Miller v. Facebook, Inc. et al

Filing 112

MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Daniel M. Miller. Motion Hearing set for 4/7/2011 08:00 AM in Courtroom 9, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Brian D. Hancock in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H.1, # 10 Exhibit H.2, # 11 Exhibit I, # 12 Exhibit J, # 13 Exhibit K, # 14 Exhibit L, # 15 Exhibit M, # 16 Exhibit N, # 17 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment)(Hancock, Brian) (Filed on 3/3/2011) Modified on 3/4/2011 (wsn, COURT STAFF).

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Miller v. Facebook, Inc. et al Doc. 112 Att. 7 EXHIBIT F UNTTED STATES DIS?RICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRTCT OF CALIFORNTA SAN FRANCISCO DTVISTON ) DANIEIJ M. MTLLER, ) ) Plaintiff, -vsFACEBOOK, ) ) ) ) wo. cv-10-264 (wriA) fNC., and YAO WEf ) YEO, Defendants. ) ) ) ) **This transcript has been designated HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL _ ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY DEPOSITION OF JULIE TUNG Thursday, February 3, 2Oa! Menlo Park, California REPORTED BY: JANIS G. ANDERSEN, CM, CSR NO. 3333 Witness: JULIE TUNG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 l-L L2 1"3 14 l-5 1"6 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Q A Q A Q A Q A Q 11 2t3t20tt Is that Lhe same month you began work at Facebook? Yes. What. is your present. position with Facebook? Engineering Manager. How long have you hel-d that position? One monLh. One mont'h? Rough1y. And as an engineering manager, could you just briefLy describe your duties and responsibiLiLies? A O A I manage the Platform API team. What does that entail-? f sti1l write code and f also participate in the career development for the software engineers on Lhe API team. O A O You say part.icipate in career development? Yes. WhaL position did you hold with Facebook prior Lo becoming the Engineering Manager? A O Software Engineer. Is LhaE Lhe only other position other Lhan Engineering Manager that you've held with Facebook? A a Yes. If you woul-d briefly describe your duties Facebook? and responsibilities A as a software engineer at I write code, I write tesLs, and I fix bugs. FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3664 Witness: JULIE TUNG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l-0 11 12 13 14 l-5 l6 2t3t20lt A Q Correct. Have you taken any medication today, Ms. Tung, that would prevent you from tesLifying truthfully and accurately? A Q No. Before we proceed, I'd just want to ask you on the record that as we move forward, if you would, when we're talking abouL varj-ous operations aL Facebook LhaL f 'l-l- be quesLioning you about, if you can, I'd like you to differentiate between if therets any difference between operalions as Lhey existed in 2009 and operations as they exist presently. the record. If you would make that differentiation on If you don't, I'rTr just going to assume that what you're tesLifying to is the way t.hings were done in '09 or presenLly. MR. AVALOS: Objeclion,' vague and ambiguous. If you 2OOB L6 L7 1-B have a question abouL 2008, ask about quesLion about 20A9, ask about 2009. - ff you have a MR. HANCOCK: Well, I'm jusL Lrying Lo save Lime so 1-9 that every time f go through a sequence of questioning, I 20 2L 22 23 24 don't have to ask you if thaL's how things were done in 2009. If your counsel objects Lo that, I will ask that question, but iL's just. more than likely going to prolong your deposition. But Lhat's fair. What. is Facebook PlaLform? is basically the 25 THE WITNESS: Facebook Pl-atform FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 366t Witness: JULIE TUI\G t7 2t3t20tt applications or websites can 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 vehicle through which third-party integrate with Facebook. Q A mean When you say ', integrate, I' what do you mean? That actually covers severaf different ways. It can on t.hat an application or website uses Facebook data their site or it can mean that third-party inside Q A When was applications appear Platform establ-ished? I befieve -- this is before I got to Facebook, but I 1-0 believe the firsL APf was rel-eased in fa1l 2005 and the rest 11 A2 l-3 14 1-5 L6 Li 18 19 20 2L zz of the Pfatform was 1aunched May 2007. a The integration you previously testified to, is iL your undersLanding that Facebook PlaLform has offered that since its inception? A a A O MR. AVALOS: Objection; vague and ambiguous. (By Ffr. Hancock) You can answer. Which integration? What you've previously testified to as to whaL Facebook Platform does or what it is. fs that your undersLanding what Facebook Platform is since its inception or since you first began working at Facebook? MR. AVALOS: Same objection. Platform offerings have 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Facebook evolved over time. O (By Mr. Hancock) Okay. Tefl me about that FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3660 Witness: JULIE TTING 18 2l3t20tt 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 L0 1lL2 13 L4 15 1,6 1-i 18 Lg 20 2L 22 23 24 25 evol-ution - A So I t.hink the goal of Platform has remained Lhe same. However -Q Is Lhat goal the integration you previously Lestified to? A Q A Yes. Okay- Go ahead. f tm sorryI think Lhe main change was t.he launch of the Facebook ConnecL, and that was in -- I think iL was in 2008. 2OOB or 2OO9? Ar:pay, f think that's lhe -- so prior to thaL, the firsL launch of Lhe Facebook Platform was primarily integrations inside The launch of the Facebook Connect introduced more integrations outside of O What do you mean by integration outsi-de of A A third-party website Lhat uses Facebook data in order Lo make the experience social for the user. 0 ConnecL? Is that really Lhe purpose or funcLion of Facebook A O Yes. Speaking to a 1ay person, would you describe briefly what a Facebook user can do through Facebook Connect? MR. AVALOS: Objection; vague and ambiguous. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I can give some examples. FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3660 'Witness: JULIE TUI\G Q Okay. '07 . 22 How woul-d a3tzafl a developer use Plat.form to Facebook? 12 3 4 5 6 7 B t L0 1lL2 l-3 L4 15 page. make his game applicat.ion available on MR. AVALOS: Calls for specul-aLion. Q (By Mr. Hancock) Oo you have knowledge, personal knowledge? I know you weren't working there t.hen but -- A Q I'm sorry. When Could you repeat the question? Platform was establj-shed in 20A7, do you have make any knowledge as to how a developer would use Platform Lo his application availabfe on A O A Yes. Facebook? Pl-ease tell me what that is. A developer could make it available through a canvas 0 A How woul-d a developer in 2007 set up a canvas page? The developer needs Lo have a Lhird-party -- it 1,6 needs to have his own application server to provide the L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 content for the application. O A O A What. else would he need to do? They need to register an application with Facebook. How woul-d he do t,haL? I believe Facebook has some sort of developer and application that would al.I-ow you to create an application change the settings for the application. O So we're talking about 2007. And would the developer creaLe the application using information or contenL FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3660 Witness: JULIE TUNG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 11 L2 L3 14 on Facebook servers? A Q A No- 23 2t3t20rt So he would do that independently. Sorry. Maybe I didnrt understand Lhe guesLion. The devel-oper needs to enter Lhe application's data on like -- the Iike the server, devel-oper needs to enter data for the application, applicaLionts name, the URL, if there's a third-party as well as other settings for the application. do that on And he would 0 A What are those other seLLingrs,. do you know? Whet.her the application is an FBML or an iFrame app, as well as -- I actually don't know whaL the other setLings available in 2007 were. O Okay. Other than in 2007, other than a developer 1-5 needing his own application server with contenL for the 16 L7 l-8 applicaLion -- and lm just brying to go back over your previous testimony -- and registering the applicaLion with Facebook, filting out the fields thaL you've talked about, 1,9 what else would a developer need to do to make his application 20 2t available on Facebook? MR. AVALOS: Brian, the deposition time -- I'm going 22 23 24 25 to object. The deposition Lopics started in, if ilm not misLaken, ,fanuary 2008. You're asking questions aboul 2007. I'lI read Topic 1- -MR. HANCOCK: ThaL's okay. That's a fair objection. FREEDOM COURT REPORTING (877\ 373 3660 Witness: JULIE TUI\G 24 2t3t20tt LeL's go to 2008 then. 2 3 4 Q WhaL you previously testified to as current in 2007, would be any difference as to what a developer would need to do Lo -- (reporter interruption.) I'm just trying to move things along. 6 7 B 9 10 1L t2 1-3 'J-4 L5 L6 other than whaL you have previously testified whaiu woul-d But in 2008, to, Ms. Tung, a developer need to do to make his application Or on Facebook,' sorry. available on Platform? A O A a I believe that's al-l-. So that's it. (Witness nodding head up and down. ) okay. So whatever a developer would need to do in '07 would be the same thing in '08, to your knowledge? A a I believe so, yes. What abouL 2009? Would a developer who wanted to put his application on Facebook, would he have to do anything 1"7 other than what youtve previously tesLified to? 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A A A o A 0 No. What abouL No. 2OLA? what about aL present? No. So Lhen your testimony is in order for a developer he to put his applicaLi-on or make it available on Facebook, would need to have an apptication server with content for the FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3660 Witness: JULIE TUNG 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? I 9 10 11 12 l-3 L4 15 L6 'J.7 L8 1,g 2A 2l 22 23 24 25 know. 25 2t3t20tl application. server? Would thaL be code for Lhe application on his MR. AVALOS: Objection; missLates prior testimony. MR. HANCOCK: Okay. What contenL would a developer need in order to put -- on his server, in order Lo put his applicaLion *- or make it avaifable on IvlR. AVALOS: Facebook? objecLion; vague and arnbigtlousIt would depend on the application. THE WITNESS: Q (By Mr. Hancock) You previously stated that you have some passing familiarity with chain Rxn, Lhat it was a flash apPlication. What would a developer of a ffash application need on his server in order to make it available using Facebook Platform -- make it available on Facebook? MR. AVALOS: Objection; catls for speculation. MR. FIANCOCK: ff You know. THE WITNESS: I know some of the things they would need. I don't know a1f of them. a (By Ur. Hancock) That's fine- Te1l me what you do A They would need to have a flash file that Lhey host on their aPPlication server. O A WhaL efse? They would need some end point thaL woul-d respond to Facebook's canvas page requests. FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (817) 373 3660 Witness: JULIE TUNG 26 mean? 2t3t2011 f 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1lL2 13 3"4 15 a6 t7 18 1-9 Q A URL When When you say end poinL, what do you I specified thaL Lhey would need to specify They would need to have Lhe to their application server. something that responds there. Q A Would that be the URL for the canvas page? Not quite. The URLs for canvas pages are like name., slash, some application Q A Right.. The URL in question here would be the URL of their Lhe server that responds Lo our request i.n order Lo populate page. O A O Anything el-se? ThaE's all that f know of. Then if the devel-oper filled out certain information wj-th Facebook in registering the application, the developer woul-d what? He woul-d then have a canvas page for the Facebook? application available on A Yes. MR. AVALOS: Objection. 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O A a A inLerface. O (By t"tr. Hancock) What's an API? Application public interface, I thinkApplication public interface? I believe that's iL -- or actually maybe programming I'm not totally sure what it stands for, actually. You probablY know what it does. FREEDOM COURT REPORTTNG (877) 373 3660

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