Widen et al v. Menu Foods et al

Filing 16

MDL CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER. Case transferred to District of New Jersey and assigning to Honorable Noel L. Hillman, Case No. 07-cv-2867. Documents transmitted as requested. (Attachments: # 1 Letter from District of New Jersey)(tg)

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Widen et al v. Menu Foods et al Doc. 16 Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 Filed 06/28/2007 c{# Page 1 of 7 LH-AMDr{.nR&FBfiSf5l'f. $il$pg?2/2007 P a g e1 tcHrftstHfEotrr ler,@et4{ h o titrs tr.l trr.r't ' H.Ti;'i l,r":: ::irc*'nr fli.-; i''r:rY (; 111."/.fi-i Dt$fl;r;lf 'ro.{Yr,#F,S$snr o'["ifr tu Jur$"ffi* FILEO CLEFK'S OFFICE JUN 2W7 28 RE EAS FORwf,ffi Nr T I,I L E-iO D O C K E T I85O NO. BEFORETHE JUDICIAL EANEI. ON MULTIDISTRICTLITIGATION IN RE PET FOODPRODACTS LIABILITY LITIGATION (HATftfi{AN, D. LOWELLJENSEN,J. BEFOREWM.TERRELLHODGES, FREDERICK MOTZ, ROBERT MILLER,,1R.,' L, KTITHRYN VRATIL, H. OF THE P{NEL DAVINR. HANSEN J. ,I ANDANTHONY SCIRICA, UDGES TRANSFER ORDER T h i s litigation preseutlyconsistsof thirleen rctirtrrsli$ted on thc anachcdSchcdule urd A p e t r d i n g eightdisriot* ar ftrllows: live actionsifl theWcstcrhDistrictof Washington; aotions in two and onc action cachirr the flentral District of Calilbrnia,thc i n the WesternDistrict of Arkansns; the D i s t r i c tol'Connccliout, Southenr the the Disttiutuf Floritla, NorthcinDistrictof lllittois, District Boforctho Panclnrcdrreemotiols, pursuaul o f New.lemey, theEastern to and DistrictofTennessee. 2 8 U.S.C, $ 1407,that tnkcn toEcthcrscck ccrrtralization coor<iinated consolidiilal pretnal for or procccdiugs is ofallofthcsc actions.r rcspo[dilg parlies but A1l agee thatcorrtralir.ation apptopriatc, r l i f f e r regarding nrostappropriate the traDsferee districtlbr this litigation. In favorof thc District of I)istrict of N e r v Jersey transferee as rlistricl are moving Cenlralllistrict of'Calilbrnia and Southcrn F l o r i d aplaintill'sandplainlilTsirr thdDi$trictol Connecticut, D.istrict New Jersey, tlueeof the of aud potenlially t h eWcstem l)istrict of Washrngton actions bcfbrcthc Panel, wcll asplaintiffsin fourteen as r e l a t e r lactions. Plaintjffs in two of the five Westem Di.strictol' Washingtonactionsnrove for c c n t r a l i z a t i o n thc Westemltistrict of Wrrshinglon; plairrtill'sin thc EastcmDistrict of Teruressee in a c t i o usuppottcentralization therc;andplaintiffs in the olher duee WesternDistrict of Warrhington as a c t i o n saltenratively supportcentralizatiou thne, In fcvor of the Weslcnrl)islriot af ,,.rrkansas ar,tiofls rrndthe Northcrn t r a n s f e r erJistrict plaiutiffein tlretwoWestern e Dislrict are Distictof Arkansas o f Illinois astion, fld pldifltiffs in six poturtially relutctluotions.Pldintill'sin two potcntiallyrclatcd Llisttictof Arkansas, I ) i s t r i c t uf New Jersoy actiousrltomativclysupporl ccntrulizution llre Westerfl in Ihs Distristof lllimris asirarr$lerce districtareaJlrcsponding dcfcndants, S u p p o r t i f l g Ndrthenr including Ntenu |oods,lnc., andits rclfttcdcntitics,ald plaintift's inonc potcntially relatcdaction. hr favoroflhe C e n t r s lDistrict of Califomia as transferee dishict areplaintiffs in nine potentiallyrelatedactions. F i n d l l yplaintiflin a potentially , related Northenr DistricL Ohio ctionsuggests of cctrtralization the in N o n h c r nDistricl of Ohio. O n lhe basisof the pupersfilerl and huariug sessionheld, the Panel fiflds thrt thc actions in this ' Judge Miller did not palticipatein the decisionof this matter. Ftrrcl lruubr'cunotifictl of97 potr,nliully relrted uclionspcnrJing multiplc l'cdstaldiskicts. Ifi light in ofthis docket, will actions. a o f t h e Fanel's disposition theseactions be treated potentialtag-along as ,!e Rulcs 7 . 4 and7.5,R.P.,l.P.lvl.l,., F,R.I), (?001). I tl 425,435-36 'Thr: Dockets.Justia.com Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 Case 1:07-cv-02867-NLH-AMDDocument1 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 2 of 7 F i l e d06/2212007 Page2 of 3 of[act, ntrdthat ccntralization underScotion1407in thc District l i t i g a t i o ninvolvecomnron questions nnd will of o l ' N e w Jersey scrvcthc convcrricnce thcpurticsandwitnesses prumotcthejust andefficiout c o n d u c loI thc litiglrtiol. All astiofissternliom lhc rccallof pct food productsallegedlytaintedby products.Centtalization undcr mclamine foundinwheatglutdfliffiportcdfromChinaandusedin theso prttrial rulingo, avoidinconsistont in duplicative discovery; Section 1407is rrecesrary ordcrtocliminate aud lhe ofthc patics, tlreiroounsei to certification; conserve resourccs and e s p e c i f l J lwith respcct class y judiciary. thc translctccforum for this A l t h o u g h sevcraldistricts could bc dcscribctla$ an appropriate to nationwide litigation,we arepersuadod sdlectlhe Districl of Ncw Jersey.Fretrialprnceedings iue are in advanciug well thereanrl rhout one{hird of all pcndingactions already this district. listcdon thc the ORDERLD that,pursuant 28 U.S.C.$ 1407, actione to I T IS THEREFORE to A and pondingoutsidcthc District ofNew Jersey translbrrod thc District of are atiached Schedule of astignodto tho HonorabloNoel L, lfillmm for N c w Jorsry aud, witlr the oonoen! thut corLrt, pending pretrialprooaedings tho actions witlr therearrdlistedon Sohedule c o o r d i m t e d consolidulecl or I ; O R ' I ' H T iPANEL: etp-r-**tt-#lrl'WW m . Tcrrcll llodgcs Chainnau +, Document 16 Document 1 Case1:07-ov-02867-NLH-AMD Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Filed 06/28/2007 Page 3 of 7 Filed 0612212007 Page3 of 3 SCHI]DI]LE A MDL,I85o--hre@ WestErlrDiEtdarLqfu\rk4[EgE ( ] f i u r i e s/tay Sins, et al,v' Manulioods lntone hund' el ai', C'A No- 5:07-5053 et Rtahard Emu Witlen, aL v Mtnu Fotttls,Ittt, Et ul', C A' No' 5:07-5055 Centrsl DiEErq!0I e allfomj s .!e*/anv. Menu FoodsIntane Fund,et a/,. C,A' Nu' 2:07-1958 ,9iiirley .Djldal-afX!ru ul ht-,C A' No 3:0?-469 MenuFoocLs, L uri,4.Osbornev. SoulhorulliEtriqlqlElqridfl ( h r i t t l n a Troianov. Menu Footls, irc, el al., C.A. No 0:07-60428 Northem DreIlE! dlll!4Qjs C'A. D u w nMaJirc4tkv. Menu Foods,,/nr:., No. l:07-1541 Diqtdct ifNEw iEIEly et eI . l u r c dWorlonun. al. v. MenuFoodsLtd-, ul , C-A No' l:07-1338 BdEleqrni$risl-sf-Tf,illEEEEE L i z a j t t n tlolt, et uL v. MenuFttotls,Ine, C.A' No' 3:07-94 Wssteru jlEtrct dluiqlu.ugllll lrc,, et ul', C'A' No. 2:07-411 T n n Whalev Menu Fuods, v. lleller, et ul. v. Menu FoorA,C'A' No. 2:07-453 Stutey et A u d r e y Kornelius, al. v. Menul;oods,C.A. No. 2:07-454 el E. S t n a n n e Johnson, a!. v. MenuFttods,C'A- No. 2:07-455 -451 et el al. v. Menu Foods, al.,C.A. No' 2:Q7 M i c h e l eSuggeu, (lourt lirr tlrcIlistrictof ... https ://cclnjd.circ3.dcn/cgi-birVDisplayRcccipt.pl?95 85... .ljistrict CM/ECFLTVE- tJ.S. Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 4 of 7 I M f M E - V e r s r o n :1 , 0 F r o m : nj def il ing@nj d. uscourts . gov T o ; ecf help@localhost . f ocaldomain B c c ; kaw@wtwlaw.us, nj dne f_donio({nj d. uscourts . gov, n j dnef_hiLImanenj d. uscourts . gov M e s s a g e - r d : < 2 0 5 2 7 9 8 ( 4 n j d .u s c o u r t s , g o v > Subj ect ;Activity i n C a s e 1 : 0 7 - c v - 0 ? 8 6 7 - N I - , H - A M DI N R E : P E T F O O D LTABII-,ITY LITIGATION MD], CONdiI,ional TTANSfET OTdeT PRODUCTS (in) Content-Type: text/html * * * N O ' I ' E TO PUBLIC ACCESSUSERS***You may view the filed downloadil copy of d o c u m c n t soncewithout charge.To avoid later charges, e l c h docurncntduring this first viewing. U . S .District Court D i s t r i c t of Ncw .IerseyILIVEI N o t i c e of Electronic Filing was at T I r elbllowingtransaction entercd 612212007 11: 16 AM UDT andfi ledon or 612212007 LIABILITY I,ITICATION lN RE;PETFOODPRODUCTS C a s eNamc: 1:07-cv-2867 CascNumber: Filer; l l o c u m e n tNumber:I D o c k e tTextr to Fanelof MDL transf'erring ccrtainactions C e r t i f i c dCopyo{ Orderf'romJudicial Hillman#(3) t h i s Court.(Attachurents:(l) Letterto Clerk#(?) Letterto Judge # P a n e lScrvice List# (4) MDL OrderAdoptingRulcsof Procedure)(sb) Noticehas bccnelectronicallv mailcd to: l:07-cv-2867 K E N N E T HA. WEXLtiR kawfal.wtwlaw.us l : 0 7 - c v - 2 8 6 7Notice has beendeliveredhy other meansto: S T E V E W. BERh4AN lof4 0 6 1 2 5 / 2 0l0:3llAM 07 ?9585... CM/ECF' LIVD - U.S.ljistrict Coufi for the Districtof ... h t t p s : / / e Ilnjd.circ3.dcrr/cgi-bin/DisplayReceipt.pl c Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 5 of 7 I.IAGENS BERMAN SOBOI,SHAP]RO,I,LP A I30I FIFTH VENTJI srJIl'U 2900 S E A T T T ,WA 98IOI E, J O H NRI,IM NO'fADMI'I"|ED TIIE USDC-NJ TO BAR COUNSEL I ] L I M & EDELSON, LLC 5 3WEST JACKSON BI,VD I642 SLIITE C H I C A G OII, 60604 . P E R R Y A. CRAIII' COIINSELNOT ADMITTED TO THE USDC-NJ BAR CRAFT& SHEPPARD. PLC T H ESHII,OH BUII,DING DRIVE 2 I 4 I]EN'I'ERVIEW SUITE 223 BRENI'WOOD,'fN 37027 S T U A R ' A. DAVIDSON T BAR C O L I N S E L N O T A D M I T T ETO THEUSCD-NJ D & LLP LERACH COUGHLIN STOIA CELLIR RT]DMAN ROBBINS I 2 0 EASI'PALMETTO PARKROAD S U I T E5()O I ] O C A RATON. 33432-4809 FL I .IASONMA'f1'I-IEW TATFIELD TO TJSDII_NJ I}AR C O T I N S I ]NOT ADMITTED TFIE I, LUNDY & DAVIS, LLP 3OO NORTHCOI.LEGE AVENUE SUITE 309 F A Y E T T E V I I , I ,AR 7270I E, J E R E M Y HUTCHINSON Y. C O I J N S ENO'I'AI]MI]"I'ED 1]IE USDC-NJ L TO BAR P A T T O NROBERTS, , MCWILLIAMS CAPSHAW,I,I,P & S T E P H E NBUILDING S I I I CENTERSTREET SUITE 3I5 1 2 trl4 0 6 1 2 5 1 2 001 AM l0:38 gi-bin/DisplayReceipt.pl 115... lt95 https:fcct'.njd,circ3.dcn/c CM/ECFLIVE - t].S. DistlictCourtlbr thel)istrictol'... Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 6 of 7 I , I T T I . EROCK,AR 7220I ADAM P. KARIJ TO'l-H11 BAR t l O U N S E lNOTADMITTHD . LJSDC-NJ A N I M A LLAW OI.F'ICES 1 1 4WESTMAGNOLIASTREET STJI'IE 425 R E I , I , I N G H A M , 98225 WA J E F F E R Y NLUTHI . CLERKOF THE JUDICIALPANEL O N ECOLUMBUS CIRT]LE. NH ] ' t IURGOOD MARSIIALL FEDERAL JUDICIARY BUII-I]]NG (J255, RM NORTH LOBBY W A S H I N G T O N , ?O()O2 DC M I C H A E LDAVID MYERS I'HE BAR C O U N S ENOTADMI'T'|ED'IO TJSDC.NJ I, M Y E R S CO., & P.L.L.C. 1809 SEVENTH AVENUE sr.Jl.l'r 700 S E A T T L EWA 98101 , B R U C E NEWMAN E. 9 9NORTHST.,RTE6 P . O BOX575 . B R I S T O LCT 660II-0575 , D A N I I ] I ,I,. RC}TTINGHAUS COUNSEL NOT ADMITTEDTO'IIIE USDC-NJ BAR B E R D ] N G WELI, & VALLUYROAI]WES'I' 3240 S'I'ONIJ A I , A M O ,CA 94507 E D W A R D RUFF,III B. P R I I ' I ' Z E&, STOUFFER, I CHTD. O N ESOUTH WICKJ.:R DRIVE SUITE 25OO c H r c l A t j o ,rr. 60606-4673 3 ol ' 4 0 6 / 2 5 / ? 0 0l0:ltt AM 1 (lM/Fl(ll.'LIVE - tJ.S.District Court lbr the District of ... 85... h t t p / e c l . 06/28/2007 cgi-bin/Di ecei Case 5:07-cv-05055-RTD Document 16 s : /Filed n j d . c i r c 3 . d c n /Page 7 of 7s p l a y Rl'195l r t . p S H E R R I ER. SAVE'I'T J C O L I N S E INOT ADMI'|'I'EI]'I'OIJSDC-N BAR , B E R G E R& MONTAGUE,PC 1 6 2 2LOCUSTS1'RHB'I' P H I L A D E L P H I A PA I9I03 , T h e f-ollowing document(s) associated this ffansaction: arc with l l o c u m e n t description:Main Document O r i g i n a l filenameln/a E l e c t r o n i cdocumentStampl ISTAMPdcect5tamp._.ID:10467089741Date-6122/2007][F'ileNumber:2052796-0 I [5da2c2c3a655fica70577dc5913aed93l53b768l5a5bOtldfl7ea9639338c700 86fit57b4b3 0a'722cf7 cd025eel77306l 07 I 0 I cib9cd2e9fl tadc5tl5t352ac3 I D o c u m c n tdescription:Lctterto Clerk O r i g i n a l filename:tr./a Electronic docu ment Stamp: 046708974 [Datc:6/22l2007] [FileNumher:2052796-1 I S T A M P dcecfEtamp_lD=| I [59889ff:dd0e0347facc58l4ff4d95dcdObbd4f'e59785ffle0a5ah5e935e956a855 I 3691cf5al e29ll 2 5 e e 0447048e1X65 3 10c61415 128709479ftb22e625ea 508 f ) o c u m e n tdescription:Lctterto Jrrdge Hillrrran O r i g i n a l filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp; lDate=6122/2007] [FilcNumber=2052796-2 [ S ' I ' A M PdceclStamp_ID=1046708974 I [6d3c2baa5b2545e5440cfcd9899b472adec166940706860af559076dcfafcbe3fa 662ae2a5ta8 I dbdbecO45 64dbb4bfa265ll d 2 5 5I e69f5bd47da6788fcc99927 f ) o c u m e n tdescription:PanelService List O r i g i n a l filename:tVa documcntStamp: Electronic 046708974 I sTAMP dcecf$tamp_tD:l lDa\e:6122l2007] [FileNumber=2052796-3 I [500ald075855f.ecfl395cl6ti4e35bdc54l84bBaafI9d414f744c3bl691aOe8cd8d9 I 085 63c224a65e963a9f03a822caf3 9ecll c c d 7 c 95b8bb4639c9448 Sec2aal 3 f l o c u m e n t description:MDL OrdelAdoptingRulcsof Procedure O r i g i n a l filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: D= 4 122120071 I STAM P dcecftitamp_l I 04670897 lD arc:6 [FileNumber:2052796-4 I [8d369f81638021dd72bb653349907b24a518c0b15ecaa29083c9d78ad2b708cf b5 44923b1 69437 2209637 4l e742ca022d9982411 0t'7 8 3024359f82293 88c52b 4 ol 4 0 6 / 2 s 1 2 0 10:38 0 t AM

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