. P,9C 234 ..... "'" ...... I""auvu "" ''''' ""''' ......... ""~u'u '"' .>< ..." .". . ~ w p,at Eiet law. a~d ifttef113tiOilal ly. ~L·CoIa WI.I 1ft !.lot !}IOCHS of cballeugi"i Coc;a-Cola lor .. hat ..e CI.luld call Ihe Soda Pop Ltaderslllp 01 t~t \Vorld, IItld I tann er Vice I'reldttt c f the U,ul<tl SUIt.,. is .. gOU<l detail ,"a" I", ,"",teaull( up pull:"lates Ko.,,,,,ik (ried t~ explain ~way (he Iolt.. by saying h. wrole it ... bile in tm DominiCAn Republio. "I th~t whet> 1 w.. t do .. n tlt,,_, I p",bably hd a t"""mnwnulion, bUI I am ..,1_1 Ihin~ it .. os .ot • firm vhich I kD .... ""f$tOnally. I ..... " I __ . ,~ L ____L ____ ._'-_-' ,. bell.' I.hat " " , ___ ., •• " iRdivid ~al l L.~ L __ . ~ _, "_ Ja.wye •• "';Ih Ih. lirm .hou ld be I..... , <o~. ilt<ln' with thl Code of ProhS$ io~.l Rtf.p<>ou.ibai\y. to pun"" th";r ovn 1_!£Inal and pr-of"donal 8"'"t,. Rathe. 1h,. ,lIlemf'ling to ~.h;,,·~ • u~ifi~ d " ro,ition u on Rny p;or. limb. "",tleT. 1110-. "'~mt>n.: nf ,lti' ~rm """"IT''''' ..,.rh A-1098 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 25 of 31 From inside the book [ Scare, firms :JO p' go' m,tchin, firllls in th .. book Pog.26 I'ractia tl", <it) h.d ill tho,.;: .u)~ h.ri !(CU"" in r"'I'<'~>e to i",l~!~d and h~ltly $~i~llted ,it~atiQne. RijI;ht d!., the W". , wlw:~ \ ~e i~dr.tSl riIIl rr:'·olr.ot io~ lxgon '0 boorn 8<f1)\.O Arned"" pator.! aUQm<p dorniMtcd " W... hiO(.t<>n La" ." \01 ,ho- I~~T ~"" .• 1;" 0<I ;~ rlu- lAAIl «I;,;"" "I U~rI~~ dtu> FIll), · by Ih~ SUpfl'_ Comt, ~nd a ~y 1""'Y~' trita p.actic.. i~ Jubjfd. to} them. H ~llCe t~e ~ tW rule caused litually dozens of Con- gteslmfn· lawym, to withdraw from th~ir h,m! during the \"Q years after ilS ~nawn~nl. Pogo no and M...... ~. (Wih"",", W~,bin~lI:In ~ma. ~ve" w,e \IlI: • C~ll., ~nd i'it:hri'\t "". ""'~c:; as the ~I Crav~'h, Swaine ~ nd Mou.e; Ih~ two ftTTJl!l add!""" mnd phon nun,ber In lhe W""hill(:- '''"'lI: IOn t<kl'..... "., rJj",o;lOry.) A-1099 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 26 of 31 From inside the book cff c, 58 p,~es [ 3, arch mat cri"1 offi ce in Ih s tm f: P''l'' Ei6 """'" '" ",l a U"'L~"'" puonc . J U ""!>I>, ~~ L U I""'I'L., \/iUYJU "" UL ~ n~ ""Ll<e. Anyone ",'I", " 'II Ry LTUlLI~Jtd rou!d cv~nl .wl}' find bl ,a ; whQ (UUI"!~'I wOtSD '1 th~ .... rt imidu..;lienl be wa~ltd, 4Ilywi}'. A r...,alf~ i riv~1 vic-Ned l b. lick gf 4<W~ lJllO­ datiO I1~ froRl a sli~bt.l1 .Ji1T~re"L pt'1Spn:live. H<: lord joumd..<t ""yolle "r 1.a... yer CiD en"""" l rulD a • ..,;L Vd".ly 01 l" fUlI", , a"l;:l ~ lrurn th~ Info'mal oflke oon fe,ern:. 10 II 1~Il·bIoW1l courl p,oaedin~, ur ev." lu Coo'I!:rQS. Gin'" lk. proper re!Quru::o-i.." • ficll .,,,,,,!!h d i.:ul-iL J(Wd laA la\/i\'~r .... on' l .>10" ""I illl~ h&> e.ha .... lcd at! a "~!lue., r .ge 315 appo,n l"", '"" ""'Y ""~IU D."'''' '¥"uu ,arlr ".,, ~ .. an m . S'''"". Th e fact tllat 1hc pft'>On ~u<Sting the intef"i.w ....., a former go~rn""'n1 ofIici~l Bigh & pn",tk entry inl" ~ ... Cm(~, ut Capli~ !Illy>. " It 's a <ombi . nt ;~n " I c3ma,~d~,ic Ind courte,y. \,,,,, fiDd t im. f", .. fermer <ilida1. If ~ m~n Ilsed 1o be w '" wm A-1100 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 27 of 31 From inside the book AJ pagES m<ic h tXl otlic • • " trlS boo, I~ rll.. CO';~llo~ 0.,;/ JI.,ji~t pu~j~t Of/let', 1M "'.,~ 'c~ ... , />..1..,." ''';'')J ~!fir." ~. Ik, ",mill arui "'tlol.' ,,"",. .j R.91 16lh Stud A'W, ., I"~ 'G'I1CJ~rl ./XUiDw, c~''''' Gft lilt; 4ttnu ~,tm. .....u oaiotd""" M v ~'" kon - .11_ i~ t~ , , "",,_...uJ ~'[C otfi£" t9,,.".lauve Rith~rd L, OIting<:r , "bile in Collj(r... , "ompl.iued Illal Ih. " <I""" rdllUQ,.,hif-l bttw"",,, II,. ICC ud the railroads u far mon: tlr.o" a matter of phikosophic.l off•• ;t)" It .. a 1<O''';''l economic and peroonal relatioruhip, "hich fffljUen lly 1~~nl~ .. . ~. ""' ~t ;",;A"'". ""."hI. ;nft ........... Io.v ~n ;...~,,,',... cials witll .. born he ~~d lalted about 1M SUj milbon b.ail-out "no.. undelSUlnd ' tile d«p-.ODled nature Ilf the nUlO.Id'. probItm. and"fie rudy to set a~~t correctl~g them . A-1101 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 28 of 31 From inside the book portner 39 P'q8S [ C::eorc1 rnatc~inc , al1ne r n t~is ~(O{ P,"<,59 )lOll Upo<:l 10 p,~c li<e 1 wilh him th.- r .. t ~ f Y"ur ~I~," a _ o, maR .aid. " Ih hard II) t~n him yn,,'~t. (h., ~~d yn",. rIIl nd ",he~ he 15 alrflldy 8 i'lrtMr." Tht .. Io!clion proem il ritualiUli, One Monday ailt'rnooo in mld·June or nch },(ar Ih~ fiflll'S """'n~ ,,; .atM, l ~ wh.n Cha,~ H" "h; u U " 1""" Valenti·, .' Pogo 119 rabbit ....,.ren of ~""' "'.,~ 1O,.,,:,0~. No .., -.nth .....,.Dty1'~~s la",),c", II J>a, \rO\lblc &old ;,,! c~o~gb .... _ ager boy' \0 <:.1.''1' poptr. nro~nd, ODd _iales gripe obou\ ha'l.~ \0 walk in I~ snow when . .. nio, paM ..." mlb them 0,,",' fo, .. chaL 'The .... o""h ..u . tudv: three men a vO<Ir. O:>e Quantum ;11"'" in !Ii.., P,,",,234 .o~ncem..,t ;n <witing fram bi! ."il" ~I th o W. ldo,f-A.ton.. T~"'n : On Jun~ 1, 1 ~6l , ! . h.n IMU my r"';d"",,~ to New A-1102 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 29 of 31 From inside the book o;ea rc~ ~ S30D ~te 12 p.qes mtc~inc '''''0<1'', in t~is ooeJ< P'g' I. ind ... ,ry h. r'l'r"",ntM. W. 1d told TIt~ lVoU Stout JON' ''')'' J~"lb.n K .. ;,~)' : " I h~v""'t 1m, .1Ight""l tlMb1 thm (ig'''''U r_ U!Ie lung canc~,. J had 10 c~me home evt'Y n4:ht an~ lICe my kids S.Jying. 'Daddy ...hy "" ."''' """k t ...... ~;"""" ~nm...,nv>· " P'g,15 th.r~ art: guidcli ..." Th< \VashiD gtO ~ Lawyer .. och 1,2 00 to 1,.00 baur ~. y<: ... Ihsl .,e '·bilWJl." to ! pI" cl~c cli<'nlS. The .t,a!~~.I·billi~, .. te 'ling"" from f,.JS pe1' bol. f~r a "''Y jun:... """",,iBl~ in 3 l>rgo ~rm to S2~O 10. , .... """'" "".."",""" " I ,~~ n~"'~ Ii ...... _ R .. . ;~. P'g' 5, ' - .,,--,-\aried eMDgh experin« :so that yo~'n ha~e l bacqro~J\d in allllo!t uytb1na • la ... yet tan lIo In,lntt(lR. nul rl)lllle from ~do;l ~o fil:ld too much, and yo~'D ~me a dBeuan~e." OD~ oJisj:ruIHI..J ru r11J~r\~ wit" =iJ:Ded .ft~r I"u y....-. .. . -- .~ . . - ~ -- -" - D _. _ --. A-1103 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 30 of 31 From in5ide the book -:'7 P'~es ma1c~inc ~'!l" que"i"" in tois JOO{ 61 UjlDinirtg \bat curpuratiJ ... !u"e ~ ril!bt tu lq,:w "l'<="ia' tiOll," ....lIio< patine. "'Y'. "I'm a l...,.. geuin~ qucs.iolll like, ' WHI 1 .r. •..., I~ .. pre..eml ~'P"r"\i.Ill' Or ""Y~"" .he who co,n. . .10"1: 1' One year the qu .. tion ...... ' What, lor ex"",,,,_, v,,,,M (".ovi_"" IUId R~ r1irur On if "".....,e B.~kr<l to ,,,,r=nt "90 57 fi r ~:-qu .. tion ud I KIt II, and th~ lert swing, and Ihe It'C'pCW hand, $lowly r~ ... , ,,,•• his ,he" , 4nd II,e 'y~. ar~ wilh me , unblinking , .~d is it ....... i'" or tho pcrm . ""~t uprcs.i." of K quiuical Iist.aer, th. l"""ed-o~ I ",,~ thl i. unr"".,.li"!: 01 .mo_ ~'go 32E ><~~rOl ~ JOO:~ of 1M m_n" Of 11K' a n""t on l.UI"", lIIe slUlYn ' 5 in" a qUfstion tbu Wasltiagton Lawyers - and ~hDse elselfbert--had flreviowly dlKussed only in the Int»t tbeoretltal mOlls; What 15 (be )awYfr', resplmslbiUly to >o<iel ~. as oppooed I.. till. r.,.llOIUib~il¥ to IlD individu] d iem ? A-1104 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-4 Filed 08/26/13 Page 31 of 31 From inside the book "-,, stiJ", P"\l,I05 "'1:"'" 'I'I,n "uggong, C1DUO'S" aDOUl ,"" validity C11 th( jud~",.nu tMt pot I"" U,S. iOllI> Ind""hiftL. C6/foro ~u lo pay d_r .tl.ntio~ al Ihe While H_ brio!"",-,o-~upp~ in,"; his '1ucsliollSlook OIl" "".'pc' cdg", In N"l>vemb.. 196; 1<>bD..,., docidod 10 ,eplace ROHTt S_ Pog,l58 --- - --- -,.--" r-- - - . -- -_... _...., -..., -- -r"- - SI"ling I'rodu<t:o C"",J>UlY, .. a, Qnt P"'$OlI ...1>0 sought bdp. --- -~ Th< R_ firm had sub, idiary ~~d .. 141«1 compa~ i es in Louin Amo,ita, Englnnd, and C~rm""y, ..d Ihe Ju.lke Dq>ar\mt~t '" antitrust clivi, ion grave q""'ti~ns "bl ul ..,"'~ 01 its over... P,,<,2,6 R.ep.e<ftII .. ti,'e Wrig~1 Patman ( D., T ... ) , e\oaimun 01 (be HQ"",<ina: ~~d Cucrenty Co ... m itt~, l'alr.lIn " conl,lIi_ t~lly by h"'lIit. to h~nk .,.", arid \ ' ingli'1l h .... ~ lilt le nn "" gninr<t up ..dl ......",_< 1m hi'" In !1>tm.nt w;tll nl'fd ling '1,,",,_ ~ir.g ,;~.. < I'~''''''n Invo< ,.., nr. I ,, ~ ",.,,,_in.. ,·· wi'" ,..mhl;"~ <1~_ A-1105 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 1 of 33 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------- x The Authors Guild, Inc., Associational Plaintiff, Betty Miles, Joseph Goulden, and Jim Bouton, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, : : : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : Google Inc., : : Defendant. : : : ------------------------------------- x Case No. 05 CV 8136-DC EXHIBIT 2 [PART 2 OF 3] TO THE DECLARATION OF MICHAEL J. BONI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GOOGLE’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A-1106 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 2 of 33 From inside the book 9 pog ... m;tch ng "jUl .... in th .. book uo .., ,m I\Ul ...... n .ur~ , rout" """', .. WI: o:nmL1U1 ",." .. ""'t In th e Dinrlcl." One Covington and Burling , ",id (hi: r.nn av<>lcb crim· i,...1 "",,r1 fur Iwu ,.,....u. Tb. form's l;uill-i~ e."""..,. aro ~"d. th,u fo .. crim;n~1 der~nduu can alfotd lhc pcr·bou.r f.., of $50 .. .... ---_. _. -- _ ., --_._ . . " , - -- - . __ ... ,J",,, Lawyer-1Q!.t>y;", is fu.o:of fyr ..... ~ hQt<\...,1 t"';ning -.~- L~ gi.·eo; Ford Wi(DC:5$e$ tbe nighl b<.fore they IUlif,.. Mad,ley puu th~ wiln .... in a chlir in For1l', Shordwn Hotel .uil~ and ..,b hin. tho<.iest '1UestioM oonceiw.ble for houn. Get rid of tt" .. . --. ---... _...- -- - c ' -'--- r - .. . -- ._._ .-.." - . obi lE'!" mcu (Wl the ""ib or ,Iw! fio"nd:>1 <:nrnmfln ily ; "".... if ~ b.>n k~, Ylitlll'U ha. I~ ritht . n..", ••. nrut pmvl!I (hat tt.e premi.5e of Patman 's 'leery i.! wror.g. lhf dlltUlle is done-immedl.arely , 10 tho bank •• ', fgII u d {~ mpeT; lh~ n", { day, i. ""nci~lory A-1107 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 3 of 33 From inside the book [ S, Qd ~ P', " m,le' '' 9 <no d j, i ri , book Pog,K m., "", 'IT lHI"yrrs- ~ 'r ."', '-''''''u ="fl K "P' hr. <lIRCI"" of! tbe public ,,!tn~ ' l:l~d , hm"~r. ""~ M did nor intewd to I ~I tb~ ~nsumefS win a !);ckdoor victory. Rqardless o! Ihf pybllc-p>lcy W~tJ. b~ mailXa!nfd, (b~ tt5tlmD~y 51'1oyld no! bt . u.s. Dlstnu ]Udgf .I. Cull"" Gan")' agrmi ovrr J~s· . -- " r-' - . _ - ...-r··.. ··..". -_... Ribicotf in J96g, ~thlt M r. ~ader. a 11..-ytr hi!1\'ltlf "'i th 00 lack of ~bIM(y in a 5 tud· ~p figi'll, ...-ould stOOp to conque f.~ 1'\001' Itn Ij~t Nader crl'dlt for d(lID~ good thlfig!, bocaust tlIlngs /lie ., ro~ In tht COYDtf)'. And a sman publklst. lOll. Ht look Lloyd -- _ .. " .• - _ .. , • . , _.- --'J .- r· ---- - '"b- •.•• ..• - £,..,.. r.. ntium j,••lifying ... hat hi. e :i.nt wulS done. f><rsor.s favorably ;n<li~~ to ...... rd )'O~r are nwre comforlab~" if Y"~ Give them w m.thin; re.l hravy ~nd l~al· look;"8: to .t.ond on" Tw,. t91 1 c::ose~ ilhull"3t. the point : A-1108 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 4 of 33 From inside the book I Se orch 11 P"9 " m'tohing JLIlY in Ih 0 boo, F'l,l13 st{lrie:s loout Arnold a~d P"rt •• ...,d Johmaru..., trany. ism. aDd tlit d hard iD its early m(mlm 10 lmfar nlud on A&P's brighl bras.s doorplatf. Tte Justice Dq:lII,lrr.enl wmeud a grand Jury iD ClNtiaDd 10 investlgatr ---,-- , ... ----_ . - , - -_ -,-.~.- ~ . --~--- <Ji • .".\",J ' rQrn llL~ ~- , .- .... .. 0."""," "lI:<nc; \" SJ"~4d i>r""'~dlooL ." A""",di,,!: ', 0 Uutll , ll>c ami:ru,\ divi."o" I'J, IoO<l lor crh"inal pn><:trdin" l>tlor•• grand ju<y , Corwron, h~nr, JX,,'u dtd Altomey G..,e,~l Biddle to ,""ul" tIM: CI."" vi, a civil C<) lI!'Ienl Tn., L,,, "n~ele.<l jury did not agre.>, ud Ih. f"r.;mM _<MoW &mud Flalow,!h . jWlire Drpartrn.~1 b"')'u dirtaing ;t. ~olll, th81 (It~ majorily ..... ~I td lo ,etum indictlMcu anyw.y, and IVa, hington be h.~ged. Th. gfOnd jury c~uld h~v. don. $0 A-1109 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 5 of 33 From inside the book 9 pageo malchin, O I~III.(III" the [o)f: Au'lt~r~ think< it ruk ""1ISf~" 10 cre<iil-or bla~m for lact thac 'l~"'ity l.brli"l; h .. DI'V~ ' I"'-"-.M C~ng''"'-< _ H .. ""-)'1' h~ is , I"'ply a I~,.yer who frolll lim. to tirr.~ has pR!l!~led I cUtnl', a'gument ~n an i ss~, If "COn$Um.T ~dv(\CaI~~" had \b ~ 00[<1 <&S<, alld II ........... '1 uf Ih~ A"'oriaD "","vI • . C~""",,, I~ ~ P'q.376 lor Ine 011 lllOuStry all<! \lit POW ~ I compaDle; 10 cau tlle.t, !awy...... ; h<'I;au"" tb~y <~Il mal., a ""'n~ .rgun-.c~1 lhal they In fact ~r~ p~blk·illt~, ... t 1~'"Y~'5, th~ dclinilion bcin~..,< Il:! it is. "Soon after I ...~m int~ oraaice r~r mvself. I was ~DDroach~ W\W ~tturn.Y" 'p~blic·i~l ..... rsl A-1110 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 6 of 33 From inside the book cl erk ~ [ S BOrC~ pagoc rro:c,i" cI.,k in this boo. -.- -..- .- .-.--........-- r- .,,· .. -..... -...., . --- .. legl~lat ion nm,1 'rgistPf with th~ CI ... k of Ih~ Hog,", of R.,... ..... senlalive! and thf S«~t~ry of lhe ~~at ~ , Hf mu.;1 f,lr q~ar~rly repores Iktall ill!( ,he 1n\(Tfllt '"'1""'''''n\~d "n~ _ h~ amount of mo~.y .pen!. CliffQ .r.d othtr lawyer'! ..void ....~\. ,ing iu " .d - . peal, He .. 10 W,.. hingtQn "'Iy tho n .. t memil1(l. a s..tutday . • nd Iudy ~noug~ 10 ftnd R d~rk on duly at Ih. Coun 01 Appe11s to acctplltis ~I~ . J \lSt as he utldpated, l~e IObao:o companles ~led tbnl ap- P'go 378 .. _- - - . . - - -. . ....-.---- •. -_._--.--..... --- -. . -·-r· ·· ~ tLer",. Elm.~n unMntanris = 5 in them ,\ wb.n h. c~me _h ~ I\- ~' W~5 hingtnn f~incama lion [-""'Y'" lwau~ h~ " f thr Nfl" Oml spirit co Washington in th ~ h~ found 19305 as a cle'k lU bi< old A-1111 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 7 of 33 From inside the book 48 "90' 'Mle,i'9 ,n,i,,,, .. in o too, r;, rog.l58 ----~ --- - ---''--» ~- .. _ . .. - ._. .. - .... - .... -"-r"--' l'loduetS Company, w a~ onr pe1$(1D who sougtu. belp. Tbt Roa:r ftrm h~ d su~ldbry ,~d ",,1lIi('!.1 companlO!'l in La tin Aglerka, F.nglmd, and ~rnlllny . ..d lh. I~'tke Oqmrlm<~I's anlil nllil Ilivi,iuD had !(fa"" q=livTIS ai»ul ..,"'" uf iu uver ....,. SI~rllng P>g.3.1 r..lrkted OJ(reo<m.~u W~I'~ a'l:uably aucll"" r lO tho: juint u"de.(akil'K' ! ...;n not ", lhat a """'D"bI~ ",an , fJ~'1;';" 1,,,/, l"j I<t: Iud ~ ..~,e 'w~,dir;al ~",o~d. !o .nlltru.t Ihn llu,"~, ~Q~ld lIOt ha,'e decided dill", ." tly ... -- ~ -_ ._.- .. _. --_.-- - - -.- llum."·....."<IlI!Ik>n ~n oo".o",.,.i..." b r,,,,,, " Th. F"",,"..tiOll ot M ...clatory Food Sland.o.r<b,· Fm C4", LA,. Qw.,IN"r" Dc· ..-mbor 1 ~47 ; on Fed ... l afttilrut ><Ii.,.;ti.., rron p~ of Ib, Anlilnat La.. S,lttl103iUWI ot the A.tit""t La .. Sect; .... N".. ' "crt Dr., A-1112 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 8 of 33 From inside the book al sten [ 3earcl- 26 P'Q3S m't:hinQ " liSle", i1 ttl s to)f: P,,<, 175 K. ___ . . .. . " •• ~_, , _, K __ / ;. . . _ _ " ."."/;'. ' _K ~ _ _ '" en that (lid (ht.t~ut, " If you dQa 't li k. the taw, ehong. it" (Aus~e'n don); .nd (d l t he mOl! potent si rl!l~ voic. in C",·ingtoD and Burli"8, th. chi.1 jll'llli.. " I W..h.ins~ on 'J Io'l!'''' thr o~gh .~ Pog e t76 r<l iTCInCDL A.stt ... doesn't tlIink mu(h more 01 the ' egulalery ogeDcies than doo:s hi.!-adv . .... 'Y N3dcr, b~ ~ for '«y di ff.,...n! . 01· sons. LiOi m Ie him Ie. o... erll ~.OU'"' ,.~d rud his opt«h •• ard b.. and trod" iournal article. . ~nd tb~ lru' lrat ion ~nd outra~ .... iI, d.termi .... Ih !>.i<e. II the '1""lily wu d .. rly """,ked, tho housewife could igno.e t~e b.and Mm.ef a. d buy 00 the blsi. of '1", lily. A.u'Urn ",IIi"" oPfJO'il;"" ",len Tugw,;l'~ 1"",.'.... 1 "'e~1 h!:. 1M.. r~.~ At ~ ~ .. m_in~ fif.ho I\:"'inn..l r , ............""';.. A-1113 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 9 of 33 From inside the book ' ci a r<_ 01 ffotd' [ S ,ard P'"J.3 Cod, I i~ g tho~gbt, I .m doing ClAr k O ilfo.d • f.,'Or by mt<~­ him. I IOU l},i. I. ucU ., "';1., 0 "(:Jil/," " .....~ <~ _Il V~M" Inti <1,.." /41.,. '" "''', ~ Joe , okl, cou~t 01 Clack C5f!Qrc1':1 fin! <l>J In cou,t In St. I..<lui. , Mi>.M "" , In 1929, u d the faa I~.I h~ ""<I e"&ded me by e.3<:11), forty ye.t •• doe. not dil tu,b m. at all. ! am too bus,. listening to tb. Go<.p"l ,.. apo k"" by Cla, l Cliff()ro . and ,",,,bbling furi~lUll' .. l"~,"" . . . . . I e... ,~< ......, .., . I~"', """ ......... 00" ... ~ • ,." ~I u bilcll ""d 1M ..,h.k {n"inw . DNl ~'14 ~J il. AII<I ~u;1 J.~', TIIhat M', riu ...... i" !1i4",j &",h ~yinr lj~ ",... MY u';l}, iii. [,.,uk., M'lf loU. ah~MI Ai. 'Irk~cl CI,,,II: eli,.,.,/, aM his 'ton.,., Cl.ull: CliD~,rJ: and ""'" "'~< .. 1M ,d·.nd·,d darl,d hi_ A-1114 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 10 of 33 From inside the book commne e 1£ P'"1" [ Sea ch mtc~i1~ co mnllnee in th s boo, a "'CIllO"'" OJ we oomll1"'.., <0'" "' •. -- I ~. rc .. r~ """It: ~lIn. ~", .....d (lit: Ul""lry-l """ t.l,;nk or ..,e ill CIe,..lucl, .00 in !>all.. ~ Rd un the C""-'It, ~nl rigbl hen: in W... ,lou..;lOll, fo. ll,a! maller-thaL are di<tlltorilJ, ... jth 0'"' man in <;\>u ..,J<\< 0;001",1. NOL "'tt1 \&"ye, like. 10 ~ iu,-ol>"C<i in the m~ a~Cl"", ' c;"n. N(>ftOLMI .... a corucrvati'-e local b.:<r tculd destroy the publk.i " te,esll.o,,·ye .. thr""Sh a w~, 0\ aUr; tloa. Any uU·po~(;n, . hould 5!art at the tcp, wMch is to $IJ', ... iLhin the A"'e.i.... n B:>r Au<H;iati~11 itull. Th. ABA;' .. Colri- u.. Suv-r l..I~N1 is Ir"'" Mariogs bot ..... lbe H~ CDfmlIUte, blNtsi<m .J 1M; S.,II1" tiel , F. bru&'y-M~ f 19 'it~ • ...., r-<p<>r l 01 .... ...,. c:ommi U«:, 7"- Lr....d, Seol* o.a.nbe, Jt , 1970;."d f~ opnL rtgislno:.;... nat_If fi:ed,.,111 the In ternal Setunt, Divi$i"" of lbe Departmmt ~I I"'tn. 1"br dab nn Awk~I~urt 1'>.,.... , A-1115 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 11 of 33 From inside the book corccron [ Seorch 36 pog' " m:;tc r;ng C'>K>lall ir th .. bock P'go 15~ name, """ (ln~ tool, A~atller. pe!ha~ ~,""D mo;>'( irn· IJIJrlnl , ...., ~ "".<lul ..,.<.Iir.,l! (II !he 1-'.<1"...1 ~w~"'''' .. ,! .. ill, me" bra1 booth 10 FDR .rtd !~C I"',hiu".. Toonmy Corco,.n ad'O<;.;ot..:! within \h~ Adru; n;s(wion, U.s . . \'nJ' ( ~"'" U.s. "'_. k IV..'" 11~. ~ .. \ l~ • _ _ w~. . . - - i .~ • • l_ l ~I (""~_ b~t OIl'" hi .. anY"'~Y. Whal Ccr«>",n did n::>\ kno .. ...a, Lh:u. lor" time lUiH had i ... Ituc:LM hi. teC • .ury not t~ mak~ any app<:>intmen!s for Cor<:<oru or put IhfOUgh hi, I'M'" coU•. " l lOld hrr that I "';d~'l "',",,11.0 _ him . ~_ 11~1t M _ .................... ;M " " ...VIo ~f ,I." ..........! ;~ .... m. ,,{ ,"-00 ~._ A-1116 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 12 of 33 From inside the book OJtp J ra1e 71 P'9" mtd-; n) ~.,~.,ote int1i, )(0< Pogc70 offic •• Oiil'ord did IlO'l Jl".uaJl"l~ in th~ 1968 """'I"'ign------tl. tho<:gh his law pa'lno., (0""." C!.\ ofI':ci31 Tho",.. 0 , Fir,noy, h.,l~d dirtd ~~nA!OI Eu~~ Md' .Artny'. Pr"" i~n ! lo l bid_ And as (If mid,19)1 Oiford ... a,\ tn~ thkf rorfig~ policy advistr to 50,"""111 Edam",i lIIlbk;". wl~1 I", "",Iv .Jt,;iJaJ ..."" lhe :"",,1 Pag,347 hard o re of hi~ $iD(eri ty. CUII~T hJS more faith Ihan most or liS In Ihe public . pirit of (l}rpur~tr muxub. H ~ lhiob ll~ can uju~" lhe.., P""'plc, .cd 1"'1 lnmo on th~ blck, aoo latd thcm to good citi .. n;:hip ti .•., building ""r" (a,~ th.l don'l .",it dt<ldly gynk). " and who fora:d Am . fica's lorgest indu.s~riGI ~ •• licn to spe~d ",Ofe than $-IOO,COO in lO pro,,), fight with its -.. ilia . ... bolders-which Is to say, itl o... ~,,_ Phil .\{OOf~, co'f"l,ate guerrilla, pallen tly man eu~rint General )101(1u to,,"ud a con- A-1117 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 13 of 33 From inside the book Se Qrch - _.- _ .----- -------Ribicoff in l~60, "Ih~t ~!r. ~ader, a I• ...,..r him .. U with no lad:: o! ahilil y in ~ . 1~nd _~1' fight , "nuld Sl onp 10 conqu...." No_ Itt's give NOMe c,..dil t.... <kilns good Ihlng., 0..::. " ... thl~,. au wro~.g in the country_ And a smart publicht. too. li e took Lloyd --- - -r- ' -- -- - -,-r -----'--,, ' -_._. P,9" 333 "'''''lUI"'''''' :.o:m" ,.".na, suns w'llen g~ " " m e u _ ~. a miln.,aDtO clear title to the "omp,my nd tbtn complue Ih~ p~bti~ !3Ie. Lloyd C~tlo:t on thf Suplfme Cou rt, replacing Imtk~ TmD CI~,k ; LI<>ytl Cull. , in the Corn "me., Drpanrnmt a, deputy to hi. ok! lri~~d Sc<:,~:..ry John Conn~t earlv in l ~ ~ Ioh~ Ad· i. h~/.rc it i. imrod~<etl, and tlldl ;$ ..1... \ h. t.lid. T I,,, uim;".l ... nc:lions ... <ren't in the Adn,in;'jralion's bill br:caux Cut l. , got thtm out .1 lhe: dra fti",; ~tage. ,\ , I ..... ... ying, )"<lU luI~t 10 li,teb b.t......... t1t~ ~"es "'~D Lloyd Cudor is t.l~ing , b<-co.U!.e he A-1118 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 14 of 33 From inside the book [ ~ c arcr nad cr 1'1'. 11 , .. "'Old Ralph Xadtr , Thi. Mall Na..le" ~1~1j(..d in a Nad .. 's R4idt .. otll<ly ollhe r"m. Tbi. Man Nad... """led IQ in\coYiow .~t'y and ""cry l\MOciate in (he ~nn, lind on the record. , , ~ssi<t3nt to Dr. MillO" Ei::o:nho...... th e cll~irrn~~. ~y5, "CUlIe< ... u Kruf>"Io~, ~bou t h , 100; t.. kept away (rom TV .1.... g~hto"") Sighhhhh. Th~n K~d.r. Wht c,,~ be dm~ abo". him 1 A law_ A-1119 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 15 of 33 From inside the book n«or 4~ [ Searcl1 P"'-l" ""lei ir y '. ' ,UII i" Iii> wuk {then Vic:e,t] through havi"fi Eddie Ricl<e~\wIcke, [pr~idt'llt of £,uttm Airlines] coDtact [AIIGtney Gen· eral] Bill Roger. In lb. !Justk_] Departnlt"t. r agrH'd tho.( N'uon wo$ :he tigbt man, but tho.gbt ... _,_~. ~ .~ __ • _____________ '-, ____,, ___ __ _ ~ ~ U _'- aling ddeal i. tile 1962 Catilomia gubernatorial rlection. NilOn wanted. place to T~ui1d hi~ lite ADd to money .. hUe doing $0. Hc fQU~d '(line p«ullarly ~ppealirc qualit ies in N~ w York; 10 Roben J. OollOvan of tile £01 AlI(tltJ TitrrtJ be " Iormer Vice t'r~dftlt enablfd NI:wn 10 obta:n briefings lro", old Stale DepnllneDI frif nd! bdore hi! lorti, n t ravels, He wa! "'PfCially Inttr ~ l~d 10 Tai wan, W~O!It lo~g liD1~ rull!", Chlan: K11-Shek, ,a~e Mudle ROJSe tEen! Pl:p:!ICob an U c1U5"-e fran- A-1120 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 16 of 33 From inside thE book '"","" L~"IIt1" [ S""'Lh .. rug CUI from und.... , hh ~ ~ banks1 PJUlng I~ Ih~ company," doai"""D Sluurl s.w. ..~ "" 1I1~y 19 1,,1tI s..;,r( acy uf .ooJ the T, .."ury David M. Kc:nnedy of the tigbtc:nl~1I bind O~ bb cornp"ny ~ that the ';~"'nt.~ i .. u~ h~d failt<!; If P~n C~~_ Bo~nl r'l e 24E b.nk Bo,ud mtetin( Wile:; $hQw Patman', antago~IHlI and the cli.~w,"' rcdpr<>UI1 billcrn""" , Dim;\ur Stab,,,,, .., fe . ii" 'tarlC:" , '1oot<3 PBtmon all , ayin5 hc: "'.... ""'cry thot Ad1ninislfG t;o~ bilt<! 1<1 go thro~gh [with lb. g~ ..;tnl~J b«::>u~ no_.~. -' , ~ .~ _ . . ." ~ ... ~, ,. , . D ... ' ,, _ _ . ~ • • • D.o • • r .... _. I-'.,ehl !lanking and (;urren~y C~mmittee is sha.t)'. H e hQld. Ibe emirmn ... lolp by ,·inuc of the lIe,,;onty .y.tom , but D~mo<:r&1> b •• e mlai with R"!,ubiico ns 10 ov.. ri~. hi... In Ik paSI. In tht in_ sUlno. ~f p...,~ Cent,al, th~ GOP m...,,\>e,s told Patman , "One semi of oartisao oolitia. ami we'lll'U! vou." A-1121 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 17 of 33 From inside the book s er",n [ SE 1YCh 50 P"'-l " mlc! i ,'-l ~e rr d ' " ' i, II,;'; "u lk ",,-e h". rna'" COntact .. i,h ~ ?"",.rI~II . .. form in 1M s.""tor" h,me 1I~te" K.o.raoi k, .. ~ dld Ml naone the S~ulOr in the ",.mo, conl in"",, , Jtrry S. Cohm, longtime ~h,d rounsel and Sl31f di~to, of tbe Sc'nalt Anlilnm and Mcoo~ly !ubcclmmitlee and lOW in prl\'ll e pc'BCtlcr, agrers ; I~drcl, be loki me, "The ~rel te Clark hi> abili(y 1" c,,,,vir~. Senal.. r that 'll', to Cliffu"J'~ ' U«ei> i~ ""or :ul~an""'~ '0 do ;, th;~ .. ov'_ .. hkh i. '0 '""V_ Clif!ord', PagE 317 I«ter and .en.. oue a s.. ..... or .. b~ .. ill have i. twd on oflkiiL .ta liQ nery and mailed under .b. Se a. to,'. sign.tu,~. So""t"r RUl$ell I~~t ly obligo< hi", ; so did Se nl'or E.'ere\( M. 1J;,1l",~ ~ fll'~ hi< d.alh. Say. rh ~ IRS m.~~. " 11 rh~ SInal'" i, "- Lma ' trs,.h'.'''''"'. .... No ... iII <'Iv'n Jo.b ~ . '\'".... ,..;.~ • ,., . ~ . ,,, "'" A-1122 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 18 of 33 From inside the book [ Search n" manage<' (0 " ", u:c ml.< (0 ~-" cu, TOmUf<CQ ,0 nclO ."er "It'll Dever <<)me <>ut .. I ', ~., otalut<." C~mmo nto f iold, "lie', ri~III~;I'1 eng"wed on . ton •. '· 110.. did you do it? I ..1<0<1 D~ncaD. How <tid you manage to p<T'uood. Mill. 10 T« "'e bill .nd i ... ~T\ y~.r 'mo~~nt l def~l . From inside the book ln a [ Se a rch 2. pales ",tch ng ni,1 in tri s boo, permitted lilt AMA and Iht Big FQur IQ avoid publi( [rinl. Nad.rconsidored Ini, b3d I.... two r~:uon,. Alter years 01 jQulting with ((>rpor~liora, Nad~r realitN t~eir dr .... d of odo;tnc pubHeit)'~tMal Ihe mosl dr""liv< wny 01 - A-1123 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 19 of 33 From inside the book tr .. 8 2 poe", [ rmlC1i1~ 1I1~l s - ~3 ar:h in this book - --._.-.- · T ··· .. ... -., ~ ~ biu"f ,""let"",,1 "'nee the SJ.]"", witdi trials : ---- - --perj..y. tor Senll~ mmmittee that he "lPiI.5 a "f~lIo"tt of tht line" ar.d a " of C~I~munln lm ~rali!l." Luther Yeung-dabl , iL former R.qlUbllcan (;00,·.,00' of dtnying to l Com~wnl!t J~dge From inside the book 5 p.~es matc htl1 !lefen!l~1l1 in th ' boo { ac' ...... \he result of mcnt.o.l d;s.ase, lilt defEndant c<>ut~ I>e acquitted on t~~ J;roand of ;nlll.n;ty. For tho eq..aU obKun y C].. enl;~ Cid,""n, th. Florida u'er·d.,..."",n , ForbU tDQk a Suo pr~me C<l""( ~gnm~nt and .. OD th. Q X e>toblis,ir.,:: tJ-./It de· f.nwmt.>. """" ; t.JtJe>. wu>l !.av~ <:our.... ] &1 .11 01 A '\a.I!" A-1124 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 20 of 33 From inside the book [ 3,adl 6C P"'1" m'tchinq wash inqton in this book Pag,5 ........ "c .~ ... ~"""' "'" .. ,,.U>",, m.... uo< " ........ vo ''''''~R wagor.•. Big , tu.'f," Thit fn)m a .pe::ialist i~ trar"ro.tati~p law, • mon .. flo " .... involved in Iwo laftdmuit u il merg •• cues . but whn .. <ampl"~1y uft k"""", nutd"" Ih " light ti ,d. nl f~lln .. pl"llditiCIMn in t... ~kl. From n side the book drst lct 27 ,aJos m'tc htlj dlslllCl " this boo, altorney during J olmSCln's ,eign 1.5 SeDate majorit~ leader. Vice Pre3 ldellI. and Presl dellI. ]ohllllOD mot FDrtu .. non h. ,0&:1 a (,o Hern. C"'PK< W rLl." t ,ot "liter publi( po_' f~r his Ttxa. di!!rid•• nd for ..... ... di· ...... t,,' "J ,I... n......... ""'n ' " J .h. Tn'",. ... " .• rl;vi.<j~R " I oiorl,k A-1125 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 21 of 33 From inside the book l S m ch J ric hE7 p"gOG mct ch nl,i ~ht in Ih 0 bo ol, ~ , [ . 12' righl tu 10:-...-• ••• wh~t the ~IJ~II>C of ..1Ucll he had hem WJl· vktnl ...... " ""!>Old, Fortu and r'orteT dULled tJt;, cloud th rough the courU xvm JUrs before the ~ovcmmml blu~ed ~nd g-.'·e the m.n !heir bad p"y. And (ho,'m L.atl.imo,~, ,j,. ~,"~_r • • ~., ~ n.;~ h . ;I...t rn' n ...."rl no< t h. mn.' ro, From riqhts insid~ the book [ 3earcr Iloh lake tht Firth Amendment more than one ~undn:d Ii.,.. Ixf~ re tho t ( ",dru oommillee. The Bill GI Righu , tbi. s.... run says. b Q vory ~n~i~ V"""aftl", a~d it prollOCU corporation. and iBdirid""l. alih , ;1nd on<:~ you n~tt waiving it •__ __ __ . __ _ _____ •_ ,. ___ _,. , ___ " ".... _ _.• L>'_ ,-,_ _ __ ~ A-1126 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 22 of 33 From inside the book [ "",arch ql ''''J'' rmtch"J rJi~llt in thi_ henk o for ny ca$e in whidlliminl: is an important baar." l',ot e"...eT)' c<lS< '~ulls ;~ • mult.ib~lio~-dolbu savin, fc~ " die~t, ~uc~ as '\like Dm1(M gabtd for the shale oil indll.'ltry . BUI Caplin says the sallie prindplc:s "1'1'1 in H"Y I"", ...-oc...,..j,,.;, Knuw It,~ f>W)' From inside the book 82 pageo mct ch n g c ~ < n'" in Ih 0 book P.g.6 ,= .....1 ~, rtgulation, on" ",hiclI stiR.., competition in the ""'1M of atl ..... "_~'. . . A ..... ' . "ot~ 'ly" v.", " ' ''' """ UAfV"'I;" ~~. "". "'" mnrket . fo..... ly • merr,ber of tbe Federal Comm~D;' •• lien. Commi",ion. now a n ~!10""'Y ill Wu .tingIon, 0 ..,.. ' LH looevi~g ••• A-1127 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 23 of 33 From inside the book 12 P'O" mtchin, 0"'0' in th S 000, "The """..., k1wy . .. "",uld ncv. , con';Ocr taking the """'c Ipproach ' 0 ,flo COUrt> o ~d o.~ .....1 th o di ... , ... 10 ~~w '0 enter 8 pl . ..... d (h ... ",nd hi m 011 (0 the <ollrlhD ~.., (0 ;0110,. in$lru< lion. ," Abb,d wro:e in ,. 1970 bw .evWow •• tido. '·\ ' 01 the From inside the book [ 0 0<",. 1 t lar.l:rove w,att ,. anotlIer nc""", In I\ "~ ..,.t '''''-', ··tM , ...... , {US PS ) " ould J"""''''Uy I..." a good d""l (u .... ~ aboul ,b. <~u, ....l Ih. uod~ "rWri( .." scl:<,o<I, ahm~~h lhr ",d.,,,';I,,... lhem..,I,,,,, engul.'l,d S<Kh ruum"...1 a~d pay (!ric 1=." Ni~'" rno~ths IiIleJ. in lollY In ). US PS p<rmiu~ Ih~ Itadia~ A-1128 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 24 of 33 From inside the book • (Wl1mtl'. Cutler and I'kkerln~ IKI1f 5erves as the Wasl1II~loD o!tlte of Cravath, Smilie and Moore; the 1"'0 1Inn.s even share I h ~ same add[5S n d pllone numbu In the W&!'hiogan~ ~ lOl>r~. Ion telephone dirI)tIOI)".) From inside the book ",, "a :e 59 paJes m.tch ng . eo",e ir t~is took Pale 27E SOn ( Il ., VI.) , then chairman 1)1 tllt Senatt Hanking aDd Co"'.miU.." which had j.....udict;o n 0"". the bU1. F~. !:lItty's 5IIkc. Carey decided to make one lut rou lld of CommltlOX membe,s, p',tiulu iy I),.. &nat<>r who 01'1"'...:<1 the ,,,",,,,an"" C~ ,uncy ___ ., __ _, .L_L'" A-1129 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 25 of 33 From inside the book [ 50 P"'-l" mlc! i r'-l j."ic. S e~rc!1 " iI,i, ow, IIItnt In 19.10 lnd Il>rmm a law pannersh:p. An farly <Jlem ..... R tVI' I" 19S~ lbe r,,". ,j,n...t I" u '''I';lIat~ ooe pro,-ld..! • ~at r... u( $9;,000. wh k b "'... reo ported to tbe J""dco Department ~nde, the I'orcig" Af;<nu R~· i'I'~I ;"" '\<t; tb. atho•. u~TCpo.tcd . croll..! for B bcDUJ of ~I Pt. the o..,.'"iwa "I: ''''~lenl.5 ; From inside the book Soarc, 5, "9'" ""toOi'9 ., o •• Y in or;, to)~: Pog,62 ror ID1 nm r.g .... ,.,. aaorr..,y •. ur at 1..0"11"''''' mr "'" I'rO\~""'g er.ough money t\l hi." tMm. Or at yourself for DIlt beir,g wilting \0 pay tllt W e! to provid ~ lh~ mo~ey 10 hi." tb~ better aI · lor.')"5. And.lO forth. Wh.n pul>lic·lmu~ law broune la'llllon3b1~ i~ Wa>ilir.gton A-1130 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 26 of 33 From nside the book 'CO''; 'gtor a nd bJrling' 8~ [ F'l'O m,tc ri ng "covington , ,,,1 bnrling'" thi, boo, P'go C1 i-'age tb ''6''' ' .'~ g", .. .. ,_ , ~w~.u ~~ _ ~"" a ,_,,_, . _ " "'~,,~ . tht FTC ; HeU, ,h~w me unybody i~ W3,bi~Jl'>n wh~ know. mo •• abrxIt tho FTC lhan To"''''y )" m ,.,.. and I'll civ. )'<'U t .... keys to th~ offico. 0. lhe CAll. R...... "'ber. Howard W.stWO<>d c. ,,1ttd th~ CAl!" Covi~gton ~ftd Burling d """ oot fro ..... at A-1131 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 27 of 33 From inside the book J5 P'~es rra,ch " ~ "nllldq" rose""" this boo , P'ge221 '" P'ge 239 ---" ~ - rolyin, up"~ • Madge R.. se legal .. pillbn ' to fight a ror""" Mu dge R.,... p"rtr"~. [N i. nnj" MUdtf RoJ.e and IU predtceJ$O ' ~,nu hne mllnlalnrd ctI'lcrs In W:l.'lbiIrgl~n sin« t.b~ earl)" 19 ~Q5, according 1(1 Randfjlp1l A-1132 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 28 of 33 From inside th e book "I pa~es ma,ch " ~ 1 '' in Ih s bJek 0'' p"Y" 112 .va, a~ ~"t"" ' ''' l~ ' ~ ~,~ .. ~ ,~ .~ .... " ... ~~" ,~~, Ul th ~ ptrfOrTnaMf!.promiw glp nl tb mti~, ~·Grtu ·S l CUpl.antt of a ! I(e f rom tile loulKlali!ll of ~nnder Lollis W~lbou " a\ no sarp:ise ; IDd<'rll, ~~ somt it q,!tomiud I'"OrtaS.. WillW. P'go 127 u.. lou~J:O<.U ul 1.1J" l~,. , ~ul &t 1,10. ~uu., ~ ul ~r""ri- - Poge 128 ,. . . _ " r _.- 10m,," Liag nd by- 1962 had ' !arltd Li~g·T."'.eo­ VO~~~.I on a diu)'i~G lhTO~gh the Annci.1 ,",o.1d. Both P,,"~ IInrl l.i.C .re iri"nd. 01 Lyndon johnJOl1, Ibr"~gh .. hnrn Ihoy carne to klllJw and Irld Abe fortas. h 1\l~1 ~·01U.! belped Post tg"" ~." "I'll A-1133 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 29 of 33 From inside the book [ S c,,",ch a dmini,tr ~l oo 1.l>I<mg a I"'-"'KIl '" <at "'.",DCIlY "''''"m'''''~UOIi \ ~~"''''g, "" Clilord did tIIrly. Ihal Kennedy did w) bul who iBtend"ll to do a put d...1 "I bllSio_ Ihe J:~nnt<!y Adonlnlot ration. C lillord \t1luld h,~d1~ the lrtmition from EiJ.mho"er 10 KtnlIedy. Itt ..~t \0 .. or!< in m rly fal l drafti~ a docu"""" wi'. • • • .... ~u"n'5 1iaisoD with tbe lame--duc:k ] ohn5<lB Admi~im3tion , ",kll. John Sea" ..., t~ J~i.1 ~ .. ;uaT)' to Spif'O T, A8n~ .. : both took middl'oftO""lon J>D'I itio • • ill til!. Admin~ ... t;o~. And C<lr,x<mte WiUbington-lb~ lobbyists and trade associations and ~' go 337 CUI"'", in rebulla!, dmi", lhal criminal pen.hits .. ne ell •• a priority it...., 10, th~ ind_ry, .lth~USh it "did ucl does" opp<lSl! them, f'urlhtf, he nQ\e! . criminal !O\nclions "Crt n~\' er in the auto Sillety bilL ndthtr ., the original ,JohnlQn Administlal.ioD - , ,,1.,,k"',., "' .. ITI ,J.., vp",.m, ,.,..,,,ood f""m .ho- R"" ... ~nrl A-1134 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 30 of 33 From inside the book [ S ,ad Pag, 33 placed upon ,b. Ir~o", or U"'~"idi.ed <' ,0 ~y ""or uy reul~ o. into any l ~ .. itory. F~ rt h •• , eo"'ri", tho wh. busir.... ''''I''i •...:I nomiul <:.pIal ,m~n" TI... ~irwll" ""ro I,.". an,1 ..... vig3lion~1 .nd nl~.,.. 0r"... tin ..... 1 fnd liU .. .. '''~ n ain· tai ntd or I~bsidized ~y 11-... I'llvermMnL :\ fttd~l inv . irlb. di d i"'·.... ccor.omK co:ucq< 01 tne .",atJOn plan la"",),<-, WeslWOOCl .. rele lor the IITA . 1'.......... , 0. c.. .... ral J omts .\ . Fa.loy noled lh.t the goveTlUnenl hod "f"'nt '·hundreds or millioru 01 doIl. ~ io the bllilw..g 01 airports, ; ... tsll~l; o o or bt3cun ligblS, etc., and d;recl . uhoidi os paid I. ' he N.w that the nnnci.l mg •.\> , rom " ... lOr ~. ".em I"" amnr la~td 100.5 Dllt! 13n~lng rlglID 11 Ken • • dy ' nI.<rn,lt'on.~' Airport in N~ York . Cwi..:tun ~. d nur ~n~ defended it, flf.' bdlrT .. mac", d,e ~ge," N~ 00 Y",k Si al. Cummis>i"" u" Hun"" Rij;lll., lbe" ~l V.iled Slal<~ DL;t,i<:1 Court . The 'q>TC>Ol\ll.tioo d~ttd tbe A-1135 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 31 of 33 From inside the book DC P'''''' mtchin, '1ll.,i<M il1 t1i, boc« MuICU sea ....,.a 0' In" , .... R n,,= m.,.r LIn.. • ne " HI"" ', St~\e~ rvemm .. t submitted a rlnlt traty-lI",y,," 1..:o,lin'. ""~di"""k , ~lIy--to a Unit.d N.Ii~ns C<III\miltM l~ ,>.u· !l"' l 19'0, On ano:he, f"",t . U chaiT:n:ln of :. 'I~d .l .""""iean Bar;on .ubcommiu... l;oylin i~ m""iI;,;n~ h,u ~"ppnrt pt'IIUI:R( looon ... "" ne gu bill WI(t enough to shatler a~y s.bcomcious CUfiord mIght h,,~e ~nl. ru lnro 3bout hulkllng • la .. Trl''''''', ""m •. 50 did a nuil,~r .".,Iy ~""". Ihi> .... '" urr bd.all 01 Ho",.,d H"I:Ir",,', 11\..... A,clr-rinl Pan ."Lrle:ican. t""u~ht~ p,,,,,lkr o~ , . _ - - -r - '-"-h _. - '-" - - _ •••• •• _ ......... __ • • - Ammcan Werld ." lrway' !JoIid hi'" 3 ' ftlbrr O $.10.(00 a year • f • ltl>o~gh be D~vef ~~a'ed ~ n 115 behalf In a Jg nnal [>roc~~g a l lhe Ci.i l Mr~DuUlb IIo; ,.1 ,: SI<pIOl' K l~h"""n. a conVl:n" nd limal 'Ill. thal does cuu ... ,ti~,.aL aviat io" "'0, 10;. Je<;~i~ed [ees A-1136 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 Filed 08/26/13 Page 32 of 33 From inside the book I Search 2, p'g" mlching ",g •• d in -ri s to,f: P'"-l,1[6 By milHl a:l:h Cliff(li'd conclude:! the Ullited 5131<5 should ni,t windin~ down the \Oa r and let aUI of "i etn,lm, He l'i~tc:, as ~e wrOte Iller, "L.'llt 1M Unl!td StS!" entered Vietnam ..1th ~ IImiled aim-to ple vt~1 iu 5\1bjQglItkm by (he nurlb 3 ~d 'D """bl. ,ru, ["",,,Ie nl' Sou[h Vi""",,[. II> c~t.nlliD~ [itbl \Q Io~m . ,,.hal tho: "S"e"",, o£ ..hich he had been eonmttd was." .... nold . F(>,taJ Ind Portc:r r.hQOd u.;. dood through (be eo~'I. £or ~ yean bclon: tJ-.e go~.mDle~t blo. hed "nd gave the ""'ft thei, back p.o.y. And O .. en utlimore, ,,,," .~~_l.- ~. . ~.t ftn S'''''I' ...... .. ,,'l; ("I,;n . " ..." ~";I...t ->Vv · ;n'n , ....... , .... ~~ .... ,.,., ,~_ ~'''6 ........ " "' ~ " . ' ..... - Ii . .. , ug-ued lIlal C~rnpben should h ave 10 inform onlomen lhoy had bee~ ~i.od. The FTC reioc it d SO UP'J ....wl "r~ . m~M by ... 4_1 vOle bllt said .~ch OM miRht t... opproprial~ in """" ,;tu3Iion ._ SOUP triM .gain .. VMr 1"1 .... orith I'ir~slo"" A-1137 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-5 From in~ide Filed 08/26/13 Page 33 of 33 the book ""arch 83 "[10' ""tchin, . ..... 4 ., thi, boo, L"' ... a<kKl "'" II U w",~ ' 1 , .... Iltll I lo>l<'<l my momny ..<I I"'PI'Y ud Ih' l I aM Ih. deI. e:<I, .' '''lrie<1 . 1Id Doo_ '<I little boy ia l ~e ,,~.... , wide "",.i<! CUirTllan Kefauver had difficuJly in oolding onlQ hlJ judicial mi en .. ~m tht GOP s::>lon asked l~ e witness if It. ezplaining tilt corporations hne l rq:ht to legv rl'pfl'Sl'Dtation," a .'leIIlo, ~nD~T saY'. ' TRI alwlYS geltl~ quedons like , ' Will 1 "" ~t 10 '~p'_nl oorpnra\la1l51 Or ~nyaM rbe .. bu w ;n.. KloJ"I: " OIl. yt>lr the q~ ... ti~~ ......., ' Wl:IIl , (0' e.... n'P~e, "",uld CoVinol"'" and B.,li.,. if wu " -ere a.1r.ed to ."",=t w Pog .167 "Whl1 lt.adn ·ll>e ... , d / U a <kM lIe n ... lt . "1 den'l know," COl"Co' 3n " W~ll ," rontinuro ~~~ ""t, "ho v~ 1"'u (oIlnw.-<l Ibi. Plli<y 01 g<ling III IIIfo C.n..,,-m.~'i<ln''', .L' Y"" did in lit .. r~, in . 11 0/ lb. caM:s that 'iOU have tritd be!o,." the ~·ede nl Po Ccmmission? A-1138 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 1 of 34 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------- x The Authors Guild, Inc., Associational Plaintiff, Betty Miles, Joseph Goulden, and Jim Bouton, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, : : : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : Google Inc., : : Defendant. : : : ------------------------------------- x Case No. 05 CV 8136-DC EXHIBIT 2 [PART 3 OF 3] TO THE DECLARATION OF MICHAEL J. BONI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GOOGLE’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A-1139 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 2 of 34 From incide the book [ S. ,,,-ch a lto ..,.y Y'" .. ~" didn't ~I hi!; in u.. . ~ to ca<n, and i.n't m.n ... oagh 10 tA k~ ~ lick ing ... ithout .. ~in;n~, the .... y ~ gll()t1 l a"'Y~r I. <uJlllCYd m . J\' n und ..",,,,d ing wh.1! ~r ot l h~ ad,Oft"· sary system, ", hieh ts my God after all "hat La ... i~ ~bout, Arntri:. '/I ~n .' I"Jro It ;, n;"""",;ntln ... ~ut' dnDI.~ds, ""coyntorod ~fdy, ~im:l & rAl t1~, ,..-mlp s"ruunr AhN.hrun Ir.le\'wllftJ. Th. au tg iadlllllry, mntnwi,n., I",d mOl" !IOriUY5 pf~loIrn>-~b~ publ ic lurar <lY~r .tirr":! by Nade,'. c>;pO .... Ck~(T.1 M/lt"".•tupidly. a priyate Mt«:tiv. to in'o'CStigat< N"ader'~ p,;vote lik Three of t.~ log, altoney • ..,o,king on tk case r«o"" n>ended (hal tho Ja" lce D"p"rtment bring bo>tb civil ond ~ri ml· nal a~til"'~l ac l;OIU, and thal the auto m.n~laetu~n 8M ttot AM A be indiclro for • Sherman A~t "''''"piracy in ,,,,(ruint o f A-1140 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 3 of 34 From inside the book _ . _ ; __ _ _ , w_w. _ _ _ . ______ ... ww_; y_ ... , _ •• __ _ p"'p"<Mul",y .tudlf(! O auto "umper•. n The a.croll}·m5 are no aa:idenl. for tluw l rum lM only law C<I~r;e In lbe: 1l.llpQ w ht!<~ wliling press rderucs is part of the syllabus_ Banzl:u l coll5ider:l the general publk; lhe stud. Ill!' ~" ... u u <ry wUY'" IIV .v "' .... '"6 ..... '~ ...... ,," .....) , ..... ~" •. ,~ ~ d!r:fl, In m.k~ il hUM for nl~ . <)<" Innk Inr a '<ip3.I' cntJrt . ",~erf they co~ ld nly upon I frit OOly ju~gt : · BIDW! Ntld . Tht court .. hert lhe IiI"1!I appral Is 5r.d ....... :J1ClI J~ riWklioll 0'·", aU lUlU,,, pooceedings i<l r.b~ <a5t. hClKC: tinling to. inlp"rl.a!lt. ul P'g' %6 ag •...,.. And he discarded convftllioD31 law ""'ching mew ...., ..he'f stud .... ts 'P"nd drury hours in lh li".. ry mfmoriling",. B ~nMa f dt<:idl!<! on lh. so:>-oo..i1 ~[>p"",(h . "The danger in public-inltrrst In ' is thaI you call becotn<." , .I'~lal" non OuilIl". """~" .. vnu ",p un .,,,,In<l """'" n~'''' Na .,;m.. A-1141 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 4 of 34 Fram inside the book 1~ p,g ... m,le,in, ban k n thi, boo k Kioai.... 1',,:.k1.nt uf Ct:nlr~1 Jlank IIr Tr~sl C.,mpony , a ~I~ Lexington bank which tomJ>(lcd with tho ....~'8M bo.n .... , sa.jd the 001 U.S. Dist,itl Court h~d betn .nab!. 10 oht.ain In. SlipuluM di," agr ••. 1-'. ,"Pb .¥....•. _ ¥> _.¥. - ............ ..- ...,. , ~ ~ o.,i.,II • good job pr~k i ~8 h< fort Cor.!!",,, ean "" 'U ~,'Did_ ;"1 C~ngr~. John II . \ 'ingling. 1M banl l aw)"n".I~bbyi!!1 we mel earllt r. knows .. hfn 1 n,ht and wben 10 5i(\f.5tep. WIlr.. 0 p"""iblo:, be Ir;", tu k..." ~;. di",.\s <lUI ul Ia~~ ul Ille ir....iuk _1lSUy. ,<>< It 0<0:1"......, ... n,. .Ute. Uut Pe,. a"'" a >1.10"1 a .. ' ...... tate ~ f , triet UlilnlSl ... rO'~R"ler.t, ... k rdu:scd Cutler', '. re<jU .. L Seo,· ......1 ..·f tU lat ••• tho biD . ppo ••ed und •• .,.,..... !Olr<hip of Sr""tcr Ruwl1 L<lw ( n . b . l . In lhe!t'l"'" ,·.,in. 8 s"nalOf Sam Jo;rvin (LJ .• N.C. ) b noted amOOl!. colleal!Ue'l for A-1142 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 5 of 34 From inside the book [ Se ",-ch "" ~'[C 84 • Lot'~ ..Q r'r. 0 I~is thins out teg"th"_ Flnil;.ilily 1ft 19S2 Clifford worked ha.d to o~min Iq;;"lllti<l" 3ulhorlolnc pi ~iM:!l to Intll'ase th~ " rite of utulal gas, a bill of I:I~III beodit 10 clitnl Phillip' l'eu<lleuOl. Wilh Ih~ hdp ul tl,~ uil;lty'. groat ~.(e 19:: y. "', • ·... ' u '"', ..... u '''''''' ua, uu< w.~, .... "1"""" 1'" y,.", al1o .... flC\' from the gov.rnrneDI. (The .......... long <my at the TI}'.n Club ,.ith tho ICC bwyerl c",11 a._kline ~nd t.iJ ",If. 800thel $496.Sl. ) IIc..·e-vtr. Congreuional inY~ ligJlors fOWld MeLA tDrrlspondence In whieh CbeseldiDt ;., qUOted as I\S~ Jng ~'le 337 C~tl~" ill ,tLu(l..:J, d""io::> that <.rin,iuall"',,"1tl.,. ... en: ""er a priority Hem lor Ib~ ind_ry, although il ~did ud d~," "'PP<l:5e I h~m. Further, he nole. , criminal ",nCI""" .. cr. nev"" in the auto .. I~ty hiU_ ueilh •• in the original Joh<$On AdJuinislratiou .11,,",i ..' ... "". 1ft Ih~ ........ rm. r............ "" r,nm flu- H",_ ~,,~ A-1143 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 6 of 34 From inside the book c," led [ SE 1Ych I 0lJ pages match ,, ) co il ed in th S oo ok P"e I~ , , cmll'ltat!on , eliro ~ data lilt FDA called "phony," Chf!5fbro~b-rQ~d's, !r.c., R IQl1gllme COI",.tk:il olanue"",lure" f1II)vod inlQ Ih. drlll: r",ld in the: IQ6:b ".i1h I ,uJI~ined · « 1<,,->< ....,.,jn call.,j ~~a;uri" . S""L dlU.~> ~r~ .atu.aL1e 10 .,tb- l ~ tk ~ 'P'IIl I CJIIUf CD r""raoI"J .fU~ a~d MUI 4 '""""J ""~I / ...,Jf d";"f, " . n u llvlj .. ", "/pnfftl""'d. N J l d barll t~ y~M . .~A" diil" '/. I ",It~d ~t~im . I'll frt bod U YO". S~t "il~',. I ulll'd ega;". &1>. CD"ON~ SfJS lie if I DC tlM a~d t'od Ill,•. 'Y By /II~' PN J C.,uro~ {II. cC~IfI~td a Jlack of j~f<";"'" ".k, Assi5l3nl McrtUry ollho Navy u ll od you, lor ;nst~r.ce, y<lu felt h. "'•.dd not bclhor you .nl_ he 11'&11 • .,iou.," B~t ~l\enl imll1, Capli" .. 1<1 , the 12"')'., wo~l d '" lh<ou£h a d"~llory .-ecilu;on of his ~""" and leaye a memo ror lh. IRS .uK 10 .t~dy. " ,\11 he A-1144 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 7 of 34 From inside the book ccmmlSsw n [ SeuGh r'le 8 ~ ........ , ,1<le \..GIT\m .... on, ~DO elOel'l'n01e . • ne ",'So. " ...... York 1;... firm.......c.1'·~'h, S..·,une 1•.d Moo,.; P~ul. Wei .. , Rir· "ind. Wlu.non .It(! Gacri$Otl. 10 lIlImf 1"'0 of ~ do'~mll~. llim<ln oBic~ " .UtI)' lor logisHUl I and admi~l.\lr~lin ' Clmv~llieJw;c; ~ut as one promim"," WaD SIr«! rwne told ",... P"e 133 t..nesela:ne says. " 11 yo~ Will 100,1; at tnt spreaQ, n IS au f,\~cr UI~ <owury and Ih",e i> 11 0 o.~ law r",n. I don't"",, how onybody <lin In, ... p"rIl8Iity, bca_ til. r«;g,d do .... at 'he Commi..ion, d~~'t ha~ any compl"in~ .110", ! thbl<, .peak' leT il.>el f. W. it." -thea lWistULt general COUIlSeI of the Federal Cornmumcatioru Comml~cn. lID" I. ~n1cr panner In Aremt, Fox. Kimner. Plot· kin .nd Kahn. Ko:II eox, \be former FCC Comml.5"ion~, •• , "furry ..., • h~nl rq;ulator. The Cu.1lC,"'iu~.u ..... ultJ Wille , _ •. ~_ ._.~ .. ., . . . • • • -' . _ .... _.L _ . . ~,,_ L _ - ' ___ _ , • • • ~-'- A-1145 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 8 of 34 From inside the book 5c P"9" m.tchin, , hairm"" in thi, boo, Tile tumt>Vn at ~«ICf. ' "4(:1)ClC> 13 ~rut. n~' K.UKl JJ .. on aD«: esli""lIed tMt tk. FTC hi.ed 750 allo.ney. duri~ bilr finl 6v. y~" as FTC d .llI........ iuot 10 !IUi..... I" a 400·""", Iev.l. Th. SEC IoIeI about 1 SoliII- .380 auorrIl)'S seh yur to pri~al' ..,..a;co; the FPC, 1001 70; tloe FCC, 3S of 'CO; the CAR. 20 _ ,~ ,...._~ .... R", _ ~ M "~ " '~ .M ~'" ._ .... I"" .~~. ~~ pa",,",~ of c h~ l<'gblation." Cooler ..... " L ,o~lident ~I a per.., oonal .udit~ce "jt.~ Congr.,.rnaD I'oag<, hiJ u (CC$5l>r .... man . Cooley .... ote ruL " WhiLe I ,cal;'. lht lbe chh"",n OInnol JlO$"i1>ly co~ f..- wilh all petil1oM'" perronally, I am cu- ,hair. 1970 "Ii'lli,." ... ,,, (lr (h~ mr:.""rbers 0/ II", COOlll",i<: La... : D,~ . nd ABA'~ Di>i,it.>. ul fwd. A-1146 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 9 of 34 From inside the book com'r. oom cr 3' "9'" m,tdin, ,o ,olll m i.n . , in toi, book ----- - - -- ----- ,- Cwnm isoio .... Willtam R . ConDole w:wI't h~ppy hfins preo.surffl b~ Tommy the Co,)•. Connole said Corcoran arri~ late in the day J..IId " ..k-.l my ~'~!Ary far pttml ....:nn In _ m~. He had no appoinuneDt 200 IIad asked fer OOO!!. He hAd nat told me rog.11>6 th. head 01 • pin."' Any co~ve,""don .. ith • Ccm missioM ' ,elueo buk 10 a ~t3t.m.~t ~ f fact_ " V..... llnM! "'y, ' Mr_ Co"'mi ~~Tr.r , r MI'" yo" ... ill ~xpe< l lt" t~.t XVI. !itualinn .. ht<h r c~nnot idmtHy to you by name.' " So Ion~ as a~QCy stall IIIl'm· --- ----,-.. -_ - -- - -- - - ---- , ~- - - ~ -- .. -- ~ - -- - -- - Pag.l95 lain ro~~ly !he """'" Iangulf:~' TM~ .re V.riCtiClU_ fCC member. may not accept payme~t lor "Titlng, "'hlcb the prolific Comm4f;ia.... Niohal.. J oh ..... n .. ti .... tes eo.t. him $15,000 • yur . D_ . . . ~" ' _ _ • 1' _ __ • • ~_ ,_. _ _ _ .~.,_. __ , . . .. "'.,.--. __ _. _ . A-1147 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 10 of 34 From inside the book demoa ~tlc [ Se a ch "" 'IlLto - , u< ,.."""~ ... , ''''' r,~"",., , ..... ~. 'DC ........" !',cal- i,., of this mom<>-th.ot the D~:noe •..uo Pariy b .,., u"hsppy . Ih"cc ~f Southern COO,,",""'AtiTo, W~.rn progreo>;TOS, lind big-<:ity laber-is vet)' lrile. b~1 it is .l>e very l... e.~ CUfr~td ... rot •. ".And il i. equally t .... o tb:>.! tilt . """... ~T ~I the ~ ~u • v • • ,.. • •• ..~ ~ u •• ~ • ••• ~ ••• _., _~, ~ ••• • A'DQld IUld Port. , fro", Dcmoo""lc poIilic>. For ,,0., y.... "rt~r tho JQhn",,~ Admin;~t,ntiQn ..,dtd, (he finn <!<outed leg.1 se,...tces ts tlw Domoc.atic N.tion.1 C"",· min ...."8 ~nly {or out.(lf.pooc ket ~. Th .... ~,gc 151 Democratic P<f3ldtr.(ial campaign slna: t~4D. Along ... y: Stt,elalY to J~s(lce lto!mn; RO:CQn!un.>etjon Fil!rul~ Cu'l"'n' tlo.; Lawr Drpartmmt ; r~blk W<JL"b Admini:;Lr~twn; th( SEC; iidmi.u..t!. li >c a$iliWl! [0 R.oo><:v.ll 19Js--t I ; >p<cial 113· .:••••.•• '''A __ i"'_R_.1 ""•• .. ~ ~, . lI;A ~'. ~.-'_ .~~ _, . A-1148 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 11 of 34 From inside the book d eci sion [ S e~rcl1 $3-billio" .1m." Cliff,,..1 "".. ~ot invvlv«i in \h" on<itnl'l lrial, in .. hick Cm· in~to~ and B~rting ''1'''C3entcd du !'oM. "Aft •• the , uit w"".11 0.,..,', ud thc de<;"'on ~nlcr~d, C,...lord G,.enew&lt, the d. of ~I;~hl ly mol'< thon $200 million- but wu rapidly ell"'nding in Iho hKr4liv< So"th w'~I~m !nukc... , The FTC d.dlio~ .. ~ m,..ttrp~. of ..,m.thlng Cr oth .. ; I~"}'ers .. bo h"'e <Iudied lhe cue h~ ....... 'l do.:id..J "". r'9,233 <acb :lir!w i~vo!""d ~rti~g 10 ),".y'" and lobbyif;t$ ... it~ p>' titi<~1 dOU1, h diuying ""coession, lhe Civil "'.. onu lia Gcard o\'ertuled iu own na.,ine,'. dKiJio,,-on. ru che<! aft. , IbfM y-.a" GI uha~"ive ~,~dy-only to be .."",sed in tum by John. , h·' , ' " . .. ·, " • A-1149 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 12 of 34 From inside the book I Se ~tC' J w..... '" w"*~8 .. ilh C~.g .ess ;. 3kin 10 bb""ng a .inlle .... oke' f~, . ir I"'lIul>On. Hut son... W1O~ingto n Lawy"," • •<;> ~it31 in t •• p,oe:aJI l~roul~ "'hi,b CO'P"'au, A",~,iu ,ull'S tho Unit..! Stu .. ; !h")' co~lribule to In. ""'rico"';"!!' QI t. h 'y'l ~m, :md ~.~C" ... ~ .u ••• " U', ........ "'b·Wl' ..... wy~, ....." , ........u ..... ou, P". ::93 United Stu.. !hall l>o 0 onembe, 01 cither bouse duri"fj his ClOD · I;n ..... nee in d lk"," \\lof:n a K:ln3M SM:1ICr ...."'«1 James H~t\ry Lau 1UXq>l<d " b'ipdin'. ~nat~ cOll1rn~~ r. I~ It.. Civil War. the prmnplly ejt<:led him from CO"l: reM. No . would the Ju· ri,... Ikno.rt'""'" ......rn\i. 1.",,&n I nh...... " n> W~N"HI MU'~u'lnn A-1150 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 13 of 34 From inside the book co ng r <>< ,ion ~ ~L [ S oarch pagES m,tc h t>;l cO I g, essio'h" l1l h s boo, r«r\J,t \Ie",,1 Congrrssme. 10 perlorm bloody ~.atd"'t """k o~ rtc:l.lcitro nll. A p" m.example: ;1\ \\I.Q • skil· li,h "ed"",] """"', C~mmi~~in1t ~h .• i ........ n MI~~I""ti 10 a UJog,eMionaI 'UbrnmmitlN the [act that Washing· ItCtOr!tty SUPPOl't5 th~ ckarge by , special «llllm;tlee on Con· KrC!&gulIl .thics uf L~" A""""'a\iun of !he Bar u{ the City uf l'iew Yu,k Ihat "law p' ''''li... has delllon. l, alN 3 ~l~II'.)\","J") r~, act""] ."d all'1led Cung~onal ;'np'op<ic:tie., and tht law _ _ . . : . __ ~ •. _ -'_ ., r'......-s . .... "." . ~ _ .. , _ __ " 'P"" "'7 __ .: _ __ • __ _ . _ , _ "r"""" , ~ . L .. , _. _ _ . _. n''''' M "" •""- ' ......, '1 "'''''•• tions .'" from the GI'iLR islut ':wl .tx>w and an fntcrvieJf. My w..u..oon of elhiu >'H' vis law pt'OoCtiou ",]ito t.....ily _I"'" C""trm rnu! I"" PoIDI", T... r. hy J.......,. C. J(i,by , Jf •. Amll~ Itoxncraru . ""'. Elle. W. Oller. a 'WOn ~y the Spodal Com_ ___ r ••.__ ", o.;,...s .... ..... .... eo......;."ai ~,, :~. , ~ ---:.. .:" . ~, _.~, r:,~ A-1151 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 14 of 34 From inside the book 1] P'[ .' m, le' ''g D.hivir ir th .. bock P' go3:A --- --r--·----· r -'--- - r -- " r - - - -- - ---- ---,,-- - - 10 strve""ly b Congrf55 and the Navy during lhe Se.:~ nd World IV • •. In ~'ly lQ 71 [)ob, iv;' .. u app ......hd b)' lhe R.... rvisl.l Comm;U ... to StCf' I'" W.', . group cf !ICUT", 2,00"0 p ........ r ru-.rt P,9C 3:0 yorce Congress from lbe military. I think we atallllpli5.itd a desirtble tIld.· FDr his filS! thirty·he JR'S Bill DDbr ivir Hpp"Ued 10 be un Ih~ lu,,:llb6lluUs Iu Il w mrurtaltl.liv;,'K as II c"tlrlK'11I(e W"""'<_ , •• ~ _ _ T • __ • r •• _ . ....... . ,_ _ , __ • u._ • . __ .' T . _. _ ~_. ___ , '-- (o r non·enfon;~m~nl) of (he Aot , whid> .equir., ~e'bm'~1 (O/\(l1IelO'~ 1<1 comply wilh Fede r<>l ",Ie ty Bftd health . lIIndord •. om.Nit won. A-1152 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 15 of 34 From inside the book ~ p.qes mtc~in~ ~"'~ in t~is 00'" P'q' 133 " .. ~,. 01 tho Iell """,... kif> of .l!.n! eO'P'''tion •. The ruult. in""';lably. ;' the !"'lonl;"1 for g,""~ embo' .... umenL In 1M 19ioO<. UnimNl . I"".. an amalgam .llcn . "",11 drug hrm. In"'" in Mn,ri.<;tn..n. N . .. J~'.">'. ",t FDA f"'rJn;"'ion to 0' P'g' 1~ who f>'ac!icc B! Ihe FDA rln l him Ilmor.g the lop ha lf401lon in WIlShiogto •. H o is p"Ttkubrly ... doFt:it the p,;vnle b..~. !ni"S ";Ih }l DA officbk that cc"'p.i .... an eslimared,.·. ~cor" of a ~ pr.ttioe. In on. iNl.Ulce , Land .u,,,~Nl in k""";r.<r a nr"';""t on th. morht "'M tho~.~, in .,-!.~5U p'Y' 207 - . -r r - ' ----- - , ---- , Woe or 1 t.aurdous drug .. tlrn t.e available 13C1S ~nd tJ-,e na- tional clru, 1 ... dlctale .IL" aCilpn. We ~I i~v. Ihlt the 1ar;1S .b.... ~,.,aliy lhal f>A .... I".,..~I> 'Il\I b...a.,d> III I"'l iellts who take il .. hid! are poI balanced by any berr.~t to be eq«tc<i 5<"'w", A-1153 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 16 of 34 From nside the book l 3e ~rch " :7 pa9cO mete ri ng f«s ir th;o book ~'g . 170 .... b 00 " ,<cu< "o~ '" ",,, ..... gtlOrllty ,,,au,,,,,, Ihe work I"""'nrm~ "'" . "hi""tKl In nbJN:II~.. ~r"· oar -~ ~LI·"' r"' ~n !~:dnm r-"~ liny. In some IIIUI. lKMeoer. 1M p~blic h>5 a dir«'1 finanCial interest. if a utilit y. lor ir,stallCe . r.ays ~~tI«:e:;Slry lepl letS. tM consurntr Jl'I\.~ Ihe (OSI. In franlons of (en iS adde!l 10 ull~IY ~.g e 220 ttargrove ,.roIe In anotne. ",emo Ln "ug~st. I~'''', ··tM L " ~"" llJSPS1 ..""Id. ~o....,..",. have • ~ denl 10 soy d .., ut the c~~lI$Ol th ~ ~r.dc""ri'e ....locted, alt.nougn (be ...,;, ...., t h. mJ<!l~ ... eagaged .uch N~n •• l and pay th.i. leeo." Ni ... moMh< Iller . i ~ ~hT 1911 . USPS p<rrnille<i 'k' leadina 375 - c - - ,,- - - - -- , -- - - - -- -- --, - - - - -- - --- - , - a ~. ~ .lIh b:uud_ T he FnA in mid.J Q71 fo'd th @ r A ~ . 'druh to install chml"", 1 rni lP.l ' n~ 1If.. t ..ln. a lt .... 1911. Dobrhir Irels lees will b~ tbt salvation 01 publi:·inlerest la"ll', A-1154 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 17 of 34 From in~ide the book fi .. d [ S oarc!- ~f(~., ClIll cr, ),I""", and other AMA "':p".~.tatiY'5 begn ba rgaining ier B oo~.t decree ",~. befo...: the ~lIil Wn$ fcrm~lIy Filed (, on Janllary to, 1'169, ~I",'m days before Ih, J""IllIO~ Administ ,alio~ lelt office). Cut1~r ~Y' the mc~t .. ,""" '''~) '"'''''' ~ .. '" .'"'''' '''''',A< ........ "'. ""Y '" ""''' ......... olSO), 10 make II harder for nl~. o. look lor a 'best-deal' coun:. II'h~ r e t.ty could r~l., upon J friendly judge ," Bloztuf said , Tl>l' (ourt ..!one tll. r,~t lIl'P"al il r,la! ""'ylll':' i ... i:sdil: liun 0'-'" an future ptOCeedi Tlg5 in 1be cast. hence timing is important. " t Tbe data On tbe S~r Lawy~1S Ai!,kult.'. Conm.itte-t, t:.J,,,,,,,. II from /MsriliS belli« Ule H(IU.~ of 110< s..{ U .hl , F.b""ry- M"r 1971: • otaIf ..,.,.. 01 tho ..... comrnitleo, T*~ U";lm Sute, 5"1* l'Tof'O"'. CIt,uobt, .lI. 1910: .... ~ lom.n ~ut rt1isuallOllIU I~1S ~koJ .. ill>'~ hot<<<l&l s.....-it)' Di.""", .. I "'" Dep..-tmmt cl<. A-1155 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 18 of 34 From in5ide the book [ S<>arc, for.;gn Pag,4, ... " .n~UA'" £ ...... ~ . ,."u~" 1""'1'''' '" ..." ", ... < ..,~ .... "n"'.' " ... oolllelhillf: I am adv<>cating is a g<>Od tt.iog f~r "'Y cli«.1 """ the Unil ed Sta l .~_ I""." Th. diSiinctio n CII rri .. wit~ it lin ;ndepcndel1Ct wt Lnyu. ""Y' h~ wuuld nO\ h~ .... if h. acted ... lhe 3genl of a fo•• ii:!' rog,48 - - luI attempt 10 .xlr:ldilt Iht ousled do:'l3tO. ~b.r<as P•• u lime. "". 10, trial for rae,] to ••uptlo~_ BU I IS 3 p,;vatt ciHztn, Ach~ "f'O~t "';tll III. AO lbo'ity of • fo .....~. Se<:",I~'J of SI" I. on iM~1':'I invol"int rm. ig" gov .. n""'nl~ which c",ingtnn ~nd ~-- -~- --- - -- ----_ . _, .. - -----~.- P,,<,49 dor in hf""ic .. City. 1 l.~rn«l much the« abo~t ~ow b. n ll= i. dcme ...ilh lor.ibn n"ti~ ..... It i.v.oJU3bI •. " (Cr>vinston ~~d Du r]ing_ whi<h ovo:,. hiring h..,y"'" 11"0'" the ~."·, makr. an e1Ce;>tion i~ !.he int.rnati ~ nal field: il acti,-eiy KOUtS "".I, . ~. ,, ~ ...:- ~ . - "- ,- ~ ..:.~ . . ---'- ,......- .._ \ -'-~ A-1156 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 19 of 34 From inside the book 78 P'go' nole';'9 lQ,mo,;" o bo" r;, Peg' 238 ----. - - -- .. -- - - - - , - -- -, ----.--- his lirm lollo..d tbe routine. AI«" it bappcn<d [the Ni.on adl of co.rsc., ew=ryone ..... ""ylng ho..· 'eng. " l'ie "...., II> (ell tho ...."Id lhe PrKidenl ...:as OUr f",",er partn .... No rutler ...·hal yo. do, you are crilid:ted." p 'Y' 274 F.B,1~ c _ nome"'., former n.mncntic S"UI"" fM", "-efl' I~cky, iI • rt:gi'lI~rtd klbbyi<1 k r the T~ba.Wl l_i!ut~, aft in· dus1ry lobby gro~p. &nd four tobitrO cocpclrlllcns: Blown &I WlllWrucn, Liggett'" Myel5. in( ., R. J. R.eynolds, aDd Philip Mnni. Wn.l.lftO " _ tv 9r.~ h'm .. 'M T,,~,.....n '"." ,,"~ l ~ appom",ts. "" Ul"Y cuu'u '''''''.,.- 'I"'DU [n",r ume wI[n ''''' .."" . The Im:t tht the ~rwn IfqUfStln~ tht I~terv/e"o' "<15 a f~r",fr covemmt~1 ,.s. o/fx:lai was nigh automat ic ~~try Into hill oifoc;e, " It'... <ombinatlon 01 c.~"fad •• ie and ~ourte.l'. Caplin .. You fird time /oc a forme.- offid~1. If a m.:rn .. no .-d 10 be A-1157 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 20 of 34 From in:.ide the book ho~ri 'g o [ S oarch t"'V!"'""" ,V" , .. U'""' , ... ' 14y it to _ r ~r ..p<... many p,ival< ?rl>( i .. il] ;n ,;'t \h~1 \.he,e are I<:w rulemaki"llj hearin;;. i~ .. hich the b~, den doe. ~ol r311 h",do. ~pon th~ obje<lor.'· But oce .... toh'" tho rogulatory ..,cnmu.;ons ""d as"" , Th:I", il "'~'"M6~ ~ '."~~ ' .,;. ,.~~, ~< P'go :051 •• Bruo:e MO~(l"mtry , dlrecl(1f (II Ille ",~ IJoN~ program ,,( Amok! And ""'tef, ,.~. p<<par;n~ lo r I"(~riur De· pIIf1nltfl\ he.. in~~ on (he pipeline <.li] c<.lmpa oi0"5' pI~ n 10 build aCf= '" . ... ~ >J~ ... ~ the Alas\;;ap lund ra t<.l <:l.-- _ TV.. .~hlA .~ eIp1 o it~ti~n . ~ ..I "" ... ~. _~_. Slna1.O ta01;OI> to tIaoe 4"I'olII·Ooriitiau Iee;'.]. ;""." P\u i. burin&> bel"", tk Smale ~· ilWK<' Cemmiltt. DII M . rc~ ( 7 ..-.d 14, (961 ; UIIi in toot det...te ~.<: "ul t ..... """,lhs. " ... n... I.. t M(II"e cor....,I.. I. ri.1 a.ceounl is giwn I~ cr...~ C/;Ho<d: Au ....' "I Will". by lJ.,;d \\.~("" aJld L1n.d lioroIrill, "a"'lIlI"/f, Aslril 19M Ad,~, .. ~ A-1158 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 21 of 34 From inside the book h ro d 1~ P'(leS mtchln( ~ir e d In ~" th S oo ok ~ ~ ~c~u ~ I"'" ~ ~".c u.u ~u".~~. 6 ...." .. ".~" •• an,,, who Wi.ted ~ plDe. 10 ,~\. U •• gurl; •." wal abo ~ .t,~ord;· ""'il)' lucky : Vtry early .Io~g [IQ 21]. k. hired Dean A<heS<ln. who ~~d tho ~h.ri<ma 10 attract <I;"" 'J al<o. 1M! who Muld h:.ndl •. hirn<flf in R ,:n"rtn." rn ; "lid Ill! hi, ... l 1>:0 .1 Sho,h. ~h. P>g' III -r·.......·- ----. -..._. --- -- --r--'-----'-' -_. thin~" ; .rod fru:!lnlion over ",hUh.. . . .btlc change 01 diTeeli~ 1I1s g<I;nt I~ cor'OO;I • v• ..,. un .... y .i l~.t1~n. Until 1065 Anrold ...d Porlcr ~.i,ed il-< nelll" po<ople .lmosI eruirt'lJ from gn".... n"'.r.t ~·i'". Th~ f"'licy gR'" th~ Ii,,,, inForta, roge 375 '"5"' • •. a" l ~'· fl"" 5'4"~ ' K'" ••"" • • ,~ . u. " ' .rtW ' ~ _ "'.".". spt~t a year in l:hil .... a Fulbright ScholAr. and thm anolh.r )feu in Co~mbia as member of • Harvard advhory cl'llnmiU'" on \aX rdorm. Covi ~gton and Durlilll! bired Dabrivir ~n Ihe balis hoth 01 bis Harvard ICCOni aud his fluency i ~ Spanish. ar.d A-1159 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 22 of 34 From inside the book ~1 P'Q" mtchlnQ in c ••"y In tm bock l na, uy l.Ll~ I"'"U"'~.' In,,,, lu u fll~" ••"" 'Ul,e II)' l.Ll~ YU) fOre ... Bdo.e lhi, cont.ry ccd$, b~ .. it >t~nd$ t o> $/I"" th~ sbaI. ~il i<l<l •• t,)' ~ billion dollar! or more in IMd. And the .h,.)( oil <ornpui.~ W<lrked filtc<n y..... to got tho loophole they <>'.". W3Dted. n.~ Ue, ...."'l>, ellCO~ate[ ed a jnt~""Ilcl. Th" autu ;lIdustrr. n'''''n ... b~e, h.. d mU'e !oCIio~. prob1e~l- the p~bti( lurQ r Qv~r ... Iety . ..tirred by N~d.r'5 e~""" G<:..eral Mot" ... , mrpidly, bim:l a p.-iva tc <Iet"".i ... I" ;"""'Ugue Nader'. pri"!11~ life. ,~< =-- ""''''~,.~ .......'''' up "'"' "".... ""'K;~ ..... 'U""""Y "" . t:\ched 10 &mage . uits \oomi~@ o~.r them. Md CUlltr al.., ,...,II't<l It Xad.,s complninl lhal S<l!ij~G ,1..,.;0, without 3 tri31 wo~ld h:r,rm ploinliff<. lie ... id the pto'l'eoti ..e lili~3nu ind~~ "5e'"u31 <>1 lb. latdi"lt ~nd ncb""l 51<11.. in >hi< WUiry, ""'). A-1160 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 23 of 34 From inside thE! book iJ~rsJn null)' linlt...t--!",litiQlly- and p""~iM.ny-IO tb ... U"'I..d SIHIO!!I Seru.1", ~ in n ni'lue I"'sitioln I ~ ~n.lil di~B I~ nF ~ W,,-, h_ i'l:l-on r...."}'~r: LyMIon H. John"'n. I h~ s.oMt~ III.]jnrilyIMd ... : Kobert " ... r, wt.ose love affair ",uh tbe oU induslry " lIS 0"" gf ··-"r--·-' ....- - , . ~- -- r- w ' . _ " • • • - -• • • • " - - _ . hi. la ... pnoctic<, ...hieh <lid not .... fF~r rrom Ihe h"" .. Clifford :spellt ot the Whit. !towe. During a , ..... bling <onVU$ltion ... Itlo repo'I'" iB lQ67 lohl\$<l~ .~mukod th.t "my Fri.nd a.,k" eaned $1.1 millio~ the P'~ y ~ar. P',e2JJ ... u Nu;~.'. liaOOD .. ill. Ih. lame-dtKk 101m... " ,-\dmi"l.nratiQn, .. hIle Jolin 5""5 .... Ihe .~d.l t"'''''''"'Y tn Spi ro T. Agnew ; both lO<Ik middle_hel"" po,;tion. i~ Ih. Adminal r~ doD . And corponlt. W-..hingtoo - th<: lohb)';,u and trade lISO<ICiatio". ~ftd A-1161 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 24 of 34 From inside the book kara,;'. [ 3e arch o p'g" In , te '; ng k.,~ . ik ' , tl-; , to" Pogo :£~ -.,,-, -------- - -- ------ -- -. .--, -- -- ._-- li"5'f>C)' fcc be Dgr(:ed, ,,11,.. o~tI;.,.d al»v~_ ,,<_ K.>ra, il< m<'mo .. me 10 lighl in r{lllnd.boot f ...hio~ . J.aS!iru! killed the LIominirJU1 dir.lal or Ralarl T rujillo in 1961_ T~ P'g . :£5 Ka rasi k tried to e :r;pl~1n aWly lbe leuer by "'ring he wrole it "bIll: In Ih~ Oornini<an Rq>IIbli<; . "I Ihi~k lh.t .. ~" I ,,~'" ~own llu:re, I prol>ably had a r<C<lmmc~dalio~, but 1 _ ""'1- 1 think it '""" ~ot " fnm ..-hid> I kn .... p"'$Oo.:1l ly. I beli .... e 1 __ ._ ,~ L . __ - -,,- - _ ~ • • __ • • -'_"" ,. " " ' __ __ . , __ :r T -- -- - --- - - T r--- - - ~.~ ~ _ _ ,>. • • 0 ._ - - -- - ""L' Byrd bfofor~ t h~ ~n.'Il ' Fi nM r-'! (" -"",min ..., ( nf which h~ chn!rullm J CO Dsiderro I ltt 5u~~r '1~OI.U. Fagtoon ag.ttii 10 "th ink about " tilt mat l~ r . ""he reupon el roD ~n t a lkrlcton!..,d acr<lunt o! conla<1 to ru.r ", j~ , "b" was III ... , j" Ciudad T,u- l".: A-1162 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 25 of 34 From inside the book [ ""ad Pag.91 Tht ~I wouldn't take JohnSoCn. Kenledy 'l"alI lOCI young, and CatiJolic ~~. Adlai SI""etU(ln---did aDr<'n~ ",.11), wan] to d ,j", QKni., Hubrn H ~mphroy, de-tp So~lh •• n ]rgub1c . ",t••• Who ~IS<!~ ClIfford pul l~be. ~n tt~.t informal btu. I~. SvrninM.on. and raised lllOfIev lor rum. and I"role me«!les , and Pogo 92 <a.<;'lI£ ~ po;<l'lO~ III ~ ... m",,), Aamllll .. ",UOft \ ...... ~m L"t , "" Clitr(l,.,j did tarly, lilal Kennedy did Mn) ~ut 1"00 inlelldoo 10 do a g,,~al deal 01 ~wi""", "'"" tI,r X~"nody Adrnlnl!lr.... iom. Clifford .."uld handle tIK Ir ..,dlion ''''''' Eb,o:nho ..... 10 Ken· Do<Iy. H ~ ..~nt \0 war. in ."rly £all d",'u"J< a dtw:u",,,,,1 dotlLij.. .u.ioi .... \, H"",.., ..... H, ...... H , GL . 111), lSI 110 n,." ""... I,k ... H.. old L•• le, C .. I. C . , ..............olo, . $1 " .... hio.o., '''"', 10' ......._,... ~ 0;.,";.;" J: ..... y , 0.«.<1. J I1 J: ....... y. I(.,...,I~, - J_u... •• . '. Joio. " . II . . . . .', ,g.... '''. "g, ' .. c. "ordrn I 'lld . . woIQLo Cli~_ ~M~_ A-1163 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 26 of 34 From inside the book Search 1" P'ge' mtching l~y~1l i1 11-; , lo" P'9,2J Mu=.o SOII.IIrG 01 Inc ".,' n~n,,= m ... .,. Il~' . • ne u mte" SUle. go-/emm..l submitted a <lnlt truly-I • .,y" t.:.y lin'. ""~diwor~, ~Ily--to a UniLed N.Ii~ ... ccmmilLN i~ ,>.". gu, t 1970. On .r,o:her freDt, as Ba, A...'Wcialion I""lrul", cha i.""'~ ~ ( ,~lx:o"'miu~. LIIyli~ ~t1""';o~ 1<1 is R."nhlic1. a 'f'"<'ial A_, ican mobilizln~ Se~.'n' bar support Ar1hur \'"me~~g . Dipl ~'n:l1ic3Ily , Lnylin .M O' Hrio~ wrM~ ~t.o.. lor 1~ ureeks to IlL"fsent botb in the Mcurily Coun rll , lid in t~.e Gtnelill AMtrnllly. The issue tbero .. as support 01 guerrilla! III Gr..., ~ hv YU?05b.\"b. Alban!a. ud Ilulrarla . •" r",,·., soou P'g' ~9 "'" " V"'~" Mon~"'. ..... ,'"" '''' "''t>'o. I"""l'o<., .-.. ,,~, ,~~ ,.....,~ ~'''' Laylln ,eturned 10 Sulllva~ and Cror.l,,·tI!; llLh<lugh he yeor~ec: [or an In\ ... ao:ll",,~1 pmttkc , ""me hOCl • ...,r"l '\II"iL'I In ",,).:r. "Talk II1I}UII wal,t tg alouut l><i,'I( ~u 'j llt ....ati"""l la,, · fer,' " Laylin !laY', "f"'1 y<>u '~~ ~ot 10 I...... 1<> he ~ g-' law)""," A-1164 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 27 of 34 From inside the book lobbl,1sts II poe", [ rnalC1i1~ l ob~~ I "'; ~rC1 i1 Iri, boo, P''l'' 20ll was NlI:o~'s UJlson ""m the lamf-duclr. J~hnl<ln .\dm lnlstlatlo~ , ~f>"(I.1 tmiM;lry to ~plro T .... ~~c .. ; ",hli . J"~n Sta rs ,n5 l~ both 1<J<.Ji< n,iddk.....t,.km corpu"'t~ lM'itJ:.o~> ia t ho AUl1li";"tr.tJ~,,. An<.l W.,,;hi'l(!un-th. luliliybu uti t1ad . ........... tiu",. anu P' go 260 "'ar ... "•• I.a..,,,. O~. Con~r(S3iona! .11111 me,ubcr suggel!t~d tb.a\ the con,millff - and .. podolly f'<>a&<--"bcnl OYer Mfk.,.",.u to ~.dd .~ .... i ..g u y f~V<l riti$nl fo, Coo ley." When e1mi ' ''''''', CooI"y p",. /,rnd 10 drill with ,"" , .-..., Icbbvi,,-~ in 'he n,h'~ Df his oE£.c:.,. A-1165 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 28 of 34 From in5ide the book [ S.",ch 41 p'oes rratch l1 g pOl e • • ,,, thIS bJOk p,,,,,, 5 ~uld be t,ansf"rmed i~.t"'menlS for the ~""",.ing or ""',,"'A" ,... ...... _ AII~rn.y ~ Jnhn Mhrll.n, ""'"~l""'li<lit ..hos. crffie~ti.l' al a <.lllpitali,\ dr~ beyond ,{",oxll , sai d !~ a 1'109 !pte<:h, " In 1948, the nati~ft'l \\11'0 ~UlldTed Ia'il'$\ int1ls- ,rl,,' ~nrrm"lnn< Nlnrrn"'" fnrtv . ..tahr ....... ~n1 nf ' h~ m.n"f,,_ P'O" R yo~ng Ie/low. to do the daily '~nni~g ; I ,il up her ...~d hstle '.h~ di~."." Tt.., _""I;',Ic.t v28~ '""" I\J\d '1oolifie,'inrl. ""1"ilh!l,,"din~, Washington is " heavily laW)'l rffi city _ Wruhingt"" has ~llgHjy l~"-' than one· half ~f ~ ... ~I nf Ihp Uni""<l SU~ ""nub_ A-1166 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 29 of 34 From inside the book ooltical [ S' Ofch P,! , 2A it i:I the [<>".'''Q'I low off... ;r. • politiu.1 w ..·~. ."d Bu, ' illg is not a Iol.ll,,,lly ",,'i li<al r,,,~; on. partacr, Jo~n DQu~I ... sen of (o, mu StuIQ, raul l)Qu/:I.., ma",~ed '0 r~D A "~y ,,,",cr.;.t ... for Sta,tor Co.-orJ:" M((;ov. UAt •. AltIlw~h Cov~,glO1' .. n'. P ..... i.!.on'i. 1 .... m"'; . . . . ;,)""" ~ ..... " i ..... h .. nft ..... ;n' ~ P.y; 23~ P'9,233 Iar:h ai,6nl involvod ~ ling to la'")'trl and lotbyiotl with po-li tical do~l. 1ft di.oyi"8 ,,,,,col'io~, the Civil Aoronnlics Burd ovtrruled h.l own'. d..,loio>n--ou rt.lcM<l .afle, Ih, ... y.... u 01"e ~'cdy_nly to be reversed in tum hy Job.,.. ~ ., . , • .. A-1167 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 30 of 34 From in~id e the book [ Soarch upbinm,; tha, corporations have a righl 10 1ef:a1 'ep<es'nhlion," ~ JWi~< p"rtn~ Ja)'1 " I 'm Y' S' tlin3 q.-licm lil<l:, ' Will I ku" 10 ' "PM"""I ffl'I"'.~\i""'" Or "nyno~ ~L"" ... 0 com"" llongl ' On~ yt Bl" lb. qu""'tion ...... ' WhBl, lor o:u.mple. wo~Jd CO\'inn01! and Burtiu do it 'IOU w~ ,~ aske'd to rl'llre5e~ 1 a"" . . apf"',nl_, " <lie)' ",""'u "."'''' ' 1".'1'" m ~ ' "m~ wan m e 5\"' •. Th . !act tllat th.. pel'$;)~ r«(",,"li,,!! lhe ;ntt,vi~ ... ,,'as. a for"'.' gU'nmrne,,' ofI'>ci~1 ... as ";8~ aUlom"'i<: e,,' '1' ;nlo hi< alike. {"spl;n ~ II '" I C"mhi""l;" " e l c"",,,rad •• ie Ind mane<y \'on lind I ;~ fnc • In""", ollio"!' If • m,n ",ho n<r<1 In M "'y" From inside the book I Search I told t;j "11" mtchln( told In Ih S oook P,,",,337 Cutle" in Ttbuttal, d<lliO$ that criminal penalties _ r<! ever a priority it"", rer th. inMlry, ~lthou~h it -d id ~nd~" oppose ,hom, F~ rtht" lw IIQIft, c,;,n;"al u"ctions ne,'or in th auto .. roty bill_ nol:ht, iD the original Job""," Ad,l'-iD;,lration , ,,hm ; ,';nn N>' in th.o ' ..... 'iBM , ...... ,., .... f'Bm th~ H"M~ .nit A-1168 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 31 of 34 From inside the book [ Sea ch mater 53 pa~es I match n1"""'.' i1 lei, boo, --e- -- --- -.- r---- - - By.d ~ror~ Ibe 5tnau FjDa~ Commlilet ( of which he W loS dJ4/.inn4/.lI) o;<;J lL. :u. rnl Ih~ ,;u~. r '1"01 .... F~gtoo" "!troW 10 "Il, il:k a"""I " th. n"'U~I , wh~l,ulA'a £frQn ~pl a sk d<lo~i ..d account ~llhe conUct to K.o ..... ik , .. be ",-u th.n in Ciud.>d Tru· From insid:: the book If,Ii Ur ' 4J pal" mlch,-g milii Q" in 11-; , 1>0" p'''''''''''' uthrr to GM. I.:hr;,.ti~u o.. nnl SIlm. 6.1 raill,oo >ham; 01 ,Ia: 181 'nilliul 0)1 .b....... u~l>ta"di,,~. n", 'QI"pl.~ cax dl1l¥J(nI IllfUUJ:l1 Ih. O><Im lor a doudo, ,..10. Koln~ lu Ih. U.S. Supr..,... Cow-I bela,. Ille ~o.~rum."t WUIl .."d Ch'\> wo>; or<krod .a di"".( it><1f "f .11 OM , IoU: within I.., v... n---IO A-1169 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 32 of 34 From inside the book [ 3e ~rch p,.o.ot c, 90 PlcO mctc r; "3 prodie. " this bco, P'go 1 P'go 70 ~m ~~ lice, ""._" I:\"n " ""''''', uu, '"" h~ !ilI~d, r'1"~ ILI.,.J " I\ou 1101 In l~relit I.. d ~ ..-I..,:,· ..r ic. Pow •• Comn> i.. I~R, I ,""u ld ..., • 'd'" ,~,.. "'" 'UU'DO< I" n Ill( ~r In Ib e Icnll. If a C<l mll"ny PI.II.." bt·ru , ~ II", ~·..!~r~1 mv. 1"';0 oul . r.d hir. ~ op«iolist. I\'h<-n I SUI,tcd "'I p,a<tiC<', I .... ~I"" 10 be Ih< high~,- IcY.1 From inside th e book 'taft 63 P ' ~es m at ch " ~ stall in l1i3 bock P'qe3 15 "PI""Dlt:<'. "" wcy wy,y "" "~ r ' I"'IJU "K" U'IL" .. IlJl UK ,,,,,, . The la~t that the person ' ""lucstir.g the i~U:f~itw .. a) a forme. .l:ovcnrneot offICial was niRh auton,,,t;': talry in;o Iili oIf'(e, c..pli D ""Y" " It'. .. oombin.lioll 01 camilrad~rie ."d ~ou n~.y . You fi~d tin-.c fer. 10'nK' oIIie;'L II z man wh" uxd to I>t A-1170 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 33 of 34 From inside the book [ ,;"atC1 aci " .... lb. [QUIt <J; mont.>! dj",."" tile delendul cout<1 I>e acquit~d on !he ~ruu~d ...1 iusaltily. For Lbe "'III.:IlIy obKure Cluencr Gfd..,n. !he PIorKto n~'."...Ju.. .. dt, FurW Iw L a Suprtm~ CQurt,nmDt U<I ... cn t~t case es.r.ablis~lr.: !hal dofendant1;. leVU imdi~~nt ~IIQ. m ~!1 ba\'e counsel at all SIiI.!!" 01 a From inside the book [ Sc~rch Iri ng 5C pog'< m tchrg 'hill~ ~I n thi, ",0< '"'' '"'''' ""'" IV ......... ~'" ..... !IX>..... ~." 'I:' U " ... '" U~I""1!.""'" ... ith d goo-d <kll Qf d.tac:hed U1U,"""CnI.. "W~ lutd betn doin~ (hi • .'lOr! or thing in our own ur.organi",d , unolrutturrd, unf'ublk ..·ay," a $Odor po.rl nu $tales, "lo~g befQre it bee,me ·th. t1:ing to do' in \V~$h ingt<>n Lr...." T"", CUL· 1l000lri1lf: , but "a!~hC\l A-1171 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-6 Filed 08/26/13 Page 34 of 34 From inside the book 15 P',o, matchin, 10." in trio (0)1, t>a~. II It Wall not a ftrs\-t:1a.\s 10&Jl, "-': didn't "ant 10 ma~e It . s... I cill Yp Ithe Fed)..oo ~nd ~ut -I td Ikem aU tbe lact •. 'Why . .. you caUin~ me en this~ · I"" rnaft ... kcd. Based on tbAl «In· .erOOQD ~nd .. hat""' kne .. of the 1.0.., ... g~ve tho "I'lnloll tM , ' - . _ _ • _ II -'_t.. " SiyS he "'iLl ·' unarUJn~ as 10 \10M! slattle:s to proceeJ under. GUlhrie h.1pc<l ~lee, Ken"ed~-ud tbe go .... ~"'~m-tow . rd Dolen.., PlGdu<llon Act , InlMdtd '" Plott<:: comp."; ... eonsid • .-ed " ..mli~] II> the ., • • o. • • , " ." u'~ 'g"nc:y mn g~.r.~tee provl.-Ion. 1>1 Ib~ ~ .... uRnlOOl It ... e m.lI ~ct1"n tne 10<10. OU! I was IlOl Upot"l Inoy ,e:- didn 'I." II. abo no,.., Mudge R.,$<: n.i!i>er "'p«lcd B r c e"vcd DRy fi""nd.1 knd,t from I. ~ r.M Ctr.lral work . "As a nuU.r of flOCt,· he said. "",. probably lou $50.000. Th.)· ' till n...~ \l< 1,"1 mu~h . nnd I'm nr>1 mnfi",",, 1 nll!l'"ninl: mn .. lhan a A-1172 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 1 of 32 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------- x The Authors Guild, Inc., Associational Plaintiff, Betty Miles, Joseph Goulden, and Jim Bouton, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, : : : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : Google Inc., : : Defendant. : : : ------------------------------------- x Case No. 05 CV 8136-DC EXHIBIT 3 TO THE DECLARATION OF MICHAEL J. BONI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GOOGLE’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A-1173 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 2 of 32 The Trouble with Thirteen ~ 0 Betty Miles **** 11 Reviews Avon, Sep 1, 1980 - Jwenile Fiction - 116 pages Twef/e-year-o kJ Annie is unl'iilling to face some major changes in her life - c- Common terms and phrases An, eI~ Anni e Ary"" l' )'I.unt Sylv ia C owboy bean s doughnut oirls olad I',nen r;r" ere, ,,, , going C uba om","! B"c~1 "'"'Iiful Dairy Quee n ea rs pierced " " ' i",j d3nce lettu ce lilacs Hl~ look ed M, r'i o,nn Kate M"v'I:l "Y" 1381 felt -<a:E'S mini.!" m;;s Ke nn y kids W1 m s mrl\le Nora 's ~ d 00 ) poj ;) m;) ~ p, rty Peter Ja mes ~ucll ~r"lly ~rulJ" ijy Rach ~a:h" "k,d Rachel looked Rtl chel put couell docr fourposter nightgown Nora p 11"" Coke Deb bie doll hou se [rica "I<,)lili"y OtabteJ :lUeS5 hJOOed Janie .l.fT1l "d Eruc e c, m", cl" ~ rrurl fllln)' kl chen kr ew lal!Jl3,j lP~t ri rp photo booth R<oo.; II"llL LtI roc, picture "...-ned th m s -m ucj11 1,1nq lUrn"d """ k ed wec rn q ''''~ioo WlJl5 \o\~ellnq '/01sr ¥!CIlJ ereJ '!lJrlY Yeah yeled York City A-1174 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 3 of 32 From inside the book ~nce " I Search I '2 Fog" mot ch "9 ' '' ge lo in Ihi, bock P,g o B and Angela and Janie crowding over after lIer. ''What?'' Rachel sat up strale:hrer. [ could see she didn't want them to notice anything. "Mf)m'~ lettln g me get my e;!.l"!\ piel"Cfti. fur my Page 4J "1 don't know, I wasn't that sure I wanted to." Did. anyone, besides Kate? " "Not yet. Angela sttU m ight." I was relieved. It was good not to be the only one P'g o 9J But Just when I gOt relaxed, Debbie had to jump up and stare looking through Kille's records. "I've goua hear lhb !" we~. hokl1ng one up. A-1175 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 4 of 32 From inside the book [ ,,-rc, 11K:: , 1Il1l"-'W !1I ,uw a YUUIIII JiiUy. nUl. UUlIl W ..... W tum Into anything, yet. Anyway, not so f3Sl. Some kids In ()ur claM 00. Kidti Iik.e DebbIe Goldstein and Iris McGee. They act as though they j ust P,,", , 20 gardenin g, jogging, woodworking. dimbng !Tl(luntalns in Vennonl. He makes us special birthday canis wJth lit tle cartoon pic1ures. My twcive-YeM-cid h~rl ~ ~~N'fYln ~nrl ~ d:nn\{ with h~Uoon~ mmin E!: Dill cw "Boy, I h'lle to think. how much noise five twelveyear-old ltirls are going to make. I'm ~ad I don't 10 be lhere." ~So = t I." 1 uXi q uickly. "So is everyone. The very A-1176 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 5 of 32 From inside the book trirOO1 ~ p'ges I [ Seorc1 mtc~in[ "'Ineen in l1is bock Pag. 8 are funny, but we do. We like the 6ame booke, too. Ll efle Women Is our Cavortte. Radlel'5 n:ad It thlnttll Umcs and I've n:&.llt founeen. We'\·e J"elld ::IU the Little House books over Pog ,U sophl~ttc.aled. "What are you getting Kate for her birthday?" I asked. Kate was iOing (0 be thlrteen Oil S .. tunlay. She . . . . . ... . . ~ __ • • •• • _ • • • _ _ _ _ ._•. T •. • . _ •• T . _~ ___ ~ _ • • • .• _ Pag.51 "Really~" r took a bl~gel" Slt::p and tried to muvt:: m y arms like Kale and h.nk!. ." can'l e\'f"n Imagine being Ib irtun!" ul know it Sue 5topped jumping iUllIJnd. "Still , , W A-1177 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 6 of 32 From inside tho:: book scho a [ Se a ch PO\l,27 ,..,,,"' • • u ........... " ........ " .....] . ... ~u ... " ..............., apartment \'11th 110 y;ml Of ;mythiJ1i. Yoo'd have to ill to II new «hool Kids would lsno~ you, 01: <eke heAl you up. You could gel mugged on the .....,,,ay <:>CllUUl f . . ., SUI'f'Y""U w 8lreet~" ut: " " """"u"'~" .• wondered If RiJl;hel would surt actlll" snuity If bile wenllhere, Maybe s.he wouldn't want l1l4! to meet heY new friends. Probably she'd start wearing IUlppy 6aI'CIa.y t "I didn't mol'" you were gang todo that!" "I dldn '( either. Mom j u~t c.alled (hem up and they &Ilid 10 come over. School wa.s ou t, but the director" A-1178 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 7 of 32 From inside the book E P'l'o m>lch " 9 ,I... in toio bool III!; 1 III ""-lW1)(, !l1f.U "YUW1)(, JiWy. DU < I UUU l W",I< LV tum IntO anythlnc. yet. Anyway. not so fast. Some kkhl In our class do. KxIR like Debble Goldstein and Ids McGee. They act u though they juJl ed. lie ~ading Sevrnleen ." his has a s ubscription to SBWI'I lem. She brings it 10 school and pUIIBS II around in class. She never PlEses thinking of iL Compared with Rachel moving it was such a little thinK:. but It bothered me, I wondered make alllhe _LL. whelher Kate tumlnglhineen woukl _ _ _ L_ •• ___ L kid!! ______ __ ____ • C" ___ _ _ __ • _ _ ~ ~.-- A-1179 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 8 of 32 From inside the book fr ood [ Seorc1 year. Aunt SyiV1a has a fhend whose kJds go to l'b,....I~ " ., .h .. c,"" •• h"" I...... i. P ..... <min .. 01• • h ...... tv .hle -_._-_.- ,-- -- - _ .. - ...._- --, ,-_.- _ .- __ • ,,, ...... ____ d . ___ _ ___ , __ • • L __ __ _ _ - ' _ ~ L __ ' . ~ dragglns me around like seme bIg Ne¥i York expert, making me fee15lullkl. It hurt5 my feellnpl" "I'm SOTTY If I hurt your [eflingC Rachel le:med A-1180 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 9 of 32 From inside the book t ione o [ Soarer 11 pagES m,tc ri t>;l f,ifn,ls in this boe>< Dan:L1.J .:x;mlUlr II a supplr.i!:Q w LIt: liU C}l.UUSIVl:, , wondered if R2chel would start acting snotty if she went there, Mayboc she wouldn't wanl me to meet he~ flew friends, Probably she'd start wearing ~ppy you'll all be happy," 1 never thought before about all the people who could £eel iad when two people get divorced, Not only their children. but their friends and their family, I A-1181 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 10 of 32 From inside the book [ Search :Jj "'l"S matc~inc I 0",1i . i1 ttl , boo, Pag.97 Annie. Denny and ClaY'8 marriage wasn't a waste! 'T'h-. .. .....1 m I ... nf ".vvl v .. o ... a....l ~ In< nfhu. "....l ........ The book. wu upside down. ! can't eYer ...Tap a book. so the title comes out till top. R.&chel turned It over. Then she tilasped. "011. A1tlli~! 011, _ , that's so neat! Th(lllks /" She opened A-1182 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 11 of 32 From inside the book Page 13 ooukl happen, lite Peter James' father." Peter Is Kenny's beat friend . He Uve. on our block. His hther had a heart atuck on the golf CQl1f8C Qne dav lalit fa]] and iust suddenlY died. Poge 17 I-'age :J:j --_ _--- ._. ---,. _ --_ ... _.- -- -- ----- -_. - --_._-.. ._ fast, so we know what part of the city to mClVe to. Sylvia lioiI.y~ [ }lC1ve tu ;I ...... ly ... rdClIciilly thlti minute If I w;m t [() get into Barclay nellt fall . See. they don't _ _ _ _ .\.._. _ _ __ • In..l_ '-- --,_ I. . \.. _..l_ ., ~ . ""..l_ ,, _, A-1183 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 12 of 32 From inside th e book - -_._-_., - '-..--'.' OUt ben article Idea so far was "You Can Teach an Old Dug New Trtck:;,M I thou gh t It up. Nora was perfect for the :uttcle boecaU5e ~he', ten yean old and . l. _ _ •• _ _ • _ _ _ . -' .... . .. _ . .. L . _ . L . . . . . _ . _. _ _ .... Pog e" lapS, panWlg. I saatch~ her behind the ear. "You're a dumb old dog. Ihat'll what you ~re_ " Nora wriggled appredatively. 10 the sun, her fur I tried \0 ioquash Ule feeling down. I Maned to look for Nora I., her fll\'crite sleeping plaCl!s: Ihe chair shpwasn't supposed to lie in, the holl rug, the foot of my . '" . . " A-1184 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 13 of 32 From nside th e book [ Se a m E P"'-l" ""lei ir y ~dj"'"d~ ir Iili> lJJuk Kate's mother, "Mom! It's a. $~ver party. We'\) wcar paj;m"ln.s tllt: wholt: tlillt: r' belter. I knew Kate would like it. B.unbergcr's pajama department Is called Night ute. They had ncks amI racks of nylon pajamas with blkinl pants and smock top~. I would never wear A-1185 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 14 of 32 From inside the book summer [ Se a ch r'9· 101 r'9· 102 u ..,. "'''''' .. U . . "'.ICI ,."" 4.<"-' """" ;u ..... I LV" ' " ",.,., UUI '1) Blue Lake,~ he srud, ~I(yo\l wanted to. " I was S\lrpri8ed. He must have nod~ I wu getting oldet. "Sure. neat." ) 5akl tooplea.sed to tty W act cool. A-1186 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 15 of 32 From inside th e book t .~c ' . r beautiful Sbe loob like a fushion model. which is Whill she Wi\.5 before she got to be a nursery school teacher. Rachel says s.he hated It. except that'!; how ihe met Mr. Weiss. From insidE! the book be st [ Search I[ pogo> mtc h '-g be " in thi, boo>: was the exact color of honey. Rache! stroked Nora'£ back. Rachel doesn't have a dog, 90 she shares Nora with me. Nora loves her next ~t \l) an}"un~ in our family. Maybe she thinks A-1187 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 16 of 32 From inside the book roc h ~ l Smch J 57 1"' ge, mot ch nl' il<h e l in or;, [o)f: Rachel back to the steps and u:r.unb1ed up across our From i1side the book P" . 8 lIrryway, the same things strike us funny. Like words that bother you whim you read them Raehel"s worst CXIImple!s the way the o's don't match in good A-1188 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 17 of 32 From ins ide the book -------.., ---.,.-'-' Our besI: artlcle Idea so far was "You Can an Old Dog New Tricks." I thought It up, Nora was perfect for lhe article l.oec:ause she's teu )'ears (lkl iliid From inside the book ~5 p' go ' m,le';'9 nlQm;n or;, t o,~: "I'm not kicking her, I'd ju~llike to moye aroulld in hll!l'e without bumping Into her, for once." Mom and Dad came In. NOh,ldds," said Mom, "cut It OUt, will you? Let's have a pleasant meaL" A-1189 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 18 of 32 From inside the book rr nv. ~ p.,e, malc1 n Qmove n lhlS ~(o< - Really?" r lOOk 11; bigger step .md tried to move my anns like Kate and Janie. "I CilIl't even imagine being thirt~mf' -I kno ..... it" Sue stopped jump!nll; around. "Still. 1 From inside the book [ Seucf1 after I heard Iris and some klds talking about it 1n the girIs'room. It sounded stupid. "I don't know ..... h)· she wanb to read tlWlglS like A-1190 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 19 of 32 From inside the book cue [ Sea rch 13 P'O" mtch n QslIe in this book P'g.51 "'Well. AnnIe, want to ~s." ... try? ~ I ..."".,,, " T clnnti 11n Sue Jumped up. "~I'• •f,,"v "l"nI\I'\thln<l'mv From inside the book "daOy cucer " wony aoout training Nora. Hut slJe'fi vel'}' Intelligent. She's probably the only dog In r.he world who knows whitt "Dally Quccn" mean" If you even whll'lpec those words, she runs to me car and lrtes to Jump In. A dog A-1191 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 20 of 32 From inside the book [ J e ~roh " ~u,-t ,)'Ivi~" 9 page , ",to,;,-g "~Lln, ., i . " Ihem. I ~ in th, 000' much rather have stayed with Aunt .c;:vlvl" "Vn01 on m.:.1 " I , ,,In A"" h ..1 I 1.."nM "",,~ From inside the book de bbie _ 3e ~rch 1a P'go, m,tchin, 4ebbie in J o [0'': r;, Pogc {1 acros.s me nnu intO me ()1nll)g room. ueOOIC t;Ola~t(;m WiIS stilliding there! I couldn't belle\:e il. Kate never sa1d uylhlng about Debbie coming. Hcrmothcrmust have made Kate ask A-1192 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 21 of 32 From inside the book pe rmo L [ Searoh p'go' "",:ch nJ pi.r.,. d " thi , bock Irs not aU thai dlfferenl Look at Kate." It was true. E)((:ept for the pierced ears, and the dancing, Kate seemed about the AAI1le_ "Ye.w. g\le5S Vn" .Inn" h""",_ tn ... h~n.,.. """"",i,,h. n~ ~ n".hin"'· From inside the book J3 p'ge, motch " 9 k.llny in h, bock P.go22 a- rea.! (Jf'<l~ "Om~It:ll, - 1I.eJlllY !Ioa.It.l, pushing her out of the way. "Sne is not! And you don't have to hick her!" I saki quickly. - II ..... (Jog'~ I A-1193 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 22 of 32 From inside the book [ Sc Ofch )4 "g., m,t,h " g kAt. in th < hnnk Paqe41 MHappy Birthday!" we yelled. Angela began giving v ~ .~ ."... _ ~ ,,; ... ~ ....I "'A ~_ . ~..IM ~~ , ~..l ~ ~ ..l ~" ~ J..""" From inside the book 31 1"'9"' molch"9 look. d " lh, boo. penon whO pUla you do...u . tlut I wallted get Iler somet hin g really good Ftnally In the Indian store I saw a blue enamel brv.celet thgt look.ed qul~ elegant and only cost fuurdollan. After I bought I! I felt much \0 A-1194 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 23 of 32 From inside the book [ Secor,,1i l' peg" m,tcr;rg gir ls in th ", bock Pog ,37 Iv\'! ""'.. ''''-''. IIUII. ..'UIII ""-'''' ",I\;uu'''5'''&,1 ' "YOU're going to have a wonderful time, I know. How many girls dJd Kate lr)Vltc?" "Five, I think. Except now Rac hel won't be there." Pog ' ~E people wouldn't lillY It. espec!alIy girls. II's like caIl!ng vnllr nwn "n,hr onmlll Pog ' 8~ bun ch of black girts II.irh Afros and high wedge 5hCle!'i burst on and grabbed 8Q'aps above us. They were shouting and kidding around about one girl's boy A-1195 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 24 of 32 From inside the book 28 p' go ' m,tcr;ng kid. n thi, boo k ' ' ' '" . . . . u . . . . . . . ., .. .. '" ... " ""'J ' ... Gum " . . . - .. .. _ _ apartmenl with DO yanl or lUlything. You 'd have to go w a new 5Chwl. Kids would iljJlore ~uu, U<' else beal you up. You could gel mueged on the stree t_ OO Pego 2t year. Aunt Sylvia hu a friend whose kids go \0 R~lY'hv . .1 """ v~ ,l,~~ 1,,,,~ I, I'm ,,,,i,,<> .n .t- rI '" , h i ~ .... P'qe 1[4 "1 wlU, thooghl" Even u I saki it I wun'l positive. It's hazd to pn:dlCI how )'00'11 ft:el More. I u5W Iu think you amId. "You !mow how. In hm\c~ ItIP kirk nllt r,h/ 0011 A-1196 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 25 of 32 From inside the book Se~ tC1 ''''''', . .,,,,, .uno<:u "..- y .. 'I.UI<;OUY <IIIU ............ ,,,,,,.. Ing at books. I pretended 10 look through the posters bUll couldn' t eoncenU'ate. After a few minutes I went over and lapped her shoulder. tnOie aresscs COSt! "Yeah '" opent:li me uoor for heJ- and Wilva! hel in. The saleswoman was standing nght inside. I wondered if she'd heurl us Ilghllng, but she dldn't say "Yeah, but we C(luld nan on it N"~ d n ......... ,,"d nl1t It tn ...._.... r ' rlDW, and then each ft. .. n .. ,,1 ~_ ~ A-1197 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 26 of 32 From inside the book I laC'> [ S. '''Th L ral'S match l1 Q lila cs In thIS bock P'ge 56 "''''' ~Ul"U Ul ....," w'"'" .... '" LIn, I,O' UU u, 1..1," ~"u u.., ... , ... the s1g1n of Nora'~ siomach s\\o"elIIng out with every wheeze. I ..... anted to hokl her tight so she cowdn't wheele:any more. I wanled I(! ~arry her to SOIlll!' wann I toot. her into my anns very t:arefulIy and cra....·led slowly out of the Wacs. Bran~het scraped ~it my face. I camed her to the house and set her down in the old slJ.n1;: chair olllho: lJack pon:h. TIn:m I rd!l. uplitalrs A-1198 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 27 of 32 From inside the book [ S"C<Lh I : pogo> mtc r; ,-g l.n" ~. ;11 t1;' b,of< " l O 13 goes." "Iuu::hel minds. H I pulled (he lettuce ou( of the refrigerator drawer. "You know what, Ken ?H I couldn't stop myself. "Rachel thinks her parenls mlghl get :I the print shop and Kenny woukl be home late. She uke<! me to ,t2rt dinner. I took (he lamb chop!! out of the fridge and peeled some C anoI.S and cu t them up and started washinllleuuce fOJ a salad. I wal; paUlPK A-1199 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 28 of 32 From inside the book [ SE 1YcI1 I 17 paqos natc h"1 anYWilV in Ih S oo ok J .. ' ...... , .............. - ............... . Anyway, the wonia that Yme thlngll strike us funny_ Wke ooth~r YllU I'ohen yuu read them_ RaChel'5 worsl eumple Is the way rhe o'!> don't malcr. in good Pay, 34 --- ---- ~ -- --. ---- -- ----- --- - lerrifIe?" I asked. ~It's ~Don't you juGt love it?" nice and brlRht, anyway. M Mom sounded aa thoua}l she was tr)'1na hard to be taCtful.. ·'Have you ··WelI, I <100'1. but Sue and. I started to because eller)·one else was, and It was pretty easy, really, once we got the hang of It. Anyway, we're going to practice LOl!.dht::r this w~k. MI w~ll ~ ~x~rts Dreltv IiOUll- I M A-1200 Case 1:05-cv-08136-DC Document 1073-7 Filed 08/26/13 Page 29 of 32 From inside the book I S<>arch I b oaltit ll -----, - -- - - -- - - - - •. --- . - - - ------ ~ - rr --- ro1lln1l around on the ~wdu51 in the window. They .... ere small and pudgy with little bare pink stomachs. They were 110 cute:: I wanted to ery. ........ _ , '-' __ L _ - ' _ _ <_ >'-." ,,_ . ___ ... ·.u _ h __ _ ,. ~ .. ","""UUlW ....,... ......" c. ~ .. c ........ ~ "J'Y . ''''''''CJ. u, us had any pI'2ctlce with good-bye gift!; before. "Open itlRachd untied the rlhbon and jJulltd the paper oft'.

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