Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 782

Declaration of Scott W. Cowan in Support of 780 MOTION Defendants' Notice of Motion and Motion to Partially Exclude Testimony of Kevin Mandia and Daniel Levy filed bySAP AG, SAP America Inc, Tomorrownow Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L)(Related document(s) 780 ) (Froyd, Jane) (Filed on 8/19/2010)

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Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al Doc. 782 Att. 2 EXHIBIT B KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION ORACLE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, ORACLE USA, INC., a Colorado corporation, and ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) No. 07-CV-1658 (PJH) ) SAP AG, a German ) corporation, SAP AMERICA, ) INC., a Delaware ) corporation, TOMORROWNOW, ) INC., a Texas corporation, ) and DOES 1-50, inclusive, ) ) Defendants. ) ________________________________) VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF KEVIN MANDIA _________________________________ VOLUME 1; PAGES 1 - 290 THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY REPORTED BY: HOLLY THUMAN, CSR No. 6834, RMR, CRR (1-427382) Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 12 09:20:33 09:20:42 09:20:45 09:20:47 09:20:49 09:20:52 09:20:53 09:20:55 09:20:58 09:21:00 09:21:01 09:21:05 09:21:07 09:21:10 09:21:17 09:21:18 09:21:20 09:21:22 09:21:23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. Okay. Were copyright violations at issue in the Dayton case? A. Q. Not that I recall. Were copyright violations at issue in the McDanel case? A. Q. No, they were not. Were copyright issues -- violations at issue in the Grant case? A. Copyright issues were not at issue in the Grant case. Q. Were copyright issues at issue -- or let me rephrase that. Were copyright violations at issue in the work and testimony you provided before the World Bank tribunal? A. I do not believe copyright issues were part of the matter I testified in. Q. A. Okay. In front of the World Bank. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 14 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 09:24:30 25 Q. Okay. And it's fair to say, based on what Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 15 09:24:33 09:24:35 09:24:38 09:24:41 09:24:45 09:24:47 1 2 3 4 5 6 you've described, that your declaration covered in the Lockheed versus Boeing matter, that that sworn testimony you provided in Lockheed versus Boeing did not address any copyright violations. A. Yes. Correct? It did not address any copyright violations. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 09:25:51 25 Q. Did any of the matters which you worked on Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 16 09:25:58 09:25:59 09:26:04 09:26:05 09:26:07 09:26:10 09:26:11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 when you were in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations involve any allegations of copyright violations? A. I don't recall any matters that I've worked on when I was in the Air Force office of special investigations that involved copyright matters. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 168 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 14:36:44 14:36:46 14:36:47 14:36:50 14:36:51 14:36:54 14:36:55 14:36:57 14:36:59 14:37:01 14:37:03 14:37:05 14:37:08 14:37:17 14:37:20 14:37:22 14:37:25 14:37:25 14:37:27 14:37:28 14:37:28 14:37:30 14:37:33 14:37:35 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. Okay. You're not a lawyer. Right? I am not a lawyer. You do not have any specialized legal training in copyright law, do you? A. I do not have specialized training in copyright law. Q. You do not hold yourself out to be a copyright expert, do you? A. expert. Q. Before this matter, have you ever I do not hold myself out to be a copyright undertaken any source code comparison to determine if an alleged copyright violation took place? A. Pausing, because I felt like there was two questions there. Q. A. Q. Well, it's intended to be combined. Okay. You've already testified you've done source code comparison. A. Q. Right. My question is, have you ever done source code comparison to determine if an alleged copyright violation took place? A. Not to the best of my knowledge. Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 169 14:37:40 14:37:41 14:37:44 14:37:47 14:37:50 14:37:53 14:37:55 14:37:57 14:38:01 14:38:03 14:38:07 14:38:10 14:38:14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. Have you ever analyzed source code to determine if it includes protected expression for the purpose of a copyright analysis? A. I have not analyzed source code to determine if it contains protected expression in regards to copyright analysis. Q. Have you ever analyzed source code to determine whether any alleged copied portion of that source code was only de minimus for the purpose of copyright analysis? A. I have not -- you said the word That's another legal term. "de minimus" to me. I have not done what you just asked. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 170 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 14:39:13 14:39:16 14:39:21 14:39:26 14:39:27 14:39:32 14:39:40 14:39:43 14:39:45 14:39:48 14:39:52 14:39:55 14:39:59 14:39:59 14:40:01 14:40:05 14:40:19 14:40:21 14:40:24 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Are you familiar with an analysis or test known as the abstract filtration comparison test? A. Q. I am not familiar with that test. To your knowledge, are -- any of the individuals at Mandiant who assisted you in preparation of your report have any expertise in doing the source code comparison to determine if an alleged copyright violation took place? A. I am unaware -- first, we weren't tasked to do what you're insinuating here, that we were tasked to do a protected expression analysis in this case. do so. But in answer to your question, since we weren't tasked, I'm unaware if any of my employees have done something like this in their past or not. Q. Are you aware of whether any Mandiant We're in fact not tasked at Mandiant to employee has ever analyzed source code to determine if it includes protected expression for the Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 171 14:40:27 14:40:31 14:40:32 14:40:35 14:40:38 14:40:40 14:40:43 14:40:45 14:40:49 14:40:52 14:40:54 14:40:55 14:40:57 14:40:57 14:40:59 14:41:00 14:41:01 14:41:02 14:41:05 14:41:06 14:41:09 14:41:13 14:41:15 14:41:20 14:41:23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 purposes of a copyright analysis? MR. LEWIS: answered. THE WITNESS: I am not aware. Had we been Objection. Asked and tasked to do something like that, I would have become aware. But in this case, I am not aware of Mandiant employees and whether they do or do not have the expertise in this area. Specifically in de minimus protected expression, I believe is what we're describing. MR. COWAN: Q. That question was related only to protected expression. A. Q. aware? A. Q. I am not aware. The next question is, are you aware of Okay. And your answer is the same. You're not whether any Mandiant employee has ever analyzed source code to determine whether any of the alleged copied portion of that source code was only de minimus for the purposes of copyright analysis? A. that. Again, based on -- we weren't tasked to do I didn't poll the expertise in that area amongst Mandiant, so I am not aware if someone is or is not, has experience in regards to de minimus Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 172 14:41:29 14:41:30 14:41:32 14:41:35 14:41:39 14:41:41 14:41:44 14:41:46 14:41:48 14:41:51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 analyses. Q. Are you aware of whether any Mandiant employee has ever done any analysis to determine if computer source code is a derivative work for the purposes of copyright analysis? A. Again, because I made an assumption on derivative work and did not need to poll my employees as to their expertise in that area, I don't know what level of expertise we have in that area. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 173 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 14:43:33 14:43:36 14:43:40 14:43:42 14:43:46 14:43:48 14:43:51 14:43:52 14:43:54 14:43:57 14:43:59 14:44:01 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Have you ever offered any expert opinions regarding software licenses? A. I have not offered any expert opinions. And I regard expert -- I think you're using the legal term, in a court, or testimony -- I have not offered any testimony that I am aware of in that regard. Q. Okay. And you don't hold yourself out to be an expert in software licenses and the interpretation of software licenses, do you? A. I do not hold myself out as an expert in the interpretation of software licenses. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 180 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 14:53:13 14:53:15 14:53:17 14:53:30 14:53:32 14:53:34 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Okay. Have you ever written any code for the Siebel programs? A. Q. I have not written any code for Siebel. You have never written any PeopleSoft code either, have you? A. I have not written any code for Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 181 14:53:36 14:53:37 14:53:40 14:53:40 14:53:42 1 2 3 4 5 PeopleSoft. Q. Have you ever written any code for JD Edwards? A. I have not written any code for JD Edwards. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 196 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 15:41:00 15:41:18 15:41:20 15:41:25 15:41:29 15:41:31 15:41:32 15:41:32 15:41:37 15:41:40 15:41:45 15:41:47 15:41:53 15:41:55 15:41:58 15:41:59 15:42:01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q. Okay. Did you review any software license for any purpose in formulating the opinions and conclusions that are contained in your report? A. I did not. I think when you state license, you mean the actual software license document? Q. A. Correct. Okay. I did not review any specific documents that I would call software license documents. I want to be clear. I did receive information that was called licensing information. Q. Right. But you didn't review, to your knowledge, any of the actual software licenses themselves. A. Correct? It was not part of my task to look at licensing information. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 198 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 15:44:53 15:44:55 15:44:57 15:45:00 15:45:04 15:45:07 15:45:09 15:45:14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. But you didn't read the actual terms of Right? use of Oracle's websites. A. clear. No. That's what I was stating, to be I did also read the terms of use, in regards to just reading them to understand them. Q. But you have no conclusions or opinions regarding the applicability of the terms of use of any Oracle website, as far as your conclusions and Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 199 15:45:19 15:45:20 15:45:27 15:45:29 15:45:33 15:45:35 15:45:36 15:45:38 15:45:41 15:45:42 15:45:49 15:45:52 15:45:54 15:45:57 15:45:58 15:46:00 15:46:06 15:46:08 15:46:10 15:46:14 15:46:15 15:46:21 15:46:25 15:46:28 15:46:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 opinions are concerned. MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: Right? Vague. Objection. I used a "terms of use" assumption in order to have a legal interpretation of the terms of use. MR. COWAN: Q. But you were given that Right? assumption; you didn't make that yourself. A. I was given that assumption. I did not make that assumption myself. Q. And you have no independent opinion from an expert standpoint regarding the validity of the assumption. You simply have accepted the assumption for the purposes of your conclusions and analysis. A. Q. Correct? I accepted and applied the assumption. Correct? But you have -- other than accepting and applying the assumption that was given to you, you have no independent opinion from an expert standpoint regarding the validity of that assumption. Right? Objection. Vague. MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: That is correct. You did say the word "expert" in there. Correct? MR. COWAN: Q. I did. Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 200 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 15:47:47 15:47:48 15:47:51 15:47:55 22 23 24 25 MR. COWAN: Q. Where did you get the assumptions that are contained in paragraph 35 through 47 of your report? A. I was asked to make these assumptions by Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 201 15:48:00 15:48:11 15:48:15 15:48:16 15:48:18 15:48:20 15:48:21 15:48:22 15:48:23 15:48:26 15:48:29 15:48:32 15:48:33 15:48:38 15:48:41 15:48:45 15:48:48 15:48:50 15:48:51 15:48:54 15:48:58 15:49:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 counsel. Q. And you did no independent analysis to Correct? Vague and test any of these assumptions. MR. LEWIS: compound. THE WITNESS: independent analysis? MR. COWAN: Q. Objection. What do you mean by You took the assumptions as stated without doing any independent analysis to determine whether the assumptions are in fact true. MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: as stated. Same objections. I did take the assumptions And just to be clear, I understood how So I to apply them by doing some additional work. fully understand the assumptions, and I did do some analysis to the extent so I knew exactly how to apply them. MR. COWAN: Q. But you didn't do any They were analysis to formulate the assumptions. given to you. A. Right? That is correct. I am not the one who formulated these assumptions. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 222 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 16:19:27 16:19:37 16:19:44 16:19:46 16:19:50 16:19:52 16:19:56 16:19:59 16:20:01 16:20:04 16:20:06 16:20:07 16:20:22 16:20:26 16:20:30 16:20:33 16:20:35 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. COWAN: A. Q. Okay. What about 55? 55 is a definition I devised with the collaboration of other individuals, meaning I didn't make it in a vacuum. every word. That I may have typed This might be every exact word I chose, but over the course of a year or more, we all decided cross-use means this. Q. Okay. And when you say we all and other individuals, you're referring to folks at Mandiant, yourself, and Oracle's counsel. A. Q. A. That is correct. Okay. What about 56? Correct? This may be authored by me with knowledge I learned from others, and it may be a definition that I collaborated with somebody else on. Q. A. Including counsel? Including Mandiant employees and counsel. Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 226 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 16:26:17 16:26:18 16:26:22 16:26:25 16:26:28 16:26:29 16:26:30 16:26:31 16:26:33 16:26:37 16:26:38 16:26:39 16:26:41 16:26:44 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. COWAN: Q. Particularly where it involved some legal interpretation as to whether some activity was proper or not, you had to have counsel's input. Correct? Objection. Vague. MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: mind? MR. COWAN: through 56. MR. LEWIS: MR. COWAN: Do you have any specifics in Q. Yeah. Paragraphs 54 Objection. Q. Compound. And you've already testified that counsel input into all of those. Right? A. I believe so. TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 227 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 16:27:15 16:27:16 16:27:18 16:27:20 16:27:21 16:27:23 16:27:24 16:27:27 16:27:29 16:27:30 16:27:31 16:27:32 16:27:35 16:27:38 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. How do you define the word "contamination"? A. For us, it meets that improper activity assumption. Q. And that's my whole point. When you're trying to discern whether something's improper in this case, you have to rely on counsel's input to tell you that. MR. LEWIS: vague, and compound. THE WITNESS: For the most part in this Objection. Right? Argumentative, case, when I use the word "improper," it is me applying the improper activity -- yes, the improper activity assumption. Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 228 16:27:40 16:27:42 16:27:43 16:27:45 16:27:45 16:27:47 16:27:51 16:27:52 16:27:53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MR. COWAN: counsel. MR. LEWIS: record. THE WITNESS: Q. Which you were provided by Objection. Misstates the Yes, I was. I should say, I was asked to make the assumption. MR. COWAN: by counsel? A. That is correct. Q. That was provided to you TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 271 TEXT REMOVED - NOT RELEVANT TO MOTION 17:56:56 17:56:57 24 25 THE WITNESS: In regards to the results that I used in my report, I relied on Mr. Levy's Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 272 17:57:01 17:57:06 17:57:07 17:57:09 17:57:13 17:57:17 17:57:20 17:57:25 17:57:29 17:57:32 17:57:36 17:57:40 17:57:45 17:57:48 17:57:50 17:57:53 17:57:53 17:57:57 17:57:58 17:57:59 17:58:00 17:58:04 17:58:04 17:58:06 17:58:09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 expertise. MR. COWAN: Q. And thus didn't -- you didn't do anything to verify the information he provided back to you. MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: Correct? Objection. Vague. There could be -- there could have been communications between Mandiant folks and Levy's folks on numerous occasions to understand which measures were skewing or not skewing things. But to the best of my recollection, I relied on Mr. Levy's ranges for improper use of environments, and I relied on his expertise to generate those percentages. MR. COWAN: Q. Without doing any further analysis yourself with respect to his findings? MR. LEWIS: the testimony. THE WITNESS: question, please? MR. COWAN: Q. You didn't do any further Can you repeat that Objection. Mischaracterizes analysis yourself with respect to his findings. Right? MR. LEWIS: THE WITNESS: Same objection. I'm unsure. I know in regards to the final numbers I got from Mr. Levy, I Merrill Legal Solutions (800) 869-9132 d2026e4c-08ac-4116-8768-b67ae839c4d3 KEVIN MANDIA May 20, 2010 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 273 17:58:14 17:58:17 1 2 relied on his expertise when reporting those numbers. 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