Miller v. Facebook, Inc. et al

Filing 112

MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Daniel M. Miller. Motion Hearing set for 4/7/2011 08:00 AM in Courtroom 9, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Brian D. Hancock in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H.1, # 10 Exhibit H.2, # 11 Exhibit I, # 12 Exhibit J, # 13 Exhibit K, # 14 Exhibit L, # 15 Exhibit M, # 16 Exhibit N, # 17 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment)(Hancock, Brian) (Filed on 3/3/2011) Modified on 3/4/2011 (wsn, COURT STAFF).

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Miller v. Facebook, Inc. et al Doc. 112 Att. 13 EXHIBIT K TINITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION ) DAN]EL M. MILLER, ) ) Plaintiff, -vsFACEBOOK, ) ) ) ) NO. CV-L0-264 (WIIA) INC., and YAO WEI ) YEO, Defendants. ) ) ) ) NOTE: This transcript has been designated by counsel as HIGHLY CONFIDENTIA], - ATTORNEYS' EYES ON]'Y DEPOSITION OF ALI,ISON GRABLER Friday, FebruarY 4, 2011 Menlo Park, California REPORTED BY: ,JANIS G. ANDERSEN, CM, CSR NO' 3333 Witness: AIi Grabler 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 g institutes A Q A Q A Q A of higher learning? Ihavenot. t9 2t4l20ll .i\nd you are presently employed with Facebook' Yes. WhaL is Your Position? Associate Manager in User Operations ' I am an How long have you hefd that position? company For about sj-x months, but I've been with Lhe gforlongerthanLhat.Justthatspecificposition' l-O O f pulled some informalion' some ftm just going to try l_l- speed this up a l_ittle biL. information about your f believe this is available 1.2 emplolrment hist'ory, MS. Grabler. L3 L4 15 L6 on your Linked fn page- f'l-l read this into the record and Okay? you tel1 me if any of this is incorrecL ' A a OkaY. You've been employed at Fasebook as an Associate L'7 Manager for User Operations since August of 2010' 18 Lg 20 2L 22 A a Correct. Before that, you were employed as a Team Leader in User Operations from June 2008 Lo August 2Ol0? A O CorrectAnd then before that you were employed as an Analyst 23AssociateinUseroperationsfrom.fanuary2006toJune200S? Analyst to Associate' They were different rofes' A 24 25 O Okay. Thank you' When were you employed as an FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (577) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler f (WHEREUPON 90 2141201.t Statement of Rights & Responsibilities' 2BatesNoS.057-060wasmarkedPtaintiff'sExhibit1019 g 4 for identificationQ ) (By Mr. Hancock) The document I've marked 5Plaintiff'sExhibitlolg,isthatFacebook'SStaLementof 6 7 B 9 Rights and ResPonsibil-ities? A It appears to be Facebook's Statement of Rights - and ResPonsibilities Q In your capacity as 30 (b) (5) representative' does l0FacebookreguireeveryuserLoagreetoLheseterms,ttrese llstatementsofRightsand'Responsibilities,beforetheycan L2 13 L4 15 a become a Facebook user? MR- AVALOS: Objection' THE WITNESS: Yes' (By Mr' Hancock) So if someone wants to be a 16Facebookuser/theygotothewebsite,andbeforeLheycan to 1-'7 gain access they have to cfick a prompt that says "I agree 18 1,g 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O A Ehese terms -" MR - AVALOS : Obj ection ' (BY YCS. Mr. Hancock) EssentiallY' (WHEREUPoN Developer Principles c Policies' Bates Nos- 024-Q27 were marked PlainLiff's Exhibit 1020 for identification' a ) (By Mr' Hancock) The document I've marked as FREEDOMCOURTREPORTING(s77)3733660 Witness: Ali Grabler 1 2 3 4 5 plaintiff's 9t 2t4l20tt Exhibit tozo, Ms. Grabler, does that appear to you to be Facebook's Developer Principles and Policies? A Q Yes. And in your capacity as a 30 (b) (5) representative' Facebook's does Facebook require anyone who wants to utitize 6PlatformtoagreetotheDeve}operPrinciplesandPolicies? MR. AVALOS: ObjecLion- g 9 10 lL Q THE WITNESS: I don't know' Irm not sure' (By Mr- Hancock) In your capacity as a 30(b) (5) represenLative or in your individual- capacity' do you know whether or not Lhere is a prompt or something that a person 1.2wou}dhavetoclicksignifyingtheiragreemenLtothe l-3 L4 15 Facebook,s Developer Principles and Policies before they could utifize Facebook Platform? MR. AVALOS: Objection' Before they util ize Lhe Platform? maram' L6 THE WITNESS: L7 l-B Lg 20 2L 22 O A (BY Mr- Hancock) Yes, I don'L think they need to agree before they utilize the Platform- Maybe you can define "utilize'" O A O Gain access to the Platform' use the Platform' Those are different things ' okay. To gai-n access to the Platform' In your 23capacityasa30(b)(6)representative,beforethat,cantake 24 25 Place -A What do you mean by "gain access"? FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (S77) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler 92 2l4l20lt f 2 3 Q Correct me if I'm wrong. A developer would use Platform Lo make a canvas page for an applicaLion; is that correcL? MR. AVALOS: Objection- 5 6 '1 g 9 10 11 L2 l-3 14 L5 L6 t7 l-8 lg 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Q A Q (By Mr. Hancock) EssenLially' Do you know? Idon'tknow. And I'l-l ask you one more time, then 1et it go' If a deveLoper wanLed to use Platform in any way in connection with a gaming application, woufd that developer firsL have to signify some agreement to Facebook wilh the Developer PrinciPles and Policies? MR- AVALOS: Objeclion' point is "Llseil is a very broad ' THE WITNESS: My term, so if you can be more specific a (By Mr- Haneock) I'd like to, Ms' Grabler' but I d,on,t know LhaL f can. r'm simply tryingi to understand whether or not like a user, who has to agree to the statement of Rights and Responsibilities on a page' on Facebook's website; correct? A OkaY. MR. AVALOS: Objection' O A a A (By Mr- llancock) Is that correct? So a user has to agree -- go ahead' No. I'm sorry. You go ahead' I guess if you could just rephrase your question' FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (s77) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler 12 3 4 5 Q 93 2141201t I think you previously testified that anybody who wants to be a user on Facebook has to first signify their acceptance to the sLaLement of Rights and Responsibilities correct -- before Lhey can be a Facebook user and gain access to Facebook? MR. AVALOS: Objection. THE WITNESS: In order to sign up for Facebook, a 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 14 L5 3-6 7,'7 18 ag 20 2t 22 23 24 25 user must agree to the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities O - (By Mr- Hancock) Okay' Is there any similar who process in place for someone who wants to -- a developer wanLs to use Platform or interact with Platform in connecLion with a -A o A So those -- Interact with Platform' fnteract with PlaLform' f don't know' (WHEREUPON documenL Bates No' 034 was marked Plaintiff's a Exhibit l02l- for identification') (By Mr. Hancock) Would you idenLify what ilve marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit LQ21, Ms. Grabler? A O This is a part of the Facebook website' AL the top it says "How to appeal cfaims of copyrighL infringement, " does it not? A a It does. In your capaciLy as Facebook's representative here FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (577) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler THE WITNESS: 131 I don't know- 2l4l2vn MR- IIANCOCK: IJet's go off the record' ) 3 4 5 6 Q (Recess t.aken. Back on Lhe record' Ms' Grabler' you testified Lhat you,ve been designated as the Facebook representive for Topics 5 Lhrough 9 in the deposition noLice; is that correct? And a TcopyofthatnoLiceis--youseeTopicNumber9'ma'am? B 9 A Q YCS. Topic Number 9 is about Facebook's damages resulting ]-0inanywayfromanyactiontakenbyMr.Mifler,thePfaintiff. 11 Tel1 me, as Facebook's 30(b) (6) representaLive' L2howhasFacebookbeendamagedbyanythingthatMr.Miller 1"3 has a4 done? MR. AVALOS: Objection,' form, scope ' 15THEWITNESS:Sothesuitwasoriginallyfiledin 3.6 Atlanta and iL cost money Eo be transferred over to 'J,7 California. 18 Lg 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O a O So that was the first' (BY Mr. Hancock) How much moneY? MR- AVALOS: Objeceion,'form' scope' I do not know' THE WITNESS: (By Mr- Hancock) You don't know as a 30(b) (6) Lrow much money? represerrtative MR. AVALOS: Asked and answered' THE WITNESS: I don'L' (By t'tr. Hancock) PLease continue' FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (S77) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler t32 214l20tt 1-AAndLhesecondthingisMr.Millerdeve}opedanother 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 L0 l-1 1,2 applicaLion, and he didn't agree to the terms of service, so we don'L know yet what policies he may have violaLed. Q A Q WhaL aPPlication is that? name' I don't recafl the exact r didn't quiLe catch afl that' so as 30 (b) (5) represenLative, M9- Grabfer, Mr' Mifler did what again? MR. AVALOS: Objection; form' in developing a different THE WITNESS: So application, we dontL know which policies he may have violated with that other aPPlication' O (By Mr. Hancock) Do you know of any policies thaL 1-3Mr.MifterwouldhaveviofatedwiththeotherapplicationLhat 14 15 76 t7 18 you don't know the identitY of? A a SorrY? Do you know of any policies that Mr' Miller violated in connection with this application youtre referring to that you do not know the identiLy of Lhe applicaLion? You :}gtestifiedyoudonltknowwhatthenameoftheapplicationis 20 2L 22 in question; Correct? A O Correct. In connection with that applicaLion' Ms' Grabler' as 2330(b)(6)representativedeponent,whatpoliciesdidMr.Miller 24 25 violate? MR- AVAIOS: ObjecLion; form and scope' FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (577) 373 3660 Witness: Ali Grabler THE WITNESS: 133 2t4t20L1 he t said we don't know which policies 2 3 + may trave violatedDo you know if he violated any policies? MR. AVALOS: Objection; form and scope' Q 5THEWITNESS:Ibe}ievehedidn'tlistthelinkto 6 7 B g 10 1l12 the terms, so -Q A (BY Mr- Hancock) What terms? A11 I know is we don't know what sort of damages Lhere would have been for Facebook because we don't know which policies he O maY have viofated' Do you know anything more olher than what you've 3O tesuified to as a (b) (6) representative concerning actions 1-3 taken by Mr. Miller LhaL were damaging to Facebook in L4 15 16 Li 18 O connecLion with this application you're referring to? MR. AVALOS: Objection; form, scope' f don't' THE WITNESS: (By Mr- Hancock) In your personal capacity' Ms. Grabler, would you say Ltrat Facebook is an interneL 1,9 service Provider? 20 2L 22 23 24 25 a A MR. AVALOS: Objection' THE WITNESS: YCS. (By Mr. Hancock) It is' MR- AVALOS: okay' Why is that? Objection' do You mean? THE WITNESS: What (By ltr. Hancock) Well' why do you characLerize FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (577) 373 3660

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