"The Apple iPod iTunes Anti-Trust Litigation"

Filing 758

Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Apple's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike 750 filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Granting Motion to Seal, # 2 Declaration of David Kiernan in Support of Motion to Seal, # 3 Exhibit 1 - 2 to Kiernan Declaration in Support of Motion to Seal, # 4 Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike (ECF No. 750) REDACTED, # 5 Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike (ECF No. 750) UNREDACTED, # 6 Declaration of Kiernan in Support of Apple's Opposition, # 7 Exhibit 1 to Kiernan Declaration in Support of Apple's Opposition REDACTED, # 8 Exhibit 1 to Kiernan Declaration in Support of Apple's Opposition UNREDACTED, # 9 Proposed Order Denying Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/27/2014)

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Exhibit 1 Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document318 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Filed01/22/10 Page1 of 4 Robert A. Mittelstaedt #60359 ramittelstaedt@jonesday.com Craig E. Stewart #129530 cestewart@jonesday.com David C. Kiernan #215335 dkiernan@jonesday.com Michael T. Scott #255282 michaelscott@jonesday.com JONES DAY 555 California Street, 26th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 626-3939 Facsimile: (415) 875-5700 Attorneys for Defendant APPLE INC. 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 12 SAN JOSE DIVISION 13 14 THE APPLE iPOD iTUNES ANTI-TRUST LITIGATION. Case No. C 05-00037 JW (HRL) C 06-04457 JW (HRL) 15 16 DECLARATION OF EDDY CUE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT’S RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS’ ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I, Eddy Cue, declare as follows: 1. I am Vice President, Internet Services at Apple Inc (“Apple”). I have held this 24 position since August 2008. I have had responsibility for the iTunes Store since 2003. I make 25 this declaration in support of Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Administrative Motion to File 26 Under Seal (Doc. 304). The facts stated in this declaration are true and based upon my own 27 personal knowledge, and if called to testify to them, I would competently do so. 28 -1- Decl. ISO Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL) Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document318 1 2. Filed01/22/10 Page2 of 4 Exhibits 23 (Request For Admission Nos. 3-4), 24 and 35 to the Declaration of 2 Paula M. Roach in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Further Response from Defendant 3 Apple Inc. (“Roach Declaration”) include highly confidential and commercially sensitive 4 business information, including sensitive contract terms and communications between Apple and 5 record labels regarding iTunes Store music sales. 6 3. Apple’s practices are that such information is to be kept highly confidential and 7 must not be publicly disclosed. Apple’s contracts with record labels are subject to confidentiality 8 provisions and have not been disclosed outside of Apple except to plaintiffs pursuant to the 9 Stipulation and Protective Order Regarding Confidential Information entered June 13, 2007 10 (“Protective Order,” Doc. 112). Similarly, Apple’s communications with the record labels are 11 kept highly confidential and have not been disclosed outside of Apple except to plaintiffs 12 pursuant to the Protective Order. The information produced to plaintiffs is non-public 13 information from a public company that should remain confidential. Harm to Apple would result 14 from the public disclosure of the redacted highly confidential information contained in these 15 documents. 16 4. Pages 8-9 and 16-19 of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel (Doc. 306), page 4 of the 17 Roach Declaration, and Exhibits 22 (Interrogatory Nos. 1-5), 24, and 30 to the Roach Declaration 18 contain highly confidential and commercially sensitive business information, including 19 information regarding Apple Inc.’s payment of royalties and/or licensing fees required to 20 manufacture and/or sell its products. 21 5. Exhibits 22 (Interrogatory Nos. 7-8) and 23 (Request For Admission Nos. 1-2, 5- 22 6) to the Roach Declaration include highly confidential and commercially sensitive business 23 information, including information regarding iPod and iTunes sales in the United States, iPod 24 manufacturing costs, and reseller pricing and advertising programs. 25 6. Apple’s practices are that the information described in paragraphs 4 and 5 above is 26 to be kept highly confidential and must not be publicly disclosed. The information has not been 27 disclosed outside of Apple except to plaintiffs pursuant to the Protective Order. The information 28 produced to plaintiffs is non-public information from a public company that should remain -2- Decl. ISO Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL) Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document318 Filed01/22/10 Page3 of 4 1 confidential. Harm to Apple would result from the public disclosure of the redacted information 2 contained in these documents. The public disclosure of iPod or iTunes sales figures, iPod 3 manufacturing costs, features of Apple’s reseller pricing and advertising programs, or information 4 regarding Apple’s payment of royalties and/or licensing fees would put Apple at a significant 5 business disadvantage. 6 7. Exhibit 22 (Interrogatory No. 6) to the Roach Declaration includes highly 7 confidential and commercially sensitive research, including methodology and possible 8 limitations. Apple’s practices are that such information is to be kept highly confidential and must 9 not be publicly disclosed. The information has not been disclosed outside of Apple except to 10 plaintiffs pursuant to the Protective Order. The information produced to plaintiffs is non-public 11 information from a public company that should remain confidential. Harm to Apple would result 12 from the public disclosure of the redacted information contained in this document. 13 8. Page 2 of the Roach Declaration and Exhibits 11, 30, and 35 attached thereto 14 contain highly confidential and commercially sensitive business information, including 15 descriptions of software updates. Apple’s practices are that such information is to be kept highly 16 confidential and must not be publicly disclosed. This information has not been disclosed outside 17 of Apple except to plaintiffs pursuant to the Protective Order. The information produced to 18 plaintiffs is non-public information from a public company that should remain confidential. 19 Harm to Apple would result from the disclosure of the highly confidential information regarding 20 software updates to the public. 21 22 23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 22 day of January, 2010 in New York, New York. 24 ____/s/ Eddy Cue_____________ Eddy Cue 25 26 27 I, as filer, attest that Eddy Cue has concurred in the filing of this document pursuant to General Order No. 45. 28 -3- Decl. ISO Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL) Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document318 1 ____/s/ David Kiernan_________ David Kiernan 2 3 Filed01/22/10 Page4 of 4 SFI-628146v5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- Decl. ISO Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL) Exhibit 2 Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document328 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Filed02/22/10 Page1 of 2 Robert A. Mittelstaedt #60359 ramittelstaedt@jonesday.com Craig E. Stewart #129530 cestewart@jonesday.com David C. Kiernan #215335 dkiernan@jonesday.com Michael T. Scott #255282 michaelscott@jonesday.com JONES DAY 555 California Street, 26th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 626-3939 Facsimile: (415) 875-5700 Attorneys for Defendant APPLE INC. 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 12 SAN JOSE DIVISION 13 14 THE APPLE iPOD iTUNES ANTI-TRUST LITIGATION. Case No. C 05-00037 JW (HRL) C 06-04457 JW (HRL) 15 16 DECLARATION OF JEFFREY ROBBIN IN SUPPORT OF APPLE’S ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL 17 18 19 20 21 I, Jeffrey Robbin, declare as follows: 1. I am the Vice President of iTunes and Apple TV Engineering at Apple. I make 22 this declaration in support of Apple’s Administrative Motion To File Under Seal. The facts stated 23 in this declaration are true and based upon my own personal knowledge and, if called to testify to 24 them, I would competently do so. 25 2. Apple’s Motion to Dismiss or, Alternatively, Motion for Summary Judgment, and 26 the Declaration of Jeffrey Robbin in support thereof, contain highly confidential and 27 commercially sensitive business information, including confidential details of Apple’s FairPlay 28 digital rights management (DRM) technology and updates to that technology, confidential -1- Decl. ISO Apple’s Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL) Case5:05-cv-00037-JW Document328 Filed02/22/10 Page2 of 2 contract terms, and confidential communications between Apple and record labels regarding the 2 distribution of music through the iTunes Store and Apple's FairPlay DRM technology. Apple 3 keeps this information highly confidential and does not publicly disclose it. 4 3. Apple's FairPlay technology is a highly protected trade secret, and Apple uses 5 physical and electronic controls to protect it. The efficacy of FairPlay is dependent on the 6 confidentiality of information regarding its operation and maintenance. Only a few Apple 7 employees have access to and work on FairPlay, and they work in restricted areas. Information 8 regarding FairPlay is non-public, proprietary information from a public company that should 9 remain confidential. Harm to Apple would result from the public disclosure of the information. 10 4. Apple's contracts with record labels, which include information regarding the 11 manner in which FairPlay protects music sold through the iTunes Store, are subject to 12 confidentiality provisions and have not been disclosed outside of Apple except to plaintiffs 13 pursuant to the Stipulation and Protective Order Regarding Confidential Information entered June 14 13, 2007 ("Protective Order," Doc. 112). Similarly, Apple's communications with the record 15 labels regarding FairPlay's operation and the distribution of music through Apple's iTunes Store 16 are kept highly confidential and have not been disclosed outside of Apple except to plaintiffs 17 pursuant to the Protective Order. This information is non-public information from a public 18 company that should remain confidential. Harm to Apple would result from the public disclosure 19 of this highly confidential information. For example, the disclosure of confidential contract terms 20 and communications regarding those terms would adversely impact Apple's bargaining position 21 in future dealings with current and potential business partners. 22 23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 24 Executed this JL day of February, 2010 in Cupertino, California. 25 ~· 26 effrey Robbm SFI-629192v4 27 28 _2 _ Decl. ISO Apple's Administrative Motion to Seal C 05 00037 JW (HRL), C 06-04457 JW (HRL)

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