Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 1200

Declaration of Kevin M. Papay in Support of 1199 Brief Offer Of Proof Regarding Oracle's Hypothetical License Damages filed byOracle International Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit U, # 22 Exhibit V, # 23 Exhibit W, # 24 Exhibit X, # 25 Exhibit Y, # 26 Exhibit Z, # 27 Exhibit AA, # 28 Exhibit BB, # 29 Exhibit CC, # 30 Exhibit DD, # 31 Exhibit EE, # 32 Exhibit FF, # 33 Exhibit GG, # 34 Exhibit HH, # 35 Exhibit II, # 36 Exhibit JJ, # 37 Exhibit KK, # 38 Exhibit LL, # 39 Exhibit MM, # 40 Exhibit NN, # 41 Exhibit OO, # 42 Exhibit PP, # 43 Exhibit QQ, # 44 Exhibit RR, # 45 Exhibit SS, # 46 Exhibit TT, # 47 Exhibit UU, # 48 Exhibit VV, # 49 Exhibit WW, # 50 Exhibit XX, # 51 Exhibit YY, # 52 Exhibit ZZ, # 53 Exhibit AAA, # 54 Exhibit BBB, # 55 Exhibit CCC, # 56 Exhibit DDD, # 57 Exhibit EEE, # 58 Exhibit FFF, # 59 Exhibit GGG, # 60 Exhibit HHH, # 61 Exhibit III, # 62 Exhibit JJJ, # 63 Exhibit KKK, # 64 Exhibit LLL)(Related document(s) 1199 ) (Howard, Geoffrey) (Filed on 8/2/2012)

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EXHIBIT EEE TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable F753GWBO PSDEV01 F753HHSO F753MCCM F753MV01 PSDEV01 YOGI Application AIX PS_Home Server OS Database Server Path Platform Machine /d01/app/psoft/f753 gwbo AIX PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/f753 hhso AIX PSDEV01 Windows DCPSDB01 F753NCLO F753NCO_ PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/f753 nclo AIX PepsiAmericas The Park Associates F753PASO F753TPAM F753TUPG_ PSDEV01 YOGI /d01/app/psoft/f753 paso AIX Windows Veolia Water Indianapolis American Commercial Barge Line LLC BEA Systems, Inc. El Paso Corporation Mieco Inc National Americas Investment, Inc. Progress Software Coporation F753VWIO PSDEV01 F803ACBO F803BEAO F803EPCM F803MIEM PSDEV01 F803NAIO F803PRGM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Ross Dress for Less, Inc Richmond Power & Light F803ROSO F803RPLO PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/psoft/f803 naio AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/f803r oso AIX Windows Arvato Services F840ARVM DCPSTEMP01 Philadelphia Corporation of Aging F840PCAO American Council on Education American Media Inc. Norwegian Cruise Lines Ltd. (EDS) National Surgical Hospitals Rentway Corp. Client Name George Weston Bakeries, Inc. Health and Human Services Commission McLennan County Application Server Environment Name Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path Oracle 9.2.0 \\yogi\e-rw\f753gwbo Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\yogi\e-rw\f753hhso \\yogi\e-rw\f753mccm PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\f753nclo PSDEV01 YOGI Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\f753paso \\yogi\e-rw\f753tpam PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\f753vwio PSDEV01 Oracle \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803acbo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803epcm \\dcpstemp01\Psoft\f803miem DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81913 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803naio \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803prgm PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_820 e:\weblogic_81913 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Oracle Oracle \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803roso \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f803rplo PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 8.1.7 9.2.0 SQL 2000 SP4 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f840arvm DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_61sp7 DCPSTEMP01 Windows DCPSTEMP01 Oracle 9.2 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f840pcao DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_61sp7 F841ACEM F841AMIM DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Windows Windows DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f841acem \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f841amim DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_61sp7 e:\weblogic_61sp7 F841NCLO F841NSHM F841RWCM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f841nclo \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f841nshm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f841rwcm PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_61sp7 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Sirva, Inc. United Dominion Realty Trust, Inc. F841SIRO PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f841siro PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_61sp7 F841UDRO PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f841udro PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_61sp7 Allianz Australia Services Pty Ltd AgFirst Farm Credit Bank Ace Parking Management, Inc. Ariba F842AAIS F842AGFM F842APMD F842ARBM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 Sybase SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 12.5 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\f842aais \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842agfm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842apmd \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842arbm PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/ Norwegian Cruise Lines Ltd. (EDS) North Carolina State (???) InternalPSEnvironments.xls DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/psoft/f753 vwio AIX /d01/app/psoft/f803 acbo AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/f841 nclo AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/f841 siro AIX /d01/app/psoft/f841 udro AIX /d01/app/psoft/f842 aais AIX Windows Windows Windows Sheet4 Page 2 of 14 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 2 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Application Server Environment Name Machine Client Name Academy Sports and Outdoors, LTD Commerce Bank Ciber, Inc. Children's Health System of Alabama F842ASOD F842CBHO F842CBRO PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 F842CHSO DCPSTEMP02 Delta Dental Plan of Michigan Diocese Service Corporation F842DDMO F842DSCM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 East Bay Municipal Utility District F842EBMO PSDEV01 Fairchild Semiconductor J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. Linc Facility Services LLC (Summit) F842FCSO F842JBHD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 F842LFSM DCPSTEMP02 Mutual of Omaha F842MOHO PSDEV01 Oxford Global Resources, Inc. F842OXFM DCPSTEMP02 Parkview Health F842PVWO DCPSTEMP02 Rockwell Automation Rentway Corp. F842ROKO F842RWCM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 Shands Healthcare F842SHND PSDEV01 LS Management Inc. Development Tropical Shipping USA, LLC F842STAO F842TMPO F842TSUM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Application AIX PS_Home Server OS Database Server Path Platform Machine /d01/app/psoft/f842 asod AIX PSDEV01 Windows PSDEV01 Windows DCPSTEMP02 Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path DB2 Oracle Oracle 8.2 9.2i 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842asod \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842cbho \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842cbro PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\websphere51 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842chso DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 Oracle SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842ddmo \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842dscm DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842ebmo DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle DB2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842fcso \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842jbhd DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 moho AIX DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842lfsm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842moho PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842oxfm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842pvwo DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842roko 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842rwcm 7.2 going to 8.2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842shnd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSDB01 Oracle Oracle SQL Server 9.2.0 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842stao \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842tmpo \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842tsum PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842wend PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 Windows /d01/app/psoft/f881 bhsd AIX DCPSDB01 SQL Server 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f842wmio SQLServer 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881astm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881bhsd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 ddmo AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 ebmo AIX /d01/app/psoft/f842f cso AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 pvwo Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842r oko AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 shnd AIX /d01/app/psoft/f842 stao AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/f842 wend AIX /d01/app/psoft/f842 wmio AIX Wendy's F842WEND Waste Management Resources, LLP F842WMIO PSDEV01 ASTAR Air Cargo F881ASTM DCPSTEMP02 Baptist Health System The Empire District Electric Company F881BHSD PSDEV01 F881EDEM DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881edem DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 GKN Driveline North America Inc F881GKNM Greater Vancouver Regional District F881GVRM DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881gknm DCPSTEMP02 e:\websphere51\appserver DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 SP4 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881gvrm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 InternalPSEnvironments.xls PSDEV01 Sheet4 Page 3 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 3 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Application Server Environment Name Machine AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Platform Client Name Health and Human Services Commission F881HHSO PSDEV01 Kent County Michigan F881KCMO PSDEV01 Mutual of Omaha F881MOHO PSDEV01 Sirva, Inc. Universitas 21 Global Wellbridge Company A O Smith Development Development Municipality of Anchorage Development Development Development Employees' Retirement System of Georgia F881SIRO F881U21O F881WELM F890AOSO FC752DEV FC753DEV FG752ANC FG752DEV FS803DMO FX753 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 YOGI YOGI YOGI YOGI HOMER YOGI H702ERSO PSDEV01 North Carolina State University Robert Half International, Inc. Robert Half International, Inc. National Foods Services Pty Limited AC Transit H702NCSS H702RHIM H702RHTM YOGI YOGI H750NFSO H751ACTM PSDEV01 YOGI AIX /d01/app/psoft/f881 kcmo AIX /d01/app/psoft/f881 moho AIX /d01/app/psoft/f881 siro AIX Windows Windows AIX Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h702 erso AIX /d01/app/psoft/h702 ncss Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h750 nfso AIX Windows Berkshire Realty Holdings, L.P. Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. Brigham Young University Cowlitz County, WA City of Atlanta City of Flint H751BRHO H751BSCS H751BYUO H751CCWM H751COAM H751COFO H751DMO PSDEV01 Windows YOGI YOGI The Empire District Electric Company Florida Tile Development Development Development Development General Chemical Group ICF Consulting Group, Inc. Norwegian Cruise Lines Ltd. (EDS) InternalPSEnvironments.xls Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path PSDEV01 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881hhso PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881kcmo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881moho PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSTEMP02 YOGI YOGI YOGI YOGI HOMER YOGI Oracle Oracle SQL Server Oracle SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 2000 9i 7 7 7 7 7 7 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881siro \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881u21o \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f881welm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\f890aoso \\yogi\e-rw\fc752dev \\yogi\e-rw\fc753dev \\yogi\e-rw\fg752anc \\yogi\e-rw\fg752dev \\homer\homer-rw\fs803dmo \\yogi\e-rw\fx753 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1 \\yogi\e-rw\h702erso YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\h702ncss \\yogi\e-rw\h702rhim \\yogi\e-rw\h702rhtm PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server 2000 \\yogi\e-rw\h750nfso \\yogi\e-rw\h751actm Windows Windows PSDEV01 PSDEV01 YOGI DCPSDB01 Sybase Oracle SQL Server SQL Server 12.5 8.1.7 7 2000 \\yogi\e-rw\h751bscs \\yogi\e-rw\h751byuo \\yogi\e-rw\h751ccwm \\yogi\e-rw\h751coam\ H751EDEO H751FTIO H751FXC H751FXG H751FXM H751FXP DCPSTEMP01 Windows DCPSTEMP01 Oracle \\yogi\e-rw\h751edeo YOGI YOGI YOGI YOGI Windows Windows Windows Windows YOGI YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\h751fxc \\yogi\e-rw\h751fxg \\yogi\e-rw\h751fxm \\yogi\e-rw\h751fxp H751GCGO H751ICFM PSDEV01 YOGI PSDEV01 YOGI Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\h751gcgo \\yogi\e-rw\h751icfm H751NCLO PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\h751nclo /d01/app/psoft/h751 gcgo AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/h751 nclo AIX Sheet4 Page 4 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 4 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Application Server Environment Name Machine Client Name Norwegian Cruise Lines Ltd. (EDS) Providence Heath System Saint Barnabas Health Care System H751NCLO_OLD H751PHSO PSDEV01 H751SBHO YOGI Sasol North America H751SNAO PSDEV01 Telapex H751TELO PSDEV01 Telapex The Park Associates H751TELO_OLD H751TPAM PSDEV01 YOGI United Space Alliance UT Health Science Center San Antonio H751USAO PSDEV01 Application AIX PS_Home Server OS Database Server Path Platform Machine /d01/app/psoft/h751 nclo_old AIX PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/h751 sbho /d01/app/psoft/h751 snao /d01/app/psoft/h751 telo /d01/app/psoft/h751 telo_old Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Oracle Oracle \\yogi\e-rw\h751sbho 8.1.7 Web Server Path \\yogi\e-rw\h751nclo Oracle \\yogi\e-rw\h751snao PSDEV01 AIX PSDEV01 AIX PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\h751telo AIX Windows PSDEV01 YOGI PSIBMAIX1 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\h751telo \\yogi\e-rw\h751tpam Oracle 9.2.0 \\yogi\e-rw\h751usao SQL Server Oracle Oracle SQL Server 2000 9i 9i 2000 \\yogi\e-rw\h751utho \\yogi\e-rw\h759aap \\yogi\e-rw\h760unoo \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801amim \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801aoso \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801aoso-old \\DCPSTEMP01\PSOFT\H801ARBM DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81514 e:\weblogic_81909 e:\weblogic_81909 e:\weblogic_81sp5 /d01/app/psoft/h751 usao AIX University of New Orleans American Media Inc. A O Smith A O Smith Ariba DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Baxter International Inc H801BAXO PSDEV01 Baxter International Inc Blue Diamond Growers Blue Diamond Growers H801BAXO-OLD H801BDGM H801BDGM-OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Borders Group, Inc. H801BGPO PSDEV01 Borders Group, Inc. H801BGPO_OLD PSDEV01 Borders Group, Inc. H801BGPO_OLD PSDEV01 ConAgra Foods, Inc E. Piphany Greater Vancouver Regional District McLennan County McLennan County H801CAGO H801EPNM PSDEV01 H801GVRM H801MCCM H801MCCM-OLD DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Windows Windows Windows Praxair Quad Graphics, Inc. Quad Graphics, Inc. H801PRXO H801QGIS H801QGIS-OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/psoft/h801 prxo AIX Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h801 baxo AIX /d01/app/psoft/h801 baxo_old AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h801 bgpo AIX /d01/app/psoft/h801 bgpo_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h801 bgpo_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h801 cago AIX Windows PSIBMAIX1 8.1.7 Web Server Machine Windows H751UTHO H759AAP H760UNOO H801AMIM H801AOSO H801AOSO-OLD H801ARBM InternalPSEnvironments.xls Database Server Machine2 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSDB01 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801baxo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSIBMAIX1 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801baxo_old \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801bdgm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801bdgm-old PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801bgpo PSIBMAIX1 /d01/app/weblogic_81713 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801bgpo_old PSIBMAIX1 /d01/app/weblogic_81713 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801bgpo_old PSIBMAIX1 /d01/app/weblogic_81713 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801cago PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801gvrm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801mccm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801mccm-old DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle Sybase Sybase 8.1.7 12.5.2 12.5.2 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801prxo \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801qgis \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801qgis-old PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_820 d:\weblogic_81815 d:\weblogic_81815 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Sheet4 Page 5 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 5 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Application Server Environment Name Machine Ross Dress for Less, Inc H801ROSO PSDEV01 Ross Dress for Less, Inc Richmond Power & Light Richmond Power & Light Rolls-Royce of North America, Inc. Simon Property Group, LP Simon Property Group, LP Suburban Propane, L.P. Suburban Propane, L.P. Development H801ROSO-OLD H801RPLO H801RPLO_OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 H801RRNO H801SPGM H801SPGM-OLD H801SPLO H801SPLO-OLD H801TMPM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 PSNT01 Baxter International Inc H80EBAXO PSDEV01 Simon Property Group, LP H80TSPGM DCPSTEMP01 Foot Locker, Inc. H830FLIO PSDEV01 American Council on Education AFLAC Alcon Laboratories, Inc Alcon Laboratories, Inc Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America H831ACEM H831AFLM H831ALCM H831ALCM-OLD Application AIX PS_Home Server OS Path Platform /d01/app/psoft/h801 roso AIX /d01/app/psoft/h801 roso AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h801 rrno AIX Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h80e baxo AIX Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801roso PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle Oracle Oracle 8.1.7 9.2.0 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801roso-old \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801rplo \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801rplo_old PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 e:/weblogic_81sp5 e:/weblogic_81sp5 Oracle SQL Server SQL Server Oracle Oracle SQL Server 2000 SP3 2000 SP3 9.2.0 9.2.0 7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801rrno \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801spgm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801spgm-old \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801splo \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h801splo-old \\psnt01\psoft\h801tmpm PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 PSNT01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81815 e:\weblogic_81815 Oracle \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h80Ebaxo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 SQL Server 9.2 SqlServer 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h80tspgm DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h830flio PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81815 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 PSNT01 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Windows /d01/app/psoft/h830 flio AIX DCPSDB01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Windows Windows Windows Windows DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831acem \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831aflm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831alcm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831alcm-old DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_82015 e:\weblogic_82015 H831ALIM DCPSTEMP01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831alim DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81903 ArvinMeritor, Inc. H831ARMO PSDEV01 ArvinMeritor, Inc. PSDEV01 Development H831ARMO_OLD H831BAK - Not in Use Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 armo AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 armo AIX Big Lots Stores, Inc. H831BLSD PSDEV01 Big Lots Stores, Inc. Ciber, Inc. CC Industries, Inc. CC Industries, Inc. Clear Channel Management Services LP City of Flint Development Diocese Service Corporation H831BLSD H831CBRO H831CCIM H831CCIM_OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/psoft/h831 blsd AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 blsd_old AIX Windows Windows Windows H831CCUM H831COFO H831DEVM H831DSCM DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Windows Windows Fairchild Semiconductor InternalPSEnvironments.xls H831FCSO PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/h831 fcso AIX PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831armo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831armo_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831blsd\ PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DB2 Oracle SQL Server SQL Server 8.2 9.2i 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831blsd\ \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831cbro \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831ccim \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831ccim_old PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 e:\weblogic_81913 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DBPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831devm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831dscm DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_82013 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831fcso PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 psibmaix1 PSIBMAIX1 Sheet4 Page 6 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 6 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Application Server Environment Name Machine Fairchild Semiconductor Federated Services Company Foot Locker, Inc. Harley Davidson, Inc. Health and Human Services Commission H831FCSO H831FIIO H831FLIO H831HDIM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 H831HHSO PSDEV01 High Industries, Inc. H831HIIO PSDEV01 Honeywell International, Inc. J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. Linc Facility Services LLC (Summit) Linc Facility Services LLC (Summit) H831HONO H831JBHD DCPSTEMP01 Application Database AIX PS_Home Server OS Database Server Server Path Platform Machine Machine2 /d01/app/psoft/h831 fcso-old AIX psibmaix1 PSIBMAIX1 Windows PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Windows Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path Oracle Oracle 9.2.0 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831fcso \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831fiio PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831hdim DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81913 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831hhso PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831hiio PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 Oracle DB2 9i 7.1 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831hono \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831jbhd PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 hiio AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 hono AIX Windows PSIBMAIX1 PSDEV01 H831LFSM DCPSTEMP01 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831lfsm DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81913 H831LFSM-OLD H831MCIM DCPSTEMP01 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831lfsm-old DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81913 Olin Corporation H831OLNI PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Informix 9.40.UC3 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831olni PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PepsiAmericas H831PASO PSDEV01 PepsiAmericas Phelps Dodge Corporation H831PASO H831PDCM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Development Rentway Corp. H831PSEO H831RWCM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Southern California Edison H831SCED PSDEV01 Southern California Edison H831SCED_OLD PSDEV01 Shands Healthcare H831SHND PSDEV01 Shands Healthcare H831SHND_OLD PSDEV01 Development Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Company Seattle Public Schools H831SKBO PSDEV01 H831SPCO H831SPSM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 LS Management Inc. H831STAO PSDEV01 LS Management Inc. Toshiba America Information Systems H831STAO_OLD PSDEV01 H831TAIM DCPSTEMP01 InternalPSEnvironments.xls /d01/app/psoft/h831 olni AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 paso AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 paso_old AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 pseo AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 sced AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 sced_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 shnd AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 shnd_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 skbo AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 spco AIX Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 stao AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 stao_old AIX Windows PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831paso DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSIBMAIX1 DCPSTEMP01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831paso \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h831pdcm DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_82003 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831pseo \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831rwcm DCPSTEMP01 PSDEV01 DB2 7.1 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831sced PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 7.1 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831sced_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831shnd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831shnd_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831skbo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_819 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831spco \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831spsm PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831stao PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831stao_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831taim DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP01 Sheet4 Page 7 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 7 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Application Server Environment Name Machine AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Platform Client Name Toshiba America Information Systems H831TAIM-OLD DCPSTEMP01 Development Development Tropical Shipping USA, LLC Tropical Shipping USA, LLC H831TEMP H831TMPM H831TSUM H831TSUM-OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Wakefern Food Corporation H831WAKD PSDEV01 Wakefern Food Corporation H831WAKD_OLD PSDEV01 Wendy's H831WEND PSDEV01 Wendy's Development Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP ASTAR Air Cargo Baker Botts LLP H831WEND-OLD H83TCCIM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 temp AIX Windows Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h831 wakd AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 wakd AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 wend AIX /d01/app/psoft/h831 wend AIX Windows H880PILM DCPSTEMP02 H880PILM-OLD Baker Botts LLP Baker Botts LLP Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path DCPSTEMP01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831taim-old DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831temp \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831tmpm \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831tsum \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831tsum-old DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81913 e:\weblogic_81913 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831wakd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2.0 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831wakd_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831wend PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DB2 SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h831wend-old \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h83tccim PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h880pilm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h880pilm-old DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 H880PILM-OLD1 H881ASTM H881BKBM H881BKBM_MIGRA TE H881BKBM-OLD DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Windows Windows Windows DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h880pilm-old1 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881astm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881bkbm DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Windows Windows DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881bkbm_migrate \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881bkbm-old DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ccoo PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881chso \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881cohm DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Informix 9.40 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881cski DCPSTEMP02 CompuCom Children's Health System of Alabama City of Huntsville H881CCOO PSDEV01 H881CHSO H881COHM DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 CSK Auto H881CSKI PSDEV01 Delta Dental Plan of Michigan H881DDMO PSDEV01 East Bay Municipal Utility District The Empire District Electric Company Hitachi Global Storage Technology The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc H881EBMO PSDEV01 H881EDEM DCPSTEMP02 H881HGSD PSDEV01 H881IPGO H881IPGO_OLD InternalPSEnvironments.xls Database Server Machine /d01/app/psoft/h881 ccoo AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 cski AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 ddmo AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 ebmo AIX PSIBMAIX1 PS PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ddmo DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ebmo DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 hgsd AIX DCPSTEMP02 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881edem DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DB2 8.2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881hgsd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSTEMP02 Oracle 9i \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ipgo DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSTEMP02 Oracle 9i \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ipgo_old DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Sheet4 Page 8 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 8 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Application Server Environment Name Machine Kent County Michigan Development Development Markel Corporation Markel Corporation Development Development H881KCMO H881MKGP H881MKGP_HOLD H881MKLM H881MKLM-OLD H881MKUK H881MKUK_OLD PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Mutual of Omaha H881MOHO PSDEV01 Mutual of Omaha Norwegian Cruise Lines Ltd. (EDS) National Surgical Hospitals Overwaitea Food Group Limited Partnership Oklahoma Publishing Corporation Oklahoma Publishing Corporation Oxford Global Resources, Inc. H881MOHO_OLD PSDEV01 H881NCLO H881NSHM PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 H881OFGO DCPSTEMP02 H881OPCM H881OPCM-OLD H881OXFM Application AIX PS_Home Server OS Path Platform /d01/app/psoft/h881 kcmo AIX Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 moho AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 moho_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 nclo AIX Windows Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 9.2.0 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881kcmo \\Dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mkgp \\Dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mkgp_hold \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mklm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mklm-old \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mkuk \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881mkuk_old PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 e:weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881moho PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881moho_old PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 Oracle SQL Server 8.1.7 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881nshm DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 Windows DCPSTEMP02 Oracle 10g \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881ofgo DCPSTEMP02 e:\WebLogic 8.1 SP3 DCPSTEMP02 Windows DCPSDB01 SQL Server 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881opcm DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp3 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Windows Windows DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881opcm-old \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881oxfm DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp3 E:\weblogic_81sp5 Philadelphia Corporation of Aging H881PCAO DCPSTEMP01 DCPSTEMP01 Oracle 9i \\dcpstemp01\psoft\h881pcao DCPSTEMP01 d:\weblogic_61sp7 PetSmart Parkview Health H881PSMO H881PVWO DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Remy International, Inc H881RIIO PSDEV01 Remy International, Inc Sky City Entertainment Group Limited Development Universitas 21 Global H881RIIO_OLD PSDEV01 H881SKYO H881TMPM H881U21O PSDEV01 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Visteon Waste Management Resources, LLP Fundamental Administrative Services Fundamental Administrative Services H881VICO PSDEV01 H881WMIO PSDEV01 H890FUAO PSDEV01 H890FUAO_OLD PSDEV01 Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 psmo Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 riio AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 riio_old AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 skyo AIX Windows Windows /d01/app/psoft/h881 vico AIX /d01/app/psoft/h881 wmio AIX /d01/app/psoft/h890 fuao AIX /d01/app/psoft/h890 fuao_old AIX GKN Driveline North America Inc H890GKNM GlobalSantaFe Corporation H890GSFM InternalPSEnvironments.xls DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 Windows Windows PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle Oracle 9.2.0 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881psmo \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881pvwo DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle 8.1.7 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881riio DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp5 PSIBMAIX1 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881riio_old DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp5 Oracle SQL Server Oracle 8.1.7 64bit 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881skyo \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881tmpm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881u21o DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 DCPSDB01 PSDEV01 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881vico PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 PSIBMAIX1 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h881wmio PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9i \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890fuao DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 PSDEV01 Oracle 9i \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890fuao_old DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 DCPSDB01 DCPSDB01 SQL Server SQL Server 2000 2000 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890gknm \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890gsfm DCPSTEMP02 DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 E:\weblogic_81sp5 Sheet4 Page 9 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 9 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Application Server Environment Name Machine Client Name Hitachi Global Storage Technology H890HGSD PSDEV01 J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. H890JBHD DCPSTEMP02 Remy International, Inc Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Municipality of Anchorage H890RIIO HG70203F HG70203G HG70204A HG70204B HG70204C HG70204D HG70204E HG70204F HG70205A HG70205B HG70205C HG70205D HG702CSS HG702REP HG75103B HG75103C HG75103F HG75103G HG75104A HG75104B HG75104C HG75104D HG75104E HG75104F HG75105A HG75105B HG75105C HG75105D HG751ANC HG751ANC_OLD_05 292007 HG751ARC HG751CCW HG751CCWOLD_05292007 HG751COW HG751CSS HG751CSSOLD_05292007 HG751DEV PSDEV01 Municipality of Anchorage Municipality of Anchorage Cowlitz County, WA Cowlitz County, WA Cowlitz County, WA Development Development Development InternalPSEnvironments.xls Application Database AIX PS_Home Server OS Database Server Server Path Platform Machine Machine2 /d01/app/psoft/h890 hgsd AIX PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/h890 jbhd Windows DCPSTEMP02 PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/h890 riio AIX PSDEV01 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path DB2 8.2 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890hgsd PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 DB2 8.1 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890jbhd DCPSTEMP02 E:\weblogic_81sp5 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\h890riio DCPSTEMP02 e:\weblogic_81sp5 YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\h702css YOGI YOGI Windows Windows YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg75103b \\yogi\e-rw\hg75103c YOGI YOGI YOGI Windows Windows Windows YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg75105c \\yogi\e-rw\hg75105d \\yogi\e-rw\hg751anc YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751anc_old_05292007 YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751ccw YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751ccw-old_05292007 YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751css YOGI YOGI Windows Windows YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751css-old_05292007 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751dev Sheet4 Page 10 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 10 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Safeway Stores (??) Development for Sharon Piper Telapex Development InternalPSEnvironments.xls Application Server Environment Name Machine HG751REP YOGI HR70203F HR70203G HR70204A HR70204B HR70204C HR70204D HR70204E HR70204F HR70205A HR70205B HR70205C YOGI HR70205D YOGI HR702CSS YOGI HR702DAT HR702DEV YOGI HR702REP YOGI HR702TST YOGI HR75103F HR75103G HR75104A HR75104B HR75104C HR75104D HR75104E HR75104F HR75105A YOGI HR75105B HR75105C YOGI HR75105D YOGI HR751AR1 YOGI HR751ARC HR751CSS YOGI HR751CSSOLD_12112006 YOGI HR751DAT HR751DEV YOGI HR751FTI YOGI HR751HPA HR751PHS YOGI HR751PSE YOGI HR751REP YOGI HR751SAS HR751SKP HR751TEL HR751TST YOGI AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Database Server Platform Machine Windows YOGI Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform SQL Server Database Server Release NT PS Home 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hg751rep Windows Windows Windows YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr702dev \\yogi\e-rw\hr702rep \\yogi\e-rw\hr702tst Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr75105a Windows Windows Windows YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr75105c \\yogi\e-rw\hr75105d \\yogi\e-rw\hr751ar1 Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr751css Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr751css-old_12112006 Windows Windows YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr751dev \\yogi\e-rw\hr751fti Windows Windows Windows YOGI YOGI YOGI SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server 7 7 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hr751phs \\yogi\e-rw\hr751pse \\yogi\e-rw\hr751rep Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 Web Server Path \\yogi\e-rw\hr70205c \\yogi\e-rw\hr70205d \\yogi\e-rw\hr702css Windows Windows Windows Web Server Machine \\yogi\e-rw\hr751tst Sheet4 Page 11 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 11 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Application Server Environment Name Machine HR751YR2 HR75CTST YOGI HR75CTST YOGI HR801FM HR81003C HR81003E HR81003F HR81003G HR81004A HR81004B HR81004C HR81004D HR81004E HR81004F HR81005A HR81005B HR81005C PSNT01 AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Platform Windows Windows Windows Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 YOGI YOGI Database Server Platform SQL Server SQL Server PSNT01 SQL Server Database Server Release 7 7 7 NT PS Home Web Server Machine \\yogi\e-rw\hr75ctst \\yogi\e-rw\hr75ctst \\psnt01\psoft\hr801fm PSNT01 Development HR81005D PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\h81005d PSNT01 Development HR81005F PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81005f PSNT01 Development HR81006A PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006a PSNT01 Development HR81006B PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006b PSNT01 Development HR81006C PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006c PSNT01 Development HR81006D PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006d PSNT01 Development HR81006E PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006e PSNT01 Development HR81006F PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81006f PSNT01 Development HR81007A PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr81007a PSNT01 InternalPSEnvironments.xls Sheet4 Page 12 of 14 Web Server Path E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr80 1fm E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 005d E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 005f E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006a E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006b E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006c E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006d E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006e E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 006f E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 007a TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 12 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Application Server Environment Name Machine HR810DAT AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Platform Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path Development HR810DEV PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr810dev PSNT01 Development HR810DMO PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr810dmo PSNT01 Praxair Quad Graphics, Inc. HR810PRX HR810QGI HR831DAT PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr810prx PSNT01 E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 0dev E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 0dmo E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr81 0prx PSNT01 E:\apps\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\hr83 1dmo Development Development Hitachi Global Storage Technology Okahoma Publishing Company Genesis Healthcare St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Petco Development Development Development Development Academy Sports and Outdoors, LTD HR831DMO HR881DMO HR881DMO HR88DEV HRDMO HRDMOTN HRNOW HS70203F HS70203G HS70204A HS702REP PSNT01 Windows PSNT01 SQL Server 7 \\psnt01\psoft\hr831dmo YOGI Windows YOGI SQL Server 7 \\yogi\e-rw\hs70204a AIX PSDEV01 DB2 8.1 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\p840asod PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 AIX PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.0 \\dcpstemp02\psoft\p880mgio PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 AIX PSDEV01 Oracle \\dcpstemp02\psoft\p880vico PSDEV01 /d01/app/weblogic_81sp5 AIX PSDEV01 Oracle 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\s760repo AIX PSDEV01 Oracle 8i \\yogi\e-rw\s760uomo AIX PSDEV01 PSDEV01 Oracle Oracle 8i 8.1.7 \\yogi\e-rw\s760uomo PSDEV01 Oracle 9.2.05 \\dcpstemp01\psoft\s801u21o DCPSTEMP01 e:\weblogic_81913 P840ASOD PSDEV01 Manugistics Group, Inc P880MGIO PSDEV01 Visteon P880VICO PSDEV01 Development S760REPO PSDEV01 University of Massachusetts S760UOMO PSDEV01 University of Massachusetts AU Database S760UOMO S761AUDO PSDEV01 /d01/app/psoft/p840 asod /d01/app/psoft/p880 mgio /d01/app/psoft/p880 vico /d01/app/psoft/s760 repo_orig /d01/app/psoft/s760 uomo /d01/app/psoft/s760 uomo_orig Universitas 21 Global Quest State Repository (not PS database) Capital Group Norstan Communications, Inc. S801U21O DCPSTEMP01 /d01/app/psoft/s801 u21o Windows InternalPSEnvironments.xls STATREPO TN1H801O TN1H831M Sheet4 Page 13 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 13 of 14 TomorrowNow Internal PS Support Environments Legend: Lt Green = AU Databases Lt Peach = Data Databases Yellow = Not found on servers Blue = Remote Only Grey = Not Applicable Client Name Development Fireman's Fund Heritage Valley Healthcare NBC Universal New Era Cap Company Organon International Trend International InternalPSEnvironments.xls Application Server Environment Name Machine AIX PS_Home Path Application Server OS Platform Database Server Machine Database Server Machine2 Database Server Platform Database Server Release NT PS Home Web Server Machine Web Server Path TSDMO - Not in use Sheet4 Page 14 of 14 TN-OR06515456 PTX_0583 Page 14 of 14

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