Southern California Institute of Law v. TCS Education System et al

Filing 29

RESPONSE filed by Plaintiff Southern California Institute of Lawto Motion Hearing, Link Motions to Minutes,, 24 Plaintiff's response to OSC re Dismissal (Attachments: # 1 Declaration, # 2 Declaration, # 3 Declaration, # 4 Affidavit)(Shohet, George)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 George A. Shohet SBN 112697 LAW OFFICES OF GEORGE A. SHOHET, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 245 Main Street, Suite 310 Venice, CA 90291-5216 Tel.: (310) 452-3176 Fax: (310) 452-2270 Gretchen M. Nelson SBN 112566 KREINDLER & KREINDLER LLP 707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 4100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel.: (213) 622-6469 Fax: (213) 622-6019 Attorneys for Plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 18 19 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF LAW, a California corporation, Plaintiff, vs. 21 22 23 24 25 TCS EDUCATION SYSTEM, an Illinois corporation; DAVID J. FIGULI, an individual; and GLOBAL EQUITIES, LTD. d/b/a HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP, a Colorado limited liability company, 26 27 CASE NO.: CV10-8026 PSG (AJWx) [Assigned to Hon. Philip S. Gutierrez] DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) Action Filed: Oct. 25, 2010 Hearing Date: None Set Ctrm: 880 Defendants. 28 ________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 I, George A. Shohet, declare: 2 1. I am an attorney licensed to practice in the courts of California and a 3 member of the Bar of this Court. I make this declaration in support of Plaintiff's 4 Response to Order to Show Cause Regarding Dismissal Pursuant To Fed. R. Civ. P. 5 4(m). I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and, if called as a 6 witness, could and would testify competently about them. 7 2. On October 25, 2010, plaintiff filed this action. On October 26, 2010, I 8 sent a courtesy copy of the Complaint for Injunctive Relief and Damages 9 ("Complaint") with a cover letter by e-mail to David J. Figuli ("Figuli") requesting 10 that he acknowledge service of process for himself and defendant Global Equities, 11 Ltd. I did this as a professional courtesy to Figuli, who is a practicing attorney in 12 Colorado. Attached hereto as Exhibit 1is a true and correct copy of the Colorado 13 Attorney Information record for Figuli which I downloaded from the Colorado 14 Supreme Court's web site on April 17, 2011. The web site address is 15 The e-mail address I used to write to Figuli was 16 the same address he regularly used when corresponding with the plaintiff in 2009 17 and 2010, namely I also simultaneously sent the same e- 18 mail to Figuli at which I found on certain of the 19 correspondence he had e-mailed to the plaintiff. I did not receive a response to my 20 e-mails. 21 3. The plaintiff inadvertently named Global Equities, Ltd. as a defendant. 22 It is the predecessor of Global Equities, LLC. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a true 23 and correct copy of the "Combined Statement of Conversion and Articles of 24 Organization," filed on March 25, 2008 with the Colorado Secretary of State. 25 Exhibit 2 and the other records obtained from the Colorado Secretary of State's web 26 site that I refer to herein were downloaded by me on April 17, 2011. I began 27 searching the Colorado Secretary of State's web site in October 2010 before the 28 ________________________________________________________________ 1 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 Complaint was filed. The information on the web site about the defendants has not 2 changed from the first time I began searching. It is readily available on the web site 3 by logging on to the opening page,, 4 and searching the appropriate files. In spite of the minor error in nomenclature, the 5 Complaint correctly identified the Global Equities entity as a limited liability 6 company and its current trade name Higher Education Group. See Exhibits 3 and 4. 7 Defendant Global Equities, LLC will be referred to herein as "Global." 8 4. In an effort to effect service of process on Figuli and Global, I 9 conducted online research through the web sites for the Colorado Supreme Court 10 and Colorado Secretary of State. In addition, I reviewed correspondence between 11 Figuli, defendant TCS Education System ("TCS") and the plaintiff. I also searched 12 telephone records using the telephone number Figuli listed on the e-mails he sent to 13 the plaintiff. This telephone number matched the one identified for Figuli on the 14 Colorado Supreme Court's web site, namely 720-810-2495. Based on my research, I 15 found the address for Figuli and Global at 8697 S. Blue Creek Road, Evergreen, 16 Colorado, 80439 (the “Blue Creek Road address”). The Blue Creek Road address is 17 the one identified on the Colorado Supreme Court's web site for Figuli and the 18 address for Global on the Colorado Secretary of State's web site. See Exhibits 1 and 19 3. Figuli is also listed as Global's agent for service of process at the Blue Creek 20 Road address. See Exhibit 3. I also performed various online searches using LEXIS 21 and PACER. Attached hereto as Exhibit 5 is a true and correct copy of the 22 Declaration of David J. Figuli, filed on March 7, 2008 in National Career College, 23 Inc., et al. v. Margaret Spellings, etc. Civ. Case No. 07-00075 HG-LEK (D. Haw.). 24 In his declaration, Figuli states under oath that the Blue Creek Road address is his 25 "residence." Exhibit 5, ¶ 1. The Blue Creek Road address is also shown on certain 26 of the e-mail correspondence he sent to the plaintiff. 27 28 ________________________________________________________________ 2 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 5. Through my online research and review of plaintiff's correspondence 2 with Figuli, I identified additional addresses for Figuli, Global and his law firm, 3 Figuli Law Group. Figuli and Global maintain a United States Post Office Box in 4 Conifer, Colorado. I confirmed this with the Postmaster for the Conifer Post Office. 5 See Declaration of Pamela Vaughn Regarding Service of Process on Defendants 6 David J. Figuli and Global Equities, LLC d/b/a Higher Education Group ("Vaughn 7 Decl."), filed concurrently herewith, ¶¶ 1 and 2. The Figuli Law Group maintains a 8 web site at The web site does not contain a physical 9 address for the firm, only an e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers. Figuli is 10 identified on the web site as a "Partner" in the firm. The information contained on 11 the Figuli Law Group web site is readily accessible and has not changed since I first 12 accessed it in October 2010. With additional online research, I located a physical 13 address of the Figuli Law Group at 29713 Troutdale Scenic Drive, #C-2, Evergreen, 14 Colorado, 80439 ("Troutdale address"). 15 6. Evergreen and Conifer are both unincorporated towns located in 16 Jefferson County, Colorado. Jefferson County Demographics, Cities and 17 Unincorporated Area, available at I contacted the Jefferson 18 County Colorado Sheriff’s Department which has a civil process division. Copies of 19 the Summons issued in this case, Complaint, and other Court papers ("Service 20 Papers") were prepared and delivered by my office to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s 21 Department in early November 2010. I was contacted by Sherriff's Deputy Stuart 22 Sorensen who identified himself as a civil process server. Deputy Sorensen 23 explained to me that in 2009 he had unsuccessfully attempted service of process on 24 Figuli at the Blue Creek Road address. I asked Deputy Sorensen to try to serve 25 Figuli at the Troutdale address as well as the Blue Creek Road address. As set forth 26 in Deputy Sorensen’s declaration filed concurrently herewith, Deputy Sorensen’s 27 multiple attempts to personally serve Mr. Figuli and Global were unsuccessful. See 28 ________________________________________________________________ 3 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 Declaration of Stuart Sorenson Regarding Attempted Service of Process on 2 Defendants David J. Figuli and Global Equities, LLC d/b/a Higher Education Group 3 ("Sorenson Decl."), ¶¶3-11. The Troutdale address was no longer being used by the 4 Figuli Law Group and Deputy Sorenson encountered no one at the Blue Creek Road 5 address after making eight attempts on different dates and at various times of the day 6 over a period in excess of one month. Id. 7 7. In November 2010, plaintiff and defendant TCS agreed to explore the 8 possibility of settlement. The initial meeting was to commence at 1 p.m. on 9 December 1, 2010 in Los Angeles. Figuli, and TCS executives Michael Horowitz, 10 CEO, Jeffrey Keith, CFO, and Jennifer DeMay, Vice-President and Legal Affairs 11 Director, were to attend. Approximately four hours before the meeting began, I 12 received an e-mail from Ms. DeMay stating that Figuli would not attend unless 13 plaintiff's counsel agreed that they would not serve him with process. Ms. DeMay 14 apologized for the sudden change in plans and asked if plaintiff would agree to 15 refrain from serving Figuli. She also asked if Figuli could participate by telephone. 16 Although I responded that we would refrain from serving Figuli at the meeting, 17 Figuli decided not to attend in person. He participated in the meeting by telephone. 18 True and correct copies of the e-mails Ms. DeMay and I exchanged regarding 19 Figuli's unwillingness to be served are attached hereto as Exhibit 6. 20 8. Efforts to serve Figuli and Global by substituted service commenced in 21 February 2011 after the parties settlement discussions ended on or about January 28, 22 2011. Although Deputy Sorenson continued to make attempts at personally serving 23 these defendants in December 2010 after the parties began to discuss settlement, 24 plaintiff did not aggressively pursue substituted means for serving the defendants to 25 conserve resources and avoid distraction. Multiple drafts of a written memorandum 26 of terms were exchanged by the parties during December 2010 and January 2011. 27 28 ________________________________________________________________ 4 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 However, once it became apparent that a settlement was not feasible, the plaintiff 2 promptly sought to sub serve Figuli and Global. 3 9. On February 10, 2011, I prepared two envelopes which contained 4 copies of the Service Papers for service on Figuli and Global. The envelopes were 5 prepared in such a manner as to conceal that they were coming from plaintiff's 6 counsel and instead appeared to be business correspondence addressed to Figuli and 7 the Figuli Law Group. In addition, the envelopes were mailed from Boulder, 8 Colorado rather than Los Angles, California. On certain correspondence I reviewed, 9 the mailing address of the Figuli Law Group was sometimes identified as the 10 Conifer post office box. One envelope was sent by certified mail to defendants' post 11 office box in Conifer. The other envelope was sent by certified mail to the Blue 12 Creek Road address. Attached hereto as Exhibit 7 are true and correct copies of the 13 certified mail receipts for the two envelopes showing mailing on February 10, 2010. 14 The certified mail receipt that was sent to the Conifer post office box bears receipt 15 number 7010 3090 0003 7114 5492 ("Envelope 1"). The envelope which was 16 mailed to the Blue Creek Road address bears certified mail receipt number 7010 17 3090 0003 7114 5508 ("Envelope 2"). 18 10. Attached hereto as Exhibit 8 are true and correct copies of records 19 obtained from the United States Post Office’s Web site showing that notices for 20 Envelope 2 were left at the Blue Creek Road address on February 11 and 17, 2011. 21 Envelope 2 was unclaimed and returned to the post office in Boulder on March 8, 22 2011. Exhibit 8. Attached hereto as Exhibit 9 are true and correct copies of records 23 obtained from the United States Post Office’s Web site showing that notice for 24 Envelope 1 was left at the Conifer post office on February 11, 2011 and picked up 25 from the post office on February 15, 2011by one Hilarie Anderson. At my office's 26 request Conifer Postmaster Pamela Vaughn verified that the post office box belongs 27 to Figuli and Global and that the physical address listed by these defendants is the 28 ________________________________________________________________ 5 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 Blue Creek Road address. See Exhibit 10 which is a true and correct copy of the 2 "Request for Change of Address or Boxholder Information Needed for Service of 3 Legal Process", dated March 17, 2011; Vaughn Decl., ¶2. Ms. Vaughn also 4 confirmed that Ms. Anderson signed for Envelope 1 and picked it up from the 5 Conifer post office. Vaughn Decl., ¶3. 6 11. Records obtained from the Colorado Secretary of State show that Ms. 7 Anderson filed an Annual Report on behalf of Global on June 18, 2010. A true and 8 correct copy of the Annual Report which I downloaded from the Secretary of State's 9 Web site is attached hereto as Exhibit 11. This is the most recent Annual Report for 10 Global. The Blue Creek Road address is shown to be the address of Global, Figuli, 11 as its agent for service of process, and Ms. Anderson. Exhibit 11, pp. 1-2. In the 12 Annual Report, Ms. Anderson attests to the following: 13 "Causing this document to be delivered to the secretary of state for filing shall 14 constitute the affirmation or acknowledgment of each individual causing such 15 delivery, under penalties of perjury, that the document is the individual's act 16 and deed, or that the individual in good faith believes that the document is the 17 act and deed of the person on whose behalf the individual is causing the 18 document to be delivered for filing, taken in conformity with the requirements 19 of part 3 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S., the constituent documents, and the 20 organic statutes, and that the individual in good faith believes the facts stated 21 in the document are true and the document complies with the requirements of 22 that Part, the constituent documents, and the organic statutes. [T]his perjury 23 notice applies to each individual who causes the document to be delivered to 24 the secretary of state, whether or not such individual is named in the document 25 as one who caused it to be delivered." Exhibit 11, p. 2. 26 12. 27 28 Rather than immediately send additional envelopes with the Service Papers to the defendants, plaintiff's counsel waited a few weeks. This was done in ________________________________________________________________ 6 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 an effort to determine if, after the passage of some time, Ms. Anderson would again 2 collect the envelopes on defendants' behalf. On March 28, 2011, plaintiff sent by 3 certified mail envelopes containing the Service Papers to defendants' Conifer post 4 office box and the Blue Creek Road address. The envelopes were addressed to 5 Figuli and Global. This time the envelopes were conspicuously marked with large 6 labels stating that they contained the Service Papers for this case. Exhibit 12 7 contains the certified mail receipts bearing numbers 7010 3090 0003 7115 9222 8 ("Envelope 3" to the Conifer post office box) and 7010 3090 0003 7115 9239 9 ("Envelope 4" to the Blue Creek Road address). Post Office records confirm that 10 Envelope 3 was picked up by Ms. Anderson from the Conifer post office on April 6, 11 2011. True and correct copies of these records are attached hereto as Exhibit 13. 12 Post Office records confirm that Envelope 4 was delivered to Ms. Anderson in 13 Evergreen, Colorado on April 7, 2011. True and correct copies of these records are 14 attached hereto as Exhibit 14. 15 13. Through the efforts of its counsel and a civil process server, plaintiff 16 sought to serve defendants Figuli and Global through various means over a span of 17 approximately five and a half months. By his words and actions, Figuli has sought 18 to evade service. As Deputy Sorenson's declaration demonstrates, the only physical 19 address available for Figuli and Global is the Blue Creek Road address which is 20 inaccessible. Sorenson Decl., ¶ 5. After numerous attempts at personally serving 21 these defendants, the plaintiff used a form of substituted service authorized by 22 California law. This substituted service took additional time to complete. As of 23 April 7, 2011, Ms. Anderson, defendants' agent, accepted three envelopes containing 24 the Service Papers on three separate occasions at two different addresses regularly 25 used by the defendants. Envelopes 1 and 3 addressed to defendants at their Conifer 26 post office box were delivered to Ms. Anderson on February 15 and April 6, 2011, 27 respectively. On April 7, 2011, Ms. Anderson accepted delivery of Envelope 4 28 ________________________________________________________________ 7 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) 1 addressed to defendants at the Blue Creek Road address. Given the fact that Ms. 2 Anderson has acted in an official capacity in filing papers for Global with the 3 Colorado Secretary of State's office, picks up and signs for mail on behalf of the 4 defendants and lists her own address as the Blue Creek Road address, plaintiff 5 contends that it has completed substituted service on the defendants. 6 14. To the knowledge of the plaintiff and its counsel, the relatively short 7 delay in accomplishing service has not prejudiced any party in this case. Figuli has 8 actual knowledge of this case and the claims the plaintiff makes against him. He is 9 an experienced attorney, actively participated in the parties' settlement discussions 10 and is well aware of the facts giving rise to this action having been at the center of 11 the negotiations for the acquisition of the plaintiff by TCS. A copy of this 12 declaration and the other papers filed in response to the Court's Order to Show Cause 13 are being mailed to Figuli and Global at their Conifer post office box and Blue 14 Creek Road address by certified mail. 15 16 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of 17 America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed April 18, 2011 at Los 18 Angeles, California. 19 20 21 George A. Shohet 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ________________________________________________________________ 8 DECLARATION OF GEORGE A. SHOHET IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(m) EXHIBIT 1 http Colorado Supreme Court :// 1 3 5 97 il#t#ffie$3# $TFRHtrIH T*TJRY VA & ir l,lew $eareh 5ea15[!!e]p ilerl*e.acl s A.t f elrra*y'' [nforqrua tiCIn lrlril{1 : _. {I-f lnf*rn*tion Attornel.' llegulati*n Name Status Registration / Bar Number Lpd;te \'our FIGIJLI, DAVID JOHN ACTV t3597 lrtform,rtion Ctrntact U:" : Is in Private Practice Carries Professional Liability Insurance Yes Yes (what does this mean? - Click Here for more information) Business Information Fax Phone (720)810-249s Firm Name DAVID J FIGTJLI ESQ Business Address 8697 BLUE CREEK RD City State EVERGREEN CO *dn lorto i*ur ll;mc lof I Code 80439 Zip Admission Date 0110311984 Disciplinary & Disability History 411712011 I l:08 AM EXHIBTT 2 Document processing fee If documeut is filed on paper $150.00 clechonieatty sheat$ changr. To fils elec*onically! access inrtructions for this form/caver shs€t snd $th* CuntntlyNot Availahls dacument is filtd liess & fsrmdcover are subject to If lS :fi1:J.$1 1{t111 S l$t-t' 11 t-it-t tF ';T]ITE *i-:S.-?ilil* I $: :i: l? f:f|[Tfif;T infarmation cr print copies of filtd documents, visit wrt w.sos.stalq. c<1. us and select Bssiness Center. Ptper documenl,$ mu$t be typwritlen or nraghine printcd. lrss!'esrr{rro&osrtt$usrorllt Combiusd $tatem*nt of Conversion snd Artfules of Org*nim*ion filed pursuant to $7-90-:01 and $7-8t)-t04 of the Calorado Rcviscd Statuten {C.R.S.} Stat*rnent of Cqnversion t. Far the convcrs,ng entib*, its sntity nalne or true namso lD numhr {if applicable), form of entity, the jurisdiction under lhe law of which k is forme4 and the principal offiirc addrcss of ils principel offic.e are Entity narne or true nanT e cf the corrr:ertinfl entity lD number {if applicable} GLOSAL Efit lTITS, LTD. 19891010081 {tolor&o liecre aty Form of the entity Corporation lbrmed Principat o{frce ltr$sl addrex st:;tae lD nffifur) Col*rado Jurisdicrion where 8697 Flue Creek Road (Slrect nftnber and usfl,c) Evergreen {Ircvitlce Principal ofXce rnailing addre*s {l*rve bl*ah if same a.s *bov*} e0 (Ciryt $tste) - if apptrtcabfu) (Svea nw*r 8&139 md /tlorerrqp - f we or Put Ofiice (Ci41 6utt) fosa{tripCade} ttot {/.$ &ot nfomatton) {na*nvZipc&) iffi:ffw@naw ?. The c$nvorting entity has bserl soilveried into the resulting sntiry identi{ied below3. l-ar the r&SFlIiIg entify, ik entity narna form cf mtify, the jurisdicrion under the law of which it is {brmed, and the principal office *ddrcss of i* prfurcipl office aff colrvtRT_Ll,c P*ge I oftl Xev. lQi6fi00s !slug/0t"^ilu {Sf} t*tf, - tUtEnoJ} (aNJ-dW_tl'|;oA) fr$el !Jo { tlred (*1qrra1d&lt .)'l't -r-x3AN(}J - zc4nn6) W0j^! 6S?08 03 (tuou p{b tagutt u,pt4s) peo8 l8aj3 snl8 sr (aogtrutaful axsu sal suan$nttsttt poay fX ',,'oit{tgtg pt1,, ',"'tt {t.tStgo4 U: '*.nS d698 ss$.lppB lasss ?cl$6 yedpul.rd Fglul *tjJa sssrpps €slg{r ledl*urrd eiiJ.'Z *1 panyasat a..o t:.rour]!&a,rq{o ro.n{r,r;{ *gua:tJr sln arg :aopr*r;f '10*0A-t$ ,.'prl". ro ',"2!t,, ',,'271,, ',.?a,twtt." patutt,, ',,fttdvtal r(t#ytrrt} 'p1,, ',,ltmtluot &qtqaq 31]'SetJlnCIe 1V801S sr *urtxr drlluo aqj '1 u*Fr4rnf,t6Jo stltpry 'pa4nber.r38$oi au s! pue ssarpps toa$s flg uutll luerq;lp J;Eusl ou sl alsisla ,fueplr*5 ?t$Jo sprffilr sql s! ssarppe Eu131uru aq.f {'&q firyt Sutl,rrru tg $?wotff$ aNF tdrtpn 'wtldtlo uawamr Sulaopo! ttlt !1 t A .fin"#;*tr3R.* ",*l*ffi:,'J{tr;**gdA* hp$Jdfnry.e.rd) lt pt9 {{t!2} (xalwuejva wg a4fiig tmd ro euan pv* je$rlrtu trai$ (s&ogB $ts $uresJr to$Jt dfA4dttod} - {awa}} 6g!{s (t1got1 lddo {rrntg ft {u*iq ai*31) Efriiffi Fcuis FdrsulqJ $ferypE $fi {#6J e:una4li - {,{t!}} 03 u6aJsraAg {ptrfuu FttD t3q1/dnu tretg) i5ffi ,tpue aq3o rua,1 psllurlt a$r"{r&}P p;[ilIo.] #eqiA u$i]tlPs unf sffii65 mlllo fcdrruHd pBsu lae.n ffnru 16g8 ^u€curoc ^llllqsll {uolgut*fur ',,'n {t!$qa$ p:l! W; a,ww tof suoyt*t1slt! WaV '*.*7 tq pal4ttsat a& ssarpp8 saoueldatEqp }$ &nJ&! tt Euplrfo asrt ,19.6 :uegttryl :n',,lil', ',. 3't7,, ',,wltall,' fs ts J 'IB5r*d'lS ',"'ar {r!ilq4! pa4u11,, ',,tt*othttat ',Ft!', &$nryra4!. '*tuutut*t ftqgat 911 .{Ilua Sfiitfrse.r sqlJo alrleu &Bua 'S3lljn03 ]V8S1S Matting address {lcrve bl**k ifsarne {Strut nwfitr as strcet sddrt:ss) aad rwrne *r Forr tlScu gttt) (Provlrce - i! Bax irfornwtion) {SroreJ tpplicabk) lcourrry fPo.**L€ip CodrJ - it n')t US) 3. The regi$tersd sgeilx niuns and registeree! egsnt address CIfthe initial rc&istersd agcnl a$ Name Bavid Figuli {if an individual) J" Id;t**** ^**iht;;l;iil Tffi oE (if a* sntity) {Caalion: Do nat pnttide bolh nh idivi&tflt atd an exity ttame.i The person nppointed as registered agent above has conssnled to being so appointed. 8S97 Slue Creek Road Street addrqsr {Saeet mmberatldnama) q04-39. , ,'* c(} **'*^iF;;;;yE;-e"d"J Fvergreen fl?""i {tity} Mieili$q lddrcst blrnk if same *s (leavc street d&x) 1$a*t manhar *td none ar Podr ffice f,ox infonation) q0_ {stau) {{3ryi (Pasaiftiptde) 4. The *ue name and mailing address ofthe penon forming tfre limited liability company are Nam* {ilan individual) OR risuli {l,at1'l Qevi{ J"Niddtt)_ __ (Ftrst} $Ctrsl (if an entity) (Caalien: iltt not prcvide both Mailing qddress an ifidiv*lual (/Nl an rlrility ndme.) 869I Blue Creek Road lS*eet nlcr&r aad nane 1l.f rhe - lf applicable} 1-*lloutrng sm@ment appli*,s" adnpt the statement dy marking the O$ce frs{dl (City) [J - Post co Evercreen {Pro{ace * h* {Cauftil7 &ax infanx:llionj 80439 {f"tt"i%p Crd-t - i! ,1ot t}S} and tmlud< fiA Rft$thment.) This document contai*$ the narne end address of one or more additional person{s) forming the iimirsd liability coff psny. ctlNv[RT_t.Lf Psge 3 cf4 Rev. ltll6/200s 5. T'l':* rflff.nflgenn*rit *f rhe limit*d liability c$mpnny ir vested i* i,{dar} rlte qppJr*a}ie },:u-J ffi *nu sr r'tsr"# mi*rmssr$. sf{ f ttt* me$rbem. {i, 'l"irere is at }etri{ qrne vnernber sf thc ll$rited liability compar:y. ?, 6yliertbjtorrrllg ff fl:n Jrcrelndnl ey'{lLd.i. *dtrgt tft* .smlement Sy nt*rfuxg r*r &ar *r'd r'nrirsje ca *llncfuilou..} d*ersnent ccntains ar{ditii:*al inltrrmatir:n as prnvideri by law. S. 6:il*r*'*ra; tesve Sjgd tf tkt &:xu:xmt .rlgr:14*rxl iegcJ {'*i1$sqi#rm$- f{&e pll+vvrg sro*nenl 'The frerrcf doas ncf &ava a deJrry'*d 4fiirllv* rdcr*. $crixg inrJr**ri$ff lxr4:re enlerarg n dere-} qftclfv* d#rs 8$s *y *xrrr.irrg c drrte n*it', {appJrrc}i* lrm* ruin$ Jttr rs{ulr*dr{:rru*rJ date and" if appil*"rble, tirne of this doeurnenl e4ppfur;. €Jof$ t}rf .r'r${#xrrc*t **l*yeil etfectiv* a *lxg."a'd i*/ar* . {mrntdd,Jry,py Nqti*e tt +w. r'rirr:e rrmifi mi r Causlng trIis doruurnent t* be delivered to thr Se*retary ilf S{ate ibr filing chaJi ff}rxlitut* the afJinnaJ}*n u.r a{kn$wlcdgment sf eaeh indiviqlual *ausirrg *uctr drlivery, under peaaities of perjlry, f}at the dc*urnent is th* individual's ae{ a:Td de*d, or ttraf th* i*dividual in goorl fait}r bslieves th+ riacume*t is lfi* llct zurrJ deerl of tht: psrs$n $R wh*s* bf:iaif th* ifidivid$al is rau-ring the docun':e*t ts bs deliv*r".d lbr filing, take* in c*nfcnniry rvirh tft* r**1u!mrn*ntr of p:rt 3 *f arricle 9S *f *fle ?, C.n.5,. tls c-ilnseit*snt Ss{u$r*$t$, unEi the organic ital$ss, and t}lat th* i*dividual in go*i faith believes th* facts slai*d ir the doeum*nt sf,* tru€ and the dc*un:ent complien witlr ihe r*E$irerxf;nls of fhat part, the constitur,nt docunranis, sfid tlw rrgnni*. $tafut*$. This p*rjua7 aotict applies te ea*h inrlividuel whc eeuses this docum*nt tc be delivere* to thc S*cr*1ary"*f $cate, whe:irer or $st such individusl is narued in tjtr dscu"rnent a$ $ne who has oeu*ed it to ba deliversd. 9. Th* frue n*r:l* *nd mailing addre*s *f ths individual eausing the d*cument :s*L--" it*s4 8697 Ftue Creek Rrad to be ds*ivered for frling are #:s***** rs$ lF 1Srr*er xnrrtSer and r*rwe or Post {City} _ *;;** {$cc Sfi frfl fivergreen - a"*mfte1 {,-.*-in{,rddjcJ - #$439 1S*"/ {Cr""!* " tlr/nrn?€ar{}xj $^) tf t''rtt"rni\"*1")- ,ttt W llf i*l tht jbllrvlrg .rJdti:di{:dJ {rpl:r*es. *drrpt tAr -rrar*rneul *l wrrrirag d;e *ox ari$ rncJftde $}, dJlcrilrrerl.J t'iris drw*ment cclfitains the tru* sarn* anri maiiirig addr*ss r:f t:ne or m*re a{idltisnal indil,iduals causing th* docum**t t* be detivered l'*r filing" llLsrtrainrer: llri* forrrrlcsvtr $hettl and any r*lat*<l ins{ru*{ions, arr nst intsndcd ur provide kgal, businns* or t*x advir;*o :urd are furnislied wi{hs*l r*ple$€ntatio$ r}r werranty. While t}ris f'ornvbover shes{ is be}ieved to satisfr sninimum legal rcquiru*t**ts as $f its revision date, compliance with appli*able law" q* the same may be ameneXeil lrorn tirne lq time, remainr th* r*sp*nsibiliry erf th* u*+r *f this f*rrn/cr:vcr *hn*x. Questicr* sh*i*lttr be addressed t* the us*r's legal. busine*s sr tex advisnr{s}" {."(.}1,,iv t RT 1."1..{l Page 4 of4" l*/6{1605 EXHIBIT 3 Colorado Secretary of State - Summary fi Elections Business Home le:///C:/Documents and Settings/George/Desktop/SClUSClUSCIUFindi... Licensing Press I About Us I Contact Us For this Record... History & Documents view Trade Names Cert of Good Standing Summary File a Document Subscribe Email Notifi6tion Unsubscribe Email Notifietion lD Number Business Home Business Information Business search 19891010081 Name: GLOBAL EQUrl'lES, LLC David J. Figuli Registered Agent Street Address: FAQS. Glossary and Registered Agent: 8697 Blue Creek Road, Evergreen, CO 80439, United States Registered Agent Mailing Address: Information 8697 Blue Creek Road, Evergreeq CO 80439, United States Principal Street Address: Principal Mailing Address Status: Good Standing Form: Limited Liabiliry Company J Colorado urisdiction: Formation Date: 02/21t1989 Term of Duration: Perpetual Periodic Report Month: March You may: . View History and Documents o View Trade Names o Obtain Certificate of Good o o o Previous Search lof I I Accessibility I Standing File a Document Subscribe to E-mail Notification Regarding this Record Unsubscribe from E-mail Notification Regarding this Record Pag€ Privacy statement I : Terms of use 1700 Broadway, Denver CO 80290 I 303-894-2200 I 4ll7l20ll l0:40 AM EXHIBIT 4 Colorado Secretary ofState - Sunrnary Home Business I Elections Licensing Press I About Us I Contact Us For this Record.,. History & Documents show Entity Summary File a Document Subscribe Email Notificatbn unsubscribe Email Notificatbn lD Number: FAQS, Glossary and Information HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP True Name of Registrant: CLOBAL EQUITIES, LLC Primary Residence or Usual Place of Business Street Address: Not Applicable Primary Residence or Usual Place of Business Mailing Address: Business Home Business Information Business Search 20011144599 Trade Name: Not Applicable Status: Eft'ective Form: Limited Liabiliry Company /23/2001 Formation Date: 07 Expiration Date: Not Applicable Renewal Month: Not Applicable You may: o View History and Documents r o o o Show Entity File a Document Subscribe to E-mail Notification Regarding this Record Unsubscribe from E-mail Notification Regarding this Record Previous Page Search lof I I Accessibility I Privacv statement I Terms of use 1700 Broadway, Denver CO 80290 | 303-894-2200 | 411712011 l0:36 AM EXHIBIT 5 Case 1:07-cv-00075-HG -LK Document 124-3 Filed 03/07/08 Page 1 of 3 PagelD #: 1645 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HAWAII ) NATIOhTAL CAREER COLLEGE, INC. doing business as ) BUSIN'ESS COLLEGE, MIRZAEI, RAMIN MIRZAEI and HAWAII ALLEN ) ) NEIMA MIRZAEI, CruIL NO. 07-00075 HG-LEK DECLARATION OF DAVID J. FIGULI Plaintiffs, vs. MARGARET SPELLINGS, SECRETARY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, in her official capacity, Defendant. DECLARATION OF DAVID J. FIGULI I, DAVID J. FIGULI, declare 1. as follows: I am member of the Iaw firm of fhe Figuli Law Group located at 125 Niagara Street, Denver, Colorado 8022A. My residence address is 8697 S. Blue Creek Road, Evergreen, Colorado 80439. 2. I am admitted to practice in the Courts for the following states, on the following dates: Case 1 :07-cv-00075-HG -LK Document 124-3 Filed 03/07/08 Page 2 of 3 PagelD #: 1646 Date/Year of Admission Court Colorado State Courts January 3, lq84 U.S. District Cour-t District of Colorado February 19, 1985 Ohio State Courts November 7,1975 U.S. District Courf - August 28, l98l Norlhern District of Ohio South Dakota State Courts - September 7, 1977 U.S. District Court District of South Dakota April 29,1977 Nebraska State Courts April 5,1976 Montana State Courts December 10, 1980 U.S. District Court District of Montana 3. - January 16, 1981 I am an attorney in good standing and eligible to practice in the above-mentioned courts. 4. i have never 5. I have been requested by Plaintiffs to apply to rhis Court for been suspended or disbarred in any other court. permission to appear in this matter for the purpose of participating with the law firm of Chee & Markham in all aspects of this case. 6. I am not regularly ernployed in the State of Hawaii, nor am I regularly engaged in business, profbssional, or law-related activities in the State of Hawaii. Case 1:07-cv-00075-HG -LK Document 124-3 Filed 03/07/08 Page 3 of 3 PagelD #: 1647 7. I am not concuffently applying to appear pro haq vice in any other cases, and I have not within in the year preceding this application made any pro hac vice application in this Court or in any other coufi in the State of Hawaii other than in this case. 8. I designate Kevin S. W. Chee of the law firm of Chee & Markham to serve as Co-Counsel for Plaintiffs in the above-entitled matter, as a member of the Bar of this Court with whom this Court and opposing counsel may readily communicate regarding the conduct of the case and upon whom papers may be served. 9. I respectfully request that I be admitted to practice before this Court for the purpose of appearing and participating in this particular case. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT, Dated at Evergreen, Colorado, this lst day of March, 2008. DAVID J. FIGULI EXHIBIT 6 Gmail - Issues with Dave Figuli participation today ffim https://mai l.googl $s I I? ui:2&lk=c65cec 1 afe&view:pt&q-d... George Shohet <> lssues with Dave Figuli participation today 3 messages Jennifer DeMay <> To: georgeshohet@gmail. com Wed, Dec 1,2010 at 8:54 AM George, ln a follow up conversation with Mr. Figuli he expressed concern about attending the meeting today if that meant you would formally serve him. He indicated he will attend only if you agree not to do so. This is not what my original understanding was and I apologize for changing course so abruptly. I appreciate this is a challenging position and hope you can understand that I cannot compel him to consent to service or to agree to participate in the legal action. One option is to have Mr. Figuli participate by phone. I think it is valuable to have him involved since he handles the M& A work for TCS and if this proceeds to a final resolution he will need to be directly involved. lf you cannot consent to that I understand and we can proceed with Mr. Keith, Dr. Horowitz and myself today and address the other issues as they arise. Jen George Shohet <> Wed, Dec 1,2010 at 9:51 AM To: Jennifer DeMay <jdemay@tcsedsystem. org> Jen, That's fine. We won't serve Mr. Figuli today. Please understand that does not mean we won't seek to have him served through substituted service or other legal means on another occasion if the case proceeds. I appreciate your continuing efforts. Regards, George George A. Shohet, Esq. Law Offices of George A. Shohet 245 Main Street, Suite 310 Venice, CA90291-5216 Tel.: (310) 452-3176 Fax. (310) 452-2270 E-mail: georgeshohet@gmail. com CONFIDENTIALIry NOTE -- THIS E-MAIL TRANSMISSION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTIry TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. lf the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any I of2 41612011 7:01 PM Gmail - Issues with Dave Figuli padcipation today https:i/mai ll ?vr:2&ik=c65cec I afe&view:pt&q:d... dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. lf you have received this communication in error please notify the Law Offices of George A. Shohet immediately by telephone at (310) 452-3176 and delete this message from your system. Thank you. Jenniler DeMay <> Wed, Dec 1,2010 at 9:51 AM To: George Shohet <> George, I understand and have indicated to Mr. Figuli that you were already proceeding with substituted service and that this courtesy today is just that to allow the conversation to begin. My thanks for your accommodation and I look forward to meeting you this afternoon. Jen lQuoted text hiddenl ) of) 4/612011 7:01 PM EXHIBIT 7 lft rfl if rt rl P m cf cl [:] Posiage Osrtiiicd Fee Felum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Fequired) E] Restricted Delivery Fee {Endorsement Required} m Tolal P6lage & Fees tr E E ri [3 r! 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Notice Left, February 17,201'1,9:01 am, EVERGREEN, CO 80437 Notice Left, February 11,201'1,9:47 am, EVERGREEN, CO 80439 {:l::;i'llj;;i]-i.i:3;;;U*i:*,4llii;}1itiii.i'i}i|i}ij.i{'::l|I:iij]:ji].r', http://trkcnfrm I .sm InternetWeb/lnterlabel 41612011 EXHIBIT 9 Page 1 of IISPS-Track&Conhrm 1 {J-sjIF#5I/*THS FS:$Ift{" "$SJ?I/${S' Track & €gn{iIE Trms** & f;*sxflrm S*nreh ffi*s*r$tx Label/Receipt Number:7010 3090 0003 7114 5508 Service(s): Certified Mail" Status: Delivered Irilcli S ilr:;$lis*.t Enter Label/Receipt Number Your item was delivered al12:27 pm on February 15,2011 in CONIFER, co 80433. Detailed Results: * Delivered, February 15,2011,12:27 pm, CONIFER, CO 80433 " Notice Left, February 11,2011,9:40 am, CONIFER, CO 80433 * Arrival at Unit, February 1'1,2011,9:36 am, CONIFER, CO 80433 i\ ; i1 l.i t., !1 lt *e i iir\ililii lr Track & Confirm by email Get current event information or updates for your item sent to you or others by email tl,i lll.ri, ' ^nlrrini!l.r i ..i'i Ai: {itj:r,:, r' i rril t http://trkcnfrm i,JJ iti+r.te 1. l::i, ,. f,. r:+rJ i*Yl*Is!* rJ r t t-r:,;r "i.. :9,1!r .. ,...i;.. .***!r*h.[ d*r ler4:'*-UJs S.{L W 21t712011 EXHIBIT 10 T0:+l (lll1 A3/11/2011 02t?5 p 1j87445 pl 30s-838-7446 USPS Conifer, Co, Mar171104:15p Paqe: tR0U:310{52?2?0 2 Date: 17 March 20Jl Poslrnaster Qonifer, CO,80433 Gri!, Slate, zp Cade Request for Change of Address or Boxholder lnformation Needed for Service of Legal Process Please fumish the new address or the name and street address (if a boxholder) for the foiiowing: NApE: David J. lquti ltsuli lqto1ou_lt ADDRESS: P.0. Box 392 ConiferCO 80433 AOIE: Iire name and lasl knwn addrcss are ,equitd lot change o{ add,€ss rn,barnaibtrlhe mme, it kro*n, and psi dfice box a&ress arc tquird {ot boxhotdet iaton2€biDn Ths followrng rnlomalion is prouided in accordance with 39 CFR 2655 (Dx6)ill). The'€ is no fee frtr croviding bcxholder nformatiox. The be for providing change of eddress intormalion is waived in acco rdance with 39 CFR ?65,6(dXl ] and {:} and correspcndjng Administralive SL'pport Manual 352 44a and b. '1 2 Capacily of reqresler (e.g. proc-ess servet. atfomey. pany rapresenlifig himsell Atlorney slatute or regulation that e/]l powers m€ to serve process *- r}at rcqurcd when rega,resltr is sn altor.ey ot a pady ading prc ex@pt a copor€fiffi edfrg pro se ms! ctie sfaldeJ l 3. The names of alt known parties lo the litigalion: DAVID J. FIGULI et al. 4. The court in rrfrich lhe case has been or will be heard: United Srates Diskic{ Court. Central District of 5. The docket or other identifying number if one has been Calih (AJWx) 1."r"6. CVl0-8026 PSG 6. The capacjty in whlch the individual is to be served ie,.g. d*endafl! dw,tness), defendant WARN'I'IG {I) TO OBTAIN AND USE CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFORMA;ION OR BOXF1OLDER INFORI4ATION FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER }TAN ThE SERI/ICE OF LEGAL FROCESS IN CONNECTION WITH (2) 1-OAVOID PAYIiIENT OF THE fEE FOR CHANGE OFAf,DRESS IHFORMATION ACTUALOR PROSPECTIVE LITIGATION OR COULD RESULT IN CR]M]NAL PENALTTES ]NCLUOING A FINE UP TO SlO.OOO OR IMPRfSONMENT OF NOT MORE THAN 5 YEARS oR BOTH (irTLE 16 U.S C SECION 1001) T,-,E SUAMISSION OF FALSE INFORMAT1ON EITHER I certify that the above information is true and that the address information is needed and will be used connection lirith acfual or prospective litigation. solely for seryice of legal 245 Main Street, STE 310 Add€ss GeorgeA Shohet Venice, CA, S0291 W Ptintea Name rj ' -'- , t:. & FOR POST OFFIGE USE ONLY ,fflvo cnange of address order on fiie E ruot rno*n al addrsss iven. E l,lo*4, let! no foruardiilg address. fl No such add€ss, g Postmark T TMI NEWADDRESS O'R BOXHOLDER'S NIAME Cr - Eveslr ir>Nef fe-e a -- N, Oo A,x47r1 l-zrr-ra.-Fi :Rd a. 0 EXHIBIT 11 l)ocunrent niust be filed electronicall;,'. Paper documents i.vill not be acceptcd. f)ocument processing f'ee l.ate fee if entity is in noncompliant status Fees & lbnns/cover sheets are sub.lect to change. 'fo access other intbrmation or print Coloraclo Secretary of, State Date and Tinre: 06118/?010 ID Number: 1989101008 I $10.00 1 I :37 AM Document number: 20101347841 Amount Paid: $50.00 $40.00 copies of liled clocurnents, vi srt 11111. Iq5_..sta t c.g_o;1s and select Business. and select Br'rsiness ce'ter' Ar]oVL spA(.r: r..)R 1rr l:rr r, r jsti oNl ' Annual Report f,rlcd pursuant to t\l-99-3tr,, et seq. and s\7-q{}-501 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S) ID number: 1 9891 01 0081 Entity nanre: GLOBAL EQUITIES, LLC Jr"rrisdiction under the larv ol'rvhich the entity rvas tormecl or registered: l. Principal olfice street aclclress: Cglorqglo 8697 Blue Creek Road (Str(el Jnme LtilLl n1!nrb€r) co Evergreen 80439 t.\t,ntt t(.'irr' tl'o.ttul ,/.ip (oilt United States (Counrr.t, il not tProvitre il applicoble ) 2. Principal office rnailing addrcss: ( il d itlelent lr'onr abovc) (Street nume uncl numbcr etr l'ost Oliice Boxinfi;rmtilion) r.\r,tr.t rCiryt - iJ applit'ul:le) (Prot'ince 3.Registeredagentname: (if'aninciivicluar) Fi-g.tllil,usl) OR lif US) rP,'vul (Coatlr.v il not 1l' Cotlt't US1 J Qgy'd--r|ir:n (ivliddlct tSuf{ a busines-s organiz-ation) 4. Tl-re persor"r identified above as registered agent has consentecl to being so appointecl. 5. Registereci asent street aclilress; 8697 Blue Creek Road (Slreet tume und run$cr) Evergreen (Cit.v) t(Ir:PORl' Iragc lol2 Co tSutct 80439 th,:tIl /-ip L'qi() I{ev. 5/0 I /20 I 0 Itegistered agent mailing adc'lress: { ii ditlerent ironr abtve) (Stre€t nanlt and nunther or Post O{lice Box in/ormotion) (PostoliZip Codt) (.\turt1 lCirvt if not lCoutlrf (Prot'ince' il aPPlicahle) LiS) Notice: or Causing this document tg be delivered to the secretary olstate for iiling shall constitute the alllnnation clelivery, uncler penalties of perjury, tliat the document is the acknoli-ledgmenr of each iniiividr.ral causing such inclivi6ual'i acr anc-l <ieecl, or thar thc inciividual in goocl faith believes the docurncnt is the act and dced of the persoli o1 s4rose behalf the individual is causing the docurnent to be <lelii,ered for iiling. taken in conlbnrlity *,ith ,h* reqitirements of part 3 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S., the constituent documents. and tlie organic the statutes, on.l thut the inclividual in gooil {aith believes the facts stateci in the document are true and and the organic statutes' clocumerit cornplies i.vith the requirements of that Part, the constituent doounents. "I'his perjury'notice applies to each individual r.vho causes this document to be delivered to the secretarrv ot state. rvhether or not such indrviduzrl is named in the clocument as one rvho has caused it to be delivered. 7. Namels) and address(es) of the individual(s) causing the document to be delivered for filing: Hilarie Anderson [usr) 1,\ulJirl lFtrsr ) 8697 Blue Creek Rd. !.itrv,t ttrtm' ,rttJ Evergreen (C ___ nailt( otLl.tiltlress of such individuals r ilr lstt ( tlll(\' 8u\ itf trttulilrn j CO 80439 I ,St tt1 1 (Provint't - if altpliuble n11ry|-,, (Postul,'Zip ()tde) ilte i United States ) lcounlnt -. il'not LiS) ) Disclaimer: This tbrm, and any relatecl ir.rstructiolts, are not intended to plovide legal, business or tax advice. and are oi'fered as ;r public sen,ice r,vithor"rt representatiolr or wananty. While this ibrm is believed to satisfy lrrinimum legal requir.erncnts as of its revision date, compliar.rce with applicable law. as the' same mal' be arnended {ron tirie tg tln1e. remains lhe responsibility of the user of this tbrm. Questions should be addressed to the user's att()rne)t. RIT.PORl Page 2 rti2 I{ev.5/01/2010 EXHIBTT 12 ru ru ru tr t4 rjl r{ rr m E [3 E E] TT E m D r{ tf rr IT m ru tr ut r{ fr postage m Certified Fee E Retum Receipt Fee EI Ef, 6 {Efrdorsement Required} Restrtcted Delivery Fee (Endorsement nequired) IT a3 m E rc trf rL lotal Postage & Fees EXHIBIT 13 UNrrEo SrnrEs Posret- Senvrce ilill l ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and bt hfoy&' zrts filwrv tWel)y u #3lo Vtrt'{w 0A luL.\l Wfrffiu* I i, i,, I i,,,,, l, I l, J,,,,, f,l. ir,,i, l,', o. ?,b,bq*ffi?- tsv,;WW 2. AtideHwnbd $rrr:ef;r*rxlrflYtukid) ,-lg-rqrn 3S{ 1 , February 2004 d*.6rv ***dffds**dlt lf YES, erfrrer de$'rerY add€ss 1, AttideAddlwdto: en$lWp,h wL' f* lf, fi,, 1,, i u, !, i,,, i, i f t ffiff*l il& s it€r'l b*w: 1 tf Fb Ery€ssr4ar n t flkr$rFdMdl Elca& f Ll s E Fe$s€e nggrr u n*:um*cen6ftrriblctlssbo c. Alxfilctsg Duh,sln (Eft4F€F,t nn0r ?r,:,5 qiea DorFsfieReilmRe# [f Yes Page {JIUJT$'SsIAIFs PS5rAL 56-l?L/KS' I of I Home USPS-Track&Confirm I Help i Siqn ln FA0s Track & Confirm Track & [snfirm $e*rch Fssults Label/Receipt Number: 701 0 3090 0003 7 11 5 5222 Expected Delivery Date: March 31,2011 Class: First-Class Mail@ Enter Label/Receipt Number Service(s): Certified Mail'" Return Receipt Status: Delivered Your item was delivered at 10:48 am on April 06, 2011 in CONIFER, CO 80433. Detailed Results: r Delivered, April 05, 2011, 10:48 am, CONIFER, CO 80433 " Notice Left, April 01,2011,10:06 am, CONIFER, CO 80433 Arrival at Unit, April 01, 2011,10:06 am, CONIFER, CO 80433 * Acceptance, March 28, 2011,4;47 pm, SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 + |i'dr:.rli{i{.1 rii; rrt i"}i.ig j#i* Track & Confirm by email Get current event information or updates for your item sent to you or others by i. r,; 1 . /:irir:iji lar! r:,)'ri:i; ii .. *$. a. ":qirls trr".rrt:r l::r'a!.li' :-'ll '.:i':, http://trkcnfrm ,:r: Ir. fitr email. iii:: ]jji:,.t, 6rr * i:.,tj::iiirr..'ir)q:ri: ii::i,jrir:! v 41612011 US Postal Service H 4/7/ZAII 3:24:23 PM pAGE 1/001 Fax Server UNITEDSTATES POSTAISERVICE- Dale:0410712011 Fax Transmission To: CAMILLE DANIELS Fax N umber : 31 0-452-227 0 Dear: CAMILLE DANIELS: The following is in response to your 0UA7P01'l request for delivery information on your Certified tvtaitgltit; item number 7010 3090 0003 7115 9222. The delivery record shows that this item was delivered on A4nOl2C11 at 10:48 AM in CONIFER, CO 80433, The scanned image of the recipient information is provided below. Signature of Recipient: 1i ^ , ll. J,*rru* /tll* 7' rl , '4 [L' l,^,,; [l' 1.]'r"aP'* fl ll A 11 " I-l Address or Recipient, FJ 1; jql Thank you for selecting the Postal Service for your mailing needs. lf you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office or postal representative. Sincerely United States Postal Service EXHIBIT 14 US Postal Service E 4/7lZOLL Z:54:05 pM PAGE 1/001 Fax Server UNITEDSTATES POSTALSERVICE- Dale:0410712011 Fax Transmission To: CAMILLE DANIELS Fax N umbe r : 31 0-452-227 0 Dear: CAMILLE DANIELS: The following is in response to your 0410712011 request for delivery information on your Certified tvtailgHitl item number 7010 3090 0003 71 15 9239. The delivery record shows that this item was delivered on A4n7.2011 at 11:48 AM in EVERGREEN, CO 80439. The scanned image of the recipient information is provided below. Signature of Recipient' , l^ ll ..,r. ni,.. l- T l,,nr 11 r f-'f l+/ Address of Recipient: I tl J. gf cr, t 't [,J.._ d1 B/Wr{Irr ilL^*Sr-[ L..(,q(p fr frrllt " rt | Thank you for selecting the Postal Service for your mailing needs, lf you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office or postal representative. Sincerely United States Postal Service UHrreo Sreres Posrru- Senvtce . ill llJ address, and Z|P+4 in this Sender: Please print your name, , ^ 1.0r)) ffius 4 ?W ."1 .ntr: nafr,Strrt" GetrVA SviVu AP Vortt,urM, qDLql I'll l"f li,i,,li,,,,,l,li'1""'Jl' l'i" ' l'1"'li'll"l" '1"' I Completa items'1, 2, ard 3. Atso comdete ibm 4 if Reskicted Delhtwybdedred. r Ftint lrour name and ad&ees on $€ lwerse so tr4 we can rcfiIrrr trle card to you. r Affii &is card to tre back of ttte mailp*:ce, oron the fiont if spre trAgs* permfrls. D. b 1. AigdeAddr€*ssdto: iffia'fua[qM ffitry tf Y€S, add€ss dftrgtfoct ltgn 1? Y€s errb #ivery ddess bdow: €nuWe'hw- ffio:,#.-d'^e'crtoY-?4'' Mn T*uyru!;'w 2. &gcbNumbd. @adr€rfmnsrtr'''..'t86€/,) PS Form 381 1, reUnnry em+ * 3. S*t'reTlpe dOEmAU"il trEorsiw tInegfubrcd tlneenrfiecesbrMerctrandsa El lnE'E€dMa[ E] c.o.D. 4 '7l11rt-inrn Doretic Re€ebedDdhrsy? (E',fttu) [f ve bun3 ?:,t s tEiS Re&rn Receipt !s250$02-l'l-l54tl Page 1 of I USPS-Track&Confirm urvrTx's5rdrFs Halne pus;sg_ -s$fit1$cr,, I Helo Track & Confirm FAQs Rack & frs$llrnn Senreh R*sllts Label/Receipt Number:7010 3090 0003 7115 9239 Expected Delivery Date: March 3'1,2011 Class: First-Class Mail@ Tril*k & t*ntirrx Enter Label/Receipt Number Service(s): Certified Mail'" Return Receipt Status: Delivered sni Your item was delivered al 11 48 am on April 07,2011in EVERGREEN co 80439. Detailed Results: * Delivered, April " . 07, 2011, 11:48 am, EVERGREEN, CO 80439 Notice Left, March 3'1,20'11,2:47 pm, EVERGREEN, CO 80439 Acceptance, March 28, 2011,4:48 pm, SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 Snii{iratir:r *pli*ms Track & Confirm by email Get current event information or updates for your item sent to you or others by ;liSsE !.!ii!ir.:ir.,un St:3yri$htilrr i$1$ U$F$^ &ii Riqhts I Sion ln L$!r $*sortrd. !"*.i S:r: i:iirR Aci ilft,n.'Li:$1*. :3jitsJilil $ei$ f i, i..:, :r email. 6*.r i llrA ffi' http ://trkcnfrm I .sm i. nternetWeb/l nterLabel Inqu B!slii!.! !irr:i]!:n,al Gaigss! W 4t7t2011 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that all counsel of record who have 3 consented to electronic service are being served with a copy of the foregoing 4 document via Central District of California CM/ECF system on April 18, 2011 5 6 ____/s/ George A. 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