Southern California Institute of Law v. TCS Education System et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Defendants David J. Figuli, Global Equities, Ltd., TCS Education System. Case assigned to Judge Philip S. Gutierrez for all further proceedings. Discovery referred to Magistrate Judge Andrew J Wistrich.(Filing fee $ 350 PAID) Jury Demanded, filed by plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law.(car) (Additional attachment(s) added on 10/26/2010: # 1 Notice of Assignment, # 2 Summons, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet) (ds).

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Southern California Institute of Law v. TCS Education System et al TJNITED STATES DI$TRICT COIJET, CENTRAL DISTRICf OF CALIFIORNIA Doc. 1 Att. 3 flvrl-co\trasrlEET TCS I {r} PIAINIIFF$ (Gtet tur ifyou sc rcPntsfiirtg ydurldf E} SO{ITHERH CALIFOBIVIA IHSTTIUTE OF LAIY. r Colifornie DEFENDANTS ccpordial ED(EATIOI{$Y$lTvl, st lllinois corporcion; DAVIDX FIGJLI. m fuividual; snd GLOBAI E0tilnES, LTD. d/b/a HIGHER ET)UCATION GROUF, r rrlotadc limilcd lhbility ompsiry tb) Atroinip (Flfln NaflE Addtlss md Tdeplrone Nsnbcr, Ifyou sc rwcsrting yqurrcl{ Ftvidc sart.) LAW OFFICE$ CIF GEORGE A SI{OI{ETJ, PROFESSIONAL CORP, 2a5 Mcin Strcct Suib 3t0 Vinicc, CA 90291-5116 Tel.r (310) {5?+176 Attuneys (IfKrcwn) IL EASI$ gF ,nnR'dtIrIGtIO$a (FlEcE atr X ln ons lFx snly.) CnEEIriFEf oll rn$TelfAl, (Placean X in ombox ar llrE sEte FA.RTIEIS - For Ditlrriiy C|Jq Only fcrpltirtdfrsd src ftrdcfundail-) tr I U,S.Gwef'lnEfiPtaimiff cl 2 U.$- Gowrnneat Ds:Fnd|{rt d: fcdcruf qucction fff.S. GcvsnrrHrtNot i Pffty) Cifrzarship PTF lJr I't}. Llr of tnc.rrpcnnldarmnc{rilI'roff hrirs ia ftis $trc ff 06 BT dl ni*nity (lndit* of hrties in IHn of^notberStilE or Subject IIr] D2 {2 Cnntry tflooryorabd srd Principal Flm of Busincss in Arcrtncr Stdte trs J' tr6 ofr trl tr3 rv. r:'ftlGIN (?lraeEn ]t ln one Doxonty.) dr otrei*l Mtorg tr2 Rflns?sdfion tr3 Slitecowt Rsnandcd fturn Cl4 RcirEftFdor tr5 Tnrnfmadfiom$c$*rdiffi(spccifyll tr6 Rcoptrrnd AIDdldsCourt Multi' tr7 AppealtaDisfid Dlcdct Jrdge fiom Litilrifi hlrgisrffile Jtrdge ra REQttDlilEI' fN COMPLAINT: JIJRy DEMAIVE dves tr No {Cto&'Yca' mty if danmded in complaim.) tlllfONdYIrElr{ANDtDIHOlvIrIAIff.+ tL{SgACneFrEr(tcrr.R.c'F. lt: trlYs ElNo VL CAUSEOFACTIdN{CibdicU.S-Civilstahlt.uldtr$lridlystsrefilingand*rirshiefrtrt(*rrclrt6f(nre}. DonotcitEjsn$dicirrulffisrnlfrsdlvtfiity.) Srrarmsr AffimdAcq 15 U.S.C.S 2 {Mo{rody: Asern$ts Monovoti?c; cs*piracy to Moilololiac): ?8 U.S-Q; t- t332 (Dlversity) VIL NATIJRE Of $UTT Orrceor t(b ffi bd db.) - .. - :^itirEs f],J4m sEtERcryForthEftflt * ': 6{ff1q{ii f ll0 f f I lrc$rafice '' Tshirs t': .- ToRfS dcto ttrqt FERSONALINN'RY J I?0 nil6ific 130 MllerAr:t 140 NEttotiilblElmurr* rt 1s0 Rcrowry of CI43O Bsfilrs trd Brttking ll5 310 Airpluc AirplanePtoduc* E{f5{, CdfiFEcACC Bee&'tn' trli+60 Cl Liobility 32O A$R{tr!t, Libl & PERSONAI, PROFEETY E 37O flthcrFnud 3 371 16rd1 in Lgndins I5t0 IEITnONS t\ABOt I ?10 F$hkbtrSturddde Aat Mottomb ll|bqCo|Frr VaclEScflt rlc+ 1720 hboriltdsw{t Echricno l:}erttttifli Orlmpynlcttt& Errforwrnemof Slsds il380 OfurFercorml 470 Rrchctetr Influenced end Corrrpt 330 FEd Etnplojrds' Lisurltry tr3i5 1530 Gerosl ProltltyDfitsEE 3535 DeafiPe$alty I z3o rabor&lgtt Rap$rting u{tr, t}blc/silTv trEl0 $elosivc$svicc F.:r.luagE Orgsni?dvrc O48O ConsrnerCredit f lJt JudgflHrt MedicacAct f, 152 Rccovsy of Dtfurltnd cErrcI, 340 Mrrim 3{5 MsinrProdut* Marorvdticlc vr*dEts) 12 LirbiliV 350 Mo{or Vehicle l{e2 BANKRT]PTCY nopcrtyOamagc ttltdttct Lrability f & ArEilrSU$C t56 34O Mm&mus/ Othcr J 550 Cinl RigtrF I74O Rail$ny tabor^ct Dtsclcurp Act f'J55 Frtuoncordition i,,orf#i'iirrue7.l610 tr 85O Scflrritieslconrnoditisi tl 875 CtrrfrfiffChoU.fieE u$c 3410 EEonorhic AEt f, 153 Rccovnryof ftmprynpmof Yetenn's BffqflB 3fi 1423 Withdravral 28 im*rr.rY DruS li9d ftlErlsbor LittArtio" 1791 Empl. 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DIWC/DrWW lE64 SSIDTitleXvl 186'J. 1610 R.ft.*.Tnrck fZ20 900 AFp6l ofFeeDcrrrminalton un(ler.uqual AcEdss b Justicc D950 ConstitchElityof Btta.Srxtstes f!30 Rfittao5c&Ejcrfiffit JZA{J TotFlolIld f ?45 Tort hodust Lhbt-lity f 290 All OdffiReslfiDFerty 4dZ Ngturrliation Aprl'li(ttiqrl fiiifiiKiiiirl$,I Listiliw f tl63 HrDGilC.orFnrAc+ioar .AtimDr*fucc 465 Ofinlffiri8fitsn ,f46 A.nericoo c'iur tiidbiritlca (fdEr 1.140 OdterCMI RiehtE l45t' Atu{iltRc8s 1660 Ocatpeknal S8ftry/Ineeul lddo orh FEDRAL fIXST.ITIE' Jfi?o Tw(I.I.s.Pluilrrjff 4qII{q,rG}) rDcftrdsnt) usc 7609 . ItTl IRS-Third firryffi FOnOFFICEUSEONLY: CassNuntn: ATTEN COMPLETINC TgE trRoiliT trDE OF }ONM CTr'.7T, COMFLf,TT flIE IFTFORMATTtr{ REQIIESITTD EELOW. Pa,*p 1 of ? cv-?t to5/{r8) {-_wILcovErr$IEET UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVI COVER SIIEET closed? VIII(a). IDENTICAL CASES: Ifyes, hst case number(s): Has this action been previously filed in this court and dismissed. remanded or dNo tr Y". VIII(b). Rf,LATf,D CASES: Ifyes, list case number(s): Have any cases been previously filed in this court that are related to the present cas"? dNo D Yes Civil cases are deemed related if a previously filed case and the present case: (Check all boxes that apply) n A. Arise from the same or closely related transactions, happenings. or events; or IB. flC. Forotherreasonswouldentailsubstantialduplicationoflaborifheardbydifferentjudges;or ! D. Involve the same patent, trademark or copyright, and one of the factors rdentified above in a, b or c also is present. Callfordeterminationofthesameorsubstantiallyrelatedorsimilarquestionsoflawandfact;or D( . VEIIUE: (When completing the following information, use an additional sheet if necessary.) (a) EACH named plaintiffresides List the County in ttris Distnct; Califomia County outside of this District, State if other than Callfomia; or Foreign Country, in which fheck here ifthe povemment its asencies or emolovees is a to Califomia County outside ofthis District; State, ifother than California; or Foreign Country County in this Distnct:x ianta Barbara and Ventura Counties (b) ListthecountyinthisDistrict; calilomiaCountyoutsideofthisDistrict; StateilotherthanCalifomia; orForeigncountry,inwhichEACHnameddefendantresides' thrs box rs checKed, go to ltem (c its agencies or employees is a named defendant n Check here ifthe County in this Distnct:* califomta county outside ofthis District, state, ifother than califomia; oI Foreign country Cook County, Illinois (TCS Education System) Jefferson County, Colorado (David J. Figuli) Jefferson County, Colorado (Global Equities, Ltd d/b/r/ High.. Educution G (c) ListtheCountyinthisDistrict; CalifomiaCountyoutsideofthisDistrict;StateilotherthanCalifomia,orForeignCountry,inwhichEACHclatmarose' Note: In land condemnation cases, use the location ofthe tract of land involved. Catifomia County outside ofthis District; State, ifother than Califomia; or Foreign Country Comty in this District:* Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties * Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Lnis Obispo Counties Date X. SIGNATT]RE OF ATTORNEY (OR PRO PER): NoticetoCounseVparties: TheCV-71(JS-44) CivilCoverSheet\hdtheinformationcontainedhereinneitherrepilacenorsupplementthefilingandserviceofpleadings is required pursuant to Local Rule 3- I is not filed or other papers as required by law. This fonn approved by the Judicial Conlerence olthe United States in September I 974, Key to Statistical codes relating to Social Security Cases: Neture ofSuit Code Abbreviation Substantive Statement of Cause of Action I 8, Part A, ofthe Social Security Act, as amended. Also, include claims by hospitals, skilled nursing lacilities, etc., for certification as providers ofservices under the program. (42 U.S.C l935FF(b) 861 HIA All claims for health insurance benefits (Medicare) under Trtle 862 BL All claims for "Black Lung" benefits under Title 4, Part B, of the Federal Coal Mine Health and SafeIy Act of 1969. (30 u.s.c 923) 2 ofthe Social Security Act, disability. (42 u.s.c. a05(e)) as 863 DIWC All claims filed by insured workers for disability insurance benefits under Title amended; plus all claims filed for child's insurance benefits based on 863 DIWW All claims filed lor widows or widowers insurance benefits Act, as amended. (42 based on disability under Title 2 of the Social Security U.S.C 405(g)) based upon disability filed under 864 SSID All claims for supplemental security income payments Act, as amended. Title l6 ofthe Social Security (42 865 RSI Allclaimslorretirement(oldage)andsurvivorsbenefitsunderTitle2ofthesocialSecurityAct,asamended. U.s.C (g)) cv-71 (05/08) CIVLCOVERSHEf,T Page2 ol2

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