Cotton Bayou Marina, Inc. v. BP, PLC et al
REPLY to Response to Motion 54 Renewed Motion to Stay Proceedings filed by Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Errata D) (Buffkin, Russell)
Cotton Bayou Marina, Inc. v. BP, PLC et al
Doc. 68 Att. 2
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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA : MDL NO. 2179 : : : : SECTION: J : : : JUDGE BARBIER : MAG. JUDGE SHUSHAN .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IN RE: OIL SPILL by the OIL RIG "DEEPWATER HORIZON" in the GULF OF MEXICO, on APRIL 20, 2010 THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO ALL CASES PRETRIAL ORDER #1 Setting Initial Conference It appearing that civil actions listed on Schedule A, attached hereto, which were transferred to this Court by order of the Judicial Panel on Multi District Litigation pursuant to its order of August 10, 2010, merit special attention as complex litigation, it is, therefore, ORDERED that:
INTRODUCTION -- It is not yet known how many attorneys
will eventually join this litigation, but we can assume it will be a large number. As attorneys involved in a multi-district
case, you will probably be laboring together for some time in the future with work progressively becoming more complicated and exacting. Some of you know each other and some are complete
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Undoubtedly each has a different style and It is likely that during the course of this
litigation your working relationship will occasionally be strained, communication derailed, and mutual trust questioned. The just and efficient resolution of this litigation will depend in large measure on the way you as attorneys comport yourselves and overcome the temptations and trepidations inherent in a case of this magnitude. The Manual for Complex Litigation recognizes
that judicial involvement in managing complex litigation does not lessen the duties and responsibilities of the attorneys. contrary, the added demands and burdens of this type of litigation place a premium on professionalism and require counsel to fulfill their obligations as advocates in a manner that will foster and sustain good working relations among fellow counsel and the Court. The Court expects, indeed insists, that To the
professionalism and courteous cooperation permeate this proceeding from now until this litigation is concluded. The
court record should never be the repository of ill-chosen words arising out of a sense of frustration over real or imagined issues. Because of the high level of competence and experience
of attorneys who are generally involved in multi-district litigation, this Court is confident that this objective will be achieved without judicial intervention.
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APPLICABILITY OF ORDER -- Prior to the initial pretrial
conference and entry of a comprehensive order governing all further proceedings in this case, the provisions of this Order shall govern the practice and procedure in those actions that were transferred to this Court by the Judicial Panel on Multi District Litigation pursuant to its order of August 10, 2010 listed on Schedule A. This Order also applies to all related
cases filed in all sections of the Eastern District of Louisiana and will also apply to any "tag-along actions" later filed in, removed to, or transferred to this Court.
CONSOLIDATION -- The civil actions listed on Schedule A Any "tag-along actions"
are consolidated for pretrial purposes.
later filed in, removed to or transferred to this Court, or directly filed in the Eastern District of Louisiana, will
automatically be consolidated with this action without the necessity of future motions or orders. This consolidation,
however, does not constitute a determination that the actions should be consolidated for trial, nor does it have the effect of making any entity a party to any action in which he, she or it has not been named, served or added in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
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Matters relating to pretrial and discovery proceedings in these cases will be addressed at an initial pretrial conference to be held on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. in Judge Carl J. Barbier's courtroom, Room C-268, United States Courthouse, 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Counsel are expected to
familiarize themselves with the Manual for Complex Litigation, Fourth ("MCL 4th") and be prepared at the conference to suggest procedures that will facilitate the expeditious, economical, and just resolution of this litigation. Sections 22.6, The items listed in MCL 4th
22.61, 22.62, and 22.63 shall, to the extent
applicable, constitute a tentative agenda for the conference. Counsel shall confer and seek consensus to the extent possible with respect to the items on the agenda, including a proposed discovery plan, amendment of pleadings, and consideration of any class action allegations and motions, and be prepared to select trial dates. Parties shall also submit an initial proposed case
management order and, if necessary, shall submit suggestions for any other agenda items. As part of this proposed case management
order, the parties shall suggest whether and how the consolidated cases should be grouped into separate tracks for purposes of pretrial discovery, motion practice, etc. These documents shall be delivered to the Court three full work days prior to the initial conference by fax to (504) 589-4-
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4536, or in person to Judge Carl J. Barbier's Chambers, Room C256, United States Courthouse, 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.
POSITION STATEMENT -- Three full work days prior to the
initial conference, plaintiffs and defendants shall submit a brief written statement indicating their preliminary understanding of the facts involved in the litigation and the critical factual and legal issues. These statements will not be
filed with the Clerk, will not be binding, will not waive claims or defenses, and may not be offered in evidence against a party in later proceedings. The parties' statements shall list all
pending motions, as well as all related cases pending in state or federal court, together with their current status, including any discovery taken to date, to the extent known. The parties shall
be limited to one such submission for all plaintiffs and one such submission for all defendants.
represented by counsel shall appear at the initial pretrial conference through their attorney who will have primary responsibility for the party's interest in this litigation. Parties not represented by counsel may appear in person or through an authorized and responsible agent. -5To minimize costs
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and facilitate a manageable conference, parties with similar interests may agree, to the extent practicable, to have an attending attorney represent their interest at the conference. party, by designating an attorney to represent the party's interest at this initial conference, will not be precluded from personally participating or selecting other representation during the future course of this litigation, nor will attendance at the conference waive objections to jurisdiction, venue, or service. A
SERVICE -- Prior to the initial pretrial conference,
service of all papers shall be made on each of the attorneys on the Panel Attorney Service List attached hereto and designated as Schedule B. Any attorney who wishes to have his/her name added
to or deleted from such Panel Attorney Service List may do so upon request to the Clerk of this Court and notice to all other persons on such service list. The parties shall present to the
Court at the initial conference a list of attorneys, their office addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.
EXTENSION AND STAY -- Each defendant is granted an
extension of time for responding by motion or answer to the complaint(s) until a date to be set by this Court. Pending the
initial conference and further orders of this Court, all outstanding discovery proceedings are stayed, and no further -6-
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discovery shall be initiated.
Moreover, all pending motions must
be renoticed for resolution on a motion day or days after the Court's initial conference herein.
MASTER DOCKET FILE -- Any pleading or document which is
to be filed in any of these actions shall be filed with the Clerk of this Court and not in the transferor court. The Clerk of this
Court will maintain a master docket file under the style "In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010" and the identification "MDL No. 2179." When a pleading is intended to be applicable to all actions, this shall be indicated by the words: "This Document Relates to All Cases." When a pleading is intended to apply to less than all
cases, this Court's docket number for each individual case to which the document number relates shall appear immediately after the words "This Document Relates to." of the pleading style: In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010 This Document Relates to: _____ 10. MDL No. 2179 SECTION: J Judge Barbier Mag. Judge Shushan The following is a sample
FILING -- All documents filed in this Court must be
filed electronically pursuant to Local Rule 5.7E and this Court's Administrative Procedures for Electronic Filing. -7Attorneys may
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register at
An attorney
who, due to exceptional circumstances, is unable to comply with the requirements of electronic filing, may apply to the Court for an order granting an exemption. The application shall be in
writing, filed with the Clerk of Court, and shall state the reason for the attorney's inability to comply. Pro se litigants
who have not been authorized to file electronically shall continue to file their pleadings with the Clerk of Court in the traditional manner, on paper. The Clerk of Court is directed to
make all entries on the master docket sheet with a notation listing the cases to which the document applies, except that a document closing a case will also be entered on the individual docket sheet. All documents shall be filed in the master file.
DOCKETING -- When an action that properly belongs as a
part of In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010 is hereinafter filed in the Eastern District of Louisiana or transferred here from another court, the Clerk of this Court shall: a. File a copy of this Order in the separate file for such action; b. Make an appropriate entry on the master docket sheet; c. Forward to the attorneys for the plaintiff in the -8-
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newly filed or transferred case a copy of this Order; d. Upon the first appearance of any new defendant, forward to the attorneys for the defendant in such newly filed or transferred cases a copy of this Order.
APPEARANCES IN LITIGATION -- Counsel who appeared in a
transferor court prior to transfer need not enter an additional appearance before this Court. Moreover, attorneys admitted to
practice and in good standing in any United States District Court are admitted pro hac vice in this litigation, and the requirements of Local Rules 83.2.6E and 83.2.7 are waived.
Association of local counsel is not required.
REMAND STIPULATIONS -- In the event that a case is
remanded, the parties shall furnish to the Clerk of Court a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record and furnish all necessary copies of any pleadings filed so as to enable the transferee clerk to comply with the order of remand.
PRESERVATION OF EVIDENCE -- All parties and their
counsel are reminded of their duty to preserve evidence that may be relevant to this action. The duty extends to documents, data, -9-
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and tangible things in possession, custody and control of the parties to this action, and any employees, agents, contractors, carriers, bailees, or other nonparties who possess materials reasonably anticipated to be subject to discovery in this action. "Documents, data, and tangible things" is to be interpreted broadly to include writings, records, files, correspondence, reports, memoranda, calendars, diaries, minutes, electronic messages, voice mail, e-mail, telephone message records or logs, computer and network activity logs, hard drives, backup data, removable computer storage media such as tapes, discs and cards, printouts, document image files, Web pages, databases, spreadsheets, software, books, ledgers, journals, orders, invoices, bills, vouchers, check statements, worksheets, summaries, compilations, computations, charts, diagrams, graphic presentations, drawings, films, charts, digital or chemical
process photographs, video, phonographic, tape or digital recordings or transcripts thereof, drafts, jottings and notes, studies or drafts of studies or other similar such material. Information that serves to identify, locate, or link such material, such as file inventories, file folders, indices, and metadata, is also included in this definition. includes the obligation not to alter any such form, content or manner of filing. Preservation thing as to its
Until the parties reach an
agreement on a preservation plan or the Court orders otherwise, -10-
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each party shall take reasonable steps to preserve all documents, data and tangible things containing information potentially relevant to the subject matter of this litigation. Each counsel
is under an obligation to the Court to exercise all reasonable efforts to identify and notify parties and nonparties, including employees of corporate or institutional parties of the contents of this paragraph. Failure to comply may lead to dismissal of
claims, striking of defenses, imposition of adverse inferences or other dire consequences. Before any devices, tangible things, documents, and other records which are reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence are destroyed, altered, or erased, counsel shall confer to resolve questions as to whether the information should be preserved. If counsel are unable to agree, any party may apply
to this Court for clarification or relief from this Order upon reasonable notice.
FILING OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS -- In accordance with Rule
5(d) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, discovery requests and responses are not to be filed with the Clerk nor sent to the Judge's Chambers, except when specifically ordered by the Court to the extent needed in connection with a motion.
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LIAISON COUNSEL -- Prior to the initial conference,
counsel for the plaintiffs and counsel for the defendants shall, to the extent they have not already done so, confer and seek consensus on the selection of a candidate for the position of liaison counsel for each group who will be charged with essentially administrative matters. For example, liaison counsel
shall be authorized to receive orders and notices from the Court on behalf of all parties within their liaison group and shall be responsible for the preparation and transmittal of copies of such orders and notices to the parties in their liaison group and perform other tasks determined by the Court. Liaison counsel
shall be required to maintain complete files with copies of all documents served upon them and shall make such files available to parties within their liaison group upon request. Liaison counsel
are also authorized to receive orders and notices from the Judicial Panel on Multi District Litigation pursuant to Rule 5.2(e) of the Panel's Rules of Procedure or from the transferee court on behalf of all parties within their liaison group and shall be responsible for the preparation and transmittal of copies of such orders and notices to the parties in their liaison group. The expenses incurred in performing the services of
liaison counsel shall be shared equally by all members of the liaison group in a manner agreeable to the parties or set by the Court failing such agreement. Proposals for the designation of -12-
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liaison counsel shall be submitted to the Court no later than three full work days prior to the initial conference. Appointment of liaison counsel shall be made by the Court after full consideration of the proposals. At the first conference,
liaison counsel and/or the parties should be prepared to discuss any additional needs for an organizational structure or any additional matters consistent with the efficient handling of this matter. Until this Court names liaison counsel for MDL 2179, those individuals who served as liaison counsel in the consolidated action, In Re: Deepwater Horizon, No. 10-CV-1156 (E.D. La. 2010), (James Roy and Stephen Herman for Plaintiffs, and Don K. Haycraft for Defendants) will continue to serve in that capacity.
intent to appoint a Plaintiffs' Steering Committee ("PSC") to conduct and coordinate the discovery stage of this litigation with the defendant's representatives or committee. Applications/nominations for the PSC positions must be filed with the Eastern District of Louisiana's Clerk's Office electronically on or before Monday, September 27, 2010. A copy must also be
served upon counsel named in the attached list on the day of filing. The main criteria for membership in the PSC will be: (a)
willingness and availability to commit to a time-consuming -13-
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project; (b) ability to work cooperatively with others; and (c) professional experience in this type of litigation. Applications/nominations should succinctly address each of the above criteria as well as any other relevant matters. No The
submissions longer than four (4) pages will be considered.
Court will only consider attorneys who have filed a civil action in this litigation. Objections may be made to the appointment of a proposed applicant/nominee. Nevertheless, the Court will entertain only These must be
written objections to any application/nomination.
filed electronically with the Clerk on or before Monday, October 4, 2010. The objections, if there be any, must be short, yet As
thorough, and must be supported by necessary documentation.
with the application/nomination, any objection must be served on all counsel appearing on the attached list on the day of filing. The PSC will have the following responsibilities: Discovery 1. Initiate, coordinate, and conduct all pretrial discovery on behalf of plaintiffs in all actions which are consolidated with the instant multi-district litigation. 2. Develop and propose to the Court schedules for the commencement, execution, and completion of all discovery on behalf of all plaintiffs. -14-
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Cause to be issued in the name of all plaintiffs the necessary discovery requests, motions, and subpoenas pertaining to any witnesses and documents needed to properly prepare for the pretrial discovery of relevant issues found in the pleadings of this litigation. Similar requests, notices, and subpoenas may be caused to be issued by the PSC upon written request by the individual attorney in order to assist him/her in the preparation of the pretrial stages of his/her client's particular claims.
Conduct all discovery in a coordinated and consolidated manner on behalf and for the benefit of all plaintiffs.
Hearings and Meetings 1. Call meetings of counsel for plaintiffs for any appropriate purpose, including coordinating responses to questions of other parties or of the Court. Initiate proposals, suggestions, schedules, or joint briefs, and any other appropriate matters pertaining to pretrial proceedings. 2. Examine witnesses and introduce evidence at hearings on behalf of plaintiffs. 3. Act as spokesperson for all plaintiffs at pretrial proceedings and in response to any inquiries by the Court, subject of course to the right of any -15-
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plaintiff's counsel to present non-repetitive individual or different positions. Miscellaneous 1. Submit and argue any verbal or written motions presented to the Court or Magistrate on behalf of the PSC as well as oppose when necessary any motions submitted by the defendants or other parties which involve matters within the sphere of the responsibilities of the PSC. 2. Negotiate and enter into stipulations with Defendants regarding this litigation. All stipulations entered
into by the PSC, except for strictly administrative details such as scheduling, must be submitted for Court approval and will not be binding until the Court has ratified the stipulation. Any attorney not in
agreement with a non-administrative stipulation shall file with the Court a written objection thereto within ten (10) days after he/she knows or should have reasonably become aware of the stipulation. Failure to
object within the term allowed shall be deemed a waiver and the stipulation will automatically be binding on that party. 3. Explore, develop, and pursue all settlement options pertaining to any claim or portion thereof of any case -16-
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filed in this litigation. 4. Maintain adequate files of all pretrial matters, including establishing and maintaining a document or exhibit depository, in either real or virtual format, and having those documents available, under reasonable terms and conditions for examinations by all MDL Plaintiffs or their attorneys. 5. Prepare periodic status reports summarizing the PSC's work and progress. These reports shall be submitted to
the Plaintiff's Liaison Counsel who will promptly distribute copies to the other plaintiffs' attorneys. 6. Perform any task necessary and proper for the PSC to accomplish its responsibilities as defined by the Court's orders, including organizing subcommittees compromised of plaintiffs' attorneys not on the PSC and assigning them tasks consistent with the duties of the PSC. Membership on these subcommittees shall be Compensation for
subject to the approval of the Court.
work performed by these subcommittees and the approved cost will be paid by common benefit funds. 7. Perform such other functions as may be expressly authorized by further orders of the Court. 8. Reimbursement for costs and/or fees for services will be set at a time and in a manner established by the -17-
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Court after due notice to all counsel and after a hearing.
consider the recommendations of the defendants for membership on the defendants steering committee. Defendants Steering Committee
will have the duties and responsibilities described in Paragraph 17 of this order as it pertains to this respective group.
MDL 2179 WEBSITE -- A website particular to MDL 2179
will be created and will be accessible by going to this Court's website located at and clicking on the link for MDL Cases. The website will contain forms, court orders,
minute entries, a calendar of upcoming events, and other relevant information. Once the website is created, the court will issue
an order containing the direct link to the website.
COMMUNICATION WITH THE COURT -- Unless otherwise ordered
by this Court, all substantive communications with the Court shall be in writing, with copies to opposing counsel. Nevertheless, the Court recognizes that cooperation by and among plaintiffs' counsel and by and among defendants' counsel is essential for the orderly and expeditious resolution of this litigation. The communication of information among and between -18-
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plaintiffs' counsel and among and between defendants' counsel shall not be deemed a waiver of the attorney-client privilege or the protection afforded attorney's work product, and cooperative efforts contemplated above shall in no way be used against any plaintiff by any defendant or against any defendant by any plaintiff. Nothing contained in this provision shall be
construed to limit the rights of any party or counsel to assert the attorney-client privilege aor attorney work product doctrine. Hello This is Test New Orleans, Louisiana, this
day of August
, 2010.
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MDL No. 2179
Northern District of Alabama Ben Chenault, etc. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1139 Southern District of Alabama James F. Mason, Jr., etc. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-191 Peter Burke v. BP Corporation of North of America, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-195 Shannon Trahan v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-198 Jud Smith, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-200 Billy Wilkerson, et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-201 Fishtrap Charters, LLC, et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-202 Fort Morgan Sales, Rentals & Development, Inc., et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-203 Bon Secour Fisheries, Inc., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-206 George C. Simpson v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-210 Gulf Shores West Beach Investments, LLC v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-213 Billy's Seafood, Inc. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-215 David Meyer, et al. v. BP America, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-216 Orange Beach Marina, Inc., et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-217 Robert V. Pendarvis, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-218 Fran Hopkins, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-221 Steven Lavigne, et al. v. British Petroleum, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-222 Original Oyster House, Inc., et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-223 Blue Water Yacht Sales & Services, Inc., et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-224 Marine Horizons, Inc., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-227 George Jett v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-228 Captain Edward Lockridge v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-233 Terry Drawdy, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-235 Sea Eagle Fisheries, Inc., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-238
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- A2 MDL No. 2179 Schedule A (Continued)
Northern District of Florida John T. Harris v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-129 Ocean Reef Realty, Inc. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-132 Michael Salley v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-133 Nicholas Harris, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-134 Charles Douglass, et al. v. Transocean Holdings, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-136 Joe Patti Seafood Co., et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-137 Dewey Destin, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 3:10-141 Stacey P. Walsh v. British Petroleum, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 3:10-143 George Weems Ward, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 4:10-157 Water Street Seafood, Inc., et al. v. BP Products North America Inc., et al., C.A. No. 4:10-162 Eastern District of Louisiana Shane Roshto, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1156 Michelle Jones, etc. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1196 Troy Wetzel, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1222 Acy J. Cooper, Jr., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1229 Michael Williams v. Transocean, Ltd, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1243 Darleen Jacobs Levy v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1245 James J. Friloux, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1246 Ben Robin, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1248 Michael Ivic, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1249 Felix Alexie, Jr. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1250 Ray Vath, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1273 Charles Robin, III, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1295 Bill's Oyster House, LLC, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1308 Nova Affiliated, S.A. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1313 Robin Seafood Co., Inc., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1314 Bryan C. Carrone, et al. v. BP Products North America, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1315 George Barisich, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1316 Eugene B. Dugas, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1322 George Barisich, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1324 Brent J. Rodrigue, Sr., et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1325 T&D Fishery, LLC, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1332 Fish Commander, LLC v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1339 Cajun Offshore Charters, LLC v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1341 Gulf Crown Seafood, Inc. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1344 Joseph Kunstler, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1345
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- A3 MDL No. 2179 Schedule A (Continued)
Eastern District of Louisiana (Continued) Isadore Crepple v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1346 Eric Dumas, etc. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1348 William D. Gregoire, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1351 Robroy J. Terrebonne v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1352 Curtis Silver, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1387 Tom Garner v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-1482 Western District of Louisiana Matthews Gaskins, Jr. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 2:10-738 Ellis Schouest, III, et al. v. BP Products North America, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 6:10-727 Southern District of Mississippi Paul Hopper, et al. v. Cameron International Corp., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-173 Cajun Maid, LLC, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-176 Hiep Trieu, et al. v. BP Exploration & Production, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-177 Michael D. Sevel, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 1:10-179 Jessica Staley v. Cameron International Corp., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-181 Ronnie Daniels v. Cameron International Corp., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-182 Stacey Van Duyn, et al. v. Cameron International Corp., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-183 Aleen Grieshaber, et al., v. BP Products North America, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 1:10-185 Southern District of Texas Ben Nelson, et al. v. Transocean, Ltd., et al., C.A. No. 3:10-172 National Vietnamese American Fisherman Emergency Association, et al. v. BP, PLC, et al., C.A. No. 4:10-1607
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Printed on 08/10/2010
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation - Panel Service List for MDL 2179 - IN RE: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico,
*** Report Key and Title Page ***
Please Note: This report is in alphabetical order by the last name of the attorney. A party may not be represented by more then one attorney. See Panel rule 5.2(c).
Party Representation Key * Signifies that an appearance was made on behalf of the party by the representing attorney. # Specified party was dismissed in some, but not all, of the actions in which it was named as a party. All counsel and parties no longer active in this litigation have been suppressed. This Report is Based on the Following Data Filters Docket: 2179 - Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico - 4/20/10 For Open Cases
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation - Panel Service List Case 2:10-md-02179-CJB-SS Document 2-2
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Docket: 2179 - IN RE: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010 Status: Transferred on 08/10/2010 Transferee District: LAE Judge: Barbier, Carl J. ATTORNEY - FIRM
Arsenault, Richard J. NEBLETT BEARD & ARSENAULT 2220 Bonaventure Court Post Office Box 1190 Alexandria, LA 71309-1190
Printed on 08/10/2010
=> Phone: (318) 487-9874
Fax: (318) 561-2591 Email: Dudenherer's Fishing Charters, Inc.*; Titeline Charter Service, LLC*
Barnett, Ryan M. WHIBBS & STONE PA 801 West Romana Street Pensacola, FL 32502
=> Phone: (850) 434-5395
Fax: (850) 469-0043 Email: Bryant, III, Edward R.; Douglass, Annette; Loupe, John Chandler; Loupe, Mary P.
Barr, Brian H. LEVIN PAPANTONIO THOMAS ET AL 316 South Baylen Street Suite 600 Pensacola, FL 32502
=> Phone: (850) 435-7000
Fax: (850) 436-6187 Email: Bay Breeze Aquatics & Dive Center, LLC; Joe Patti Seafood Co.; Mega-Bite Inshore Charters; Nichols, Benjamin Marvin; Phan Tran; Premier Island Management Group LLC; Reel Eazy Charters, LLC; Rooks Marina, Inc.; Southern Seafood of Pace, Inc.
Beck, David J. BECK REDDEN & SECREST LLP 1221 McKinney Street Suite 4500 Houston, TX 77010
=> Phone: (713) 951-3700
Fax: (713) 951-3720 Email: Cameron International Corp.*
Berman, Steve W. HAGENS BERMAN SOBOL SHAPIRO LLP 1918 Eighth Avenue Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98101
=> Phone: (206) 623-7292
Fax: (206) 623-0594 Email: Brian Howard's Charter Fishing LLC*; Walker, Jr., Laurence Emory*
Bracken, Geoffrey H. GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL LLP 1000 Louisiana Suite 3400 Houston, TX 77002
=> Phone: (713) 276-5739
M-I, L.L.C.*
Fax: (713) 276-6739 Email:
Bradford, Bobby J. AYLSTOCK WITKIN KREIS & OVERHOLTZ PLLC 803 North Palafox Street Pensacola, FL 35201
=> Phone: (850) 916-7450
Fax: (850) 916-7449 Chiodo, Kristi; Harris, John T.; Harris, Nicholas
Braud, S. Jacob BALLAY BRAUD & COLON PLC 8114 Highway 23 Belle Chasse, LA 70037
=> Phone: (504) 394-9841
Fax: (504) 394-9945 Email: Taliancich, Sr., Bartol John*
Brown, Eric B. P.O. Box 2765 Houston, TX 77252-2765
Transocean, Ltd.; Transocean, Ltd. (Transocean Entity)
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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Buzbee, Anthony G. BUZBEE LAW FIRM JP Morgan Chase Tower 600 Travis Suite 7300 Houston, TX 77002
=> Phone: (713) 223-5393
Fax: (713) 223-5909 Email: Baron, Ned*; Davis, Matthew*; Davis, Stephen*; Haire, Christopher*; Hearn, Robert*; Martinez, Dennis DeWayne*; Moss, Eugene DeWayne*; Nelson (dba Jeri's Seafood, Inc.), Ben*; Nelson (dba Jeri's Seafood, Inc.), Jeri*; Pigg, Samuel Wade*; Sandell, Micah Joseph*; Tipps, Roy*
Cabraser, Elizabeth J. LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN LLP 275 Battery Street 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-3339
=> Phone: (415) 956-1000
Fax: (415) 956-1008 Email: Barnett, Robert*; Bates, Harley D.*; Burger (dba H2O Outfitters), Eddie*; Cajun Maid, LLC*; Gulf Shores Sea Products, Inc.*; Integrity Fisheries, Inc.*; Kirkland, Morgan*; Ladner, Keath*; Le Discount Seafood, Inc.*; Le, Namthi*; Phasadovong, Souksavanh*; Rodriguez, Sr., Charles V.*; Sea Eagle Fisheries, Inc.*; Tom Wade, Inc. dba Nautical Yacht*
Chiepalich, C. S. P.O. Box 6505 Mobile, AL 36660
=> Phone: (205) 478-1666
Jett, George
Clark, Lange LAW OFFICE OF LANGE CLARK PC 301 19th Street North Suite 550 Birmingham, AL 35203
=> Phone: (205) 939-3933
Fax: (205) 939-1414 Email: Carbullido, Jesse*; Gams, Robert Stephen*; Marine Horizons, Inc.*
Coleman, Alice W. BRENT COON & ASSOCIATES 6360 I-55, North Suite 340 Jackson, MS 39211
=> Phone: (601) 957-6177
Fax: (601) 957-6507 Email: Grieshaber, Aleen; Grieshaber, James
Coumanis, Christ N. COUMANIS & YORK PC 2101 Main Street Daphne, AL 36526
=> Phone: (251) 990-3083
Fax: (251) 928-8665 Email: Drawdy Crab Co., Inc.*; Drawdy, Jessica*; Drawdy, Terry*; Handsome Crab, Inc.*; T&J's Last Minute Seafood Express, Inc.*; United Seafood, Inc. dba D&M Crabs*
Crump, Martin D. DAVIS & CRUMP 1712 15th Street Suite 300 Gulfport, MS 39501
=> Phone: (228) 863-6000
Barker, Daniel*
Fax: (228) 864-0907 Email:
Cutter, C. Brooks KERSHAW CUTTER & RATINOFF LLP 401 Watt Avenue Sacramento, CA 95864
=> Phone: (916) 448-9800
Fax: (916) 669-4499 Email: Contegni, Jr. (dba Chips Shrimp, Inc.), Charles J.*
Dampier, M. Stephen LAW OFFICES OF M STEPHEN DAMPIER PC 55 North Section Street Farirhope, AL 36532
=> Phone: (251) 929-0800
Fax: (251) 929-0900 Email: Ferguson, Constance*; Ferguson, James*
=> Phone: (504) 524-0206
Fax: (504) 525-6216 Email: Bayouside Drive Seafood, LLC*; Blanchard, Eric*; Cajun Crab, LLC*
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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1250 Poydras Street Suite 2450 New Orleans, LA 70113 Dreher, Jr., William W. DREHER LAW FIRM PA P.O. Box 968 2224 - 24th Avenue Gulfport, MN 39502
=> Phone: (228) 822-2222
Fax: (228) 822-2626 Email: Baker, Cliff*; Bosarge, Robert*; Hormanski, A.D.*; Jacobs, Lester*; Necaise, J.C.*; Papania, Leonard*; Rowell, Jimmie*; Sevel, Michael D.*; Ship Island Excursions, Inc.*; Townsend, Johnny*; Ware USA, LLC*; Wolcott, Robert*
Dunne, Carey R. DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL LLP 450 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017
=> Phone: (212) 450-4000
Fax: (212) 450-3800 Email: Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.*
Friedman, Jeffrey E. FRIEDMAN LEAK DAZZIO ZULANAS & BOWLING PC 3800 Corporate Woods Drive Birmingham, AL 35242
=> Phone: (205) 278-7000
Fax: (202) 278-7001 Email: Barnes III, Harry M.*; Ben-Rip-J, Inc.*; LP Properties, LLC*; McLeod, Ben*; Necessity Sport Fishing, LLC*; Smith, Jud*; Smith, Sherri*
Garrison, Jr, W. Lewis HENINGER GARRISON DAVIS LLC 2224 1st Avenue North P.O. Box 11310 Birmingham, AL 35203
=> Phone: (205) 326-3336
Fax: (205) 326-3332 Email: B&B Properties, Inc.*; Caldwell, William*; Fran's On Fifty Nine*; Hopkins, Fran*; Imagine Enterprises I, LLC*; Imagine Enterprises, LLC*; Isbell, Melissa*; Overton Joseph*; Overtstreet, Jr., John*; Robertson, Joni*; Salter, Stephen*; Smeraglia, Claude*; Spina, Johnnie*; Spina, Thomas*
Gibbs, Darryl M. CHHABRA & GIBBS PA 120 North Congress Street Suite 200 The Plaza Building Jackson, MS 39201
=> Phone: (601) 948-8005
Fax: (601) 948-8010 Email: Brame, Margaret Ann*; Daniels, Ronnie*; Duyn, Stacey Van*; Knight, Charles*; Staley, Jessica*
Godfrey, Richard C. KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP 300 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60654
=> Phone: (312) 862-2064
Fax: (312) 861-2200 Email: BP Corp. North America, Inc.; British Petroleum, PLC
Godwin, Donald E. GODWIN RONQUILLO PC Renaissance Tower 1201 Elm Street Suite 1700 Dallas, TX 75270
=> Phone: (214) 939-4400
Fax: (214) 760-7332 Email: Halliburton Co.*; Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.*
Greenwald, Robin L. WEITZ & LUXENBERG PC 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003
=> Phone: (212) 558-5802
Fax: (212) 344-5461 Email: Abshire, Brad*; Allen, Scotty*; Arratt, Jeffrey*; Arrington, Sr., Kenneth*; Baily, Willis*; Baker, Tyree*; Ball, Clarence*; Ball, Darryl S.*; Ball, Jr., William*; Ball, William H.*; Bell, Danny*; Bell, Jerry*; Bell, Joseph*; Bessard, Sr., Chris*; Besteda, Alex*; Betancourt, Enrique A.*; Blevins, Thomas*; Blue, Leroy*; Bonner, Tyrone*; Bosarge, Michael A.*; Mitchell, James Kirk*; Tony Lynn, LLC
=> Phone: (601) 969-9692
Fax: (601) 914-3580 Email: Hopper (Ind./dba Hopper Seafood & Grand Bature Seafood), Paul*
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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P.O. Box 24627 Jackson, MS 39225-4627 Herman, Russ M. HERMAN HERMAN KATZ & COTLAR LLP 820 O'Keefe Avenue New Orleans, LA 70113
=> Phone: (504) 581-4892
Fax: (504) 561-6024 Email: 321 Arabella, LLC. dba Franky and Johnny's Restaurant*; 3401 N. Hullen, LLC. dba Tello's Bistro*; A Bar & Grill with a Bite, Inc. dba Crazy Lobster New Orleans LA*; Hambone, Inc. dba Zeke's Restaurant*; Harborwalk II, LLC. dba Poppy's Dancin' Iguana*; LACRIOLLO, Inc. dba Poppy's Time Out Sports Bar & Grill*; New Orleans Fish House, LLC*; Orlando Village Restaurant LLC dba Poppy's Crazy Lobster Destin*; P.A. Menard, Inc.*; Tumolo Enterprises, Inc. dba Poppy's Seafood Factory*; We Too Inc. dba Eleven 79 Restaurant*
Holland, Eric D. HOLLAND GROVES SCHNELLER & STOLZE LLC 300 North Tucker Boulevard Suite 801 St. Louis, MO 63101
=> Phone: (314) 241-8111
Fax: (314) 241-5554 Email: Lavigne, Paul*; Lavigne, Steven*
Hornsby, Jr., Ernest C. MORRIS HAYNES INGRAM & HORNSBY 3500 Colonnade Parkway Suite 100 Birmingham, AL 35243
=> Phone: (256) 329-2000
Simpson, George C.
Fax: (256) 329-2015 Email:
Howard, Phillip Timothy HOWARD & ASSOCIATES PA 8511 Bull Headley Road Suite 405 Tallahassee, FL 32312
=> Phone: (850) 298-4455
Fax: (850) 216-2537 Email: Crawford, Constance; Galloway, Jeff; Ward, George Weems
Huey, Michael G. HUEY LAW FIRM LLC 1059 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36604
Gonzales, Dr. John; Trahan, Shannon
Irvine, III, George R. STONE GRANADE & CROSBY PC 7133 Stone Drive Daphne, AL 36526
=> Phone: (251) 626-6696
Fax: (251) 626-2617 Email: Billy's Seafood, Inc.; Elkins (Ind./Trustee-Terry L. & Janice M.), Janice M.; Elkins (Ind./Trustee-Terry L. & Janice M.), Terry L.; Goldsworthy, Richard; Goldsworthy, Susan Elkins; Gulf Shores West Beach Investments, LLC; Pendarvis, Gracie; Pendarvis, Robert V.
Jackson, III, Sidney W. JACKSON FOSTER & RICHARDSON LLC P.O. Box 2225 Mobile, AL 36652
Mason, Jr. (Ind./Behalf-K&J, Inc.), James F.
Jones, III, Gladstone N. JONES SWANSON HUDDELL & GARRISON LLC Pan-American Life Center 601 Poydras Street Suite 2655 New Orleans, LA 70130
=> Phone: (504) 523-2500
Phillips, John F.*
Fax: (504) 523-2508 Email:
=> Phone: (334) 269-2343
Fax: (334) 954-7555 Email: Bon Secour Boats, Inc.*; Bon Secour Fisheries, Inc.*; Cotton Bayou Marina, Inc. dba Tacky Jacks Restaurant*; Deupree Outdoor Guide Services, Inc.*; Relax On The Beach, Inc.*; Sandcastle
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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218 Commerce Street Montgomery, AL 36104
Escapes, L.L.C.*; Sunrise Rentals Enterprises*
Kennedy, Richard R. 309 Polk Street P.O. Box 3243 Lafayette, LA 70502-3243
=> Phone: (337) 232-1934
Rhodes, Karl W.*
Fax: (337) 232-9720 Email:
Laborde, III, Cliffe E. LABORDE & NEUNER One Petroleum Center 1001 W. Pinhook Road Suite 200 Lafayette, LA 70503
=> Phone: (337) 237-7000
Fax: (337) 233-9450 Email: Tidewater Marine, LLC*
Lane, Joseph D. COCHRAN CHERRY GIVENS & SMITH 163 West Main Street Dothan, AL 36301
=> Phone: (334) 793-1555
Barber, Peter J.*
Fax: (334) 793-8280 Email:
Langan, J. Andrew KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP 300 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60654
=> Phone: (312) 862-2064
Fax: (312) 862-2200 Email: BP America Inc.*; BP Exploration & Production, Inc.*; BP Products North America Inc.*; BP,
Lovelace, DeWitt M. LOVELACE LAW FIRM PA 12870 U.S. Highway 98 West Suite 200 Miramar Beach, FL 32550
=> Phone: (850) 837-6020
Fax: (850) 837-4093 Email: Le (dba Bluewater Seafood), Hao Van*
Lucado, M. Shane LUCADO LAW FIRM 1 Perimeter Park South Suite 125 South Birmingham, AL 35243
=> Phone: (205) 278-0025
Realty, LLC*
Fax: (205) 278-0030 Email: Chenault (Ind./For CMCO, LLC), Ben*; Creech, Dacien Thane*; Douglass, Charles*; Kilgore
Mason, Angela Joy COCHRAN FIRM 163 W. Main Street Dothan, AL 36302
=> Phone: (205) 793-1555
Bratt (Ind./dba Chaise N'Rays), Gary; Bridges (Ind./dba H.R. Bridges Seafood), Randolf; Collier, Sr. (Ind./dba P.J. Seafood), Richard M.; Hodas (Ind./dba Island Times Mountain Time), Carrie; Hodas (Ind./dba Island Times Mountain Time), Kier; Meyer, David; Miller (Ind./dba The Island Rainbow & The Trading Post) Dennis Benjamin; Ponder (Ind./dba Deer River Seafood, LLC), John Samuel
McDole, Keith C. JONES DAY 2727 North Harwood Street Dallas, TX 75201-1515
=> Phone: (214) 220-3939
Fax: (214) 969-5100 Transocean Holdings, Inc.; Transocean, Ltd.; Transocean, Ltd. (Transocean Entity)
=> Phone: (954) 763-8181
Fax: (954) 763-8292 Email: Griffitts Investments LP*
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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Suite 801 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Meunier, Gerald E. GAINSBURGH BENJAMIN DAVID MEUNIER & WARSHAUER LLC 2800 Energy Centre 1100 Poydras Street New Orleans, LA 70163-2800
=> Phone: (504) 522-2304
Nunez, Lena T.*
Fax: (504) 528-9973 Email: Bass, Frederick*; Eckert, Darryl*; Elmer, Charles C.*; Hayes, Michael*; Neumeyer, Jr., Rodney*;
Miller, Kerry J. FRILOT LLC 1100 Poydras Street Suite 3700 New Orleans, LA 70163
=> Phone: (504) 599-8194
Fax: (504) 599-8145 Email: Transocean Deepwater, Inc.*; Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling, Inc.*
Mitsui & Co., U.S.A., Inc, 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166
Mitsui & Co. U.S.A., Inc.
Morrow, Patrick C. MORROW MORROW RYAN & BASSETT Post Office Drawer 1787 Opelousas, LA 70570
=> Phone: (337) 948-4483
Fax: (337) 942-5234 Email: James, Jr., Joseph George*; Schouest, III, Ellis*
Moskowitz, Adam M. KOZYAK TROPIN & THROCKMORTON PA 2525 Ponce de Leon Boulevard 9th Floor Miami, FL 33134
=> Phone: (305) 372-1800
Fax: (305) 372-3508 Email: Destin, Dewey*; Edgewater Beach Owner's Association, Inc.*; Key West Tiki Charters, Inc.*
Murray, Stephen B. MURRAY LAW FIRM 650 Poydras Sreet Suite 2150 New Orleans, LA 70130
=> Phone: (504) 525-8100
Dinet, Nicholas J.*
Fax: (504) 584-5249 Email:
Neger, Peter C. BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP 399 Park Avenue New York, NY 10075
=> Phone: (212) 705-7226
Fax: (212) 702-3616 Email: Anadarko E&P Co., L.P.*; Anadarko Petroleum Corp.*
Nicholas, Steven L. CUNNINGHAM BOUNDS LLC 1601 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36604
=> Phone: (251) 471-6191
Fax: (251) 479-1031 Email: Action Outdoors, LLC*; Alabama Gulf Coast Investments, LLC*; Blue Water Yacht Sales & Services, Inc.*; Country, Inc.*; Deep Sea Foods, Inc.*; Fishtrap Charters, LLC*; Fort Morgan Sales, Rentals & Development, Inc.*; Gumbo Properties, LLC*; Happy Harbor, LLC*; Ingram, Jon B.*; Jubilee Seafood, Inc.*; Long, John Forrest*; Malay, Inc.*; Margaritaville, LLC*; Ocean Reef Realty, Inc.*; Orange Beach Marina, Inc.*; Original Oyster House II, Inc.*; Original Oyster House, Inc.*; Oyster Bay Marina, LLC*; Pass Chateau Properties, LLC dba Dauphin Island Marina*; Premium Properties, Inc.*; Prickett Properties, LLC*; Romar Marina Club, LLC*; Salley (dba Sure Shot Charters), Micheal*; Southern Coastal Restaurants, LLC*; Sportsman Fish House, LLC*; Superb Food, Inc.*; T&E Seafood, Inc.*; TNT, LLC*; Wilkerson, Billy*; Wilkerson, Tessa*
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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Norris, John E. DAVIS & NORRIS LLP The Bradshaw House 2154 Highland Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205
=> Phone: (205) 930-9900
Fax: (205) 930-9989 Email: Burke, Peter*; Junghann, Brenda S.*; Junghann, Jorg M.*; Lykins, Ryan*
Poynter, Scott E. EMERSON POYNTER LLP 500 President Clinton Avenue Suite 305 Little Rock, AR 72201
=> Phone: (501) 907-2555
Fax: (501) 907-2556 Email: Charter Boat Seascape Inc.*; Charter Boat Sunrise Inc.*; Destin Fishing Fleet Inc.*; First Light Enterprises Inc.*; L&H Enterprises, Inc. dba Tackle This Shoot That*; Paul, Gary*
Price, Donald W. DUE PRICE GUIDRY PIEDRAHITA & ANDREWS 8201 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809
=> Phone: (225) 929-7481
Fax: (225) 924-4519 Email: Duet, Deanna G.*; Duet, Raymond*
Quin, II, William M. MCCRANEY MONTAGNET & QUIN PLLC 602 Steed Road Suite 200 Ridgeland, MS 39157
=> Phone: (601) 707-5725
Montagnet, Monica C.*
Fax: (601) 510-2939 Email:
Rash, David C. ALTERS LAW FIRM PA 4141 Northeast 2nd Avenue Suite 201 Miami, FL 33137
=> Phone: (305) 571-8550
Fax: (305) 571-8558 Email: Blue Parrott OceanFront Cafe, Inc.*; Captain Salty, Inc.*; G.A. Fish, Inc.*; Grant, John S.*; Greg Abrams Seafood, Inc.*; Lima (aka Captain Shelley Seafood), Steve*; Motor Vessel Captain Carl, Inc.*; Motor Vessel Fishermans Pride, Inc.*; Motor Vessel Lady Evelyn, Inc.*; Motor Vessel Three Brothers, Inc.*; Raffield Fisheries Inc.*; SGI Rentals Inc.*; Tarpon Dock Seafood Market*; Water Street Seafood, Inc.*; WJ2 LLC*
Rifkin, Mark C. WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP 270 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016
=> Phone: (212) 545-4600
Patio), Calvin J.*
Fax: (212) 545-4653 Email: Brondum Jr., Richard C.*; Bundy, Jr., Bill R.*; Johnson, Cynthia*; Richard (dba Richard's Seafood
Sexton, II, K. Edward GENTLE TURNER & SEXTON 2 North 20th Street Suite 1200 Birmingham, AL 35203
=> Phone: (205) 716-3000
Email: Lockridge, Captain Edward
Strange, Brian R. STRANGE & CARPENTER 12100 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1900 Los Angeles, CA 90025
=> Phone: (310) 207-5055
Gaskins, Jr., Matthews*
Fax: (310) 826-3210 Email:
Tran, Minh Tam TAMMY TRAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW LP 2915 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77002
=> Phone: (713) 655-0737
Fax: (713) 655-0823 Email: National Vietnamese American Fisherman Emergency Association*; Nguyen, Nam; Tran, Hung
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
(Panel Attorney Service List for MDL 2,179 Continued)
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Verras, Spiro J. BILIRAKIS LAW GROUP LLC 4538 Bartelt Road Holiday, FL 34690
=> Phone: (727) 937-3226
Fax: (727) 934-5069 Email: sverras@bilirakislaw. com Calhoun, Jeffery*; Coratella, Vincent*; East Shore Land Development, LLC dba Blue Wave Motel Suites Of Clearwater Beach, Florida*; Galaris, James*; Gionis, Athanasios*; Gionis, Evdokia*; Gold Fingers Jewelers & Gift Shop, Inc.*; J.J.S. Properties, Inc. dba Post Corner Pizza Restaurant*; Moreira, Carlos*; Narcosis, Inc.*; Venette, Desire*
Wiygul, Robert B. WALTZER & ASSOCIATES 1011 Iberville Drive Ocean Springs, MS 39564
=> Phone: (228) 872-1125
Fax: (228) 872-1128 Email: Dinh, Khuyen; Huynh, Tai; Nguyen, Son; Pan Isles, Inc.; Trieu, Hiep
Zatzkis, Lanny R. ZATZKIS MCCARTHY & ASSOCIATES LLC 650 Poydras Street Suite 2750 New Orleans, LA 70130
=> Phone: (504) 523-2266
Fax: (504) 593-9921 Email: Black, Kevin*; Canty, IV, John B.*; Conzonere, Chad*; Crain, Michael Troy*; Crawford, Brad*; Crawford, William J.*; Efferson, Alvery L.*; Efferson, Charles*; Evans, Jr., Robert*; Ferrier, Michael*; Gagliano, Wayne*; Jackson, Kevin M.*; Knecht, Jr., Dennis*; Knecht, Jr., Frederick H.*; Kreger, Jr., Ronald A.*; Kreger, Robert*; Kreger, Ryan A.*; Kreger, Sr., Ronald A.*; Kreger, Sr., Roy*; Lyncker, Williams H.*; Moragas, Shannon D.*; Pomes, Christopher*; Raimer, Allen J.*; Roberts, John C.*; Sander, Jr., Gerald J.*; Schmalz, Charles*; Segrave, Jr., David A.*; Segrave, Michael A.*; Segrave, Sr., David A.*
Note: Please refer to the report title page for complete report scope and key.
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