Carreon v. Inman et al

Filing 24

DECLARATION of Matthew Inman in Opposition to 20 Ex Parte Application For Temporary Restraining Order and Order to Shaw Cause Re Preliminary Injunction filed byMatthew Inman. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M)(Related document(s) 20 ) (Opsahl, Kurt) (Filed on 7/1/2012)

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Exhibit B Exhibit B Sig n In R e g ist e r N o w NEWS LOCAL Sub scrib e POLIT ICS Mo b ile Mult ime d ia OPINIONS To d ay' s Pap e r SPORT S Busine ss G o ing O ut G uid e Art s & Living Jo b s C ars R e al Est at e R e nt als C lassif ie d s Search The Washington Post washing t o np o st .co m > Art s and Living > C o mics > C o mic R if f s E- mail Michae l | O n Face b o o k: C o mic R if f s | O n Twit t e r: C o mic R if f s | ABOUT Comic Riffs is a blog devoted to the comics fan. Come in, sit down and put your feet up as we celebrate, contemplate, eviscerate and pontificate on cartoons. R SS Fe e d Po st e d at 2:0 0 PM ET, 0 3/11/20 11 The 'Rif f s Interview: 12 Secrets of the insanely viral 'OATMEAL' creator Matthew Inman By Michael Cavna » C o nt inue R e ad ing SEARCH T HIS BLOG Go RECENT POST S ' SPID ER - MAN ' T UR N S O FF T HE LIG HT S: Sho w t o shut t e r in Ap ril; o p e n June 15 T he ' R if f s Int e rvie w: 12 Se cre t s o f t he insane ly viral ' O AT MEAL' cre at o r Mat t he w Inman T he ' R if f s Int e rvie w: ' MAR S N EED S MO MS' aut ho r B e rke le y B re at he d b uckle s in f o r Ho llywo o d vo yag e N EW ST EPHEN K IN G C O MIC : B lue wat e r t e ams wit h t he mast e r o f macab re ' SPID ER - MAN ' SPIN S N EW C O UR SE: N e w cre at ive t e am, summe r o p e ning anno unce d [UPD AT ED ] Ent rie s B y C at e g o ry Ame rica' s N e xt G re at C art o o nist C o mic co nve nt io ns D e f e nd T hat ' To o n G ag C art o o ns G e e k B uz z G e ne ral Int e rvie ws Wit h C art o o nist s San D ie g o C o micCon MAT T HEW INMAN shares at least one striking trait with Mark Z uckerberg, beyond the f act they are once-introverted, sandyhaired, whipsmart men in their 20s. Sp o nso re d Links Both the Facebook f ounder and the f ounder of "T HE OAT MEAL" seem to understand their missions on the Web with uncommon clarity and assuredness. Lif e st yle Lif t ® O f f icial Discover a safer, more affordable way to eliminate wrinkles & sagging! Z uckerberg's story is globally well-documented, but it's only been over the past year or so that Inman's tale of keen vision and restless creativity has gradually begun to emerge. But then, the spotlight tends to shine a little hotter on your backstory when your one-man website pulls in more than 4-million unique visitors a month, according to Inman's publisher, and your brand-new book, "5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (and Other Useful Guides" (Andrews McMeel), leaps to the upper rungs in Fre e Pe o p le Se arch Lost Their Info? Get Their Address & Number Fast Buy a link he re Ne t wo rk Ne ws MY P RO FILE X Sup e rhe ro e s Amazon sales. T he Animat io n "T he Oatmeal," of course, is the extremely "sticky" site that f eatures Inman's quizzes, blog and, most notably, his viral "comics" -- which range f rom multi-panel lists and sequential art to educational inf ographic posters. "T he Oatmeal," in other words, is whatever is cooking on the burners of Inman's blue-f lame brain. T he C ap t io n C o nt e st T he C hart s T he C o mic B o o k T he C o mic St rip T he E- Mailb ag T he G rap hic N o ve l T he Ho lly Wo rd T he Int ro d uct io n T he Lo o ko ut T he Mo rning Line T he Po lit ical C art o o n T he R ant s T he R if f s T he R if f y Award s T he Se ve n R ule s T he Ske t chb o o k T he To p Twe e t s T he Vid e o She lf T he We b co mic T his R if f st e r' s R e ad ing List Vid e o o f t he D ay Full C at e g o ry Archive Ent rie s B y D at e Full We e kly Archive SUBSCRIBE Se le ct ... Frie nds' Act ivit y Sign Up Create an account or lo g in to see what your friends are doin And what a collection it is, f rom lethal of f ice bobcats to ill-tempered pterodactyls to the ill-f ated mating of the male angler f ish. In the process, you might well learn little-known f acts about what you ingest (the artist's "posters" about cof f ee, beer and cheese are popular) and what you believe in (Inman memorably trumpets inventor Nikola Tesla and explains why T homas Edison's competitive shenanigans were stinkier than a Peterbilt f ull of body parts). And his illustrated lists range f rom the phases of dating to types of "crappy interviewees" to "How to Suck at Facebook." T hat, in f act, is an enormous element of the "Oatmeal's" lure: T he topics are f airly eclectic, but the comedic tone is as consistent as something spun by a room of "Colbert" writers. Inman's comic rabbitholes may seem random, but so of ten his "guides" are wellresearched -- and the Seattle web designer has an uncanny knack f or that just right word. In that regard, the engaging Inman, 28, [right] can impress as less like Z uckerberg and more like his generation's Scott Adams -- a sharp-earred writer who employs a distinct comic voice; a simple and self -styled graphic presentation; a sense of how to tap online advances f or creative and commercial gain; and an incisive understanding of what his readers want. But while the "Dilbert" creator is an MBA, much of Inman's Fa ce b o o k s o ci a l p l u g i n View More Activity MICHAEL'S FAVE SIT ES Fan Sit e s C o mics I D o n' t Und e rst and To p ical N e ws Sit e s D aily C art o o nist C o mics R e p o rt e r C o mic B o o k Sit e s D C C o mics Synd icat e Sit e s Po st Writ e rs G ro up G o C o mics C o m C ag le cart o o m Ind ust ry/Me d ia Sit e s C o mics C urmud g e o n C o micsD C T he C o mics Jo urnal Marve l K ing Fe at ure s C re at o m C o micsPag e .co m business sense comes f rom countless hours at the computer screen, learning to design sites at age 13. A northern Idaho native, Inman lef t town upon high-school graduation at 17 and made a beeline f or Seattle's tech industry. T he past decade saw him grow creatively dissatisf ied as his talents and knowledge grew. He co-f ounded SEOmoz in 2003 as a web designer/developer/search marketer, leaving it in September 2007; he also says he built (in precisely 66.5 hours) a "f ull-f eatured dating website" that became the highly traf f icked Mingle2. Ind ust ry/Me d ia Sit e s N at io nal C art o o nist s So cie t y C art o o nb m Asso ciat io n o f Ame rican Ed it o rial C art o o nist s C o mic- C o n Inman's illustration "How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You" convinced him in the summer of 2008 to launch a site that spotlighted the sundry contents of his comic brain. Taking the name "T he Oatmeal" f rom his video-gaming handle (he liked to play Quake online), Inman launched the comedy site in 2009 and posted whatever random subject matter interested him -- and the hits started coming. With "T he Oatmeal" now a staple on and two more books in the works, Inman has carved out a commanding online perch as comics creator and graphic illustrator, Comic Rif f s recently caught up with Inman -- who is on book tour -- to discuss comic writing and social-media strategies as we uncover 12 Secrets About the Insanely Viral 'Oatmeal.' T hey are: 1. EMBRACE T HE INT ERNET AND ABANDON NEWSPAPER SYNDICAT ION: "My advice [to aspiring cartoonists] is to abandon the traditional route," Inman tells Comic Rif f s. "Abandon newspaper syndication -there's no comparison to a mom-and-pop website. T he best advice is ... to get on the Internet, give [your comic] a tone and support that 'branded' f eel. ... "My suggestion is to tackle things that are relatable and be immersive in social media. ... StumbleUpon and Digg are very powerf ul." 2. YOU WRIT E COMEDY, BUT YOU INVITE COMMUNIT Y: "Building and hanging on to an audience is the biggest role of social media," Inman tells us. "T hen every time I make a comic, I can broadcast it out to them. T hat's been really helpf ul. I have this audience waiting f or me. It's been awesome. ... You need to be f unny and continually make them laugh. But when I started, I also had this [casually inviting] tone: 'Hey, guys, I just made a new comic -- check it out!' " 3. GARY LARSON'S ADVICE IS WORT H T HE PRICE OF A LUNCH TAB: "I had lunch with him two or three months ago -- Gary Larson is my hero," Inman says of the "Far Side" creator. "It was awesome, and one thing I really wanted to get out of him [had to do] with reader comments. I f eel like my humor and my f eelings toward my own work have changed because of commentary about my work. ... You're af f ected by it when there's a surge and a quarter-million f ans on Facebook [respond]. "But Larson, he basically worked in a cave. I loved hearing that. I thought: It would be thrilling to be like you." (Note: Another Pacific Northwest neighbor of Inman's is the team behind "Penny Arcade"; Inman says the webcartoonists are right up the street. 4. MAT T HEW INMAN CONSIDERS HIMSELF A CART OONIST. EXCEPT WHEN HE DOESN'T "I think some of my work is traditional cartooning -- a series of panels, a f inal-panel punchline," Inman tells us. "But some is more like comedic writing, blogging -- whatever you want to call it." 5. T HE OAT MEAL's FAVORIT E "OAT MEAL" EVER IS "T HE BOBCAT S." BUT ASK AGAIN LAT ER; "Lately, my absolute f avorite is 'T he Bobcats,' " Inman says. "It's unique f rom the rest of my stuf f , with recurring characters. "I also like 'Why I'd Rather Be Punched in the Testicles T han Call Customer Service.' And 'Mother[Expletive] Pterodactyls.' And 'Punchline Aliens.' Some of my f avorites are the least-traf f icked ones -- not the home runs." 6. FOR A LONG T IME, INMAN DIDN'T "GET " HIS BOOK'S COVER COMIC: "T he punch-a-dolphin one -- that one was never particularly one of my f avorites," Inman tells 'Rif f s. "But af ter two years, I thought: 'A-ha, I get it.' " 7. "OAT MEAL" COMEDY, LIKE A Z OMBIE T YRANNOSAURUS, IS NOT BULLET PROOF: "I continually put up things that [the f olks at] like to read, but occasionally I do a crap comic, and they bury it of f the home page," Inman tells Comic Rif f s. "It's a reminder that the Oatmeal isn't invincible and that Digg is still f air." T HE BOBCAT S: (click to see more) 8. "OAT MEAL" VIRALIT Y IS NOT A HOUSE OF SEO CARDS: "A lot of people say: 'How do you do it?' I just make things that people like ... " Inman tells 'Rif f s. "SEO has no bearing on the Oatmeal -- I did SEO in my old job [so I know] -- but social media has played a gigantic part in what I do." 9. INMAN WISHES MIGHT ILY T HAT HE COULD SAY SAYONARA T O ADVERT ISING: "Merchandising, I f elt, was the best way to go about" monetizing the site, Inman says. "I'd love to drop advertising altogether. Especially when something is not a product that f its well with my site. ... I'd rather sell books and sell posters than get clicks f rom a machine ad." "T he highest-selling item in my store," he notes, "are the posters. T he educational ones, like the grammar posters, are f unny but good to have up on your wall. [In f act] the entire public-school system in Sydney, Australia put hundreds of my posters in their classrooms." 10. "T HE OAT MEAL" WILL NOT SHILL FOR COKE AND DEODORANT. AT LEAST NOT IN AMERICA. "I got an of f er f rom a deodorant company to write" something f or their advertising, Inman says, noting that he turned down the product commission f lat. "It's pretty much got to be a truly exceptional client. It it were Comedy Central, I'm all over that. Maybe if it [involves] an actor or actress I like. But Diet Coke, that's not gonna happen. "T he money would be great, but the detriment to my comic would not be. ... Although if they wanted to hire me in Japan -- like Gwyneth Paltrow [selling] jewelry overseas -- I might do it." 11. T OKYO-FLOP? "T HE OAT MEAL" DOES NOT PLAY IN JAPAN: "I speak Japanese," Inman tells us, "and my girlf riend is f rom Japan. ... But Japan is one country that doesn't 'get' Oatmeal humor. I got only [blank] expressions f rom my Japanese instructor." 12. "T HE OAT MEAL" IS LOOKING T O DIVERSIFY. (HOLLYWOOD, YOU KNOW HIS DIGIT S.): "One thing I would love to do is animated shorts," Inman tells Comic Rif f s. "One- to two-minute specials. Fun, YouTube kind-of -things. It's f or more of a creative outlet -- I like to diversif y the way I draw. Videos are insanely time-consuming, but I would [like to do it] -- but f or now, I've two more books next year -- a cat book and the Oatmeal, Volume Two!" MAT T HEW INMAN DISPENSES WISDOM: : T HE OAT MEAL DOES CARSON DALY: : B y Michae l C avna | March 11, 2011; 2:00 PM ET C at e g o rie s: Int e rvie ws Wit h C art o o nist s, T he We b co mic, T his R if f st e r' s R e ad ing List | Tag s: And re ws McMe e l, Mat t he w Inman, T he O at me al Recommend 13 recommendations. Sign Up to see what your friends recommend. Save & Share : Pre vio us: T he ' R if f s Int e rvie w: ' MAR S N EED S MO MS' aut ho r B e rke le y B re at he d b uckle s in f o r Ho llywo o d vo yag e N e xt : ' SPID ER - MAN ' T UR N S O FF T HE LIG HT S: Sho w t o shut t e r in Ap ril; o p e n June 15 Sp o nso re d Links Lif e st yle Lif t ® O f f icial Discover a safer, more affordable way to eliminate wrinkles & sagging! Fre e Pe o p le Se arch Lost Their Info? Get Their Address & Number Fast Int e rnat io nal Trave l Travel Guard Travel Insurance. Protect Yourself - Get A Quote. Buy a link he re No co mments have been po sted to this entry. 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