Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corporation

Filing 100

MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 91 Letter Brief Supplemental Brief Opposing Psystar's Motion to Compel and In Support of Apple's Cross Motion for Protective Order filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Decl. of Tyler Gee ISO Supplemental Brief Opposing Motion to Compel, # 2 Exhibit Ex. A to Decl. of Tyler Gee, # 3 Exhibit Ex. B to Decl. of Tyler Gee, # 4 Exhibit Ex. C to Decl. of Tyler Gee, # 5 Exhibit Ex. D to Decl. of Tyler Gee, # 6 Exhibit Ex. E to Decl. of Tyler Gee)(Related document(s) 91 ) (Boroumand Smith, Mehrnaz) (Filed on 8/27/2009)

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Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corporation Doc. 100 Att. 4 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document100-5 Filed08/27/09 Page1 of 3 EXHIBITD TO DECLARATION OF TYLER GEE IN SUPPORT OF APPLE INC.'S SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF OPPOSING PSYSTAR'S MOTION TO COMPEL AND IN SUPPORT OF APPLE'S CROSS MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER A tasteQf 'tei:t QWm�d�cille)). P'$ystar Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document100-5 Pg Filed08/27/09 Page2 ofa3 e 1 �f2 At taste of the:ir own medicine A~gaSt 13tt, .'?QRliaamlii Nlol�ttr'Sii,~�'t Entery�'address We l?te PI$1sea l�iari:nl.n��thatan�;greementw�lJAPple's ~ollnaejwee rel?Ghe~ earl�rthis mcmth ��id.We now have't�flr�erJ�it �lth.�lr dePonejjlS for bvtpropose�lopicswith,r�lpecll�.hia litigation, Forthepastweekandforlhe folJoihl'len dayswewilVbe dflingdepoaftions ot.some .of APPI�'(1)&ih�s(�e.vel peOple. Afternumerol!s dewsJQ�ns o(Ps\1~rempJc.yees ahdassO~i��\estle PREVQUSENTRY The C.frcus �omesTo'Town NEXlE:NRV Ga ba�k tOcShooh;'il Psyslar sh�,eisf�n�lly�n IDe �th�tf�ot oh the joy! f\�wi:J\ien tt\attlJereis as1iii:iMent Intert'stli:lhlsl�i:i'Jlohesl�efmmij'ellsii:e�$ il'rest of Ps�st�r, in p!irlic�latlyth�se ofth�;QSXS6dool�irl���ity !i��di�th�($; we 'lam�ll y��r inPUt. Qiith�t nofewe're takngthe'lopten mo.6thii�h Iy moderate� quesonsJor each person to be aske� aftheir l'MA PSYSTARVIDEO AD CONTEST depos1t1c.ns. pteeS!i be��r1h mindtbatttiSeltUst rei��feto!he IIt�getlonetl1and an� ifY01!f�1ltl1iS �Qrielat�bn IsUnple!it, ple�seetab.or�ie to heip�:s; betlertmderl!��1d )'b�:iPet$Pe�tll�e:andICli arQument El$IOw Isth$U��tdj�p(��1'e�1tsL5Y ��t�., fe$1 nee: Wi P�$L.YQl.f ql)ei;l(�h'�asQQI�Mentji ote'(n�ll thehi dIrectly to,press(�psyslr,com if you feelthaHhe question would be:better i1nleasbed via�urprise a,ttack Bearin mini tl1a,t wernigJinotQ'e a~\etoreleasethe ~nswers tc $�iq al,etjOnsuht� the. conclusiiJ�1 of thislitjgi\tl�n (rt':Apple'S Sup'er Secret PtotePtlve.Qrdet) but we'a.resnll alloWed touse them ,amorgsto�r legal co�nsel Aspa�f cit llla�!m:h' Qf F;SYj�'r'iCo�lrr'uni1,We, l�Vt" and in coult 1�u 1�:pai�bijltl,lhoud�rsvlrafvid� :a~;eonieSl rl�~1il;o)fdfi$:a P's~t�penm, Reaq'.mare:-?')o AUg. 07- JohnWrl�;ht~QS X -SenIor Soltare MaH�gei Aug. 12- Kevll'vimvebhtel'-oSX - Sciftare Engineering Mal'ger AUfi.i3''' Phil S�hiier"" MarketfI1Q''' $enlorVP Worldwide PA�ES W�k� Product Marketing Opeii SOur�e Re�JWk R1 000 Dri�r Aug. 14d-MikeCulpM ~ Milc H�rdwi\re - SehiorOi,eclor A1l9. 1a~ Gary Aug. Thoi1as- TSP of Gore is' _. Simon f'atlen� _OSX = Head OS A�~, 21 = Mark DotiiielJ� =Apple =VP Fli��hC��nd INiJdWlde: B�:sness l��n~emeil bpenQSOTal1d GltOSPT Opel1HaIIRe$\rt Aboutlhe C�:s� Shop �i;9, 21-�lr!lgCbrstje- Te�, Aug, ~1- Mansfeld: -Mec:Hardwa,e- $eni\JrVp Mac 8ardw;;re~i:gJrreering Ea�h.ofthe� men,;;retti m�stkn�wledi�eablepeple In their respeclive'felds; sltateahd E�ifQY; '~Ij"'l � ''' l previ�\4~' Eriry.:'. The,l~ltcU$ T.oT-oWn . N!'xtEnttji Go bick Jn'sGhOOI'MjhPii;r Pos:~ In post Y�u c~r\ foliO'" ~n�' responsesRrthlS eiitr'tolJhthe Rsa2:P Feedieed. Y�y cir\ teve a respr� , or tfackback from your own:slt.. Advertisement Leave a Reply Yciumust be Ici,gged in to pO.sta comment. I1:tp:ll�QmmlJnity:psys(ar,Gom/a..G�ste-of-their"QWl-me�UGi:nel sJl~12Q.09 APP ..PSY0050589 A tast.euf 't.ettQW medicine)) P'Syslar Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document100-5 P3 Filed08/27/09 Page3 ofitge2 �f2 ;s2��:�'psys�r N~::;i Etit�ryOiJre.mi�ll e,:ti;r�ss B�CklOTop Vl\.lii;XHtML.tOtl1n~JtI91\l\ldl V��lIijCIls'.3 http:trCgm.ml1t�ty,pSy~ta..Gom/a.;tR'Ste-ot-thel:r"QWl-mediGlnel 8/13/2009 APP ..PSY0050590

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