Apple Inc. v. Amazon.Com, Inc.

Filing 39

Declaration of Sarah J. Givan in Support of 36 Opposition/Response to Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed byAmazon Digital Services, Inc., Amazon.Com, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12)(Related document(s) 36 ) (Givan, Sarah) (Filed on 6/1/2011)

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EXHIBIT 1 Page 1 of I Oxford English Dictionary app, n. et (C.N .Itsnit ikvatifa aPP ap.p., n. 4 I aootelesmatica I, a. apotemnophilia, a, a othec othecal a amithecarily apothecary anothecaryship a othecial a. anotheciurn apothem aoothedse, v. aiidthepsis anotheosize, V. a etheosized. It a. anotheosv anotherapy a )othesis anotome . ,(1 DRAFT ENTRY June 2010 Computing colloq. Pronunciation Etyrnologyj ; Quotations .... Date chart An application, esp. an application program (see A PPI .IGATION a. Compounds 2). Also freq. in killer app n. at KILLER n. Additions. Cf. applications.program n, at APPLICATION n. Compounds 2b. [1985 Info - World (Nexis) 29 July 39 One step in thadirection is Apple's recent beta testing of the .neW prograMining tools called Mac App.] 1985 lqfo World (Nexis) .9 Dec. 41 Atfirst look, the user sees only one new menu ('apps' for applications) at the top of the screen. 1992 Dr. Dobbts Ant Sept. 1/1 (adv(.) With all theselools,. you'll write the most powerful * robust apps imaginable, 1998 Internet Week 29 JUne 33/3 The company' hoPeS.:thia- commonly used appisuCh as a `configurator', used to determine the minimum hardware and software configuration for a particular app,.can Iv shared. 2000 Independent 28 Feb. (Review section) 9/2 People could adopt new technologies, new platforms, and new appliPation software over time but their data and apps could persist on serVers 'out there' somewhere. Atop otromic a. anotropa ism, 17. a )otro )(ins a. a-pout, adv, a ozem a ozernical a 1 anozymase aPP, a. a air a xiir v. *aired, iv/. a. annairPr " anpaitinant aboall; a. amiaL mall, v. A. alachian a. and a. appale,.anale, v. annalement vb1 a. a jailed /. a. L. a. annallinaly, adv. anpalment Aripaloosa appalto (7 :sim.ele iearth Listlit datec Env-12a! search . E!!int ) mail i Help 3 Sian out ) Subscriber: Annette Baca OXFORD krbovam Durrance Declaration EXHIBIT 3 — Page 1 http://d I &query_type=word&queryword=app&first=l&max_i... 1 1/12/2010 Page 1 Ainez4. of Disc in ways The Am Longa esti enhance maps, rn looking day, yr). New.' and sem reflectis froin co: and edu constant] are clear, or centr. our Died quotation words are Trustu The Americs by offerir Fourth L 'updated Ii style, and surydys than .20 Notes hell questions 'Words are included in this Dictionary on.the basis of their usage. Words that are known to have current trademark registrations are shown wither' initial capital and are also identified as trademarb. N hweStigationhiSbeen madeof coMinoiWaw trademark rights; word, becaUse such investigation isimpracticable. The inchisi nn of ar word inthis-Dictionary is not, however, an expression of the Publisher's opinion as to whether or not it is subject to proprietary rights. Indeed, nO definition in this Dictionary is to be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark. Kmericankleritagea.and the eagle logo are registered trademarks of Parbes-Inc: Their use ispurauant to a license agreement with Forbes Copyright 0 2000 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved, No part of. this Work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying am recording, or by any information.aterage orretrieypi system without die prior wriiton . permiasion of Himghton Miffiin*Coinpany unless mich copyingiisexpreisly permitted by federal copyright law. Addres inquiries Iiiiteference Permissinni, Houghton Mifflin Company, • 222 Berbley Street, Boston, MA 02116. Visit our Web site; Library of Congress Cataloging-in•Publication Data The American Heritage dictionary of the English language.-4th ed. p. On. ISBN 0-395-82517-2 (hardcover) — ISBN 0-618-08230-1 (hardcover with CD ROM) 1. English language-Dictionaries PE1628 .A623 2000 423 dc21 - •The r 100 Reg/ colorful . areaa of t] this =she . at such es and luinina coverage it 00-025369 Manufactured in the United States of Arnerica Durrance Declaration EXHIBIT 3 — Page 2 Page 2 Ut ly etIs fit Ish 5t0 Of the An lee a• deo the ; see ern ei i ganietoptlyse os, omega meleashror mom formation. -aeposfpnesous (a-piepse-es), aapOthseeossin ta-p011ye,0.41s; Itys s Ule•i-sla/ n. }.......... , - . • 1. Exakatlee to dMne rank or stature; deification. 2. Elevation to a preonC -IPol -. ft :13 ctp rs:gr itta-a ) in ), p -SieS Abandonment of ones KU- eminent or transcendent position glOrificatMo: "Many ohserigrs have ,,i e tried to attribute Warhoft current apotheosis to thesubversive power of ora paiticatparty, ones principles, or e muse. (Middle Engin :giiititittith; Oak vision" (hilchito Klikutani). 3. An orahcd or glorified canopies obtratie,• la* Old French, froro late Latin apostasia, difecdon, from Their leader was the apotheosis of courage. !Late Latin apothebsis. from teiitieicriiaitarlA frau Greek apostasis; revolt, fine aphistand, apo. ssa..,-o iovoit:afi.,apo.i- Iguana!, to stand, place; see stet- in Appendix Greek, from apotheoun, to deify : spa-, 6inge; see APO- + theos, god; see dhfis- in Appendix Ll . LI. opoptat, (olesetets, -at) n, One who has abandoned ones reli- W• **the's:0,512e (iip,a-thera-sle, a-pithif-a-sW) tr.v. -sized, atm heir, n poll cal party, oneo principles, or s cause. leffddle Englirh, -siring, -sires 'lb glorify; exalt. Toe old French, from Late Latin apostata, from Greek apostates, from apaostrospa. IC (ip'o-uo-pitrik) adj. Intended to ward off evil: an 4 apotropak symbol. [Prom Grak apotrapaios, from apotrepein. to ward . aPhiaanai.totaralt. See APOnutr.[-aepositatee ...eseertaitiele(OlthYta -tle) Intim -tined, Airing, -tires lb off : apo-,apo- + trepan, to turn; seetrep- In Append's:LI-at/4).4re. .' -. .. liele '. ialitikina. filth. a Political Mae/. One's principkt, or a peelocalelY ada --Iepp (ip) rt, Informal Aconiputer application. [Short for APPLICATION.) Misc.% . ...'• ... .• ' "' atilailitrats (iteplkdrit-Otit,-ket, -met, -rail ll!) adj. 1. De- Auspeosleathisil(ipie-laratt-a, -dia, -lichee-a, -lkles) A region of 604 i,i6,440,0404i.i. of reasoning from facts or pardeulars the anon United States including the Appoint:inn Mountain. "tenni mincipleior fa* effects to cameo inductive; empirical 2e. epopes .latechleem dulcimer (prrareht..m. .den, .lichre_oe, • tpedc. b. Knowable from experience Weil- .1lichean) a. Sec dulcimer (sense 1). . *Oa PlaPresi° .. . • a iid.tAie:Datiara, from +Latin postelms blative of posteriori lam) Appalachian Mountainsalso ApapaaleachiNins (Sp,0-lOcht.. pefefelileOrrtaist - • • or, -dune. -Ifolift;enz, -lacheanz) A mountain systeni of eastern North ..4t, a ise ' CIXORIXY..he'Pg .04) • 11- 1o, 4050° One c;f . fieouP nsad up esPe- America extending about 2,574 /OR (1,6 00 nil) southwest from New".'nfthelg. Ples. donee by IOW tO preach eltelosed. 0. A Ion- foundland,Newlinmswlek, and southern Quebec, Canada, to entre) Al!Windt:iif ihtearli Christian Church. C. A kader of the nest Claletiall sham The range includes the Allegheny, Mtn Ridge, and Cumberlind lithiatels counOtoe *glom 2- One of the 12 Inenshe's of ihe admin. mountains. Mount 'Mitchell hi western North Carolina is the highest gitiltritlirecoutiollethe Marmon Church. 33. One who pioneers an im- perk, rising to 2,11511.6 to (6,884 ft). Pedant ilkirm moventent cause, or belief; an apalt of conservation. b. Apia/decision tea tr. I. See %Ohs rod. 2. See inkberry (sense 1). A inail'instel 044'44 S Stsn ng fit/0°nel' lunielle English, horn Old Appalachian Van A hiking path of the genera United States exlinglhh:XPOsill'ailliOniOhl Ermen arytar, both froal 1-we Latin aees- tending about 3.298 kin (2,050 mi) from Mount Katandin in central tolus, fiOica. .Okeek iiiiostOkr, :manger, from apostelkin, to send off : Maine tO Springer Mountain in northern Georgia. It is the world's longslikiti:apo- 4. -stelleln,-,tiviind; see stel- in Appendix 1.1 -asperities, est continuous mountain trail. . hoed' a. -4•Poeltla'allils' se appall (a-p0P) ten -palled,, -palls 'Ib fill with tonsterAeportlese Creed (a-pisialz) n. A Christian creed traditionally nation or dismay. See synonyms at dismay. [Middle English *alien, to asoribidtothe 12 Aponles and used typically in public worship services grow faint. from Old French apalir: a-, to (f rnm Latin ad-i see AD-) + lathe:West poky; to grow Pale (frompala pie, from Latin palliehu, from pollen, to islieniterlote (a-plisita-liti, -lit) sr. 1. The office, duties, or mitgrow pale; see pal.' in Appe I).l • • anclif OnOpeitIC.2rAireesoelation Of individuals for the dissemination a ghtful: ap011ing working conditions: appalling tdolenn .--alseisall h. of a religiontir dentin: [Lite Latin Apo:adieus, from apostolus apostle. f :4114411g 416144) "it CIudnii aglattmatian or 6'1111 Setdp.C141i InirlY edu 'epeesetolelo (iiptietilirit) woos -on:1.1*ml (4-kal) adj. 1. Of or (iip's4dblsa) a. A breed of saddle horse developed :01.44.,E0esealffletic• 21.1, Ot relatirl to. cr cciatmP9raq With the 1_, In northwest North America, dutracterlatically having a spotted rump. 2 APPedeCbi:OL YeAstint to, oedeeleeo floes the ' .1.1g ocercticc Ix [Perhaps from alteration of Opelousas, city of southern Louisiana) thel2 Apintlek 3a. grbiielatIng to a auccestion of spiritu authority apepasnege also op.:1•meg. (11pea-nlj) rt. 1. A. source of revenue, frinthe 11Aponlii, needed by Ariglicans, Roman Catholics, Eastern to have been perp emend by successive or& noir as land, even by a sovereign for the maintenance of a member of . 'OriluidOs; Sad roil* ethers natant id bishops and to be requisite for validorden and administration the ruling fluid* Z. Something mum offered to or claimed by aaccept as a perqtdate: The leaders of tbe opposition party agreed to party anoftinomenta. b. Roman Catholic Church Of or relating to the pope as due; other government's appanage', and in doing so became an officially paid thesonerier of Saint Peter; papal. ---apbortoleivadaly adv. -ap'agency of a foreign power. 3. A rightful or customary accompaniment or . ornotalirl.ty (-sti41:91-ts) n. apanage, from Old French, front ripener, to make prosweetens delegate a. Roman Catholic Church An ecclesiastical adjunct. [French appanare : Latin ad-, ad- + repreentative ef the Vatican to a country having no formal diplomatic visionspants,possibly from Medieval Latin for, breadrsec ps- in Appendix 1.1 /aliens With it Latin apapaerat (iipre-rit', Epa-Intr) n. See apparatus (sense 2). (RuaApacisatolais Father (lp ,o-stairik) n. A church father of the first Apparel, a maor viand Century A.D. who was believed to have received personal in- shut the government mganirstion or staff, from German litical organization, from Latin apparatus prepsration. See APFARATUS.). antetion kern the 12 Apostles or from their disciples. apapaareatchik ffi'pa-elichlk) n., pi -tchlks or (-chl-ke) awesatraphe" . (a-pee tre-fa) n. The superscript eo C) und to is d emperor. 2. An unquestioningly loyal subI.. is the . einititionet a letter or letters from a word, the ponessive 1. A member ef &Gannon:an -leader or organization. [Russiau, from ealei ta ;heeler:Otani andabers, letters, and abbreviations. Preach, from ordinate, especially APPARAT.) of a pond-NI appamt apen.d p See .ilatil lade aponeophirk from Greek apostrophe's, from apostrephein, to (IT'a-onlas, -Maid n., pl. apparatus or -usaes la. %sopa...tat* us .*11.4vtilYtIP011 ge- + strephan to human streb(h)- in Appendix LI An appliance or dram kir e particular mimeses an x-ray. apparent& b. tttle:Or.yoph!lc (atirktralik)adf.. eaperlitrisitee (a•phortra-ft) rt. The direct address of an absent or An integeated groupof materials or devices usedier *particular purpose: dental. apparatus. See synonym at equipment. 2a. The totality of loftlaill)ePeniet bed a Personified abstraction, especially m a dire* rneaustyvkicis a-designated function is performed or a specific task exaint lathe cennento apeech or composition. [Late latin apostrophi,. fgo:Gieek, frenapoltePhein, to tura away. See ArOSTROPiiilt.)-ap'- ended, as In a system of government b. A political organization or an undetground political Movement Also called apparel. 3. Physiology A • Dellitipheic Nee•Striffellt) ail. . grRS .,..ieteirphlue in-pisotra-flaq to & intim whized, -phlzoincl. P uPeesn de respilre tor;spp arawilecti 4Ctiveoapfa rnet Tl iecti itn orop ro or system o wiP a tha t tes A:1 ped rm arr ic fun cro TMOtt.:11?.additieby orepeak ar write in apostrophe. ... aapottlaik(oritei( 1. Measure (a-plithil-kletz) n. A system of -l pP nelour maite dal thiltpaccoP:trcrle of pparanaof prtellaiWn a 1,.Z.4 i , preltaa t en from ast i : ad-, aneatio r tOg e l 14014 Vokiriserienereeled in pharmacy. It has been largely replaced by ad- + pad% to preparg Set pore-, in Appendix LI laCeeereas4 lin Moriesystem. pharmacy apoPareel (a-parial) rt. 1. Clothing, especially outer garmentr, attire Ittolh ,ierres• -#1illiht n. A system of weights used in ,,..4 2. A covering or adornment: trees wish their apparel of foliage 4. my. .115...17 or an 04nee' epll oc41:480 gr and a poni ed irpal ttcia .2 ounc- -sled, -:,.. .4.0, ,jtia b4 o e usl m u:tes of the un tre sys e l -Blaine, -els or -ailed, -tieing, -els 1. lb clothe or dress. 2. lb adorn or embellish. [Middle English apparel!, from Old French apa-IppeOsee•ceray (a-pilthil.icaria) 1:,, pl. -les 1. One ger gamma reit, preparation. from *meager, to prepare, possibly fmm Vulgar Lain 440.4elir dings and other medicines; a pharmacist. 2. See pharmacy sapparictihlra, from Latin apparent. see APPAIXTULI ien IMidato English apotecarit, from Old French apotecaire and apoperaent (a-pirlant, a-p1r1-) adj. 1. Readily seen; visible. 2. . .... .14edieral latIknkmthialltios. both from Late Latin, clerk, from Readily understood; clear or obvious. 3. Appearing as such but not nec' ‘. LetistnPerkfra, Minlibuse. from Greek apothekt • essarily' so; teeming: an dpparent advantage. (Middle English, from Old : ape-. swar see AM' 4 Iliakkraceptaciii'Sei Oat- in Appendix LI (-se-a, -she- French. operant, present participle of aparoir, to appear. See APPEAR) , !hsftti. itg•d.Yellin (epla-thels&am. -she-) N. l A .4. 11 fungi .--mpoparrentalp adn -apaparrentaness n. . , . zIsizittptleir ..Fan haped ascocarp of some lichens and the 7.44voithwcVi khA)adj. apotheca, storehouse See aroniscasea Synonyms apparent, clear, clear-cut, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious. patent, plain These adjectives mean readily seen, perceived, or under. laPesislison nt .1 1'4 lekTittf, -- 4- °an. an•o•phtheern (kira - thtm') n. A terse, wing stood: angry for fla apparent mason; a clear danger; clear-cut evidence of - - c Wing; cmaxim. [Greek pophthegma, from a Dalai:enginnt hostilit y; manifest if ' SPC.d.' Plidnir : apo.., intentiva pref.; ere Ave- + pithenzerjai, ous tamPerinS distinct fingorints: evidirsty meaning plan. pleag" ohYi. e errors.; patent advamagea making 'ca tt g .m a. m P....e p ev v le th . 1 Pcitall - . 14-1 4 st/ .rylaK a". eg. his "llp artin tte thIlab ("t14 air „.7. "setratite PPrrm dv. on l sal7trhmea Used !: er: a fo all Us ai e o wealUs terdena .77.9%app 1,1").thani (gP4-thime) n. The perpendicular distance from the of the verb be, however.. apparent can mein either "seeming" (es in His L , APpaletiea ,11 pat.,: . oi boy'. -.4. - • -11 Per . '99 Got -..., .• db tont; a firthei ..' °littera_ f. . i pa ' *Cut' • , : t bc . 1hr age • di thin' plt 1 pie th this ' ' • le rsoer r lt a toe 6 paw 11.:vi ot 1 vIll 3 *bon, item 4. reglenallan • S ienanary :311ci ilr'imar 1;) i dttr:=1:::7 i.:11:w atr . r: .. . 85 Durrance Declaration EXHIBIT 3 - Page 3 Page 3 Page 1 of 2 App - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Also Visa: Unabridged j Visual I Britennice Online Encyclopedia 1,71.: I Learnefs di:3 en tonn Word Central 4,1alcIlonary ;krfrilioihezietor. I '7 .7hosaurus Spanish/English 'Medical 41.0'44.74 '114 14. Hems Piamkint &mike. • OtiWaloods VIMa tho Day •itaKtUt satea .• On44:01.4„riar SpOnp Oti Nine OPP Join Us On Twitter 41' t'alstr 3 nuns round 1.. 1 10p (.1ew) 2iipp (abbreviation) Miter npp Minn) " MaIN AtiostIls MaWr :•vorite. niniterinaleginrr • Den-tintiaSeftwaraPil iind Polormanca issues al All Levelt. ttow Cuinpunearoc000fSulii:uunc BEEF kitarAiti MaiirEnuy: 'apg Pronanciation: Function: men Doe 1987 Whore Did "Hip Hop" cat Unwise Ayrucariox la(3) '111 4tr an"Tel io91101ol d radw.a .PP UgelinanE TN, tau it done la Aslp waken apenonlo, herultlylk. k.. Arls lam nom eboat'aer w!in Blo11 • blurt.," Own More tbdat on endroietid Witt tURttttl.f... Hp: Out I. MoulnerWirbster's A" by P.O. TOP 10 LISTS Alltrattaid91109922 lienlan Anna ittlwage to Find Woman°. Imo stAll Lewis. liwr.CotlooveresonilSeiutonlif 11112kOkSit Ifoti pea and t et Ythcal Simla Icy Pocket Thema. Susth.Yalloogonl • .... • plornmelalirmiSmikat lhara,y: !! f::> I? 1E1 za, lo this pimr: co hrelcialp:/Awrw merriarnarebsteccom/dictionaryfappippcne Soma+ "apr inusys t .Cto Ibkt pope; 5oonItInt *blink 881-AiSlyle "SW^ Merdire-Websier Online Dadionani, 20113 met(whoebottrohlIrte.-24 Jun02010 rfilliegtawirenerdriiii-wribisternornrdictionerylapp , • • APA.Siele. pp: Rom In Afeniam-Webster,Onnna Monlloal Oklhaniat 0,9mi...di ant to: oat Browse the Dictionary:. nuODER3HUKLMNOP0RUTUVWXYZ8 Reldend June 24. 2010. Nom Ittlp7MAnnerriern-wenter.comIdicli000ry/ain Durrance Declaration EXHIBIT 3 — Page 4 6/24/2010 Page 4 ▪ Page 1 of 2 Application - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary See the little dock in the corner? AIM yiatid Unabridged I Vinod BritannIca Online Encyclopedia I I Learner's 13:Cli Wo4C:".!..0=1 Q'DiotlIniry".7. Thesaurus ' • :SpanishiEnglish " ...Wadies! Herne.. Pregame Sondem. Dormlomia Vidie of Me Day Woril0aliac Oka Mammy applitation Join Us On 0, Twitter . *itiy Usnta Dia ar Aturricet Mobhr Control Finances from oho Palm of Your Ilan& Enroll Now. DoilrofAMericncomiSolutions HelOiniYou apidana tHa Oallaa'Slem 'Help About us Main Entry: ap•li•cadlon Bentomiatiosg\nple-liii•lhaA Funetiorenovil Byrooliagy : Middle English opgiienclowl. from Latin • •• ' oppliendun, alylicatio inclination from opplinerr Dam: lidicesnoty 1 : in act of applYing: a (1): in am of putting to um Where Dki The "Green-Eyed Monster" CoM0 F nun? Ask ih.:14<btor F'W-r - trai AI <gpidigk of now techniques> (2) : a use to which something is pm <riow applications for old remedies> (3): a program (as a word processoror a spreadsheet) thsi performs one of the major tasks. for which a kajosi is Wed b : en ict of administering or supereasing <application of eget io ohms> 4: asSidteno retention <oak hy application to her 2a slucheP BECWEST ?LIMON <an applieation for MIN( oidv b : • Pod Out In Motown-Web:leis TOP 10 LISTS a fora) used in Makings request the practical inference to ite derived from a discourse (as a •Moral tale) 4: a medicated or protective layer or nuucrial <an oily application for dry sk tn..> • capacitY for practical uw<words of varied application> t-.1,09- Wm mom abouraMacaborr 1.6am more Mout 'Imeamilbn- and Waled topics el Manatee um Ms Cy Goode abilkaallstanigelsollsodst Radom Your IT Mmmentlint Costa. SolmeiT PoMana 0 ow. tAmay InaMoSanncm com pronunciation Symbols Ohara 1111* entry: 4L- et, •i i4) id 4) 0 1112 ammh "application" hr. AMMO .— liallikAtA•611l <alvelehttpAmwo.rnerdarrvwebster,comrdictionarylapplicaGVaiiiieatiCe;<BT" . • nomlanlEmlialt gulluditibismor moan PaSIK BLA Stnlig 'application: filerriern-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010. Merdant4Neb01er Online. 24 JLma 2010 <hilplAwemmerriem•webstecconddIctionarylepplicallort> ;-APA Stole oppricalion. (2010). In Maniarn-Weirater Doane Dictionary. Atittleved June 24, 2010, frcm hop:Owww.merriam.webstatcomidictionary/eppficalion Browse weeds mat tm Browse the Dictionary:. A000EEGHLML10101.0001A/VWXYZI noo Durrance Declaration EXHIBIT 3 — Page 5 hup:// 6/24/2010 Page 5

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