Apple Computer Inc. v., Inc.

Filing 75

EXHIBITS re 74 Declaration in Support, filed byApple Computer Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit C Part 1# 2 Exhibit C Part 2# 3 Exhibit C Part 3# 4 Exhibit C Part 4# 5 Exhibit D Part 1# 6 Exhibit D Part 2# 7 Exhibit E# 8 Exhibit F# 9 Exhibit G# 10 Exhibit H# 11 Exhibit I# 12 Exhibit J# 13 Exhibit K)(Related document(s) 74 ) (Brown, Nicholas) (Filed on 12/9/2006)

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Apple Computer Inc. v., Inc. Doc. 75 Att. 13 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 1 of 7 United States Patent Haskell [54] [191 11 11 [45] 4,300,161 Nov. 10, 1981 TIME COMPRESSION MULTIPLEXING OF VIDEO SIGNALS 1751 Inventor: Barin G Haskell, Tinton FaIls, N.I. . [73] Assignee: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill. N-J [21] Appl. No.: 126.422 1221 Filed: M r 3 1980 a. , [SI] Int. C I . 3 ........................... HWN 7/08,H04J 3/00 [52] US. CI. ..................................... 358/142; 370/109 [58] Field of Search ................. 358/142, 146; 370/109 1561 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,697,682 10/1972 Berg .................................... 178/6.8 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 5`39366 3/197% U.5.S.R. . OTHER PUBLICATIONS Klauder et al., "The Thcory and Design of Chirp Radars", The Bell System Technical J m m d , vol. 39, No. 4, JuI. 1960, pp. 745-808, Hood et al.. "Time-Compression-Multiplex Transmission," Proc. oflEEE, vol. I l l , No. 4, Apr. 1964, pp. 647-668. Gerard et al., "The Design & Application of Highly Dispersive Acoustic Surface-Wave Filters", IEEE Tmnr on Microwave Theory ond Tech. vol. M'JT-21, No. 4, Apr. 1973, pp. 176-186. Bristol, "Modern Radar Pulse Compression Techniques", NEREM (Nonheast EIectronics Research & Eng. Mtg.) 1974 Record, vol. 16, Oct. 1974, pp. 65-72. Primary Examiner-John C. Martin Auorney. Agent, or Firm-Richard J. Roddy 1571 ABsTRACr Frequency and time division multiplexing arrangements are common for efficiently utilizing bandwidth in a communication system. Still another, lesser known arrangement is called time compression multiplexing. In time compression multiplexing, a signal from each input channel is stored for a short period OF time. The signals from all channels are then read from the store, compressed in time and transmitted over a communication path to a receiver. Unfortunately, the art appears to be remiss in the time compression multiplexing of video signals. The subject signal processor includes a plurality of input terminals (111,. 11N), each input terminal being adapted to receive a video signal. each video signal including a plurality of scan Iines, each scan line having a time duration T seconds. The signal processor also includes an arrangement for compressing a video signal by a factor M (illustratively M =N). More specifically, the signal processor compressing arrangement 13N) for modulating includes apparatus (120, 131, each input video signal with' a chirp signal. A first, predetermined delay (142,. ,14N) is introduced to the modulated signals, which may be added (150). The compressing arrangement also includes apparatus (160) for introducing a second, variable delay IO the modulated video signals, e.g., with a dispersive filter (160). The resultant time compressed signal is extracted from the dispersive filter output by an envelope detector (170) and extended over a communication path (300) to a receiver (ZOO) where the time compressed signal is expanded through a receiver modulator (BO), distributing apparatus ( 4 1 dispersive filter (261, 20, ,26N) and envelope detector (271, , , , 27N) for extension to a plurality of output terminals (281, 28N). ... .. .... . ... .... 6 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures I _ ~ ___. . (IW IIuLyIIlf1 .7 APBU-00000763 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 2 of 7 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 3 of 7 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 4 of 7 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 5 of 7 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 6 of 7 . Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 75-14 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 7 of 7

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