Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 819

Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier in Support of 818 Reply in Support of Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (FILED PURSUANT TO D.I. 810) filed by SAP AG, SAP America Inc, Tomorrownow Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34)(Related document(s) 810 ) (Froyd, Jane) (Filed on 8/27/2010) Modified on 8/30/2010 (vlk, COURT STAFF).

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Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al Doc. 819 Att. 27 EXHIBIT 27 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRlCT C O U R T U N I T E D S T A T E S D I S T R l C T COURT W DISTRlCT O F WASHINGTON W E S T E R N D I S T R l C T OF W A S H I N G T O N SEATTLE AT SEATTLE PRIME S T A R T , L T D . , a B r i t i s h V i r g i n I s l a n d s START, LTD., British Virgin Islands corporation, Plaintiff, v. K i n g County Cause No.: 0 5 - 2 - 1 9 7 4 2 - 1 SEA C o u n t y C a u s e No.: 05-2-19742-1 S E A 9 10 11 12 13 14 NO. D E C L A R A T I O N OF M A R K S.DAVIDSON DECLARTION O F MAR S. D A V I D S O N FOREST PRODUCTS, LTD., M A H E R F O R E S T P R O D U C T S , LTD., a corporation; a n d P A C I F I C W a s h i n g t on c o r p o r a t i o n ; and PACIFIC L UMBEE R INSPECTION B U R E A U , a M B R I N S P E C T I O N BURAU, a corporation, W a s h i n g ton c o r p o r a t i o n , Defendants. 15 16 17 18 I, M a r k S. Davidson,, say: Mark S. D a v i d s o n say: 1. I am an attorney with Williams, Kastner & Gibbs PLLC, counsel of record for am an attorney with Williams, Kastner Gibbs PLLC, counsel o f record for 19 defendantts.. I make this declaration u n d e r p e n a l t y o f p e I j u r y . ndan s I m a k e t h i s d e c l a r a t i o n under penalty ofpeIjury. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and correct copies of 20 21 p l e a d i n g s filed i n K i n g A t t a c h e d h e r e t o as E x h i b i t A are t r u e a n d c o r r e c t c o p i e s o f pleadings filed in King County Superior Court listed below: S u p e r i o r C o u r t listed below: 22 23 23 Case Information Sheet;; I n f o r m a t i o n Sheet Summons;; 24 4 25 5 Complaint; and and Order Setting Civill Case Schedule.. S e t t i n g C i v i C a s e Schedule DECLARATIION OF MARK S.. DAVIDSON --11 D E C L A R A T O N OF M A R K S D A V I D S O N W i ms K a s t n e r G i b b s P L L C Wiillilaams,, Kastner & Gibbs PLLC Two Union Square Suite 4 1 0 0 (98101-2380 Two Union Square,, Suite 4100 (98101-2380)) M Address: P.O. B o x 21926 Mail Address: P.O. Box 21926 Sea Washington 9 8 1 1 1 - 3 9 2 6 Seattttlle, Washington 98111-3926 206) 6 2 8 - 6 6 0 0 ((206) 628-6600 1719490..1 1719490 1 1 1 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit B iis a ttrue c o p y o f t h e Notice to Superior Court Clerk. hereto as Exhibit B s a rue copy ofthe Notice to Superior Court Clerk. 2 3 4 5 The foregoing statement iis m a d e under penalty o f p e l j u r y under tthe llaws o f tthe State o f he foregoing statement s made under penalty of peIjury under he aws of he State of Washington and is true and correct. and is true and correct. Siigned at Seattle, Washington, tthis iIS.t d a y o f July, 2005. S at Seattle, Washington, his S.t day of July, 2005. 6 7 8 9 10 11 /s/ M a r k S. Davidson I l Mark S. Davidson M a r k S. Davidson S. Davidson Attorney for Defendants for Defendants WILLIAMS, K A S T N E R & GIBBS PLLC KASTNER & GIBBS PLLC 601 U n i o n Street, Suite 4100 01 Union Street, Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98101 A 98101 le hone: Telepphone: 206-628-6600 206-628-6600 cs mil l Facsiimie:e: 206-628-6611 206-628-6611 e--maill:: e mai mdavidsonê 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLARATION OF MARK S. DAVIDSON - 2 OF MARK S. DAVIDSON Williams,, Kastnerr & Gibbs PLLC ia ms K a s t n e & G i b b s P L L C Two Union Square,, Suite 4100 (98101-2380) Union S q u a r e Suite 4 1 0 0 ( 9 8 1 0 1 - 2 3 8 0 ) Mail Address: P.O. Box 21926 Address: P.O. Box 21926 Seatttle, Washington 98 111-3926 Washington 9 8 i 1 1 - 3 9 2 6 a 628-6600 (206) 628-6600 1719490..1 90 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF S E R V I C E hereby certify hat on July i ~ 2005, electronically iled the foregoing with the Clerk of I hereby certify tthat on July I~2005, I electronically ffied the foregoing w i t h the Clerk o f e Court using the CMIECF system, and that caused the document to be hand-delivered via the C o u r t using the CMIECF system, and that I caused the document to be hand-delivered via Legal Messengers to the following: ABC Legal Messengers to the following: for Plaintiff Attorney for P l a i n t i f f S. Middleton, W S B A 18118 Alan S. Middleton, WSBA 18118 Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP Wright Tremaine, LLP Century Square 2600 Century Square 501 Fourth Avenue 1501 Fourth Avenue Seattle, W A 9 8 1 0 1 - 1 6 8 8 A 98101-1688 (206) 622-1139 Phone (206) 622-1139 Phone (206) 622-3619 Fax (206) 622-3619 F a x Il lsi M a rk S. Davidson, WSBA #06430 S. Davidson, W S B A #06430 Attorneys for Defendants Maher Forest for Defendants Maher Forest Ltd., and Pacific Lumber Inspection Products, Ltd., and Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau Williams, Kastner & Gibbs PLLC Kastner & Gibbs PLLC 601 Union Street, Suite 4100 1 Union Street, Suite 4100 Seattle, W A 98101-2380 A 98101-2380 Telephone:: (206) 628-6600 phone (206) 628-6600 Fax: (206) 628-6611 F ax: (206) 628-6611 E-maiil:: mdavidsonê mal 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 D E CLARATION OF MARK S. DAVIDSON - 3 OF MARK. S. D A V I D S O N - 3 Willlaams,, Kastner & Gibbs PLLC i ms K a s t n e r G i b b s P L L C Two Union Square, Suite 4100 (98101-2380) Union Square, Suite 4100 (98101-2380) Mail Address: P.O. Box 21926 Address: P.O. Box 21926 ea e Washington 98111-3926 Seattttlle,, Washington 98111-3926 (206) 628-6600 628-6600 1719490.1 .. ~ ..' - 'Cc-EÝ"'''-i.'~,~'';;:'~"~'"; ~ . R. E. ".. i..." - :,. ~. I1 King (ounIY )I~"":!:.' ,.. . " , l " ~ .. ~ \ JUN 162005 JUN 16 2005 \ I ~ .:~t;;~~lr \1 Yu ;....:-,~, \ . (mi e eS 'Seelion. ( " ' iki, r .dlon J~~~i\. . Superir (nurt clerk ~, .Superior (ourt Clerk " - I \ KIGG COUNTYY SUPERIOR C O U R T I N C O U N T S U P E R I O R COURT CASE ASSIGNMENT DESIGNATION CASE ASSIGNMENT DESIGNATION a and CASE N F O R M A T I O N C O V E R S H E E T C A S E IINFORMTION COVER SHEET (CICS) n accordance with LR82(e), aulty ocument fee f $ 1 5 will be assessed o new case ilings missing this In accordance with LR82(e), aaffaultyddocumentfee oof$lS will be assessed tto new case ffiings missing this pursuant to King County Code 4.71.100. sheet pursuant to King County Code 4.71.100. CASE N U M B E R : E NUMBER: 05 -2-19742-ISEA 05 -2-19742-ISEA _ CASE C A P T I O N : P R I M E S T A R T , LTD., a B r i t i s h V i r g i n i a IIslands c o r p o r a t i o n v. MAHER ASE CAPTION: PRIME START, LTD., a British Virginia s l a n d s corporation v. M A H E R F OREST PRODUCTS, L T D . , a W a s h i n g t o n c o r p o r a t i o n ; a n d PACIFIC LUMBER INSPECTION P R O D U C T S , LTD., a Washington corporation; and P A C I F I C L U M B E R I N S P E C T I O N Washington corporation BUREAU,, a W a s h i n g t o n c o r p o r a t i o n I certify that this case meets the case assignment criteria, described in King County LR 82(e),, for the: certify that this case meets the case assignment criteria, described in King County LR 82(e) for the: _X- X _ _ SeArea,r e a , definedas:: _ _ Seatte a t t l e A defined as All of King County north o f I n t e r s t a t e 90 and including alll off the Interstate o f King County north ofInterstate 90 and including al o the Interstate 90 right-of-way; all the cities of Seattle, Mercer Island, Bellevue, Issaquah right-of-way; all the cities o f Seattle, Mercer Island, Bellevue, Issaquah and North Bend; and all o f Vashon and Maury Islands. North Bend; and all ofVashon and Maury Islands. Kentt Area,, defined as: A r e a defined as: ---Ali of King County south o f I n t e r e s t a t e 90 exceptt those areas included in l o f King County south ofInterestate 90 excep those areas included in the Seattle Case Assignmentt Area. Seattle Case Assignmen Area. or ~Jitt~.U(¿IkAlan S. Middleton, Attorney for Plaintiff S. Middleton, Attorney for Plaintiff WSBA #18118 #18118 Signature of Petitioner/Plaintiff o f Petitioner/Plaintiff Date ~ ,<v L I ,(v I iCJ I I Cr- e Date DAVIDSON 04 D 04 Case AssignmenttDesignation/CaseeInformation Coverr Sheett Ca se ASSignmen Designation/Cas Information Cove Shee L::ForrmsCashiierrs\\..doc (3/2002)) L\ \Foms\\Cash e s doc (3/2002 Pa Page II 't .. K ING COUNTY S U P E R I O R COURT C O U N T Y SUPERIOR C O U R T C A S E ASSIGNMENT D E S I G N A T I O N A S S I G N M E N T DESIGNATION and C A S E IINFORMTION COVER SHEET ASE N F O R M A T I O N C O V E R S H E E T Please check one category tthat best describes tthis case ffor iindexing purposes. Accurate case indexing se check one category hat best describes his case or ndexing purposes. Accurate case indexing not judicial resources. faulty document ee f $ 1 5 wil be notonlynsaves aves time buforecastingin forecasting judicial resources. A faulty document ffeeoof$IS will be o ly s time but helps in t helps to new case fiings missing this shee pursuan to Administrative Rule 2 and King County Code assessed to new case filings missing this sheett pursuantt to Administrative Rule 2 and King County Code 71. 00 4..71.100. APPEAL/REVIEW Administrative Law Review (ALR 2)* Law Review (ALR 2)* - Civil, l,Non-Traffc (LCA 2)* Civi Non-Traffic (LCA 2)* A D O P T ION/PATERNITY - Adoption n(ADPP 5) A d o p t i o ( A D 5) Confidenti Intermediary MSC 5) - ConfidentialalIntermediary ((MSC 5) Establish Parenting Plan (MSC 5)* Parenting Plan (MSC 5)* Initial Pre-Placement Report (PPR 5) In iti a l Pre-Placement Report (PPR 5) Modifiication ( M O D 5)* c (MOD 5)* Patterrnitty (PAT 5)* Pa e ni y (PAT 5)* Pa e ni y S (PUR 5)* Patterrnitty//UIFSA ( P U R 5)* - Registration of Civil DO (DO 2)* - Civil, , DOLL(DOLL2)* C O N T RACT/COMMERCIAL ~ Breach of X Breach o f Contract (COM 2)* Contract ( C O M 2)* Commercial Contract (COM 2)* Contract ( C O M 2)* - Commercial ial Non-Contract (COLL 2)* Commerc Non-Contract (CO 2)* Out of State Support Court Order (FlU 5) Registration o f O u t o f State Support C o u r t Order ( F l U 5) Meretricio Relationship M E R 2)* - Meretriciousus Relationship ((MER 2)* Th d Pa y Collection (COL 2)* - ThirdirPartrtCollection (COL 2)* e en (REL 5) Relinquishmentt ( R E L 5) Relocation Objection/Modification (MOD 5)* Objection/Modification ( M O D 5)* Terminat of Parent-Child Relationship (TER 5) - Terminationion o f Parent-ChildRelationship (TER 5) DOMEST IC RELATIONS RELATIONS Annulment/Invalid y (wi dependent t children? Y N )(INV 3)* - Annulment/Invalidityit(withth d e p e n d e n children? Y N )(INV 3)* Child Custody (CUS 3)* Custody (CUS 3)* Dissolluttion With Children (DIC 3)* so u n With Children (DIC 3)* PROBA TE/GUARDIANSHIP TE/GUARDIANSHIP Absentee (ABS 4) (ABS 4) Disclaimer (DSC4) (DSC4) Estate (EST 4) ( E S T 4) Foreign Will (FNW 4) gn Wil (FNW 4) Guardianship (GDN 4) (GDN 4) Guardianship/Estate (G/E 4) h (G/E 4) Limited Guardianship (LOD 4) Guardianship (LGD 4) Miinor Settlement (MST 4) no Settlement ( M S T 4) Filing (MSC 4) Non-Judicial Filing (MSC 4) Non-Prob Notice to Creditors (NC 4) - Non-Probateate N o t i c e t o Creditors( N N C 4) Trust (TRS 4) (TRS 4) - Trustu s t EstateDispute Resolution Act/POA (TOR 4) Tr Estate Dispute Resolution Act/POA (TOR 4) so u n With No Children DIN 3)* Dissolluttiion With No Children ((DIN 3)* Leg Separation (with dependent children? Y N )(SEP 3)* .- Legal al Separation(with d e p e n d e n t children? Y N )(SEP 3)* - Mandatory rWage gAssignment t (MWW A 3) M a n d a t o y Wa e A s s i g n m e n ( M A 3) Modification (MO 3)* - Modification (MODD3)* - Modificationon -Support Only ((MDS 3)* Modificati - Support Only MDS 3)* Out-of-sta Custody Order Registration (OSC 3) - Out-of-state te Custody O r d e r Registration (OSC 3) Reciproc , Responde in Count (RIC 3) - Reciprocal,alRespondentnt in Countyy (RIC 3) - Reciprocal, Respondent Out of - Registration of Reciprocal, Respondent O u t o f County (ROC 3) County (ROC 3) Registration o f Outof f State Support C o u r t Order (FJU 3) Out o State Support Court Order ( F J U 3) - Relocationon Objection/Modification ( (MOD 3)* Relocati Objection/Modification M O D 3)* W Only ( W L 4) - Willill Only (WLLL 4) DOMEST IC VIOLENCE/ANTIHARASSMENT VIOLENCE/ANTIHARASSMENT Civ Harassment (HAR 2) - Civil il Harassment (HAR 2) Confideniia Nam Change (CHN 5) - Confideniial l Namee Change (CHN 5) Domesttiic Violence (DVP 2) s Violence (DVP 2) Domestic Violence with Children (DVC 2) Violence with Children (DVC 2) - Foreignign Protection Orderr (FPO 2) Fore Protection Orde (FPO 2) -- Vulnerable lAdult lProtectionn (V AP 2) Vulnerab e Adu t Protectio (V AP 2) PROPERTY RIGHTS P R O P E R T Y RIGHTS emna on Em en Domain (CON 2)* Condemnattiion//Emiinentt Domain (CON 2)* Foreclosure (FOR 2)* (FOR 2)* Land Use Petition (LUP 2)* Use Petition (LUP 2)* - PropertyrtFairness s(PFFA 2)* Prope y Fairnes (P A 2)* Quiet Title (QTI 2)* Title (QTl 2)* - Unlawfulful Detainer (UNO 2) Unlaw Detainer (UNO 2) DAVIDSON 05 05 ---- .. - - . 0 . . D e s i g n a t i o n / C a s Information C o v e Sheet - -_ _ - ----0-- Designation/Case eInformation Coverr Sheet L : \ F o r m \ C a s h i rs\ . d o c (3/2002) L:\Formss\Cashieers\.doc (3/2002) P age 2 Page 2 '. ~ K ING COUNTY S U P E R I O R COURT C O U N T Y SUPERIOR C O U R T CAS E A S S I G N M E N T D E S I G N A T I O N ASSIGNMENT DESIGNATION and INFORMATION COVER SHEET C AS E I N F O R M A T I O N C O V E R S H E E T JUDGMENT TORT, MEDICAL M A L P R A C T I C E M E D I C A L MALPRACTICE _ Confessio of Judgmen (MSC 2)* - Confession n o f Judgmentt ( M S C 2)* _ Judgme t, Anoth County, , Abstrac (AB 2) - Judgment, nAnother er CountyAbstract t (ABJJ 2) _ Judgme t, Anoth State o County (FJU 2) - Judgment, nAnother er Stateorr County (FJU 2) _ T Warant (TA 2) - Taxax Warrant(TAXX2) _ Transcri of Judgmen (TR 2) - Transcriptpt o fJudgment t (TRJJ 2) Hospita (ME 2)* - Hospital l (MEDD2)* - Medical al Doctor (MED 2)* Medic Doctor (MED 2)* Ot Health Care Professional (MED 2)* - Otherher Health Care Professional (MED 2)* MOTOR VEHICLE TORT, M O T O R V E H I C L E Death (TMV 2)* (TMV 2)* COMPLAINTIPETITION O T H ER C O M P L A I N T I P E T I T I O N Damage Only (TMV 2)* Act to o Compel/Confirm Private Binding bitration (M (MSC - Actionion tCompel/Confirm PrivateBinding ArArbitration SC 2) 2) - Property Damage Only (TMV 2)* - Change of Non-Death Injuries (TMV 2)* Injuries (TMV 2)* Change o f Name (CHN 2) N a m e (CHN 2 ) TORT, NON-MOTOR V E H I C L E N O N - M O T O R VEHICLE o f B i r t h Date ( M S C 2 ) Change of Birth Date (MSC 2) Depo of Surplus Funds MSC 2 ) - Depositsit o f Surplus Funds ((MSC 2) - Emancipation n o fMinor ( E O M 2) Emancipatio of Minor (EOM 2) Asbestos (PIN 2)** Asbest os (PIN 2)** Implants (PIN 2) (PIN 2) Other Malpractice (MAL 2)* Malpractice (MAL 2)* Pers rs l Injury (PIN 2)* Peonaonal Injury (PIN 2)* Frivollous Claim of Lien (MSC 2) o ous Claim o f Lien (MSC 2) In j uncti on (INJ 2)* Injunction (INJ 2)* Interplleader (MSC 2) ee (MSC 2) Malicious Harassment (MHA 2)* Harassment (MHA 2)* Non-Judiiciiall Filing (MSC 2) Jud c a Filing (MSC 2) S izu u of Propert from the Commission o f a Crime (SPC 2)* Seeizrere o f Property from the Commission ofa Crime (SPC 2)* Products Liability (TTO 2)* Liability ( T T O 2)* er Damage (PRP 2)* Property Damage (PRP 2)* Wrongful Death (WOE 2)* Death (WDE 2)* Se zu e of Propert Resulting from a Crime (SPR 2)* Seiizurre o f Property Resulting from a Crime (SPR 2)* W R IT Structured Settlements (MSC 2)* Settlements (MSC 2)* Corpus (WHC 2) Habeas Corpus (WHC 2) Mandamus (WRM 2)** (WRM 2)** Review (WR V 2)* * ( W R 2)* * The filing party will be given an appropriate case schedule * The filing party will be given an appropriate case schedule.. * Case schedule will be issued after hearing and findings. ** Case schedule will be issued after hearing and findings. IF YOU CANNOT D E T E R M I N E T H E A P P R O P R I A T E CATEGORY, PLEASE Y O U C A N N O T DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE C A T E G O R Y , P L E A S E D E S C RIBE THE CAUSE OF ACTION BELOW: THE C A U S E O F ACTION BELOW: DAVIDSON 06 06 Assignment Designation/Case Information Cover Sheet Case A s s i g n m e n t Designation/Case Information Cover Sheet L:FFomssCashiierrs\\,.doc (3/2002) \ or rm \ \Cash e s do (3/2002) P age 3 Page 3 . ....... . · 11 11 22 33 4 4 ; .. . ' 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 SUPER OR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON S U P E R IIO R C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F W A S H I N G T O N K NG COUNTY K IIN G C O U N T Y PR M E START, TD., British Virgin I lands ) P R IIME START, LLTD.,a a British VirginsIslands) corporation, ) ) ) P ) P laintiff, ) ) ) v.. ) v ) ) ) MAH E R FOREST PRODUCTS, LTD., a ) M A HER F O R E S T P R O D U C T S , LTD., a ) Wa s h ington corporation; and PACIFIC ashin g t o n corporation; and P A C I F I C ) W ) LUMBER INSPECTION BUREAU, a ) L U M B E R INSPECTION BUREAU, a ) Wash ington corporation, ) W a s hi n g t o n corporation, ) ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) -----_._------~) 9 9 corporation, ) N.o. 05-2-19742-1 SEA No 05-2-19742-1 SEA S U M MONS (20 D A Y S ) SUM (20 DAYS) 10 10 11 11 '" '" 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 TO DEFENDANT MAHER FOREST PRODUCTS,, LTD.:: T O D E F E N D A N T M A H E R F O R E S T P R O D U C T S LTD. A lawsuitt has been started against you in the above-entitled Court b y Prime Start, A l a w s u i has b e e n started against y o u i n the above-entitled C o u r t by Prime Star, Ltd., Plaintiff. Plaintiffs claim is stated in the written complaint, a copy of which i Ltd., Plaintiff. P l a i n t i f f s claim is stated i n the written complaint, a c o p y o fwhich iss 19 19 served u p o n you w i t h tthis ssumons.. s e r v e d upon you with his ummons 20 20 221 1 IIn orderrto defend againsttthiss lawsuit,, you musttrespond to theecomplainttby n orde to defend agains thi lawsuit you m u s respond t o th complain by ss t ainn gyourrdefenseeinnwriting,,anddserveeaacopyyuponntheeundersigneddattorneyyforrthee tatt i g you defens i writing a n serv cop u p o th undersigne attorne fo th 222 2 223 3 plaannitfiff f within200dayssafter rtheeserviceeof fthisssummons, ,excludinggtheedayyof fservice,,orr p l i i t within 2 day afte th servic o thi s u m m o n s excludin th da o service o aadefaultl tjudgment tmayybeeentereddagainsttyou withouttnotice.. A defaultltjudgment tissonee d e f a u j u d g m e n m a b e n t e r e a g a i n s y o u w i t h o u notice A d e f a u j u d g m e n i on DAVIDSON 077 DAVIDSON 0 ---_--_ --_.-_.11 _. ' . _ ' . .· DDvivis Wright Tremaine LLP a a s Wright Tremaine LLP 260 C e n t u r Square. 1501 1 F o u r h A v e n 26000Centuryy S q u a r e · 150Fourth tAvenueu e Se t t , , Washingto 98101-1688 SeatalteleWashington n 98101-1688 ( 2 0 6 ) 6 2 2 - 3 1 5 0 . Fax: (206) 628-7699 (206) 622-3150 . Fax: (206) 628-7699 L A OFFICES LA WW O F F I C E S SSEA 1659038vl 68716-1 EA 1659038vl 68716-1 .,,i wh re plaintiff is ntitled to what e sks or ecause ou ave ot responded. If you serve wheereplaintiff is eentitledto what hheaasksfforbbecauseyyouhhavennotresponded. I f y o u serve 2 2 3 3 a notice of ppearance on he undersigned attorney, you are entitled o notice before a a notice o f aappearanceo n tthe undersigned attorney, you are entitled ttonotice before a de au t u d g m e n t may be entered. deffaulltjjudgment m a y be entered. 4 4 5 5 You may demand that the l a i n t i f f le his awsuit with h~ Cour. I f you do so, he You m a y demand that the pplaintifffifie tthis llawsuitwith tth~Court. If you do so, tthe demand must be n writing and must be erved upon he plaintiff. Within 14 days after you demand must be iinwriting and must be sservedu p o n ttheplaintiff. Within 14 days after you 6 6 7 7 se ve he demand, he plaintiff must ile his awsuit with the Cour, or the service on you serrve tthe demand, tthep l a i n t i f f m u s t ffiletthisllawsuitwith the Court, or the service o n you o his sumons and complaint will be void. o f tthis summonsand complaint will be void. 8 9 10 11 11 you wish o seek he advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so I f you wish tto seek tthe advice o f an attorney in this matter, you should do so so that your written response, i f any, m a y b e served on time. promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. sumons is issued pursuan to Rule o the Superior Court Civil Rules o the This summons is issuedpursuantt to Rule 4 offthe Superior Court Civil Rules off the State o f Washington. of Washington. 12 13 13 ATED his Ib-- day o June, 2005. DATED tthisIb~ dayof f June, 2005. Wright Tremaine LLP Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff for Plaintiff 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 B~~ Y, BaY ~OfBA No..~8 u 1811 S Middlet l WS Al n S.. Middleton,;,WSBA No 18118 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 SUMMONN S - 2 SUMMO S - 2 22638011 6380-- DDavis Wright t Tremainee LLPP avis Wrigh Tremain LL LLAWOFFICESS A W OFFICE DAVIDSON 08 DAVIDSON 08 22600 Century Square. ' 1501FourthhAvenuee 60 0 Century S q u a r e 1501 Fourt Avenu SSeatltee,Washington 98101-16888 eat l , Washington 98101-168 ( 06) 622-3150 ' . F (206) 628-7699 (22 0 6 ) 6 2 2 - 3 1 5 0 Fax:ax: (206) 628-7699 ., v , 1 1 IIt ing (oun(ountv I K King tv ~"I!" RECEIIVE-DR'' ff RECE VE-Dn ' . "~ Ç"i!'" . d." c' 2 2 3 3 JUN 1 6 2005 UN 6 2005 :.~: . 4 5 .~~~.. . ('l,(BtSrRtertion t SR e Sec Se(lion f Superior Court Clerk 1 Su peri or (ourl Clerk 6 7 S U P E R I O R C O U R T OF T H E S T A T E OF W A S H I N G T O N SUPER COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY KING COUNTY 8 9 10 11 PR ME START, LTD., ritish Virgin I Islands) P R IIM E S T A R T , L T D . , aaBBritish Virgin slands ) corporation, ) corporation, )~ Plaintiff, v. \l5 -- 2 - 1 9 7 4 2 - 1 ~ -19742-1~ ((5 2 C O M P L A INT A A 12 13 M A HER FOREST PRODUCTS,, L TD" a F O R E S T P R O D U C T S L TO" W a s h i ngton corporation; and PACIFIC corporation; and PACIFIC INSPECTION B U R E A U , L UMBER I N S P E C T I O N BUREAU, a sh corporation, Was h ing ton corporation, 14 Defendants. , 15 16 17 7 18 8 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ---------------) Plainttiiffff Prime Start,, Ltd., alleges as follows: Prime Start Ltd" alleges as follows: i. I PARTIES 1 1.. f f P r i m e Start Ltd ("Prime Start" is a British Virgin Islands Plaintiff Prime Star,, Ltd.. ("Prime Start")) is a British Virgin Islands 19 19 201 21 corporation. 2 2.. M a h e r Forest Products, Ltd. ("Maher") is W a s h i n g t o n Defendant Maher Forest Products, Ltd. ( " M a h e r " ) is a Washington 2 22 23 23 corporation with its principal place of c o r p o r a t i o n with its principal place o f business at Mercer Island,, Washington., business at Mercer Island Washington COMPLAIINT -- II L NT C -- -----~. -- - - - - - ~ - ,' 2 6 3 8 0 - 1 26380-1 D vis W r i g h Tremaine LLP Daavis Wrightt Tremaine LLP LAW O F F I C E S LAW OFFICES 26 0 Cenlury Square. 1501 F o u r t h A v e n u 2600 C e n l u r y S q u a r e '1501 Fourth Avenuee S c a t c, W a s h i n g t o 9 I I O 6gg Scaulll c ,Washingtonn9l\ ~ 01.!i· ! 6 g g DAVIIDSON 09 DAV DSON 0 9 (( 2 0 6 )622-33150 . Fax:x(206)662H-76999 206) 6 2 2 - 1 5 0 - Fa : (20 ) 62H-769 " ~. 1 1 3 3.. D e ffe n d a n tt P a c i f i c L u m b e r IInspectionB u r e a u ( ("PUB") iis a W a s h i n g t o n De endan Pacific Lumber n s p e c t i o n Bureau " P U B " ) s a Washington 2 2 3 nnrf business at Federal Way, Washington. noopnopirtocorporationpwithaitso n w i t h its of r i n c i p a l p l a c e o f b u s i n e s s a t F e d e r a l W a y , W a s h i n g t o n . f i t c o r o r t i principal place p PUB also operates through a division in British C o l u m b i a , C a n a d a . also o p e r a t e s t h r o u g h d i v i s i o n in B r i t i s h Columbia, Canada. Ir rI. 4 5 6 JUR SD CTIO J U R IIS D IIC T I O N & VENUE VENUE 4. T h iis c o u r t h a s s u b j e c t m a t t e r jjurisdiction p u r s u a n t tto R C W 2 . 0 8 . 0 1 0 Th s court has subject matter u r i s d i c t i o n pursuant o RCW 2.08.010 7 u e it involves claims for d a m a g e s i n excess of $300. b e c a u s e it i n v o l v e s c l a i m s for damages in excess o f $300. 5. T h i s c o u r t h a s p e r s o n a l jjurisdiction o v e r e a c h o f tthe d e f e n d a n t s because Thi court has personal u r i s d i c t i o n over each of h e defendants b e c a u s e 8 9 10 e c h d e f e n a n t is a this state. eaahcdefendant isd acitizen of c i t i z e n o f t h i s state. 6. V e n u e is p r o p e r i n tthis c o u r t p u r s u a n t tto R C W 4 . 1 2 . 0 2 5 b e c a u s e o n e o f t h e nue is proper in his court pursuant o RCW 4.12.025 because one ofthe 11 12 13 14 resides i n K i n g C o u n t y , Washington. d e f e n d a n t s r e s i d e s in King County, Washington. III. B ACKGROUND 7. Prime Start is P r i m e S t a r t is engaged in t h e b u s i n e s s o f s u p p l y i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n materials to e n g a g e d in the business of supplying construction m a t e r i a l s to 15 16 clients a r o u n d tthe world. Prime Star tentered into a contractt to supply such materials to a around he world. P r i m e Star entered into a c o n t r a c to s u p p l y s u c h m a t e r i a l s to project located in Moscow,, Russia (the "Project").. l o c a t e d in M o s c o w R u s s i a ( t h e " P r o j e c t " ) 8. 17 18 p e r f o r m i n g s u c h s e r v i c e s with respect to the Project, P r i m e S t a r e n t e r e d In performing such services with r e s p e c t to t h e P r o j e c t , Prime Startt entered into a contract with Maher for the purchase of specially-manufactured wood products c o n t r a c t w i t h M a h e r for t h e p u r c h a s e o f s p e c i a l l y - m a n u f a c t u r e d w o o d p r o d u c t s ( " M a h e r C o n t r a c t " ) . T h t e r m o th M a h e C o n t r a c are s e f o r t h in ("Maher Contract"). Theetermssof ftheeMaherr Contractt are sett forth in:: a. 19 9 20 21 21 original i r r e v o c a b l e d o c u m e n t a r y c r e d i t , i s s u e d O c t o b e 12 An original irrevocable documentary credit, issued Octoberr 12,, i d e n t i f y i n g P r i m e S t a r as t h e a p p l i c a n t a n d M a h e r a s t h e b e n e f i c i a r y ( t h e 2004, identifying Prime Startt as the applicant and Maher as the beneficiary (the 22 2 23 23 "Documentary Credit");; "Docume Credit") b.. b pro f o r m a i n v o i c e dated O c t o b e r 8, 2 0 0 4 , from M a h e r to P r i m e A pro forma invoice dated October 8, 2004, from Maher to Prime COMPLAIINT --2 COMPLA NT 2 SEA 1653864vll 26380-Ii S A 1653864v 26380- Dvis Wrigh Tremaine LLP Daavis Wrightt Tremaine LLP LA W OFFICES LA W OFFICES 2 6 0 Century Square. I SO F o u r t h A v e n u e 2;6000C e n t u r y S q u a r e 'I SOll Fourth Avenue DAVIDSON 10 DA IDS 10 Sc~ tlc W a s h i n g t o n 9 K I O I - 1 6 8 Sc~tttlc,, Washington 9KIOI-16888 2 0 6 6 2 2 - SO Fax (206 628- 7699 ((206))622-33i ISO . .Fax: :(206) )628-7699 ., 1 1 St r r Staat;; c c.. An amendment d the n t to t h e D A n amento meDocumentary Creditocumentary C r e d i t d a t e d D e c e m b e r 16, dated December 16, 2 2 3 3 2004 2004;; d d.. e e.. 9 9.. 4 4 5 5 A pro orma nvoice ated December 4 , 2 0 0 4 ; and A pro fformaiinvoiceddatedD e c e m b e r 114,2004; a n d D scuss ons between he parties. Diiscussiions between tthe parties. 6 6 7 7 8 8 Pursuan o he Maher Contract, Maher was o provide specified quantities Pursuantt tto tthe Maher Contract, M a h e r was tto provide specified quantities o Western Red Cedar, manufactured to Prime t a r t ' s pecifications, o r a total price of o f Western Red Cedar, manufactured to Prime SStart'ssspecifications,ffora total price o f $923 $923 ,951.58. 1 1 0. 9 9 As a condition for Maher o draw on he Documentary Credit (as amended), As a condition for Maher tto draw o n tthe Documentary C r e d i t (as amended), 10 11 II P UB was to certify "thatt the goods correspond to the description m e n t i o n e d in the was to certify " t h a the goods correspond to the description mentioned in the invoice No 34187 dated October 8th, 2004." proforma invoice No 34187 dated October 8th, 2 0 0 4 . " 11. 12 12 original pro forma invoice (dated October 8, 2004) provided that Maher The original pro forma invoice (dated October 8, 2 0 0 4 ) provided that Maher 13 14 15 5 was to supply wood treated as follows: s to supply wood treated as follows: 16 16 17 17 KILNDRIED., 10/14% (MOISTURE CONTENT) 10/14% [ M O I S T U R E C O N T E N T ] SURFACED BEST SIDE AND B O T H EDGES, GROOVE BEST SIDE AND BOTH EDGES, G R O O V E AND MILLED PER CUSTOMER PATTERN, FIRE MILLED PER CUSTOMER PATTERN, FIRE RETARDANT TREATED PER ASTM-E84, CUSTOM TREATED PER ASTM-E84, C U S T O M STAINED ONE COAT SIKKENS C L E A R C E T O L - I , ONE COAT SIKKENS CLEAR CETOL-I, #077. 12.. 12 Maher was unable to supply wood ttreated with Sikkens Clear C e t o l - I , #077.. w a s unable to supply wood reated with Sikkens Clear Cetol-l, #077 18 18 Consequently, the pro forma was amended by issuance of Consequently, the pro forma was amended by issuance o f the pro forma invoice dated the p r o f o r m a i n v o i c e d a t e d 19 19 December 14,2004.. Theeamended pro forma provided thatt Maher was to supply wood Dece 1 4 , 2 0 0 4 Th amended pro forma provided tha Maher was to supply wood 20 20 treated as follows: treated as follows: 21 21 22 22 23 23 KIILNDRIEO..,, 10/14% (MOISTURE CONTENT)] K L N D R I E D 10/14% [ M O I S T U R E C O N T E N T SURFACED BEST SIDE AND BOTH EDGES,, GROOVE S U R F A C E D B E S T S I D E AND B O T H E D G E S G R O O V E AND MILLED PER CUSTOMER PATTERN,, FIRE AND M I L L E D P E R C U S T O M E R P A T T E R N F I R E RETARDANT TREATED PER ASTM-E84,, CUSTOM R E T A R D A N T TREATED PER A S T M - E 8 4 C U S T O M STAIINED TWO COATS GEBERAL ( [sic) PAINT 18-151 STA NED TWO COATS GEBERAL sic] PAINT 18-151 COMPLAINTT- -33 COMPLAIN 'ètO A I ¡:nQ¡:A,,! 26380-1 DDviss Wright t Tremainee LLP a avi W r i g h Tremain LLP LL A WOFFICESS AW O F F I C E 22600 CemuryySquare. ·15011 Fourth A v e n u e 600 C e n t u r S q u a r e 150 F o u r t h Avenue SS e att tee ,Washingtonn98101-1688 8 ea l l , W a s h i n g t o 9 8 1 0 1 - 1 6 8 ( 2 0 6 622-3 I I SO . Fa : (20 ) 62~-769 (206) ) 6 2 2 - 3 SO . Fax:x(206)662~-7699 9 DAVIIDSON 111 DAV DSON 1 SIT STAIN-NEUTRAL BASE TINTED, WOODCRAFT SIT STAIN-NEUTRAL BASE T I N T E D CUSTOMER'S ORDER DATED 11-25-04 PER CUSTOMER'S ORDER DATED 11-25-04.. < 2 2 13. to issuance o f the amended pro forma, several meetings were held Prior to issuance of the amended pro forma, several meetings were held 3 3 between representatives of between representatives o f Prime Start and Maher to address various concerns, including Prime Start and Maher to address various concerns, including 4 color and quality of color and quality o f the finished product. the finished product. 14. 5 5 particular (although not exclusive) concern raised in those meetings was A particular (although not exclusive) concern raised in those meetings was 6 6 knife marks appeared o n the face o f the product, and that finishes applied exaggerated that knife marks appeared on the face of the product, and that finishes applied exaggerated 7 the knife marks to the point that they were objectionable. Maherr agreed that the surface o f knife marks to the point that they were objectionable. Mahe agreed that the surface of 8 product would be well-manufactured, with no excessive skips o r knife marks allowed. the product would be well-manufactured, with no excessive skips or knife marks allowed. 9 and Prime Start agreed that PUB would inspect to assure that the produc was Maher and Prime Start agreed that P U B would inspect to assure that the productt was 10 in accordance with this specification, and that the specification would be manufactured in accordance with this specification, and that the specification would be 11 1 detaiiled on tthe P U B certificate issued in connection with the Documentary Credit. ea on he PUB certificate issued in connection with the Documentary Credit. 12 15. 13 specific directions concerning shape, damage, and finishing. directions concerning shape, damage, and finishing. 14 16. 15 a Canadian entity, to manutàcture the product tto be delivered by Maher pursuant to the Canadian entity, to manufacture the product o be delivered by Maher pursuant to the 16 Prime Start engaged P U B to inspect product to be delivered by Maher, with Start engaged PUB to inspect product to be delivered by Maher, with Maher arranged tthrough iits affiliated company, SouthCoastt Millwork, Ltd., arranged hrough ts affliated company, SouthCoas Millwork, Ltd., Maher Contract. Contract. 17 17. 18 18. 19 Tehfirstirshipmentiofment o f product occurred on or about December 23, 2004. product occurred on or about December 23,2004. Th e f st sh p PUB issued a certificate of conformity, permitting Maher to draw issued a certificate o f conformity, permitting Maher to draw $310,933.00 on the Documentary Credit. P U B ' scertificate was improperly issued 3 00 on the Documentary Credit. PUB's certificate was improperly issued 20 20 because a report issued by P U B explicitly recognized that the finishing of the product was report issued by PUB explicitly recognized that the finishing o f the product was 21 not satisfactory. satisfactory. 22 19. 23 When tthe product arrived iin Moscow, iit was found tto be unsatisfactory in a n he product arrived n Moscow, t was found o be unsatisfactory in number of respects, including finishing. Prime Start immediately instructed Maher to o f respects, including finishing. Prime Start immediately instructed Maher to C O M P L AINT - 4 CCA av s Wright Tremaine LLP Daviis Wright Tremaine LLP LAW OffiCES LAW O f f i C E S CLA 'L""OLAV! 26380-1 I L " " O L A V l 26380-1 26 0 C e n l u r y Square. 1501 Founh A v e n u e 2 6 000 CeniuryS q u a r e ' 1501 F o u n h Avenue DAVIIDSON 12 DAV DS ON 12 Se n!. W a s h i n g l o n 9 8 1 0 1 - 1 6 8 8 Seaan!:., Washingion 98101-1688 ( 2 0 6 ) 6 2 2 - 3 1 5 0 .. fax: : (206)62K-7699 (206) 622-3150 f a x (206) 62K-7699 .. 1 1 2 2 3 3 u p p e all activity, nd nstructed PUB not o ssue any urther certificates pending ssussend nd all activity, aandiinstructedP U B not tto iissue any ffurther certificates pending rresolutiono f quality iissues. Prime Start also iinstructed tthe shipper tto suspend all esolution of quality ssues. Prime Start also nstructed he shipper o suspend all anspo a on of goods. ttrransporrttattiion o f goods. 20 20.. 4 4 5 5 Prriime Start rrequested tthat a Maher rrepresentative c o m e tto M o s c o w tto P me Start equested hat a Maher epresentative come o Moscow o nspec he goods as eceived. Maher refused the request. iinspectt tthe goods as rreceived. Maher refused the request. 21 21.. 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 Despiitte tthe iinstruction tto ssuspend activity, M a h e r proceeded tto finish and Desp e he nstruction o uspend activity, Maher proceeded o finish and s h i the balance la ship p the baof nce o f tthe product. PUB improperly issued other certificates, ultimately he product. P U B improperly issued other certificates, ultimately Maher o draw an additional $554,409.48 from he Documentary Credit. permitting Maher tto d r a w an additional $554,409.48 from tthe Documentary Credit. 22. Priime Start arranged tto have tthe products iinspected iin M o s c o w shortly after Pr me Start arranged o have he products nspected n Moscow shortly after 10 11 12 theiir arrival by SGS (Societe Generale dde Surveilance),aawell-recognized iinternational e arrival by SGS (Société Générale e Surveillance), well-recognized nternational inspection company. SGS found that the products were substantially defective. In the first company. SGS found that the products were substantially defective. In the first the wood total surveyed quantity of shhpimpnmentfoundGS "(a)pproximately 90% a]pproximately 90% o f total surveyed quantity o f the wood s i e t, SGS , S that found t h a t " [ of 13 14 15 5 planking were found with irregular and non-homogeneous painting applied." were found with irregular and non-homogeneous painting applied." "Approxiimattelly 5% off total quantity o f wood planking were ffound with . . . mechanical Approx m a e y 5% o total quantity of wood planking were ound with... mechanical damage" including chips, rotten knots, cracks, loose knots, and plowings as a result o f including chips, rotten knots, cracks, loose knots, and plowings as result of wrong processing.. n g processing 23.. 23 16 16 17 17 also inspected the second shipment, and it found tha anywhere from SGS also inspected the second shipment, and it found thatt anywhere from 18 18 19 19 % to 9 6 % o the produc in each container was defective, with "[m]echanica processing 76% to 96% off the productt in each container was defective, with "(m)echanicall processing defects on the face surface off planking due to inaccurate processing at the Plant s o n the face surface o planking due to inaccurate processing at the Plant accord ng to standard planking" and "[p )ainting defects - according to standard planking" accordiing to standard planking" and "(p ]ainting defects - according to standard planking" 20 20 21 21 beiing the predominanttdefects.. be ng the predominan defects 24.. 24 22 22 23 23 The produc delivered by Maher to Prime S t a r t ' custome i Moscow di The productt delivered by Maher to Prime Start'sscustomerrinnMoscow didd nott conform to the Maherr Contract,, was defective,, and was rejected by the Moscow no conform to the Mahe Contract was defective and was rejected by the Moscow COMPLAINTT- -55 COMPLAIN ""l'OA ¡";OO"AvI26380-1 1 ' lOA 1";<10"A v I26380- D vi i WrighTremaine LLP DaavssWright t Tremaine LLP LLAWOFFICESS A W OFFICE 116J0 C e n t u r y S q u a r e ·15011 FourthhAvenuee 6I0O Century Square. 150 F o u r t A v e n u DAVIIDSON 133 DAV DSON 1 SS e atlee ,Washington 98101.16888 eat t t l , W a s h i n g t o n 9 8 1 0 1 · 1 6 8 ( 06) 622-) i 15 . . F (206) 62K.7699 (22 0 6 ) 6 2 2 - 3 500 Fax:ax: (206) 6 2 K · ) 6 9 9 ,. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 cusstomer. To mitigate tthe consequences o f tthisrrejection,Prime S t a r t arranged tto have cu tomer. To mitigate he consequences of his ejection, Prime Star arranged o have deffectts corrected iin M o s c o w at substantial cost iin a n amount tto b e s h o w n a t trial. Because de ec s corrected n Moscow at substantial cost n an amount o be shown at triaL. Because tthiis mitigation iinvolved removal o f ffinishes and sanding, dimensions o f tthe finished h s mitigation nvolved removal of inishes and sanding, dimensions of he finished productt are n o t within specification, aandPrime Start expects its M o s c o w customer to produc are not within specification, nd Prime Star expects its Moscow customer to charrge back o r otherwise seek an equitable adjustment tto iits contract tto reflect that tthe cha ge back or otherwise seek an equitable adjustment o ts contract o reflect that he matterriiall iinstalled will not have the same endurance as the material specified. ma e a nstalled wil not have the same endurance as the material specified. 25. Ullttiimattelly,, despite Prime S t a r t ' s efforts to mitigate by refinishing productt U ma e y despite Prime Start's efforts to mitigate by refinishing produc dellivered by Maher, it was not possible tto complete tthe Project without purchasing de d by Maher, it was not possible o complete he Project without purchasing additionall quantities o f cedar. This caused Prime Start to incur additional costs in an d na quantities of cedar. This caused Prime Start to incur additional costs in an amount to be shown at trial expected to be approximately $100,000. to be shown at trial expected to be approximately $100,000. 26. M a h er's delay and subsequentt shipmentt off defective goods also delayed delay and subsequen shipmen o defective goods also delayed 12 annd otherwise workfected work on t h e project in Moscow, to Prime S t a r t ' s detriment. The the project in Moscow, to Prime Start's detriment. The a d otherwise affected af on fiinnnaial ial consequences o f Maher's actions with respectt to the projectt have nott yett been M a h e r ' s actions with respec to the projec have no ye been f a c nc consequences of fully accounted for, but would include labor and material costs of performing additional accounted for, but would include labor and material costs o f performing additional 13 14 15 16 work, work outt off sequence,, and the like. work ou o sequence and the like. 27. When comparing product shipped by Maher to the quantities and price comparing product shipped by Maher to the quantities and price 7 17 18 18 19 19 listed in the pro forma invoices, Prime Star discovered that Maher had overterms listed in the pro forma invoices, Prime Startt discovered that Maher had overand has been overpaid, by an amoun to be shown a tria bu believed to exceed invoiced, and has been overpaid, by an amountt to be shown att triall butt believed to exceed $16,000.. 00 28.. 28 20 20 or its agent improperly incurred, and Maher improperly invoiced Maher or its agent improperly incurred, and Maher improperly invoiced 21 21 22 22 23 23 P r m e Start for shipping charges in an amoun to be shown a trial bu believed to tota Priime Start,, for shipping charges in an amountt to be shown att trial,, butt believed to totall $9,,835.. $9 835 29.. 29 Ma or its agen inaccurately declared to customs authorities the weigh Maher or its agentt inaccurately declared to customs authorities the weightt COMPLAII N T--6 C O M P L A NT 6 tlv126380-1 v126380-1 Davi Wrigh Tremain LLP Daviss Wright tTremaineeLLP LAW OFFICE LAW OFFICESS 2 i mO Century Square. 1501 F o u r t A v e n u 2(6O) C e n t u r y S q u a r e · 1501 FourthhAvenuee S a t i c , W a s h i n g t o 911 I I 1·1611 Sccaull=:, Washington n 9K 001-16iigg ( 06) 6 2 2 - 3 1 5 . Fa (206) ) 628-769 (22 0 6 )622-31500. Fax:x: (206628-76999 DAVIDSON 14 DAV N 14 .. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 of p r o d u c t s h i p p e d tto M o s c o w . Amounts declared exceeded amounts shipped by nearly product shipped o Moscow. A m o u n t s declared e x c e e d e d a m o u n t s s h i p p e d b y nearly Kg. Consequently Prime Start paid a l m o s t $20,000 m o r e in c u s t o m s d u t y t h a n it 60,000 Kg. Consequently,, Prime Start paid almost $20,000 more in customs duty than it s h o u ld have had to pay. have h a d to pay. 30. or its agent improperly shipped he product, orcing Prime Star to M a h e r o r its a g e n t improperly s h i p p e d tthe p r o d u c t , fforcing P r i m e S ta r t to . iincur d e m u r r a g e a n d s t o r a g e costs iin H a m b u r g , Germany, iit s h o u l d n o t h a v e had to pay, in n c u r demurrage and storage costs n Hamburg, Germany, t should not have h a d to pay, i n such amount as wìl be s h o w n a trial b u b e l i e v e t e x c e e d $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 such a m o u n t as will be shown att trial,, buttbelieveddtooexceed $15,000.. 31. Maher's inability to TehDocumentary m e n t a rto be redit becauseto b e a m e n d e d b e c a u s e o f M a h e r ' s inability to Th e D o c u Credit had y C amended h a d of provide t h e specified p r o d u c t within the t i m e required, r e q u i r i n g rreissuance of the the specified product within the time required, requiring e i s s u a n c e o f the D o c u m e n tta rry Credit. T h i s c a u s e d Prime S ta r t to iincur b a n kchargess forr reissuance in the cumen a y Credit. This caused Prime Star to n c u r ban c h a r g e fo reissuance in t h e a mo u nt of $3,789.10, for which Maher is liable. o f $3,789.10, for w h i c h M a h e r is liable. 32. M a her's delivery off defective productt caused Prime Startt to incurr the s d e l i v e r y o defective p r o d u c c a u s e d P r i m e Star to i n c u the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 e x p e n s e o f inspections by SGS at a cost o f $ 2 , 1 2 4 , o r s u c h o t h e r amount as may be shown of inspections by SGS at cost of $2,124, or such other a m o u n t as m a y be shown triaL. Maher is liable for this cost. at trial. M a h e r is liable for this cost. iv I V. F IRST CAUSE O F A C T I O N : BREACH OF CONTRACT AGAINST MAHER C A U S E OF ACTION: B R E A C H O F C O N T R A C T A G A I N S T M A H E R F o r its first c a u s e o f action, P r i m e S ta r t incorporates t h e a l l e g a t i o n s s e t forth in its first cause of action, Prime Start incorporates the allegations set forth in p a ragraphs 1 through 32 above, and alleges further as follows: 1 t h r o u g h 3 2 a b o v e , a n d a l l e g e s f u r t h e r as follows: 33. M a h er's actions as described in paragraphs i1through 32 constitute breaches actions as d e s c r i b e d in paragraphs t h r o u g h 32 c o n s t i t u t e breaches 19 20 21 22 23 of t h e contract between Maher and Prime Start. the contract b e t w e e n M a h e r and Prime Start. 34. S u c h b r e a c h e s have p r o x i m a t e l y c a u s e d d a m a g e to Prime Start in an amount breaches have proximately caused damage to Prime Start in a n amount to be shown att triaL. b e s h o w n a trial. 35. M a h e r is liable for such damages. is liable for s u c h damages. C OMPLAINT -- 7 INT 7 SEA 1653864vll 26380-1 1653864v 26380-1 Davi s Wright Tremaine LLP Davis Wright Tremaine LLP LA W OFFICES A W OFFICES U O C e n t u r y S q u a r e ' 1501 Fourth A v e n u e 2(JiOOO Century Square. 1501 F o u r t h Avenue Sca l W a s h i n g l o n 9 8 1 0 I-168ft S c a ttlllc , Washingion 9810 1 - 1 6 8 & ( 206) 622-3 iI SO . Fax: (206)) 628-7699 6 2 2 - 3 SO F a " (206 628-7699 ( AV DS ON 15 DAVIIDSON 15 ·... . . 1 1 v ~. S E C CAUSE OF ACTION: BREACH OF CONTRACT AGAINST PLIB SECONDO N D C A U S E O F A C T I O N : B R E A C H O F C O N T R A C T A G A I N S T PLIB 2 2 3 3 Fo ts e c o n d a u s e of ction, r i m e t a r t n c o r p o r a t e s h e allegations set orth n F o rriitsssecondccauseo f aaction,PPrimeSStar iincorporates tthe a l l e g a t i o n s s e t fforth iin pa a g r a p h s 1 h r o u g h 35 above, and alleges u r t h e r as ollows: p a rragraphs 1 tthrough35 a b o v e , a n d a l l e g e s ffurther as ffollows: 36 36.. 4 4 5 5 PU s a c t i o n s as d e s c r i b e d in p a r a g r a p h s 1 t h r o u g h 31 c o n s t i t u t e b r e a c h e s P U B's actions as described in paragraphs 1 through 31 constitute breaches 6 6 7 7 8 8 of h e contract e t w e e n U B n d Prime Star. o f tthe c o n t r a c t bbetweenPPUBaandP r i m e Start. 37 37.. Such breaches have proximately caused damage o Prime Start n an amount S u c h b r e a c h e s h a v e p r o x i m a t e l y c a u s e d d a m a g e tto P r i m e S t a r t iin a n a m o u n t o be shown at trial. tto b e s h o w n at triaL. 9 9 10 10 11 11 38. P UB is liable for such damages. is l i a b l e for s u c h d a m a g e s . VI. AYER FOR RELIEF PRAYER FOR RELIEF WH ER E FO R E , Prime Start prays as follows: H RE ORE P r i m e S t a r t p r a y s as follows: A. 12 12 13 13 F o r a n a w a r d o f damages against Maher for breach of contract in an amount an award of d a m a g e s a g a i n s t M a h e r for b r e a c h o f c o n t r a c t i n a n a m o u n t 14 14 15 15 to be shown att triaL. to b e s h o w n a trial. B.. B a n a w a r d o f d a m a g e s against PUB f o b r e a c h o c o n t r a c in a n a m o u n t For an award of damages a g a i n s t P U B forr breach offcontractt in an amount 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 tto be shown atttriaL. o b e s h o w n a triaL c. c D.. D For its attorneys fees and costs as allowed by law.. i t s a t t o r n e y s f e e s a n d c o s t s a s a l l o w e d b y law F o r s u c h o t h e r a n d further r e l i e f as the courtt may deem justt orr equitable.. F or such other and further relief as t h e c o u r m a y d e e m j u s o e q u i t a b l e DATE D tthisllktitday y oJune, ,2005.. D A T ED his kti . d a of f J u n e 2 0 0 5 Dav s Wrigh Tremaine LLP Daviis Wrightt Tremaine LLP A o neys for P l a i n t i f Attttorrneys for Plaintifff 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 Byy i £ U n . - - - . . B ~ --A.-,//l£~ A an S M i d d l e t o n W S B A No 1811 All a nS.. Middleton,,WSBA No..181188 COMPLAINTT- -88 COMPLAIN SS E A 653864v v I 26380-1 EA I I 653864 I 26380-1 DDavisWright t TremaineeLLPP avis Wrigh Tremain LL LL A WOFFICES S AW O F F I C E ! O O Century Square' 150 F o u r t Avenue 2((jjOO C e n t u r y S q u a r e '15011Fourthh A v e n u e SSault~l,eWashingtono n 1KII-168MK c e a t , W a s h i n g t 9K 9 0 OI-168 DAVIIDSON 166 DAV DSON 1 ( 2 0 6 ) 6 2 1 I S . Fa (20i;) i;2K-7i;99 (206) 621-)-i3SOO. Fax: x: ( 2 0 0 ) oZK-7099 " ., '\ , N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON N AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING IIN A N D FOR THE COUNTY O F KING PR ME START, LTD PRIIME START, LTD NO. . 05-2-19742-1 NO 05-2-19742-1 P s) Plaintifff(( s) S EA S Or Setting Civil Case Schedule (*ORSCS) O r d e r S e t t i n g Civil C a s e S c h e d u l e ( * O R S C S ) vs vs MAHER FOREST PRODUCTS, E T AL M A H E R FOREST PRODUCTS, ET A L ASS GNED JUDGE Macinnes A S S IIG N E D J U D G E Macinnes FILE DATE: DATE: - - - - - - - 37 06/16/2005 12/04/2006 Def Defendantt(( s) an s) T RIAL D A T E : DATE: A civil case has been filed in the King County Superior Court and wil be managed by the Case S c h e d u l e . A civil case has been filed in the King County S u p e r i o r Court and will be managed by the Case Schedule. on Page 3 as ordered by the King County Superior Court Presiding Judge. o n Page 3 as ordered by the King County S u p e r i o r Court Presiding Judge. I.. NOTICES NOTICES NOT ICE TO P L A I N T I F F : The Plaintiff may serve a ccopyoofthis O r d e r S e t t i n g C a s e S c h e d u l e N O TIC E TO PLAINTIFF: The Plaintiff may serve a opy f this Order Setting Case Schedule edu e on the Defendant(s) along with the Summons and C o m p l a i n t / P e t i t i o n Otherwise, the (Schedulle)) on the Defendant(s) along with the S u m m o n s a n d Complaint/Petition..Otherwise, the Pllaiintiiffff shalll serve the Schedule on the Defendant(s) within 10 days afterr the laterr of: (1) the filing off the P a nt shal serve the Schedule on the Defendant(s) within 10 days a f t e the late of: (1) the filing o the Summonssandd C o m p l a i n t / P e t i t i o n o(2) ) service o ftheeDefendant'ssfirstt responseeto the u m m o n a n Complaint/Petition or r (2 service of th Defendant' firs respons to the Compllaiintt/Peittiitoon,whether rthat tresponse is a Notice of f Appearance, a response,or raaCivilil Rule 12 p a n /Pet i n, whethe tha response is a Notice o Appearance, a response, o Civ Rule 12 12) motion. T h e Schedule m a y be served by regula mail, with p r o o o mailing to be filed promptly in (CR 12) motion. The Schedule may be served by regularr mail, with prooff off mailng to be filed promptly in tthe form required by Civill Rule 5 (CR 5).. he f o r m required by Civi Rule 5 (CR 5) "iI understand thatt iI am required to give a copy off these documents to alll parties in this case." " u n d e r s t a n d t h a am r e q u i r e d to g i v e c o p y o these d o c u m e n t s to a l p a r t i e s i n t h i s c a s e . " Priintt Name Pr n N a m e Siign Name S Name Orr d e rSetting CivililCase Schedule (*ORSCS)) O der Setting Civ C a s e Schedule (*ORSCS REV 6/200 REV.. 6/200 1 1 DAVIIDSON 17" ' DAV DSON 17 I, Ii. NOTICES ( (continued) . NOTICES c o n t i n u e d ) N O T I C E TO A L L P A R T I E S : Al attorneys and parties hould make themselves familiar with he King County Local Rules (KCLR) Alll attorneys and parties sshouldm a k e themselves familiar with tthe King County Local Rules [KCLR] - especia l those referred to in this chedule. In order to omply with the Schedule, t wil be necessary o r especialllyythose referred to in this SSchedule. In o r d e r to ccomplywith the Schedule, iit will be necessary ffor attttorrneys and parties to pursue ttheir cases vigorously ffrom tthe day tthe case iis ffiled. For example, a o neys and parties to pursue heir cases vigorously rom he day he case s iled. For example, d scove y must be undertaken promptly n order o comply with he deadlines or oining additional parties, diiscoverry must be undertaken promptly iin order tto comply with tthe deadlines ffor jjoining additional parties, caiims and defenses, or disclosing possible witnesses (See KCLR 26), and o r meeting he discovery cllams,, and defenses, ffor disclosing possible witnesses [See K C L R 26], and ffor meeting tthe discovery cu o date (See KCLR 37(g)). cuttoff date [See K C L R 37(g)]. NOTICE TO ALL PARTIES: . SHOW CAUSE HEARINGS FOR CIVIL CASES King County Local Rule 4(g)) SHOW CAUSE HEARINGS F O R C I V I L CASES [(KingCounty Local Rule 4(g)] A Confirmation o f Joinder, Claims and Defenses o r a Statement o f Arbitrability m u s t be filed by tthe A Confirmation of Joinder, Claims and Defenses or a Statement of Arbitrability must be filed by he dead ne in he schedule. A review of the case will be undertaken to confirm service o f the original deadlliine in ttheschedule. A review o f the case will be undertaken to confirm service of the original c om i ain a verify ve ify t h a t complapnlt andt to nd to thatrall answersato answers to claims, counterclaims and cross-claims have been filed. If ll claims, counterclaims and cross-claims have been filed. I f h os mandatory pleadings are not in s file, tthose e mandatory pleadingtheare naoShow Cause Hearinga S h o w Cause H e a r i n g w i l l be set before the Chief Civil o r t in the file, wil be set before the Chief Civil or RJC judge. The Order to Show Cause will be mailed to all parties and designated parties or counsel are RJC judge. The Order to Show Cause will be mailed to all parties and designated parties o r counsel are requ e d o attend. requiirred tto attend. PEND NG DUE DATES CANCELED BY FILING PAPERS THAT RESOLVE THE CASE: PENDIING DUE DATES C A N C E L E D B Y F I L I N G PAPERS T H A T RESOLVE THE CASE: When a final decree, jjudgment, o r o r d e r o f dismissal o f all parties and claims is filed with tthe Superior hen final decree, udgment, or order of dismissal of all parties and claims is filed with he Superior Courtt Clerk's Office, and a courtesy copy delivered to the assigned judge, alll pending due dates in this our Clerk's Offce, and a courtesy copy delivered to the assigned judge, al pending due dates in this Schedu e are automatically canceled, ncluding he scheduled Trial Date. t s he esponsibility of the Schedulle are automatically canceled, iincluding tthe scheduled Trial Date. IIt iis tthe rresponsibilty o f the r es o 1) ile such dispositive documents within 45 days of the resolution of the case, and 2) strike any parttiies tto 1) ffile such dispositive documents within 4 5 days o f the resolution o f the case, and 2) strike any d ng motions by notifying he bailiff to the assigned udge. pendiing motions by notifying tthe bailiff to the assigned jjudge. Parttiies may also authorize tthe S u p e r i o r Court tto strike all pending due dates and tthe Trial Date by ffilng a r es may also authorize he Superior Court o strike all pending due dates and he Trial Date by iling Notice o f Settlement pursuant to KCLR 41, and forwarding a courtesy copy to the assigned jjudge. Iff a final of Settlement pursuant to KCLR 41, and forwarding courtesy copy to the assigned udge. I final ree u d g m e n t or ordèr of dismissal of all parties and claims is not filed by 45 days after a Notice of decree,, jjudgment o r order o f dismissal o f all parties and claims is not filed by 45 days after a Notice o f Setttlement, the case may be dismissed with notice. e the case may be dismissed with notice. If you m i s s y o u scheduled Trial Date, the e Super Court rt Cle k s authorize by y KCL 41 (b )(2)(A) to If y o u miss your r s c h e d u l e d T r i a l Date, thSuperiorior CouClerk ris iauthorized d bKCLRR 41 (b)(2)(A) to present an Order o f Dismissal, without notice, for failure to appearr att the scheduled Triall Date. an O r d e r of Dismissal, without notice, f o r failure to a p p e a a the scheduled Tria Date. NOTICES OF APPEARANCE O R W I T H D R A W A L AND ADDRESS CHANGES: OF APPEARANCE OR WITHDRAWAL A N D A D D R E S S CHANGES: Allll p a r t i e s to this action m u s t keep the c o u r t informed o f their addresses. W h e n a Notice of parties to this action must keep the court informed of t h e i r addresses. When Notice o f A Appearance/Withdrawal or Notice of Change off Address is filed with the Superior C o u r t Clerk's Office, l o r Notice o f Change o Address is filed with the Superior Court Clerk's Offce, parties must provide the assigned judge with a courtesy copy.. m u s t provide the assigned j u d g e with a courtesy copy ARBITRATION FILING AND TRIAL DE NOVO POST ARBITRATION FEE:: F I L I N G A N D T R I A L DE N O V O P O S T A R B I T R A T I O N F E E A Statement o f Arbitrability must be ffiled by the deadline oonthe sschedule fift h e ccasei s s u b j e c t to A Statement of Arbitrability must be iled by the deadline n the chedule i the a s e is subject t o mandatooyyarbitration n and service othe e originalcomplainttand alll answerssto claims,, counterclaims and m a n d a t r r a r b i t r a t i o and service of f th original complain and al answer to claims counterclaims and cross-claims have been filed. If fmandatoryyarbitration is required afterrthe deadline,, parties mustt obtain have been filed. I mandator arbitration is required afte the deadline parties m u s obtain ann o r d e r from the assigned judge t r a n s f e r r i n g the ccaseto arbitration. A n y p a r t y f i l i n g a S t a t e m e n t m u s t a order from the assigned judge transferring the ase to arbitration. Any part filng a Statement must payy a $220 0 a r b i t r a t i o n fee. If a party seeks sa atrial de novo whenan n arbitration awarddis appealed, , a fee off p a a $22 arbitration fee. I f a part seek trial de novo when a arbitration awar is appealed a fee o $250 and the requestt for triall de novo mustt be filed with the Clerk's Office Cashiers.. and the reques for tria de novo m u s be filed with the Clerk's Office Cashiers NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE FEES:: OF N O N - C O M P L I A N C E FEES Alll partiesswilillbeeassesseddaafeeeauthorizeddbyyKing CountyyCodee4.71.050 wheneverrthe Superiorr Courtt A partie w b assesse fe authorize b King Count Cod 4.71.050 wheneve the Superio Cour Cllerk mustt send notice off non-compliance offschedule requirementssand/orrLocall Rule 41.. C erk m u s send notice o non-compliance o schedule requirement and/o Loca Rule 41 Kiing County Locall Rules are a v a i l a b l e f o r vviewinga t w w w . m e t r o k c . g o v / k c s c c . K n g C o u n t y L o c a R u l e s are available for i e w i n g at Orrderr Setting Civill Case Schedule (*ORSCS)) O d e Setting Civi Case Schedule (*ORSCS REV 6/200 REV. 6/200 2 2 DAVIDSON 18 DA DS 18 , ,, IIII. C A S E S C H E D U L E . CASE SCHEDULE D E A D L IIN E DEADL NE or F iiln g or F l i ng EVENT D A T E N e e d e d EVENT DATE Need Thu 06/16/2005 Thu 0 6 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 5 * Thu 07/14/2005 * Thu 0 7 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 5 Man 1 1 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 * Man 11/28/2005 CASE EVENT CASE E V E N T Case Filed and Schedule Issued. C ase Filed and Schedule Issued. Con rma on of Service [See KCLR 4.1]. Conffiirmattiion o f Service (See K C L R 4.1). Las Day or Filng Statement o f Arbitrability without Showing of Good Lastt D a y ffor Filing Statement of Arbitrability without a Showing o f Good Cause for f o r Filing Fil KCLMAR e 1 (a) and Notices on P a g e 2]. Cause Late Late (Seeing [S2.e K C L M A R 2. 1(a) a n d Notices on Page 2). $220 arbitration e e must be paid $220 a r b i t r a t i o n ffee m u s t b e p a i d DEADL NE o ile Confirmation of Joinder i f not subject to Arbitration. DEADLIINE tto ffile Confirmation o f J o i n d e r if not subject to Arbitration. [(See K C L R 4.2(a) a n d Notices on Page 2). See KCLR 4.2(a) and Notices on Page 2]. Show Cause hearing wil be set f Confirmation s not filed. S h o w C a u s e h e a r i n g will b e s e t iif C o n f i r m a t i o n iis n o t f i l e d . DEADL NE o r Hearing Motions to Change Case Assignment Area. DEADLIINE ffor Hearing Motions to Change C a s e Assignment Area. [See K C L R 82(e)) (See KCLR 82(e)] DEADL NE for Disclosure of Possible Primary Witnesses D E A D L I N E f o r Disclosure o f Possible Primary W i t n e s s e s [See K C L R 26(b)). (See KCLR 26(b)]. DE D for Disclosure of Possible Additional Witnesses D E AD LINE f o r Disclosure o f Possible Additional Witnesses [See K C L R 26(b)). (See KCLR 26(b)]. DEADLINE for Jury Demand (See KCLR 38(b)(2)). f o r J u r y D e m a n d [See K C L R 3 8 ( b ) ( 2 ) ] . for Setting Motion for Change in Trial Date D E A D L I N E for Setting Motion f o r a Change in Trial Date [See K C L R 40(e)(2)). (See KCLR 40(e)(2)]. D E A D L INE for Discovery Cutofff (See KCLR 37(g)). f o r D i s c o v e r y C u t o f [ S e e K C L R 37(g)]. for Engaging in Alternative Dispute Resolution [See KCLR D E A D L I N E f o r Engaging in Alternative Dispute Resolution (See KCLR 16(c)). ] D E A D L INE for Exchange W i t n e s s & Exhibit L i s t s & Documentary Exhibits for Exchange Witness & Exhibit Lists & Documentary Exhibits [See KCLR 16(a)(4)). (S K C L R 16(a)(4)]. D E A D L INE to file Joint Confirmation of Trial Readiness to file Joint Confirmation o f Trial Readiness [See K C L R 16(a)(2)) ( ee KCLR 16(a)(2)] DEADLINE for Hearing Dispositive Pretriall Motions (See KCLR 56;; CR 56). for Hearing Dispositive Pretria Motions [See KCLR 56 CR 56]. Joint Statementt off Evidence (See KCLR 16(a)(5)). S t a t e m e n o E v i d e n c e [ S e e K C L R 16(a)(5)]. Trial Date (See KCLR 40). Date [See KCLR 40]. * * * * * Mon 1 1 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 Mon 11/28/2005 Thu 12/08/2005 Thu 12/08/2005 Man 0 7 / 0 3 / 2 0 0 6 Man 07/03/2006 Man 0 8 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 6 Man 08/14/2006 Man 08/28/2006 Man 0 8 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 6 Man 08/28/2006 Man 08/28/2006 Mon 10/16/2006 Mon 10/16/2006 Man 11/06/2006 Man 11/06/2006 Man 11/13/2006 Man 11/13/2006 Man 11/13/2006 Man 11/13/2006 M an 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 0 6 Man 11/20/2006 M an 1 1 / 2 7 / 2 0 0 6 Man 11/27/2006 M on 1 2 / 0 4 / 2 0 0 6 Mon 12/04/2006 * * * * * * * * I I ORDER III. ORDER Pursuant to King County Local Rule 4 (KCLR 4), IT IS ORDERED t h a t the parties shalll comply with the to King County Local Rule [KCLR 4], IT IS ORDERED that the parties shal comply with the schedule listed above. Penalties, including butt nott limited to sanctions sett forth in Locall Rule 4(g) and listed above. Penalties, including bu no limited to sanctions se forth in Loca Rule 4(g) and Rule 3 7 of the Superior Court Civil Rules, may be imposed for non-compliance. Itt is FURTHER e 37 o f the Superior Court Civil Rules, may be imposed f o r non-compliance. I is FURTHER ORDERED tthat tthe partyfiling tthis action m u s t serve this OrderrSetting Civil Case Schedule and DERED hat he part filing his action must serve this O r d e Setting Civil Case Schedule and att a c hmeet t on all oother a r t i e s . · at tac m nn on all ther p parties.' -- DA T E D : : 06/16/2005 ATED 0 6 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 5 ~~.~ JUDGE PRESIDING JUDGE Orderr Setting Civill Case Schedule (*ORSCS)) O r d e Setting Civi Case Schedule (*ORSCS RE 6/200 REV. 6/200 3 3 DAVIIDSON 19 DAV DSON 1 9 ,, V ORDER ON CIVIL PROCEEDINGS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO JUDGE IIV.. O R D E R O N C I V I L P R O C E E D I N G S F O R A S S I G N M E N T T O J U D G E READ THIS ORDER T O C O N TO I N G Y O U R A S S I YOUR ASSIGNED JUDGE . READ T H I S O R D E R P R I O RPRIOR T A C TCONTACTINGG N E D J U D G E Th s case s assigned o h e Superior Court Judge whose name appears n h e caption of h i s T h iis c a s e iis a s s i g n e d tto tthe S u p e r i o r C o u r t J u d g e w h o s e n a m e a p p e a r s iin tthe c a p t i o n o f tthis Schedulle.. T h e a s s i g n e d S u p e r i o r C o u r t J u d g e w i l l preside over and manage t h i s case for all u e The assigned Superior Court Judge wil p r e s i d e o v e r a n d m a n a g e this c a s e f o r a l l pr e - trial m a t t e r s . rematters. p COM PLEX L I T I G A T I O N : Iff you anticipate an unusually complex or lengthy trial, please notify the M LITIGATION: I you anticipate an unusually complex o r lengthy trial, please notify the s gned court as soon as possible. assiigned court as soon as possible. The o l l o w i n g procedures h e r e a f t e r apply to the processing o f t h i s c a s e : T h e ffollowing p r o c e d u r e s hereafter a p p l y t o t h e p r o c e s s i n g of this case: AP BLE RULES: A P PLICAB L E R U L E S : a Except as specifically modified below, all the provisions of King County Local Rules hrough-26 shall a.. Except as specifically modified below, all the provisions o f King County Local Rules 4 tthrough-26 shall a p p to o processing e s i n Superior Court Judges. applyly tthethe procofscivilgcases civil c a s e s before· Superior Court Judges. o f before' ASE SCHEDULE AND REQUIREMENTS: CASE S C H E D U L E A N D REQUIREMENTS: Show Cause HearinQ: A Show Cause Hearing wil be held before the Chief Civil/C

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